Round and Round
- 4 years ago
- 23
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Saturday morning came early. For some, Saturday morning had started Friday night. As it did for Annie, Jacob and a pig named Allen.
A Special Feature by: Dream Painter
(The afternoon before the picnic)
The afternoon before the picnic, Annie and Jacob were reviewing their lists. "I just don't see anyway around it, Jacob; you have to stay here tonight."
"Mizz Annie, I don' wanna stay up at your place, and I ain't driven no car in so long I don't remember," replied Jacob.
"You wanna stay at the park and baby-sit Allen all night?" Annie said referring to the dressed and scraped pig laying atop the prep table and giving it a sound slap on its rear end. She had named it after her ex-husband. "Damn, it's gonna be fun slicing this sucker up!" She giggled. "Okay now, let's see... all the charcoal on the trailer?"
"Yes 'm," replied Jacob.
"The folding tables?" Annie asked
"Yes 'm," replied Jacob nodding.
"I called the park and Ranger Bob agreed to have 37 tables at the site near the pavilion. I think that's where they plan to have the entertainment. Alrighty then, let's wrap Allen in a sheet and get this show on the road. It's gonna be a bitch getting this pig on the rotisserie.
"Yazz 'm it sho is," Jacob agreed.
Together they wrestled the pig into the back of the Bronco, Bubba supervising. Then Annie backed the vehicle up to the trailer where the enormous grill was already locked into place. Annie had planned to leave the grill on the trailer while Allen the pig turned on the spit.
They had already packed the Bronco with many of the necessary supplies, a roll of butcher paper, a yard-type lounge chair, blanket, a five-gallon bucket of Carolina bar-b-que sauce and basting mop, as well as oven mitts, aprons, and the all-important cooler of water. With all the gear loaded and Annie, Jacob, and Allen the pig on board, there was barely any room for Bubba.
After arriving at Carowinds, Jacob pulled the three long folding tables from the trailer and set them up while Annie put cinder blocks under the tongue of the trailer. Together, they filled the lower portion of the five-foot-long grill with charcoal, then doused the briquettes with lighter fluid. Two hours later, Allen the pig was slowly turning on the chain-driven, motorized spit.
Jacob and Annie were sitting at one of the picnic tables trying to catch their breath while Bubba chased a butterfly.
"Okay, on the next trip, I'll pick up the tablecloths, the luminaries, and the plates and flat wear." Annie puffed. She hated using plastic and paper, but it was a picnic after all. At least she had managed to match the pantone colors of the TKO logo. "Tomorrow, when you come, bring the rest of the food that's in the fridges. You have to bake the rolls and brownies first thing in the morning, okay? Then, after you get here, I'll run home and shower. See? It'll be a piece of cake!" Jacob gave his boss a doubtful gaze.
Annie grabbed the keys and headed towards the Bronco, "Come on, Bubba!" She called to the shepherd, "Jacob, go ahead and start bleaching these picnic tables. I wonder where the other caterer is?" Bubba bounced into the Bronco, his head hanging out the passenger side window as Annie waved goodbye to Jacob.
Annie had insisted Jacob stay at the apartment for two reasons. One, Jacob had to finish putting together the baked beans and brownies, and two, because she was leaving a little surprise for him.
Entering her apartment, she grabbed some linens from the linen closet and made up the sofa for Jacob. Then she replaced the soap in the shower with something less flowery and laid out a fresh bath towel. Finally Annie laid out a brand new, brightly colored Hawaiian shirt for Jacob to wear to the picnic. She hoped he would take the none-too-subtle hint.
Annie had put a lot of thought into the picnic. Drawing from her less-used marketing skills, and since the other caterer was no where to be seen, she felt free to set up her area as she saw fit. It was to be a simple buffet, so everyone could serve themselves slices of Allen the pig and the roasted corn from the far end. Jacob and Annie could lop of pieces of pork or a slab of ribs and urge an ear of roasted or boiled corn on the guests as they passed through the line. She sat at her computer and printed out 40 copies of the menu for the tables she had staked out:
Cold Slaw
Potato Salad
Roasted Pig
Baby Back Ribs
Baked Beans
Corn on the Cob (Roasted or Boiled)
Jacob's Famous Sinful Brownies
Each table would have a centerpiece with a lighted citronella candle to keep the mosquitoes down, nested in a colorful paper bag. "Attractive yet functional, dat's the ticket!" Annie thought to herself as she gathered the tablecloths and flatware. After filling the Bronco, she was off again and back to Carowinds.
"Mizz Annie, you can't stay here all night by yo-self," said Jacob as he pulled silks off the last ear of corn. The sun was just setting over Carowinds.
"Well that's what I'm gonna do. Besides, I wouldn't ask you to do something I wouldn't do myself," replied Annie. "Who'll look after Allen the pig?" (she was really enjoying that reference). "What if the chain on that rotisserie breaks or the motor coughs up a hairball? The whole picnic will be ruined... anyhow, Bubba will be here with me. He'll protect me, won'tcha Bubba?" Annie patted the dog on the head.
"It ain't right," Jacob shook his head, "it jest ain't right." But Jacob knew better than to try to talk Annie out of something she had set her mind on doing.
"Now you're going to drive the truck back to the shop, turn the ribs we left in the sauce, mix up the beans, and set out the dough for the rolls. Then tomorrow, all you have to do is go downstairs and bake the rolls and brownies. I've already made up the couch for you," Annie tried to gently explain.
"... but what if I gets a ticket, Mizz Annie?" Jacob asked in genuine concern.
"As long as you're careful you won't get a ticket! Hell, half the Charlotte police force will be eating dinner right here tomorrow night. We'll just find someone fix it! It will be all right, Jacob, I promise," Annie assured the old man.
"Mizz Annie, has I ever told you that you is stubborn?" Jacob asked.
"Not today," replied Annie trying hard not to giggle as she handed Jacob the keys to the rusty old Bronco, "Just remember to keep the shiny side up."
"What shiny side?" Jacob asked with a mischievous grin looking at the old rusty-colored Bronco.
Annie shook her head as the vehicle grumbled down the road. Bubba looked up at her, his eyes raised in confusion. "It's okay, Bubba," Annie reassured the shepherd. She leaned down to scratch him behind the ears.
Annie unfolded the lounge chair and settled in for the evening, occasionally rising to baste Allen the pig.
At the sound of the stick breaking, Annie's eyes snapped opened. The only light in the area was the glow of the coals as they burned under Allen. She could sense Bubba's muscles tensing as he remained laying next to her, followed by his low guttural growl.
"I wouldn't come much closer if I were you," Annie said calmly.
"Oh, I won't," replied the voice coming from behind her in the dark, "That's a handsome animal you have there."
"The dog or the pig?" asked Annie sarcastically not bothering to turn to see the person speaking behind her. "If you're looking for food, the pig won't be ready until tomorrow." Bubba emitted another long, low growl.
"I was looking for the TKO site," said the voice.
"You've found it." Annie said.
"So I have," said the disembodied voice.
Bubba's ears seemed to droop as they both heard the footsteps growing fainter, and he laid his head back on his paw. Strangely enough, the whole event had not put Annie on edge. While she didn't recognize the distinctly male voice behind her, she sensed no malice in his words or manner of speech. Watching the pig turn over and over again on the spit lulled her back into a deep sleep.
(Six months after arriving in Charlotte)
Annie was admiring the three shiny chrome commercial ovens that had just been installed in the kitchen. She was dancing around her kitchen, opening and closing the doors on the ovens excitedly after the four gorillas that handled the installation had left. Annie was still jazzed when the phone rang.
"Hello?" Annie said happily as she and the Bubba-pup danced around the kitchen
"Hey, Annie, it's me... Allen," said the voice on the other end.
The dancing came to an abrupt halt as Annie froze in her tracks. "Al... Allen?" Annie stammered.
"Yeah, hey, how are you?" Annie's former husband asked.
"I'm okay. What's up?" Annie spoke as her heart fluttered nervously.
"Listen Annie, you know the divorce was final last week, right?" He asked.
Annie could feel her cheeks turning flaming up fiery red. A flood of memories came rushing back to her, and she sensed from the familiar tone in his voice that Allen wanted something. How dare he spoil her day?
"I've been busy, Allen, I guess it slipped my mind."
"Annie, I need for you to sign some papers and get them back to me." Allen, too, had sensed a weakness in her veneer. He knew by the tone in her voice she was shocked to hear from him.
Annie wasn't going to let him get the upper hand, not by a long shot. "Allen, I thought I signed all the papers before the divorce was final." Her hands were shaking as she spoke to him.
"They aren't those kind of papers Annie," there was a pause, "Annie, I'm getting married in two weeks."
Annie emitted a sarcastic chuckle, "My, Allen, I always said you were speedy." She felt as thought her heart was going to leap through her throat. "What's the big rush Allen, is she pregnant?"
The tone of Allen's voice dropped a couple of degrees, and there was a decided edge to his voice. Slowly he said, "Yes, she is."
Annie couldn't believe what she was hearing. Suddenly she felt as though someone had punched her hard in her stomach. "Well when is the blessed event?" She dropped all pretense of happiness.
"Two months. She wants to get married in the church, Annie. She wants the baby christened in the church. We can't do that if you don't sign annulment papers. It's important to her."
Annie had already done the math. Allen's new baby was conceived before she had even left Phoenix. "Important to her? Well la-dee-fucking-dah." She felt her anger spilling over, "Forget it Allen. Don't even waste the stamp. I won't sign your fucking papers. I won't say that the last 15 years of my life was a sham. I won't say that the birth of our daughter was a mistake. No, Allen, no fucking way!"
"Hey, it's only a formality. What difference does it make to you anyway?" Allen's words were cut short as Annie slammed the receiver into its cradle.
Leaning hard against the wall she felt her knees growing weak. Annie slid down against the wall down to the floor. Bubba pup licked the tears from her cheeks.
(... meanwhile, back at Carowinds Park)
That's how Annie was awakened; only Bubba was no longer a gangly 6-month-old puppy but a fully-grown German shepherd dog. "Jeeeze, Bubba," Annie moaned opening her eyes, "Enough!" as the GSD lapped at her face. Annie got the message loud and clear, it was time to wake the hell up! She slowly opened her eyes then closed them tightly as the bright light of early morning flooded her vision.
Annie slowly rose from the lounge chair to stretch. She felt as though all the muscles in her body were aching as she stood - then looked down at her watch, "7:40! Damn, Bubba, we slept in!"
"God, I hope Jacob brings some coffee," she moaned as she glanced over at Allen the pig. Through the night, the pig's skin had turned a soft golden ochre colored, and clear juices were hissing as they dripped onto the glowing coals. Annie gave the pig another swipe with the basting mop as she smiled to herself. Just by looking at the color, smelling the aroma of the roasting pork, and the way the meat was hanging on the bone, she could tell this pig roast was going to be an undeniable success.
Minutes later, Annie and Bubba could both hear the all-too-familiar pinging of the engine of Annie's Bronco. Annie sighed happily as she looked up to see Jacob smiling behind the wheel. Annie could tell by the low-riding rear end of the truck that Jacob had loaded it full.
"I brung you some coffee, Mizz Annie," Jacob beamed as he stepped from the vehicle grinning, wearing the bright Hawaiian shirt and holding a large travel mug in his hand.
"Thank God!" Annie groaned as she quickly snapped the travel mug from Jacob's hand. "You make the best damn coffee in the world, Jacob. By the way, nice shirt." Annie smiled as she took a sip from the mug.
"Yeah, I found that on my pilla last night 'fore I went to bed. You s'pose Bubba done lost one a his shirts?" Jacob grinned.
"Naw, Bubba just likes running around nekkid," Annie could not suppress a soft giggle. She turned to the Bronco and opened the back door. Together, she and Jacob began unloading the aluminum trays and coolers of food.
After the beans and ribs were placed on the grill, Annie and Bubba left for her apartment to clean up and bring the iced-down, small, single-serving bottles of wine, beer, and soft drinks.
In her apartment, there was not so much as even a sign that Jacob had stayed there. The linens were neatly folded at the foot of the sofa, the bath towel she had laid out was dry and where she had hung it out for Jacob. She made a mental note to ask Jacob about it later.
As she stepped into her shower she thought about the stranger who had visited her last night. Had that really happened? Could she have been dreaming? Maybe it was just karma for naming the pig after her ex-husband. The gods were trying to shake her up a little bit... trying to jerk her chain. "Who knows," she muttered to herself.
Annie dressed in her favorite comfy jeans, a white camisole, and another bright Hawaiian shirt left unbuttoned. She braided her long, wet hair into a tight rope that hung below the middle of her back while Bubba watched from the open door of her bathroom.
"Now Bubba, you gotta be a good doggie today and stick close to me. I don't want you out there mooching any people food from strangers or tackling any children, you understand?" The shepherd looked up at her with his large brown eyes as if to say of course he knew the game plan. His tail thudded against the floor. Bubba was ready to go to work.
Chapter 36 continued by (the) Night Hawk
Todd had spent most of Thursday sequestered in the darkroom, cleaning and changing chemicals, and thoroughly scrubbing the entire room and everything in it. Ami had been by his side the entire time but hadn't tried to make any serious conversation. For a change, she remained dressed, though it was more from the fear of the harsh chemicals they used to clean than it was in deference to Todd's quiet mood. Kelly had told her that Todd would be okay and that he just needed a bit of time to sort things out in his own mind.
Friday was when things got back to normal - or as close to normal as the chaotic life at TKO would ever be.
Vanetta was working the phones as usual, this time confirming flight plans of the models who were arriving to attend the company picnic - those who lived out of the area anyway. Models who lived within a reasonable driving distance from Charlotte were expected to provide their own transportation. Those who worked in the New York area or in LA, were flying in, and Kelly wanted to be sure there were enough mini-busses to pick them all up and drop them off at Carowinds. She was really glad that Vanetta could handle this. The logistics of providing transportation for 200 families seemed overwhelming after the week they had lived through.
Not all the models who would have had to fly in were coming, which Kelly regretted, but she understood the added delay in flights due to the increased security severely restricted a lot of travel, especially for an event lasting just a single day. A lot of the models, their spouses, and children coming from the New York area were flying on the same chartered plane as the staff and agents from the New York office. Just from the office alone, there were going to be 120 people attending as most were married and were bringing their spouses and children.
Even with all the work, Kelly was looking forward to Saturday. Though she made it a point to stay in contact with every office member and model as much as possible, it wasn't the same as face-to-face contact.
Vanetta had met most of them on the last trip to New York with Kelly, but since it was a dinner at one of the top hotels in the city, she hadn't really made any lasting impression on them - nor they on her. She did look forward to meeting the people she was in regular contact with via the internet, and suggested to Kelly that they install video conferencing as well on their computers.
Kelly and Todd had continued their discussions about moving the entire operation to Charlotte, and had arranged for Rachel to look for an office for them to handle the model assignment and accounting department. It didn't need to be that big since most assignments were handled via internet or telephone, but it had to fit a staff of 50 comfortably. And, they had decided they didn't want the office to be located in the business district of downtown Charlotte. There simply wasn't any need for an expensive, highly visible location when most of the work they received was from established clients, again by phone, fax, or over the internet. Runway models still made the news, but the bulk of the work was still going to good-looking normal people.
While many of the models currently under contact to TKO had been offered jobs personally by Kelly, many more now working for the company had just sent in their portfolios. As Kelly partially explained move strategy, the address to which prospective new-hires mailed their portfolios - sometimes consisting of little more than a series of snapshots - wouldn't matter, as long as they understood what TKO was looking for in a model. In fact, many of their current models were referrals from people who already did modeling for TKO clients and understood the advantages of being good-looking and average. TKO's growing list of clients didn't design or advertise their clothes for the rich and famous, but they did target the growing middle class who had education and understood quality at good prices.
On Friday afternoon, everything was falling into place. Robert had the group over for a final practice before their debut on Saturday. Bill, Ted, and Jim were busy making notations of the songs that Sam, Jen, and Kat would be singing. While not exactly nervous about their first live performance, the group had been surprised when Robert had taken them to meet Rebel Heart on the way to the studio. Dan Knight, the lead guitarist and vocalist for the band, had made a suggestion to the group about the national anthem, and had asked the girls to give his band a demonstration. After the demo, Dan had suggested they get to the pavilion early to set up equipment and had offered to pipe all the vocals and the instruments through their PA equipment. Robert had agreed, and after trying a few different arrangements of parts of the anthem, the group had left for practice.
Since Laura had promised to sing with her sisters at the picnic, she had spent a few hours with them and the boys in the big bay working on the national anthem and her song for her lovers. Kat and the twins were very familiar with the theme song from "Enterprise." You couldn't live under the same roof as Harry Williams and not know the song! Harry was as big a Trekkie as Todd was.
Laura was also adamant that Todd and Kelly go home while she practiced with the band. Todd had wanted to stay and listen in, but Kelly had understood, and a nibble on his ear was enough reason to leave the studio for a few hours.
Robert, happy that things had worked out so well for Todd, was equally pleased to hear the beautiful harmonies Laura and her sisters created. At the first break, he asked the group what they planned on wearing for the opening song. A lot of people were going to be in for a surprise when Rebel Heart joined in on the anthem.
Sitting in the studio, sipping on mineral water, the band tossed ideas around. Robert had learned it was best to let the kids talk it out themselves. After a short discussion, it was decided that it would be the simplest and most logical for the girls to wear plain navy skirts with white blouses and red bow ties. The boys would wear navy slacks, white shirts, and red ties. Robert got the van and took them all to the store where the band had bought most of their outfits. Laura insisted on paying for her own outfit as she was just a guest for this performance. Robert tried to argue with her, but Laura would not be swayed. They conspired to keep the outfits hidden from everybody and would change at the park just before they went onstage.
Chuck, Deanna, and Anna flew in Friday afternoon, bringing Brenda and Amanda with them. James and the rest of the girls would be arriving Saturday. There was an emotional reunion between Todd and Chuck, Todd thanking Chuck repeatedly for being there when he really needed him.
Chuck brushed aside his own emotions and told Todd that he was just looking out for his son.
A delivery to the studio shortly after Chuck had arrived was from Hasselblad, who had come through on their promise with a brand new camera. Todd opened the package and smiled with satisfaction.
"We have to break this in," announced Todd. "Ami, let's set up studio two for a family portrait." Studio one had been blocked off for the length of time that Kelly would be posing for the contracts Vanetta had put together for them.
Ami was still floating on a cloud herself as Todd had told her that the 'Blad he had been using for the last few years would now be hers. She scrambled quickly though to set up lights roughly where Todd would want them before she stopped and asked who was posing.
Todd smiled and said that the first pictures taken on the new camera were going to be of his 'father, ' his 'sister, ' and 'niece.'
"Does that mean I have to start calling you Uncle Todd, now?" asked Anna.
Todd picked her up under the arms and spun her around the room. "Never, sweetheart, unless you want to. You and me are still best friends, right?"
Anna snuggled into Todd's arms and gave him a sweet kiss. "You betcha!"
Kelly and Laura took Deanna and Anna to the dressing room and helped both of them pick out brand new outfits. Mother and daughter picked out complimentary pale pastel shades of green in blouses. Anna's had a bit of lace on her collar, perfect for a young girl. Deanna opted for a 'skort' in hunter green while Anna picked shorts in a chocolate brown. When they had finished changing, Kelly took them out to the makeup counter and started to work on their hair and makeup.
Todd convinced Chuck to change into an Armani suit, and with a white silk shirt, Chuck looked good, but Kelly convinced him to let her work on him a bit also. Todd started to place a straight-back chair into the center of the light pattern, planning on shooting just the three of them. When Chuck saw that, he said if Todd wasn't in the picture, it wouldn't be a family portrait.
Reluctantly and grumbling, Todd changed into a suit himself and complained loudly as Kelly and Vanetta worked on his hair and added some color to his face.
Todd seated Chuck on the chair and placed Anna on his lap while he and Deanna wrapped their arms around each other behind Chuck forming a 'V' that put Chuck in the very center of the picture. Ami was thrilled to be the one taking the family portrait, and after a half dozen exposures, Deanna insisted that her future sisters-in-law also be in the picture.
Todd chuckled as Kelly and Laura scrambled to find suitable matching outfits.
Joe Johnson had gotten back to Charlotte from Ohio on Thursday. He was expected back in LA on Monday and had decided to stick around for a few days, to possibly say goodbye to Lew, and hopefully get a chance to meet Todd. He managed to slip into the park shortly after three in the morning, and as he walked around for a while in the balmy night air, enjoying the serenity, he had come upon Annie and Bubba. He had moved downwind after that, not wanting to keep the German shepherd restless for the rest of the night. He hunkered down near the pavilion and relaxed in the cool breeze blowing between the trees.
Todd woke up Saturday morning sandwiched between his two lovers. They had enjoyed a fantastic night of creative sex. After parting company for the night from Chuck, Todd had rounded up his girls and headed home. Robert and Vanetta had left earlier after supper, taking Cara and Ami back to Kelly's before they headed to the studio.
Todd slipped out of bed, skinned on his shorts and left to relieve his bladder. Not surprisingly, and definitely not unusual, he found Cara and Ami watching TV in the living room wearing only their panties and T-shirts. It was their favorite way of spending early mornings when Todd, Kelly, and Laura were still asleep.
Todd ruffled Ami's hair as he walked by on his way back. "You girls going to join us for breakfast at the Holiday Inn?"
"Nope," said Cara. "We're going with Laura and Vanetta and Robert to the park."
"I'm going to take my new camera," said Ami with a smug smile.
"You might want to take the Pentax as well," said Todd. "You'll find it's easier for action shots on the move."
"I didn't know if I could or should still use that camera, Todd," Ami said quietly. "It got you out of jail. I thought you might want to keep it under lock and key. That's why I thought you gave me your old 'Blad" instead.
Todd laughed, then laughed some more till he had to sit down holding his side.
Cara and Ami looked at him like he was finally losing his grip, and that caused Todd to laugh even harder. He managed to barely catch his breath when Kelly and Laura came out of the bedroom to see what the ruckus was all about. The look of concern on their faces just caused Todd to burst out again.
"It's still just a tool, Ami," Todd managed to spurt out between his laughter.
Cara got up and went to the kitchen to get Todd a bottle of Evian which he took with sincere appreciation and gulped half of it down.
"You can bet I've got the receipt locked up and copies of it with Steve," he said, "but it's still only a camera. It didn't get me out of jail, Chuck did."
"The truth would have gotten you out, Honey," Kelly said, "but Chuck made sure the truth was heard fast and by the right people."
Glad to see that Todd was laughing about the incident now, Kelly ran her fingers through her hair and headed to the bathroom. Laura, seeing where Kelly was headed raced to beat her there.
Laura eased the Tracker out of the driveway and headed to the studio. They could have walked the distance in five minutes, but they were going to be heading to Carowinds after hooking up with Robert and Vanetta. The band van was going to be full, and Cara and Ami had volunteered to help Vanetta get the greeting booth and tent prepared. The tent and canopy were already set up by the park staff with tables and chairs provided, but there was still the TKO paraphernalia and Todd's private stock of drinks. Laura was going to help Robert and the band get set up with Rebel Heart.
Todd and Kelly left the house in her Elantra and drove over to meet Chuck and Deanna for breakfast. Brenda and Amanda had taken Anna out to meet up with James and the rest of the girls.
"It seems like a hell of a big job for just the Charlotte office to put this picnic together," Chuck said over coffee.
"Not really, Chuck," Kelly said. "It's like you running your operation. You just have to learn how to hire the best people and then not be afraid to delegate."
"But I'm not running my business anymore," Chuck reminded them with a smile. "That's Brenda's headache now."
Deanna laughed. "Right, Dad. Like you're not up with her everyday consulting on some new design or other?"
"See, Chuck," Kelly jumped in. "The responsibility stays with you even though you've got Brenda managing the company now. Sure, Todd and I decided when and where to have this picnic and agreed on how to organize it, but then we just turned to the Carowinds convention people and started paying for it. They put together a package, and to their credit, they anticipated a larger crowd. That's how we could accommodate the extra people we invited. There's going to be nearly 70 police officers there today, plus their spouses and kids. We hired a caterer from New York who specializes in kosher food. Turns out that wasn't going to be enough after we decided to invite more people, so Laura found a great local caterer, and we hired her to cover the overflow. The park is providing food for the kids — standard fare — hot dogs, hamburgers, etcetera. They dish it out, along with all the soft drinks and ice cream these kids can inhale. At the end of the day, they deduct it from our deposit. The same goes for the amusement park part. Carowinds will have staff at our site to hand out wrist passes for those who want to go on the rides. All we really need to do at this point is show up and be available to our guests."
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Wife LoversIntroduction: I had been fucking the preachers wife, and she had asked my wife and me to babysit her children while she visited her sick mom. Thursday morning I went in to the college to get a few things cleared up at the office. It was after six when I arrived home to an enthusiastic greeting from six children. They were indeed a motley looking crew. Louann, Wilma, and Betty were wearing Carolyns old skirts and tops, Bob was wearing a pair of my walking shorts that went almost to his ankles,...
On this episode of big tits and round asses Armani Black joins BangBros and Danny Steele sporting a butt plug because she’s prepared for her first anal scene. Her anal cherry needs to be popped and it gets done professionally by Danny and his hard cock. Armani enjoys every moment. They start off slow but in no time it turns into some hardcore anal stuffing. A lot of anal all up in that anus in the hot tub and on the couch. Up and down, round and round, tits bounce and he obviously he cums...
xmoviesforyouWith a loud sigh you tuned out the host still doling out dated pop culture references and brought your attention back to your mashed potato volcano. Scooping up the last of the sacrificial villager peas, you carefully ferried them to the top of mount Spud-suvius; just as their honorable sacrifice was to bring peace to the war-torn city of Steak-topia you jumped as a pair of fingers squeezed your side. Frowning at the peas now floating in your water you turned to Janae. “Hey what was that...
RomanceA total of $750 in bounties wasn't bad for this early in the trip, but it really wasn't enough to satisfy our needs for the year with the increased size of the family. We didn't want to push our luck too hard in Brownsville, since pushing your luck could be a death warrant. We headed on toward the Gulf, as much as anything, to see it, since it was new to both of us. Damn, that was beautiful! Of course, we weren't the type of people to want to stand and admire something for a long time,...
Sara shows perfectly the paradoxes of some BDSM-relations. The Dom is officially fully in power of them two.Sara shows below that it's the slave, who decides matters of life & death, by being smart enough to her Dom.Sara shows that a talented & dedicated sexy submissive slave can get anything she wants from serving Him.Sara shows my dear readers her great talents, which are main reason behind more of our stories coming up!Sara sits at Professor Peter's lap, Friday evening late, after...
Ich heiße Steffi bin 28, Polizeimeisterin. Mit meinen langen blonden Haaren die hinten zu einem Pferdeschwanz zusammengebunden sind, meinen 90-60-90 maßen angeblich die perfektion in Weiblichkeit nach der Meinung vieler Kollegen An jenem warmen Spät-Herbsttag fuhren meine Kollegin, Beatrix mit langen braunen Haaren mit leichten Locken und einer für meiner Meinung nach viel zu großen Oberweite für Ihre Körpergröße von ca. 1,67m, sahen wir beide in unseren Uniformen echt scharf aus. Nachdem wir...
BDSMFucking Atrina could never be classified as routine, but she was really turned on tonight. She moaned, panted, and groaned through four orgasms before I finally let myself go for a truly monster of a cum. I swear that if she was not already pregnant, she would have been after the load I just dumped into her juicy cunt. We rolled into our usual cuddling position and dropped off to sleep. Normally, before my transition to Rome I would not have been so blasé about other people being present...
Puma sat in the lee of a rock, letting the rain run over her without paying it much heed. Shuria appeared as a dim shadow and squatted next to her. "Tomorrow, eh?" he told her. "Yes," she replied economically. "You've been quiet most of the trip." "I've been doing a lot of thinking." He grinned a bit. "I've been doing a lot of anticipating the trip back to Xipototec when it's just the two of us." "I've been thinking about that, too." A lightning bolt cut a jagged path...
Nick- age 16 Height 6 foot Hair colour brown Eye colour blue Penis size 6 inch long 1 inch wide Miss Tobin- age 28 Height 5 foot 6 Hair colour brown Eye colour brown Breast size 36A Rachel- age 16 Height 5 foot 4 Hair colour blonde Eye colour blue Breast size 34B Miss Tobin sat quietly at her desk going through the books of her students. Eventually she'd had enough. She had a splitting headache, people had been pestering her all day about work, people had been taking the...
I hadn't really planned on a second part to this tale but since a few asked, here it is.sleep seemed to evade me for the most part. I would doze off for twenty or thirty minutes at a time and I must have gotten up to check on Alicia a dozen times or so. I had feared that I would open the door to her room and find her balled up in the corner crying her eyes out over the horrible thing I had allowed her to do but each time she was sound asleep. Around 5AM I finally fell asleep only to be awaken...
Angie and I call ourselves cousins yet we could not be any more different in appearance. She is tall, blonde, tanned, and naturally slim the kind of girl or the boys loved. Me I am on the shorter side of average height olive skinned brunette and worked hard to keep my figure curvy. Angie and I are not actually biologically cousins but our parents are best friends and we have grown up together calling each other’s parents Aunty and Uncle. Angie I were best friends growing up and told...
LesbianHer name was Darlene Dimpledale, which is perhaps why she'd gone by the name Dee Dee, or simply Dee, for about as long as I'd known her. Which by now had been a very, very long time indeed. My parents and I had lived next door to Dee and her husband Frank for years. I was an only child, and as I came to find out early on, Frank and Dee Dee never had any either. Though the reason for that was something I never found out as to why. But as such, Dee had taken to me as a second mother of sorts,...
Tales of The Great Switch: Imprisoned! By Caleb Jones You can't let emotions get in the way when you are in law enforcement. Warden Jennifer Reagan got out of her car. She had been warden for this prison for seven years but today felt like her first day on the job all over again. Under the new security measures enforced by local authorities, she had just undergone a three hour interview with the local police in order to get identification that matched her new body. She had...
I was released from the haven of my mistress' crotch and she stood by me in a central position, flexing her cane in readiness for my punishment as we watched the gimp's misery. The wickedly pencil-skirted headmistress that was Arabella, placed the black dish from earlier at her feet, and ordered the gimp down to it in full view of the eager crowd of women. Agnes had her sissy sit close by; a feminised male adding to the general scene of total female dominance. Blanche teased my arse with...
The word was masturbation. I had a fever whose heat was fueled by power. I tried to make a list of six women that I had access to and wanted. "I COULD have them!" was the death of any attempt at systematic planning. The fantasies were too strong; too many choices. What sixteen-year old male in a high school of fifteen hundred cannot number six to six hundred women he would fuck given the opportunity? I decided that putting together a plan was not going to work, at least not until after I...
If you came to see what has to offer, then you already know that this is an escort review site, since it is listed under the escort category. However, that is definitely not enough for you to decide whether this place is actually a site you want to waste your time on, and that is where I come in. I am a pro when it comes to all things pornographic, and that also includes escorts, so if you are interested in hiring a hot escort beauty, then continue reading, otherwise just visit a...
Escort SitesI was getting ready to leave the motel that I stayed in after my first night as a nude dancer. Actually it's kind of a strip tease. It didn't make any difference if I was making some money without turning tricks for the asshole that I had come to Tampa with. I contemplated when I should go into work. Gladys said the Mons Venus is open twenty four hours, but I should probably come in at noon and work the afternoon crowd then stay until I was tired. She said a lot of the married women did...
19 Lynn ‘Wear the Chinese necklace,’ he said. ‘Why?’ Sometimes I wore it, sometimes not. He had never specifically mentioned it again after Saint Louis. ‘Because I tell you to.’ So the jade and gold necklace hung from my neck as I eagerly disembarked from the Delta jet and hurried into the terminal, where I found only Jefferson, who greeted me atypically with a kiss on the mouth replete with wet tongue and hands roving over my ass that attracted attention from other disembarking...
After Molly and I finished our sex, we dressed and waited for Jenny and Craig in their living room. When Jenny and Craig emerged from the bedroom, neither of us said much before walking to our house. When we hit our bedroom, Jenny broke the silence, “Did you have a nice time with Molly tonight?” Jenny asked.“Uh, yeah, it was nice. Can I ask you if this whole thing was planned?”Jenny turned away from me, getting dressed for bed, “No, of course not. Why do you think that?”“All three of you knew I...
Wife LoversIn addition to my previous story about my first time with an older man, I will continue on the stories of our fun.Since the first time that he had suduced me and sucked me off and I the same to him, we hadn't really had any time or chsnces to play again. Due to his k**s and wife being around most of the time. We never wanted to chance getting caught but there were times I was over the house were I would sneak in a jerk off and leave my load of cum in his wife's dirty panties in the bathroom. He...
It is a crisp fall evening as I walk to the park bench. I can hear my high heels disturbing the leaves as I walk deeper in the park. I feel their dampness on the tops of my naked feet as I stir them up approaching the bench I was told to wait at. The wind is singing a song on the empty leafless branches and slipping under my long fall coat touching my thighs and bottom; it is all I am wearing, as I was told to do. As I arrive at the bench I slip my hand into my jacket pocket and pull out the...
BDSMChapter XVIII The morning hours passed by quickly and everyone was on board the houseboat by early afternoon. The sun was still high in the sky as Don shoved off and headed out over the lake to find a good location to have a nice lunch and maybe do some fishing with Mike and Ed. It would also allow the women to get better aquatinted while the men did the fishing. Don was sitting at the wheel with Ed next to him discussing the new...
Wife LoversMost of Megan Richards’ dreams for the future had been shattered… the only one that remained in tact was her dream to use her talents in Hollywood some day… one way or another. She was every bit as talented as her mother, Diana, and she’d always thought her slightly superior intellect had come from her father… Her Daddy, Charles, was a highly intelligent and rational man, but she’d not inherited her smarts from him… except maybe by osmosis. Her biological father, Thomas Seldon, was also very...
It turns out that all life really is one, an expression of God if you will, the Word which is all life, DNA. But life is separate from Physics so we still have not unmasked the face of the Mystery. The Architect can still be inferred from the construction- matter, energy, and spirit in it’s various manifestations. Trees of differing species exchange nutrients through fungal connecting mats, various species adopt and nurture the offspring of other species, some birds foster their eggs in the...
Jackie (Kenna James) wakes up alone in a bed she doesn’t know. She looks around and no sign of her partner. She looks confused and tries to remember what happened last night, when her cellphone rings. It’s her fiance, he wants to know if everything is okay, she never answered her phone last night he calls her multiple time. Jackie tries to calm the situation when Veronica (Sky Blue) enters the room with two coffees and some croissants. She smiles at Jackie, she smiles back but still...
xmoviesforyoutoday was the most exotic day i have ever had...i was at my boys place and his girl was home alone and i was just chillin with her as she cooked food. i was so turned by the private things she told me about her sex life and her relationship. She took of her bra and panties and she just wore a short and a top where i can see her quality of breast which is 34 DD... She is short and thick. So eventually as she did house work i started strippin her with my mind... so i went to the washroom because...
Samantha - 22years, blue haired punk, nice round ass, small tits, 5’ 7”. Natalie - 21years, green hair (often mohawk), amazing legs, C cups, 5’ 7”, Sam’s friend. Adam - (myself) 23years. 7” long dick, 7” girth. The summer sun had just fallen as Sam and I started our walk down the street. The destination wasn’t far. Sam was dressed in a pair of the small short shorts and a tight Star Wars t-shirt with no bra. She had a worried look spread across her face as we walked. It had been a...
Gone with the Wind by Shrike Chapter 2 A sharp pungent smell brought me back to consciousness. I opened my eyes and saw Mom's face right in front of me. She had a worried expression on her face as she looked at me. 'Why is she does she have that kind of expression?' Then my memory returned, and I suddenly knew again why I'd passed out. 'I'm a freak now; I'm not worthy to be alive.' I started screaming again, but only for a few seconds, because my...
Introduction: Another Joan story. Companion piece to Joans week as a Motel Slut This is a companion story to my earlier Joans Week as a Motel Slut. It is not a continuing story line and may be read independently. However, if you enjoy one you may enjoy the other.. Reader comments, opinions and feedback are welcome. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- Joan ushered the couple out of the the new home they had just signed a purchase...
Mom & daughter get to know the guy next doorI live in one of the many subdivisions that dot the landscape of the southern states. My subdivision has about 80 homes within its borders. It is composed mostly of White middle class families. But it also contains about 10 Black families and 3 Spanish families. I happen to be one of the Black families. This story is about another of the Black families that live here. It is a story about what happens when a woman is left for long periods without...
Man, did my mother ever look fantastic with my cum clinging to her face. When I'd been tit-fucking those slippery monsters of hers, I had no intention of blowing off all over her face; I thought I was just gonna spray my load all over her upper chest and those incredible jugs of hers. I think I'd been shocked more than she was when she looked down to see what was going on when I started to cum, and ended up with the rest of my load pasted all over her pretty face. I had expected her to turn...
"Come on in darlin' and have a seat," Leo Coffman said smoothly, "now, what can I do for ya!?!" "Well, Mr. Coffman, I saw your ad in the paper, and I was just wondering if the position was still available?!?" "You mean the ad in the Underground Times," he asked casually!?! "Uh, yes," she replied softly, "is the job still available?!?" "Baby, the job's always available," he replied dryly, "I run that same ad everyday of the year!!!" "Really," she replied incredulously,...
One very hot nite I awoke to find i was sweating and horny as fuck.To deal with the heat,i turned on the a.c. ,but now what about my horniess.I took my covers off,my bra off making my boobs bounce and my nipploes erect,and then took my underwears off showing my wet,shaven pussy and my big hips. I was completely nude in my bed.I got up out of bed to use the restroom,still naked since my parents wernt home, when i heard a banging on my brother's wall.I bet he was cumming since he does it 24/7.I...
A little lesbian tale of sex slavery that I hope you will find amusing.It had been, frankly, a rather wretched Friday. It started badly when Mr Jameson, the chief librarian, trapped me (again) in Maritime History (M to R) and practically wrestled me to the floor. When I told him for the umpteenth time that my interests lay in a different direction, he rather breezily replied that he was 'up for a 69 if that's what you mean'. Eventually I fought him off with a leather bound copy of A History of...
We're at your house in your room.You come up behind me and you reach around to touch my breasts as you kiss my neck. I am already getting wet. You begin to pinch and roll my nipples. Your hands slowly move down my body and cup my pussy. You gently rub till I am moving with you. You have me lie down on the bed and start to suck my nipples. You kiss your way down my stomachlick my pussy while slowly sliding your finger into me. First one finger then two while sucking on my clit. I am moaning so...
Erotic'No' By Cassandra Morgan Spanking! Beth was sure she was going to get a spanking! That was it. That was how she would be punished. After all, Beth had been a bad girl, she admitted. She hadn't told Sandy that she had been a cross-dresser throughout their four-year marriage. She didn't know if Sandy suspected it or not, but she had never sat her down and had the coming-out talk. That alone would get her buttocks pounded. She was sure of it. She could imagine being bent over by...
Some time passed since my first encounter with the lovely transvestite and I often remembered it in my lonely bed. But I couldn’t make the decision to seek her again. Maybe afraid from being seen, as she used to walk around near my office I started leaving office before dark.When I went out, before returning home I crossed around in my car passing by the zones were TS usually had their hunting zones, but decidedly I was only looking and thinking how it would be.One night I saw that the police...
Beth and I fixed a light supper and watched TV. We went to bed and I fucked her cunt and ass before we drifted off to sleep. I woke later to being sucked. I looked and it was Heather. Her mother was between Beth’s legs sucking her holes. Beth’s clock radio started making noise as Beth orgasmed. I pissed Heather’s mouth after shooting a load of cum down her throat. I saw Beth’s face and knew she had pissed into Dawn’s mouth. Both of the receivers of piss swallowed. Beth and I started moving....
Introduction: This is a story of underage cousins going through their sexual education with one another. Most of us experimented with someone close when we were young so dont call me sick for doing so. It had been tradition for all the seperate parts of my family to camp at the same campsite at the lake that lies about an hour and a bit from where we live. Most weekends spent at the lake consisted of my entire family sitting around a single campfire chatting and enjoying each others company. I...
Hello, Dheeraj here Harshada ka past bata chuka hun. Ab wapas aate hai. Sirf 2 weeks reh gaye hai shadi ko. Isliye Harshada ke sath ek din dopeher shadi ka dress lene gaya. Waise to Harshada ko saree hi leni thi shadi ke liye. Achanak Harshada ne ek dukan ke samne roka aur boli, “Yahan chalte hai.” “Thik hai jaise tum chaho. Waise bhi tumhare pasand ki hi saree blouse lena hai.” Woh dukan itni badi nahi thi shadi ka dress lene layak. Fir bhi Harshada ki insist karne par waha pe gaye. Halaki...
Chapter 2: What is a Girl? After what felt like an incredibly long dream, the two were alone in the bedroom once again. They stared at each other awkwardly; neither knew quite what to say. "Hello?" they said in near-perfect unison. Both of them cracked a smile. Each smile forcing the other to widen further until they both broke into a fit of laughter. Laughter at their current strange circumstance, laughter at the relief that they were still friends, laughter about just being...
Well here we were, Friday night, back at our local club after the convention and my minor surgery. Since it had been a few weeks since we were at the club it felt good to be back!Being the day after Thanksgiving the club was packed! It seems the swing community had had enough of family and turkey and were ready to let loose. It has gotten to the point that we know so many people at the club that it takes us about an hour just to say hello to all our friends before we can even get to the dance...
"Of course I told my mother, why wouldn't I?" I just stared at her slack jawed at this new revelation. My mother-in-law knew my secret! How could I face her? I was a disappointment to her in so many ways already and now this! "I only told her because I didn't want you to be uncomfortable when she's here. You know a week is a long time and I know you...if you can't slip into panties or a nightie after work you get so grumpy." Just then the doorbell rang. "That must be her now....
Just last week, Scott was lying in bed reading when I walk in wearing a black lacy bra and panty set with a dusty rose colored short silk robe. "Hey, lover boy," I say, sauntering sexily to the bed. "Oh my god, Mara, you look so sexy in that getup," Scott says a bit slowly, looking me over. I can tell he's hard by the bulge under the sheets. I crawl on the bed towards him as he puts his book on the nightstand. I kiss him forcefully and roughly as I pull back the covers. "I want...
Kajal agarwal and Samantha had done finishing their shootings together for the film in which they acted together.During the time of shooting they become friends very much,even they got into lesbian relationship.One fine saturday,they went to the pub that night.Kajal mets an old school friend of her named sam who was around 23 and was well built.Kajal shared her life style with him and they started dancing together while samantha sits up and watches them.Her eyes was lustfully watching sam...
Wednesday March 8, 1843 Just before noon a week after ambushing the three bandits outside of Indianapolis, we reached the city of East St. Louis on the Illinois side of the Mississippi River. I was surprised that the fabled Mississippi looked slightly narrower than the Ohio River had been where we crossed it. Still, there were dozens of steamboats docked along both sides of the waterfront and probably more around the bend of the river where we couldn’t see them. Our travel this last week...
so there is this twenty year old girl i work with a very good looking girl with big tits and a nice round ass she is a good girl from a nice family. i talked to her a few times and i could tell she has alot of pent up sexuality. so we talk and we talk for months she has a boyfriend and dont want to cheat . she has only had sex with kno the story...needless to say she cheats after about four months...she has unbelievable pussy and it needs to b beat up and im the man for the
I got this guys no. from the toilet wall, so i dropped my pants in the middle of the restroom, and took photos of my naughty penis, w/ my phone, and sent him the pics…That night I was at my mates, wearing stolen panties, when I got a pic back of an uncut, sexy member, w/ an invite… so I grabed my keys an headed to a car park, down the beach. Id been thinkng about cock heaps. A couple of times, I found a guy in the toilets. One Indian man… I let him suck my dribbling dick… till I asked to see...
later on That day. Angel had fallen asleep. I was in my room grasping what I just saw. I needed to talk to you about it. I knew Angel would not be comfortable enough to. As I walked toward your room I heard sounds coming from inside. The door was slightly open, I could not help but to satisfy my curiosity. Looking in you were laying on the bed with your legs spread open masturbating. Saying to myself "no way this girl just cannot get enough" . My cock started to swell. I felt like a pervert...
Later, sitting on the couch, close to Jimmy, Karen fondled him while Sarah was in the kitchen preparing iced tea for them. Karen had one nyloned thigh draped over Jimmy’s leg, the other flung wide. Her bushy cunt, glistening with pussy-juices, was widely revealed. Jimmy had his arm over the back of his aunt’s shoulders, playing with a shapely, firm tit. As Sarah came back into the room, the ice and tea on a tray, the front door opened, and in stepped Keith. For the second time that day,...