Fucking My Moms For Kaylee
- 2 years ago
- 40
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“So how did school go today?” asked Katherine as David entered the kitchen.
“Hey, it was good. I sure learned a lot,” replied David.
“Well, this is a welcome relief. All I usually get is an unenthusiastic ‘okay.’
“Well there was some new stuff in ... current events, that got my attention.”
“What was it all about?”
“Oh, about leaders and how they can influence other people to do things they want.”
“Good things?”
“Yeah, sometimes real good things.”
“Maybe you’ll be a leader one of these days.”
“I hope so.” David paused but for a moment. “Maybe I can influence you into a movie tonight.”
“Sure, what’s on TV?”
“NO, I meant a real movie ... at the theatre. Maybe we grab some dinner first. My treat.”
“So the big spender now that you have that job at the grocery store?”
“Well, I did get paid today.”
“Save your money for taking someone else to the movies. Maybe Jane Timmings. I saw you talking with her the other day. She seems nice.”
“She’s okay, but the person I want to go to the movies with is you,” he said taking her hand in his.
When Katherine seemed a bit taken aback, he quickly covered by bowing deeply and adding, “if my lady will see fit to accompany me.”
She laughed. “Oh, sir knight, how can I refuse?”
He released her hand but maintained eye contact. “Mom, are you lonely?”
“Honey, why would you ask that?”
“Because you haven’t been on a date since Dad left. I know some guys have asked you out but you keep saying no.”
Suddenly the mood had turned serious.
“David, it’s just that I was hurt so deeply when your father left us.”
“I know. You almost lost it.”
“Yes ... I guess I almost did. You and and your father were my whole world. When he deserted us I felt betrayed ... and hurt.”
“As well you should.”
“I just don’t want to be hurt again.”
“Not all men are assholes like Dad.”
“David, watch your language. Despite everything he is your father.”
“Yeah, but you need someone Mom.”
“Maybe, I do get lonely, even now.” She smiled. “But I have my knight in shining armor to take me to the movies, right?”
“Right!” he answered.
They grabbed their jackets from the hall closet, David holding Katherine’s jacket for her, and started out the door.
“You know knights get lonely too,” he said back over his shoulder as he stepped through the door.
She was puzzled and started to ask what he meant by that, but let it pass as they made their way down the front walk.
“So how’s Miss Roberts? Gotten into her pants yet?” smiled Mark as the four sat at one of the picnic tables on the school commons.
Larry frowned, bringing laughs from the others. “Are you kidding, she won’t even give me the time of day. All she talks about is you. Have I seen you? Did you mention her? Would I please have you call her.”
“I told you not to put the moves on too quickly, now didn’t I? You can’t rush women, Larry old boy. They always have to operate on their own time ... or at least think they do.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. Any chance I can turn her around?”
“Your chances now are not too hot. I told you when I called her that she wasn’t exactly excited to hear I wasn’t the one coming to see her.”
“She is hot, though. God I’d love to wind up with a pair of her panties to remember her by.”
“Well, don’t give up. She’s lonely and she knows now how good a time even a teenager can give her. Be patient. She may come around.”
Mark looked to David. “And how’s our newest Romeo doing? Any progress with your mother?”
“I ... I think so. We went to the movies the other night. I let my hand slip across hers during the movie. Just for a moment but she didn’t brush it off or anything. We’ve have some conversations. I’ve worked in some of the stuff you suggested.”
“Good, Davey boy. Just try to be more patient than Larry here and you’ll see it pay off. He grinned. “Speaking of paying off, now that you’re officially a member, it’s time you got another perk. How about it Larry, can your mom get free?”
Larry rubbed his chin. “Not tonight, Dad’s still here. He won’t be leaving for another sales trip until Saturday morning.”
“Your mom’s still married?” asked David incredulously.
“Yeah, Dad travels for a farm machinery company. He’s gone a lot and mom gets lonely.”
“Does she ever,” laughed Kyle.
David looked to Mark questioningly.
“Let’s just say she has a little surprise for you. One you’ll enjoy a great deal.”
David, his curiosity peaked, was already beginning to look forward to Saturday night.
The rest of the week dragged by much too slowly for David although he and Katherine had talked again and he had brushed past her in the laundry room, their bodies touching momentarily. She was bending over to remove some clothes from the dryer as he reached for a light bulb in the shelf above. His erection was unintentional but pronounced as he made contact with her rear.
“Uh, sorry,” he said, turning red.
She, also embarrassed by the firm feel of his erection, said nothing, but also made only a token gesture to move away. This did not go unnoticed by the turned-on teen who would have followed up if two things had not happened. One, he remembered Larry’s bitter experience of moving too quickly, and secondly the doorbell rang announcing the arrival of a mail order package. The moment over they separated and he left to retrieve the package, but his mother’s hesitance to move away from him played out in his mind over and over.
“Mrs Miner, I’m...”
“You’re David and you’re even handsomer than Larry said,” said the auburn haired beauty with a smile as she took him by the hand and practically jerked him through the front door. “I’m Cindy and you’re here to screw me.”
“Wow, you don’t waste much time, do you?” he started.
“Why should we? We both know what we want. I’ve got what you want and you’ve got what I want.”
She immediately began shedding clothes so David followed suit.
“Come on into the bedroom. I’ve got a little surprise for you,” she said coyly.
For one moment David was again uneasy that some practical joke was about to be played on him, but when he looked into the bedroom and saw it was empty except for the oversized bed he began to relax once again.
“See this?” she said discarding her bra and panties, lying back on the bed and spreading her legs.
“Wow! How could I miss something like that?”
“Well Baby, you’d better not miss cause if you do you won’t get your surprise.”
HIs erection was already full, for Cindy was a beautiful woman of both face and body and it was obvious she intended to waste no time in fulfilling her obligation to the club.
The kiss was more obligatory than romantic as she all but pulled him into her.
“Oh, YEAH, Baby! You’ve got a nice one don’t you. Well let’s see how well you can use it. Now screw me! SCREW ME! Than’s it! HARDER, DEEPER! Yeah! Oh YEAH!!!
Already David could feel the urge to orgasm, but concentrated on holding back as Mark had advised him.
“Oh DAVID! Sweet, sweet David! You’re gonna make me cum, big boy! And have I got a surprise for you! Harder, Baby, HARDER. YEAHHHH! Oh, god, Baby, I can feel it! I CAN FEEL IT! HERE IT COMES! Pull out, Baby, pull out.”
“Huh, David grunted.”
“Pull out, Baby cause here it comes!”
“David withdrew just in time to see Cindy squirt a stream of female ejaculate half way across the room. No sooner had David’s eyes bulged until a second stream shot from the humping woman, and then a third.
David was both surprised and excited by what he was seeing. He had seen porn movies of men who could ejaculate several inches but this was a woman shooting a copious stream of her love juices measured in feet.
“God that’s good!” grunted Cindy. “Come on Baby, do me again!”
David was only too happy to oblige. It wasn’t long before both were orgasming, David in her only to feel her shoot his semen as well as her own ejaculate all over the bed, rug and small table at the foot of the bed.
“I’ve ... I’ve never seen anything like that,” he said as they lay side by side getting their collective breaths.
“It’s just something that I’ve been able to do since I reached my first orgasm. Like it?” she asked.
“Boy, I’ll say.”
“My husband doesn’t. He says it makes me look cheap, like something out of a porno movie.”
“Well, I think it’s great. It certainly makes you unique ... I mean besides being a great lover.”
“Thank you, David. You’re sweet. Say,” she said, “why don’t I take that tool of yours, put it in my mouth and get you going again?”
“Fine by me,” he grinned.
And so it went for the next hour and a half. The voluptuous auburn haired beauty would suck him to erection whereby he would enter her, bring her to orgasm in which she would squirt repeatedly to the delight of the young boy who would then reenter her and fill her with a copious load of semen. A few moments rest and they would be at it again.
At last, both exhausted, they lay back on their respective pillows.
“I still can’t believe this is happening,” he said.
“You mean the club? she asked.
‘Yeah, I just never dreamed that beautiful women like you and Riona would be interested in guys still in high school.”
“Well...” she started, then thought better of it.
“Oh, nothing important. I guess Riona and I are just very lonely and young men, like yourself are so ... energetic.”
“Still, you’re beautiful, you could have any man you want.”
“Why, David, that’s so nice of you to say. It’s just that I don’t want to disappoint Larry. I’m sure you know by now he was my initiation into the club.”
“Yeah, and Riona said Kyle got her to join as well. I just don’t know whether I can talk my mom into...”
She cut him off. “I’m sure you can. And ... and, if you need advice...”
“Yeah, Mark is giving me a lot of pointers.”
“He has asked me to help too ... and Riona as well as his mom. Whatever you need.”
“What I need right now is to take another look at that naked body of yours,” he said smiling.
“Well, I hope you’re planning on doing more than looking,” she replied.
“Oh, yeah! A lot more!” he responded rolling over to suck at one of her nipples.
She glanced at a flower display on a nearby table, the small camera and microphone hidden within and mouthed the word ‘PLEASE’ as David began to partake of her charms once again.
Two days later, David sensed something was amiss the moment he got home from school.
“Mom?” asked David gently, poking his head through her bedroom door when he heard sobbing.
“Oh, Hi, Honey. I didn’t know you were home,” she said wiping away the tears and trying to manage a smile.
“Mom, what is it?”
“Nothing, Honey. I...”
She lay the newspaper article down on the bed, trying to keep it from her son, but he saw it and grabbed it.The article was from the society page and announced the birth of a baby girl. looking further into the article David realized it was the child of his father and the woman with whom he had run off.
“Jeeze, I didn’t even know they were married.”
“They’ weren’t until a month ago.”
“So, Dad’s out sowing more wild oats, eh?” David knew he had been the result of a high school back seat tryst. When Katherine turned up pregnant, Brad had agreed to marry her, but he had continued to have a roving eye and trouble keeping his fly zipped. It was therefore devastating, but not all that surprising, when he had run off with the woman and even less that he had gotten her pregnant.
She tried not to cry in front of David, but the tears could not be held back. When Katherine began sobbing once again, David was by her side. His concern was genuine and at this moment all thoughts of seduction were set aside. His arm went around her as they sat side by side on the edge of the bed.
“I’m here for you Mom.”
“I know, Honey, I know, she sobbed laying her head on his shoulder. “You’re my man now. You’re all I need.”
Now the thoughts returned. He wanted nothing more than to help this woman who had given him life. He wanted to ease her pain, to take away the aching he knew was throbbing inside her.
“Yes, all you need,” he breathed as he looked into her eyes and found surrender written all over them.
The kiss was tender and warm. He felt her respond for a brief moment before pulling away.
“UH, I guess we got carried away there,” she said rising and moving toward the door to hide her embarrassment. “Hey, I bet it’s about time I started supper.”
“Mom, it’s okay. I felt it too. We don’t need to hide our feelings.”
“Oh, Honey I’m not hiding...”
“Of course you are. You have been ever since Dad bailed on us ... It’s understandable but it’s time you moved on.”
“But what we just did was...”
“Wonderful,” he finished it for her. “Look, you’ve been saying for some time now that I’m the man of the house. You just said i was all you need.”
“But what I meant was the two of us ... mother and son.”
“Mother and son who love each other.”
“Yes, but not like...”
“Yes like,” he said rising and taking her in his arms. “Don’t fight it Mom. Just let it happen.”
“But ... but ... no we couldn’t. That would be...”
“That would be two people in love.”
“David, we can’t be having this conversation. It just isn’t right.”
“It is right, Mom ... and you know it.”
“No ... I can’t...” she uttered, turned and practically fled form the room.
David was torn. He loved her for the mother she was. And he loved her for the woman she was. He wanted only the best for her and was now convinced more than ever that he was the man for her. He would love her, adore her, treat her as his father should have for all those years. He could and would make her happy. And there was the club. He realized that as great as the sex had been with Kyle’s and Larry’s moms and, no doubt, would be with Mark’s mom as well, it was Katherine he wanted, to make love with and to live with. He wanted her for himself, yet realized that he was already deeply indebted to the club. Would she enjoy trysts with mark, Larry and Kyle as their mothers seem to? He couldn’t imagine that to be the case yet Riona and Cindy seemed to be quite satisfied with the arrangement and with entertaining from time to time. Could Katherine actually come to like that as well? It all spun around in his mind as he tried to decide what he should do. His mother was on the verge and he and she both knew it, yet what then? He knew that if it weren’t for the club he would probably never have discovered his feelings for Katherine and he certainly would never have learned the many arts of lovemaking that he had now acquired. It was a very confused David Wright who, not sure how to proceed, avoided his mother for the rest of the evening.
“Well, I guess Larry’s mom made a big splash with you,” laughed Mark as the club was again in session.
“That was something else! I just had no idea. She was fantastic!”
“And speaking of fantastic. How are you doing with that hot mom of yours?” asked Kyle.
“I’m ... working on it. I’m just not sure I can pull this off.”
“Well, if you expect to meet my mom and ever see Kyle’s and Larry’s moms again, you’d better produce.”
“I just don’t want her hurt in any way.”
“Hey,” chimed in Larry, “we don’t want to hurt her. We just want to screw her. Do our moms act like someone’s hurting them?”
“No, I guess not.”
“As a matter of fact, don’t they seem to be enjoying it just as much as we do?”
“Yeah,” replied David, “I guess you’re right.”
“Would you say you were surprised when you first met Kyle’s and Larry’s moms?” asked Mark.
“Surprised doesn’t even begin to describe it,” laughed David.
“Well, we have a third surprise for you. You haven’t met my mom yet.”
“I’m sure she’s great, but after Riona and Cindy...”
“Oh, you’ll be surprised all right,” said Mark, grinning and winking at the others who returned the grin.
“But I haven’t ... I mean my mom hasn’t...”
“Yeah, but from what you’ve said it won’t be long now. Besides you’re not really a full fledged member until you’ve done all our moms.”
“She’s pretty,” said David, and although LuAnn Tablyn had a pleasant enough face, she was not possessed of the real beauty of a Riona or Cindy.
“Yeah, good looking enough, I guess,” commented Mark. Anyway come on over tonight and she’s yours.”
“I’ll have to tell mom I’m working late at the grocery.”
“Hey, tell her whatever you want, but if you want a piece of my mom, be there at eight. Kyle, okay if I spend the night at your place?”
The young black teenager nodded affirmatively. “Sure, it’s pizza night. Then we can...”
“Wow, a threesome?” marveled David.
“Why not? Davey Boy, you’re going to learn that we can have all kinds of possibilities with four hot women.”
Images flew through his mind but David was already late to chemistry lab.
“Eight o’clock?” reaffirmed Mark. “I’ll tell Mom to expect you.”
“Yeah, I’ll be there.”
David rang the doorbell and nervously looked about to be sure no one, including noisy neighbors were watching.
The door opened and David was taken aback to see the small figure of LuAnn Tablyn. Mark’s mother stood less than five feet tall and was of rather thin stature. Her face, as in the photo, was pleasant but unremarkable and showed premature age lines around her eyes and mouth. This was a woman who had lived a hard life thought David to himself.
“You are master David,” she asked in a low, mousey voice.
“Uh, yeah, i’m David.”
“I am LuAnn. Mark told me you would be coming. I am to entertain you.”
She showed him into the front room where she had made tea. David accepted even though he was not a tea drinker. A sip or two and he set the cup down.
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"Come, Snothead", Miss Luslayla commands me. I go on my hands and knees obediently, naked as usual. Reaching the black girl, who is relaxing comfortably in an armchair, i kiss her feet. She kicks me slightly in the face, and i kiss her kicking foot again. She is smoking thoughtfully. "Listen, Snothead."The humiliating name Snothead used to be just mockery, but now it is my official name. One-word names are allowed since Wimbian legislation restored slavery in the country. After that i got...
My girlfriend is dressing up as a school girl . She wanted my opinion of her costume and my jaw dropped as she came out in pigtails sucking on a lollypop . I told her i'm the headmaster and i have to suspend you for wearing a short sklrt and thigh high stockings. She played right along to my surprise and begged me not to tell her parents. I told her the only other punishment was a bare ass spanklng. She agreed and i quickly bent her over a chair afraid she mlght stop this game. I...
We landed in Santa Fe in a snowstorm. Because Santa Fe was smaller than the other cities where I'd shown my work, I'd arranged for a rental car — a big mistake. Before we arrived at the Inn at Loretto, where we'd booked our hotel accommodations, the falling snow had turned into a blizzard. I'd lived in three bodies for over 150 years, and I'd never driven in the snow, let alone a blizzard that shut out the sun and limited my vision to the hood ornament, if the sedan Hertz had given me...
Hi, I am Jai. This story which I am going to narrate is a real-life incident. So just sit back, relax and enjoy while shagging your dick. This was my first ever experience and it happened in Bangalore when I was still in college. It’s a long story and I have split it into different parts. I am good looking, 5’8 tall and have a 6-inch strong dick. I work out regularly which helps me go really long sessions on the bed. Continuing from where we left, Asha aunty had a stern expression. A thousand...
THE LATEST NEWS FROM OVERSEX (A Sequel to "Nipped in the Bud") By C Our story takes place in Middlestroke, a tony suburb northwest of London.In Madame Sesostris' Salon, the ladies were enjoying a favorite morning ritual.They sat back in comfortable recliners, while a herd of human serving womensaw to their hair, nails, makeup, perfume, and anything else that occurredto them. Every succubus in Middlestroke was present that morning. Molly Morgothwas there, a winsome redhead who favored yellow...
GABBY’S SEDUCTION Vince had been fucking Kent on a regular basis for several weeks now. Whenever his mother was going to be out for several hours, Kent would always notify Vince so that he could arrange his schedule. Another Saturday Patty and Gabby went shopping and Vince hung out with Kent at the house. Gabby knew that Vince was still fucking her son even though she had only caught them the one time. She felt a little guilty being Patty’s friend and not telling her about Vince and her son....
It was the middle of a Nor' Eastser (Bad Snow Storm In New England) when the lights went out and the winds were howling like giant monsters across the roofs... Snow was piling up fast and the only place to be, was in bed.My fleece sheets and I were cozy and the battery operated toys were set to run smoothly for a cold and snowy night...I wasn't sure if I should start feeling myself, perhaps, my handsome next door neighbor, Mack, would oblige me with some candles and wine and then I would be...
As we drove back to camp from our weekend in London, I was excited to realize there were others queers like us who were happy with their lifestyle choices. It was all I could think about for the longest time, and how they could socialize with others like themselves, relax and enjoy without worry or feeling ashamed. Of course I admitted to Darlene how excited I was, and thanked her over and over for introducing inviting me home with her. She admitted how pleased she was that I felt that way,...
I went to my locker and sorted out my books for the afternoon lessons. I was on my way to the first classroom when there came an announcement over the school’s paging system: “Maria D’Angelou and Kevin Randell to the Vice Principal’s office. Maria D’Angelou and Kevin Randell to the Vice Principal’s office.” I did an about-turn and headed to Vice Principal Hinterberry’s office. There was an assistant on duty outside. “The Vice Principal will be ready for you shortly,” she said. Maria joined...
The urge was upon me. I watched the people moving in front of me on the street as I sat in the café. A glimpse was all I needed. A flash of thighs, a twist of their head or tightening of their purse would tell me everything. Some women were pure of motive and useless to me. Some women hated men and were of no interest to me. Some women were ugly and undesirable to me. Some women were bad and they glowed like brilliant stars to my eyes. These were whom I hunted. These were the women...
In the neighborhood we lived in there was a youth center for kids for ages 8 to 16. At the center there was a pool and ping pong table, a TV and VCR which was mainly used for movie night on Fridays. Outside there was a basketball and tennis court, and a grassy field for playing soccer which is called football here. I didn't know about American football until we moved to the States which will come later in the story. It was there at the center where I got my first crush. The center was open...
The Friday night high school football game was well underway and Riley Bills was struggling to lead his team to victory. Every time he attempted to complete a pass or instigate a running play, his mind seemed to disconnect and he made all sorts of mistakes that he didn't usually make. His father wasn't riding him the way he often did when his game was off like this, instead his father sat on the sidelines in virtual silence. He and his father had barely said two words to each other since...
It was very late at night, around 1 AM, when you got out of bed to get a drink. You just couldn't sleep after the day you had - earlier that night, your girlfriend let you finger her for the first time! It wasn't quite sex, but it was close enough. Your girlfriend, Sarah, was a very pretty girl - tan and toned body, long red hair, and a beautiful face, you've been pinning after her for a few years before you actually asked her out. And now, all you could think about was having sex with...
IncestRick gave a groan as his wife informed him that her sister in law had rung while he was down at the hardware store and asked if she could stay with them while she attended a gathering of her senior's club. "How long?" he asked as he emptied the tea pot. "At least three days", he wife replied. He was silent for her sister in law was so stone faced; a person that never smiled, that was why he called her 'stone-faced Mary'. "I do question the three days", he said with a sigh. "A...
Chapter 1It was a sunny and warm May afternoon as I sat staring out the window, trapped in my senior chemistry class with little hope of sneaking out early. Only one week of school remaining and then I'll be free. Graduation! I've looked forward to this day for ... well since I can remember, and it's almost here. I just have to get through finals, and while I am a pretty good student, it has been difficult, if not impossible of late keeping my mind on studies. It seems I am daydreaming more and...
Having had sexual intercourse with a classmate and a forced one with a senior, I turned my focus on a junior. There were many, but like a lion stalks the weakest deer, I chose to seduce Neelam. I had befriended her while in college and I had by then graduated. Neelam was an extremely beautiful woman. She was my junior in college. A divorcee with no issues, she had joined the institute for furthering her career. She was paranoid about the Director victimising her and I sought to comfort her and...
My mother in law was always very prim and proper around me when sober but it was a different story when she had a few drinks in her. It was on a Saturday night out during last summer that things changed between me and my mother in law but would it be for the worst or for the better?Stella was my mom in law and I had always gotten along ever since her daughter Sara had started going out with me and 10 years later Sara and I had been enjoying married life even without c***dren as Sara couldn't...
Men! So Jack just called me, like after a week of waiting around the phone. I mean, I still see him in school and all. But he's been kind of avoiding me. I know he hangs out with Tammy a whole lot more, which of course is making me jealous, except I gave him permission. Now Jack calls me out of the blue and tells me he wants to see me. Like I wonder what that means. He's going to pick me up. Mother has been watching over me lately. I think she feels kind of sorry for me, because...
Russ was looking down and watching as his cock disappeared into the leggy blonde on her knees before him, bent over, her ass high in the air to give him access to her hairless pussy. Her face was buried in a pile of pillows, and she grunted with each powerful stroke he took. He tried to keep himself engaged by tracing a hand down her trim waist to her wide hips. Grabbing them with both hands, he pulled her back on him aggressively, plowing deeper inside her. Liz moaned her approval, but Russ...
"...I think people might be staring," I whispered to Ophelia as we walked through the cramped shopping centre. "What they wish to do with their eyes is their business, not ours," Ophelia replied, holding her head high even as every head we passed turned to look in our direction. "Easy for you to say," I mumbled as I tried not to let my cheeks go too red. It was a few weeks after Christmas, and Ophelia and I were on one of our regular shopping sessions, where we'd visit all the...
Thanks to everyone who has commented with a review so far on this story, I do appreciate them! They are always appreciated, even if I don't get to each one with a response! Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some...
Greetings again, readers! Your humble raconteur returns with the next exciting installment of ‘Don’t Miss,’ He Said. It’s time again to join Alphonse, Elena, and the rest of the gang for another bit of fun. More conflict with Gospel, and more romance for the couples. Here you are. Alphonse Rosethorne, take command of your story…Carry out the plan of the day! ************* ‘Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.’ Franz Schubert: ‘Ave Maria ...
Hey Indian sex stories. This is Kashwick (name changed). M a huge fan of Indian sex stories and usually read stories on ISS when I was 18 years old. This is the story of my first encounter with my girlfriend. Her name is Swati(name changed). She is like a sex goddess. Very active in sexual chats and fucking sessions. Her figure was real charm (36-28-32).. By god her melons where the best. When I hug her I usually poke her pussy with my dick. :d :p and she says control your feeling my boy you...
Jill was a 39-year-old red head, she had put on a few pounds in the last 15 years which only accentuated her 36 E breasts and well-rounded butt. Her husband Al was a VP of sales for an International Chemical Company who was gone months at a time. When he was home all he did was sleep and stay on the phone with clients. Working all week, cleaning house on the weekend didn’t give her a lot of free time either, she was super horny all the time she tried to entice Al with sexy outfits. He would...
Tiffany knocked on Chuck's door, and he opened it, dressed in a light shirt and slacks. She had put on the sexiest thing she'd brought with her, which was a blouse with a deep "V" neck. She'd left her bra off, even though she knew her heavy breasts would bounce all around. They were just going to the dining room, and then... She didn't know what would happen then, but she knew he liked looking at her breasts, and she liked having him look, now, so she just did it. Her legs were bare...
When lusty Latina Gizelle Blanco is having a tough time with her university studies, she pays a visit to hunky stepbrother Robby Echo. But’s it’s not help with homework that this naughty college nympho is interested in – it’s his big dick that she’s been eyeing for some time. The tease of a stepsister flashes her perky natural tits, and is soon getting the pussy licking she’d been fantasizing about and his huge cock down her deepthroat. Watch the Penthouse...
xmoviesforyouI Want to Make You My Slave By Gail Blue "Honey, I'm bored," Laura mused as she ran her fingers through my hair. "What kind of bored? You want to go do something or... go back to the hotel?" We were lying out by the river under a tree. "Well yeah, but not right now. I just mean with life. We've been traveling for how long now, six months?" She seemed to be daydreaming as she spoke. "Money will spoil you. You think we should donate it all? Go back to working for a...
Jennifer (Kyler Quinn) has been ill, but she’s finally out of the hospital, and just needs to rest at home for a few more days before she can return to school. As she’s resting in her room, she gets a visit from her classmate, Suzie (Samantha Black). It turns out that Suzie is here to drop off a jumbo-sized ‘Get Well Soon’ card that people at school have signed for her. Jennifer is grateful for the nice surprise, and after Suzie leaves, she begins to read the messages...
xmoviesforyouCaroline had been at her job for a few months but had a hard time fitting in. Her colleagues, a bunch of catty, older women froze her out, because they believed she got the job on her looks, that she slept her way into her position. There was no truth to that, but her boss, Mr. White, had looked at her hungrily during the interview and always stood way too close while they talked. It was her first job out of college and she had actually been surprised she got it. Caroline had done nothing to...