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Chapter 1 – Bastard

I could not move my arms. Feels like I am bound somehow. And I felt a bit out of it. I couldn’t see as well. Initially I didn’t know why. God damn it! I must have been drugged or something. Panic began set in. Where am I and who has done this to me? No doubt I have been kidnapped somewhere. And I must have been blindfolded as I could not see anything at all. Soon however, I began to get some feelings in my arms and legs and my previous assumptions have been right. My arms were tied behind my back and my legs were tied together like a hogtie. I tried to sit up but there seemed to be some sort of neck collar leash binding me to the floor. And I was face down on the floor. My mouth was gagged with something like a gag and it was pretty tight and intrusive. There was something like a rod underneath the gag and it was shoved right down into my tongue. I could feel the drool forming around my mouth and down to the floor. As I had my face on the floor, I could feel the wetness around the face where the drool has accumulated. The floor felt cold. My whole body felt cold. I started to cry. I started to cry really hard. In my position, all I could do at the moment was well.....nothing at all except to drool. And for the first time in years, I felt fear. Uncontrollable complete fear.

After what seemed to be an eternity, I could hear a door opening. And it sounded like a very heavy metal door. That kind of doors which was completely metal, heavy and used to keep things in and intruders out. Then I heard footsteps. They sounded slow and deliberate. I immediately tried to call out, begging anyone to let me go. Or at least tell me what I am doing here. But the gag in my mouth prevented me from doing that – sounded more like grunting than anything else. But at least I did try.  I tried to shake off whatever was blindfolding me but obviously that didn’t work. The footsteps just stop there. Not speaking. Nothing. The person stood here without a single word. And with me all shaking about and trying in vain to form some intelligible words, I soon found myself extremely exhausted from all the efforts. Finally I gave up and lay there sobbing into my gag while trying to catch my breathe. A few minutes later, I could hear the footsteps moving and in a flash, the door closed and I was left with my lonesome self again. No don’t leave me here alone! Please god damn it, tell me something! Tell me why I am here! Tell me what you are going to do to me! Let me go!! Why are you doing this to me?? I struggled weakly trying to vent my frustrations at whatever was around me and to free myself, but being bounded the way I am, I couldn’t do much. Wasted energy. And the bounds are hurting me a lot now. My arms, they felt extremely sore, especially as they were tied behind my back. And lying in the same position for such extended time, I began to feel my arms (and my entire body for that matter) getting numb. I don’t know how long I can I handle the pain. I wanted the pain to go away but there was nothing much I could do. Moving my body in any direction hurts so much now. I felt extremely frustrated not be able to do anything.

I must have fallen asleep. Even with the dull pain from my arms. I don’t know how long I have been kept bound like that. But somehow I was so exhausted after the vain attempts to free myself, I just fell asleep. I woke up with a jerk but I knew I was still bound the same way as before. I was in the same position as before too. My arms are so numb that I could not feel them at all. The all intrusive gag was still wedged in my mouth. Damn it! There is still a puddle of drool where my face was just moments ago. I could feel my mouth foaming with the drool as my breathing was so difficult. I felt very much like crying again. But tears seem hard to come by. Just how long do they plan to keep me like this? And I realize that I badly needed to pee. My bladder was getting full and needed release. These bastards! I need to pee! Come on, let me go! I tried screaming into my gag again but as expected, nothing much came out of it. The gag was just too tight and that head was pressing onto my tongue, threatening to do down my throat. No matter how much I tried adjusting the gag with my tongue, trying to push it away, it went back to pressing down onto my tongue. My mouth ached without any reprieve. I felt so hopeless and frustrated at the same time.

And just when I was about to give up, I heard the door opening again. This time I stopped any attempted screaming and just lay there – hoping that whoever has entered the room would at least tell me something. I could hear the footsteps coming slowly into the room and stopping somewhere in front of me. The sound of the boots shuffling on the floor was loud, especially in the silence of the room. I just held my breathe and hope that the person would speak. But he or she didn’t. For a whole 10 minutes, there was silence. I didn’t dare to do anything during those agonising minutes least the person left the room again. He or she must have been staring at me all these time. Then I heard the footsteps again and it ended with the door shutting. I completely lost it then. I started screaming and struggling on the floor like some sort of crazed caged animal. But in the end, I just lay on the floor, exhausted as before. It is just so hopefully. I was completely tied up without any way to get myself free. When is this going to end? And without a second thought, I let go of my bladder and I could feel urine coming out. I could feel the warm liquid wetting my panties and then my skirt. Soon, it was all over my shirt and nearly reaching my face. I could smell my own piss emanating in the room. It needed to come out. How have I reduced to this – peeing onto my own clothes while being hogtied onto the floor? I felt extremely humiliated at my situation. Gagged, hogtied and lying in my own waste. I started to cry yet again.

It must have been hours since the last time someone came into the room. I was starting to get very hungry and thirsty as I have not eaten or drank anything since I was here. Even when I am drooling, I could feel the dryness of the insides of my mouth. Worse is my throat. The gag prevented me from swallowing. And even if I could swallow, it would feel like I am swallowing thorns down my throat. The room began to stink really bad with my own piss. With my nose so close to the floor, I could not even avoid it. My clothes were all stained with my own piss as well. My arms are so numb; I thought they have been dislocated somehow. And that gag is making everything unbearable. I wish so much that the gag would be removed. I am not used to having something wedged into my mouth, not to mention that it threatened to go down my throat. Why haven’t anyone come back? I would do anything to be released from this bondage and having a change of clothes. But alas, I am still hogtied in the same position without any clue as to when this will all end. Whoever is doing this is trying to make me go insane. Even if he or she has not lay a single hand on me, this kind of mental torture is probably even more cruel. Keeping me in isolation and not knowing what will happen to me is the worst kind of torture anyone could face. With that, I began to think of committing suicide. Anything would be better than this. I could try bite my tongue but there is a big gag in my mouth. And even if I could bite my bite, I probably won’t have to guts to do it.

And as if someone could read my mind, the door opened again. In a way, I was extremely glad to have hear the door opening. I lay very still – kind of scared actually but also kind of relief as well. I started crying. I guess that is my normal reaction to be in this situation. Most people would cry as well, not to mention a 22 year old student who has barely seen the world. Please, tell me something! Please! What do you want with me?! Give me some answers for god’s sake! Again the footstep stopped right in front of me, very near my face. I could sense that it was the same person since the shuffling of the feet felt the same. At first, there was no other movement but then I felt a hand touch my face. I flinched at the touch but the hand kept on touching my face. The hand first went to my hair, then it moved to my cheek and finally to my lips. It stopped there, gently caressing my lips, feeling the sides of my mouth and the gag. The hand even wiped away a little of the drool that had formed near the bottom of the gag and my bottom lip. The caressing went on for about 5 minutes or so.

Then the voice spoke – ?You will knee?.

It is a male voice. Harsh, slightly rough with a weird foreign accent. Maybe from Mexico or some Latin American country. I didn’t know. I didn’t really care at that time. I could hear some pulley being activated and the leash around my neck slacken considerably. It felt good not to be bound face onto the floor. I immediately tried to get back up but couldn’t as I was still hogtied. I managed to lift myself up for a while but fell back onto the ground, hitting first face. I could taste the blood on my lips.

?Try again? the voice commanded.

I had expected the person to help me up but no, he didn’t even have the courtesy. Bastard. I tried a few times and finally when I got myself on my knees, I was sweating profusely from the effort. It isn’t that easy to sit up when you have been hogtied for hours and hours, no matter who agile or young you are. The binds on my arms and legs were again beginning to hurt a lot. But at least I am not face down on the ground anymore. After I was done, there were no further commands from the man. He seemed to be content looking at me for some time. So I just held there, kneeling on the ground uncomfortably.

?Take off your clothes? came the next command.

I could feel him moving behind me and releasing the bonds on my arms and legs that held me in a hogtie position. It was some sort of double handcuff or something. The first was locked at my elbows and chained to my legs while the other was locked at my wrists. He firmly unlocked both the cuffs and my arms and legs were free. I felt very much relieved as my arms were not longer locked behind me. However my first instinct was to get rid of my blindfold and my arms went to my head to free the blindfold. But before I could touch my blindfold, I felt something hit me hard in the stomach. Pusssffff! I got the wind knocked completely out of me and I went down fast. The gag prevented me from coughing too much but either way I was completely out of breathe. The pain was so intense that all I could do was to curl up like a ball. Without a word, I could feel him locking my arms and legs again and the leash was tighten. Back again, I was hogtied and face on the ground. Without a word, I could hear him walking away and closing the door behind him. I cried again and wanted very much to tell him that I was sorry. I didn’t mean to try and remove my blindfold. It was just my instincts kicking in. I also knew then and there that he demanded that I do what I was told. If I was to survive, I have to be a fast learner and I now learned my first important lesson – never to disobey him again. Or at least till I find a way to escape. It was all about survival now.

I was awoken by the sound of the door opening. I was so exhausted that I must have fell asleep again. I don’t know how many long it has passed since he left me like this but my arms are telling me it should be a few hours at least. The thirst in my throat was so bad, then it felt like it is on fire about right now. Even my lips feel dry and cracked. I needed water and only he can provide that to me. Yes, only him. And the room stinks real bad with my own piss. Anyway, without a word, I felt the leash on my neck slacking again. Immediately I shook off the cobwebs in my head and tried to get into the kneeling position he told me previously. After a few tries, I finally succeed getting onto my knees. Yes, I understood what he wanted now – to obey his wishes. So this is what is to become of me – some sort of slave without any will and do as I was told? Why me? Life is so unfair. Once I got into the kneeling position, I could feel the cuffs on my elbow and wrist being released. He seemed to know his way around locks and binds. What now? Oh yes, he wanted me to undress. Wait, in front of him? I hesitated. I have never been comfortable with nudity and especially in front of strangers! But what choice do I have now. I definitely don’t want to be hogtied on the floor again. I don’t want to die alone in place where nobody will find me. I am just 22 years old. And my clothes are soiled. So I began to undress. It felt very uncomfortable and worst of all, the man didn’t say a single word while I undress myself. I could feel him staring at me though. I unbutton my soiled blouse and then my skirt. It was not easy with the blindfold on. How about my bra and panties? I didn’t know whether to continue or not, so I just kneel there after dumping my blouse and skirt on the floor. It felt kind of awkward kneeling in my bra and panties not knowing what to do. But I soon realize that he wanted to me to take off ALL of my clothes. So slowly I peeled off my bra and panties and kneel there in my birthday suit, trying my best to cover my breasts and pussy. Modesty? I had stripped right in front of a stranger. Modesty had gone out of the window. But I still had to try least I go insane.

?Drink? the voice said.

I didn’t know what to do. The gag was still in my mouth. Was I to remove the gag? How? I was to obey his commands so I slowly moved my hands to the back of my head, all the while expecting to be punched in the stomach again. But this time, no punch came. I tried my best to find some way to remove the gag but it was no use. I didn’t know how to work the bindings. There was some sort of a tiny twist lock holding the gag and the strap on my chin in place. And suddenly, I felt a hard slap across my face. It was so unexpected as I was busy meddling with the lock and so hard that I spun around on my knees and fell onto the floor. I could feel sting and blood forming in my mouth. A hand roughly held my head up and I felt the gag being released from my mouth. And of course I cried – both from the pain of the slap and the relief that came with the removal of the gag. That intrusive head was suddenly no longer there and I felt some comfort in my mouth. My tongue was again free to move about, something which I had not felt for hours with the gag on. But I wasn’t given any reprieve. I was roughly pulled up onto my knees and his foot was placed onto my knees preventing me from standing up. Then by pulling my hair upwards, he forced open my mouth and pour water into it. At first I started choking but somehow I got control of my gag reflexes and managed to start drinking the water. It was actually delicious to me even though it was just plain water. The water felt so good going down my throat like some sort of elixir that I choked a grateful ?thank you? to my assailant after I finished drinking. Thank you? After he kidnapped you, tortured you, strip you naked and force water down your throat? Thank you?? What am I thinking? He is a monster and should not be thanked at all!

Before I could say anything else, the gag was back into my mouth. I whimpered as he locked the gag tightly back into my mouth. I wanted to beg him not to put the gag into me but he didn’t give me a chance. I wanted to beg so much. The gag was unnecessary. I wasn’t going to scream. I wasn’t going to bite. I wasn’t going to disobey him in anyway. If he could see my eyes, he would see me silently begging him as well. But I was blindfolded. Bastard. I could feel my jaws aching again from the gag as it was shoved into my mouth very roughly. I couldn’t breathe properly as well. Bastard. If he could look at my eyes now, he would see the hatred in them. Not that it matters. Once the gag was securely tighten, I could feel myself being suddenly pulled by the leash around my neck. However, my legs were still tied together and I fell forward, only to be supported by strong arms. Indeed, as my arms held on tight onto his arms, I could feel the taunt muscles on this man. He is someone in great shape. Definitely much stronger than even my boyfriend. And my boyfriend isn’t exactly a wimp either. But as much as I hope my boyfriend would appear out of nowhere and rescue me from this hellhole, I knew now is not the time to think about him. It would broke my heart and end up with me sobbing uncontrollably.

?Crawl? the command was given.

I was to crawl. Shit. The man pulled me on the leash towards the floor. I knew better than to disobey. If he wants me to crawl, I don’t really have much of a choice right? It is not like I can overpower someone that strong, blindfolded, gagged with my legs tied together. Even with my both of my arms free, I am not exactly Bruce Lee. In fact, even if I have the element of surprise, there is nothing I can do to knock down what seem to be a much stronger man. And I was just so exhausted after the bondage I have been through. I thought to myself, this is the only way if I am to survive. So I was soon down on all fours, naked except for the leash, blindfold and cuffs, crawling wherever the man leads me to. My legs were tied together so I had to do some sort of a leap crawl. I guess I must look like of silly – a grown woman, naked, leashed and doing crawls. But luckily it wasn’t too far. Within a few crawls, he stopped. I stopped as well, on my knees trying to figure out what will happen next. I could feel the floor being slightly different from previously where I was. This one had tiles. I could feel the leash being tugged upwards slightly, so I obediently went on just my knees with my hands off the ground. And somehow when I was kneeling and my hands being free, I tried to cover myself again. One of my arms covering my breasts while the other trying to cover my pussy. It was instinctive and a bit stupid. But I am sure that it didn’t matter to the man.

?Wash? he ordered me. Yes, I was to wash.

I nearly jumped up when I felt cold water splashed onto me. If my mouth wasn’t gagged, I would have probably screamed. All I could do was to whimper through the gag. It was cold. I am not used to bathing with cold water. But again, it felt good. The water felt good on my skin. I I needed to wash away the stink of piss and the sweat that was still on my body. I must have smelled bad even without my soiled clothes on. So I began to wash my body. He didn’t give me any soap but I did not care I just wanted my body to be clean of all the disgusting piss and sweat. So there I was on my knees and as the water continued to splash down, I rubbed my body especially my pussy, making sure to get every part clean as if washing my body would make me forget I am in this horrible situation. I thought about washing my face and hair but with the blindfold and gag on, I didn’t know whether he would allowed it. The show head seemed to be placed pretty low as well. When I am kneeling, it stood about the height of my chin. So I stuck to washing my body only. Kind of reminds me of a Japanese erotic movie I saw with my boyfriend where the young woman was forced to bath while kneeling on the floor while her tormentors watched and laughed among themselves. Never did I expect to be in the same situation just weeks later. At the same time, I heard the sound of water being sprayed onto the floor somewhere else in the room. No doubt, my assailant was washing the floor where I had pissed a while ago. A short while later, the hosing by my assailant stopped and I could hear him walking towards me. But then the footsteps stopped. It must have been about 15 minutes and since he did not tell me to stop, I kept on washing my body over and over again. I knew I was already clean but I didn’t want to get punched in the stomach again for disobeying. It felt weird to have somebody watching you bath. I didn’t like it one bit. I knew that he was watching every part of my body, especially my intimates. The most sacred of places, yet it was more or less exposed to a stranger. I wanted to cry again but this time I managed to stop myself. I kept on washing my body like nothing has happened. And then suddenly, the water stopped. I tensed and stiffen, not knowing what to do, all the while water kept on dripping from my body onto my knees and floor.

?Brush your teeth? the voice said.

He pulled me on my leash forward and stopped. Sure, you sick bastard, I will brush my teeth. And so I again tried to unlock the gag myself. And again I failed miserably. This time however, he did not slap me. I was expecting him to but he merely knocked away my fingers and unlocked the flip lock for me. Although he was pretty rough when he removed the gag from the mouth, I must say, it felt really good to have the damn gag out of my mouth. My jaws ached badly. My tongue felt like they have been crushed by a ten ton truck. And my mouth was quickly dry again. He placed a toothbrush on my hand and a cup of water on the other. I did no need any further bidding. Immediately I started brushing my teeth. I felt like a kid being ordered by her angry parents to brush her teeth in the evenings. Oh god, why is he doing these things to do? Won’t he give me any privacy at all? After I had finished brushing my teeth and I gargled with the water he gave me, I did not know where I should expel the water to. So I stood there with my mouth full of water. I could feel his hand forcing my head downwards so I spilt out the water. He then pulled my hair upwards roughly so that my mouth was wide open and I could feel his breathe next to me. It didn’t smell that bad. I was kind of expecting someone with bad breathe and alcohol but he smelled kind of neutral. And was he inspecting my mouth? He held me in the position for some time and there was nothing I could do. Yes, he is inspecting my mouth. He surely is some twisted fellow.

?Brush again? he commanded.

With that, he let go of my hair. And I started brushing my teeth yet again. Well, at least I am not wearing that awful gag right? We could do this the entire day if he so wish. I didn’t mind. But I knew that I shouldn’t push my luck and so I finally stopped brushing and started to gargle again. And when I expelled the water from my mouth, his fingers grabbed hold of my hair yet again and he did the exact same thing as before. However this time, he seemed to be satisfied that I have brushed my teeth well. I knew that he was going to gagged me again so I tried to pull my hands up to stop him. But he won’t have any of it. He knocked my hands away angrily and shoved the gagged back into my mouth, making me gag. I could feel his hands around my neck and he was squeezing real tight. I knew better to resist. Won’t want him to choke me to death. So the gag was back into my mouth. I really hate this invader. Seemed that he has some sick fascination with my mouth to enjoy having it stuffed like that all the time. It even made my breathing difficult. On my knees like a slave. Naked like a slave. Leashed like a slave. Gagged like a slave. Oh god, what will happen to me? Am I really to be his slave and kept gagged and naked all the time?

I would soon learn that he did have a mouth fetish and it involved stuffing things into my mouth. Whether it would be a gag, dildo, vegetables, fruits, his dick or anything that could fit into my mouth, he would try it. His favourite was a dildo about 7 inches long and disgustingly thick. My god, the horror that I have been through! I don’t have a wide mouth. In fact, I would consider my mouth rather small. But with him, I had to train to swallow that dildo and reaching the end. I learned to deep-throat him as well – taking his entire shaft completely down my throat down to his testicles. The gag and dildos were just part of the training. I was rather surprised that I could do it. It did looked kind of intimidating. It took a lot of training as a penis is actually different from a dildo, but I managed to get it all the way down. The first few times I did was the worst experiences I ever had. I just wasn’t really to deep throat someone. I could feel the tip of his erect penis hitting my throat and more often than not, my gag reflex would kick in. It took a lot of self-control but I finally managed to keep myself from puking, most of the time anyways. I knew that I would be punished severely if I puked, especially with his penis still in my mouth. And he liked to see me fighting hard to control my gag reflex. That sick bastard. As if the inability to breathe wasn’t enough, he enjoyed trying to make me puke by pushing all the way into my mouth down my throat. Sometimes he would even shove that member of his into my mouth without taking it out for over a minute. My jaws already aching from this abuse would have to be kept open all the time his dick was in my mouth. My entire neck would constrict due to the lack of air, turning my entire face red. With tears streaking down my face, I would be then left gasping for air after he withdrew his erect penis. Once he tortured me like this for over 2 hours. Yes, he had me deep throat him for two long hours. How I have suffered in his hands. He kept deep-throating me till I was out of breathe, sometimes keeping his penis deep in my mouth for excruciating long periods of time, then withdraw, slap me around for a bit and then went back deep-throating me. I even blacked out a few times during those torture sessions. Even as I am rather experienced in deep-throating by then, these games he played with my mouth and throat were to haunt me till this day. Sure he had tortured me in numerous other degrading ways but somehow this was the worst. And he always wanted me to keep my mouth ?clean?. Clean for his penis. Clean for his toys. Clean for him – the monster. I brush my teeth at least three times per day. It was some kind of fascination for him. Even if he ejaculated his seed into my mouth, I was to swallow the entire load and subject myself to inspection. But luckily when he cum, his penis was usually way down in my throat, so I did not have to taste the foul taste of his semen.

?Dry yourself? he barked at me.

Yes, anything you want. A towel of some sort was shoved into my hands and I tried my best to dry myself. I patted the towel all over my body, letting the towel soak in the water on my skin. Again it felt good to be clean and dry. In situations like this, even simple pleasures like being clean and dry which was something we often take advantage of, that one would sincerely appreciates. I was certainly glad to be clean and dry.  It took about 2 minutes before he grabbed the towel away from me and I could feel being tugged by the leash. And so I followed, crawling in the direction he was pulling. Again, I felt rather humiliated to be in this position. Why does he want me to crawl on all fours like a dog? I could definitely move faster on my feet than on all fours. And where was he leading me to? I have no idea. I am pretty sure I was still somewhere in the room as I could hear the echo of his boots and the sound of the chain but it was definitely not the same position that I was hogtied previously.

?Stay? he shouted at me.

Stay? Oh god, have I have truly reduced to being an animal? Stay? But what I was to do? I could feel him pinning my arms again and they cuffs on my elbows were locked together again. But the cuffs on my wrists were still free. Felt kind of weird to have your elbows locked together but your wrists free. And in that position, I could feel my breasts being pushed outwards like they are being on display. Sick bastard.

?Back Straight? he said. Tapping me hard on my back with his boots.

And so I did. What choice did I really have? On my knees, my arms sort of tied together with my back straighten. I am sure that with my back straightened, my breasts look even more exposed – kind of like those porn movie posters where you see those female stars trying to show as much cleavage as possible to attract attention from their male fans. I could not describe the humiliation I felt being in this position. Perhaps that is what he is doing to me – humiliating and degrading me to be some sort of a slave animal forced to expose my assets to him whenever he wished. I could feel him looking at me as he walked around me, like he was buying some merchandise. And I was on display. Inspecting every single part of my body and whenever he wanted, he would touch - all the while saying nothing. I had goosebumps all over. All I could do was to moan through my gag. What else could I do?  I didn’t want to be hogtied on the floor again. I just wanted to get all these over with. But I felt the shame of being caressed without my permission. I felt violated with the abuse. It shouldn’t be like this! After he was done with my body, he went back to caressing my mouth – paying a lot of attention running his fingers over my somewhat swollen lips, as if to smoothen the pain. Then suddenly he stopped. I could feel him standing up and like a master giving a command to his kneeling lesser – I heard him say the words that would signify my ultimate journey to slavery.

?I shall name you Candy?

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Candi's story If you don't think this is a work of fiction you are crazy. "Thank you dear that was delightful." I smiled on a post orgasmic haze. Being married for 4 years out sex had become so routine. Its not that we didn't have sex often enough or that I no longer found my wife attractive. Its just the same positions always ending up in missionary position till we both came. "Yes I enjoyed it too." At breakfast the next day I struggled to formulate my wanting to...

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The Mailman in New Town

LuEllen and I had just moved to a new town in a new State after jobs in Omaha were outsourced to cheap unskilled company. Bitter, no. I tripled my salary in Illinois. LuEllen got a job right away too and life was amazing. My new job had flex hours. I work 9-hour days 8 days, 8-hour day 1 day, and 1 day off on the 10th day. It was great. The k** was in school on my day off and that left us time to accomplish things around the house or to just play all day. On one particular day around 11, I was...

2 years ago
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Academic Dishonesty

Hello Anne, I have recently reviewed your final paper, and would like to speak to you directly with some of my concerns. I understand that the semester has officially ended, but due to the nature of the matter. I expect to see you in my office tomorrow evening at 8:30. Sincerely, Prof.Carter Hmm. I reread the email that was sent yesterday. What could have been wrong with my paper? I spent weeks researching and editing on it. Sighing in frustration, and wishing I could enjoy my first night...

3 years ago
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Jr Wants to Be a Mother Fucker

The alternate title that I thought about for this story was MOM WAS A COCK TEASE. LINDA That's me, Linda McGuire. I'm the Mom that you're reading about. My husband's name is Kenneth McGuire. My son has the same name, but no one calls him that. He's known as JR, just the initials, which of course is short for Junior. There was no moon out as I led Ken out of the family room and onto the patio. I led him by his still flaccid cock, barely sticking out from his robe. We had a lot of privacy...

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Dirty Fantasy for mom turned real

After about an hour of jerking off with smoking weed...rishi went to meet his mother and check out what was she upto. Kaveri complained to rishi about a pain in her teeth. she wanted to go to dentist and rishi said that he too would come. She was happy that her son is coming along with her but for rishi it was another chance of watching her mother in her low cut blouse which she used to wear whenever she goes out. Her bare back without any mangalsutra would make such scene hot for anyone....

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Love Romance Sex Cute Rajkot Male 8211 Part II

Hi my lovely friends mene first part me jo kaha vo apne padliya hoga or khub enjoy kiya hoga or ab 2part vese to ap log muje jante hi honge ab im raj 27m from rajkot looking cute handsome i want one good gf good sathi good partner acha to ab or kuch nai kehna he jo kahena tha vo first part me kehdiya he ab story start karta hu jo kehna hoga vo last me kahedunga coz I know now ur hot time or pani nikal jaye akhir me jo kaha ho vo padlena sirf girls kyu ke boys ko koi faida nai he or nahi muje...

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My wifersquos hot mom

I and my wife have been married for over 2 years. My wife and I visited her mother a few times a year. My wife is very close and friendly with her mom, so we always find a way to visit her mom who lives alone. To be honest, I always hated going because it was too boring. You do all those conversations concerning cooking, housing, washing secrets. When the day of visiting her mom came I felt sad because I was expecting this visit. But anyway, we got into the car and drove away.The visit started...

3 years ago
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Her name was Meredith. She was as plump as a little partridge. Thick muscular legs, toned. Her ass defied gravity.We would get together in my room and play guitar and sing songs. We would do Cash and Carter's "Jackson". We were pretty good too. She could harmonize well.One night we were at a bar here in Down Town. She sat in the stool next to me. She wore a short skirt. She had soft blond hair on her thighs, very light, barely visible.Her tits were small and pert. She had big gorgeous brown...

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The ShootistChapter 2 On the run

The next morning, Pa had to go to work. I was left to putter around and wait for him to get back for supper before we could have some time to talk. About all we had time for when I got in last night was a quick hello and an almost as quick explanation of why I was where I was. I promised to give him all of the details of my adventures when I saw him that evening. Meanwhile, I helped the cook with a few chores and mostly lazed away the day. Late that afternoon, the mean bastard that I had met...

3 years ago
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Building a Nest of Our Own07 Religious Tirades

“Thanks for helping us ferry people,” Al began. “We honestly needed the assistance with this.” “Yeah, there’s a real ... full load to transport,” Betty said, catching herself before saying something she shouldn’t in front of so many small children. “Believe me, it was worth seeing you go apoplectic every time someone mentioned Lozzlint,” Xi giggled before turning to her bond-mate. “And you’re going to have to learn to reserve your adult language for telepathic messages.” “With you two...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

4 years ago
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Stuck In The Middle

STUCK IN THE MIDDLE by Throne I guess you could say I was stuck in the middle at work. I was a junior account manager, which doesn't carry much weight. My boss, Drake Hasson, promoted three people over me in the year I was there. My wife Vicky wasn't happy about that but at least we didn't have any money worries, not with her earning twice as much as me, plus hefty bonuses, at her job as a senior account manager for another company. Part of my problem was that I had neither the...

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To Sensitive Men Chap 2

by Fenris420 One year later. The house was dark and quiet as we lay in bed, Noah’s arm draped over me, his body pressed against my back with his soft cock nestled against my ass. We had just finished making love and we were both resting, recovering, before our passions stirred us into another session. We were in a different house, in a state halfway across the country. After the night I seduced my son and changed our lives forever, I began looking for places to relocate to. If we were to...

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Cheryl and the bet

One day Cheryl and I was talking and Cheryl was talking bad about Gregg the old football coach of her son. Cheryl at one time wanted to fuck Gregg and I said that was ok. I told Cheryl that I think she was upset because Gregg didn’t want to have sex with her. Cheryl said Kevin all I had to do was call him and he would fuck me if I wanted him too. I told Cheryl that he wouldn’t Cheryl told me Ill bet you he would and if I called him he still would and he called me once already. I told Cheryl I...

Group Sex
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My mom and I at the pool

My name is Eric, I'm 20 and my mom's name is Diane. My mom is hot for being 42 honestly. She has nice c-cup boobs and has brown hair and eyes as do I. My parents divorced for a few years. One sunny afternoon I was in the pool just having fun while I could, sunny weather didn't last forever. When I was in the pool I had fun, and eventually my mom had gotten home from work. She had a long day of course, so when she came over to the pool to let me know she was home, I tried to convince her to take...

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The Crazy Lady Who Had It All

I know intros can be boring while reading some steamy hot sex story, but I gotta tell you I have had sex many times before but this lady was way to special and amazing so I had to write this story. So, I’m ranjit(name changed), 24yrs old and I stay in Hyderabad work in a big MNC and this is my first story among all d good times I have had, my email I’d is if you like the story please let me know, I’m also always open to talk to pretty girls and all the beautiful ladies out there. So this...

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Doing The Nine Sisters 1 Alpha Phi

Part One – Alpha Phi The first thing I wanted to do when I went to college was join a fraternity. All through high school I had heard the tales of drinking, partying, and wild and plentiful sex and I wanted my share. I made the round of rush parties, talking with a lot of guys and trying to make a good impression. I was preferenced by two houses and, in the end, decided to become a Sigma Pi. They were considered one of the best on campus, with a great share of scholars and student...

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Working It In

When the wife and I went out of town, we hired Tanya, the college girl from down the street who babysat our kids occasionally, to housesit and take care of our dog. Tanya was twenty, maybe twenty-one, and built, as they say, like a brick shithouse. She had long dirty, brown hair and firm full tits, with curves that made it very hard to look her in the eye for long. She was a wet dream, and she knew it. Every time she came over to our place to babysit, she was wearing clothes that managed to...

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Dream Weaver Ch 01

The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...

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Princess Lilibeth of Moorsey 1

“Shall I remind your maidservant of her station, my Lady?” Fallon barked. His olive face, barely peeking over the tall back of my settee, was crimson under his whiskers. He was dressed for court in Father’s colors, green and gold. Fallon’s aged buttons and medals were more brass at this point. “No, no, that’s quite unnecessary. You’re dismissed, Fallon.” I neglected to mention Rachel’s state was by my own choosing. Why would I defend my property? She glowered at me under her eyelashes across...

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Its Her Birthday

Several years back, when I was in my late thirties, I was working part-time as a police officer for a small Town on the ocean, just north of a very popular summer tourist city. Because of limited access to the ocean side of the Intra-Coastal, our town had a lot of pass thru traffic as we were at the foot of one of the major bridges that lead to the beach. The residents, mostly well-to-do retirees, insisted on strict enforcement of the traffic laws and Town ordinances, especially if the...

First Time
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From girl to woman an interesting journey

'Straight from the horses mouth'. Men love the idea of being inside a woman's head, better still, would love to have a woman's body for a day, and fuck every man they see, try out every deviant thing they ever thought of, non stop kinky sex, well guy, I am a woman, and I do just that, to fuck with convention, and laws, being beautiful and having a sexy ass and pointy tits with puffy nipples, a hunger for cock, allows me to live these fantasies and have sex with however fancies a quick fuck, 'Up...

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Cheating Sexual Desires Chapter 3

It's been six months since Derek caught Gabby cheating on him. For the first four months, he stayed at Tom's guest house. When Derek finally went home, he found a note from Gabby, but he didn't bother reading it and just tossed it in the trash. He had the engineer in his Condo, change his locks just in case she showed up. Derek was trying his best to move on. He spent the majority of his time at the club working with Tom on an expansion.It was Friday morning, Tom and Derek just completed the...

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Pregnant Hoee Aik Cock Saay 8211 Part I

Hi to readers This is my 1st story but i am an old reader of this site let me tell about me I am about 43 years female from Chandegarh punjab but living in Delhi after marriage I was married at age of 25 i am milky white with round face long neck bog eyes and pouty lips with figure 38.27.38 but this story is by the days when i was 29 with figure of 34.22-34 i was living with hubby in a apartment with 4 bed rooms we have only 3 floors and i was on 1st floor every floor have 2 apartments and...

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The New Neighbour Part 13

My wife looked over to me.“That is so romantic, isn’t it, Peter?” she smirked.“Err, well, yes. Yes, it is Mommy,” I replied.Marian interjected: “You know, Caroline, we do have some spare ‘equipment’. We could always try Peter for size. What size is he, do you think?”“Oh, small, definitely small!” my wife laughed.Gerald was permitted to pull up his pants, then sent to find a suitable device. He returned with a lockable pink plastic chastity tube and handed it to his wife.“This is one of Gerald’s...

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Desire To Fuck My Own Aunty And Her DaughterInLaw 8211 Threesome

Hi guys. This is real story happened in 2012 and still continuing with my sexual partners. This is my first story and if you find any mistakes kindly pardon me. And send the feedback to my email id : Coming to the story, I was just 18 years at the time and our family is of father,mother,sister and me. Our aunty were in native place doing some business and she is widow, so she rented out the apartment in Chennai for few years before coming to Chennai -my hometown. After sometime I came to know...

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Watching my wife

Introduction: I always wanted to watch my wife fuck another guy, finally she let me. This is my first story so please leave comments . For a long time it had been my fantasy to see my wife Elaine get satisfied by a stranger and I always felt if she was truthfully honest it was something she wanted to experience too. Although I had told her this fantasy a few times, generally arising when we were both feeling horny after we had had a few drinks it had never progressed any further, that was until...

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Shop and Change a Growing Family

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride." As rapturous applause filled the already packed church, probably the strangest wedding ever held there drew to a close. The bride, looking absolutely stunning in her white dress and veil had lived the first 30 years of her life as a male called Nick. The best man was actually a woman and the maid of honour, her beauty eclipsed only by the bride, was legally male. But as Dev and his bride walked out of the church none...

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The Other Couple A swingers story

The contact internet advertisement read: “Couple mid 40’s, healthy and discreet, GSOH, N/S, S/D, reasonable appearance, seek swinging couples for fun times. Photo appreciated.” We wrote a self-descriptive introductory email, attached a nude photo of each of us and waited. It took a few days to receive a reply. The email from Fay and Bob was positive, included photos of them nude and a home phone number with the suggestion that the two women talk first. Their phone conversations were encouraging...

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Proud Slave GirlChapter 16

Francine walked back to Gottman at the end of another round in which she had mainly kept up her tactic of using her speed to stay out of trouble. She was hating this and wanted to stay in close and get in a few punches, even if it did mean taking some heavy shots from Augusta. She wasn't afraid of HER any More! "What round is it now, Gottman. I'm starting to lose count. We'll never get home by nightfall at this rate! Can't I try and finish it? " "Round Fifteen, Francine. And, no -...

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For herTied Up

You lay back on your bed, helpless. Your wrists tied together with a stocking, and you find yourself blindfolded by a pair of your thin tights. You had no idea what I was going to do to you, but the excitement was overwhelming. You tried to relax, but you didnt know where the next touch was coming from, your nerves where tingling, your senses playing tricks on you like never before. I looked down at you on the bed, looking amazing. That stunning figure, helpless, I could do what ever I desired...

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Teen Diaries 13 Becoming a Star

My name is Cheyenne. I’m sixteen and have been working to become a famous singer since I was little. My mom has taken me to years of singing lessons, auditions, and festivals trying to make this happen, but so far nothing has really gone my way. I really do have a good voice and I’m very pretty. Last year a talent scout from L.A. said I was talented and that my body was perfect, except my boobs which he said were too small. So my mom paid and signed the waiver for me to get implants under...

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Santas Tinsel TeaseChapter 3

Scott stares into the face of his beautiful catgirl sister from the closet in her room. A sliding door with thins slats is the only thing standing between them. Her face is covered in her lover’s cum. And that same lover has asked her to get on all fours before getting behind her. He has just blasted all over her and is spent, but he is far from done with her. Dallas moves his bearded face between her legs. Scott watches as Tinsel smiles at the guy’s touch. “Yes, Dallas,” she says for her...

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My Sweet Wife And Roshni 8211 Part 5

Hi friends.This is my 5th story.This story is also being written by my wife. After raaza fucked me in balcony we both came back into room and slept.I woke up in the morning with fullness of my pussy.It was shyam fucking me  I was feeling bit headache probably hangover.I was passively enjoying his strokes.He bent onto my face to kiss me but I didn’t(as you know I kiss only my true love kumar) he was pissed and gave hard and fast pushes. My pussy started to react and secreted juices.In the middle...

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BSC05 the Girls of BSCChapter 5 More Nude Girls for Bsc

The next morning saw Stephen Bartell heading out across the grounds of BSC to meet Latoya Carter and her friend Manuela Cortez in the gymnasium. Stephen had cleared the Penis Pal thing with his girlfriend. Katrina Jones was indeed very open about these things but also her field trip had been extended by another four weeks or more and she didn’t want his big cock falling off from lack of use. Her only stipulation was that she gets it all back when she returned. Stephen laughed and happily...

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Moving my whores to the city

For the next six months I used Rachel as a source of much needed entertainment and to be honest I grew very fond of Rachel as I believe she did me. But I knew deep down that once my whores contracts at Donald's expired this coming Friday id be jacking my job and upping sticks with my whores to the middle of the city centre for a new start and to experience new things. Money wasn’t a problem anymore as my whores had worked wonders and had easily accumulated a multiple six fi My whores were...

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Adult World

Driving home after an overnight stay with a friend, Phillip heard a warning on the radio about a traffic jam further along. Having a very good knowledge of the area, he knew that if he exited the highway and drove through two small towns he would be able to bypass the delay. After entering the first town Phillip stopped at a red traffic signal. As he waited for the light to turn green, he glanced down the road he was about to cross and observed an Adult World sign. Phillip had only ever visited...

Gay Male
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My Sisters WeddingChapter 5

I spent the next couple of days packing my personal stuff and taking it to our house. Toni came with me in the evenings. I asked her what I should leave for Chris and Jason. They were just starting out. "Honey, we have all the furniture, dishes, pots and pans we need. Let them have everything except anything you're attached to." Chris and Jason stopped by to help us and were so happy. They had just about everything they needed to begin housekeeping. I did take my big screen TV. I called...

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A Husbands Assignments

A Fictional Story He can feel the sweat drip from his forehead as he backs out of the driveway. He has just dropped their two kids off with the babysitter for the next twenty-four hours. He rolls down the window to get some fresh air, but continues to sweat. It is not the weather that is causing the perspiration, it's a combination of the layers of clothing he is wearing and the nervousness about what lies ahead. Under his jacket, button up flannel shirt and jeans he is wearing...

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Carols Traffic OffenceChapter 2

At twelve o'clock exactly Carol knocked on Mr Maxwell's front door, and was admitted and taken to the study. Before James had even sat down, she blurted out "I have told David about you." James took his time sitting down behind his desk, then adjusting papers and things on the desk, all the time his mind racing with the possible significance of that statement. When he was ready he looked up at her and smiled and asked her what her husband had said. "I explained what I had done, about...

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A Game of Thrones

Lying in a warm featherbed is King Rhaegar Targaryen, your father. He smiles at you and takes a deep breath. “Jaehaerys. My son. I have something to tell you” He croaks wearily. “What is it, father?” You ask, stepping closer to his bed. “I want to give you some advice for when I pass away.” Rhaegar has a serious look on his face, and you know this advice will he important. “When you were born, you were second in line for the throne. Your half brother, Aegon, would have been King instead....

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My Gap Year Part One

Chapter One – Visiting Cal’s cabin I was picked up by my stepdad after work. We often traveled up to the cabin on weekends. There we could read on the deck, take the boat out in summer and lay by the fire in winter. It was now July, and it was hot. My stepdad and I were still close, although Mom and he had long since separated. I was now 18 and we enjoyed each other’s company. “I need a quick nap,” he said, pulling into the rest area. Even though it was only a 90 minute drive, he was...

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Infinity Chapter 2

I'm now 25 years in the past… My brother is alive again… My wife doesn't even know who I am… My kids haven't been born… Infinity isn't released for another 5 years… *How the fuck can a game take me back in time… especially to before the games own release date*... *And this option is somehow supposed to save humanity? Save it from what?* "From the Life Binders?" I muttered to myself, trying to guess what I was supposed to be doing. "Are you serious about joining me in Fantasy...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 46

This shorty is compliments of Dingwall42‎ Little Jonny “I bet you haven’t got one of these”. Little Mary “No, but my Daddy has two of them. He’s got a small one for wee-weeing with and a big one for cleaning Mummy’s teeth.” Humor according to St John‎ “The thrill is gone from my marriage” Alan told his friend Don. “Why not add some intrigue to your life and have an affair?” Don suggested. “But what if my wife finds out?” “Heck, it’s 2018, Alan. Go ahead and tell her about it”. So Alan...

2 years ago
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Worshipping Mother In Laws Feet While She Was Pass

Ive had a foot fetish for womens feet since I can remember, maybe 8 or 9 yrs old.. Im not sure when or how it came about I just started realizing that if I smelled the sweet scent of a womans foot I would get aroused, even before I was old enough to cum I realized this..The first foot encounters I can remember was when I was about 8 or 9 yrs old my mother worked nights so we always had a babysitter.. Most of the time my mother would work until the wee hours of the morning like 3 or 4 am which...

4 years ago
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Oh Yes You Will

I said, “Oh yes you will!” To which my wife replied, “Oh no I won’t! The last time you made me eat her cunt she tasted like shit, she wouldn’t eat me out, and she hadn’t cleaned her cunt for a month beforehand! I almost threw up!” I said, “It wasn’t that bad!” My wife replied, “Oh yes it was and you know it! You’re only doing this because she told you to! What’s up? Will she give you anal sex if you put your cock in my mouth afterwards?” I was astonished and said, “How did you...

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The Water Drop

This is my first submission to StoriesOnline. I hope you enjoy my work. JAN- Jan Wilson had been happily married to Pete for seven years. They lived in a nice four-bedroom home just north of Cincinnati. Pete was her everything. He was the solid foundation of her life. They had been together since childhood. He had always been her best friend. Until their junior year in high school on that cold snowy day in January. So much snow had fallen the night before, schools were closed. The two best...

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Impulse Chapter One

It was 9:22 AM and his deep sleep was interrupted by a crash. Someone was in his house. His eyes shot open and he was still. Someone knocked something over, he thought. His ears tuned themselves to the house beyond his bedroom. He laid paralyzed in his bed listening for the slightest sound. Then he heard rustling sounds and footsteps. They were coming down the hallway towards his room. Then he heard moaning. High and heavy breathing and another bump, this time something hit the wall....

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