Candy For Candy free porn video

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Candy for candy In her private moments, she referred to herself aloud, in the first person, as candy. She sashayed around her beachfront apartment adorned in a Rydell High cheerleader uniform, saddle shoes and of course, a color coordinated frilly apron, wrapped snuggly around her shrinking waist. Mistress was perched in a director's chair in the corner of the living room, out of sight from the sliding doors that opened up to the semi-private veranda. As she daintily feather dusted the bookshelves, she was ever-vigilant to keep a close eye on the cigarette. Ashtrays were not permitted in the apartment as they looked "trashy" and candy was all too aware of her roles as she discreetly watched Mistress read Her book in silence. Like the good sissy she was, she was just in time to kneel down at the side of Mistress J, tilt her head back and open her mouth as the ashes fell in. She swallowed quietly, rose and then sunk down into a curtsey before heading off to her next chore. Mistress J must be quite enthralled in Her book, candy pondered, as She hasn't even glanced my way for over an hour...... The rest of the afternoon was a typical day in the life of a sissy.... Mistress did her professional work as sissy folded laundry at Her desk- side, made lunch for was BLT day...bacon had to be well- done and if anything but Miracle Whip was on the barely-toasted toast (Mistress doesn't like roof of Her mouth to be disturbed), candy would be in solitary hamper confinement....well, not completely solitary, as "plastic Leroy" was always in wait, attached to the wall, erect and begging for release. Once in solitary, candy knew the drill....and video cameras were present throughout so she acquiesced as expected. Today, however, was a special one for candy...her birthday! Mistress had not once acknowledged this special day and candy assumed the day would go unmentioned. candy started preparing dinner for Mistress which strangely consisted of several appetizers and dips...almost like a cocktail party set-up. candy, although very cognizant, prepared the food with hips swishing and pinkies held hopes of ANY acknowledgement from Mistress. BANG, BANG, BANG...comes from the front door... In her pink and black maid uniform, per Mistress' order, and thigh-high leather pink boots, candy opens the door....... To her utter humiliation, in walked Mary, Selena, Annette, Sally and Judy, all carrying odd items in their hands and singing "Happy birthday sissy fuck face". Mistress comes bounding out of the bedroom with Her video camera glowing as Mary, sweat-soaked from her softball game and still holding a bat in one hand, proceeds to smack sissy across the face with a bag of candy corn....Sally walks over next and slides the pole variety of candy cane into sissy's mouth and gives her a knowing wink.....Judy places a candy apple in sissy's left hand and giggles as She extends sissy's pinky above the top of the apple.....Annette does similarly with a pole of cotton candy, but in typical Annette fashion, can't keep Her hands off and gives sissy's clit a hard squeeze....Selena smiles sweetly and places a candy necklace around sissy's neck and a candy bracelet around her dainty wrist and holds sissy's head between Her hands, cocks Her head and smirks. candy stands there feeling like a circus freak as camera lights go off. She forces a smile as she turns her head towards Mistress, who is still taping with a canary-swallowing grin on Her face. "Happy birthday pumpkin", Mistress squeals, "you didn't think I would forget your BIRTHDAY, did you"? Mistress hands the video camera to Mary and looks deeply into candy's eyes and candy instantly drops down into a #6 curtsey and remains there as Mistress speaks.... "Your birthday gift is being in the presence of these lovely ladies for the evening without any petty no-clitty-touching restrictions from Me....They are free to use you as They desire...sexual or otherwise....I see Annette already got the ball rolling by grabbing your clittie and this would not be tolerated on any other day, but since it is your birthday, tonight is yours, so to speak. I want you to have the time of your sissy life"~~~~~~~ candy starts to quiver a bit and feels Mistress' hand on her head, caressing her hair as if to comfort her!?!? Mistress' finger goes under candy's chin, and candy rises, her knees shaking from being in the #6 curtsey position for so long. "Thank you Mistress for such a thoughtful birthday gift...i don't deserve it and i don't deserve you." candy smiles hard and proceeds to curtsey to all five Ladies, thanking them individually for their specific gifts and then returns to Mistress with head bowed. "Well, My darling birthday buttercup, let's get this party started..... champagne for all, except Mary, who brought her own cooler of Budweiser... don't forget about opening Her bottles for Her throughout the night, doll. We have some fun card games planned and then everyone will take Her turn and "play" with you in 30 minute intervals." After the ladies are served drinks and food is dispensed around, candy looks to Mistress for guidance and Mistress nods Her head toward the custom built, tall kitchen table with padded bar stools..... On the floor underneath the table is a two-foot wide Lazy Susan platform positioned directly in the middle. Sissy is ordered to assume the "kneel-n-spin" position, with her head poking out of the tabletop like a Whack-a-Mole. Six built-in "cup" holders with lids hold items of Mistress' choosing, to be used on sissy by each guest as their mood dictates. The Ladies take their seats as candy reluctantly climbs aboard and kneels in place. Before she is even situated, Mary flips the lid off Her cup holder and grabs its contents; a deep purple, ribbed dildo. Mary grabs sissy's head and pulls back, hard and shoves it in and angrily says "Suck that cock you dirty little whore!" She holds sissy's hair with one hand and the end of the dildo with the other and smashes them together over and over again. "Smile sweetie", Selena chimes as she takes a pic. candy forces a weak smile around the huge cock as Mary's thick fingers continue to fuck her face with it... Of all of Mistress' friends, Mary genuinely doesn't like sissy (perhaps She's a little jealous of how Mistress feels about candy?), and never passes on an opportunity to punish or abuse her. Mistress slips her shoe off and places Her foot under candy's fluffy skirt and runs Her toes along the engorged clitty..... "Well, that doesn't feel very lady-like to Me, candycane....lose it NOW!" The playing cards are dealt and sissy has the purple cock hanging out of her mouth...some tears now running down her cheeks, evoked during a gagging spell as Mary face-fucked her. Good girl that she is though, the cock remains in place, until finally Selena takes it out, as She lights Her cigarette. As if on cue, all of the Ladies reach for Selena's cigs and delight in lighting up. The room spins wildly as the ladies rotate the Lazy-Susan with Their feet, positioning candy's face in front of them to smirk at her as They tap ashes in her ever-open mouth and watch her swallow. "I didn't see a smile there as you swallowed, missy...all good girls smile as they swallow"...fits of laughter fill the room and Mistress pulls yet another dildo from Her table compartment but this one is different....this one will test how well sissy can smile and swallow simultaneously. 'Renegade' by Yanni is thundering in the background as Mistress suctions the massive cock to the table, grasps the hand pump and winks mischievously as sissy plunges her mouth on the cock and the ladies let out sex moans in concert with every downward sucking motion. The room sounds like a full-blown orgy is going down when in reality it is only a single sissy sucking-off a huge plastic cock while rotating on a Lazy Susan, while trying to maintain the required smile at the same time! At the crescendo of the song, Mistress squeezes the pump hard several times and candy's mouth quickly fills to overflowing with 'cum' as the Ladies go wild, screaming, laughing, moaning, mocking their own orgasms as cum pours down sissy's chin even as she earnestly (but futilely) tries to swallow the enormous amount of white liquid ejaculating into her mouth. Mistress reaches over to candy's face and wipes some of the spilled cum with two fingers which She then inserts into candy's open mouth, and gives her a slightly more than playful slap, while smiling proudly. "Perhaps you need a little more practice at this sweetie! you're supposed to swallow it, not dribble it down your chin!" Finally composing herself, candy emerges from the confines of the Lazy Susan, and with the wave of Mistress' finger Judy places a collar on sissy, clips on the leash and parades her into the living room. "Fill the ice bucket please, seems little miss cumbucket here has a very unladylike hard-on and I refuse to look at it for one more second!" Annette saunters into the living room, cackling about candy being nothing but a sissy hole. "On your hands and knees, dirty hole," yells Annette, eyes glowing. Judy yanks on the leash and sissy is soon down on all fours. Annette places the ice bucket directly under sissy's forbidden erection, grabs it and shoves it in, holding it firmly in place as more camera flashes go off. "Now you are looking more like a lady...doesn't that feel better dollbaby?" Mistress coos. "Yes, Mistress, much better. I am a bad girl and it won't happen again tonight, Ma'am. Thank you, Ma'am for helping me become more ladylike." Just then the doorbell rings, Mistress gets it (as sissy is still kneeling over the icewater bucket and in walks Leroy, Mistress' current Lover. "Just in time babe! Mmmm, you look good enough to eat!" says Mistress as she kisses him running Her hand smoothly across the massive muscles on his chest. candy inadvertently rolls her eyes, which doesn't go unnoticed by several of the Ladies...... "Tell Leroy why your "cock", if we can even call it that, is imprisoned in a bucket of ice water. I am sure Leroy could use a laugh at your expense', chirps Selena, 'and make it good pantywaist or you'll soon regret not doing so!" Hating that Mistress Selena is making her humiliate herself this way in front of a superior Male, candy nevertheless fears Her wrath more than the embarrassment she is about to experience and thus answers "Yes Miss Selena.....good evening Master Leroy....I was a naughty girl and allowed my "clitty" to swell up, making me look very unfeminine, and these kind Ladies are helping me to look much more like a prissy sissy and not a pathetic imitation of a man.....not that YOU are hideous, Master are the perfect specimen of Man. I am not worthy to call myself either male or female. I am but a sissy." "Whatever," says Leroy, looking condescendingly at sissy for a moment before turning his attention back to Mistress. "Ladies, please excuse the three of us for a bit." Mistress giggles as She takes the leash from Judy's hands, 'help yourself to anything while Leroy and I give My candydoll here a few more presents...upstairs" Leroy slips his arm around Mistress J, as She gently pulls candy, still on all fours, and the threesome make their way toward the bedroom. "Leroy, be a doll and pick out a nightie for sissy to wear...." Leroy opens the closet door and sees a long line-up of nighties, robes and lingerie and chooses a sheer silk lavender babydoll with a satin ribbon that ties in back. "I like my girls pantyless", he grunts, as He throws the nightie in sissy's face. As candy slips the gown over her head, she chants to herself 'Act like a lady, act like a lady....ladies get wet, not hard...wet, not hard...." Mistress places a pair of nipples clamps snugly on candy's nipples, as She tosses the remote to Leroy and tells sissy to put on her black heels and climb on up onto the turntable, a small circular platform near the bed. "Ok lovebug, you watch-n-spin while WE play.....EVERYTIME you sense My impending orgasm, you will begin a #1 curtsey and sink into deeper levels of submissive curtsey as My orgasm intensifies, stopping at a #6 with My final climax and remain there until My body has relaxed. You will feel the jolts on your sensitive nipples if you A. lose your balance, B. deviate from position, C. curtsey out of order with My orgasm or D. 'tent' your pretty little nightie." Leroy already has Mistress' panties removed and laid Her on the bed....his tongue so gentle at first, barely touching Her, the tiniest flick of it sending chills throughout Her body. Her eyes watch candy as she spins and spins... She starts to moan as Leroy intensifies and increases the pressure his tongue She sees sissy in the mirror, trying to push down her erection. She takes the remote from Leroy's hand and presses '4', watching Her sissy jump, which makes Her giggle. Her body is writhing now, legs wrapped tightly around Leroy's head as he devours Her....'6', '6', '6' goes the remote....the closer She comes to orgasm, the more zaps poor sissy endures....her clitty betraying her. Finally sissy candy can stand it no longer and she reaches up and touches her nipples, a tear streaking down her cheek. At least she has managed to remain exceptionally silent.... "Oh FUCK~~~' sighs Mistress J as Leroy's warm tongue FINALLY touches Her clit and the spasms start.... Her hips push against Leroy's face, drenching him with Her juices as She cums all over him, but he doesn't stop. She feels a second wave coming and sees sissy in a #6 curtsey, but wobbling terribly, her clitty now huge and poking out against the silk fabric, making a wet spot She hits '10' repetitively in unison with Her convulsions and cries out in wave after wave of pleasure as She hears sissy loudly hit the floor. Leroy doesn't waste a moment as he penetrates Mistress roughly. Sissy candy tries desperately to regain her composure as she crawls to Mistress' bedside and watches as Leroy plows inside Her. Mistress breathlessly pants out an order to sissy, "Get Me a Chardonnay and a cigarette for later, doll." candy jumps up, "yes, Ma'am, right away"...and minces out of room, but not before grabbing the little pink hankie off the dresser and swishing it side to side, knowing Mistress is watching her every movement. Within a minute, candy returns, sashaying her hips and swishing her hankie, placing the wine and cigarette at Mistress' bedside, noticing that Leroy has collapsed and Mistress looks less than satisfied. sissy lights the cigarette and hands it and the wine to Mistress. She takes a sip and a drag and gives them back to candy, with a wave of Her finger towards the bed. Knowing what is coming, she lays down on the bed as Mistress climbs up and straddles her face. Candy starts to clean out Leroy's cum from her Mistress with her tongue. candy struggles to catch it all as it floods out of Her, and she smells, tastes and senses Mistress' growing heat, as Her head is down and Her eyes are closed. she takes Mistress by Her waist and pushes Her downward, until in an instant, she is inside Her. she feels a hard smack on her face and stares intently into her Mistress' eyes in a small act of defiance. Another slap comes, this one even harder and sissy knows this is the 'don't you even THINK about cumming inside Me' slap, but sissy knows the pleasure will be worth the punishment and thrusts deeply into her Mistress, their eyes never leaving each other, neither of them even noticing Leroy stroking himself frantically inches away from candy's lips. With a final bellowing grunt Leroy explodes load after load of hot cum all over sissy's face and hair....... Mistress' face is filled with lust and rage and ecstasy and sissy fears the wrath but doesn't stop...couldn't even she wanted to. Mistress is wet, tight and burning hot and despite Her anger at sissy's impertinence, they fuck in perfect unison, Her fingers pulling mercilessly on candy's clamped nipples with every thrust, Her hands pulling sissy's long, cum- soaked hair in fits of passionate fury, slapping her face back and forth, splattering Leroy's cum loudly with each open-handed wet slap! With one final, deep thrust, they come together and cum together.....their bodies madly shuddering, drenched in sweat, crying out in joyous release~~~~! Leroy, the forgotten presence, watches them in awed, riveted silence....growing hard for the third time in less than ten minutes. Mistress finally collapses on Her sated sissy slave, brushes the cum-soaked hair out of the way and whispers, still breathless, "Happy Birthday candy-love!"

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My name's Candy, I'm, sixteen years old and I've just divorced my parents to prevent either one of them getting their hands on any more of my money.Let me explain, from the age of eight, I'd won a whole series of beauty competitions and therefore a whole lot of money, things were fine at the start, but when I reached my teenage years, I began to ask questions about where all the prize money was going. I never got any satisfactory answers, and my parents began fighting with each other over it,...

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Here I was, on a Super Constellation. Heading to NAS Atsugi, Japan. Me, a South Georgia farm boy that had never been away from home. I had completed Storekeeper's School in San Diego, and my first duty station was an AF (refrigerator ship) out of San Francisco. My first duty was Mess Cooking. Army recruits would know this as KP, but the Navy was different. This was a full three-month duty, not completed on a daily basis. During this time, Mess Cooking, I had to see the integration of the...

3 years ago
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Candy Hearts

"Want a kiss?" I turned from my reverie to face the owner of the sultry voice murmuring into my ear. She was leaning in close to me, draping herself over the back of the couch where I sat. Her luscious red lips were parted just enough to let me see the tip of her tongue peeking out between her teeth, and her green eyes danced as they met mine, invitingly. She held up a teardrop-shaped chocolate wrapped in red tinfoil. "Tease," I said as I accepted the candy. "Hah," Kerry replied,...

2 years ago
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Candy From Strangers 4 Lost Little Girl

Introduction: the candies are out in public Red, white and blue. The colours of the American dream had taken on a whole new meaning in a small corner of the sleepy seaside town of Heavens Cove. Once designed to be breakthroughs in virility, birth control and body toners they had become a chemical cocktail of debauchery. The first victim of this madness was Franny Chesterson. Loving wife and mother one day and devoted sexual servant the next to her two stepsons, James and Marshall. The twin...

2 years ago
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Candy From Strangers 4 Lost Little Girl

The first “ victim” of this madness was Franny Chesterson. Loving wife and mother one day and devoted sexual servant the next to her two stepsons; James and Marshall. The twin boys themselves enhanced by those drug to increased physiques, stamina, penile size and recovery. Their father Ted, a victim of another combination of the drugs into submission and lethargy; a cuckold in his own home. The boys had caught onto the slippage of the drugs just in time, and planned that they would go no...

3 years ago
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Candy Pikachu

“I have to get as many pictures as I can to show my friends,” he mother explained. “Oh, I wish it wasn’t my turn to host the Halloween party this year. I would have taken you trick or treating myself and just come late.” “You and Dad are far too obsessed with Pokémon,” Lily scolded her mother. She did not hate Pokémon by any means but her parents were absolutely obsessed with it and that made her enjoy it less. Besides, Pikachu was not even close to her favorite Pokémon. It was, in fact, her...

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Candy From Strangers Prologue

Located in a quiet corner of New England is the small sea side town of Heaven’s Cove, population 5000. It’s a sleepy town, with a handful of traffic lights. A single cinema, a small police station, a small fire department, small businesses and slow pace of life. It blossoms in the springs and the “ outoftowners” boom the population in the summer. But for the most part, nothing exciting happens here Historically , HeavensCove is only known for rum runners in the 20’s and as a location that...

4 years ago
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My name's Candy, I'm, sixteen years old and I've just divorced my parents to prevent either one of them getting their hands on my money. Let me explain, from the age of eight, I won a whole series of beauty competitions and therefore a whole lot of money, things were fine at the start but when I reached my teenage years, I began to ask questions about where all the prize money was going to, I never got any satisfactory answers and my parents began fighting with each other over it so I began...

4 years ago
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Candy Naked in SchoolChapter 2

Tuesday: At 2:00 AM Candy woke up screaming. She must have been making a lot of noise before she actually awoke, because both her father and mother were at either side of her. In her sleep she had relived her rape but this time instead of the nine teachers it was all the boys from the football team, the basketball team, the track team, and the baseball team. About 200 boys in all and instead of only fucking in one hole or another all 200 fucked her in mouth, pussy, and ass. Both her mother...

3 years ago
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This story is not good jacking off material, go elsewhere I would appreciate comments. I've always been good with children, perhaps that's why I grew up to do what my grandpa did, trawling my brightly colored hand-van with me everywhere I go and drawing crowds of prancing children who trade a dollar for delight. Now as I rest under a shady oak branch and the sun does its best to get at me, I watch them kick out of the yellow bus, often both feet landing at the same time and then prance away,...

1 year ago
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Candys First Fuck

Candy’s First FuckI had become a regular visitor to Caroline, the TV escort who had introduced me to dressing.The sense of fulfilment I got when I was dressed and wearing far exceeded what I had felt in my unsatisfactory experiences with genetic females. In those encounters and relationships I was only too aware that I was only going through the motions of what was expected of a “normal” man. It was when I was “en femme” that I achieved the sensual heights that I craved. I had no intentions to...

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Candy Pikachu pt 2

While continuing was a little uncomfortable, she was not going to stop. She had been looking forward to trick or treating all year, ever since she heard from her Girl Scout leader that he gave out full sized candy bars to the first hundred kids that visited his house. She had made sure Max picked this street for that very reason. Upon reaching Mr. Richard’s house though, she was dismayed to see that his front porch light was off. He had probably run out of candy by now. Lily cursed her father...

3 years ago
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Candy From Strangers 1 Yardwork

Doctor Higgins sat at his desk in his laboratory in his basement, staring in abject anger and disgust at the papers laid out before him. “ 20 years,..20 years of my life because of food colouring, gelatin and a dumbass that couldn’t keep his mouth shut!” He almost got to his feed but his wife pushed him back into his seat. She knelt under his desk slobbering all over his truly massive cock, slurping and worshipping at his meat . This mildly pacified the good DR. Higgins who...

2 years ago
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Candy From Strangers 1 Yardwork

Introduction: The Chesterson twins get their first taste Heavens Cove, one late October night late 1990s Doctor Higgins sat at his desk in his laboratory in his basement, staring in abject anger and disgust at the papers laid out before him. 20 years,..20 years of my life because of food colouring, gelatin and a dumbass that couldnt keep his mouth shut! He almost got to his feed but his wife pushed him back into his seat. She knelt under his desk slobbering all over his truly massive cock,...

4 years ago
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Candy for Aaron Part 2

Part Two: The Party After a shower the next morning, I tried to make it up to Bryan. I told him that I had sat on Aaron's lap and that I had let him go so far as to feel my tits and ass—through my clothes, of course, not bare. It was enough. Bryan got very aroused and fucked me as well as he could with his equipment, I guess. It was hard not to fantasize about Aaron and Troy plundering my pussy, but Bryan was happy, and though I was a tiny bit hung over, the memory of last night made me happy,...

Wife Lovers
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Candy For Valentines Day

We needed to get away so badly! We were so worn down by life's battles. Both of us were looking forward to reconnecting. As we prepared for our romantic getaway the sexual anticipation began to build. We were like teen agers planning to sneak away for a forbidden lovers romp.  We arrived late on the day before Valentine's Day. As we were checking in I decided to tease Hubby with a little impromptu role play. As he approached the counter I assumed the air of an escort, touching him sensuously so...

3 years ago
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Candy Stroker part 1

Candy Stroker When I was 17, several things happened to me. I got my license, I got my first real boyfriend, my boobs went through a big growth spurt—and I got a job as a candy striper. A few weeks before my 17th birthday, I’d gone shopping and gotten new bras. I remember it was hard to decide whether to get a 34A like I’d been doing for a while or to go to a 34B. I got the B on the advice of the salesgirl, who said I’d probably get bigger, but that there was no way a girl my age would get...

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Candy From a Baby

Candy From A Baby Nancy Porter rang the doorbell and waited. She had driven up the long drive after pointing her identity card at the entrance gate camera. The gate had soundlessly opened without a word from the attached speaker. She knew Chauncey had to have pushed the button. Who else could it be? Th house was empty, she knew, so she felt mildly irritated not to be greeted. The Agency had instructed her to park in the rear and use the service entry, according apparently to...

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Candy Stroker part 1

Candy Stroker When I was 17, several things happened to me. I got my license, I got my first real boyfriend, my boobs went through a big growth spurt—and I got a job as a candy striper. A few weeks before my 17th birthday, I’d gone shopping and gotten new bras. I remember it was hard to decide whether to get a 34A like I’d been doing for a while or to go to a 34B. I got the B on the advice of the salesgirl, who said I’d probably get bigger, but that there was no way a girl my age would get...

First Time
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Candy Striper

Special thanks to Phil Gorman 2014 for his expertise in re-editing and proofing. I have always enjoyed helping people and being a candy striper at the hospital gives me an opportunity to do just that. It all started nearly two years ago when mom and I visited one of my aunts who had an operation. I saw a number of young candy stripers assisting a group of young patients. Mom told me that, at fourteen, I was too young to volunteer. Being persistent, I manage to get an application and a booklet...

2 years ago
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Candy Naked in SchoolChapter 4

Thursday: Thursday morning Candy awoke to the smells of bacon and eggs cooking. Her mouth watered in anticipation of breakfast. Normally they only had bacon and eggs on weekends. During the week it was usually just a bowl of cereal. She came into the kitchen and saw her mother cooking. Her mother looked up as she came in. She said, “I thought I would make a special breakfast today.” Candy replied, “That smells so good. Thank you.” When she got to school the principal saw her come in. She...

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Candy From Strangers 2 The View

They quickly picked up the basics of pussy eating and learned how to ease into anal on a woman. They learned the fine balancing act that was DP and learned how to properly throat fuck the sexy elder woman. Mrs Higgins loved every moment, having two hard cocks at her disposal She also loved knowing that the pills were making the boys cocks bigger everyday, she loved the energy of youth and how combined with the pills recuperative powers they can fuck and cum multiple times for hours on...

1 year ago
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Candy From Strangers 2 The View

Introduction: Franny witnesses a scene For the rest of the coming week the twin Chesterson boys, Marshall and James took their regiment of red, white and blue pills everyday. After school they would head over to Mrs Higgins place next door and help her with yard work. That work solely involved having the 63year old with the H cup boobs teaching them the fine arts of pleasing a woman. They quickly picked up the basics of pussy eating and learned how to ease into anal on a woman. They learned...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 58 M Noirtier de Villefort

We will now relate what was passing in the house of the king's attorney after the departure of Madame Danglars and her daughter, and during the time of the conversation between Maximilian and Valentine, which we have just detailed. M. de Villefort entered his father's room, followed by Madame de Villefort. Both of the visitors, after saluting the old man and speaking to Barrois, a faithful servant, who had been twenty-five years in his service, took their places on either side of the...

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Candy From Strangers 5 Routine Followup

Life continued on as normally as it did for most of the residents here. A handful of them though, their lives were changing in incredible ways and now their changes were on the brink of spreading through the city like a plague of debauchery. Take Sheriff Lewis “ Lou” Brown and his newest Deputy Erin Sullivan. Five days ago they discovered and learned the true nature of the “ jellybeans” that had found their ways inadvertently into their hands. The results on them were intoxicating and...

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Candy From Strangers 5 Routine Followup

Introduction: The Sherrif and the Deputy visit the Chestersons Life is idyllic in the sleepy seaside town of Heavens Cove. The people are exceedingly friendly and helpful. One can get a friendly hello where ever you go. Just be careful if you bring your wife or girlfriend to this sleepy little town, she might never be the same after. Life continued on as normally as it did for most of the residents here. A handful of them though, their lives were changing in incredible ways and now their...

2 years ago
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Candy Stroker 8 My Date

Candy Stroker 8: My Date I had an afternoon shift at work that Saturday. There was no way I could perform any special services, what with visiting families all over the place. Weekends, there were usually some on-call staff. One on my wing that day was a young male traveling nurse. I’d heard of that, so I asked him about it. “It’s a great way to see the country and earn money,” he said. “Like, last winter I worked a hospital in Boulder, Colorado, and went skiiing a lot when I wasn’t on duty....

1 year ago
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Candy Hearts

Candy Hearts It all started with a kiss. There were the four of us together that day, as was often the case. There was my sister Anne, her best friend Jill, my best friend John, and me - Mike Marshal, a sixteen year old kid who was the runt of the litter. We were in Jill's parent's basement, like always, as it had a ping- pong/pool table we could play with, as well as a tv set and a couch so we could watch programs if we wanted to. Jill's folks much like mine - a pair of...

3 years ago
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Candy Stroker 8 My Date

Candy Stroker 8: My Date I had an afternoon shift at work that Saturday. There was no way I could perform any special services, what with visiting families all over the place. Weekends, there were usually some on-call staff. One on my wing that day was a young male traveling nurse. I’d heard of that, so I asked him about it. “It’s a great way to see the country and earn money,” he said. “Like, last winter I worked a hospital in Boulder, Colorado, and went skiiing a lot when I wasn’t on duty....

Straight Sex
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Candy Striper

New Candy Striper By Janet L. Stickney [email protected] The reason is obscure, the guilt very real, the urge undeniable. I had no way to stop myself from getting dressed up in mothers clothes once that urge hit me. Unstoppable, like a freight train, it compelled me to do it, but with each encounter I had with those clothes, I just had to go a bit further. First it was just a dress. Then it was a bra. Panties followed that, and now, well, I'm using makeup now. Every time I...

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