Double MarriageChapter 2
- 2 years ago
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The creature known as Ishkur watched her from the top of the sandy rise, feasting his eyes on her wild beauty. His position, carefully chosen, overlooked the lonely beach house by the windswept shore. The moon was almost full, casting unearthly shadows over the dunes and spindly trees as they swayed in the breeze.
He loved the night; he was at home here, and the darkness was his domain, belonging to him totally. Here, he was king. Here, he answered to no one.
Created in Mesopotamia during the time of Sumer, Ishkur had been roaming the earth for over three thousand years, his senses and powers growing stronger and more potent with the passing of each century.
He had seen and done many things throughout his long, and unnatural existence. He had been present during the Persian wars with Greece, had met and talked with men of learning — Herodotus and Sophocles among them. He had witnessed the growing power of Rome, travelling from one end of their empire to the other, residing for a while in Alexandria and Carthage, and living for many savage years with the Druids in ancient Britain.
And then, following the last significant Roman victory at the battle of the Catalaunian Fields, where the Legions and their allies finally triumphed over the rampant Huns, he had watched the Empire’s decline as the barbarian tribes inevitably prevailed.
Throughout, he had observed the rise of and spread of Christianity and, later, Islam. He had watched their warriors battle for dominance over the holy lands, destroying each other during the Crusades. He had marvelled at the Mongol tide as it surged westward, sweeping everything before it, making a mockery of European knights and Arab horsemen alike.
He had drunk wine and argued with Copernicus, Da Vinci, and Galileo, Descartes and Newton. These things he had done, and more, until he grew jaded and frustrated with the Old World, tired of its bickering. And so he moved to the New.
Still unspoilt by civilization, the New World beckoned like a candle flame to a moth. In those first years on these shores, he had explored voraciously. With a new sense of discovery and excitement, he travelled from the northern wilderness with its huge boreal forests—the Taiga—to the southern tip on the Tierra del Fuego—the Land of Fire, with its stunning, glacial landscapes. Fire and ice, literally, coming together.
For the last few centuries, he had been enjoying the seemingly endless opportunities and possibilities in the most vibrant part of this fascinating continent. A land of pioneers and hope; he enjoyed its audacity and assuredness, and its total belief in itself.
After the Revolution—or rather, the War of Independence, he had watched this young country take its first faltering steps into nationhood until it became the power it was today; decadent, impulsive, growing in strength with time, until it was the dominant force in the world. Like he himself had grown in strength, growing more powerful with each passing decade. He smiled to himself. He liked the comparison.
Now he sensed change was afoot in this country of excess. Like the Roman Empire before, it was teetering on the brink, toying with a path that could lead to its own destruction. Perhaps then, he would seek a new home—though where, he could not imagine.
Perhaps. But first…
During the last few decades, his desires were changing. He was yearning for something different. It had taken him a while to recognise what he sought, and why.
He was lonely.
It really shouldn’t have surprised him. After all this time, it was only to be expected. He needed something else—someone else, to make him complete. He sought… companionship.
Of course, he’d had companions before, but the last one had departed many years ago—before he’d come to the New World. Previously, there had never been an expectation of permanence. Now, though, he wanted to share his knowledge, his power—his existence—with another. Someone—and he recognised the irony here—who matched his zest for life. Someone he could love.
Now, here in this place, after years of searching, he thought he might have found that someone.
Maybe she was the one? Maybe his hunt was finally at an end?
Tonight was the night he would find out.
Ishkur had always had diverse tastes, enjoying intimacy with both man and woman alike. But he sought only those with vitality; those with open minds, who enjoyed the world for what it was. He delighted in their creativity, their ardour, their abandonment of the banal, their joy and laughter.
He had been watching this particular female for a number of nights now. It was around this time that she inevitably took a stroll along the shore, savouring the wind, or the rain, or whatever the weather was doing—it didn’t seem to matter to her. From a distance, his preternatural eyes studied her behaviour. She loved to embrace her surroundings—lifting her face towards the sky so she would feel the salt spray from the pounding waves, or the drizzle from the night sky. He saw how she revelled in the elements, relishing the primaeval power.
What his extraordinary eyes couldn’t see, his other senses told him what he wanted to know.
He couldn’t read minds—not really. He did, however, get a strong sense of what someone was thinking—a glimpse, if you like, into their thoughts and desires. With this one, intriguing pictures drifted in and out of his consciousness. He discerned a mind as mischievous as his own. Her delinquent thoughts fascinating him.
There was a wildness about her. And though she was very much aware of her own sensuality, recognising her appeal to others, not many tempted her in return. But, he sensed, for the ones that did, it was an experience they never forgot.
He found her features exquisite; paradoxically both delicate and strong. He enjoyed watching her impish smile, and her gaiety. Her scent was scintillating; her bouquet was so unique and powerful that he would know her anywhere now, even if she was miles away from him.
He could taste her on the breeze, as she walked along the seashore, revelling in the moonlight, her long unruly hair blowing with abandonment about her face.
He growled softly to himself. He would need to control himself with this one; her appeal was almost too great. Over the course of only a few nights, her allure had become almost too powerful for her own good, her thoughts reflecting such an affinity with his own, it was as if fate was taking a hand.
Would she choose him? He smiled at the thought. It didn’t really matter. He couldn’t read minds, but he did have a power of another sort. When he had been changed—when he had become other—he had acquired so many gifts; beauty, strength, speed—senses a hundred times more potent than before.
And a power to beguile.
People simply couldn’t say no to him. One look into his supernatural eyes was all it usually took. And then they were captivated. His desires became their desires. Without knowing why, they felt an overwhelming longing to please him—his pleasure became their sole focus—their one and only reason for existing.
The woman had finished her nightly excursion. Barefoot, she was almost back at her house.
It was time.
He floated gently down beside her. At first, she looked puzzled—where had he come from? Then, after her first glance into his seductive eyes, she became oblivious of everything but him. Mesmerised, her frown became a welcoming smile.
When he enchanted his prey like this, their minds became free of complications, untethered from reality, unfettered and free to roam. Looking into her innermost thoughts, all of a sudden, he was able to read so much more.
This woman wasn’t prey. Not in the normal sense. She was so much more than that. But she reacted the same way. Now, there was a torrent of thoughts and images flooding his mind all at once.
Now, her name came to him.
"Hmm," he thought. Kim—a name with so many meanings! A name of gold. Noble and brave! Bold, like the hero of Kipling’s novel. A leader, Chief of War…
What an appropriate name for a wild one such as this!
He had known Kims before, both male and female, good and bad. This one… this one was both good and bad—roguish and wilful…
Kim’s thoughts were becoming clearer, reflecting her true, inner being. Her soul, if you like.
He smiled to himself. She was an artist. And a writer—he’d seen that! A writer of love, passion, and eroticism; she had a fertile imagination, coupled with a ribald wit. She liked to put herself into her stories, becoming the character she wrote—different, but the same. And in her stories, she enjoyed misbehaving.
Just like she did in life.
Yes, she was perfect for him.
It was a shame she wouldn’t remember any of this—not until he was ready for her to remember. Though perhaps elements of this night would surface in her subconscious, feeding her imagination? Perhaps she would write of him? He found the thought amusing.
He could sense that she was driven by the sexual act, with a capacity to match his own—something he had neither expected, nor seen before in his three thousand years. As she smiled at him, jumbled thoughts continued to flow from her agile and suggestive mind; ice cream, a bearskin hat, a naughty girl standing in a corner, polka dots, a trombone… so many that he couldn’t make sense of it all—only that her thoughts were delightfully titillating and indecent.
There would be opportunities to decipher their meaning another time.
She took his hand and led him into her home, unconsciously heading for her bedroom.
Without hesitation or embarrassment, she disrobed, casting aside her simple clothes, proudly displaying her sensual body for his pleasure. His eyes delighted on her riches; just how he imagined, only so much more! Her body was nubile, knowing, and full of secrets demanding to be discovered.
She came to him, her fingers caressing his hard, muscular frame. Slowly she began to undress him, exposing his primaeval, but pristine, ivory physique.
He had seduced her mind; now, full of lust, her own carnal instincts took over, seducing his body and soul in return; her lips teasing and kissing, tongue licking and probing, fingers toying. He felt his ardour rapidly rising.
Eager to please, she pulled him onto her bed. She was ready for him; her rapacious cunt, wet and swollen, waited to draw him in, welcoming, hungry, desperate for his thick organ.
His own passion, raised to heights he had seldom reached before, started to overcome him. He impaled her raging furnace with his iron rod, his cold member soaking up her extraordinary heat, the contrast making her gasp in shock and delight.
He could feel her sodden pussy, drowning him in her warm juices, subliminally responding to the raw power he was exuding. He felt her muscles contract around him, and with a monstrous groan, he exploded, filling her womb with his potent seed.
Her own arousal already heightened, his pulsing phallus tipped her over the edge, and she came powerfully with a scream, raking her nails down his chest, unexpectedly drawing blood with a sudden, supernatural strength of her own.
It startled him, this sudden power that she had demonstrated. His seed was having an instant effect with this one—much more than he had anticipated.
Irises dilating in response, he bent towards her neck. He could feel her life-force pumping beneath his exposed teeth. Submissively, she raised her chin, giving herself to him. Commanding all his willpower, he delicately grazed her jugular with his lips, then, leaving the skin unbroken, he gently kissed her mouth.
Was she aware? She shouldn’t be, but suddenly he was uncertain.
He raised himself, and looked intensely into her eyes—deep pools of honey, languid and unfocussed. Oh, she was so intriguing—aware or unaware, she had captured him completely!
He didn’t want to make a mistake and drain this unexpected seductress. She was too important to him now—too special.
But her responses perhaps belied the truth of who was in control.
He smiled ruefully to himself. He was no longer certain who was the beguiled. He felt that it was he who no longer had a choice in the matter. She had chosen him. Her own potential was already being realised, his seed working its magic, unlike anything he had previously encountered. Her power could, perhaps, even exceed his own!
Satiated, he should leave her now—for a while at least. If he still could. But he would be back soon, of that he was certain. Her hold on him had grown too intense, too powerful. He did not think that he could escape her even if he wanted to.
Just as well he didn’t.
She was more than he could ever have hoped for.
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Group SexLETTER FROM EISENGRIM TOWNSHIPDear Shoeblossom:Sometimes Brearley lets me jerk off. Kneeling on the hardwood floor on my bare knees, rubbing my stiff and long denied cock, it’s so painful! Brearley is always gorgeous, fully clothed as a striking contrast to my nakedness, in tight jeans or a sexy miniskirt, sometimes a tube top. Often she will wear a sexy business office outfit, which really, really makes me feel even more naked, humiliated, and excited.?Keep that willy whacking, Fremont, but...
I called the comunity center near by and asked them about their pool hours. I thought swimming lengths would be a good work out. They said that just recently, there was night swimming for the outdoor pool that started at 8:00 and that the pool would be almost empty because not many people knew about the new schedual change yet. I desided to go. As I walked out of the changroom out to the pool, I looked around and I saw nobody, I slipped into the water and started swimming the lengths. I had...
First TimeOnce upon a time, there was a dark and stormy night...Yes, you're right. It's a pretty cheesy beginning. However, as a start to my story, it is completely appropriate. It was a dark and stormy night when she walked into my life. The few hours of my life I had left, that is.All that hot, August day the temperature and humidity had climbed. One to, and one over, a hundred degrees. A usually blue sky was burned into steel gray. Clouds formed in the afternoon. Grew and climbed into the...
Fantasy & Sci-FiSex Ki Piyaasi by priyaka Mera naam hai priyanka mai 17 sal ki khubsurat ladki hu net pe desi site dekhana meri roj ki hobi hai mai mumbai mai mere papa aur mummy ke sath raheti hu mera bhai mehul america mai padhai karta hai mai raojana dupaher ko 1 pm se 6 pm net pe raheti hu jab ghar mai koi nahi hota hai Jab bhi mai nangi kahani padhti hu tub muje kuchh kuchh hone lagta hai net pe lund ki kai photo dekhi hai lekin asal mai kisi ka lund nahi dekha mai hamesha sochati raheti hu ki kisi...
Hello. Main Varun, 24 saal ka Mumbai se. Main mechanical engineer hu. Main tall, dark, handsome ladka hu. Housewife ya naughty ladki jisse detailed roleplay karna ho ya mujhse chudwana ho toh mujhe hangout pe message kare id: Jisne bhi Part1 nahi padha ho woh usse padh le toh apko is story mein maza ayega. Chaliye ab story pe age chalte hai. Chalo pehele Sandhya ke baare mein bata deta hu. Uski age 32 ki thi figure34c-30-34. Uska chehra dekhte hi main uspe lattu ho gaya tha. Uske woh ubhre...
Hey guys! This is my first story; let me know what you think. I'm opento anyone’s opinion. I wake up in the morning and slowly open my eyes. I see you sitting there watching me sleeping, it’s really sweet. I look over to the bed side table and see its only 6am on a Saturday morning and wonder to myself why we are awake. I want to give you a cuddle and kiss so I start to sit up and find I can’t, I panic a little and you comfort me and whisper in my ear, “now baby this is for being such a cock...
Quickie SexMe and Heather walked around a bit talking before going to the locker room. On our way back the whole b-ball team walked passed us to leave. I was outside the locker room and Heather says, "I dare you to sneek into the boys locker room and spray perfume everywhere, on everything." of course me being the goodie goodie I am,I refused. but she forced the bottle in my hand and shoved me into the locker room and gaurded the door so I couldnt leave. So I turned around to start spraying and none...
One weekend they found themselves alone in the evening as their parents had decided to go out for the night and they had planned to watch tv, eat popcorn and stay up late until they got back. "Bye!" called Rose as their parents drove away. Louise was meanwhile in the shower, leaving Rose to set up the television. The two girls sat watching tv, looking for any interesting programmes they could giggle at, such as sex programmes for adults. However, they never found any, so instead decided...
Sabko mera bahut bahut thanks mere story ko padhne ke liye, aur also thanks for mail replies. Mujhe aur bhi khushi hogi aur protsahan bhi agar mujhe zyada se zyada mail aaye to. Kisi ko bhi aisa lage ki woh Kumar Apartment ke episodes mein apne vichar ya kahani dalna chahe to mujhe aur bhi khushi hogi. I am really glad to know that you all are waiting for the next part of Kumar Apartment. Aaj ka episode part 15 ka theesra hissa hai aur sath hi Kumar apartment season 1 ka last episode bhi. Hope...
We had been having lots of naughty fun and exploring your boundaries over the recent months, I knew you had a wild streak in you when it came to sex. You liked to role-play, have sex in interesting place, loved to exchange fantasies, and watch porn together. The best thing was that you wanted to be pushed to try new things, like now you could deep-throat me and I am not small.You liked to suck my cock and liked it when I came in your mouth. You had a sexy body, and hot tits and a nice juicy...
My husband John was going to finally get his well deserved promotion and for the last couple of days that was all he could talk about. This evening as we sat in the dining room finishing our dinner he stared talking about it again. "God Gloria, I can't believe it, they're really going to promote me this time. I just can't believe that Rick is really going to do it. Christ honey, it means a $30,000 a year raise and an extra week's vacation. And I'll get the corner office; you know the one...
Hi, mi name is Alberto, a 24 yo. Spanish guy and here is my story that began to be created at a bus body so that all male passenger attention would only driven toward her, nobody uttered a word -speechless, staring at this beauty. I reckon she was 35 yo. 1,75 tall, long waving reddish hair. She wore a tight white blouse with low neck through which her wonderful breasts were seen, also the owner of some embellished tits, along with splendorous nipples. My stare immediately searched at her...
Saturday morning arrived all too soon. Jennifer Carmel, the day before an innocent virgin teenager, stared at the blinds on the windows. Her skin was pale, as if the ice-water she felt in her veins was actually flowing in place of her blood. She was as confused as any little girl could have been and she tried to sort her ambivalent feelings as she lay under the covers of her bed. She curled her legs up, letting the blankets fall away so that she could hug her knees protectively, and would...
It is early in the morning as Sara sees her watch it marks 5:15am, Sara whas checking the different jobs done for the science fair, as she walk around the auditorium she mumbles to herself "baking soda volcanoes check, projects to protect the environment check, teleporter chec…" sara look at her list one more time then proceed to walk towards the strange device the device looks like a public phone booth straight out of some science fiction series, several different colored cables come out of...
Thursday evening, 11pm. I had just rang the bell for last orders at the pub. It had been a slow night. There were 2 customers sat at a table outside and that was it. I’d let one of our bartenders leave early and all the chefs had gone so it was just me. It took me about 15 minutes to wrap everything up. I headed out to the 2 remaining customers outside to ask them to start heading off. They stood and started to walk away before I’d finished speaking. I went back inside and bolted the large...
For those following the stories, we are at the point Jaimine, the preachers daughter is six months along carrying my baby. She lived with my wife and I, my hot wife Charlotte clueless about Jaimie.Jaimie 24 birthday was yesterday! So, what we did was I had my wife set up a nice surprise party for her at our house where she lives when she got home from her college classes before Christmas break. My wife had no idea, when she left for work and our k**s left for school, Jaimie, who lives with...