Sweet As Candy free porn video

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Sweet As Candy by Paul1954 "Hey Jules, have you cracked it with Candy yet?" the voice from the cubicle called out to me, as I finished relieving myself and pulled up the zipper on my trousers. "Not yet Charlie, not yet but give me time ? I haven't given up yet!" I replied, knowing that my lack of success in dating the delectable Candice Stewart had become something of an office joke, and a joke was just how my life was starting feel at the moment! I had left the army six months ago in an attempt to get back to the real world, as I had viewed it then. I had enlisted as soon as I had left school and had taken to all the bullshit and aggression like a duck to water, and had made some sort of success of myself, despite my lack of formal qualifications, and had worked my way up to becoming a sergeant. Things had looked pretty rosy for me at the time, but in reality I had gone about as high as I was ever likely to go, I didn't really see myself as officer material. There was no shame in that, and a successful period in the Gulf had seen me gain a Distinguished Service Medal for saving a soldier's life. That was far more important to me! After the Gulf I returned back to the UK, along with the rest of the platoon, but things had never quite seemed the same as they had been before. I don't know if it was that going through the same old drills and the like seemed so tame after fearing and fighting for my life in a battle situation, but it also coincided with the death of my mother, and I think that this is what really unsettled me. My mother had been the only living relative that I had left, well the only one who had meant anything to me anyway. I had still felt the guilt of having not seen her as much as I would have wished to recently, having been away on duty for so long. I know, deep down, that this wasn't my fault but I'm not talking logic here, emotions are far more complicated than that she had meant everything to me. It's funny how so many fighting men feel the same way! She had brought me up single-handed, I had never known my father, and it was her that I thought of now as I washed my hands, something I had always done thanks to her instilling this in me from as early as I could remember. "Now wash your hands Julian, and keep the germs away!" she'd say, every time that I'd try to leave the bathroom and she hadn't heard the water running in the sink. Yes, I could still hear her now. I suppose the guilt I felt had been the thing that had finally driven me away from all that I had known, and had driven me to leave my extended family in the forces. I had doubted everything that had caused me to abandon her, in my mind, and had bought myself out of the army at the first opportunity, determined to start a new chapter in my life, and start a new chapter I did. It took me a little while to find anything suitable when I had first left, I mean all I had been trained to do was to fight and serve. These were not necessarily the best of qualifications when you're looking for a job, but then again it depends on what sort of job you're looking for! An old buddy of mine pointed me in this direction and here I am now, six months on and a security guard in a city firm. My current job was being part of a team that was protecting a high-powered businessman, one Brian Isaacs, who was the owner of the world famous finance company, Isaac Partners. He had upset some middle-eastern terrorist group and had been receiving death threats and was now a very nervous man, although ever since I had been here, during the last two months, I had seen nothing to substantiate this. Still, I suppose that he can afford to be paranoid, but for me this is boring with a capital 'B', compared to what I've been used to. I think maybe that's why I'm having these feelings right now and I'm beginning to think that I made a big mistake in leaving the army and have even started to think in terms of re-enlisting again! I finished rinsing the soap from my fingers and I looked in the mirror over the washbasin, pleased with what looked back at me. At twenty-seven years of age I considered I was at the peak of manhood and I straightened my back and stood proud, all six-foot two of me, and I admired the picture I presented in my uniform. Yes, I had always looked good in a uniform and although this was now that of a security guard I still cut a pretty fine figure and I knew it. I had looked even better in my army uniform though! My introspective thoughts were cut short as I heard the toilet flushing and my 'tormentor' from inside the cubical stood alongside and watched me examining myself. "I don't know - how can she resist you Jules?" he said, "maybe it's that you're just too handsome for her, or maybe she's just a lesbian!" he laughed. I gave a short laugh back but he'd struck a nerve. My pride was at stake here so I determined to try again today ? maybe one last time! "We'll see who has the last laugh when I persuade her to go out with me this week!" I said with a sense of bravado that wasn't justified. "Yeah, in your dreams - a tenner says you fail" he said, and walked out smiling after we shook on it, confident that he would collect his money at the end of the week. I looked at my watch and saw that I was due on duty in another five minutes so I pushed back my short brown hair with my dampened hands, and then walked back out into the open-plan office that led to his room. Isaacs was always punctual and I wanted to make sure that I was in place when he arrived, after all ? I was a professional! As I walked through the open-plan office I marvelled at how many people had their heads down, and were either on the phone or typing something into some PC or other. This was indeed a different world for me and it all seemed false compared to what I had previously known. Still, I had though it was what I had wanted at the time, so it was no good complaining now and at least there were some benefits, I thought as I ogled the pretty girls that seemed to inhabit this environment. As I looked around at them I noticed one in particular move into my field of vision. She had only arrived here a month ago and was one of the clerical assistants who helped Isaac's secretary, and was the target of my ill-advised bet. I looked closer at Candice and, as I moved towards her desk, I admired her as I had done on so many other occasions. She looked gorgeous. She had a pale and perfect complexion that was framed by the most shiny and silky brown hair. A perfect nose topped her deep and sensuous lips and that merely served to draw my attention to the brown eyes that seemed to hold such hidden depths and called out to me. She had those typically classic Scottish looks, along with the attitude to go with it and if you think I am describing a vision of beauty, and that I am probably exaggerating, I wouldn't argue with you but as you've guessed, I had fallen for her. The thought of holding her slender body sent my pulses racing, and as I remembered the earlier bet I knew that I would have to try and ask her out again, I had my pride! There was always one snag though, and that was in the form of her boss, one Sarah Moone. Sarah was Isaacs secretary and she ruled her area with a rod of iron, but I had managed to catch her alone on a few occasions and had asked Candice out. As of today though, I had been without luck ? hence my colleague's jibes! Today must have been my lucky day however, for I noticed that Sarah Moone wasn't at her desk at the moment and convinced myself that this must be a good omen, to give me a little Dutch courage. I summoned up all my courage and approached Candice, and it really had nothing whatsoever to do with the bet. I had had no real love life for some time now, not counting the one-night stands I had enjoyed when I was in the forces, and I was beginning to get a little ansty! Candice didn't look her normal aloof self today though; she seemed somewhat distracted. "Hello Candice (I had learned not to call her Candy like I had heard others do, she really hated that!), are you doing anything later ? I knock off at 7:00pm and would love to buy you a meal, or even a drink!" I said hopefully, expecting the usual brush-off. She stood up and walked away from her desk, as if to go past me. I looked down at her five foot two figure and noted the files that she was carrying, and how she held them under her breasts. I suppose that she was unaware but the way she did this only seemed to highlight them more! God, everything she did turned me on! I was nervous as I waited her response and watched her eyes, as they turned to me. "Okay Julian, although I need to go home first and change out of my boring office clothes. You can pick me up at around 8:00pm if that suits you" she replied, in her lyrical Scottish accent. Did that suit me ? she had to be joking! I tried to maintain some level of dignity and managed to stop myself behaving like some lovesick teenager and replied, as casually as I could: "8:00pm's fine ? oh, and where do you live"? Moments later, having taken down her address, I was back to my professional self, my mind fully back on my job and as Isaacs walked in, surrounded by two of my colleagues, all thoughts of Candice were banished. As usual, nothing much happened and the day seemed to drag by. I was really beginning to believe that the threat to him was all just hot air and if there ever was a real danger to him, it had blown over by now. Maybe he would see this himself and release me from my contract early, but I doubted it! The day had seemed to go on forever but I finally finished work and managed to rush home, take a quick shower and change, and I was round where Candice lived at the appointed time. Of course, she wasn't quite ready but that was all part of the game and I sat patiently and waited for another fifteen minutes until she finally showed herself. I took one look at her and gasped, hardly daring to believe that she had deigned to go out with me. "Wow Candy, that dress really suits you ? you look absolutely stunning!" I stammered as she shimmied into the room in the mid-thigh length black, sleeveless dress she had on. I couldn't wait to see how easily it came off later! "Candice please ? I think Candy sounds so vulgar" she admonished me as I stood and opened the door for her, although she wasn't too hard on me! After that the evening went well, far better than I could have expected in fact! She seemed a little stilted in her conversation but I just put that down to shyness and by the time I dropped her back home she had agreed to see me again. There was no coffee, or anything else on offer this time, but the main thing was that I knew I would get another chance with her and that would have to be enough for now. * * * * * * * The next day saw me out of my routine, as I joined a guard duty that was accompanying Isaacs on one of his visits to his eastern branch in Norwich. We were on full alert all day but again, nothing much came out of it. I started to get bored again, and my professionalism slipped as disgusting thoughts of what I would like to do with Candice kept me going. I was pleased that I was due to be back on duty in the office tomorrow, and I resolved to ask her out again that night. When the morning came I made sure that I had spruced myself up and noticed that Candice was at her desk as I arrived. I managed to catch her attention and she soon had another armful of papers that suddenly needed filing as she left her desk and walked over to where I was standing. "Hi Candice, I hope you enjoyed the other night. I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go out with me again this evening. We can do whatever you want ? dance, eat, whatever!" I said hopefully. She gave me a shy smile and looked out of the corner of her eyes as she bent down, demurely, to stack some folders in the bottom cabinet. It always amazed me how women managed to wear the shortest and tightest of skirts, but can still manage to retain a degree of modesty - when they wanted to! I found this even more alluring quite frankly, as it made the fantasy and anticipation of finding out exactly what was hidden there just that touch more exciting. "Well I can't make tonight I'm afraid, I've already got something arranged" she replied, dashing my hopes and bringing out a feeling of jealously as I wondered whether she had some other man on tow, "but I'm free tomorrow if you are"? My hopes soared again ? I wasn't getting the brush off after all. I managed to remain cool. I could put off the drink I had planned with Neil Shiperly, my closest friend. I hadn't seen him for a while but I knew that he wouldn't mind if he knew my reasons! "Okay ? tomorrow night it is. What time do you want picking up?" I asked her. "Oh, well it's a Saturday so I've got plenty of time to get ready. How about a meal and a dance somewhere ? say, about 7:00pm this time" she said as she stood again, and started walking back to her desk. "7:00pm's fine" I called out to her departing figure, and tried to remember just how much I had left in the bank. I could see this pursuit was going to cost me a pretty penny one way or the other! Well, for me, the day went fairly quickly after that. There was a security alert that put us all on edge for a while, but it soon passed as a false alarm and everything then settled back to normal again. I had enjoyed that hour of tension though, because you're never ever really sure whether this was going to be real or not, and I enjoyed the accompanying rush of adrenaline. It took me back to my army days and again, served to remind just how much I missed them! I put all thoughts of nostalgia aside though and Saturday evening soon came around and I was standing outside Candice's flat, holding a bunch of roses. "Hi Julian" she said to me, and took the flowers gratefully. It was hard to put my finger on it but my warning radar sounded and I was aware that something felt wrong for a second. It was as if she were going through the motions for some reason, but I soon dispelled these thoughts as she bent down to pick up a leaflet that was lying on her mat and gave me a glimpse of her impressive cleavage. I gathered my breath and tried to quell the growing hard-on I was getting. "Hi Candice, and please call me Jules ? all my friends do!" I said cheerfully to her, as she caught me looking down the top of her dress. "Okay ? Hi Jules" she smiled, and went to a cupboard and pulled out a short jacket that was cut to highlight the curves of her hips and how slender her waist was. I could see that she was pleased at the effect that she was having on me. She offered me her hand and I led her out towards my car. It was nothing special but it would do, and I had made sure to put an air freshener in before I left to meet her, to mask the stale smell it usually contained. "Any particular place you want to go" I asked her as I opened the door, and she slid into the passenger seat. "No, I always prefer to let the man make the decisions, at least these type of decisions anyway" she said with a hint of mischief. "Well I thought you might like to go to a new fish restaurant I've heard about, down at the Docklands. They're supposed to do wonderful lobster thermidor," I said, hoping to impress her. "Oh, that'd be lovely ? I just love lobster" she said enthusiastically. "Good ? that's settled then. After that I thought that maybe we could go west and take in a night-club. I've got a friend who works in one and he recommends it". Her face dropped for a second and I saw a look in her eyes that gave me the same uneasy feeling I had experienced earlier. She soon changed though, and her eyes looked at me with that same element of mischief that I had detected earlier. "Do we have to ? I know that I suggested it but I don't know if I'm in the mood for dancing tonight?" she said turning away from me slightly. "I thought that maybe we could spend some time so that I could get to know you a little better, you know ? understand a little more about you!" she replied and rested her hand on my thigh. I didn't need any further persuasion and after the meal, I drove her back to her flat, making an unsuccessful job of hiding my arousal. We pulled up outside of her flat and she leaned across and gave me light kiss on my cheek. "I've got a bottle of wine on ice upstairs. Maybe you'd like to help me finish it" she said, and I followed closely behind her and appreciated her swaying hips as she showed me into her flat. I looked around her living room and noted the strong security arrangements she had. She had gone to a lot of trouble, it seemed, to make sure that she had the best protection available and I thought it would not be easy for anyone other than a top professional to breach this fortress. I hoped that her other fortress would be a bit easier to break into however, as she returned from her kitchen holding an opened bottle of white wine and two glasses. I was wondering why she had gone to such lengths, and asked her as she sat down next to me. "Oh I'll get around to telling you sometime but for now I'm far more interested in finding out about you. Now I want you to tell me everything about yourself, and I mean everything" she said warmly, and leant into me. * * * * * * * Looking back to that first night, I suppose that I should have been more suspicious, but it's easy to be wise after the event! We seemed to have talked all night, and she showed an unusual amount of interest in even the smallest amounts of detail about me. Just like a typical man though, I was thinking with my penis and happily responded to all of her questioning with the promise of what was to follow as she periodically kissed and stroked me. I wasn't in luck though, she left me dangling and I left that night, desperate to get home and relieve my frustration. The next week Candice left her job at Isaacs. I was disappointed but she told me that she was getting bored there and needed a new challenge. She immediately got a job as a temp in a small law firm. If I was worried that she might lose interest in me though, I was soon proved wrong. Her interest in me never wavered; in fact if anything it seemed to become more intense. This should have been all well and good, but although she seemed to want to see me she was never delivering the goods, if you know what I mean ? it was if she was holding back for some reason! This seemed to be the pattern over the next week, and I saw her three more times. I was starting to get impatient though, and I was beginning to think that she was the ultimate prick-tease when all of a sudden things changed for what, I thought, was the better. We were locked in a passionate embrace, and she was nibbling on my ear as she continued to delve into ever-greater detail about my work. She had just started to question me about my friends and relations when I made a feeble attempt to undo her bra strap, and failed miserably. I was desperate to ease some of my lust and I had gotten fed up with her constantly questioning me, and this was just the last straw! I finally lost my patience. "Look Candice, I really don't understand all of this. You seem to like me and you're constantly teasing and arousing me, but you're not delivering the goods. Besides" I said, getting angrier by the minute, "what is it with all these details about my life. Anyone would think that you're some kind of spy or something!" I blurted out, as my hidden concerns forced their way into my consciousness. I don't know what I expected to happen, maybe I would get kicked out after that little outburst, but I didn't care ? I couldn't put up with this going on in this way for any longer! Whatever I had expected to happen didn't though. She leaned back across me, and moved her mouth towards my ear and blew her warm breath into it and just said: "Fuck me Jules ? just fuck me"! I was frozen with surprise but after recovering quickly that is exactly what I proceeded to do, and all my suspicions disappeared in an lustful frenzy as all my pent up emotions exploded into her body as she drew me deep inside of her. I stayed with her that night and we made love repeatedly until I was no longer physically capable of responding to her ministrations. I protested at first, saying that I had to get home as I had work to go to in the morning, but she pointed out that so did she, and maybe I could go in with her the next day. It made as much sense as anything as she stroked my cock and when finally sated, I fell into a long deep sleep, where the nights activities replayed themselves back to me constantly until I no longer knew what was reality and what wasn't. * * * * * * * The next thing I could remember was being woken by a rhythmical movement on top of me, and the sensation of a warm moistness enveloping itself around my cock, as a softness caressed my early morning hard-on. I opened my eyes blearily, and I saw Candice's face hovering over my own. "I woke up first and when I noticed your hard cock I thought it seemed such a shame to waste it!" she said, and leant forward to place butterfly kisses on my lips and moved her hips slowly backwards and forwards. There was nothing I could, or wanted, to do about it and I happily let this incubus do whatever she wanted to me, forgetting all about the time. Eventually she rolled off of me, before I could climax, and she went to a draw next to her bed and took out two pairs of velvet lined handcuffs. She continued to surprise me as I would never have imagined that she might be into this scene, as she brought them back to me and ran a damp finger along the length of my penis. "I've always wanted to try this," she said as she passed them to me. "Here, please ? chain me to the bed" she said, and I eagerly complied, briefly noticing that it was still over an hour and a half before we had to leave for work. I don't think I can remember ever having been so aroused as I was at that moment, as I placed the handcuffs around her wrists and ankles and fastened her securely to the cast iron bedposts. I tested them briefly and after confirming that she was helpless, I looked at her spread-eagled body and smiled like some pantomime villain. "Ah ? now you are helpless fair maiden and you are in my power!" I said to her, as I moved my eyebrows up and down in an exaggerated motion. She just looked up at me, her lust etched clearly on her face, and just said to me, impatiently: "Just cut the crap Jules and fuck me ? then we'll see just who is in who's power"! I didn't have a clue what she was on about, and playing word games was the last thing on my mind right now, so I did as I was bid and eased myself on top of her, teasing the entrance to her vagina with the tip of my penis. I could feel the moistness ooze out of her, as her lubrication surrounded the folds of her entrance, and she lifted her body towards me, enticing and urging me to complete the act. I wasn't quite ready to give her the release that she craved for though; she had put herself in the position of devolving her control to me and I fully intended to exercise that option as I felt her intimate skin parting in the wake of my probing. "For Christ's sake Jules, just do it will you!" she moaned and I finally decided to oblige her as, the truth be told, I was beginning to lose control myself. I eased myself into her, moving backwards and forwards and felt the now familiar friction from the inner walls of her body. I had never tried bondage games before, but I thought that I would have to try this again. I was being taken to new heights here, heights that I'd never been too before and it was good! Our love making was frantic and she seemed to be making every effort to bring me to a climax as soon as was possible it seemed, which suited me just fine as I had to get to work soon, anyway. I could feel the tension building, and our mutual moans turned into screams until I finally gave in and exploded inside of her. The last thing I remembered was the smile on her face as she watched me climax, and I noted that it wasn't the smile of mutual satisfaction that I had expected to see. No, it was the self-satisfied smile of a lion who had pinned down an antelope, knowing that it had secured it's pray before finally making the kill. I felt confused and felt slightly disorientated for a moment, and then nothing, only darkness. * * * * * * * "Oh God" I groaned, "what on earth ha.." I said as I started to waken, but stopped suddenly, realising that something was wrong with my voice. I tried to pull myself up but found that my arms were being held back above my head, and I couldn't pull them down. I then tried to roll over to see if I could stand, but I also found out that my feet were similarly shackled and that I couldn't move them either! Now I may not have the greatest intellect that the planet has ever seen but everything started falling into place and I knew, immediately, what had happened to me as I tried to raise my head to see where I was. I knew that, somehow, however incredible as it may have seemed, I was now in Candice's body, lying naked, and chained to the same bed that I had, just a short while ago, handcuffed her too. I made a feeble effort to free myself and then called out. "Candice ? Candice, what the fuck have you done to me!" I cried, feeling shocked to hear myself calling out in her voice. "Now, now ? that's no way for a lady to talk" I heard, and I saw my own body walk into view. If I was in her body then I reasoned that she must now be in mine, and I noted that she had gotten dressed in my uniform. That scared me as much as anything else that I had experienced to date, although I couldn't quite work out the full implications of why, not just yet. "Wh..why are you wearing my uniform" I asked her feebly, ashamed at the fact that I could think of nothing else to say as I watched her walk towards me. "Shut up"! was her curt response, and as she seemed to hold all the aces I decided to comply for now. She felt inside of my jacket pocket and took out my wallet and opened it. She looked at my passcard, the one I have to show to enter the building where I worked, and laughed, although her laughter was in no sense realted to anything I knew as fun! "Well, well. You know, with everything I asked you about yourself there was one small thing that I never asked. That was a slip-up and it'll teach me to be less complacent in the future. No, I never asked the obvious and that was what your second name was. The irony of this is delicious Julian, or to be more precise, Julian Sweet". She looked at my puzzled face as I lay stretched out and helpless,, on the bed. "Well I still think you're sweet Julian ? in fact I'd sayy that you look 'as sweet as Candy'. I groaned inwardly as I knew that my name was serving to torment me once again. It had been a constant thorn in my side throughout my life, and especially my career in the services where the incongruity of my tough physical appearance contrasted with my 'cutesy' name. "Don't ask any more questions ? I'm going out now and I'll be back later. You can use this if you need any relief, but you shouldn't need to for a while. I emptied myself just before we .. well, before we had sex". I was too stunned to say anything as she put down a bedpan, and left a bottle of water on her bedside table. Well, at least I wouldn't make a mess or go thirsty! I just lay there watching the body I had lived in all my life walk over to the dressing table, open up a drawer and take out a key. Candice walked towards me and lifted up my left arm in her strong hand. I winced a little as she gripped me tight and unlocked my left arm. "Now don't go getting any stupid ideas or nothing. There is not a lot you can do to me anyway, but with only one hand free you haven't got any chance at all. I have got to leave now but I'll be back later" she said, and started walking towards her door. "Wait!" I called out in desperation, "you can't leave me here like this ? give me my body back"! I think that was my worst moment as she just turned around and looked at me and smiled and I watched my own face twist into a configuration that I swear had never covered it's face before, and she then walked through that door without another word. I still cried out for her to come back but my pleading went unanswered and my cries turned to sobbing as I was left, chained to the bed, to ponder on what was to become of me. * * * * * * * I don't think I have ever known such a long day before, not in the whole of my life. I had no idea what Candice had been up to, what her plans were, or even if I could ever return to my own body again. It was the worst form of torture that could ever have been devised for me and I thought back to when we were prepared to withstand such a thing in case of capture by the enemy. It had not been that long ago but those days now seemed a whole world away, and all that training had certainly not prepared me for this! The day moved on and I lay there stoically, refusing to look at, or even touch this body I was in. If I did so then I would have to admit to myself that I was now a female, and I wasn't quite ready to do that yet. The only time this was brought home to me was when I felt a pressing need to relieve my bladder and I found myself having to manoeuvre that damned contraption underneath my newly rounded behind, and somehow between my legs. Their was no fleshy tube that I could aim now and I felt so helpless as I tried to position myself so that I was aiming this body's, I couldn't bring myself to say my, hole over the middle of the pan. That was no mean feat when you have both legs and your right arm tightly bound, and this forced me to acknowledge my current state whether I liked to or not! As you can imagine, I wasn't wholly successful and I hoped that the mess I made wouldn't anger Candice when she returned. The shadows from the sun had started to lengthen, and I had started to cry again, beginning to believe that Candice had gone for good, when I suddenly went on full alert again as I heard a key turning in the lock. Just seconds later I watched my body walk in and eye my naked form up and down. "Well Jules, I never realised that I was so small before. Your body is quite amazing you know, and extremely well honed. I've had a great day and I'm looking forward to tomorrow now!" she said to me, leaving me fearful as to what she planned to do next! "Please Candice, look I don't what I've done to you but whatever it is I'm sorry ? please change us back" I pleaded with her, as I watched her remove the jacket of my uniform and walk towards her drawers again. This brought no response from her and I was starting to get really scared when I recognised that I wasn't just dealing with some scatterbrained girl from the office; no, her whole manner and demeanour shrieked out to me that this was a professional I was dealing with. She was so composed, self assured, and seemed to move with a purpose that I just knew, as a highly trained professional myself, that this was no random act ? this had been planned ? but what was she doing this for? "Please" I called out again, "can't you at least tell me why you're doing this!" I begged of her! I watched her turn around and saw that she had another two handcuffs in her hand, but these were just the standard issue type ? there was no velvet lining on these! She totally surprised me then by fastening one of the handcuffs around her right wrist and the other around her right ankle, and by then throwing the key away to the other side of the room. What was she going to do next, I wondered! My thoughts were soon answered as she sat my body down on a large cushion by the bed and held her left hand to her face, and pressing her middle two fingers to her forehead. I could see the strain on my old face as she started to concentrate. Within seconds I could feel my own head swimming and I felt as if I were swirling around in a vortex, suffering from the worst kind of vertigo, before I felt myself falling ... falling .. The next thing I knew, everything had stopped again, and the room was still. I felt a moment of disorientation as I looked up and saw that I was on the other side of the room, looking at Candice's body. I was back ? I was back in my own body - my relief was short-lived however! I tried to stand up but found that the handcuffs Candice had put on prevented any sudden movements. I looked up to where I remembered Candice had thrown the keys, determined to get there before she could pull any more stunts, but was stopped in my tracks as I saw Candice feeling under the side of the mattress with her left hand. There was no way I could do anything before she produced a key and undid the lock on her right hand. She then felt under that same side of the bed and within seconds I found myself staring down the barrel of a gun! "Okay Jules, no sudden moves. I'm going to free up my legs now so you just sit down nice and comfortably until I've finished". I had no choice but to do what she said. There was no point in doing anything stupid ? I would have to bide my time until an opportunity came up when I could overpower her although, in truth, I seriously doubted whether she would give me the chance. It was obvious that this had all been meticulously planned, right down to the detail of leaving a gun in reach of her right hand, once it had been unlocked. I could never have reached it with the freed left hand, even I had known that the thing was there! I felt foolish when I realised that the means of escape had lying underneath me, but then why would I have even thought to have looked there! She put on a bathrobe, all the time covering me with the gun, and when she was comfortable again, she picked up the key that would open my handcuffs and threw them across to me. "Now Jules, you're going to unlock the cuffs and then you're going to put on your jacket and then you're going home". Once again, she had taken me completely by surprise ? this had been the last thing I had expected! "And don't get any stupid ideas of trying to overpower me, I really won't hesitate to use this if I have to ? you wouldn't be the first that I've killed!" she said, her voice holding real menace. "Why ? just tell me why, and what makes you think that I'll even come anywhere near this place tomorrow, and what have you been doing all day?" I pleaded to her, but she just ignored me as I unlocked the cuffs. "Now listen to me, and listen good. I will be borrowing your body again tomorrow so I want you to get here for 7:00am, to give me plenty of time to get to work" she said to me. "Oh no ? you're not doing this to me again!" I stated defiantly but feeling nervous. She seemed so sure in what she said I could just feel that she had the means of making me do so, whether I wanted to or not! "You have no choice in the matter. Now that we have transferred body fluids I can make the switch whenever I like, and it doesn't matter how far away you are at the time. I wouldn't advise you to go against my wishes. If you do then you might just find yourself stuck in this body permanently the next time, although I could think of worse things!" she said, showing me that evil smile again, as she ran her right hand down the front of her body and over her breasts. The thought of being left like I was today, for ever, terrified me, and I turned quickly and went through the door, stumbling in my eagerness to get back to my own flat and somewhere close to normality, and away from this nightmare. My mind was in a whirl as I tried to make sense of how my whole life had been turned upside down in just those few short hours. I had finally broken down Candice's resistance and made love to her, but only to find out that the next time we had sex I was transferred into her body. It had obviously been the trigger to the transference but for the life of me, I couldn't work out how ? I had never heard of such a thing before! I drove home, as if on autopilot, thinking back to the last week since Candice had agreed to go out with me, and replaying back every encounter as I tried to look for a reason to all of this. I thought back to how she had probed me for every little detail of my life, whilst all the time distracting me by keeping me sexually excited. I knew then that she must have been planning to impersonate me for some reason, and she had needed these details so that she could pass as me, if questioned, but why? I was also puzzled as to why she had changed us back again if she wanted my body again tomorrow. Why didn't she just leave me in her own body and carry on for another day? I reasoned that there must have been some limit to how long she could possess me, otherwise she would have surely stayed as she was, and this heartened me a little. It meant that she didn't have total control over what she was planning, and it might give me an opportunity to turn the tables somehow! * * * * * * * I spent a long and sleepless night, unable to stop thinking about what would happen to me in the morning. The lack of sleep made me feel slightly delusional, and for a while I had doubted my sanity, and wondered if this had all been some elaborate nightmare, brought about by my frustration over not being able to have sex with Candice. That thought didn't last very long however, as I knew that I could never have imagined, or felt, what I had been through yesterday! I gave up trying to sleep at about 3:30am, and got up and took a shower in an attempt to clear my head. After that, and a very strong black coffee, I felt a little better and determined that I would not give up my body again without a fight. I remembered her threat, but considered it a bluff and I decided it was one that I would call. I couldn't let her call all the shots and I determined that I would take myself as far away as I could get before morning. Just fifteen minutes later I was off in my car, and heading out across the unusually quiet roads across London, and towards Oxford. If I kept up my current speed I would be in Birmingham before morning and I reasoned that one hundred miles should be enough distance to see if her boast held good. I reached Birmingham without even being aware of my fatigue, operating on nerves and pure adrenaline, and decided to stop at the next service station to rest and get myself a cup of coffee. I looked at my watch and saw that it was 6:45am now, and I suddenly felt a little foolish that I had come all this way to escape the clutches of Candice. I had been made to panic by little more than a schoolgirl and there was surely no way that she could enforce her threat! It was only twenty minutes later as I was standing up to go back to my car, that I found out just wrong I was with my supposition, and I felt the same falling sensation that I had previously experienced. It seemed to pass much quicker this time, and it was no real surprise to me when I found myself back in Candice's room and back in her body, knowing that I had seriously underestimated her ability to reach out to me. "Well Jules, you've certainly done it this time," I sobbed to myself, hearing Candice's voice emanating from my mouth again. I lifted Candice's head, or 'my' now I suppose, and looked down to see that I had been left naked again, and in the same position as before. This time though, I had been left with both an arm and one leg free, which gave me a better chance of easing my discomfort than yesterday. I let my head fall back on the lacy pillow and stifled back another sob. If this was her way of trying to break me, for whatever reason, then I was determined that I wouldn't give her the satisfaction ? I had always been a survivor and I would survive this as well! That moment of stubbornness calmed me a little and I stopped feeling sorry for myself and started thinking what I was going to do to get myself out of this predicament. After all, she had threatened to leave me like this forever and I strongly suspected that she wasn't one to make idle threats! It was then that I remembered what had happened the last time, and felt under the mattress, hoping against hope that I would find a key. Of course, I wasn't surprised to discover it wasn't there this time, but there was a note that I eventually opened with my free hand. 'Jules, that was a stupid thing you did. When I tell you to be somewhere at a certain time, then I expect you to do it. I had planned to leave you unlocked this time. After all, you would be prisoner enough, just wearing that beautiful body I have given you. You would not have gone far if you wanted to get your body back. Instead you can stay chained to the bed again, and wait for my return, then I'll decide what to do about your little rebellion. By the way ? I have drunk a litre of water and you'll need to use the facilities '. She had everything planned and I now knew that she could take me over wherever I was. I was still confident that she would need to change us back, but I couldn't afford to take things for granted, and resolved to doing as she instructed for the time being. At least it may give me a chance to find out what she was doing this for, I was pretty sure that it wasn't just for kicks! * * * * * * * I was actually glad to see her when she returned to her flat later. Another day lying here, chained to her bed was not a pleasant experience, although I doubted what was going to happen now would be any easier on me! She walked straight in and took off her jacket. I could see she was still angry with me, for trying to evade her clutches but surely, she couldn't have really expected me to just accept what she had told me. I was a man of action - she must have realised that! She walked back over to the bed and I instinctively cowered, the difference in our respective physiques was even more apparent to me today. I felt so small and weak! "Another day gone then Jules" she said to me, "and you gave me all sorts of problems today. I must admit that you surprised me when I found myself in your body Birmingham, and it took all of my powers of persuasion to convince your employers not to sack you when I eventually arrived at the office an hour and a half late. You know that you've got to be reliable in this type of work and that you rarely get a second chance"! I said nothing in case I intimidated her any further and made her even more angry than she already was. Still, at least I know knew that she had been covering my job while she was in my body, I had guessed as much the previous day. "I only came back here to give you your instructions for tomorrow," she said to me, confirming that my torment would continue. "You will come back here at 6:00am and I will change bodies with you again, and you better have learnt from today because I will not tolerate another show of defiance from you" she said coldly. I felt shivers run down my pretty spine. "But what are you doing this for ? why are you going into my work and pretending to be me?" I finally got the courage to say, although I sounded pretty pathetic. "There'll be an explanation when I am ready to give you one. For now, just do as you're told" she said curtly. I would never have believed that the petite and demure young Scottish girl that I had wanted so much could have been so hard-hearted! "And how long are you going to keep this up for?" I begged of her, trying desperately to work out what this was all about. "If you hadn't been so stupid today it might have all been over by now. Instead, this is going to have to go on for a few more days. When I finally reported for work I found that they had put someone else into the position that you normally cover. You know that they can't leave a breach in their security, so now I've got to cover that post until Isaacs returns from the trip that you were supposed to go on with him". Of course, he was due to go on a trip to Newcastle today, and I was supposed to have been one of the bodyguards looking after him! I had forgotten all about that with what had been going on! I felt despair again, as I seemed to have become an onlooker onto my own life, and Candice was going to keep me this way for as long as she needed to! Still, at least I had her talking to me now and I made an effort to keep the dialogue going, who knows what she might tell me if I kept her talking. "I'll do as you say, and I won't mess you around again. It doesn't really seem like I have any choice does it!" I said to her. "Good girl" she smiled at me, causing me to flush at the reminder of what I currently was, "keep up that attitude and I'll make sure that this won't be any more unpleasant than it has to be" she said, believing that she had broken me. "Just one thing though, how do you do this ? how do you actually manage to swap our minds?" I asked her, hoping that I might find a way to prevent this, maybe! She seemed to deliberate for a moment before coming to decision. I began to wish that I had never asked as a leer crossed her face. "You may be surprised but I will tell you ? there's not much you can do about it anyway. Here let me show you" she said as she walked towards me, "and spread your legs apart," she said forcefully. "Wa..wait a minute" I said nervously, as I instinctively brought my knees together, as I watched her look for something in her bedside cabinet. "Wh..what are you going to do"? She pulled out a large tube of KY jelly and smeared some on the fingers of one hand and then forced my knees apart, without too much effort. "You asked and now I'm going to show you" she said, looking at me purposefully, as her fingers gently rubbed the lubrication around the entrance to her body's vagina, and she gently eased apart the folds of the most intimate part of her body. "Don't worry, I am not going to hurt you. After all, I will be back in that body soon and I don't want to feel any soreness myself!" she told me, as I felt 'my' body being invaded. "Pl.please ? don't do this" I sobbed, as I felt my insides being filled by her probing fingers, although I knew that my entreaties were futile. This was something that no man should ever have to experience and I could no longer deny the reality of the body I was now possessing as her fingers reached deep inside of me. "Oh shut up moaning, and think what an advantage you'll have in the future. Now you know what it's like for a girl!" she snapped at me, and all of a sudden I felt a tugging sensation in the pit of my stomach, and then feeling of her withdrawing. I experienced a sudden emptiness as her fingers eased out of my body. As if detached from these events I analysed the whole experience for a moment. It was true what she had said; she hadn't actually caused me physical pain, the lubrication had seen to that. No ? it was just a horrible feeling of discomfort, and of being unused to having something so deep within my body, an..and this violation in the most intimate of ways. I realised then that I had mentally thought of it as MY body and resolved to steel myself, refusing to let this experience unhinge me in any way! Further thoughts were halted as she held up a small round and flat metal disk that looked like the contraceptive device known as a cap. She flexed it with her fingers and, although it took me a moment, I understood that she had retrieved it from this body ? that was what she had been probing for! "That Jules, along with my own inherent abilities, is what has made our transference possible. It is the latest in state of the art technology and is designed to amplify my advanced psychic abilities ten-fold, by the use of microcircuitory, tuned uniquely to my brain pattern." I was getting lost here, and I didn't really understand what she was talking about but she carried on, seeming to enjoy this moment of revelation. "A sexual climax is a very powerful emotional moment and I have found it to be the best way to tune into another persons brainwave potential, and to establish a link I can recognise. Your brain pattern got captured up by this little device and stored at the moment of our sexual release - that was when it was at its most powerful. Once both of our brain patterns were stored it works like a radio transmitter and I can tune in from anywhere whenever I choose to initiate it. That was why you could never really escape from me. Now hold still and I'll re-insert it" she said, as she prised apart my legs again, and proceeded to reverse the whole process. My humiliation knew no depths, as again I was easily forced to comply and I found it difficult to believe that only two days ago I had been the same strong man that was now forcing the weaker girl, that I had become, to bare her all for him. I squeezed my eyes tightly shut in an attempt to blot out the shame I felt but there was no escape from it. I closed my legs again in a vain attempt to preserve some degree of modesty. It was too late though, I would never be able to feel quite the same way again, now that I had been so 'manhandled' by Candice. I tried to calm myself and decided I would still try and keep her talking. "So if I know what gives you this hold over me what is to stop me taking that device out of this body when you're not here"? This only seemed to amuse her, and she looked at me patronisingly as she explained to me. "Nothing, nothing whatsoever, however it won't do you a lot of good. If you take it out then you will not be able to leave the body that you're now in, and you will effectively be stuck as Candice forever. Of course, maybe that might suit you and your macho pride is not able to admit such a thing" she laughed, causing me to flush again, something which this body seemed predisposed to do, before continuing. "I, on the other hand, do not have that concern. I can always get hold of another one of those discs, and have done so before. Once I have another one I can trade with someone else, virtually at will. It might be fun seducing a pretty little thing again, although I much prefer being a man," she said, running my own hands over my bodies chest. "Yes, in fact maybe I won't bother changing at all ? you certainly have a fine specimen of a body here" she said, grinning at me and seeing her formerly pale skin blanche even more at the effect her words were having on me. "Now I'm going to leave here, somewhere where you won't be able to return too quickly. By that time, if you had thought about trying anything, I will be well prepared, so I wouldn't advise it if I were you ? not if you ever want the chance of getting your body back"! With that she left me, and about twenty minutes later I felt what was now becoming the familiar feeling of vertigo and the falling sensation, before I became fully conscious again. This time I found myself sitting at a quiet table in a pub, with a strawberry daiquiri placed in front of me with a note attached: 'Have this one on me, I thought that you might be developing a taste for these by now. Tomorrow at 6:30am'. There was a lipstick imprint of a pair of lips on the note and I instinctively moved my hand to my mouth to found that they came from me. I left the drink and nearly ran into the gent's toilet and washed the lipstick away before throwing up in the nearest pan, knowing that she had left me an effective reminder of her power. * * * * * * * I looked at my watch and saw that it was now 6:25am. Another sleepless night had not provided me without any magic solution, and now I was standing outside of her door five minutes early. I knew I had to play along with until I could think of something to break out of this mess, and hadn't wanted to be late! I pressed her doorbell and the door soon opened to welcome me into what was effectively my prison cell. Candice's smile reminded of that of a spider, welcoming her prey into her web and I noted that she was wearing a silk bathrobe this time. I briefly wondered how it would feel like against her skin, and then shivered, reminding myself that I would get the chance to find out in a few moments. I noticed that she was keeping her distance as she welcomed me. "Excellent Jules, I am glad to see that you're being sensible. I hope you've eaten something ? you've got to keep up your strength for me you know!" she said. "I couldn't eat anything" I replied, "I just wasn't hungry". "Well tomorrow just make sure that you do. It'll save time for me and I'm not really sure what your body likes yet" she said. I looked over to the bed, and noticed that it was made up, and that some clothes were laid out on it. She was still about ten feet away from me, and the thought passed through my mind that if, maybe, I could overpower her, maybe even kill her, then I could escape from this fate. My body language must have betrayed me as she reached towards a drawer where I presumed her gun was kept. "Don't even think about Jules, the device in this body has a safety device ? for me that is. If this body is attacked whilst I am in it, it will return me immediately to yours. Of course, this means that if you shot, strangled, or did any of those terrible things to me that you're no doubt thinking of, then you would be the one to suffer my fate. That applies even if I'm attacked by someone else, or even if I'm in a car crash, or anything else like that so you'd better pray for my safety Jules" she said, cocking an eyebrow sardonically. I realised her plan, whatever it was, was almost foolproof, or if not then I couldn't see how she had left anything to chance. If only I could discover what she was trying to do! My gaze strayed back to the bed and the women's clothes that were laid out on it. "Ar..aren't you going to chain me?" I asked her hopefully, praying that my obvious subjugation would spare me the misery of lying there, naked and helpless like on the previous two days. "Not today, but I'll fill you in a moment. First we'll change" she replied, and I watched her concentrate as she pressed her two middle fingers against her forehead. As before, I felt myself falling and then opened my eyes to see my body stretch itself before me. "You know Jules, that seems to be getting easier each time. I must REALLY be in tune with you, I have never known it that easy before"! I decided to ignore her taunting, as I realised that she was baiting me. She had made one slip though, as I now knew that she had done this before. I was wondering who her last victim had been, and whether they were still around when suddenly the thought struck me as to whether she had really been the original Candice, or had she stolen some poor girl's body! She shook herself and stretched her arms, obviously enjoying her re- possession of my body, and then indicated to the pile of clothes on the bed. "Right, now you can start putting those on. You are Candice Stewart, and you will be her until I switch back again and that means that you're going to live her life". I was staggered. I was relieved that I wouldn't have to spend the day naked again but her words made no sense, and I didn't understand what she expected of me. "What are you talking about, I don't understand!" I said to her, noticing for the first time that I had a faint Scottish accent. "I said that you're going to live Candice's life" she said impatiently, "and that means that you're going to dress as Candice does, work as Candice does, and even date as Candice does if that's what's required of you! As her words sunk home my nerve nearly failed me. "Bu..but I can't!" I wailed desperately, as I looked on the bed at the clothes and noticed the business-like skirt and blouse that awaited me, "I know nothing about being a woman and I know nothing about what your work is any more!" I protested, hoping to convince her of the hopelessness of the situation. "If I try and pass as you then I am bound to give myself away". It had been bad enough being flung into her body, and having to remain naked for the last two days, but I was now thinking that this might have been the lesser of two evils as I contemplated having to actually become Candice, as far as the rest of the world was concerned! "Well you'd better not, for your own sake - that's why I wanted you here earlier today. There's two hours before you have to leave; the office that I work in is only a four stop ride on the tube ? one of the advantages of living central you might say" she said smiling at me, but with no sign of affection. "But I know nothing about office work ? I'm a man of action. It'll never work" I complained, "and as for dating ? well forget it"! She just laughed at that but she answered me in a voice that brooked no argument. "Okay ? maybe that was a bit cruel ? there is no love interest in my life apart from you of course" she said sarcastically, "but you're going to do my job, and you're going to do it well enough that you don't create any suspicion. I rang up the office and left a message telling them that I was sick before I trapped you here. I said I'd be back in two days time and that is what's going to happen. I've only been working there for a few days and nobody really knows me, but if Candice does not go in today then they won't keep her on"! "But I told you ? I don't know anything about office work. How am I going to cope?" I started to panic, seeing that she was not going to give way at all! "Well for a start, nobody has any great expectations of you. You are a poorly qualified girl who only has the most basic of skills, enough to do a little typing, enough to do a little filing, and to make coffee for the boss ? which counts for just about everyone to you, by the way. In short, you're there to just be a general help and do whatever's needed" she added, "and that's exactly what you'll do". I could see she was getting impatient again as she walked up to me and removed the bathrobe that she'd dressed herself in, earlier. "Now come on ? you've got to get dressed or else you'll be late. The image I've built of Candice is that she's a bit of an airhead. You know, not too bright but someone that'll compensate by dressing the part and providing a little light amusement for the male staff. There's nothing they like better you know, which is fortunate ? it allows a dumb girl like you to get by in the world" she said as she lifted the black skirt to expose the underwear underneath it. The thought of having to act like she had described filled me with horror but she reminded me again, of how I might never get my body back if I didn't comply. Accepting the inevitable I picked up the pair of black panties and lifted one of my legs to step into them. I guess I would have to start thinking of this body as mine for now if I was going to get by, although it didn't feel like it as I nearly fell over, being unused to this body's balance. It was the first time that I had been in it other than laying on the bed, and for me this was an entirely different proposition. As I wobbled I could feel the weight shift from my breasts ? it was most unnerving. Candice could see my uncertainty and laughed at my clumsiness. "Why don't you try sitting down for now, you might find it easier" she said, so I followed her advice and sat on the small stool that was under the dressing table. Whether I liked it or not I was being forced to confront the reality of the body I now possessed and now that I was becoming aware of it, every movement and sensation was a voyage of discovery. I couldn't imagine that a birth- borne woman would ever feel like this about herself, it must just be that my senses were heightened by my unfamiliarity with it. I noticed the fine corded material of the chair irritate the area between my legs as I rested my weight on it. I didn't like the feeling at all and I quickly stood again, having put legs into the panties, and eased them up my legs, and around my hips before sitting down again. I was surprised at how comfortable they felt, and although I didn't like to admit it to myself, the smooth and snug sensation was quite pleasant as they seemed to hug my smooth groin! "Okay ? that's a start I suppose but can you hurry it up a bit. The clock's still ticking you know" Candice said, and passed me a pair of tights, "barely black ? you'd better get used to these things" she finished. She stopped me pulling them straight on and showed me how to bunch them up before sliding them up my legs. This was another strange experience and, again, I noticed how pleasant the feeling was as the delicate material seemed to caress my smooth legs. It seemed that dressing and wearing clothing was a far more sensuous experience that I had previously known as a man. I felt a momentary pang of envy that they could experience these sensations all the time, before I came back to my senses and I stood again as she approached me carrying a black bra, that matched the panties. "Here, I'll help you with this ? we haven't got all day. Now just lean forward and hold your arms out" she said, and once again I felt the movement from my breasts as they dangled free, slightly away from my body. She slipped the straps through my arms and walked behind me before fastening the catches, as the cups of the bra fitted themselves around me. It was another new and humiliating experience for me, but I had to admit I appreciated the support they gave me and I felt a little more secure as the movement from my breasts was now more controlled. Candice helped me into the skirt, which was mid-thigh length, and it left me feeling hideously exposed. She helped me into the blouse and then did up my buttons, which were now the wrong way for me, leaving the top three undone to expose a little bit more of 'my' cleavage. I had struggled to fasten them with the longer nails that I now had. The next item of clothing was to be the shoes and I was grateful when I saw that the heels were not that high, no more than two inches. I must have given a sigh of relief or something, for she lost no time in letting me know why she was being so magnanimous with them. "Don't get your hopes up, I'm not going soft on you. It's just that this would most probably be the hardest thing for you to pass off - it will most probably be hard enough, even with these, so we'll get you some practise in, in a moment. First though, we'll get a little make-up on you ? nothing too complicated because you'll have to maintain this during the day, so we'll give you an understated look" she said, as she went over to her shoulder bag and took out a make-up case. A few moments later and with a bit of lipstick, and a light dusting of eye covering, along with the addition of a small pair of earrings, and I was finished, feeling ridiculous and like a trussed up turkey. "You're supposed to have been ill the last couple of days so we don't want you looking to bright and sexy. There'll be plenty of time for that later!" she laughed as she stepped back a few yards to view the overall effect. I think the uppermost thought in my mind, at that point, was how constricted and confined I felt as the panties, bra and tight skirt seemed to cling tightly to my body. Candice stood back and gave me the once over before nodding her approval and beckoning me towards her. I felt like a child standing on the highest diving board, and scared of jumping into the small square of water far below, as I took a step towards her. The tightness of the skirt forced me to take small steps as I unsteadily walked

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A Further Taste of Candy

Bill turned his junky-looking, mid-50’s vintage car onto the street that led to the nearby Cal State University, and ran a nervous hand through his dark brown hair. He was hoping he hadn’t kept Candy waiting long, his 20-year-old car had refused to start that Saturday morning until he had thumped on the starter motor a few times with a piece of iron pipe. He promised himself that he would personally fix that right after graduation. It had to last long enough until he could afford regular...

2 years ago
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The Total Humiliation of Candy

The Total Humiliation of Candy By Christine Day One: The Meeting It all started 3 years ago when I decided to go to a party on my own. The idea was to pick up a girl and maybe if I was lucky to get laid. During the evening, I was approached by a real nice lady named Janet. I was very attracted to her. She was about 5'7" and was very slim and was wearing a very short black leather mini skirt with very high heels. Just the look of her turned me on. We danced to several numbers and in...

4 years ago
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The Lesbian Debt Chapter 34 Bitch Stories Candy

BITCH STORIES - CANDY As Laura's life spiralled towards an apex of degradation, things also continued to get worse for the girls she had helped enslave... Take Candy, for instance. Alistair was quite deliberately planning to ruin the remainder of Candy's life, and the focus of these plans was Candy's family. Being forced to rape her sister at the recent office party was the straw that broke the bitch's back for Candy. The imperious bimbo queen was gone, and now there was only a...

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Candy returned to her father’s plantation on the banks of the Mississippi river after having attended a finishing school on the east coast. She was beautiful; tall with strawberry blonde hair, pale blue eyes, and large breasts. She avoided too much sunlight since her skin had a habit of freckling rather than tanning. Her twenty-first birthday was arriving soon and her father asked her what she wanted. Candy told her father that what she wanted the most in the world was to own her own slave and...

1 year ago
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Candy Finally, it was going to happen! For years, Candy had imagined planning an awesome pool party, but something always got in the way; family vacations,… Candy Finally, it was going to happen! For years, Candy had imagined planning an awesome pool party, but something always got in the way; family vacations, summer school, lack of friends, the weather; something. Now, however, everything seemed to be falling into place. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson had moved out near the desert in California...

2 years ago
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CD Mistress Cheyenne cant fight the craving for Candy

Almost two long weeks had passed since my first meeting with my new slave Candy. Our first encounter was special and my sexy new sub had not left my mind since he walked out of my door. His juicy ass and hard thick cock have filled my thoughts each day since. I had found myself wildly attracted to Candy and lusting for him constantly. After deciding that ten days was long enough to make him wait I called Candy to set up another meeting. His phone barely got a full ring out before he...

3 years ago
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CD Mistress Cheyenne cant fight the craving for Candy

Almost two long weeks had passed since my first meeting with my new slave Candy. Our first encounter was special and my sexy new sub had not left my mind since he walked out of my door. His juicy ass and hard thick cock have filled my thoughts each day since. I had found myself wildly attracted to Candy and lusting for him constantly. After deciding that ten days was long enough to make him wait I called Candy to set up another meeting. His phone barely got a full ring out before he...

4 years ago
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Humiliation of Candy

Total Humiliation of Candy It all started 3 years ago when I decided to go to a party on my own. The ideawas to pick up a girl and maybe if I was lucky to get laid. During the evening,I was approached by a real nice lady named Janet. I was very attracted to her.She was about 5'7" and was very slim and was wearing a very short black leathermini skirt with very high heels. Just the look of her turned me on. We danced toseveral numbers and in between had a number of drinks. After a couple of...

2 years ago
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"Hi there young man, it has been so long since I have seen you. How are you doing after losing your parents so tragically? It must have been such an awful blow to you. I've been hoping you would stop by sometime so I could tell you how sorry I am. Your Mom and I were such great friends. She was like a daughter to me you know, and you dear man, are still my grandson." "Mrs. Henderson. It is good to see you too. I'm sorry I don't come to see you more often. I will stop next time I come...

3 years ago
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Jeremy and Candy

Jeremy and Candy There is something about being an abandoned child that resonates with us all.  My characters are both foundlings.   Why is it erotic? Is it all about the loss of control? I don't think Jeremy and Candy will ever shove the old witch of an aunt in the oven and then go finish eating the snacks on her gingerbread house -- the grown ups will always have the ultimate control.   Jeremy, just turned 18,  walked Candy, also newly 18,  back to the "The Fortress"  and she snuck...

3 years ago
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Carwash Candy

Note: The author encourages unauthorised reposting, sequels, and blatant plagiarism of this work. Another note: This story, written several years ago, represents my first attempt at TG Fiction. At the time, I was so disappointed/ashamed by how it turned out that all further experimentation in this area was abandoned for quite a while. Reading through it more recently, however, I discovered (rather dispiritingly) that was not that much different from everything that I had written...

4 years ago
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I didn't want to be a cowboy, but I certainly wanted one to fuck me. So, to honor those sojourners of the dusty trails I wrote this.When settlers in the 1870's first used "dude," to refer to pasty-faced Easterners coming to The Rockies, they took notice of men with a distinguishable lilt (I have no doubt), of men with a different spring in their step, of men who had secrets settlers didn't know, and of men Rocky Mountain cowboys would never suspect.A 2K Easterner, I differed from my ancestors...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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La soumission de Candy

La soumission de Candy Chapitre 1Ce n'est pas parce que vous ?tes parano que personne ne vous en veut. Je me suis toujours un peu m?fi? de mes semblables et, quand j'ai cr?? mon entreprises de conseil, j'ai trouv? tout naturel de mettre en place tout ce qu'il fallait pour surveiller mes employ?s. Enregistrement t?l?phonique, copie automatique des emails re?us et envoy?s, etc.N'ayant pas que ?a ? faire, je ne passais pas tout mon temps ? ?couter les conversations et lire les ?changes de courriers. Et surtout, en respect d...

4 years ago
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I brought you some Candy

Introduction: Just a threesome story by request of a friend. You have always wanted to sit in the dark corner of this bar. Now I know why. No one can really see us. All they can see is me just sitting on your lap. They cant see your hand up my skirt. Your fingers are rubbing my pussy on top of my panties, getting them wet. Its just a game. Youre trying to get me to break my straight face and see how long I can hold out. You still hold the record since last time we hung out and I was blowing...

2 years ago
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  It was a gorgeous summer afternoon in Ann Arbor Michigan. The temperature was well into the mid 80’s. Candy was laying out on her padded lounge chair rubbing the tanning lotion into her legs. She wore her new bikini. David helped her pick it out at Macy’s. He loved seeing her wear sexy revealing clothes and the tiny little bikini was no exception.    Cindy’s husband David worked in one of the laboratories for a small research company at the University of Michigan. Married for five years and...

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I brought you some Candy

It’s just a game. You’re trying to get me to break my straight face and see how long I can hold out. You still hold the record since last time we hung out and I was blowing you from under the pinball game in that other bar. I still think it wasn’t fair. When I got you to cry out, “Yes” you got to pretend you were yelling at the game. I spent a long time hidden underneath that game, sucking your dick. It shouldn’t have counted. I should have won. I can’t take much more. My ass is...

4 years ago
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A Taste Of Candy

The athletic department party was a tradition at the State University since 1950. As usual, it was held in the large dining commons near the dormitories at the edge of campus and all team members were supposed to attend. Even players from minor sports like archery, fencing, field hockey and water polo were expected to make an appearance. At the college, tradition was followed almost as closely as law and a twenty-five-year-old tradition was virtually unquestioned. The party had barely...

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Here I was, on a Super Constellation. Heading to NAS Atsugi, Japan. Me, a South Georgia farm boy that had never been away from home. I had completed Storekeeper’s School in San Diego, and my first duty station was an AF (refrigerator ship) out of San Francisco. My first duty was Mess Cooking. Army recruits would know this as KP, but the Navy was different. This was a full three-month duty, not completed on a daily basis. During this time, Mess Cooking, I had to see the integration of the...

2 years ago
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Awakened by Candy

It was a Saturday and I was just strolling down the High Street, going nowhere in particular, when I noticed a commotion down a side alley. A largish male was pushing two girls around; they both looked pretty distressed. I grabbed the bloke as he slammed one of the girls into a door, and he went arse-over into the road, got up and took a swing at me. I dodged, and gifted him a right hook; his nose took the brunt and spurted blood instantaneously. He thought about coming again, but the blood...

2 years ago
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Awakened by Candy

It was a Saturday and I was just strolling down the High Street, going nowhere in particular, when I noticed a commotion down a side alley. A largish male was pushing two girls around; they both looked pretty distressed. I grabbed the bloke as he slammed one of the girls into a door, and he went arse-over into the road, got up and took a swing at me. I dodged, and gifted him a right hook; his nose took the brunt and spurted blood instantaneously. He thought about coming again, but...

3 years ago
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Masturbating for Candy

Candy came into the den while I was watching TV and plopped down on the couch across from my easy chair and started talking. I was surprised at her a little, since at her age she barely ever notices I’m around.“My volleyball coach says we should be aware that our dads masturbate over thoughts of us,” she said. “She said they even get our dirty panties out of the hamper and sniff them. Or they’ll put them on their faces or even wrap them around their penis when they ‘do it’.”I just sat there and...

2 years ago
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Hard Candy

Pink bubblegum rolls on my tongue as I walk along the black asphalt that’s still steaming from the warm August rain. I can feel it wet along the edges of my toes as they push forward in my white stiletto sandals, the leather damp and just beginning to stretch. The moisture is everywhere and the humidity is high. It’s under my skin. The back of my neck is hot under the weight of my long blonde hair that’s quickly losing its glossy perfection and becoming tousled and wavy. It’s that just-fucked...

1 year ago
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The Therapist Chapter 3 Candy

The Therapist - Chapter 3: Candy It was the morning before my afternoon session and I found myself lying face down on my massage table as Melissa lovingly worked on my back. We discussed an upcoming client as her hands tenderly kneaded the muscles at the base of my spine, unlocking all that tension. It was bliss. When I had first enlisted Melissa to become my personal assistant, I'd enrolled her in a range of different classes, from massage and cookery to bookkeeping and adult...

1 year ago
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I had this really good friend named Dave who also had a friend named Rusty. Well, Rusty had this really knockout girlfriend named Candy. Dave is a real bullshitter and I didn't believe half of the wild stories he told, so I just ignored his comments about how wild Candy got when she got drunk. He told me how Rusty was the type of guy that only wanted it about once or twice a week and Candy wanted it once or twice an hour. Since she was a "good little girl" she couldn't really cheat on Rusty,...

3 years ago
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Candy for Candy

I’m way too old to be doing this, Candy thought as she finished putting on her costume. The thought sent a thrill of naughty excitement through her sexy young body. Candy was a high school senior, 18 years old, with long black hair, full red lips and a body that wouldn’t quit. She was also probably the oldest person that would be out trick or treating tonight, not that she was worried about getting her fair share of candy. In this costume, she could have all the candy if she wanted it. White...

3 years ago
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Door Candy

Door Candy by Bryony Marsh "You are gonna love this shit, bud. My finest and weirdest yet!" Jamie should have been a great pharmacologist - and in a sense he was, only he didn't work for any of the major drug companies. He'd dropped out of the degree programme as soon as he'd "learned enough", and instead he spent his time inventing new and crazy highs. Matt, his roommate, looked at the proffered substance with some skepticism. It looked like burnt toffee. "What is it?" "I...

5 years ago
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Deity Arms 2 I Call My Sugar Candy

Deity Arms 2: I Call My Sugar Candy By The Professor Luk had been making great progress in learning English. He had even been picking up some of the local slang, so when Mr. L told him to be part of the furniture, he assumed that meant he was to be very quiet while observing his mysterious boss as he carried out a negotiation. Not so. He would have sighed, but in his current shape as a floor lamp, it was impossible for him to do so. In fact, how he could see and hear was a mystery to...

3 years ago
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Bath Candy

(C) NickB 2006 - All right reserved. Email author : [email protected] Bath Candy The one thing about relationships is that they are rarely fair. Take us for instance. I have a good-looking wife and I don't feel that I'm particularly a bag of spanners either. We're in our early thirties, well Janice has just turned thirty and I hit 'old git' status about three months ago. We've been together for over ten years. It didn't take long for our ardor to cool and when we went to spice...

4 years ago
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John Candy

It was the end of a very long, day at school. I put up with nerve wracking Students all day long. Just wanted to get home and take a nap before I had to go play Base Ball. My sister had told me earlier that morning that she didn’t need me to Drive her home, so I was looking forward to the quiet ride home. On my way to the parking lot, my sister’s friend, Candy, a sexy cheerleader with a tight ass, and a nice set of breasts, and great legs asked me for a ride home. Despite how tired I was, I...

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a big candy

Every time i am at the gaz station and i see the squeeze pop liquid hubba bubba candy, i get images of him his veiny dark cock being coated in the jelly candy. pouring down from the big mushroom headthe smell and tasty looking cock printed forever in my headhow sweat and nice was it , opening my mouth around the tip, sucking it like a lolipop, the big black daddy looking at me with such tenderness , his big hand rubbing my head helping my gently suck on his big candy cockthe tube being brought...

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Cream Filled Candy

CREAM FILLED CANDY by Throne Jeff was really proud of himself. He had researched the magic spell and worked out all the details of performing it. In about an hour, his rival Max would meet an especially nasty fate. Jeff couldn't wait to see the guy undergo the series of transformations that would begin once the spell was invoked. The two of them had been competing for the attention of a cute girl named Tina, but Max was going to find himself out of the competition. And on another...

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My name's Candy, I'm, sixteen years old and I've just divorced my parents to prevent either one of them getting their hands on any more of my money.Let me explain, from the age of eight, I'd won a whole series of beauty competitions and therefore a whole lot of money, things were fine at the start, but when I reached my teenage years, I began to ask questions about where all the prize money was going. I never got any satisfactory answers, and my parents began fighting with each other over it,...

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SRU Candy

SRU: Candy ? by: Robyn "Bye bye, Robyn. See you tomorrow!" A young twelve year old girl grinned from the playground. "Bye Gregg! See you later!" Gregg sighed to himself as he drove away. It had been another day of slides and picnics, of tag and hiding. He had almost lost himself in this little girl once again. He had known her since she was a baby and was good friends with her parents. Ever since his wife, Susan's death, this little girl had been the one companion he had who...

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Mark Mum and Candy

It was my eighteenth birthday and here I sat twiddling my thumbs, I should have been having a party, but mum couldn't afford it. I should have been going out, but I couldn't afford it. My not so little sister and mum had vanished into the kitchen nearly an hour before to cook up a birthday surprise, but I felt so frustrated that I was not looking forward to it. Things had gone downhill, money-wise, since dad had walked out six months ago, he'd been in touch just once since he'd left and...

4 years ago
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Here I was, on a Super Constellation. Heading to NAS Atsugi, Japan. Me, a South Georgia farm boy that had never been away from home. I had completed Storekeeper's School in San Diego, and my first duty station was an AF (refrigerator ship) out of San Francisco. My first duty was Mess Cooking. Army recruits would know this as KP, but the Navy was different. This was a full three-month duty, not completed on a daily basis. During this time, Mess Cooking, I had to see the integration of the...

1 year ago
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Making Candy

Making Candy (Authoress Note: All disclaimers regarding characters, age appropriateness etc. are in effect. I really advise anyone under 21 not to read my stories. It takes a certain degree of maturity to enjoy this story. Don't write a review if you don't like the theme of the story. That's just childish. But criticism is always good and helps me.) I'm standing with my wrists cuffed behind my back, gagged and a collar around my neck. Sitting in front of me are 5 big bellied burly...

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Cloie Wants a Candy

This story is based on the idea Chloe Moretz isn’t a celebrity. Story Code: M/f, Oral “Hey mister, ya got any candy?” Tony looked up from his sandwich and saw a young girl standing about 4 ft. from his bench. “Swell,” he thought. “No sweetie. I’m afraid not,” he said trying for a warm smile. He’d chosen this secluded section of the park he found yesterday specifically to get away from people and enjoy his lunch in peace. Specifically people this young girl’s age. It wasn’t that he didn’t...

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Little Candy

I don't have too many choices now. I do exactly what he wants or she will hurt the ones I love. I once was a strong man who fights against men like Henry, now I'm reduced to this. How he did it, I don't know and that's what I need to discover to take my life back and kill this motherfucker. "Little Candy, show to my friend here, how can I be hospitable." I get up from his lap and walk to the man sat in front of him at the table. The man is dressed with an expensive suit. Henry wants to...

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Bec3 It Aint Over Til Its OverChapter 18 Cotton Candy

Reality is like cotton candy. Cotton candy looks all solid and pretty but as soon as you actually try to eat it, it dissolves away into nothing. All you get left with is a sweet taste in your mouth and a kind of sticky sensation. So you take another bite and the same thing happens. You keep going like that until you have nothing left but the little cardboard stick. Now the stick is hard and solid and not nearly so pretty but at least it doesn’t melt away into nothing. On the other hand, you...

4 years ago
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Hard Candy

Pink bubblegum rolls on my tongue as I walk along the black asphalt that’s still steaming from the warm August rain. I can feel it wet along the edges of my toes as they push forward in my white stiletto sandals, the leather damp and just beginning to stretch. The moisture is everywhere and the humidity is high. It’s under my skin. The back of my neck is hot under the weight of my long blonde hair that’s quickly losing its glossy perfection and becoming tousled and wavy. It’s that just-fucked...

4 years ago
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Sweet As Candy

Paul Marrs walked through the door to the apartment he shared with his identical twin brother, Peter. “Hey, Bro,” he called out as he put down his briefcase and went to the fridge for a cold beer.Peter yelled back, “Hey, man. You broke out early today.”Walking down the hallway with a beer in hand, Paul replied, “Yeah, the slave master opened the cell doors a little early today. Since it’s Friday, I was glad to have an early reprieve. What the hell are you doing?”“Just cleaning up my bedroom a...

2 years ago
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Chapter 3 Cotton Candy

OH SHIT!! ... Holy SHIT!! .... I CANT KEEP CUMMING LIKE THIS!!!Hee hee hee! Baby we're only just getting acquainted!OH FUCK!! ... FUCK ME!!I thought I just did?FUCK YOU!!Ha ha Haa!... I LOVE YOU, BABY!I thought... you said.... we were just... getting acquainted?Well, is it working?FUCK YEAH!!. . . . So... You were a pervert right from the beginning, huh!Well it's kinda hard NOT to be when ya got tits AND a cock! Back when I first started showing my femininity...

4 years ago
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My name's Candy, I'm, sixteen years old and I've just divorced my parents to prevent either one of them getting their hands on my money. Let me explain, from the age of eight, I won a whole series of beauty competitions and therefore a whole lot of money, things were fine at the start but when I reached my teenage years, I began to ask questions about where all the prize money was going to, I never got any satisfactory answers and my parents began fighting with each other over it so I began...

2 years ago
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I Want Candy

You snap awake, your body taut, every sense in overdrive.Something woke you up - but what? You move the Halloween candy off your lap and start to cautiously check out the house. Nothing in the living room, nothing in the kitchen; nothing - there’s a sharp rap at the door.You whirl to look at the clock. Ten-fuckin’-thirty!? Who the hell‘s still trick-or-treating at ten-fuckin‘-thirty?You check yourself out to make sure you’re decent to answer the door. Hmmm… denim cutoffs, a blue tee that...

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Sandy n Candy

Growing up, my father was always in and out of my life. He would be around for six to 12 months and then disappear for around the same amount of time. I never knew where he went. He would be gone then simply appear one day out to the blue. He and mom would talk for hours and all would be forgiven. As a little boy, I was simply happy that my family was back together and that my dad was home. Life would be good for several months and then the arguing would start up again and dad would go...

4 years ago
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sweeter than candy

Natalie sat cross legged on her couchin her warm flannel pj's on a friday afternoon What was she doing you ask? She was sitting there grieving the loss of her ten year relationship with her common law husband Fred. While trying to decipher what went wrong, or how, even why. Ugh she gave him everything confusion amassed her twisting and contorting plopping herself back down after pacing. Natalie wants to kick his ass, thump wtf visions of their last night together oh his warm tongue slideing...

3 years ago
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Bad Candy

“Get a move on, Winters.” “Yeah, wait up,” I say. Jeez, just let me get my chocolate bar and I’m good. I don’t know what it is about morning classes. Oh wait, yeah I do, it’s freakin’ 8 AM! How am I supposed to stay awake for an 8 AM Chemistry course? I’m a management major, for Pete’s sake! The only way I get through them is with chocolate. It’s my favorite little sin. Just gotta hit E, then 8 for my sweet little piece of chocolate stimulation. Wait, E-7, aw nuts. I grab the bag of generic...

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Eye Candy

Jeff was a senior at Penn State. He had not exactly coasted through care- free but he was almost done so it didn't matter. The struggle was worth it too, with his soon-to-be engineering degree, jobs offers were coming in daily. It was his final semester and he knew he only needed three classes to graduate. Shame he had to see his advisor anyway. He sighed as he waited for her previous appointment to finish up. The girl before him walked out of the office and shot him a nervous smile as...

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Christmas Candy

We'd fought about it last night. Her Christmas gifts to me were always so calculated, so ordinary and unexciting. It was sadly apparent that she invested little of her time in selecting them, and even less of her mind considering what might please me. Many times, I was sure she'd chosen something that actually served her purpose more than it served mine; such as the time she bought me the snow blower after complaining that I never shoveled the drive. Over the years I began to dread the...

4 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IChapter 43 Candy

I sat at the end of the group of tables, watching the girls as shopping trips and wardrobes were planned for the upcoming party. I was holding an empty chair next to me for Candy, and hoping they opened the serving line soon. I was starving for some reason. "Nicky?"I thought. "Would you do me two favors?" "Of course!" she thought back to me. "I'll be available to screw your brains out in just a few minutes. That is one of the favors, right?" "Better make it three favors then!" I...

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