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Chapter 1

Sir Lav

This is a fictional story inspired by a slave girl I knew in Second Life by the same name.  Some of it comes from her real life accounts but mostly from scenes she participated in that she recounted to me during our talks.  I hope you enjoy the reading as much as I enjoyed writing it.

The loud chirping from the alarm clock brought her to consciousness.  Bright green eyes opened quickly almost in shock as she turned her head to look at the time, hoping she had not hit the snooze bar a few too many times this morning.  She groaned in an aggravated manner but even so her soft voice would have made any man smile with delight at the pleasured feeling in his groan.  Her left hand reached over herself, bright red painted fingernails danced about as she tried to find the snooze bar, the alarm clock merely a blur to her unfocused eyes.  She brushed her long curled red hair back from her face and blew out an exaggerated sigh with a slight rolling of her eyes.  She swung her slender long legs over the edge of the bed sitting up with her hands on the edge of the mattress.  Her back was held straight in a manner that would make any girl schoolmistress proud.  She sucked in her slender abdomen, watching what little fat she imagined she had, disappear.  Her breast stood out proudly from her chest and she looked at them for a moment as a smile crept across her face.  She was always proud of her breast, they were not overly large, but large enough to give her an admirable cleavage and firm enough to stand out even without a bra, there was no sagging to be seen.  Her nipples were the size of a quarter, dark brown and pointing upward.  A smooth line was drawn by her smoothly shaved vaginal lips, pinched closed as her smooth white thighs squeezed tightly against each other.  She was truly impressive even at thirty-four years of age and three children.  At 5’4? and 85 pounds she knew she turned heads but was always self-conscious of herself.  Ever since turning 30 she continually worried she was putting on too much weight even though everyone who knew her told her she was not and those who didn’t know her found her comments about her own weight to be vain and especially annoying to those who actually were fighting weight issues.

She mentally ran through her day, which included getting the kids off to school, cleaning up around the house and getting her car in to get serviced.  She liked going to the service department, there were always plenty of men there and she enjoyed the way they would stare at her and undress her with their eyes.  She felt powerful and in charge.  She picked out a simple but somewhat suggestive outfit, a mid thigh length denim skirt, white silk button up shirt with the top two buttons undone, yellow bikini panties that would stand out to any man lucky enough to see them, and a bra that would give her a bit more cleavage and barely cover her perfect nipples, three inch heels and a light blue cloth belt to accent her slim waist.  She put on a light blue cloth collar around her neck, which held a gold heart pendent her husband had given her for Christmas.  She liked this piece especially the way it felt around her slim neck.  She would sometimes imagine it were a slave collar.

She finished feeding the kids, a simple breakfast burrito with eggs and ham, then loaded them all into her black Trailblazer and headed off to their schools.  She passed a motorcycle police officer running RADAR near the school and she smiled to him.  In her mind he smiled back, his strong jaw and stern look sent shivers down her spine.  She couldn’t really see what he looked like under the helmet and sunglasses, but in her mind he was well muscled with broad shoulders with a well pressed uniform, and those tall shiny leather boots with no laces, ?hot? was what she said to herself about him and what her body felt about what her mind was fantasizing.  A quick image of her with her hands cuffed behind her back, bent over the hood of a police car as the officer stood behind her roughly shoving his hard penis into her wet vagina.  She blinked and blushed a bit continuing on her way to the school.

After dropping off the kids she drove to the dealership singing along with the radio as she did.  She pulled into the covered service area of the Chevrolet dealership and rolled down her window, hitting the steering wheel mounted radio volume control to lower the music, as an older white man approached with, ?Art? on the nametag of his shirt.  His white hair was parted to the left and his just as white mustache appeared uneven over his mouth.  His portly belly hung over his pant belt like the foam from an overfilled mug of beer.  She thought he looked grotesque and pitied the poor woman who had to make love to him at night.  As he took the vehicle’s information she could see his eyes stare down at her cleavage and knew he was trying to angle himself so he could see her nipples.  She didn’t say anything because she knew she could get good discounts on service when she let the service writers get an erection and she had to admit she was a bit vain. 

He brought her inside the service office and offered her a seat opposite him at his glass desk with the computer monitor positioned under the glass.  She sat with her legs slightly apart, her hands innocently placed on her thighs with her back straight.  She noticed that the back of the seat seemed to be lower than the front, causing her knees to be higher than her waist, and thought it was odd and not very comfortable.  She could feel many eyes on her as she came in, and a group of men seemed to gather somewhat behind Art trying to hide their intentions by making small talk about the week’s football game as their eyes drifted to her then back to each other.  She knew well that sitting as low as she was the soft mounds of her breasts were very visible and as she looked through the glass desk she could tell that her skirt was high enough for the men to see her panties.  She blushed a bit but could feel the rush of excitement within her.  Art seemed to take quite a bit of time entering her information and kept getting up to, ?go talk to the manager.? leaving her sitting there by herself.  Every once in a while he would point out something on the paperwork as he explained it to her, but would keep the paper on his side of the desk so she would have to lean on the desk to see what was written, giving him and the others an eyeful of her soft full mounds.

Once she signed the work order she moved to the waiting room and sat across the room from two men that appeared to be father and son.  There was a taxidermied fish on the wall just above the men.  Both were scruffy looking with unkept hair, faded and torn jeans, unshaved faces and body odor she could smell from across the room.  They looked like rejects from the Orange County Choppers show, or maybe even the stars themselves.  She yawned and felt a bit sleepy but sat up straight and looked around the room shaking off the drowsy feeling.  She noticed a father and his young son sitting along another wall, the man had a Rapala fishing gear hat and a small Igloo ice chest sat under his seat.  Every once in a while something inside the ice chest would splash around in the water.  It didn’t take long for the scruffy looking men to notice her and the older of the two whispered something to the younger one while pointing at her with his chin.  He did not seem to try to hide the motion nor his staring at her.  She blushed deep red and looked away.  She sat on the cool black vinyl of the waiting room chair and waited a few minutes while the two men kept saying things back and forth and laughing.  This made her mad as she didn’t know if they were making fun of her or admiring her.  She looked around until she found the restrooms, they were at a nearby narrow hallway one across from the other but was on the other side of the two foul smelling men.  She looked in the direction of the restrooms a few times before deciding to get up and go.  The men had noticed her glances and the older man stopped laughing and whispered something long and elaborate into the ear of the younger one who seemed to blush a bit as if surprised, then nodded and smiled as his hand seemed to fondle something in the front pocket of his jeans. 

Marieanne got up and straightened her skirt, walking swiftly past the men she moved to the bathroom, trying not to run as she felt her heart racing.  The men made her nervous and she needed to pee.  She didn’t notice the men were following her and until she reached for the door handle she didn’t noticed they were right behind her.  Suddenly she felt a rough grab of her hair causing her head to snap backwards, her chin high in the air, her mouth wide open in surprise, another hand grabbed her waist and before she could react she was dragged into the opposite restroom, the men’s room.  She found herself in a headlock, a thick strong arm was wrapped around her head squeezing it tight, she thought he would crush her head.  ?Don’t say a word or I’ll smash your head right now.? said a voice that she figured was the older man, who then dug a knuckle deep into her skull making her whole body tense and she let out a yelp, her face contorting in pain. 

She felt her skirt being lifted up over her now upturned ass and then a sudden hard slap on her butt, ?Yep, wet just like I thought.? the man said as his finger roughly rubbed her panties over her ass and pussy, his finger pushing into her pussy slightly.  He could feel her moisture and heat and it made him smile in excitement.  She wanted to scream, her head was turning red.  She could feel her heart pounding in her chest as fear overtook her. 

?Get her belt.? the older man said and she felt the other one remove her belt as she was led into a toilet stall. 

?Tie her hands.? the man ordered and she felt her wrist being pulled behind her and her belt wrapping around her wrist tightly.  She was now in panic and tried to look around but could only see the grey tile of the floor and the black rim of the toilet seat, the white porcelain of the low toilet and the chrome piping connecting the toilet to the wall. 

She felt her shirt being unbuttoned and pulled down her arms, and the man used it to bind her even tighter, cinching her elbows together.  ?God damn she’s hot, this little tease is going to get what she really wants.  You’re a slut aren’t you?  Look at you all wet fucking whore.?  the older man chided.

She heard the metallic click as the younger man opened the blade of his folding knife.  She felt a cold metal object against her back, then felt her bra fall free from her as he cut the back strap in two, her breast now hung freely, exposed completely to the strangers. She could feel the cool air brush against her uncovered nipples. The big man now released her head from his arm but held her long red hair, pushing her head further down, making her ass stick up even more, her heels making her ass rise high.  He took two hand fulls of her hair from either side of her head and tied a knot with her hair around the metal piping of the toilet, keeping her head down.

Her breasts were quickly grabbed, one by each of the men, they roughly squeezed them, kneeding her nipples roughly.  ?Nice firm tits, you’re probably a model or something huh?  No matter you’re just meat to us.? and with that the big man pinched her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, twisting it as far as it would go until she opened her mouth to scream from the pain.  It felt as if he were going to tear her nipple right off her breast.  At that moment something round and cloth was shoved into her mouth, she didn’t know what it was until she tasted the foul flavor and smelled the stench of foot odor.  It was one of the men’s socks, which had been rolled up into a ball and it filled her mouth completely, she couldn’t open it any wider if she wanted to.  Though she tried to spit it out it was going no where.  She nearly vomited but instead dry heaved, her green eyes opening wide each time, giving the men quite a show. 

?Damn she’s hot,? added the younger man, ?I’m gonna spurge in my pants if I don’t get some of that pussy quick.?

?Not yet, we need to get her in the mood, you know, a bit of foreplay?? the big man answered and laughed.  She looked towards him with fearful eyes and saw him over the rim of the toilet, take off his leather studded belt and hold it in his hand by the buckle end.  ?Don’t you know it’s wrong to go around teasing men, you’re lucky I’m going light on you because I’d hate to ruin a good piece of meat, but you do need to be punished.?  She cried and tried to beg through the gag but couldn’t.  The older man kicked her ankles apart, spreading her legs to expose her pussy.  He lifted her bound arms up causing pain in her shoulders, making her lift up to her toes and lean forward to ease the pain.  Her forehead went into the cold water and she screamed thinking they meant to drown her.  He had the younger man hold her arms in that position.  The older man ran the metal studs of his belt back and forth over her pussy, each stud bumping against her clit, back and forth.  It took several minutes but even though she tried to keep it from happening she couldn’t help but moan.

Without warning he lifted the belt and struck her hard and it stung, she thought he would break her bones as the heavy leather bit into her soft flesh.  The men laughed and enjoyed the jiggling of her ass.  Another strike, another muffled scream, more laughing, again and again it happened until she could no longer scream, only cry, then the man stopped.  Her ass was on fire from the friction of the leather.  He pulled down her now soaked panties and harshly ripped them from her, putting them to his nose and smiling as he inhaled.  ?Yep, a whore.  Take her she’s ready.?

The young man needed no more coaxing than that, he moved up while the old man held her arms up high, shoving his hard cock quickly into her dripping wet pussy.  She screamed but no one heard.  He wasn’t large but she didn’t want this to happen she’d only ever had sex with her husband.  ?Oh yeah she’s tight and hot!? exclaimed the young man.  He could feel her tight walls, hot from the spanking, wrap around his cock and milk him for his cum as he shot his load into her within a few seconds.  Between being inexperienced with women and being very turned on by this he could not hold himself back.  She cried as she felt the hot sperm shoot into her wet hole, she had no birth control, she didn’t believe in that.  ?That’s right cunt, take my load deep inside you.? the young man said, his hands reaching up and fondling her breast, enjoying the silky soft feel of her flesh.

?Damn man, give the girl some pleasure before shooting off inside her.? the old man joked as he shoved her head down into the toilet bowl, the cold water splashed on her forehead and she nearly threw up.  He held her head there as her wrists and elbows were freed, then tied again, this time wrapped around the toilet, under the metal pipes.  Each wrist was bound to the opposite elbow, one with the belt and the other with her shirt, causing the back of her head to push up against the inside of the toilet bowl uncomfortably but effectively trapping her.  Her breasts now rested on the dirty porcelain toilet bowl.  He let go of her head and he said, ?Now I don’t do sloppy seconds but I’ve got eight inches of cock that needs relieving but I’ll be nice and wait for you to cum first.?  He grinned but she couldn’t see it.  She felt his rough callused hand slide into her pussy, then hesitate as if he were going to pull his finger out, ?hmmm? he said then suddenly shoved his whole fist into her hard, she screamed silently and thrashed her head from side to side from the pain making the toilet water swirl like a washing machine. 

?You’re right, wet and hot.? He laughed then yanked his fist out of her and spread her juices over her anus, ?that should give you a bit of relief but I like my holes dry.?  She thought he pulled her vagina right out of her, the dry skin of his fist dragged and burned her delicate walls.

He grabbed her butt cheeks and spread them wide she shook her head from side to side pleadingly.  She had never had anal sex before and was disgusted by the thought but knew she could not stop it.  Then she felt it, the cock head pushed against her bud, pushing it back into her the forcing her to open up as the head was shoved hard into her.  It seemed to keep spreading her hole, wider, wider then painfully wide and then further.  She couldn’t believe how big it felt but the number 8 kept appearing in her mind.  She felt her sphincter muscles rip painfully then finally clamp back at the base of the cock’s enormous head.  Her anus was on fire with pain, she pictured her blood pouring from her hole. 

?Ahhh, yeah baby that’s the best ass I’ve ever had and thank you for keeping yourself shaved for me, I hate hairy pussies? He slowly shoved his cock into her, inch by aggravating inch.  He purposely went slow to make her feel it, dry and rough, her whole rosebud disappeared into herself.  Then he started the back and forth fucking of her ass.  He did this for a few minutes, ramming hard into her making her scream each time.  When he was finally lubricated enough to speed up he reached around and found her clit and gently he caressed it as he fucked her.  She wasn’t at all excited from this pain, which was fine for him as he was enjoying making her cry.  It was a few minutes but and eternity for her before she started to pant.  The constant caressing of her clit paid off and she was building into an orgasm despite the burning pain in her ass.  She tried to hold it back but the desire for pleasure over took her.

?Good girl, enjoy it, you can’t avoid it.  I bet you’ve never been used by a real man, now you can brag to all your girlfriends that you’ve been properly fucked.? He laughed and she arched her head and pleasure washed over her in waves as she came, ?good cunt, I knew you had it in you? he said.  He shot his sperm into her intestines as he felt her sphincter tighten around his cock from the climaxes.  She cried as the orgasm passed, her body going limp with disgrace and shame.  Sperm from strangers, whether they were diseased or not she didn’t know, dripped out of each of her holes running down her shapely thighs, thick and creamy.  He left his softening cock inside her and as an added insult the moved his hips from side to side causing even more pain.  When he finally withdrew from her he watched the open hole of her ass and snapped a picture of it as it slowly began to close.  ?Beautiful rose.? the man joked.

?Again, I’d hate to waste good meat, I think we should leave her here as a present for others to enjoy.? The older man said.  She lifted her head bumping the rim of the toilet and screamed out in disapproval.  ?Yes? You’d like that you said?  Good.?

She clamped her thighs together tightly to ease the pain and he noticed this and smiled.  ?none of that? he said.  He unlaced each of his leather boots, using each lace to tie her knees to her elbows painfully tight making her ass spread open and keeping her well off balance, her weight mostly on her breast pressing into the toilet.  Her body now hugged the toilet lightly.  The smell of the toilet was nearly intolerable but she couldn’t lift her head out of it.

She heard the younger man say, ?Can I try something I’ve been wanting to do before we go??

?Of course, she’s just meat.? answered the older man.

The younger man reached into his pocket and took out a small can of pepper spray.  With a large grin he uncapped it, placed the spraying port between her soaked pussy lips and pressed down holding it there for several seconds until all of the contents were emptied into her pussy.  She could feel the small pressured stream shoot into her pussy but had no idea what it was.  She screamed into the sock and her body rocked hard as she tried to thrash about to ease the pain once her pussy started burning from the spray.  She barely heard the sound of a picture being taken by one of the men’s phones.  She’d never felt anything so painful.  She was screaming, crying and thrashing so much she didn’t even notice the men leave.  Her pussy was on fire and the pain wasn’t easing anytime soon.  Her face was beat red and more than once her face went into the toilet water causing the water to go up her nose, making her cough.  The sock had soaked up the water and now she was tasting the horrid water.  She thought she would die from the inability to breath, the torn muscles of her ass and the fire in her pussy, or maybe she was hoping to die to stop it all, but there was nothing she could do.  The pepper spray burned her inner walls like a million ants eating away at her.  Her hands tried to reach her pussy to ease it but she couldn’t.  Her lips turned red with irritation, her heart pounded loudly, she could barely breath.

She was still crying and trying to ease the pain when she heard someone enter the restroom.  A zipper sound then some peeing.  It sounded like the person was just going to leave until she felt a small finger poke at her thigh, ?what are you doing?? asked a very young voice.  She tried to answer but was muffled.  ?You should be in the girls’room not here, I’m telling my dad!? he said then ran out of the room yelling, ?Daddeeeeee!?

A moment later the boy returned with another man.  She couldn’t see this but could hear it.  The boy pointed her out and said, ?Look! It’s a girl! She’s being bad!? 

?Oh.? The man said, ?lets go outside? he told the boy and they left.

A moment later the man returned, opened the door to the stall and stared at her, she was still sobbing and wiggling her ass from side to side in pain.  The man was dumbfound.  ?Do you need help?  Are you okay?? she couldn’t answer with more than a moan.  ?Damn you’re hot but I’m married and I really?? he watched her ass sway invitingly and after a minute gave into the erection in his pants.  ?Okay, I guess you can’t see who I am anyways so you’ll never be able to tell my wife.  You’re one of those kinky girls who like being tied up and used aren’t you?  I’ve read about this in Penthouse forums.  Okay, you’re definitely a hotie, better than anything I’ve had before.  I will enjoy this as much as you.?

She heard his zipper and she tried to scream as she shook her head from side to side in disbelief.  She felt the cock slide easily into her pussy and he began to slide in and out burying himself deep into her but then stopped, ?What the!  Fucking bitch!? he pulled out of her and ran to the faucet turning it on, ?You fucking bitch you think this is funny?  Pepper spray? God damn it!? He continued to cuss at her as he washed his cock off.  She tried to tell him it wasn’t her but couldn’t.  The pepper spray burned and irritated the skin of his now flaccid cock.  The slit burned painfully from the liquid.  ?I’ll show you, you fucking bitch!? he zipped up and somewhat awkwardly ran out and returned after a few minutes.

He walked up behind her, she could hear him and she kept trying to plead with him.  She could hear him place something on the ground that sounded plastic with something liquid inside it as she could hear water splashing, she remembered the ice chest.  He roughly grabbed one of her breasts and pulled it sideways until the nipple pointed outward, smashed between her and the toilet it jutted out well.  ?Lets see who gets the last laugh.?  A sound of tearing plastic then his fingers on her nipple.  ?I know you can’t see this but this, bitch, is a double ought barbed fishing hook.  You’ll need a doctor to get this out of you.?  She screamed and felt the sharp hook as he shoved it through her nipple and back the other side until the barb was sticking out of her flesh, any movements to reverse the direction of the hook would make the barb stab into her flesh.  The sharp stab was unbearable and the burn when the thick metal was dragged through her punctured flesh was incredibly painful.  She cried more and tried to move to ease the pain but then realized what a bad idea that was as the hook tore more into her flesh.  Besides her ears she had never been pierced before.  She felt her other nipple pulled out and panicked.  Another hook went right through her flesh like butter and he fed this one through also.  Her nipples now felt like they were on fire, pulsating pain shot through the tips of her once perfect breasts.  There she was tightly bound to a toilet, gagged with a wet dirty sock, with a large fishing hook pierced from side to side through the flesh just beneath each of her nipples, and blood now running down the toilet as it dripped off each nipple.

?Not done yet bitch?pepper spray huh??  He fished out a one pound lead fishing weight tied to a snap swivel, then a second, these he attached to the looped end of the fishing line attached to the hooks, causing her nipples to sag out grotesquely almost appearing inhuman as they elongated, if not for her perfect skin and firm breasts.  The holes made by the hooks pulled open causing blood to seep from her tortured breasts.  The weight felt incredibly heavy and she feared they would tear open her nipples leaving her maimed for the rest of her life like a circus side show.  She screamed.  ?yeah bitch scream, but I’m still not done.?

He pinched her pussy lips together and she screamed, ?Nooo!? into the gag.  ?I was going to save this for my pond, but vengeance will be much sweeter.? he said menacingly.  He opened the plastic cooler and reached in, grabbing a hold of the 8? rainbow trout that was swimming inside.  ?I hope you like trout.? he teased.  She panicked not knowing what he meant but could smell the odor of fish.  She felt something cold and slimy at her pussy, it was moving.  He pushed the fish head first into her and she began to realize what was happening.  She started to squirm in protest but the hooks bit hard into her and she stopped, trying to hold steady but shaking in fear. 

?The fins will make him very hard to get out of you without tearing out your pussy with it.? he laughed and pushed the fish all the way in until only the tail stuck out.  The fish struggled wiggling madly side to side stretching her walls in all directions.  She could feel the stiff fins scratching and cutting her walls.  It was like nothing she ever felt before and she orgasmed, over and over uncontrollably.  He looked confused, ?I can’t believe you are getting off on that.  Oh well enjoy because you’ll likely never have sex again after they fish him out.? he laughed.  He somehow found this amusing and it turned him on.  He held her pussy lips closed with one hand, pulling them outward as he stabbed a fishing hook through her flesh, in one lip and out the other like a sewing needle.  She screamed and began to thrash but stopped from the pain on her nipples.  The hook punctured her tender flesh four times as he worked his way from the bottom of her slit up to the top, bringing a scream each time from the pain of the puncture, the metal hook being dragged through her injured flesh, the dry fishing line being dragged through each hole and the pepper spray.  Her once perfect smooth white skin was now punctured with asymmetrical imperfect holes.  He pulled the hook until the knotted end of the fishing line reached the first hole and her pussy now looked sewn shut.  He put the metal part of the hook through the fishing line loop and with pliers, he bent the hook shut locking her pussy closed with the hook’s line holding the lips shut.  Blood ran down her breasts and pussy as the trout continued to thrash madly trying to breath inside her tight pussy.  She sobbed and sobbed wondering what she had done to deserve this but couldn’t stop climaxing, her abdominal muscles began to cramp from over use.

He looked and her and couldn’t help it, he needed to release his tension.  He pulled his cock out of his pants and stroked himself as he looked at her sexy form until he came, spraying his sperm all over her back, into her hair and down the crack of her ass, causing more screams as it dripped over the bleeding flesh.  He slapped each of the weights making them bounce up and down pulling on her nipples.  He stood over her with his legs spread and held his cock as a warm yellow stream sprayed from him onto the back of her head, wetting her long read locks and turning the toilet water yellow, then walked out as she continued to scream and bleed smelling and sometimes taking into her nose the acrid urine.  She could feel the fish slowing its struggle as death began to overcome it but her inner walls were torn and bleeding from the sharp fins and the dying fish  filled her pussy completely.  She came again crushing the dying fish in her spasms.

?Ma’am?  Ma’am?? she heard a voice call out to her, the voice seemed somewhat familiar and she opened her eyes in a startled shock.  Looking around she noticed she was in the waiting room where she had sat earlier.  Art was standing over her and smiled, ?Is everything okay?? he asked.  She looked at herself as saw all her clothes were in order but as she looked around she noticed everyone was staring at her except the little boy who’s back was to her as he played with his toys.  The male action figure was pointing at the female action figure as he repeated, ?bad girl, bad girl!?

?Yes..yes? she answered but seemed confused as to what happened.

?Your car is almost ready.? He said, his eyes obviously looking between her spread thighs. 

She looked down thinking the worst, maybe her panties were gone of there was a dead fish halfway sticking out between her thighs.  She gasped when she saw a large wet patch of vinyl just under her crotch.  She couldn’t see her panties but knew they were soaked.  She blushed feverishly red and closed her thighs tightly to hide the embarrassing evidence. 

?The work order will be at the cashier’s booth.? He said with a smile like he had just scored the winning touch down at the super bowl.  Art turned and walked away and others seemed to turn away from her and go about their business, but there was an obvious uneasiness in the air.

She ran to the restroom quickly closing the door behind her.  What was she doing, she wondered.  She felt her nipples and found no holes.  She felt her vaginal lips and only found wetness.  She let her finger linger, then began rubbing her clitoris, she couldn’t help it.  She brought herself to an incredible orgasm before leaving.  She nearly ran to pay for her car’s service, which as expected had many lines describing work done to her car at no cost to her including a new pair of wiper blades.

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Nothing had happened between Ryan and me for awhile, we had gone on as normal. Every so often, in the evenings as I lay in bed I would play with my cock and remember every curve, bump and vain of my best friends dick and the thought always made me cum cum in seconds. We were both about 16 by now, and like most guys our age, had girlfriends on and off, and there was no... opportunity? is that the right word?... for anything more to happen. One night Ryan, myself and a friend of ours, Chris were...

2 years ago
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Did I Just Do That part 2

It had taken a good few days, a week at the most to get my boys used to eating pussy to my satisfaction, but once they had mastered it there was no stopping them. It’s hard to believe but my empty bed is no longer empty, in fact, it’s been upgraded to super king-size as we need the extra width.I haven’t even been bothered with dating at all and it took all my effort to stop my best friend, Daisy, from badgering me into unsuitable dates. I couldn’t tell her that I was happy because she would...

4 years ago
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Sweetand Inocent ShelleyPt two

Shelley is the only daughter of Margaret and John, she is home taught by her mother, she has no knowledge of computers so she pay’s for Emily to come in once a week to teach her this. A short time ago she started on Shelley’s sex education, bringing her brother David in for this, having first tried the goods. The week after the exhibition Emily went for the lesson as usual, during which Shelley asked when she could see David again, seeing she had opened up a Pandora’s box, she knew she...

3 years ago
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Second Massage Things progress

My wife and I met J again in February 2009 in another hotel. Again S was dressed for the occasion in a tight grey skirt and loose blouse with plunging neck-line. We again, met him in the bar for a drink, S and J sat next to each other and he soon had his arm around her as she relaxed.After a nice glass of wine and a chat we all headed up to the hotel room where J started to undress S slowly and as he did so, he kept kissing her neck and touching her all over – she was really enjoying it,...

2 years ago
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She Tries To Forget Ch 14

Passion in James County XVI Ann was scheduled to go in to work from ten in the morning until six in the evening the next day. When she arrived at the store, she found her co-workers buzzing with excitement. Toni Wicks was working at the service desk. When Ann finished punching in, Toni waved her over. ‘Did you hear about all the excitement this morning?’ Ann’s colleague whispered, she was bubbling with excitement and it was clear she was dying to tell Ann the exciting news. ‘Hear what?’ Ann...

2 years ago
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My next fantasy with Helen

“Hello lover” I heard Helen’s soft, sexy voice purr into the phone. “Hi sweetheart, how are you doing today?” I asked, my cock starting to get hard just at the sound of her voice. “Better now that I know you’re alone. Is Diana and Brandon gone?” Helen asked. Diana and Brandon of course being my wife and son. “Yes, they left this morning with her mother for the weekend. In fact I just heard from them. They arrived in Syracuse around noon. Fore once they made good time.” “ MMMM...

2 years ago
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The Life of an Army WifeChapter 6

When I got to work, Ted ordered me to stand in front of him and lift my dress. He moved his hand over my pussy and said that he wanted me to start letting the hair grow back out. He didn't even want me to trim it. I was surprised, and kind of disappointed. I had gotten to like being so bare and so much on display when I undressed. But his wish was my command. I sat at my desk and went to work. Ted got a call and had to go to another building to meet with one of his users. While Ted was out...

1 year ago
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Fuck WeedChapter 2 The Big Black Hard Sell

"Mr. Markman, wake up, it's almost time for your dinner presentation." The waitress knelt beside him, her red lips close to his. "You should hurry before the evening rain starts. The island experienced a brief rain shower almost every afternoon. It was typically short, but intense. While Chase tried to himself wake up the waitress sat next to Mindy and woke her up. Chase envisioned the pretty black girl kissing his wife to wake her up and the two women enjoying a wild lesbian tryst, with...

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A Fuck at the Opera

It all began one afternoon while I was sitting reading in the students’ union coffee shop. I heard a voice I recognised. ‘Hi, Annie! Do you mind if I join you?’ I looked up and saw Adam, a guy I knew vaguely through some other friends. I knew he was in his third year of a music degree, and he’d been to a party at our place a couple of weeks ago, where we’d had quite a long chat in the kitchen about the sort of music we both liked. He was doing a dissertation on dissident music in the Soviet...

1 year ago
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Isabels Folter German

Isabels FolterIsabel war gerade eingeschlafen als sie h?rte, wie die Zellent?r sich ?ffnete. Sie h?rte Schritte auf ihre Liege zukommen. Eine Hand griff sie am linken Oberarm und riss sie hoch. Ohne dass man sie selbst gehen lie?, wurde sie jetzt auch am rechten Arm gefasst und nach r?ckw?rts gezerrt. Isabel hatte den Eindruck als st?rze sie hinterr?cks eine Treppe hinunter, ihre Fersen schleiften ?ber Betonboden. Die H?nde lie?en sie los, sie st?rzte nach hinten, wurde wieder hochgehoben und weiter ...

2 years ago
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Afternoon Sex Part 1

I'm 16 years old. And I stayed home from school today and I was on my computer editing a video and watching videos on youtube and videos from Pornhub. I became hard, watching BBW porn. The girl in the porno was white and chubby, Brunette and must have had double D's. I love big tits. But I have no idea what there called like C cups if those are big or not. I don't know... Anyway, I was becoming hard and my balls were still soft. Every time my hand reached the base of my cock, my balls would...

1 year ago
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Rule 34 Animated

Are you looking to jerk off to animated porn? The fuck you do. That’s precisely why you are here reading this. You know damn well, I’m your only hope when it comes to directing you to the best sources of porn where you can go about your filthy fapping habits. There are loads of porn directories out there, but more than half suck fucking balls. All of you should be calling me "el puto jefe" like the Spanish. Shit, you fucks should erect a fucking statue in my honor. Anyway, if you are looking...

Hentai Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Careful what you dream for Part 2

The second part in a series of bad science fiction-- Gene made it to work late of course, and punched up his computer within his cubicle. Grunting a hello to his co-workers, he grabbed his 16 ounce coffee cup, took a cigarette of the pack and headed out the door and down the street to the coffee shop. The high plains sun was already searing the concrete beneath his feet and his eyes wistfully followed the two women walking sown the street in front of him, dressed in flip flops, halter tops and...

4 years ago
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Must padosan

It was Saturday afternoon. I was out shopping for a new pair of denims. My wife had gone to her moms almost a thousand miles from where I stay. I was carrying a bag which contained my denims the name of the shop on the sides of bag.We had recently shifted our residence and I was not familiar with anyone in our apartment. As I parked my bike and started getting into the elevator to go up to my house on the third floor a very decent looking lady got into the elevator with me an gave me a friendly...

3 years ago
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My First Time as a Girl

I want to thank Annabelle Brito for reviewing and making suggestions that I believe have greatly improved the story. This story is complete fiction and any resemblance to persons living or dead is pure coincidence. I hope you enjoy it. Please leave your comments, good or bad. I try to learn from constructive criticism , or, if you prefer you may email me at [email protected]. I apologize in advance to any gay persons reading this story. I have used language that is derogatory to...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 417 Bed and Dinner

“I’m sure I don’t need to know the details of how you gathered another thirty-four kids to ride home with you, but it isn’t a problem. It will help me check out the remaining places on your route. Elena will make reservations at each of them for thirty-six. I expect plenty of chaos,” Elena’s dad told me. The food arrived first. “Ok, kids, my name is David. You are in my custody until I let someone get you to take you home, which will require that they meet with some people who will discuss...

4 years ago
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Jake White The BeginningChapter 9

Mr Hatherly gave a short laugh. “I’m sure our relationship will continue to be profitable to both of us Mr White,” he said. “I trust that ‘Moonfleet’ is proving useful.” Jake was well aware that Hatherly was referring to the fact that he had acquired the ship at no cost. “Yes,” replied Jake, “she’s in Dublin at the moment.” “Of course, but she’ll be back in about a week, and turned round in a couple of days, I think.” “That would be about right.” “I’d like you to take a passenger for me...

2 years ago
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Sexual Harassment Chapter 1

Sexual Harassment - Chapter 1 Copyright 2003 Cute Little Thing The story is so familiar I hardly need to repeat it. I'm talking about layoffs of course and today it was my company's turn. It started this morning, rumors started right away and by lunch it was clear what was going on - our company had been purchased by a competitor, and they were liquidating half the staff by sundown. Anyone judged to be redundant was gone. Practically our whole building was being fired. We all want...

3 years ago
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Discovery Part 2

It had been an amazing year for Kyle. At eighteen he attended his first get together for those that cross dressed and their supporters. It the first time since the urge to dress up came upon him he finally felt safe and accepted.Over the following months, he perfected his skills at makeup along with dressing, walking and talking like a female. Soon he was one hundred percent passable in any light and he couldn't have been happier. It happened one afternoon that Kyle's secret had been discovered...

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Bimbo Ch 04

‘At least he made you come,’ says Sam. ‘Yes. Several times, too.’ ‘So what’s the problem, then?’ Sam takes the pasta of the stove and pours the water out into the sink. He has invited Ellenor over for dinner, and he has made his specialty, ‘tagliatelle con funghi e spinacchi’. ‘I guess there IS no problem,’ says Ellenor. ‘I got what I wanted. So why am I disappointed?’ Sam ponders the question while he fills two plates with sauce and pasta. ‘What where you looking for when you went out?’...

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Samanthas way

In the past few days’ things changed drastically in this household. I would never have believed this would happen to me. Mid afternoon of the first day of the school holiday, I had some plans to go out to the movies with two of my friends, Mike and Robbie. We would normally go to the movies and try and pick up some girls there, which was kind of hard since we were known as the “Geek Squad” As I waited for time to pass until it was time to meet Mike and Robbie, I ended up playing one of my...

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Second Nature 5 Descent

Second Nature: Descent By Crystalline Chapter 15 - Become So Numb "I know you're awake, brother. Go on. Try to move. Of course, you can't. Your body is completely restrained, you know. You're not going anywhere." "You fool. Do you really... think..." he started to say, but stopped, surprised at the sound of his own voice. "What have you done to me?" I laughed for a second, then looked at him with the seriousness of a heart attack. "I did nothing. All I did was destroy your...

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Magic Cock Male Multiple Orgasms

Candy and me, we were made for each other. Candy loves cum, and I can cum multiple times. I'm not talking that bullshit you read in porn mags where you just bring yourself as close to orgasm as you can then back off. I'm talking full-on ejaculations. There's something about my dick where it doesn't go all sensitive after I've cum. It stays hard. Rock hard. And so long as I keep on fucking or having it sucked or stroked or whatever, I can cum as many times as I want. You could say Candy's a...

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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 28 Justice and Invasion

Philadelphia: 11:50 A.M. Tim let Amy cry in his arms as he held the woman who brought hope to a lot of people of this world. So she went overboard and took justice in her hands. He thought it was worth it as far as he was concerned. He felt Amy gently push on him so he released her. "Feeling better?" he asked. "Yeah, I am. Thank you, Tim," Amy replied. "Good, what are your orders?" Tim asked. Amy laughed and replied, "Tim you out rank me. I'm only a commander while...

3 years ago
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Fit To Be TiedChapter 6

The hot desert sun beat down on her naked body. Laurine struggled a bit but the ropes holding her spread-eagle were too tight. The heat of the metal roof under her ass and shoulders burned. She was certain that, in spite of the thin pad between her flesh and the metal, she was going to get third degree burns. And if that wasn't enough, the sun beating down on her would roast her alive. She could almost feel the blisters popping up on her untanned sections of skin. To have those lovely...

2 years ago
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We need some PAs Part 1

We need some PA's The e-mail was distributed around the technical department. 'We need people to work with and assist Senior Managers with technical advice.' "Glorified PA's more like," said Paul. "Dunno, could be a good way to get promoted," offered James "Aye, though you'll probably need to sit on the boss's knee," ventured another voice. "And the rest. That'll be the least of your worries." Another useful contribution. Margaret the office manager knew that sending such a...

2 years ago
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Pitching A Tent 2 The Fallout

"Now Entering Pisgah National Park"The sign signaled the end of our seven-hour road trip, and I was excited to stretch my legs. The back seat of George's car was not meant for people as tall as me, and my legs were getting numb.Under normal circumstances, I probably would have thrown a fit and demanded to at least spend SOME of the trip up front. George was three inches shorter than me, and Colin was easily six or seven. It didn't make sense to have my gangly ass back there. So why didn't I...

Love Stories
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Best Cyber Ever Guys Monologue

Maybe we were watching TV next to each other or something My hand would just be resting on your leg But being a naughty horny fellow, I think it would probably start wandering Rubbing down the inside of your thigh I suppose at some point it had gone down your tracksuit Maybe you didn't notice Feeling the soft tender inside of your thigh, running my fingers up to the edge of your panties And tugging at them a bit Letting the fabric pull across you Running my hand down over the front of...

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We met on a plane continued

This is the continuing story about a woman I met on a plane and how she seduced me into having a three month affair…. We get to the hotel room and start passionately kissing, our hands roaming all over each others bodies. We are still standing up and my hand is on the inside of her thighs lightly touching her, while I lick her amazing breasts. I can feel her wetness and the heat coming from her. We are both turned on and she reaches into my pants for my cock. I stop her and pull her dress...

2 years ago
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The Summer I Met Nina Part Two

The Summer I Met Nina: Part 2Walking in the bright moonlight back to the bunk house, thinking about Nina and how after days of our feeling attracted, we had crossed a precarious threshold. I wondered where this would lead, how would we act tomorrow, how would we hide from her parents, what would happen when her fiancé arrived tomorrow, was this more than a hot, clandestine relationship? How would I get through a day of waiting on tables after four hours of sleep? I had no idea and knew this...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Sandras Arrival Part 1

Location: France I have been waiting for this day for months now. Did I forget anything? I hope not, I’ve got the essential things with me: ID, flight number, cash, and my small luggage, It’s not like I am going to be needing much clothing where I’m going. I have found a sexy red dress, I didn’t forget to shave my legs and pussy, and I’ll do my makeup in the plane so no need to apply it right now. In less than 24 hours, I will be in his arms and it just makes me smile. Finally, I will be...

2 years ago
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Border Control

Now what? First things first, I fished my bra through the arm of my tee. I don’t need one anyway, mostly, and I do my best thinking when I can get rid of it. I tossed it over my shoulder like a wedding bouquet and spun to see where it landed, which was next to the pretty black one I was looking for last Saturday night. Hey, the day was looking up already! We had all gotten the text this morning that the plant was shutting down for a week and all of the hourly workers were furloughed. What, they...

4 years ago
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Asian Wife Needs Sperm Donor Part Two

  PrologueThe camera was missing. I had left the camera in the bag that I brought to the hotel during our first sperm donor attempt. My wife had unpacked the bag sometime after we got home. My first thought was oh shit! So my wife had found the camera but did she look to see what was on it? If she did, I was fucked! I had one hour before my wife got home from work to check. I quickly went looking for the missing camera. After several minutes of frantic searching, I found the camera behind my...

3 years ago
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Training CourseDay Three And The Weekend

The training course was going to be finished by late morning and in all probability that would be the last that Richard Spencer and John Williams would see of each other as their homes were quite a distance apart and in opposite directions.As Richard made trying to pick up a man for spanking and possibly sex sessions on the courses that he ran a habit, he was not too distracted but John, after the first afternoon, had had things other than what he was actually there for in his head.As the...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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the party of late summer la festa di fine estate

Quando ho sedotto il mio uomo io avevo quasi diciassette anni , Peter aveva 43 anni. La nostra relazione era fatta di brevi incontri, 15/20 giorni ogni  due o tre mesi , era una relazione fantastica, non solo sesso ma vero amore, ero fedele a Peter e in tutto il tempo che siamo stati insieme non ho mai avuto e amato altri uomini. Peter mi ha conosciuto come un ragazzo un poco sciocco , quasi insignificante nel mio voler apparire una donna. Nel corso della nostra prima vacanza insieme Peter...

2 years ago
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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 10

I wasn’t going to stand in the way of my sister’s happiness. The offer seemed genuine and well-timed. “I am sorry, Sir, but I’ve already committed to being trained with my sister down in Florida. I don’t know how long we’ll be here, but I’d love to fuck you again before we leave,” Kim said. The gentleman seemed perplexed that we wouldn’t accept his generous offer. He made the case that he had a reputable law firm and the means to support all of us. “You won’t have to work or fuck other men...

1 year ago
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Untitled StoryChapter 5

Doctor Bones slipped something she had already cooked into the oven to warm up and told me, “I will be right back after I slip into something a bit more comfortable. Pour yourself a drink. The bar is right there.” I was a good boy and followed her orders although my instinct told me to follow her to the bedroom to get a good look at Doctor Bones’ bones. When she came back into the kitchen, she was wearing a lovely yellow apron and absolutely nothing else underneath. I could see everything...

1 year ago
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PR9117 CHP1 - Learning the rules Amanda look around the room, there were six girls there, each clutching their files and small bags with their possessions inside.  She was scared, but she didn’t want to show it. She wanted to appear disinterested, like the situation didn’t bother her. Prison had a formidable reputation and she didn’t want to be eaten alive. When the door opened, two male and two female guards dressed identically in thick black trousers with starched white shirts contrasted with...

3 years ago
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Marked Ones

This is a story set in a world where certain people are born with special abilities. These abilities manifest themselves as Marks on a person's body, typically looking like a scar that symbolizes what their ability is. A Mark can have almost any kind of ability, but there are never two of the same Marks existing at the same time. People with Marks are coveted, most people have the belief that if a person with a mark has a child, that child is more likely to have a mark themselves. Things are...

3 years ago
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Rohini Ki Muskan K Ki Saturday Sunday Ki Chudai

Hi, mera naam gaurav hey, me ek seeda sada ladka hu, bat todi purani hey me french seekne ke lie jaya karta ta. Wahi meri mulakat muskan se hue. Shakal se rand lagne wali, gandi, boni se, kali choot thi wo. Koi us rand ko like nahi karta ta. Kyoki na to wo dekhne mae achi thi na hi padne me. Uska ghar rohini mae ta. Bus mae ye samaj gaya ta ki usko lundo mae interest he. So ek din hum ek jungle mae gaye jaha usne mera peli bar chossa ta. Bus feer to usne sab kuch chor ke meri lund ki ibadat...

2 years ago
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Hot Flashes and Hotter Oral Lover Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Hot Flashes and Hotter Oral Love I must have had a tremendous hormonal rush because I had blacked out for a few minutes and came to my senses only when Helen repeatedly called my name. I opened my eyes and tried to remember why I was on the floor in front of the couch. I had soaked my blouse through with perspiration and my forehead and hair were wet with sweat. My body did still feel about ten degrees above normal but it was a pleasant, sensual warmth, like a furnace of...

4 years ago
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Wendy Hot Wife and the Young Stud

Your dirty mind has been going crazy lately now that you are working from home. You have an entire house to entertain these troubled k**s. You help them with their decisions for life. You undress them with your eyes and wonder how big their cocks are. Little do you know they undress you with their eyes and have much dirtier thoughts. One day this one student who was having some issues asked if you could help him out. You obviously couldn’t say no because it was your job. You also couldn’t...

1 year ago
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My Uncles Ranch

Its late May and school is getting out for summer break finally next year marks the start of college but who cares about that. I’m excited to do the basic summer fun like hangout with my friends go to movies and of course get in touch with my shemale side. When I get home my parents right away tell me how my father’s friend’s wife and daughter are going to Europe for the summer and how he would love to have me up there to keep company. Now I’ve known and grown up to view him like an uncle but...

1 year ago
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Down On Bended Knees

DOWN ON BENDED KNEESPart Three of The Chronicles of Little StandingTwo days after the episode with Mrs. Carter I was again rising early in the morning. Well, the fact that it was in the morning meant that it was early for me. The country ways were clearly having their effect. I showered and dressed before going downstairs because I was not going to be caught by Mrs. Carter again. Not that I hadn’t enjoyed the spirited and rampant fuck that had ensued from her finding me masturbating in my...

2 years ago
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Samantha and Bruce Turner

CHAPTER ONE (of two) I've not done much of anything in my fifty years; well, other than read books and work. That formula has worked for me till now but no more. I've finally decided to make a change. Oh me? My name is Bruce Turner more about me later. Working, I'd become a major success; Well, if a hundred million in liquid assets can be considered success. My job? I'm self-employed. I buy and sell foreign currencies, not an occupation for the unlettered or the faint of heart. Me, I'm...

Love Stories
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The Secret to Cumming in Secret

The other night my girlfriend asked me not to cum in her because she didn't want to "get all sticky." She does that sometimes, and I did what I always do. I shoot the first few pumps of cum in her pussy, then pull out and shoot the rest on her stomach, pubes, tits, or whatever. This time, I shot the rest of my cum on her ass and the small of her back, because I'd been fucking her doggy style. I like fucking her from behind when she doesn't want my cum in her because I can get a shot or two...

4 years ago
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In this story you're not a well known astronaut, but just a rich guy living in a mansion. Which went dipping in the water of a lake one night and the radioactive barrels lying on the lake's floor made you mutate, maybe in combination with the black ooze hiding in the water. As an anonymous you can rape as many women as you want, without the government finding out, but only if you play your cards right. Are you smart enough to not get caught? You have a swimmer's body, 5'8" tall, black hair,...

1 year ago
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Gym Shower TimemdashPart 1

Caleb loved his job as a personal trainer at the local gym. Everyday he went to work and got to work out and get paid doing it. Caleb was 21 and every muscle on his body was rock hard and chiseled. He took pride in how his body looked. He pecs were perfect and his abs were an 8 pack (not just a 6 pack). He had a perfect V that pointed straight to his crotch. He also was waxed from head to toe to make every muscle pop!Part of the package of joining this gym included 1 free session with a...

4 years ago
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Angie Pt 2

He looked down at his daughter, passed out, and tried to grasp what she had said before she passed out. Not thinking with a clear mind, he shook her back awake, and asked her, “What do you mean if I wasn’t your dad you wouldn’t be a virgin?” Groggy she grasped his dick threw his shorts and said “you’re a hot guy and I am horny, what do you think”, then swayed a little bit back and forth. Partially from the booze and partially from what she had just done and said. “Bullshit, your...

4 years ago
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Dungeon SlutChapter 4

Joy’s pussy whipping went well, we got a lot of hits on our new web site. She is a natural and begs for more at just the right time. The comments think I’m a good dominant as well, which make my pussy wet. I’ve even taken to wearing tight leather in public and letting my dominant personality be seen more. I found a guy online that could make bigger suction cups for Joy, they arrived yesterday in a big box. Joy was so excited she masturbated her big pussy on the box when I would not let her...

3 years ago
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First Anal

I want to tell you about getting my new toy and the fun I’ve had with it! My favourite way to masturbate has always been to rub my clit with a finger or old lipstick tube in my arse. This always gets me off! I’ve fantasised about having a cock up my arse, but always been too scared to try it and my husband hadn’t really made any moves in that direction. Last week I read about Tristam Taormino’s Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women. I was instantly hooked. I felt too embarrassed to do anything...

2 years ago
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Taking over the Hudson Family 1 by 1 part two

I climbed into bed next to her. She had been asleep for a while. Looking her over, my body sparked back to life again. The way her flat seventeen year old muscular stomach raised up and then fell back down. The way her firm perky breasts were trying to break out of her thin white t-shirt. The way her black thong clung to her pussy like it was holding on for dear life. I could not help but reach out and softly touch her body … seems I was not done with this family just yet. I ran my fingers over...

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