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Marie ist eine alte Bekannte. Du stehst schon auf sie seit der Schule. Sie ist immer noch ein Pummelchen, und mit der Pubertät bekam sie dazu die passenden Euter. Sie hat bald nach der Schule jemand anderes geheiratet. Schon immer war sie eine Reiterin und du wolltest ihr schon immer dienen. das kann ich mir gut vorstellen, dass du ihre reitstiefel abschlecken willst, an denen ein bisschen pferdescheiße und stroh klebt. und ich kann mir genauso gut vorstellen, wie sie da mit ihrem fetten arsch und ihren dicken beinen in der engen reithose vor dir steht, und du mit einem lächerlichen rosa slip bekleidet vor ihr im dreck kniest. sie stemmt die hände in die hüften und sagt: jetzt schön sauber machen, mein kleiner lutschsklave, und während du leckst, schleichen sich vier neger aus dem beanchbarten flüchtlingscamp heran, die seit über einem jahr keine frau hatten. einer von ihnen tritt dir lachend voll in die eier, so dass du zurück ins stroh fällst und jammerst, und marie wid von ihnen gepackt, sie zerreißen ihre kleidung, so geil sind sie auf die frisch verheiratete schlampe, sie kreischt, aber keiner hört sie, nur ein paar pferde schnauben. der erste neger hat seinen riesigen schwarzen prügel schon zwischen ihren beinen, die sie versucht, zusammenzukneifen, da packt sie einer der anderen und schlägt ihr so fest mit der faust ins gesicht, dass ihre lippe aufplatzt und blutet. jetzt gibt es keine gegenwehr mehr, sie ist halb ohnmächtig, der neger packt ihr unter ihren fetten weißen arsch und zieht sie auf seinen fickbereiten pimmel, dann fickt er sie mit animalischen stößen, so tief, dass sie vor schmerzen schreit. einer der anderen neger stopft ihr aber schnell das maul mit seinem unglaublich langen, halbsteifen schwanz und fickt ihr einfach ins maul, man hört sie rhythmisch würgen, jedesmal, wenn ihr zäpfchen berührt wird. ein anderer neger steht wichsend daneben, kann es aber nicht mehr aushalten und stößt den zwischen ihren beinen weg, um sich selbst in ihrer schnell wundgefickten fotze ausspritzen zu können. der verdrängte neger positioniert sich jetzt hinter sie, sie kreischt auf, als er in ihr enges arschloch drängt und es bis zum zerreißen weitet. zwei neger wechseln sich in ihrem maul ab, und bald schwimmt sie in der negerwichse, die ihr aus allen löchern raustropft. zum schluss wischen sich die neger ihre schwänze in ihren blonden haaren ab. dann kommt einer zu dir und sagt, du mache jetz frau saubä, hahaha. und während er dein gesicht auf ihre schleim- und bluttropfende fotze drückt, macht ein anderer mit dem handy fotos, und alle lachen, mit erschlaffenden, immer noch aus ihren hosen heraushängenden und tropfenden schwänzen. zwei monate später schreibt dir marie und fragt verzweifelt, was sie machen soll, sie ist schwanger, ihr mann hat das ultraschallbild gefunden und ist mega happy, aber wie soll sie ein negerkind erklären? vor allem, weil die neger sie nochmal bumsen wollen, wenn sie im 6. monat ist, ansonsten schicken sie die bilder ihrem mann. sie kann also nicht abtreiben ... was soll sie tun?
in den letzten monaten ist maries bauch immer dicker und runder geworden, nur du weißt, dass sich darin ein negerbaby befindet. ihre titten sind groß und voll geworden, ab und zu tröpfelt auch schon ein bisschen milch aus ihren nippeln. und sie hat sich zusätzlich 15 kilo angefressen, so einen heißhunger hat sie auf sahnetorten und pommes. an den armen schwabbelt es, aber auch ihr arsch und ihre beine sind deutlich fetter geworden als vorher. als der vereinbarte termin da ist, begleitest du sie in das schmierige hotel garni (mit einem stern). du wirst das zimmer bezahlen und dafür sorgen, dass das ehepaar, das das hotel betreibt, keinen ärger macht. das machst du mit geld. am ende kostet das muffige zimmer, das mit möbeln der 50er jahre ausgestattet ist, genausoviel wie eine luxussuite, denn vor allem die frau weiß sehr genau, was gespielt wird, und hat ein paarmal gedroht, die ausländerbehörde anzurufen, wenn du ihr nicht den preis zahlst, den sie verlangt. pure erpressung, aber okay, da musst du dann eben tiefer in die tasche greifen, marie ist das egal, und den negern erst recht. diesmal sind es mehr, anscheinend haben die vier ihren kumpeln von der weißen bitch erzählt, die ihre schwangere fotze allen zur verfügung stellt, die notgeil sind. diesmal lassen sie marie sich ausziehen, in aller ruhe. sie lachen, als sie sehen, dass die spitzen ihres bhs flecken von der heraussickernden milch haben. als sie den bauch sehen, stoßen sie sich an, wahrscheinlich fragen sie sich, wessen baby da in der röhre steckt. aber egal, sie sind ja zum ficken gekommen. sie ziehen sich aus, und wieder guckst du neidisch und gleichzeitig erschreckt auf die massiven gehänge, die du siehst: riesige, extrem lange und dicke schwänze, aber auch sehr schwere, fette eier, die da vor deiner nase herum baumeln. marie kniet auf dem bett, sie stützt sich auf ihren ellbogen ab und streckt ihren fetten weißen arsch in die höhe. ihr bauch wirft speckfalten. aber sie guckt die neger jetzt aufgeregt an. du weißt, sie hat fünf wodka intus, sie ist leicht bedröhnt und auch ein bisschen aufgegeilt, dass sie zu all dem gezwungen wird. na, wer ist der erste? fragt sie die neger kokett. dafür kriegt sie sofort feste schläge auf ihren nachzitternden schwabbelarsch. aber ein neger hat sich schon hochgewichst, kniet hinter der weißen schwangeren braut und schiebt ihr seinen riesenpfahl brutal von hinten in ihre immer noch enge fotze. sie kreischt auf, das ehepaar an der rezeption hört das bestimmt. den negern ist das egal, jetzt geht ein wildes gewichse und geficke los, meist wird sie in arsch, fotze und maul gleichzeitig gefickt, aber als sie sie herumwerfen, ficken manche neger uch einfach zwischen ihre speckfalten oder ihre fetten milcheuter, schnell schwimmt sie in einem wichsschleim, und es nimmt kein ende. niemnd nimmt rücksicht auf das baby in ihem bauch, im gegenteil: es scheint fast so, als wolle der einen oder andere seine kugelige eichel bis auf den kopf des babys schieben, so tief und fest, wie sie die dickgefickte schlampe durchrammeln. nach stunden wird sie immer noch gefickt, von männern, die schon drei- oder viermal gekommen sind, aber immer noch wichse in ihren potenten eiern haben. ganz zum schluss das ritual wie schon beim letzen mal: sie machen fotos von der durchgefickten, aufgeschwollenen fotze, aus der blut und sperma fließen, sie fotografieren ihr spermaverschmiertes gesicht, die schminke ist total zerlaufen, sie fotografieren ihre milcheuter, als einer dran rumquetscht und sich einen weißen strahl milch in sein grinsendes schwarzes gesicht schießt. sie schreiben mit einem filzstift auf ihren bauch: deutsche schlampe will schwarze baby. und sie lachen, einer lädt die bilder direkt ins netz. marie heult. aber sie wichst sich dabei die auslaufende und hart durchgefickte fotze, sie kann nicht anders, es macht sie geil, und es macht sie auch geil, zu wissen, dass da ein negerkind in ihrem bauch heranwächst. sie weiß, sie muss es ihrem mann sagen, und der sich scheiden lassen aber im moment ist ihr das egal, und sie sieht dich an, mit verklebten haaren, verheulten augen, aber total aufgegeilt, und fragt dich: willst du mich heiraten?
klar willst du die schwangere marie heiraten mit ihrem negerbaby, für das du bezahlen musst, weil ja keiner von den negern dafür aufkommen wird. und natürlich wird marie dann die ficke fürs asylantenheim werden, ganz klar. die jungs sind kein bisschen zimperlich mit so einer weißen schlampe, für die sind alle deutschen frauen eh nutten, so wie die rumlaufen und rummachen. deswegen wird sie natürlich ziemlich brutale schläge kriegen immer mal wieder, wenn sie zu frech wird. und weil sie sich immer so hübsch wehrt, wird sie immererst festgehalten, dann betrunken gemacht, damit wirklich alle, die wollen, über sie rüber kommen. und du fütterst derweil das baby zuhause und wartest darauf, dass sie nachhause kommt, alle löcher kaputtgefickt, grün und blau geschlagen und sturzbesoffen, vor wichse , scheiße, pisse und kotze tropfend.
du darfst sie saubermachen, aber nur mit der zunge. sie torkelt dir auf den stöckelschuhen entgehen, die die neger ihr aus irgendeiner kleidersammlung besorgt haben, sie sind zu klein. sie hat wichse und kotze in ihren nassen, im gesicht klebenden haaren, aus ihrer nase und von ihrer unterlippe tropft blut, sie hat ein veilchen. in ihren gesicht klebt verkrustende wichse, auf ihrem kinn der rest von ihrer kotze, über die kaputte lippe strömt noch ein letzter schwall negerwichse aus ihrem mund (oder besser: aus ihrem hals, sie hat ihn gerade mit einem rülpser hochgewürgt). die einst weiße bluse klebt an ihrem verschwitzten körper, sie ist durchsichtig geworden von der pisse der neger, die auf sie abgestrullt haben, nachdem sie sich auf und in ihr erst ausgespritzt haben. der teure spezial-bh für schwangere von victoria's secret, den du ihr für viel zu viel geld gekauft hast, ist natürlich weg, einer ihrer fetten milcheuter quillt aus der halboffenen bluse, milch sickert aus dem nippel und besudelt die bluse. in ihrem rock kleben undefinierbare reste, es stinkt ziemlich, so dass du wahrscheinlich richtig liegst in der annahme, dass es sich nicht nur um pisse, wichse und kotze handelt, nein, sie haben ihr mit dem rock den arsch abgewischt zwischen einem arschfick und dem nächsten und die mischung aus sperma und scheiße großflächig auf dem einst schönen rock verteilt, für den du auch ein heidengeld ausgegeben hast. ihre strumpfhose ist zerrissen, ihre fetten weißen oberschenkel quellen durch die löcher. als du ihren rock ausziehst, siehst d, dass sie keinen slip mehr trägt. irgendwer hat ihr mit dem gürtel quer über den arsch geschlagen, sie hat dunkelrote striemen davongetragen, von denen eine aufgeplatzt ist und blutet. aus ihrem arsch tropfen scheiße und sperma, und auch aus ihrer fotze fließt zäher schleim, vermischt mit blut. "ich ... ich muss pissen," lallt sie, und du legst dich gehorsam unter sie und öffnest deinen mund.
Kurz bevor sie pisst, lallt sie: "die wollen, dass wir da einziehen, bei denen im heim. geht aber nich offiziell, also wohn' ir im keller. is' doch okay oder?" du nickts, du willst eigentlich nur noch ihre pisse, alles andere ist dir egal.
Marie had to work hard to earn money. Her English was not real good and she needed money and a lot to get fake tits so she could be a sexy female escort. Her slim body was not so attractive to the rich men needing a sexy big titted date for the evening. The girls with the big tits did earn a lot of money. Marie liked the idea of being with the rich men, young or old. She was a beautiful woman.She finally got enough money and went in for the surgery. She chose a DDD and knew that would attract...
I met Marie the old-fashioned way. Drunk, at a bar. To be fair, I was drunk and she was sober, but still, my drunken state led me to hit on her, which made her shoot me down. I still entertained her enough to get her number, and after a few days of sober texting and calling, she finally agreed to go out with me. We went out a few times and never progressed further than a good night kiss at the door. She was oddly reserved for a woman of her age (39), but definitely showed signs of passion in...
VORWORT Die Idee zu dieser Story kam nach einem Bericht ?ber junge Transsexuelle im Fernsehen. Danach habe ich mich zu dem Thema ein wenig im Web umgesehen. Viele junge TS trauen sich nicht etwas zu ihren Problemen zu sagen. Oft gibt dann ein Crossdressing Ereignis erste Hinweise, ab dem die Dinge ihren Lauf nehmen, und schnell zu riesigen Problemen f?hren. Einiges des hier geschriebenen ist so ?hnlich tats?chlich passiert, ich habe es mit ein wenig Fantasie verbunden. Das Ergebnis ist...
MarieanneChapter 1Sir LavThis is a fictional story inspired by a slave girl I knew in Second Life by the same name. Some of it comes from her real life accounts but mostly from scenes she participated in that she recounted to me during our talks. I hope you enjoy the reading as much as I enjoyed writing it.The loud chirping from the alarm clock brought her to consciousness. Bright green eyes opened quickly almost in shock as she turned her head to look at the time, hoping she had not hit the...
They broke out of prison, the four of them, all dangerous men willing to do anything not to go back. Their stolen car ran out of gas a few miles away from the next city, nothing around for miles. They had been travelling for two days, trying to put as many miles as they could between the police and them. A storm was coming, nothing would be moving for days, the snow out here making the roads impassable. The lights of the house were inviting, the family living there believing they were...
As step-sisters go, Mary was OK, in her own way. Suffice to say that I mean when things went her way.Out parents had married a couple of years ago, I only met Mary at the wedding. She was married to some sort of corporate lawyer, who was always on his phone. And I suppose we viewed each other with a little apprehension. So I think we both agreed that for the sake of our respective parents, we got along, but there was no real brother sister relationship.After the wedding, and the happy couple...
My wife was working one of her overnight jobs and I was bored as hell. I didn't care to watch TV, it was Monday night and there was nothing on worth watching. I had already seen all the new stuff on my porn sites and was tired of it for a while. I wanted to get out of the house but didn't know where I wanted to go or what I wanted to do. I don't go to clubs or bars.....why pay for one beer what I buy a 6-pack for and have to shout to be heard by the person sitting 2ft away all the while...
Copyright© 2007 Chapter 1: The Old School "I wonder what she's up to?" Ray mused as he noticed the young girl walk slowly passed the wall at the road end of his front garden for the fourth time. He called it a front garden but at the moment it was a waist high wilderness of grass and weeds; a wilderness he was trying to reduce to a manageable length using an old fashioned scythe hired locally. "When it's short enough, I'll use the ride-on rotary mower to keep it under control and...
This is more about Mary..her husband Bill and myself. After the first time together our friendship developed much deeper. We just connected deeper than just a sexual attraction. There was only 1 moment that made me concerned and that was a few days after our fist visit at Marys and Bills home. I stopped for coffee and when i went in the other younger girl Melanie who works in the shop with Mary gave me a funny little look as i entered. Did she know? As i was pouring my coffee Mary came...
Maria occasional would blow into town like a storm. This time was no different. She had called when she had stopped for gas outside of town to ask if I could make time for her. It was New Year’s eve and a bit unexpected, but I had no serious plans and welcomed her to ring in the new year together. About an hour later she knocked on the door. ‘George, it’s so good to see you,’ she exclaimed as she threw her arms around my neck. ‘You’re looking good Maria’, I said leaning down into her grasp....
It was late on that Tuesday night. Dee and I were visiting our long-time friends Michael and Mari. Dee was in the guest bedroom asleep for more than an hour. Michael was in their bedroom also for more than an hour. Mari was playing solitaire on her computer across the room from me where I was surfing porn on mine. From time to time I would glance at Mari. She was wearing her silk pajamas and I was in my flannel pants and a tee shirt.I got up to get a drink of water, sipping it as I moved...
I have been working at Mary’s house for about a year or so, on many different small projects and maintenance as she needs. The last week or so I have been painting and remodelling her downstairs bathroom. Mary always has a cup of coffee for me and will come down and chat while I am working, then she goes back upstairs and does whatever it is she needs to do.I am just a fifty-four-year-old older guy that is a little overweight so if I can flirt to have some fun why not? Mary was in her late...
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Ugh, I hate this weather. I am the type of person that loves the sun, not rain and snow. I went through my list of things to do today. Recycle cans, go to the store, and go home. I decided to go take a shower before I left. As I started to get undressed, my nipples hardened at the sudden change of temperature. I wondered how long it had been since I got any action. Six months since the last time I got anything. I sighed, thinking of how lucky I was. It had...
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Hi to all iss readers, your feedbacks and suggestions are great that i couldnt resist myself from writing this third experience of mine with my staff named mary. Describing her like every one describes in their story, she doesnt have 38-32-38 figure, though thin she has a nice body and small boobs with nice pink nipples. Now i will describe myself, build average, but sorry i dont have 8 inch dick with me, what i have is enough to satisfy 99% of the ladies, and i know that i am experienced that...
I never understood why bereaved people visited their loved one's grave frequently. Never, that is, until Christine was knocked down by a hit-and-run. They got the driver, of course; he was drunk, of course, and will spend some time 'at Her Majesty's pleasure' ... of course, but that didn't bring back the woman who was truly my 'other half'. In fact, I had frequently and sincerely referred to her as my 'better half'. Christine was a gardener; not the formal, manicured lawn, exotic...
This is the second part of my story and a continuation of the first part. Around 15000 likes and 2400 critics for my first part is the only reason for writing part 2. Thanks for the likes and critics. During the whole day, my mother-in-law felt shy to talk to me. But what happened in the night triggered some kind of unknown sexual tension between us. Even though we didn’t talk, we exchanged looks a lot of times. We will be in our respective rooms usually if nothing is there to talk but this...
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Note : This story is completely fictional! Ida May snuggled up to her nephew and ask."Do you like my pussy?""Hell yes" answered the boy."Your uncle will be gone for a month on his hunting and you can sleep with me until he gets back""What about your daughter?" "She's too busy whoring around to care what we do" she laughed."Linda was the one that said I could seduce you""That slut knows what I want" she laughed.Jim got another hard on and rubbed it on her ass and Ida May helped him put it in. He...
IncestI was in the common shower on the third floor one late holiday weekend, a freshman student named Joey, entered and placed his towel on the bench at the entrance way. I could not help but notice him, since freshman students were usually confined to the first floor shower. Joey was about 5'9" and close to 175lbs, he was a very light complication black guy with very curly hair. You could not help but notice him on campus he looked almost white. As he walked towards the back of the shower he had...
Jim and his pets planned the capture of Courtney and Melissa carefully. It was assumed both targeted girls would be out and about on a Friday evening. Their capture would occur after dark that night at a neighborhood park. Trina and Cindy would each call the girl they had recommended and have her meet them at the park. They would be told they were to see something neat that Trina and Cindy had found while on vacation. Friday morning came. Jim brought his pets their clothes and had them...
"Want to meet me for lunch?" It was Sarah, my ex, calling me at work. Her voice was casual but I immediately knew what was up. Every few weeks she'd call me out of the blue like this. It took that long to miss me, I guess. But that was okay. Every time she called we'd hook up for some phenomenal sex. It seemed like each time was better than the time before. We got wilder and more uninhibited each time. I was still avoiding the lingerie store in the mall after our last escapade. This was running...
ExhibitionismI see the neon sign flashing blue, thinking of you and the things we do, it turns to red – what more can be said, you are next to me in bed, then it changes to red and you are in my dream. I live on the edge of the city in Max’s motel (that’s me. Max I mean) although my real name Pete. I look out of my window before I slumber, your picture placed on my locker beside my bed. I watch the ‘welcome to Ontario and Max’s place’ flash on the Neon sign. It is blue and I am thinking of you, the...
May I submissively beg the attention of all voluptuously masterful Mistresses, exquisitely dominant Dominatrixes, less than tolerant superior Wives, beautiful proud Women of all ages, and groveling, misbegotten mistakes of manhood who are lower than low and bound to be known as supercilious Sissies for all time. My loving, caring, charming Mistress has commanded me to announce the availability for immediate sale and delivery, the product you have all been hungering for. (Well, maybe...
Malaise. That's what they call it. I had moved to a new town and started a new job to escape it, but in less than two months the novelty of both wore off. Same shit different place, I was in a funk. A mental, emotional, physical funk. Well not so much physical I suppose. I kept myself in good shape and found that exercise kept my head clear. Not surprisingly then, I decided that a hike was just what I needed. And then a thought came to me which proceeded to grow and grow...
George Matthews lay on his back in bed with sky blue satin sheets as Katie was giving him a great blowjob. Julie hardly ever agreed to give him oral sex but it didn't seem to bother Katie. Her long silky, sweet smelling, hair tickled his thighs as she bobbed her head up and down. She'd deep throat him, take his penis out of her mouth, lick it like an ice cream cone, then deep throated him once more. He was really enjoying her ministrations as she cupped his balls rolling them in her one...
Hi, guys, I’m Jacob (name changed) here from Pondicherry. I am from a business family and I look after my family business. This is my first story and it is a real story that happened in my life. This happened in January and I am her sex slave these days. Please ignore my mistakes and let’s get into the story without wasting time. I used to go for a walk every day on the beach as my house is near to the beach. There we can see girls and aunties going for a walk. There I noticed one aunty who...
The coal mines were operating at full blast, and new miners were coming into the small mining towns from all over. Dad decided it would be a wise move to build a house next door on a vacant lot and rent the house to miners. As soon as the house was completed, a man (Dilip) about Dad’s age stopped by and agreed to rent the house. My brothers and I were happy, and hoped that the new family would include kids our age so we could have new playmates. The next weekend the man arrived with a young...
I sat in my recliner and tried to figure out what had happen to me these past five weeks. The love of my life, best friend, and husband of five years just up and left, no real reason, warning signs, and not one thing that could point to why. However, today I’m bound and determined, that I’d find a way to stop crying over that bastard, because he isn’t worth it. As I look back over things I realized that our once great sex life has been nothing but hits and misses, with him loosing interest....
Saturday finds Doug and Elizabeth sleeping in after a long day spent at the beach, then a huge dinner at a seafood restaurant overlooking the bay and barhopping on the boardwalk till midnight. Elizabeth wakes to the sound of rain pattering on the deck. Crap, she thinks, I really wanted to go to the beach today. She debates whether or not to go downstairs to check the weather forecast on TV – she hopes the rain’s just passing through and that the sun will come out eventually – but decides...
Thomas James was a student at the local university. Just like a lot of kids at the university, he was always on the lookout for spare cash. To help out with gas, food, and the occasional luxury. One afternoon Thomas saw an advertisement in the local paper. “Pool person needed.” So Thomas called the advertisement. The person with the mobile number was named Scarlet Grey. When she answered, Thomas felt a sort of shiver run down his spine. Her voice was so sexy! “Hi, this is Scarlet.” “Hi,...
I can hear the rain outside. The breeze catches the drops and it rattles against the windows like the wind chime in my hallway. My heels ‘nick-nock’ against the wooden floor, as I approach the bedroom door. I’ve been looking forward to this moment for a while. To fulfil your little fantasy. I knew you wanted me, but I didn’t expect such a specific request. It’s funny you live next door to someone and you don’t really know them. But then of course I did know you, but that was a few years back. I...
Stages of CorruptionI graduated from high school a few days ago. My final semester was full of class projects. But my most challenging and rewarding semester project has been the gradual corrupting of my best school girlfriend Erica. In the BeginningI've known Erica for as long as i can remember. We live only a few blocks away and we have been going to class together since elementary school. Physically, Erica is a stunner. 5 foot 8 inches, long blonde hair, deep blue eyes, a very fresh and cute...
Ryan went out the next week with his friends. They ended up at Melissa's house. Ryan wondered if Jen would show up. He knew they would run into each other sometime, it couldn't be avoided; they hung out with the same group. "Jen's coming over," Melissa told him. "Oh yeah?" he answered, trying to sound like he didn't care. But his heart was racing. They all sat around, watching TV. When Jen walked in the door she barely looked at him, only glanced at him like she did everyone else....
The Reunion…. Chapter 2 …with her ample soft curves firmly pinned under her warm lover she leaned up. Her mouth was desperate to entangle with his as his head lifted from her exposed breasts…. She sat up on the bed. His naked body stood before her – in no way spent from the previous time in the hallway. As she leant forward, she felt the corset strain and give way, it popped open at the back, falling forwards off her already exposed and heaving 38gg chest. forcefully he pulled it upwards...
Unexpected things happen to everyone. What these things are vary, though. As for me, a 35 year old mother, the story I’m about to tell is way unexpected and totally blew my mind, but in a good way. I’m 42 and a mother of a 18 year old beautiful girl. Compared to most the women my age I would be considered pretty sexy. I still have pert tits about 36 C , shapely firm ass, and a small tight stomach. I’m about 5"6" and I have sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. People say my daughter looks a lot like...
IncestPrimary power at 100% Secondary power at 100% Event horizon stable “Frank” a voice seem to come out of nowhere “can you give us a status check?” ‘Status normal, everything is green on my… hold on I am getting some kind of power spike over here...” Alarm bells ring in the far distance “Abort Frank! Abort now!...” The silver whiteness surrounding Frank intensify’s and turns to blackness, the formless nothingness surrounds him for what seems like an eternity. Frank slowly comes to consciousness,...
I had no expectation of breaking Bob Jones that easily, so I started my routine of questions and pain. "Well, Bob, I hear that you have aspirations of becoming a pro in the NFL. What do you think your chances might be if I smashed up this knee?" I tapped his left knee with the bat as I asked the question. "Oh, God, NO! Please don't do that! Without sound knees, I don't stand a chance with the NFL." "OK, I see that I got you attention with that one. How about selling out one of you...
The collar snug against my neck...a leash attached to the porch rail on both sides limits my movement....the warm breeze gently blows across my naked body...kneeling on the porch step my hands laced in front of me pushing my full round breast strong desire for your thick throbbing cock as you stand on the porch with your jeans undone...teasing my lips making my mouth open wide for it… making my neck press against my collar as I stretch out for mouth waters watching your...
Touchdown.By Phil LaneWith Freddie CleggThe Fourth Story in the Joe & Jenny Series.A sequel to Thesis, Such Sweet Sorrow and Tales from a Far Country.WHAT’S WHAT Touchdown is the fourth episode in the story of the relationship between Jennifer McEwan, also recently known as Vyera Anatol’yevna Kuznetsova an adventurous academic who is studying BDSM games and adult play behaviour and her husband Joe, a civil engineer who is anxious about his wife’s sexual interests and where they might lead....
Gerald was directing the charade with the young pre-adolescent Amanda on his lap, his cock inside her hairless sex and she wore a face of pure bliss. The pastor was seated in his easy-chair at the far end of the room, his face red and his hands claws on the worn arms of his chair. He didn't say a word as his family were abused and used by Gerald and I - having been ordered into silence a few moments before stripping. Looking into the face of the pastor's wife, Melissa, I was left feeling...
I was at a friend's party on a Saturday night. I remember it was during my junior year because Kylie Brown was hosting the party. She invited me in class, and the only courses I took with her were during my junior year. We remained good friends after that. I was hanging around with my friend Tracy. The party was pretty live. There were lots of people. Some of them we knew, and a lot of them we didn't. With all of the new faces around, there were plenty of opportunities for hookups. It was that...
TransFreshman Year Chapter 2 Dazed and unable to grasp reality, I opened the door and looked out into the hallway trying to decided which way led to my room. Either direction would be fine I believed if only to get away from Maggie. I had no sense of where my room was but I did realize that I should start to move and fast. But somehow fear had trapped me into not wanting to move in case I made a bad decision. What had just happened to me could not have happened, but it did and it was just...
WHEN DRAG QUEENS CAME TO VISIT by Throne "But Margo," I said with a note of anxiety in my voice, "I don't understand." "It's very simple, Perry. I invited several young men to our home for the next week. You know I like to interact with people who have different lifestyles. Remember when I went to that retreat with lesbians and straight women? To see what we could teach each other?" "I remember." That had been a nervous three days for me, and my wife seemed somehow different...
After returning home with my brother we found out that our parents had split up and dad had moved out, well he was'nt round all that much anyway.. his two favourite things to do were working and drinking, full time job and helping friends and his younger brother plant and harvest vegetables.His best feature was he was very good worker but not really that good at anything else, both my brother and myself worked with him sometimes on weekends and school holidays, as it was my brothers last year...
I need to get some stuff outta the way. First I wanna dedicate this story to Morpheus and my former teacher Mrs. Poppink. Your stores rock man! Second, you can post this story on any web page as long as it's free and you E-mail me at [email protected] You can also tell me what you think about the story at this address. Now, on with the story. People who fall on hard times should stick together By Grinder Tavi winced as the other kids in his 9th literature and writing class...
Voluptuous babe Lindsay Lee is back and feeling more horny than she was last time. Luckily we have just the cure for her! A big Asian cock to do anything with she pleases! James Bang gives up his big dick with ease and loves how Lindsay gets all sloppy on his cock and balls while trying to deep throat him all. James needs to fuck this babe after eating her out long enough in 69 and does just that grabbing her juicy ass making her take every inch deep! That big cock hits all the spots just right...
xmoviesforyouThe four of us took our seats at the stadium, we hardly ever got out together anymore. We were high school friends. Back in the day we were inseparable. But with new lives, families and jobs we hardly ever got to say hi, let alone get together so when Howard sent a group email that said he had tickets to a home football game. We all made plans to get that day off. Terrence was the leader of the group, well that's how he acted anyway. He was a tall kid back in high school. But now he was...
InterracialI am a student. The semester ended about two weeks ago, and, as every year, on the last day there is the annual diner-and-dance night. That was where I met Angela. She was 18. She’d just arrived three weeks before. As a courtesy, I of- fered to take her around and lend her any needed assis- tance. Last Friday night she called me and gave the excuse that she couldn’t make it back to her place be- cause it was too far away (a good 45 minutes’ drive), and asked if...
With Gay Sex by Sissyboytom This is my first time writing a story. This story takes place back in the mid nineties when I was 13 years old. I would appreciate any positive comments that you have for me. I am sorry for any grammar mistakes. If you don't like this kind of story then DO NOT READ IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank You. When I was ten years old, I began to wear girl’s clothes. I do not know why but I always felt that I was a girl in a boy’s body. I always had to make sure nobody...
Hi, I am Richa from Rajasthan lived at Jaipur, I’m big fan of dis incest sex stories ye story lambi jrur h par pdhna jrur puri apni chut me ungali daal kr aur lund ko hath me pakdkr ha to ab me story pe ati hu ye story tb ki jb me 21 ki thi means aj se 2 saal pehle ki ye mera pehla shadi se pehle ka pehla aur akhiri attempt tha is incident ke baad mene abhi tk sex ni kiya h to pehle me apne baare me bta deti hu mera rang gora Figure 30-26-32 me dikhne me bhut sundar hu par me sharmili bhut hu...
Introduction: Having committed herself to performing multiple acts of donkey sex in Tijuana next weekend, an enterprising MILF turns to performing in porn movies to whip herself into mental and physical sex shape for the beastly event. As a part of the deal, she has to pass out some freebees to a Senator and several of his horny young relatives. The Donkey Solution, Part 2C MILFs Porn Movie Sex, Plus Freebees A DREAM BLOWJOB: As Michelle slowly came awake she attempted to lick her lips but...
It’s a typical Slut Wife Story: Sara St. Clair is bored, and her bestie Lauren Phillips is too. They’re “homemakers”, but they don’t have any kids…just hubbies who work all day to bring home the bacon. And since both pay for house cleaners, there’s no real home to “make”. They do like to shop, though…and they love to cheat even more! Lauren’s searched high and low on the internet for authentic gloryhole locations, so before their...
xmoviesforyouThe story is connected, so please read from part 1. Few comments in the comment section will be appreciable. Thank you all for the positive comments/reviews on the previous parts. Hey guys, just wondering, can a lesbian slave story make your dick erect? And dear girls, I hope you get horny and wet. Previous part recap: One night, Divya calls me by phone, and she tells me that she is alone in her home. My lesbian love for her arouses as soon as I meet her after many days. She requests me to have...
LesbianHi, I am rony 18 years old. This is actually an incident that happened with my one of my friend. He is also of same age he has a sister mother and father in his family. He had sex with this own mother. She is 38 years old with stats 36 32 38.She has a big juicy ass and boobs.Anyone can have a hard-on on looking her assets when she walks. I will tell the story from his side. I I am 18 years and a simple boy as you are but my view towards my mom changed.One day I was watching tv and my mom came...
IncestThis Is Joey again. Let me tell you what I saw; Joey's Summary I COULD NOT believe what I was witnessing. The guys all said he had a 14 inch cock that was as thick as a forearm, they weren't lying. Now I know why he arrived late and as they said "they saved him for last." By now Gina's poor pussy was so stretched out and lubricated with so much cum after fucking all the other guys. I have to admit, It was so cool the way he picked My wife up and carried her over to the table as though he was...
James' story 'What in the fuck am I doing out here?' he silently asked himself as he drove through the dark and nearly deserted streets. Then he would more good fuck and then it's time to end it. 'Damn my memory is going fast' he thought. 'I hope I find one before I completely forget what I'm doing. James had driven to this secluded but well known part of town for one reason...pussy. He was determined to get some just one more time and if he had to pay for it...