Deathbed Ch. 2 free porn video

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Part Five

I had no idea how long we had ridden the road. Hours, perhaps, or only a few moments that dragged out to eternity. Most of the time, I had kept my eyes tightly closed, cradled in the rider’s lap like a child, neither of us speaking a word.

Slowly I revived from the spell he had put me under, but I was swept up in events and felt unable to influence my fate. All around us, the dark night pressed in like a conscious entity, the roar of the bike seemed to cut through a palpable blackness, opening a passage that closed again behind it.

I shut my eyes after a brief look into the featureless void, still unable to raise my head from its resting place against Deadman’s open shirt. The rider lightly touched my face, his fingers brushing my ear and scalp, as if he were ascertaining whether I was awake. I rolled my head away from his caress, for a caress it was. Under my cheek the hair on his chest made a crisp sound. He touched me again, and I made a stronger move to avoid him, lurching slightly to the side. Immediately the rider’s arms clasped me and set me upright. His coat fell around me, and the scent of his body welled up in a surrounding blur.

Where were we? I could not even see the stars now, and the headlight shone on a road with no markings, no signs. The surface was black and oddly glassy as if wet, though the air was hot and dry. Strange sounds whispered on all sides like inhuman voices, parting on each side to let us pass. Once or twice I thought I felt phantom claws touching my arm or thigh or hair, grasps that slipped away with the inexorable forward movement of the bike. I could feel no road vibration, and the bike never turned right or left. The broad straight road to hell? Rattlesnake, for all his belligerence and insulting manner, had been the only person to stand up to Deadman or try to save me, and the only one to give me much idea of what was happening. The rider’s name, or title, was the Undertaker. What was an undertaker? Someone who had charge of the dead. Someone who took the dead into his care: prepared them, transported them to their final destination.

That almost made sense, strangely, considering what the bartender had said–that I had no choice but to go with Deadman, that the place he wanted to take me to was the place I should go. If I had been dead, that was, it would have made sense. I wasn’t dead and the rider knew it. So what did he want with me? I could not know the answer.

Oddly, I was grateful for the rider’s strength and determination, his body half wrapped around mine and protecting me. I knew somehow that this road was one I had to travel–no matter which way I had gone, I would have had to take this road, and a guide was a necessity. Even a guide whose mysterious nature and frightening ferocity filled me with horror, because I felt the presence of things far more horrible than he, to which I would inevitably have fallen prey if not for him.

Suddenly the glassy texture of the road changed. Again it looked like asphalt in the headlight’s glare, though the sky still had no stars. I saw trees and bushes and a state highway department sign reading “Hanging Crick”. We passed a mailbox and turned up a dirt driveway. Another handmade sign at the bottom of the drive said ‘No Trespassing–This Means You–Violators Will Be Shot.” The rider passed the sign and roared up the driveway for about a hundred yards, then curved around a large clump of bushes and slowed in a yard.

At the end of the drive stood a large white farmhouse with a circling veranda, the sort of house common to the part of the country through which I had been driving. Set back some distance from the house was a big garage that had once been a stable, a battered Firebird and a John Deere tractor parked in front of it. Dimly behind that loomed a decrepit barn. A few bright floodlights on house and garage lit up the yard and driveway. The house had two stories and a shingled roof with a few decorative curved boards along the sloped eaves, and was visibly in need of a paint job. On the veranda sat a moldering sofa, a few cheap folding patio chairs and a two-seat swing. Four or five large, mangy dogs lay around the dusty yard.

As the bike entered the yard, the dogs sprang up as one and raced to chase it, barking and howling like wolves. Deadman parked by the steps that led to the kitchen door at the side of the house and took the keys out of the ignition. The dogs ran to the back yard, still barking, and circled around again. Lifting me off the bike, Deadman dismounted as I began to walk to the front of the house.

The dogs ringed me, snarling, and I froze. The rider spoke sharply and their attention turned to him. Passing me, they approached him with hackles raised, growling in their throats. He spoke again and kicked one of them. To my surprise, the dogs didn’t spring, they cringed at his feet, whining. The rider raised a hand and they leaped back. He grinned at them, the sort of grin that’s meant mostly to show the teeth, and the dogs whined again. Two or three of them slunk under the veranda.

Someone banged the front door open and came out–a young man with dark hair, and right behind him a fiftyish, greying man. They were obviously father and son. With a distinct resemblance to each other, both had beady eyes and sloping chins, and both were short and scrawny in comparison with Deadman, though they might have been less insignificant on their own. “Hey! You there! This is private property–that sign’s there for a reason!” bawled the father, pointing at me. He had a double-barreled shotgun in the crook of his arm. “We don’t hold with trespassing in these parts! Shane, hustle your ass and get her out’ve here!”

“Get your ass off this property, bitch!” echoed Shane.

Deadman came around the corner of the house and grinned at the pair, who stopped dead at the bottom of the steps to the yard. “Fuck,” said Shane. “It’s him!” His weak chin wobbled.

“’Taker?” gasped the father, his mouth hanging open in a round O.

The rider cocked his head and looked at them. “Thought I warned you fellows to clear out of the house while I was here. You need reminding again, Vince?”

“It’s my house,” said Vince, drawing himself up to his full five feet ten. “Damn, it IS MY house! What gives you the goddamn right to walk in like you own the place?”

“Yeah!” shrilled a trashily dressed young woman who had just emerged onto the veranda. “We’re sick of you coming here and making trouble! Get off my family’s land, ‘Taker!”

“Guess we got to go over all that again,” said Deadman with a rueful shake of the head, but he was smiling. He shrugged off his coat and threw it over the Harley’s saddle, then walked past me and toward the steps. His sleeveless shirt exposed his huge arms, covered from shoulders to wrists with intricate tattoos. I saw a wise, demonic face, a castle wreathed with a dragon, an eyed skull, a fallen soul shrieking in the abyss, all written on his skin like a history.

“I got me a twelve-gauge here!” yelled Vince, significantly patting the shotgun. “I don’t care who you are, ‘Taker! I’m the lawful owner of this property, you’re trespassing, and I’m gonna give you a damn double buck load in the face if you don’t get back on that bike this damn minute!”

Vince lifted the shotgun, but before he could level it a giant fist shot out and took him straight on his receding chin. He flew eight or ten feet backwards, collapsing against the steps, and the shotgun went in the opposite direction. Deadman picked it up, bent the barrels with a stomp of his boot, flexed his fingers and looked at Shane.

The young woman screamed, hands to her cheeks. “Daddy!” She scrambled to his side, bending so far over her breasts nearly fell out of her brief, backless halter top. “Aaahh! You hit my Daddy!”

“Son of a bitch!” yelled Shane.
He leaped up on the veranda and grabbed a folding chair, swinging it at the rider’s head. Deadman blocked the blow with one hand and seized the son by the throat with the other, lifting him straight up and clear of the veranda over the high railing.

For a moment he dangled nine feet in the air, gurgling and choking, and then Deadman slammed him to the ground with a resounding thump and a puff of dust. Shane lay flat and didn’t move, wisely, I thought. The daughter turned on me, nails held like claws and her over-mascaraed eyes flashing. I backed up with my purse held defensively in front of me. She grabbed the front of my jacket and swung at my face with the nails of the other hand. Deadman caught her wrist in midair.

“Don’t you go exercising your crap on my woman, you little bitch,” he said. “Get in there and cook something to eat.”

“Your *woman*? My ass! You ugly bastard–” She broke off, because Deadman had twisted her arm up behind her and pushed her toward the house. “Ow! Owwh! You sadist! My husband’s gonna kick your ass!” Deadman, dragging the daughter, went up the steps past the inert Vince and jumped up to the narrow railing of the veranda, walking along it and propelling her by the upraised and twisted arm, his sense of balance extraordinary for such a large man.

“Ow!” the daughter wailed, stumbling along the veranda to the kitchen door. The rider jumped down from the railing and gave her arm a good wrench, she clutched her shoulder and scuttled into the kitchen, yelling. The father and son lay where they had fallen, moaning, and Deadman kicked Shane’s legs aside from his path and came to me. What had he meant by ‘my woman’? Even the daughter had been incredulous, and I was no less so. One of the dogs sniffed around Vince’s feet.

“OK, you whipped the shit out’ve ‘em,” said someone else. The rider had been about to speak to me, but stopped and rolled his eyes. A man came around the corner of the house, a big man with blond hair pulled back in a ponytail. He wasn’t as tall as Deadman, but he had large shoulders and a protruberant nose and jaw, and his voice was loud and pugnacious. “You ain’t gonna do the same to me, asshole! Stand right there and get your ugly face kicked in!”

“I’d advise you to move to one side,” Deadman said to me. To the newcomer he said, “You certain about that, Aitch? Are you that damn good?”

“Damn straight I am,” the blond man said, and sprang at him.

Part Six

“Get him, Aitch!” the daughter yelled from the kitchen door. Deadman and Aitch collided like a couple of bighorn rams, the impact knocked me back a step and I retreated further. They traded punches, right hands slamming into skulls, but neither seemed to feel much from the other’s blows. Aitch backed off a few paces and took a running start, leaping into the air and planting a knee on Deadman’s chest.

The rider staggered, but didn’t fall, Aitch landed on his feet and whipped an arm around Deadman’s neck, flinging himself backwards. They both landed hard on their shoulder blades, the ground shaking under my feet. The rider rolled up and met Aitch’s kick, countering with one of his own, and they bounced back from each other, panting.

They ran to meet with a thunderous shock again, each connecting with blows to the midsection, and again traded punches in a flurry. Deadman got Aitch by the throat and squeezed. The muscles rippled under his pale tattooed skin as he heaved. The blond man’s toes left the ground and he grabbed the rider’s wrist with both hands.

“Aitch!” screamed the daughter. The blond man rose in the air at the end of the rider’s arm, described a high arc and slammed to the ground. Deadman kicked him hard in the chest and bent to grab his head. Aitch writhed from his grip and seized his legs, knocking Deadman’s feet out from under him.

The rider went down like a cut tree. Aitch leaped up and backed off, running up and falling hard elbow-first, aiming the blow at Deadman’s sternum. The rider let out a pained grunt, Aitch grappled with him on the ground, then rose to his feet and clamped the rider’s head between his knees. Grabbing his arms, Aitch pulled them up behind his back and jumped, landing on his bent knees and viciously propelling the rider’s face into the ground.

Deadman jerked and lay still, his hair spread in the dust. Aitch got up and kicked him several times, the rider’s body reacting sluggishly. He looked half unconscious, his forehead bloody. I couldn’t stay here to be beaten by these psychopaths myself! My heart beating fast, I began to edge down the driveway.

“Get her!” screamed the daughter, pointing at me with avid cruelty in her face. “She’s running, Aitch! Get the bitch!” The blond man looked around and headed for me, his big nose wrinkled up in a snarl. I fumbled for my gun.

But before I could get the revolver out, Deadman rose, shaking his head and flinging back his hair with a snap of his neck, and hit Aitch from behind with a flying tackle.

The two big bodies nearly knocked me down. I backpedaled to avoid them and ran along the edge of the yard, heading for the veranda. Behind me the fight had resumed full force. The combatants rolled up to the steps and struggled on the ground, Deadman bouncing Aitch’s head off the lowest step.

I grabbed the railing and climbed it, propelled by adrenaline alone, and seized a folding chair. Deadman had just risen to his feet, wobbling a little, he spotted me and beckoned. I tossed him the chair, he caught it out of the air and brought it down with a crash over Aitch’s head as he tried to get up.

When he collapsed, Deadman grabbed his hair and shoved his head between his knees just as Aitch had done to him. I expected the same maneuver, but Deadman seized the blond man’s legs and lifted them straight up, grabbing him around the waist. Even with the burden of a man who must have weighed two hundred and fifty pounds, the rider sprang two feet into the air before coming down on his knees like a earthquake, Aitch’s head and neck taking the full weight of both men. He collapsed like a rubber doll, sprawling prone in the yard and bleeding from nose and mouth.

“You bastard, ‘Taker!” screeched the daughter, running to the fallen man. “Aitch, honey! Speak to me!”

Deadman took a couple of steps backwards and leaned up against the veranda, putting his elbows on it for support. He was breathing hard, his face and clothes smeared with dust and blood. I could see that he had won, Aitch was entirely out of it and would be for some time. Vince began to stir, as did Shane, but their faces showed only cringing fear as they looked at Deadman. They were as whipped as the dogs.

“Get your asses back in the damn garage,” said the rider, straightening up. “Don’t let me catch you sneakin’ round the house. Stephanie can do the cooking and cleaning, but keep your damn family out of my vicinity.” He hawked and spat on the ground next to Vince’s shoes. Father and son looked at each other and departed up the driveway, dragging the limp Aitch between them. Stephanie trailed behind them in the tracks of her husband’s feet, crying and cursing.

When they had gone, Deadman closed his eyes, looking weary. For a moment he looked far older, I had thought I must be only eight or nine years younger than he, but at that instant he might have had half a century on me, or more. He rolled his head around on his shoulders and opened his eyes. “Thanks for the assist,” he said. The shadow passed, and he was smiling.

“Um…I didn’t want to be alone with those people,” I said.

His teeth showed in a grin. “But back at the bar you weren’t real sure you wanted to be alone with me either.”

“No.” For some reason, helping him in the fight had given me less fear of him. He wasn’t invulnerable, though his strength and ability seem
ed almost superhuman. I began to shake off the almost-mystical fear that had overcome me at the Last Chance when I had seen his face transform in anger.

Of course, no matter what sort of bizarre reputation he had in this area, he was only a man, I told myself. Not a demon. A biker who liked to drink and fight and roam the roads. Not the sort of person I usually associated with, the sort of person I felt superior to in an almost unconscious way, the way I had felt superior to Cactus and Eddie. Though I had grown up in surroundings not unlike this area, I had long ago left them behind. My Papa was the only reminder I had of my origins. “I always reserve the right to change my mind.”

Deadman laughed. “Come on inside. You earned it.” He turned and headed up the steps, opening the front door and beckoning me. I hung back for a moment.

“Why did you call me ‘my woman’ when she attacked me?”

“What, did that spook ya?” He seemed particularly amused by my expression of offended dignity. “That little slut doesn’t like any competition.”

“You mean she’s your–”

“Hell, no!” It was his turn to look offended. “Stephanie McMahon? She tried it on me a couple times, but I told her she could keep it. I ain’t interested in waking up some day with my balls cut off.” The rider went into the house and I followed.

The front room was shabby, though amply furnished with some marks of former expense, the flowered carpet was faded almost to a uniform color where it wasn’t stained. Nearly every piece of furniture was covered with bedspreads and crocheted afghans to hide the holes in the upholstery. Next to the door stood an old-fashioned hall tree with a mirror and hooks, I saw a ring with keys for the Firebird and the John Deere.

A single working bulb remained in the dining room chandelier and several kerosene lamps sat on tables, providing most of the illumination. The kitchen, at the side of the house through the front room and dining room, was brighter than the dim living areas. Although all the appliances and cupboards looked at least fifty years old, the place was reasonably clean and tidy. A galvanized sink stood next to the door that led out on the veranda and Deadman stripped off his bandanna and turned on the water.

“I’m afraid I can’t stay the night here,” I said, looking around the kitchen. “It’s out of the question, I have to get going. My Papa will be coming.”

“Hm. You call him from the Last Chance?”

“Yes, I did. Is there anything to eat around here?” I opened the near-antique refrigerator.

“I dunno. Check around. Pop wasn’t home, huh?” replied Deadman from the sink, washing his bloody face with his bandanna.

“No. I left a message and told him where I was.” Nothing was in the refrigerator except beer, mayonnaise, and a few packs of batteries, so I closed it. “I hope he’ll come to pick me up soon, because I really have to go.”

“Reckon he’s calling the cops to look for you?”

“N-no. He won’t do that.” Belatedly it occurred to me that I had left a clear trail for anyone who cared to look for me: my car, my note at the bar, and more than a dozen witnesses. In the mean time, I was hungry and tired and feeling tightly strung, a headache hovering just above my eyebrows.

I hung my jacket on a chair, took the clip from my hair and shook it out of its coil. Against the back of my neck, it was sweaty and matted, but I had just washed it that morning and the silky mass rippled down over my shoulders.

It was a lot of trouble sometimes keeping my hair so long, but since it wasn’t a spectacular color and neither curly nor straight, I figured it needed some mark of distinction, so I grew it. I hadn’t cut it in years, so it was crotch-length and tapered at the ends, veiling my back and buttocks when loose. My hair was definitely my best feature, and why I was displaying it for Deadman I didn’t know.

I rubbed my scalp and turned to find the rider standing right behind me, his gaze intent. I jumped–I hadn’t heard him approach. With his bandanna off, his coppery hair fell around his high pale forehead, my eyes roamed over his face. Until that moment I hadn’t noticed that his lips were full and seductively curved. Although he wasn’t delicate-featured or pretty in any way, he was unsettlingly attractive in his over-sized fashion, his distinctive, warm coloring slightly softening the effect of angular bones and marked features.

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Megan was wide awake when the morning chime sounded and half way across the room before realizing she had no memory of dressing or even getting out of bed. Lyn and Olivia were waiting for her on the couch. As usual, Olivia was chipper in the morning. Lyn was upbeat, her smile easy and relaxed. She watched them closely as she took her seat. Were they fucking last night? It sounded like it, but it was so unbelievable. The pair giggled and chatted as the waited for the video to start, paying...

1 year ago
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A Little Problem at the Office

A LITTLE Problems At The Office - By WEKM Devin had just about reached the end of it all. He had been hired on with the company the year before with the promise of rapid advancement, stock options, and that his voice and opinions would have weight. To date he had yet to see even a single pay raise, let alone advancement or stock options. In fact, three people had been hired in above him; were getting those things, and handing their workloads off onto him as their...

2 years ago
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Exposing My Girlfriend Naked To Young Guys

Hi, Amit here, once again, with my other story, which happened in 2015. You can read my previous story here on ISS. This is the story, which happened between me and my girlfriend. I and my girlfriend were dating for 3 years. This happened a few months before her marriage with another man. We were in a relationship from the first day. Our relationship started with a kiss, wherein a dare, she kissed me on my lips. We were naked in each other’s arms in less than 6 months from then. She was very...

2 years ago
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My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 3 Katies New Vide

Katie's New Videocamera It had been about a month since our sexual awakening and we’ve had more sex than ever. Katie was developing more spontaneity in our life. We would have fast 15 minute encounters when she would get home and before we would have to go pick up the k**s. Our sex life was improving to say the least however it had been 4 days since my last orgasm and Katie started her period. It was going to be a long 7 days unless Katie decided to give me a release. I didn't feel the need to...

3 years ago
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The Best Of Friends Part 6

When Teri suddenly announced that she was horny, Jake and I both looked at her, then at each other. I couldn’t help it, I laughed, in part because of her surprise announcement and in part because of the bemused look on his face. It was all so utterly normal, as if we hadn’t been apart all those years!She turned toward me. “What’s funny about that?”“Nothing… no, you are, because you’re as dependable as the sunrise, still, after all this time. You, horny; what are the odds?”Jake nodded, grinning....

3 years ago
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A totally fucked up family Part 3

A totally fucked up family.Part 3.Mum finally got up and asked if she could take a shower and stay the night. She’s only stayed here once before when she helped me move in so she knew her way around. I told her I was going to bed and that I’ll talk to her in the morning. She said thank you and that she loved me and then looked at Julie who was stroking herself and said goodnight to her.When she left the room I looked at Julie and whispered, “I’m totally fucked out Julie and I can’t believe what...

3 years ago
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A Reluctant GunfighterChapter 14

I really enjoyed being back in show business. I worked on some routines where I shot both guns simultaneously and on others where I shot one gun right after the other with my right hand or with my left hand. There was no question that Betty was a good dancer, though never up to Sally's standard, but I was the star of the show. I knew that people would pay money to see me shoot, so I started a soft-sell to the Evans family that we should stop traveling and settle into a place where we could...

3 years ago
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Male Zunt

Male Zunt by Louise Mercury Hi! Name's Mike. Not long ago I was in my mid-thirties, a freelancer in IT and single for some years. I have lots of friends I spent my time with, but there haven't been that special someone. Some years ago I had a girlfriend and we had a nice time for 5 years, but then she cheated on me and that drew us apart. Not that I can't really blame her or hate her for that. I was so involved in my studies and spent lots of my time nose deep down in my books and...

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First FUCK With Saleema Aunty

Hi, friends, this is john a 28 yrs old boy, from Chennai but originally from Hyderabad. This is a true sex story happened when I was 19 years and no butter added for your smooth n spicy masturbation. I m currently working in an MNC. This incident is about how I fucked my dream aunty Saleema. She is my dad’s friends wife she also stays in the same society which I used to stay. Saleema is a typical south Indian Muslim lady with huge breast and ass. She’s 30 yrs old and mother of 2 kids, with a...

2 years ago
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My Secretary Rebecca Chapter 2

"Michael are you tired, honey?""Not too bad... why?""Good," she said getting up from the bed, she turned to him and began unbuttoning her blouse, watching his reaction as she released each button. When she had completely undone every button she slid the garment off her shoulders, seductively placing it on the chair next to the bed. She then reached behind her to undo the clasp on her tight black skirt. She removed it and sat it on the chair as well. Now clad only in her bra, panties, and...

2 years ago
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Father Knows Best

“Dad,” laughed the 37 year old high principal when his father answered.“My man,” replied the 56 year old small town chief of police. “What’s happening?”“Not too much, pops. Just making it. It’s been hectic around here lately.George replied slightly confounded because he never heard his son speak in such a manner, “Oh yeah? “Everything good with you and Candace? How are my grandk**s?”“Yeah. We’re fine. The k**s are good.” Jerome fibbed. “It’s just a combination of work and normal shit.”“I hear...

3 years ago
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Peter Is 18 MariaChapter 6 Last Place

I mopped for a little while looking for something to do, to take my mind off her. Until I realized I hadn't cracked a textbook in two days. I set up my laptop in Granddad's office and logged in to catch up on my classes. I spent a couple hours half-assing some homework that was due and reading the class forums and generally acting like I was supposed to be in school. On-line classes reek. I'm a very social person and sitting alone at home was no fun. I was just thinking that maybe I...

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We arent done yet

"We aren't done," I panted. "Oh no. We definitely aren't done yet," Maggie said as she finished wiping my cum off her face with her veil. I had just unloaded and epic amount of cum, and I couldn't get my mind around how I was supposed to make it all happen again? My legs were shaking, adrenaline was high, my breathing wouldn't settle down. In the meantime, Maggie has disappeared back to the bathroom. She returned with a warm washcloth and had gently gone about dabbing my balls with warmth. So...

Wife Lovers
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515 Ernests story

515 Ernest`s story The next few days passed without much to write about, oh they had sex, but it was sadly her week, oh Mary was no longer properly fertile, and was on the change, but it was still occasionally a pain in the belly that threw plans into disarray. So…it was not really till the next weekend when she declared herself available once more. Each day during the dry season, he had dutifully called in at 2pm and had spent the meeting, dolling out jobs and answering queries. Each man in...

3 years ago
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Girls Night In

Maisie sat on set watching Sophie and Emilia talking she was becoming more and more jealous of there friendship. As she looked round, she saw Derek waving to her she got up and went to him. “Well?” she asked. Smiling he pulled a vial out of his pocket. “Is that?” he nodded at her question “and it works?” He nodded again “I use it all the time. Hell, I was gonna use it on you” She giggled, in her dirty mind she kind of liked the idea of this 42-year-old pervert violating her. She went to take...

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Bobs sweet sweet cock

We were driving between Tupper Lake and Long Lake in New York's Adirondack Park, on our way to Warrensburg where we had reservations for the weekend at a Bed and Breakfast. We'd just spent a week in Lake Placid, strolling around town, eating in the local restaurants, and fucking, When I say fucking, I mean FUCKING! Bob is the horniest man that I've ever known. Every morning I woke up with Bob sucking my cock, and every morning after he swallowed my cum he rolled me over and gave me the fuck of...

1 year ago
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Unplanned fy Thing Part III

Sorry about the very long delay. Little fling with a long lost ‘cousin.’ When I ended the last chapter, my oldest s****r was looking in the window at my cock and our mother’s hairy pussy. I thought we would play havoc to keep her mouth shut. Boy, was I completely wrong. After dinner, homework and a shower, I called my boss (worked early mornings, 3 days a week on milk delivery truck)and told him I would not be in tomorrow morning. Then went to my room to listen to the radio. About 1 / 2 hour...

2 years ago
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Lillys Lacy Red Panties

Lilly was laying on the couch watching television and sipping on a delicious iced coffee. She was in her favorite pajamas: a pair of pink bottoms and a gray skin tight cami. She had long, wavy blonde hair and stood about 5'4." Her breasts were size 36C, which she was very proud of, and an ass that was nice and perky. Lilly loved her body, and often admired it. She was 18, and despite having such an amazing body, was a virgin. She wanted her first time to be special. She heard the door open....

1 year ago
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Masterful encounter short story

Jennifer`s instructions had been brief but concise. She was to dress simply, all in black, with no underwear of any kind. She had been given an address and a time to be there. It was the summons she had awaited for so long. It was here she would meet the man who would become her new master. The idea was both thrilling and frightening. To be given away to a total stranger was the fulfillment of a long-held fantasy, but now that it was becoming real, the idea made Jennifer tremble.The door of the...

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A gift from my uncle

He started touching me when I was a young. At first it was just “accidental” touching while we played at the beach or wrestled in the living room. A grope of the behind here, a slight touch of the chest there. The first time I was really sure that he meant to touch me was during a car ride home from a family wedding. There wasn’t enough room in the car, I was 14 and they told my sister and I that we had to sit on peoples laps on the way home. My sister sat in the front with my mom, and I sat...

3 years ago
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Futa Kingdom

You feel comfort. Darkness covers every inch of your sight. Despite this, you are not afraid. Rather, you're drowsy. Direction is foreign in this space, disconnecting you from your senses and aiding your descent into slumber. "...No!" a voice calls out, "You're almost there! Please..." Your being tingles in response to the pleasant sound. The echo of the voice beckons you, but as you try to follow, you feel something pulling you and chilling your back. "..." Your fingers twitch on the cold,...

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By: Jesolal KAANTHARI CLARA (Malayalam)**HOT** Hi ! ella malayalee vayanakkarkkum vayanakkarikalkum ente namaskaaram.. Ente ‘Pattathi Vidhava Kush *hot* (Adichu Polikeda Mone),’ ninghal vaayichu kanum ennu vishwasikunnu, illa yengil I.S.S.nte DESI category yil chekku cheyuka. Eithu mattoru anubhavam: ithile Claramma (Kaanthari) Ente aadyathe kaamuki yaanu; yethandu 8th class il muthal jhangal aduppathil aayi, ennum school vittaal 1.1/2 – 2 manikoor tution nte peril chilavakki, 6 mani yodhe...

4 years ago
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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 27

Monday Feb 22 At 0300 Monday morning, I was again strapped into the seat of the weapons specialist aboard the Talon. Max had returned last night with two sealed letters. The first was from the President. The sooner, the better. President Talbot The second letter was from General Conklin. Start with the East Coast again. Work your way to the West Coast. Then anything over China and Southeast Asia. Hit the Mideast, including the territory Russia claimed after the MEW. Do Africa, saving...

3 years ago
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Door in the ClosetChapter 5

"You look tired this morning, Jilly," my mom said. "So do you," I replied, and then dropped my eyes as she frowned sharply, but it was true anyway and Mom knew it. She stood in the kitchen drinking coffee, looking like she'd just fallen out of bed pretty much. Her brown hair was damp and tangled. The silk pantsuit she wore fell open at the crotch because Mom had lost a few buttons someplace, or maybe she just wanted to show off. Her pussy looked swollen and red, the makeup she wore...

1 year ago
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The story of Carol and Charlie

Introduction: A short story, with no sequel, of young love. Enjoy My name is Charlie. Im a 65 year old widower, living in an assisted care facility. I have lived here ever since I suffered a stroke, and now have only three months or so to live. They found I had lung cancer about a month ago. I had let it go for so long that, by the time they discovered it, it has spread throughout my body, causing my stroke, and leaving me an invalid in this house. So they said to make any arrangements I needed...

2 years ago
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Ye kya hua

Doston aaj apke samne mera ekdum naya Anubhav pesh kar raha hu. Ye sach me mere sath ghati ek ghatna hai. Isme kuch bhi kalpnik nahi hai. Mai hamesha meri gaadi le kar hi office jata hoon lekin us din meri biwi ko kisi shadi me jana tha isliye mai taxi se office chala gaya. Lekin shaam ko lautate wakt station se utarte hi maine jo bheed dekhi to mere honsh ud gaye. Mai jis area me rehta hu waha raat ke wakt taxi wale nahi jana chahate kyuki return bhada nahi milta. Yehi haal rikshae wale ka bhi...

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Pool and Shaft Cleaning

Getting My Pool Cleaned & My Shaft NoticedOriginally written by by Bigsoftee ... Reposted by now known as Bigsoftee34609I have always been an exhibitionist but it’s only since I became a “senior citizen” that I began to take it a little further. I guess getting some reassurance from a lady that she has seen a flash of my junk can be somewhat rewarding to an old fart like me. While I do use Viagra and other performance pills my PSA tests show I am in good health and don’t’ need them. I just...

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Been getting a lot of alone time lately? Yeah, me too. The coronavirus has made all our lives weird, though as a full-time porn reviewer, I’m kind of used to sitting around at home alone watching anal orgies. This is actually the longest I’ve gone without getting run out of Starbucks for jerking off. Anyway, I bet you’re looking for something to enhance those solitary days, huh? I’ve been browsing Lelo this morning, trying to find some new way to spice up my hourly fap has been...

Online Sex Toys Shops
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Blood moon

Hello their lost lonely soul. Who am i? Well im just the ferryman. I help lost souls figure out their next lives. *the ferry man clicks his tounge a few times* seems you died in a very sad way. Anyways time to figure out your new life. Tell me dear lost lonely soul, what race of species do you wanna be?

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Exiled Unnamed

Little Wayne quietly played in the sand as his mother slept under the shade of the small tree outside their home. He being only three tended to do what all children his age do, wander around and explore. He did keep an eye towards his mother though, just to make sure she was still there. He spotted a butterfly in the grass just outside the shade and decided he wanted to see it closer if he could. Taking one more look to make sure she had not moved, he climbed to his feet and toddled out of the...

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Lifeboat Chapter 1

Mom and Dad had been planning to renew their vows that very evening, and Mom had arrived at the lifeboat directly from the station where she had been shopping and getting made up for the ceremony. She was already in her white dress, tight around her torso to accentuate her remarkable figure but flowing in the skirt to give her an ethereal look. She wore white stockings underneath, the lacy tops barely visible where the skirt had ridden up. Like the rest of us, she was shoeless, probably...

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The Pit Stop

Driving that long stretch of I-95 toward our Florida destination, I couldn’t help thinking about how much nicer the ride had become since the last time I made this trip… many years ago on my annual leaves from Jacksonville Naval Air Station to see the old folks back home. I looked across the bench seat of my S-15 pick-em-up and watched her sleep… the greenish glow from the instrument panel painted her sweet face with a smooth glow. ‘We could stop here for the night, ‘ I had said 200 miles ago....

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Journey To Swapping Fantasy

By : Cplsex.Kumar Hi everybody hope you all are having fun reading the stories here. I enjoyed a lot with my wife and we decided to share our personal experience with all the horny readers of this site. I hope your body gets sensetized and your innerwear gets wet. Before sharing our sex secrets let introduce ourselves.we are anurag and swati from Kolkata having male measurement 8″ and of female 35-30-32. I can fell the excitement among male readers to see my wife breasts measurements and...

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Jessica the Cum Slut

The following story is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and events in it are products of the author’s imagination and are used as fantasy. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. My name is Jessica, but my Master affectionately calls me ‘Cum Slut’. I am 24 years old, and Master is training me to be a cum slut. I have blonde hair, and blue eyes. My tits are a perky 36C cup (natural), a thin 23′ waist, very curvy 34′ hips, and a firm...

1 year ago
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For Want of a Comma Chapter 5

For Want of a Comma - Chapter 5 Copyright 2023 by Heather Rose Brown =-=-= "Sorry for jumping to conclusions," Vic said as we headed out of the classroom. Once we'd merged with the heavy foot traffic in the hallway, he said, "I just saw how chummy you two looked, and ... well ... I guess I really stepped in it." I ducked out of the way of a girl running past us, then smiled at Vic as I shook my head. "No need to apologize. I just ... kinda never thought of anybody being...

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Malaysia Sex Story

1Malaysia is a slogan used but not everyone can accept it. Racism exist within lots of us, whether we are brave to admit it or silently embrace it. As for my wife, she’s the kindest person I’ve ever met, she always wanted to play a role in building a bridge between different races or religion. She is cute with a pretty face, many peoples confused her ethnic Chinese background with Korean. She’s soft spoken but bubbly around people which makes many people fell for her. Walking in the mall, I...

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