- 2 years ago
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The vehicle drove for about 20 minutes to the address Chloe had given the two agents. She was exhausted and humiliated by all that had happened but when they pulled up and Jack fastened her cuffs to the wall of the van before leaving, she grabbed at his hand. She looked pitifully into his eyes and said ‘Please don’t leave me?’ Surprised at this remark Jack softly stroked her face as he reassured her she’d be fine and that they wouldn’t be long. Chase opened the back of the van and gathered his gear.
‘Jack should we wait for back up or are we going in alone?’
‘We don’t have time for that and I want to get these guys as soon as possible.’ Jack replied while pulling a bandage from the first aid box. ‘You hurt?’ asked Chase. Jack smirked ‘No but the last thing we need is her screaming to alert her brother. Chloe panicked as Jack started to unroll a little of the bandage. ‘Chase hold her head still will you?’
Chase stood over Chloe who was now scrambling at her bonds trying to get free. He grabbed a handful of her hair pulling her head back as he quickly put his hand over her mouth to muffle her protests.
‘Look at me Chloe!’ Chase commanded as she helplessly gazed up at him. ‘Now this way is not the quickest or the easiest for us but it’s kinder than the alternative. So either you calm, down shut up and open your mouth for Jack the gag, or I hold you here while he loads a cloth with Chloroform to knock you out, and that stuff will leave you with a hell of a headache.’
She whimpered something from behind his hand that they assumed was ‘OK’ and as she relaxed her body Chase let her go. With her eyes to the floor she opened her mouth just a little as Jack swiftly put the first wrap of the bandage between her teeth and continued till she was fully gagged. Jack lifted her head by her chin so her eyes met his. ‘Good girl Chloe, now don’t be frightened we won’t be long.’ She bashfully looked back down to the floor as the two men left.
She sat there silent and helpless. In her head all she could think of was Jack and Chase, how she thought she’d figured them out doing their ‘good cop’, ‘bad cop’ thing but Chase had been so cold and cruel to her and now she was actually warming to Jack despite what he’d done to her barely half an hour ago. It was no act, any of it, she really could take no resolve in the fact that they were government agents. She knew both men really would do anything if they had to, if they felt they had no other options. She began to sob as she now feared for her brother and what they might do to him.
With that she heard shots being fired, she jumped nearly cutting her wrists as she inadvertently pulled on her cuffs. Then there was silence again and her heart was racing. Footsteps approached the van and the door flung open. It was chase holding her handcuffed brother by his arm as he flung him into the van opposite her. Jack then came up behind Chase and Chloe was puzzled as she actually felt a sigh of relief to see he was not hurt. But where was Marcus? Dazed and confused Chloe realised her brother was talking to her.
‘Chloe are you alright? Have they hurt you? Listen whatever they’ve said about me it’s all lies they…..Ahh’ Jack backhanded him across the face as he shouted for him to stay quiet and not to move.
As Jack got in the back of the van and closed the doors Chase began to pull away and they headed back for the air field. Chloe looked pleadingly at Jack her muffled cries were demands for answers. He left her gagged as he didn’t want any conversations between her and Matthew. ‘I know you’re frightened Chloe but it’s alright. As we entered the room Marcus and your brother were in Marcus pulled a gun on us. I’m sorry Chloe but we had no choice but to fire and the shot was fatal.’ Chloe was shaking now and sobbing into her gag. ‘We’re going to leave this in a little longer as I don’t want you two talking to each other just yet but we’re taking you both back to CTU in LA and when we’re on the plane we’ll be able to talk ok?’ Said Jack as he repositioned her gag to ensure it was comfortable enough for her.
‘Don’t you fucking touch her! She’s got nothing to do with any of this, you fucking leave her alone.’ Barked Matthew but he soon shut up as Jack pulled his gun pointing it at his face. ‘Didn’t I tell you to shut up?’
‘Alright, alright just don’t hurt my sister man she didn’t do anything.’
Chloe’s eyes widened at what her brother said, she went over it in her head ‘she didn’t have anything to do with this!’ They were right Matthew really is involved with this bomb. She looked at her brother shaking her head as she began to cry heavily.
‘I’m sorry sis!’
‘Alright that’s enough.’ Said Jack, he’d let Mathew continue as he was proving for them that he was indeed involved in the bomb. Jack re holstered his gun and reached out to console Chloe but she jerked sharply away from him, obviously overwhelmed and distraught now by everything. He let her be and the van descended into silence as they continued back to the plane.
Their van pulled up at the air field and Jack took Mathew aboard the plane Chase approached the visibly distressed Chloe and unfastened her cuffs from the vans wall to take her onto the plane as well. The moment she stepped foot out of the van she jerked away from Chase in an attempt to run from him. Her hands still cuffed behind her back it was merely moments before Chase had regained his hold of her. She bucked violently screaming as Jack returned from the plane to help Chase. As he approached Chase had her face down on the floor with his knee on her back, she struggled and writhed but to no avail as she was quite firmly pinned down. Jack went back over to the van and returned once again with the medical box.
‘Chloroform?’ Whispered Chase, not wanting to alert Chloe.
‘No I want her awake to talk to us so I’m just going to give her a mild sedative.’ Jack replied as he loaded a syringe. Chloe jerked as she felt a sharp scratch in her thigh and then her body slowly became weak and limp.
‘It’s alright Chloe.’ Said Chase as he lifted his weight off her back. He took a knife from is pocket and cut the bandage gag from around her head. Once sure she was no longer capable of any sudden moves he undid her cuffs rolled her onto her back and picked her up in his arms. He carried her onto the plane and lay her down in a big first class style seat. Shortly after buckling her belt, Jack and Chase took their seats and the plane took off for LA.
When the seat belt light went out Jack placed a handcuff on Chloe’s right wrist and cuffed it to the seat, then left taking her brother into the back of the plane. She watched as chase approached her.
‘He really is responsible for the bomb isn’t he?’ She asked with such a sad tone in her voice.
‘Yes Chloe I’m sorry but he is. The bomb isn’t explosive though it’s an EMP bomb, do you know what that is?’
‘Yes but that can’t do much damage.’
‘They’ve created one large enough to take out electrics in the whole of LA which means the hospital and Prison too. It’ll cause panic and chaos and many lives will be lost so we need to stop it.’
‘Can I help?’
‘We don’t know yet, the data we retrieved has been transmitted to CTU for decryption.’
The sedative was now starting to wear off and Chloe was more able to move. She made herself a little more comfortable as Jack came back towards them. He called to chase. ‘We’ve got a problem. He says he’s expected at a meet with an associate and that if he doesn’t make it unharmed then the bomb will go off early.’
‘One hour. Our only option is to get the information out of him some other way and then turn the plane back to San Francisco.’
The two men exchanged a look which confirmed they were both thinking the same thing. Jack sat opposite Chloe with his hands on her knees. ‘Chloe your brother is holding
us over a barrel here and he’s made sure we can’t use force to interrogate him and he isn’t going to co operate willingly. We know he cares a lot about you so I’m afraid we now have to use that against him.’
‘What? What are you saying?’ Chloe’s eyes were wide with fear once again and her heart started to race. ‘I’m sorry but as we can’t make him talk by hurting him we have to do it by hurting you.’ She backed up in her seat as far as she could and pleaded for them to find another way but there was none and she knew this also.
‘What are you going to do to me?’
‘We have a few options, most of which I’d rather not use. There are drugs, which feel a lot worse than they appear to and I have no wish to put you through that kind of pain. Then we have physical torture but that will leave scars. The other option goes along the same lines as what we did to you back in the van, that’s the option I think will be the easiest on you and will have the strongest effect on your brothers’ conscience.’
She bowed her head and a tiny tear trailed down her cheek as she nodded, no longer able to look either of them in the eye.
‘Get her ready, remove her trousers and shoes and make sure she’s ok.’ Said Jack as he returned to Matthew in the back of the plane.
Chase uncuffed Chloe’s hand from the seat and stood her up. He held her entire body in a firm tender embrace and lifted her head to face him. ‘You’re going to be a good girl now Chloe, you’re very strong you’ve showed us that so you’re going to be ok. I want you to do exactly as I say now no more fighting us alright, we don’t want to hurt you any more than we already have to.’
She pushed her shoes and socks off with her feet and then began to unfasten her jeans. ‘This is hard for us too Chloe. This isn’t who we are we’ve never had to do anything like this before but we can’t think of any other option. I’m sure you’re brother will break very quickly, we may not even have to do anything.’ She glanced silently up at him trying to read his eyes for some sign of his sincerity but still she was unsure what to think so just did as she was told. When she was half undressed as instructed he took her hand in his, just then she noticed something that finally convinced her that truly he didn’t want to hurt her. His hand was shaking, almost as much as hers was. He started to lead her into the room where Jack and Matthew were but she stopped. Holding both his hands with hers now, she stood close with her body pressed up against his.
‘I believe you and I will be ok. Just please go slow and I will cope.’
In awe of this amazing show of strength from her, actually reassuring him now, he smiled and stroked her face softly. They both gazed into each others eyes and despite the terror of what she knew was to happen she felt safe. Chase leaned down towards her and gently touched his lips to hers.
‘We have to do this now.’ He said calmly as he opened the door to the rear section of the plane.
The room was long and rather empty just a few big comfy reclining chairs spread out facing each other in sets of four. The lighting was bright and Matthew was sitting with both wrists cuffed to the arms of one of the chairs facing towards them. Jack approached Chase and took Chloe from him by her arm. He led her to a chair just opposite and to one side of her brother. He turned her to face the back of the chair and used ankle cuffs to fasten her feet to the base of the chair spread apart.
‘What’s going on? What are you doing with my sister? Why are her trousers gone?’ Questioned Matthew quite puzzled by what was unfolding before him. Chase took a length of rope and tied Chloe’s wrists together then brought the rope over the back of the chair fastening it to a bolt in the floor, just at the right length so her hands were held on the head rest of the chair. Mean while Jack explained the situation to her brother.
‘Well Matthew it is you that has tied our hands so now as you have ensured we cannot harm you to get information we are going to hurt your sister instead until you tell us what we want to know.’ With that he took his knife and cut her panties at each side before pulling them away completely. She felt the cold air wisp against her crotch and ass hole that were now totally exposed. She felt uncomfortable, afraid and ashamed. With her wrist fastened as they were it was very uncomfortable for her to stay upright forcing her to lean her body onto the back of the chair which left her cunt and ass hole even more exposed.
‘You’re bluffing, you can’t do this you’re federal agents there ain’t no fucking way you’d dare touch her.’ Proclaimed Mathew insistently. With that Jack stood to the side of Chloe and traced his index finger down the middle of her back, and in one swift movement buried it deep into her ass. A shriek escaped her lips as much from the surprise as the discomfort.
‘You fucking bastards you can’t do this.’ Barked her brother as he listened to his sister moan as Jack slowly finger fucked her ass in front of him.
‘She has a tight little ass your sister, as we discovered earlier this morning when she was reluctant in telling us your location. Now Chase will be doing the honours and if you don’t start talking soon that means your sister is going to experience anal sex for the very first time.’
Mathew was silent so Chase proceeded. He took a condom from his wallet and then stood behind Chloe. Chloe pleaded for her brother to stop them and as soon as Chase had his penis at her sphincter she began to cry. Chase remembered what she’d asked and was very slow to start, not wanting to stretch her to much too soon. With his hand that was out of Matthew’s sight he softly stroked her thigh as he pushed his width into her. Her breathing was deep and slow trying to stay calm but she was unable to keep her body from tensing which made the pain even worse. When his girth was fully into her he drove his length all the way to the hilt. Her tears were streaming down her face now and as he started to fuck her tight ass hole she began to wail uncontrollably. Matthew sat with his eyes to the ground until Jack grabbed him by the hair and forced him to watch as his sister suffered this raping.
‘Please Matthew Please, Please!’ She sobbed as he looked on. Her cries quieter now as her strength diminished.
‘You’re strong Sis it’s OK it’ll be over soon.’ But it wasn’t Chase’s stamina was impressive and he held out till she hung limp in the chair before finally cuming hard with a final ram into her ass. With his thighs pressed tightly against her cheeks he gently swayed back and forth with her until he was completely drained. His retreat was swift and accompanied by a loud gasp from Chloe.
‘Are you happy now? Now you’ve just sat back and watched as you let your sister be put through that?’ Shouted Jack at the rather shell shocked brother.
‘It’s alright sis it’s over you did it you beat them.’
‘Fuck you, you bastard son of a bitch! You let them, you fucking sat there and let them!’ Sobbed Chloe with what little strength she had left. Hanging against the chair her breathing fast and her body limp Chloe felt used and abandoned, yearning for Chase to touch her again. But he’d left the room now and she felt alone.
‘It’s not over Matthew.’ Jack sat opposite him in the chair next to Chloe. He grinned and let out a slight chuckle.
‘What? Did you think that was it? We’ll just give up and go home now shall we? I don’t think so.’
Jacks words barely registered with Chloe until she felt his hands on her ass again. Almost doctor like he parted her cheeks and inspected her swollen red hole. Then Chase returned and he and Jack talked for a few moments before Chloe’s ordeal was continued.
‘I’m sorry Chloe but it seems your brother has decided we must continue here a little longer however not being 24 any more like Chase I don’t have a condom in my wallet so we’re going to have do make do without.’
‘Please, please Jack no I can’t, I can
‘t take any more please.’ She pleaded as her tears continued. He walked round to face her crouching close and whispering softly so her brother could not hear.
‘Shhh you’re doing well but the worse we make this the sooner it’ll be over. I’m sorry but I will be hard on you, I won’t lie it will hurt a great deal.’ Whispering even quieter now so that even Chloe could barely hear him. ‘I promise he will break before I finish.’ She gave no reply but silently repeated his words in her head. If he promises he’ll break does that mean he somehow knows he’ll give in or he’ll just hurt me more and more until he has no other choice? She again begins to sob quietly in anticipation.
Then her world was turned upside down as with one swift movement Jack was inside her ass as far as he can be. She screamed as she felt an incredibly sharp sting along with the intense burning that she had already been expecting. It was now obvious that Jack had considerably more girth than Chase. Violently he tossed her body back and forth by the hips as he fucked her battered hole. She was continually wailing at the top of her voice and Chase could see Matthew was no longer able to look away.
‘Please no leave her alone!’ He begged
‘Then you’ll co operate?’ Asked Chase
‘I, I can’t, I just can’t it’s too important please just stop hurting her.’ By now Chloe had lost any fight that she had in her and was starting to look glazed. Chase lifter her head by her hair and saw her eyes nearly closed. ‘We’re losing her Jack she’s passing out.’
Jack knew Matthew was close to cracking and it was now or never.
‘Get the med kit and give her a shot of Epinephrine.’
‘Are you serious?’
‘NOW!’ Demanded Jack and without further hesitation Chase went and returned with the needle. He turned her arm and injected the substance. With a load gasp Chloe returned to reality. All the burning and stinging in her ass returned but now she was even more aware of it than before. She screamed and Jack continued his battering of this young girl’s body. She didn’t even seem to be taking a breath it was just one long scream and then….
‘Stop! Stop! Stop it please. I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you anything please no more leave her alone.’ Matthews’ words trailed off into tears. With that Jack withdrew and re fastened his trousers.
‘Talk now!’ Demanded Jack as Chase unfastened Chloe’s feet and hands. Matthew sobbed but said nothing, he just looked upon his poor sister in floods of tears still in a great deal of pain. Chase again went to the med kit and returned with a syringe.
‘I’ll give her something to take her mind off the pain and everything that’s happened to her but only when you start talking.’ Instructed Chase calmly, as he stroked Chloe’s face. With that Matthews mumbles slowly began to form sentences and he told them what he could..
‘It’s in an un used storage room in my friends records store.’ He gave them the address and the name of his friend. ‘If I make the meet it won’t go off until midnight I tell the names I know but we’ve had hired help and from people we’ve used first names only with. Please I’m telling the truth and I’ll co operate just help her for gods sake help her.’
Chase looked at Jack who nodded in return then once again took Chloe’s arm in his hand and placed the needle to her skin.
‘A little sharp scratch now Chloe then I promise you’ll feel better.’ He gave her the injection then carried her limp body from the room. Jack busied around radioing the pilot to land as he’d been circling until they were ready, and calling Tony at CTU to update him on the situation but saying nothing of their methods of interrogation.
He returned to where Chase had laid Chloe on a totally reclined Chair and had wrapped her in a blanket.
‘Have you had a look at her?’ Asked Jack
‘If you mean where she’s hurt no I haven’t I thought it best to leave her be.’
‘I know but really we do need to know how bad she’s hurt, if there’s any bleeding.’
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Ali froze, her fingers still inside herself. She couldn't take her eyes from Jaime's. She tried to swallow, but her mouth was dry. Jaime's eyes drifted closed and she let out a long loud snore. She had been asleep the whole time, Ali told herself. She slid her fingers from her crotch and put her knees down. Carefully, so as not to get any of the sticky goo on her sheets, she pulled her arm out from under the covers and pushed them back. She got up and her bare feet slapped on the linoleum...
Introduction:Bryce's and his step sister Samantha, start playing an inappropriate game. Mom catches them and things escalate. enjoy! :)The driveway was empty when I pulled in at the end of my academic school day. It was just starting to turn dark when I got out of the car and headed into the house, enjoying the calming sensation of the warm early summer breeze on my skin.It was good to finally be home after a long day of studying.I walked over to the front door, my heavy bag on my shoulder, and...
The first thing that struck me when I walked in the door was that the place was filled from wall-to-wall with sports trophies. The second that grabbed my attention was the 65" plasma TV to the left as soon as you walked in the front door. No sooner had I sat first batch of our bags down than Rachael hurried past me. From the way she seemed to be moving about the room, I could tell she was searching for something. Jokingly, I said, "Didn't you go before we left?" "I'm looking for a...
Introduction: Part 5 Please read parts 1-4 to understand the story, especially before voting. No, Mother, please! It hurts! Shut the fuck up, you little shit! You drove him away! He left because of you! They all leave because of you! The belt came down across my back yet again, and I screamed, my six-year old voice shrill and tiny. I was tied to the bedpost, and I couldnt understand why she was hurting me. I hadnt done anything wrong. Mother had just dragged me out of bed and tied me up. I...
"There is no mistake. I'm afraid these were his last instructions. All possessions and monies apart from his real estate to be donated to his son's asylum." The group held their breath. The family estate a baroque mansion and sculpted gardens paid for in the boom years of the twenties had graced the cover of many a style magazine. It was worth millions in today's prices. After a pause he continued. "Mr Thorne's estate is to be retained so that one day if his son is cured, he...
Amada was a tiny girl. She only weighed 105 ponds, soaking wet. She had long blond hair and took care of herself very well. She had bright green eyes and a model's smile. Her titties we small but perfect in every way. Her mother taught her about " girl" stuff as she grew. It was important to her to do her nails and hair and dress like a "women" all the time. I watched her develop and saw the baby fat come off at about 14. She had a unbelieveable ass and knew it. I enjoyed...
I walked into the bedroom amazed at the attention my Master had put into the detail. But my focus soon turned to the female who was bound by all four of her limbs, and blind folded. She lay spread eagle and naked on the bed waiting for us. She had long auburn hair, a clean shaven pussy, pretty erect dark rosey nipples and farely large breasts. I also noticed she had a tappered waiste and very shapely long legs.I looked at Master with surprise and he gestured with a smile for me to go to...
"Humiliated Sissified Husband" Max was very busy hand washing all of Tonya's underwear and lingerie in the kitchen sink. He dipped a pair of her panties in the clean rinse water dunking them several times before twisting them and squeezing out the excess water. He then placed them in the clothes basket on the counter. Tonya insisted he wear 6" heels around the house especially when doing his chores. After all 6" heels are what sissies wore. Not just because they made his legs look...
After that episode, for no apparent reason, the sexual activity between my wife and I was boosted for a while, then, little by little, returned to normal, that is to say very flat and infrequent. It was then that the neighbor invited me to come and see him at his place. Semi excited, semi worried, I rang at his door when my wife was away. He opened the door, dressed poorly as usual, dubious boxer shorts and frankly dirty pants. He invited me to come into his living room and said: - Come see...
Her cunt was stretched beyond any limit it had been before. The dog's knot had at last been pushed into her, past her tight lips and beyond the muscle of her opening. The slightest movement of either her or the dog sent new waves of pleasurable thrill through her system and made sure she climaxed over and over. The dog heaved on last time and, if it was at all possible, shoved the huge purple weapon further into her and through the neck of her womb. A deep pain immediately told her that he...
I guess it's the waiting that creates the space for me to rise to that great height from which I Invariably fall, eventually, enevitbley, crashing once again into a great pit of failure and humiliation. The rising expectation, the mounting fear, The building hope, the increasing trepidation, All fuelled by an ever-growing desperation driven incessantly onward by that little knot Of truth buried deep inside that, if ever allowed to erupt into reality, will alter the very essence of how my...
My job had taken me to a new city for a few weeks, I had just finished off a huge contract and felt the need for a good fuck. I was tired though, was staying in a hotel and didn't want to drink so I pulled up the local ad pages, filtered through the scam sites and found a listing for a local girl advertising for paid sex. The ad said 'Cute blonde, slim, 36DD and up for anything.' I was a little wary that it didn't include pics but I thought 'fuck it' and figured if she wasn't good...
On arrival at home I have a set routine, a bowl of cereal and a quick shower then bed, Our bedroom has blackout curtains fitted so that I can sleep easily during the day, there is almost always another night shift to come, and a good eight hours of sleep are essential. I had showered leaving my uniform hanging up and put on my bath robe. I crept into our bedroom, and made my way across the room, to my side of the bed. I could just make out the shape of my wife, a small bump in the bed. I...
The next time she 'ordered' a meal Xeno carried a large strangely textured bowl in one of his other hands. "You wished to observe me when I consumed food?" Revekah looked at the sushi she was about to eat and set it down beside her, suddenly queasy. "Yes, I guess so." "My food is not varied like yours. This is my daily meal." He held out the bowl for her to look at. She cautiously looked in, half expecting to see something alive in there and was surprised to see a number of greenish...
Bentley asked Hogan what he knew about the Keltria people where he lived. Hogan happily gave them the following narrative to his very attentive audience, which Bentley made sure he recorded. “The people who called themselves the Keltria people had come from Earth’s past. They had left Earth over seventeen hundred years before. It could be a bit more, as the two planets weren’t precisely on the same time frame. At the time, most of their histories were only recorded by the Wizards. The...
Commando #1 By Randolph O. Mann Harangue Lindsey Leicester knew exactly why this meeting had been arranged, while her mother on the other hand had nary a clue. This whole affair had an impish déjà vu feeling of a dreaded trip to Principal’ s Office which had placed Ms. Leicester on edge. As all single working moms know, conferencing with scholastic ‘professionals’ is always knotty. These types of summonses as a rule are meticulous orchestrated toward academia’ s favor and there was every...
Mom: I know dont worry, I need something else. Now, this got me thinking, I was in such a position, I would have even given my life for that pic right now..but what did she want.? Me: what do you need? Hello Readers, I would start of by taking this opportunity to thank the few people who had emailed me. To be straightforward, I did not appreciate the content of all emails but every person has his/her right of expression and no complaints. I would request you to keep encouraging me by...
Incest100% fiction! It was the second week end after Tony had moved in with Roxy, Chloe and Janet. After the initial shock of his seduction by the girls. Chloe was sure she was already pregnant, but it had not deterred her from needing Tony’s attention on a regular basis . Roxy had moved in with him, and in effect had became a surrogate wife. She had missed a period. At high school Roxy was well behaved, but Tony found himself being the object of attention from, the 23 year old art teacher Patsy...
IncestThey laid in each others arms so effortlessly. He moved his hands from atop her stomach and started to unbutton her shirt. She sighed in comfort and laid her head back, giving him access to her neck. He took advantage of her move and kissed and nibbled it with pleasure. He pulled her shirt apart and she helped to take it off. She turned to face him. She looked into his eyes and smiled. They leaned in and quickly gave each other a peck on the lips. Each time they did this, the kiss lasted...
Straight SexThis is the first part of a love story. As you might guess from my other stories, I have rather a dark view of love. But please don’t judge the story only by part one. I want to thank Vickie Tern for all the editing assistance. It is a big job and I tinkered with it after she finished. There will always still be mistakes because this is free, and I am no professional. ***** The Montague bar on Capsulate Street was crowded on a Saturday night. When Sergeant Kathryn Keenan and Officer James...
I awoke just a bit hungover, of course, on the hideaway bed, and I wasn’t alone. It took me a moment to realize who it was next to me, and ... it was Natalie! I shook myself a bit, especially as I discovered that I was naked and my hard cock had been pressed against her butt-crack. I started to get up, a bit panicked at the realization that I might have committed incest, but all that got me was a hand from the other side, pulling me onto the bed. I looked at the hand and it was a lovely...
My friend works at a local restaurant and of couple guys she works with, detail cars. I was interested in getting my car detailed and she said that she could probably help me out. So I took my car to the restaurant she worked at and one of the guys who was the cook, came out and introduced himself as Tyrone. He said he'd be happy to do my car and wouldn't charge me a lot. I said I would bring the car to him later on and we would work something out. He said it was no problem he could...
You have the perfect hair color-the color is a hue between magenta and blood red. Your black leather jacket looks great on you. I see you as a very handsome woman. Usually I don’t get turned on by masculine figures, but you are an exception. I met you on a trip. It was a student exchange program. You were the mom of my exchange student. The student himself looked like a sissy. I understood why it was like this, because your son smoothed down your own manliness. He brought balance in your family...
LesbianThis is also a true story and I admit when I was a little younger I was by far no saint but the truth is that the story I am about to tell you was not intentional. I had meet a young red headed girl who worked at a dollar general store. Now she was actually a pretty girl with a nice body but she had a look about her with the way she dressed and cheap jewelry(I mean a blind man could tell it was fake gold) but like I say trim is trim so I got her number and called her up and this was like a what...
The story of my journey from being a nice girl to a slut in high school, and then finally marrying one of the boys to make him my cuckold husband should be both interesting and stimulating to you. My name is Jeannie, and my husband Ed and I are now forty years old and happily married, but this story starts during my junior year in high school.It was in the mid-1980s in Orlando, and I had just turned sixteen in the summer before school started. I had not had very much attention from boys up to...
CuckoldAny chance of a final shag?I stood at the doorway oblivious to the high wind and rain that swept through the ajar door. I watched Katie walk along the pathway like a model along the walkway. She got into her car without looking back. As she turned over the engine she finally looked towards me and smiled before waving goodbye. To most observers it looked like an innocent wave from a friend leaving after a simple cup of coffee. To both myself and Katie it was much more. It had been an attempt to...
Hello, to all the readers of ISS. This is my second story that i will be sharing and its a sequel of the first that i have shared about how i fucked my maid’s daughter. I hope you guys enjoyed reading the first paid “Sex with maid’s daughter”. If you haven’t and you wish to read the same then i will post the link below. I am Dipak Agarwal and i have a nice body because of working out in the gym since past 6 years now. I am 21 years with height 5’10” and dick 7″ long enough to satisfy any...
By: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 When the alarm went off, I dragged my tired ass out of bed. Ronda was still sleeping peacefully all curled up into me. I gently shook her awake. I tried to get up out of the bed without disturbing Jill. Once I was out of the bed, I headed to the bathroom to do my morning duties, shave, and shower. Once I finished shaving, I got into the shower. I felt the rush of cold air as the shower door opened behind me. Instantly I knew that it was Ronda. I...
Now that Barry had been completely and deeply humiliated, we felt that female superiority had been firmly established. I had witnessed his decline - from cute boyfriend to total cock-gobbling slut. The problem was that I really was entertained by seeing him slurp on all those cocks - I feel vindicated. And I felt powerful. Watching Barry get force-gagged repeatedly with tons of cock had placed a strong desire within Jenna and myself. That desire was to simply see Barry suck more and more...
BisexualMonday morning found me back at the office and dealing with the typical workday routine. I was busy on the computer putting together a report for the head office when the phone rang. "Hello?" I answered. "Miss Addams, you have a call on line 3." It was my secretary. "Thank you," I said, and I pushed the button to connect to the call. "This is Tawnya Addams," I said. "Hello whore," the deep masculine voice said. I knew in an instant who it was and I felt my cunt dampen in excitement. "Master!...
BDSMThe Difficult Seduction of the Halloween Dangler, Snake Cracker, Bull Dropper and Pacifist Contender. * Christie was ready. Dressed in black with a tall conical hat and carrying a straw broom. She’d even had time to paint her face black. And her legs. And her arms. She’d been ready for a while, was extremely excited, and I was the slow poke. I didn’t really want to go. Parties are not my best entertainment. I had the engine out of the Ford and wanted to get on with the repair. But we had to...
Chapter 2: The Next Morning. . . My arm hurt with pins and needles, it was awakening wrapped around Pam’s shoulder. I wiped the scabs from my eyes and watched her sleep. Her red hair flowing over her shoulders, she looked simply marvelous. How can a woman look so attractive in the morning before she ‘put on her face’? She was a glamorous creature. She was stunningly sexy. The more I watched her, the more I felt something for her. My eyes drifted to her breasts. They were mouth watering. The...
Its July 4th week-end and as always its Chris & Nicki’s annual backyard bash. All of our friends are here. The pool is being used, people are eating, drinking and laughing. As I am talking to some of my buddies by the grill I notice a gorgeous brunette wearing a plain white tank top and jean cutoff shorts come out of the house and onto the patio. My eyes follow as she looks around unsure of where to go. I excuse myself from the boys and walk over to her. Each step I take she becomes more and...