Jokes and GigglesChapter 950
- 3 years ago
- 24
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When Amy woke up (or rather, I booted her cute little butt out of bed; she would be late for school every day if it were up to her) she seemed more like her old self. She looked fresh, reasonably awake, clean (thank God!), and almost happy. I could still see sadness in her eyes; I rather thought it that would be in all our eyes for a long time, but at least I did not see the desperation there anymore. Amy, Victoria and I had breakfast together, a rare treat, except lately when Victoria was in town for unpleasant reasons. Victoria told Amy she was going back to work today. She seemed worried about how Amy was going to take it. Amy smiled and had her fun.
"So, does this mean you've forgiven me for decking Daddy? You trust me to be around him alone?" She cocked an eyebrow in mock severity.
Amy's sense of humor takes a little getting used to, and Victoria is not around as often as I am. Besides, who would have expected humor out of the Wicked Bitch of the West that we had seen over the last two weeks?
"Oh, honey it's just that Daddy is special to me too and I don't want him to get hurt. I know he wouldn't defend himself ... Oh, you! You're teasing me, aren't you?" Victoria said accusingly.
Amy giggled, a decidedly welcome sound, especially of late. "I'm sorry, Mom. I just couldn't resist. I get Daddy so often; I have to get you when I can."
"Well, I was thinking of forgiving you, but because of that, I think I will hold a grudge a little longer ... until you prove yourself, little lady!"
Amy's face fell. "Mom, I know..."
Victoria's face beamed. "Ha! I got you too! It's ok, Amy. I could never hold a grudge against you. Your Dad would never let me, even if I wanted to. You're his favorite, you know."
Victoria suddenly became serious as she saw the look on Amy's face and realized what she had said. "Oh, Amy! I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking!"
Amy smiled weakly. "It's ok, Mom. She's unlikely to be someone we're ever going to forget. We have to just act normal and deal with the memories as they come."
They hugged each other and Victoria headed for the airport.
I had been watching Amy as she bantered with her Mom, trying to get a feel for how she was feeling, and which Amy we were seeing today. Now we were alone together.
"So, how are you feeling, Amy? Really." I asked softly.
She came over and hugged me, burying her face in my shirt.
"How am I feeling? Really? Tired. Washed out. Embarrassed. Ashamed at what I put you guys through. Sad - I miss Cindi. Not as lonely as before. I think Katie is going to be a good friend. Nervous about going back to school and watching everyone dance around me, not knowing what to say. I don't even know what I want them to say. Nervous about how I am going to react. Will I blow up and become Amy the Hun again when someone gets up the courage to say something? Will it be 'God help the first idiot that says something stupid'?
"Look what I did to you this weekend; you were trying to help and I didn't even mean to hit you. Am I going to become like Mom where certain things set me off? Something happened to her in her past to make her that way, you know. I know it's useful to her in her job to be able to turn it on and off, but she doesn't seem to be able to control it in certain situations outside of that. I think the talk with Katie helped me a lot. I don't know, Daddy. This is uncharted waters for all of us. And I haven't talked this much in a long time. My mouth is dry."
I smiled. She was still on this kick of the 'talk with Katie'. The girl was desperate because of an empty place in her mind that could never be filled, and suddenly, with a six-hour talk, that fear was gone and everything was ok? Maybe in some sappy erotic internet story on SOL or something, but I didn't believe it. I had missed too many clues in the past and it had cost Amy dearly; I was not falling for this one until I was sure. Time to do some research. However, something else she said interested me more now.
"Amy, you mentioned something about your Mom's job. Why would that be useful as a computer troubleshooter?"
Amy looked back at me silently, giving me that classic Amy 'Who is this stupid two headed alien and what has he done with my Dad' look. Oh well, it was worth a try. I guess I was going to have to be more direct.
"Amy, do you know what Mom's job really is?"
Eye roll. 'How stupid do you think I am?' look. Yep. She was definitely recovering. "Of course, don't you?"
"Um ... actually, no, I don't. I have made some guesses, but they are just that. So, how can you know and I don't?"
"Oops. I'm sorry, Daddy, I was just kidding you when I said that. I assumed you knew or I wouldn't have teased you like that. I'm sorry."
"So, tell me. What is it? And how do you know?"
"I'm sorry, Daddy, I can't tell you. I promised Mommy I would never tell anyone. She specifically included you in that promise. You will just have to figure it out for yourself as I did. However, you might not want to. I still feel bad about the look on her face when I told her what I knew. She really doesn't want us to know, and she really has a good reason for keeping it secret. Don't figure it out unless you're prepared to make her very sad. I think she's afraid if you knew, you wouldn't love her anymore. She doesn't see what I can see, that that could never happen."
Certifiable genius. What was she going to be like when she grew up and became really smart?
I took Amy to school. She seemed to be handling it well as I dropped her off and her friends surrounded her. I hoped she had a good day. She deserved some good for a change; she'd had a rough couple of months. Not as rough as some people, but ... I pushed the sadness away and headed to work.
The hospital received no benefit by my finally coming into work. I spent the whole day at on the internet looking up mental connections among twins. What I found was interesting, and scary.
There wasn't a whole lot of hard data out there, but some interesting studies and more interesting theories and "conclusions". The first thing I found interesting was that the mental connection that Amy and Cindi had was variable in expression from case to case and most often found in identical twins, not fraternal twins. Although it was rare, it was rarer in non-identical twins. The mental connection was often stronger than this case; however, it was not unknown for weak cases to get stronger with age. It was extremely rare in non-twins.
Sometimes it bled over into family members. The scary thing was that often one twin did not survive the death of the other twin. We were lucky with Amy, but I did not think it was really luck. She was showing the classic symptoms of those who didn't survive, usually terminating in suicide or wasting away, losing the will to live.
After reading the information, I felt even more strongly that, somehow, Katie had saved our little girl. As I read further, it was clear to me that she did not do it by just talking to her, as Amy claimed! Not that it mattered. I knew in my heart that Katie would never cause harm to Amy; she just wanted to help. I wondered if she was getting something out of it too.
I left work early. I knew everyone there meant well, but I just got tired of dealing with the consolation callers and visitors. I knew I would always remember Cindi, but I wanted it to be at times when I was ready to deal with it, not walking down the hall and suddenly having to go through it all again. I knew I would have to get used to it, but not today.
I walked in the house at the same time as Amy and Katie. Amy looked better than she had in awhile - she and Katie were laughing, joking, and having a good time.
Amy did one of her favorite "get Daddy" things when she saw me behind her. She started telling Katie all about a really steamy sexual relationship she was having with this hot older guy at school, just so I could overhear. We both knew it was untrue, but she knew it made my heart go flip-flop that my little girl was growing up. She would act surprised when she saw me, and stop talking about it. Only problems were, a) she couldn't keep from giggling because she thought it was so darn funny, and b) since she knew little about the practical aspects of sex (make that nothing, I hope!) she would often describe acts that were either physically impossible for normal humans, or at least were not possible by 108 lb, 13 year old teenage girls. Let her have her fun. I'll have mine when she brings home her first boyfriend.
"Hi Daddy! Katie and I are going to make you dinner tonight. Katie's staying for dinner."
I groaned. "Can Katie cook? I hope? I've tasted your cooking!" I'm not stupid. I always say things like that in the living room, because couch pillows are the most likely thing she will pick up in there to throw at me. They hurt much less than other things. Zing! There it came.
"DAD!" she shrieked. "I'm a good cook!" She was, too.
"Yeah, and I'm Napoleon Bonaparte," I muttered. Zing! Another one.
"Sir, is it alright if I stay?" Katie asked shyly. The manners on this girl are unbelievable. I still can't get over a shy Katie. Although she is quiet, she doesn't seem to be shy around anyone else.
"Absolutely not," I stated emphatically. Amy gave me a dirty look. Zing! "Not unless you call me Patrick.
"Katie, you are welcome in this house anytime," I assured her. "It's Amy we're sick of and trying to move out as soon as possible. Say! Do you want to move into her room when we get rid of her?" Zing!
Ok, all the couch pillows were on the floor, I could stop. Katie looked at me strangely, almost with a hopeful look. What was going on there?
"Forget it, Daddy. When I move out, maybe tomorrow, she is going to be my roommate." She gave me her best 'little girl begging daddy' look. "Can I borrow some money for rent?" Then she dissolved into giggles as Katie looked at both of us like we were nuts. Ah yes, my sweet Amy was back. Fortunately, probably thanks to Katie, we did not have pepperoni and sausage pizza with spumoni ice cream for supper.
Victoria called as we were finishing dinner. She would be home in 20 minutes. Amy put her on speakerphone.
"Are you hungry, Mom? Katie and I cooked dinner!"
"Well, maybe if Katie helped ... it's not pizza is it?" she teased.
"MOM! Not you too?" Amy had a huge grin on her face. She is one of the few people I have seen that actually likes to be teased. Katie just looked lost. Amy chattered away to her Mom, ignoring our attempts to tell her she could talk to her live in 20 minutes.
"Ok, Amy, I'm pulling up in front of the house. You can hang up now." Amy sure loves to stretch out a joke. She continued to talk until Victoria, standing right next to her, reached over, took the phone out of her hand, and hung it up. We smiled tolerantly as Amy giggled helplessly. Katie seemed to think it was the funniest thing, too. Teenagers!
Amy decided to go to Rebecca's house later with Katie. She said it would be way too noisy around here to get any studying done, throwing looks at us. Katie looked confused, and then blushed as she realized what Amy was saying.
It looked like Katie was spending the night with us again. She didn't seem in any hurry to go home. That was ok, I liked having her around. I just wondered how long my heart would go flip-flop when I caught her out of the corner of my eye and thought I saw Cindi standing there.
Victoria and I cuddled together on the couch, kissing softly and gently. I stroked her beautiful hair and kissed her neck. God, I had missed her this time. I wanted to spend more time with her; I wanted her around more. She was my wife, my lover, my sweetheart, my soul mate. There could never be another. I had known that since the first week we had dated.
I knew her job was important, both to her, and in the grand scheme of things. I knew I was probably just feeling vulnerable because of Cindi. However, I was afraid for her. I couldn't bear the thought of her getting hurt, or worse. I didn't think "her people" could protect her as they had promised me. They failed in San Francisco. They failed at the fair. They failed in the "car accident".
A thought entered my head unbidden. Had they failed when Amy got sick? Had they failed with Cindi's accident? I did not know, but I was damn well going to find out. If I found out that Amy's sickness or Cindi's death were not accidents, those responsible would wish they were dealing with Victoria. They would find out what my eyes, dark green like Victoria's and Amy's, looked like when I let the monster loose. It would be directed against Victoria's protectors as well as her enemies if I found out they had been involved or negligent in their duties.
I knew I could no longer let the protection of my family rest in the hands of strangers that I didn't trust. I just couldn't leave them out there all by themselves. If "her people" couldn't, or wouldn't, protect them, I would. If they got in the way, they would be sorry and I wouldn't be responsible for what happened.
I felt the weight of the world lift off my shoulders. Many years ago, I walked away from something I didn't think I could do anymore, something I was one of the best in the world at. I think I always knew in the back of my mind, that the day would come when I could no longer live with that decision. That day was now here.
I couldn't ignore the danger my family might be in and live with myself. I wasn't sure I could live with myself anyway if Cindi's death turned out not to be an accident and I had not acted sooner.
I was good at what I did in medicine. In the top three, or better, in the country. I was now going to go back, at least part time, at least for a while, to something I was even better at.
For the best reason in the world. To protect my girls.
However, this time I would make sure it didn't change me into something I did not want to be.
Victoria smiled at me as I laughed aloud. I smiled back at her.
"God, I love you so much!"
She smiled happily. "I love you too. What brought that on? Besides the obvious?" she grinned as she looked at my lap.
"Wait here. I'll be back in a little while."
She looked confused, but folded her hands in her lap and relaxed. I ran into the bathroom, and started to fill the tub with water. I put the bubble bath in and then waited for the tub to fill with hot, almost too hot, water. I ran back to her, grinning like an idiot. She was smiling, looking at me as if I had lost my mind. I took her hands and gently pulled her to her feet. I kissed her, softly and sensually, and I heard her breath catch in her throat. Or was it mine? Ours. I slowly started to undress her, kissing each part of her body as it became exposed. She closed her eyes and shivered. When she was completely naked, looking like the goddess she just had to be, I stood there silently, just watching her, not moving. She finally opened her eyes and looked at me. She tilted her head slightly to the side, as I had seen Amy do so often, and looked thoughtfully at me.
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I am not sure where we turned the corner but it has been a fun ride. The names have been changed to protect the not so innocent. Let me start by saying we are now in our mid forties. I am Greg and my wife is Dee. We have had many experiences and it all started with my sexy wife wearing a little black dress while we were out dancing. I am 5’11’ with blond hair, brown eyes, thick arms and legs and generally tanned. I am by no means a wimp and I am not hung up on jealousy. I am very well...
Hai mera naam GAURAV hai.Main MBA kar raha hoon. Aur main tuition bhi padhata hoon. Main moradabad se hoon. Bachpan se hi mujhey sex ka sauk hai. Mere jeevan me kai ladkiyan aai par maine dhyan nahin diya kyunki in aaj kal ki ladkiyon ke nakhre mujhey pasand nahin sali banti hain ,acting karti hain. I mean to say only the money & time wastage. So jab main 18 saal ka tha tab se hi mujhey aunty pasand hain matlab (chachi ,mami, bhabhi look). Toh ab main apne sachey kissey par aata hoon. Baat jab...
Author: Powerone Title: Joanna's First Gynecological Exam Part: Chapter 1 Preliminary Exam Summary: Joanna has never had a gynecological exam and that fact is whatDr. Michael is betting on. He intends to humiliate and abuse her lovely bodywith the help of his colleagues. Keywords: M+/F, anal, oral, bd, humil, enem Copyright 2004 by Powerone. Author may be contacted at [email protected] Joanna's First Gynecological Exam Dr. Michael readied the new exam room for its first patientof the...
December 8, 1995, Chicago, Illinois “Donna, you remember Kara, I’m sure.” “I do! Hi, Kara. How are you?” “Good, thanks. It’s nice to see you again. Jess is still in bed, but she’ll be up in about thirty minutes.” “Let’s go see the kids,” I suggested. “And Jennifer.” Donna and I left the foyer and walked into the house, running into Jon and Amanda. I made quick introductions, then found the kids spread between the sunroom, great room, and their rooms. I introduced Donna as a friend from...
A couple years ago, to be exact 5 years ago, me and my girlfriend started living together. At 25 we thought it was the time to do that. We had a lot of searching for the right apartment until we finally found one. It was in a private house, we had a little apartment that was basically a half of a ground floor. Above us was a big apartment on the whole 1st floor. There was a family of four; dad John, mom Sara, son Mario and a daughter Maya. My wife quickly started having small conversations...
True FriendsBy: Londebaaz Chohan Though Isadore never told Jaden but most of his gay fantasies did include Hamilton. The information of Jaden going to gay bars with his brother Hamilton, turned Isadore on for some strange and unknown reason. Years passed and both Isadore and Jaden fell into their respective life both known and being straight heterosexual men. Isadore and Jaden were friends since they were in the elementary school and lived couple of streets away. Being at almost 26, they knew...
She twirled the phone cord around her fingers as she listened to the dial tone, impatiently waiting for him to pick up at the other end. 3 rings, 4 rings, 5 rings.“Hello, Jack speaking,” he answered, his deep and masculine voice vibrating to her very core, making her already wet sex, ache.“I need you, I need to feel you against me. 7pm, our normal place. See you there?” she breathed down the phone line.“Baby doll, I can’t tonight. There’s no way I can escape," his voice now hushed into a...
VoyeurThe year 1980. I just graduated from college (21yrs of age) and was actively looking for a job in the engineering field. Living in a rust belt town, engineering jobs were few and far between due to the downturn in the steel industry. Anyway, as the summer approached I found myself working at various jobs in the evenings, weekends, etc. Coming from a relatively small family I was reintroduced to a family friend during a 4th of July picnic at my aunt’s home. Her name was Elizabeth (at least...
We took the A32 through the mountains; very scenic. At Lithgow we had the opportunity to take either the B59 or stay on the A32. I really wanted to visit the Arms Museum and the Armory. “No time!” exclaimed Abbie ... the rat. We sailed by ... spitting distance ... I pouted. Then the road got ... interesting. (The Chinese have a saying: May you live in interesting times.) The road got like that. After awhile ... the 32 changes to the M4, it’s sorta the same road ... just re-numbered. Then...
Die Panne by Rhonda Wagram Marianne war bester Laune. Sie war mit ihrem Wagen auf der Autobahn auf dem Wege nach Hause, alles hatte geklappt soweit. Im Hotel - einem dieser gro?en, anonymen - hatte sie noch als Herbert gefr?hst?ckt und ihre Rechnung bezahlt, war dann zur?ck auf das Zimmer, hatte Herbert verpackt und sich in Marianne verwandelt. Man konnte von den Stockwerken direkt zum Parkdeck hinunter fahren. So war sie einfach als Marianne in den W...
I have to say that I am totally hooked on having my sweetie talking nasty to me during sex. Nothing makes me blow my load faster than to have her talking some nasty nothings in my ear while I am pumping. But yesterday was awesome, she was really horny and it showed. Just for fun, I video'ed it so that I could jack off on it later if it was good -- and it was!Our sex is usually the same - not so much out of boring habit but more so that we've found the formula that works. I have created that...
I am a confirmed bachelor, and as many of you probably know, guys who have been single too long tend to become messy after a while: dishes that remain in the sink, a carpet that could use a good vacuuming, a shower stall that may have an overdose of soap scum. A few months ago, I decided that perhaps I ought to call in a professional. But no hurry. Then, one day, doing my usual check of the adult personals (I am a single guy, remember) I saw an ad for a nude housecleaner. I emailed...
My dad is a salesman for an intrenational company which means he is travelling a lot, mostly in europe. I was just in the mid of my teens and he asked if I would like to follow him on a trip, and I was afraid it will be boring, but got convinced when he told me the hotel was really nice with a big spa area. Off we went and arrived late in the evening, and just went to bed. Next morning he went offfor meetings and I was all alone on the hotel room. Decidec to take a shower and before I went in ,...
Mel found himself back at home, a fat bruise on his upper cheek and a crushed heart. After the fight with Nick he tried going back to work but found he couldn’t concentrate. His mind kept revolving around Nick and Tracy, of all the stuff Nick had insinuated they had done together, of everything he could imagine them doing together, and without a single word from either of them to Mel. He felt a chump, a naïve cuckold. With all the things filling his head, he decided to try thinking it out at...
Teresa Scalia found her way from the middle school auditorium to the principal's office. The debacle between Barbara Anderson and Michele Smithson had just concluded and Teresa wanted to check on her friend. Michelle had suffered a humiliating stripping and spanking at the hands of Barbara. Teresa tapped on the office door "Michelle are you in there? Are you all right?" "Yes Teresa. Are you alone?" Michelle answered. "I'm alone." said Teresa. "Okay, come in and close the door behind...
Now it was Friday, and I had another date with Jill. Since I needed to make sure I was clean-shaven in my pubic area, I stopped by the Quick Health Center at the local drugstore. It was nice to see Cindy the nurse, sitting at the desk. “I was wondering if you could shave me again? I have another date with my girlfriend,” I said to Cindy. “If you are going to be shaved every week, I will need to charge you for it,” Cindy said. “That’s okay. You did a good job last time, and I need it taken care...
Spanking= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you...
In the car back to the Club Alicia had been quiet and thoughtful, cuddling in Angique's embrace, kissing and calling her Mistress. After making sweet and lazy love, she slept soundly, and the next morning found her as playful as quicksilver; she acted sweet, dancing on her feet and giggling all the time. A weight seemed to have been lifted from her shoulders. During the next days and nights, Angique never pushed her for training purposes or even reminded her of the ongoing Journey. They...
I had no idea that I would ever want to suck cock, until it happened unexpectedly. Ken and I had been friends for a long time, we had been married to sisters at one time. Now I was married to a different woman, and we were living in California. I still stayed in touch with him, as we were the best of friends. He was working in Portland, Oregon, and I was working in Southern California at the time. I had called him up to see what he was doing, and he asked me if I’d like to come up and work on...
i'm a cop, i was called to an RTA, road traffic accident. car had been slammed in the side, driver and passenger dead. so far ok, normal stuff. opened the boot and found a male and female. unconcious, but seemingly not injured. as the attending officer i went to the hospital the next day to get a statement. the hospital staff were acting strangely. i went to the male, he was awake, but confused and nervous. he was bald and had no body hair. the staff said the female was the same, no body hair....
I have a tacit agreement with my man (he is eight-inches and thick) that I can please and be pleased sexually by another man around once a month. We set some basic rules a while back, outer sex only, no intercourse, my man can watch and masturbate. If the second man wants to blow my man I love to watch. Occasionally we have another woman instead of a man to pleasure us both, same rules apply. Something I insist on is the second man must be much younger than me, usually fifteen or twenty-years...
The next day, I thought a family meeting might be in order to see how everyone was really doing with this new dynamic we were pursuing. I wanted to make a change to how I wanted to be treated so I thought it would be good to give everyone a chance to air any concerns or changes they wanted to see as well. Beth was still with us when I suggested the family meeting and said, “Well, maybe I should go home so you guys can discuss what you want.” “Beth,” I responded, “I’m sure I speak for all...
I liked the new employee, she invited me to be her husband's BD gift as a 3some and he fucked us both [email protected]
First TimeI was 18 and at college , a bit wet behind the ears so to speak, but with a eye for the ladies , older ones do not know why but always had a thing for older ladies.My course tutor was a lady of around 50, and short dark hair lovely rounded breasts, well made thighs, and a bottom that just said mmmmmmmm.She always dressed with a blouse, that showed her breasts, off, and a skirt just above the knee, with tan stockings or tights, with a nice heeled shoe.The last class of the week on Friday...