Erpressung indian porn

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Vanessas Erpressung

-Erpressung von Vanessa Es war der dritte Tag der Klassenfahrt bei der Vanessa die Aufsicht über ihre Berufsschulklasse übernommen hatte. Bis jetzt war es ein problemloser Ausflug gewesen. Sie hatte zwar die Klasse in der nur 2 Mädchen waren und ansonsten nur 20 Jungs aber sie wusste genau, dass sie mit ihrem Aussehen ziemlich schnell die Aufmerksamkeit der Jungs bekommen konnte. Das einzige was Vanessa störte war ihre Schülerin Sandra die sich auf diesem Ausflug immer so anzog, dass es keine...

2 years ago
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Die Erinyen 3

Drittens: Vorsichtig sein, daran denken, dass sie eine Frau ist — und somit viel listiger als Männer sich vorstellen können. Viertens: Noch nicht ficken. Geil machen, Geld kassieren, sie liegen lassen und ihren Stolz brechen. „Für dich alten Schussel ist der dritte Punkt der wichtigste. Vergiss ihn nicht, nimm dich in Acht’ mahnte Linda Olav nach dem Abschiedskuss. „Wenn es um Geld geht, ist alles was sie tut nur die reinste Berechnung.’ „Halt die Ohren steif’ meinte Philipp und umarmte...

4 years ago
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Meine gro e Schwester

Ich druckte die Daten aus, die ich brauchte, um meiner Schwester zu beweisen, was ich gegen sie in der Hand hatte, und las mir alles zufrieden noch einmal durch. Diabolisch lächelte ich. Das war es. Das musste reichen für meine geplante Erpressung. Meine Schwester Sara war sechs Jahre älter als ich, und wir hatten uns nie gut verstanden. Als ich noch klein war, hatte sie sich immer wie meine Zweitmutter aufgespielt und mich immer nur gequält und unterdrückt. Heute war es fast noch schlimmer,...

3 years ago
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Der Keller 3

Aus den Augenwinkeln sah ich das die Leute zu uns herschauten. Und - ich kannte diese Leute! Ich h?tte zwar nicht den Namen nennen k?nnen, aber die durften mich keinesfalls erkennen. Nur simulieren reichte nicht mehr, hier musste mehr passieren. Ich legte meinen Kopf etwas schr?g und begann Ben zu k?ssen. Ich merkte, wie er erstarrte. Das war gut, dann konnte er keinen Bl?dsinn machen. Ich gab mir alle M?he, dass Ben nicht aus seiner Starre aufwachte. Ich hatte noch nie eine Freundin geh...

2 years ago
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Das Abitur German

Das AbiturAls ich von der Abendschule zur?ck nach Hause kam weinte ich. Ich hatte den letzten Test wohl ordentlich vermasselt. Der Test war sehr schwer gewesen. Doch ich brauchte unbedingt das Abitur, oder ich w?rde meinen Job verlieren. Mein Chef hat mich f?r ein halbes Jahr vom Dienst freigestellt, und das bei voller Bezahlung. Er wollte sichergehen, dass ich gen?gend Zeit zum Lernen hatte um mein Abitur nachzuholen. Mein Mann sah mich als ich die K?che betrat und er fragte mich, warum ich...

3 years ago
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Intrigen und Interessen

Auch im Zentrum der Stadt, dem Rathaus, geht es nur um Macht, Sex, Geld und Interessen. Bei der Durchsetzung der Interessen wird alles angewandt: Erpressung, Vergewaltigung und sogar Mord. Dies ist ein kleiner Bericht aus dem innersten Kreis.

5 years ago
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Marie ist eine alte Bekannte. Du stehst schon auf sie seit der Schule. Sie ist immer noch ein Pummelchen, und mit der Pubertät bekam sie dazu die passenden Euter. Sie hat bald nach der Schule jemand anderes geheiratet. Schon immer war sie eine Reiterin und du wolltest ihr schon immer dienen. das kann ich mir gut vorstellen, dass du ihre reitstiefel abschlecken willst, an denen ein bisschen pferdescheiße und stroh klebt. und ich kann mir genauso gut vorstellen, wie sie da mit ihrem fetten arsch...

4 years ago
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Sex mit Erpressung

Marie, Anfang 20 und Zarifa Anfang 30 arbeiteten bei für eine Juwelier-Kette. Seit gut einem Jahr machten beide zusammen krumme Sache und bestiehlten ihre Filiale. Zarifa hatte als Filialleitern ihre Auszubildende Marie um den Finger gewickelt. Sie hatte nur mit Mühe den Schulabschluss geschafft und war froh einen Ausbildungsplatz zu haben. Regelmäßig stahlen sie Geld aus der Kasse oder Schmuck, den sie verkauften. An diesem Tag stand vom Unternehmen die Jahresfeier an, zu der alle Mitarbeiter...

4 years ago
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Mia hatte den Mini an den rechten Straßenrand gelenkt und das Radio leiser geregelt. Malte hatte ihr den neuen Wagen erst letzte Woche vor die Türe gestellt und sie fand ihn keineswegs praktisch. Mia hatte den alten verbeulten Golf geliebt und mit diesem Hochglanz-Mini musste sie nun vorsichtig sein. Dabei hatte das Auto jede Menge Sensoren und Extras und piepte beim Einparken praktisch pausenlos. Natürlich war der Wagen sehr schön, aber eigentlich benötigte sie gar kein Auto. Von der großen...

3 years ago
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4W Wenn W nsche War Werden

Hallo, Prinzesschen, endlich wach ? " ... " Zerbrich dir nicht deinen hübschen Kopf über solche Fragen. Du kennst mich nicht. Das ist auch richtig so. " ... " Oh doch, ich darf dich duzen. Und ich sage dir auch wieso. Weil ich hier das sagen habe ! " ... " Hoho, da haben wir aber ein freches Plappermäulchen, was ? Nun, wie ich schon sagte, du kennst mich nicht, aber du wirst mich kennen lernen. " ... " Weil ich dein neuer Herr bin. Jetzt sei still, oder ich werde den netten Elektroschocker an...

4 years ago
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Die Nuttenfabrik

Ich betreibe eine Organisation, in der wir das unscheinbare Mädchen von nebenan zu einer Nutte ausbilden, welche sofort bereit ist für jedermann zu tun was er von ihr verlangt. Nach ihrer Ausbildung gehen diese Schlampen in einem meiner Bordelle anschaffen oder werden weltweit an irgendwen verkauft. Da das Fickfleisch natürlich nicht freiwillig zu uns kommt, werden sie entführt. Dabei ist es für uns sehr nützlich, dass wir Kunden in sämtlichen Gesellschaftsschichten haben, so haben wir zum...

3 years ago
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Die dreckigen Vier

Es war heiß in der JVA. Harry, Stefan und Karl saßen im Aufenthaltsraum und besprachen ihren Plan, dem Knast auf Wiedersehen zu sagen. Alle drei hatten langjährige Haftstrafen abzusitzen und ihr Benehmen war nicht dazu angetan, vorzeitig auf Bewährung freizukommen. Stefano, ein kräftiger, schwarzhaariger Mann von 26 Jahren, 1,90 groß, mußte noch 8 Jahre wegen räuberischer Erpressung und Bandenkriminalität absitzen. Er hatte versucht einen Spediteur zu erpressen. Daneben hatte er mit seinen...

4 years ago
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Meine Fickmama Fortsetzung www

Teil 6Da Wochenende war konnte ich mich mal wieder ausschlafen, gegen 10 UhrKlingelte mein Handy und Heidi war dran.„Guten Morgen mein Süßer, kommst du heute zum essen! fragt Heidi mich„Ja so gegen zwölf Uhr kann ich da sein, antworte ich.Nach dem Frühstück räume ich endlich mal wieder meine Bude auf packe die schmutzige Wäsche für Heidi in einen Korb. Wie versprochen bin ich gegen Zwölf bei Heidi, die mich heißersehnt erwartet. Sie hat sich für mich deftig herausgeputzt, aus ihrem weißen...

3 years ago
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Der Keller 6

Nun war Schwester Irene dran. Gegen?ber Sabine und Monika wirkte sie direkt schlicht. Obwohl sie keinesfalls schlecht aussah. "Oh, ihr seht aber Chic aus. Was ist der Grund?" "Nicole meinte, sie k?nne sich besser konzentrieren wenn wir nicht wie Sch?lerinnen aussehen. Das w?rde sie ablenken." "Ja richtig, hatten wir ja beim Essen dar?ber gesprochen. Aber ihr solltet euch nun wieder umziehen, sonst werde ich zu stark abgelenkt." "Jetzt gleich?" "Ja, ich muss auch noch einmal...

5 years ago
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Sicher hat jeder schon einmal zu viel ?ber den Durst getrunken. Das erste Mal, das ich noch gut in Erinnerung hatte, war bei mir in den sp?ten Teens gewesen. Ich wusste Alkohol schlicht nicht einzusch?tzen, und versch?tzte mich gewaltig. An alles kann ich mich auch nicht mehr erinnern, gegen den sp?teren Abend wird es undeutlich, bis dann gar nichts mehr da ist. Die Folgen am n?chsten Tag waren nat?rlich katastrophal, das Leiden riesig gro?. Und trotz dieser h?chst unangenehmen Folgen passierte es...

3 years ago
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Junge Damen wider Willen Teil 3

Junge Damen wider Willen Teil 3 von Jennyfer H. Nun ist auch der 3. Teil fertig. Leider hat es unfreiwillig etwas l?nger gedauert bis er fertig war. Der 4. Teil ist in Arbeit und wird bald fertig sein. Es ist eigentlich nicht in Worten ausdr?ckbar, wie ich mich f?hlte. Es widerte mich fast schon an, wie ich nun aussah. Meine gesamte Erscheinung deutete in keinem Punkt mehr auf meine eigentliche M?nnlichkeit hin. Tanja und ich sahen aus wie Schwester oder vielmehr wie zwei h?bsche T...

4 years ago
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Die Hunde Sitterin

Die Anzeige lautete nette Hilfe für das Ausführen meines pflegeleichten Mischlings-Hundes gesucht. Alle männlichen Bewerber wurden sofort aussortiert. Einige der junge Frauen wurden nacheinander eingeladen. Ziel war es eine Mischung zu finden, die einen besonders hohen Stundenlohn wollte und möglichst dringend Geld brauchte aber auch vernünftig aussah. Vernünftig bedeutete in diesem Fall mindestens 1,7m groß Körbchengröße B bis C, keinesfalls größer. Tageslichttauglichkeit vom Gesicht her war...

4 years ago
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Erpressungssex im Hotel

Unterschlagung = spezielle Dienste Frankfurt: Chris und Zarifa sitzen in einer Lobby eines exklusiven Hotels. Zarifa war Anfang 30. Sie hatte braune gelockte Haare mit sportlicher Figur und einer Körbchengröße von 75 D. Chris war 25. Beide arbeiteten im Vertrieb in der Zarifa als Regionalleiterin tätig war. Chris war als Assistent der Geschäftsführung tätig und wollte mit Zarifa ein paar Zahlen besprechen. Chris war schon lange scharf auf Zarifa, aber sie war schon lange verheiratet. Als...

3 years ago
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Aus Rache Erpresst

Vorbemerkung: Die Geschichte entwickelt sich langsam und BDSM Elemente sind zwar von Anfang an ständig präsent aber es wird hauptsächlich damit gespielt, ein tatsächliches Ausleben beginnt erst Stück für Stück, wohl ganz explizit erst mit dem 9. Kapitel des Hauptstrangs. Außerdem neige ich dazu meine Hauptfiguren zu ironisieren, insofern ist diese Geschichte sicher nicht typisch für Erpressungsgeschichten, sie spielt mehr mit dem Bösen als das sie es ist. Ab Kapitel 11 teilt sich die Geschichte...

4 years ago
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Das Tor 12

Sobald wir den Saal verlassen hatten, wurden uns Augenbinden angelegt. Weiche Kissen dr?ckten sanft auf die Augen und wurden von einem elastischen Band um den Kopf gehalten. Ich konnte absolut nichts mehr sehen. Wir wurden hinaus gezerrt. Da ich in meinen Ballettstiefeln kaum gehen konnte, st?tzte mich einer der M?nner massiv. Naja, ein wenig mogelte ich schon. Eigentlich ziemlich viel. Die letzte Zeit hatte ich viel in hohen Abs?tzen zugebracht, teilweise auch in extrem hohen. Ich fa...

3 years ago
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Ein Urlaub der keiner werden sollte

Ein Urlaub, der keiner werden sollte... ( Katrin...2017) Teil 1 Einleitung Als ich nach getaner Arbeit meinen Arbeitsplatz verlie?, wusste ich damals nicht so genau, was mich im Leben noch so erwartet. Mein Urlaubsantrag war genehmigt worden, von der Gesch?ftsf?hrung und auf die Sp?tteleien, meiner Kollegen, wegen meines femininen Aussehens, reagierte ich schon lange nicht mehr. In meinen Gedanken fragte ich mich immer, was w?re eigentlich, wenn die w?ssten dass ich ein Transvestit, mit T...

2 years ago
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Kontrolle dem der es verdient

In dieser Geschichte geht es um Rache, gnadenlose, unnachgiebige BDSM Rache. Dies wird ermöglicht durch Isabel, dem Racheengel. Sie verleiht Menschen die es, in ihren Augen, verdient haben. Im Hauptstrang der Geschichte geht es um Sophia Berger, sie ist eine 18 jährige Gymnasiastin ein Jahr vor ihrem Abschluss. Sie ist Bildhübsch, aber sehr schüchtern und vorallem Prüde. Dies ging der Clique rund um Henrik mächtig auf die Nerven, sie locken Sophia in eine Falle und erbeuten Erpressungsmaterial...

2 years ago
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Batman ist ein willenloser Sklave

Eine neue Geschichte, vor allem aber eine neue Art des Geschichtenerzählens. Zumindest für mich. Die Leute die meine Geschichten bisher verfolgt haben wissen das ich dazu tendiere lange Chapter zu schreiben und darauf zu achten das die Leute und die Entscheidungen nachvollziehbar sind. Das führt zu sehr langen Geschichten. Ich möchte allerdings in dieser Geschichte den Ablauf ein wenig ändern. In dieser Geschichte wird es, wie fast immer bei mir, um Gedankenkontrolle gehen und das Verderben von...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Taking the Plunge with Daddy Part 11

He didn't take the flogger from my hands right away; instead he walked to the radio/bluetooth music player thing - you know the kind in all the decent hotels - and to my surprise he turned on some low music. I didn't know what it was, and looking back on it, it could have been most anything. I heard some trance-y, slow electronica beats type of thing, very sensual..I was wondering what Daddy is up to when he came up right behind me and quickly put an arm around my waist, kissing...

1 year ago
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Workin Security

Walking out of class, Damien had 15 minutes to get to his dorm, change, and get to work. Work being a security officer. He didn't necessarily enjoy working security, but for a 19 year old, it was an easy gig where he could get his schoolwork done, and get paid 12 bucks an hour. Damien walked into his dorm, and the moment he walked in he could hear what was going on in his roommate's bedroom. "Ohh Jamal, fuck me with that huge cock of yours!" "Yeah you like it girl, you like bending over for my...

4 years ago
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White Boy in Asia

White Boy in Asia Chapter one, Callum is bored, Callum was bored, lately there was nothing unusual about that, Bored was the norm, ever since his mum and dad had divorced and his dad had dragged him of to live a nomadic life style, in the Far East. Callum’s dad works for an international Aid Organization, they went to the Countries where his dad was needed the most, and this subsequently meant that the places he went to live and work, were invariably third world countries where poverty was...

2 years ago
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Rogues Story Part Three Reflection

She stands at the kitchen sink, the bubbles from the washing up liquid covering her hands. She stares out of the window into the back garden but her eyes are glazed, locked into a different time and space, her hands working as if on autopilot but her mind unaware that she has been cleaning the same plate for the past ten minutes. She closes her eyes as the feeling of the lead weight in the pit of her stomach grows, the bile rising in her throat past the lump of tears that refuses to flow. Her...

2 years ago
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The Ball Boy Experiment Chapter 2 Team Meating

He was laying in her bed, pants strewn across the floor nearby. For the first time in over 2 weeks, his girlfriend was giving him head. Ally looked up at him wordlessly from between his legs, and kept working at him. He'd asked for a quick BJ before the two of them left for school, which she'd agreed to, under the condition that it was indeed, "quick". Jake, however, wanted to make the experience last. Ally'd been giving him major blue balls, lately, and he was trying to milk the...

2 years ago
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Granny My Sex Slave Part 8211 2

I Hope you people enjoyed my first post “Granny My Sex Slave – I”.In this post, I am continuing my sex journey with my granny. Contact me at “” any unsatisfied ladies, girls, aunties, and widowed ladies from any location. Let’s move on to the sex journey. Almost every day I spent most of the daytime at her house because my grandpa is not at home and I can stare at her assets whole day. One evening she was taking her bath One day we were having a little conversation about my studies and college...

4 years ago
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BtVS Girl in the War

Faith said, "What do we actually fucking know? Somebody tell me the fucking fact right now!" She was a little proud of her self-control.Dawn liked to sleep almost curled in a ball. With someone there with her. It was useless information right then. But Faith kept feeling herself on the verge of blurting it out, along with a lot of other useless bullshit. She just wanted to know that Dawn was going to be safe."Dawn went to this pawn shop on Fifth Street and Lewis to see if they had the glove and...

2 years ago
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My Mom And My Wife Helping To Fuck My Mil And Cut Her Long Hair

Hi friends my name Ronny this story happened recently just six months back which I want to share with you. This story includes my mom lakshmi, My wife pavani and her mom (My MIL) parvathi. Mostly I wrote in before stories that I have hair fetish and like to cut long hair of women and like to have sex with them and how I seduced my mom to fulfill my desire and how I used to cut my mom long hair when ever I want to cut and daily used to have sex with her. My mom saw a beautiful long hair girl and...

1 year ago
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Are you into geeky chicks? Do you think that girls who play games or do whatever else the fuck you’d consider nerdy are hot? Welcome to r/geekygirls/, a subreddit that is all about those types of girls. Now, what exactly can you expect from this subreddit, and how pornographic it can get is a whole different story. I shall tell you all that you need to know about r/geekygirls/, though you can check out the site on your own.I mean, Reddit is a free website, so if you are interested, browse...

Reddit NSFW List
4 years ago
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re handjob in the woods

Back in the ’80’s, when I was a lot younger, I fell for this chick named Laurie. We were at this resteraunt and I went up to get us a couple of beers. When I got back, this other dude had taken my place and started bullshitting with her. I got pissed and left. I think she had realized that what she had done wasn’t right. I walked down the road about an eigth of a mile, when she drove up beside me. ‘Hey, Gary. I’m sorry about that back there. Is there anything I can do for you?’ A wicked grin...

3 years ago
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Amar Golpo

By : Gugababa Nomoskar bandhura, amaar naam Anil. Ami prothom sex er bishoye jaani class VII e thakte. Amader barite kaaj korto menoka naame ekti meye. Shey amaar cheye 3-4 bocchor boro cchilo. Shey amay majhe majhe gaal tipe aador korto aar bolto “shona bhai amar” o joriye dhorto. Amaar mathata or buke chepe dhore rakhto. Taar ektu porei taar chokh mukh kemon jaani laal hoye uthto. Ekdin emon kore chepe dhore rakhar somoy o amaar nunuta hath diye dhore. Shey otake dhore chotkate laaglo. Aste...

4 years ago
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Ghost StoriesChapter 9

All six of them agreed to a certain plan. Before 7PM, Josh picked up Archie and Josie, while Reggie picked up Beef and Sabrina, with the two cars meeting up by the cafe. As Josh had the sketch map, he led the way, with Reggie's car following behind his. They had to leave before 7PM, as this was the time when the town parade would more or less begin. Josh and Reggie kept on driving their cars, until they were out of Waterdale. As Archie and Josie were in the same car as Josh, Josh addressed...

3 years ago
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Why Didn t I Just Chapter 5

I managed to wake up in time to go out and help my mother set the table for dinner. My dad wasn't home yet, and I took some time to actually have a real conversation with my mother. It confused her, and made her wonder what had happened for me to suddenly want to know what she thought about things. We talked about the move out to California, and about how she felt about having my father always getting his way with things. "Jimmy, your father and I fight enough already, without me trying to...

3 years ago
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old guys fun part 3

Hi just a quick recap Rose and her family had moved in with John read the other part firs thanks .This is from Roses view of her life now .Right many people will think its weird way to live me a 35 year old black women my mum who is 55 and my twin girls 12 years old .We love it here when i decided to move in with John a 71 year old guy that was the best thing i have ever done .this is a year later im now 36 and John has got me pregnant .I was scard to tell him i was pregnant but he just loves...

4 years ago
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Britneys new whore

"Get up and get dressed baby. Hector's waiting."From a deep sleep Deb hears the voice. She is confused and has no idea where she is. When she opens her eyes she sees Manny standing by the side of the bed holding her bikini and wrap. It all slowly comes back. Deb was just gang-banged by twenty strangers in a strip joint. She can still feel it in her pussy and ass. Even her jaw is a little sore."Put these on," Manny orders.Deb sits up on the side of the bed and stuffs her oversized tits into the...

4 years ago
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NeighborsChapter 5

Okay ... Life went on. If I thought about it too hard, I felt like a guy with an inoperable medical condition that I knew about, but that could strike me dead at any moment, otherwise I was perfectly healthy. So I didn't think about it. To those on the outside, Haley's parents, the neighbors, even my own daughter, life matched the pattern established over a year ago. When I pulled into the driveway, Haley was usually walking across the yard with her bookbag purposefully slung over her...

3 years ago
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How I Lost My Virginity To My Aunt Chithi

A warm welcome to all iss readers and this is my first story and I thank all the iss writers who put up their effort in penning down their experiences. I am ram,22 years old guy working in a software company in chennai. Give your valuable feedback on my email id Aunties and ladies in and around chennai and throughout tamil nadu who are in desperate need of sex and satisfaction can mail me at Privacy assured. Satisfaction assured. Details would be kept safe. After reading all the iss...

3 years ago
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Seth a Civil War StoryChapter 16 At Fort Stevens

In the barracks behind Fort Reno, a broad bar of golden sunlight slid across Seth's face while the boy dreamed of his mother's sewing circle. His tiny grandmother Axminister, red-faced Aunt Hester who always smelled of camphor, his maiden aunt who was called Miss Vidy, and his mother were knitting at his house. He could hear the needles clicking. Annie sat on a stool playing with her doll. Seth crouched back in a corner, watching and listening. All the women were saying nasty things to his...

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On The Eve Of Blooming Daffodils

Had it really been 15 years? The house looked the same and her skeleton key still fit the lock. More importantly, the locking mechanism still worked. The wood and glass-paned door swung inward, a gust of wind creating a blanket of dust that rolled across the beaten linoleum floor, raising ghosts with it. That was fifteen years ago. She knew it but she still trembled as if her father was sitting in the dark living room waiting for her to come home. There was no one in the house now. It had been...

4 years ago
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CHAPTER 6The next morning, waking up to the new day streaming into through the balcony door was different, delightfully different. The body sprawled out next to me in my bed brought back a flood of visions, sensations, and warm memories of the night before. And, more than those wonderful things from before, it brought with it promise and expectation for the future, and anticipation for perhaps the very near future. Like, yet today?The new day’s first sunlight streamed into the room with a...

3 years ago
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Thanks Dr Joe

Meeting for drinks after work seemed innocent enough but I should have known it wouldn't work out that way with her. When I walked in and I saw her at the table with three empty shot glasses in front of her I knew she was in the mood. I must say she looked like she just came from a nightclub instead of from work. She was wearing a red dress that had a generous portion of cleavage showing. I ordered and we small-talked for a minute or two but I could not wait, I needed to see the rest of her so...

Oral Sex
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She changed her mind

This happened in January 2000. I have changed the names to more English sounding names to make the text slightly more fluent. English is not my native language so bear with me :)Yet another weekend. I was at the nightclub that is right next to the apartment house where I lived. At some point, a young woman came talking to me. I was almost 30 and later I found out that she was 21. She had cute face, long black hair and her body was thick at just the right places. We talked and danced a lot. When...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 51 The Company Continues to Grow

Each weekend in May we had our return season at the Pumphouse; we hoped that our series of live performances might give a boost to the CD sales. The album had sold moderately well, certainly not to the same levels that our ‘Roberttones’ albums sold, but they were targeted at different markets. Mary Beth had been contacted by the venue management, they wanted to change the image of the Pumphouse to a place where the more ‘sophisticated’ young adults – in their mid-twenties to thirties would...

3 years ago
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The Office 3

The Office 2: On getting to the office I tried to walk past the secretaries without them noticing the swishing noise my legs made as the stockings rubbed against each other and against my trousers. As I walked past them however I noticed that they all had new wallpaper on their computers and it was of me in my underwear! Riane had betrayed me. I went straight through to see Jane. "Jane-" "Samantha, take a seat." "Er, Jane I thought you said..." "Samantha I hope that you...

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Coquette and her cuckold Part 3

Introduction: A few new strokes in the pool Julie handed Dave and me a plastic cup each and filled them with vodka. Then she leaned back against the edge of the pool and took a drink straight from the bottle. What little glow there was from the string of coloured lights that surrounded the pool, was just enough to highlight the silhouette of my wifes breasts. The surface of the warm water lapped against her dark, puckered nipples, still stiff from her orgasms of a few moments before. Standing...

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GangbangCreampie Moka Mora G127

The time has come my friends, to talk of many things, of GangBangs and Creampies and other amazing topics. Moka is on the bench, doing some fun yoga-esqe pose, her little legs all spread out ready for the fuckin’ she’s bout to get. We really let her have it. This itty-bitty Spanish spinner is gonna have more cum in her than she’s ever had. We give her 6 piping hot loads in her pussy, and 3 hot facials. The guys surround her and rip her clothes off, eat her pussy, and get to...

2 years ago
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Unexpected encounter Part 1 Kindred Spirits

I truly felt like a fish out of water when it came to travelling. Maybe it wasn't so much to being in a different place, it was just the moving around, not being able to do anything which I would consider constructive. I hadn't really wanted to go on this stupid training course but my boss had nagged at me to go on this thing. I'm convinced he felt that sending me on one of these things was to do me good and not just for the good of the business. The rooms we were given were really...

4 years ago
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First Date Nightmare

Let me introduce myself, my name is Moe. Yes, you read right, Moe. Well at least that’s what my friends call me. Frankly I’ve been called that for so long so often that I cannot really remember my real name unless I look at my driver’s license. I am not really a ladies man. In all truth, I’m the complete opposite. If I tried to pick up a lady at the bar I would crash and burn worse then the first fight of a military aircraft. My hands sweat, I turn beet red, and I sound like Porky Pig (no...

3 years ago
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A Christmas Party Tale

I dreaded going to my wife's company Christmas party, but there was no getting out of it. Alice had been at her new job less than a year and was soaring to the top of the corporate chain. Her promotions were coming at the rate of almost every other month. I was happy for her, as she brought plaques of praise, letters of appreciation, and even cash bonuses. I was also happy for the extra income she was getting; in fact, she now made a lot more than I did.All of this success came with a price;...

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Garwyli 01

I drove up the track, worrying for the hundredth time about the state of it, the winter frosts had eroded great tracts of it, making the suspension work hard, I thought again of asking Da to arrange for a lorry load of tarmac and a couple of men to sort it. I was glad the skies had cleared. I could rescue part of my scheduled work at least, there were two sets of comparison shots I wanted to complete, half an hour shutter time each. I also had the next set of three to start. There, round the...

2 years ago
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Sex With Stranger

Hello guys it’s me Harry, again. I don’t like to boast myself, but need to tell u that I have a dick which has satisfied every woman I have slept with. So I am proud to say that I have the skills. Please email me your comments to this incidence that I am going to explain happened just a while ago, to be precise on June 20th. I was working and with regards to work I had to send an email to person in Pune, this person replied stating that a follow up needs to be done with the customer, hence she...

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I'd only lived in my house a couple of years when I started the garden. I was twenty-five years old and was working crazy hours at my small business.  Getting home around six-thirty in the evening left me little time to spend planting and weeding.  But, the destressing and solitude that it offered were worth the late nights.This wasn't my first time tending to a vegetable garden.  My grandfather and mother were both vegetable gardeners, and I helped them often as I grew up.  I knew the basics...

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Dyked Angel Smalls Lauren Phillips Pussy For Breakfast

Angel Smalls and her stepmother Lauren Phillips are all alone for the weekend. They sit down for a nice breakfast together and start chatting. The conversation leads to Angel asking Lauren what she thinks they should do today. As Lauren seductively licks her spoon, she explains that she was thinking that they should do something relaxing, but what would that entail? As lauren rubbed her foot on Angels leg she started to get the point. Lauren then started eating Angel’s tight pussy out with a...

5 years ago
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Episode 68 Andrew s first sex

This story is written for andrew426 about his real fam1ly experiences, just updated to the present day and contains some of my personal fantasies.ThursdayAndrew rushed up to his room after getting home from school, shedding clothes and spotted a pair of his younger sisters used pink panties in the clothes wash bin. He loved the feel of soft cotton against his balls, most of his cock stuck out above the rolled down waistband. He could hear giggling and splashing from the garden down below; there...

2 years ago
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DetentionGirls Natalia Nix Sneaking Out

Stuck in a home for naughty girls with incredibly strict rules, Natalia Nix goes over the ropes with Tyler Steel, the daytime administrator. She decides to make a run for a night of freedom. She confirms her plan with her friend Mackenzie Mace, then goes into the closet to see what she can find. Spare bedsheets are just what Natalia needs to make a rope. She passes on dinner, then changes into some slutty clothes she snuck in. She makes her way to the roof and ties the bedsheets to a chair...

4 years ago
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A First Encounter

Okay this is my first story ever, so please would you be so kind as to leave constructive criticism to help me. Let me know if I should add more to this story, as well as do others. I purposely left the characters kind of blank so you can make your own. “I bet you’ve been dreaming about this for a long time.” He said with his low gravelly voice, as he came up behind me in the bathroom. “About what exactly?” I replied looking him straight in the eyes through the mirror in front of me. “Oh, just...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Alexis Turns The Tables

Isobel arrived just after lunch as promised. I was in my see through dress and as soon as Isobel saw it her eyes popped out and she said, “Wow, when did you get that Alexis?” Jaden answered, “I did actually Isobel, but don’t worry there is one for you upstairs.” Isobel’s mouth dropped open and I could see she pursed her lips to stop herself saying anything rude. Jaden continued, “Go upstairs and change then come back down and I will run through the rules. That’s a good girl Isobel.” Isobel...

3 years ago
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Satisfying My Sister

I swear my cock felt like it weighed ten pounds. It lay fat and thick in my right hand, and I bounced it up and down as I stared at my luscious sister sunbathing in our backyard. Smack, smack, smack. She was getting ready to go to the beach next week with a bunch of her fellow seniors and determined to get rid of strap marks for her new Vickies’ bikini, a real reason for a hard-on. I stroked my blood-hot prick, played with the heavily ridged head and smiled as it rose and pointed at the...

4 years ago
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Rimming Jobs Morning Lick

I woke up on my stomach hearing the alarm clock at 7:15am. I looked over at him and lifted up a little to come over to him lying on his back. I kissed him after saying good morning then smiled at him, to let him know I wanted him to do what I find irresistible for him to do for me in the morning.I fell back onto my stomach spreading my legs pulling a pillow under my stomach as I bent my knees a little and he crawled behind me grabbing hold of my legs still in black fishnet stockings from the...

3 years ago
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Blackmail The Price Of An Apartment

I arrived in Washington State, mid-summer for university. I did not know one person. The closest “friend” I had was Max, who lived three hours away. If you haven’t read my other stories, Max is my benefactor, my occasional lover, and my Sugar Daddy. My relationship with him may sound strange to an outsider, and it is complicated to explain.I met Max online, and he was the first person to call me and treat me as a “she,” even before I knew I wanted that. He encouraged me to follow my dreams, and...

4 years ago
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Our Fantasy Lives Part 2

We walk through the town -hand in hand as normal lovers do...Wendy has this beaming smile in her face -- she has just made love while buying her wedding dress --- to Pippa and me....The cold November day doesn't bother us at all --- we run the last 200 yards to the hotel laughing like teenagers...The receptionist in the hotel calls me over as we walk in -- your package has arrived Sir! -- I say has it been taken to the room -- Yes sir!!While we wait for the lift Wendy is so intrigued about "the...

4 years ago
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Library Pussy The readings for a not so shy cunt

Sasha hated the fact that her new job required her to go back to school to brush up on her computer skills. It was another late night at the library for her and frankly she was over it all. Sasha sat down on her usual chair that was in the rear of the library. She liked being in the back of the room. She had time to reflect on her day and study without being disturbed. She planted her nice round ass in her chair and gazed around the room. She wondered was her new job worth all this late night...

2 years ago
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I F cked a Girl Sorta Kim and Mary Pt 1

Mary and Kim had been friends all through grade school. They’d be graduating and Mary was excited about finishing school. She was saddened by the fact her best friend would be moving away for college. “You look like your dog died. Cheer up!” Kim tossed a small pillow at Mary and Mary grinned. Kim asked to spend the night and Mary’s parents were out of town. She was old enough to have sleepovers without supervision. “I’m bored.” Mary looked over at Kim. She wore an over-sized t-shirt, no bra....

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The Girl Living on the Floor Above

Something woke me up in the middle of the night. I looked around, then focused my eyes on the clock. 1:13 a.m. My first reaction was to curse, which I accompanied with a yawn. A noise from above had wakened me. I didn't know why I was so sure, but I was. A nice looking girl named Jessica lives in the flat above me. She is 21. I closed my eyes, trying not to think about anything, ready to fall asleep again. A moan came from above. There was a seductive tinge in it, pain and pleasure mixed...

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Mc Allister s RedemptionChapter 26

The figure depicted on the surface of the rod bowed to McAllister, hands wide. The sense of familiarity, the sense he knew the figure, grew. As McAllister watched, the figure turned to the shelves on the wall behind him, stepping away from McAllister, toward the hundreds of tomes. McAllister caught his breath as the size of the figure diminished in proportion as it strode purposefully toward the wall of books in the room behind the table. A clearing of the throat snapped him out of the...

4 years ago
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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 46

Krissy 10:42 am, November 4th, 2006 4:42 am November 5th, 2006 (local time) "Karl, set up the first PowerPoint." Karl moved the mouse and clicked it a few times. "Ready when you are." I started my presentation. I knew Karl would have my back with the tech gear. "As I stated, ion drives are not science fiction. They have not been since 1998. Ion drive though is a bit of a misnomer. Electricity provides the spark to get things started. Yes, just as the spark plugs in your car engines...

2 years ago
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Private Kittina Clairette Sex Therapist Gets Practical

Today in Private Specials, Rimming Ladies 5 we have the pleasure of introducing you Kittina Clairette, a saucy sex therapist who is willing to go to any length for her clients. Seeing her today is Kai, he has lost his sex drive, however after one session with this beauty it’ll come back with a bang, and that’s exactly what happens as Kittina gets down on her knees for a sloppy blowjob before treating her client to some quality rimming action. Then watch this sexy girl put her tight body to work...

3 years ago
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Helen Space SlaveChapter 21 Betrayed

When they arrived at Karl's house, Helen was not taken in through the front door, but round the side and into the back of the house, where she had never been before. This part, she noticed was even more shabby than anything she had seen on Csadia so far, and that really was saying something. Unfastening her handcuffs, Martha removed her dress, not unkindly, and she was recuffed immediately. Martha stood and looked Helen over, shaking her head. "Why did you do it?" asked Martha. "Oh, I...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Married Maid Shani

Hi readers, this is my 3rd story on ISS, I’ve come along way on this site reading everyone’s stories, learning from everyone. If u want to read this story then you should also read my other story (Blackmailed Maid For Sex) to understand this one. If you’ve read my previous stories then u know about my short gay relationship with my house guard and you know i got my maid faima to have sex with me. I have grown in a very modern lifestyle but no matter how modern, I always get very horny thinking...

4 years ago
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Honeymoon Sissification

To be honest I was having real misgivings, my new wife Melody and I were on our honeymoon in the Caribbean, there was a nudist beach near by and she wanted to go. "Look Mel I really don't want to go, I know you say there's nothing wrong with me, but I'm not that well endowed, it will be really embarrassing", I begged in a desperate attempt to get Mel to change her mind, knowing I was only 4 inches when hard, and 1? inch when soft. "Nonsense you're just average, I'm sure there will be...

2 years ago
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Cousin brittney 1

Revised Hi, my name is Mike. I use to live in a small town, and I am currently looking for another small town to move too. The reason  for my decision to not go home will be explainable once you read this story. It all began when I first met my 12 year old cousin Brittney, and again you're about to see why.  Growing up in a small town was actually not to bad. It had its ups and downs. The worst of it was the fact that is was so boring. As a result I got into my fair share of trouble from...

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The Princess and the CaptainThe Black Willow 2 Chapter 5

This story takes place before the Princess and the Captain After succeeding in their mission, they were in high demand. Mary was pissed that they didn't let her and Jim work on their tech much. She had many ideas and wanted to get on with them. As the months passed, many of the missions they accomplished pushed the war closer to an end. As they accomplished more and more, the money that she earned helped her sister and her guardian settle into a much more easy life. Ann had started in...

3 years ago
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The Trailer Park The Fourth YearChapter 27

"Thanks, Mom. I really appreciate this," I said as the car rolled to a stop. "Just remember this in a few months when you get your license and I ask you to take Traci somewhere." I looked blank. "Traci, Traci who?" I started to open the door. "It's a long walk to Robbie's from here." "Oh, Traci! My beautiful, talented, loving sister. Why didn't you say so?" I grinned as I stepped out of the car. The raindrop hit right in the center of my head. I looked up and a second drop...

4 years ago
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Head Above WaterChapter 13

People call me a bad bitch. If you’re a part of the older generation, you may think this is an insult, but to us millennials, bad bitches are confident women who are bold and do things for themselves, relying on no one. I was a bad bitch to the first degree, a woman on a rampage, at war with the world, fighting it to earn my place, and for the better part of the last ten years, I had succeeded. From eighteen to twenty-eight, I’d been a beast at work, a Dragon Lady, breathing fire and tearing...

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Young Life of White TigerChapter 35 Martial Arts Tour

This weekend was going to be hectic for me. Last summer when I had been working out how moving might affect my ability to train in Ninjutsu, I had come up with a plan to get some one on one tuition with a senior instructor. As I had told my baseball coach, it had taken some money to make it work, because I wasn’t satisfied with just any instructor, I had arranged to have an instructor come over from Japan just to satisfy my needs. The instructor hadn’t been happy with my initial plan, to...

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SRU Better To Be Born Luc k y

SRU : Better To Be Born Luc(k)y by Paul1954 It was just another day for Samuel Thomas as he walked through the morning drizzle on his way to the job centre. Walking down there to look for work had become a daily occurrence for him, but there was usually little available for someone with as few qualifications as he had! He had left school with only two of the most basic of qualifications and had not had any luck with securing a permanent job, picking up just the most menial of...

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My Hot Telugu Aunty

I honestly don’t know where to start, so I will begin by introducing myself. My name is Venkat, age 22 years old, currently studying engineering in Australia (our family moved to Brisbane back in 2005 from India). Originally from Vizag. This is my real sex story. Before I begin my sex story, I would like to share some of the background information. So my dad had a friend (uncle) and he got married in 2009 and moved to Brisbane. I was around 18, so I basically just discovered porn and it was the...

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Cassie s Fall

Cassie licked her lips, took a deep breath, and then knocked on the door before her confidence failed her. She had decided last night before going to sleep that this trip was necessary, but upon waking this morning and facing actually having to go through with it, she had found herself not wanting to do it. All through breakfast and her usual morning routine, she had wavered back and forth, finally managing to talk herself out of it. Then, having gotten dressed and headed for the gym like...

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I Have No IdeaChapter 12

My brother and I stepped out into the Brazilian summer night air in tuxedos. It was dry, hot, and calm. I’m sure we mirrored the dry and calm parts. I smirked at him. We were always told we looked alike: dark haired, brown eyed, big eared. He had so much more gray in his hair than I remembered. I wondered about myself. I hadn’t seen a mirror but at Bethany’s and we had those steamed up pretty quickly. “You’re grinning like you just got laid.” “I live on Fuck Island,” I responded. “It’s hard...

1 year ago
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Fishing Needn t be Boring

Britain in the summer can on occasions be sunny and hot, contrary to popular opinion. It was on one such day, shortly after my 13th birthday that I had my first, and as I later found out illegal sexual encounter, although at the time I was unaware of technicalities like that. I had gone fishing down by a local river, and, like most young boys boredom had set in after half an hour of lack of bites. Pondering over whether or not to find some other activity on this sunny day, I was joined by a man...

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Tempting mother in law

I come from a small town in Ohio. I’m 28 6’3’’ 220lbs but not fat by any means. My wife who I have been with for over 5 years is 24 has an amazing body 5’6’’ always tan 34 D breasts and an amazing ass. Her mother (Deb) has just as an amazing body as she does. She just turned 50, she’s about 5’5’’ toned body always tan, 34 C breasts and her ass isn’t as nice but still amazing to look at. I was attracted to Deb from the first time I met her, but she was my girlfriend’s mother so I always shook...

2 years ago
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Pregnant Sex Pt 2

by Dunchad© *This is the second of four stories with an amazing woman.* It was the next day and I was still in amazement of what had happened. I couldn’t believe that my plan had worked the way it did. I figured she would be revolted and leave without the stroller, but instead she got turned on. I sat in the living room and started to watch the porn tape with the pregnant woman and got turned on again. As I sat there in my shorts I got another hard on and decided to pull it...

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Lara and Ben

It all started innocently enough; Ben and Lara were two people that took a dare. Lara was a beautiful natural burnette, with 36D breasts on her slender, athletic frame. Her amber brown eyes would captivate any man, but her 150+ IQ had a tendency to intimidate most men, and Lara was not squeamish about ripping a mans ego to shreds if she sensed any weakness at all. Yet all those that saw her would give anything to make love to this beauty. Anyone but Ben. No, Ben was not gay, rather he was her...

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Making the best Pt 2

It wasn’t a long drive to the town where Dean lived. Only an hour once he got on the interstate, but it gave him a chance to think a lot about everything that had happened. He’d caught his girlfriend in bed with his roommate, but that freed him to have some incredible sex with his gorgeous dealer. Then, when his girlfriend sprung herself on him, he’d gotten some of their roughest and most enjoyable sex ever before tossing her naked into the hallway of his dorm with cum dripping out of her ass...

2 years ago
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HandsOnHardcore Verona Sky Kinky Catering DP

Thomas Stone and Verona Sky have been hired to do the catering for a DDF Network shooting. The two get inspired as fuck by the sexy environment and the Hungarian stud can’t wait to grab that super hot Russian bombshell by the ass. The brunette glamour hottie with brown eyes and endless legs gets so horny, she can’t stop thinking of sucking his massive veiny cock. Soon, the two end up fucking by the buffet when boss Kai Taylor enters the room and catches them in the act. Instead of...

3 years ago
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Initial sexual explorations the first frontiers

After our first encounter and the measures we put in place to safeguard our privacy, G. and I were both excited with our situation. G. as a 17yr old boy had gone to heaven! There, a young girl, sexy (I hope he found me sexy at that age!!) very much willing to do sexual exploration with him. At an age and in an era, where most 17yr olds were ,let alone ,virgins, but with no sexual experience apart from their right hand and fingers, G. had struck gold. And me, I was curious…I was fascinated with...

4 years ago
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Wife Swap III

Danny woke up in a frisky mood. We had been married eleven years and I knew instinctively when she had sex on her mind. All she had to do was softly moan and I knew what she wanted and needed without even looking in her direction.Danny was addicted to sex, or so it seemed the first few years of our marriage. But, as familiarity set in and perhaps, too, a bit of convenience, our sexual activities declined. So it was with a great deal of love and a lot of apprehension that we decided to spice...

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Constant Craving

Marie, you do not know how many Black Men you screwed last night because you drank a little too much and got pretty stoned. It must have been several because you smell like a New York whore and your legs, thighs and pussy are tender and sticky with cum. You guess you passed out on the bed in the guest bedroom after all of the fucking because you just awoke and that is where you are right now. The sun is just beginning to rise. You arms and legs are handcuffed to the bed. You are completely...

2 years ago
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His Lucky CharmChapter 9

Making a Home Denver, Colorado Territory, September 1862 Two weeks later, Ned, Al Tennison, and Hiram Kennedy left Denver for Tarryall, with a train of five wagons, carrying the supplies Kennedy needed. Ned and Mandy had an emotional farewell, leaving her depressed for days. They were still lodging with Mrs. Sloan, but Jim and Rose had been viewing a few houses already. This afternoon, they were to see another one. It had been built for a wealthy investor from Boston who had come to Denver...

3 years ago
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The Vengeful Wife

Before we married I had lots of men. And many were married. I knew the rules and so did they. No changes at home. No unexplained changes in the work pattern. It's easy when you know how. On the 15th January two years ago my husband broke the rules and I knew, instantly, that he was fucking somebody else! He showered as soon as he got home with no explanation. He didn't fuck me that night nor for the next five days! He started working later. A week later he had a sudden, over the weekend...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary series S14E17 Juliet Peacock 58 from Stockton on Tees NE

We start this week’s show with establishing shots of boring terraced streets ... Blank two-up, two-downs ... Cruising along a road, looking sideways at a series of side-streets, each less interesting than the last, with bollards at either end to make them pedestrian only... A big caption appears, filling almost the whole screen, “STOCKTON-ON-TEES, ENGLAND.” The caption fades as we come to a halt infront of the first street with any sign of activity ... And the activity is... Our...

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In the Pink and Blue

In the Pink and Blue by Christine Silk David shyly approached his Auntie's house, climbing the stone steps up to the imposing front door. The house was old and rambling, secluded from the road by lines of tall, graceful trees. David vaguely remembered the house but had not visited since he was about 6, over ten years earlier. David was a slim, weak looking but very pretty boy, with thick blonde hair that fell to his shoulders and delicate feminine...

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BangBros18 Sybil Bound And Banged By Step Bro

Sybil and her boyfriend are setting up a bondage scene. She really into it. But her cuck boyfriend bails when he hears a noise at the door. He left her tied up. Her stepbro Charlie Dean walks in. He’s dismayed at the sight of her naked sister. She explains that she was playing a game. “what the hell on this planet you were playing for?” he retorts. She asks him to untie her. But He has other ideas about what to do. He gets down and eats her pussy. She loves it. He whips out...


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