Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 67 Whippets
- 2 years ago
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I was getting ready to leave the motel that I stayed in after my first night as a nude dancer. Actually it's kind of a strip tease. It didn't make any difference if I was making some money without turning tricks for the asshole that I had come to Tampa with. I contemplated when I should go into work.
Gladys said the Mons Venus is open twenty four hours, but I should probably come in at noon and work the afternoon crowd then stay until I was tired. She said a lot of the married women did that so they could get home and cook supper for the family. Okay, I could stay here another night, but why pay for that yet, before I get a chance to look around and ask around the Mons Venus.
I drove up Dale Mabry until I found a gas station and filled up the tank. Feeling a lot safer, I drove back south until I came to the Mons. This was around noon and the parking lot was packed. I did find a space and walked in. Today I was wearing a cute, ruffle cut off top that showed my belly button and another loose mini skirt. I figured if yesterday's outfit was successful, this would be too.
A waitress I had met yesterday was at the cashier's desk and gave me a smile as I walked past her through the busy club into the back, where Gladys was sitting in her office. A dancer was sitting on her desk with one leg on the floor and one leg up, spreading her beaver for all to see. They were having some hot conversation. While Gladys was talking to the dancer, she was actually talking to her pussy. I stood back and didn't intrude.
The dancer was telling Gladys, "You should come over tonight for a little party. You and I need to renew our friendship. Misty says you haven't been around to see her either. What's happenin', Gladys, you find a guy or a permanent partner?"
Still talking to the dancer's pussy, Gladys answered, "No, nothing like that. I've been busy with my new place and haven't had time to socialize much. I'll come over tonight if you want. But do you really want to include Misty, wouldn't you rather it just be the two of us?"
As she raked her fingers through her moist pussy lips, the dancer said, "How about you and I have a good time early, and then we'll both do Misty when she gets home. You know she escorts at least one date at night, but she's always home by nine. She likes to visit with her dates, then come home early."
Gladys looked up at the dancer and cupped one of her large store bought breasts, "You better be sure she's taking care of herself and not doing any of her dates bareback. You don't get a second chance if you catch something."
"I'm sure she's careful, Gladys Baby, she doesn't particularly care for men, anyway. She puts on a good show for them, but they pay to play. Why don't I shut the door and you can sample what you've been staring at for the last fifteen minutes?"
The dancer looked up at that moment and noticed me, "Hey, Tess, what's happening? How about coming over tonight to my place and we'll have a little party? Gladys is coming too."
Gladys took her hand off the dancer's thigh and turned to me, "Hi, Tess. Heard you had a great first night and didn't leave until after three. Did you make some money?"
With a smile, I approached the office door and said, "I did pretty good, enough to pay for a room, food, and to buy gas this morning."
The dancer said, "Hi, Tess, I'm Candy, what's this about paying for a room?"
I answered, "I'm without a place to live right now, but I'll find a place later today or tomorrow. I'll get some money ahead and rent a place or find someone to room with."
Candy said, "I live out north of town in a really nice trailer park, very friendly, and very safe. There is usually someone looking to share a place out there. If you want, come out to my place this evening and I'll look at the bulletin board with you. The place isn't a good place to bring a trick, but it's a great place to live."
"I don't plan on selling anything. That's how I ended up in Tampa without a place to stay. I wouldn't sell it or share it, and the asshole that convinced me we were a pair got pissed and split. I'd bet he's already got another girl to do tricks for him. Sometimes I think I'm the epitome of a dumb blonde."
Gladys said, "Don't be hard on yourself, Gerry, I'm sorry, I mean, Tess. We've all fallen for a line or ten in our time. I'm sure Candy and Misty, Candy's roommate, have fallen for a few."
Candy, the dancer, said, "No shit. It took me a dozen good lines before I finally figured out they were lines. So what do you think, Tess, want to come out and look for a place this evening?"
I looked at Gladys and she was nodding, "It is a decent place, Tess. There are a lot of really nice people out there. Ah, Candy, if you don't mind I need to have a private chat with Tess for a second. Mind leaving us alone for a sec?"
Candy smiled as she got up to leave. "Talk to me later, Tess. I need to put something on as my stage time is coming up."
Gladys said, "Shut the door, Honey. I want to go over the rules again."
After I shut the door, Gladys had me sit in her extra chair, then began, "I heard you did real good last night and didn't break any club rules. George said you kept the guys out of your snatch, but did a good job teasing them, just the way you said you enjoyed. I want you to know that you could go to jail if the cops come in and catch you giving a lap dance. It wouldn't be for soliciting, but for lewd public conduct. It's just a misdemeanor, but it would be on your record. I'm just telling you so you know there is some risk to making big bucks here. You can go down the street to the 2001 Odyssey where they do all sorts of things in the "Champagne Room." Some of the girls who've worked there say they give blowjobs, fuck, and just about anything else there. We don't allow that here. If you see a crowd of guys around a girl giving a dance here, it usually means she's doing something she shouldn't. George will investigate and I will find out. Okay, I've said my piece; do you still want to work here?"
"Damn right, Gladys. I didn't have to fuck anybody for the money I made last night, and I don't plan on doing it to make more today. I'll play by the rules."
Gladys smiled, "That's great. We'll have a good time together. I hope you're not put off by my eyes for Candy. She is a tempting piece for me. We have had some parties in the past and will probably have a lot more in the future. I don't have a guy and don't plan on supporting one, so Candy is a nice diversion, if you know what I mean. I don't know whether you swing that way, but if you do, there are some nice girls here to play with."
"I like guys, Gladys, but I'm a little put off by them right now. I think I'll wait until I can pick and choose one to play with. Meanwhile, I need to make some money."
I was getting up when I said, "Last night I gave fifty to the waitresses, cashier, and George. Was that the right amount?"
"That's a decent amount. No one will ever bitch if you give them that much. If it's real slow, they'll know and won't expect as much. You should be taking at least a grand home every night. Less than that and you need to shorten up on your tip outs. If you work days, you get to tip me out too. The night manager makes a lot more and doesn't take tip outs. The days only have one or two waitresses though and they work the cash register too. Go get ready and make some money, Honey."
I put my purse in my locker and locked it up. My skirt had a small pocket so I was able to zip the key up in there for safe keeping. After brushing out my hair, I was thinking about stripping down a little to work the floor when Gladys came in.
"Tess, how about taking the stage? Cherry was getting sick and ran to the john. I'd bet she's pregnant. She got married this past spring and I'll just bet she's making a kid."
"I'm ready, Gladys, let me pick out my music."
"Just dance to the last two from Cherry and I'll pick one to go with them. Strut your stuff and tease those guys. We have a lot of guys out there today."
I went on stage just as the next song was starting. The music wasn't bad, even though it wasn't anything I would play. I did my thing and teased right down to my bare bottom. Guys were tossing bills and stuffing my garters full. The crowd was rowdy, and it took some effort to keep their hands off my private stuff, but I managed. They were all hollering for me to stay on stage when the three songs were over. Gladys was just off stage and was motioning me to stay. I put my hand on my hips, pushed my light red fuzzies out for everyone to see, and said, "Want some more?"
There were lots of yells and hands waving bills in the air. I ended up dancing to two more songs, getting groped in the process, but eluding errant fingers and hands. When I finally stopped, I scooped up all the cash, grabbed my clothes, and headed to the locker area. I stuffed all the money into my purse and locked it all up. I saw a fifty in there. I wonder which guy donated that?
I used the restroom and headed straight for the floor. Instantly, guys wanting a private dance surrounded me. I told them I would do them all but they had to settle down and find an open area for me to work. Five of the guys cleared a space on a couch and sat. I sat on the first guy's knee and said, "Is one enough for a man like you?"
He grinned and said, "It's not enough, but it's what I can afford today. I think we're all in that boat. Give us each a dance and we'll all enjoy it."
I collected five twenties and stood in front of them in my miniskirt and cut off top. As soon as the music started, I leaned over and dropped the top then stepped out of my skirt. Completely bare, I gave the first guy a mind numbing lap dance that had him drooling all over himself. I did all five as sexily as I could. They were all young, well behaved, guys. A couple cupped one of my smaller breasts, but none went for the gold. When I was done, standing in front of them with my hands on my hips, smiling, I noticed a couple of big wet spots on their pants. I hope it was them and not drool from me.
The first guy held out a five and said, "Here, this is a tip from me to you. That was great. The best lap dance I've ever had."
The other guys were not to be outdone. The other four all gave me a five as a tip. I thanked them, grabbed my clothes, and ran for the back to use the restroom and some fingers to satisfy my growing itch.
Wow, that was a turn on. Six guys, all wanting to be teased, all lusting after my body. There were dancers that were a lot better looking than I am, some with huge tits, although probably store bought. Most of them had shaved pussies while I had very little light red fuzzies that hardly needed trimming. It was almost funny that I should get that much attention. I may be a dumb blonde, but I'm going to be a dumb blonde with enough money to take care of herself.
The afternoon continued in the same manner. I danced two more times before nine o'clock. A lot of the married ladies had left and most of the day girls were getting ready to leave. I was starved and worn out. The smoke in the club was heavy today and my hair smelled terrible, so I also wanted a shower.
Gladys saw me sitting in the dressing room and reminded me that Candy and Misty would have a decent meal for me if I was interested in going out there. "Those two know a bunch of people out there and they might have someone you could rent from."
"I need to clean up, Gladys. I smell like smoke and sweat."
Gladys offered, "Take a shower, that's what the shower room is for. You can go out and take a shower in front and make some money. We have that shower stage that we haven't been using much lately. We have plenty of towels, which one do you want?"
I answered, "I'm too tired to do any more teasing tonight. I'll use the shower room. I can blow dry my hair, so that would be best. I am really tired and hungry. Oh yeah, Gladys, one of those papers I signed talked about the hundred a night I have to give management to work here. Ah, how come you haven't asked for it?"
Gwen, the night manager, was standing next to Gladys and answered, "Joe, you know Joe Redner, the owner, likes to give new girls a week or so without having to pay the fee so they can get on their feet. Work this weekend and next week with no fee then we'll begin collecting."
I smiled and said, "It's a good thing a girl can make some big bucks dancing or this would be an expensive place to work. With the tip outs for the staff and rent, that's like almost four hundred a day."
Gladys said, "That just means you'll work that much harder making our customers happy so you make big money every day. If business is bad, Joe tells us not to collect fees. One more thing he has us do, is to have you record what you make, so you pay income tax. You are really self-employed so you have to file quarterly. Have Candy help you get set up so you don't get into trouble with Uncle Sam."
I showered and dressed quickly, getting directions out to Candy's and Misty's place from Gladys as she got ready to leave. She suggested I just follow her out as she was driving straight there.
We drove about twenty minutes north of the city to an area with a big industrial park and turned into the entrance to a trailer park. There was a big overhead sign that said the name of the place was the "Vacation" trailer park. Under "Vacation" was an S&S logo. That must be some kind of holding company.
The park had a guarded entrance that Gladys stopped at. She told the guard something and he wrote our two cars' license numbers down and waved us through. We drove way up past a wooded area, arriving at an area that had all double wide trailers. As soon as we parked in the long driveway of the big manufactured home, the door opened, and Candy came bouncing out of the trailer in some ultra short shorts and a very loose halter top.
We walked into the trailer after a hug from Candy. The place was a regular house inside. We entered in a family room that was connected to a kitchen. Misty was in the kitchen appearing to be preparing food. She quickly came from around the counter and gave Gladys and me a hug. The surprising part of that was that Misty only had some thong panties on. That's it, just a pair of thong panties. Misty has rather large, firm breasts, probably man made, that have nice protruding nipples. When she hugs you, the two firm tips of those babies puncture you.
That gave me a thrill. I'm not really into women, but the feel of those pointy nipples and those big firm breasts pushing into my firm "Bs" had my thong getting moist again.
Still holding me, Misty said, "Hmmm, you smell good. You must have showered at the club. I know I smell terrible after a shift. I come home and shower instantly. Come on, everyone sit, I have some pasta and sausage for supper."
The girls served some dark red wine with the meal. I was stuffing it in as I had not had anything since breakfast. I asked Gladys, "What do we do about lunch or some kind of food during our shift?"
Misty answered, "You can go across the street to the little steak house or go to the Chinese restaurant up the street. There is a Subway up that way too."
Candy said, "Actually, there are a dozen or so restaurants close to the club. Some girls let guys take them to eat, but that usually means you give a blow job for dessert. I'd rather buy my own or snack on pussy." With that, she laughed loudly.
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TabooThe past meets the present today on Hussie??️Pass, as we’ve paired up the lovely Kylie Quinn, who first appeared here way back in 2016 ?? when she was a 19-year-old newbie, with our newest stud, the well-hung 18-year-old Damion Dayski. After the Johnny ?? Robbins interview portion of the program ?? Kylie warms up for Damion’s “giant…I’m not gonna explain” cock by dildo-fucking herself with our girthy rubber dong. Damion comes in with some lube ? and gets Kylie’s...
xmoviesforyouThis is were your story begins. It is a story of love, lust, excitement, experimentation, a time when your fantasies will become reality. This is your adventure.
FetishMy sweet Ana and me had flown to Los Angeles.I had a boring conference and my wife could enjoy making some shopping. We had hired a comfortable room in a very nice resort.One afternoon I came back late from my business and found Ana trying on a new bikini she had purchased. It was white and too revealing; but she said nobody would pay her any attention; she wanted only enjoy the Jacuzzi.We snuck out and jumped right into the Jacuzzi with some drinks. I could immediately see her hard nipples...
She heard voices. "Get a fucking move on, you're blocking tunnel." May replied groggily "I went ass over tit, Give us hand." Soon Ernie Shuttleworth grabbed her and dragged her free. "You bashed your head, It's no good you can't carry on." May sobbed, she loved the warm dry pit, and the men fucking her as they came off shift, she was worried about losing her baby, but suddenly she realised it was her height not her girth which threatened her idyllic...
I grew up in a small Texas town of 3,100 people. My dad was a Church of Christ minister and my mom was a teacher. Needless to say, I couldn’t jaywalk without them hearing about it. They were both killed in a car accident, so I had to go live with my aunt in Dallas. She got a lot of life insurance money when her husband died in a work-related accident, so she didn’t have to work. Instead, she stayed drunk 24/7/365. Most of the time, even when she wasn’t passed out, she hardly knew I...
Time heals all things, right? So when am I going to get back to normal? Dave thought as he drove toward his sister Dawn's place to pick up the kids. Though he and Carol had been apart for almost a year he still missed her terribly. As he neared his sister's place he remembered that Carol and her mom, Jeannie had taken the kids to the park that afternoon. Though he and Carol had been divorced for nine months, he tried to make it easy for their kids to see their mom and grandparents whenever...
First I'd like to explain a few things. 1) Part 5 was meant to be a Segway to the new series with John and Alex. 2) I skipped forward a few months for this story so it wouldn't be repetition cuz I have an idea for this one 3) The hot guy who keeps writing in all my stories "(:, :3, and
I talked for about an hour and took questions from the group. There were several women that stood out for me in the crowd and my luck held as two of them stayed behind in the group after the class and eventually it was down to the two of them. They were curious and asked the right questions and it prompted me to ask them to go to the pub with me to discuss things further. I was hoping one of them would be in my bed before the afternoon was up. The first girl, Molly was a raven haired geeky...
It was a hot July night. I was lying in bed in short shorts and a tank top with the ceiling fan on. I was flipping through channels, trying to find something to watch as I texted my best friend, trying to see what was going on tonight. No one was doing anything, everyone complained about the heat and said it was too hot to do anything. To me, it was nice out. Yeah, it was 90 degrees at almost 10:30 at night, but it was dry heat. The hot weather usually doesn’t bother me, I could rather the hot...
Hi, I am from Bangalore, my name is Neetha, I am aged 33, I am a house wife and I have son who is studying 6th standard. I have a good married life as ours is a small family having myself, my husband Rohit and my son Nikhil. I am loved very much by my husband though we had an arranged marriage. About I actually hail from Delhi, me a graduate, settled as house wife. I look attractive with my fair skin, straight knee long black hairs, black eyes, shaped eyebrows, naturally red potting lips, well...
Lily awoke with a start and glanced at the the digital clock on her night stand. It was 2:30 in the morning. What an erotic dream she had been having about Raff De Angelo. In the dream he had been walking towards her and she could not move an inch, stranger yet she had not wanted to be able to. When he reached her, he started gently kissing her lips and reverently caressing her breast through her campaign colored negligee. Exciting wonderful sensations strummed through her femininity. Although...
MasturbationIt hadn't been easy bringing up my daughter single handed after her mother had died, though I never told Jackie that her mother had been leaving both of us when her car crashed. I'd been left with an eighteen month old baby which forced me to give up my job, thankfully my wife's life insurance money was enough to keep us if not in style at least in decency. My daughter had been a handful from the word go, by the time she was five she had worked out how to get around me most of the time. When...
This is the seventh part of my story. I compare all women in the story to an actress. My mom Poonam Bajwa. In this part, I am gonna add 3 more characters. Enjoy the story. Nowadays my fucking session with mom has become more common, even in front of dad. We fuck in front of dad to irritate him. But dad wanted to stop our fucking session. So he asked my mom’s elder sister Poonam Pandey (actress)to come and stay in our house for a while. She was married to my father’s elder brother. She is 37...
IncestLinda’sAwakening Phoenix Style Linda awoke to the buzzing of an alarm. What the hell? Dan must have left it on accidentally. He had told her he was going to get an early start, maybe sneak out of a session early, and she might have an exciting day, or something to that effect. She reached over, had to rise up and scoot across the bed to hit the alarm. At the same moment, she heard a quiet rap on the door accompanied by the soft call of “Room Service”. Oh, hell, she thought, as she got up,...
"Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship 'Enterprise'. Its five year mission: The explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life, and new civilizations; to boldly go where no man has gone before!" Star Trek Amazon: The Prince of Amazonia Captain's Log, Stardate 4176.4. We are currently engaged in a search for the U.S.S. Redoubt, last seen a month ago on a cartographic mission outside of Federation space. Though we are near areas claimed by...
One day James is having a couple of his male friends over for drinks when his wife Kim joins them. “You know I went shopping for lingerie today, dear,” says Kim, pouring herself another drink and sitting next to her husband on the couch. “Uh, huh,” says James with a smirk, looking to see his friend’s reaction. Fred blushes slightly but Sam just laughs. “Are you going to try it on for us?” asks Sam playfully. “Do you want me to?” replies Kim, batting her lashes at him. “Sure, why not? What...
School was finally out and my work took on a complete new set of routines. I called it “Operation Mop-Up.” All the windows had to be cleaned and the floors polished in every classroom and hallway. The bathrooms had to be thoroughly disinfected from top to bottom. The little scribbles and graffiti was the toughest part to get rid of, especially in the girl’s bathrooms. There were the usual smiley faces and the declarations of love, such as ‘I Luv Jimmy’ or ‘Mindy likes Kevin.’ I was surprised...
Hello viewers, aap sab ne meri story “wife swapping by old couple padi, mujhe bahut achha response mila. Ab main usi silsile ko aage badhata hu aur aapko ek purani sachhi story sonata hu jo aaj se karib 26-27 saal pehle ki hai. Yeh story Narendra aur Suman ki hai jo khud Narendra ne mujhe bataai. Ab aage ki kahani Narendra ki muh jabaani hi suniye. Hi viewers me Narendra aur meri wife Suman. Me karib 5’ height badan bhara hua vajan 67 Kg age 56 aur Suman 50 years age height laghbhag mere...
Vicki was barely making it as an interior decorator, struggling with the hardships of trying to run her own business, and she knew that she was not going to make it, already. That thought really saddened her, because she had risked her savings and her efforts on success in this business. She desperately wanted to prove that she was not the failure of the family. Her self-esteem was at stake, and she had little of that to begin with, so this would really hurt. She had gone through several jobs...
FetishFriday and my date with Cindy came quickly. I was busy with my work, and my savings stash was doing well. I pulled some money out of it, in case I was paying. Cindy had said she was managing it, but that wasn't how things worked -- the guy pays, right? I also grabbed a few condoms and put them in my pocket, just in case. I doubted anything would come of it, but if it did and I didn't have condoms? That'd really suck. I was waiting on the porch when Cindy pulled up, and so was the rest of...
For us "newlyweds," the first month was pretty much a feeling-out process. But come to think of it, aren't all marriages like that? I had to admit, that as a roommate, Wendy was pretty damn terrific. I'd gotten well accustomed to sleeping on the couch, and in truth, it didn't bother me all that much. Of course, there was the communication barrier, but we'd gotten adept at communicating non-verbally. The English lessons continued, but I was chomping at the bit for some educational props...
This is part four of a true experience, which took place in the mid 40's. It is expected that the final section will be completed with in the next couple of weeks. Had finished my nightly session with Peterson and his buddies, was horny as all get out after having done four guys including Peterson. The thought of Smithy and his nice uncut cock was constantly on my mind. Thought perhaps tonight might be a good time to explore the situation. Went down to our compartment, it was almost lights out...
GayI am Shravan here. I like to narrate in detail & not just like.. so & so and we started doing this and that which in fact is a turn off. So bear with the length of the story. I hope it turns you on. I was traveling from Ernakulam to Pune by train. It was a heavy downpour on the date of the journey across the entire state. By 5:30 pm, As soon as I boarded, I arranged my luggage and set up my favorite playlist in my iPod for listening.Since it was a last minute reservation, I only managed to get...
Just as Gail was about to get up on her hands and knees for the classic dog-fucking position, she was surprised to see Scotty moving quickly between her legs. "Hey, Scotty, whatcha doing?" the youngster asked with a little laugh. "We've never done it that way before - and I don't think we can! That's the way humans do it, Scotty!" But Gail felt oddly excited by the thought of her dog fucking her missionary style. And she put up no protest when Scotty persisted by straddling her body...