SOVEREIGNTY 7 free porn video

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Leaning close the little girl whispered, "I am so glad that you both have come to help us, I was afraid when I first saw Mazey Alan, then he did something I've never seen a Mazey do." Hopix looked up suddenly more interested. "He started to cry when he saw all the hurts I had, I told him it didn't hurt that bad anymore, not to cry but he did even more. That's when I knew that he was a good Mazey, then his hands started to glow as my skin did, then the pain was gone!" Hopix could only nod in amazement when the little girl left.

The elder again was amazed another part was fulfilled but he'd seen things like this before he still had to be sure. Walking over to Hopix he nodded to her, "Please sleep young one, you'll be safe, no one will harm you here." Hopix looked into the elder's eyes then closed hers, though at first she had a hard time actually falling asleep.

Alan's head and arm were throbbing more than he thought they should be, and what a funny dream. He'd seen Hopix. Damn, he thought, don't know if I'll ever see her again the way things are going. Straining he tried to open his eyes. Crap, he was obviously hurt worse than he had at first thought. Finally, he managed to get one eye open. What the??? He was back in the sanctuary. The last thing he remembered he'd tried to flash into the place but only made it to the damn door. Then the biggest shock came when, after a few minutes, he managed to turn his head and caught sight of Hopix! Concentrating he could feel all his wounds, they were not far from killing him, crap with what he could muster he first eliminated the infection, then almost all of the swelling, not as far as he wanted to get but now at least it wouldn't kill him while he slept. Issuing a squeak like groan to Hopix, he tried to sit up but only caused his head to spin more damn! Finally unable to keep his eyes open he sank back into the welcome embrace of unconsciousness.

Hopix had felt him awaken then start the healing process, good all the infection was gone, then she felt him remove almost all the swelling. Damn it! He was still so weak! As he fell asleep Hopix could feel most of the tension his body had been fighting ease then fade. Good at least now he could sleep better, that in itself would help with his healing. Sighing she got up and started to add her energy to Alan, now at least she could remove some of the wounds. For another hour she slowly removed the burns on his arm and shoulder, though she only was able to heal half of it he wouldn't have to expend as much energy when he woke up again.

The Elder sat near both of his guests, sighing he hoped that all the signs he was getting were true. It had been so long since his people had been free or even felt free. Going over all the parts of the legend it was true they were only the second to make it this far, a better sign in itself, still he didn't want to mention anything. It wouldn't do to get his people's hope's up again just to have them crushed by another charlatan. Neither Alan nor Hopix slept well, Alan kept replaying the battle with the last two, the ass kicking he got when they appeared. I'll never be caught off guard again, when I see her again, I guarantee next time we meet that bitch is dead! Hopix's dreams were no better seeing Alan getting hurt had cut her deeply she was supposed to watch over him. Fuck lot of good that had done! Now there was a good chance he could die and she was so weak she couldn't do a damn thing!

Many of the people were also watching the woman who appeared to be one of them and the Mazey who had healed so many that had no hope of ever being whole again. Several hours later Alan jerked awake, though most of the pain was gone the stiffness was still there. Well at least my strength has returned he thought, sitting up there was a gasp from many there in the sanctuary, then it was Alan's turn to gasp, lying on a small pallet next to him was Hopix! Holy shit! He really hadn't imagined it! Groaning Alan sat up, crap, I can hardly move he thought, concentrating a moment Alan's hands began to glow though not as intense as before. Finally, after several minutes the stiffness started to fade, as did the weak feeling. Ah good, now he was starting to feel like his self. Standing though a little shaky he walked to Hopix a broad smile on his face.

"I thought I'd never see you again," he whispered. "I thought when I left it was the last time we'd ever be together, how did you get here?" he said more to himself than to anyone else.

"I visited the Trembly as you did; they also gave me a cube like yours." Hopix said snapping her eyes open, a huge smile on her face. God she was glad to see him awake and feeling better! "Alan you have to be more careful, just like you told the council you are the one thing that they all will unite together to fight. I was so...," Hopix started.

"Yes I know Hopix, I've already changed my plan of attack, they might unite to fight me but I can feel that they won't stay that way long. Besides with 2 of them out of the picture, I'm sure they are about to start fighting over those 2 areas." Alan told her. "Right now I have to figure a way to defeat them. Like you said I start taking them out, yes they are going to combine forces then we'll really be in trouble."

Hopix herself had been thinking on the problem, "Alan you do realize that the more of the people you release from them the weaker they get."

"Yes, but on this world there are far more people than there were on your planet. Plus the fact that there are 8 more of them gunning for me." Alan stopped the look of confusion on Hopix's face almost had him laughing.

"Gunning for you?" She said.

"Oh, sorry it is an expression on earth it means they are out to get me, to destroy or get rid of me." Alan explained.

Hopix just shook her head she was slowly starting to get some of the terms down; it seemed that the humans come up with more every 30 or 40 of their years. It seemed to be almost madness trying to keep up with the different terms! Though he hadn't meant to Alan still had to chuckle a little at the look on her face. When she looked at him startled, he again tried to hide it but she just stared at him with he hands on her hips a stern look on her face.

"Ok, ok I'm sorry, but you look so damn cute when you do that." Alan admitted still smiling. Though she herself was holding back a sly smile she did love to see him smile, sighing she thought it was hard to stay mad at Alan for long. "I have to get back out there as soon as possible, but I seem to be at the end of my energy."

"You were injured far worse than you thought, I tried to heal you but your power has risen. You are to a point now that my healing of you takes far longer than you usually have the time for." Hopix said a little upset as she looked lovingly at Alan.

Alan and Hopix spent the rest of the day doing what they could for all those there. Many had never been to themselves and were finding it difficult to cope without the voices in their head. Hours later Alan was finally starting to feel more like his self.

The elder stepped up to talk to Alan drawing him to a private area to talk to both of them. "Great Mazey Alan, we have heard that you defeated 2 of the evil Mazey's, though this is good for right now, we must act quickly. Though there are less of them they still control a great many of the people here, please Mazey Alan free them."

Rising from the sanctuary Alan reached out feeling for the bird woman 'til he found her, this one he thought, I will take care of first. She was the first to block me, never again! Slowly Alan and Hopix made their way across the land healing it as they went, finally they stood outside a huge dark crystalline appearing building.

"So I see that you have more to you than I thought, come and get me!" she screamed.

"I've got a better idea," Alan said. Reaching out Alan aimed and blew a section of the building loose. "Bring your ass out here before I level this piece of shit!" Alan yelled as he took another section of the building.

Alan could feel her long before she appeared, behind him a female voice stated, "The name is Thara, unfortunately for you it is the last you will hear!" A high wind rose threating to blow everything away, Alan yawned and waved his hand behind him.

Smiling he heard the choking start, "I have to thank you bitch! I am now more than ready to take you all down; thanks to you I won't be surprised again." Extending his arm Alan caught the black cloud creature ripping it apart amid horrible inhuman screaming.

The look of surprise and fear apparent on her face Thara tried to flash out but found she was held much too tightly to escape. "You bastard! What gives you the right to interfere? This is our planet you son of a bitch!" Thara was screaming.

Alan reached in and began to strip all her powers away, each producing a deafening scream from her. Alan had almost finished when he felt another presence, throwing up another shield, the dark twisted human was firing electric bolts at him.

Smiling Alan thought hmmm, this one is actually smart. Dividing his attention between the 2 should have been harder than it was but as Alan found it was not even a chore. With a final tug Alan ripped the last of her magical abilities loose. Freezing her, Alan turned his attention to the last of the three.

"So, an actual woman this time, at least you have more brains than the others, a shame it won't do you much good!" Alan sneered.

"As if a lap dog man of the white council could defeat me!" The twisted human yelled. With that, she started in on a renewed campaign of fireballs (again!) electric bolts, and water waves.

"Face it bitch! You're far too weak; you're going to die for nothing!" Alan was shouting as he began to press forward with increasing strength. "Come on give up! You want to be a useless non-magic user like Thara? Yes, I took all of her power! You're next!"

The human screamed and started to press back against Alan. Surprising him a moment, she actually backed him back up a few steps 'til he felt her start to falter. Dam it! Why doesn't she give up! Ah! I see! From well behind him a new threat appeared, freezing the now startled dark twisted human, Alan turned to face the new threat.

Hopix had remained hidden the whole time scanning the area for any other threats, several of the bolts and fireballs had gotten close but nothing she couldn't handle. The appearance of the fourth Mazey had her worried a bit though, Alan had defeated two of the three that still left too many out there as of yet.

Alan could feel that this one was far different than the others he'd faced so far. "Hello Alan, you sorry piece of shit, tsk, tsk, I see you've been busy. One almost dead, one actually dead, two stripped of their powers, the last frozen, might as well as be dead." Here this newest addition, a short, wart covered, green skinned being snapped its fingers, the twisted human screamed as its soul was ripped from it and quickly devoured by this newest addition. "HMMM that's five; one of them was stronger than most of us, too bad he was so damn stupid!" Here the wart being laughed and opened its arms. "I am not here to battle you, though if I must, I will welcome an actual challenge, no I am here to offer you a deal. We'll let you go. You can take all that you have freed with you, and we get the rest, seems fair enough, no?"

"I've got a far better deal for you, one that you should take now; this will be the only time I offer it." Alan said in even calm tones though he felt that any minute the misshapen creature before him would soon be trying to destroy him.

"A far better deal, huh, do pray tell." the being said.

"You and the rest of your cronies can leave the planet with the few that want to be with you. I don't destroy you or them and everyone is alive. See? A far better deal than the other one I have to offer you and them." Alan said startling to clench his teeth.

"Uh huh," the being said starting to tense up. "And that would be?"

"I hunt you all down and either strip you all of your powers or I just kill you." Alan spit out.

"You can fucking try." the wart being said as it tried to freeze Alan, hmmm that was different. Bouncing it back the other easily dodged. "I'd have thought better of you," it was at that moment that the other felt the blood starting to ooze from the cut on its side.

Waving a hand it flashed out, damn it, Alan thought, I'd have gotten 5 of them today! Reaching out Alan started to clear every Fairixie he felt, he'd done well over a thousand when a booming voice sounded.

"You have freed many but you'll never free all of them, Alan. These are our slaves, they will never all be free." The voice said.

"As I told the last one that was the only time, I would offer the deal that I did. Since he is hurt he won't be that much good to you now, there might as well be only 3 of you, and hell one of you is so weak I'm not sure they are worth the effort to defeat. Don't worry though, for the many atrocities you have done to these people you will be punished!" Alan yelled.

The voice laughed, "if you were more seasoned I might be worried, but you are nothing, no experience, no killer instinct, HA no real power!" A huge bolt struck Alan's shield. Alan immediately sent on back the same way. A startled gasp let him know that he had found his mark. "AH! I see an actual challenge! I welcome you, you may have the areas of the dead and beaten ones."

Alan reached out and started to release every Fairixie he found he was well over 5000 when Hopix noticed a dark cloud moving on the horizon. "Uh, Alan I think we've got trouble," she told him keeping an eye on the advancing darkness.

"It'll be alright," he told her, "those are the ones I have freed so far, and almost half of the planet is ours now."

Reaching out Alan searched the city in front of him taking all the traps and killing devices, he felt hidden all over the city. There, he thought, at least they would have a safe place for now. Almost 5 minutes later, the huge crowd of freed Fairixies started to bow to Alan.

"Stop!" He yelled cringing when he saw almost all of the beings start to shake. In a much calmer voice Alan started again, "My name is Alan, I am not a god, I will not make you do anything you do not want you. You are free of those that had enslaved you. This city has been cleared of everything that would hurt you, please use it." Alan turned and started to walk away,

"Alan we're being followed." Hopix said

Alan stopped and turned to see several of the tiny beings following him and Hopix. "Can I help you further?" He asked.

"We are confused, mast... Mazey Alan. You don't want us to do anything for you?" Several asked.

Thinking a moment Alan couldn't see a clear way out of this, then just as suddenly an idea formed in his head. "The only thing I can think of right now is I want you to live. Live as well and good as you can, be the best that you can be. This is Hopix. She is from the planet you all came from, talk with her. Please be well, I have to defeat the last 4 of the bad Mazeys. Then this planet can truly be free of the dark council." Alan explained.

Hopix shook a bit when all the eyes turned toward her. Alan kept walking he felt the one who'd gotten away not far away, huh he thought so they can't either when they are hurt. Concentrating Alan could begin to clearly see where he was, flashing out next to him Alan could see that he was close to death, he'd been bleeding for a bit. Shaking his head Alan thought the idiot could have been spared all this pain and death. Grabbing the wart creature by the throat Alan made a slashing motion and the creature was dead.

"Damn shame, you could still be alive, you idiot. All you had to have done was take the deal." Alan said to the rapidly stiffening corpse. Flashing out Alan was back with Hopix it seemed that she had finished and the Fairixies that had been with her were happily winging their way back to the rest.
They as the rest soon learned that Alan had spoken the truth and the city was safe, there was clean water, air and food. The Elders were all weeping the prophecy was finally starting to come true. Though many of the young didn't understand the concept of freedom, they all knew that it was a great feeling.

Appearing in the sanctuary again Alan and Hopix started to explain about the city that Alan had cleared for them. Again, the elders here wept many had been here for a long time and had longed for the comfort of the city again. Alan moved all of them to the city as soon as they were ready. Alan had well over half the planet clear now thought, the council still hadn't appeared, they must have far more of the Fairixies within their territories than I had at first thought. Alan estimated that he'd freed somewhere in the neighborhood of over 7000 of the beings, though that number continued to grow every few minutes. Reaching out Alan went beyond the boundaries of the remaining 3; sure enough, he could feel tens of thousands still enslaved to them.

"I think it's about time I ended this." Alan said to Hopix. "Yes I agree but Alan you haven't rested or recharged, you nee..," Hopix started.

"What I need is to finish these 3 off so I can free the rest of the people. I can feel their pain Hopix for the first time I can feel it. Plus the fact that we haven't found your brother yet, I promised I would find him and I will." Alan told Hopix as they started out the front of the city. As soon as they exited there was a harsh wind, then the same lizard being that Alan had beaten twice before flashed in.

"Hello asshole! I do hope you remember me, it is going to be so sweet when I break you and take your little whore!" The Lizard spit out, "I await your appearance I can't wait to crush you under my feet, and then I'll have your little whore’s power to make me the strongest! So hurry up I'm anxious!"

"If you are that anxious, then come to me," Alan replied. "Oh no, this is on MY terms this time, Mine!" with that he was gone.
Wonderful, Alan thought, a damn target again. Bad enough he knew where it was coming from, but now who also.


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Hi, I'm Mouse, full name Melanie Ursala Scanlon but at high school the "o" and "e" were added to give me the Mouse. Suited me, mouse coloured hair, mouse like tits – so tiny I've never worn a bra because I've got nothing to put in one. Glasses, 5 foot nothing, Gothish but not really, just a nothing type of person. At high school the only subject I did well in was Computer Science, being able to shut off from the world suited me. I've got a younger brother Josh, one year younger and...

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Finding AnswersChapter 22

Monday morning I met Ed at the bus stop. I asked, "You feel OK, Ed?" "I'm fine. I was a little out of it Friday night, but I was fine after that. What did you do Saturday night?" "I met up with the team and the cheerleaders at Rolando's Pizza for dinner." I said. "Did you go to a movie after that?" I hesitated for a second. "No. I want to talk to you about what I did. You and Stacie aren't going steady are you?" "No, we are good friends. We have fun together, but we aren't...

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Country BoyChapter 2

The next day Larry packed what little he thought he would need into his old Ranger 4X4 and headed off into the sticks. His grandfather left a whole section of land to Larry when he died and now Larry was going to use it for the first time in his adult life. He and his grandfather had hunted and fished on it for years when he was younger but he had not even been there in the ten years since his grandfather passed away. Many times he thought about selling the place but since he didn’t need the...

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FamiliesTied Kendra Spade Christy Love Squirting Anal StepDaughter Kendra Spade Hate Fucks For The Family

Christy Love is a sweet suburban MILF with too much time on her hands and not enough cock in her life. Bored and horny in her mansion, she is a perfect target for a sexy con man like Stirling Cooper. Posing as a new age guru, Stirling works his way into her bank account, then into her tight pussy and asshole. Christy’s submissive nature leads her down a path of D/s play that ends with her bound in ropes and squirting on the floor with a metal hook in her ass and Stirling pounding her with...

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Objectified Poolside Victory 2

I remember rough hands grabbing my hips. Then in real time I feel my body rise so my ass is prone is the sweltering heat. I limply obey as I feel clothing slide off down my legs and they spread to the sides. Pressure on my ass confuses me and it’s not until a fresh blistering pain surges up my body that I feel a wave of panic. I reach my hands out trying to drag myself away from the intrusion, but my body is drug back into place. There is something hard, someone hard behind me. My eyes blur...

2 years ago
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Another Visit

"I have to run some errands," I told Melanie, my wife of going on thirty three years.I added that the day nurse would be there soon, and that I'd be back just as soon as I'd run the errands. "You'll be fine," I said, leaning over and kissing her on the forehead. From the bed, she looked up into my face, and smiled weakly. "Go ahead," she replied. "Besides, you need to get out of the house more often. You're always here looking after me. So, go! I mean it. Do your errands, and take some time for...

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Horny and wet in the morning

That morning I opened my eyes on the bed and felt very horny. It was Saturday and Victor should not go to his office.I looked to the other side of the bed and found my loving husband was not there. Then I ran my over my round boobs. My nipples were full erected and aching so bad. I touched them and then continued going down to my belly. I soon reached out my pussy lips.I opened then between my fingers and found myself so wet…I need a man; I thought. Right now; I could not wait any longer. I...

3 years ago
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The Truth About Sarah

The dream came again that night. As she lay in a fitful sleep upon the bed she had once found both comforting and restful, Sarah woke to what she thought was the sound of thunder. But as she opened her eyes onto her dark bedroom, the girl found the eerily twisted shapes of tree branch shadows upon her ceiling, shed by the moon on a cloudless night. "I'm dreaming," she told herself for the thousandth time. Sarah knew it was a lie. She knew that whatever the unspeakable horror was lurking in...

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Moms Boy Friend

Can we get this over with. Mark is feverish again? I think he has another ear infection." "I don't know if we can get this over with or not. I need to know what happened between you and your mother." "What do you mean?" I asked. "You two were thick as thieves before the baby, now you are cold to each other. I mean you both love Mark, so it isn't that. It's something else." "I don't know what you mean, Mom and I are fine." "You are not fine and I want to know what is going on....

3 years ago
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The Bitch and the JerkChapter 4 The Presentation

Roger Dreyfus had gained some weight since I last saw him a year earlier; so had Wilson Smith, the other co-founder of the business. "James! I'm so glad to see you again." Roger gave me a big hug. "Me too, Roger. You need some exercise." I laughed when I said it. I shook hands with Wilson and then introduced Jennifer to them. I could feel uneasiness and even signs of dislike on Jennifer's face when she saw Wilson paying attention to her face and body. Roger was married to a former...

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The Second Night With My Colleague During Training In Abroad

Hi, this is Charan again. Firstly, thank you for all your response to my email. I appreciate your comments and look forward for more. So, this is the continuation of my previous story “Abroad trip, tripped my undies”. I am naming this story as “The Second Night” since this happened the very next night as described in the previous one. Here we go: After awesome sex experience previous night, we both were exhausted and slept in each other arms. We had good sleep and woke up at 6 AM next morning....

2 years ago
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Encounter With DestinyChapter 14

It took four days before the convoy of 4x4 vehicles could safely make it through the drifting snow. Marek was ready for their return. He had marshaled the guards and slaves with military efficiency to thoroughly clean the château until everything was spotless and gleaming. It had occupied everybody rather than letting them wait aimlessly until things returned to normal. Although the generators had plenty of fuel to last several weeks, NATO engineers had worked round the clock to re-connect...

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The Poem

I owe this story to Lunanul’s brilliant debut piece, Becoming Whole. If you’re looking for hot, kinky sex, so am I, but you won’t find it in this story, so stop before you’re disappointed. * I was a gopher on the college literary magazine my sophomore year. Then I had more hair, much less fat, many fewer wrinkles, and wanted to be a writer. One or two of the contributors actually did get published, one more than once. For me, that particular dream died with a lot of others. I got to read...

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Enslavement a Bedtime Story for Subs

You wake unable to open your eyes. You are not sure why. Perhaps they are taped shut, though you don't feel any kind of pressure. You finally realize that your eyes are open. You just can't see. You are tied in a position that has you on your hands and knees. Your elbows are tied to their respective knees, and there is some kind of rod tied between your ankles, making it impossible to put your legs together. Your wrists are bound together and secured to the floor with some kind of bracket....

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Man to Mannequin

Man to Mannequin By Tanya Jane Richards I gazed with longing at the slim figure that was arrayed in the most up-to-date, fashionable clothes, with the lovely hair that was so perfectly trimmed and cut, and the perfect face with it's lovely pursed lips and wide open, innocent eyes... I turned my gaze away from the mannequin in the shop window and looked at my girlfriend who was in so many ways just as lovely, just as desirable, as the object in the window. More so in fact,...

4 years ago
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Ties That Bind

While going through the junk in the garage that didn’t make it into the house on the last move, I came across a couple of items that I had completely forgotten about. They sparked my imagination. I found two restraints, one that would fasten you to the ceiling, binding your hands and the second would fasten to your ankles, keeping your legs spread wide apart. Both conjured very favorable images in my head. As the days went by, I couldn’t seem to let go of this fantasy. I was certain that you’d...

1 year ago
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Money Talks

When I asked Jill for a date, she laughed at me. That was back in high school. Jill said she didn't date jerky nerds like me and was going to marry the team's quarterback. And she did.Ten years later, I bumped into her at Target. I recognized Jill immediately. A girl like Jill isn’t easy to forget. Her blond hair was cut shorter than I remembered, and her body had filled out, but she was still the gorgeous person I had fantasized about when I was eighteen.She didn't know me from Adam when I...

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Humiliated by Lynn 2

I sat in my room feeling betrayed belittled I could hear them laughing , I thought about walking out, but where would I goAbout twenty minutes went by , there was a knock on my door Come out now Lynn demandedI opened the door She stepped in now you know how much you hurt me when I caught you.You have a choice do as your told or leaveI hesitated then said okOk then going the bedroom appologise and collect the breakfast things and wash up I walked into the room Sofia and George was laying on the...

3 years ago
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Butlers DelightsChapter 18 And another

A week later an abaya shrouded figure again entered his bedroom as he was about to go to bed. Thinking this was a return visit by Ayda, and looking forward to another pleasant interlude with her, he hastened to help her remove her all concealing garment, only to be faced with the nude body of Ayda's daughter, the Princess Alima. "But ... but..." he stammered. "That's a nice welcome, I must say," replied the Princess, "Yes. I am here to be the delight of your night tonight. Am I so...

2 years ago
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Babysitting Sis

He went looking through the house, checking her room and the bathrooms, the den and family rooms only to find them all empty. As he was approaching the sliding doors he heard a splash and realized that she was in the pool. He opened the door and yelled again for her to come eat, turning away as he did to head back to the kitchen. She followed him in a minute later, clad in a bikini that left little of her young body concealed. The pale blue cloth stretched over her already somewhat developed...

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Cuckolded On Wedding Day

I’m Amol, 5’10”, age 31, fair and clean-shaven. Recently, I got married to Prerna, 5’5”, aged 27, slim and very fair. She was surprised when I okayed her without even meeting her in person. In this day and age, it’s unheard of that the boy approves the girl without seeing her personally. Yet here I was, on the stage with my beautiful bride at my side. The real reason was that I was inexperienced. I had sex only once out of desperation (too paid sex). She had been sexually active in the past....

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Too Late To Turn BackChapter 2

Jen sat at the bar, sipping a Cosmo. She loved playing the Game. She loved the attention she got from all the handsome guys. The way they touched her. The way they pressed their hard mounds into her. She got so hot by it all. It hadn't always been that way. Back then, she had been fine with fantasy play, but had always resisted doing anything for real. Then, after years of hearing Mike beg and plead, she finally agreed to go to a bar, and let a guy pick her up. She remembered being so...

4 years ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 47 Truth and Consequences

November – Year 2 Bosco had decided against going to pick up the visitors himself. The members of the Tyler, TX Club agreed that they would meet as soon as they could and about midnight the rental car pulled up to the bar and three men got out. They looked like many of the men in the bar on any given night. They were the leaders of The Club of Brothers in Texas. Bosco was sitting at a table against the side wall and some of his members led the visitors to his table. He stood and shook hands...

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TwentyFive PairsChapter 14

Washington D.C. 2025 "Shoot!" Josh was laughing at himself in the mirror. "Look at me!" "You look good," I smiled at him. He preened and posed playfully in his new tuxedo, with his brown hair trimmed and neatly combed, and a pair of shiny black shoes. His brown eyes were bright and shiny and the man was scrubbed pink all over, I'd seen to that personally. Josh was tall and handsome and looking good enough to marry. "Zip me up, Narcissus?" I asked, just to get his attention as...

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Nina my love

I broke up with Trish last September, due to reasons she’d know best. Then it was all booze and me. I was drowned in alcohol for the next month or so, trying to overcome my emotional breakdown. Trish has a friend, Nina. I met her approximately at the same time I had met Trish. She was a blessing in disguise for me. She has been a pillar of support for me. A source of motivation and encouragement, Nina is always ready with the perfect solutions, whenever I land in some soup. Meanwhile, I have...

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Sorcerer Deleted ScenesScene 1

LUCIA (Saturday about 6:30 PM) My Caballero! My Steven! We were together, not as one, but as two so tightly wound within and through each other we could share ourselves, our emotions, sensations, perceptions and above all, our love, without the slightest hesitation or possibility of misunderstanding. We eased out of our bodies, yet left a solid connection with them so we could share their sensations. And what sensations! A fresh start! We were together, only us, at that exact time. Put...

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Battlemage Book 8 Origins and Dark RevelationsChapter 5

4001 seasons previously before current times The last five seasons the land of Pastial had been peaceful and the people and land prospered. Wolfgang managed to setup various changes in the land. He managed to introduce a few of his inventions further into the populace, like the wheeled plow, piped irrigation for the farm land, water filtration, and he was currently working on various steam powered inventions. Because of all of those changes the people kept trying to make him the new King...

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First gay encounters

I guess there must have been 10 stalls to choose from, with maybe 3 vacant. I chose number 4. Upon sitting down I noticed a hole had been drilled between the stalls which were concrete. Love to know how that was achieved but anyway, back the events of that encounter. I noticed a thick-set guy was jerking off right before my eyes, but all I could see through this 5cm hole was his thighs and cock. His cock was the only one I had ever seen apart from my own - and it must have been about 20cm...

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SweetSinner Alex Coal Sibling Seductions Part 2

Nathan confronts his new step sister Alex after one of his fraternity brothers showed him a few nude photos that she texted him. He doesn’t want her to send such scandalous photos to guys. At first she thinks he’s just being protective. Then she realizes he is just jealous. He doesn’t want to share his step sister with anyone. This turns her on, so much so that she takes out her tits to give him a taste of the real thing. Nathan dives into her pussy face first. He licks her clit while fingering...

4 years ago
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Prince Charming

“Don’t ever stop being dandy, showing me you're handsome” – Adam Ant Rainforest orchid wrapped ’round geranium, orange rind and lavender steam, pillowing all my senses as I lay soaking, gently stroking my cock basted in sensual essences. My indolent genital pondering in the water like an Oblomov splayed upon the mattress, no response as I puttied it gently from one side of my hips to the other with one thing in mind, paddling idly through the ripples of my foggy lust with five flippant...

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Drunk cousin part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was a very long night at my sisters wedding rehearsal and everyone was beat, so my dad decided to take my family out to a nice restaurant and have everyone relax. I was so happy to see alot of my family members that I havn't seen in a long time, including my cousin Megan. I haven't seen her in a few months because of her going to far away. Let me tell you about her, she is a beautiful blonde with blue eyes standing about 5' 8" with a killer body...

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I Got Fucked by 2 of My Husbands FriendsChapter 3

Hi guys! Nina here with part 3! There have been tons of requests for me to share pictures of myself in “the outfits”. While I do prefer to remain private for now, I still wanted to give you a treat by showing you pictures of the outfits themselves, so as to drive your imaginations wild :) I’m considering posting a picture of myself for part 4, but I’m still on the fence about this. I’ll wait and see how the reaction is to part 3 before deciding whether or not I want to show more. Outfit 1...

2 years ago
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The Empty Station Platform

There is nothing so sad and barren as an empty station platform with no sign of life not even a bird looking for food to feed its young. Horst sat on top of his pack holding his unloaded rifle in his hands. He hated that he had to carry the thing through the staring crowds of civilians looking at his hands as if to find them stained with blood of the enemies of the fatherland. He wished he was an officer if for no other reason than to be armed with a hand pistol that he could carry neatly in a...

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