KellyChapter 17 free porn video

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For the first fifteen minutes, Doctor Myers performed the basic tests on Kelly. Sinuses, ears, eyes, throat, and nose were all clear, her heartbeat, and blood pressure textbook perfect. Kelly peeled off her T-shirt but kept hold of Laura's hand the entire time. MaryAnn warmed up her stethoscope and listened to Kelly's breathing and her lungs.

"I see you're still smoking, Kelly."

Kelly looked up with fear. "You can tell that from listening to my chest?"

MaryAnn laughed. "No, I can smell it in your hair. Not too strong but I've got a sensitive nose." Kelly breathed a sigh of relief. MaryAnn tested Kelly's reflexes and checked her mobility and flexibility, finally sitting down with a perplexed look. "Okay," she said, "I don't see anything, not even in your fingernails, that would give me cause for concern. How about telling me how you feel and why you think something might be wrong?"

Kelly sniffled, "I feel fine, but a friend of mine, she's got this super intuition... she said I better get in to see you."

"Well, Kelly," said MaryAnn, "I'm not doubting your friend's intuition, but I don't see a thing that would even give me cause to call for further testing at the hospital. Are you still taking all those vitamins?"

Laura laughed. "She takes them religiously, even got me started on them. This is the first month I've had a period without bloating!"

MaryAnn smiled and turned to Kelly, "and how was your last period?"

"It hasn't come yet," said Kelly.

"That's strange," said MaryAnn. "Are you still taking the pill?"

"No," said Kelly. "I stopped after I broke up with Mark. Didn't see a need for it any more."

"Well," said MaryAnn, "seeing how you've switched teams, I guess you don't. How late are you?

"Oh... about five weeks," said Kelly. "I figured it was due to the stress of the last couple of months. We've been really busy..."

Suddenly, it all clicked for Laura. "Hey, Doc," she said, sliding off the examination table to stand in front of Kelly, "Kelly didn't exactly switch teams... She's become a switch hitter!"

Todd picked up the phone, his hand trembling. "Kelly?"

As Vanetta watched, the blood drained from his face.

"TODD? What's wrong?!"

He collapsed into the chair and just looked at her in shock.

Behind Vanetta, Cara let out a moan of fright.

"I'm going to be a father!" said Todd.


"She's having my baby!"

"Give me that phone!" Vanetta demanded, snatching it from his limp hand.

"Kelly? Todd's gone into meltdown. What's going on?" She listened for a moment. "Uh huh, yeah, uh huh!"

While she was talking, Cara and Ami came to stand either side of Todd as he sat staring blankly at Vanetta. "Congratulations, Daddy!" said Ami as she kissed his cheek. 'Yeah, congratulations," added Cara. "You gave us such a fright!"

Todd looked up at the girls, the color coming back into his face. "Yeah, well, I was really worried, and this is totally out of left field, you know?"

"Oh!" exclaimed Ami, "I forgot to ask, who's pregnant?"

"You goose! Kelly, of course!" laughed Cara. "That's why Vanetta's momma told her to see the doctor!"

"Oh, right," she replied, sharing a puzzled look with Todd.

"I don't know either, Ami. I suppose some people can see these things better than others."

"Here," said Vanetta thrusting the phone at him, "talk to her."

"Honey, are you okay?"

"I'm pregnant!" said Kelly, "you know... with child, expecting, knocked up!"

Todd rolled his eyes, "But are you okay?"

"Todd... I'm fine. I just happen to be carrying our child. I knew how worried you were, so I thought I would call you as soon as I heard. How are you?"

"I'm okay now, but you could have knocked me over with a feather when you told me!"

"Yeah," Kelly chuckled, "Vanetta said that! She thought you were going to faint, and the girls were starting to panic!"

"How's Laura?"

"She's right here with me, and she's playing with my - Oooh - She's playing with my nipples - Oooo - I think our Darling has a thing for pregnant women!"

"Where are you?" Todd chuckled.

"I'm still at MaryAnn's office, we're just getting ready to leave."

"Vanetta wants to know if she can call and tell her mother."

"Oh, definitely! But I suppose it'll just be telling her what she already knew!"

"Yeah, I guess. Anyway, you know what this means, don't you?" asked Todd.

"You're going to be a daddy!" Kelly sang, finishing with a giggle.

Todd laughed too. "Well, yeah, I think with you as the mommy, I can handle this. But aside from that, you do know what this means don't you?"

Kelly had to think hard. "No, aside from having to quit smoking for a year."

"It definitely means we're getting married, sooner rather than later!"

"Laura just said that! But, Todd, people don't have to get married now because they're pregnant."

"Remember what I said at Brookhaven?" Todd asked.

"Yeah, you said you were going to marry both of us, but you know that isn't legal."

"Ah, but that's where you're wrong, Kell," he said excitedly, "It might not be legal here, but it will be where we DO get married, and I'm going to marry both of you!"

"Let's talk about this when you aren't quite so depressed," laughed Kelly. "Laura and I are going to head off now. I want to stop off and see Muriel before we go home, so we'll meet you there at 5:00."

"I've got a better idea," said Todd, "after you see Muriel, how about we meet at South Park. Say at the juice bar at 5:00. We can do a bit of shopping, eat out, and celebrate."

Kelly spoke to Laura without covering the phone. "Honey, Todd wants to go celebrate."

"Well, of course! You thought we wouldn't?" Laura exclaimed.

"You heard that?" asked Kelly into the phone, laughing. "See you then Honey. I love you."

"I love you too. Kelly?'"

"Yes, Honey?"

"I need a hug."

"Honey, you go hug the girls. When we get to the mall we'll give you a real cuddle!"

Todd hung up the phone and looked around at the girls' beaming faces.

"I'm going to be a daddy!" he whispered, then "I'm going to be a DADDY!"

His grin grew but they could see the tears in his eyes and in a moment he was in the middle of a group hug.

"I guess mom knew more than she let on," Vanetta grinned.

"Why didn't she say that's what it was?" asked Todd.

"She's sneaky like that," she replied. "She'll give you hints, but she wants you to figure it out for yourself!"

"Well, you better call her and tell her we finally figured it out!"

As Vanetta called Gloria, Todd took Cara and Ami to the dressing room. "If we're going out to celebrate, let's see if we can't find something attractive for you girls to add to your wardrobe," he said.

An hour later and with a half dozen designer outfits each in semi dress fashion, the girls headed off to shower and change.

Todd invited Vanetta to come along for the celebration, even suggesting that she bring Robert with her, but she regretfully declined saying they already had plans that couldn't be changed. Vanetta was still not quite ready for the inevitable meeting between Todd and Robert.

"Will you get a load of these clothes?" whispered Cara.

"No kidding!" said Ami. "I'll bet this Jumper cost more than my folks paid for me to go to the summer training camp."

"No shit! Look at the names inside these clothes. I always thought I didn't care about fashion, you know, us tough girls and all, but damn, I want to slip on this dress."

"Shower first, Ami," said Cara with a grin. "I'm afraid to sweat in these!"

"Just think cool thoughts," said Ami as she stripped and turned on the shower.

"Did you notice that Kelly and Laura treat this stuff like we do chalk?"

"Yeah, and it fits too, you know. For us, chalk is just part of sport. We're so used to it that we don't give it any thought. I guess if you model you become that way with clothes - it's part of the job."

"But I've only seen Todd in T's and those thin baggy pants he wears. Doesn't he ever dress up?"

"You saw him in a lot less last night," laughed Ami. "But seriously... he's a bit strange to start with. So relaxed and casual, like he doesn't have a care in the world, but when he talks to you, he can be so intense... it's got to be something about his personality. And by the way, those baggy pants are scrubs. It's what doctors and nurses wear." She gave a wry grin. "I should know. I've seen enough of them this last year."

The girls fooled around a little in the shower, but realized that Todd would be waiting for them and they wanted time to do their hair and maybe put on a bit of makeup.

Todd showered and shaved and brushed his teeth till his gums hurt.

"A father," he said looking into the mirror. "Who would have thought?" But his chest was bursting with pride. "Kelly the mother." He stood there for a moment, thinking that he had always expected that any children of his would come after love, and marriage. And realized that now he had the whole package, and that he wanted it more than anything in his life.

Since this was a special occasion, Todd slipped on a pair of dress shorts and a high collared T-shirt (In fact, it looked like a crewman's shirt from the USS Enterprise). It was too warm to bother with socks, so he slipped on a pair of moccasins and headed downstairs.

Cara and Ami weren't quite done yet, so he sat and talked with Vanetta for a bit.

"What do you think, Vanetta? Think I've got what it takes to be a father?"

Vanetta smiled at him. "I think you'll be a wonderful father, Todd. I've seen the way you are with people. You've got a big heart, and Kelly... she's going to be a great mom. Plus you have Laura to help out, too! That baby is going to be so precious and sweet, and of course spoiled rotten!"

Todd laughed. "Yeah, I guess the baby won't be wanting for much, just love and attention."

"And who better to give it to her?"

Todd looked up. "Why did you say her?"

Vanetta cocked her head to the side. "I don't know. It just came out that way."

"Hmm, a baby girl... that's a thought. But whatever it is, I'm going to love it to pieces."

"I can tell you one thing, Todd, between your looks and Kelly's, this is going to be one beautiful baby."

Todd smiled and blushed. "Well maybe from Kelly's side."

"You know Todd... If Kelly was inclined, I'll bet there are a lot of women's and parent magazines that would love to sign Kelly on right now for an exclusive for her entire pregnancy. Nine months minimum till the birth, probably a few more for follow up."

Todd looked at Vanetta silently for a few moments, thinking, and then shook his head. "I don't think Kelly would be interested."

Vanetta laughed. "Sorry, Todd, you encouraged me to take Business, and I see this as a golden opportunity to build a real nest egg for the baby. With you taking the pictures..."

Todd nodded slowly. "Yeah, and the product sponsors would be clamoring to get a piece of it. I'm not sure, but I think I'll mention it to Kelly. Since it will be for the baby in the end, she might consider coming out of retirement."

Vanetta gave Todd a kiss on the cheek as she got up. "I'm going to go home, Todd, but if Kelly agrees, don't let the New York office handle this. Let me come up with a proposal. I've been here studying under Kelly and getting my degree at UNC. I'll bet I could put together a package worthy of Kelly."

Todd smiled at her. "I know you could, Vanetta. You've seen how Kelly operates. Let me ask her about it, and then if she's agreeable, we'll talk about it on Monday when we get back."

She left after another friendly kiss and more congratulations.

"Argh! The perfect haircut and I can't do anything with it!" said Ami.

Vanetta had been gone only minutes when Cara and Ami came out of the shower dressed in stunning outfits, and Todd whistled his approval. "Come here to the make-up table and let me have a go at it," he said.

As he had done with Laura way back when, Todd took some colored mousse and liberally applied it to Ami's hair, running his fingers through it like a thousand combs, sculpting it by hand. Then with the array of makeup at his disposal he applied a little color to Ami's eyes and cheeks, just enough to accentuate her cheekbones and her naturally deep eyes.

Ami looked in the mirror with total surprise. "God, I look older, mature. You're a miracle worker, Todd!"

Todd laughed. "No, Kelly's the miracle worker. I just dabble with this stuff, and sometimes I get it right."

"My turn!" said Cara.

Todd willingly obliged, and ten minutes later the trio was set to go. "I'm sure you girls are going to draw some attention at the mall and the restaurant," he said.

"I don't mind a bit of attention," said Cara, "but I'm staying faithful to Ami."

"I'm glad that you girls have found something special between you," said Todd, "but how are you going to handle this relationship when you go home?"

"Spoilsport," said Ami as Todd closed the studio door. "I want this to last forever."

Cara looked dejected. "Todd's right, Ami. We've still got so many credits to get before we can graduate, we might be stuck living at home for another year."

As they got into the Tracker, Todd asked how they had managed to compete and train and still keep up with their schoolwork.

"We've had tutors with us every time we traveled" said Ami. "And most of our work was on a part time attendance basis, the rest through correspondence."

"Yeah," said Cara, "to allow athletes to compete and travel, the schools have what's called a 'Gifted Athlete Program.' It's self-paced with tutor monitoring. We also bring our notes with us or get assignments by email. The school year is divided into 24 units per subject, and we take a test for each unit!" Cara stopped talking - too much trivial information.

"Well, why can't you continue doing that?" asked Todd with a smile.

"We need to get another few hundred hours of classroom time in order to graduate," said Cara. "We're way ahead of the regular classes cause we get to focus on the work. Plus, both Ami and I have enough practical hours to qualify to coach recreational gymnastics. All we have to do is write the exams and get certified."

"Well then, why don't you get certified and then after you get the mandatory classroom hours in, you'll be free to travel. I'm sure you girls can be discreet for a little while at home."

"Not the way Ami groans and moans," laughed Cara. "But you're right, Todd. We waited this long, we can keep up appearances for a while longer."

"And don't forget that my new student is going to have to make several trips back here to show me her growing experience and to develop her film. You can always fly up for a weekend or a week if you like until you're ready to make a move towards higher education. If your marks remain good, I'm sure that you'll be able to get away for more weeks."

"I just want to be a photographer like you, Todd," said Ami.

"I know, Sweetheart, and I think you've got an eye for it, but I'd still want you to take a bankable course at the same time while you apprentice. How about when you graduate you sign up for the UNC visual arts program? You can do like Laura and Vanetta and take most classes on line and practice your photography at the same time."

"Well," said Cara, "It will take six months to get certified as level one coaches, so if we start that right away, we'll be all set for the start of the new competition season in February..."

"Yeah, that's right!" said Ami. "If we get started now with the theory, we should be all set and just in time."

"And if I sign up for the paramedic program, and you're still serious about sports photography we should be in great shape come next spring!" said Cara.

"Oh, I'm serious," said Ami. "It just depends on Todd. If he's willing to take me on as an apprentice!"

"We've still got a few weeks to see what you want to do," said Todd.

"Remember we have a shoot of our own to finish. But the money from that is good, so you should be able to get an off campus apartment, if that's what you want, next spring, but you'll be welcome back for lots of visits in between."

"Yeah," said Cara with a sigh. "Ami will have something important to do with you but what can I do?"

Todd smiled. "Didn't you want to get into sports physiotherapy? Ami will be getting paid when she comes down to help me out, and I'm sure that Kelly will be able to use a hand keeping in shape as she goes through her pregnancy."

"Really? You mean that?"

"Let's talk it over with Kelly tonight," said Todd. "I'm sure we can come up with something that will let you have your freedom to live your life and the money to do it with."

Cara beamed with delight.

Kelly pulled into Lakeview Lodge after having stopped to pick up flowers for Muriel.

"I hope you don't mind, Laura. I don't get to see Muriel as often as I would like, and outside of Todd, she's been the closest thing to family that I've had for a long time."

"Kelly, quit worrying about me. I'll get around just fine. Remember? I used to visit these places all the time when Dad made us sing for them. I know how to mingle with the residents. You have a good visit."

Kelly kissed Laura passionately. "You are the greatest, Honey."

Sheila was working at her station and lit up with a smile when Kelly walked up.

"I'm so glad you came," said Sheila. "We don't know what to do with her. I was almost going to call you and ask you if you could stop by."

"Why? What's happened?" Kelly asked with a worried look.

"It's nothing to be worried about," said Sheila, "It's just that Muriel's been knitting up a storm! She says you're about to make her a Great-Grandmother! She's even got some of the other residents knitting everything from booties to blankets!"

Kelly laughed. "Last time she was worried about me marrying somebody I love. But I'll be damned if I can figure out how she knew before I knew."

"Knew what?" asked Sheila.

"Kelly's pregnant," said Laura.

"Oh God, I'm sorry, Laura. My manners seem to have left with my senses. Sheila, this is Laura Williams, a very close friend of mine. And Laura, this is Sheila."

"Williams?" asked Sheila, "One of the Williams Sisters who sing at the hospitals and nursing homes at Christmas?"

Laura blushed. "Guilty as charged. Does that mean I have to wait in the car?"

Sheila laughed. "No! You might not remember this place in daylight, but you and your sisters have been here a few times. The last time was about three years ago."

"I'll leave you two to chat," said Kelly. "I've got to get these flowers to Muriel."

"Wait a second, young lady," said Sheila. "This is true? You are having a baby?"

"Just found out about an hour ago," said Kelly.

"Well congratulations!" said Sheila. "Be prepared though for a large box of hand knitted goods coming your way!"

Kelly smiled and walked down the hall.


"Kelly! Come in here and sit next to me."

Kelly held forth the flowers she had picked up on the way. A large bouquet of mixed flowers, bright and sweet smelling.

"Now you didn't have to do that, baby girl. A woman in your condition should be getting flowers, not giving them away."

"Grandma, how did you know?"

"Oh sweetheart, sometimes being old isn't so bad." Muriel dropped her voice to a whisper. "I know some of the nurses think I'm batty, but I know things. My Johnny comes to me late at night and talks to me. He tells me all sorts of things. He told me that you're going to get married too, not to that man you were dating but to the one you've loved all along."

Kelly's eyes filled with tears.

"There, there baby... It's okay for you to be happy," said Muriel hugging Kelly close to her bosom. "I know it wasn't easy for you when you were a little girl, but this man is going to love you forever. He's going to treat you like a queen. And he better too 'cause otherwise he'll have to answer to me!"

Kelly couldn't help but laugh. But she didn't doubt for a minute that Muriel's husband talked to her at night.

"Now put those flowers in a vase and let me show you what I'm making for your new baby."

Kelly put the flowers in the vase and placed them on the bedside table. When she sat down again, Muriel unfolded a small blanket made of the whitest wool in the finest stitch Kelly had ever seen.

"I'm not as fast as I used to be," said Muriel, "but I know I've got time to finish it, and I've got some of my friends here making booties and such. This is a Christening blanket. You use it when you take the baby to that place by the lake where you discovered what love is."

Kelly's mouth dropped open in astonishment.

"Now dear, tell me all about the man you're going to marry."

An hour later Kelly walked with Muriel to the day room. Kelly really wanted to stay longer, but knew that Todd and the girls were waiting for them at South Park.

Muriel had joked about trading in her walker for something with an engine and maybe a helmet, but said the nurses had threatened to put speed bumps in the hallways.

Kelly laughed. She felt so good being with Muriel. Of course she had wanted Todd to be the first to hear the news, but telling Muriel was like telling her family.

Muriel led her to a corner where a group of six women were busy at work with needles and hooks and all kinds of contraptions. Laura was seated with them and was holding a crochet hook, being coached by one of the seniors. Spotting Kelly, Laura smiled.

Muriel introduced the women to Kelly and Kelly introduced Laura to Muriel.

Muriel looked at Laura and then smiled. "You take good care of my granddaughter, Laura. She doesn't always take such good care of herself."

"I promise I'll take care of her," said Laura.

Muriel sat down and made everyone show what they had been working on.

Laura beamed and nudged Kelly to pay particular attention to one woman.

Her name was Greta, and though she was old and used a large magnifying glass that hung suspended with string from her neck, she was working with a crochet hook not much thicker than a needle. She lifted the fabric to show Kelly a three-foot length about an inch wide, knitted from single thread baby wool. "Greta's making the receiving blanket for the baby," said Muriel. "Her fingers are still nimble enough to do the tight weave."

Greta just smiled and her fingers kept moving.

There was a box of booties, socks, bonnets, and other items already made. One of the women was working with four needles at one time, while another was working with what looked like a hoop needle. Kelly thanked each one of the women individually and then returned to Muriel's side.

"I've got to go, Grandma," Kelly said with misty eyes, "but I promise I'll be back soon."

"That's all right, baby, I know you've got a lot of things to do."

Kelly gave her a kiss and waved goodbye to the rest at the table. Laura laughingly gave up her attempt to crochet, thanked the woman for trying to teach her and after once again promising Muriel to take care of Kelly, the two of them headed out.

They stopped at the front desk where Sheila was sitting with a smug look on her face. "Told you so! Good thing you are pregnant or I might have had a riot on my hands!"

"I wish there was something I could do for them," Kelly said. "Is there anything they need that I could get for them, Sheila?"

"They don't want for much, Kelly. The management here makes sure they are treated well and with respect. It's a lot better here than some of the nursing homes."

"That's true, Kelly," said Laura, "I remember crying when I was younger at some of the places I went with my sisters. People strapped into wheelchairs, not enough staff for all the residents..."

"But, there must be something I can do," said Kelly.

Sheila smiled. "Well... If you really wanted to do something special..."

"Yes?" Kelly asked.

"You could arrange for a reunion of the Williams Sisters for an afternoon performance."

Kelly turned and looked at Laura with pleading eyes. "Honey?"

Laura rolled her eyes and said, "I'll talk to my sisters and see what they say."

"Would a shopping spree help convince them?" Kelly asked.

"Oh Kelly, you don't have to do that. Hell, if you even suggested this to my father he would just use his powers of persuasion to get my sisters to cooperate."

"I know," said Kelly. "Your dad is a sweet man, but I'd want to do something for the girls. I don't want them doing it because your father told them to."

Laura smiled at Sheila. "Leave it with us, Sheila. I'll talk to them when we get back after the weekend and then Kelly can set up a time with you."

As they pulled out of the parking lot, Kelly looked at the clock on the dash. "I guess we better move it," she said. "Todd and the girls will be wondering what happened to us."

Todd, with Cara and Ami in tow, arrived at South Park just after 5:00.

It had been slow going with the rush hour traffic on a Friday afternoon and normally Todd wouldn't even have ventured out on a Friday night in Charlotte, but he wanted the ring sizes. Anyway, this was a really special occasion.

Sitting with a tall frosty glass of freshly squeezed mixed berry juice, he explained to Cara and Ami his plan to get the ring sizes, and how they could help. Both girls were delighted to take part in his little conspiracy.

"I'll be the one who gets impatient," said Ami, "and then Cara can say we'll go to the bookstore. Kelly won't want us walking around alone, so she and Laura will probably go with us."

Todd laughed. He enjoyed the energy the girls had and their enthusiasm. "Okay, but I'll only need ten minutes so don't get too involved cause we'll want to eat right afterwards okay?"

"Where are we going to eat?" asked Cara.

"Well, since we do want to do some shopping, we might as well eat here," said Todd. "There's a decent steak house, and we'll want to do a bit of shopping, but more importantly, we've got to get packed and get to bed on time cause tomorrow morning we leave early to see the Wheel."

"That's a long drive," said Cara. "I better bring my book along."

"Isn't it going to be crowded in the Tracker?" asked Ami.

"We won't be taking the Tracker," said Todd. "We'll be taking my Hummer."

"For real?" asked Cara. "You've got a Hummer?"

"Yep," said Todd, "and she gives the nicest ride ever."

"Where will we be staying once we get there?" asked Ami.

"I don't know," said Todd scratching his head. "We totally forgot all about calling JulieAnn today with all the excitement."

"And speaking of the excitement," said Cara, "there's Kelly now."

Todd rushed up to greet Kelly, lifting her off her feet as he swung her around.

"Hey, Momma!" he said as he kissed her. "You never looked so good."

"You're looking pretty good right now too," Kelly said to him, noticing his clean-shaven face.

Todd gently put her down, "I guess I can't do much of that any more," he said with a sigh.

"Jesus, Todd," Kelly laughed. "I'm not an invalid, just pregnant!"

Todd put an arm around Laura and gave her a big kiss. "It's all your fault, you know," he whispered in her ear.

Laura smiled back at him. "I am willing to take full responsibility for my part in bringing you two together," she replied.

Todd said, "You better. Now you've made us a family unit. All three and a half of us."

Kelly smiled as Todd slipped his other arm over her shoulder, and he escorted them to the table Cara and Ami were saving for them. Kelly and Laura both decided on a pineapple coconut drink and Cara and Ami volunteered to fetch them.

When they returned, Kelly and Laura told them about their trip to Lakeview. Cara and Ami were totally captivated with the story of how Muriel had known Kelly was pregnant. Todd took the information in stride. When Kelly said that Muriel had named the location for the christening, Todd smiled.

"And Sheila said there was nothing you could give to the Lodge?" Todd asked.

"Nope. She said that all the residents really want is some young visitors," Kelly said, smiling at Laura.

After hearing the whole story, Todd grinned and said, "The Williams Sisters eh?"

Laura blushed again.

"And I offered to give her sisters a shopping spree to help convince them," said Kelly, "but Laura thinks they might take it the wrong way. They've always done this for free."

Todd leaned back in his chair thinking. "Laura," he finally said, "you said that before your trip to Chuck's, you had never left the Carolinas. Is that the same for your sisters?"

Laura chuckled. "I love my mom and dad, but four girls was just too much for them. They had planned on me and Cathy, but the third pregnancy was a pleasant surprise for them. Then it turned out to be twins, and they've had to work hard to make ends meet. There wasn't a lot left over."

Same as Kelly
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The Movie Theater

The Movie Theater By Lauren Westley (Authoress Note: All disclaimers regarding characters, age appropriateness etc are in effect. I really advise anyone under 21 not to read my stories. It takes a certain degree of maturity to enjoy my writings without recriminations. And remember, if you are reading stories at this or any other similar site there are many different sensual pressure points. So, if you don't like it, don't read it. Finally, this is hardcore fiction. )...

2 years ago
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My Rakhi Sister Swati 8211 Part 2

“Just once, Baby. Just once I would like to wake up and not find you sniffing my armpits”, Swati pulled my up by my hair and kissed me deep. Even as we kissed, I felt her hand snake down to my hardened cock and guide it into her wet slit. “I wish you could stay in Delhi forever, Baby”, she whispered, moaning as I started fucking her. “Didn’t you get enough of your sister last night, behenchod?” Asha murmured sleepily and ambled over in a stupor to her bed to resume her disturbed slumber. Swati...

1 year ago
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my most weied fanasty

Hello to all reader, this is my first writing and my most weird fantasy which I want that it will become true some day. Please review this story and send your comments so I will write more good.MY MOST WEIRD FANTASY I do not know when I realized that I am a submissive soul and some but bicurious. I try to recall how it happens. It all started two years back when I used to surf web to read vanilla sex stories. However, one day when I was browsing catalog of story site I found a word BDSM and...

3 years ago
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A Lustful Morning

She was sure this could only happen to her… But let’s start at the beginning...It was about six months ago when she walked into her local gym for the first time. She was there to have a look around and sign paperwork. Over the next few weeks, she went occasionally, keeping to herself as she completed her workouts. She organized some personal training sessions which she enjoyed however, she couldn't continue because her funds ran out.After seeing her doctor and getting her medical test results...

3 years ago
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The Pizza Came II

If you have read the previous story you know I met Tammi when a customer in the bar I work at ordered pizza for everyone in the bar. You also know that Tammi was a 22 year old Asian girl and I am Joe, a 39 year old bar manager/bartender. Also, as stated in my previous story, Tammi lived with me for 6 months fucking me every which way but loose, bringing to life all my fantasies and desires. Unfortunatly, as everything in life does, Tammi decided she was going on to the next phase in her life...

3 years ago
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Love Thy Neighbor

Hello, this is Rahul, as I had mentioned earlier I have always craved for and have had a special attraction for older women. I always look forward to coming close to older women. Now about this story, my neighbor is Aunt Sandhya who is in early 40’s. She is married to a senior Army guy and usually away for long periods. Aunt Sandhya is at least about 15 years older to me; I have always been attracted by her. She is a very beautiful, good looking lady, she is tall, slim and has nice features,...

1 year ago
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Danielle Bound

For Daniella all was darkness. The sleep mask he had slipped over her eyes encased her in velvet black. Every other sense was heightened. She heard the soft whirr of the fan and the rustle of his clothing, as perhaps he crossed his legs or shifted in his seat. She smelled the honeysuckle through the open window and the sharp tang of cologne whenever he drew close. She felt the prickling of cooling sweat on her exposed skin every time the fanned air brushed her. And she felt the tautness of the...

3 years ago
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Sissy at the Bookstore

I had gone to adult bookstores for many years and had done it in drag many times but never dressed as a sissy and never during the day. On this day I was so involved in humiliating myself that I decided that I need to take that extra step and I did.I had checked into an adult motel the night before and booked for two days so I had a lot of time on my hands. The night before I had pranced around in front of other guests, both men and women, dressed in sexy women's clothing and had a wonderful...

1 year ago
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Milf Seduction During The Lockdown

This is a fictional story. No events or people depicted in this milf seduction story are real. Things have not been the same between mom and me since I returned home for lockdown. Actually, things had been quite shaky since my 18th birthday 7 months ago. My mom Vasundhara is a beautiful MILF. Yes. She’s a total MILF – a Mom I’d Love to Fuck. She is just 42 but hardly looks a day older than 35. She keeps fit by doing yoga. I am sure she makes many heads turn and dicks hard at the school she...

1 year ago
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A Time Ago or AheadChapter 11

Later that morning, the three of them came before me. I said, "Nuvi, is all well?" "Yes, Tom." I looked at Willee and Javro. "Go your way in peace. Do not return. You have supplies and weapons for hunting and to protect yourselves. Our old village will accept you. The way that I gave you will lead you to them." The two men left. Each one was carrying a pack of belongings. I watched them for a long time. I then took a shortcut and made sure they were following the valley in the correct...

1 year ago
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Beach Adventure

'You want me to flaunt myself in public?!'It was our penultimate night of our 14 day holiday on the South Coast of France. I had deliberately chosen our hotel as it was placed centrally on a 'clothing optional' beach. Despite Julie loosening her attitude to exposure in private (read my Fantasy Photoshoot story) I had yet to persuade Julie to expose herself in public. I had hoped I could persuade her to maybe lose her top at the beach. She would look so hot sunbathing topless! I had even brought...

3 years ago
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First Time Gang

It's funny how fast we grow up. How many of us never have friends our own ages. It seems they are always older and more experienced. When I was a sophomore, one of my best friends was dating a senior boy. As a result, the gang that I hung out with was mostly seniors. One summer night, a group of about 20 of us were just hanging out and cruising. I had on a short denim skirt and a tight tank-top and was being a big tease. We decided that we would go from the mall to a teen club across town....

4 years ago
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Clark and Jens Sexual Conquests

However, this night, things began to get a little interesting in the life of Clark. Lenny, his neighbor across the hall, who had been divorced for over a year came by. Lenny went through a similar situation. Lenny also happened to be a decent business man, so he blew all his extra money on hookers and strip clubs. Poor guy. Lenny came by with the usual “Clark get off your ass and come to this club with me! We’re getting laid!” routine. Clark, already buzzed decided he’d gone too long...

3 years ago
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Meet and Flash in Charlotte

The true life story of my first threesome. (MFM, voy, exhi, oral) © 2005 Rhys.The.Mage A week ago I was a man who had been married for fifteen years and had never so much as kissed another woman. So while it may be a very tired clich?traight out of Penthouse, I have to begin with “I never thought it could happen to me.” Except for the names and places, everything you read below is the true story of two of the most exciting hours of my life. Last Monday night I was surfing the forums on...

1 year ago
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Surprised By Love

In 1995 I began a new job at an insurance company. I worked with a team that was responsible for moving the main office of a Baltimore-based insurance company to South Carolina. I worked in South Carolina with about half the team. The other half was in Baltimore and had been there for months. The company flew the team members home every other weekend if they chose, or they flew spouses to Baltimore for a weekend. They paid for a furnished one-bedroom apartment, a car to about every fourth...

3 years ago
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Birthday Fuck By ExBoyfriend8217s Big Dick

Saket was my first boyfriend. He was the first man who fucked me and took my virginity. There are many things I loved about my ex-boyfriend Saket but his fat juicy dick has always been on the top of the list. My pussy still shivers every time I think about his fat dick makes me feel like it is going to fuck the life out of me. He has always been a good fucker but never a good boyfriend. We broke up 1 month after being in a relationship back in 2011 but we couldn’t stop each other from meeting...

3 years ago
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Brother O8217 Brother

Hello readers. Mein aap ke saath aik cuban gaandu boy ki kahani share karnay laga houn jisko mein ne last weekend choda tha. Yeh gaandu bacha mujhay kahan aur kaisay mila aur mein ne ousko kaisay kaisay estaamal kiya ki bajaaye ouski voh kahani zayada purlutf thi aur mein aapko yeh kahani ousie ki zabani sunaaoun ga keh kis tarah ousko ilm huwa keh ouska real elder brother aik cock sucking faggot tha jisko gaand marwana bhi buht pasand tha. Mera zaati khayal hai keh it would be better if you...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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After School Special

Billy had long admired the pleasing curves of his older sister Lynn.He was shy around the freshman girls in school who were his age of fifteen,but she had always helped him with his homework after school because their parents both worked second shift.Lynn had the routine of always showering after school.Billy's sexuality was beginning to awaken,he had begun masturbating usually twice a day since he was f******n.He was curious about his sister and one day after school he decided to sneak in his...

3 years ago
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Caring for my daughter Part 2 Dad can you shave me down there

I’ve tried going to the nudist beach with Debbie and Ava but I didn’t like it. Seeing Debbie’s full breasts and the beautiful shape of her body in broad daylight – I couldn’t help but think back about all the fantastic sex we had. And worst of it all Ava my own daughter looked like the younger, hotter version of Debbie. I really didn’t want to be exposed to her gorgeous young, nude body. I found myself struggling not to get aroused by the nudity. It didn’t take long and I had to start lying on...

1 year ago
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Camping Trip1

The remainder of the day was spent exploring a small trail around the camp and basking in the pool. It must have done the trick, because the kids made no fuss about going to bed at 8:30. Unfortunately, my wife was also ready for sleep at that time. I was a little sad, as I thought it would be nice to hang out a little by the fire. I told my wife I would be in shortly, after I put out the fire. With that, she retired in to the tent and commenced ready a story to the kids. When I came in...

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23 and Changing

University was two years in my past and I had no Idea why I hsd gone into ecomomics and had taken a job with an engineering firm specialising in supplying remade parts for classic cars. Invited to a track day I joined some of my co workers at the tyracvk and watched in awe as they raced at speed on their bikes. I had my license within six weeks and a year down the line I wrapped my leather clad body around a Honda fire blade and was racing a 600cc Honda. Having given up the world of ecomics amd...

3 years ago
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Home Alone With Doreen

Mom and Dad are both teachers and had a teacher convention to attend out-of-town. Before they left, Dad had put my stepsister, Doreen, in charge since she was a sophomore in college and I was a seventeen-year-old high school senior. I was given a list of what needed to be done in the yard and Sis had to keep the house neat and clean. That meant I’d be helping her on top of what dad had given me. The idea of 'Being home alone with Dory' really didn’t sit well with me.After they left, I headed...

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My sister in Law again

About a year ago I wrote about an incident that occurred when my sister in Law was staying with us. Usually when Jayne comes down to visit she stays with Judy’s mum down the road; however, on that occasion a cousin and her husband were visiting too and they were staying down there so we had the pleasure of entertaining Jayne.Jayne is several years younger than me and indeed when I first met Judy, Jayne was still at school. Ironically, I did not feel attracted to her in any way at that time...

3 years ago
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Water RightsChapter 7

We had trouble getting so many cattle watered at one time, until Danny came up with the notion to bring the water troughs that Mr. Lyons had built over close to our watering basins. With pipes, we were able to fill all of the small troughs from the larger ones in a very short time. At first, Mr. Lyons wanted me to pay for the troughs, but after I explained to him that I was willing to deliver the water he needed but he was responsible for getting his cows watered, he changed his tune. The new...

2 years ago
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A Prince Too ManyChapter 7

Three Hours Later... The ride back to the cavalry compound was unusually long for Sharn. His mind was busy with worries over his sister Samantia as well as trying to keep a public demeanor while his body sang with the excitement of being sent to the Academy. He used to think his mother was smart, one of the best Players of the Game in Tran Kor. After today, he was beginning to think that she was slipping in her old age. Allowing a stupid twit like Ceilia the free reign she has had for so...

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family Friend

I have never been attracted to young women and I have to say I cannot understand why so many men seem to like ‘teens.’ To me they are giggly underdeveloped c***dren. Me? I like somebody fully formed with a level of experience. Mid 20s is usually as young as I would consider....I have lived alone for so long and have got to an age where my friends have grown old and mostly their c***dren, and in particular their daughters, are now also grown up women in the their late 20s and early 30s.... and...

3 years ago
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Falling Butterflies

A pale blue tablecloth covered the small square café table between them, and Raymond saw one sharp stand up crease running neatly across it, from the corner by his left elbow to the one diagonally opposite. Only later did he notice that another opposite crease, less obvious, ran across the other diagonal. The obverse and the inverse he thought then, when it was too late, two sides of a whole, separated, as the table had separated him and Sally. Sally put her coffee cup down silently in its...

3 years ago
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Wild neigbor

Shis is not really my type(i'm a die hard breast man)but she is up all night usually chatting with this 16 year old next door neighbor and rough housing in the parking lot. I swear sometimes they are both lesbians. Now her friend, the 16 year old, she is my type. her mother is arab, but you could never tell by looking at her. she has a plain face, not ugly, but not especially attractive either. She is bigger bodied than her younger and wilder friend. But by no means fat. She has the start of...

3 years ago
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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 17

Luckily, the second part of the class was much tamer than the first. At least there was no more talk of sexually repressed characters. For that Ally was eternally grateful. The stories they critiqued were pretty mainstream for the most part-a couple of romances, a murder mystery, one science fiction piece, and a handful more Allison couldn't easily classify. After Professor Salinger explained the next writing assignment, the students scattered. Some went back to the munchies to graze and...

2 years ago
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The Librarian

    The company I work for had just landed a big job with a small rural library. An old lady had passed and left a pile of money to the library so it could join the twenty-first century. I was sent in to wire a small main frame, a half dozen terminals, and wireless access. The job was going to take a about a week, so the company put me up in a little rural motel. It was a sweet gig for me.    The library was a nice turn of the century brick building with a nice big and dry basement to run my...

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Listen to the Music Part 3

Listen To The Music Part 3 by Bonnie Lea As I have often said, I really like women. I love the way they feel, their attitudes on the world around them and how they pay close attention to detail. I love being intimate with them as a man, but this was the first time I was ever in bed with one that I started to have feelings that I really wanted to be one. To enjoy the pleasures that their body holds, to feel someone inside of me and to give them as much fulfillment as they are giving...

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Amanda the pig catcher

WARNING: This story is for adults only WARNING: This story is for adults only. If you are a minor, go elsewhere now. This is an extreme story, involving S&M, bestiality and snuff. So if you don?t like these subject, go elsewhere. Amanda, the pig catcher Ideas and plot by The Duchess of Hell, words by 2NN Amanda watched the pathetic, little creep moving about, no clue as to what she had planned for him. Had Justin, the object of her contempt, been even remotely aware of what she had...

3 years ago
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aunty maal

1st of all let me tell you this is a real story you believe it not it’s real the character here have changed their name as privacy issue let me tell you about myself I am a 18 years boy slim love reading books I always wanted to write my own book but here I am starting to write my own story about my relation with my fathers sister oopz I forgot to tell you my name it’s Krish I hope you love my story.Like every boy at this age I always fantasised about having sex with my neigbour’s...

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It's Saturday night and your date just cancelled on you. You resign yourself to the fact that the only way you're going to have any fun tonight is by yourself. You pull up your favorite porn site and start slowly rubbing your crotch. Suddenly, there's a flash of light behind you! You turn to see an exact copy of yourself! "Who are you?" you ask. "I'm you from next Saturday night. That geek next door said he had a time machine he wanted to test and lent it to me for a few days. I remembered how...

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His Obsession

She arrived home from work, let herself in the security door of her apartment building. She climbed the stairs to her third floor apartment, not knowing that he was waiting behind the hallway door. She unlocked the door to her apartment and as she did, he came up behind her and forced her into her apartmnet. He shut and locked the door behind them, he covered her mouth with his hand and pushes her up against the door. He told her that if she screams he will have to hurt her. Then he takes...

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AllGirlMassage Aaliyah Love Cadence Lux Surprising Mom At The Office

Aaliyah Love is busy at work, stressing out in front of her computer. Meanwhile, her step-daughter, Cadence Lux, sneaks in to pay her a surprise visit, hoping to help take some of the stress off. She knows her step-mother has been working a lot lately, and can see the tension she’s carrying in her shoulders. With completely innocent intentions, Cadence offers to massage Aaliyah to help her relax. Aaliyah is thankful for the offer, readily taking her up on it. As Cadence stands behind her...

2 years ago
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The 1st time I fucked my friends wife

So I have been friends with this couple for a number of years before I ever did anything with his wife.They have always had an open/cuckold type relationship and everyone knew about it. Over the years the wife we can call Shelly, would flirt and be nasty when she started to party. I loved her big curvy body, her huge tits and round ass…..When we would party Id start to get turned on when she would start getting slutty….It gave me a chance to grab her ass, rub her pussy from outside her pants,...

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Finding Jasmine

The first time I saw Jasmine I was sitting in a local starbucks, drinking coffee while reading a book. It was the height of summer and unusually hot for the UK. Three young girls came in and joined the queue. They were all very pretty and dressed in short skirts or tiny shorts and tshirts, trainers without socks. I felt a little hardening in my pants watching them as they queued and chatted, giggling with each other. Their bodies young and taught, silky smooth calves and soft thighs on display,...

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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 51

“Janet closed her cell phone and then said, “I just spoke to Mike in the office of Durham Coop. He said that as long as I’m working on a script based on your adventures. He wants first chance to produce them. So it looks like we are 50/50 partners going forward.” “Good your fifty percent of the new room will run about 3K,” I said. “You are seriously think that you are going to charge me for a renovation to your house?” Janet asked. “Fuckin A, as you say. You wanted your own bedroom,” I...

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One For The Team Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven - A Change of Management May 1986 Detective Sergeant Archie Sanders and Detective Sandra Tingle ate breakfast together in the restaurant at the Holiday Inn. They had slept in their own rooms. It was a rule they had, regardless of how late they stayed up making love they always returned to their own rooms to sleep. It was as much about propriety as it was to establish an agreed boundary. If they just shared a bed now and then, then their relationship was just sex; if they...

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5 The games continueintroducing Debra and Hea

Author's note: It's frequently difficult to separate fact from fantasy, this story is based in the late 60's era with elements of truth's and a few of fantasy thrown in for good measure - I will let you decide what's real or not - enjoy.Alan picked up the bottle of babyoil and poured some into the palm of his hand and rubbed his cock and balls in the slippery clear liquid. It made his stiff rod shine and it appeared to look bigger, harder and so so inviting. I did the same to my cock and we...

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Jijajee Trapped

Hi friends, my name is Seema, 40 years old, 5.4 feet in height, fair and slim. I was married in Bangalore to Ramesh and he was a frequent traveler. I felt very lonely at nights and was in need of a sex partner. I was a very friendly character and I knew that I can trap anyone I want as I was pretty looking too but the big question was“whom to trap” I had Sanjay, my sister’s husband, on mind he used to come to Bangalore for his business every month. During those visits he sometimes stayed in our...

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Where Demons Tread

My wife and I were never ones to be considered traditional. We have had an open marriage for years, and good friends of ours have shared in our relations. Last year we made the daring decision to include our oldest daughter, Stacy, into our sexual relations. Stacy took to in naturally. We were gentle and slow with her and she learned to enjoy it very much. I'd be lying if I told you that I didn't enjoy it myself. Stacy was twelve when I first made love to her, and it was incredible. When...

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HomebodiesChapter 14

Gath stood outside the main entrance to Triad Naval Base, looking at the time on his commer impatiently. It was now 0348 hours Universal Time, only fifty-two metric minutes before Gath was expected to report for duty at the hospital down in Libby. It was no longer even possible for him to make it there in time, but that was not what he was worried about. Yank was supposed to have been here before 0300. She had assured them she would be here by 0300. And she wasn’t here yet. Gath tried...

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Helping To Rehabilitate

A few months ago, I was talking to one of my regular meets about a friend of his who was getting released from prison. He was sentenced to 4 years for what was a financial crime. Having nowhere to stay when he was freed, my friend offered his spare room and this was viewed positively by his probation officer.'He will be desperate for some company' my friend hinted and this got me thinking... and extremely horny with the thoughts I was having.....The date was set for 14th February (ironic!) and...

2 years ago
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Three Valleys SammiChapter 11

There were four new students at school on Monday morning, one of them in her Homeroom. Sammi still felt a little tired from her trip; it wasn't like she'd had any time off, after all, and so when a strange girl sat next to her in Homeroom, she didn't pay attention. "Class," Mrs. Connolly, the Homeroom teacher said, "welcome Grace Hayward. Grace has transferred here from the East Valley schools for this term. Stand up, please, Grace." The new girl stood up for a moment. She was thin...

2 years ago
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Yes Daddy

I am cleaning dishes as you come home from a night out with the boys. I am in a pair of boy shorts and a t-shirt and you can see just the bottom of my butt cheeks. This makes your dick hard, and you come up from behind me and begin to kiss my neck. Soft at first, just enough to get my attention. It makes my pussy wet and my stomach get butterflies in it.  I keep trying to do the dishes but you bite me harder and kiss my ear and neck. I am trying to ignore the now very hard cock that is pushed...

1 year ago
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ReGenesis Inc A Loose End Tied

ReGenesis, Inc.: A Loose End Tied By Bill Hart As one of her many household chores, Becky was vacuuming the living room when her mother arrived home from work. She didn't enjoy doing it, but keeping the house clean was one of her responsibilities. On the other hand, she knew her mother, who generally worked the morning shift at the diner, appreciated her helping out. Even with getting up at 3am every workday morning, Phyllis was more or less satisfied with her working arrangements,...

3 years ago
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Adored 2

“Love,” Shayla said as she busied herself setting out plates on the kitchen table, “is what you and I have together. It’s more than just a feeling. It is a connection, unique and special.”“Okay,” Kevin responded unsurely. “And how does that explain anything.”She leaned over him, a hand on his shoulder and another on the table next to his place setting. Her hair dangled tantalizingly to her right. Her face was relaxed into a patient smile. “It explains everything. You were pushing me. I pushed...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Somali Captive Part 2

The Somali's resisted fiercely .Armed mostly with shields and swords they were cut down by the lances and carbines of the British,cavalryman.Their abodes,ransacked and set ablaze. The girl,was no more than fourteen but tall for her age.Her large pretty eyes,wide and fearful.As young Lieutenant,Ian Somerset,forced his flaccid cock into her mouth.She looked pitiful and petrified but obliged him. Her mouth,formed an exquisite,teasing sheath around his manhood.She sucked for all her...

2 years ago
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A Week In A Dungeon Day 1

Ashley lies on her hands and knees in a small steel cage. Everything feels cold against her exposed skin. Wearing just her white panties and a bra, she can feel goosebumps everywhere. She had just asked Miss Rose for a blanket or pillow or something to make her first night more comfortable. ‘I’ll ask him hon,’ comes her short response. Miss Rose’s heels echo through the dank room. Ashley hears Miss Rose pick up the phone again around the corner but can’t hear the conversation. Ashley liked...

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Adult Theater Activities

I love being watched. Here is a story of how I found out I'd like beingwatched.I was a 30 in good shape and horny. I wanted to get my nut off from someanonymous guy so, I hit a local adult theater. The operator knew men werehooking up in his cinema, there were several rows of seats, but there werealso open spaces to allow better access for the patrons to mess around.So, I paid my entry fee and entered the theater. There had to been abouthalf a dozen guys varying in ages. Couple guys in their...

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Window ShoppingChapter 8

She blew in through the door like a gust of fresh air. She strode towards the back of the line and looked around as she walked. I looked down at the newspaper spread on my table and sipped at my coffee, hoping that she hadn't seen me staring. I glanced up, looking across the room so that I could see her out of the corner of my eye. Seeing that she was standing side on to me and looking the other way, I relaxed and looked at her more closely. Today she was wearing a short denim skirt that...

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