Weight Of It free porn video

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Josh pumped his legs, lifting the weights on the machine, and stole glances off to the side.  It was all he could do not to stare at the handsome man doing easy reps on the bench, not far away.

He had a bulky, well-sculpted frame.  He was broad-shouldered and square jawed.  That jawline sported an immaculately trimmed beard that put Josh in mind of an idealized lumberjack.  If it wasn’t his first time at the gym, Josh knew it was the first time they were there at the same time, because he wouldn’t have missed such an incredible specimen of manhood.

How he wished the man had asked him to spot, instead of the hulking black man who stood behind the bench.  The spotter had his own charms, but Josh had never found the full-blown bodybuilder look particularly attractive.

Not that he would have known what to do with himself if either of them had approached.  Growing up in a small, conservative town, he had kept his sexuality a secret out of fear.  Despite the far more progressive environs of college, he still hadn’t found the courage to come out, or even attempt to act on his desires.

The barbell settled back into place, and the object of Josh’s lustful desire sat up.  He offered a hand to his spotter and said, “Thanks.”  His voice was deep and authoritative.

The black man’s hand clasped his, and he said, “No problem, man.”

Josh sighed, finished his set, and allowed himself a long look as the bearded man headed for the locker room.  Thankfully, nobody was looking in his direction.  Despite his best efforts, Josh was half hard, and it was easy to see in his tight gym shorts.  He took his time wiping down the machine, thought about what he was going to do with the rest of Saturday, and gave his erection time to go down.

He walked into the locker room at just the right – or perhaps wrong – time.

Only his fear of discovery prevented Josh from gawking as the man crossed into the shower.  A patch of dark, well-groomed hair decorated his chest.  More sprouted everywhere, though it wasn’t overly thick.  A trail of hair on the man’s stomach pointed downward, bisecting his V-line, and terminated in a perfectly trimmed patch of kinky black.

Below that dangled the most gorgeous cock he’d ever beheld.

The vision lasted for only a pair of seconds, but it burned into Josh’s brain, and set his manhood to rising again.  As he stood in front of his locker – trying to catch his breath while his cock swelled – he briefly considered skipping a shower to escape.  The thought of putting on his street clothes over his sweat-coated skin quickly dissuaded him of that notion.

Again, the fear that someone would notice his erection and make the connection with his hidden sexuality helped, as did scrolling through social media posts on his phone.  By the time the shower shut off and he heard heavy, barefoot steps slapping on the tiled floor, he’d drooped enough for it not to show through his shorts.

Josh waited, continued to scroll on his phone, and tried not to think about what was happening beyond the two banks of lockers.  They were the only two in the locker room, so when he heard the sound of a bag zipping up, he breathed a sigh of relief.  After that, he heard footsteps, and waited a few seconds longer before undressing for his shower.

Setting the temperature on the cool side encouraged him to hurry, and discouraged other things.

His heart nearly stopped when he exited the shower with a towel wrapped around him to see the bearded man leaning against the wall.  It then began to race with fear and alarm as the man pushed away from the wall to follow him.

Sure enough, the object of his secret desire rounded the lockers and lifted a foot up onto a bench.  He glanced toward the door to the gym, and then turned back to ask, “So, you just shy, or still in the closet?”

Panicking, Josh stammered, “I...  Uhm...  What?”

The man gave a nod and said, “In the closet, then.  The weight of that will crush you, kid.  Name’s Paul.  If you want me to open that door for you, I’ll be outside.  South corner.  I won’t wait long, though.”

With that, he turned and headed for the door.  Josh stood in stunned disbelief, his thoughts a whirl of chaos.  It was an offer part of him was absolutely screaming to accept, yet he was deathly afraid.  A dozen horrifying possibilities ran through his head.  It could be a trap.  It could be a prank.  The guy could be a serial killer for all he knew.


Get dressed.  The thought cut through the muddle in his head.  It was a simple thing, and committed to nothing.  Fortunately, it also required little conscious thought, because he had virtually none of that to spare as he descended into the whirlpool of lust and fear again.

Once dressed, he zipped up his gym bag, and knew he had to make a decision. Again, he took it one step at a time.  He left the locker room, and made his way toward the lobby.  As he approached the door, he slowed, and then stopped.  He stared at the door – his heart pounding.

Josh looked away after a few seconds, still too fearful to commit.  His eyes fell on the receptionist.  She was staring at him with an expression that was easy to interpret as, What’s wrong with this guy?

The embarrassment was enough to push him out the door.  He turned slowly toward the south.

There he was, leaning against the corner of the building.  Paul waved a hand, beckoning him, and Josh found himself walking that way without much conscious thought.

“So, what’s your name, kid?” Paul asked.  There was a hunger in his eyes Josh had never seen directed his way before.


“You just made it.  I was about to leave.  Walk with me.  My place isn’t far.”

Josh hesitated, and said, “I...  I don’t know.”

“Look, Josh.  I’m not going to pussyfoot around.  I like what I see.  The way you were staring, I assume you like what you see.  You want to do something about that, then walk with me.  It’s up to you, kid.”

Swallowing hard, Josh tried to think – tried to make a decision.  In the end, it was a small thing that broke through the cacophony of opposing thoughts in his head.  Though it lasted only a second, seeing Paul reach down and adjust the swollen bulge in his shorts was a siren song.

He fell into step beside the handsome, bearded man.

“So, you in college?” Paul asked, pointing at Josh’s t-shirt.

“Yes.  Just started last fall.”

“Hmm.  Freshman,” Paul responded, and grinned as if remembering some private joke.  “From the Midwest?”

Josh acknowledged, “Kansas.”

“Iowa myself.  Probably went through a lot of the same things.  What’s your major?”


Paul chuckled.  “Really?  I’m an architect.  Small world, kid.”

The casual conversation helped loosen the knots in Josh’s stomach, and he found himself relaxing as they walked.  “How is the job market around here?”

“Competitive, but if you’re good, you’ll find work easily enough.  Looking toward a specialty?”

“I’ve been thinking residential, but green design.”

“That’s hot with the rich and famous out here,” Paul said.  “Not a bad area to get into.  Been looking into the green thing a bit myself – but for commercial development.  All the building codes spreading out from Sacramento are pushing everyone that way as it is.”

They continued to chat about their shared choice of occupation, with Josh growing more comfortable by the moment.

Finally, Paul nodded toward a high-rise to their right and said, “This is me.  First floor.”

Not long after entering the building, Paul fished a key ring out of his pocket, and unlocked the door.  Josh was stunned by what he saw inside.  Though not particularly large, the front room was immaculately decorated, and furnished with leather, glass, and steel.

“Looks can be deceiving,” Paul said, and then laughed as he gestured for Josh to come inside.  “I have friends in interior design.  They have friends who have access to the scratch and dent overflow of several manufacturers.  So, I got almost everything at a fraction of what it would have cost in a store.  There are little imperfections in everything.  Barely noticeable, but enough to keep them from passing inspection.  The television probably cost as much as half the furniture.”

“It’s amazing,” Josh said as he continued to take in the scene.

“It’s home,” Paul said, “But thanks for the compliment.  I’ll be sure to pass it along to the guys who actually deserve it.  Didn’t want you to have any illusions about getting rich in this line of work.”

Josh – already somewhat awestruck – couldn’t stop himself from staring when Paul dropped his gym bag next to the couch and stretched his arms.  The sight of the handsome man’s muscles bulging and flexing made his heart beat rapidly.  That only intensified when Paul met his gaze and approached him.

Paul reached out and slid one hand around Josh’s waist, while looking intently into his eyes.  “Like I said earlier, Josh – I don’t pussyfoot around.  You a virgin?”

Josh nodded, not trusting his voice as he basked in Paul’s palpable aura of masculinity.

“Shooting up drugs, or steroids?”

He shook his head, and then Josh answered, “No.  Never.”

“I’m clean too.  A little weed on occasion, but that’s it.  So, you ready to open that door and step out of the closet, kid?”

Josh couldn’t believe the intensity of Paul’s gaze.  The strong hand gripping his waist made him feel weak in the knees.  He drew in a shuddering breath and nodded.

Paul growled – a brief, hungry sound.  He then slipped his other hand behind Josh’s head, and pulled him into a kiss.

Years of pent up desire erupted within him, and Josh crushed his lips to Paul’s.  He slid his hands around the older man’s waist and shuddered from the feeling of his hard muscles.  Paul kissed him just as passionately, and began to bunch up his t-shirt.

Another growl sounded as Paul pulled away from the kiss, grabbed Josh’s shirt with both hands, and pulled it upward.  Josh lifted his arms, allowing the older man to remove it.

Paul negligently tossed the shirt away, and then reached out to run his hand over Josh’s bare chest.  “Look at you.  Fucking delicious.”  At the same time, he pulled the younger man’s hand between his legs.

Josh gasped as he felt another man’s hard cock for the first time.

“You ever done anything, kid?” Paul asked while continuing to caress him.

Still awestruck by the hard organ he was exploring, Josh shook his head.

“First time getting your hand on a cock?”

“Yes,” Josh answered as he squeezed Paul’s erection, and felt it throb.

“Then get hold of it.”

His heart pattering, Josh pulled the front of the older man’s shorts down.  A sigh of pleasure escaped him as he revealed the erect phallus.  He wrapped his hand around it and groaned as he felt the hardness of a real cock other than his own in his hand for the first time.  His eyes took in every vein, contour, and subtle change in color.

“There you go,” Paul said.  He grabbed the waistband of his shorts, pushing them down to his thighs.

Josh squeezed the shaft – fascinated by how different it felt from his own.  His fingers moved upward, gliding over the textured skin of the bulbous head while he squeezed again.  He reached out with his other hand, cupping the heavy, hairy orbs below.  They moved in the most amazing way as the sack tightened from his touch.

Josh grunted as Paul’s big hand squeezed between his legs.

“Let me see what you’ve got hiding down here,” Paul suggested.

Hand still pressed tight against his erection, Paul guided Josh to turn, and then sat down on the corner of the coffee table in front of the couch.  The older man obviously had confidence in the strength of the glass top, as he didn’t hesitate at all.  He quickly dispensed with his shoes and socks, and then kicked his shorts and underwear away.

Paul used the waist of Josh’s jeans as a convenient handle to pull him closer.  He then wasted no time popping open the button, and sliding the zipper down.  A growling moan escaped him when he saw the bulge in Josh’s underwear, which was topped by a darker spot caused by the younger man leaking pre-cum.  Paul quickly wrestled down the denim far enough to hook the elastic of Josh’s underwear beneath his balls.

Josh gasped as another man’s hand wrapped around his cock.

“Hard as a rock, kid,” Paul remarked.  He then slipped a hand around to Josh’s half bared ass, and guided him forward.  Once Josh was straddling the older man’s knee, he couldn’t resist the cock that was within reach of his fingertips.

Paul looked up, and the two shared a smile.  Then the older man twitched his eyebrows, leaned in, and engulfed Josh’s cock.

A rapid series of gasps drew air into Josh’s lungs.  No matter how often he had fantasized about it, his erotic imaginings paled in comparison to reality.  Paul sucked him hard and fast, while simultaneously kneading Josh’s ass.  In an instinctual reaction, Josh slid a hand behind the older man’s head.

When he could keep his eyes open, Josh watched in awe as his cock vanished into Paul’s mouth.  As often as not, the pleasure was so overwhelming that his eyes would pinch closed, and grunts rose up unbidden, to burst from his lips.  He could see the older man’s cock bouncing in his peripheral vision, and the sight of Paul’s muscles bulging beneath his shirt was breathtaking.

In less than a minute, he felt an itch building in the head of his saliva-slick cock.  Embarrassed by his lack of stamina, it was almost a relief when Paul slurped his way back to the tip, and let it go.

“Feel good, kid?” Paul looked up and asked.

Josh answered with a few short, rapid nods, and then said, “In...  Incredible.”

Paul chuckled.  “Well, you got nobody to compare me to, but I’ll take it.”  He then leaned in, gave Josh’s twitching erection a lick.  “Damn shame you’ve kept this all to yourself for so long.”

Josh steeled his will as Paul’s lips slid down over his turgid member once more.  He was determined not to come in such a shamefully brief time.  The older man sucked him for only a few strokes before letting it pop from his lips again.

“Get those pants off,” Paul said, and then grabbed the tail of his shirt.

The sight of the older man revealing his broad, hairy chest caused Josh to draw in a shuddering breath.  Josh stepped on the heel of one of his shoes, attempting to remove it, but the laces were too tight.  He bent over and tugged on the right bow, loosening it.

Paul put a hand on Josh’s hip and said, “Turn around for me while you do that.”

Josh straightened, turned to face away, and then bent over again.  He stiffened and grunted when Paul grabbed a double handful of his ass.

The older man’s brief, excited growl gave Josh chills.  He focused sufficiently to loosen the laces of his other shoe, and remained bent over while Paul’s hands explored his ass.  A broad finger glided between his cheeks, setting off a shiver.

Paul asked, “You ever open this back door?”

“I...  Uhm...” Josh stammered.  He had certainly thought about it, and had gone as far as pushing a finger deep inside the puckered opening while masturbating.  The resulting orgasms had been mind-blowing.  However, the thought of taking anything bigger was daunting.

“It’s okay, kid,” Paul said.  “I won’t push you too hard.  Go ahead.  Get those pants off.  I’ll just admire the view.”

Josh pulled off his shoes, and could feel the older man’s gaze the whole while.  His socks soon followed, and then he bent low to push down his jeans.

“God damn,” Paul growled when Josh’s ass thrust toward him.

Once he stepped out of his jeans, a hand on his hip guided him to turn around.  Paul wrapped his big hand around Josh’s erection, slid another behind his ass, and pulled him close again.

While slowly stroking Josh’s cock, Paul asked, “You were getting close, weren’t you?”

Josh curtly nodded, his cheeks growing warm.

“Don’t worry about it.  It’s your first time.  Let go and enjoy it.  Give me a nice, big mouthful.”

That wasn’t going to be a problem.

Paul’s lips were tight around his cock, sliding up and down the shaft with hot, wet friction.  The big man cupped his balls and gently rolled them, while letting a finger slip beneath them to massage his taint.  Though he had slipped back from the edge while removing the remainder of his clothing, the older man soon had him on the cusp once more.

Josh grunted and gasped – his fingers fisting into Paul’s hair.  Though he had soared quickly to the point of no return, he remained trapped in that moment of almost painful pleasure for long, agonizing seconds before his cum surged up.

A loud, inarticulate, barking sound erupted from his lips as his cream flooded the older man’s mouth.

Paul moaned around the pulsing shaft – sucking relentlessly.  Josh had never come so hard in his life.  Each volcanic blast caused every muscle in his body to contract, and left him feeling weak and wobbly until the next fierce ejaculation took control of him.  His fingers dug into the older man’s scalp and shoulder, and his hips bucked forward.  Paul easily contended with the younger man’s climax-fueled strength and the cock invading his throat, to continue sucking for his reward, without missing a single drop.

Josh panted for breath and grunted long after the last of his cream dribbled into Paul’s hot mouth.  His knees nearly buckled when the big man’s lips slid over the sensitive head and let him go.

“Now that’s what I call a load,” Paul said.  He licked his lips and chuckled.

“I...  God,” Josh stammered between gasps for breath – still struggling to remain on his feet.

“Better sit down before you fall down, kid.  Sucked it all out of you, huh?”  Paul said, while nodding toward the couch.

Josh tentatively stepped toward the couch, keeping his hand on the older man’s shoulder for as long as possible.  He sat down heavily and his head thumped against the leather back once he reached the couch.

Paul sat down next to him, cupped his cheek, and turned his head.  They came together in a long kiss that was frequently broken by Josh’s continuing pants.

“Never come that hard,” Josh said once he caught his breath.

The older man smiled.  “Been a while since you jerked it, huh?”

Josh nodded.  “Couple of days.”

“Me too.  Feel up to returning the favor?  I may drown you,” he joked.

Josh, feeling giddy, laughed.  “I’ve never done it before.  I’ve practiced a little.”


Josh nodded.  He added, “And cucumbers.”

The big man grasped his wrist, and pulled Josh’s hand into his lap.  Josh groaned as he fingers curled around the hard organ there.

“Ready to see how you do with the real thing?”

The hunger in the older man’s eyes was powerful.  The throbbing cock in his hand was even more enticing.  He gave a brief nod and swallowed.

Paul growled and said, “Then get in there and suck that cock.”

Josh slowly leaned into the older man’s lap.  Aroused to levels he had rarely felt, he palmed the stiff organ looming large in his vision from behind, and leaned in to lick it.  A groan of excitement welled up as the salt-tinged taste and hot, manly aroma assaulted his senses.

“Ah, yeah.  That’s it.  Look up at me,” Paul said.

Josh cut his eyes as his tongue slid up the older man’s turgid shaft a second time.  Paul’s hand settled on the back of his head.  Josh slathered his tongue all over, exploring his first cock with zealous abandon.  Paul’s grunts and groans were the sweetest of music to his ears, and the demanding hunger still lurked in the gorgeous man’s eyes.  His own sensitive cock protested, but the uncomfortable twinges rapidly faded into the background.

The hand on the back of his head pressed down.  Paul said, “Give those balls some love.”

Josh dipped lower and gave the orbs a broad-tongued lap, slicking back the kinky hair adorning them.  The taste and scent were both stronger – more intoxicating.  He licked feverishly, moaning all the while, and curled his fingers around the cock above to stroke it.

A chuckling growl emerged from above, and the big man shuddered.  The growl remained in his voice when Paul asked, “Hungry for it, aren’t you?”

“Uh huh,” Josh responded – his tongue never stilling.

The growl that followed that was louder, deeper, and accompanied by Paul’s fingers fisting into his short hair.  Josh dragged his tongue upward along the ropy crease bisecting the older man’s balls, and then up the shaft.  Paul groaned in approval, and then let out a deep chuckle when Josh tickled the head with the tip of his tongue.

At long last, Josh parted his lips and filled his mouth with cock for the first time.

“There you go,” Paul groaned.

Josh took it slow, concentrating on keeping his teeth out of the way.  It was nowhere near as easy on a real, live, throbbing cock as it had been with vegetables, but he adjusted quickly.  Once he found the right angle, his confidence swelled, allowing him to do deeper, and faster.

A burst of flavor caused a high-pitched moan to well up from deep within him.  Josh had tasted his own pre-cum many a time, and knew the sweet treat well.  Causing it excited him beyond anything he had ever imagined.  He closed his eyes, committing to memory every contour, vein, and change in texture of the hard member sliding between his lips.

“That’s right.  Suck that cock,” Paul encouraged him.  “That practice paid off, kid.”

Josh broke out into goosebumps.  He’d imagined a hard cock exploding in his mouth so many times.  The assault on his senses was nearly overwhelming.  Paul’s grunts, his musk, and the throbbing of the cock in his mouth made Josh feel almost drunk.

He jerked away and coughed when his enthusiasm got the better of him, and he took the older man’s cock a little too deep.

Paul growled, and the sound trailed off into a deep chuckle.  “Easy there, kid,” he said while tousling Josh’s hair.  “Getting close.”

Josh wiped the strands of thick spittle from his chin and asked, “Really?”

“Fuck yes.  You ready for it?”

Josh nodded, and unconsciously squeezed the saliva-slick phallus he still held in his right hand.

“Then suck me dry, kid.”

Josh leaned back into his lap and engulfed Paul’s cock once more.  He could feel it twitching harder as he sucked.  He could hear the pace of the older man’s breathing pick up.  The hand on the back of his head stiffened.

Paul growled, “Almost there.  Going to fucking come.”

A moan escaped him as Josh sucked harder.  His hand pumped around the base of Paul’s cock, and he let his middle finger slide back from where it cupped the older man’s balls.  When the digit found the puckered opening beyond, he pressed hard.

“Ah, fuck yes!” Paul barked.  “Here comes!”

Josh’s eyes shot wide open as the first burst of semen erupted into his mouth.  His stomach rebelled as the viscous cream pooled on the back of his tongue.  While he rarely wasted his own cum – always licking it from his hand – the blast was something entirely different.  He steeled his will, kept his lips tightly around the pulsing shaft, and accepted another hard ejaculation.

Paul’s cock pulsed and jerked, filling his mouth with hot cum.  Josh swallowed, and his euphoria overwhelmed any physical reaction to the feeling of it sliding down his throat.  He sucked and swallowed – grunting in delight.  The older man growled and gasped, giving him more cum than he ever could have dreamed of.  He swallowed every drop.

An especially loud gasp preceded Paul’s strong hand pushing on his shoulder.  Reluctantly, Josh let the magnificent phallus slide from between his lips.  He offered his own gasp when he saw the tight, reddened expression on Paul’s face.

He had never felt more alive.

For a minute or two, he simply admired the big man trying to catch his breath, and the slow droop of his cock.

“You... You hustling me, kid?  If that’s the first time you’ve ever sucked a cock... God damn.”

Josh couldn’t help but grin.

“Got me good, kid.  So fucking sexy with your mouth full of cock.  Took that load like a champ, too.  Taste good?”

“So good,” Josh answered.

Paul offered a weary chuckle, and then blew out a long breath between pursed lips.  He sat up straight, turned, and they both leaned in for a cum-flavored kiss.

“I need a beer.  How about you?”

“Sure,” Josh said.

“Provided I can get up,” Paul said, and then laughed.  Despite his words, he popped off the couch a moment later and headed for the kitchen.

Josh drank in the sight of his hard ass, and then the bounce of his dangling cock when the older man returned with two bottles.  They opened them, and – still nude – drank.

“Ever been out to anybody, Josh?” Paul asked after a couple of minutes.

Josh shook his head.  “No.  Too afraid.”

“Well, call me selfish, but I’m glad I got to be your first.  I know how hard it is.  Glad I got to see how hard that is.”

The older man’s words and his glance were enough to trigger a reaction, and Josh drew in a fast breath through his nose as blood rushed between his legs again.

Paul growled, and his own manhood twitched with signs of life as well.  “A little of that weight off your shoulders?”

“Oh yeah,” Josh answered with passion creeping into his voice.

“I’m up for some more heavy lifting.  How about you?”

Josh’s cock bounced energetically, and his nod matched it.  It was a workout he was never going to forget.


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They had lunch with Peter and Libby and the rapport between them and Nell was immediate. "We're all golfers so we must have game," cried Libby. "Bags Ralph for my partner!" "Not fair!" retorted Peter. "Oh!" exclaimed Nell looking crestfallen. "I was only referring to your hair," replied Peter quickly. "Oh well, in that case..." They managed a game before the wedding which reinforced the feelings Peter and Libby had for Nell. The latter had actually taken in Ralph's advice...

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HandsOnHardcore Romy Indy Exotic Dutch Babe Nailed Hard

When Vince Karter sees his lady, Dutch glamour model Romy Indy, in the midst of painting a naked lady he can’t help but become totally turned on and aroused by his provocative painter and sexy blonde lover. Vince goes in for the grab from behind, taking his babe’s curvy ass and small tits in his hands and making out with his hot little hunny. Be a part of the 4K premium porn action and get off right alongside the interracial couple in this Hands On Hardcore premium porn picture...

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But Who Am I ReallyChapter 6

Hugh stood outside Nordstrom's. He looked at it. It was big ... and full of women's clothing. "OK, let's go." He bravely started towards the door, but stopped and turned around, pretending to whistle. "This is ridiculous, let's just do it," he told himself. It was worse than the time he had tried bungee jumping. At least there, it was pretty much out of your hands - just strap yourself in and jump. "So here goes," he thought again, "I'll just strap myself in..." a curious...

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The Futa Fairy Taboo Futa Wish Chapter 1 Deidres Forbidden Wish

Chapter One: Deidre's Forbidden Wish By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 I knew incest was wrong even as it made my pussy so wet. I did. And I really, really tried not to have these thoughts about Keily. She was my sister. Only eighteen. A year younger than me. We had grown up together. Played together. Shared our hopes and dreams together. But the one dream I couldn't share with her was the burning ache that built in my pussy whenever she was around. For the last six months, since she...

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The Adventures of Grace and Anna Erotic Classic Ch2 Part 3

------------------------- CHAPTER 2 PART 3 'At that time, my dear friends, I knew nothing at all about the digital method of relieving my excited feelings and even to this day, I would much rather resort to the poorest-made man with a shrivelled member than comfort myself with the old maid's method of sex cooling!' Grace and I both laughed at this, and kissing Anna for her frankness, and not to slight Grace, repeating the same caress with her, I begged her to continue. 'Well,' she...

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A Life Saved Ch 01

It was a miserable evening. I pushed back the blinds of my apartment and stared at the street below. The road was slick with rain and lightning flashed in the sky overhead. Thunder rolled ominously from far away. It was just the sort of night you’d expect to see Frankenstein’s Monster walking down the street. The street was deserted though, save for a figure walking along the other side hunched under an umbrella. I could hear the clacking of her high heels on the cobbled surface of the...

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Case File 36 The Smell Of Vengeance

Stares and silence confronted me as I stepped out of the gravcar. The Director said Operatives got used to it; I disliked raising my voice so the silence was useful. "Sir," a young police officer said, coming to attention what he must have thought was a safe distance from me. "I'm not in your chain of command," I told him. "Relax." "Yes, sir," he replied, ignoring what I said. I shook my head and studied the expensive hotel behind him. "Is she up there?" I asked...

1 year ago
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The Touch Ch 26

WARNING TO READERS – This is a long, rambling, multi-part story and VERY British. The individual chapters will make more sense if read in sequence. Chapter 26: Of Sandwiches and Steaks Emma seemed to have either totally forgotten or had chosen to ignore her behaviour on Sunday night and was perfectly normal and cheerful at breakfast. I thought that I probably ought to talk to her about what was going on, but picked the coward’s way out and opted to ignore it for now, it was probably...

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First Meeting

We met at the hotel bar. I got there early to get a seat. I ordered a drink. As soon as I lifted the drink to my lips I felt 2 strong hands run down the sides of my body. And I hear a whisper in my ear, “Hello”. You spin me around to face you, I look deep into your eyes and I reply “Hi”. You keep me facing you as you order a drink. You lean in to kiss me softly, at first. You take a step back to take a good look and I am wearing a crisp white shirt, unbuttoned and showing plenty of...

2 years ago
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What you wanted but not what you expected

 We're out late one night in town. We'd found this club which had good music, drinks, but an odd dress code; smart casual and you need to wear a mask. So you'd worn your cute black Venetian style one, and I'm wearing a mask I got online showing only my chin, and a dark shirt. We've been dancing for hours sometimes just us, sometimes with some other people from the club but now its just you and me on our own against a wall. You're grinding against me whilst you dance and you know just how hard...

Group Sex
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The Pet Yukiko Fujimori

Yukiko Fujimori, Yuki to her friends, lounged at a small but exclusive bistroin downtown Tokyo. Dressed in a black Chanel pantsuit that she picked up onher last shopping trip to Paris and handcrafted black lizard knee length bootswith 5-inch titanium stiletto heels. She slowly turned her head to watch awaiter walk by; her movements were a study in grace and efficiency. The fewfriends she had described her as feline. She was, by any measure, stunning.She could have easily taken the many offers...

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Romantic Day With A Couple

I would like to narrate a true romantic story to you guys. Might be a bit boring in the beginning, but I am sure I won’t disappoint you. I am 27 years old guy from Bangalore from a very conservative family. Working as a Software Engineer and earning very good salary. I am a normal looking guy with slim personality. Best part of my life is my interests, I like to travel new places & photography is my passion. Initially I was worried how I could start my photography career, as I tried to learn of...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Fulfilled Of A Lonely Defense Officer8217s Wife 8211 Part I

Hi, I am john living in Delhi. I have written few but real stories. This story is a journey in to another real story. I am 35 year old tall good looking passionate man. You may contact me on my gmail id. It is john15dec. From many of the mails received from fans, one of the mails caught my attention. The lady was Kavita (name changed). She was a woman of 32 year old living with her son. Her husband was working in army. She was staying in one of the government houses and felt lonely. She was an...

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Sex With Virgin Hot Nurse

Hi friends, Mera naam kabir hai aur me delhi ka rahnewala hu,umar 30 saal, fit, slim ladka hu and mera lund bhi mota ha ye muze apni ex gf ne bata hai. Delhi ki ladkiya bahot hot aur sexy hoti hai khaaskar punjabi girls mast gori aur badi gaand,chudwane kiye hamesha ready. I like them much. Ab aata hu apni story pe. Ye story 2 saal pahle ki hai jab me aur ek nurse acche dost the. Uska naam Kamini tha. wo bahot slim and sexy thi par bahot hi conservative thi. Figure 30-28-30. Wo sex ke liye...

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An Unusual Hotel

As she drove out of the city, Sarah Dalton was angry. She’d just spent much of the afternoon arguing with men in caravans, and she still had a long drive home. She’d had to come out to the site herself, to see why the construction was so far behind schedule, and she’d gotten good and mad at the Site Engineer and the Works Foreman. They’d initially been patronising towards her – but she was used to that. As a 29-year-old woman, with a pretty face, a good figure and a penchant for business...

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A Turned on Ministers Wife Going All The Way

  For the first time in my life, I was really looking forward to going to church. My encounter with Bob and Sally had given worshiping a whole new meaning for me. For the first time in my life, I had experienced a taste of heaven while sitting in church. Just thinking about what Bob had done with Sally and me while my husband preached fire and brimstone from the pulpit had me insatiably horny all week. All I could think about all week was how much I wanted to feel his touches again. All I...

Group Sex
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I have posted some of my stories my you have read that how my Behnoi gee gives pleasure to me n my sexy bhabhi sana . This is another encounter which took place at my house few days back. On that day Behnoi gee called me to arrange another banging session with me n bhabhi. Bhabhi was pleased to know and said ok ask him to come late in the night making sure that everyone was sleeping. So I signaled him to come around 2 am in the night. So we gathered at the roof of my house where two rooms are...

1 year ago
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The Aunaturel GirlsChapter 15

"Sarah," Anne called and held out her hands to hug her daughter. "Sarah, how are you?" "I'm fine," Sarah said frostily. "Tabitha had a little girl, by the way." "A girl? Ahh, well, we got Adam's text message but we didn't know any more. How is she?" "She's fine," Sarah muttered and held her coffee tightly, looking around the empty coffee shop. "Keeping us awake half the night, but fine." There was silence for a minute as Sarah looked at her mother. "Well, you wanted to...

2 years ago
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Shutter ReleaseChapter 6 Fire for the Cold Ones

Given the unknown amount of potential baggage, Sarah decided to pick up the twins by herself. At best, one more person could have gone with her, but if it turned out that Muireann and Tommy were major packers then it would’ve been a tight fit and an uncomfortable ride. We knew from their letter that they’d likely be bringing some instruments with them. “Better safe than sorry. Besides, this will be my first and last chance to talk to them, I’m sure,” Sarah joked. “Don’t worry, we’ll let you...

1 year ago
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Experienced First sex with Boyfriend BJ JohnsonPart 3

If you haven’t read the previous parts of this story read part-1 and part-2 to get the glimpse of this virgin sex story. BJ and I had been seeing each other a lot now. Ever since having sex on that day, it was difficult to be apart from him for more than a few days. We would talk on phone and I would wait for his call every day. I was loving this part of our courtship. We would still steal kisses whenever we got a chance, but I hadn’t had sex with boyfriend again. I was dying to try new...

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Slave of the OutcastChapter 26

The Next Day – Saturday There was a knock on Charles's bedroom door. KNOCK KNOCK Charles woke up instantly. He was underneath the blanket. His cock felt relieved but his ass was aching like hell. "Come in!!" Charles cried. Charles felt both like shit and dirty (because his cock was wet). He looked all around him. It was daytime. He saw an empty beer bottle on his bedside table. He then smelled dried cum over his bed and his cock. The bedroom door opened. It was Ivy. Ivy smiled at...

2 years ago
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My slutty birthday

It all started one day when a boy at school told me my ass was hotter than his girlfriend's. I think I was 16, and I'd just moved schools. It turned me on, I'll admit. I wanted to say 'Wow, thanks.' But of course, not being a dirty little slut at the time, I said 'I'm sure it isn't'. Then over the next year or so as I continued to properly mature, I started going out and drinking, and experienced that feeling of being smashed, lying on the floor at your friend's house with five guys leaning...

Straight Sex
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A sissy called Jezebel Part XXI

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXI - Spanning the globe to bring you the constant variety of sports... the thrill of victory... and the agony of defeat... the human drama of athletic competition... This is Jezebel's Wide World of Sports! Once we get to the parking lot of the sports complex that my competition is at, Mistress Valerie is waiting for us in mother's luxury sports coupe. Mother didn't want to get "busted" driving separately, because only mother is going to my competition...

4 years ago
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Our first meeting

Lyndsey had been single for two years. She had never had much luck with men. She always fell for the wrong ones and ended up paying the price. Steven had recently split up from a long term relationship. Both were looking for something but not quite sure what. Then they found each other, and things got interesting. Lyndsey opened her mail on the dating site. She had just joined and saw a message from someone called Steven. In his picture he looked nice in fact, very nice. She read with interest...

Straight Sex
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The Love Journey 8211 Part 2 Making Mom Moan In Pleasure

This is the second part of the story. I compare the woman in the story to an actress. So think of someone when you read this story. Ok, I will continue the story where I left. My mom is like Shriya Saran (actress)We entered our room fast and I grabbed the tip of her saree and dragged it. Saree slipped down showing her open blouse and bra. She tried to hide her boobs. I came close to her and pushed her on the bed. She was shocked by my move. She didn’t oppose or stop I know she is under my...

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Springtime At The Paradise

In May 1975 I gave my girlfriend Michelle Hanley a tour of my hometown of The Bronx. We were both sophomores at the City College of New York and we had a Wednesday for ourselves. We decided to take her car for the trip back and forth and for part of the excursion within the borough; I would drive because I knew my way around and she could be free for sightseeing. I went out by subway to Long Island City on a sunny morning to meet her around eleven AM.She met me outside her house and I noticed...

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Robyns Predicament

Robyn’s Predicament        Robyn is my wife.  I am Bob Givens.  You have probably read some of my stories right here in the Leviticus Files, under another name.  I even think some of you may have even enjoyed my writings.  Well, those stories were inspired by the relationship I have with my wife, Robyn.  She is a sweetheart.  Let me introduce you to her.  This is a true story, and a real life adventure.        Robyn is 32 years old.  She stands about 5’3? tall, and is a delightful package of...

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Gorgeous Bhabhi In Train Part 3

Hi, friends, this is Arav, I hope you people like my story gorgeous bhabhi in the train, actually these are not stories these are a real incident which happened in my life. Guys, you can also read my another previous experience with my neighbour, on which I wrote a story episodes by name my virgin neighbour Mansi. So without wasting more time I came to the story I e the further incident happened with me some days before. For better understanding and full enjoyment please read previous parts of...

2 years ago
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Transformations DiversityChapter 33

[Leah & Julia] Early March "This is probably the question you've been dreading," Julia said to Leah as the girl held Cy's hand tightly. "If your mother follows through with Bradley, and if you can be convinced that home is much different, will you move back?" "If the reason for my being here no longer exists, it would be selfish to take up a spot, wouldn't it?" Leah answered. Julia should have expected that, perhaps, but it still brought moisture to her eyes. With a sigh,...

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Couples picnic

Tim and I had been friends since high school. As the years pasted, we both married and divorced. Tim remarried a lovely lady named Linda and I, having divorced much later never remarried. We planned a picnic at a remote park along side a mountain. Nice place and well kept but rarely used during the week so we all agreed it would be a hump day afternoon. Little did I realize it would be taken literally.Each of us brought something to share. I brought wine and beer, Tim and Linda brought samwich...

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Lara Defuccos Examination Ch 04

I was left in the room, on the table still unable to close my legs or cover my chest with my arms. Soon after the doctor’s left nurses came in and began to move the exam table. I was rolled through the corridors and into the main hospital. They had not covered me with a sheet and I remained with my tits exposed and my obviously soiled white panties barely covering my pussy and ass. So many people, employees, visitors and patients stared at me as I was led to my room. I was put in a room with...

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Ponyville After Dark Contributors Welcome

Disclaimer The characters, locations, mannerisms, descriptions, expressions, and identity manifests in this story are the property of Hasborough and It's affiliated companies; with the exception of OCs and other original content: the 'owner' of the story, other contributors, and the website on which it is hosted make no claim or challenge, express or implied, to that status. This is a work of derivative fiction intended purely for the enjoyment of the visitors to this website and it's...

3 years ago
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Kisi aur ki aurat

this is about 3 years ago, when I came new to states from India and was working for a company, taking care of paper works invoice and money.There were 3-4 girls on register,selling items and then giving me the money and invoice. I was happily married, fucking my wife 2 times a week for last 10years, always doing straight indian sex, had no problem. One day i was sitting at work, and suddenly one married emlpoy name sangita (all names are false, to save indentity)came to give cash and her top...

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The Sexperience

Hi guys I’m new…is the incident that took place nearly 2yrwen I was just 19 before when I was traveling to Gujarat to meet my parents who have gone there to look after their parents. So booked a ticket of bus n that to sleeper bus, I booked one whole double seat cabin which has space of double bed, n when I reached d stop saw my seat there was no one so I climbed up n locked d cabin, after about an hour d conductor came n told me that this old man would like to share d cabin with me n will pay...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Game Night Changed My LifeChapter 14 Sunday

I woke up Sunday excited about my plans for the day. I was finally taking Leslie out on a real date. We had spent a fair amount of time together before, but that was just as friends. Before Friday night, neither of us had expressed any feelings of wanting to take things further than that. Now that it was out in the open that we both wanted more out of our relationship than plain old friendship, things would probably get much more interesting. I called Leslie first to set up a time for me to...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 216 In Los Angeles Very Good Use of a Bed

Saturday, May 14, 2005 (Continued) The limo dropped us off at one end of Rodeo Drive. I had come fully prepared, $20,000 in one jacket pocket and a paperback book in the other, as I'd had a feeling that I'd need a distraction and that there wouldn't be any science fiction bookshops on Rodeo Drive. Shopping is shopping, which is another way of saying "dreadfully dull". On Rodeo Drive you can make that "insanely expensive in a dreadfully dull way." For example, Julia looked longingly...

3 years ago
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The Price

"Tami, are you up there?" Cynthia Craig called out as she stood on the third step of the circular spiral staircase. The T-shirt clad seventeen-year-old was a member of the high school's library squad. The object of her search, Tamika Ryan, was one of the squad's Lieutenants. "Tami," she repeated as she moved up a few steps. "there's someone down here to see you." "I'll be down in a minute," came a voice from the second floor storage room. The long-haired redhead climbed back...

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Indian Housewife8217s First Time With Another Man

Hi my name is Alka. I am happily married for the past 10 years and have two kids, son 8 and daughter 10. My husband is a businessman. We stay in Delhi. Our life as a family has been great and happy. My husband also loves me a lot, so do my kids. This story is about how I had sex with a man other than my husband in the past 17 years. Once in the afternoon time, I was passing my best friend Amita’s house. Hence I thought I will go there and say a hi to her. So I went to her place without...

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Space Pirates

Officially they do not exist. Not matter what else divides them, governments all over the world agree that the existence of a race of Amazon Pirates with technology far exceeding our own must be kept secret. Knowing we are being watched by beautiful women (men are incapable of surviving interstellar travel) who can swoop down from the sky, or mingle with us to observe at close range to pick their targets could do nothing to prevent them from doing as they please, and would only cause panic. In...

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Bi orgy

The invite...HiWe'd like to invite you to a party at our house. It will be a small party of gorgeous couples, hot males and sexy females. Everyone invited is bi or bi curious. We have room for you to stay over, drink will be flowing. Dress - lingerie or naked.Hopefully see you there.It then listed the date, time and address. The first thing we did, was check out their profile, they looked good, slim and attractive and their pics were hot and a little dirty.I came to pick you up, it was a 45...

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The Amethyst Chronicles Council Retreat Day 3 Torture Session

Without wasting any time, he said "Display, your target is the chandelier," and she immediately spread her feet wide, brought her arms up and interlocked her fingers behind her neck and turned her head to affix her gaze on the chandelier hanging forward and above her head. Erebus spoke to the crowd "Now before I start with the pain, it is important to show you obedience training. This display posture is an excellent technique in the slave training process. It is important to give your...

3 years ago
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Homeowners Association A Big Deal at Sunny Manor BDSMChapter 20

Dad instructed Lindsay to take Lucy and Simon home. He suggested they could visit the playground instead. Lindsay usually would have said she had other things to do that day and scoffed, but she seemed delighted to be helpful. I knew my Dad was a little skeptical as well, but he didn’t argue with her. I warned them that at this playground, women were fucking themselves riding the see-saws up and down. Dad didn’t believe me at first. We entered the playground, and the first thing we saw was a...

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Counseling Session

Here we have another tale in Millie's Vast Expanse. You just zigged when you should have zagged! You have begun a journey into a dark land on the fringe of reality. We have a story of an angry woman who carries the weight of betrayal on her shoulders. An outcast left to her own means this young woman became entangled in the "legal system." It failed her and she was abused now she caries her hate as close as her skin and as deep as her bones. Written by request from a fan who gave me an...

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My Moms Friends

My Moms Friends I got hit really hard by puberty at the ripe old age of thirteen. I thought that I was a constant embarrassment to my mother. As with most teenage boys I had a constant erection and all of her girlfriends knew it too. I though that they came over just to stare at me but mom kept trying to assure me that they were just dropping by to see her. My mother was almost thirty-three years old at the time. She really was a very good-looking woman. Some of her girlfriends were...

3 years ago
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Gemma in Control

The SixthForm College was pretty much empty when seventeen-year-old pupil Gemma Dawson walked through the secretary’s office and into the Headmasters study. Mr Cooper looked up startled when he saw Gemma enter. She was wearing her summer school uniform of a green and white gingham dress with buttons down the front, a white belt, the hem halfway down her thigh. She also wore short socks which was strange for a sixth former. He didn’t like it when a pupil just barged in to his room though....

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Alia bhatt indian actress Sex imagine

Alia Bhatt, now a known name in the whole industry was one of the new party members enjoying and socializing as a star does. The young starlet looked nothing like herself tonight as she was dressed in a black outfit with high make-up on her lovely face. A black jacket that covered her upper-body showed very little and left all to its imagination wheras her pants that hugged her long legs did compliment her beautiful behind, hugging her ass with displaying its perfect shape. "Oh yeah! That's the...

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Owned by the MotherinlawChapter 6

Blanche took delight in holding me there till last; having me kiss the feet of each as they filed past. They made me know in no uncertain terms that I would know my place by the end of the evening. I willingly kissed the feet of Arabella who was the last; she led the gimp who cried like a child as he was pulled away from the noose he so desired. Blanche allowed me to take in the full misery of the gimp and complete dominance of his mistress as they ascended the stairs to his next humiliation....

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