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The creature known as Ishkur watched her from the top of the sandy rise, feasting his eyes on her wild beauty. His position, carefully chosen, overlooked the lonely beach house by the windswept shore. The moon was almost full, casting unearthly shadows over the dunes and spindly trees as they swayed in the breeze.

He loved the night; he was at home here, and the darkness was his domain, belonging to him totally. Here, he was king. Here, he answered to no one.

Created in Mesopotamia during the time of Sumer, Ishkur had been roaming the earth for over three thousand years, his senses and powers growing stronger and more potent with the passing of each century.

He had seen and done many things throughout his long, and unnatural existence. He had been present during the Persian wars with Greece, had met and talked with men of learning — Herodotus and Sophocles among them. He had witnessed the growing power of Rome, travelling from one end of their empire to the other, residing for a while in Alexandria and Carthage, and living for many savage years with the Druids in ancient Britain.

And then, following the last significant Roman victory at the battle of the Catalaunian Fields, where the Legions and their allies finally triumphed over the rampant Huns, he had watched the Empire’s decline as the barbarian tribes inevitably prevailed.

Throughout, he had observed the rise of and spread of Christianity and, later, Islam. He had watched their warriors battle for dominance over the holy lands, destroying each other during the Crusades. He had marvelled at the Mongol tide as it surged westward, sweeping everything before it, making a mockery of European knights and Arab horsemen alike.

He had drunk wine and argued with Copernicus, Da Vinci, and Galileo, Descartes and Newton. These things he had done, and more, until he grew jaded and frustrated with the Old World, tired of its bickering. And so he moved to the New.

Still unspoilt by civilization, the New World beckoned like a candle flame to a moth. In those first years on these shores, he had explored voraciously. With a new sense of discovery and excitement, he travelled from the northern wilderness with its huge boreal forests—the Taiga—to the southern tip on the Tierra del Fuego—the Land of Fire, with its stunning, glacial landscapes. Fire and ice, literally, coming together.

For the last few centuries, he had been enjoying the seemingly endless opportunities and possibilities in the most vibrant part of this fascinating continent. A land of pioneers and hope; he enjoyed its audacity and assuredness, and its total belief in itself.

After the Revolution—or rather, the War of Independence, he had watched this young country take its first faltering steps into nationhood until it became the power it was today; decadent, impulsive, growing in strength with time, until it was the dominant force in the world. Like he himself had grown in strength, growing more powerful with each passing decade. He smiled to himself. He liked the comparison.

Now he sensed change was afoot in this country of excess. Like the Roman Empire before, it was teetering on the brink, toying with a path that could lead to its own destruction. Perhaps then, he would seek a new home—though where, he could not imagine.

Perhaps. But first…

During the last few decades, his desires were changing. He was yearning for something different. It had taken him a while to recognise what he sought, and why.

He was lonely.

It really shouldn’t have surprised him. After all this time, it was only to be expected. He needed something else—someone else, to make him complete. He sought… companionship.

Of course, he’d had companions before, but the last one had departed many years ago—before he’d come to the New World. Previously, there had never been an expectation of permanence. Now, though, he wanted to share his knowledge, his power—his existence—with another. Someone—and he recognised the irony here—who matched his zest for life. Someone he could love.

Now, here in this place, after years of searching, he thought he might have found that someone.

Maybe she was the one? Maybe his hunt was finally at an end?

Tonight was the night he would find out.


Ishkur had always had diverse tastes, enjoying intimacy with both man and woman alike. But he sought only those with vitality; those with open minds, who enjoyed the world for what it was. He delighted in their creativity, their ardour, their abandonment of the banal, their joy and laughter.

He had been watching this particular female for a number of nights now. It was around this time that she inevitably took a stroll along the shore, savouring the wind, or the rain, or whatever the weather was doing—it didn’t seem to matter to her. From a distance, his preternatural eyes studied her behaviour. She loved to embrace her surroundings—lifting her face towards the sky so she would feel the salt spray from the pounding waves, or the drizzle from the night sky. He saw how she revelled in the elements, relishing the primaeval power.

What his extraordinary eyes couldn’t see, his other senses told him what he wanted to know.

He couldn’t read minds—not really. He did, however, get a strong sense of what someone was thinking—a glimpse, if you like, into their thoughts and desires. With this one, intriguing pictures drifted in and out of his consciousness. He discerned a mind as mischievous as his own. Her delinquent thoughts fascinating him.

There was a wildness about her. And though she was very much aware of her own sensuality, recognising her appeal to others, not many tempted her in return. But, he sensed, for the ones that did, it was an experience they never forgot.

He found her features exquisite; paradoxically both delicate and strong. He enjoyed watching her impish smile, and her gaiety. Her scent was scintillating; her bouquet was so unique and powerful that he would know her anywhere now, even if she was miles away from him.

He could taste her on the breeze, as she walked along the seashore, revelling in the moonlight, her long unruly hair blowing with abandonment about her face.

He growled softly to himself. He would need to control himself with this one; her appeal was almost too great. Over the course of only a few nights, her allure had become almost too powerful for her own good, her thoughts reflecting such an affinity with his own, it was as if fate was taking a hand.

Would she choose him? He smiled at the thought. It didn’t really matter. He couldn’t read minds, but he did have a power of another sort. When he had been changed—when he had become other—he had acquired so many gifts; beauty, strength, speed—senses a hundred times more potent than before.

And a power to beguile.

People simply couldn’t say no to him. One look into his supernatural eyes was all it usually took. And then they were captivated. His desires became their desires. Without knowing why, they felt an overwhelming longing to please him—his pleasure became their sole focus—their one and only reason for existing.

The woman had finished her nightly excursion. Barefoot, she was almost back at her house.

It was time.

He floated gently down beside her. At first, she looked puzzled—where had he come from? Then, after her first glance into his seductive eyes, she became oblivious of everything but him. Mesmerised, her frown became a welcoming smile.

When he enchanted his prey like this, their minds became free of complications, untethered from reality, unfettered and free to roam. Looking into her innermost thoughts, all of a sudden, he was able to read so much more.

This woman wasn’t prey. Not in the normal sense. She was so much more than that. But she reacted the same way. Now, there was a torrent of thoughts and images flooding his mind all at once.

Now, her name came to him.


"Hmm," he thought. Kim—a name with so many meanings! A name of gold. Noble and brave! Bold, like the hero of Kipling’s novel. A leader, Chief of War…

What an appropriate name for a wild one such as this!

He had known Kims before, both male and female, good and bad. This one… this one was both good and bad—roguish and wilful…

Kim’s thoughts were becoming clearer, reflecting her true, inner being. Her soul, if you like.

He smiled to himself. She was an artist. And a writer—he’d seen that! A writer of love, passion, and eroticism; she had a fertile imagination, coupled with a ribald wit. She liked to put herself into her stories, becoming the character she wrote—different, but the same. And in her stories, she enjoyed misbehaving.

Just like she did in life.

Yes, she was perfect for him.

It was a shame she wouldn’t remember any of this—not until he was ready for her to remember. Though perhaps elements of this night would surface in her subconscious, feeding her imagination? Perhaps she would write of him? He found the thought amusing.

He could sense that she was driven by the sexual act, with a capacity to match his own—something he had neither expected, nor seen before in his three thousand years. As she smiled at him, jumbled thoughts continued to flow from her agile and suggestive mind; ice cream, a bearskin hat, a naughty girl standing in a corner, polka dots, a trombone… so many that he couldn’t make sense of it all—only that her thoughts were delightfully titillating and indecent.

There would be opportunities to decipher their meaning another time.

She took his hand and led him into her home, unconsciously heading for her bedroom.

Without hesitation or embarrassment, she disrobed, casting aside her simple clothes, proudly displaying her sensual body for his pleasure. His eyes delighted on her riches; just how he imagined, only so much more! Her body was nubile, knowing, and full of secrets demanding to be discovered.

She came to him, her fingers caressing his hard, muscular frame. Slowly she began to undress him, exposing his primaeval, but pristine, ivory physique.

He had seduced her mind; now, full of lust, her own carnal instincts took over, seducing his body and soul in return; her lips teasing and kissing, tongue licking and probing, fingers toying. He felt his ardour rapidly rising.

Eager to please, she pulled him onto her bed. She was ready for him; her rapacious cunt, wet and swollen, waited to draw him in, welcoming, hungry, desperate for his thick organ.

His own passion, raised to heights he had seldom reached before, started to overcome him. He impaled her raging furnace with his iron rod, his cold member soaking up her extraordinary heat, the contrast making her gasp in shock and delight.

He could feel her sodden pussy, drowning him in her warm juices, subliminally responding to the raw power he was exuding. He felt her muscles contract around him, and with a monstrous groan, he exploded, filling her womb with his potent seed.

Her own arousal already heightened, his pulsing phallus tipped her over the edge, and she came powerfully with a scream, raking her nails down his chest, unexpectedly drawing blood with a sudden, supernatural strength of her own.

It startled him, this sudden power that she had demonstrated. His seed was having an instant effect with this one—much more than he had anticipated.

Irises dilating in response, he bent towards her neck. He could feel her life-force pumping beneath his exposed teeth. Submissively, she raised her chin, giving herself to him. Commanding all his willpower, he delicately grazed her jugular with his lips, then, leaving the skin unbroken, he gently kissed her mouth.

Was she aware? She shouldn’t be, but suddenly he was uncertain.

He raised himself, and looked intensely into her eyes—deep pools of honey, languid and unfocussed. Oh, she was so intriguing—aware or unaware, she had captured him completely!

He didn’t want to make a mistake and drain this unexpected seductress. She was too important to him now—too special.

But her responses perhaps belied the truth of who was in control.

He smiled ruefully to himself. He was no longer certain who was the beguiled. He felt that it was he who no longer had a choice in the matter. She had chosen him. Her own potential was already being realised, his seed working its magic, unlike anything he had previously encountered. Her power could, perhaps, even exceed his own!

Satiated, he should leave her now—for a while at least. If he still could. But he would be back soon, of that he was certain. Her hold on him had grown too intense, too powerful. He did not think that he could escape her even if he wanted to.

Just as well he didn’t.

She was more than he could ever have hoped for.

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we were in a night club and spent the night sending sly seductive glances at each other across the dance floor, time after time we danced close to each other ,each time closer and more daring!who was this girl i thought! i coudnt help but stare at her short skirt and lovely legs how i wished to get close enough to touch her,the night grew old and i took the chance i had to take it the tension was buiding to much i slowly walked up behind you hoping to surprise you with a faint touch, as i get...

1 year ago
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Lost Virginity to my maid

Hello all sexy readers. I am Sumit, 19 years old and am having an average body with height 6ft. but full of sex from head to toe. Two months back the most happening thing happened to me, which i very much wanted to share with someone but is not posible for me to share with any one openly. That's why i am here narrating it to you all. I live in one of the posh colony of Delhi and have a permanent maid at my house, whose name is Rajni. Rajni is a 35-40 years old lady with simple looks, friendly...

Erotic Fiction
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Fulfilling an old fantasy

This story is completely fictional! NEVER try to do it in real live! My mother called last night and asked me to stay for a week with her and my 12 year old sister Heidi. She said that my father was going away to Japan for a week-long business trip and she and Heidi were afraid to stay alone because there has been some burglaries in their exclusive neighborhood lately. I was only too glad to oblige. I spent half the night thinking about mother. She gave birth to me when she was 16, two years...

2 years ago
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The Car Park

The Car Park Mary got into the Shogun with her 7 year old daughter Lucy leaving the 3 bed semi she drove toward the school to drop off her lovely blond hair imp of a daughter. She took after her lovely mother a sweet and lovely feminine young girl all at school loved her. Her mother looks her slim size 10 5 foot 4 inches figure and later her wonderful personality and intelligence had captured David, after meeting at the nightclub 10 year before they had soon married. David...

2 years ago
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Escape Room of Fun

The Escape Room never seems to be in the same place twice. No one ever sees any advertising, only word of mouth spoken in hushed tones. And no one ever sees who enters and who leaves. Nevertheless, it never seems to run out of money, never has run-ins with the law, and always seems to exist somewhere in the city. Before we begin, select a character to follow throughout your story.

3 years ago
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Out of Season

This story was inspired by reading the true book ‘Coffee, Tea or Me?’ while I was holidaying near Mijas, Valencia and while women sunbathed topless near my balcony. It was a cold damp day in October. I was tired and when a personnel manager called me into her office and reminded me that I had only taken five days of my thirty days of leave allowance, and I would lose it if not taken before December. I decided that a holiday in the sun would be a great idea. With school kids at school and...

2 years ago
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Mistress Cruel Love Chapter 3 Deviated Prevert

Heather had insisted he get more body candy. For reasons he still didn't fully understand, Darius had gone along with it. Alcohol had not been a factor this time. She hadn't even pressed him that hard. All it took was “Do it, Dana!” and his will had folded like a cheap tent. Darius removed his shirt and examined his torso up and down. He had multiple ear piercings, the “Property of Heather” tattoo just above his manhood and now the nose ring. It drooped below his nostrils, silvery white...

2 years ago
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Deliverance From Cocks

Hi all, It’s me your JJ back to back stories was something I was always wanting to do unfortunately it has never happened. I made a valiant attempt though but what came out is sizzling hot encounter between two lovely girls in their late twenties grown up in the off late Chennai culture. Its nothing but being experimental, curiosity they say kills the cat, not down below in fact it opens a new dimension & a new meaning to what we can call as women in love. Sadana & Aarini work for the same...

3 years ago
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Masters of Sex

It all starts with an invitation arriving with the mail on a Monday. At first you dismiss it, thinking it was another free lottery offer. But just as you are about to toss the envelope in the trash, something about it catches your attention -- there is no stamp. The seemingly expensive black envelope also has no return address; it is simply a glossy black envelope with an embossed gold label reading: 'Mr. Daniels. . .Confidential'. Now curious, you put the other mail down and carefully open the...

4 years ago
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The Deal

THE DEAL by Superbuilt My wife (Joan) and I made a fortune during the dot-com bubble and had the good luck to get out near the peak. Then, we managed multiply our fortune several times by getting out before the real estate bubble popped. Still in our early thirties, we have settled back and are enjoying the fruits of our labor (and good fortune!). Joan is a devoted shopper, and has very good taste, and occasionally, if she is in the right mood, she will use some of our seemingly...

3 years ago
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Hidden Garden

Hidden Garden By Lady in Waiting A secret locked away Kept hidden until one day In the drawer, waiting The veil is fading As he looks inside And sees all that is there And everything that truth can bear Finding a secret life In the pages of a story About a Mistress and sissy maid Glory Soft, delicate, oh gentle pantyhose Nylon embrace from waist to toes And a single, small key All of these things, he sees As visions of a friend are changing Feelings begin...

1 year ago
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Sunrise at the Park

Although it has been 5 years since I was last in town, it wasn’t hard to find my favorite spot at the park. It was a green bench on the edge of the lake that faced the tree lines across the water. I sat down and reminisced the old days, the fun and wild times during my senior year. There was one particular night… It was early morning, 5 am to be exact. Everyone was plastered and snored like reckless pigs with the exception of me and Justin, whom I had a crush since 9th grade. We flirted and...

1 year ago
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Just Could Not Resist

A couple of years ago I was so horny I found myself jacking off to all kinds of things that I had never experienced. I would check out different websites but never really felt safe with any of them.One day I was on Craigslist and decided to check out M2M. I saw a lot of photos of guys showing their cocks and then there was this one where a guy was just looking for a jackoff buddy. I was tempted to respond but then changed my mind. Next day, after thinking more about it, I decided to take a...

2 years ago
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Saras Surrender Ch 2

Chapter 2Seraph had active hobbies. He liked to hike, was part of a beer league kickball team, and even went along with his oldest friend and neighbor to the occasional mud run, but he didn’t work out to increase his performance in any of them. It felt good to look good. That’s why Seraph worked out.He had been a skinny, poorly styled nerd growing up whose romantic prospects had been limited by a lack of self‑confidence. Fortunately, the last few years of high school development had been good...

2 years ago
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Teenage School Fuck Party

Bill and Linda had paired off and gone to one of the bedrooms since they'd been going steady for over six months. Everyone knew they'd be off together so there wasn't any point looking for them until they'd finished fucking and come back out to re-join the party. All the other guys at the party really admired Bill for being able to keep Linda as his girlfriend for as long as he had. There was no question that Linda was very flighty and came from a home background that wasn't likely to...

4 years ago
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All Show No Go

“Push harder, Thompson. Get motivated. Be a dolphin, not a walrus!” Another shitty swim practice, with the coach yelling at me way more than anyone else. “Why do I have to push myself to the puking stage every fucking day? Why can’t I just go to meets?” I tossed in my mind as I pushed even harder on my last lap of the day. I was a senior in High School, old for my class since I had been held back a year by my parents when we moved from a rural area to a top quality public school system in the...

3 years ago
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ConvergenceChapter 16 Soulless

First Sergeant Ted Benson, US Marine Corps, Force Recon, picked his way carefully through the rubble. The second squad had point today, the point of the spear, and Ted was following the lead fire-team. The team was working their way through the broken city of Bazwala, an eastern suburb of Mosul. A Navy Seal was leading the fire-team, and he moved like smoke. So did his team. Through the magic of linking their minds, the other three members of the team were as stealthy as their team leader,...

2 years ago
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Jennifer Cum slut

After Jennifers' and my gang **** at the Nude Beach, she turned into a cum slut. She couldn't get enough cum despite my best efforts and I wanted to have some of my cum to cause i was almost as bad.She was also whipped quite severely that day and now wanted to be whipped daily. I picked her up at her house one day at 10AM for a sex/BDSM filled day and her sister was there with her. She was going to come with us and join in. I had no problem with it and found out that she(Lynn) had been gang...

3 years ago
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One of my favourite experiences

I don't know if anyone will read this or even enjoy it but I've not told it before and it gets me really... excited :PThis took place before I discovered my love for crossdressing and I suppose could also be the reason I started!A few weeks after I turned 18 I got a girlfriend. She was bisexual but she didn't know that I was also bisexual. Her name was Lisa and she was also 18. After a few days of seeing each other we ended up having sex. It was your average, nothing exciting, foreplay followed...

4 years ago
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Shoshana Becomes a Slutwife

She wakes up to another morning with a wet pussy, throbbing clit and no one to fuck. She and her husband have been apart, due to his work, for most of the last six weeks. She’s a very sexual, sensual woman who enjoys great sex and is missing it a lot. She loves sucking cock, having her pussy eaten, and she loves to be fucked in any direction. Oh how she’d love to be able to fuck her man this morning! It’s been a long six weeks! She finds herself watching a lot more porn than usual and...

2 years ago
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The Deep

You push on the rusted door. Metal on metal shrieking fills the entrance to the old laboratory. The room is small and dingy, papers are scattered across the floor. In the middle of the room in a desk with a computer. You're not sure if it still works. On the front of the desk is a symbol of Omega Pharmaceuticals, the company that hired you to investigate this place. Behind the desk is a set of double doors.

2 years ago
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I masturbate to be seen

I masturbate to be seen I am a 50 year old widower and frequently masturbate, always in the nude and had a wish to be seen doing it by a woman. Two women, seemingly about my own age, together walk past my house at the same time each evening. I wondered what would happen if I arranged that I would ‘accidentally’ be seen naked by them. It may seem strange but I WANTED be seen naked by them, even masturbating. Giving it some thought I reckoned that if I stood, naked, sideways in front of my...

3 years ago
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Across Eternity Book 1Chapter 6 Cooperation

It took a whole day to ride back to the village, repeating the original journey he had made when he first arrived in this timeline but now doing it alone. Like the day before, he arrived as the sun approached the horizon. Fatigue gripped him, so he went straight to the inn. He sat at his usual table, and the innkeeper brought two food trays. “I was worried when you didn’t show up for dinner last night or breakfast this morning. Where’s Tin?” she asked. “She died.” The woman set down both...

1 year ago
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The SisterhoodChapter 12

Susan was a bit better in the morning, but she certainly wasn't herself for several weeks. She went through the motions of going to school and getting on with her life. Barbara didn't show up in class the next day. She spent most the day in a fit of severe depression. She was passing through Tutorville the next day when she happened to see Susan. The normally vibrant stunning woman seemed a fragile broken shell of herself. Barbara found tears flowing down her cheeks. Knowing she had been...

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