Marie free porn video

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I met Marie the old-fashioned way. Drunk, at a bar. To be fair, I was drunk and she was sober, but still, my drunken state led me to hit on her, which made her shoot me down. I still entertained her enough to get her number, and after a few days of sober texting and calling, she finally agreed to go out with me.

We went out a few times and never progressed further than a good night kiss at the door. She was oddly reserved for a woman of her age (39), but definitely showed signs of passion in the few kisses we shared.

A little about me. I’m 44, in good shape, a little over 6′, with a good job and a nice house. I was married in my late twenties for a few years and divorced ever since. I date a bit and usually end up in long term friends with benefits relationships with women around my age who aren’t looking for anything serious.

The reason I hit on Marie in the first place is she was stunning. Around 5’6′ and maybe 125 pounds, she had light blonde hair, high cheekbones, and glacial blue eyes. Basically she looked like a Norse goddess, and I would not have guessed she was a day over 30 when I approached her.

She was wearing jeans and a long-sleeved buttoned up shirt, and the lack of skin intrigued me in a bar full of women showing off ample assets. I could tell she had a nice body, but just how nice it might be kept me coming back for more.

She had me over for dinner two weeks into dating and we had wine with dinner. She loosened up and we ended up making out like teenagers on the couch.

‘We need to talk,’ she said, after we came up for air.

‘Oh, no!’ I laughed. ‘Already?’

She swatted at my arm. ‘Nothing bad! It’s just….it’s really kind of hard to talk about is all.’

She went on to tell me about her love history, and how she had never been married or even engaged. Her family was extremely religious, flirting with cult-like denominations, and that history had screwed her up for a long time.

‘I was in therapy for years looking for answers that never were answered. In the last few years, I realized there really are no answers and I just need to live my life. The tough part is that I am attracted to you. Very attracted. I love kissing you and you make me want more.’

‘But?’ I prompted.

‘No buts, really. It’s just, I’ve not had a very good track record when it comes to sex. I guess you could say I’m frigid. I’ve been with three men in my life and only a handful of times with each. I’ve probably had sex less than 20 times in my entire life.’

I was shocked. By all accounts, I was sitting next to the nearest thing to a (almost) 40 year old virgin you could find. Add in that she was gorgeous, and my head spun even faster.

‘I would never push you into anything,’ I said. ‘If you aren’t comfortable with sex, I am fine with what we have.’

She kissed me softly. ‘No, I want sex, I really do. I just don’t want you to be disappointed.’

‘I could never be disappointed. The thing is, if we take that step, you have to trust me and let yourself go. Give yourself to me fully and I promise I can show you that you aren’t frigid, and that you can enjoy sex as much as any woman.’

‘Give myself? What does that mean?’

‘That sounds more ominous than it is. I just mean tell me your limits and trust me to stay within those limits. Everything within those limits, you have to follow my lead and just let go.’

‘Oh, okay. I read ’50 Shades of Grey’ and was wondering if this was one of those things,’ she laughed.

‘Only if you want it to be.’

‘I’ll pass. So, we going to do this now?’

She looked so adorable sitting there biting her lip, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and a little arousal.

‘No, not tonight. I think we should go away this weekend and start there. Can you get away?’

‘Yes,’ she nodded.

We kissed a bit more and I tore myself away to drive home. My mind was racing at the thought of seducing this woman fully. I knew psychologically she might never enjoy sex, but in my heart knew I could bring her to embrace her physical side.

I started texting her the next day.

•What limits do you have?•


•Oral sex? Giving and receiving•

•Definitely willing to try. No one has ever kissed me there before.•

•Positions? Up for anything?•


•Any fantasies?•

•Maybe. Too shy right now. Let me get back to you on that one.•

Over the next few days I got a definite idea of her experience and desires. Her few fantasies she shared were very vanilla and involved heavy romance. I booked a nice suite at resort a couple hours away and did some shopping online and had my purchases overnighted.

I picked her up Friday after work and we drove to the resort. We ate at the restaurant and had a few drinks and basically loosened up a little. She was visibly nervous as I led her to the room. I led her inside and kissed her on the couch.

‘Tonight, we aren’t having sex,’ I said.


‘Because tonight is just to get comfortable with each other and our bodies. Tomorrow, if everything goes good tonight, we will have the most amazing sex. Do you trust me?’

‘Yes,’ she said shyly.

‘Good. I am going to kiss you now, and as we kiss, I’m going to let my hands touch your body. Probably intimately. I will be taking your clothes off as well. Are you fine with that?’

‘I think so,’ she said.

‘If at any point I do anything that makes you uncomfortable, you have to tell me. You won’t upset me.’


I kissed her, softly, my tongue teasing her lips. I pulled her closer to me and let my hands rub her back and up her sides. Each time I would approach the side of her breasts, she would shudder a little, so I moved away and just rubbed her back slowly.

I kissed her more firmly, and she responded, letting me gently suck her tongue. This time, she pushed herself closer, and when I let my hands brush the sides of her breasts, she moaned softly instead of withdrawing.

‘That’s nice,’ she said in between kisses.

I went back to rubbing her back, but kept kissing her deeply. This time I ran my hand on the outside curve of her leg, letting my hand cup the lower portion of her ass that she wasn’t sitting on. She didn’t flinch, so I pulled her across me, straddling my lap as she leaned forward to kiss me more.

‘Good?’ I asked.

‘Really good,’ she smiled.

We continued kissing and I reached behind her and cupped one perfect feeling ass cheek in each hand gently, letting her grow used to my hands on her ass.

As we kissed, she made the initial move to push herself down against my very obviously hard cock. When she felt my hardness against her pussy, she moaned in pleasure and pushed down harder. As she humped my cock, I squeezed her ass harder, letting her feel my hands firmly grasp her ass.

‘This feels really good,’ she panted.

‘That’s good. Just let yourself feel good and try to focus on feelings and sensations and stay out of your mind. Your body was made to give you pleasure and there is absolutely nothing shameful in giving into those feelings.’

I moved my hands from her ass and ran them up the top of her thighs, over her hips, and up her front until I cupped a breast in each hand. Feeling them, I was surprised at how large they felt. I found two hard nipples protruding through the fabric of her bra and gently rolled them between my thumbs and forefingers.

‘I felt that all the way down….there,’ she said.

‘What do you call down there?’ I asked.


‘You felt pleasure in your vagina from me playing with your nipples?’


‘Vagina is so clinical,’ I teased. ‘What else could you call your vagina?’

She blushed and smiled at me. ‘My pussy.’

‘That’s a good word. Your
pussy. Do you think your pussy is getting wet from all of this?’

‘My pussy is getting wet,’ she said.

‘I’m going to unbutton your shirt now,’ I said.

She nodded and I slowly unbuttoned each button without exposing her. When her shirt was completely undone, I opened it while looking her in the eye.

I lowered my eyes and looked at her. Her bra was remarkably big. It covered everything without a hint of cleavage. I could see her breasts straining against the restrictive fabric, and reached around behind her to release the catch. Three hooks later it was undone, but still covered her.

‘Take off your shirt,’ I said.

She peeled it away, leaving her bra covering her breasts. I slipped the straps off her shoulders and she moved her arms to let it fall free. My mouth dropped open when I saw her bare breasts. A full C-cup, they were full and pert, nipples pointing slightly up. Her areola were a light brown against her very pale skin, and puckered perfectly into hard nubs.

I ran my thumbs across them and felt the wonderful heft of her tits in my hand. I leaned forward and licked one, then the other. When I sucked one in, she began to grind against me again.

I took my time, worshipping each perfect globe while she dry humped me again and again.

She leaned over and hugged my head as I suckled at her. ‘I don’t think I’m entirely frigid,’ she whispered.

I kissed her and reached between us and undid the button on her pants . ‘No?’

‘No.’ She leaned back and watched as I slid her zipper down and rubbed the tender flesh above her panties.

‘Stand up.’

She stood in front if me and I finished unzipping her pants. I slowly pushed them over her hips and watched as her rounded hips came into view. She stepped out of her pants and stood before me in her dark blue panties. They weren’t exactly granny panties, but were extremely conservative nonetheless. She had a substantial wet spot on the front of them and I smiled as I motioned for her to turn around.

The panties fully covered her ass, but the fabric stretched to accommodate her perfectly round flesh.

I slid them down a little, exposing the top of her cleft. She stopped me and turned around.

‘Umm…I’m nervous.’

‘Okay. What are you nervous about?’

‘I know women trim and shave their….pussies…but I’m not. Trimmed. I’m afraid it’s going to turn you off.’

I shook my head. ‘No, it won’t turn me off. Have you never shaved?’

‘No. I’ve thought about it, but never had the nerve.’

‘I’m sure your pussy is beautiful. I haven’t seen a natural woman in a very long time, so I’m excited.’

I turned her back around and slid her panties over her hips and down past her ass until she stepped out of them. Her ass was glorious. Round and perfect, just the perfect size to fill my hands. I squeezed and played a little, then, gripped her hips and turned her around.

I let me eyes take in the sight of her naked front, and she was hairy. Her hair was not very dense, but full and wild. It was just a shade or two darker than her head, and covered her entire crotch.

I pulled her back into my lap and she straddled me, grinding her bare pussy against my pants. I kissed and nibbled her neck and ears, letting her ride me, and I quickly could feel her wetness soaking into my pants.

I had her sit beside me and I slowly ran my hand up between her legs. She initially clamped my hand between her thighs , but immediately relaxed and spread herself for me. My hand found her hair and searched for the wetness inside.

I kissed her at the exact moment my finger slipped inside her, and she gasped against my mouth as I slid in deeper. She was as wet or wetter than any woman I had been with, but tight.

‘I want to bathe you,’ I said. ‘I want to wash you from head to toe, and then I want to trim your pussy for you. After I trim you, I’m going to shave you bare so you can see and feel your pussy for the very first time. Will you let me do that to you?’

‘Yes,’ she said.

I went to the large bathroom and ran water into the jacuzzi tub. I poured bubble bath in and warmed the water. I went and got her and led her to the tub. She stretched back and I gently poured water over her hair. I shampooed her hair, massaging her scalp and neck as I did so, relaxing her completely. I had her kneel in front of me and washed her thoroughly before rinsing her completely off.

I wrapped a towel around her and led her to the counter by the sink. I had her sit on a towel, then knelt in front of her. I grabbed a pair of scissors out of my travel kit and began to slowly trim the hair away from her pussy. I took my time, trimming carefully as I let me fingers explore her hair and lips.

When I had her trimmed close, she peered down and examined my work. ‘Do you like it?’ she asked.

‘It’s beautiful.’ I lathered shaving cream and covered her entire mound before very carefully shaving her pussy bald. When I was done there , I had her stand and lean over the counter. ‘This might not be comfortable, but I need you to hold your cheeks open.’

I dabbed cream in her crevice and shaved the little bit of hair she had around her ass. I touched her wrinkled rosebud a little, which made her jump, but she didn’t stop me.

Finished, I turned her and had her examine herself. ‘You have the most beautiful pussy I have ever seen,’ I said truthfully.

I led her to the bedroom and we laid down. I kissed her gently and began to slowly play with her pussy. I slid a finger inside and began to finger fuck her as we kissed. I kissed and sucked her nipples and worked my way down her stomach until I was between her legs.

‘I want you to touch yourself for me,’ I said.

She hesitated a moment, then slid her hand between her legs. I watched as she explored her freshly shaven mound, and thrilled with her moan as she slid her own finger deep inside herself. Her other hand cupped a breast and teased her nipple as she pleasured herself. I could see her wetness glisten on her finger as she moved it in and out.

‘Does that feel good?’

‘Very good.’

‘Have you ever done that before?’

She nodded. ‘I have a few times, but never like this. It never went in as easy and never felt so good. Are you going to take your clothes off?’

‘No. Tonight is just about you. I’m going to lick your pussy now. If you don’t come, it’s fine. Just try to enjoy.’

I moved closer and kissed her mound. She gasped, but spread her legs wider as I tasted her for the first time. I took my time, worshipping her pussy with my mouth. I sucked in each of her tiny inner lips before sliding my tongue inside her slick opening. She tasted clean and fresh, and I tongue fucked her for a long time. She curled her fingers in my hair and held my face against her pussy as I gave her an entirely new experience.

When I moved to her clit, she cried out. ‘Oh my god!’

I pulled her hood back and exposed her erect nub, and gently licked directly against her most sensitive flesh. I licked for a few minutes, the. Sucked it into my mouth, applying pressure and flicking the tip of my tongue against it.

I knew she could and would come, and it excited me almost to the point of coming in my pants at the thought of giving this beautiful woman her first orgasm. I slipped my finger inside of her and rubbed against her g-spot, and within thirty seconds, she gasped heavily and began to come.

She squeezed my head with her thighs and pulled me tight against her pussy as she let out years and years of frustration in one long, incredible orgasm. When she finally finished, she lay there, chest heaving, pussy glistening, and giving soft moans.

‘That was the most incredible thing I have ever felt!’

I kissed her, and to her credit, she never paused as she kissed me hungrily, tasting her own juices on my mouth.

‘I taste good,’ she la

‘Yes, you do. Now lay down and cover up and get some rest. I’m going to take a shower and will come to bed soon.’

She curled up with a smile and I went to start my shower. As soon as the warm water cascaded across me, I grasped my fully hard cock and started stroking it. It took every ounce of willpower I possessed not to run to the bed and sink my entire length into her, but I had a plan. After five minutes of solid stroking, I erupted in a fountain that splashed against the shower wall and ran down the drain.

I finished showering and slipped into some lounge pants and crawled into bed beside her. She stirred as I nestled against her warm flesh, and after adjusting until we were spooning, I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up and saw a glorious, naked round ass walking to the restroom. She returned a few minutes later and snuggled against me. She smiled when she realized I was awake.

‘Good morning,’ she said.

‘Good morning. Did you sleep well?’

‘Probably the best sleep ever. Last night was amazing.’

I got up and went in to brush my teeth and relieve myself. Once back in bed, I gave her a proper good morning kiss. She reached between us and squeezed my rapidly hardening cock.

‘I just wanted to feel you,’ she said, as she wrapped her hand hand around me. ‘It’s….big.’

I laughed. ‘You haven’t had much experience, remember.’

‘I know, but this is big!’

I extricated myself and got up. ‘Let’s get dressed. I have plans for us.’

‘What kind of plans?’

‘Fun plans. And to make you feel like the woman you are.’

After we dressed, we grabbed a quick bite downstairs before heading to my truck. I drove us down the mountain and into the little resort town and parked on the main street. We got out and held hands while we walked.

I took us to a little boutique store I had shopped at before and we looked at clothes. I gave her a pile and asked the girl for a dressing room.

Marie came out wearing the first outfit, which was a low rise cut pair of jeans with a short sleeve top with mild v-neck. If her bra had been smaller, there would have been a hint of cleavage, but it still looked phenomenal.

‘How do you feel?’

‘Good. I like the way these fit.’

She tried on dozens of outfits, and I gave the chosen ones to the salesgirl. I got her in a short pair of shorts which showed off her beautiful legs, and after a bit, she enjoyed the experience as much as I did.

I hit the racks and picked out a bunch of dresses, many of them shorter than she had ever worn. I gave a few more to the clerk and paid after she finished ringing them up. We hauled the bags to the truck and went and found some lunch.

‘Thank you for the clothes,’ she said.

‘You are so welcome. You are beautiful no matter what you wear, but confidence is a big part of sensuality so you need to look as sexy as you feel.’

After lunch we shopped around and found her some more daring shoes. Finally, I dropped her at a salon and told her to have fun. She had an appointment for a hair styling and nails, and an hour and a half later I picked her up. She looked spectacular with her sleek, subtly highlighted hair and fuck-me red nails.

I drove us back up the mountain to the resort and we headed back to the room. ‘I’m going to take a shower and get ready if you will wait.’

She settled on the couch and I took care of shaving and showering. I dressed quickly in a nice pair of slacks and a white button down shirt.

I kissed her and told her to go ahead and shower and get ready and that I would lay her clothes for the evening on the bed. ‘If you don’t feel comfortable in them, change into something else. Meet me down in the casino when you are ready, gorgeous.’

She smiled and headed to the bathroom. Once I heard her get in the tub, I opened some packages I had delivered earlier in the week and laid them out. First, I put of a black lace shelf bra that would absolutely push her breasts together while keeping her nipples completely exposed. These went with a wisp of black lace g-string. I rummaged through her bags and found a dress we had bought, which was sleeveless with a deeper v-neck. Paired with the bra, it would reveal some fantastic cleavage. The dress itself was short and silky, flowing but would hug her curves perfectly. I knew the outfit was a true test, but would be fine should she choose to be more modest.

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VII: How We Do Things Three Months Ago... For the past two games, Alex had been winning their Behemongers games. The sting was beginning to wear heavily upon Tobias as he struggled to come up with a killer deck to challenge Alex's own, which he knew had cost his best friend hundreds of dollars through a combination of allowance-raise savings, birthday gifts, and Christmas gifts. Tobias didn't know Alex's inside track. Who was he conferring with to be able to come up with such a...

4 years ago
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Mrs Bennet II

Mrs Bennet II Todd woke up to the gentle breathing of Mrs Bennet, Rose as she wanted him to call her. Rose lay on her back, the covers just covering her breasts. Todd gently pulled the sheet away from her breasts, the movement of the sheet caused her nipples to stiffen. He gently kissed her right nipple it responded to his lips, rising to meet his tongue. Rose moaned softly and lifted her breasts to meet Todd's mouth, his right hand moved over her stomach, heading for her pussy. He cupped her...

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The Two Sisters

"So what did you think of him, sister?" she asks as she takes a towel from a basket and begins to dry herself. Her fine blond hair drips and hangs about her bare shoulders. Her sister who still lies in her sleeping bag stretches. A breast is pulled out into view. Her darkish blond hair spills over the pillow. The sleeping bag is unzipped down the side, a bit of very white leg can be seen. "Oh, maybe a C-. He did try. Did you notice, sister, that he never even took his shoes off? I think...

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Jerry and His Women

Jerry was still in high school when Preacher Rowe and his family moved to town. Reverend Rowe was the preacher for the largest non denominational church in the southwest part of the state. To give the devil his due he was a charismatic bastard. By the time he had been in town four years he was well thought of and a member of all the civic organizations. He had tripled the membership of the church and presided over construction more than doubling the size of the church building. Angela,...

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The turn around 3

By this time my 7 inch cock is at full attention and its 2 inch wide swell seems even wider then usual. my wife surprises me and starts rubbing her 36 c breasts and says holly do you think your pussy changed much from giving birth? cuz mine feels so loose to me now. (holly) hun a little but thats no reason to feel embarrassed i bet from the looks of things your man can feel it up just fine holly then grabs my shorts yanks my cock out. see its bigger than jeffs and his feels great. kenzie must...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Girl 8211 Part II

Hi all to ISS readers and thank you all for giving responses. This is kkb from Lucknow and my mail address is This is my third story in ISS, hope you all will enjoy. Hoping you read my stories ‘Sex in Computer Institute’ and ‘Sex with Computer Student’. Here is my third real story. This time it is with my GF. This instance occurred 2 years back. First I will let you know, how she becomes my friend. One day I met my friend who was with her girl friend. I asked my friend’s girlfriend for her...

2 years ago
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The whimpering bitch is on her back, cold steel hard against hershoulders and ass. Shackles an inch thick hold her wrists and anklesto the execution table. The locks are slaved to her heartbeat; sheknows with one hundred percent certainty that she will not leave thistable alive.She stares in horror at the five men who stand before her. Physically,they are virtually identical: tall, strong, muscular. They are barechested. They wear skintight black leather pants and executioner'shoods. She...

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An Ending A John the Genius StoryChapter 1

I called out as loud as I could, “Loretta, grab the dog, he’s got my shoe again!” I could see her go running after the stupid thing. I turned back to my son, “Isaac, you’re sixteen. You know the rule. Everybody on this Island works. If you don’t like your job, go down to the jobs board. There’s plenty of work to do.” “Dad they’ll just stick me on kelp harvesting again,” he whined. “If your girlfriend doesn’t like the smell of bacon then there’s something wrong with her,” I replied. He...

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DeniseAn adult novel of sexual slavery and service.Written By Miss Irene Clearmont.Copyright ? 1998/1999 Revisions ? 2011Synopsis:Miss Denise Arden Lamont renews her friendship with an old university friend, Kathy. Kathy has always been rather curious in her choice of male friends and indulges herself in training them.As Denise slides into this dark world of sexual slavery she becomes entrapped by the evil Miss Clearmont whose appetites for malevolence and vice know no boundaries.*****This was...

2 years ago
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A Problem With PiracyChapter 3 Officer Training School

July 28, 1990 Forty-eight men, wearing the uniforms of twelve different countries, stood outside the gate waiting for admittance. Several of them, the highest ranking ones, were beginning to get a little irritated at having to wait outside. They felt that they should have been admitted as soon as they arrived. One of them had tried to push his way into the facility. The business end of a pistol placed gently at the center of his forehead had convinced him that it would be a lot better to...

4 years ago
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Kristen And The Girls On A Retreat Part 3

I needed some quiet time, so I went to the bathroom at the far end of the building. This was the room that a lot of the girls used to enjoy themselves. While I was in there I heard the door open and saw Danielle enter. She is slightly overweight, but she carries it well. Her large breast is an eye-catcher and she shows her cleavage and I have seen her hardened nipples. The skirts she wears are tight-fitting to show off her tight ass and shapely legs. Several girls enjoyed being between her...

Group Sex
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The Dream Girl Part 2

“Calm down Chad, there is a highly reasonable explanation why a baby is you’re bed with no face.” I was really trying hard as hell to think about what had happen last night, and then I heard a knock on the door. Who is it? I ask trying to figure out how a baby or what look like was doing in my room. “Its Terrell man open up I got to tell you something so incredible your jaw will drop.” Yeah I can say the same about myself, I exclaim opening up the door. ‘So I met this girl and she...

1 year ago
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Reddit Asshole, aka r/Asshole! Are you fucking confused about what this subreddit may be about? I don’t blame you. When I first came across it, I thought it was going to be a sub of neckbeards bitching at each other about which Hot Pockets taste the best (trick question: they all taste like hobo vomit). Then I thought maybe the Boomers had finally fallen off Facebook, invaded Reddit, and created a community where they can whine about how they can’t find their favorite processed cheeses in the...

Reddit NSFW List
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Who Needs Innocence

Her eyes burned through my soul.  Who is she? I wondered.  The coffee shop was fairly busy, but for some reason, my gaze was locked onto the beautiful, blonde college student who stared back in challenge.  I was caught like a deer in the headlights, as though an oncoming semi-truck was about to plow through me.  Little did I know just how accurate that omen would turn out to be.I composed myself and turned to the counter. Luca, the owner of this gem of a café, was busy finishing an order, so I...

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A cold windy day and a sauna

That late afternoon Victor and I were in the cold winter at New York, doing some shopping. That day the city was really cold and windy.The crowded streets were quickly becoming deserted, as my husband and I were trying to find some place to shelter from that cold biting wind. Suddenly, in a dark alley, we saw a sign-post, directing towards a sauna. I told Victor it would be warm there inside. He nodded…We entered the sauna and were welcomed by a friendly, nice looking dressed blonde who was...

1 year ago
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Remedy Rescue

We know each other since few months and we meet rarely. She is from Naples but comes to Munich regularly for her job, for her band...yeah she is a kind of performer...don’t know exactly,something folk, italian ethno or something like that. However every time she is in munich she calls me, and last time she wanted to talk to me as soon as she landed.“Soooo....what’s going on?” I asked sipping my weissbier at the usual place.“Nothing special...”“What’s the rush? normally there is a waiting list...

2 years ago
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Surprise Part 3

I was very nervous yet very turned on at the same time. Here I was, restrained in a very vulnerable position on Connie’s bed, a “hard” Christine was about to cum deep inside of my rectum and I heard voices in the other room – one of which was Connie’s yet the other was definitely a male. My hard cock was pointing down across my belly right at my face and Christine was about to empty her cum into me. She let out a muffled moan as her eyes screwed tightly closed. I felt gobs of her cum paint the...

4 years ago
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Case of the Paper Trail Ch 03

The chronological order of my stories is at the end of the story. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, extreme language, and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial or racist language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any...

1 year ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 112 Hot Tub Party Things Get Sexy

Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued) Julia pointed out, "If you think you all understand how uniquely special Mark is, let me tell you that your understanding means NOTHING unless you change your behavior. If you continue to treat him like an ordinary boy, then you've learned nothing. Emily, why are you wearing a bra?" "Huh?" Emily was taken by surprise, not ready to be singled out. "Why are you wearing a bra? Is it because you don't feel comfortable exposing yourself?" "Yes....

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One Thing Different 1 Introduction

One Thing Different 1: Introduction I All five women had been lucky in life. Decisions made had been for the best all round. At each critical junction they had chosen the path that led to riches beauty and fortune in love. And now, at thirty two, they had earned the right to sit back and enjoy it. Gemma and Kim were blondes working in the fashion trade - Gemma as a designer, Kim as a model. A brunette, Samantha managed one of a chain of BMW...

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His Letter

Alison Carter was driving to her job as a junior high English teacher and counting her blessings. She found her job very fulfilling and enjoyed being at work. In the three years she had been teaching, she had developed a reputation as a firm but fair teacher who was always in control of her classroom. She did her best to keep a usually boring subject interesting and was well-liked by her students and fellow teachers.She met her husband, Ken, during the last semester of her senior year. He was...

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Desert DroppingChapter 26A Making a move

"Hi." "Hi... Rory?" Good guess. "I didn't know if you'd be working or not," I replied, as I sat on my bedroom floor, leaning back against the bed with the phone to my ear. "You said three o'clock." "I'm on my way there now," Seth replied. I glanced at the clock. That made sense. It was just past two forty-five. But it seemed much earlier in the day to me. Maybe that was because it was one o'clock before I woke up to Eddie asking me if I wanted to go driving. We didn't...

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I was on one of my daily walks. Long walks. I'd walk for hours on end, almost every day. Not from the beginning, though. In the beginning I'd stay in bed with the curtains drawn, numbed by sorrow. Mourning my wife's death, and feeling sorry for myself having lost my job which had meant a lot to me. My wife was driving our car, when a truck coming from the opposite direction had blown a front wheel tyre. Annie was killed instantly and I had lost part of my left arm and suffered a few other...

3 years ago
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The Mouse That Purred

My sex life mostly consists of sucking Sam off on a Sunday morning. We do fool around a little first. We kiss and Sam feels up my boobies a little and fingers me a bit, but it always ends up with me sucking him off. That’s what he wants and I thought that, as his wife, it was my duty to fulfil his desires. My own desires didn’t come into it because for lots of years, I literally didn’t have any. I’d never allowed that side of my nature to develop and thought that sex was something for men to...

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Call Me Daddy

‘Owen! Oi! Get your ass down here!’ Owen winces at his stepdad’s booming voice and looks at Quinn with troubled eyes. She flashes a long sympathetic smile as her friend gets up on his feet and holds his hand out to to help her up. Quinn clutches it tight and he pulls her up to stand in front of him. ‘Does he always talk to you like that?’ she asks. Owen shrugs. ‘Only when he’s drunk and with his asshole friends,’ he says, picking his jacket up from the coat hook and slipping it on. ‘He probably...

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On A Rainy Day With Wang

That happened in a rainy day, was not accidental , but really well planned…. Ok let me introduce my name is Jason (name changed) and I am living in Kochi working with a software company in managerial cadre, I am in my 30’s like 31 years….. I am a regular visitor of a branded showroom in lulu, this guy been catching my attention for so many days, yes I like north east guys, they are really so cute and sweet to be with, on my last visit I gave my mobile number to him and got a message back with...

Gay Male
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Futa Furry Breeding Program

Greetings. Let's kick things off with a little exposition of what's going on in this lab. A very long time ago, scientists in a remote and isolated location unknown to the public had engineered a human animal hybrid originally intended for warfare. It backfired quite substantially for two important reasons: one, it was hermaphroditic. Two, it didn't display high amounts of aggression but rather high amounts of uncontrollable libido. It didn't help that it was quite voluptuous and "well...

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My First Time

This a fantasy of mine and my first story that I am submiting. For a long time I had thought about oral sex with another man. I was married a few times and it never really satisfied me completely, I loved sex with them but I longed for sex with a man. I had wondered what it would be like to find a man looking like a woman, I talked to female friend and she helped me to dress up like a sexy hot woman. She helped me to shave my legs and she picked out some hot looking clothes. As I put on the...

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Yet Another Company of Women

Yet Another Company of Womenbybyronbgeo©"This isn't happening," said Kyle, almost to himself, although Erika was sitting across from him at her desk. She was very attractive with her raven hair cut short, and a revealing blouse. It was only his first week at the advertising company and twice he'd broken protocol used for filing of forms and memos. His boss, Alexa Martin, said he was careless and wasn't cut out for the job, but agreeing to spare him only if he were willing to massage and even...

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Thias MemoryChapter 10

"I do." Shane said with a smile. The priest spoke again and Sam knew she should pay attention to what he was saying but she just couldn't take her eyes off Shane. He looked gorgeous in his black suit. 'Oh he is great and he is going to be my... ' She was cut off by the priest "Do you Samantha Thomas Carter take Shane David Wilson to be your wedded husband..." she looked down at their linked hands and then up at his eyes in time to answer. "I do." She said loudly and blushed as she...

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FantasyMassage Blair Williams Anya Olsen The Centerpiece

When kinesiology major Blair Williams starts to give her petite friend a soothing back massage, it’s much to the delight of Blair’s peeping husband Aaron Wilcox. After Anya undresses, and Blair disappears to get some massage oil, Anya grabs Blair’s phallic glass centerpiece and fucks her pussy with it like a dildo. When Blair emerges moments later with the oil, and catches her husband stroking his dick to Anya’s masturbation, Blair is none too pleased with Anya for...

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At The Stables ndash The Generalrsquos Wife

At The Stables – The General’s WifeI’m David, 35 attractive with a hard body. Toned after two years fixing this place up. I was your average horny husband and never strayed. My wife and I enjoyed an active but vanilla sex life. I have no complains. We would fuck at the drop of a hat and enjoyed oral especially, if one was tired or we had time limitations. That ended two years ago in a car crash in which my wife died. The compensation from the crash paid for these rundown stables and the money...

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My wife and the niece8217s boyfriend

My wife and I have a normal sex life but she complains that I am too gentle and my cock is only five inches wife has some experience of sucking cock before marriage and I have asked her to try men outside marriage also but she always refuses. My wife is about five feet six inches with 38c breasts and a large ass and is about 35 years old.. Though she is fat the extra weight gives makes her look more sexy.One day my wife met her niece’s boyfriend . After meeting him she confessed to...

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Daddy Fucked My GF I Joined In

In my next fantasy article I will describe my typical day living with my Daddy, my older boyfriend. In this one, let me tell you about the time, again a fantasy but one I want to cum true, when my Daddy fucked my girlfriend and then let me join in. Again this is fantasy, I do have an older lover, but he is not like this. I am a shaved-smooth, boyish bisexual male, that am now turning fem and now wear female clothes like dresses, panties, lingerie, and bras, etc., but only in private. I...

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ThisGirlSucks Aria Lee Blowing Arizona

Her name is Aria Lee, and she is a stunning Asian chick with long legs and a slamming body to boot. She has a hunger for big dick in her young, wet mouth, and we here at TeamSkeet are happy to help her satisfy her cravings. She is originally from Arizona, and that is where she learned how to suck dick like a pro. She is so skilled that she can say the ABCs while taking my dick all the way down her throat! And the way she lets her spit cover my cock, you can tell Aria is truly passionate about...

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Head of the Clan The adventures of Steve and LanaChapter 26

I had not sat down before Pap looked at me with knowing eyes. "She be a havin' that look of bein' mated to you." "It wasn't my fault, I couldn't get away, she made me, the car had a flat tire, the transmission blew up,..." I went on until the absurdity of it all had them laughing. It was an old scene from 'The Blues Brothers' that John Belushi had used with Carrie Fisher for not being at their wedding. "You be a done makin' fun?" Pap asked while trying to regain his...

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