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As I lay there, I knew I was in pretty deep shit. The end was close, soon I would be dead. Here in the maximum security wing of the mental institute I was in, the security was surprisingly relax. Of course, they did think I was heavily sedated. The joke was on them, He wasn't affected by medication, and He still controlled my body.

To my mother's credit, and my sister's, they both testified at my trial that I wasn't myself, that I obviously had a serious mental breakdown. Hence, the psychiatric hospital. I could tell people the truth, but no one would believe me. I need to get the story out though, as a warning if for no other reason. All I could do was spill my guts to my attending shrink. He agreed to record everything, I think out of selfish reasons though. I was another case study to him was all.

It began innocent enough. (Well, semi- innocent.) It was summer break from college, and I was partying with some friends. My name is Jeff, and I just finished my second year in college. I was at my best friend Mark's house, his parents were out of town for the week end.

Mark had just turned 21, and the beer was flowing. By the end of the evening, it was down to Mark, his girlfriend Jenni, myself, and Charlene. I have had a crush on Char for years, but the girl was untouchable. She had a boyfriend she had been dating since our sophomore year in high school, and though he had moved out of town with his parents our last year, she remained faithful to him. They planned on being together after college.

We were sitting around in Mark's garage, with the door open, as it was a beautiful night. Jenni was on her way back to the card table we had set up, with another round of beer when she spied an old dust covered oui ja board sitting on a shelf.

Jenni picked it up and brought it with her. "Hey, who's up for this?" She asked.

We all laughed and joked about it, thinking it might be a kick. Odd what you find funny when you're drunk. I had heard the wives tales about Oui Ja boards, never play with lightly, never alone, not when drinking, so forth and so on. But those are just wives tales, because these things don't really work, right?

We set the board up on the table, and gathered around, each putting a hand on the pivot. We laughed uproariously as we took turns asking silly and stupid questions. A few more beers and the game was still continuing, nothing actually happening.

Then slowly the pivot started moving in circles, each of us thinking the other was making it move. "Is someone there?" I asked between chuckles.

The pivot kept moving in circles. "Helloooooooo." I called out.

We sat there dinking beer, asking stupid questions and laughing our asses off. Nothing was really happening though, and soon we grew bored. We decided to call it a night, and began cleaning up our beer bottles. Jenni glanced over at the table as we cleaned things up.

"Hey guys" Jenni said pointing at the oui ja board.

We all looked over and saw the pivot still moving on the board, on it's own. Suddenly the garage door began closing, making us all jump.

"What the hell?" Mark muttered.

The lights began to flicker and we noticed we were all cold now. You could see your breath in the air, even though it was 80 degrees.

"Ok, enough of this." Mark said, walking over, he picked up the board and deposited it in a garbage can.

Jenni had turned to go into the house, but the door wouldn't budge for her. At this point the girls were starting to get a little panicky. Truth be told, so were me and Mark. I went to the door and tried opening it. It was definitely not moving.

Mark tried the garage door opener, nothing doing there either. The air seemed to be getting thinner and I swore it was harder to breath. The girls were beginning to cry and yell for help. I was still trying to get the door into the house open, and Mark was working on the garage door.

I felt like I was suffocating, and my legs were getting weak. I glanced over and saw that the girls had slumped to the ground. Slowly I began to sink, and I knew I was passing out. Just as I felt blackness come over me, I thought I heard a low, dark chuckle in my head.

With a quick rush, the air became normal again, and the temperature was back to where it should be. My breath came back to me and my head cleared up.

"What the hell was that?" I asked to no one in particular.

The garage door began rising back up, so I tried the door to the house, and it opened without a problem. The girls were still crying as we went in, none of us talked about what had just happened. I told the other three I was heading home. Char didn't feel up to driving and opted for spending the night.

I only lived a couple blocks away, so I hadn't drove, knowing I would probably be too drunk to drive anyway. As I walked home, I hadn't gotten far when I heard that dark chuckle in my head. I looked all around me.

"Who's there?" I asked nervously. There was no reply.

I continued walking, and I heard the voice in my head again. " Letssssssssss haveeeeeeee Moreeeeee funnnnnnnn." It said in a leathery, raspy voice.

The voice sounded somehow obscene and old. A shiver ran down my spine. " I wasn'tttt finisheddd withhhh youuuu." It hissed in my head.

Suddenly I was wracked by a terrible cramping feeling in my guts. The pain was intense and i heard the voice say in my head " Youuuuuuu wantedddd moreeeee funnnnn."

I doubled over in pain and dropped to the sidewalk in a fetal position. My mind was froze, in a state of complete fear and shock. In the middle of this I lost control of my bladder and pissed all over myself.

Silently I was trying to do my best to pray for relief and safety, but the pain grew worse. Next I lost my bowels, and I felt a rush of hot diarrhea explode out down my leg. I smelled the worst, foulest stench I had ever experienced, and in my daze I realized it was from my own self.

The stench was overwhelming, and I had to fight to keep from gagging. I heard that awful chuckle again, then just as quickly the pain left me. The sensation of the sudden loss of pain was almost painful in itself.

Slowly I stood up and gathered my wits. I could still smell that god awful stink of my own shit that had run down my leg. Damn, how could anything smell so horrible?

I continued my journey home, dazed and very foul. I was hoping that whatever had happened was over. Wishful thinking. All I wanted was to get home and get cleaned up.

Quietly walking in my house, I went straight to the bathroom and taking my soiled clothes off, I hopped into a steamy shower. There was no way I was going to try and clean my nasty clothes, so I carefully packed them into a garbage bag and threw them in a can outside.

I walked into my room and collapsed onto my bed, falling into a deep sleep. The next thing I remember was a soft hand gently waking me from my sleep. I opened an eye to see my 18 year old sister, Michelle, standing next to my bed. I was still groggy as my sleep had been filled with bizarre dreams of strange places and people, and it felt like I had only slept an hour or two.

"What is it?" I mumbled.

"Mom wants to know if you're coming down for dinner." my sister replied.

"Dinner? What time is it?" I asked a little more awake.

"It's 6:30. You've slept the whole day away, lazy ass. Must have been some night." My sister said shaking her head at me.

"Yeah, ok. I'll be right down."

I watched my sister walk out of my room, and the word "juicy" came to my mind. Where in the hell did that come from? I recoiled at the unwanted thought.

Getting up, I threw on some jeans and a t-shirt, and headed down for dinner. I ate quickly and silently, excusing myself right after explaining I didn't feel well.

Getting back to my room, I passed out again right away, still in my clothes. The next morning I woke early, feeling better than I ever had before in my life. I heard a knock on my door.

"Come on in." I called out.

My mom opened my door and walked in. "I wanted to check how you were feeling before I left for work sweetie."

"I feel fine now mom. I must have eaten something bad yesterday that tore me up."

"You sure honey?" she asked with obvious concern.

"I'm sure." I reassured her.

"Ok honey." Mom said as she leaned over my bed and kissed my forehead. As she did this I caught myself staring at the cleavage that was showing as she was leaning over me.

My mom turned to leave and I watched her ass as she walked out. " Damn I want that." Ok, where in the hell did that thought come from I wondered to myself.

I got up and walked out of my room. I could hear the shower running, and knowing my parents were gone by now, I knew it had to be my sister. As I walked by the bathroom, I saw the bathroom door was open a crack, and I stopped, peering in not really knowing why.

As I watched through the crack, I saw my sister getting out of the shower. Damn she was a hottie. At 5'4" with nice perky tits, not too big, not too small, a fine heart shaped ass, flat tummy, and a little patch of dark hair nestled just above her sweet looking pussy. I felt my cock getting hard watching her dry off. Slowly she dressed and I wished she wouldn't.

I had never had sexual feeling towards my sister before, and I wasn't sure where these feelings were coming from. Michelle must have heard me make a noise, or just sensed she was being watched. She turned towards the door, and I quickly ducked out of sight. I headed for the living room, pretty sure she had seen me, and not really caring.

I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. Soon I heard my sister coming into the room." Jeff?"

"Yeah Mich?" I answered without looking up.

"Were you just watching me in the bathroom?" she asked.

"Yes." I simply said.


"Because you're a sexy girl. You have a great body, It's nice to look at." I answered and turned my head to look at my sister.

I looked her in the eye for a moment, and she said nothing more. After a minute, she turned and walked away without another word.

The image of my naked sister burned in my brain like a hot fire, and a desire was growing in me. Seemingly without realizing it, I got up, and walked out the front door. I really had no idea where I was headed, but another part of my brain was in the driver's seat, and I simply

That was when Kelsey, our fairly new neighbor getting out of her car. She apparently had just come back from taking her husband to work, and had stopped to pick up a few groceries, as she was carrying a couple of bags.

Kelsey was an attractive woman, only a few years older than myself, her husband a few years older than her. They hadn't been married that long, and didn't have any kids yet.

"Let me help you with those Kelsey." I said walking up to her.

"Thanks Jeff, these are kind of heavy." She said with a laugh.

I followed her into her kitchen and set her groceries on the counter where she had indicated. While she put her groceries away, I hung around talking with her, mostly about college and such, but the whole time my eyes kept going to her tits, pressing against her blouse.

Kelsey turned to thank me one last time, and as she looked at my eyes, she froze. I held her gaze, my eyes never blinking, never waivering.

"So, how come no kids yet?" I asked staring her right in the eyes.

"It's just not the right time." Kelsey answered a little woodenly.

"I didn't think it was because of not having sex. I bet you have a lot of sex, huh."

"Yes, quite a bit." she answered.

"I can tell you have a great body, I want to see it." I told her flatly.

"I can't do that, I'm married and it wouldn't be right." Kelsey responded in the same wooden voice.

"Yes you can, now don't argue with me." I told her in a sweet voice. " Go ahead, start undressing right here."

Kelsey complied slowly, and her hands went to her blouse, where she began unbuttoning it. Her blouse fell to the floor. Next she took off her shoes and socks. Finally she unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans. She slid them down, and stepped out of them.

Kelsey looked so sexy standing in her kitchen in her panties and bra. Her long blonde hair hanging down below her shoulders.

"Now the bra." I commanded.

Reaching behind her, Kelsey unhooked her bra and let it fall. Her 36c breast swinging free. Damn they were lovely. She had the lightest pink nipples I had ever seen. Her skin looked so smooth and creamy.

"Now the panties. I want to see if you have a snatch to match that pretty blonde hair."

At this point she hesitated, trying to fight whatever control I held over her, " I said the panties!" I growled at her in a much more menacing voice.

"Please no." she stammered in a shaky voice.

"Noooooooo?!" I shot back, taking a step closer to her.

That spurred her into action and she slid her panties off, now standing completely nude in front of me.

"Damn, you do have a snatch to match." I commented, looking at the small patch of blonde hair hovering above her pussy. " You know, I think you have the prettiest little pussy I have ever seen."

Tears began to slowly run down her face, but I wasn't swayed in the least. " Turn around for me, let me see that sexy ass."

Kelsey turned around, and I looked at her firm, creamy, smooth looking ass. I knew before the day was over I was going to fuck that ass.

"Ok, come here now." With that, she turned back around and walked to me. I could feel my hard cock straining against my jeans, and she was going to give it some attention.

"Kneel down." I commanded, looking her deep in her eyes, looking right through them.

Like a good girl, she did as I told her to. She looked up at me, tears still running down her face," Well, get busy, you know what I want right now."

Kelsey reached out and unsnapped my jeans, then unzipped them. She reached in and pulled out my hard cock. Damn I swear, it was quite a big larger than I remembered it being. I looked at my stiff member with some fascination.

"This better be damned good honey." I informed her, pushing my hips forward and thrusting my dick in her face.

Leaning forward, Kelsey dutifully wrapped her mouth around my cock. I grabbed her head and began pumping my cock in and out.

"Suck hard my little bitch." I moaned at her as I fucked her mouth.

Damn, the whore looked so sexy kneeling in front of me, sucking on my swollen knob. I could hear her slurping away as she worked hard on me. I continued thrusting my cock in and out of her warm, wet mouth. Her lips wrapped around me tightly.

"Play with your tits while I fuck your mouth little girl." I told her. She reached up and began massaging her breasts for me.

I felt my balls tightening as I neared climax. " I'm gonna cum in your mouth now, I want you to swallow good." I panted at her.

Shoving my cock deep into her mouth, and holding her there, I shot my hot load down her throat. Kelsey swallowed fast and hard, but couldn't keep up with my furious ejaculating. She sputtered and choked on the last of it, and my cum spilled down her chin and onto her tits.

"Well, that wasn't too bad, but you look a mess." I told her. " Go clean yourself up. We're not done yet."

Kelsey walked over to the sink and washed my cum off her face and tits." Let's go get comfy." I told her next. " Show me your bedroom."

She led me upstairs to her room, and to my surprise, my cock hadn't lost any of it's hardness. " Lay down, I'm going to fuck you now."

More tears started running down her face, but she did as I told her. " Lay there like a good little slut." I commanded.

Kelsey spread her legs wide, drawing her knees up, she opened her little pink cunt for me to see. " Get ready, I'm going to fill your pussy up now."

I climbed between her legs and positioned the head of my cock at the entrance to her pink pussy. With one hard thrust, I shoved my cock, which had to be going at nine inches now, deep inside her. I heard her cry out a little at my intrusion, as her pussy was fairly dry. I didn't care.

I began savagely pumping my cock in and out, thrusting hard and deep. "Damn, you have a snug little cunt," I growled as I fucked her hard." You love feeling my big cock in your pussy, don't you?"

Kelsey lay under me silently as I violated her pussy. " Don't you?" I repeated while twisting a nipple hard. I heard her squeal in pain, which turned me on more.

"Y-y-yes." She stammered.

"Yes what?" I growled, my cock pounding her pussy so hard now, her head was bumping against the top of her bed.

"Yesssss, I love your big cock in my pussy." Kelsey sobbed.

Her pussy was wrapped snug against my throbbing cock, as I stoked her fast and furiously, " Fuck, fuck, fuck." I repeated over and over in time with my thrusting.

I thrust my cock in deep and felt my seed explode into her womb, my hot jizzum filling her slutty cunt up.

I collapsed on top of Kelsey, and kissed her hard. Biting her lip, I drew a little blood. I lay there on top of her, roughly playing with her tits, as she sobbed underneath me.

Inside myself I recoiled at what was happening. I felt like I was on the outside watching. I could see it happening, but I had no idea why I was doing and saying the things I was. No matter how much I wanted to stop, I couldn't.

I spent the rest of the day fucking her every and anyway I wanted. My parting shot was a nice anal fuck up her tight ass. How she squealed at that! I left her spent, crying, and in a state of confusion by the time I had left. She was going to have some explaining to do when her husband came home, to find his wife lying naked and sweaty on their bed, a trail of my cum running from the crack of her ass up to her shoulders.

Of course, I made sure the details would be foggy in her mind. I left just before her husband got home in a taxi, no doubt wondering why Kelsey hadn't picked him up, and why he couldn't get through on the phone. It was going to be an interesting night at their house.

Going straight to my room when I got home, I laid down, and it seemed I came a little more to my senses. I thought about what had happened that day, and I began openly crying, for Kelsey, and for myself.

I knew I needed help, needed to admit to someone what had happen, but every time those thoughts entered my mind, it seemed as though my body would freeze. It simply wouldn't move. My thoughts of sorrow and grief were interrupted when my sister announced to me dinner was ready through my door.

"Soon!" I thought to myself, and I wondered to myself what I had meant by that. I didn't really feel like eating, but I felt my body get up on it's own and going down stairs, I ate even more than usual, as if I were completely famished. My mother even commented on how I really must be feeling better.

"You have no idea!" I heard my mind reply, and a cold shiver ran down my spine. I wanted to jump up and warn my family to run, that something was wrong. I wanted to tell them I needed help, and that I wasn't safe to be around. I was hit by a feeling that something bad was going to happen to my family, but all I did was sit there and smile at my mother's comment, saying and doing nothing but to continue to eat.

That night my sleep was plagued by weird dreams again. Alien looking worlds, and strange looking people and creatures. My dream place was foreboding, and fearful. I felt trapped there, and I loathed the place. Sometimes I could heard these other creatures speak, and though the tongue was strange, somehow I understood what they were saying. It was always the same, they were lamenting to being there, and longing to be free.

I woke up in a cold sweat, the morning sun shining through my window. I felt an anger snaking through me, though I didn't know why, and a dark longing growing in me like a poisonous seed. I got up and showered, ate some breakfast, then dressed to go run some errands. What errands, I didn't know, I just know there was something I needed to do.

When I had finished running my errands, I spent the rest of the day waiting in anticipation for the upcoming evening. I wasn't sure exactly why, but I was looking forward to it. After eating dinner, I told my parents I was going out.

"Where are you going tonight?" My mother asked out of parental curiosity.

"I'm just going to see some friends, hang out for awhile." I told my mom.

It seemed as I was driving around I was taking streets at random, but after a few turns, I realized where I was heading. My suspicion was confirmed when I pulled into Charlene's driveway.

Charlene walked out when she heard me pull in. Coming to my car she opened the door and climbed in. I wanted to yell for her not to get in, to stay away, but I couldn't. Why wouldn't she get in? We had been friends for years, and I was no threat.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" Charlene asked me with an expectant look.

"Talk to you about?" I repeated, a little confused.

"Yeah, goofball. When you called this afternoon you said you had something you needed to tell me about the other night." She reminded me, though I didn't even remember calling.

"Right, lets go for a drive and I'll explain." I said while backing my car out of her drive.

I drove us out to a secluded spot down by the river, one of several where teens go for some necking and a little nooky on dates. Charlene was curious why had driven her to this remote spot, but not concerned.

"So, what is it you wanted to tell me?" Charlene asked while turning to face me. When she looked into my eyes she froze.

"Just this." I answered as my arm swung around and I caught Charlene with a vicious back hand across the temple. Her eyes rolled back into her head as she became only semi-conscious.

I walked around to the passenger side of my car and pulled a duffel bag out of the back seat. For the life of me, I couldn't remember when I had gotten it, or what was inside. Opening the front door, I pulled Charlene out with one hand. Carrying her over one shoulder, and the duffel bag over the other, I headed deeper into the woods, until I found a nice little clearing.

I dropped Charlene and the bag to the ground. Opening the duffel bag, I pulled out a sleeping bag and spread it on the ground. Next I got some tent pegs out of the bag, and with a small hammer, I pounded them into the ground. Dragging Charlene over to the sleeping bag, I laid her out on it.

Taking some nylon rope I had in the bag, I securely bound Charlene to the tent pegs at her wrists and ankles, so that she was nicely laying spread eagle. Taking a knife I had, I cut away her clothes, layer by delicious layer, throwing them in a pile next to her. When I had her completely naked, I sat back and waited for her to come completely around.

Charlene slowly regained her senses, and tried sitting up. Slowly she looked around, taking in her situation. Her eyes widened almost comically as she looked down at her naked body.

"What are you doing Jeff? Let me up, this isn't funny." Charlene almost yelled at me, anger being her first reaction.

"Relax Char, we're going to have some fun. Well, at least I am." I answered, reaching out and roughly grabbing a breast and squeezing hard. "Jeff, please, stop now." Charlene pleaded, fear setting in now.

I grabbed her other tit and began squeezing both of them. Charlene winced in pain and let out a little yelp. Sliding a hand down, I ran my fingers into her curly pubic hair and tugged, brining out another small cry. Tears were now sliding down her face, and she began to sob. Taking a fold of her pussy between my fingers, I squeezed until she finally let out a nice little scream.

"J-j-j-jeff, please stop." Charlene begged between sobs.

"We've just started." I answered her coldly. "First you're gonna suck on my dick, I hope you can do a good job for your sake." I finished with a nasty smirk on my face.

Standing up, I unzipped my jeans and pulled my hard cock out. Charlene looked at it unbelieving, the look in her eyes saying she hadn't accepted the reality of her situation. I straddled her head and with my cock in my hand, I pressed it to her lips. Charlene resisted my first attempts, so I sat back and gave her a nice hard slap.

"I think you best open wide and start sucking, bitch!" I growled at her as she cried hard at my slap.

I pressed forward again, and this time Charlene opened her mouth as I slid my cock in. I start humping at her face, moving my hard cock in and out of her mouth. I could hear her gag every time I shoved in deep. My hard cock was hitting the back of her throat as I pumped in and out.

"You're not trying very hard sweetie." I panted at her as I thrust in and out of her mouth. "A little more sucking, a little less crying there hon."

Finally I grew frustrated when she almost bit me, and I pulled my cock out of her mouth. I began jacking myself off over her. When I felt my orgasm building, I aimed my cock at her face, and covered her with my hot load. Charlene closed her eyes tight as my sperm covered her face.

"You don't give head worth a damn. That will be too bad for you!" I said in a low dark voice as Charlene continued crying under me. "And shut the fuck up, bitch!"

I grabbed the panties I had cut off her, wadded them up and shoved them into her mouth, to muffle her noise.

I slid down her body, and pulling my jeans down further I shoved my still hard cock into her pussy in one savage thrust. Damn, she was still a virgin. I saw her close her eyes tight as my hard cock penetrated her virgin pussy. She let out a muffled whimper.

Hunched over her, I was furiously pumping my cock in and out of her tight pussy, grunting as I went. I wasn't gentle about it, I was pounding her cunt with my large, hard dick. I could see a little blood cover my stiff member as I slid in and out. I grabbed her tits and squeezed hard as I thrust in her. Charlene kept her eyes closed tightly as I violated her roughly.

"Damn honey, you have one hell of a tight cunt!" I rasped as I continued my thrusting in her pussy.

I could hear her muffled cries as my enormous cock tore up her little channel. I dug my fingers into the soft mounds of her tits, leaving nasty looking bruises almost right away.

"I'm going to cum good for you baby!" I groaned with one final savage thrust, my seed exploding deep into her.

I climbed off Charlene and sat next to her, looking at her tear streaked face, "You're not a bad fuck, but you suck at sucking." I said with a chuckle, "All in all, I was very disappointed in you, and that's not good."

I pulled my jeans up, and then considered what to do with Charlene. Of course, she could just forget, but that isn't as much fun. I made my mind up on a devilish little game. I cut Charlene from the pegs, and turning her over, I hog tied her nice and snug. Fighting me was useless, as I had seemingly gained incredible strength.

Taking the tent pegs out of the ground, I buried two of them upside down, their spikes sticking up out of the earth a few inches. With Charlene's back arched in her confinement I carried her to where the pegs were buried. I laid her down so that the pegs were pointing directly at her soft throat.

"Now honey, as long as you keep your legs pushed towards the ground, you'll be fine." I explained to her as if she were a child. " I know it's a terrible strain on your abdominal muscles, and your legs, but look at the bright side, someone may find you before you give out."

I secured her from the sides, just to make certain she couldn't just roll off one way or the other. Walking around in front of her, I sat looking in her eyes. "Now, if you should give out, well, I don't need to tell you the results."

Tears were flowing from her face, and I could tell she was trying to plead with me through the wad of panties in her mouth. Her eyes were wide with fear. I just smiled at her sweetly, as I stood up.

"Well, time for me to go, but you have been a great sport." I walked around behind her to the edge of the clearing where I could watch my handy work.

I stood watching, knowing she wouldn't hold out long. It wasn't but 15 minutes, and without even a whimper, Charlene gave up the fight. Her body rocked forward, and the tent pegs sliced up into her tender throat. I could hear the air gurgling through the blood as it was pulled in at out of the holes in her torn throat. Her body gave a nice final spasm, then she was still. I was whistling to myself as I walked back to my car.

During the drive home, I wept inside, and I knew what hell felt like. When I got home, I showered up, then went straight to bed, tired from the evenings toils.

I heard a couple days later, two teens found Charlene's body. Over the next few weeks, several women were found raped. Some survived, some didn't, at my discretion. It wasn't that I was trying to hide myself really, I had left finger prints and DNA evidence everywhere, but there was nothing to compare them to me.

My appetites had become bizarre and frightening to me. All I dreamt of was sex, pain and death.

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On the drive over, I wondered if I had brought everything. Thinking back to the conversation before I left I assured myself that everything I would need is in my handbag. As I pulled up outside the house, I was already wet with the anticipation of the night ahead. I remembered the previous encounter, and how he stretched me as he fitted inside. I knocked on the door and he opened it, dressed in just his work shorts, his chest was bare and tanned. A slight shiver ran down my spine, as I knew...

Straight Sex
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5:00. Friday. Lets head for home. I'm an IT worker, straight, male, single. 23 years old. Work in the center of town, live in the suburbs - you know the type. So I'm walking away from the office with plans to hook up with my crew for a few beers and see if my luck with the ladies will change. When I see... him. And I know right there that my evening is spoken for. I first saw him about six months ago in a coffee house on a Saturday afternoon with said crew. The guy's a...

4 years ago
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Jill had Tim tied with his hands above his head and he was naked. She had his legs spread wide and she was jerking his nine inch cock. She also was naked and would sometimes rub a tit against him. She would stroke his cock just to the point of him cumming then she would stop. She then grabbed his balls with one hand and began rubbing his nipples with the other. As she began to suck on his nipples she squeezed his balls tight. His balls were large and hard. He was so sexy and she loved...

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HIM by J. Agnes Snow Copyright J.Agnes Snow 1999 I watch him, kneeling now, hair falling just above his shoulders. It pleases me he has let it grow, allowed it to be shaped and colored. He can be so good, and so bad. What was I thinking, that first time I asked him to be a woman for me? How could I have ever imagined it would go this far? All those firsts: the first time he wore a bra, lipstick, stockings, pierced his ears and shaved his legs. His first night out,...

1 year ago
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I loved when he sucked on my big tits and he loved them too. I pulled off my top and I never wore a bra so he stared at my jugs. I grabbed his head and pulled it tight to a tit and I felt his tongue circle a nipple before he began to suck. As he sucked one tit his fingers played with the nipple on the other making my cunt wet. I reached down and unzipped my pants and let them slide off and was now completely naked. I then unzipped his pants and pulled them down so I could stroke his thick cock....

2 years ago
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I couldn’t let him touch me. Every time he tried, I would instantly freeze up, my cheeks would flush, my heart would race so hard it ached and my ribs would feel bruised. I was scared, not of him, but of the way he could make me feel. Nobody is supposed to make me feel again. Not after the last one. I’m not supposed to try again, this wasn’t supposed to happen. But here I am ... trying ... again. I was scared that if I let him inside of me, not just my body, but my heart and soul, it would...

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I hear the door slam as I'm washing up, And smile, I'm always home before you- your hours are getting longer and longer. Chucking your keys on the sideboard with a clatter, you make your way to the kitchen whilst calling out for me...'babe?' I smile, even after all this time your voice still gives me butterflies...'In here baby' I reply, almost immediately feeling your arms around my waist, that familiar smell, that feeling of safety you give me..'No joy then?' I ask, but knowing the answer....

3 years ago
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I hear the door slam as I'm washing up, And smile, I'm always home before you- your hours are getting longer and longer. Chucking your keys on the sideboard with a clatter, you make your way to the kitchen whilst calling out for me...'babe?' I smile, even after all this time your voice still gives me butterflies...'In here baby' I reply, almost immediately feeling your arms around my waist, that familiar smell, that feeling of safety you give me..'No joy then?' I ask, but knowing the answer....

4 years ago
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Ugly AmericanChapter 3

I was underwater grasping for breath, and swallowed a mouthful of seawater. The water around my leg was a cloud of blood. One of the sharks was moving away with a big chunk of my calf in his jaws. "Fucking DISCOVERY Channel!" I thought as the pain hit me. Then a surge of adrenaline pumped thru my body. No way was I going to leave my son fatherless, to become fish food! I kicked as hard as I could, the pain in my leg competing with the adrenaline rush. My efforts were enough to launch me...

3 years ago
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Gill an 18 year history of depravity

We didn't date for seven years after meeting and only then for just less than two years, mainly sex and not much else; sex in public places was her thing. Eventually work separated us and I moved away. We bumped into each other a few years later and dated again for a year or so, before this time our jobs separated us once more. Three years past and we bumped into each other again, she was out with a few of her mates, and she was quite merry and introduced me to her mates as her favourite...

2 years ago
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Riding On the Edge of the Storm

Flowing cotton as thin as a vapor flips in the breeze. Her slight form clothed in the softness, two long slits run up each side of her skirt to expose her bare thighs as the fabric whips between her legs. Bare feet propel her up and comfortably astride the sleek back of her mare. The flowing breeze causes her blouse to settle open. The creaminess of her skin variegates into the white flowing cotton. The gentle crevice between the valley of her breasts is exposed. The look of innocence clouds...

1 year ago
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Have you seen my bra Part III

Have you seen my bra? Part III Mother and Miss Robins sent us to my room to practice dressing and undressing for a while. Mother instructed me to show Jack her panty and bra drawers so he'd be comfortable with seeing women's lingerie, this being his first day of handling such intimates and all. We walked up to my room and practiced undressing and dressing. Mother had me carry up the bag she'd pulled my maid outfit out of and instructed me to empty the remaining items into my 'lingerie'...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 192

Van and Jeremy found themselves awkwardly standing in the kitchen after all the women seemed to have come to some silent agreement and hurried to Paulette's bedroom. Van supposed they had opted for some type of female conference, and he also wondered if Adriana was avoiding the pheromone-laden air of the couple's own bedroom. "What brought that on?" Jeremy wondered aloud, then without waiting for an answer, "I guess we need to put up the cold stuff," he commented as he took a container...

1 year ago
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Lustful Family And Friends 8211 Part 3 Shopping With Sis

Day 4 (Continuation) After keeping the erotic filthy novel back on the table, it’s time for me to meet Ana and Alina at the shopping center. I arrive at the boutique. Alina is already inside, and Ana has just arrived. Ana: Hey, girl! Hi Aafi! Alina: I thought Rachel would come with you? Ana: She had a thing with her sister, so I asked Aafi to join us. Alina: Cool! Ana: Let’s find some things to wear. Just wait here, Aafi! What follows is a strange ritual of aimlessly walking back and forth to...

4 years ago
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Messy Missy The MileHigh Club Hippie

Missy Drinks CumThe Phish Shows were over and the next thing Missy knew, she was on a plane to Tampa Bay. The last few days had been a whirlwind for her, since she had to quit her job, sub-let her apartment, and went on tour where she had met Johnny. Johnny and her had struck a deal.Johnny had offered to pay her to be his cock sucking cum slut for the 2 day Tahoe shows this past summer. Missy turned out to be what she projected and more. She was an insatiable semen slurper. Johnny was in love,...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Dakota Skye Fucking The Neighbors 03

Dakota and her husband Brad get visited by the neighborhood wine snob who just got back from Napa and is treating them to his latest favorite bottle. But Dakota would like to treat her pussy to some new cock and when a neighbor visits she lures him to her bedroom where here and her swinger husband have all their fun. At first Mike is a little apprehensive when the wife tries to seduce him with her hubby in the other room but once hubby says it’s ok he is on that pussy like a hobo on a...

2 years ago
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Science Class

Around the end of the year, he assigned a poster project over the reproductive system. I was not all that good in science so I needed a little help, but was afraid to ask him. On the Friday before the last week of school, he invited me in his classroom after the bell rang, which was around 3:30 and he said to come back around 5 o’clock and so I went home and got all of my science project materials to work on with him. When I went down there everyone had left and the janitors had locked up....

3 years ago
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Alyce and the Queen

Alyce continued down her path. What a strange and fascinating land? Part of her wanted to stay and explore every sexual adventure, but the other part just wanted to go home. She walked down the well-worn path, looking in every direction for a clue as to where to go next. “Where is Chet when I need him?” she pondered. Coming to a fork in the path, she looked left and then right. Lush green vegetation surrounded her, and she felt the sickening dread of being lost. Sitting down on a large...

1 year ago
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Great sex in massage parlour

i am a regular client to a massage parlour. mary is the best. she have been giving me great massage for 4 months on weekly basis. usually, she will give me the sexual massage by apply acupressure on my balls and groin area. after my cock hardened, i will usually undress her. she will obliged my caressing and perform good handjob to ejaculate me. this has been my weekly relief of stress by mary. she is a young divorcee. in the recent ocassions, i hv become more daring by undressing her pants to...

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TeamSkeetXJavHub Ai Okada 11162021

All dressed up in her schoolgirl uniform, Ai Okada likes talking about having sex. She especially likes to suck on cock, so the guy pulls out his dick. She licks and sucks on his dick until he can’t take anymore and then it’s her turn to get fondled and abused. First he grabs her tits and squeezes her dark hard nipples, then he grabs her soaked panties and uses them to play with her clit. Then with her panties set aside he uses two fingers to penetrate her hairy pussy. He fucks her and pulls...

2 years ago
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Emily Awakes Ch 5

The phone call from Janice came about a half-hour after Rich left. Evan answered with his name, as was his habit. “I heard my husband fucked your wife,” Janice stated. “That’s true,” he admitted. “So, it worked,” she said. “Just like you said it would,” he agreed, smiling. “I told you they would do it if they knew it was okay with us,” she reminded him. “Well, Rich didn’t know I’d consented. Did you tell Emily it was okay with you?” “I had to,” Janice said, sounding somewhat rueful. “Tell me...

1 year ago
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BFFs Demi Sutra Megan Winters Bambi Black Movie Night

Demi Sutra, Megan Winters, and Bambi Black were super excited for their sleepover movie night. They all got matching pajamas and were ready to just relax and be girls! Stepbrother tried to ruin things though. First he started to spy on the girls and act like a perv. They kicked him out, but that did not mean he was done yet. Just as the girls started watching their movie he walked in with his raging stiffy and had each of the girls take turns letting him fuck. The girls got a little extra...

3 years ago
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Dominion Chronicle Book 1Chapter 10

Matt and Kitten sat down at a picnic table for lunch with Danny, Brenda and Valkari. Sara and Alice walked up and joined them. Matt looked at Sara. “Were you planning to tell me you’d been invited to My and Kitten’s signing ceremony?” Sara looked straight back at Matt. “You didn’t know before I did?” Matt sighed. “Yeah, Amber is still at loose ends, though maybe not for much longer. Laura and Tsura haven’t cornered Eddie into making things official yet, I think they are planning for prom...

3 years ago
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Made My Gf To Have Sex

Dear indian sex stories dot net friends, Hello, I am adesh (name changed) I live in Mumbai and 30 years old. I had a relationship with a girl called Priyanka. We had a relationship of 4 years. Started in 2012-2016. In those 4 years, we were madly in love and enjoyed sex a lot. She was never interested in my past but where I was curious about her past. I always use to ask if she had sex before meeting me and she openly said yes. So coming into the 1st year of our relationship I came to know she...

1 year ago
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I had been working on a major assignment for my degree in marine Biology at Boston university.I needed to spend considerable time in the library researching the material. It had been six months since I was in the library, and it took me a while to find everything. I had been searching online and got some information, but had to hit the library stacks for additional reference and print material. I was sitting on the floor between the stacks of books reading through some of the books to find...

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Do you REALLY want to be broken

The following is my response to a Craigslist ad. The secret sissy in question claimed to be a young, successful man, heading his own department at work and living the good life. But he yearned for his teen years, where he would passably dress up and meet men off the internet. He wanted to be completely broken and feminized to the point of no return. Here is what I had to say, and after writing the little scenario at the end I thought it might be a good enough start for my first...

1 year ago
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The Drinking Game

                                   The Drinking GameAs dominatrixes my girl friends and I like to have fun with our slaves. Fun – that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it?Each week, we congregate at one or another’s place and play with our slaves. Sometimes, it’s all of ‘em – sometimes, just one provides the fun and games.There are three of us dominas, so I’ll introduce us all. First, my dearest friend, Mistress Fleur. She’s 50, blonde, almost skinny, but nice, firm breasts. Fair pubic hair and...

2 years ago
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The wedding series 2 part 2

Owing to complications with Andrea’s divorce, we’ve had to wait nearly two years after our engagement before we could finalise a wedding date. The delay did help in our bid to save money for the day we wanted and Ian and Rachel also helped with the funds. During the two years, nothing really changed except Andrea switched her job and Sam turned sixteen and finished secondary school. Hopefully, he'd start college in September. Of course, we occasionally met up as a family and had some taboo fun...

2 years ago
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The Law of Unintended Consequences

According to Konrad J. Friedman, the law of unintended consequences is the proposition that every undertaking, however well-intentioned, is generally accompanied by unforeseen repercussions that can overshadow the principal endeavor. Last weekend, without telling my wife, Jennifer, that I was doing this, I undertook to save her some aggravation from the noises caused by my various vehicles back-up beepers. We live in a brick Federalist house more than big enough for our needs, behind which is...

4 years ago
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Emilys Horny Christmas Shopping

It started on the forum Wednesday morning with some flirty chat with the one that gets my motor running and my juices flowing. But, sadly, we didn't have enough time to satisfy the horniness that was building inside me. So there I was, getting hornier and hornier as the day passed. Usually when this happens, to satisfy my needs, I strip down naked and wait for my girlfriend Ashley to come home from her classes at the university; then attack her when she gets home. She usually gets home...

4 years ago
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E031 Another spa appointment

When Emma wakes up Donald is gone.  She cannot help it, but a tear comes to her eye over it.  But on the nightstand is another written note from him in his wonderful firm script.Emma,I wanted to let you sleep in some.  Thank you for last night, you did wonderfully.  Don’t forget your spa appointment today and be at my house by four o’clock.DLaying next to the note is her fourteenth pearl. She does not want to put it on herself, so she takes and places it in her purse for Donald to add to her...

Love Stories
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 898

Two very active seniors Jacob, age 92, and Mary, age 89), living in The Villages are all excited about their decision to get married. They go for a stroll to discuss the wedding, and on the way they pass a drugstore. Jacob suggests they go in. Jacob addresses the man behind the counter: “Are you the owner?” The pharmacist answers, “Yes.” Jacob: “We’re about to get married. Do you sell heart medication?” Pharmacist: “Of course we do.” Jacob: “How about medicine for...

2 years ago
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She Let Herself Go

Note* This is my first submission. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please respond and let me know what you think. She dropped her bags at the front door and sighed with exhaustion. ‘What a day! A bubble bath and a glass of Chablis won’t fix the world, but it will sure as hell make me feel better.’ Karen had been running errands and taking care of everyone else all day. As usual, she put everyone ahead of herself. ‘Not tonight’, she thought. ‘Tonight is all about...

1 year ago
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Georgie GirlChapter 22

Matthew William Harold Smith was born on June 13, 2012, weighing in at a strapping eight pounds, two ounces. He was perfect in every way, possessing all the necessary fingers and toes, plus a very healthy appetite and voice. I could feel the relief in the Fulton and desBiens households when the event occurred. There was some on my part as well. Although he wouldn't be a Fulton, he would be family to them and that's all that mattered. Georgette and I have decided to delay our consideration...

3 years ago
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My Hot Chubby Bhabhi 8211 Part V

This is 5th part my hot chubby Bhabhi as you’ll know what my Bhabhi look like bombshell actress Hansika Motwani. Last 4th part told you that how I took advantage of her dowry flat at her parents place even my Bhabhi wanted to get fucked by me. My Bhabhi told me your woman sex desires orgasms. Long lasting medicines in fuck etc from that day onwards I learn to give orgasms and oral sex and till now what’s major things happening between me and Bhabhi I write on diary. Phale to main Bhabhi ki...

1 year ago
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Little Sisters Punishment

"Bye mom, bye dad! Have fun!,” my 20 year old brother, Dylan, yelled after our parents car. "There, now we have the house all to ourselves."Our parents were going on a week long vacation in Florida. They said they wanted to relive their honeymoon. “And?" I rolled my eyes, for some reason every word that comes out of my big brother's mouth just irritates the shit out of me, “I don't want to be stuck here with you.""Well, you are. So, get used to it.""Maybe I should call Justin over to keep me...

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PenthouseGold Kylie Quinn Horny Teen Kylie Quinn Tempts Older Man

Teen temptress Kylie Quinn knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to go and get it in this naughty premium Penthouse scene with older man Derrick Pierce. Arriving at his door and inviting herself in, the slutty stunner is soon on her knees sucking his cock before moving to the living room to ride her stud and bend over doggystyle on the couch for him. The raunchy vixen loves her hair pulled as she takes his cock, desperate for a long deep fuck and a mouthful of his hot oozing cum as the...

3 years ago
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Tessa at home

I knew Tessa the pool. We met there about every day against. We played with a larger group tag or wrestle with a mat. Tessa had long been in love with me, but I would have none of it. In fact I found her annoying, wherever I was, she. Now was the last year in my body properly developed. I had gotten a bunch of pubic hair, so I had to shave off, my cock and balls were grown tremendously and I spurted cum when I masturbated. When Tessa was hardly anything to see physical changes, most her breasts...

3 years ago
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A Dream Come True With My Aunt Kavya

Hi, guys this is Abhi, 24 years old from Kerala and this is my first story so please forgive me if there are any mistakes and your feedback is always welcome. First of all let me tell u about myself. I’m really slim, but energetic young guy, completed engineering currently working in Bangalore. This story is about how I was seduced by neighbor aunty Kavya (name changed). Kavya aunty (my mom’s frnd) was around 34 years old at that time, very hot with awesome boobs and a nice curvy ass. She is...

3 years ago
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The Bradford Family Saga Part 1

Through her wide open legs she watched the last drops of her morning piss cling to her silky blonde pussy-hair, then drop into the bowl. She stretched and yawned, willing her reluctant body awake. "Mike?" she called. "Yeah?" her husband answered, pushing the bathroom door open. "Well, aren't you a pretty sight?" he said. "Look, who's talking. You look as bad as I feel," she said with a smile. Her husband was naked except for a towel around his mid-section, his flaccid...

1 year ago
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Private Alessandra Jane Handcuffed And Dominated

The beautiful Alessandra Jane has come to Private’s My Little Plaything with her big tits, curvaceous body and sumptuous lips and this blonde super star delivers a memorable scene alongside Private stud Chad Rockwell. Watch on as Alessandra likes to be dominated with some soft bondage, handcuffed whilst her pussy is eaten before putting those lips to work and returning the favour with a great cock sucking. Then enjoy the beautiful sight of her big tits and ass bouncing, putting those incredible...

3 years ago
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I am way to scared to go dogging and can be a bit shy to go to gay venues but I have needs and as a sub bottom I really do need to be comprehensively shagged; the more often the better.Some time ago I went to a 'north' London sauna once and when I walked in the door the fellow at the counter asked me if I realised it was a Gay sauna. I am a very straight looking guy and if you thought I was gay you may say a very dominant top, but the truth lies elsewhere.I told the young fellow that I...

2 years ago
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Tabitha was at the same time excited and terrified. In the year since moving out to her own apartment for college she'd become very promiscuous, but what she was about to do was on a whole different level. Going back to some guy's room in the middle of a frat party? Didn't even compare. The time she gave head to her roommate's boyfriend in her roommate's bed? Not even close. Nope, today she was going to a glory hole. She certainly didn't need to. She was a beautiful girl, tall and...

4 years ago
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Lake Trip

Best Friends MomTrip to the lake Ok you all know the story of how I started to have sex with my best friend’s mom while I was in high school. Well this is another installment of that story line. It was summer and hot as always we have talked about going to the lake and camping out for some time now but just haven’t had the chance, meaning time and money. See I was working my ass off in the garage now as well as training for the next season of football and soccer so my time was in short demand...

2 years ago
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Craig HillChapter 62

Anthony and Mark did their business in the morning. It went well and General Arthur told Anthony that he thought Mark was living up to both their expectations. "Your Victoria's picked a good 'un," he said. Anthony smiled. "I think he has too," he said softly. "Dead right! She's a lovely girl both to look at and talk to. You're a lucky chap, Anthony." Anthony nodded happily. In the meanwhile, Mary Davidson had been at work. "What time are you expected at Fallingbostel?" she...

1 year ago
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Pornacopia BrownChapter 2

Pornacopia dressed quickly and stopped to look around the room he no longer slept in. The only signs that the room had ever been occupied were the damp towel on the floor where he'd dropped it while he was getting dressed in his red t-shirt and brown slacks, and the open door to his closet as well as the drawers pulled out in his dresser. Pornacopia picked up the towel from the floor and dropped it on the unused bed before he sat down next to it to pull on his socks and shoes. He still...

3 years ago
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Awakening erica pt 2

Introduction: Erica has a pit stop on the way home Last night had been amazing, thought Erica as she drove her black BMW towards home, and her waiting husband. She was only supposed to have been Devons till midnight, but he had taken her four more times after their first liaison in the hotel elevator, and it was almost 11:00 am when they finally awoke from the sexual stupor caused by the evenings events. Erica had given Devon a quick blow job before jumping in the shower to clean her body of...

3 years ago
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the making of Paulina whore

I cleaned my little cock off, and washed my bottom down, sprayed myself with lavender cologne, the smell was so sweet. I choose a light green of panties and matching bra, a white top, and denim mini skirt, sat down at my vanity, and freshened up; II picked a white pair of pumps to complete my outfit. Looking in my full length mirror I couldn’t help but like what I saw, a sexy young woman; I was hoping that Danny would like it too! I walked back into the living room, Mom and Auntie Jean were...

2 years ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 22

As time went on and Bob was slowly forgotten by the world again, the need for him to stay at the cabin waned. Still, it had been such a peaceful place that he had Sally make inquiries about buying either a cabin or a lot for the family to build one on to use as a get-away place. One of the original cabins, larger than most, had fallen into disrepair over the years as the owner aged and spent less and less time there. Bob was able to purchase it and had contractors go through it, updating the...

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The Yoni Flower Plants of Pleasure Chapters 12

I'll be posting more chapters on here over the coming weeks, but if you want the full novel, it's out now, so check out my author page here at scirotic.com/bl-overman if you're interested. Happy reading! Chapter 1 -- Ecosexual Saturday, May 28 There are roughly 611 miles of trail to explore in Olympic National Park, but here I am all alone and way off the official path, purposefully wandering deeper and deeper into this mossy wonderland. Not smart considering a thousand people have...

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