WebYoung Rharri Rhound Skylar Vox Don 8217 t Let Dad Hear Us
- 2 years ago
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Okay ... Life went on. If I thought about it too hard, I felt like a guy with an inoperable medical condition that I knew about, but that could strike me dead at any moment, otherwise I was perfectly healthy. So I didn't think about it.
To those on the outside, Haley's parents, the neighbors, even my own daughter, life matched the pattern established over a year ago. When I pulled into the driveway, Haley was usually walking across the yard with her bookbag purposefully slung over her shoulder. Being late summer and early autumn, many days were pleasant enough to sit out under the tree and when that happened the books were there, open, and it looked absolutely like what it was supposed to be: me tutoring Haley on her schoolwork.
Every Monday she came in with the results of the previous weeks' testing, and she'd dutifully show her mom, then she'd show me, and that was my opportunity to 'reward' her with something special: dinner, a movie, maybe both.
Some days, though, we weren't in the yard. Inside, books were opened on the dining room table, or maybe in my home office.
Like today. I pulled into the driveway and as I opened the door of the car, I saw the front door of Haley's house open and she walked out. I saw her head turn, so I knew she was telling her mom something. She was smiling as she walked across the yard. We went right into the house.
"Hi, cutie!" I said.
"Hi, Bill," she answered as I bent over to get a kiss. Her nose wrinkled.
"I know, baby. Wasn't a good day. I need to shower."
She giggled. "I wanna shower with you."
"I'd LOVE that, sweetness, but let's not try that unless your folks are gone. I'd hate for them to come knock on the door while you were soaking wet."
"Oh, I know ... But I still wanna, you know..." she put her books down on the coffee table and spread a couple out.
I kissed her on top of her brown haired head and headed to my bedroom. I should've known better. Haley was a playful young thing and when I stood up to step out of my pants, she was leaning against the door frame, smiling, her arms folded.
"You're not s'posed to be watching, ' I said.
"Why not," she giggled. "I've seen every bit of that. Up close." Grin. She stepped into the room and knelt in front of me, turning her face upward to look at mine. "Is THIS part sweaty? Hmmm?" She flipped my hardening dick upward into her waiting mouth. "Mmmmm" escaped her lips. She released me. "Uh-huh. A little bit." Her head bobbed forward again, giving me a luxurious suck, then she said, "Take your shower."
She stood up and I kissed her, avoiding the hug because of my body funk. I went into the shower and let the hot water cascade over me. I'd been in the shower for a couple of minutes, was lathering up, when I felt a little hand reach in and fondle whatever parts she could reach, accompanied by a cute, happy giggle.
"Stop that!" I chided. "You're gonna get wet!"
"I AM wet," she said. "Wanna guess where?"
"Hold that thought, cutie pie," I said. "I need to shave."
"Uh-huh, you do," she giggled. "That one time you didn't, wow..." She'd gotten a bit insistent about getting eaten one afternoon and I went after her with a day-old beard. The insides of her thighs were pretty irritated.
When I stepped out of the shower, she was sitting on the lid of the toilet. She handed me the bath towel she was holding, then watched me shave. When I finished and walked into the bedroom, the covers were already turned back.
"I know, I know ... a lady's not supposed to appear anxious," she said, repeating something I'd told her, "but you know..."
I laid out T-shirt and shorts within easy reach. I could be 'dressed' in a matter of seconds, if needed. And by the time I finished that task, I turned to see her naked from the waist down.
I sat on the bed and said, "C'mere, cutie!"
She gave a little squeal and jumped into my lap, wrapping her legs around my waist. Haley's favorite position. We were face to face, and with a few movements of her hips, our lips weren't the only moist parts connected between us.
Her bright brown eyes twinkled. "IloveyouIloveyouIloveyouBill!"
How could I argue with the immediate reality in my arms? "I love you, Haley sweetness!" I rocked her in my arms, letting her work her pussy on my dick the way SHE wanted. Our couplings were joyous things right up to the point where her slight form started shivering. It was her way to be biting my chest, not enough to draw blood, but enough to leave a mark, as she came, and I was often in the throes of my own when this happened. No sex I'd experienced before was as pleasurable as mating with Haley.
In the soft, loving aftermath, I held her, stroking her short brown hair, running my lips softly over her smooth cheek. I wanted so much to stay this way until we naturally parted, but such was the nature of our relationship that time wouldn't allow. I backed my lips away from her face and her bright eyes connected with mine.
"I know, baby," she said softly.
"You know? What?" I asked gently.
"I know it would be so wonderful if we could stay this way until ... and then do whatever we have to do for dinner, then be together again, all night..."
I pondered that just perhaps this young angel was reading my thoughts. "Are you reading my mind, Haley?"
"I don't have to," she smiled. "If you love me the way I love you, that's what you want. 'Cuz that's what I want..." her lips met mine, soft, gently opening, a tongue brushing my lips, then slipping between them to meet my own tongue. "Just a few more minutes, okay?
"Yes, little one..."
Finally we both regained a little logic and we parted. She slid off my lap and started to the bathroom.
"Wait," I said. I patted the bed. "Lay down. I want that..."
She smiled as she obeyed, hanging her legs off the edge of the bed, splayed apart. Her pussy lips were still rosy, turgid, slick with the combination of our juices, a thing I couldn't resist. I sucked and licked her clean, getting her another little cum before she got up and then she washed herself in the bathroom. She handed me the washcloth, kneeling.
"If you can, I can," she smiled.
A minute later, she stood. "Now I need to wash my face, huh?"
I handed her the washcloth. "If we keep this up, we'll be here all night."
She finished and put the cloth on the vanity. "Nope! If I was gonna be here all night, I wouldn't be washing my face ever' five minutes."
We got dressed, went into the den and looked over her homework. At this stage of the tutoring thing, my part was mostly letting her recite what she derived from her classes. That was good enough to keep her grades at the 'A' level, but it wasn't good enough to sate her curiosity, so science and math conversations ranged over the way things were applied in the real world, and language and social studies were discussed on what I thought was a very broad level for a fourteen year old girl.
That, fortunately, was what was going on when I heard the phone ring. "This is Bill," I said.
"Bill, this is Marie. You got Haley there with you?"
"Sure do, Marie," I said. I saw Haley's eyes perk up at the mention of her mom's name.
"Look, me an' Steve an' the baby are goin' to my sister's for a bit. See if Haley wants to come."
I looked at Haley. "They're goin' to your aunt's. You wanna go?"
Haley shook her head. "No, I REALLY need to study THIS stuff..." she said loud enough for her mom to hear.
"I heard," Marie said. "You can send 'er home if you get tired of 'er, you know, Bill..."
"She's okay here, Marie. How late ya'll gonna be?"
"Oughtta be back by eight. Steve's gotta work, you know..."
"Well, she's good here..."
"Or she can go home. She'll be okay by herself. Whatever."
"Okay, Marie. She's tuggin' my shirt for help..."
"Yeah, well, thanks, Bill, for puttin' up with 'er."
"Oh, no problem, Marie. She's like, well, a couple years older'n my own daughter. It's nice to have 'er around."
"'Kay, Bill. We'll let ya know when we get back." The phone clicked and I sat it down. I looked at Haley. She had delightful smirk on her face. "Your mom says you can go home when you're finished."
She leapt into my arms. "S'pose I'm NEVER finished..."
"I don't think I ever will be either, little one. But I still can't keep you..."
She smiled. "Just so you WANT to..."
I sat in my chair and welcomed her into my lap. "Little one, in another time and place, I'd be that old guy with the cute little wife..."
She cooed and buried her face in my chest. "I love it when you talk to me like that, Bill."
"You're the one who started that, Haley," I said.
"I know. An' that's how I feel, baby," she said.
Fourteen, and she was calling ME 'baby' and I was forty-two. Oh, well. It made her happy. And her happiness was MY happiness.
"We got TWO hours," she said, a mischievous grin on her face. "Let's take a shower together!"
"That's what you really want?"
She smiled. "Mmm-hmmm. Me an' you. In the shower. I've thought about that ... a lot."
"Okay," I said. "But after this, you need to beat your mom home an' run YOUR shower so it'll look like you showered there."
"I thought about that." She giggled. "We have the same idea!" She got off my lap and tugged my hand. "Let's go!"
So we showered together. I've showered with my mate before, but I never had fun like this. She was almost giddy. We played with soap and shampoo and lathered each other and reveled in the feel of our two slickened bodies sliding together, the new feel of touches on wet genitalia, the sensuality of kisses with hot water streaming off our bodies.
It was like it was all new to me. I cannot imagine how it must have been for my young lover. We finally got out when the hot water started running out, something that had NEVER happened before in this house. We dried each other off, an activity that my Haley determined was also an opportunity to play with me to hardness, and then suck on me playfully.
Since I'd already showered and shaved once today, I didn't need to shave, so I helped her dry her hair, brushing her short tresses to shiny perfection. Finished, she turned around, displaying her nude body for me.
"You are absolutely a delight to see, angel, ' I said.
"You are too, my guy," she cooed, hugging herself to me.
"Well, how was our shower?" I asked.
"I wanna do it again an' again ... that's the way WE should shower all the time, baby," she smiled. Her sweet face saddened. "Now I have to go home, Bill. I wish there was a way I could stay all night with you."
"I do too, baby," I said.
We were getting dressed. I could tell she was thinking about something.
"I know," she said. "We could, you know, like the weekend you have Deena over..."
"Baby, there's NO WAY we could shower together with Deena here!" Deena told her mom everything that she saw or heard during the time she was with me. I don't know if it was because she was so guileless, or because my ex-wife pumped her for information, but that was the way things were.
"No, I don't mean when she's really HERE, I mean we could SAY she's here, an' I'm spendin' the night with HER!" She continued. "Mom 'n' Steve already know that I go places with ya'll all the time. They'd just think it was like that..."
"I'm afraid that they might notice that Deena's not actually here."
Haley digested that for a second. "They like to go to car races 'n' stuff. They know I don't enjoy that. So if they're goin', then they won't be here to KNOW if Deena's really here or not."
I could see that SOMEBODY was putting a bit of thought into this.
"That might just work," I said.
She was pulling her shoes on. After she tied the laces, she stood up and shoved books and notebooks into her backpack. "You look so sad," she said.
"I know," I said. "I hate it when you have to go."
"I know," she answered. "But there's tomorrow, okay?" And with a little kiss left on my lips, she opened the door. I watched her until she unlocked the door and entered her own house.
Two minutes later the phone rang. "Hi, sweetie," I answered, having seen the caller ID.
"Hi, love," she said. "I did the shower an' left a wet towel on the rack," she giggled. "Bill, I'm so happily, perfectly clean right now. I'm goin' straight to bed. And I'm gonna dream of us..."
I was going to dream too. "I love you, Haley," I said.
"I love you, Bill," she replied. "G'nite!" As I hung up the phone, I saw the flash of her parents' headlights in my window.
We managed one more tryst before the weekend, at least if you define 'tryst' as a galloping happy coupling. We talked daily over homework and every time we were in the house, we cuddled and kissed, but pure sex wasn't a driving force, it was a happy result.
The weekend brought Deena into the picture, and by this time, Deena had begun to understand that Haley was pretty much guaranteed to tag along.
That was a bit surreal to me. Deena was my daughter, and as such, I'd been hugging and snuggling her since she popped out, now twelve years ago. She was always the 'huggy' type and even now, at twelve, I still got little girl hugs and kisses from Deena while Haley stood by and watched.
Friday evening I picked up Deena after work and brought her home with me. Haley knew that this was the weekend for Deena, so she made an effort to NOT look like she was waiting for me when we drove up. As we got out of the car, she said, "Hi, Mister Bill! Hi, Deena!"
We both waved back. I noted that Deena glanced at me, and then we went into the house.
"Dad," she said, (I was 'Dad' now unless her twelve-year-old self-restraint was overcome for some reason, returning me to 'Daddy') "You said we were going to the amusement park tomorrow?"
"Yes," I said. That was a two and a half hour drive for us, to the bigger city. "I thought we'd leave early in the morning and spend the night tomorrow night. Have breakfast Sunday morning and drive back home."
"I wonder if Haley would wanna come," Deena mused. "She says her parents never go to places like that."
"I thought you didn't like Haley hangin' around all the time," I said.
"Well, I guess I think of a lot of things, Dad. Doin' that for her ... uh, WITH her, that's just a nice thing to do. An' since I didn't invite any regular friends, she's kinda like bringin' a big sister or somethin'."
Inside, my heart was doing flips. "Why don't you go ask her if she wants to go, if her parents will let her?"
Deena reacted by hugging me and bounding out the door. Three minutes later the phone rang. I looked at the caller ID. "This is Bill."
"Bill, this is Marie. I got Haley an' yer daughter here. Are you SURE Haley's okay comin' along with ya'll?"
"I'm sure, Marie," I said. "Deena's idea."
Marie's voice lowered. "Uh ... Bill, we're kinda in a bind for money right now ... Steve just cleaned out the bank account fixin' the RV up."
"Oh, come on, Marie ... Buyin' Haley a couple of meals and a ticket to the amusement park ain't gonna break me. Let 'er come with us!"
"You sure?"
"We're sure! And we're leavin' at sun-up in the morning, so tell 'er to pack a bag and spend the night here tonight. And a change of clothes for Sunday. We'll be back around noon on Sunday."
I heard her relay the message to the two girls, raising a couple of gleeful squeals. "'Kay, Bill! We appreciate it!"
"That's quite alright, Marie. I don't mind a bit."
A few minutes later the pair burst through the door. A growth spurt had hit Deena over the summer and now she was as tall, maybe taller, than Haley, and while Haley had almost olive skin, Deena was pale and blonde and blue-eyed, and I was glad to see them both happy.
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The following story is a piece of fiction and is to be treated as such. I don't have any problems with you sharing this story or any other story that I'll be writing, in fact I'd love it if you do.This is my first attempt at writing down one of my fantasies. If there are some shortcomings, then keep that in mind. Also, English is not my mother tongue, so if you find a few grammatical mistakes, do excuse me. As much as I try not to make them, I invariably end up with a few mistakes, which even...
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Introduction: Passions blaze as a set of twins awaken to their sensual side after a terrifying incident at the lake. (Contains Squirting) The sound of excited whoops and yells filled the area as the final bell rang signaling the beginning of summer break. Tony rushed past his locker and out into the muggy late afternoon sunlight. It was a perfect day for swimming. He turned with a grin as Jamal, Tonys best friend called out across the courtyard and jogged toward him. Yo Tony, you bring your...
Colin stepped through the open hatchway of the scoutship into a short tunnel that led to a larger passageway. The armor's MI told him he should step through a hatchway, but he could find no control to open the hatch. "I am in communication with the mothership," the suit told him. "Simply step toward the hatch and it will open for you." He did, it did. "Is that a security measure or something?" He asked. "Among other things. Since this is a military vessel, we concern ourselves...
But I'm married. PT2 I felt great on my walk home. It wasn't until I got to the front door of my house when I felt guilty.What have I done? I just fucked the masseuse and let a lady eat me out.Hi honey I'm home.Mmm that's nice.What an ass I thought.My massage went well.Mmm that's nice.With that all the guilt I felt quickly disappeared. When should I make my next appointment? Two weeks I thought. I too want my pussy to be on fire like the petite girl who bit me on my tit. I was sitting on the...
July 1916 Bethan Phillip was reluctant to send a telegram home to announce his unexpected arrival: the appearance of the telegram boy was viewed as an ill omen now at home. This would be particularly the case with the battle raging across in France. He had heard that over sixty thousand British and Empire soldiers had died on that first morning as he watched the mines go up. Casualties had been mounting with each successive day of abortive attacks as the offensive ground on. He therefore...
Gladstone Avenue was dead quiet at two in the morning. There weren’t many houses with their lights on. The only movement on the street was coming from the property Tatiana entered earlier. I still wasn’t one-hundred per cent she lived there. I walked past the house, taking a quick glimpse into the front garden. The two bold goons I saw earlier were still standing by the front door. They were guarding the entrance like a couple of bouncers outside a nightclub. I carried on walking down the...
I awoke the next morning to an empty bed. I looked around and saw a note lying on the pillow next to me. "Sorry to screw and run, but I had an early call time this morning. Hope to see you again." I began to replay the events on the previous night in my mind. I could feel myself getting hard just thinking about her soft skin, her firm breasts and most of all that wonderful pussy. How we tumbled out of the shower and collapsed on the bed. How she took immediate control and used me as nothing...
Andy Rodman was a bit of a geek but he was still a fine physical specimen and was enthusiastic, if not unsuccessful, in his pursuit of the opposite sex. Of course, since he was still just recently eighteen years of age, it was not an unusual situation to be in a virgin status because the girls at his Catholic high school were notoriously prim and proper whenever boys were in attendance. Andy estimated only about a third of the male students had actually participated in carnal relations and at...
(If you like this story and want to read ahead of what's available so far, please consider following me on Patreon it's already on part 17. My Patreon also has A holiday special for Halloween up which also deals with a feminisation theme, revenge and a trans girl. It's a bit of a darker story, but it's for Halloween after all. There is also a first part of a story written for one of my Patreons as a tier reward online. Last but not least a commissioned drawing based on this part will go...
Author's note : This story is just a fun little tale based on the characters of Final Fantasy X-2. If you haven't played either FFX or FFX-2, it won't really make a lot of sense, though you're welcome to still read it, of course. No, I'm not going to explain the meaning of all the terms I've used. Play the game and you'll understand. Alternatively, just ignore them and enjoy the two slutty fucktoys. This came about when I was debating the FFX-2 characters, and whether they were lesbians...
Sleep gradually and reluctantly gives way to wakefulness as the morning sun peeps through a tiny gap in the curtains. My first awareness is of you stroking my face as I lay nestled on your shoulder, your fingers tender on my soft skin. Good morning! I swim slowly up to consciousness and my fingers begin to wander, slowly exploring your chest, your stomach. You inhale sharply as I toy with your wiry pubic hair, and press your body into me.I playfully nip your neck and you give up caresses and...
Oral SexMy wife and I have been together for at least 8 years and have an exceptional sex life and we felt like we were ready for a little more. At times, we would introduce little ideas during four-play or things we would like to bring to the bedroom to do to our significant other. So my wife, Daisy, would whisper in my ear of something that she would be doing to me and she would mention another female's name. She wanted to sit me down on the couch and unbuckle my belt, unzip my pants and have this...
Hi frnz. . This my first story on iss. . If u like it please mail me at yeh story meri maa ( nellam) 42 years,mre bhen (neha)18 years, aur mre bare mai hai. . Mera naam nikita hai. . Mai 20 saal ki hoon. .Mera birth england mai hua tha. . Mre father england mai he job kar rahe hai 4 saal se. . Mai , maa aur neha hum kota rajasthan mai rehte hai. . Hum india mai hai, kyoki mre bhen ko iit karni hai. Mai b.cm kar rahe hoon kota se he. . Ab kahani chalu hoti hai. Hum ek p.g mai rehte hai aur...
This tale takes place about 13 years ago when I was in school. At this age I was fairly awkward and unaware of how attractive I was. Years of a passion for rock climbing and puberty had recently changed my body from that of dorky awkward boy to that of a fairly attractive teen. Spending 3-4 days a week at the local indoor rock climbing gym along with normal PE activities and running and lifting had given me a very Lynn strong body. I had a toned 6-pack, VERY large and toned forearms...
Four college students. Ones always looking for a bigger picture are easy to manipulate. A single incantation from a page, from one who studies ancient text. From the mouth of a student of the world who believes in anything and all, they see as truth in their own minds. A trigger of incompetence and ignorance can come to be. Even if all work and preparation has been set in order yo prevent such outcomes. These five students read from pages of a lost people. A single ‘smart’ individual saw the...
I headed off to a conference for a few days, which was located about an hour from where I live. I decided to spend the money and stay there rather than drive back and forth for the 3 days. Besides, it was a nice hotel, and we got a special rate from them. This particular conference was nice because it did not have a bunch of classes that we had to go to. They organized it where we would have some free time every day, and be able to enjoy the lake located in the area, as well as the hotel...
Zij (midden 30): Slank figuur, blonde met iets een slag in het haar, lange bennen, brede heupen en een lekkere kont.Hij (eind 30): Atletisch figuur, halfbloedje (surinaams/nederlands), donkere krullen en goed geschapen.Na een drukke dag op het werk heb je vanavond lekker het rijk alleen. De kinderen zijn vanavond bij hun vader en je hebt bewust met niemand afgesproken om lekker te relaxen. Je hebt het eten op en bent inmiddels ook al gedoucht om lekker te genieten van een rustige avond op de...
Introduction: This story is for all my cheating wives. Haha It was a Thursday morning and I had taken off from work. I was sitting on my couch and heard the neighbors front door shut. I peeped out my window and saw this fine brown-skinned, petite, heavy chested, woman sitting on the steps, it was Dana. She appeared to be all alone today because her husbands car was not parked in front of the house. I figured this is my chance to get closer to her seductive looking body. I like to work out so...
You sit on your comfy lounge chair playing a video game, talking over the headset with a buddy. After a few hours your girlfriend Ana walks in the front door. You mute your mic and greet your love. "Hey babe how was the gym?" -It was fine. How is your game? Are you talking with your boyfriend? She teases. "Were doing good just about to finish this campaign" She takes a seat next to you and starts playing on her phone. At your angle you get a nice shot of her cleavage. She catches you...
my ther****t yet another story but in this occasion is with my ther****t since i wasborn with a disability i’ve known that i would be going through constant health issues or some surgeries maybe even some body changes like growth or height late growth also feeling sensations and this occurred a bit just before my firstsexual experience with my auntie norma..being that i was born with a disability there were things that came along with it like surgeries, different process of growth and/or ways...
The arrival of the new couple turned the lunch into a celebration. It quickly became apparent that they had played some part in tracking down the man that shot Ted last year. Ted had never had the chance to meet them or thank them, and with charm and a simple sincerity, he quickly introduced himself and convinced them to accept a case of his 2000 Private Reserve as a measure of his gratitude. The Bellers were pre-Gretchen, but that didn't stop her from giving them both a hug and a kiss. I...
I found myself with an extra day off from the daily grind and decided to treat myself to a days shopping away from my normal haunts,so I booked a train ticket from Trent Vale station Stoke to Manchester.Boarding the train with magazine in hand I sat back and enjoyed the thought of a free day to do whatever I want.The journey to Manchester went smoothly apart from the usual looks from guys trying to get a peek up my skirt while I read my mag,boys will be boys so nothing unusual in that, in fact...
Tommy was fresh scrubbed from the shower at the gym when he came in. "Well, how was the game, Honey?" Rita asked. "They beat us," he said, "but we made 'em fight for it." "That's the spirit. Feeling tired?" He started to nod. Then he smiled. "All depends. Long as it isn't basketball..." "Remember the fireplace in my bedroom?" He nodded. "Why don't you get a nice fire started?" He smiled and said, "You got it, Mom." Firelight soon flickered across the room, aiding...
GwenGwen had accepted my proposal for meeting on Wednesday night. As the youngest of the first batch, (See part 1), I was eager to meet her. She had said that she thought my age would be an advantage. Wednesday at 5 was the agreed time. I prepped as before including the suite at the casino. She arrived at the restaurant on time. A red silky blouse and black slacks, golden yellow hair just to her neck. Wait the blouse, it looks open but it is not. Gwen is showing cleavage as I requested, but to...
I just found out that my wife of eleven years has been hanging horns on me for several of them and I never had a clue that it was going on. Not just individual affairs either, but what might as well be considered as wholesale fucking. How do I know? I caught the unfaithful slut red-handed! What do you do when you catch the woman you love as the centerpiece at what amounted to a gangbang? How do you handle the crying, begging and pleading you get from her while you are trying to figure out what...
Melissa Rose and her boyfriend have tried every sexual thing imaginable to make her cum and nothing at all seems to work. Melissa wants to give up. Luckily her boyfriend is a trooper. He fucked her in almost every way he knew how but still no result. He had one more trick up his sleeve. He laid Melissa on the couch and had her open her asshole for him. He stuck his large head inside her gaping hole slowly, and it was bliss like she has never felt before. He plunged Melissa’s asshole to it’s...
xmoviesforyouBridgetown was said to have a shipyard, which told me that they had all the skills and materials needed to build and outfit a ship. I was pretty sure that, between the fishermen and sailors, and the town’s blacksmiths and carpenters, we could make almost everything we needed, but we had no way to make lines. I knew what a rope-walk was, but I didn’t understand it well enough to build my own. In this case, it might be better to buy from the experts. As soon as we had proven that we could...
I looked at the price tag and objected, "Brit, I can't afford these boots.""Don't worry about it. If I'm going to dress you, I'm going to pay for it. Actually, I'm putting it on my father's credit card, so he's paying for it. Consider it an early Christmas present from me."I shrugged and followed Britney to the next store, a lingerie store.She took me back to the fitting room saying, "Nothing makes a woman feel sexier than her lingerie. Choose your lingerie with the man in mind, it's part of...