NeighborsChapter 5 free porn video

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Okay ... Life went on. If I thought about it too hard, I felt like a guy with an inoperable medical condition that I knew about, but that could strike me dead at any moment, otherwise I was perfectly healthy. So I didn't think about it.

To those on the outside, Haley's parents, the neighbors, even my own daughter, life matched the pattern established over a year ago. When I pulled into the driveway, Haley was usually walking across the yard with her bookbag purposefully slung over her shoulder. Being late summer and early autumn, many days were pleasant enough to sit out under the tree and when that happened the books were there, open, and it looked absolutely like what it was supposed to be: me tutoring Haley on her schoolwork.

Every Monday she came in with the results of the previous weeks' testing, and she'd dutifully show her mom, then she'd show me, and that was my opportunity to 'reward' her with something special: dinner, a movie, maybe both.

Some days, though, we weren't in the yard. Inside, books were opened on the dining room table, or maybe in my home office.

Like today. I pulled into the driveway and as I opened the door of the car, I saw the front door of Haley's house open and she walked out. I saw her head turn, so I knew she was telling her mom something. She was smiling as she walked across the yard. We went right into the house.

"Hi, cutie!" I said.

"Hi, Bill," she answered as I bent over to get a kiss. Her nose wrinkled.

"I know, baby. Wasn't a good day. I need to shower."

She giggled. "I wanna shower with you."

"I'd LOVE that, sweetness, but let's not try that unless your folks are gone. I'd hate for them to come knock on the door while you were soaking wet."

"Oh, I know ... But I still wanna, you know..." she put her books down on the coffee table and spread a couple out.

I kissed her on top of her brown haired head and headed to my bedroom. I should've known better. Haley was a playful young thing and when I stood up to step out of my pants, she was leaning against the door frame, smiling, her arms folded.

"You're not s'posed to be watching, ' I said.

"Why not," she giggled. "I've seen every bit of that. Up close." Grin. She stepped into the room and knelt in front of me, turning her face upward to look at mine. "Is THIS part sweaty? Hmmm?" She flipped my hardening dick upward into her waiting mouth. "Mmmmm" escaped her lips. She released me. "Uh-huh. A little bit." Her head bobbed forward again, giving me a luxurious suck, then she said, "Take your shower."

She stood up and I kissed her, avoiding the hug because of my body funk. I went into the shower and let the hot water cascade over me. I'd been in the shower for a couple of minutes, was lathering up, when I felt a little hand reach in and fondle whatever parts she could reach, accompanied by a cute, happy giggle.

"Stop that!" I chided. "You're gonna get wet!"

"I AM wet," she said. "Wanna guess where?"

"Hold that thought, cutie pie," I said. "I need to shave."

"Uh-huh, you do," she giggled. "That one time you didn't, wow..." She'd gotten a bit insistent about getting eaten one afternoon and I went after her with a day-old beard. The insides of her thighs were pretty irritated.

When I stepped out of the shower, she was sitting on the lid of the toilet. She handed me the bath towel she was holding, then watched me shave. When I finished and walked into the bedroom, the covers were already turned back.

"I know, I know ... a lady's not supposed to appear anxious," she said, repeating something I'd told her, "but you know..."

I laid out T-shirt and shorts within easy reach. I could be 'dressed' in a matter of seconds, if needed. And by the time I finished that task, I turned to see her naked from the waist down.

I sat on the bed and said, "C'mere, cutie!"

She gave a little squeal and jumped into my lap, wrapping her legs around my waist. Haley's favorite position. We were face to face, and with a few movements of her hips, our lips weren't the only moist parts connected between us.

Her bright brown eyes twinkled. "IloveyouIloveyouIloveyouBill!"

How could I argue with the immediate reality in my arms? "I love you, Haley sweetness!" I rocked her in my arms, letting her work her pussy on my dick the way SHE wanted. Our couplings were joyous things right up to the point where her slight form started shivering. It was her way to be biting my chest, not enough to draw blood, but enough to leave a mark, as she came, and I was often in the throes of my own when this happened. No sex I'd experienced before was as pleasurable as mating with Haley.

In the soft, loving aftermath, I held her, stroking her short brown hair, running my lips softly over her smooth cheek. I wanted so much to stay this way until we naturally parted, but such was the nature of our relationship that time wouldn't allow. I backed my lips away from her face and her bright eyes connected with mine.

"I know, baby," she said softly.

"You know? What?" I asked gently.

"I know it would be so wonderful if we could stay this way until ... and then do whatever we have to do for dinner, then be together again, all night..."

I pondered that just perhaps this young angel was reading my thoughts. "Are you reading my mind, Haley?"

"I don't have to," she smiled. "If you love me the way I love you, that's what you want. 'Cuz that's what I want..." her lips met mine, soft, gently opening, a tongue brushing my lips, then slipping between them to meet my own tongue. "Just a few more minutes, okay?

"Yes, little one..."

Finally we both regained a little logic and we parted. She slid off my lap and started to the bathroom.

"Wait," I said. I patted the bed. "Lay down. I want that..."

She smiled as she obeyed, hanging her legs off the edge of the bed, splayed apart. Her pussy lips were still rosy, turgid, slick with the combination of our juices, a thing I couldn't resist. I sucked and licked her clean, getting her another little cum before she got up and then she washed herself in the bathroom. She handed me the washcloth, kneeling.

"If you can, I can," she smiled.

A minute later, she stood. "Now I need to wash my face, huh?"

I handed her the washcloth. "If we keep this up, we'll be here all night."

She finished and put the cloth on the vanity. "Nope! If I was gonna be here all night, I wouldn't be washing my face ever' five minutes."

We got dressed, went into the den and looked over her homework. At this stage of the tutoring thing, my part was mostly letting her recite what she derived from her classes. That was good enough to keep her grades at the 'A' level, but it wasn't good enough to sate her curiosity, so science and math conversations ranged over the way things were applied in the real world, and language and social studies were discussed on what I thought was a very broad level for a fourteen year old girl.

That, fortunately, was what was going on when I heard the phone ring. "This is Bill," I said.

"Bill, this is Marie. You got Haley there with you?"

"Sure do, Marie," I said. I saw Haley's eyes perk up at the mention of her mom's name.

"Look, me an' Steve an' the baby are goin' to my sister's for a bit. See if Haley wants to come."

I looked at Haley. "They're goin' to your aunt's. You wanna go?"

Haley shook her head. "No, I REALLY need to study THIS stuff..." she said loud enough for her mom to hear.

"I heard," Marie said. "You can send 'er home if you get tired of 'er, you know, Bill..."

"She's okay here, Marie. How late ya'll gonna be?"

"Oughtta be back by eight. Steve's gotta work, you know..."

"Well, she's good here..."

"Or she can go home. She'll be okay by herself. Whatever."

"Okay, Marie. She's tuggin' my shirt for help..."

"Yeah, well, thanks, Bill, for puttin' up with 'er."

"Oh, no problem, Marie. She's like, well, a couple years older'n my own daughter. It's nice to have 'er around."

"'Kay, Bill. We'll let ya know when we get back." The phone clicked and I sat it down. I looked at Haley. She had delightful smirk on her face. "Your mom says you can go home when you're finished."

She leapt into my arms. "S'pose I'm NEVER finished..."

"I don't think I ever will be either, little one. But I still can't keep you..."

She smiled. "Just so you WANT to..."

I sat in my chair and welcomed her into my lap. "Little one, in another time and place, I'd be that old guy with the cute little wife..."

She cooed and buried her face in my chest. "I love it when you talk to me like that, Bill."

"You're the one who started that, Haley," I said.

"I know. An' that's how I feel, baby," she said.

Fourteen, and she was calling ME 'baby' and I was forty-two. Oh, well. It made her happy. And her happiness was MY happiness.

"We got TWO hours," she said, a mischievous grin on her face. "Let's take a shower together!"

"That's what you really want?"

She smiled. "Mmm-hmmm. Me an' you. In the shower. I've thought about that ... a lot."

"Okay," I said. "But after this, you need to beat your mom home an' run YOUR shower so it'll look like you showered there."

"I thought about that." She giggled. "We have the same idea!" She got off my lap and tugged my hand. "Let's go!"

So we showered together. I've showered with my mate before, but I never had fun like this. She was almost giddy. We played with soap and shampoo and lathered each other and reveled in the feel of our two slickened bodies sliding together, the new feel of touches on wet genitalia, the sensuality of kisses with hot water streaming off our bodies.

It was like it was all new to me. I cannot imagine how it must have been for my young lover. We finally got out when the hot water started running out, something that had NEVER happened before in this house. We dried each other off, an activity that my Haley determined was also an opportunity to play with me to hardness, and then suck on me playfully.

Since I'd already showered and shaved once today, I didn't need to shave, so I helped her dry her hair, brushing her short tresses to shiny perfection. Finished, she turned around, displaying her nude body for me.

"You are absolutely a delight to see, angel, ' I said.

"You are too, my guy," she cooed, hugging herself to me.

"Well, how was our shower?" I asked.

"I wanna do it again an' again ... that's the way WE should shower all the time, baby," she smiled. Her sweet face saddened. "Now I have to go home, Bill. I wish there was a way I could stay all night with you."

"I do too, baby," I said.

We were getting dressed. I could tell she was thinking about something.

"I know," she said. "We could, you know, like the weekend you have Deena over..."

"Baby, there's NO WAY we could shower together with Deena here!" Deena told her mom everything that she saw or heard during the time she was with me. I don't know if it was because she was so guileless, or because my ex-wife pumped her for information, but that was the way things were.

"No, I don't mean when she's really HERE, I mean we could SAY she's here, an' I'm spendin' the night with HER!" She continued. "Mom 'n' Steve already know that I go places with ya'll all the time. They'd just think it was like that..."

"I'm afraid that they might notice that Deena's not actually here."

Haley digested that for a second. "They like to go to car races 'n' stuff. They know I don't enjoy that. So if they're goin', then they won't be here to KNOW if Deena's really here or not."

I could see that SOMEBODY was putting a bit of thought into this.

"That might just work," I said.

She was pulling her shoes on. After she tied the laces, she stood up and shoved books and notebooks into her backpack. "You look so sad," she said.

"I know," I said. "I hate it when you have to go."

"I know," she answered. "But there's tomorrow, okay?" And with a little kiss left on my lips, she opened the door. I watched her until she unlocked the door and entered her own house.

Two minutes later the phone rang. "Hi, sweetie," I answered, having seen the caller ID.

"Hi, love," she said. "I did the shower an' left a wet towel on the rack," she giggled. "Bill, I'm so happily, perfectly clean right now. I'm goin' straight to bed. And I'm gonna dream of us..."

I was going to dream too. "I love you, Haley," I said.

"I love you, Bill," she replied. "G'nite!" As I hung up the phone, I saw the flash of her parents' headlights in my window.

We managed one more tryst before the weekend, at least if you define 'tryst' as a galloping happy coupling. We talked daily over homework and every time we were in the house, we cuddled and kissed, but pure sex wasn't a driving force, it was a happy result.

The weekend brought Deena into the picture, and by this time, Deena had begun to understand that Haley was pretty much guaranteed to tag along.

That was a bit surreal to me. Deena was my daughter, and as such, I'd been hugging and snuggling her since she popped out, now twelve years ago. She was always the 'huggy' type and even now, at twelve, I still got little girl hugs and kisses from Deena while Haley stood by and watched.

Friday evening I picked up Deena after work and brought her home with me. Haley knew that this was the weekend for Deena, so she made an effort to NOT look like she was waiting for me when we drove up. As we got out of the car, she said, "Hi, Mister Bill! Hi, Deena!"

We both waved back. I noted that Deena glanced at me, and then we went into the house.

"Dad," she said, (I was 'Dad' now unless her twelve-year-old self-restraint was overcome for some reason, returning me to 'Daddy') "You said we were going to the amusement park tomorrow?"

"Yes," I said. That was a two and a half hour drive for us, to the bigger city. "I thought we'd leave early in the morning and spend the night tomorrow night. Have breakfast Sunday morning and drive back home."

"I wonder if Haley would wanna come," Deena mused. "She says her parents never go to places like that."

"I thought you didn't like Haley hangin' around all the time," I said.

"Well, I guess I think of a lot of things, Dad. Doin' that for her ... uh, WITH her, that's just a nice thing to do. An' since I didn't invite any regular friends, she's kinda like bringin' a big sister or somethin'."

Inside, my heart was doing flips. "Why don't you go ask her if she wants to go, if her parents will let her?"

Deena reacted by hugging me and bounding out the door. Three minutes later the phone rang. I looked at the caller ID. "This is Bill."

"Bill, this is Marie. I got Haley an' yer daughter here. Are you SURE Haley's okay comin' along with ya'll?"

"I'm sure, Marie," I said. "Deena's idea."

Marie's voice lowered. "Uh ... Bill, we're kinda in a bind for money right now ... Steve just cleaned out the bank account fixin' the RV up."

"Oh, come on, Marie ... Buyin' Haley a couple of meals and a ticket to the amusement park ain't gonna break me. Let 'er come with us!"

"You sure?"

"We're sure! And we're leavin' at sun-up in the morning, so tell 'er to pack a bag and spend the night here tonight. And a change of clothes for Sunday. We'll be back around noon on Sunday."

I heard her relay the message to the two girls, raising a couple of gleeful squeals. "'Kay, Bill! We appreciate it!"

"That's quite alright, Marie. I don't mind a bit."

A few minutes later the pair burst through the door. A growth spurt had hit Deena over the summer and now she was as tall, maybe taller, than Haley, and while Haley had almost olive skin, Deena was pale and blonde and blue-eyed, and I was glad to see them both happy.

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I met the security guards one night after sitting here talking on Lush. You all got me so horny chatting that I didn’t know what to do with myself. I was naked already and none of my toys would satisfy me. My perverted hubby came by and saw me rubbing myself and knew he was going to have some fun. He told me to dress myself in a pair of short daisy duke shorts, a hoodie that zipped up the front, and heels. Nothing else. No bra or anything under what he said to wear. He took me outside and...

2 years ago
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A Feel For The Ice Ch 03

I don’t deserve this, Anna thought as Hayden kissed her. I don’t deserve a man like this, speaking these words to me and setting my body on fire. A moan escaped her lips as he slipped one hand between them to squeeze her breast. She twisted under the weight of his body, so hot and wanting to feel more of him. She ran her palms down his back and clutched his shirt in both hands. With a sharp yank, she pulled his shirt from his pants so that she could get her hands underneath. When she touched...

1 year ago
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New America the Suffrage of MenChapter 2 Unclassified Males

Unclassified – Young Adult Males Growing Up in New America Timothy Harper is a young man just days away from his 18th birthday. At just six years old, he was too young to remember to the Women’s March on Washington of 2017 and its overarching message of resistance and self-determination. He was too young to understand the role of males in the former United States of America and he was too young to notice the erosion of male rights in the years that followed. Having grown up in a female-led...

2 years ago
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I Shouldnt but I Did

Introduction: A mother succumbs to her base feelings I Shouldnt…But I Did by Dunchad After a hard day of work I arrived home. Removing my dress and looking at my 39 year old body in the mirror. Thinking to myself Becky you can still give the young girls a run for their money. My 38DD breasts still very firm and not much sag, tiny waist but growing hips. That seemed to still get attention when I wore jeans or shorts. The tightness in my shoulders and neck brought me back. Looking out my...

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Control Chapter 1

Control Part IJosh Anderson was 18 years old and spending his last summer before he graduated high school when he discovered something utterly fascinating about himself. He possessed some interesting abilities that added a completely new dimension to his young life. Josh was a shy sort of guy and kept mostly to himself. His schoolmates considered him a computer geek but they would admit this dark haired young man was handsome in his own way. He did okay at the rural school he attended but...

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The Beauty of Friendship

Rebecca, a tall, slender brunette, was lying in her bed the morning she was to move into her college dorm. She pondered what she had in her life. She was eighteen years old. She had just graduated high school and she was ready to move onto the next phase in her life: college at the University of South Carolina. She rose from her bed and gathered her things for her morning shower. She raised the temperature of the water to a perfect warmth that greatly pleased her body. She rubbed soap on...

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Whispers 1

Juliette sighed as she dropped the final box onto the bed of her new room. She had gotten lucky, or unlucky depending on your point of view. Since she had been the last person to apply for a room in the dorms, and nobody else had wanted the single room on the top corridor, it had become hers. It wasn’t the room itself that was the problem. It was a nice room, not quite as large as a double dorm room, but plenty roomy, and well-lit with large roof windows which had electrically operated...

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Cocksucking College Sister 4

While dancing with his mother, Anthony is shocked to learn she knows about him and his sister; he is doubly shocked with the words: "So Anthony, do you want to fuck Mommy?" Mom let her shocking question linger in the air for the remainder of the song. My head spun with the double revelation that: 1. Mom knew about Lilly and I having sex and was not outraged by it. 2. Mom had just asked if I would like to fuck her. My cock was instantly at launch and ready for takeoff mode at the thought of...

2 years ago
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ISS Reader Ke Saath Chat Se Sex Tak

Hellooo to my all ISS friends, specially hot sexy dolls and bhabies, appka Love ek baar fir apni dusri strory le kar aapke saamne he, meri pehli story Beer Ke Nashe Me Meri Or Girlfriend Ki Virginity Tooti ko aap sab ne bahut pasand kiya..or meri isi story ki vajah se meri kai friends bani…jinke sath ab regular chat hoti rehti he…ye story bhi meri unhi me se ek friend ke sath ki he… Halanki mujhe nahi pata tha ki me koi dusri story bhi likh paunga kynki us college ki story ke baad koi chance hi...

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Answers Questions part 2

Amber walked silently beside me, as we made our way to my car. I held the passenger door open and smiled at her. She got up on her toes and placed a gentle kiss on my lips before she entered my vehicle. On the ride up to my floor in the elevator, she slipped her pinky around my thumb and leaned against me. "Are you sure about this, Amber?" I asked as the elevator doors opened. She nodded and replied, "Yes, I am sure. I feel safe with you, Gil. I know I don't know how I will react to the things...

3 years ago
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Bankrupt Ch 01

I never thought my life would end over a homecoming date. Funny how the course of a life can turn on one moment, one tiny decision, so small you’ll never know it until your future has changed forever. Maybe that’s the whole point. If you saw them coming, you might have actually done things differently. I know I would have. At the time, I thought it nothing more than a chance encounter with an annoying admirer. ‘Hello Amanda. Guess who I’m asking to homecoming this year?’ Victor Moralles....

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Me Mom Aunts

HI iss readers i am vasu i am 22 i am going to tel a real incident which happened between my mom aunt nd cousin. My father dided when i was 12 yrs. Nd aunt is divoced nd she is having a daughter her name is anitha. I was working in a mnc. I don have leave even on sundays. I came home around 12 in the nite a day. I opened the door with my key. Let me describe abt ladies in home. All were dam sexy. The wil wear only blouse nd petticoat. Wen ever i am in home i star all boobs nd navel. They never...

1 year ago
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Apartment Managers Son

Apartment Managers Son - Teen doing odd jobs for Christmas money gets an unexpected gift. By Seymour Cox My family and I had just moved from California to Minneapolis after I finished my last year of high school. Right away I started up my usual weekend business of cutting grass and raking leaves in my new neighborhood. Once winter came, I realized that I would have to find another source of income since the ground will be covered in snow for the next four months. Looking across the courtyard...

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Banner YearChapter 16

When they were ushered into the home, only a few minutes late, Cal asked if they could talk for a few minutes. This was by arrangement with Teri. "I understand that you would like to have me take some revealing photographs. Is that right?" Both women nodded, somewhat nervously. "How revealing do you want them to be?" When neither woman came up with an answer, he asked "Will you be wearing lingerie? Sleepwear? Swimwear? Nothing?" He finally got a reaction as the one whose home they...

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the first tranny I looked for

So i've had some tranny experience unwittingly. I respond to this ad on craigslist from this 19 year old tranny who lives fairly far away, but her picture was so sexy I decided to take the hour drive. So I drive to her parents house, nervous the whole way, when I get there I get out of the car. Stone sober, knock on the door and this little hottie answers. Black and white floral blouse, visible cleavage, tight little leather shorts and a bubble but that would make real girls jealous and about...

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Harry Potter Helping Out

Gabrielle Delacour graduated with top marks out of her year, and she could pretty much have any job in the world. And not because of the fact she was a pretty face either. The eighteen year old Veela princess had golden blonde hair, a soft complexion with soulful blue eyes. Her sizeable breasts squeezed into a tasteful white blouse, which came down to the plaid skirt she wore. She wore white stockings over her long legs which stretched down for miles.The Veela Princess could have any job she...

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Best day of my life

The early morning sun began to shine brightly through our bedroom window- waking me up. I wasn’t much of a morning person until the first morning you and I woke up in each other’s arms. After that, I grew to love mornings. Our mornings were special. It was the one time of the day where we actually got to hold each other close and not be in a big hurry. All the cuddling and whispering as we each wake up. Except this morning, I woke up too late. Your scent still lingered in the air though......

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Stress Management

Stress ManagementDon Abdul©Her husband had died in a plane crash on his way back home from a diplomatic shuttle a year earlier. Since that incident, Latoya Agnes Johnson mourned only briefly, and then she threw herself so completely into her job as the CEO of a leading Services company in her city.To most people who knew the couple, she appeared to be an extremely brave woman with a firm grip on her emotions. To them she mourned her loss and quickly moved on. A classic case of ‘life is for the...

2 years ago
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My Sons Winter Fantasy Part II

Nearly a month had passed since CJ and I went skiing. Our relationship as a mother and son greatly improved... there was respect and admiration for each other. I lived up to my promise that we could continue the nude lifestyle again, so we were naked alone whenever possible. It was the way the kids were raised, so it wasn't awkward at all. Since my daughter spent much of her time in school, it was just CJ and I.Even though I tried to downplay our sexual escapades together, reality dictated...

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BigTitsRoundAsses Natasha Nice Curvy Roommate

Natasha Nice came home from a hard days work. She complained to her flat mate Peter Green how much her body hurts. She asked if he could give her a massage. Natasha undressed and exposed her giant natural beautiful breasts. Peter knew his flatmate had amazing tits but he never saw them undressed. Obviously she wanted her breasts massaged first. So Peter oiled her body and started to rub her breasts and body. Then she gave him a titty fuck and a nice blowjob. Peter started to fuck her. First in...

4 years ago
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Tease those Guys

Ok Ok Ok I know my tits are big and I love to have them sucked ALOT. So what I would do is wear tight tops very tight so you can see my entire contour of my breast nipples and all. I love to see the actions of men when they see me. My ass is nice also but it's the breast that get me in trouble. It was a Thursday I wanted to get a massage and only Derrick knew how give great breast massages. I called Derrick he was at work it was 10 am and I was anticipating my massage that wouldn't happen...

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A Day To Remember Ch 1

‘Mr. Corwin, what are you doing?’ The teacher’s sharp question broke through my oblivion. She wanted to know what I was doing. What was I doing? I looked down at the notepad in front of me only to find an extremely graphic, if somewhat crude, drawing staring back at me. I felt my face grow hot as I leaned over the desk in an effort to hide my work. ‘Bring it to me, now.’ It was not a request, it was a command. I desperately wanted to refuse, but I knew that would be a wasted effort. Slowly I...

4 years ago
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Slutty Sarah Now she wants to be an actress

She’s back guys and she’s getting more slutty by the week. She rang me again a couple of weeks ago, saying she’s got some greats news and she doesn’t have anyone else she can tell it to. She came to my place and this is what she told me:-‘What a week it’s been. You can’t believe what’s going to happen to me. I’m going to be in a film, a movie, I’m going to be an actress. You know Maria, the French girl who got me to get naked for those Arabic people, well she rang me a couple of days ago and...

3 years ago
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Modern Renaissance

It was late when I arrived in Jersey. I was to meet a friend at a renaissance festival to be held at the Smithsonian in New York the following day. I decided to stop at a hotel near the G.W. Bridge, which crosses over into New York, for the night. I had the vallet take my things up to the room I purchased and headed to the hotel bar for a martini before turning in. I sat at the bar for sometime sipping martinis and chatting with other travelers at the bar. One of the gentleman at the bar caught...

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The next doors old divorcee lady

My sweet wife had gone out with her girlfriend Camilla. She said it would be a “girls’ mall shopping out”; but I was sure that both bitches had arranged a double date with some lucky niggers…After Ana left home, I went outside to enjoin the sun in the back yard. I was there, while our old neighbor Susan came out and called me from the fence.Susan was a divorcee; a very sensual one, although she was in her early sixties. During a long time, I had dreamed about fucking this sexy old lady, but I...

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Black List V AscensionChapter 3

Jonathan Stone and Melissa Dupree step off the place carrying only a bag of clothes each. Grines decided the best way for them to enter the country was the proper way: using a passport. The only trouble with doing so is that they have no weapons or supplies, but that isn’t going to stop either of them. Jonathan was a CIA agent working many missions in Russia before transferring over to the FBI and then eventually to the TDF. He has several contacts still available to him to get what they...

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Short meeting with Mistress M how it really went

You might have read my blob entry - soon a couple of hours with mistress. This is the real story how this meeting went. the days and hours before our meeting have been a buzzing of messages back and forth. i was supposed to take several of my thongs with me, my leather cock ring, my butt plug and my vibrator.. all that was just prepartaion.. the night before Mistress M wrote me to travel with the black thoong with one whole in it and the leather cock ring arond my balls and cock. furthermore...

1 year ago
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I Know What You Did With My Panties Daddy

Hey, daddy. I know it’s late.I... I just needed to tell you something. It’s been on my mind for a while now.I thought it might go away when I went off to college, but… it’s only gotten more intense since I’ve gone.At nights, especially, I toss and turn and try not to wake my roommate. Some nights, I can’t sleep because I’m obsessing over it.Like tonight. I couldn’t sleep. And then I thought… if I could never bring myself to talk to you about this face-to-face, well… maybe I could tell you like...

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Chrissy was mad. She was fifteen years old and she hadn't been on a single date. It wasn't because she was unpopular. Lots of k**s at her school liked her and wanted to be around her. It wasn't because she was ugly. Her 5" 6" frame supported breasts that were a handful each, tipped with sharp little pencil eraser sized nipples just made to suck on. Below that were her thin waist and hips that any baby-bearing woman would love to have. Her cute little pussy lips were pink and plump and nestled...

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mummy ki suhagraat

hi mere aunties aap kabhe apne beta se apne pati ke samne chode ho nahi . tho ab mere story padkar try karna . Mera naam rinku hai.maire ghar mein teen log hai.mein papa aur mummy.ek din ki baat hain jab mein 7saal ka mein school se ghar aa rahan school mein function ke karan jaldi chooti ho gayi.ghar pahocta he mein dekha.papa ki bike bahar kadi hai.meine saamja ke unko bukhar ho raha hoga.aur wo ruk gaye honga.jab mein andar pahooca tho dekha maa aur papa ek saat ek bed par...

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I’m not sure if it’s a normal impulse, but it’s challenging for me to see a hole without wondering what it’d feel like to stick my dick in it. This has worked out for me several times, but it’s also the terrifying and painful way I learned about the rats living in my walls. That’s a stark contrast from the hot pornstars sucking and fucking through the plaster at Glory has a long and storied history going back a quarter of a goddamn century. That’s a long time for any kind of...

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Part 2 of the NEC

Carrying on from my narrative of the Meeting at the NEC... Hope you enjoy.We both slept amazingly well over the Friday night despite the exciting activities and woke up about 08:00 on Saturday morning. I was up and making the coffee while Jayne took another shower. We dressed soon after with Jayne in casual jeans and a top for breakfast. We didn’t see either Karl or Marc despite being in the dining room for at least an hour. After we returned to the room and I packed a back pack with some...

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The LockedOut Neighbour

With a groan I slammed my almost emptylager bottle onto the table and stood up. I briefly debated putting on some trousers but then figured what the hell – if someone wants to knock at the front door ten minutes after I've got home from work then they'll just have to put up with me in my white Calvins and shirt. Opening the door I was a little surprised. It wasn't some kind of charity mugger or local councillor garnering votes. No, it was my hot as fuck neighbour, Warren. I could qualify that...

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