Candy, Jimmy And Me free porn video

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Okay, I admit it. I am one of those guys who would like to see his wife with another man and to anyone else the reason I want to see it would probably make absolutely no sense. But what the hell, there are times it makes absolutely no sense to me either, but for twenty-two years I have wanted it, my wife knows I want it (but not why and I don't ever intend that she ever finds out) and for ten years now she has been saying "maybe some day."

The story starts almost two years before I met Candy. She was a single mom of two just six months out of a bad marriage. She was working as a barmaid in a local bar and living in a two bedroom town home like apartment. She became good friends with the girl who lived in the apartment next to hers. Toni was another single mom and the two women became close.

Toni had a brother and he seemed to like Candy so Toni worked on Candy to get her to go out with Jimmy. Candy finally said yes and she and Jimmy started dating. One thing led to another and Candy and Jimmy fell in love. He proposed, she accepted, a wedding date several months in the future was picked and Candy and Toni got busy planning the wedding.

Jimmy was an over-the-road truck driver and his runs took him out of town for two or three days every week. One day about a month before he and Candy were to be married he told her the wedding was off. He had gotten a girl pregnant in one of the towns he over-nighted in and he was going to have to marry the girl.

Candy was crushed! She took her ring off and threw it at him, told him to get out and that she never wanted to lay eyes on him or even hear his name again. It was a very low point in her life. Her marriage had ended when she caught her husband fucking her cousin and when she left him she found out that her cousin wasn't the only one her husband had been doing. And then Jimmy and his girlfriend in another town! Half the men who hit on her at the bar were married and so she put it all together, decided that all men were pigs and that all any man wanted was access to a pussy. All that any of them wanted was just to use her. Well fuck that!!!

The problem was that Candy liked sex so avoiding men was not going to make her feel better. She didn't trust men anymore, but nothing said that she couldn't use them just like they wanted to use her. She went through a dozen or so over the next eight months until one day she woke up and said:

"What the hell am I doing? Do I really want a reputation as a slut? Is that the example I want to set for my daughter?"

The answer was of course "no!" and overnight she went from using men to avoiding men altogether.

It was right about that time that I started stopping at the bar after work. The bar was only three blocks from where I worked and all the guys I worked with stopped there. I'd never stopped before, but I was going through a bad spot in my slowly disintegrating marriage and I just didn't want to go home.

Candy might have given up on men, but a good bit of her income came from tips so she still smiled a lot and was friendly, if a bit standoffish. It was about three months after I started stopping and I had just gotten off work and come into the bar when the phone rang. It was for Candy and it was the babysitter calling to say that Candy's gas stove had just blown up and that Billy, Candy's two year old son, had his eyebrows singed. Candy panicked, ran into the office and told her boss that she had a family emergency and had to run home.

Candy's car had not been running for a while and she was saving up money to have it fixed. She had been taking the bus to and from work, but the bus schedule after six was like one every forty-five minutes. She called for a cab and the dispatcher told her that it would be about a half hour before he could get a taxi to her. She was rapidly losing it -- she had to get home to her baby -- so I offered to run her home. Under any other circumstances she would have said, "Thank you, but no thanks" but this time she said, "Oh God yes, thank you" and she grabbed her purse and looked at me like, "Well? What are you waiting for?"

I drove her home and offered to look at her malfunctioning stove, but I was talking to her back as she hustled out of the car and ran for her apartment. I followed her in and found out that Billy was basically unhurt. It turned out that he was a curious two-year old and he had seen his mom and the babysitter turn on the burners so he decided that he wanted to turn one of the knobs too. This was years and years ago when knobs were on the front of the stove and not up on a panel in the back. Also way back then you knew you had to turn the knob a little bit at a time until the pilot light lit the burner and then you turned it up to the heat level you wanted. Billy turned the knob full on and the pilot light lit off the fast rush of gas and the flash got Billy's eyebrows. The worst of it was the stink of burned hair. Candy said she wasn't going back to work so I got in my pick-up and left.

It was three days before I stopped at the bar again and when Candy brought me my beer she told me that it was on her and then she thanked me for giving her a ride home. I told her that she really needed to get her car fixed and then I asked her what was wrong with it. She said she didn't know, it just wouldn't start. She thought it might have been the battery, but it still wouldn't start when Toni tried to give her a jump. Then she told me that it didn't matter because she just didn't have the money to put it in the shop right then. I told her I would look at it for her and she told me that she appreciated the offer, but she couldn't afford to pay me. I told her that I didn't expect her to pay me just for looking at it.

The next day was Saturday and I was off and she didn't have to go in to work until four so I picked her up at her place and drove over to where the car was parked. I popped the hood and checked out the battery and the cables and they looked okay. There was no corrosion on the battery posts and the cable ends were tight. But when I tugged on the cables I found that the ground was pretty loose. I checked and found that where the cable grounded to the engine block the nut that held it on the engine block stud had come loose and fallen off. Without a ground the battery wouldn't work. I drove to the closest hardware store, bought a nut and went back and installed it and told Candy to turn the key. The car started right up. Candy asked me what she owed me and I told her she could buy me my first beer the next time I came into the bar.

I followed her home to make sure that she didn't have any other problems and then I headed for home for another confrontation with my wife. It would be one more in a long line of confrontations. Things had not been worth spit between us since she got tangled up with a bunch of Jehovah's Witnesses. No way an agnostic and a brand new "true believing fanatic" are going to make anything work. I was holding on -- barely, just barely -- hoping that she would come to her senses, but deep down I knew I was wasting my time.

About three months went by and Candy tended to gravitate to my end of the bar whenever I stopped in. We became friends of a sort and I would occasionally do favors for her. Things like going places and getting things for her that she couldn't get done because of her work schedule.

During those same three months I moved out of my house and told my wife to give me a call if she ever decided that she would rather have me around than a bunch of religious fanatics. I got an apartment close to work (which also made it close to the bar) and got on with my life.

One night Candy told me that she would like to have me over for dinner as a way of saying thank you for all I'd done for her and I saw no harm in it so I said okay. I had a nice time and I asked her if I could take her and her kids to the movies the following weekend. She hesitated for a couple of seconds, but then said yes. For the next two months I took her and her two kids, Billy and Debbie, out to movies, dinner, the lake, the amusement park and ball games.

One night Candy asked me why I had never kissed her goodnight at the end of one of our dates and I held up my left hand and said that as long as I wore the ring I was honor bound to behave myself. I didn't know it at the time, but that struck a chord in her. It made her think that maybe all men weren't assholes just out to get laid.

Two more months went by and one day I got a phone call from the wife and she asked me to come home and talk to her. I don't know what I expected, but I wasn't surprised when she said that we couldn't go on the way we were. I either had to become a Witness so we could get on with our lives or she wanted a divorce. I told her I would see a lawyer as soon as I could get an appointment and I got up and left.

Michigan was "no fault" and the divorce wasn't contested so six months later I took my ring off and tossed it out the window as I drove to work. Two days later Candy asked me to give her a ride home from work as she had loaned Toni her car. She asked me in for coffee when I got her home and we made small talk until I got up to go. Candy walked me to the door and as I reached for the door knob she stood up on her toes and kissed me. I asked her why she had done that and she told me that she had noticed my naked ring finger on my left hand and then she kissed me again. I kissed her back and from then on our weekend outings took on a new meaning. Six months later on New Year's Eve I asked her to marry me and she said yes. Both of our birthdays were in June so we decided on a June wedding.

My job took me out of town from time to time and some of those trips could be as long as two or three weeks. On night I came home from a trip that had taken me out of town for two weeks and the first place I headed was to Candy's. I had a key so I let myself in and found Candy sitting at the kitchen table with Toni and a man. I was introduced to Jimmy, Toni's brother and Candy's ex-fiancée.

I could tell from the way Jimmy was looking at Candy that he still considered her to be his and I set him straight on that by walking over to Candy, pulling her up from her seat giving her a big hug and a kiss that made us both week in the knees. I wasn't dumb and I knew he was going to try and worm his way back into Candy's good graces, but I wasn't worried because she had told me the whole story about what he had done and how she considered him lower than dirt.

The story, as it was told to me by Candy after Toni and Jimmy had gone, was that he had married the pregnant girl, the baby came along -- a little girl -- and that one day the little girl had had an accident and had needed a blood transfusion. Jimmy had rushed to the hospital only to be told that his blood wasn't compatible. How could that be he wanted to know, he was the father. He was told that "medically" there was no way he could be the father. In the confrontation with his wife that followed she finally admitted that he wasn't the father, but that she thought he would be a better father and husband than the guy who had knocked her up. He left her, got a divorce and moved back to live with Toni until he could find a place of his own. How much of that was true I had no way of knowing, but that is the story as it was told to me.

For the next couple of months it seemed like every time Toni and Candy got together Jimmy would be there. Over the same period of time I had to go out of town on several work related trips and when I got back from one of them Candy told me that she had let Jimmy talk her into letting him take her and the kids out to dinner and a movie. I wasn't happy about it, but I didn't say anything. It happened again on the next trip I took and that time I told Candy that I didn't like it. She told me that I had nothing to worry about, that she had no interest in Jimmy and besides, the only reason she agreed to go was because Toni was going to go with them. At the last second Toni had backed out, but by then the kids were all excited about going to the movie so Candy went ahead and went with Jimmy. I told her again I didn't like it and that I didn't trust Jimmy. Candy again told me that I had nothing to worry about.

Then one Sunday Candy and I got into an argument. We had planned a picnic and I got a call and had to go into work. I told Candy that I had to cancel on the picnic and she said she would get Toni to go with her and the kids. Toni told Candy that she would meet her at the park and when she showed up she had Jimmy with her. Half an hour after she got there Toni "remembered" something that she just had to do and she left. Jimmy did not leave with her. When I found out about it I was pissed.

"Can't you see what is going on here? Jimmy is trying to get back together with you and Toni is trying to help him. First she cancels on dinner and the movies so he gets to be alone with you and then she drags him along to the picnic and then leaves. Can't you see it?

"No I can't" she said. "So what if Jimmy is there? So are my kids. You think anything is going to happen with them around?"

"You can bet that he is going to try and find a way to make something happen. I don't trust him."

"It isn't him that you have to trust. I'm the one you have to trust and if you don't or can't now is as good a time to find out as any."

There wasn't anything I could say to that so I shut up, but she knew I was pissed and she was just as pissed at the thought that I didn't trust her to be able to handle Jimmy. Things were a little cool between us for the next two days and then, before we had a chance to make things right the company sent me out of town on a two week trip that turned into three months. I called Candy the first night I settled in at the motel I would be staying at to let her know where she could reach me and she apologized for the way she had acted and I apologized for making her think I didn't trust her to handle Jimmy and over the next two months there were cards, letters and phone calls exchanged, several a week, and all with protestations of undying love an affection.

One night at the beginning of the third month I got a call from one of the guys I worked with. He wanted to know when I'd be coming home and I told him in about three weeks. He told me that I needed to get back as quick as I could because Candy was spending a lot more time with Jimmy than she should.

When I talked to Candy on the phone I didn't mention the phone call from Paul. She said she missed me terribly and couldn't wait for me to get home. I told her that I would be home in three weeks and in plenty of time for the wedding and to just hang in there. There was no change in the tone of the letters, cards or phone calls from her, but I couldn't put the call I'd gotten from Paul out of my mind and I made up my mind that as soon as I got home I was going to do some checking.

I'd told Candy that I would be back in three weeks when actually I would be back in two. I was going to use that third week to see what, if anything, was going on between Candy and Jimmy. I didn't need that third week. I found out what I needed to know on the day I got back.

It was a Sunday and Candy had Sundays off. I was parked just up the street from her place and I'd been sitting there almost four hours when I saw Toni come out of her place and walk over to Candy's. Five minutes later she came out of Candy's with Billy and Debbie and took them over to her place. Fifteen minutes later Jimmy showed up, Candy came out and got in his car and they drove off.

I followed them to Mason's Steakhouse and waited outside while they ate. From Mason's they went to the Aladdin Lounge. I knew the Aladdin well and I gave them about a half hour and then I went in the back door. The place was fairly dark with the only decently lit spot being the dance floor. I was back in the shadows watching as Candy and Jimmy danced. They danced close to each other and when his hand slid down to her ass she didn't push it away. The song they were dancing to ended and Jimmy bent his head and kissed her. My angle was bad and I couldn't tell if she kissed him back, but she didn't step back from him or slap his face. They walked back to a booth and Candy slid in and then Jimmy slid in next to her -- not on the seat opposite her, but right next to her.

I'd seen enough and so I went back outside and waited. About two hours later they came out and got in his car and drove back to Candy's place. Jimmy went inside with her. Candy's apartment was more like a condo than an apartment. The second floor had two bedrooms and a bathroom and the first floor was a living room and combination kitchen/dinning room. The living room had a sliding glass door out to a small patio that looked out on a small piece of open space.

I had a key to Candy's place and the key fit both the front door and the patio door. I figured that whatever took place would happen in Candy's bedroom and I would go around back and watch through the patio door until I saw them go upstairs and then I would let myself in through the patio door. After that I didn't know. Leave a note on the kitchen table? Follow them upstairs and ask for my ring back? Stick my head in the door and yell "You're busted!" and then leave? I did know that I didn't intend to do any screaming and that there would be no violence unless Jimmy came off the bed and at me. If he did his game needed to be good if he was to stay out of the hospital since he would get the full benefit of my anger.

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Jimmy Smart

It all started when this article showed up on the front page of the daily paper: A month after a federal indictment was issued against them, Northwest strip club mogul Frank Colacurcio, Sr., and five others involved in his businesses appeared in court Friday to answer charges of racketeering, money laundering and facilitation of prostitution. Facing U.S. District Court Judge Mary Alice Theiler, Colacurcio, his son, Frank Colacurcio, Jr., and longtime associate John Gilbert Conte Conte pleaded...

1 year ago
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Jimmy and Doreen

Jimmy and Doreen were . Jimmy adored his sister. He would often play with his dick at night before he went to sleep thinking about her. Jimmy knew that it was wrong to have such thoughts about Doreen but he could not help himself.The boys in high school said she was hot. It made Jimmy mad when they talked like that.Jimmy woke up from a wonderful dream. His mother was calling him for breakfast. He passed by his sisters bedroom as peeked in the open door. Doreen was putting on her nightgown....

3 years ago
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Jimmys first time

This took place before cell phones were a thing, some homes had land lines. When televisions were huge and bulky floor items and many did not have air conditioning. Most homes were equipped with a bathroom where you would find a face bowl, toilet and a bath tube, showers were elite, That Friday after Bruce, Charlie and Daniel had robbed me of my innocence and introduced me to multiple sex partners and male on male sex. I managed to convince my parents to allow me to stay home fringing a...

1 year ago
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Jimmy Olsen Shemale Bimbo Chapters 12 to 13

Jimmy Olsen - Shemale Bimbo by Mistress Tawny Suede Chapter 12 - Frustration! Thursday morning. Jimmy woke up and stretched. He rolled over and sat on the edge of the bed. He momentarily lost his balance a bit. Despite weeks of having tits, they still threw off his centre of balance a bit. And his back hurt. But he smiled when he realized that was because his boobs had gotten much larger since his initial transmogrification. He giggled as he took his breasts in his hands and...

1 year ago
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Jimmy the Frog

CHAPTER 1 Radio talkback host James Froggatt ran the 1:00 am to 5:00 am ‘Sleepless in Orion Show’ transmitted by an obscure radio station in Indiana, well north of Indianapolis. After finishing that shift on this day he understandably yawned his way through the early morning emergency meeting called by station manager Doug Hart. Personnel were asked to take another 20% pay cut, the second in six months. ‘If I don’t get your cooperation I close the station,’ Doug warned. ‘Our investors are...

1 year ago
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Jimmy and Winnie Pt 01

The scream froze Jimmy’s blood. Winnie was always so polite and quiet. He never imagined that she could scream so loudly. Or that she could scream for so long. Most importantly, he never imagined that she would find him hiding in her wardrobe. Not that he gave it that much thought. It was never a great plan to begin with. Just hide in her wardrobe and watch her undress. Unfortunately once the idea entered Jimmy’s head he could not leave it alone. He had to hide in her wardrobe. He had to see...

4 years ago
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Robin and Jimmy Olsen Part 4 the date continues

Robin and Jimmy Olsen - Part 4 The Date Continues (finally) by Tawny Suede Just as Ollie and John began to wonder what was keeping their dates, they spotted the delectable pair of sissies returning from the rest room. When they reached the table, both men stood. Their politeness was rewarded by a brief kisses from the pretty lads. Each girlyboy also managed to run her hands across the crotch of her date and give each cock a gentle stroke! Robin and Jamie looked at each other and...

4 years ago
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Linda and Bobby 3 Surprise Jimmy

Suddenly the backdoor slammed opened and Linda rushed in. Linda is Bobby’s younger sister. She is 15 and quite stunning to look at. It’s only been a couple of weeks since Bobby and Linda found out about sex and how great it can be. “Oh, I’m late. I’ve got to get to work and I really need a shower.” She is moving like a tornado, rushing here and there. Then she spotted the movie. “Oh, I love this movie.” and her butt hit the chair across from Bobby and Jimmy. She was engrossed...

1 year ago
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Jimmy probeert bullchat Deel II

Deel 1: staarde vol ongeloof naar het kattebelletje dat Ronny had achtergelaten. Wat wou hij nog van hem? Hij probeerde een reden te vinden om niet te moeten gaan en brak z'n hoofd erover. Hij ging terug aan z'n pc zitten en las het skype-gesprek nog eens opnieuw. Hij zag ook weer de foto die Ronny had genomen en besefte dat hij tijdens hun ontmoeting ook vaak met zijn smartphone in de weer was geweest. Hij vroeg zich af waarom...

2 years ago
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Jimmy the Geek Male Multiple Orgasms

"What's the worst thing that could happen to you?" asked Frank. The five men were sitting on Frank's rear deck having a beer in the Sunday afternoon sun, leering at a 24 year old bombshell while their wives prepared the barbeque."I guess it would be if my dick was so small, I couldn't have sex," laughed Henry."Well, I haven't been getting much lately, so I guess it would be the loss of my right hand," countered a morose Greg."Hey, both those things must be true for Jimmy," laughed Dave.But...

3 years ago
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Robin and Jimmy Olsen Part 3 Jamies story

Robin and Jimmy Olsen - Part 3 Jamie's story by Tawny Suede The few days before the date in Part 1... The car pulled up at the curb and Jamie got out of the passenger side door. She was a bit wobbly on her three inch heels. The car sped away fast, as if the driver was feeling guilty about what he and Jamie had just done. Jamie opened her purse and tucked away the fifty dollars she had stuck in her bra shortly after getting into the car. She also pulled out a cigarette and lit...

2 years ago
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Jan Mike Help Stephanie and Jimmy

[ An homage to Jan B. and her husband Mike, who over the years produced so many great videos of interracial sex, and who probably helped inspire so many single women, and married couples, to slip into the interracial/cuckolding lifestyle. ]Stephanie and Jimmy had been married for just over two years when she contacted Jan about her curiosity about experiencing sex with a black man---even though she'd married Jimmy, she admitted that she'd always thought it would be exciting to at least fuck a...

3 years ago
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Jimmy Olsen Girl Reporter

JIMMY OLSEN - GIRL REPORTER by Victoria Crane This humble piece of fan-fiction is based on TG drawings by Fraylim. I went looking for more inspiration in the form of photos of redheads and I found a page of Lindsay Lohan pics. Several of them directly inspire the outfits our "heroine" wears in this story. (Hey, maybe Miss Lohan will play Jimmy in the film adaptation of my story!) I've tried to stick to the story as presented in the drawings, but obviously had to embellish....

1 year ago
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Jimmy and his mom a love story

Note : This story is completely fictional!"Now that you're eighteen Jimmy I have something to give you" said Charles."What is it dad?""A letter from your mom, I'm supposed to give it to you on your eighteenth birthday" he said.Jimmy's mom left years ago. She walked out and never came back. Jimmy opened the letter and found a check made out to him for thirty thousand dollars. There was a note which said to spend it wisely and to come a visit sometime. The boy was flabbergasted. Now he had the...

3 years ago
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Jimmy SixFingers

Jimmy ‘Six fingers’ Gambino, so called simply because he was born with 6 fingers, was a your average nice guy. A shade over six foot, with long black hair, the chiseled features and physique of a Greek God and a smile that made women swoon Jimmy was what most people considered model material. However it was Jimmy’s eyes that gave him away, they were the coldest gray and held the hint of someone who had seen and inflicted a lot of pain. The simple fact of the matter was that Jimmy was a hit man...

2 years ago
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Jimmy P5

I was up early because i needed cash!Having lost one of my favourite pairs of trainers, my wallet, my phone and other bits, i needed some money urgently and i was off to get some... not from a job, please! Do you really think i'm going to work for a living? No. I was off to see my fairly rich uncle, uncle Pauli for a loan.Uncle Pauli was my fathers older brother, and he had a second hand car dealership across town, and if i asked extra nicely, i was pretty sure he would loan me a few...

3 years ago
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Jimmy and Michelle Ch 02

As I was getting ready for Amanda’s graduation, I was thinking these past five months had flown by. Amanda had finished up her PhD work at UCLA and was getting ready to drive back east to be with her family. Both her parents knew that I called her my girlfriend, and Amanda called me her boyfriend, but we were nothing more than fuck buddies. I have met her parents before, when they flew out here when Amanda had finished her master’s degree two years ago. And her father nailed it from the get go....

1 year ago
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Supermans Boyfriend Jimmy Olsen Part 7

Good new luvers! First, in this part, Superman gets it on hot and heavy... and I do mean HEAVY with that darling sidekick Robin. But more importantly, there is just going to be one more part of this story to be posted and that will be it for this series! Will Superman and that darling rent boy tramp Jimmy Olsen get back together? Well honeys I haven't written the final part yet. Oh, yes, I know what I plan to happen, but these characters sometimes steer the story in unexpected...

4 years ago
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Master Jimmy His Wenches

Chapter 1 Pam was 56 years old & Jimmy's mom .She was married to Jimmy's stepdad Ernie , currently completely nude & in the doggystyle position Pam was on Jimmy's bed getting fucked up the ass . Six months ago she had been brainwashed & was now serving her well-hung son , master constantly . His 11 inch cock gaped Pam's shithole , before he ended creampieing her . Pam took a shower , before she & Jim left to go next door . So she could perform a camshow with Wanda . The door was...

3 years ago
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Jenny and Jimmy

Jenny and Jimmy A longing fulfilledThis tale is being told by both Jimmy and Jenny. I hope the readers can follow the story easily.Hi there – my name is Jimmy and I am a 20yr old college student. I am home for my summer break at the moment and as I have my own apartment, I was just taking it easy that day. I stand at 6’ 2” and have the musculature of a Football player. I have dark brown hair and hazel eyes. Being a ball player, I keep very fit. It was a hot afternoon just like any other. I lay...

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Addicted to JimmyChapter 5

I had already felt up in her and knew there was no maiden head to tear. Lee took her time, She got the head of my prick nearly in her and stayed like that with her eyes squeezed shut. We waited for her to do it. When she did she plunged it in her and screamed. She said later she had her first orgasm from a man's cock when my prick bounced off her cervix and hit bottom in her pussy. Fay had emptied my sperm into her mouth, I fucked Lee through dozens of climaxes until she begged me to cum...

1 year ago
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Dad and Jimmy and I

My mom died as my b*****r and i were young teens. Life changed a lot for us then. Most of it better. Jimmy and i started to mature as I grew nice tits and a round ass and he got a nice big cock. My dad really noticed how his k**s were growing up. He was always looking at my tits and my ass. I loved him looking at me and i dressed to entice him. I wore thin tight t-shirts with no bra and my nipples would get very hard when dad stared at them.\\One night when I was asl**p i heard dad come into...

4 years ago
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Dad and Jimmy and I

My mom died as my brother and i were young teens. Life changed a lot for us then. Most of it better. Jimmy and i started to mature as I grew nice tits and a round ass and he got a nice big cock. My dad really noticed how his k**s were growing up. He was always looking at my tits and my ass. I loved him looking at me and i dressed to entice him. I wore thin tight t-shirts with no bra and my nipples would get very hard when dad stared at them.\One night when I was asleep i heard dad come into my...

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Trading FriendsChapter 6 Jimmy

Jimmy: Monday morning I was very distracted as I did my normal routine. Today was for repetitions not strength. I worked with lighter weights and did 100 reps in each position to help define the muscle groups. My trainer at the Y developed my lifting routine and I was keeping to it religiously. The first of several meets to build up to the Olympic tryouts was coming up next week and I wanted to be ready. It's a good thing that the workout was so automatic because my mind was going crazy...

1 year ago
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The awakening of Jimmy Slade

Jimmy Slade had applied for a position as an apprentice electrician long before he left high school. His father would rather he had become a professional footballer because Jimmy was strong, agile and athletic. But Jimmy knew what he wanted. Although still a teenager he knew that he would soon be finding a girl to make him happy and to be the mother of his k**s. He wanted to prepare for a stable future with a steady job, a comfortable home, a good wife and k**s. He was in for a rude...

2 years ago
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Jimmy Gets Replaced

Nancy was just an ordinary young girl growing up in rural Illinois, for the most part anyway. She enjoyed the simple pleasures of country life and had similar hopes, dreams and fears as any young girl on the verge of womanhood. She wanted to be loved, and a chance to give love in return. Nancy wondered sometimes if her wishes would ever come true, if she would ever be able to have a real relationship, as Nancy was sexually m*****ed by her stepfather as a very young girl. Although her stepfather...

1 year ago
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Jimmy and the Amazonian World Outline

Jimmy and the Amazon World * Three friends come across a rift in space time and land in the amazon home world. * To begin with the three are a little nerdy. John is into Star Wars/ Star Trek big time. He becomes Jenny and becomes sporty and turns into a hunter/warrior of the amazon. Clarence is into math/science. He becomes Claire and starts out trying to become a warrior like Jenny but cannot handle it. She is forced to become a seamstress but later becomes a builder and an...

4 years ago
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Jimmy Gets Replaced

Nancy was just an ordinary young girl growing up in rural Illinois, for the most part anyway. She enjoyed the simple pleasures of country life and had similar hopes, dreams and fears as any young girl on the verge of womanhood. She wanted to be loved, and a chance to give love in return. Nancy wondered sometimes if her wishes would ever come true, if she would ever be able to have a real relationship, as Nancy was sexually molested by her stepfather as a very young girl. Although her stepfather...

First Time
2 years ago
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Jimmy P9

So i was just coming downstairs on a good looking sunny morning, when my mother started yelling my name."Jimmy! Jimmy!" she cried out from the kitchen."What? What?" i yelled back as i entered the kitchen.My mother stood there in the kitchen, in a blue bikini top, holding in her big saggy mature tits, and a matching sarong, busy cooking breakfast, and replied "Don't disappear this morning! i need you to go get me bits for the BBQ today!""When did i become your personnel gopher?" i asked...

2 years ago
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Jimmy Gets Replaced

Nancy was just an ordinary young girl growing up in rural Illinois, for the most part anyway. She enjoyed the simple pleasures of country life and had similar hopes, dreams and fears as any young girl on the verge of womanhood. She wanted to be loved, and a chance to give love in return. Nancy wondered sometimes if her wishes would ever come true, if she would ever be able to have a real relationship, as Nancy was sexually molested by her stepfather as a very young girl. Although her stepfather...

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Jimmy Olsen Shemale Bimbo Prologue

Jimmy Olsen - Shemale Bimbo Prologue.... Six Months Later In the back of her dim witted mind, she knew that something was not quite right. In the back of her throat, she knew that Steve Lombard's long hard cock felt so very very good.. If her mouth had been empty... if his balls had not been slapping her chin, Gemmy would have squealed in delight. "Oh Stevie... feed me your dick! Cream down my throat!" she cooed. When she was sitting at her secretary desk outside of Perry...

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