Fantasies Fulfilled
- 2 years ago
- 39
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December 8, 1995, Chicago, Illinois
“Donna, you remember Kara, I’m sure.”
“I do! Hi, Kara. How are you?”
“Good, thanks. It’s nice to see you again. Jess is still in bed, but she’ll be up in about thirty minutes.”
“Let’s go see the kids,” I suggested. “And Jennifer.”
Donna and I left the foyer and walked into the house, running into Jon and Amanda. I made quick introductions, then found the kids spread between the sunroom, great room, and their rooms. I introduced Donna as a friend from Milford who had gone to the same school, which, to nobody’s surprise, caused Birgit to giggle. She was getting better about knowing when to tease and when not to, and I was happy she didn’t say anything.
“What was that about?” Donna asked as we headed to the coach house.
“My daughter is precocious,” I replied with a grin. “And she’s absolutely sure we’re going to have sex.”
“What?!” Donna gasped.
“We don’t hide the fact that adults have sex from our kids. They have all had an age-appropriate talk, or two or three, about it. And Birgit is well aware of what goes on in this house.”
“You mean your wives let you fool around here? And the kids know?”
“Yes, to both. In fact, you have the option of staying in the guest room upstairs, if you want, or in the loft apartment my company keeps, which is about twenty minutes from here. Either way is OK, but it would be easier for me to go to karate and deal with Guys’ and Girls’ Night if we stay here.”
Donna shook her head, “Your life is just as surreal as back home! Debbie V’s mom?”
I nodded, “That was more than a bit strange, but then again, so was her sister announcing at her birthday party that she was going to have me take her virginity!”
“You pretty much got all the neighborhood girls’ cherries, didn’t you?”
“Pretty much.”
We went into the coach house and Jennifer and Donna greeted each other, and I introduced Donna to Josie and Jesse. Donna spoke with Jennifer a bit before Donna and I headed back to the main house and went into my study.
“I always knew you would be very successful,” she said, sitting down in one of the leather wingback chairs. “This house is even nicer than your parents’ old house on Overlook.”
“Minus the indoor swimming pool, which I really miss,” I replied. “Though we have a sauna in the basement. That’s another reason to stay here rather than at the apartment.”
“Everyone here seems to know we’re going to be together, even some of the kids!”
I grinned, “I do recall my sister being in the next room when you lost your virginity!”
Donna laughed, “And we walked naked to take the shower! I was a bit surprised she didn’t freak out about seeing you naked, but with all the sex you were having, I figured she’d seen it before!”
“She actually spied on me having sex at least once.”
“I tried to do that with Leah and her boyfriend when I was twelve, but she realized and made sure I couldn’t see anything. Is Stephanie around?”
“She’ll be here tomorrow for Guys’ and Girls’ Night, and for Sunday’s family dinner.”
“Cool. What’s the plan?”
“Dinner in about twenty minutes, then karate, then I’m all yours for whatever you want. As I said, you have a choice between the guest room upstairs or the loft apartment.”
“As weird as it seems, I think it makes sense to stay here so we don’t have to go back and forth. What about tomorrow?”
“Karate in the morning, then when the guys come over, the girls will go out. They’re going to a jazz club and you’re invited, obviously. On Sunday morning, I give a private karate lesson, and then on Sunday evening, we have our family dinner, as I said. Other than that, I’m all yours from now until you leave on Monday morning. Well, and I run very early on weekday mornings with a doctor friend of ours.”
“Your wives will let you sleep with me?”
“Yes,” I grinned. “And spend the night, too!”
Donna laughed, “That is one thing I missed doing with you.”
“Did Alexa end up babysitting Marcus?” I asked with a sly smile.
Donna nodded, “They have complete run of the house. I made sure the fridge was stocked and told them to have fun! Debbie C says ‘hello’, and said to tell you she’s jealous!”
“She’s still married, right?”
“Yes. And she’s faithful, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have fantasies!”
“Don’t we all,” I said, nodding knowingly.
There was a soft knock at the door and I called out for whomever it was to come in. The door opened, and Kara and Jessica came in, closing the door behind them.
“Donna,” I said, “this is Doctor Jessica, my legal wife. Jess, this is Donna.”
Donna hopped up and they exchanged a quick hug, then all three of them sat down in the leather wingback chairs.
“Jess, Donna’s a bit concerned about staying here,” I said.
Jessica smiled, “Don’t be! This fits within the agreement we made when we married. The three of us, I mean.”
“You had an actual three-way marriage ceremony? How?”
“It wasn’t legal,” Jessica replied. “Steve and I had a very private legal ceremony after the main one to satisfy the State of Illinois, but the three of us are married to each other, and everyone knows it.”
“As in...” Donna asked with an arched eyebrow.
Jessica and Kara looked at each other, smirked, then leaned close and exchanged a smoking-hot French kiss. The two little vixens kept it up for a good two minutes before breaking the kiss and sitting up.
Donna shook her head in amazement, “Wow! Maybe Debbie V, Debbie C, and I missed our big chance!”
I laughed, “Now THERE is a fantasy!”
“I’d say you’re living one.”
“He is!” Kara declared. “But so are we! Stay, Donna. Nobody will be upset, and you can hang out with the family, use the sauna, and just relax.”
“If you’re sure.”
“We’re sure,” Jessica said. “And we’re sure you’re going to have three VERY good nights!”
“You do realize how weird this is, right?”
“Welcome to Cirque du Steve!” Kara laughed. “We do need to go to dinner. It should be ready.”
We had a nice dinner, then after cleaning up, Jessica, Kara, Birgit, and I got ready for karate. Donna decided to come along and watch, and unsurprisingly, Birgit had questions.
“You knew my dad when you were little?”
“I met him when I was twelve. He moved to our street. I was friends with your Aunt Stephanie.”
“You and Dad had sex, didn’t you?”
Donna gasped and stopped in her tracks.
“I warned you,” I said gently, taking Donna’s hand. “Just answer her straight. Kara or I will say something if she gets out of line.”
“Uhm,” Donna stuttered, “uh, yes. But not until I was fourteen.”
“And you’re going to have sex again?”
“Birgit, honey,” Kara said gently. “Remember the rules.”
Birgit frowned but didn’t say anything more.
“Pumpkin,” I said. “Remember what we talked about. Only the parents and your special adult friends.”
“But it’s true, isn’t it?” Birgit demanded.
“We’ll talk about it during cuddle time tomorrow. OK?”
“Yes,” she agreed.
That strategy had worked reliably for some time, and I was happy it still worked. Birgit asked more questions about Donna, but they were totally appropriate, and Donna answered them all. At the dojo, I introduced Donna as a childhood friend, and she watched from the observation area while we practiced.
When we arrived home, we took quick showers, then began the bedtime routine with the kids. Once they were all down, Kara suggested a sauna, and everyone quickly agreed. Remembering Donna from back home, I knew she wouldn’t have a problem with being naked, and was proven correct when she followed Jessica, Kara, Elyse, and I into the sauna, all of us stripping off our clothes before going in. She looked just as good as she had when I’d first been with her back in March of 1979.
“Your friend had one of these, if I recall.”
“Melanie,” I replied.
“Yes. Do you still keep in touch?”
“She’s here in Chicago with her husband Pete. She’s a criminal defense attorney and he’s a Deputy US Marshal. They have a son named Jonathan. Kathy and her husband live in Chicago with their three kids, as do Bethany and her husband and their two boys. My sister is married to Bethany’s brother and they have a son. Mary Harrison and her husband are living in DC.”
“It’s cool that you have some old friends here.”
“How’s your son?” Elyse asked.
Donna laughed, “Enjoying himself immensely, right about now! I left him at home with his girlfriend. She’s the daughter of the girl who lived across the street from Steve.”
“There was something in the water in Milford,” Kara laughed. “So many girls ended up pregnant from around 1977 to 1982!”
“I made a dumb mistake,” Donna said. “But I love Marcus to pieces. It’s mostly just been the two of us for fourteen years, though Steve helped me out when I was finishing High School.”
“I remember,” Kara said. “I told you that if the check was for as much as I thought it was, you could give him a second kiss! You tried to examine his tonsils, as I recall!”
Donna grinned sheepishly, “I was very happy! But I recall you reminding me to remember who he belonged to. Obviously, something happened.”
Elyse laughed, shaking her head, “If we tell you THAT, we’ll be here all night! And all day tomorrow! It’s a LONG story!”
“The short version,” Kare said, “is that I had a breakdown from stress and broke up with Steve at Christmas that year, just as he was about to propose. It took me a year to recover, and when I did, he allowed me back into his life, despite all the turmoil I’d caused. In time, we discovered exactly what we both needed, and that included Jessica. And Steve had kids with Jennifer and Elyse as well.”
“Just be glad you missed all the drama,” Elyse said.
“I’ve had plenty of my own,” Donna replied. “Starting with fucking because I was depressed and lonely and getting pregnant at fifteen. I never took child support, because I didn’t want Marcus’ dad to have any claims on him, not that the asshole actually cared. My parents and sister helped, and so did Steve, at least until we lost touch. Fortunately, things calmed down and Marcus and I are happy and we’re in good shape.”
“You never married?” Jessica asked.
Donna shook her head, “No. At first, guys weren’t interested because I had a kid and that was a turn off for High School boys. Later, I met some guys, but mostly they were jerks who didn’t treat Marcus right. I did date someone for a time who was pretty nice, but in the end, things didn’t work out. As I said to Steve, Marcus and I are a good team.”
“I’m going to get a shower and go watch Doctor Who,” Elyse said. “See you all in the morning!”
“Good night!” my wives, Donna, and I replied as she left the sauna.
“You work nights, right?” Donna asked Jessica.
“Yes. Sunday through Thursday. That’s why I was sleeping when you arrived. I keep that schedule full-time so I don’t mess up my body clock worse than it is.”
“That must make things difficult.”
“A bit, but it’s kind of the price you pay. It’s not nearly as bad as the ninety-hour weeks I had to endure when I started Residency. And in a year or two, I’ll have enough seniority to get a better shift.”
“How do you have time together?”
“6:00pm to 10:00pm on the nights I work, and in the mornings on the days I don’t. They walk me to work every night, too, because the hospital is less than ten blocks from here.”
“What do you do on nights you don’t work? Like tonight?”
“I often join Steve and Kara in bed,” Jessica said with a satisfied sigh, “then spend time reading my medical journals, watching movies, and just generally relaxing. The worst part, really, is time with the kids. But we make a special effort on the weekends. And as I said, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.”
“Jess,” Kara said impishly, “let’s give them some time together. Shower with me?”
Jessica stood up and took Kara’s hand. They both kissed me, said ‘good night’ and left the sauna.
“Are they going to... ?”
I shrugged, “Maybe; maybe not. They aren’t bi, but they love each other. They do that occasionally without me, but not often.”
“Along with everything else around here, right?”
“It’s like I stepped through a looking glass!”
“Well, what’s your pleasure, Alice?”
She got up, sat in my lap, and put her arms around my shoulders. I wrapped mine loosely around her waist, pulling her gently against me. Donna looked deep into my eyes, then leaned forward and we exchanged a soft kiss. It was just the barest hint, but she tasted the same as she had all those years before, very different from any other girl I’d ever tasted. She kissed me again, and this time her lips parted, and our tongues touched, confirming that first fleeting taste. The kiss was soft, and loving, and our tongues gently danced together for a minute or so before she broke the kiss.
“That brings back memories,” I said. “As did seeing you when we first came into the sauna.”
“And you’re a VERY handsome man. When I thought about you, and I did, I imagined what you might look like and what it might be like to be in your arms again. And then after I saw you in Mason, well, I told you I had some VERY good daydreams.”
I moved my hand so I could cup Donna’s full breast, gently strumming her nipple with my thumb. She sighed deeply and we exchanged another soft French kiss. When we broke it, she put her head on my shoulder and we cuddled for a few minutes.
“Want to sit in the Jacuzzi?” I asked.
She got up from my lap and I stood, walked to the tub, and turned on the tap. I moved to the controls and adjusted them, and then, when the tub was full, I took Donna’s hand and led her to the tub. We got in and she snuggled back against me. I turned on the water jets and put my arms around her.
“Glorious,” she sighed.
I moved one hand to her breast and slid the other one down her stomach, gently slipping my middle finger between her thighs. Donna gasped softly as I made small circles on her clit with my fingertip. I gently tweaked her nipple, and pressed my fingertip between her labia, while keeping pressure on her sensitive spot. She twisted slightly so we could exchange a soft kiss.
“Your touch is so gentle,” she breathed turning back after the kiss.
A couple of minutes later she sighed and shuddered, and I felt soft pressure on my finger.
“How did you do that so easily?” she whispered.
“Intimate knowledge of female anatomy,” I replied softly. “And memories which came flooding back as soon as I tasted you.”
“But you haven’t...”
“From the kiss. But the other? Soon.”
She sighed deeply and relaxed allowing me to bring her to another gentle orgasm.
“Make love to me, please.”
I turned off the water jets, then we both stood and I helped her out of the tub. I led her out of the sauna and to the guest room, where I pulled the duvet off the bed. Donna lay on her back, and I moved on top of her. We began kissing and I pressed my glans against her labia. I pressed forward, and slowly entered her tight, silky tunnel. Donna wrapped her arms and legs around me and squeezed tight.
“Oh my God,” she breathed. “I’m ready to explode!”
We began moving together - a slow, gentle, rolling motion, like small waves pushed by a light wind. As the wind picked up, the waves grew larger, until they crashed onto the beach with frothy foam.
“Oh God!” Donna gasped, her tunnel hugging my shaft tightly as her body shook. “Keep going...”
We slowed our pace, and once again, the gentle surf developed into crashing waves, something repeated five times before I groaned and cum erupted from my glans, filling Donna’s spasming tunnel with intense, sticky warmth.
She groaned as our tongues tangled fiercely and she ground against me, achieving a final, overwhelming release.
“Jesus,” she whispered when we broke our kiss. “That was out of this world.”
“Twelve years later,” I sighed, “it was even better.”
I kissed her softly, then slid down and gently suckled one of her nipples.
“They’re still just as sensitive,” she whispered.
I switched to her other nipple, again sucking gently, then slowly kissed my way down her stomach and nuzzled my nose in her blonde pubic hair. I slid further down and kissed along her labia, then tickled her clit with the tip of my tongue.
“Yes...” Donna breathed, running her fingers through my hair.
I pleasured her until I was hard again, then moved up and slowly entered her. She sighed deeply, and we began moving together once again, our motions mimicking our earlier lovemaking, with the same wonderful result. I repeated my previous oral pleasuring, and we made love for a third time, and then I pulled her to cuddle me.
“What are you trying to do?” she sighed, snuggling close.
“Enjoy my time with you and give you as much pleasure as possible.”
“You were good when we were teenagers ... now, all I can say is ‘Oh my God!’.”
“We should head up to your room,” I said. “We can continue there.”
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Hey its raghutomar1303 again.. Coming back to tell what happened after morning fucking session… Well for those who have not read my first part I will introduce me again… I am from Gwalior standing 5.11 tall regular gym going and have a 6 inch dick to pleasure any girl… Any girl or aunty from Gwalior or any where please contact me full pleasure will be given mail me at Now coming to the story after fucking my girl friend in the morning we slept naked in each other arms. When my eyes opened she...
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May 14, 1997, Chicago, Illinois “Start talking!” Melanie demanded when I sat down in her office about an hour later. “There isn’t much to say. Katya found the information for me when I asked her to look into several things about Brandon Littleton, Kevin Lomax, and John Milton.” “Do you know more about him?” “A LOT more. I don’t think you want to know.” “Probably not, but I’m your criminal defense attorney, and even though San Antonio doesn’t have you involved in this, you know the CPD...
“So, how should we do these Stone’s songs?” Phil asked at our rehearsal session. “I think we all know the music, we just need to come up with a pretty awesome arrangement; we don’t want to sound like yet another cheap cover band.” “I had some ideas, if it’s okay for me to make some suggestions,” Allison said. “Of course it is,” Phil said. “Everyone can have a say, there’s no rule that says you can’t participate in the discussion.” “Thanks, Phil, I guess being the newest here, I’m a bit...
May 11, 1992, Chicago, Illinois Monday was turning out to be a LONG day. After my run and talk with Gina, and my talk with Elyse, I had a full day at the office scheduled. First was our leadership meeting in the morning, and then I had status meetings with each team. At lunch I’d gone to see Siobhán and explained that I was going to break off the sexual relationship, but that I wanted to remain friends. She was disappointed, but admitted that Thursday would have been the last time, since she...
January 19, 1989, En-Route from LAX to ORD When the engines of the plane started, Jeri reached over and took my hand. She held it while we pushed away from the gate, and taxied for takeoff. Her grip tightened a bit as we hurtled down the runway, but nothing like the death grip she’d had on my arm for the flight out. The plane roared its way into the air and once we leveled out, Jeri’s grip loosened but she didn’t let go of my hand. “How are you doing?” I asked with a touch of...
Dave hadn't expected to see Ann but he had thought about what he would say if and when he did. A whole flood of past images and emotions washed over him. In the short time it took her to close the distance between them, he pictured their first time in his bedroom, the times on the hill beside the fifth green, the time with her and Jennifer in the hideout, the time in her bedroom, the time beside her pool, his bent and broken clubs and the final image of Jennifer's family selling their...
September 1982, Chicago, Illinois The weekend was quiet and besides homework, I worked on the program changes for Frank, called Karin, Tatyana, and Kara, and hung out with my usual study group. Monday was refreshingly normal. On Tuesday morning, I handed Katy my completed intake form. She put it in an envelope and stuck it in her bag. She said she’d let me know soon about the interview. On Tuesday afternoon, after having lunch with Stephie, I made my rounds and then I headed over to Sigma...
October 1982, Chicago, Illinois The drive back to Chicago was as uneventful as usual, and I arrived at the apartment just before 6:00pm. When I arrived, Elyse and Stephie were sitting on the couch and Jackie was sitting on the loveseat. Stephie hopped up as I opened the door and greeted me with a hug and a kiss. “Hi, Peaches!” I said. “Glad you’re home, Yankee!” “Hi, Steve,” Elyse and Jackie both said. “Hey,” I replied. “How was the weekend?” “Well, it was just Kurt with me, Stephie,...
June 11, 1989, Chicago, Illinois It was just after 3:00am when I kissed Trish goodbye. She’d been an enthusiastic, energetic, and adventurous lover. We’d done just about anything either of us could think of, though her breasts weren’t large enough for a tit-fuck. The last time had been in the shower where we’d ostensibly gone to clean up afterwards, but instead I ended up taking her from behind as she leaned against the wall of the shower. “I think I’ll have you again, Steve Adams,” she...
May 1978 The first couple of weeks in May were busy with school, work, and friends. Except for Becky, I didn’t even have any dates. But I was OK with that. Well, almost OK. I wanted to see Anna, but it likely wasn’t going to happen until school was out. I had tutoring sessions with Melanie, but she still wouldn’t talk to me about anything other than Spanish. Barely a hello. I was grateful for the tutoring, but it was maddening seeing my friend this way. I hoped someday she could understand...
March, 1982, Milford, Ohio As I drove along I-65, I thought about what Stephanie had asked for and what Bethany had said without even knowing about the request. Of course, because Bethany and I were so in tune, she might have actually had an idea that I was struggling with getting involved with my sister again. I kept turning it over and over in my mind and I kept coming to the same conclusion — that I shouldn’t do it. I was torn between doing what Stephanie wanted and doing what Kara and...
September 7, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “That went reasonably well,” Michelle said when her parents drove off. “There were a few times I thought my expression would give away something I shouldn’t. You were messing with me, weren’t you?” She grabbed both my hands and smiled, “I was telling the truth, in my own way. Thank you!” She leaned forward and kissed my cheek. “So, what’s left?” I asked. “To visit UofC tomorrow and formally withdraw from classes. To spend some time with you and your...
October 1981, Chicago, Illinois I arrived back at the apartment just before 10:00pm and saw the address for the party. I decided I wasn’t particularly interested in going so I put on some music, poured myself a glass of wine, and started reading more about Russia. I was alternating between the history and culture book and the Communist Party book, decided on the history and culture book for this time. I didn’t get much reading done because I was thinking about Tatyana, which led me to...
January 23, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “Father, bless!” I said, greeting Father Basil with upturned palms. “Bless you, Stephen,” he said as I kissed his hand. The waiter showed us to a quiet table along the wall of Roditys in Greektown. He took our drink orders and was back quickly. We placed our food orders right away and he left to put them in with the kitchen. “I’m not quite sure how to address this, so I’m just going to ask you bluntly. Are you the father of Michelle’s baby?” I shook my...
June 29, 1995, Chicago, Illinois On Thursday, I finally had lunch with Melissa again, something I hadn’t been looking forward to. Much like with Cèlia, Melissa and I had passed an inflection point and I was left with sub-optimal paths forward. I’d been struggling with the possible solutions, and all of them had pitfalls. When I walked into Takumi, I had something of a plan. Whether it was good or not would only be known once everything played out. “I spoke to my wives,” I said after we’d...
December 5, 2000, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota “I had a good time last night,” I said. “I was surprised you invited a friend!” Mary laughed as we walked into the exam room, “Naomi had a good time as well. You know what a Resident’s life is like.” I nodded, “No social life.” “Exactly. You guys seemed to hit it off pretty well.” “Yes, but I’m not here for that!” “You’re everywhere for that, and you know it!” I couldn’t help but laugh. “Let’s just say that you hit the sweet spot -...
March 1980, Hovås/Göteborg, Sweden I woke early as usual, but just enjoyed being in bed with Katt. When she woke, she hopped out of bed and pulled a robe out of her closet and handed it to me. “There’s a spare toothbrush in the bathroom. Go have your shower, then we’ll have breakfast after I have my shower.” I quickly showered and brushed my teeth, and went back to Katt’s room. She went to shower and came back a few minutes later. She dressed, and I got a very good look at her sexy body...
April 5, 1997, Chicago, Illinois “You missed cuddles this morning!” Birgit said accusingly when I walked into the house about 9:30am. “I know, Pumpkin, but I had a work emergency and had to go see Aunt Joyce and Grandpa A.” “And now we have to get ready for karate!” “I know. We’ll have some family time this afternoon. I don’t have any plans.” “Good!” I hugged her and the rest of the kids, then went to find Kara. We hugged and kissed, and went straight upstairs to get ready for...
October 29, 2000, Chicago, Illinois Birgit followed me as far as the stairs, then scooted upstairs when I went to the front door and opened it. “Hi!” Sophie said. “Hi!” I replied and held the door open so she could come into the house. I closed the door behind her then led her to my study where I waited until she went in, and then walked in, closing the door behind me. I nodded to one of the wingback chairs, she sat down in one, and I sat down in the other. “Is something wrong?” she...
Steve Davies Linda and I headed into Rainier Christian High, the students already arriving in their uniform. The guys wore their gray slacks and white shirts, their ties tucked beneath sweater vests or falling down their chests. The girls, the vast majority of them, wore skirts that flashed around their thighs. Their schoolgirl skirts gave them such a sensuous sight. “Pervy teacher,” Linda said. “Staring at those sweet, young things.” I flashed her a grin. “A lot’s changed.” She rubbed...
August, 1983, Chicago, Illinois I walked in the near 90°F heat to Carla’s place. I was grateful that the humidity of the morning had dropped significantly; otherwise the heat would have been unbearable. By the time I walked up the steps to the apartment over the photography studio and knocked on her door, I had broken into a light sweat. Carla answered almost immediately and invited me inside her studio apartment. The air was moderately cool, and the window air conditioner was running full...
July 1982, Milford, Ohio On Tuesday morning, I kissed Kara goodbye and headed to my parents’ house for my usual morning routine with my little sister. She was happy that I could spend the morning with her and asked to take a walk, so we weren’t in the house with my mom. “Let me guess — this walk will end in the clearing,” I said with a smile. “Yes,” she said, taking my hand as we walked down Overlook towards Klondyke. As usual, we turned around and walked back, taking the path to the...
March 13, 1994, Chicago, Illinois “Hi, Steve!” Ailea said when she opened the door. “Hi,” I replied, accepting the offered hug. There was no touching of lips, just of cheeks, and I wondered if I’d misread her intentions at her birthday lunch, or if, perhaps, she detected my reluctance to return the offered affection. “Lunch is ready, so go ahead and sit. I’ll bring it in from the kitchen.” I went to the low table, sat down, and a minute later, Ailea brought miso soup and sushi, our usual...
April 3, 1997, Dallas, Texas “Remember what I said about drinking too much,” I said, as I poured bourbon into three cups. We’d stopped at a liquor store, bought a bottle of Blanton’s, and then returned to the small suite I’d reserved at the Westin. Deborah’s room was down the hall, and Krissy’s was two floors below. Krissy’s comment had caught me a bit off guard, but I hadn’t reacted visibly. I didn’t know her quite well enough to know if she’d been teasing with Deborah, so I was being...
March 28, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “This day belongs to you, Kara!” I said when the three of us woke on Thursday morning. “Happy birthday!” Jessica said. “Thanks,” Kara replied happily. “I think I’d like an amazing birthday fuck from our husband, and then a nice loving shower with my wife!” Kara said. “Do we have enough time?” I asked. Jessica giggled, “I set the alarm for thirty minutes earlier!” “Then let’s not waste any of it!” I said pulling Kara to me. Kara’s squeals as I plunged...
September 4, 2000, Chicago, Illinois On Monday morning I went to my study to make a surreptitious call to ensure that the surprise I’d planned for Kara was still going to happen, and after confirming that it was, Jesse, Matthew, Michael, and I began preparing for the Labor Day party by getting beer and soda into coolers, getting the grill ready, setting up tables and chairs in the backyard, and ensuring the liquor cabinets were stocked while my wives and daughters worked on food prep in the...
September 1, 1987, Chicago, Illinois “I heard that you have some kind of plan to help Ed,” I said to Connie. “There’s no plan,” she replied. “A witness who saw the shopkeeper alive after Ed left came forward.” That sounded convenient, and I wondered if the witness was real or someone that Anthony had put forward to solve the problem. Certainly, the videotape was real, because I couldn’t imagine how Anthony could have faked that, but the witness? Who knew? “So is he being released? Or is...
August 17, 1997, Chicago, Illinois We finished lunch and Marissa and the younger kids went to play, but Natalie sat with the adults to talk, with coffee, tea, or soft drinks. The Sarcus were very comfortable, but the Heaths were still struggling. But, vitally, they hadn’t left and hadn’t insisted Natalie leave the group. “Can you explain how you developed this attitude and approach?” Chris asked. I nodded, “It started when I was just a bit younger than Natalie. My mom was a total control...
July 1979 — Falkenberg, Sweden On Friday, when I got back from my run, Pam was in her bra and panties again. I whistled at her, she giggled, then finished dressing. I showered, and we went to breakfast and finished up our last day. Once class was done, we were pretty much free. On Saturday, we’d have several optional activities and then on Sunday we’d head back to our host families. After dinner on Friday, I took Pam’s hand and we walked towards the river. It was quiet and peaceful, and...
July 1980, Over the North Atlantic We reached cruising altitude, and I settled back to read my book. Pam raised the armrest between us, snuggled close to me and read as well. The cabin crew offered drinks, and I had my first Coke in a year! Meal service began about an hour and a half into the flight. After the cabin crew picked up the trays and offered drinks again, they passed once more, offering headsets for the movie. Trevor and Maria took them, but Pam and I didn’t, instead we turned on...
July 8, 1997, Chicago, Illinois “Is it really that surprising?” Leah asked. “I suppose not,” I replied. “I just didn’t read too much into the kiss on the cheek.” “I didn’t think it was a good idea to kiss you on the lips with all those people around, because I had no idea who they were or what they would think. You were VERY careful with our dance, so I kind of followed your lead.” Which showed very mature thinking on her part. Both of these girls were exactly the kind of students I...