Candy free porn video

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Candy    Finally, it was going to happen!  For years, Candy had imagined planning an awesome pool party, but something always got in the way; family vacations,… Candy

    Finally, it was going to happen!  For years, Candy had imagined planning an awesome pool party, but something always got in the way; family vacations, summer school, lack of friends, the weather; something.  Now, however, everything seemed to be falling into place.

    Mr. and Mrs. Emerson had moved out near the desert in California with their only daughter, Candy, on account of their business.  Candy hated having to move again, but she was finding new friends at school, the weather was always nice, and the property that her parents had acquired for the vineyard was seemingly endless.  Of course, the best thing about the new place, according to Candy, was the large in-ground pool.  It was L-shaped, with an underwater passage leading to a smaller indoor moon pool.  She had claimed this as her Secret Place. She loved to swim
through the narrow tunnel and fantasize about leading boys in there, out of her parent's sight.

    With graduation right around the corner, Candy knew that this was the time.  All the planning and associated headaches paid off with the falling of the last hurdle; her mother.    Marcy Emerson was the conservative, worry-wart type, and hopelessly protective of her only daughter, but the business always seemed to take priority, and she would be away all weekend.  Candy sensed that her father was secretly welcoming the break from her, despite having to endure a bunch of graduates on his own.

    The special night was slow to arrive, but finally it was Friday, and the party was off to a great start!  Everyone that Candy had wanted to come was there.  It turned out to be much more laid back than she had expected.  A few guys were there for a while, but as the day drew into evening, it was just herself and few of her closest girlfriends, laying around in their swimsuits, listening to music, and talking about things that only girls can spend so much time talking about.  They were even able to apply a little charm and convince her dad to make some mixed drinks for them.
   Out of the blue, one of Candy's friends leaned over and said "You know, your dad is really dreamy".

   "What?!" Candy was shocked to hear someone say that about her father, even though she had thought the same thing to herself a few times.  "I can't believe you just said that!"

   "Am i wrong?" Erica asked, as she flashed an evil grin.

   "Well..."  Candy wasn't sure how to respond.  She didn't want to say the wrong thing, and risk ruining the great day that they had had.  "I guess I never thought of him that way."

   "How could you not notice?  He's tall and tan and funny, and most importantly, he's wrapped around your little finger.  I but he'd do anything you asked, to keep you happy.  Besides, he's probably in his room right now, spying on us."    The other girls giggled at the thought, but Candy had mixed-up emotions about it all.  She never expected that one of them would be jealousy.  If her father were indeed spying on them, she was quite sure that it would be the other girls that he was interested in, but she couldn't help the desire to be the center of his attention.
   "He's probably just doing more of his paperwork.  That's all he seems to do anymore."

   "Whatever..." Erica said, dismissively.    Candy hoped that would be the end of that.  'Damn her!'  she thought.  'Now that's all i can think about.'   The evening held a whole new interest to her now.  Surprising even herself, she almost couldn't wait for her friends to leave so that she could retreat to her secret place and be alone with her thoughts.

   That time came soon enough, and after saying their respective good-byes, the girls lined up to Mr. Emerson a hug and thank him for having them over.

   "Anytime.  You are always welcome here.  It's nice to see Candy surrounding herself with such friendly, mature young ladies."  Candy thought she may have been imagining it, but some of their hugs seemed to linger a bit longer than necessary.  One thing was for sure; she saw Erica give him a little peck on the cheek and whisper something in his ear before turning and bouncing her way out the front door after the others.


    After she did some dishes and finished cleaning up a bit, Candy was back in the pool and heading off to you-know-where.   'What a day!' she thought, reflecting on the day's events.  She was laying on a towel at the edge of the pool.   Her mind was spinning and she wondered if it was due to the drinks, or the seeds of wonder that had been placed inside her head.  Probably a bit of both.   'Is Erica really attracted to my father?' she wondered. 'Are the others?  Am I??  Why was he letting us drink?!  Had he been watching us all day?  What should i do?'
    The questions hounded her for a while, but eventually the tranquility of her little haven calmed her, and the imagination engine started up.  She was going to do some research, but not the kind you dread doing for school; this would be the fun kind.  She had had a wonderful day, and she decided that it was too early for it to end.

    Her father acted startled when she walked back into the house from the back patio.  She was dripping all over the carpet.

    "Honey, I've asked a hundred times that you dry off before you come inside." her father pleaded.

    "Sorry, Dad, but i'm not finished yet."  was the only reply should could muster, wondering how she was going to proceed with this research of hers.  She had always been quick on her feet, and she would have to rely on that ability now, and take cues from her father as he fed them to her - granted, this was uncharted territory!

    "So... what are you doing in here then?" he asked.

    " wondering if you'd mind making me another drink."

    "I don't know, baby.  You've had a couple already, and I'm not sure it's such a good idea to have any more, and then go back into the pool."

    "Well, then why don't you make one for yourself too, and you can come outside and watch over me for a while."   She was proud of herself for employing the parental instinct tactic.  It usually carries a 50/50 chance of success, especially with her mom, but she was really hoping it would work this time.

    "I guess that wouldn't be such a bad idea.  I could go for some fresh air and some good company tonight." her father said as he got up and headed into the kitchen and gathered the ingredients for one of his favorite drinks.


     The night air was starting to feel cold compared to the water in the pool, and Gary couldn't help notice the effect it had on Candy's breasts, but he quickly tried to ignore it.  Candy had let her long red hair down earlier, and now it flowed out in all directions when she went underwater.  It kind of glowed like liquid fire when the underwater lights shown through it.  Sometimes she swam close by him, even sliding up against him as she passed.  He was reminded of sharks feeling out their prey.

    Candy had a lot of thoughts racing around in her head.  She had made up her mind as to what she wanted, but realized that she had no idea how to approach the subject.  Her father broke the ice for her...

   "Honey...?" he beckoned next time she came up for air.

   "Yeah, Dad?"
   "Erica said that you had something to ask me?"

   "Uh..." Candy was trying hard to find the right words.  "Yes, Dad."  she said, sounding suddenly confident.  She spoke while continuing to swim in long, slow fluid movements around him.  She was trying to let her body language do some of the talking for her.   Arching her back, flipping her hair, shooting him over-the-shoulder glances, etc.  Finally, she come to a stop, and stood up in the water in front of him.

   "Would you say i'm attractive?" she asked him, with her heart in her throat.

    "Of course i would" he responded reassuringly, "what father wouldn't think so of his daughter?"   He was trying hard to seem indifferent to what he thought she was really asking him, and still continue to be supportive.

    "I mean, do you personally find me attractive?"  This seemed to be the definitive question to her, and the answer would shape the rest of the evening, and possibly even her entire future.

    "Well, i think you are very beautiful; yes."  he replied, feeling a little uneasy and intrigued at the same time.  "You may know that i love long hair, and that it's common for older men to be attracted to younger women, but you're my daughter and I'd love you no matter how you looked."  He was still assuming that she was feeling self-conscious about her body compared to those of her friends.

    "I want you to make me feel like a beautiful woman." Candy said before she could stop herself, and she slowly waded closer to him.

    "I'm telling you, honey; you are beautiful." sounding almost confused.

    Candy knew there was a difference between having this conversation, and putting it into action.  She reached out for his hand, and guided him with her as she moved herself up against the side of the pool.   The coolness of the tile was cold opposed to the relative warmth of the water, and it sent another chill through her.  Goosebumps covered her otherwise smooth skin.   

    "No, Daddy...I want you to make me feel like a beautiful woman."  Looking straight into his eyes, she continued against rational judgment, "I want you to make love to me."     She reached behind her back with her free hand, found the end of the tie that held her bikini top closed, and pulled.  The wet fabric loosened, but clung to the curves of her breasts.  No turning back now....

    Gary was stunned at the offer that she had just made; no less than her very self!  He was shocked, and amazed.  Not sure if he should respond like a angry parent, or a flattered recipient of such a request.   His reaction was not lost on her.   Still, she maintained her calm, seductive expression and tried to keep him from possibly backing away and ruining things.

    "Put the world aside for now" she whispered, "Forget the rules, and what you think people would say. It's just you and I; here; alone together."  She seemed to have him hooked for the time being.  Lowering her head, she pulled the end of the second tie and let her top fall off into the water.  The fact that her father didn't look away this time was not lost on her. He didn't hide the fact that he was drawn to her naturally round, firm breasts.  Petite.  Perfect.  Her tan lines accentuated the curves.  She still held one of his hands, and she pulled him into her so that their bodies were pressed together.  The decision was made.

    His daughter had obviously orchestrated this to the letter.  He definitely would do anything for her.  As he leaned forward to kiss her, she lifted her right leg up and wrapped it around him.  Their lips touched ever-so-slightly at first; her eyes never looking away from his, until he pressed himself firmly against her.  Candy moaned softly and put her arms around him, then parted her lips slightly, allowing him to explore her mouth.  Her heart was pounding, and she could feel the rest of her body responding as well.  Gary parted the kiss, and let his lips slide along her jaw, down to her neck, and then her shoulder.  Both of his hands were free now, and he was totally helpless to stop himself.  They began to roam down the length of her small frame.  He noticed the bikini bottoms she was wearing were also tied on both sides.

    Sensing his next move, Candy said "Hold that thought." and then slipped out of his embrace and down under the water.  Putting her feet against the side of the pool, she pushed off and slid through the water over to the other side.  Gary spun around as she came to a stop and stood up again.

    "Come with me" she said with an alluring grin and beckoned him with a crooked finger.  With that, she submerged again and headed for the tunnel.  He was right behind her.  She was excited to realize that she leading not just a boy, but a man - her father - through the tunnel to her secret place.  It was rather metaphorical, she thought.

     Gary noticed a glow from under the water when he neared the end of the tunnel and then surfaced in the indoor room which she had prepared specifically for this occasion.  Candles encircled the pool and filled almost every horizontal surface.  Despite the warm glow given off by the candles, it was something else that took hold of his senses.  It was probably the most beautiful thing he could remember seeing in a very long time.

     Candy was sitting cross-legged on the side of the pool and leaning back on her hands, toes pointed, head back, and her long hair almost reaching the tile.

      "Now, where were we?" she purred.

      "Honey, i don't know that should be doin - "

      "STOP right there, Mister!" she interrupted.  "you've followed me into my secret place, and you can't leave until we've finished what was started.  There's no one else around, and i promise that no word of this will ever leave this room.  I would guess that you are in need of a little bit of fantasy in your life, no?  I want to be the one thing that you've never had before.  Something that you can't get anywhere else.  Now...I believe you were about to remove the rest of my swimsuit, but it looks like you need some more coaxing now, so..."

      "No, wait" Gary heard himself say, "wrong as this is, i really, really do want to continue this."   Everything in his mind was telling him to stop and run away, but his desire was undeniable, and his daughter was growing more captivating by the minute as her looked her over from head to toe, basked in soft, warm light.  It was an angelic sight to be sure, and he just couldn't resist.  She was the one who made the offer, right?

      "So...?"  Candy grinned.

      Gary waded over to where she was sitting, and he placed his hands on her knees.  He wondered why his wife never tried to seduce him this way. This is just the kind of passion and attention that he longed for.   Candy uncrossed her legs, and keeping her toes pointed, she raised her right leg up and over his head and back down on his left side so that her legs were now open, allowing him to gaze at her glistening skin and the wet nylon fabric that clung to that most secret of places between her thighs.

     "I'm going to make you feel beautiful, Baby" he said as he pulled the strings on both sides of her suit, and peeled it off her body.  He could tell she was nervous, despite the sound of control in her voice, and the gleam in her eye.  This would be a night that neither of them would ever forget.  He knew that what they were about to do was unacceptable in almost every way that he could think of, and it was making it all the more exciting.  His daughter's body was now totally revealed to him for the first time in many years, and he marveled at the heavenly sight for a moment before picking her up and bringing her back down into the water.  The spun around together so that he could sit on the underwater step, and she could sit on top and facing him.

     Candy put her arms around his neck, closed her eyes, and laid back.  In this position, there was no doubt how turned on he was.  She pressed herself against him and smiled.  "Mmmm, Daddy, i can't wait to feel that inside me!"   The statement spoken aloud was almost more than he could bear.

     Gary pulled her back up and started kissing her.  he held on to her head as if to keep her from getting away.   Her grinding was driving him crazy, but didn't want to rush things.  He really wanted this to last, and he was going to make it worth every moment.  He laid her all the way back in the water, and lifted up her hips so that her pussy was right in his face.  She had shaved so smooth that no one ever would have known that there had been any hair there.  He literally felt hungry for her, and he wanted to devour her as though she were a sweet piece of fruit.

      Candy let out a soft gasp as his tongue touched her swollen lips for the first time.  She knew he could satisfy her longing.  It was a fantasy coming true!  It wasn't the first time she'd been touched by a man, but she could tell that this would be better than anything else she had ever experienced before.  She felt his tongue moving slowly up and down on her, and then in tiny circles.  Her whole body was tingling from what he was doing, and she hoped that things would only get better.

       Gary started sliding his tongue in and out of her.  Even at this point, he was amazed how small and tight she was, and wondered if she'd be able to handle him.   As anxious as he was to be inside her, it was important to him to please her first.

       He didn't have to wait long fo rthat.  Her movements started small and her breathing seemed steady at first, but then her body began a small, rhythmic series of convulsions, and her soft whimpers grew steadily into louder moans and even excited requests.  he could feel the tremors in her body and she was holding his head so tightly between her legs that he doubted he'd be able to hold his breath long enough to bring her to orgasm.

       "Please, don't stop - that feels sooo good!" she pleaded.  "!... that...feels.... so....   please don't" getting louder and louder.  "..I'm going to cum Daddy!  I'm !"

       With that, all sounds stopped, save a high pitch squeal that was barely audible as her entire body went rigid in the water.  The tremors lasted for just a short time, and then subsided into soft vibrations, and Gary could feel her thick, sweet juices covering his tongue and lips.  He was all too eager to taste each and every drop.  The mutual pleasure was beyond any words he had to describe it!


       When Candy came down out of the clouds, she went limp in his arms, and he had to pull her back to him.  Being close to him agian, they could feel each other's heart beating.  She was resting her head on his shoulder, which allowed him a wonderful view down the length of her back.  Was she dreaming?  Did all that really happen?!  It was a feeling that she had never experienced before.  She soon realized that it was not a dream when she felt her father's hardened member.   It was throbbing against her stomach.  She lifted her head and looked into his eyes; lingering close to his face.  She then closed her eyes and started to kiss him.  Slowly and softly at first, but then becoming increasingly more passionate and deeper, working them into an almost animalistic state.

       Not being able to wait any longer, Gary lifted his daughter up just enough so that he could lower her onto him.  He wondered if she had even noticed that little move becasue she was so into the kissing, but the sudden wide-eyed look on her face as she sat up straight indicated that she was now fully aware of his large cock starting to push it's way inside her.   He couldn't believe how tight she was.  It was obvious to him that he wouldn't be able to last long.  

        She was completed engorged by him, not believing how full she felt with him inside her.  What an awesome feeling!  She lowered herself slowly until he was totally buried in her, and then she stayed still for a bit to fully appreciate the sensation.  Then a steady rhythm began, making the water slosh around them, and echo off the walls.  "MMMM, i love this!" she cooed.

       They continued in this position for a little while, but then Gary wanted to be able to see her body react to the treatment she was getting from him.  From what he could tell, her senses were completely taken over by it.  Gary stood up and turned them around, and layed her down on the towel she had been sitting on earlier, and pushed her back so that he could lay on top of her.  he wanted her to feel his weight.  His wife never liked this, but Candy seemed to get even more aroused with the knowledge that she was going to be pinned down and completely under his control.  Actually, being in control is relative, as he would soon find out.

        Gary was getting closer and closer to the point at which he knew he wouldn't be able to hold out any longer, as he quickened his pace.  Each of his thrusts were met with a girlish yelp of air being pushed from her lungs.  He liked feeling her soft, firm body between him and the cold, hard tile floor. Each time he pushed himself into her, he penetrated a little deeper, and he knew he was about to cum.

        Candy could feel it too; he seemed to get even larger than he was before, and she could barely believe that she was accommodating the whole thing.  She noticed his quick breathing and especially the increasing speed and force with which he pounded into her.  She knew it was time, and she had planned for this moment too.  One advantage to having an over-protective parent si the fact that you're always prepared, and she was.  She was the one with the ace up her sleeve, and the control shifted in an instant.

        "Oh my God, Baby, you feel so incredible!" Gary gasped.   "I'm... going to..."

        At that moment, to his surprise, Candy wrapped her arms around him, pulling him down close to her, and whispered in a breathy voice, "Stay in me, Daddy...."    Saying it out loud brought about her own orgasm, and she could feel her muscles clenching down around him.

        He knew there was no defense against that, and attempted to pull out of her, but she was too fast, and locked her legs around his back and held him against her.   "Baby!  I"m " he pleaded as he tried to escape, but it was no use.  He seemed to be right where she wanted him, and there was nothing he could do about it.  He was amazed at her strength.

        "Fill me with your love, Daddy...." she whispered, "I want to feel all of it."

        And with that, Gary's body tensed, and was rocked with an explosive orgasm, and he could feel himself filling her with his cum, pulse after pulse, until there was nothing left.


        Candy could feel the warm fluid inside her, and even some spilling out.  The sensation totally satisfying her.   They held tight to each other for a long time, until the shaking subsided, and he layed helplessly on top of her with his eyes closed, breathing heavily.   She finally released him, and allowed him to sit up.  He gazed down at her innocent form; almost embarrassed.  Her eyes were closed, and she was just laying there.  He suddenly worried that she might be regretting what had just happened.

        "Baby, are you OK?" he asked her.  "How do you feel?"

        She opened her eyes, which revealed the glint of a tear, and she looked up at him with a dazed smile and calmly said, "Beautiful, Daddy.  I feel just beautiful...."

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The British Indian - Hot-Wife swapMy Husband Drove me to the Club, when we arrived at the Club car-park, our new friends, Alex & Aziza informed us. To sign up for the club membership. they told us, we will be provided with a Club tour by a member of Staff, Volunteering at the Club. Alex introduces Nasima and my Husband to the Private clubs front desk. we filled in the membership form, Provided them with some Identification. this was required to join into tonights Fun. we was then provided a...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 175 Correcting Changed Paths

Hmm. That would explain her being able to take my dick. Could she be telling the truth about having puberty start at seven and then stopped? After what Fern had told me I looked inside her using the place in my head. It showed me that she really had ovulated a bunch of times years ago, even that she had gotten a few eggs fertilized, but her uterus wasn’t ready to do anything with them. I was next guided to see the places the medicines to reverse her puberty had short-circuited places in her...

2 years ago
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Three Valleys SammiChapter 3

Sammi rubbed Brad's cock against her breasts. There was something about male hardness rubbing female softness that just turned her on. With her free hand she cupped his balls, feeling them moving around in their little sack. Brad began to move, little thrusts up into her hands. She leaned over and kissed the shiny head of his cock, tasting his pre-cum juices. Like a lot of boys his cum seemed bland and a little salty. She dribbled a little spit on him and then took his cock all the way to...

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Halloween Story Mallory

“I can’t believe you’re going to wear that costume, Mallory.” It was time for our annual Halloween party and I couldn’t wait. We took turns buying the costumes and that year it was up to Mallory to decide what we were going to wear. She wouldn’t tell me a thing and part of the game is for me to beg and plead for just one little clue. All week long I’d promised her interesting sexual favors and anything else I could think of, but of course she never said a word. Well almost nothing. There was...

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Being a Good Neighbor

Alana moved in next door about four years ago. Surprisingly, the ladies in our friendly little neighborhood didn't take too well to the divorced 35 year old brunette with the nice body. While not particularly stunning, Alana was nonetheless attractive in her own right. With an ass that you just wanted to grab every time you saw it and breasts that were significantly oversized for her 5'3" frame, the rumors about her began to swirl immediately. Supposedly she had walked out on her husband and...

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Shit. Damascus. Seriously? Damascus? I let myself be talked into going to Damascus? Easy, my boss said. A nice city, actually, he said. Very interesting sites. Fascinating history. Take your wife with you, the company will pay for everything. This will be perfect to re-connect with your wife after too many business trips. We desperately need this project, he said. You´re the best man to get it done. You won´t regret it. Yeah, yeah, the usual stuff that led me to visit Jordan, Egypt, Turkey...

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Oil of Roses Snakes Among the VinesChapter 30

January 27th, 2007, Friday – January 28th, 2007, Saturday Donna “But Sister,” Lizzy wailed, “I need to fuck ... can’t it wait?” “No, dear ... don’t worry, Brother will take care of you ... after.” “Lizzy, go on,” Jason said. “Sister Donna’s told you it’s time for you to be punished. Don’t make your sister wait or she might just leave you strapped to the bench.” Donna watched her sister Lizzy get to her feet and run to the spanking bench, getting into position. “I’ll be good, Sister,”...

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Father is seduced by daughter

Note : This story is completely fictional! When my daughter Julie was girl she got pen pall over in America, they wrote to each other once a month, to start they wrote the usual things about what they did at school, the boys they liked and disliked, they both like the same Film starts etc, etc, I knew this because she wasn’t a very good speller in her early years, and would ask me to read her letters and make any correction for her, and then she would write it out again. As she grew and could...

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Three Chapter 2

The woman awoke between her two lovers, both still naked and lounging as they dozed. Their dicks were soft and she ran her hands along their thighs, hips, and abs as she started to become aroused once again. The two men watched her hands as she caressed them and her bare legs as she slid them back and forth seductively. When one of their cocks twitched she smiled to herself and sat up. Crawling to the edge of the bed she flaunted her ass before getting off the bed. "You two look like you could...

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My friends dad 15

Then John gave me another kiss. “Go talk to her, she is your mom, you love her and she loves you,” John whispered in my ear. So I walked over to her. “OK mom, what's on your mind?” I asked. “John how much longer until the pancakes are done?” Christina asked. “About 10 minutes now,” John replied. “OK, can we go to your room and talk please?” Christina asked. “Sure,” I replied. I could only think of one thing that she wanted to talk about, but how could I say no? So we went over to my room, shut...

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Fun in the Park

I've suppose I don't strike people as particularly sexual or lustful; my friends often tell me I seem quite innocent. However, there are more than a few occasions I know of that would change their minds. Nick and I had been together for a little over three months, and we couldn't keep our hands off of each other. He had the broad shoulders of a linebacker and huge, strong arms he loved to wrap me in. He was the most beautiful shade of ebony, and I loved seeing his muscles ripple under his skin...

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Wife gets her fantasy threesome fufilled

This is a story about how I made an innocent bedroom fantasy into a reality in Las Vegas.My wife and I have been married now for 5 years. We are in our early 30s. She's sexy 5'6 with double dd's and an ass that literally swallows up her thongs/g-strings. Anyways so we went to Las Vegas 2 years ago to celebrate her birthday. We have both expressed fantasies and scenarios about having a 3rd person join in but never thought it would actually happen. On our 2nd night we went to this club called XS....

2 years ago
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Big Fat Fuck With Friend8217s Mom

Hi people, it is pleasure writing in iss and receiving comments which makes me write more stories. This story is of how my friends mom seduced me to fuck her. Coming to the story… Dev and me are great friends. We used to go to same school and now in the same college. Because of our friendship our moms have become close also. We close close to each other so either I was in his house or he was in mine. Devs mom, siya aunty was a big fat woman but always looked beautiful. Her figure was 44-36-42....

1 year ago
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Jan en Jos spuiten in me

Wij lopen naar het terras waar Jan op ons zit te wachten, met glimmende ogen kijkt hij mij aan. Zonder iets te zeggen staat hij op en pakt mijn hand, mij achter zich aan trekkend lopen wij de keuken in. Hij drukt mij tegen de achtermuur aan en zijn lippen liggen gelijk op die van mij en zijn tong schiet snel tussen mijn lippen door. Onze tongen beginnen een ruw erotisch spel, met zijn handen trekt hij mijn broek naar onderen en laat mijn harde pik in zijn handen verdwijnen. Als hij eraan begint...

3 years ago
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Confessions of a Porn Star Ch 03

Please vote. Please give me the support or your vote. Please vote. * Part Three: Love at first sight. Liz meets Mitch. So very long ago, seemingly a lifetime ago in sexual maturity, a lot has happened in six years since her prom. Now 24-years-old, with her not married, Liz would be considered an old maid not that long ago. A time when there were gaslights, horse drawn carriages, and women who took pride in having a good reputation, it was common for women to already be married by their...

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Im a pet

Contact me via inbox if you are visiting Grenada and will like to pay to have fun with ladies. PET MOMMY-SLUT!!!I am sure you have heard the saying be careful not to wake up the sleeping giant. Well, I woke the giant up both figuratively and literally with my son, Michael.Before I seduced him, he was a meek, shy and conservative boy who stroked himself often to i****t fantasies online. But once he had a taste of the forbidden fruit, he turned from boy to man, from mouse to lion.I knew I had...

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PornStar Ch 05

The first thing he felt was the pain. Razor-like spikes of pain that radiated from the huge knot on the back of his head and connected with various other injuries on his body. He swallowed but his throat felt like it stuck together and his tongue was a dry wooden plank in his mouth. A voice boomed in his ear. ‘Mickie! He’s awake!’ Shut the fuck up! He wanted to scream. His head throbbed like a stubbed toe and the sudden loud noise had made him jerk. Soft fingertips connected with his cheek...

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Martys Massage

by lingusMarty's MassageI had a problem. Not a big problem but a problem nonetheless. Itwould turn into a big problem if I didn't come up with somethingsoon. My wife Marty's birthday was just ten days away and I didn'thave the foggiest idea of what to get for her. What made mattersworse was that Marty absolutely refused to give me any hints.A few years ago Marty and I stopped telling each other what wewanted for our birthdays because we were getting in a rut. We bothalways seemed to ask for the...

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Mias Welt 07

Sie hatte mich gefragt ob ich da bleiben möchte .Nachdem ich mich von diesem unglaublichen Orgasmus erholt hatte . Ich kauerte zusammengerollt wie ein Embryo in dem schönen Sessel , sie stand neben mir und streichelte meinen Kopf . In dem war alles durcheinander geraten .Da war nichts mehr wie es sein sollte . Meine Gedanken waren wirr und unsortiert . Seit drei Tagen schüttelte irgendwer mein Gehirn herum wie eine Kinderrassel . Ich hatte sie angestarrt , wie schön sie war . Was für herrliche...

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So Forbidden But Oh So Good

Helen Spur lay on her sunbed reading a book. Next to her stood a table with a glass of Ice-Tea and a plate with cookies. She picked one up and bit into it. Some crumbs fell on her chest and she brushed them off. When she had finished the cookie she drank from the glass and then closed her eyes.The day was warm and not too hot. Her husband was out of town and she was alone in the house because her step-daughter and a friend of hers had gone to the mall. Helen loved the peace and quiet time she...

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The onslaught from the opening barrage of bloody great buggering and frantic fucking was starting to subside!!! Sue was sprawled out on an extremely crumpled and soaking bed with thick man-cream spewing from ALL her well filled fuck-holes!!!! The temptation of this fucking sight was all to much for both Jim and myself to bloody well resist!!!!! I knelt above the voluptuously sexy babe and dangled my bulging bollocks over her moist lips, this hopefully would stir the hot bitch into action for...

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Jean-Paul By Pappy27 Copyright© 2009 by Pappy27 A 22 year old soldier stationed in Germany meets a 19 year old French girl and they spend a romantic weekend together celebrating his twenty-second birthday. The following short story is true; the names have been changed to protect the innocent or not so innocent. The mistakes in spelling are due to individual languages e.g. Guasthaus (German name for a bar which may also function as a Bread and Breakfast in small...

Straight Sex
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Paddling to My DestinyChapter 12

I awoke a little sore. I must have injured something during the spill in the rapids. I crawled out of the tent, and like a cat, I did some stretching. It had rained during the night. Everything that had been left out, exposed to the elements, was wet. I let Dawn continue to sleep. I proceeded to collect some dry wood that had been placed under the canoe. The sky was still overcast, resulting in a less than vibrant display of colors from the vegetation and habitat around me. One special sense...

3 years ago
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Being A Complete Slut For Hubby Part 3

It looked like a busy and thrilling week coming up for me.My regular Monday night fling with Hazel was back on, Emre was coming round on Wednesday with four new friends, and I was off to Ufuk's place on Friday for another gang bang, this time with seven guys plus himself.I wasn't quite sure how Monday night would go as it would be the first time I'd seen Hazel since her partner had beaten her up, but I was really looking forward to seeing her whatever.As it turned out, it was fabulous. Hazel...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 378

The Retreat ... Jeff's eyes locked with hers and it was all she could do to keep from orgasming. Charlotte bit her lip, her body shivering as she forced herself to look away before she embarrassed herself and actually had an orgasm. What has this man done to me? He just looked at me, but it was as if he knew what I was feeling. And more than that, I want to sit in his lap and have him hold me. I've never felt this way about a man in my whole life, but he hasn't said or done anything...

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Good roomate fuck pt2

In college my room mate was a dud by the name of Daryl. Daryl was not a huge man in size only about five feet six, nice cut body, enjoyed physical fitness routines that woke me up early in the morning. I would lay there watching Daryl as he would do one hundred push ups and two hundred sit ups, I would get excited hearing him grunt and moan as he went through his motions. Some mornings I would wait till he had left the room and jack off thinking what it would be like having Daryl exhaust...

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Submissive Ssters 5 Anne Analysed

Awesome Anne has tiny tits, even smaller than Louisa-love. She is a lot less hairy at her legs than her hot elder sexy s!ster. Big bush of blond hair, curly all around her head, as it is below.Beautifully blonde below her belly and little bits in her armpits. Highest time for a more accurate probe of physical intimate inspection. Of all her outer and inner beauties, so I tap her at her boyish bottom. Order her to get up and stand legs wide spread at either side of mine. Right in front of me and...

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Tale Story Of Maya

Hello Readers. This is the story of Suchit and Maya. They both were classmates and college mates. They both love each other and are married. Maya doesn’t have any world, she thinks about Suchit all the time. Suchit is also a gentleman and never touched any other girl. They both used to have sex before marriage also. Maya never says ‘no’ to Suchit on the bed. Due to financial drawbacks, they didn’t plan for the child. Both parents opposed their marriage. One fine day Suchit met with an accident....

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Bhubaneswar Room Owner Aunty

Hi, I am Raj from Bhubaneswar I’m 23yrs old with 6.5inch cock n my mail id is Mujhe aunty aur bhabhi k sath chudai karna behad pasand h. Agar koi aunty ya bhabhi bhubaneswar se secret chudai karna chahti h toh mail kare. Mere taraf se aapki secrecy 100% hai. Toh ye kahani meri land landy ki hai, kaise maine use seduce kiya chudai k liye. Wo 39yrs ki h with fig 36-32-40. Totally modern hot n maintained fig wali koi v dekhe toh lund khada ho jaye. Wo apne family k sath upar floor pe rehti the...

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Private Anastasia Brokelyn Enjoys Anal on Video Call

Ever since Anastasia Brokelyn tried anal on she just can’t get enough, and today this nympho is back for more! Watch Anastasia in Private Specials, Orgy by the Pool as she takes on stud Alberto Blanco in a video call for her friend Talia Mint, opening up her ass for some intense anal action for Talia to enjoy as she gets horny with her man as well. Of course you can enjoy along too as Anastasia gets on her knees to show off her deepthroat skills before some more ass fucking as...

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Postal Pleasures

by Beagle9690 January 2018 After twenty years of marriage, my wife left me for a man she met while attending nursing college. The day the heartless bitch received her diploma as a registered nurse, was the day she served me with divorce papers at the commencement ceremony in front of everyone. She moved out the next day to be with her new young stud. He was handsome to a fault; like a petulant male model. He had a full head of hair, perfect teeth and he is twenty years younger than the...

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Neighbour learning to skype

Hi all its been a while since my last post and alot of it is down to my inconsiderate wife wanting to diet a little bit and tone up,so she has had no heavy drinking sessions, both my neighbour and myself are devastated as he has not had the chance of a follow up fuck. I know he has had wanks whilst listening to me and my wife fucking at night as he has told me numerous times.John my elderly neighbour has been learning how to skype and we have had a few lessons during the day so he is fairly...

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After The Coach Holiday

Sixty-year-old Karen Lister and fifty-seven-year-old Louise Mitchell had met on a coaching holiday to Scotland and after swiftly establishing that they both had a preference for the female body, they spent the evenings and nights of their holiday making love.Their homes were about forty miles apart and it was arranged that Louise would drive to Karen's house the day after they returned from holiday so that they could spend the weekend together.As Louise drove towards her new lover's house she...

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My First Time as a Porn Moviemaker

 I think I’ve said before that all my stories have at least some elements of fact, either my own experiences or those of friends who have told me of theirs. This story, however, is all fact, and I still get wet just thinking about it!I share a room in a flat with some friends, one of whom is Anna. She and I have got very close over the last year, and we even enjoy masturbating together when we can’t see our boyfriends. Yes, we are that close!A few days ago, Anna blushed and asked me if I would...

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Scavenger Hunt

My uncle had owned one of the largest genetic corporations on Thantos. Thontos was considered a grey world by almost all the federations, the few empires and the republics. Not to mentions the independent systems and the kingdoms. We might be a grey world but they all still came to us. I had known him well and even if I was not into genetics he and I enjoyed talking. I was sixteen and already an engineer and ship designer. I glanced at the two well dressed men when they walked into the small...

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In the Old Farmers Cottage

Let me introduce myself to you;I am a 19 year old girl with short brown hair, and an athletic build, long legs,with rather large boobs that tend to make me look a bit top heavy.In between college terms, I scanned the local paper for a part time job so's I could earn a bit of money to tide me over until the new course started after the summer break. My eye was drawn to an ad which wanted a domestic, twice a week. That seemed ideal to me so I rang the number and an interview was arranged.I turned...

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Wives and Daughters Swap ClubChapter 8

Lenny could tell that something was bothering his sister. He told Britney that she knew that she could talk to him about anything because he was her big brother. The young teen then broke down and told him everything that had happened the weekend at her teacher’s home. How she went there voluntarily with Barbra, expecting her and Barbra to be alone that weekend. How, after lesbian sex with Barbra, her husband came in and raped her; and then repeatedly used her for his sexual pleasure the rest...

2 years ago
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Mother wants to fuck my buddy

Being in an i****tual relationship with your mother exposed me to learn about her sexual fantasies as well. I was surprised to know that her fantasies involved some of my friends. One of her fantasies involved watching me suck my best friend, Nathan's cock and get it hard to fuck her. Those of you who have had the pleasure of fucking their mother's would know how impossible it is to say "no" to your mother especially when she asks you about it soon after you come in her ass and you are watching...

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Lil Sister

My name is Chad. I’m 42 years old and I’m a pretty good looking guy. I am not a body builder or anything like that, I like to workout, but I’m not too serious about it. I have a stepsister named Stephanie. Last week was her birthday and she just turned 18 years old. She has brown hair, bluish green eyes and these amazingly perky breasts. It was Friday night and her parents had just left for the weekend to visit some sick relatives, leaving Stephanie with me for the weekend. I asked my sister...


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