MagicianChapter 22 free porn video

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We approached the scene of the Nephilim incursion very carefully. The Æsir warned us that Nephilim scouts used a type of long range magically enhanced rifle to target any they saw approaching the front.

"How much land have they taken?" I enquired of Vanir Torsenn who was our escort to the incursion.

Over 800 square rôst, a rôst is roughly one of your miles," he said. "Only Nephilim appear to be alive in there as they kill anyone they find, even babes in arms."

"Barbarians!" I muttered. "How many incursions?"

"Only the two on Svipdag," Torsenn said. "They are currently trying and succeeding to link them both, despite all the aid you have given us, though it is costing them and us dear."

"We will give as much aid as we can," said Morgana.

"For that we are thankful, but we also need people to train our people in the weapons you have supplied us. Longbows they are not," Torsenn replied.

"Difficult," I said. "Though not impossible."

"Indeed, John. A little mindwipe and no one from our world will be any the wiser," said Morgana.

"There are also dissidents too, who might appreciate a new life on a new world," I said.

"I will let Simon Magus know of your needs, Vanir Torsenn," Morgana said. "He is keen to prevent the Nephilim from gaining any greater foothold than they already have."

"That would be most appreciated, Seiðkona Morgana," Torsenn replied sincerely.

I carefully allowed my magical senses expand around me and found several Nephilim in the area, not just the scouts to our front, all with that built in mindshield.

"You see them, John?" Morgana asked.

"Yes, would be easy to deal with them, just make their hearts explode in their chests," I replied.

"Our Seiðmaðr have tried this, the Nephilim Seiðmaðr counter almost immediately," Torsenn replied.

"May I?" I asked Morgana and Torsenn.

They both nodded and Morgana shielded Torsenn. I had planned on simply stopping their hearts, but thought instead of a manoeuvre I'd tried in Kurukshetra. I expanded my senses even further out, completely passive, nothing active and found a very large group of Nephilim. They were assembled behind a Mage driven warded screen, but I wasn't too bothered about that as I planned to use that to spring my trap. Scanning the ward I then used my mind to remove all the oxygen under the shield which the ward was not set up to prevent and waited for a reaction. None came and I felt in my mind the Nephilim fall and die without knowing what had happened to them including their Mages who could not draw breath to cast any counterspells.

"It's done," I said to Morgana who simply stared at me in amazement.

"My God, John! That was ... they all just died ... and never knew why," she said, looking at me in horror.

"Fair fights are for those who are winning," I replied. "The Æsir are not winning, are they, Vanir Torsenn?"

"No, Seiðmaðr John, we aren't. Despite the pronouncements of our Generals and leaders," Torsenn finally replied. "How many?"

"Over 700, a full battle group similar to the one which ported into Kurukshetra as well as all their scouts," I replied. "Your people can advance in there now. There are no other Nephilim for 50 rôst to our front."

"But how?" asked Torsenn.

"It's your culture, it places a great value upon honour and if you must fight, you fight face to face and don't try to cheat. I am under no such compunction and so chose to kill the Nephilim by drawing the breath from their lungs from a distance in which they could not see me nor even fight back as they did not know what was happening," I replied.

Torsenn nodded slowly.

"Yet I know you to be a man of honour, you showed this with Hinter Vassaille and the family of Tesslarr," he said.

"Hinter and Tesslarr's family had not spent their time hunting and butchering innocents in very brutal and inventive ways. They were worthy of honour and respect. What those Nephilim did will fill me with disgust and revulsion for the rest of my days," I replied.

"Indeed so, Seiðmaðr John, perhaps you are right and we have been deeming these Nephilim too much honour," Torsenn said.

We were interrupted by several Seiðkona porting in beside us.

"Who did this atrocity?" asked one of the more senior ones.

"That would be me," I replied firmly.

"What will happen if they respond in kind?" the Seiðkona angrily shouted at me.

"Don't let them," I replied. "Besides, how was it any worse than stringing up Æsir children and cutting their stomachs open to spill upon the ground until they died in agony? At least these scum died far more peacefully than your children and people did."

"He speaks truth, Seiðkona Nakkam and you know it," said Torsenn. "You've seen what these Nephilim are capable of."

"I would not see us descend to their level!" he angrily retorted.

"Then you will lose and lose badly if you do not set honour aside to deal with those who do not even recognise the concept. Do you ascribe honour to vipers? Or simply make sure they cannot bite you?" I asked.

There were murmurs of agreement amongst the Seiðkona who had ported in with Nakkam, even Morgana nodded though still looked troubled.

"I will have to speak to the Styraesvollrr about this," said Nakkam. "It may be that you are correct, but in my heart I cannot countenance such deeds myself and it may be that I am no longer suited to leading a Seiðmaðr dróttina in battle."

The Seiðkona ported back out and we continued the observation of the Nephilim incursion. Morgana's face grew harder and harder as we passed with several dróttina armed with AK47's through atrocity after atrocity. Men, women and children, tortured and mutilated before dying in agony, with added rape for the women. We gathered by various means that the Nephilim were reeling back in retreat not knowing what had happened to their battle group and the Æsir were pressing their new advantage hard home.

"I had planned to take you to task over what you did, John," said Morgana quietly when we stopped for a break. "But having seen what the Nephilim did, I find I cannot blame you at all, if anything you were far too merciful to them."

"Thank you, my Mage," I replied. "It's not something I'm proud of, but I deemed it more than necessary."

"I think perhaps we Mages have become too soft, too distant in not involving ourselves with the lives of ordinary people. We can practice our gift and simply up sticks and leave if things become bad. I'm going to have to think long and hard about this very soon, I don't like what my head and heart are telling me about ignoring evil simply because it's one of the rules," Morgana said.

"Different rules apply on our Earth. I doubt the Nephilim would get half as far against our militaries with us covertly helping them," I replied.

"True, John," said Morgana. "Yet I still believe that the Council need to discuss the rulings of non-intervention in the light of not helping, if we can do without fear of discovery. Sometimes it would be nice to help, we could have saved thousands in the Nazi death camps had we been allowed."

"I suspect someone in the Nazi high command might have noticed," I said. "But it's a nice sentiment."

"You're probably right, John. It's just I've had my eyes opened today and don't like to think about what I may have ignored," Morgana spoke quietly.

"Beats me why the Nephilim haven't used area effect spells either," I said.

"Normally a Mage can pick up on the power being used to start such an effect and easily counteract it," said Morgana. "What you did was so subtle I almost didn't recognise what you were doing myself. I would never have thought to use their own defences against them."

"I simply cannot throw power spells around like you yet, my Mage, missing mountain tops notwithstanding," I replied with a wry smile. "So I try to use other peoples' powers against them. They rarely expect it."

"Yes, John. I remember you used it against Merlin too at your first meeting with him," Morgana said.

"So long as the Nephilim have no idea what I did, then so much the better," I replied. "I can't think of an effective defence against it yet."

"I can think of a few," said Morgana. "I'll go over them with you later."

"Thank you, my Mage." I replied.

We returned to Sverresborg and were met as ever by Vaniralla Freya and her household detachment who escorted us to the residence. This time however all the interest on our party was focussed upon me rather than Morgana, who was dressed rather conservatively this time in some sort of Earth military fatigues.

"Seems the news is out that you eradicated a Nephilim battle group, John," Morgana said quietly.

"These people have no concept of need to know, do they?" I replied.

"No, they don't," said Morgana. "But I doubt that the how rather than the who will get out, which is just as well as I don't think the Æsir would cope too well with the Nephilim doing the same to them.

"Just hope the Nephilim haven't an infiltration squad or sympathisers here to cause trouble," I said to Morgana's frown. "Hello, we appear to be taking a diversion."

"I have been tasked to lead you to a special session at the Thingvollrr," replied Vaniralla Freya at my enquiry.

"Lead on then, Vaniralla," I replied.

The Æsir Thingvollrr is an impressive building and is one of the few on the Æsir worlds going above two stories high. As with all Æsir buildings it looks like a fortress on the outside but is quite airy and open on the inside. We were taken into a small ante-chamber to wait for a while before we were summoned into a small meeting room containing a mixture of Mages and politicians. I did recognise a few faces including Seiðkonas Nakkam and Snorrison, neither of whom were giving anything away by their expressions.

"Please be seated," said Vaniralla Freya. "This meeting has been called to enquire into the actions of Journeyman Mage John of Earth. It is not a trial and nor will he be called to the Seiðenrung for anything said here. We simply wish to discuss the implications of his actions and find out how and what he did. Mage Morgana, it has already been decided at a higher level that if we can do this to the Nephilim ourselves, then we will as they have foregone honour by their actions in their incursions. So please do not be alarmed." This last at Morgana who had sat up straight at the initial sentence looking extremely dangerous.

"You should be aware that any inference as to John's actions reflects upon me, his Mage, and if necessary I will deal with any ill-considered words appropriately in the Seiðenrung," said Morgana in flat blunt tones.

"Your words are noted, Seiðkona Morgana," said Freya. "And as judge to the Thingvollrr I endorse them fully," she said this with a long cold stare at the assembled Æsir.

"Seiðmaðr John, could you explain to this committee in layman's terms just exactly how you managed to take down a full Nephilim battle group, with at least seven of their senior Mages, without even causing any alarm amongst them or any of the other Nephilim observers?" requested Seiðkona Snorrison.

"You are aware that the Nephilim use a full ward shield around them to both warn and defend themselves from attack?" I asked.

"We do indeed, young Seiðmaðr. Please continue," said Seiðkona Nakkam politely.

"What they do not realise about this shield is that it is porous to air and open to examination. You cannot tamper with the wards, but what you can do is remove the oxygen content within the ward as it does not detect this and this does not take a massive energy exchange, as say trying to hit it with bolt lightning."

"You suffocated them?" asked Seiðkona Snorrison.

"Indeed, Seiðkona Snorrison. It was far more merciful than they deserved, I fear, but very effective," I replied.

"I concur, Seiðmaðr John," replied Snorrison. "Yet the question remains at least for the Seiðkona here, how did you do it? We simply have no idea of the concept involved, nor have any of our high Seiðverrat."

I suddenly realised the advantages of having a scientific education. Most Mages, at least of my generation, did as did those engaged in academia and scientific pursuits. Others like Morgana, Rowenna and Simon Magus kept up with current progress by constant perusal of scientific and medical journals. On my Earth this was the norm for Mages as we tend to blend in with society rather than live openly in it. I realised that the Æsir society was static to a great extent as there was no impetus towards a scientific progress or method when you could simply ask the nearest Mage to come and do the science stuff such as heavy lifting or purification for you. Æsir society was still stuck in exactly the same place as when the Tuatha Dé Danann invaded 1000 years ago, they simply had no idea of what comprised the individual components of air or probably water come to that.

"The air you breathe has a certain component to it which is what your body takes in," I said, almost stumbling at having to explain something so basic. "Remove that component and you die, like your miners sometimes do when they breathe bad air," I finished lamely.

The Æsir Mages glanced at each other unsurely, though some like Seiðkona Snorrison nodded sagely.

"What Seiðmaðr John said confirms my own research," he said. "I presented it to you several years ago, but if you do recall..."

More nods from the Æsir as they finally grasped what I was saying.

"Which of the various components did you remove?" asked Snorrison.

"The one we call oxygen," I replied. "It only makes up about 20% of air, but it's the part we need."

The assembled Æsir nodded and I could see that several were planning to explore the possibilities of using such an attack on the Nephilim as and when they could figure out which part of air was oxygen and how to apply my method of extraction to the Nephilim ward screens.

The meeting carried on for a while as the assembled Æsir extracted as much details as they were able to, at least to begin experiments themselves.

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Viols au lyc?e 1 – Les premi?res proies High School Rape Club – I Coulybaca / Black Demon ? ? ? ? ? Prenant place dans leur planque favorite au fond du lyc?e, ils surveillaient pour s'assurer qu'aucun prof ne s'approchait les emp?chant de terminer leur derni?re cigarette. Ils n'?taient pas vraiment volontaires pour fr?quenter le lyc?e, mais c'?tait toujours mieux que le centre de d?tention qu'ils avaient d?j? tous visit?s. Cependant ils devaient admettre d'?tre surveill?s, cependant le lyc?e s'av?rait aussi un excellent v...

1 year ago
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ShoplyfterMylf Mandy Rhea Klepto Stepmom

Mandy just got stopped by her stepson Billy, the mall security manager, after a shoplifting incident. Her stepmom begs him to let her go, but Billy needs to do the procedure for these cases. Soon enough, he finds article after article during the cavity search. Mandy admits she gets a kick out of shoplifting, hoping her stepson understands her particular situation. But Billy has rules to follow, so he thinks of an alternative. Every night, he listens to her and her dad having sex and wants a...

4 years ago
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Life Changing Slave Master 21

NOTE: Comments on the story not the grammar or spelling are welcome. I left Pamela chained and hobbled in the slave cell. I could not stop thinking about her submissive declaration. I knew that she said it to avoid more pain for her training but felt like she in a sense was broken and accepted her fate as a slave. I decided to see if she would actually behave as a true slave giving me her total submission. With this decision I rose the following morning, checked the monitor finding...

2 years ago
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Rubber Sissy Panties Part 1

Rubber Sissy Panties Part I Clark was as usual on his late shift at work, enjoying the free Internet of the company to surf his favorite subject on the information superhighway... porn. Of course he didn't see any problems on porn on the Internet, as long as it's free. Clark didn't bother thinking if the images he jerked off secretly under his workplace desk were stolen from a pay website or what... he just wanted more and, if possible, without anyone knowing about it. And for that...

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The Nudist And His PupilChapter 9

"Let's go." "Go?" It was another late evening. Michele and I had been playing up in my study earlier. Then she went downstairs and left me to download some more pics. Now she was back, standing by the door of my private chamber, beckoning me. "Want to swim in the pool." "But, what about our guests?" "Tommy and Lisa are asleep," she explained, "and Connie is out." "Should I put on a towel, just in case?" "Oh, where's the daredevil pervert I married?" "Well, where's...

1 year ago
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Chapter Three: Christmas Surprise ‘Reina? Reina, wake up. C’mon, you’ve slept long enough. It’s time to wake up now.’ Her eyes seemed to be burning. Add to that the fact that her eyelids felt like they’d been weighed down by lead, well, that could only equal one feeling: Pure shittiness. ‘Hm…?’ Reina muttered, eyes fluttering open, ‘Brad?’ Rio’s face came into focus, ‘Um, not quite. Guess again.’ ‘Oh my…’ Reina breathed, her eyes widening to the size of dinner platters as she moved to sit...

3 years ago
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Im Daddys Little Slut 4

I was in my room and Dad was in his room. He must have been thinking about what I had just said; thinking about fucking my ass. It wasn’t that I had always loved getting fucked in the ass, even I didn’t tell some of my boyfriends about my interest in anal, but with my dad, I wanted to feel him in my ass. Dad had started it, and I was going to finish it by doing everything with him. I completed all the notes for which my friend was coming. Let me tell you about my friend - she is a bitch. Her...

2 years ago
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Neglected wife

She was married but her husband wasn't pleasing her sexually. She decided to look elsewhere. Fortunately, I was on the receiving end. She was 46, I was 47. After meeting for the first time and Carol telling me she liked to see cocks, I asked her back over to  my apartment. When she could get away from hubby, we would meet. Always she wore a short skirt.. One Saturday, she told her husband she was going shopping and would be back around 5 PM. She arrived at my apartment around 1:00 PM. True to...

First Time
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JamesDeen Anita B Needs Some Off Camera Anal Action

Anita B is a petite brand new Euro beauty. She gets enticed with James Deen and the two sneak off to have some fun. She loves anal sex and takes the porn stars big dick up her ass. Her English isn’t too good so it’s kinda hard to tell what she is thinking. But it does seem like she can take James Deen’s dick up her ass easier than her pussy. I’m guessing that is because she is super tiny and despite what James Deen says, he really does have a pretty big dick. Not huge or...

4 years ago
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Frank The friend of my father part one

The sailing tripI introduce myself first - I am the Martin - am 18 years old, live with my family on the coast and go to school.My family is very enthusiastic about water sports, so it was also that a very good friend of my father one evening made a tempting offer.We sat, as so often, with friends in the garden and have grilled.Frank was a frequent visitor with us and is a very good friend of my father and sail collector, sat also with it.Frank, middle 50, not lent, relatively slender, hairy...

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Gails Halloween

"Gail's Halloween"       by Abe      Author's Comment: I wrote this "to order" for a bisexual student who wanted a kidnap by lesbians and snuff story about herself. Her aunt, the one she never liked very well, invited Gail to visit New Orleans, reserving a room at The Frenchman, a quaint hotel just outside the French Quarter. It was late October, and the muggy summer had given way to really nice weather. Gail, free to explore and learn, outfitted herself at one of those touristy...

4 years ago
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Haitian Man Conquers Canada

My name is Samuel Xavier. A big and tall young Black man of Haitian descent living in the city of Ottawa, Canada. I’m twenty four years old, and hold a degree in Criminal Justice from the University of Massachusetts in Boston. I miss my old hometown of Brockton, Massachusetts. It’s the most diverse town in the world. A place where African-Americans, Asians, Hispanics and Middle-Easterners can all feel at home. People of color make up fifty two percent of the city’s one-hundred-thousand-person...

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Do I make you nervous

I stood in the kitchen and stretched my arms in the air, it was about nine am in the morning and my housemates were still asleep. I opened the refrigerator and grabbed the carton of orange juice. As I began to eagerly poor it into my glass, I felt warm hands around my waist. “Hello there, sexy” A voice whispered in my ear before lightly kissing my neck. The surprise almost caused me to miss the glass. “Tami, cut it out.” I say to her, lightly pushing her off of me. “Why? You didn’t enjoy our...

Straight Sex
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A Little Money on the SideChapter 4

I turned and headed for the door. I knew that it was inevitable. At some point between here and my house someone was going to see me like this. I can’t really say why. But I was determined to leave those streamers of cum on my face. Those were my orders. I was half way to the gate when the door opened behind me. I turned to see Stan hurrying to catch up to me. I stopped to see what he wanted. He stopped when he reached me. He looked over his shoulder to make sure Mr. Todd wasn’t watching or...

1 year ago
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First Bi Experience

There used to be a nice and very comfortable porn theater in Buena Park, CA. I went there many time with lady friends and also by myself. The theater was clean, the seats were comfortable and the clientele were respectful, never pushy.As is the case in porn theaters most of the attendees were male with a few couples on occasion and no lone females. Everyone who attended were there to be sexually stimulated by the high quality porn which the theater featured and to play. I, along with the other...

3 years ago
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Generous Offers 2 the CruiseChapter 11 Home soon

Abby checked with her dad every other day. The question: do you know when we can come home? It was not because she didn’t like Sun Park. We all enjoyed Sun Park and its horny residents. Abby and Jenny start college soon after the first of the year and more importantly, wanted to be home for Christmas. After being in Sun Park for almost three weeks Abby got the answer she was looking for. We would all be back in San Diego on December 22. My ladies and I were invited to stay with the Mann’s...

1 year ago
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My cousin and I

100% fiction! It was a saturday night and my cousin and i were on the phone flirting with a random guy. We had watched some hentai ( anime porn ) earlier and it didn't turn me on at all. I found it very disturbing, but i don't know if she liked it or not she claimed she didn't. But soon eventually before we knew it we were playing truth or dare. The guy over the phone wanted some action I guess. Before i knew somehow all the dare's were being all put on me he was telling my cousin to do all...

2 years ago
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Converting the Family 2 Mommys PussySlut

Chapter Two: Mommy's Pussy-Slut By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: An anonymous fan commissioned this story and allowed it to be shared. I merely penned this individual's outline. Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Billy Purvis It worked. I clutched at the remote I modified. It truly mind-controlled people. My body buzzed as I walked through the halls of my college, my black-haired sister, Cali, walking on my right, her round breasts bouncing naked, a look of dreamy enjoyment...

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Isle of DeliveranceChapter 3

Minter had spent the remainder of the night hanging in a truss on display from the main bedroom balcony, his tortured sleep fitful, and not made easy due to a weight suspended from his scrotum on a tight leather thong. The humidity and mosquitos did not help, and his sweating carcass was further tortured by the juvenile females who seemed to thrive on being up all night; he awoken with a start periodically, having been hit by an object thrown up by them. Half way into a disturbingly erotic...

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The girl had a date with a boy from her school, a kid named Darren. Miranda had never met him, but she had seen the texts exchanged with her daughter. Photo texts, too. While Mandy's texts had been innocent enough, the one the girl had received back had been of the boy's exposed manhood. Miranda had to admit; he looked impressively big, but her daughter getting texts like these? That was wildly inappropriate, and punishment for the girl was in order. She went to her boyfriend and showed...

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HeadmasterChapter 8

The disciplinary system inaugurated with Betty's spanking quickly swung into full effect. Just two nights later another roommate Linda, a pretty, bespectacled brunette in her mid- twenties, became the second victim. Crying almost hysterically and in a state of near collapse, Linda went to her fate over Frank's capable lap. Once again everyone was treated to the sight of a comely young Washington secretary being totally bared and put through her paces with a good, crisp spanking that left...

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Biggest and BestChapter 5

Carol looked up at me from across the table and said, "Wade, I'm sorry for what Dwight has been trying to do. You need to know that I was firmly against his bringing Claire into our activities without your knowledge and your active participation. As far as I was concerned, Dwight was breaking the cardinal rule of swinging, and I have told him so repeatedly in all this. "The only way that swinging can work without endangering or destroying relationships is for all the activities to be...

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Lust Fulfilled By Anni

Hello everyone, I am Vikram,and I live in Chennai. E-mail: I am from Andhra but settled in Chennai! And about me : am doing my ug and slim and gifted with a good lengthy tool to explore my magical spell! Coming to the sex story, This story is about me and my Anni (bhabhi), my cousin brother’s wife. They live in a village and she is also from ap and she is white in complexion,a bit short in height.That’s her plus for her assets.She has pretty white melons and a seducing naval.That itself makes...

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In the News

                IN THE NEWS        "I didn't even believe in hypnosis until I met Brian," Christy said. "I mean, yeah, I knew people actually claimed to be hypnotized and stuff, but I thought they had to be very weak-minded or suggestible or something. I figured it would never work on me. No way. I was too hard-headed, too in contact with reality. No way anybody could make me lose control of my own mind, you know? Well. Then Brian came along."        "Thank God," I said.        Christy gave...

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Frankie Fetish

The following day Bob rang Frankie and asked her to be ready in half an hour, stockings, suspenders, basque and high heels, Frankie questioned what he wanted to do but he just replied, get ready and you will find out.Frankie took great care, first shaving her pussy, legs and underarms, before drying off and sliding into a white suspender belt, white stockings, white thong and high heels, she felt quite horny at the look, though doubted she would be able to walk for long in the heels.She...

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"D-234 is on line, we approching to destination. End over". "Your stewardess are so wet, please my honey fuck me, forget this airplane"."What aboat the people inside?""Let them and fuck me pilot"."Hmmm your is on me know, what a fealing hmmm"."I will show you that I have a monster for you"."Yes tell me that thing, I become so wet". "Here is my tits hmmm"."Yes nice tits hmmm"."Let`s finished that I can`t stand it so long"."Here is ohhhhhh"."Nice fuck my pilot". "But there is a one...

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Product Testing Chapter 2

Tony could sense her urgency and it drove him wild. Though he was hesitant to leave her sweet delectable peach, he pulled his lips from her pussy and stood up, pushing the chair away behind him. Catching her legs behind her knees, he moved his hands up to and planted them on either side of her waist. Her feet now rested on his shoulders and he held them there by wrapping one arm around them.With her legs held firmly in place, he moved forward slightly until the head of his cock was pressed...


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