Tales From Mist WorldChapter 3 Salvage and other dirty words
- 4 years ago
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I enjoyed Brian’s writing although I thought it somewhat fanciful. Bella was in tears when she finished reading. ‘I feel so much for Adelaide.’ She declared. ‘Finding love with the man she couldn’t have and yet devoting her life to him.’ She stopped and looked at me. ‘When we are married we must go up to the old house and tell them.’ I must have looked as if she had lost her senses. ‘If we kept Bees we would have to tell them, it’s sort of the same thing.’ I shrugged my shoulders, to me it sounded ridiculous, but if that is what Bella wants, I shall humour her.
I had of course gone to see Andy asking him for permission to marry his daughter. He sighed resignedly. ‘I appreciate your asking, Daniel, but you have to understand that my permission or not is completely superfluous. Bella will do whatever she wants.’
‘Well yes, Andy, however I would like to know if you have any objection?’
He shook his head and one hand wafted. ‘Objection? Of course not. Bella gets happy and I at last get someone with whom I can have serious conversation.’ He changed the topic suddenly. ‘Your girl Tina came to see me. I was amazed! Are you sure she isn’t one of those hackers we read about?’
I laughed. ‘No. She’s a devil for getting information. She once worked for a solicitor, doing conveyancing and she knows her way around the Land Registry site and associated sites. If you want to know who owns what, Tina will find it for you.’ I paused for a brief moment. ‘Thinking about it, I wouldn’t put it past her to hack.’
‘No wonder you are successful.’
‘Please, Andy. Do not ever mention that to Tina. I get enough flak from her already, I don’t need more.’
Andy laughed. ‘And you are getting Bella now. Your life is going to be a constant struggle with both of them around.’
‘Don’t I know it.’
Lily had given Tina the name of a surgeon recommended by her reconstructive surgeon and she had a consultation and for the last few days she had been in hospital. Before going she had demanded that Bella and I would not marry until she was back and could attend the wedding, ‘with my new tits!’ We had decided to get married at the Registry Office in Braintree. Neither of us was particularly religious and with deference to Andy, it may have been embarrassing for him as he couldn’t have walked Bella down the aisle. So it was when Tina returned from her operation our wedding was a double celebration. The reception was at ‘Bon Vivant’ where Tina gave me a particularly close hug, saying, ‘I can get closer to you now I haven’t got all that mammary stuff in front of me.’
I took Bella away to Paris for our honeymoon. We did all the sights, the Louvre, the Tuileries, the Eiffel Tower, a moonlight cruise along the Seine and at Bella’s insistence took in the show at the Folies Begere. That night she bemoaned her lack of bosom compared with some of the bare-breasted dancers on stage. It took me some very delightful time to prove that what she had was as sensitive as any and that I loved what she had. It was all very exciting, although for me sitting at one of the many pavement restaurants, sipping coffee and just watching Paris go by was the best. I could certainly take to the boulevardier life.
We returned to quite a backlog of work, me to deal with property and Bella to exercising horses. Andy had a very good mare, from an excellent sire, and with his mare coming into season he was looking for a stallion to serve her. Thus Bella was quite busy seeking the right stallion. She was also making sure that her personal stallion performed if not every night but regularly. I needed another few hours of sleep some mornings, whereas Bella was seemingly energised by her nights of passion. It was therefore some weeks before Bella decided that we should walk up to the site of the old house. I was somewhat self-conscious at the idea, Bella however deemed that our telling the spirits of my family was important.
The weather had been for some days inclement, with dark clouds full of rain rolling in from the west and much of that rain fell upon us. Eventually the skies cleared as high pressure gradually banished the depression to our Nordic neighbours of Denmark and Norway. We set out early, although the dew had already been burned off by the sun. As we climbed the hill the warmth of the sun together with our exertions made me wish that we had brought some water. However we gained the top of the hill and rested gathering our breathing to a semblance of normality. The view, whilst nothing to compare with the West Country, Wales or the northern counties of England was good enough to make one stop and think. When before I had come up to the ruins of the old house I had sensed something, a feeling of being cut off from the surroundings. It was something like when you got water in your ears and your hearing appears to be coming through a muffle. At that moment Bella hugged me, her smile bringing my smile in return. ‘Ok, Mrs. Chandler. You have got me here now what do you intend to do?’
Suddenly she was crestfallen. ‘I don’t know.’ She cried plaintively. ‘I had this idea of telling them that we are married and that I am almost sure I am already pregnant.’ That was news to me but before I could say anything she went on. ‘Now having got here, I don’t know what to say or do.’
‘Well, let’s deal with that in a moment. You think you are pregnant?’
She smiled. ‘I am pretty certain. Do you mind, Daniel?’
‘Of course not. In fact I would be surprised if you were not pregnant, considering the frequency you attack me.’
Bella pouted. ‘So you don’t like it?’
‘On the contrary, I am not complaining at all.’
‘Good. I like it too. Tina says that Aleksy is getting more amorous since she had the reduction. I thought men liked big boobs?’
‘Every man is different. For me, you are perfect. Just think about it, when you are sixty or so your pretty boobs will still be pert. They will not be hanging around your waist and I will find as much pleasure with them as I do now.’
‘Hmm. Pretty boobs? What are you trying for now?’
‘Well we are alone and no one will see us.’
‘Dirty man!’ Yet she smiled as she unbuttoned her blouse.
Alfresco love-making is good, but be careful you do not roll over into the stinging nettles. We agreed to rub lotion on each other once we were back at the Dower House. Bella giggled as we walked down the hill. ‘I suppose the treatment could be as interesting as the cause.’
‘Well you did get stung in some interesting places.’ We left leaving the ruins.
‘Well it seems that Chetford is in good hands.’
‘Yes, Danbury. Although I thought it was the girl who was in good hands, but yes, he has your looks and your sense of duty.’ Danbury turned and addressed the older man standing near with a woman on his arm. They were both dressed in Edwardian style. ‘I think he gets that from you, Father.’ He stopped and examined those words. ‘I still find it odd to address you thus.’
The older man laughed. ‘No more than for me to hear you call me so, Danbury. But no, I disagree. I was a steward. I cared for an estate that came down to me in inheritance. I had little to do except pass it on to the next generation intact. This young man, Daniel has used what little he was willed and built an edifice. It would be impudent of me to offer advice to such a man, indeed I would be in awe of him.’
The woman hanging on his arm looked up to him with love. ‘As I am of you my darling Rupert. Every time I look at you my heart flutters and I thank Heaven for sending you to me.’
‘Do you know, Adelaide. That is exactly how I feel when I look at you.’
‘No so, my dear. I tell the truth.’
The three were joined by another woman, whose features were still forming. Danbury held out his hand. ‘Bella, you have joined us.’
‘I find it strange to effect this transformation.’
‘Well you are not as used
to it as we.’ Remarked Adelaide.
‘I do find it strange, still. Do we never grow old?’
‘How can we?’ Rejoined Rupert. ‘We have the fortune of choosing what age we appear. And I have to say you have chosen very well. Rumour was that you were a beauty and the whispers were correct. Danbury is extremely lucky.’
‘Not so lucky as Daniel and my great niece. Did you not see them? Rolling around and clothed as nature formed us. If I were alive I think I would have blushed.’
‘They did seem to enjoy themselves though.’ Adelaide offered. ‘My mind recalled such times myself.’
‘Oh Danbury. How do you think you were born? You were created with love…And with a great deal of pleasure. If you had survived, you and Bella would have discovered the pleasure yourselves.’
Rupert interrupted. ‘ We should be less open now. I believe that Robert is joining us.’
Robert did appear. He had always been a solemn boy and man and even now he reflected that disposition with a dour face. Danbury was the first to greet him. ‘Robert! Why the glum face? We were discussing the success of your great grandson.’
‘Oh I am happy for him, but to choose Chetford? This hateful place. He could have bought anywhere. Why Chetford?’
‘Robert.’ Rupert chided him. ‘Daniel does not know the history, indeed he didn’t even know that the estate he bought was Chandler land. However he is over-writing the bad things and creating a new story. He’s married the Swinson girl and they are obviously very happy.’
‘And she is pregnant!’ Added Adelaide.
‘Pregnant?’ Danbury said the word which was on all the other’s lips.
‘Did you not hear her? ‘Adelaide asked. ‘She said she was pregnant.’
Robert cheered up. ‘Forgive my gloom. I was too much in the past. You are right, Papa. A child eh? He is writing a new chapter. Hopefully a much happier story than ours.’
‘I wish I could have done more for you, my sons. And it would make me most happy if he could know the truth of his parentage.’ Rupert sounded quite melancholy.
‘We understand why, Father. You had constraints.’ Robert consoled his father. ‘You made certain that we were comfortable, what else could you do? Perhaps sometime he will know the truth.’
Brian Prescott had continued his research and eventually was able to update me with details of Robert’s later years. Reginald Smith had bequeathed him Upton Lodge and the drapery business, and Robert kept that until he retired when his son Douglas took over. This was after World War two. Douglas continued in the family business intending to have his son Dennis take over after him. Dennis, as I knew would not settle for a mundane small business in a country town and he sold the business. There was no detail of how he worked after that, though I am sure that my mother could have been enlightening on that subject. Brian could not find any record about Dennis apart from an article in the Colchester Gazette that mentioned that the Midland Bank had foreclosed on Upton Lodge. It would appear that my father was not paying his debts even then.
Our son was born in the April of next year. We argued just a little over a name for him, but we eventually settled our difference and agreed on a name. Bella was adamant that when the weather was right we should go up the hill and introduce our son to our ancestors. Remembering what happened the last time she sought to do that I was quite happy, but determined to avoid the stinging nettles this time.
Thus it was that one day in June we settled the baby in a carry-cot and between us we carried him up the hillock. It was one of those rare days that there was no clouds whatsoever in the sky and the temperature held at a comfortable ambience of some seventy degrees. I again felt that feeling of disassociation as if we were shuttered within a cocoon. Bella caught my mood as we neared the top. ‘What is it Daniel?’
‘I don’t know. Sometimes when I come up here, I get the feeling that I have been cut off from the rest of the locality.’
‘You sense it too?’ Bella seemed relieved. ‘I thought it was just me. I put it down to hormones.’
I laughed to change the mood. ‘Ah hormones! Well I don’t think we can repeat our last escapade, not with the baby here.’
We arrived at the top of the hillock and searched for somewhere we could put the carry-cot down. I picked up our son and cuddled him to my chest. He lay there looking at me, that incurious look that all babies have. ‘So what are you going to say?’ Bella asked.
‘Hang on! I thought it was you who was going to talk.’ How typical of women. Deciding on an action yet standing back and asking the man to make it work.
‘It shouldn’t be me. You are the descendant, you talk to your relatives.’ Bella’s logic was as usual typically female.
‘But this was your idea.’
‘Yes. But I always thought that you would do the talking.’
‘Thanks.’ I replied flatly. ‘I think another smacked bottom is in order.’
Her eyes twinkled. ‘Oh goody. I like that. Tonight?’ She came and embraced us both, the baby and me and then took the baby from me.
I put my arm around Bella’s waist and prepared to speak. I felt like a complete idiot. I cleared my throat and spoke quite loudly. ‘I am Daniel Chandler, your descendant and this lovely lady at my side is Annabel, who was born Swinson. Here in my wife’s arms is our child, a boy and we have brought him here to meet his ancestors. He is Rupert after his Great, great, great grandfather.’
Suddenly the feeling of the cocoon strengthened. A slight mist hovered just above the ground. Slowly it reformed and out of the mist two shapes emerged. Gradually they became sentient and I realized that I was looking at Rupert St.John Grantley, by his side was a beautiful woman who clung to his arm. I assumed that she was Lady Adelaide. One part of my mind made that assessment coolly and logically. The other side of my mind was in turmoil. Bella also was in turmoil, I could feel her shaking. The cool side of my mind told me that I was shaking too. Whatever have we got into? ‘Daniel, what is happening?’ She whispered in a fearful voice.
‘I have no idea.’ Wondering at the same time what in Hell had we done to cause these apparitions.
Rupert took a half step forward. ‘You have called your son, Rupert?’ A strong voice yet with a slight quaver of emotion.
‘Y… ye… yes.’ I stuttered.
‘For any reason?’ The apparition asked.
I took a deep breath and managed to speak normally, well as normally as one could under the circumstances. ‘If you are Rupert St.John Grantley, then yes there is a reason.
He nodded his head slightly. ‘I am Grantley.’
‘In that case we named our son after you.’
‘You know who I am?’
‘Yes. You are my great, great grandfather.’
He was shocked now. ‘You know?’
‘About you, Lady Adelaide, Sir Dashwood, Danbury and Robert. Yes we know.’
‘It is a long story, but it started when I was shown a photo of Sir Danbury.’
A glimmer of understanding came to Rupert’s face. ‘Yes, of course. There is no denying that somehow you two must be related.’
‘Yes, something more than having Lady Adelaide in common.’ I took a step towards Lady Adelaide. ‘You were described as a beauty and the descriptions were right, grand mama.’
She smiled, clasping her hands together to her breast. ‘Oh! How it thrills me to hear you call me so. Rupert! Our great, great, grandson has inherited your flattering tongue.’
‘No my dear. He speaks the truth as I do. Judging from Daniel’s choice of wife he is a connoisseur of beauty as well.’
She flashed a glance of love to Rupert then addressed Bella and I. ‘We have watched you for some time now and I am so happy that you are together. It seems that it was ordained that a Chandler and a Swinson would marry. May I see the baby?’
‘Would you like to hold him?’ Be
lla suggested as she moved closer.
‘I would love to do so, but sadly I am a spectre and not physical.’ Bella closed to her and turned so Adelaide could see the child. ‘Oh, he’s so lovely. Look Rupert, our great, great, great grandson.’
I talked to Rupert as Bella and Adelaide cooed and fussed over the child. ‘I came up here to pander to Bella’s idea that we should talk to our ancestors. I didn’t believe for a moment that we actually could, so if I sounded a little tongue-tied at first, please forgive me.
He laughed. ‘In your shoes, Daniel, I would have been as well. There is much that you learn once you cross over, but I cannot tell you. You will find that for yourself. In many ways it was you and Bella coming up here that made it possible. We could see you and hear you, but couldn’t find a way across the divide. It was your determination to speak to us that brought about our appearance. If the experience has not unsettled you too much come again, call for us and there a good chance that we can appear. I urge you to do that. Perhaps you will see your great grandfather Robert and Bella her great aunt Arabella.’
‘Bella would like that, I am sure.’
We were interrupted by an exclamation from Adelaide. ‘You have my ring. Rupert! Bella is wearing my ring.’
Rupert took a step towards them. ‘How interesting. How did you come by that, Bella?’
‘It is a family heirloom.’ Explained Bella. ‘My great aunt Arabella wore it all her life and when Daniel and I became engaged I thought it would be nice to wear as an engagement ring.’
Adelaide smiled. ‘Of course. Rupert bought the ring for me, although I could only wear it when away from Chetford. It is valuable and if Dashwood had seen it he would have took it from me and no doubt sell it. When Danbury told me of his intentions to your aunt, I gave him the ring to give to Arabella. Now you have it, and to me it is entirely fitting that you do.’
Rupert brought the conversation to a close. ‘Our time is limited. Already I can sense that the power that forms us is weakening. Adelaide!’
‘Yes my dearest, we have to go.’
‘Remember, Daniel come up and call out to us, there is much more to say and hear.’
Bella joined me as with a smile Adelaide took Rupert’s arm. She started to say something. ‘Come aga…’ They vanished.
Bella and I walked back down the hill with our son. I could feel Bella’s emotions tumbling around. Mine were the same. I could not decide whether we had seen these apparitions or something in our breakfast had affected us like a mind-bending drug. That such a substance would be unlikely to affect us similarly was too logical for my mind to grasp at this moment. Bella voiced for both of us. ‘I don’t think I shall say anything to anyone. No one would believe us.’
‘I have little doubt about that.’
Two days later, I pulled Brian’s manuscript from the filing and slipped it into an envelope. I searched for his address and could not find it. When Tina came in I asked her for his address. She looked perplexed. ‘I don’t think we have it. Boss. Our correspondence has always been by email.’
‘Damn. I just wanted to return his manuscript, you did copy it, didn’t you?’
‘Yes, oh Master. It’s in the filing under ‘Danbury”
‘I will phone the Chelmsford Library. They must have it somewhere.’
I got through to the librarian responsible for the history section. ‘My name is Chandler. I wonder if you could help me. I have some correspondence to send to the historian Brian Prescott. Do you have his address by any chance?’
‘We know of Brian Prescott. We have many of his publications here. He was of great value to the library as he obtained much of the microfilm of back issues of many newspapers. However I cannot give you his address.’
‘Why? It’s a simple request. I just want to return to him a manuscript that he wrote.’
‘Well, Mr. Chandler it is a simple request, or rather it would be. Brian Prescott died in nineteen fifty-nine.’
The End
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.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Buffy The Slutty SlayerEpilogueCopyright© 2007 by angiquesophie
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The soft crunch of crisp snow was the only sound that accompanied Dan on his walk along the frozen lakefront. The silence was comforting, he longed for it when he wasn’t here. Back in the city things were too stifling, the buildings, the traffic, the noise, his job all bore down on top of him. It’s amazing how you can be surrounded front, back, side to side, top and bottom with people and still feel so alone. He had no one, sure he had a few people he called friends and occasional all too...
The added thrust had them within sight of the Innis port Lighthouse three hours after dark. They still had three hours at the current speed before they would reach Innis. Knowing they were close the captain had decided to push the Lady harder than he normally did, and ran at seventy-five percent thrusters after dark. She couldn’t run that fast all night, but he knew they’d make Innis well before daybreak. With Lt. Stevens on board he would be making port at the Military docks not the Lady’s...
Jake’s day got off to a good start. He exercised on deck and shower and shaved. Grace was not content to shower alone, and as he was scrubbing she joined him. He found it very disconcerting to have her rubbing against his lower legs while he was washing. She did like it, when he turned the soap and washcloth on her, though. After he was dressed. Jake fetched a dozen sweet rolls, and took the launch out. Grace hunted and the two ate their fill of the rolls. He had forgotten to bring a way to...
This story was originally posted on another site. As ‘A Glimpse Through the Mist of Time’ under my other pen name of Texrep. The story is fiction so please do not comment that my characters act illogically, this is fiction. You want reality? Go read a newspaper. This story is my intellectual property and copyright to Kezza67 and Texrep. THE MIST OF TIME The Past is but shadows seen through a Mist CHAPTER ONE I had never believed in the theory that something mystical called Fate would guide...
There are all kinds of stress charts out there on the internet that will tell you if you're abnormally stressed or not, and how soon to expect a heart attack, if you are. They don't tell you you're probably suicidal, but they recommend you see your doctor immediately if you score too high. Some of the major things they list on such charts are: marriage, major holidays (Thanksgiving was coming up), major changes in working hours or conditions, trouble with the boss, change of residence,...
To Alex, the next few weeks were tough, as tough as the days just after Lisa had died. But, true to his word, his Dad did talk to the HR Representative when he went back into the office after the 4th of July holiday. Unfortunately, they did not have counseling as part of their benefits package, but the representative did provide a number for a counselor in the area. As his Dad progressed through his counseling, he slowly came out of his depression. The one sticky point for him was his...
Pink Mist II (A Sisterz-in-Arms Story) By Bluedust Hi gals! So, here's the continuation of the story of Andrea, Kylie and Roxy in our new fictitious TG universe! If you haven't read the first part of this story, please do so first and comment as per usual. There will be one more part to this story before we start to explore the rest of the Sisterz-in-Arms universe. Well then, please enjoy and be sure to comment....
I have often wondered if my eyes flash red when I have my moments of madness. Suddenly the world goes quiet and a red mist descends over my mind and I do things, terrible things that I'd rather not remember. Her neck was white, elegant and slim enough to get my left hand around. "Please, Mister," she could just about choke out. She had a young pretty face with a few freckles over her nose and cheeks. The red mist had settled over everything and I was almost deaf to her pleas. "Please,...
Jake caught a coach back to the Lady and relaxed. He felt he had accomplished a lot today. He was in his quarters rereading the letter when the twins returned. They had brought their cousins with them. The room was a little crowded with so many people inside. Paul and Pat handed Jake their lists with the prices and quantities available. He glanced at the list and was pleased with what he saw. He motioned to the portable desk and asked Pat or was it Paul to bring it up on the pilot deck. the...
As the flew back Catherine and Rebecka had their heads together whispering. Whatever Catherin was saying Rebecka kept shaking her head no. He watched as the maid finally gave in with a sigh. Jake wondered what it was about. He landed in the same place as before, and he and the marines assist the women out of the launch. As he was escorting the two up the front steps, Rebecka asked, “So Jake, do you plan on sleeping on the lady or are you going back to your ship?” Jake missed the next step....
Jake spent the two hours until the officers call with Catherine and her aunt and uncle. The four of them lounged in the Captains sitting room. Catherine had replaced the rotted furniture in the day room with furniture from the Val. This room was even larger than the one on the Val. It now contained two full sized couches and two love seats. As well as four large winged back chairs. Along the wall leading to the hallway stretched a bench with tables that folded out of the wall. The room was...
A bright white light seared in my eyes. I squinted shy away the burning. The sound of a heart monitor beeped steadily. A figure in a white coat was turned around, preparing something. I heard the tinkering of metal on metal, and as he turned around, I closed my eyes. A high toned beep and then I heard in a fake female voice “Now recording” followed by another beep. “We have finished the operation. The subject has responded well to the operation and we will be releasing him shortly.” I had just...
GayThe intention was to tell the story in its entirety, but due to my own reasons, I decided not to publish the remainder of the story. For those readers who was drawn in by the story itself and not only the sex and filthiness of my behavior, the below would serve as the epilogue in the story of Alexis and me. Ten years later. September 12, 2011 - the day the twin Memorial pools opened to the public. I ran my fingers through the inscribed name on the bronze parapets of the South...
I LOVED having Miranda in my head and in my body. The longer she was with me, the less I could tell the difference between us. We no longer even thought about who had control. We just did things. Kyle and Jason got along just as well. Aubrey adored Miranda and thought Jason’s cock was bigger than Kyle’s. I don’t know how she figured that since they share the same body. But she always knew who was in control at any time. There were a few times when I got confused. Over the next two years, even...
Thanks to everyone who took the time to read the story. The encouragement I received through comments here and e-mails I received, along with the enjoyment I had in writing the whole thing, has convinced me to write again. It won't be as long, but it will be TG- themed. Please let me know about what you think about the saga as a whole either here, or by e-mail: [email protected] DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents...
The Displaced Detective - Epilogue by Limbo's Mistress Three Years Later .... My leg jiggled up and down as if a tiny jackhammer had replaced the bones inside it. If the man behind the lectern, the one who'd been droning on for the past fifty minutes, didn't shut up soon, I was going to be in serious trouble. Though, it was probably my fault since I really should have had the foresight to, like, go to the bathroom before everything got started. Trying to take my mind off the...
This is the 6th and final chapter in the story of my adventures in London, on the day when I took a small pink pill and my face and body transformed into that of a beautiful young woman. However, I knew that I only had 24 hours before the effects wore off and so determined not to miss any opportunity as I had a day of sexual adventures, some planned, some on the spur of the moment.The story so far: I had started my day in the back of a van, in a multi-storey car park, choosing the outfits I...
This is the finale. It follows directly from 'The Next Day' and tries to answer those questions that remained unanswered. Whether it does that is for you to judge. It is especially for those who thought I ruined a good story by going beyond Pt 1. But hey... I thought they had more to say... so... Can love survive where the people have to look at what is rather than what they expected, or maybe wanted... The final episode. No correspondence will be entered into... probably. ...
Chapter 13 - Epilogue FIVE WEEKS EARLIER As an angry, androgynous Aaron walked out of the clinic Wednesday evening, a man passed him and walked into the waiting room of the clinic and to the empty receptionist window. He was wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants a few sizes too small. His long hair was pulled up in a ponytail. He had a week old facial hair. He knocked on the window trying to see someone in the office. "I see you in there, Dr. Ara," he said. Dr. Ara came to the...
Epilogue:Both babies arrive and life goes on.The next nine months came and went quickly for both Randi and Jill and before they knew it both had delivered baby girls. All five of them were very happy and the ladies had no problem listing Mike as the father of their daughters.All the men were in the delivery room with their women and the Dr. was very glad he could make this happen. He didn’t care what the hospital policy was. As he looked at it he was allowing the father in with the mother, even...
CuckoldMary Ann said, “We’re OK but it’s been a long day and I need some alone time with Tony right now.” Jessica looked at her face and said, “I understand, have a good night sweet girl.” We went into her room, closed the door and lay down in bed. I took her in my arms and the tears really started to flow. “I’m so sad right now Tony,” she said between sobs. “You haven’t done anything wrong and it’s not your fault but I’m still so sad. Please just hold me tight for a while.” My heart ached as...
Epilogue Ashriel still remembered what being embedded deep within Anniel had felt like. Heaven. He’d been a virgin for more than four hundred years, guarding his purity with utmost fervor and in a moment of drunken weakness… No. Not drunk. It had been that red dragon. Remien Fyre. That bastard, son of a whore, had slipped something into their drinks. Liquid X. Ashriel’s mind had already been running rampant with desire for Anniel. The Liquid X had been like tossing a spark on rocket fuel. ...
Epilogue Ashriel still remembered what being embedded deep within Anniel had felt like. Heaven. He’d been a virgin for more than four hundred years, guarding his purity with utmost fervor and in a moment of drunken weakness… No. Not drunk. It had been that red dragon. Remien Fyre. That bastard, son of a whore, had slipped something into their drinks. Liquid X. Ashriel’s mind had already been running rampant with desire for Anniel. The Liquid X had been like tossing a spark on rocket fuel. ...
Supernatural23 - Epilogue The headmistress turned up the next day, demanding the whereabouts of this "Macnamara person". After feigning incomprehensibility Judy retorted "As far as I am concerned Eve was a very well behaved young lady and I certainly do not go examining other peoples' genitals. If the reports you have received are correct, and they are open to question, then might I point out that today transgender people are now accepted in the community. Anyway, Miss" Judy stressed the 'Miss'...
this story has already been reduced to an e-book format and it is in the process of being translated into Russian for distribution in Moscow. This epilogue is entered to close out the part one of this story on some free sites. The new part of this story will be centered in Ireland and in New York City with more contemporary scenario. It will be distributed on free sites as well for readers who wish to continue reading about new adventures of the central characters.
Epilogue Dave and Maddie sat at a table in the dimly lit interrogation room. Neither knew for sure how this would play out, but whatever came, they would face it together. After several agonizing minutes, the door swung open, revealing Henry Ironside. He strode to the other side of the table and sat down without a word, leafing through a manila folder. “Quite the day you two have had,” Henry said. “You could say that,” Dave replied. “Murder, espionage, treason… the list goes on and...
Book One of The Trust Trilogy Tess Quince Epilogue IT’S SATURDAY AND I CHECK the mail. There’s a letter from Ben Sheppard. There’s no return address, but I know it’s from him. It’s postmarked from Milwaukee. It’s nice to see my name and address written out in that crisp script in his usual blue ink. It reads: ‘I had a meeting at a restaurant today. They had a TV on and the Brewers were playing the Reds. Seeing the Reds made me think of Cincinnati and when I think of Cincinnati I only think...
Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...
Epilogue‘Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!’Tony grunted angrily as he slammed his hips into the underside of my buttocks, driving his thick cock as deep into my vagina as its stubby length would allow.Well after midnight and with too much champagne inside me, by the time the taxi had dropped me off at Tony’s apartment, I was desperate to put the difficulties of the day behind me and lose myself in an orgy of sexual degradation.“Fuck me! Fuck me! Come on, fuck me!”Tony was really playing his part this time....
CuckoldJennifer ran upstairs and released Molly from the torture she and Olivia had been committing against the girl, Molly was allowed to dress and released from her slavery for the length of a small celebration party. Jenn didn't have cake in the house, so they just had mint chocolate chip ice cream. Dave thought the party might be a little premature considering Rebbecca's past history in saying one thing and doing the complete opposite. It was during this mini-celebration that Megan came to...