Uday s Toy ft Anna Kournikova Chapter 10 Escape From Al Qae Traz
- 2 years ago
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Entered 'Quam.'
Anna had already met a diverse supporting cast thus far, but still Quam's appearance surprised her. He was not quite as strong-looking as most of the others. In fact, Anna caught herself thinking that he almost had female features. He was of slender build, about as tall as her, and had a somewhat Indian look about him, with his dark brown skin and raven-black hair and eyes. Especially his hands were the exact opposite of Tarek's: his fingers were long and looked frail and feminine. Just like so many of the other people she had interacted with at Al-Qae-Traz, Quam apparently also carried tools with him. He was holding an artfully decorated wooden case. The Russian had no doubt that the fragile man and his tools had something to do with the mysterious 'Purification'. What exactly, she would no doubt soon find out, she figured.
Immediately after entering and greeting Rashid, the servant placed his equipment on Anna's desk and started unpacking. Since the Wheel was oriented away from the desk, she couldn't watch proceedings and was left in the dark for the moment as to what exactly was coming up.
Maybe it was better that way...
One thing was for sure, though: for one reason or the other, Anna suddenly had become increasingly aware again of the presence of the Harem Jewel. It had started to itch more firmly. Was this some sort of precognition?
Meanwhile, Rashid had turned on the computer and, judging by the sounds behind her, he was making a printout. He never failed to surprise her... She wouldn't have associated his antiquated appearance with the capacity to use modern technology. Were they maybe all just dressed up for the occasion, as an extra show-element, and decent current-day citizens in real life?
Anna startled as Rashid, from behind her, unexpectedly waved a printed page in front of her nose.
He grinned at her sudden jump in the bonds.
"I was thinking our guest might be interested in this update. I'm sure you were dying to know the current status."
As he moved the paper slightly further away, Anna was able to focus her eyes. It was a printout of the Kournikova forum. More specifically of the thread she had started with her 'rescue me' message. Rashid didn't grant her nearly enough time to take it all in, but the couple of passages she picked up were far from uplifting. "Funny, real funny... Don't let the door hit you on the way out!", "Please admin... ban this idiot." The 'locked' symbol and final message by the admin that the thread was closed were the icing on Rashid's demoralisation-cake. The Russian hung a little deeper in her restraints...
"It was a good try, I admit. You're a smart little thing. But good is not enough, haha. We would have intervened if necessary, anyway."
Anna was not amused, and closer to depression than ever.
"Come to think of it... What about this reply: 'Anna never reads this forum, moron!' One would get the strong impression that you neglected your fans a bit, lately. The poor kids are nowhere near as close to you as they used to be, are they? Although I guess 'kids' is not the best way to address them. After all, you seem to appeal to everybody, from age seven to 77 and beyond. Drooling daddies, lascivious ladies, gross grannies, jerking juveniles... I'm sure they're all longing for some coitus uninterruptus with their wet dream dolly. I understand you can't service them all at once, but maybe they'll get a chance later on when they queue up? Not the next couple of months, though," he grinned.
Mentally undermined as she currently was, the Russian remained unusually silent for her temperament.
"Right, let's get back to business then," Rashid changed subject. He sensed that he had squeezed maximum enjoyment out of this particular little surprise.
"I have to remind you that this is the final day before your hand-over, so it is time to finalize your cleansing; a Prince doesn't tolerate the smallest of impurities."
"W-w-what? WHAT did you say?"
Instantly the fickle teen awakened out of her lethargy. What the fuck was that retarded ape talking about? "Finalize her cleansing?" Anna had been practically turned inside-out by the burkas, perfumed until there was barely oxygen left in the same room. Right now, she was probably the most immaculate girl in the world. Did this damn Prince have some kind of hosophobia?
"Ah! So you ARE awake after all?" Rashid chuckled. "I almost thought you fell asleep!"
Anna returned him a hateful glance.
It was good to see that this teen cockteaser was a fighter who didn't give in easily, he thought. After a blow, she was likely to flare up again for some more fun! Those were his favourites.
"I know what you think, and your confusion is understandable. Please allow me then, to explain a couple of things you might want to know."
Anna had indeed lots of questions left, but didn't exactly feel in the right mood for another lecture by Rashid. Which didn't bother him in the least, so he continued:
"It was the great Khalum of the first Prince, who declared 375 years ago: 'The best way to clean a girl, is to make her clean herself'. Yes, he was a very wise man indeed for his era. But what did he mean exactly with those words of wisdom?"
Rashid paused, as if he expected Anna to think about it, or at least have a go at a quick guess. When she didn't give any sign of opening her mouth to answer, he went on:
"I will tell you; even back then, hundreds of years ago, he understood that the only way to purify a girl's treasures from filthy stranger sperm and cum, would have to work in the other direction. If you just rub, poke, scrape and rinse out, you will clean to a certain degree. But at the same time some of the more persistent impure stuff will actually settle itself even *deeper* into the female anatomy."
Now Rashid was receiving some response from the soon-to-be-cleaned girl; he was satisfied to notice the start of disgust on her face. But there was also something else: recognition? Whatever, she was paying attention indeed!
"I'm sure a cum-magnet like you is all too familiar with that problem, isn't it?" he added mysteriously, playing into the signals he received. "Yes, even today these are very current issues, hahaha..."
Was the vile man just joking around, or did he know more? Or maybe he was just extrapolating the intelligence information they had gathered about her through the years?
"Yes, yes... I think we're on to something here, aren't we?"
Fact was, it was indeed not that long ago that the tennis teen had participated in intercourse, with all the associated mess. The very morning of her abduction, she had said goodbye to the local population the way she had done so often before: by seducing one (or more) of them. It was the usual routine: noticing the desire-filled stare in the eyes of two ball boys during a training, she got that sexual feeling over her again. And when she was in 'that mood', she often chose to indulge in it. Even more so when it gave her the opportunity to 'get to know' a different culture or race. The oldest was called 'Yussuf', she remembered. The younger listened to the name Brahim. They hadn't exactly 'resisted' her attempts to win them over. Because she barely had time for a quickie, Brahim had to be content with a blowjob while his buddy fucked her. But even in that short time, the two had dumped quite a bit of cum into her. Yes, she *was* familiar with the problem.
"The Khalum's answer to this interesting problem was inventive and ground-breaking, " Rashid interrupted her musings. "The idea was to use a girl's own natural fluids, to flush her cunt. Brilliant concept, and an example of out-of-the-box thinking only comparable to Einstein's new understanding of gravity!"
Anna's face looked unhappier and more shocked by the second. Rashid was doing again what he did best: insulting girls to the core.
"Now, mind you, this is not quite as simple as it sounds. In fact, the great first Khalum did not even live long enough to see his concept successfully at work. It was only after several more decades that the whole technique was fully optimized for practical use. The main problems to solve were the limited self-production of girl-cum in most females, and control over its release. Both issues are of course also related to the state of arousal, or *lack* of arousal, of the female subject. Since, as a general rule, they are not very willing participants, it is not an easy task to get them aroused, and *keep* them sufficiently aroused to produce the required amount of body fluid."
Anna's eyes were growing wider all the time, and sometimes it looked as if she finally was going to say a few words about her opinion in this matter. Whatever was on her mind, remained stuck for the moment, though.
"The first important hurdles were taken with the development and fine-tuning of the enhanced lubrication. If you will feel all physically aroused soon, even against your will, then it will be thanks to hundreds of tweaks and experiments on previous concubines. Experiments that weren't entirely without danger. We carry the unfortunate victims within our hearts, but today all is perfectly safe, also thanks to their sacrifice."
"You mean you... they... ?" Anna stumbled.
"Sadly, they were no longer useful for the Harem and had to be released into the public again, " Rashid expanded. "But in many cases their later daughters compensated for the sad loss!"
It was an answer that somewhat comforted Anna, but immediately afterwards she felt nothing but disgust again.
"That as far as the lube is concerned, for now. I will provide more detailed information about it at the appropriate time. The other secret component, the sacred 'Ndai Ohlung' (='Purifier'), will now be presented by our friend here, Quam, who is the Master Cleaner of His Highness' harem."
The Indian servant had used Rashid's informative intermezzo to prepare everything, and now made a step forward. He held the mysterious 'Ndai Ohlung' in front of him as if he was presenting a Samurai sword to his master. As far as Anna could see, it was a tube about 30cm long, and some 7-10cm around at average. It came in a beige satin suite with strange, Arabic-looking signs on it.
Her mind was alternating between curiosity and concern when she watched how the 'Purifier' was deployed. As Quam unpacked it, a short hilt, coated with leather, appeared. The tube itself looked like polished ivory and had numerous tiny holes in it. It also was not straight, but had (intentional) bulges and bumps. The overall shape did not leave much to the imagination and gave Anna a pretty good idea already of how it was supposed to be used...
As if Rashid was reading Anna's inquiring mind, he continued providing the necessary 'background information' to the rest of the ceremony. Maybe even more fun than actually taking a more active part!
"The ivory Purifier was also there right from the beginning, be it in a slightly different form. The choice for ivory was mostly in essence symbolic, referring to the power of its original bearer, the mighty elephant. Since its hardness and workability are outstanding to begin with, there was no technological reason to change to another material over the years. In fact, Quam will use the same Purifier on you that has seen the insides of all your thousands of predecessors."
The Russian should have felt honoured perhaps, to take part in such a long-standing tradition, but felt quite miserable instead...
"The sacred inscriptions on the sheath have been written down by the Khalum of the first Sheik, 375 years ago! Consider them as a sort of magic spells that give the tool extra purifying power. But nowadays, we want to be on the safe side, and a few years ago already the 'Ndai Ohlung' has been modified with modern technology to perform optimally."
The young woman became increasingly worried when she watched Quam fit a little box and a small reservoir to the back and bottom of the Purifyer. A couple of wires came out of the box, and they had the same colour as the connectors on the big box that was mounted on her Wheel, between her legs.
Rashid continued: "Basically, the electrically powered unit at the end is connected to the battery on your Wheel, and used as a mini vacuum cleaner to create a - mild - vacuum. By the under-pressure inside the tube, every little drop of semen that has settled itself comfortably between the lovely folds of your vagina, and deeper, will be sucked away! Then His Highness will have a truly pure girl to make love to, as tradition requires!"
The evil smile on his mug during these last words was absolutely unbearable... And contrasted nicely with the horrified expression that had settled itself on Anna's face, once she fully realised what the tool was meant to do.
The idea that this devilish instrument would soon visit her insides was horrifying enough in itself. What made it even worse, was the potential total humiliation if it would turn out that Anna was a copybook case of the necessity of this tool. And that possibility was all too real! The oral part of her recent adventure with the two local ball boys probably hadn't left traces for the N'dai Ohlung, she thought. Unless there were some undocumented gateways between her digestive and reproductive systems... On the other hand, she had allowed Yussuf, the older one, to take her from behind, and she still remembered how his orgasm had been an unusually long one. So yes, it was a couple of days ago already. But Anna was by no means sure whether her body had absorbed all of Yussuf's ejaculate by now. Like a dog holds onto his bitch while mating, he had kept his (rather large) penis inside her until it had shrunk completely, injecting quite a bit of his sticky 'stuff' into her. There was no doubt he had delivered his offerings up to the last drop into her womb. A normal, untrained and looser girl would probably have leaked small amounts of semen the next couple of days... But Anna, in all her tightness, had kept it almost all inside. Who knows what they would find in there. She absolutely hated the idea that these madmen would delight in being right. It would be extra frustrating to listen to Rashid's "TOLD YOU SO"'s. No way she would hint them about all this, though!
"You guys are CRAZY! Fucking doctor Mengele-clones! BASTARDS," she screamed, starting to fight her bonds again. "Keep that evil toy away from me! You monsters are going to tear me up!!"
Quam seemed completely unaffected by Anna's screaming. Calmly and methodically, he continued his job while his 'subject' made a scene in the Wheel. He took one of two leather straps that came with the Purifier and put it around his waist. It was actually a belt, and it had a hole in it with a metal ring. It was obvious that the back of the Purifier was to be screwed onto it. As Anna had suspected right away, the 'Ndai Ohlung' was just an advanced strap-on. No woolly blabla in the world could change that.
Rashid still continued his educational mission:
"The Purifier is necessary to steer the arousal, and to dispose of the cum and impurities. But it is useless in the hands, or let's say loins, of a layman. Only the Master Cleaner has the necessary skill and experience to balance on the fine line between under- and over stimulation. Only a master in the art can completely control the arousal of a girl, and maximize pleasure and the production of purifying vaginal fluids. The rate of girl-cum production should at all times be higher than the rate of release. That is, until the very last moment when, to speak in terms understandable for ordinary Americanized Russian girls like you, the 'cum-gun is fully loaded'. That's when the Big Shot needs to take place; the powerful ejaculation which thoroughly flushes all the pores. I can assure you that very few people have the talent to read and manipulate a girl's arousal to such degree as is required for proper cleaning. Fortunately, Quam is one of them."
Rashid made a pompous gesture to the assistant, who briefly bowed in response, before continuing further preparations.
He removed a metal plate (padded with velvet on one side, like all the foot supports) from its clamps on the side of the Wheel, and screwed it into a holder behind Anna. It made it impossible to arch her back.
"Quam will now use the second ceremonial belt to secure you."
With a stately gesture, the servant produced another leather strap. Anna remained remarkably calm and unaffected while he secured one end to the plate in her back, and then pulled it all around her, securing the other end to the same pin. With a few powerful pulls, he tightened it up, rendering her abdomen immobile.
Anna moaned; it generated quite a bit of pressure down there!
"I'm very sorry for any discomfort, but purification can really get a bit rough so I'm afraid this is necessary," Rashid explained.
It didn't feel really uncomfortable - yet -.
When she saw Quam fit the 'Purifier' onto his belt, and put copious amounts of the meticulously engineered lube onto it, Anna gulped. She gulped again when he groped through a bowl with magic lube with his right hand, and came her way... She considered protesting loudly, but thought the better of it; there was nothing she could do, and that devil of a Rashid would only enjoy it more if her humiliation and discomfort were more apparent.
"Think positive, Anna. Think positive!" she was telling herself. "At least they don't want to tear you up."
It almost worked, but then Quam got into action... His hand dropped between her spread thighs, and he started by affectionately massaging her intimate flesh into her pubic bone, careful to avoid over-stimulation via her jewel. Her soft flesh soon welcomed this agreeable stimulation of her blood circulation with a sensual swelling. Anna bit her lip, determined to remain silent at all cost. She would most definitely NOT grant them a forced orgasm!
As soon as the Master Cleaner's sensitive fingers confirmed the puffiness, he dipped them deeper into her, to methodically apply the lube to her vaginal walls. Time after time, again and again, he sank his fingers into the Russian's slit, letting them become engulfed by her embracing labia. Quam clearly knew his way in and around female genitalia! His touch was thorough, yet at the same time soft and warm. The Horseshoe jewel jumped up and down in the same steady rhythm. With every single rub he instigated more firmly into Anna's mind that her body was no longer only hers, and that he was preparing it for use by a third party. Did she really no longer control her own body? Had she become a tool of lust, a life-support system for her most interesting physical features? Every available piece of evidence indicated that the answer was 'YES!'. Anna couldn't avoid showing her teeth and hissing frustratingly at the awareness.
Anna had no real idea how long her mind had been rehashing these kinds of thoughts, but it felt like no more than a blink of an eye when footsteps approached the door. As it opened, she timidly moved her back against the furthest wall again to maximize the distance between herself and those filthy men. As announced, it was Rashid who had returned with his militia. "As you can see, your servant Rashid keeps his promises and has returned to satisfy this young lady's curiosity," the pasha...
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Anna and Andy are twins. They began having sex together about a month ago. Whenever their parents were gone, which was a lot. In Andy's bedroom, a lamp caught on fire, so they had to remodel Andy’s bedroom. Andy and Anna had to share a bed for two months. Anna doesn't like to wear a bra or a shirt in bed. She usually just sleeps in her panties. The first couple of nights, she couldn't sleep at all. She was so uncomfortable with a shirt and bra on. So on the third night, in the middle of...
Anna by Michelle Lurker Part 1 Alan and Janine were best friends. As long as they could remember they had been together. They went to the same university, and when they graduated they shared a house in the city. Though Alan was out of work, Janine made enough at her new job to support them both. They shared everything, and considered themselves lucky to have such a wonderful friendship. Everything seemed perfect... Except for one...
The next morning I woke up to the alarm buzzing in my ear. I rolled over to find Anna still asleep. I crawled out of bed and sat on the edge of it trying to wake up enough to head to the bathroom. The sun was pouring into the bedroom through the French doors in our room.I finally got the energy to head to the shower.After showering and shaving, I went back into the bedroom and Anna was not in bed. I was already running late for work so I got dressed and headed to the kitchen.Anna was in the...
Anna was born into slavery and was married at age 13 by the age of 15 she had two healthy boys. As Anna cleaned her sparse living quarters in her mind she kept hearing the words of the landlord Cyrus. She twisted and wrung her hands fitfully. How she wished for her husbands return from the battle of the Moors.A longing filled her heart as tears filled her eyes. For she knew not if he was dead or alive.As she made her two son’s beds her mind drifted to thoughts of her and her husband. How she...
Pool Party (starring Anna Kendrick) By LazyNinjas For more celeb content visit awriterswonderland.forumatic.com Image Following a long day on set of her latest film, Anna Kendrick was relieved to finally get to go home and watch some Netflix. She had been gone for a couple of months, filming different movies all over the world. The next month or so would be the only time she really got to relax this year. The thirty year old actress placed her keys into the lock and opened the door. She...
Pool Party (starring Anna Kendrick) By LazyNinjasFor more celeb content visit awriterswonderland.forumatic.com Image Following a long day on set of her latest film, Anna Kendrick was relieved to finally get to go home and watch some Netflix. She had been gone for a couple of months, filming different movies all over the world. The next month or so would be the only time she really got to relax this year. The thirty year old actress placed her keys into the lock and opened the door. She stepped...
-------- Anna 3: Anna and the Principal --------Anna's young son was looking for a cartoon video when he found the stack of photo printouts on the TV cabinet. Curious, he leafed through them. He was amazed to see his mother's face in many of them! But she was always naked! And there were men, one was a huge fat black man! In many of the pictures the men had their things, their wee-wee's sticking out! Except they weren't like his wee-wee: these were big, long, stiff, not short and floppy...
ANNA A SHORT STORY BY IMPLACABLE Anna can't sit down today, well at least not comfortably. Nothing unusualin that; today is Saturday, and Anna is always rather circumspect about sittingdown on Saturdays. By Monday she will be to manage her office chair as longas it has her usual cushion, a nice soft fluffy one. But for now she sips coffeein her best friend Julie's kitchen standing up. The reason Anna finds sitting rather less than comfortable is that her bottomand thighs are covered in black...
AnnaKapitel 1 Lange hatte ich die Entscheidung hinausgez?gert, hatte, wie viele unverheiratete M?nner der unteren und mittleren Einkommensgruppen, die ?ffentlichen Bordelle und sogenannten Clubs frequentiert. Gr??tenteils aus finanziellen Erw?gungen: ein Auto, eine halbwegs anst?ndige Wohnung verschlangen schon einen nicht unbetr?chtlichen Anteil meines Einkommens, den frei verf?gbaren Rest wollte ich eigentlich so gro? als m?glich halten, da war an eine erhebliche Kreditaufnahme zur Finanzierung eines S...
ANNA I Anna sighed. "I don't see why I had to come in here with you when I could have been out shopping." Her husband James chuckled. "Well if you want to spend the money you have to earn it first. Didn't anyone ever tell you that? You just wait out here. I'll be out in ten minutes tops." He gave the back of her neck a little tickle and she smiled back at him. "I'll be timing you." James talked to Mr Johnson's PA and she put a call through. Anna took a seat on the big leather...
It all started when Anna had insisted on taking Ellie out for drinks after work one Friday night. It’s not like Ellie knew Anna all that well, but their schedules meant that they often ended up eating lunch together, and a lunchtime talk had gotten to be a bit of a routine for them. And then one day Ellie found herself telling Anna about the breakup of her marriage, moving into a small apartment in the city, and how she was feeling a bit down about it all. Anna just listened to it all, offering...
Anna's young son is looking for a cartoon video when he finds the stack of photo printouts on the TV cabinet. Curious, he leafs through them. He's amazed to see his mother's face in many of them! But she's always naked! And there are men, one is a huge fat black man! In many of the pictures the men have their things, their wee-wee's sticking out! Except they aren't like his wee-wee: these are big, long, stiff, not short and floppy like his. He looks closely at some the images: yes, it's...
Only when she was home could she really relax and be herself, most of the time she’d watch TV with her family or if there was nothing on she’d be in her room on the computer playing games or talking to her friends. One Friday night Anna’s parents told her that the whole family were going to her aunts for the next day, Anna did not get along with her cousins so that night she decide to pretend to be ill, the next morning her mum said that as she wasn’t well she would have to say at home and...
AnnaAnna got home from work early and set about her housework. It was a rather pretty day outside with a nice breeze, so she opened the windows and put on some soft music. Not much needed to be done, just some laundry mostly and perhaps vacuuming if she was feeling ambitious. No reason to be uncomfortable though, so she went into the bedroom and slid out of her work clothes. Once she was nude she caught sight of her reflection for a moment in the full length mirror and paused to stare at...
At lunch that day Anna was sitting behind some girls from her class when she heard one of them tell the other that someone she knew had seen Susan with an older boy from the school and they had been having sex in the local park, shocked at this Anna decided she had to speak to Susan and find out if it was true, so after school that day Anna waited for her on her usual route home. When Susan came into view Anna could see she had been crying, forgetting about why she was angry with Susan,...
I woke up and rolled over to look at the clock. It was two fifteen am and then I noticed that Anna was not in bed. At first I thought she must have got up to go to the restroom and I fell back to sleep.I woke up again and looked at the clock and it was now two forty am. Anna was still not in bed.I got up and walked into the master bathroom to see if she was sick or if something was wrong. She was not in there.I opened the door and walked down the hall and I heard voices.Seth my best friend from...
I woke up and rolled over to look at the clock. It was two fifteen am and then I noticed that Anna was not in bed. At first I thought she must have got up to go to the restroom and I fell back to sleep.I woke up again and looked at the clock and it was now two forty am. Anna was still not in bed.I got up and walked into the master bathroom to see if she was sick or if something was wrong. She was not in there.I opened the door and walked down the hall and I heard voices.Seth my best friend from...
Besides being a world-class tennis player, nineteen-year-old, Russian born, Anna Kournikova was also in great demand by the sportswear companies. Her supermodel good looks made her the top choice by them when they had in mind for the female clientele. This made her tennis competitors envious and jealous of her financial success because she was so much prettier than themselves, yet not as good a player as they were. This time it was a swimsuit company that had hired her good looks to promote...
Anna stands 5’2” tall with dark brown hair spilling curls over her shoulders. Her smile and laugh are very infectious. When her killer smile breaks out, her big brown eyes light up. She has a trim figure with B-cup breasts and smooth, flawless tan skin. Her pussy is always shaved clean with little labia that look like shiny butterfly wings when she spreads them. Her waist is small, but her glutes are round and her hips are wide, and when she touches her knees together you could almost toss a...
School was going to let out for summer soon, and with the completion of my 8th grade year I would be getting promoted to high school. I was now 14 years old, and I could only guess that classes and tests just got more dull and trying from then on. My newest concern about the rapidly approaching end of the school year was losing some of my friends when we had to go to different schools. I would miss my band mates, and my football team, but nobody more so than Anna. I knew Anna by...
Prologue Anna Plowright trudged grimly along the country lane towards her cottage still two kilometres distant. She was soaked to the skin. The rain bucketed down and reduced her hair to a stringy ruin, and found every available gap in her clothing to trickle down her back and between her breasts. When she had set out that morning for her daily ten-kilometre walk with the dog, the sun had been shining, the skies clear. Then apparently from out of nowhere clouds began to rapidly pile up, and...
Anna and I had resumed chatting on line with other couples since the Halloween party. Although we had plenty of offers we didn’t feel the need to rush into anything. We both had settled on the fact that swinging was something we both wanted in our lives but we had put ourselves in situations beyond our control. In a clear state of mind you think you know what you would do but sometimes you expose yourself and in this type of lifestyle you have to know your limits. We very quickly met a lovely...
Anna and I had resumed chatting on line with other couples since the Halloween party. Although we had plenty of offers we didn't feel the need to rush into anything. We both had settled on the fact that swinging was something we both wanted in our lives but we had put ourselves in situations beyond our control. In a clear state of mind you think you know what you would do but sometimes you expose yourself and in this type of lifestyle you have to know your limits. We very quickly met a lovely...
Group SexMy stepson Allan and I were sitting in his back yard, enjoying a beer and talking in general. I complimented him on how nice his wife Anna looked today, and what a lucky dog he was to have such an attractive and sexy woman. He shrugged. "Yes, Anna certainly takes care of herself; she's still a very attractive woman. But .. I donno .. the excitement isn't there like when we were first going together or when we were first married, you know?" He shook his head and asked, "Did that ever happen...
She laid, crumpled and destroyed in the middle of the kitchen. She had no idea what she had done wrong but it was apparently something terrible in his mind. Anna hadn’t always lived this way. Nope, at one point in her early 20’s she had been a viable contributing person. She held down a good job that she was proud of. Made good money, and held her own. In fact some people in her work field considered her intimidating. That all changed shortly after she met him. He was a handsome strong man,...
-- Too Many For Even Anna! 2--[Synopsis:My attractive daughter-in-law Anna had come to me with a very personal request. She'd always been fascinated with the thought of several men having sex with her, taking turns or even together. She asked me if I could arrange it, without her husband knowing.I collected two friends, the three of us met with Anna, and she enjoyed several very exciting sessions with us.All seemed to be going well, we were all having a good time .. but good things don't last...
Sexy Seduction of Awesome Anna by Pretty Petra, as Young as YummyI see Anna enter my sexshop for ladies only in old Amsterdam at my closed circuit and immediatelyI know that my last shop-assistant, my only granddaughter Petra, will not let her leave untouched.I raised her from young age, after her parents died in a car-crash. Petra copied my sexual taste.I see what we both love in looks: tall, slender, small breasts, wasp-waist. Even a real redhead!I sit upstairs in our private rooms and smile...