Erica Ranch Wife pt 2 her first time
- 4 years ago
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Todd and Laura were asleep, face-to-face, entwined with each other, when the sound of a ship's emergency klaxon went off.
Todd rolled his head back and groaned. "Sorry," he said to Laura reaching over her, "I forgot to turn the alarm off last night."
Laura, stirred by Todd's movement, turned to look at the alarm clock he was trying, without much success, to swat.
"Hey," she said. "I recognize that. It's a 'Shuttle Pod' isn't it? From Star Trek?"
Todd laughed. "No sweetheart," he explained, "that is a 'Shuttle CRAFT.' Actually it's a highly detailed, miniaturized scale model of the Magellan, part of the medium range shuttles currently in service on the Enterprise-D."
"Oh," Laura said. "I've seen that show. It's the one with Scott Bakula as the Skipper right?"
Todd groaned as he rolled over, rubbing his temples. "How can I love a girl who doesn't love Star Trek?" he asked. "And you're thinking of the show 'Enterprise.' And it's not a commercial boat so the rank is Captain," he added.
Laura laughed as she pulled him back on the bed. "I know that my Captain. I was pulling your leg. My dad is a 'Trekkie, ' and for the longest time I had a crush on Will Riker, first officer on board the galaxy class starship NCC 1701-D." She continued giving details of the show as she planted kisses on his face and neck and other exposed areas within her reach.
"Ah," he said with obvious pleasure, "so it's not just my body you're after, you want my mind as well!"
"And your heart," she added silencing any further discussion with a deep, long kiss.
They made gentle yet passionate love in the bed that had been the scene of a more aggressive, demanding fuck fest the night before. They went at it leisurely, savoring each moment of the intimate contact until both achieved a quiet yet enjoyable orgasm.
Still pressed deep within her womb, Todd rolled to the side so as not to place too much pressure on Laura. She rolled with him and clamped her legs trying to keep his cock firmly planted inside, though she could feel him softening. With a sigh of regret she released him from her grasp and said, "Now I need to empty my bladder!"
With a mischievous grin on his face, Todd said, "Oh goody! My turn to watch."
"Oh no you don't!" she said laughing as she ran for the bathroom, but even though she reached it first she did not close the door on him. He walked up to her slowly as the first sound of water hitting water met his ears. Bending forward he kissed her lips and slowly slipped his hand between her legs letting the hot stream wash over his hand.
Laura blushed but said nothing until Todd searched to find the source of the stream.
"Oh... don't do that or I won't be able to finish," she said.
Puzzled, Todd asked why.
"Girl plumbing is different," she explained. "If you excite me, then the flow turns off. It's like being tickled."
Todd stopped playing and was content to feel the last of her pee dribble over his hand. Grabbing some toilet paper Laura wiped herself and stood up stepping over Todd's arm.
"Well?" she asked. "How did it feel?"
"Strange but somehow exciting at the same time." He replied.
Laura laughed and said, "Maybe next time I'll give you a shower of it!"
Todd smiled. This girl had an adventurous streak. Finally, after washing his hands, he asked Laura if she would like breakfast.
"Oh let me make it," she implored. "You can relax and watch TV or something. I think I can find my way around your kitchen well enough."
"But I'd rather help you," he said.
"Okay, then you can do the dishes afterwards," she laughed. "Now go and do something totally because you want to. I'll holler if I can't find anything or whenever it's ready."
Todd kissed her on the forehead, on the nose and finally a soft one on the lips. "Okay," he said. "I'll leave you to it."
After Laura left the bathroom Todd took a minute to empty his own bladder, which he suddenly realized was full, and then took the time to shave. He didn't want Laura's beautiful face scuffed with whisker burn. It was difficult shaving though because his face seemed to be frozen into a smile that wouldn't go away. Looking at his own reflection in the mirror he said, "you are one lucky son-of-a-bitch!" Todd brushed his teeth as well, wiped down the vanity and headed for the living room to catch up on the world news.
He had caught up on CNN's World Headline News and was changing to a local news channel when he caught the scent of bacon frying. Hmm... Bacon. He knew he had some but it had been in the freezer. Laura was obviously finding her way around the kitchen without difficulty. Todd sat back suddenly very relaxed, both hands behind his head. He gently drifted off to sleep thinking of a CD Kelly had bought him.
Todd had never understood Kelly's love of Country music. A couple of years ago Todd had volunteered his talents for a Celebrity / Charity Cattle Drive in Fort Worth. It was for a good cause, a children's treatment center, and Kelly had come along. It could have been a single afternoon shoot, but Kelly had convinced him to go for the entire five days. She knew most of the actors and singers that would be taking turns leading the 'green-horns, ' and Todd always did like doing a job right. They had decided to drive down, hauling the trailer behind them - a working vacation for both of them and a chance to escape from what had been a hot and humid summer in Charlotte. On the second day of the drive, Kelly had turned off the CD player and tuned the radio to 99.5, KPLX, "the Wolf."
Todd was a fan of Classic Rock, and after an hour of listening to the station, wanted to switch back.
I don't understand what you like about this music Kell," he had said. "It all sounds like the same three chords. The only thing I see different is each song has worse singers."
"That's because you aren't listening to the words Todd," Kelly said. "It's not the melody, it's what the singer is telling you."
"What?" Todd had smirked, "that his best friend has run off with his wife and the pick-up's out of gas?"
Kelly had remained silent. He obviously wasn't getting the message.
"Look Kell, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, but I just don't get it."
"It's okay Todd." She had said. "You can change it back if you want."
Todd had decided to leave it. She wasn't asking for that much, and besides being his partner, they were best friends who shared everything. About a half hour later he said to Kelly, "You know, I know I've never listened to this station before, but that announcer sounds real familiar to me."
Kelly had laughed. Todd liked hearing her laugh.
"He should sound familiar to you. That's Maurice Minnifield from 'Northern Exposure' you're listening to. Barry Corbin."
"Shit... No way!" he said astounded. NX had been one of his favorite TV shows before the network had pulled it off the air.
"Yes way," she said, mimicking the teens they so often had to deal with. "If you had read the material the charity had sent you instead of just agreeing to do it, you would know that Barry is one of the celebrity trail bosses."
"Damn. I didn't know he was into this cowboy stuff."
"Not just him either," Kelly continued with a self-satisfied smirk. "If you want to we could drop in on Janine Turner. She has a ranch around there as well."
Before Todd could reply Kelly heard the strains of a familiar old tune starting on the radio and turned it up.
"Try listening to the words of this one Todd. Forget the music, just listen to the words." Willie Nelson was singing "Angel Flying Too Close To The Ground."
The song had finished and Todd realized what Kelly meant. A few minutes later they pulled into a truck stop for lunch and on the way out Kelly had bought the CD for him. Kris Kristofferson: Super Hits.
"His voice sounds a bit weather worn, but I think this CD will tell you more about yourself, about me and about the two of us than any other I can think of right now. He's been where we've been Todd, and he tells the story better than we could ourselves."
Todd went to slip it in, but Kelly stayed his hand.
"Listen to it first when you aren't driving and when you are alone. Some of the songs on this album hit too close to home for me to be sitting next to you when you hear them. Just know that I think you're the Pilgrim."
Kelly had then reached into the console and slipped Bob Seger's Greatest Hits into the CD player and they both continued the drive down singing along to "Old Time Rock and Roll."
"Todd, wake up. Breakfast is ready." Laura shook him gently by the shoulder.
"I'm sorry Laura," he said. "I didn't mean to fall asleep."
Laura just pressed a finger to his lips. "Don't worry about it. I would have loved to watch you sleep but my feeble attempts at cooking might just taste a bit better if still warm." She laughed.
"By the way, did you know you sing in your sleep?"
Todd gave her a skeptical look. "I was singing?"
Laura laughed. "Well maybe not exactly singing, but you were definitely humming out a tune... I think its called 'Why Me Lord.'"
Todd looked stunned. It was one of the songs from the Kristofferson CD Kelly had given him.
"Well," he said finally, "I guess that's how lucky I feel having found you in my life."
Laura's eyes misted at the compliment. She led him to the kitchen where she had prepared French toast along with a plate of fried eggs, crisp bacon and hash browns, fresh perked coffee and a large glass of orange juice.
Todd's eyes widened at the sight. "Wow," he said as he took his seat. "I'm overwhelmed Laura. Who would think that someone as good looking as you could cook as well?"
Laura punched him playfully in the shoulder.
"Really," he said. "I didn't even know I had the makings for all of this here."
"Didn't you shop for it?" Laura asked.
Todd blushed sheepishly. "Actually, Kelly usually keeps my cupboards filled. I never used to eat at home. Which reminds me..." He got back up and grabbed his package of prepared vitamins and his container of pre-mixed health juice.
Laura looked at him and the prepared packages in the fridge. "Let me guess," she said smiling. "Kelly also prepares these for you."
"I guess I never learned to take care of myself properly," he said.
She patted him on the shoulder and smiled. "Kelly must be quite a cook herself to keep your cupboards filled with what I found."
Todd dug into the stack of French toast and between his sighs of pleasure he said, "She is, but she doesn't get much time to do it. And she never does it for herself." He leaned over and kissed Laura's nose, "and I've never seen her tinkle either!"
"Will you please stop worrying about me being jealous," Laura said. "Really, I like Kelly." A small blush came to her cheeks. "She's a big part of your life, I can see that. She said to me that she was happy for both of us and I believe her. I think she and I could become great friends. Now tell me what those pills were and what was in that thick brown drink."
Todd laughed. "I have no idea," he admitted. "I trust her judgment, and can swear to the positive results it's brought to my life, but I have no idea what it is. I figured I was smart knowing the difference between mineral water and spring water," he said laughing. "By the way, did I tell you that you are a fantastic cook?" he said as he polished off the bacon.
"You did just by the way you tackled your breakfast," she replied smiling.
Todd insisted she sit and relax while he washed up the dishes. "At least I have this part down to an acceptable level," he said laughing. "But you barely ate anything yourself. Don't you like your own cooking?"
"That's the problem," she said. "I like it too much, but a girl has to watch her figure you know! I usually just have a glass of juice and a grapefruit in the morning. Indulging myself in French toast is definitely not something I would do on a regular basis."
Todd looked at her seriously for a minute. "You know Laura, I do believe you and Kelly will get along fabulously."
Laura thought hard and long before she answered.
"Todd," she said. "What if it's me that strays?"
He looked at her quizzically.
"I'm not saying that I plan to, but I want to be honest with you. When Kelly and I were taking our shower yesterday..." she started to blush deeper.
Todd sat down and took her hands in his. "Yes my love?"
Laura had trouble meeting his eyes. "I can't really explain it. I've never been with a woman before, but yesterday, I got really turned on by Kelly."
Todd kissed her hands. Sucking each finger gently before opening her hands and kissing her palms.
"Laura," He said, "I do really love you, but that doesn't mean I'm putting chains on you. I told you that I couldn't promise anything more than my love for you. Why would I expect anything different from you? Life has a nasty habit of throwing us curve balls when we're all set for straight pitches. Love is the one thing we can enjoy. Forget about the morality police and live and love for the day. If something does come from this, my love for you will not change. Would you love me any less if you found happiness with Kelly?"
"No, of course not," Laura said suddenly, and then understanding filled her eyes. "I've never met anyone like you or Kelly before," she said. "I hope I don't turn out to be a disappointment to you."
"Never my love," Todd said. "You've already captured my heart. Now how about joining me for an episode of Enterprise while we let our breakfast settle?"
"Okay," Laura said brightly, "But only if you tell me which cast member you most lust after! I want to know all your fantasies!"
"Hmmm" said Todd. "The males don't do anything for me, so I guess it comes down to T'Pol or Hoshi."
As they settled down in front of the TV to watch a taped episode, Laura laid her head in Todd's lap. "I'll be your Peter meter," she said jokingly. "You'll have to be honest cause I'll be able to feel if you get hard."
"Okay," he relented. "I'd have to go with Hoshi. She's more sensual than T'Pol and there's always that oriental mystique."
Laura sighed and closed her eyes, listening to the show. She had seen this episode a few times and simply wanted to enjoy cuddling next to the man she loved.
Laura jumped up with a start. She had dozed off from the combination of the physical activities and the large breakfast but a dream had awakened her. She realized she had fallen asleep, but was left with an unsettling feeling. She sat up and turned to Todd with concern on her face.
"Todd, you have to call Kelly."
At his confused look she explained she was concerned about Kelly. "It's hard to explain Todd," she said, "but I have this feeling..."
"Feeling?" he asked.
"I know. It sounds weird, but I get these... call them what you will, but I have a feeling that something is wrong. It just came over me."
Todd had seen too many 'coincidences' over the years to ignore intuition and reached to pick up the cordless phone. Hoping he wouldn't be disturbing Kelly and thinking Tony might still be there, he hesitated. Still, worry started to creep in so he picked up the phone and then jumped as it rang in his hand. Somehow, he almost wasn't surprised when the caller display revealed it was Kelly's number.
"Hello?" he said cautiously.
"Mr. Todd?" asked the voice on the other end of the line.
Todd recognized the voice of Gloria.
"What's wrong Gloria? What's happened? I was just about to call Kelly."
"You better come down right now Mr. Todd. Something's wrong with Miss Kelly. She done locked herself in her room and I can hear her crying," Gloria said.
"I'll be there in a few minutes Gloria," he said. Hanging up the phone he turned to Laura and said, "Your feeling was right. Something is wrong and I have to get over there."
"Let me come with you Todd," Laura said. "I might be able to help."
Todd just nodded and they quickly got dressed. Taking Laura's car was handier and she drove as Todd gave directions. They made it to Kelly's in minutes.
As she parked the car Todd turned in his seat and asked, "How did you know?"
Laura looked at Todd for a minute and said, "Don't get spooked okay? I get these feelings once in a while. Usually when I'm sleeping and just at that state before I hit REM sleep. Usually about someone I have on my mind. It's not a big thing and I'm certainly no Miss Cleo."
As they got out of the car Todd said, "Okay. I guess I understand. It must be what they call women's intuition cause Kelly does that to me sometimes as well."
Laura breathed a silent sigh of relief. It was something she didn't like to talk about. She didn't understand it, but on those occasions when it did happen, she was invariably right.
Gloria had left the door open and as they entered she started explaining how she was on the way to get an ice cream when she felt the urge to stop at Kelly's. Todd rolled his eyes as he turned and looked at Laura.
"It must be a woman thing," he mumbled.
Todd managed to calm Gloria down, and noticed that Laura had instinctively found Kelly's bedroom and was talking through the door.
"Kelly?" she said. "I need to talk to you. I've got a problem."
Todd quietly made his way to stand beside Laura. Between soft sobs he heard Kelly ask, "Can it wait Laura? I'm not feeling so good right now."
Laura raised her finger to Todd's lips.
"Actually Kelly, it's rather important and I need your help."
Laura seemed to know that Kelly would put her own problems on hold if someone else was in pain.
Kelly really wanted someone to talk to, but realized that Todd was probably with Laura and she didn't want him to know what had happened the night before. Todd might blow up and go looking for Tony. And Kelly could never discuss this part of her life with Gloria as close as they were.
Kelly was terrified she was going to lose her mind. Dabbing at her tears she finally said, "If it's really important, I guess we can talk, but I don't want Todd or Gloria to see me in this condition. Tell them I'm okay and let them go home, and then we can talk."
Laura smiled. She had guessed right about Kelly and said in a soothing voice, "Just give me a minute then and I'll tell everyone you're okay and let them go home. I really appreciate this Kelly."
Taking Todd back to where Gloria was waiting, she explained to them that Kelly would be okay now. She would stay with Kelly until she felt better and call Todd later. "Take my car back," she said. "If I need a ride back, I'll give you a call."
Gloria looked at Laura closely, finally nodding her head. "She is right Mr. Todd. Miss Kelly needs a sister to talk with, not a friend." Giving Laura a nod she said, "you take good care of my girl now." With that she headed out the door.
At the door Todd looked intently at Laura. He was genuinely concerned for his friend.
"It's not a problem Todd," said Laura. "Trust me. She's in pain and she doesn't want you to see her like this."
"Okay, but I'll keep the phone close at hand. Call me if you need help or when she's feeling better."
Laura kissed him and said, "You really do love her don't you?"
Todd looked away but Laura pulled his chin back so he had to look her in the eyes. "I guess I do. I just never realized how much, and I'm not sure in what way. She's saved me from myself and she's my best friend."
Laura just smiled at him and said, "It's okay Todd. It is possible to love more than one person, and you give what you can. Now be a sweetheart and go home. I promise I'll call you as soon as she's feeling better."
Todd kissed her once more with love before slipping out the door. Laura locked the door and went to Kelly.
When Kelly heard the car pull out of her driveway she slipped a t-shirt and a pair of boxers on and unlocked the bedroom door.
Crawling back on her bed she lit a cigarette and tried to compose herself.
Knocking softly Laura walked in. She looked at Kelly. Puffy eyes, scraggly hair and a red nose looked back at her.
Laura moved onto the bed facing Kelly. She nodded to Kelly's smokes and asked, "Mind if I have one?"
Kelly passed the pack of her Canadian Cameo's and her lighter, then placed the ashtray between them and shifted to sit cross-legged to face Laura.
Laura said "Thanks" and lit one up, placing the pack between them before shifting herself to mirror Kelly's position.
For a good five minutes neither spoke, just sitting silently looking at each other.
"Rough night?" Laura finally ventured.
Kelly snorted. "Yeah," she said, "the worst."
"Todd worries about you," said Laura.
Kelly looked away.
"You know both of you do that when you don't want talk about something that concerns the other," Laura said.
With an exasperated sigh Kelly said, "I thought you had a problem."
"I do," said Laura, "It's you."
Kelly's head snapped up like she had been slapped. "How in the hell can I be your problem? We only met yesterday. You don't know me well enough to hate me yet." And with that said the tears started to flow freely.
Laura carefully removed the lit cigarette from Kelly's fingers and stubbed both out, moving the ashtray to the nightstand and then slid up to sit beside Kelly pulling Kelly's head into her own shoulder. She let Kelly cry for a long time, softly patting her head and rubbing her back until finally the sobs started to break into gulps.
Looking around the headboard she found a box of tissues and pulled a handful out which she slipped in between their bodies to wipe at Kelly's eyes and nose.
"I don't hate you Kelly," Laura said softly. "How could I, or anybody else, hate somebody like you?"
Kelly blew her nose loudly then looked Laura in the eyes.
"How fucked up can my life be when someone I thought was a friend runs down everything I have ever accomplished and then treats me like a street corner prostitute?" Kelly sobbed out.
"Do you feel humiliated?" Laura asked.
Kelly looked into Laura's eyes. "Yeah," she said finally. "I was humiliated."
"And that's why you didn't want Todd to see you like this. Even though he loves you."
"You've got that wrong Laura. We're just best friends."
"Isn't this something you would want to share with your best friend?" Laura asked. "No, the reason you didn't want Todd to see you like this is because you love him and he loves you, and you didn't want him to see you in this pain. Especially over another man."
"You don't understand..." Kelly started to say, but Laura placed a finger on Kelly's mouth.
"What I don't understand is how you two can keep on fooling yourselves about how you feel for each other."
"Nothing ruins a friendship faster than sex," Kelly said.
"Is that what happened last night?" Laura asked.
"No," Kelly spit out. "Tony was a self centered egotistical prick before. But the first time we had been intimate I was a lot younger and I didn't realize then just how big a prick he was."
"So what about the guy you broke up with the night before?" Laura asked.
"Mark?" Kelly laughed. "He wanted to change me into something like a Rolex he could wear on his wrist. Another trophy to add to his collection and to impress his friends."
"I see," said Laura. "So Todd must really have something wrong with him for you not to want to share his love as well as his friendship."
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Brad looked at the girl in astonishment. She was in her early twenties, very pretty and, at that moment, looking shocked at what she had just asked him. They were in a busy bar, he didn’t know her and she had just asked him one of the strangest and most provocative questions he could imagine coming from a stranger. “Are you serious?” he questioned.“Yes.” She swallowed. “It’s a dare. I was dared by my friends to come over and ask you.” She indicated a group of girls in their early twenties...
Straight SexWell me and my girlfriend have been together for about a year now. So for my 1 year anniversary "present" my girlfriend came over to my house while my parents were away for the whole weekend. We decided to hangout and watch a couple of movies and cuddle together. After awhile we started to makeout as we usualy do.I felt all over her great body, her great 36D sized breasts, and her perfectly round ass. Soon I took off her shirt and bra. Oh my god did she have the greatest boobs a guy could ever...
Introduction: The second of many true college stories… It had been about two weeks since Taylor and I had moved into our dorm and opened the year by having sloppy drunken sex with one another. It had been awkward for a few days as we tried to ignore it, and on our second Thursday on campus I finally worked up the nerve to say something to my beautiful roommate. Tay, we need to talk about what happened, I started nervously. We had both been sitting at our desks doing homework. Well, Tay had...
It had seemed so beautifully simple when he and Shae were cuddled together in his old bed in his old home. They'd talked a little more -- not a lot more -- but as he lay there silently holding her, several things became clear, although inextricably mixed together. Shae had not been an issue in his mind until she surprised him with it -- he just hadn't been thinking far enough ahead. But as soon as she articulated it, he had a vision of a future most likely perfectly acceptable to him when...
LipsIt was the time of my life when I wanted to try something new, find out who I really was, make new friends maybe, so I joined the temp. agency. I was the oldest one there, not the usual age for a temp, all the others tended to be young, use it for what it was & then bugger off, not really finding out about the jobs or the people , not interested. I was considered quite unique both in the agency & the jobs, I liked that take it as a compliment, took my time to get to know the...
My desk is layered with paper. Unopened mail forms a mountain in one corner. Rejected insurance claims forms a smaller mountain – more like a hill – in the opposite corner. Between is a low valley of checks and billing statements. For the last two hours I’ve been trying to finish entering the week’s payments into the computer, but I keep getting interrupted by nurses, patients, and phone calls. It looks like it is going to be one of those late nights again. I figure I...
*Author's message* I'm real sorry about the delay for the next chapter. My computer crashed and it was getting fixed. It seems fixed now. Or at least in working order. =) I appreciate all the reviews, both good and bad and all the input. Thank you for reading. Part 7 Jordan sat on the front porch steps of the apartment where he and Anna lived. He had a Miller Lite beer bottle half full in one hand and a cigarette in his other. The sports section of the Arizona Sun...
Friends!I am Swaroop working as Government official in higher cadre.I had enjoyed my life in the official capacity upto this time.I was provided car, bungulaw etc by government.I am aged about 56 now. I got married and having c***dren also.They are settled abroad.I live along with my wife.I used to go over to hyderabad to attend official camps.Coming to the original story, I got love towards gaysex.But in my old days the people never come forward to enjoy gaysex and it is one kind of offence...
They'd just completed their exams at the end of senior year so Jade and Tori decided to go apartment hunting as they'd both decided to take a gap year before uni, because they wanted to go out and gain experience.It didn't take long before they found a nice apartment that they'd both be able to afford.Jade had gone out to lunch with a potential client of an up and coming production agency that Jade had started working for, so Tori was alone.She must have dozed off because when Jade returned...
"So what is this place?" I asked as we turned from the road and down a tree lined lane."It's a surprise," my Dad smiled at me both happily and enigmatically. We were close, me and Dad, I'd not know my Mom, she'd left when I was so small she wasn't even a blurry figure in my memory and Dad had brought me up. As a rule we were a no secrets house, I'd come out as gay to him without a thought and let him know about all my boyfriends. He in turn had let me know about the women he was seeing, (even...
Shit! Jerry stood outside the classy little jewellery store in the strip mall near his house, staring at the locked door and ‘Closed for Christmas’ sign like it was going to magically disappear. As he looked frantically about, his gaze fell on a couple exiting a little boutique-type shop: ‘Lushious Intimates & Gifts’. “Lushious?” Jerry muttered. “Well that’s just daft, do people not know how to spell anymore?” He stood in a quandary, trying to talk himself into venturing inside, when an...
SeductionSven Falk – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch Metal thundered forward. The iron body hurtled at me, a brutal sword clutched in the animated statue’s hand. My eyes scanned across the room in a heartbeat, glimpsing strange monsters lurking in the background while a massive blog of slime undulated in the center of the room, a shape buried inside of it. I couldn’t focus on that as the statue charged straight at me, face twisted in a mask of anger. A face I...
We approached the scene of the Nephilim incursion very carefully. The Æsir warned us that Nephilim scouts used a type of long range magically enhanced rifle to target any they saw approaching the front. "How much land have they taken?" I enquired of Vanir Torsenn who was our escort to the incursion. Over 800 square rôst, a rôst is roughly one of your miles," he said. "Only Nephilim appear to be alive in there as they kill anyone they find, even babes in arms." "Barbarians!" I...
Looking back on it I realize that I should have known how it was going to turn out. Back then the little head was in charge and I more or less followed its lead. The little head was like a piece of steel and she was like a magnet that constantly pulled the little head to her. Just the way I met Monica told me everything that I should have needed to know, but the big head needs blood to operate just as the little head needs blood to inflate and Monica kept the little head inflated which kept...
Hi, guys. This is Ravi. A software engineer from Bangalore. Well built and with a handsome salary. I am in a relationship since last 6 years and it’s amazing. The girl of my life is named Riya and she is extremely beautiful and sexy as well with the right amount of flesh at right places. She is figured by 34-28-32. She has the best breasts in the world. Believe me when I say that. Great size great softness. She has an ass to die for. Her back side look is a killer. Every boy of our class used...
If you have read my stories and posts here, or have seen my photos, you will know that a man named Dave has been my lover since July, 2012. And, after my divorce from Frank in October 2015, I see Dave a lot more often. I no longer have to sneak out every time I develop a hunger to hook-up with him. In the past, I've hinted here at how we met. But I don’t think I've actually told anyone here the full story. Until now... It was a warm, lovely summer Saturday evening. My husband Frank was visiting...
MatureThis is the follow up to Laundry Day that I pulled off of my old profile. I hope you enjoy and tell me your thoughts please.Amanda was the first to stand and helped Ariel to her feet. They went to the bathroom where they have a jacuzzi tub big enough for 2. Ariel sat between Amanda's legs placing her head on her chest. "I still can't believe we haven't done that before. I liked it more then I thought. Hell I loved it." Ariel chuckled. Amanda was still taken in by the whole experience and...
This is my first story to be published and it is very out there; most of my other private stories are well conventional but I was wondering what other people thought of this piece. A lot, well all of the science is of coarse fake but based on some real methods and I have tried to use as many of the real names which have affects on the tissues and organs mentioned. Kesy isn’t the hottest girl in the world but attractive none the less. At 25 she has given up hope that her 32A cup breasts are...
Introduction: This is a true story… please be easy on me, but i would like comments OK so Im going to share a true part of myself. Ive been writing fiction up to this point, certainly informed my experience, but not a direct retelling. Perhaps its my comfort with my sexuality that allows me to tell this or some inner need for confession and comments that say Im not a total freak. I dont know, but I would love to hear what yall think. The history of my first sexual exploits must be understood...
Handjobs have always been the least desirable in porn. They are kind of boring if you ask most people. However, you’re just looking at them the wrong way. With their ball twiddling and cock tugging action, handjobs can be the best part of sex. Heck, sometimes they can be the ONLY part of sex you need in order to cum. This all depends on the girls you’re having a go with. If you look at many of these hot chicks in the handjob category on, I’m pretty sure that most of them can make...
Handjob Porn Sites"Sir, you need to wake up. We may be under attack," Sven stated, shaking me awake. If I was not awake before I was now. Looking at him in the dark, I could see his concern even if his hand was not resting on my arm. Looking at my alarm clock to see what time it was, but there was nothing there the numbers were out. Funny, someone had cut power to the island with me on it. Reaching out with my senses, I could feel the energy in the air. What I felt was stronger than normal, even stronger...
The one thing that most makes my 18 year old body happy is to orgasm. I love to shave my little pussy smooth with foam and a sharp razor and then moisturise my inner pink cunt lips all over my mound so that it's so soft to touch. When you run your fingers down my stomach towards and over my vagina it feels like silk. I take such pleasure in my own pussy because, when you've been in education at an all girls boarding school since the age of 11, you have to learn how to have some fun. One has...
Mai jamahedpur se hu aur mai apni dusri story lekr apke samne ayahu.Pichli story k koi comments to nai aye lekin is baar ummid krta huki mil jaye..Okk…Mai ek average ladka hu jisse slim body wali ldki hi pasand hai.Sbki apni pasand hai.Ab mai apni story pe ata hu.Mai ek kaam semorning me kahi ja raha tha to jaise hi room se nikla to dekha ki ekldki morning walk kr rahi thi.Mai surprised hua kuki wo to phle naidikhi thi.Sayad nai ayi hogi.Pata krne pr malum chala ki wo 2 din phlehi shift hui...
Thursday night — ValerieWhen Val got home, she changed out of her work clothes and went to the bathroom to freshen up. Coming back out, she noticed the gift basket sitting on her living room table, and gave herself a small squirt of hand sanitizer before plopping down on the couch to spend a few minutes on social media. Not too long though—I have to go get ready for my workout. She prided herself on her slim, athletic body, which she had kept in top shape since her competitive gymnastics days...
Mind ControlTwo figures silently made their way up to Carriston’s wall, stopping just outside of the light of the torches placed along the ramparts. They had spent the last few minutes carefully observing the city’s Night Watch and were now just biding their time, waiting for their opportunity to get inside. A couple of guards stopped and talked for a moment directly above the place he and Ria had scouted out earlier. It was in the very center of the fortification between watchtowers and there were no...
Hi this is Vaibhav narrating a story about my lovely young office supervisor. I am an engineering student with decent looks and good body, after reading this story do tell me how you liked it and you can always contact me on for any help or any girl who want a new secret friend. This is a story of how I made love to my supervisor of the human resource department, her name is Jaya (name changed) who is 27 yrs. Old she has an oval shaped face pointed with a pointed nose, she has great brown eyes...
Mark was staring out of the window watching a plane taxiing in to its gate when the interdiction field came down and everything went grey. He heard a loud voice and turned to see a very tall, well built, oriental man speaking, "Ladies and gentlemen, please remain where you are for a moment. I am Lieutenant Hideto Matsui of the Confederacy Space Marines and we are here to perform an extraction..." "You are all going to burn in Hell for this blasphemy! What you are doing is an abomination...
I had just dropped off my wife at her sister's for a couple of days. She lives an hour away and they spend those days going to plays and shopping. I looked forward to it because my wife lost interest in any sex years ago. I could use this time to look at some porn and gettting myself off a few times without being interrupted. I stopped at a bank near there to get some extra cash and then stopped at a store nearby before the 1 hour drive back. As I pulled into the store parking lot, I noticed a...
My cunt was so wet and horny last night that I imagined my lesbian girl friend and her two women friends summing me to her house. My girl friend ordered me to remove my panties and bra and to stand on her dining room table. They fondled and caressed my big breasts and open cunt. While fondling my breasts, my girl friend instructed me to slowly squat on the two women's fists. Their hands were together making one huge fist. The two women spread my pussy wide open as my girl friend guided me down...
I don't often write these types of stories. Nor do I commonly post them online. And it's even rarer that I write incest. So let me know what you think if you're so inclined. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter One Diana dropped her backpack on its usual spot on the floor in her bedroom. She set her half empty glass of water on top of the dresser. The school day had felt longer than usual with testing coming up soon. She...
The weekend of the reunion I arrived early and was somewhat surprised that the accommodations were indeed spartan. All of us were to sleep in a huge barn, in which cots had been placed on the floor. No provisions had been made for privacy whatsoever. There were, however, six fairly large bathrooms in the barn, with showers. At 55, I was one of the oldest in attendance. Apparently most of the older generation had realized that this was not going to be a luxurious weekend and had opted...
Now this is the life, he thought. John took one last dip in the clear warm water and then shrugged his way out of the ocean, heading towards his chair. The sand was soft, white and not quite hot enough to burn. He gave himself a quick rub with the towel, then stretched out on the chaise lounge and let the sun's warmth wash over his body. Two weeks. He smiled. Two whole weeks of nothing but sun, sea and food. He reached for his sunglasses and slid them on, never turning his face away from...
Part 2 of the first story, comments and ratings are appreciated.I'm sitting down at the bar with Joe and I really wanted to know how the hell he knew that Professor Jamie, just sucked my cock, and what did he have to do with it. Joe had a funny little smirk on his face, and he knew I wanted to know, but he kept stalling, talking about the game on the TV, and other pointless bullshit,I had finally had enough I told him I would kick his ass if he did not spill the beans. So he finally told me. He...
Dominique has traveled for the last five hours to get to training farm number one. Before departing the main office, she has called and told the Control officer at the farm to have Devon waiting for her when she arrives. A driver is sent with her, to insure she gets to her destination, and to insure she doesn't try and disappear with the secrets of the Vassal Group. "We have a problem Devon." Dominique said upon entering control "Hello Dominique, nice to see you, pleasant surprise and...
Curiosity got the best of me. I reached over gently pulling down the waistband of his underwear exposing his huge cock and balls. Without giving it much thought, I leaned forward licking the pre-cum off the tip of his cock... During the summer after high school, I went on a weekend camping trip with my best friend Steve. It was an extremely hot and muggy night. I woke up in the middle of the night sweating like a pig. I glanced over towards Steve who was laying outside of his sleeping bag. I...
GayTeresa This is a story about firsts. A whole bunch of them in fact looking back at them now. Everyone says they clearly remember the first time they ever made love with anyone. And I suppose that's true. But I clearly remember all the other first times as well, as though they were yesterday. I met Teresa in the 5th grade. She would later become the girl I would date and eventually experience a fist full of firsts with. But that was years away yet. Right now, my female experiences were...
Not for the first time, she swished her ass as she walked by him. It was an ongoing temptation that he could no longer resist. Steve had decided that he was going to teach this little tease a lesson, and have his way with her whether she wanted it or not. This beautiful cockteaser had been taunting him long enough. He grabbed her from behind, pushed aside her blazer, and cupped the soft mounds of her breasts through the thin material of her white blouse. He smiled to himself as he realized that...
My name is Selena, a 40 year old, professional who is married with children. My children are grown and my husband has his own career and is gone most of the time. My husband and I had decided how important a healthy sexual activity was in our marriage. So I placed an ad on a friend finder and meet Abigail. Abigail was also in a similar situation and began to write back and forth. We discussed our likes and dislikes and then agreed one day to meet. Abigail and I had finally...
BisexualThis is my first story, so please be nice: feedback is welcome, though. You have finally come to visit me, after months of chatting to each other online. You arrive at the house and knock on the door. I open it and there you are, finally. We just smile and you come in the house. I take your bag and show you to the spare room. I do not want any pressure to sleep with you. You just smile at me, a knowing smile. We chat about inane things – weather, your journey here. I suggest going for a walk...