- 2 years ago
- 34
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I was a little nervous as my wife Cheryl and I descended the stairs in the morning, leaving our room to go to breakfast in the common area of the first floor of the Bed and Breakfast. I couldn't decide whether I wanted to see the woman from last night or not, the one with whom I'd shared the intimate experience of masturbating each other to orgasm while we sat in the dark after watching an erotic movie on her computer together.
Three other couples were having breakfast as well: a man and woman easily at least in their seventies, a young plain-looking woman with a guy with long hair and a scraggly beard, both wearing torn jeans and sandals, and two middle-aged women whom I assumed were a couple even though I had no basis on which to make that determination. Cheryl and I perused the breakfast foods and made our selections, exchanging pleasantries with one of the staff and one of the two women as we navigated around each other.
Back at our table, we chatted about our plans for the day, which included a city walk and visiting a couple of historical parks. I tried to stay engaged, but I kept thinking about last night, or, more correctly, early that morning, when I was ejaculating into a strange woman's hand before sliding my own down the front of her pants. I felt guilty, sure, but excited and pleased that I'd allowed myself that experience. It would be weird if the woman were down here with us because I wouldn't know whether to acknowledge her, or if so how much, or how to act if she ignored me, or something even crazier that might let on to our spouses what had transpired between us.
And then, weird happened. Cheryl's attention went to the creaky stairs as someone else came down for breakfast. I turned, too, and sure enough, the woman from last night and her husband came into view. It was pretty much the same sight as I'd become accustomed to: he was dressed kind of dumpy in a frayed t-shirt and old jeans, and she was a few notches more presentable, with pretty jewelry, stylish ankle boots, and a loose colorful top tucked into dark slacks that hugged her curves.
I couldn't make out the shape of her breasts because of the cut of her top, but my mind did recall the sight and feel of one of them from the wee hours earlier, and I couldn't help but steal a few glances of that shapely ass as she strode back and forth, making her selections from the foods on display. I began to wish I had been able to grab hold of that while doing her from behind as she bent over our table with her pants around her knees, but I figured I should be more than satisfied with the pussy fingering and tit sucking I did give her, not to mention her satisfying hand job.
She and her man sat two tables away, and I thought I caught her trying to look my way but didn't want to be too obvious about it. When I went back for a few more items of food I had in mind from my first trip, I made sure I faced the woman, with her man's back toward me. While I replaced the tongs, her eyes met mine and she broke out in a wide smile. I smiled back instinctively, then glanced over at Cheryl, whose attention was thankfully elsewhere. Last night's lover and I shared a long, secret look, silently acknowledging that we enjoyed our encounter and didn't have any regrets, though we were aware of the naughtiness of our tryst. I returned to my table, she and I exchanging looks twice more.
The woman at the table got up and then exclaimed in annoyance, subtly and quietly enough so as not to make a scene, but projecting enough to get my attention. Saying something presumably in her native language, she looked down at herself, dabbing at her thigh with her napkin as she faced me directly. Looking up, she feigned embarrassment, addressing Cheryl and me together.
“I am sorry,” she started in her sexy accent. “I have gotten something on myself. I did not mean to draw attention.” There was an obvious splotch on her pants that she scratched at with her nail. “Right here on my pants.”
I almost spit out the bite of muffin I was enjoying. Fuck! That's my cum stain, I thought to myself as I tried to maintain my composure.
“That's okay,” Cheryl replied cordially. As I watched the woman's fake attempt to remove the spot from herself, I had a hard time containing a laugh. Indeed, those are the same pants she was wearing last night, the same pants I had my hand inside, the same pants that received a large stray blob of spunk that she jerked out of my spasming cock while I sat against her in the dark a few hours earlier.
She approached our table and addressed us, smiling, making me nervous as hell that she was going to announce what we had done, my mind scrambling to figure out how to deny it and portray her as a crazy bitch. “Excuse me, good morning,” she said, trying to act shy.
“Good morning,” Cheryl replied pleasantly, beating me to it.
“Yes, good morning.” I managed to stay cool, I think.
“But, may I ask you for some honey?” She had a paper cocktail napkin in her hand and placed the hand carrying it – her left hand, the one with the big ring on it – on the table beside me. “Our table does not have any.”
“Oh, sure, no problem,” I grabbed at the mini jars in front of me, but the honey was on Cheryl's side. As she reached for it, the woman dropped the napkin, evidently aiming for my lap, but it glanced off my leg and ended up on the floor.
“Here you go – we haven't opened this one.” Cheryl handed her the little jar, and my mind went back to the wee hours of the morning when I had dipped my finger into just such a jar and dabbed it on the other woman's succulent nipple to suck off.
“Thank you,” the woman said, smiling. “I just love to put honey on… many things. And for my tea. Enough even to ask strangers for some.”
“No problem,” Cheryl said.
“You're very welcome. Enjoy,” I added, trying not to squirm in my seat.
My conversation with Cheryl progressed without incident, as I was apparently able to hide my nervousness and excitement from her, as well as my attempts to scoot the napkin on the floor closer to my feet while I figured out a way to pick it up. I wondered if it was a signal, maybe with something written on it or contained inside. I was just irrational enough to fear seeing a ransom note threatening to expose my infidelity, with covert photos as proof, if I failed to pay a large sum.
We finished our breakfast, and when I pushed my chair back, I 'accidentally' dropped my cloth napkin. Stooping to pick it up, I gathered the paper one into my palm, stashing it into my pocket as I rose so I could inspect it later. We bid good-day to the other couple just as I saw the lady dipping her finger into the pitcher of cream. Sneaking a final look at her, she gave me a wink, licking that finger, while the others were looking elsewhere.
For the few minutes it took for us to climb the stairs and muck about in our room getting ready for the day, all I could think about was the napkin in my pocket. It sure would be a letdown if nothing was on it or contained in it, and the uncertainty of it, together with the mixture of fear and excitement, consumed me. I wanted to open it but couldn't risk Cheryl catching me looking at it if there was something written on it or falling out of it. Finally, she stepped into the bathroom and closed the door, giving me the opportunity to dig out and un-crumple the napkin, excited to see the pretty handwriting penned on the inside.
“Marshland Room. Midnight tonight. Do not be careless.”
On our way out of the B&B to get a ride to our first destination, Cheryl called my attention to a couple getting into a little silver Nissan sedan on the side of the building. A chubby guy and a short-haired lady with a colorful top. “I guess she changed out of her pants,” Cheryl observed. Sure enough, the lady was wearing a stylish white skirt now instead of those soiled dark pants. “I felt bad for her. That's the worst, getting stuff on your pants like that while on vacation.”
My day with Cheryl was a typical vacation day, taking in the sights of the city, walking a lot and stopping in a café for lunch, a gelateria for a midday treat, and a few shops to look for souvenirs and small gifts.
Typical except for the stealthy mission I was tasked with. I tried to figure out how to interpret my tryst partner's note, determining that the part about not being careless was a reference to the conversation we had downstairs in the dark. I had said something like, “we can't be careless,” as we pretty much told each other we wanted to have sex but not without protection. Difficult as it was to believe that I'd actually have sneaky sex with a stranger I had just met, I convinced myself the possibility was actually real enough – I mean, we did make out pretty heavily, engage in tome titty play, and have our hands in each other's pants all the way to the finish. And she did write me the note, so going all the way and actually fucking didn't seem that far-fetched at this point. Was she really staying in the Marshland room? Was her husband leaving or going to be otherwise away tonight? Were they one of those weird couples where the man wanted to watch his wife fuck someone else? Did she rent that room for tonight on the sly to make sure she'd have a place for us to hook up? My mind was distracting me from enjoying the sights, but I tried to act as normal as I could.
So, my mission, which I gladly chose to accept, was to secure a condom, just in case round two with my sexy companion was really going to happen tonight. At least two of the stores Cheryl and I went into had nothing interesting for me, so later in the afternoon, it was no surprise to her that I looked to entertain myself while she browsed yet another store. I told her I was going to the café a few doors down for a coffee and would meet her back here in a few minutes. Little did she know, I was really darting into the pharmacy next door to secure some 'protection'. I found a suitable three-pack of condoms, popped into the café for my coffee as well, and met Cheryl back at her store without her suspecting a thing.
My sneakiness continued when we got back to the B&B in the late afternoon. We wanted to rest before dinner, and I told Cheryl I wanted to look around the place a bit, so I left the room in search of Marshland.
Crowlett was across from us, Biermann and Fairchild on either side. Emerson's door was tucked into the corner, and Abney right by the stairs. I had thought that the other couple's room was on the floor above us, so, no surprise that I didn't see Marshland. Going up the stairs, I passed Holtzclaw, Johnstone, and Lawton before reaching a windowed door at the end of the hall, and Kingsley, Ingraham, and Gladstell completed the third floor. There were no stairs going up any further. I tried the windowed door just in case it was for a stairway or something, but it was locked; besides, it was apparently an office or something, judging by the desk and shelving I could barely make out in the dark through the tiny gaps in the blinds.
Shit. Really, no Marshland? Was this woman just teasing me, making me want to get all excited about fucking her and then dissing me? It seemed as if she had wanted our sexy encounter the previous night at least as much as I did, so maybe she just made a mistake about the room name? Or, are there other rooms on the ground floor? After all, the guest rooms were named after people, family names like Johnstone and Fairchild, but there's certainly no family named Marshland, so maybe I wasn't looking for a guest room? I went down the two flights of creaky stairs to the common area, but the only doors were to the outside and to the kitchen and behind the check-in desk, none of them labeled.
You know when sometimes you're looking for something and can't find it, then after a while you discover it's right where you looked the first time? Happens to me all the time, so I thought it was entirely possible that I had passed Marshland upstairs somewhere, the door staring me in the face without me realizing it. So, back upstairs I went, starting with my floor. Looking left to right as I walked down the hall, I paid close attention to the names or any other indicators. Abney, Biermann, Crowlett, then my room Dawnfield. Emerson next in the corner, and then Fairchild.
Six rooms. A, B, C, D, E, F. Huh – alphabetical order. Remembering at least Holzclaw and Kingsley from upstairs, I rushed up to the third floor. Sure enough, starting at the stairs, left to right going down the hall, G, H, I, J, K, L. If there was another room, it would be M, but it was just that office door.
I'm not one to admire artwork, especially stuff so obscure as a couple of landscapes hanging on the back wall of the third floor of a nondescript B&B, but I inspected the paintings on either side of this door. One, of a team of ducks sitting in some wet tall grass. The other, of a gaggle of geese flying over a flat, marshy area with trees in the distance. Marshy Land. Marshland.
As I lay awake that night with Cheryl asleep next to me, my biggest fear was that I'd doze off and wake up at 2:00 in the morning, having missed my opportunity for a second encounter with the lady I'd been intimate with the night before. Every ten minutes or so, I checked the clock and cussed as I saw that only two or three minutes had gone by. Finally, at about five minutes till midnight, I crept out of bed and grabbed the clothes I had left for easy access, making as little noise as possible while I dressed. I made sure my computer bag had the condoms in the pocket, pulled the door open as quietly as I could, and stepped out into the hallway on my way to hopefully find my partner in the room she'd cleverly named Marshland.
I did my best to soften my footsteps, climbing the creaky stairs so as not to wake anyone, and crept down the hallway as I made my way to the far door. Grasping the door handle, I twisted. Or, tried to. It was locked. I pushed and tried a second time but was again denied entry. I considered the possibility of my partner having locked herself in the room awaiting me, so I knocked lightly on the wooden door, then again on the glass after hearing nothing for a while.
Finally, I heard a stirring, but not from the door. The shadows moving on the ceiling above the stairs indicated someone was approaching. Sure enough, a woman's neat short hair, and then the rest of her feminine form, rose into view. I waited for her, smiling, almost shaking, as she carefully worked her way toward me, trying to minimize the creaking under her feet. She was dressed in flats, light capri pants, and a powder blue cap-sleeved fitted shirt that buttoned in the front. There was something sexy about her simple outfit that flattered her womanly form.
“Well, hello,” I whispered, greeting her as we reached for each other's hands.
“Hello,” she whispered back, stepping in close. I leaned down to kiss her, and my lips met hers for a few enjoyable seconds.
“Marshland room,” I whispered. “Very clever.”
She covered her mouth while she snickered. “You solved my little puzzle.” That accent was so sexy.
“Yes, but...” Close enough to reach the door handle, I gave it a jiggle. “It's locked.” I drew her close, lips right at her ear, inhaling her delightful scent. “Are we going to fuck against the door? Or did you find another secret hideaway?”
“Who said we would fuck?” she whispered teasingly. She pushed away from me and produced what I assumed was her room's key card from her back pocket. Slipping it in the gap between the door and frame where the latch was, she jiggled the knob, pulling and pushing, prying and twisting. Not ten seconds later, the door popped open.
“Whoa, nice!” I was impressed. “How did you learn to do that?”
“You learn many useful things in boarding school where I am from,” she said mysteriously. She stepped inside, but before I could follow, she turned around abruptly. “Access to this room is forbidden. Unless you have the right... what is it? Token?” She held out her hand, palm up.
The code was easy to decipher. I dug into the pocket of my computer bag and found one of the condom packets, placing it in her palm.
“Thank you,” she said, inspecting the little packet for a moment before tucking it into the bra cup nestled inside her shirt. Stepping aside so that I could join her in the room, she motioned, “You may enter.”
~~~~~~~ to be continued... ~~~~~~~
Hi, Reader. I know the first question you have in your mind seeing a multi-part story with an episode number higher than 10. You may wonder/guess, “What is there to tell a sex story with 13+ parts? Maybe in each episode male character will fuck one girl. Otherwise in each episode male character will fuck a girl in a different environment like pool, bed, bath, etc.” This is not that type of story, this is like a novel which has all the ingredients like a strong addictive storyline,...
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I am a frequent visitor in human digest.even though there are many other sex story sites i like this one particularly because they are comletely created by my fellow indians.i thank the human digest team for such a erotic site. First some thing about me, I am anjali, i am from dob is 25/1/1981.(i wish i ll get a lot of wishes from u).i am 27 now.i understood the full meaning of sex wen i was 16.but i being in a very good family i am also grown with all the good habits.but i always...
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Series: Tom Welling SeriesTitle: Shooting the first episode of the new seasonSummary: Something incredible happens after finishing shooting the very first episode of the new season.Rating: NC-17Disclaimer: Only own the other character, which will remain nameless. That's right, no Jan! Now you can imagine YOURSELF in the story... if you're male. Feedback: Pretty please? *puppy dog eyes* Even if it shocked you, or it was totally ridiculous.Note: This will be very different from the other fics. I...
Hi , all reader. Mai RKV ek regular reader ISS ka. Maine yaha par bahot sari kahani pathi. Maine itani kahani pathi hai ki ab mai ek achchi khasi kitab likh sakata hu.Iskeliye mai ab kahani likh raha hu mujhe yakin hai ye tumhe pasand aayegi. ” Maa bani sautan” ek aisi samaj ki kahana jaha chodna jaruri hai. Yaha par ek parivar hai jiski taraqi uski saas ko biwi banane par hai. Mai ise ek hindi serial ki tarah pes kar raha hu jaise TV par hota hai. Mujhe yakin hai aap isko superhit banao ge....
As always, any comments or criticism is welcome. Feel free to email me at [email protected]. This story is dedicated to the creator of the Altered Fates Universe, Jennifer Adams and to the cast and crew of the 60's television series The Fugitive, still perhaps the finest drama series made for television. I also want to thank Steve Zink for his editing and general story help. Author's Note: Thank you to the original creators of the Fugitive TV series. Below is the cast, mostly...
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Thirty-five year old Roma had seen her life change over one weekend. She had taken on a young lover, she had cum so many times in a weekend she could scarcely believe it and now she needed to find ways to fuck her son's school friend Daniel regularly without anyone knowing.It was only Sunday morning and her son Ben was due back that evening. But already Roma needed a cock inside her again. It had been too long without regular fucking, she was going to enjoy more of it as priority one. She just...
MILFTo state the obvious, Tera Patrick is an incredibly beautiful creature, and I own every one of her adult DVD's, and plenty of magazines she appeared in, plus pictures I downloaded from the internet. Fuck I have a Tera Patrick file in... Sorry I'm not letting know in where. So just imagine my excitement when my friend Bradley Scott got us invitations to a Hustler Convention that was taking place in a nearby city. All the top names in the adult film business were going to be there; Jessica...
Hi! Ladies and beautiful gals. Master back here! Hopefully u enjoyed the first part of the series – Tryst with Destiny – I and II. The next day bhai was in a bit of tension and haste after attending a phone call .He gave a worried look and there seemed to b some business problem. After some time he was packing his luggage n told us that he had to urgently go to a 2day business tour. He left by noon. After finishing household chores bhabhi was resting. I went to her and told that as bhai wasn’t...
Hi folks, this is Niruup and I am back as promised to submit my sweet conquests. My earlier submission under the title seduction by kokila, a nursing mother had carried certain key mistakes namely character names. This was because I had chosen to submit my experience to a sex blog site in England and I had to modify the names of the characters. Therefore the mix-up. Some years back, I was working for a computer hardware manufacturer and was posted in Vizag. Company had given us furnished...
Author's note: Katrina is still in medical school. The significance of herpsychiatric training and practice will reveal itself in subsequent episodes.This is Katrina's 1 st episode (obviously), and myfirst story. Feedback is very welcome. I will consider it carefully. Feel freeto email me directly with suggestions. If you prefer f/f only content (my personalfavorite), you can skip this episode and head straight to Episode II – HerTrue Nature. The first two episodes are, for the most part,...
IntroductionThis story is set in 2008 in Burkina Faso, which as we all ‘know’ is a land-locked West African country, has one of the lowest Ages of Consent in the world (13) and a history of barbarous FGM. My name is Steph from Cornwall, I featured as a ch1ld in Episode 33 and as a young teenager in Episode 37, meeting Kit where I first encountered the two native black beauties in her Dad Kurt’s limousine, at Paddington Station. I gave up trying to pronounce their proper African names, so just...
Hello friend my name is humraaj and this is the 4 th episode of my story. Thank for the overwhelming reponse to my previous parts of the story. If any girl or aunty nearby vadodara want to contact me please mail me on Now lets get to the episode. Jaisa ki aap jante hai tappu aur pinku madhvi aur sonu ki jam ke chudai kar rahe the. Pinku apna maal madhvi ki chut mein chod chuka tha aur tappu abhi bhi sonu ki chut ka tabbla baja raha tha. Tabhi tappu ki nazar bedroom ke darwaje par padi aur waha...
Hello friends this is humraaj again with second episode of the series. Thanks for liking the first episode and hope you will keep poving this series. Again im 28 years old and you can mail me you likes and dislikes at Now lets start the episode 2 Jaise ki apko pata hai sonu tappu ko video call karti hai aur tappu bin dhyan diye wo call lift kar leta hai jab wo madhvi ke sath sex kar raha hota hai ab aage. Sonu dekhti hai ki tappu ne phone uthaya par uska dhyan nahi hai uspe aur use dhyan...
Three men outside a dance Bar: ‘Are we really going to a dance bar? I thought they were all shut down.’ One of them raises the question. ‘there are still a few secret ones open’ another guy says The third one, excitedly-‘yah! This one has the sexiest randis bhai!’ All three enter the dance bar and are thrilled to see young men and women dancing and drinking. Most of the women were dressed in tight skimpy clothes bringing much pleasure to the eyes of men. ‘wow! Kya maal hai!’ expresses the guy...
Series: Tom Welling SeriesTitle: My sister's BoyfriendSummary: Something incredible happens with my sister's boyfriend when I stay over at my sister's. Rating: NC-17Disclaimer: Only own the other character, which will remain nameless. That's right, no Jan! Now you can imagine YOURSELF in the story... if you're male. Feedback: Pretty please? *puppy dog eyes* Even if it shocked you, or it was totally ridiculous.Note: This will be very different from the other fics. I won't disclose any other...
Hi friends, RKV agains. Pahale episode ka mujhe achcha response mila. Jyada log to khush huye kuch gussa bhi huye ki meri kahani mai koi sachchai nahi hai. Maine pahale hi kaha tha ki ye ek TV serial jaisi kahani hai magar hum jaise chodane walo ke liye. Are yaar chodo ye sab samay aa gaya hai episode II ka. Recap: Abhi tak aap ne dekha ki Rohit ki shadi uske pita bhawiswani ki phikar kiye bina apane bete ki shadi kar di aur ab ve suhagrat mana rahe hai. Rohit Soni ko nihar raha tha, Soni ke...
Dinner was done cooking, but needed to rest a while before cutting into it, so we chatted some more.“I'm glad you enjoyed having sex with me,” she told me, awkwardly.“Ummm... yeah,” I replied. “It was a bit of a shock you asking, to be honest.”“I know, I'm not very tactful. Sometimes I just blurt stuff out.”“So, you didn't really mean it?”“Oh, yeah, I meant it, I just didn't know how to gracefully ask, so it just kind of came out.”“Well, it worked out well enough.” By that, I meant that just...
Straight SexDresden 10/24/17Do you know that feeling when you finally find some time to relax, think about your last days and you have no idea what to think about first because just so many things happened? Well, that’s the feeling I have right now.This was all happening so fast and it was exciting! I’ll try to give you the best possible impression, that’s why I will exclude some experiences for the moment and write about them in later episodes. I want to give you a first impression of the most important...
Hello dosto. Im back with another episode of this series. Thank u guyz for an amazing reponse to older episodes. As u all know im humraaj near vadodara. Any female wants to contact can mail me on Chaliye episode pe badhte hai. Jaisa ki aap sab jante hai jethalal komal aur madhvi ki chudai karke compound mein aata hai aur mehta ko batata hai. Dono madhvi ko dekh ke smile karte hai aur madhvi gusse mein waha se chali jati hai. Ab shaam hone ko hai aur sab thake hare apne ghar pe aaram kar rahe...
Hi Friends, authors and readers and of course Indian sex stories team. I am Vijay as most of them knew a Chennai boy at present in Nepal. Aged 34. First of all thank you for the feedback for my previous three stories i have narrated which actually is a real life incidence. Today I am going to narrate the third episode between myself and Anamika. These episodes are not the continuation of the previous ones but i have divided my encounters in different parts and different incidences. To know...
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Author's note: Katrina is just starting her career. The significance of herpsychiatric training and practice will grow in subsequent episodes. EpisodeI, although interesting (of course I would say that), is not necessary to enjoythis story. Episode II stands alone, just fine. I'm new at this, so if youhave any writing advice/suggestions, I would welcome an email with specifics. The Adventures of Dr Katrina Duras: Episode II – Her TrueNature Continued … Picking up from The Adventures of Dr...
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Hey everyone, this is SB sorry for the delay in this episode. I have been busy with life, and lost interest in this story and many others. Had a writers blocked. But thanks for reading this, sorry took forever to put up, but someone convinced me to keep writing. Thank you SB Episode Three: The Passion Faith looked at him. She felt her love for him. She always loved him. And just maybe this was the beginning to something amazing. ‘I love you.’ Faith whispered, as she lean into kiss Steven’s...
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WHORE FOR THE FANS EPISODE 1 PIXIE LOTT BY MR OLD MUCK (c) [Stripping & lap dance, butt play & hand job,]Info:Pixie Lott is an English singer, songwriter, and actress. Her debut single, "Mama Do", was released in June 2009 and went straight to number one in the UK Singles Chart. Her second single, "Boys and Girls", also topped the UK Singles Chart in September 2009. WikipediaBorn: 12 January 1991 age 28 Disclaimer: The following is in no way real. Everything you are about to read came...
Before I start I want to take the chance to out me, instruct you what this diary is about and explain to you what plans I have for myself and how it could come so far.I am 22 years old and I live in Dresden, Germany (so please excuse me if my english is a bit weird sometimes). I am a worthless sissy faggot and are looking for mistresses, daddies or (if possible dominant) transgenders who can accompany and push me on my way to reach my goal (how far you accompany me is 100% their decision) to...
First Shield Maiden awakens the morning after the thorough cleansing adminsitered by Mistress Stana still feeling the warming glow in her loins (see FSD Episode 7: "When the Master's Away"). Your first thoughts are that the DM didn't reappear last night, and he has gone out by the time you and felicity were both waking up together in the corner you share, it's possible it was his slamming of the door to the Dungeon is what woke you and felcity from your slumber.You get the get the feeling the...
Episode 7 - "When the Master's away, the subs' will play!"The Mistress has been walking you down the street to the notorious tavern known as the Frog and Whistle (you know, the big tavern on the corner of 4th and Maple? Right next door to the Trople D and the Pleasure Dungeon), collar tight on your throat and leash in Her hand. Before you reach the tavern, She orders you to remove your loin cloth."Yes Mistress." You obey immediately removing the loin cloth, but its cold out, so your scrotum...
After their victory in the sub/Dom challenge at "The Dinner Party" (see previous episode in the series) Dungeon Master and The Mistress are taking Caldon's young Elven male sub back to the Pleasure Dungeon.The sub has fine silver hair, cut to his collar and wears a silver collar around his neck. The Mistress has donned the collar of submission and wears nothing but a corset covering her breasts and midriff, she is naked from the waist down other than her stilleto ankle boots. The guards at the...
Hello friends, aap sabhi ko meri shubh kaamnaye. Aapke mail mile mujhe, behad khushi hui. Thanks sabko. Chaliye aaj ka episode padhte hai. Jo bhi ye episode pahli baar pad rahe ho unse kahunga ki aap ise padhne se pahle season 1 padhle jisse apko saari kahaniyo ki jad se pata chale. Jo bhi mujhe mail mein messages aur apni sujhaaw dena chahte ho, ye raha mera mail id ( ). Aur haan agar aapko meri series pasand aa rahi ho to mujhe vote karna na bhoole. PART 12: Cousin Sister Bharti – Intro...
Hello friends this is Humraaj back with next episode of Tmkoc series. Thank you all for giving so much of a positive reponse to this series and please do check my other stories of . If any one want to contact from and around Ahmedabad please mail me on Now let’s start the episode. Jaisa ki aap jante hai Babitaji Anjali bhabi ko Jethalal ke lund ke bare mein batati hai. Par Anjali thoda doubt mein hoti hai ki Jetha bhai ke sath kaise? A: Babitaji ek taraf to daar lag raha hai ki Jetha bhai ne...
Before you read this story, here are the girls from this episode.EmiliaJoanaAlexandraIvanaEpisode 1.2 - The Meeting*This is the second part of episode 1 after we split them up*Someone was looking at her, she could feel the gaze on her back as she rhythmically slid her arms into the water. When she turned her head around, she saw Alexandra was indeed watching her. They exchanged smiles and Emilia decided to get out of the water."Need some help with your suntan?" she asked, seeing Alexandra...
Hi, I’m Mathan after a long time writing this story. About me am Mathan, 23, working for an IT Company in Chennai, Tamilnadu. This incident happened some 2 years back when I started my job. My friend Varun and me studied together and got a job in MNC company in Chennai, I was basically from Thanjavur. During my studies, we stayed in a hostel, it hardly took 1-2 hours travel to my hometown from my college, but it was a long way for Varun to reach his home, so sometimes when we have two or three...
IncestHi readers, this is a continuation of my previous story. It is more of a narrative like one writes a diary. Hope you enjoy my style of presentation and of course the story. So after a wonderful vacation, I reach home four days before the school reopening. Day one was spent on sleep and tv. The next day my mom and I went to the school to collect the new textbooks and stationary. I was not happy seeing the books as they were bigger than last years, especially math, the subject I hate the most. So...
IncestThe Royals is a sex story series that follows the lives and stories of 6 families in a hunt for one throne- the kingdom of Mantrapura. According to an age old prophecy, the kingdom that rules over Mantrapura for 25 years continuously shall get the power to rule the world. The prophecy is scripted on the gigantic walls of Mantrapura. Mantrapura is an island in the Indian Ocean that no country has claimed. Surrounded on the outside by a thick jungle, this sprawling kingdom hosts around eleven...
Seinfeld: The Rejected TG Final Episode found by Cabinessence Seinfeld is a creation of Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David. Spells R Us is a creation of Bill Hart. Ellen Degeneris is a creation of her parents. Scene One: Spells R' Us store Paramus NJ location. Old Man: Jerry Seinfeld, I haven't seen you in here in oh about ten years. Jerry: Well I had this little TV show that has just about wrapped up. You may have heard of it. Old Man: I don't watch much TV. I haven't had...
This story is copyrighted to Caleb Jones 2000 A.D., and all rights are reserved, with the exception of any Star Trek related material and characters, which Paramount owns. I am just borrowing them for entertainment purposes. No one may resell this story for money. Ask me if you want to archive it. I may allow you to beam it aboard your site as well! ***** Star Trek: the original series mission continues Season Four - The New Adventures!!! StarDate: 4/19/98 - Log Updated...
The Ring Senshi Episode 1: The Beginning By Shellyness Justin Sobule was a cute little thing, perhaps five foot and six inches, with a bob of blonde hair and the cutest blue eyes imaginable. It was this cuteness that drew rumors that he was emotionally involved with his best friend Ichizu Madden. But he didn't let such things bother him, let them think what they want, he would tell himself. Quite frankly, he had much better things to do. Like getting to class on time. DING!...
HumorSkin Deep ? Episode 3 By Noel Lexicon Plot suggestions from Janet Ashworth ?What the hell has Janey gotten me into?? I wondered for the umpteenth time in the last two days. I was deep in thought as I walked and the echo of my heels on the sidewalk only exacerbated the unreality of my situation. And shortly after that thought another popped into my mind. 'How could Janey even afford this...
We begin our story in the tiny hamlet of Frostbite Falls, Minnesota USA, population 27, where two of its leading citizens reside; Rocket J. Squirrel and Bullwinkle J. Moose. It looks like they're involved in some intense study. Let's listen in. "Do you have any tens?" "Go fish," said Rocky. Well, it looks like they're more involved in leisure time activities. Unfortunately, a couple of dark figures are approaching their quaint cabin that is sure to break up this relaxing...
The Case Files of Cindy Masters, Dyke Detective This Episode: A Chance Encounter - Part Three This Episode: A Chance Encounter - Part Three Masters is the name. Cindy Masters. I'm a detective. I get $50 a day and expenses, $75 if I can get it. I lay back on the weight bench and placed my feet behind the leg brace for a few chest flies. My eyes darted about the room like a fly looking for a warm beer. The Case Files of Cindy Masters, Dyke Detective This Episode: A Chance...
AUTHOR'S DISCLAIMER: This story series is a fictional work set in the Star Trek universe. I have made a reasonable effort to make the story's details consistent with known events, situations and hardware configurations established in previous Star Trek productions. I make no claim to be a Star Trek purist. Any errors, in continuity or otherwise, with prior Star Trek productions are unintentional. If such errors offend you, I apologize in advance. AUTHOR'S NOTE: I wrote this story...
T.V.'s Brothers and Sisters: A revised episode. Introduction: In a recent episode of the TV drama, 'Brothers and Sisters', Kitty (Calista Flockhart) and Nora (Sally Field) are attending a charity function to do with raising funds for a cancer cause. Kitty is hiding out in a washroom because her hair has just started to fall out because of chemotherapy she is receiving for her lymphoma. Nora approaches the door and begs her daughter to come out. I have...
IntroductionThis story follows on directly from .. which I urge you to read first to make any sense of this perversion.Iqra’s bedroomIqra opened her eyes to see her younger brother standing at the side of her bed, cock in hand, openly masturbating while staring at her bare breasts."Get out" she screamed, trying desperately to pull the quilt up high enough to cover her nakedness "what the fuck are you doing in my room, watching me?"Adil just...
IntroductionThis story follows on directly from , which I urge you to read first to make any sense of this perversion. Iqra wishes to deny she has approved any use of her name in this or the previous episode, but I am hoping that Mistress Susanna and Mistress Nuri give their approval before publication..At SchoolThe headmistress announced that this week's Muslim Sex Ed Class was going to be a rather different affair for Iqra,...
IntroductionThis story follows on directly from , which I urge you to read first to make any sense of this perversion. Iqra wishes to deny she has approved any use of her name in this or the previous episode, but I am hoping that Mistress Susanna and Mistress Nuri give their approval before publication..At SchoolThe headmistress announced that this week's Muslim Sex Ed Class was going to be a rather different affair for Iqra,...
I'm not sure when I first joined SOL but it has been a long time. For many years I just read the tales of others, enjoying their efforts. It was nearly five years ago when I decided to try my hand at it, you know, posting stories. Never having done that before, the process seemed a little daunting. Over the years I've written a few stories solely for my own enjoyment but not published them anywhere. My favorites were fairly long and I'd guess they'd match up with ones which were way over...
By: Amit (To read all the episodes published under ‘Prem Paradise’, ) Author’s Note The “Prem Paradise” sex story series was discontinued by ISS after the percentage of viewers drawn to it compared to the entire site was meagre. They mention that we can take this series forward if we liked so I have decided to give an ending or possibly a new start at the end to it. My writing skills may not match that of original author’s so please bear with me. Please read : Recap to catch up with the...
Hi friends !! readers and authors, this is Vijay with the next incident with Anamika !! the most hottest girl i have encountered. Already have written three parts as episodes. Three different experiences. Today will narrate another experience which happened. As you all know I am Vjay, 34 years athletic built Chennai boy presently in Nepal. Any girls or ladies can contact me for a great relationship and pleasure which will definitely will be a secret and confidential as I respect the partners...
Introduction: Episode 1: Introducing Shawn Hi. My name is Shawn, This is my first story. Much of it is true. In it Im 15, 56, and I never imagined that I could fall so far. That summer I experienced joys, happiness and sheer adulation like never before. I also felt shame, desperation and pain. These episodes are my stories growing up, age 15 in a single summer, and will conclude on the day that my life changed forever. The 22nd of July: The Night I Suffered. Hope you like em! ???? (That Warning...
Hello All,Hope you’re all doing well!Hey Guys and Girls if you have not read my previous episodes I recommend you read those and come back to this one.In the previous episode I told you guys how the sissy part of me was evolving. I was now dressing like a complete girl whilst fingering my ass pussy and pinching my titties. My ass would get wet and my dick hard when I would dress like a girl. Whenever I was home alone I would look for sexy clothes either in my Mom’s or Sister’s cupboard and put...