Being a sneaky pnp voyeur exhibitionist
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We approached the scene of the Nephilim incursion very carefully. The Æsir warned us that Nephilim scouts used a type of long range magically enhanced rifle to target any they saw approaching the front.
"How much land have they taken?" I enquired of Vanir Torsenn who was our escort to the incursion.
Over 800 square rôst, a rôst is roughly one of your miles," he said. "Only Nephilim appear to be alive in there as they kill anyone they find, even babes in arms."
"Barbarians!" I muttered. "How many incursions?"
"Only the two on Svipdag," Torsenn said. "They are currently trying and succeeding to link them both, despite all the aid you have given us, though it is costing them and us dear."
"We will give as much aid as we can," said Morgana.
"For that we are thankful, but we also need people to train our people in the weapons you have supplied us. Longbows they are not," Torsenn replied.
"Difficult," I said. "Though not impossible."
"Indeed, John. A little mindwipe and no one from our world will be any the wiser," said Morgana.
"There are also dissidents too, who might appreciate a new life on a new world," I said.
"I will let Simon Magus know of your needs, Vanir Torsenn," Morgana said. "He is keen to prevent the Nephilim from gaining any greater foothold than they already have."
"That would be most appreciated, Seiðkona Morgana," Torsenn replied sincerely.
I carefully allowed my magical senses expand around me and found several Nephilim in the area, not just the scouts to our front, all with that built in mindshield.
"You see them, John?" Morgana asked.
"Yes, would be easy to deal with them, just make their hearts explode in their chests," I replied.
"Our Seiðmaðr have tried this, the Nephilim Seiðmaðr counter almost immediately," Torsenn replied.
"May I?" I asked Morgana and Torsenn.
They both nodded and Morgana shielded Torsenn. I had planned on simply stopping their hearts, but thought instead of a manoeuvre I'd tried in Kurukshetra. I expanded my senses even further out, completely passive, nothing active and found a very large group of Nephilim. They were assembled behind a Mage driven warded screen, but I wasn't too bothered about that as I planned to use that to spring my trap. Scanning the ward I then used my mind to remove all the oxygen under the shield which the ward was not set up to prevent and waited for a reaction. None came and I felt in my mind the Nephilim fall and die without knowing what had happened to them including their Mages who could not draw breath to cast any counterspells.
"It's done," I said to Morgana who simply stared at me in amazement.
"My God, John! That was ... they all just died ... and never knew why," she said, looking at me in horror.
"Fair fights are for those who are winning," I replied. "The Æsir are not winning, are they, Vanir Torsenn?"
"No, Seiðmaðr John, we aren't. Despite the pronouncements of our Generals and leaders," Torsenn finally replied. "How many?"
"Over 700, a full battle group similar to the one which ported into Kurukshetra as well as all their scouts," I replied. "Your people can advance in there now. There are no other Nephilim for 50 rôst to our front."
"But how?" asked Torsenn.
"It's your culture, it places a great value upon honour and if you must fight, you fight face to face and don't try to cheat. I am under no such compunction and so chose to kill the Nephilim by drawing the breath from their lungs from a distance in which they could not see me nor even fight back as they did not know what was happening," I replied.
Torsenn nodded slowly.
"Yet I know you to be a man of honour, you showed this with Hinter Vassaille and the family of Tesslarr," he said.
"Hinter and Tesslarr's family had not spent their time hunting and butchering innocents in very brutal and inventive ways. They were worthy of honour and respect. What those Nephilim did will fill me with disgust and revulsion for the rest of my days," I replied.
"Indeed so, Seiðmaðr John, perhaps you are right and we have been deeming these Nephilim too much honour," Torsenn said.
We were interrupted by several Seiðkona porting in beside us.
"Who did this atrocity?" asked one of the more senior ones.
"That would be me," I replied firmly.
"What will happen if they respond in kind?" the Seiðkona angrily shouted at me.
"Don't let them," I replied. "Besides, how was it any worse than stringing up Æsir children and cutting their stomachs open to spill upon the ground until they died in agony? At least these scum died far more peacefully than your children and people did."
"He speaks truth, Seiðkona Nakkam and you know it," said Torsenn. "You've seen what these Nephilim are capable of."
"I would not see us descend to their level!" he angrily retorted.
"Then you will lose and lose badly if you do not set honour aside to deal with those who do not even recognise the concept. Do you ascribe honour to vipers? Or simply make sure they cannot bite you?" I asked.
There were murmurs of agreement amongst the Seiðkona who had ported in with Nakkam, even Morgana nodded though still looked troubled.
"I will have to speak to the Styraesvollrr about this," said Nakkam. "It may be that you are correct, but in my heart I cannot countenance such deeds myself and it may be that I am no longer suited to leading a Seiðmaðr dróttina in battle."
The Seiðkona ported back out and we continued the observation of the Nephilim incursion. Morgana's face grew harder and harder as we passed with several dróttina armed with AK47's through atrocity after atrocity. Men, women and children, tortured and mutilated before dying in agony, with added rape for the women. We gathered by various means that the Nephilim were reeling back in retreat not knowing what had happened to their battle group and the Æsir were pressing their new advantage hard home.
"I had planned to take you to task over what you did, John," said Morgana quietly when we stopped for a break. "But having seen what the Nephilim did, I find I cannot blame you at all, if anything you were far too merciful to them."
"Thank you, my Mage," I replied. "It's not something I'm proud of, but I deemed it more than necessary."
"I think perhaps we Mages have become too soft, too distant in not involving ourselves with the lives of ordinary people. We can practice our gift and simply up sticks and leave if things become bad. I'm going to have to think long and hard about this very soon, I don't like what my head and heart are telling me about ignoring evil simply because it's one of the rules," Morgana said.
"Different rules apply on our Earth. I doubt the Nephilim would get half as far against our militaries with us covertly helping them," I replied.
"True, John," said Morgana. "Yet I still believe that the Council need to discuss the rulings of non-intervention in the light of not helping, if we can do without fear of discovery. Sometimes it would be nice to help, we could have saved thousands in the Nazi death camps had we been allowed."
"I suspect someone in the Nazi high command might have noticed," I said. "But it's a nice sentiment."
"You're probably right, John. It's just I've had my eyes opened today and don't like to think about what I may have ignored," Morgana spoke quietly.
"Beats me why the Nephilim haven't used area effect spells either," I said.
"Normally a Mage can pick up on the power being used to start such an effect and easily counteract it," said Morgana. "What you did was so subtle I almost didn't recognise what you were doing myself. I would never have thought to use their own defences against them."
"I simply cannot throw power spells around like you yet, my Mage, missing mountain tops notwithstanding," I replied with a wry smile. "So I try to use other peoples' powers against them. They rarely expect it."
"Yes, John. I remember you used it against Merlin too at your first meeting with him," Morgana said.
"So long as the Nephilim have no idea what I did, then so much the better," I replied. "I can't think of an effective defence against it yet."
"I can think of a few," said Morgana. "I'll go over them with you later."
"Thank you, my Mage." I replied.
We returned to Sverresborg and were met as ever by Vaniralla Freya and her household detachment who escorted us to the residence. This time however all the interest on our party was focussed upon me rather than Morgana, who was dressed rather conservatively this time in some sort of Earth military fatigues.
"Seems the news is out that you eradicated a Nephilim battle group, John," Morgana said quietly.
"These people have no concept of need to know, do they?" I replied.
"No, they don't," said Morgana. "But I doubt that the how rather than the who will get out, which is just as well as I don't think the Æsir would cope too well with the Nephilim doing the same to them.
"Just hope the Nephilim haven't an infiltration squad or sympathisers here to cause trouble," I said to Morgana's frown. "Hello, we appear to be taking a diversion."
"I have been tasked to lead you to a special session at the Thingvollrr," replied Vaniralla Freya at my enquiry.
"Lead on then, Vaniralla," I replied.
The Æsir Thingvollrr is an impressive building and is one of the few on the Æsir worlds going above two stories high. As with all Æsir buildings it looks like a fortress on the outside but is quite airy and open on the inside. We were taken into a small ante-chamber to wait for a while before we were summoned into a small meeting room containing a mixture of Mages and politicians. I did recognise a few faces including Seiðkonas Nakkam and Snorrison, neither of whom were giving anything away by their expressions.
"Please be seated," said Vaniralla Freya. "This meeting has been called to enquire into the actions of Journeyman Mage John of Earth. It is not a trial and nor will he be called to the Seiðenrung for anything said here. We simply wish to discuss the implications of his actions and find out how and what he did. Mage Morgana, it has already been decided at a higher level that if we can do this to the Nephilim ourselves, then we will as they have foregone honour by their actions in their incursions. So please do not be alarmed." This last at Morgana who had sat up straight at the initial sentence looking extremely dangerous.
"You should be aware that any inference as to John's actions reflects upon me, his Mage, and if necessary I will deal with any ill-considered words appropriately in the Seiðenrung," said Morgana in flat blunt tones.
"Your words are noted, Seiðkona Morgana," said Freya. "And as judge to the Thingvollrr I endorse them fully," she said this with a long cold stare at the assembled Æsir.
"Seiðmaðr John, could you explain to this committee in layman's terms just exactly how you managed to take down a full Nephilim battle group, with at least seven of their senior Mages, without even causing any alarm amongst them or any of the other Nephilim observers?" requested Seiðkona Snorrison.
"You are aware that the Nephilim use a full ward shield around them to both warn and defend themselves from attack?" I asked.
"We do indeed, young Seiðmaðr. Please continue," said Seiðkona Nakkam politely.
"What they do not realise about this shield is that it is porous to air and open to examination. You cannot tamper with the wards, but what you can do is remove the oxygen content within the ward as it does not detect this and this does not take a massive energy exchange, as say trying to hit it with bolt lightning."
"You suffocated them?" asked Seiðkona Snorrison.
"Indeed, Seiðkona Snorrison. It was far more merciful than they deserved, I fear, but very effective," I replied.
"I concur, Seiðmaðr John," replied Snorrison. "Yet the question remains at least for the Seiðkona here, how did you do it? We simply have no idea of the concept involved, nor have any of our high Seiðverrat."
I suddenly realised the advantages of having a scientific education. Most Mages, at least of my generation, did as did those engaged in academia and scientific pursuits. Others like Morgana, Rowenna and Simon Magus kept up with current progress by constant perusal of scientific and medical journals. On my Earth this was the norm for Mages as we tend to blend in with society rather than live openly in it. I realised that the Æsir society was static to a great extent as there was no impetus towards a scientific progress or method when you could simply ask the nearest Mage to come and do the science stuff such as heavy lifting or purification for you. Æsir society was still stuck in exactly the same place as when the Tuatha Dé Danann invaded 1000 years ago, they simply had no idea of what comprised the individual components of air or probably water come to that.
"The air you breathe has a certain component to it which is what your body takes in," I said, almost stumbling at having to explain something so basic. "Remove that component and you die, like your miners sometimes do when they breathe bad air," I finished lamely.
The Æsir Mages glanced at each other unsurely, though some like Seiðkona Snorrison nodded sagely.
"What Seiðmaðr John said confirms my own research," he said. "I presented it to you several years ago, but if you do recall..."
More nods from the Æsir as they finally grasped what I was saying.
"Which of the various components did you remove?" asked Snorrison.
"The one we call oxygen," I replied. "It only makes up about 20% of air, but it's the part we need."
The assembled Æsir nodded and I could see that several were planning to explore the possibilities of using such an attack on the Nephilim as and when they could figure out which part of air was oxygen and how to apply my method of extraction to the Nephilim ward screens.
The meeting carried on for a while as the assembled Æsir extracted as much details as they were able to, at least to begin experiments themselves.
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Renee stumbled into the room, blood pounding in her ears. Simon let her go, nearly let her fall. Past the strands of her hair, she could see the owners- and all their eyes were on her. Hungry. "You did well, Simon," said Henry, to her left. "Very ... prompt." "Yes, master," he replied dully. He was backing away from her, his gaze to the floor. "Stay there," said Henry sharply. "We're not done with you yet." "M-master?" "I've seen your thoughts, dear." He stood; Simon...
Wife Ruinedbycukydreams©Chris couldn't wait for him and his wife Jamie's hot date tonight. They had planned it all week for their fifth wedding anniversary. They were going to a club dancing and having a few drinks, but most of all he couldn't wait to take her back and fuck the shit out of her. They had always had a very active sex life, his wife was a slut in bed. Every time they made love it was like the first time. She was his trophy wife. She loved sex, she was experimental, she had the...
It was a hot day at Bondi, one of the world’s most famous beaches. Today the whole place was packed to bursting, with people from all over the world squeezed in, making use of every inch of sand. The air filled was a pleasant aroma of coconut oil and sweat. In amongst the families, with their overweight mums and dads, there are always plenty of hot bodies to be seen. Topless girls with dark tans in skimpy costumes, and men playing football along the waters edge in their clingy wet speedos. The...
Needless to say, this wasn't my proudest moment but it was definitely hot. Speaking of hot, it was the middle of last summer. I had just turned 20 years old. It was just my stepfather, his friend and I at home for the day. They were outside talking and I was ready to go in the pool with my new bikini. I walked outside and they stopped talking and just stared. I smiled at them and they resumed their conversation. So then I jumped in the pool and when I came up, I noticed that my top had fallen...
It was a pretty sombre group that returned to Draenoric. The trial had not been particularly pleasant ... although necessary. It had been clear that Luka was a most unhappy woman, rather than a devious criminal with murderous intent. I know it affected Marnie badly to see her friend exposed like that, though she was grateful that at least she’d be getting the psychological treatment she so badly needed. Oonagh outwardly remained as enigmatic as ever, though I knew the events around the trial...
Julianne was totally pissed. It was 6:15 on a Friday night. Everybody else had left at five, but she was stuck in the office waiting for the financial reports to FTP down to her PC from the mainframe so that she could paste them into an Excel spreadsheet and email it to all the department managers. The stupid geeks were having a problem getting the mainframe job to run, something about a misplaced "DD" statement, whatever that meant. She nibbled on her salad and sipped on her coffee while...
Philip Johnson Chapter One Jim leaned over the table and in a near whisper said, ‘Hey Bro, Alexis Reinhart just came into the restaurant,’ and that’s all it took for him to put on his bright business smile, and his wife Brook looked toward the front of the restaurant. ‘Neal,’ Jim said, ‘We have to make a point to stop and say hello before we leave.’ Then Alexis looked past the maitre de and smiled at us. ‘I don’t think we need to worry about that at all,’ and she moved toward us. No, she...
“Did he have an erection for you in he showers? Did you have an erection for him? Did he proposition you? I want to know.” “Yes, to all your questions Sarah, he wants to have both of us,” I reply. “He had his hand on my erection when he told me he and I had the most impressive cocks in the gym.” “Are you happy to share him with me?,” Sarah asked that night as we pleasured each other with our tongues. “Yes, he expects some of his friends to share us also,” I tell Sarah. “Let’s set a target...
An examination of the wounds in the side of the tank showed that the new design for bolt points did have superior penetrating power as compared to the flint points on the conventional bolts. However, it looked like the spider venom was not any more effective than the scorpion venom had been. It also was doubtful that concentrating the venom made any real difference. In fact, it looked like what had really killed the tank were the two bolts that had penetrated its eyes. The special points had...
Hello friends, Krish here with my sex experience. Any feedback,mail me @ ***** ***** First of all I would like to introduce myself. I’m Krishna from Hyderabad,but I stay in Bangalore. I’m 5’11 tall, very fair and heavily built. Coming to the story, The heroin of this story is my busty aunt Madhu. She is my uncle’s wife, 5’4 tall and very fucking sexy! Her measurements are 34-30-36.She has a very big ass and this was the reason why I got attracted to her.(I usually get attracted to mature age...
Incesthi im cindy. ive been dating my boyfriend for like 2 years now. his job is pretty stressful. a while ago i was waiting for him at his house. you know just watching tv. when i heard a the door slam. he was mad. he threw his stuff to the ground and sat next to me. i could feel the tension. so i thought it would be a good idea if i helped him relieve some stress. i rub his leg and asked "is there anything i can do?" he looked at me and laughed alittle. i laid my head on his lap and said" i wish...
I was walking in the park on this clear spring sunset and there I saw her sitting on a bench next to the water. She was very petite with a beautiful smile and porcelain white skin. She must of notice I was looking at her and said "Hello" to me. I reply "Hello" and told her I thought she was beautiful. She thanked me and we continued to talk. I sat down beside her and notice she had no bra under her sportswear. Her breast were little and perky like mine. As we talk her hand briefly touched my...
Alyssa and Austin were inseperable from the time they were born, unlike normal siblings they never fight, come to think of it they never argue either. Both like the same things: style, music, fashion, video games, movies, and...eachother. Alyssa is the younger twin: dark raven black hair that cascades down her back, bright blue eyes accentuated by her dark gothic make-up, nice sized breasts, and a slender curvy figure that she doesn't cover up to well with her various mini-skirts and corsets....
IncestNarrated by Akash Pichle bar mein aaplogo ne padha ki mere aur Bhawna ke banaye jhoote bhai behan ke khel ko Neetu jaan gayi. Neetu chahti to apne maa baap ko unki bahu Bhawna ki kartute bata kar uski zindagi barbaad kar sakti thi. Par Neetu ke mann mein ab kuch aur hi thi. Neetu ke mann mein mujhe apni kathputli banane ka iraada tha. Neetu ne mujhe ye dhamki di ki agar main uske kahe anusaar na rahu to Bhawna ki zindagi woh barbaad kar degi. Main ab bura phass chukka tha. Main nahi chahta tha...
--------------------------------------------------------This work is copyrighted to the author © 2002. Pleasedon't remove the author information or make any changesto this story. All rights reserved. Thank you for yourconsideration.--------------------------------------------------------By Bogart ([email protected])***Craig and Anne had been married 12 years and had almost given up hope on ever having c***dren. Craig's low sperm count was the culprit. Their family doctor suggested that...
DINNER As broke as I am, I'm not inclined to pass up a free meal, but I had the feeling Barb and Dr. Ray had a thing going. Before I could beg off, Barb accepted for both of us. Barb used the clinic phone, to phone the restaurant and make reservations. I guess it was not crowded on a Sunday, because she got reservations easily. It was almost eight o'clock by the time we walked in. There were people waiting, but Barb spoke to the hostess, and we were seated almost immediately. Until...
So woke up this afternoon with the intention of seeing a hooker, i went into town and visited one of the famous walk ups in London, walked up stairs saw two doors, one with the name Amy, and the other Kate, i made my choice to see Amy and it was a choice i wouldnt regret, Amy is a curvy girl with black hair and a great pair of tits, D or E cups if i had to guess, she greeted me at the door wearing a short black dress which showed off her tits, she was wearing red 6 inch hooker heels showing of...
Evan was born with a genital defect known as 'Micropenis'. At eighteen, the length of his penis was one inch, flaccid and erect. He is a freshman in college and does not participate in any sport program that requires him to undress in locker rooms and/or take open showers. He is taking Computer Science and this is where he met Susan, also a freshman. She took an immediate liking to Evan and they met continuously in the Library, her house and at Starbucks. As the end of the Freshman year...
Hello! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for u! Are u enjoying them or not??? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. As you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. It is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts from...
Incest"You are looking so hot these days," Brad said. "Since we started fucking I've realized just how sexy my sister is." "You don't look bad yourself," she said, admiring his strong thighs and the masculine swell of his chest. She knew Brad was good looking and could get many women if he wanted. Of course she realized there were other guys out there as well, but she felt good about the attraction she felt for him. They made a good couple, and the sex was great. It made her horny just...
The new safe house wasn't as nice as the one we had in Tacoma. This one was in the Kent sector of Renton. There are some super nice places in Renton but this was on the lower edge of Middle Class. It took me about an hour to get all set up. I took over one of the bedrooms for my shop, work center and to sleep. Dane took the master bedroom so she would have a bathroom to herself and the other two shared a room. On the way over Dane told me that they had hit both of the Alan Manor places but...
I had found a swingers group on the web in a nearby town that met monthly at a local hotel. For many years I have wanted to attend an adult party with my wife but she wasn't hearing any of that. I emailed the leaders and over time became familiar with them on line.I had mentioned it to my wife quite a few more times and she continued to be reluctant about it. Finally after me bringing it up enough times she agreed to go. She remarked that she didn't want to be caught up in a lewd party with a...