Dagger Of KijaChapter 4 free porn video

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Rudely stripped of any scrolls or talismans that might help them escape magically, the captives had to listen to Tomas lecture them about spells.

"Kija has made the area around the Palace resistant to gateway and return spells," he blustered, leading the group through the capitol city. "The only gates that work are the Prince's own. You are all here to stay."

In the entrance of the Palace, a dimly glowing portal awaited. Stepping through this, the group found themselves in total darkness.

Nearly total, anyway, as there were shallow braziers set up casting a faint red light, revealing a massive cavern split by an arching bridge. The gate was separated from the bridge by a flat walkway.

"Clever, no?" Tomas bragged. "This is a drawbridge. Raise this and nothing can get in or out without Kija's permission."

The trio was led over the bridge to a large cavern mouth carved from the rock. Lining the way were dozens of guards, standing mutely watching the procession with wide eyes.

"Another of Kija's pets," Tomas explained. "The guards are not quite human. They are so well adapted to life in these caves that they see in the dark. As they live off what they find in the cave, Kija doesn't spend much on their upkeep. Though I believe he encourages prisoners to try and escape just so they get some variety in their diets."

Eventually the tunnel opened into another cavern, this one much better lit, with torches on all the walls. The middle of the floor was a bloodstained arena, recently used if the workers' sweeping up reddened sand was any indication.

"Excellent! More guests!" A tall handsome man in Mage's robes called merrily from the throne set against the opposite wall. "Be welcome for however long it takes before you die!"

Gareth ignored the cackling madman, his eyes drawn to the figures next to the throne. Standing behind a small round table was a tall beautiful woman dressed uncharacteristically all in black. Next to her, equally still, was Pyran, not looking at all well. He too had dyed his Nagnang robe black.

"Pteri," Gareth whispered not expecting a response. He got none.

"I see you have noticed my most trusted helper!" Kija laughed, bowing slightly towards the two. For a second, something glittered white on his chest.

"The biggest drawback I found using my Dagger was that I had to keep concentrating on the changes I wanted. If I stopped, they slowly went back to the way they were. Very disappointing. So, using the power of the Dagger I created a charm powerful enough to enslave the one Mage in the kingdom with experience controlling these devices."

Gareth studied the table in front of Pteri. A slender dagger with a silver blade and black hilt was balanced on its tip in the center of the table. Pteri never took her eyes off it, her hands poised on either side as if to catch it.

"Yes I know all about the events from those missing fifteen Yuri," Kija smiled evilly, "With the Dagger in your hands you can learn almost anything. All I had to ask was 'who could help' and how and suddenly I knew."

"But how?" Wildhair asked, watching her still white-faced Mage friend visibly strain to control the Dagger. "And why?"

"Why is easy enough," Hanna answered calmly. "He is insane."

Kija laughed, not his demented cackle, but a good-natured belly laugh. "I prefer megalomaniac."

Gareth looked at Pyran where he stood unsteadily next to Pteri. "What's wrong with Pyran?" Gareth asked, trying to estimate how long it would take to cross the arena floor and kill Kija with his bare hands.

"Him? Nothing," Kija shrugged. "From time to time I can feel Pteri struggling harder against her restraints and I have him beaten just a bit. Beaten in front of her works best."

"Speaking of which... Tomas, call our two favorite court lackeys."

Nothing happened. Everyone looked around, but Tomas had left.

"Tomas!" Kija shouted, and the room shook with the thunder of his voice.

"Yes, Your Majesty?" Tomas stepped back into the room, holding a bloody knife. "Did you need me?"

"Tomas, off having some fun?" Kija smiled dangerously.

"Hardly, You Majesty." Tomas answered. "It was reported to me that the old lady we captured had disappeared. One of her guards turned up unconscious and the other is missing. I was 'questioning' the guard we had. Before he expired he managed to convince me that he didn't know what happened."

"One old lady is hardly a threat, Tomas," Kija chided the Ninja. "Please have the Court Torturer and Executioner return to me."

"But, Sire," Tomas said, pointing towards a pair of black cowled figures standing against the far wall near Kija, "They are right there at their posts."

Kija glanced to his left and stared briefly at the two, then yelled, face reddening, "I know that, of course, you fool! I meant instruct them to begin on Gareth." He added gleefully, "I finally get to hear him scream."

The two black-cowled figures dragged Gareth towards a sturdy chain-wrapped post in the center of the arena. They secured him tightly then withdrew a few paces.

"You may begin," Kija sat back on his throne and poured himself a glass of wine.

The Torturer's hand began to glow a sickly green color, slowly brightening into balls of green dripping ichor.

"Very creative," Kija praised his Torturer as Gareth's body began to resonate with the pulsing of the balls of foul light.

Gareth felt his vitality draining away as the venomous magic attacked him. The green ichor ate away at him like acid.

"I guess you must still blame me for those termites," he said in a strained voice, smiling at the mad Prince. "I did tell you to repeat my treatment as necessary. Can't blame me if you are too stupid to follow your exterminator's instructions."

Kija growled, "Too much chatter. Make him scream."

Small rattling sounds came from behind Hanna as the powerful Do tested her chains to no avail.

"Gareth!" Wildhair called out. "Don't anger him. Just stay quiet."

The Torturer, at Kija's signal, cast a ball of fire at Gareth. The magical fire rolled around the brave warrior, burning every inch of his body, especially his hands, although it cause a lot more pain than actual damage.

Gareth figured it was to make the event last longer. He chuckled resolutely.

"Finding this funny?" Kija sprang to his feet, dashing his goblet against the wall angrily.

"Actually," Gareth replied calmly, although through clenched teeth, "I was thinking how nicely your eyebrows have grown back. You can hardly even see the scarring."

Kija roared in anger and grabbed a shining white sword from a display next to the throne, charged at Gareth. At the last moment he held himself back from plunging the blade through Gareth's throat.

"No, it can't end like that," he said fairly calmly. "You are angering me intentionally, so somehow you think it is better if I kill you. Perhaps you think that would break my hold on your wife or that annoyance Pyran. I really don't care. Your torture shall continue."

As Kija stood holding the beautiful white blade to Gareth's throat, the warrior finally got a good look at the object glinting from a fine chain on Kija's neck.

"Pteri's wedding ring," he sighed. "So that was your conjured charm."

"And the reason you could not invoke your own ring to approach her magically." Kija chuckled, drawing the point of the shiny sword along the acid blackened skin of Gareth's exposed neck. The helpless warrior followed the white blade as it left small cuts in his skin.

"I see you have noticed my blade," Kija held the shining sword upwards. A well-balanced long sword, made from highly polished steel, it almost glowed with infused magic. Flawless and all shiny, white from tip to pommel nut, except for a few red droplets racing each other to the hilt. "Marvelous, isn't it? It the best thing I thing I have done with the Dagger, even better than capturing your wife. I patterned it off the Do blade, as you have guessed, but in every way it is much better. Anyone can use it, not just those few Do sworn not to misuse any weapon."

He made a few clumsy wild hacks in the air around the arena.

Gareth watched Master Hanna visibly wince as Kija smacked into a wooden armor rack.

The Prince also seemed to notice.

"Master Hanna," he oriented on the chained Do, his eyes shining like a beast with madness. "I do believe I have come up with the second part of tonight's entertainment, and if the prospect of your own death doesn't disturb you, Gareth, perhaps the deaths of those you call your friends will."

Kija strutted back to the center of the arena and crudely thrust the white sword into sand. "Tomas!" he shouted, "Where is the lady's sword?"

After a few seconds, the Master Ninja carried a wrapped bundle down to his Prince and exposed a blue silk wrapped hilt.

"Only she can use this, Your Highness," Tomas explained, but Kija arrogantly grasped the blue hilt and attempted to draw it. A frown crossed his face, and then flamed into anger. He thrust the scabbarded weapon into the sand next to the glowing white blade.

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Tyrost adalah sebuah dunia yang penuh keajaiban dan segala hal dapat memiliki kesadarannya sendiri. Kamu akan terlahir di Tyrost sebagai salah satu makhluk disana.

2 years ago
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My Dirtiest Teen Night Part 1

I get many many requests from you horny guys, most of which are about my exploits at a younger age, my first exposures to cock, the loss of my virginity, which I confess, I must have lost a hundred times, being so young, tight and sexually active, most men loved the idea they were first into me, and surprisingly, most tried to inseminate me by ejaculating into my unprotected pussy.All 'daring do' stuff for a girl discovering the delights of full intercourse from a huge range of differing...

2 years ago
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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 31 Jonathon

"I think they would enjoy it—would you?" I said to Jackie. She giggled as she squirmed against me. "I don't know if I would or not," "Would you like to find out?" I watched Jackie's face. I didn't want to push her into something she didn't want to do, but I didn't want to limit her, our, night of discovery. What we did in the bedroom with Kimmy and Ted turned me on, maybe more than is should have. Seeing Jackie completely lost in lust was something I would never forget. I...

3 years ago
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Millies Western AdventureChapter 10

Doc stepped forward, putting himself between Millie and the trapper who had so unexpectedly claimed Millie as his mail order bride. He held up his hands for silence, and people began to stop their nervous chatter. When it was quiet, he spoke. "How do we know any of this is true?" he asked. "Millie can't remember anything of her past." Black postured. "Her name is Jenette Duchette, and I paid a hundred and fifty dollars fer the right to marry up with her. It don't matter if she...

2 years ago
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Exposing my Girlfriend to Strangers

We went out to a nice restaurant on my birthday to celebrate. After we sat down she told me she didn’t have any panties on. I know her idea was to make me think about it all through dinner then we’d go home and have hot sex, but I couldn’t wait. I slid my hand up her leg and when she didn’t stop me kept going till I got to her pussy. I started rubbing her slit and it didn’t take long for the juices to start flowing. I kept going back to play with her off and on all through dinner and got us...

3 years ago
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Becoming a Breeder

For a teenage girl, who developed an appetite for sex and a womanly figure from the ripe young age of seventeen, contraception was always something at the forefront of my mind. In my first few years of sexual activity my contraception method was the pill, then as my daily dose of cum shots grew, so did the seriousness of my contraception method, progressing to the contraceptive implant.I must admit, although I have not had many sexual partners I am extremely sexually active, but looking back at...

3 years ago
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A Step in the Right Dirction 3

A "Step" in the Right Dirction 3================================================================================Jane picked me up at work on Friday and we drove to a really nice restaurant where we ate oysters for an appetizer and steak and lobster for dinner! Before the main course came, she excused herself and walked to the restroom. She looked VERY nice and there were more eyes than just mine watching her as she walked by in the black dress with the deep plunging front and back that made...

1 year ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 380

When I checked the email, I found one from someone called Wolf. I knew that it was a dummy account for Peter. The email simply said call me. I had told him to leave me a dead drop email and I would call him. It was only part of the cyber security, which I forced on him. I explained to him that one day someone would grab his computers and try to trace his movements back to me. He needed to set up a system to make if difficult, if not impossible to do. One thing about ole Peter the Wolf, he...

3 years ago
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Arias New Life Pt3

I woke with a startle in my father’s arms. “What’s wrong, Aria?” he asked me with concern. “Just an ‘odd’ dream, I guess.” I was sweating and shaking. The King must have noticed. “You came while you were sleeping. You’ve come a lot these past couple of days.” He pulled me in his arms and held me tight. The moment I was back in his arms I started to wrap my body around his, looking for more. “Daddy, please,” I begged. “Absolutely, Aria.” With that he began kissing me and laid me...

2 years ago
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The Adventures of a Blackwoman

Blackwoman drove down the rich suburban neighborhood till she heard what she waited for. There was a dispute going on at the house down the road where a black maid was getting chewed out by a white woman for not cleaning the dishes clean. It was her cue to that the situation needed correction. She turned down the road and parked in the driveway and got out. She loved every moment of this. It was her destiny in life. Arriving at the door, she knocked, and the door opened. The maid was standing...

3 years ago
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Sex in village

This was the story of a villager. The person about whom I am telling is a middle status family and was much worried about their economic problems. That person has three sons and he is retied army man. He usually went away and not of that caliber to do any business his wife was very clever and sexy too. She buys some buffaloes and sold their milk by this she bought a taxi car and give it t o his sons for driving. Other sons went to school and his men went away to his friends. She had a servant...

3 years ago
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Blacked Wife

My wife who is 45 is a great looker even at this age. She exercises regularly and is fit as a young woman. She is smart but when is gets drunk, she gets these amnesia attacks that leave her in a blacked out state and when she comes out of it she can’t remember a thing. I was always irritated at this stupid condition of her but on my birthday I was really thankful for that anomaly. You see what happened was like this. My wife and I were in a horny mood while celebrating my birthday at...

3 years ago
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Caribbean VacationChapter 6

Ken, Barbara and Raphael had gone to the small beach near by. It had some interesting and colorful shells. There was also some really stinky seaweed. In the harbor there were only the local fishing boats moored to the docks. A lazy sea gull or two soared in the sky screeching at the interlopers on the beach. They sat on the sand for a awhile until something bit Barbara on the rear. "Ow, what the heck just bit my butt? Golly Ken that really hurts! Would you look at it? Geez it stings!" Ken...

3 years ago
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SRU The Visitor

This story was written to the specifications of Bashful as the winner of the second prize from my story contest. SRU: The Visitor By Morpheus The mall was extremely busy, nearly surging with people, almost as if it was nearly Christmas again, which was somewhat unusual for the time of the year. However, Edgar Bryce barely noticed any of the crowd that surrounded him as he made his way slowly through the mall, his mind too busy with other things. Finally something caught Edgar's...

3 years ago
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Survival Instincts Chapter 3

We approached upwind of the cottage in case there were any animals in the near vicinity. That was Mark’s contribution which was very sensible; I hadn’t thought that animals may be present but Mark reckoned on dogs and possibly horses this high up, and their sense of smell and hearing would have given us away in seconds.Sarah suggested we be quiet; which was a given as far as I was concerned and my contribution was that we should all go together; safety in numbers and all that shit. Not that...

3 years ago
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Making It Work Ch 05

Sorry everyone, I started my internship and I have even less time than before to write. I’ve had this chapter almost completed for a month now and I’ve finally found the opportunity to finish it. Enjoy. Cassandra ******* I counted down the hours to David’s departure. It was hell knowing that I might never see him again yet I couldn’t see him off properly. I’m so angry and hurt. At least now I can say that I have closure. He decided to let it go and I willingly let him instead of fighting for...

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