Forbidden Love (part 1 - 7) free porn video

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Chapter 1

It was a sunny and warm May afternoon as I sat staring out the window, trapped in my senior chemistry class with little hope of sneaking out early. Only one week of school remaining and then I'll be free. Graduation! I've looked forward to this day for ... well since I can remember, and it's almost here. I just have to get through finals, and while I am a pretty good student, it has been difficult, if not impossible of late keeping my mind on studies. It seems I am daydreaming more and more. Mostly dreaming about how I am going to spend my last summer before I head off to college. But I'm also thinking about my mom. I wonder how she is going to get along without me. I've been the man of the house since my dad left almost five years ago and now I will be leaving her too. The thought is so depressing that it has nearly ruined my excitement over the end of twelve long years of school.

Sure, Mom says she'll be fine. She always says that. But I know how much she depends on me. Although she is still young at 37 (I was born when she was 19) and, if I say so myself "hot", she doesn't date or have a man around, other than me, to fix things and take care of the car and such. Keeping the house running is my job and I don't mind the responsibility. In fact, I love it. She and I have a very special relationship and are very close—we are more like friends than mother and son. We have leaned on each other exclusively over the past few years; through my adolescence crises and her more important adult concerns ... like how we were going to pay the bills.

When Dad ran off with his secretary, he left us nothing, and even worse, Mom was emotionally crushed and for a long time I hated him for that. He burst my bubble of a happy family and hurt my mom terribly. But I don't hate him anymore. His leaving is the reason my mother and I grew so close. Since he's been gone, I've made sure she didn't miss him. At least in all the ways a young boy can act as the man of the house. I learned to fix things, helped with finances by getting a part time job to pay for clothes and minor school expenses, and just being there when she needed someone's shoulder to cry on. And she did plenty of that. I have a couple of shirts on which she shed her tears and, although I should throw them out, they are still in my closet as a reminder that I never want to hurt her like that. Oh, and yes I'm just a little embarrassed to say that I also have a couple pair of her panties hidden in my dresser that I stole from the hamper.

As I said, my mother is hot, and if you haven't guessed already, I have a major crush on her. She is gorgeous and not just because I say so. All of my buddies say she is by far the hottest and coolest mom of any they know. She's about five-six with large round eyes that change from an aqua blue to sky blue depending on the outfit she is wearing, and they twinkle like stars. She keeps her dyed red hair at shoulder length and curled under stylishly. Her figure is perfect, but I will tell you more about that in a moment. At 37 she easily passes for her late 20's. Some say we could pass for brother and sister; and of course she loves it when I tell her that.

On her 37th birthday I surprised her with a birthstone ring and necklace. She had no idea that I was getting her anything, but I had saved up my extra spending money—seven hundred dollars—and spent it all. I know she liked the necklace and ring because she said so when we saw it at a jewelry store at the mall one afternoon. I worked hard to save up the money and purchasing the ring and necklace was probably the most exciting moment of my life up to that time. I had it specially wrapped at the store in pretty paper with a red bow.

When I gave it too her she began to cry. For a moment I thought I had made a big mistake. But her tears were tears of joy. She said I shouldn't have spent so much money but she loved it and loved me. That statement alone made it all worth it. She said she was going to wear the ring always. I was surprised when she put it on her left ring finger where she used to wear a wedding band. That was special to me as well.

I guess it is time to admit that I have been fantasizing about my mom a lot lately. Recently I actually got the nerve to spy on her. I had resisted the incredible sexual hormones raging in me until I accidentally saw her undressing in her bedroom. I went to her room to ask if she needed anything before I went to bed. Her door was opened just a crack. Before I could knock, I saw her standing near her vanity. I had seen her in her nightgowns and such and she had seen me in my underwear plenty of times, but this was the first time I had seen her totally naked. I still have the image of her slim waist and tapered hips with the smooth perfect white skin of her ass burned into my memory bank. I don't think I have ever seen a more perfect ass.

When she bent over to pick up her panties my heart almost jumped out of my chest when I realized that I could see the lips of her pussy between her slightly spread thighs. And, incredibly, she didn't have a speck of pubic hair, none—baby smooth. The inner lips were pale pink and hung between the smooth shaven outer lips like the delicate petals of a rose ... a gorgeous pink rose with the petals shimmering with morning dew. The outer lips were puffy flesh colored mounds and seemed to strain to contain her longer inner lips.

I watched with mounting guilt and excitement as she sat down and began to sensuously rub cream on her large but still firm breasts. She rubbed the cream over the upper portion of her breasts and then moved down, pausing to work it into the impossibly hard nipples until they were shiny and slick.

Then she poured more onto her hands and placed the palms under the two large orbs and lifted and kneaded the flesh. I thought I heard a sigh of pleasure, but it might have come from my own lips.

I stood transfixed, my eyes as wide as saucers as I watched her. This might sound naive coming from an eighteen year old boy, but it was at that moment that I knew that I loved my mother; but not like a son. I also realized that no woman would ever entirely take her place in my heart. I know some would say it is just adolescent fantasy, or more specifically sexual fantasy, and that a lot of k**s fantasize about their mothers or their high school teacher etc., but that wasn't me. I never had a crush on a teacher, or any other older woman for that matter.

I remember how excited I was that day; so excited that I had to take my swollen cock out of my pants or risk cumming in my underwear. I fought hard not to climax, not only because I felt guilty, but also because I wanted the chills of excitement running through me to last. I wanted to watch her forever. When she stood up and stretched her arms over her head, I couldn't hold out any longer.

My cum hit the door so hard that I swore she heard the splat. My knees almost buckled as I fought to remain conscious. Of all the times I had masturbated in my life, and there have been plenty, this was by far the best one. It left me feeling drained and dizzy. When I opened my eyes I saw my mother sitting on her stool again, looking into the mirror with an odd smile on her face. I was petrified that she had seen me, so I scurried away like a roach in the kitchen when the lights come on.

I felt very guilty for a long time about that night, but not guilty enough not to do it again and again. From that point on, I took every opportunity to spy on my mother. I took big risks too. I put a small strip of rubber on the frame of the bathroom and bedroom doors so that they wouldn't shut all the way. She asked me many times to fix them, but somehow I never got around it. Then, almost every night I would slip down the dark hallway to watch as she undresses for her bath or sits at her vanity to perform her nightly ritual before she goes to bed. Sometimes, if I am very lucky, I see her doing naughty things, on the bed or in the bathtub. At that point I lose control and I stoke my cock with a pair of her panties until I climax.

Did I say what gorgeous breasts she has? I know I would never grow tired of looking at those beautiful tits. Even when she is dressed I often find myself staring at them ... so round and soft with a sexy giggle as she moves. Sometimes she catches me looking, but she never seems angry. More recently, when she sees me staring, she just shakes her head and smiles like she did when I was a little boy and got caught raiding the cookie jar.

"Jerry Moss, can you finish the formula on the board for the rest of the class?"

I was suddenly awakened from my daydream. "I ... uh ... I uh ..."

The teacher stared at me and waited. The rest of the class broke out in gales of laughter. My face turned three shades of red. "I wasn't paying attention," I admitted.

"Well, at least you admit it. You had better listen up because this is going to be on the final," Mr. Henson pointed out. "And that goes for the rest of you seniors." To my great relief, that brought the still snickering students back around and took the focus off me.

Chapter 2

After the final bell, I walked outside to feel the warmth of the late-spring sun on my face. There was a gentle breeze and several passing puffy white clouds cast a brief shadow across the sidewalk ... spring fever had me tightly in its grip. As I walked unhurriedly down the sidewalk I looked up. A wide smile came to my face when I saw my mother waiting at the curb for me. She was driving my old door-less and topless Jeep that she had helped me purchase for my eighteenth birthday. I had eyed that vehicle at old Mr. Jenkins used car lot for quite some time. It had sat there for months as I tried to save the two thousand dollars to buy it before someone else did. However, the present to my mom for her birthday had totally depleted my funds. When she said she would help me purchase it, I was so incredibly excited. I put in a lot of extra hours at the pizza joint, but without her help I could never have afforded it. Now I am the envy of all my friends. When I don't take the Jeep to school—due to a shortage of gas money, Mom will drive it and thankfully fill the tank. She says driving the Jeep makes her feel young. Her car is a ten-year-old minivan she got before my dad left. Some days, like today, she comes to pick me up from school when she has a day off or can get off early from work.

I never mind my mom showing up at school like some k**s do. Most of them would be horrified if their parents came to school for any reason. Not me. I love for my friends to see my mom. I am so proud of her. Not only is she gorgeous, but she's smart too. When I was young she earned her teaching credentials and taught school for almost ten years. But Dad wanted her to be a "stay at home mom", so she quit. I think she misses teaching a lot. Then when Dad left, she applied for a teaching job, but due to budget cuts at the state level, none were available. To make ends meet, she took a job at a large marketing firm as a low level administrative assistant. After only a couple years she became a senior marketing executive. She says that she was just in the right place at the right time, but I know better. She earned everything she has gotten.

My mom has worked hard for her success, but she says dressing professionally, and just a little sexy, is important too. She does both in a stylish way. Under her business suits she wears pretty blouses with lace and frills and not the man-ish shirts that some businesswomen chose to wear. Some of Mom's tops are cut low in front, exposing just a hint of her cleavage under the lace fringe. She said she wears those when she needs to make a good impression on some of her male clients. I know it works on me.

And now here she was waiting at the curb for me. I waved to a couple of my guy friends, who happened to be staring at my mother, and rushed over and hopped into the passenger side of the Jeep.

"How was school?" she asked.

"Boring," I replied as I leaned over and kissed her on the lips. I like kissing her on the lips. Her lips are always moist and she has started wearing lipstick with subtle flavors. Actually that's how we first started kissing on the lips. She told me one day that she was wearing a new lipstick with flavor. I surprised her by kissing her on the lips to taste it. From then on we have always kissed on the lips, and when she has that lipstick on it is a game for me to guess the flavor. I guessed Strawberry today.

"Nope," she said just a tad flustered it seemed.

"Let me try again." Before she could protest I leaned close and kissed her a second time, letting my lips linger on hers for a moment longer then the first time.

She pulled away and said, "Jerry, not here. Your friends might see."

"I don't care if they do."

"I do," she said firmly, but I could see a twinkle in her eye.

"All right, but you have to let me try again when we get home."

She didn't answer, but instead changed the subject. "There's only another week of school left. Are you ready for your finals?"

"Yeah, I know this stuff. Besides, I could flunk the final in almost every class and still get a 'B'."

"Well, don't do anything that would jeopardize the scholarship."

"You know I wouldn't do that."

She looked thoughtful and as if she didn't hear me said, "I could probably sc**** up enough to get you through for a couple of years, but I'd rather use that money for other things."

"Like that nice vacation you promised me if I got the scholarship?" I said, as if I needed to remind her.

"That's already set up and mostly paid for."

My ears perked up. "Paid for? Where are we going?"

"That's a surprise."

"Ah, Mom, come on, you can't leave me hanging like this."

"Sorry, after finals."

"Damn," I said, but smiled. She smiled back and my heart fluttered.

I had been so excited to see her there to give me a ride home that I hadn't noticed what she was wearing. It was a warm day so she had on a pair of white short shorts that left most of her thighs uncovered. On top was a tight jersey that hugged her breasts like a second skin. She did have on a bra, but it was one of those natural ones that gave only a tad of support ... she didn't need any more than that. I could see her hard nipples poking through. I wondered if the kiss had caused that. It certainly wasn't because the weather was cold. I was pretty sure she wouldn't have worn that outfit if she had to get out of the car for any reason. She apologized for her outfit and said she was working around the house and had been running late so she didn't have time to change. I didn't mind at all.

She saw me staring at her hardened nipples and blushed before starting the Jeep and quickly pulling away from the curb.

It was Friday and we typically rented a video and ordered pizza in. She had taken the day off and spent it lying in the warm sun adding to her already nice tan. She had been visiting a tanning salon for a few weeks so I figured our vacation was going to be somewhere with a beach and lots of sun. That was fine with me. We both like the sailing, skin diving, and snorkeling.

"What are we going to rent tonight?" she asked.

"We had a chick flick last week. I want something that has lots of shooting and things blowing up," I replied with a laugh.

Mom sighed. "Okay, but not another Bruce Willis thing."

"You know you love those movies," I joked.

"Well, the last one where he jumped off the bridge onto the wing of the jet fighter was a little over the top."

"You mean people don't do that?" I said facetiously.

"Not normal people."

"Okay, I'll get something that's not too violent. I'll give you one of my famous foot massages while we watch," I offered.

"Mmmm," she said. "It's been too long since you last gave me a foot massage."

We stopped at Blockbuster and I picked up "The Bourne Supremacy." A little less violent then the Bruce Willis movies, I figured. I had seen it at the theater a few months earlier.

When we arrived home and walked into the house, I stopped my mother by grabbing her arm. She turned and looked at me with surprise. "Lipstick," I said. She had forgotten. I hadn't.

I leaned forward and touched my lips to hers. I was close enough that I could feel her soft breasts touch my chest. My heart began to pound as I tried to hold my breathing steady. Her lips were opened just a bit. The kiss only lasted a few seconds, but in that time I moved my lips across hers, under the pretext of making sure I got a good taste of her lipstick. When I pulled back, I was almost trembling. When I looked at my mom, I saw that her eyes were closed. Her lips were open and I could see that she was breathing more rapidly. Her nipples were hard again. I suddenly wondered if my mother was feeling the same stirrings that I had been feeling for so long. That was too much to ask, I thought.

"Raspberry," I whispered, almost breathlessly.

Mom opened her eyes as if she had forgotten what we were doing. Her face flushed as a pink blush came to her cheeks. She looked confused for a moment. "Uh ... uh ... nope, not raspberry."

"I guess I'll have to try again later," I said. I figured it would be going to far if I tried to kiss her again, as much as I wanted to at that moment.

"Uh ... yes," she said, still a little flustered. "I have some things to do now."

"I'll order the pizza at 6 and we'll watch the movie at seven," I said.

"Okay," she returned, taking a deep breath before turning and heading upstairs.

We busied ourselves around the house for the next couple of hours. A while later I saw my mom pass my room on her way to take her bath. I waited a few minutes and then crept down the hall. I peeked into the bathroom from the darken hallway just in time to see her bend over to step into the steaming tub. I hadn't seen her for a week or so and I was surprised to see how tanned she was. In fact, she was tanned all over. There were no bathing suit marks either upper or lower. I watched as she sat in the tub and washed, but I didn't pull my cock out of my pants. I wanted to wait. Our Friday nights together were always fodder for my masturbatory fantasies. While nothing sexual had happened in the past, we typically sat close together and I would often put my arm over her shoulder and let her lean into me. That was enough to make me excited. We always kept the lights off, which gave me the protection to hide my seemingly ever-present erection.

I broke away from watching my mother when I saw her look toward the door. I went to my room and took my shower and loaded the movie into the DVD player downstairs. The pizza was steaming and sitting on the coffee table, along with a bottle of chilled red wine, when my mother finally came down. She smiled when she saw the wine and two glasses. She usually let me have a couple glasses as long as I wasn't going out afterward. I never went out after our Friday night movie. I had no interest in going out with the boys or even a girlfriend when I could spend the evening with my mother.

I had on a pair of boxer shorts and no shirt. I often ran around in my underwear; after all they were almost like swim trunks anyway. Mom was wearing a robe and her hair was wet. I couldn't tell if she had anything on underneath the robe. My imagination ran wild with the possibility that she was naked.

"I had to wash my hair after being at the salon. It was all greasy. I need to dry it before we start watching the movie, okay?"

"Sure. Let me do it," I said, reaching for the blow dryer she had in her hand.

"You don't have to do that."

"I'd love to," I said, quickly plugging the dryer into a wall outlet. "Here sit on the floor between my legs," I said as I sat on the sofa and spread my legs.

"Wow, this is special treatment."

"It is. So are you going to tell me where we are going on vacation?"

My mother giggled and said, "Ah, so that's what this is all about." She reached over and poured two glasses of wine and sat back, handing me one. "I knew there was a method to your madness."

"Do you think I'm that shallow to resort to such trickery?"

She turned and looked up at me with a smile and said, "Yes, you would."

I took a quick gulp of wine and sat the glass down on the coffee table. "Okay, you're right," I laughed. "Now tell me."

"Nope, after finals. And that's final."

"Damn," I said a second before I turned on the hair dryer. I began to blow dry her hair. I used one hand to fluff it up as I waggled the dryer over the back and then the top of her head. She leaned her head back so that her neck was touching the sofa between my legs as she sipped her wine. I squeezed my legs together until I was touching her arms on both sides. I could feel her warmth through the bathrobe. I could smell the fresh washed fragrance of her hair and the lavender soap she had used in her bath. The combination began to have an effect on me and I felt myself becoming excited. My cock began to grow down the leg of my shorts and was in an uncomfortable position. I wanted to reach down and move it, but there was no way to do that without her knowing. Then suddenly she adjusted the position of her head, pressing it against my trapped erection. I froze.

"Mmmm," she murmured, probably as a result of me running my fingers through her hair. "Maybe you should be a hairdresser," she joked.

I had to do something with my erection so I lifted her head and moved back a bit trying to get more comfortable. I almost sighed in relief as my erection flipped upward to a more natural position. I said, "If all my customers were as sexy as you I would."

Her response was a murmur of approval. I knew she liked it when I complimented her. Without a husband around she probably didn't hear too many honest compliments. Certainly not at her highly competitive work environment where she said backstabbing and sabotage are the order of the day.

As I worked on her hair, I glanced over her shoulder and saw that she was resting her nearly empty wine glass on her bare knee. The robe had slipped off her legs and had slid to the floor between them. I could see her thighs, all the way to the top of her hip. The sight of her tanned thighs was enough to keep my cock throbbing in my shorts. I could see goose bumps on her inner thigh as I put the dryer down and began to massage her head. I knew there was going to be a wet spot on the crotch of my underwear, but I was far too excited to worry about that.

I reached over and filled her wine glass again. Before she could move I slipped my hands down to her shoulders and under the top of her robe to rub her neck.

"Mmmm," she murmured.

I slowly worked my hands outward and under the robe until I could massage her shoulders. My hands moved back and forth, squeezing her soft and warm flesh, digging my fingers gently into indentation at the nape of her neck.

"Oh, a hairdresser and masseur," Mom said.

"Only for you."

Without my mother realizing it, I began to push the robe outward until her shoulders were bare. The effect was to make the robe part down to the belt, which was tied around her waist. From her neck to the belt the robe was slightly open, revealing the soft swells of the inside of her breasts. If my mother realized what she was exposing, she gave no indication. I moved my hands sensuously across her shoulders, working hard to keep her attention from the opened robe. I knew if I pushed the robe just an inch more on one side or the other I would be able to see her nipple. With my heart pounding in my chest I pushed the right side further down with my little finger. It slipped from her shoulder and halfway down her arm.

Oh God, there it is, I screamed in my head. I could see an areola of one nipple, but not the tip. The robe was hanging on her pencil eraser sized nipple. My hands were trembling as I waited for it to fall, continuing to work into her muscles with my fingers. My mother moved her shoulder as if she was getting a cramp. The robe slipped lower and suddenly the entire nipple was visible, including most of her breast. I thought I would climax right then. My head was spinning. Yes, I had seen her breasts plenty of times, but not this close. It was within reaching distance.

Before I could do anything crazy my mother said, "Oops," and casually pulled the robe back over her bared breast, but fortunately for me she left much of her cleavage exposed.

When I regained control, I leaned over and turned my mother's head toward me. My lips moved down quickly until they were touching hers. She must have been stunned because she allowed my lips to remain on hers for several seconds. I grew bold and pushed my tongue out and ran it across her lips, before sinking into her mouth a fraction of an inch. I felt my cock lurch and spit pre-cum juice into my shorts.

Before she could protest, I pulled away and smacked my lips. "Hmmm, g****," I said as if I had been tasting her lipstick.

My mother looked startled and said, "I don't have flavored lipstick on."

"Oh, I'm sorry, must have just been the wine on your lips" I said as I began to massage her shoulder again as if nothing had happened.

"Our pizza has gotten cold," she said and sat forward before quickly standing up. "I'll put it in the microwave." With that she poured herself another glass of wine before taking the pizza into the kitchen.

I fell back on the sofa, my heart still thumping in my chest. My hand was shaking so much that I nearly spilled my wine as I brought it to my lips. I quickly downed the glass and poured another.

Chapter 3

When Mom came back with the pizza, she had composed herself. Her robe was tightened at the waist and her face had lost some of the flush. The pinkness remaining on her cheeks was probably due to the wine. She put the pizza on the coffee table and sat down.

"I'll get more wine," I said as I stood up. Fortunately my erection had subsided somewhat. I picked up the nearly empty bottle. We normally only had one bottle on Friday nights. I quickly emptied the last into her glass and rushed off to the kitchen. When I returned she was eating a piece of pizza. I put the movie on and although there was plenty of room on the sofa, sat close to her with my thigh touching hers.

"Oh, you spilled something on your shorts," she said when she saw the dark stain on my underwear.

My face turned red as I looked down. "Uh ... yeah, I spilled a little wine and tried to wash it off in the kitchen," I lied.

After all the insufferable previews, the movie finally flicked to life. I reached across my mother and turned off the lamp at the end of the sofa. Now the room was lit only by the glow of the TV screen. We sat quietly, watched the movie and ate the pizza. I don't know about my mother, but I was very much aware of her thigh touching mine. I could feel the scorching heat of her body against my leg. When I had eaten a couple of slices of pizza and refilled our glasses again, I scooted away from my mother.

"Put your legs across mine and I'll give you a foot massage," I said.

"You really want to know where we are going on vacation. But I'm not going to tell you," she giggled, her words just a tad slurred. The wine was starting to affect her.

I had completely forgotten about the vacation. It was the last thing on my mind at the moment. "Uh ... yep, I do."

She lifted her legs, stuffing the robe between them, and placed them across my legs. "Wait," I said and rushed upstairs to her bedroom and brought back her favorite skin cream ... the stuff she always uses on her breasts. I sat back down and brought her feet to my lap again, placing the heels in my crotch. I poured cream onto the top of her foot. As we watched the movie, I began to rub the cream between her toes and cross the top and bottom of one foot. I continued to massage her foot for some time. When I looked at my mother, her eyes were closed and her face serene.

Slowly I massaged one foot and then the other, moving her heels against my private parts. With a good half bottle of wine in me, I no longer cared to hide my erection. My stiff cock was lying directly under her heel now. As I massaged, I moved her foot back and forth, rubbing the heel up and down my shaft. Incredibly, when I paused to reach for my glass of wine, my mother's foot continued to move back and forth without help from me. It was subtle, but quite noticeable. I looked at her and saw that her eyes were still closed, but her mouth was open and she seemed to be breathing faster. I took a gulp of wine and sat the glass down quickly. Instead of moving back to her feet, I began to massage the calf of her leg.

"Mmmm, Jerry," she said, almost in a moan.

Pulling on her leg, I moved her foot higher on my stomach, forcing her legs open a bit. I strained my eyes to see between her thighs. The light just wasn't good enough.

The calf of her other leg was moving sensuously across my now very hard cock. I wondered if she realized what she was doing. Yet, even in my alcohol-fogged brain, I figured that she must have known what I was doing.

I had to see between her legs. I adjusted my position on the sofa until I was closer to her with her thighs over mine. Boldly I pulled one leg further away from the other, moving my hand higher on her thigh as I did. Suddenly I could see the dark area between her thighs. I moved her leg slightly until the light from the TV brightened the dark area. I suppressed a gasp. I could see everything. She didn't have panties on and I could clearly see her pussy lips. Even in the flickering light of the TV I could see that the inner lips were swollen and were covered with a sheen of glistening juice. My mother was excited ... no doubt about it.

With a slight moan she moved her legs together, shutting off my view. Undeterred, I began to massage her thighs, using a small amount of skin cream as lubricant.

"Ohhhh," my mother gasped as my left hand began to massage higher, gently working upward. Her head was back on the arm of the sofa and she was breathing heavily through her slightly opened mouth. The sexual tension in the dark room was strong enough to cut with a knife. My fingers slipped yet higher between her legs, kneading the soft and warm flesh inside her thighs, now only inches from her pussy.

Taking an incredible risk, I reached into my shorts and pulled my throbbing cock from the opening. Then I pulled the calf of my mother's leg to my cock. I heard her moan, but she didn't pull away. Instead she began to gently move her calf back and forth across my erection as she had done before, but this time there was no material between her leg and my cock ... just bare flesh. It was an incredible feeling, better than any wet dream I had ever had.

I was almost out of my mind with excitement as I inched my fingers ever higher. The robe was opened almost to her crotch now. My head was spinning and my hands were shaking noticeably. I heard my mother whisper something.

It sounded like "Jerry ... no." I chose to ignore it when I felt her thighs tremble under my hand.

Suddenly the tips of my fingers were touching her pussy lips. Her body froze and her leg ceased moving. I couldn't believe that I was touching my mother's pussy. With the alcohol pulsing through my veins I grew bolder. With two trembling fingers I opened the inner lips, exposing her swollen clitoris. Although I had never actually had intercourse, I wasn't a total novice. I had played with my girlfriends and used my fingers on them, but I had never seen anything like this. Her clit was huge. It looked like a miniature penis with a helmet covering the tiny shaft. It was quivering. "Oh my God," I whispered under my breath. My mother was moaning quietly now and her hips had begun to move up and down.

Although I had never done it, I fought the sudden urge to try to kiss her pussy. I was certain that that would have ended whatever we were doing. Instead, I slowly slipped my middle finger into the warm and very wet opening. Her slick juices allowed my finger to move unimpeded.

"Ohhhh, nooooo, Jerry," my mother gasped, but did nothing to stop me. In fact her hips lifted upward and her legs parted, taking my finger deeply into her body. I had never felt anything so wonderful. Yes I had had my finger in a few girls, but nothing this hot, soft, or wet. It was incredible. The warm walls caressed my finger, almost sucking it into her body. When it was in as far as possible, I began to gently rub her throbbing clit with my thumb.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh," she gasped. Or was it "No, no, no." Since her hips were now moving up and down to the movement of my finger I figured I could continue. Encouraged now, I slipped another finger inside and began to move them in and out more forcefully.

"Oh God, oh God, oh God," she whispered. Then, "Oh, oh, oh, oh." The room suddenly filled with a sucking sound from my fingers moving in and out of her now flooding pussy. I could smell her excitement and it seemed that the room was beginning to spin. My eyes were wide as I stared at the juncture of my fingers and my mother's pussy. She seemed tight, I thought, considering I had come from that opening eighteen years ago. The thought made my cock throb and it squirted more juice into my already sodden underwear.

Suddenly my mother grabbed my hand and pulled my fingers deeply into her. Her hips lifted from the sofa and her body froze. Little whimpers slipped from her mouth as her body trembled. I could feel her pussy clinching on my fingers, as if it was trying to pull them into her body. I couldn't believe that I was finger fucking my mother and that I was making her climax. With each grunt of pleasure more juice poured across my fingers and hand until they were soaked with her pussy juice. If I had any doubts that I loved my mother like a man and not a son, they evaporated in that instant. If I had touched my cock, it would have exploded.

As my mother's trembling slowed, I felt her pushing my hand away, assuming she wanted me to pull my fingers out. Instead, before my fingers were all the way out of her pussy, she pulled them back in, almost violently. Then pushed them out again. I quickly realized what she wanted and began to move my fingers in and out more forcefully. I moved my hand quickly, but I was ever aware that I didn't want to hurt her. It didn't take long before she was climaxing for the second time ... or had it been one long climax. The squeezing inside her pussy had never stopped. She gasped and trembled, a continuous and plaintiff moan escaping her lips. The sweet aroma of her climaxing pussy made me dizzy with excitement.

It took several minutes before my mother finally released my hand. Then her body collapsed like a deflated balloon. I looked at my hand and saw it shining with her copious pussy juice. The sticky fluid was covering my fingers and my palm and there was even some on the backside of my hand. I hated the thought of having to wash that hand. I was trembling with excitement, but I didn't know what to do. I fell back on the sofa, still gasping for breath. Then I felt my mother's foot on my cock again. I looked over at her and although she appeared to be asleep and was breathing normally, her foot was moving ever so slightly.

I brought my hand down to the instep of her foot and rubbed her juices on my cock and then her foot. Then I gently grasped her foot, guiding it on my cock. Was she moving it, I wondered, or was it just motion from my pounding heart. Then I didn't care anymore. I could feel my climax building. I held her foot to me, now moving it slowly upward and then downward.

The throbbing started deep in my soul. It was such a strange feeling, almost frightening. The pulsing was slow at first, but grew rapidly. Wanting it to last, I fought to hold back. It was a losing battle. I began lifting my hips from the sofa. I muffled a scream as my cock suddenly throbbed and shot a huge string of hot cum into the air. I had no idea where it went nor did I care at the moment. Another blast followed quickly and then another, and another. It felt as though my balls were going to implode as every ounce of cum squirted up the shaft.

When the last dribble was pumped out I fell back on the sofa. I turned to look at my mother and was relieved to see that she still had her eyes closed and appeared to be sleeping. Her foot was no longer moving ... it had stopped at the last throb of my cock. I was a mess. My hand was covered in cum. It was on my leg and on the sofa as well. There was a good bit on the crown of my mother's foot too. Feeling embarrassed I quickly grabbed some napkins and tried to clean up the mess I had made. Then I grabbed the pizza box and the remains of the wine and headed for the kitchen. I put the pizza and wine in the refrigerator. When I went back into the living room I was almost relieved to see that my mother was gone. I finished cleaning up and when upstairs. My mother's door was closed. I went to bed and masturbated again before I fell into an exhausted sleep.

Chapter 4

The sunlight streaking through the blinds awoke me the following morning. When I sat up I realized that, in addition to my piss hardon, I had an incredible throbbing headache. It must have been the wine. Then I remembered what had happened last night. A sudden veil of dread washed over me and I fell back onto the pillow. I threw my hands to my face. What had I done? I thought. I might have destroyed the most important relationship in my life. I didn't think I could live with that. How was I going to face my mother? I knew that I had really screwed up this time.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was after 9 a.m. I had gone to sleep at about 10 last night, so I had been asleep for almost 11 hours and yet I felt I could go back to sleep. I forced myself to get up and take a shower. When I was dressed I reluctantly went downstairs to face my mother. I knew I had to do it sooner or later. I had formulated this big apology, all about how I had drank too much wine, and how I would never do that again if she could forgive me.

When I walked into the kitchen I found my mom washing out her coffee cup at the sink. I didn't say anything as I sat at the kitchen counter.

"Oh, you're finally up, sleepyhead," she said with a cheerful smile.

That surprising smile brightened my day enormously. "Yeah, and I have one heck of a headache. I guess I drank too much wine last night," I said, laying the groundwork for my apology.

"Too much wine will do that. A good cup of coffee and a couple of Advil will help. Been there a few times myself."

I sat there stunned as she prepared me a cup of hot coffee as if nothing had happened last night. Yet, I knew it had. I could see her swollen and wet pussy every time I closed my eyes. It would have been a pleasnt image, but guilt forced me to try to banish it from my brain.

My mother walked over and sat the cup of coffee on the counter and laid a couple of Advil's next to it. "I'm going to go to the gym with Gail and then I have some shopping to do. After that I need to run to the cleaners," she said. "What are you doing today?"

I hadn't noticed that my mother had on her exercise clothes. I don't know how I missed it, because she looked great. Her legs were tanned and looked incredible in the tight shorts. I must have been staring because she said, "Earth to Jerry."

"Oh, sorry. As soon as this headache goes away I'm going to try and clean out the garage like I've been promising for a month. Then I'll do a little studying."

"Sounds good. We can put some hamburgers on the grill tonight if you want."

"Great," I said enthusiastically. My enthusiasm was more about my mother's bubbly disposition then about the burgers. She seemed to have totally forgotten about last night. If she blamed me for any of it, it wasn't apparent. Then she leaned over and kissed me on the lips. It was such a surprise that I didn't respond immediately.

"Still can't guess, huh?"

I looked at her quizzically. Then it dawned on me. "Oh, the lipstick." She must have had the same flavor on as she did yesterday. "Cherry."

"Finally, but now that you've guessed it I'll have to try another flavor," she said with a smile. "Well, got to cover up these exercise clothes or I might get arrested going into the gym." As she turned and walked out of the room I stared at her creamy thighs and ass in her tight shorts. She looked back at me but didn't say anything, just smiled. Her smile lit up the entire room. I would have given a million dollars to know what she was thinking at that moment.

I smiled back and my heart started beating faster. God, how I loved her. It was so wrong, but there was nothing I could do about it. I don't think we really have control over who we love, it just happens. I knew that it was not normal to love your mother like this. What I felt was the tingling, heart racing, butterflies in the stomach, kind of love.

Later that evening we sat close to one another on the back porch swing after eating, watching the sun go down. It was a beautiful sunset, but strangely it made me sad. The ever present thought that I would be going away to college after the summer vacation gnawed at my stomach. I was also thinking about what had happened last night. Neither of us had mentioned it and I was starting to wonder if it had just been a dream.

"What's wrong?" my mother asked.


"You had a very sad look on your face."

I didn't look at her but said, "It's just that I'll be leaving in a couple of months."

"You'll only be five hundred miles away."

"Right, 'only' five hundred miles," I responded.

"I can come and visit on special weekends and you'll come home on holidays."

"Yeah, but ... but how are you going to get ... get along without me?" I asked, my eyes tearing and my voice cracking. A better question might have been; how was I going to get along without her?

My mother didn't answer. But she reached over and took my hand, holding it gently without saying a word. I was pretty sure she was feeling the same as me.

"We'll get along somehow," she finally said without conviction. "Let's take a walk down to the old barn before it gets dark."

The "old barn" was a remnant of a previous owner who worked the property as a horse farm for years until his death. His c***dren parceled the land and sold it in five-acre plots. The old barn was on our property so we often went to sit on bales of hay to watch the sun go down over the mountains. It was a special place for both of us and helped us both heal after Dad left.

My mother led me down the back steps toward a well-worn path that twisted through the woods to the barn. I loved the feeling of her warm hand in mine. There was a cool, gentle breeze rustling through the trees and the sky was crystal blue with a few clouds on the horizon to the west. I glanced over and saw that the breeze had made my mother's nipples hard. I quickly looked away, chastising myself for the ever-present carnal thoughts about my own mother.

When we arrived at the barn, we sat down close to one another on bails of hay. The sun was close to slipping below the mountains and some dark clouds had begun to roll in. We could see what was left of the winter's snow on the highest peaks. It was a gorgeous view and our special place where we could talk, or just sit and be together. I put my arm around her and pulled her close. She laid her head on my shoulder. Sometimes it wasn't necessary to say a word.

After we had sat silently for some time I said, "Mom, are you sorry that you never found another man?"

"I have a man," she said and squeezed my hand.

"You know what I mean. I'm not like a husband."

"But you are my best friend."

"And you're mine, but that wasn't my question."

My mother sighed as she stared out of the barn toward the mountain. "Truthfully, when you were younger, it would have been a big help to have a man around the house. I mean you were a good boy, but I didn't know much about raising a teenaged boy."

"I think you did a great job."

My mother smiled and placed her hand against my face. "I think so too. But it would have been nice to have a man around to teach you things ... to have talks about things like girls and sex," she said and blushed prettily.

"Don't worry, us k**s learn all we need to know from TV and the Internet."

"That's what I was afraid of," she said with a laugh.

I paused before asking the next question. "Did you want to have more c***dren?"

It took her a few moments to answer. Finally she said, "Yes I did, back when you were ten or eleven, but your father was dead set against it."

"It's not too late ... I mean you're only 37 so you can still have them if you found someone. I'm sure with your looks, that would be incredibly easy."

"Thanks. But I have you."

"Come on, Mom," I said.

"The truth is that I'm not sure I could have another c***d, even if I met someone."


"Well, we tried for several years and nothing happened, so we gave up. Then your father left us. I figured it just wasn't meant to be."

Then I remembered something. One day my father was home from work and he had a doctor's appointment. I went with him. I had asked what was wrong and he said nothing, he was there for a physical to get a vasectomy. He explained what that a vasectomy was so he and Mom wouldn't have any more c***dren. It didn't mean much to me at that time. I couldn't quite remember how old I was then, but I think I was nine or ten.

I must have had a perplexed look on my face because she said, "What's wrong?"

I didn't want to spoil the moment, and besides, I could have been wrong about my age. If he had had a vasectomy before they were "trying" to get pregnant, me telling her now would just rub salt into the wounds of their failed marriage. "Uh nothing, I was just thinking how nice it is to be here with you right now. It's so peaceful here. I'm going to miss coming here with you when I'm gone."

My mother looked into my eyes and I saw them begin to tear. As a lone tear spilled from her eye and began to trickle down her cheek I leaned over and gently wiped it off with my thumb. My hand rose almost without conscious thought and settled behind her neck. We stared into each other's eyes for what seemed a long time. With very little urging from me her head began to move forward until our lips were just a fraction of an inch apart. Her eyes were closed as if waiting for me to kiss her.

Slowly I opened my mouth and touched hers. I heard a tiny whimper come from the back of her throat as our lips pressed together. Then it was my turn to moan when I felt my mother's tongue slowly slip into my mouth. I began to tremble as I sucked her tongue, pulling her sweet tasting saliva into my mouth.

Without a conscious effort from either of us she was suddenly on her back with me pressed to her chest. Our lips were pressed firmly, yet tenderly, together as her tongue explored my mouth. My tongue pressed against hers, circling her slippery probe before slipping into her mouth. I heard a moan as she began to suck my tongue. My hand somehow ended up resting just below one breast. I felt her tremble as my fingers moved. They crept slowly upward until my hand covered one soft breast. My cock was throbbing so much that I thought I might climax. I actually had my hand on my mother's breast! Before she could protest my fingers moved over her top and hooked under the elastic of her strapless tube top. Quickly I pulled it downward. My mother's breath hissed into my still searching mouth as I bared her breast. I paused there for a moment to allow her to stop me. When she didn't my hand covered her now bare breast.

"Mmmmm," she gasped into my mouth.

Her breast was amazing. The skin was smooth and warm to the touch and the hard nipple felt as if it was on fire, threatening to scorch the palm of my hand. I circled my palm slowly around the nipple before placing it between my index finger and thumb. When I squeezed my mother gasped again. Her back arched and a loud moan came from deep in her throat.

I pulled away from her lips and began to kiss down her neck. She closed her eyes and rested her hand on the back of my head. I moved slowly, hoping upon hope that she wouldn't stop me. I kissed down the smooth flesh of one globe and then pulled slightly back to look at the engorged nipple. With a whimper I dropped my head and took it into my mouth.

"Oh my God," my mother gasped.

The taste of her sweet flesh was amazing and my cock throbbed in my pants. My juices were already soaking though my underwear. I opened my mouth wide and took as much of her breast into my mouth as I could before letting it slip out to grasp the nipple again.

I was sucking like a baby starved for milk when I felt my mother gently pushing my head. I thought it was over until she directed my mouth toward the other tit. I moaned as I began to suck the second tit. I worried the hard nipple before I gently bit down with my teeth. I heard her moan. The pulsing in my pants was very intense as I pushed my cock against her leg, moving my hips up and down. But before I could climax in my pants I felt her gently push my head back. I thought about resisting for a second but knew better. I released the tit and looked down at her flushed face.

She whispered, "The sun's gone down, we had better get back."

I didn't press my luck. I squeezed her breast warmly one last time and then bent over and kissed the nipple before reluctantly pulling away and letting her sit up. Her distended nipple was shiny with my saliva. She casually pulled her top over her bare breast and stood up, reaching her hand down for me. I took it and arose to face her. Looking into her eyes I opened my arms. She stepped into my embrace and we hugged for a long time. I could feel her heart still beating rapidly. The thumping matched the rhythm of my own heart. I let my arms slide slowly down her back until I had both of her jeans covered ass cheeks in my hands.

I knew that she could feel my erection, which I didn't try to hide this time. There was no indication that she minded and in fact it seemed that she was pressing her hips to me. It was almost too much for me and I had to pull away or again risk cumming in my pants.

We walked silently back to the house, hand in hand. My throbbing erection tented my pants, and there was a wet spot on my shorts, but I no longer felt embarrassed. It was a proud symbol of how I felt about my mother and I think she liked it.

Chapter 5

The rest of the week was a blur to me. I was walking on air from the realization that I had actually caressed and sucked my mother's breast and more importantly, she had not protested and she had not been drinking, so she knew what I was doing. I could still feel her hard nipple searing the palm of my hand and the soft nub between my lips. Then of course there was the kiss ... a kiss like few sons would ever know, but I knew and I felt incredibly privileged. Her lips had been soft and wet against mine and her tongue had stirred me wildly. The thought and memory of our kiss made me masturbate several times during the long week.

I was almost giddy with excitement and if I hadn't already been prepared for my finals, I would have been in big trouble. My only thought was about Friday when I hoped that we would get our typical movie and sit in the family room and watch. I had no idea what was going to happen, but I knew I wanted more. How much more would obviously be up to her. Unfortunately, I had no idea what she was thinking. Was she chastising herself for allowing me to kiss her and play with her breast? Was she going to tell me that she couldn't allow that anymore? Was she just going to cancel our Friday night movie? That scared me the most. I figured if I had her alone with some wine and a romantic movie I could surely convince her to let me take a few liberties. But if she decided not to have our Friday evening get together, all could be lost. I was worried sick by the end of the week.

When she told me on Thursday that she wouldn't be able to pick me up at school on Friday, I figured I was in trouble. She apologized and said she couldn't get off work early. Friday, I stopped at the video store after school and picked up a movie anyway. This time it was a chick flick so I was hoping I could talk her into watching.

When she came home from work, I greeted her with a big smile and a kiss on the lips. "I passed everything with flying colors," I said, beaming.

"Really? How do you know this already?"

"My chemistry teacher graded the tests right there in class and I aced it. Biology was a little tougher, but I am sure I got at least a B. Trigonometry was a breeze and World Studies wasn't much of a test. So, I made it."

"I'm so proud of you, Jerry," my mother said and hugged me tightly. Then she kissed me on the lips again, this time it lasted a bit longer. "So do you want to know where we are going on vacation?"

"Of course. You know I've tried everything, including outright bribery to get you to tell me."

She laughed. "Okay, we're going to Barbados. We leave next Saturday for two weeks."

I broke out with a big smile. "Two weeks in Barbados, cool. I knew it would be someplace sunny. That's great, Mom." I hugged her again.

When she pulled away, she said, "We can do something special tonight if you want to."

I wasn't sure what she meant by something special, but I was really looking forward to our pizza and movie, or more honestly, our cuddling on the sofa. "Uh ... I would just as soon have our standard movie and pizza, if that's all the same to you."

"No problem. I was hoping you wanted to stay home because I'm bushed anyway. We had a crazy week at work."

"Sorry to hear that. I'll order the pizza for seven or so. I already have a movie rented. Chick flick."

My mother smiled. "Good. I'll take a long soaking bath and then be down."

I had the movie in the machine, the pizza and wine on the coffee table, and was ready by seven thirty. I decided to be a little more risky and wear my white briefs instead of my normal boxers. I was sitting on the sofa when my mother came down. I was disappointed to see that she was wearing jeans instead of her typical bathrobe.

We sat and watched the movie, ate pizza and drank wine—only one bottle tonight. Mom snuggled up next to me, placing her head on my shoulder. I lifted my arm and placed it over her shoulder. It was a nice evening in spite of the fact that I had hoped for more. When the movie was about over, I noticed that my mother's head felt heavy on my chest. Her breathing was regular so I figured that she had fallen asleep. I moved back a little and felt my mother's head slip down my chest until it was resting in my lap. The pressure of her head brought the normal reaction ... an erection. As usual I lost the battle to will my cock not to get hard—of course I didn't really want to prevent my erection. The weight of her head forced my cock to throb. I was about to lose my mind when I felt my mother stir in her sleep. She slipped her hand, which had been on my thigh, under her cheek.

Suddenly her head was on the back of her hand and the palm was resting on my cock. My heart was beating wildly as I wondered what to do. Should I wake her? Of course I couldn't. Like the sex pervert that I am, I decided to move my hips gently up and down to increase the stimulation in hopes of bringing myself off without her knowing. That would be better than nothing, I thought.

Then, incredibly, I felt my mother's hand moving. It was almost imperceptible at first, but there was definite movement. Suddenly I realized what she was doing. She was searching for the opening of my underwear. My heart skipped a beat as her hand slipped inside my shorts and wrapped around my cock. Good God, my mother has my cock in her hand, I screamed in my head. I looked down, but all I could see was the back of her head. She obviously was not asleep.

Her hand began to slowly move up and down on my cock. I could now feel her warm breath on the head of my cock through the thin material of my shorts. That alone was almost more than I could stand. I began to tremble as she began working my cock out of my shorts. I sucked in my breath when I felt my cock released into the cool room air. A second later something warm and wet covered the head.

I couldn't suppress a moan ... my mother had the head of my cock in her mouth ... she was sucking my cock! My mother was sucking my cock! I wanted to scream for joy but kept my mouth shut with the exception of a few moans. Suddenly I could feel her tongue working on the swollen head, flicking at the drooling slit before twirling it around the surface. She didn't take more than just the head into her mouth. She sucked it slowly and lovingly as her hand began to pump up and down my shaft. This was like a dream. I wanted to pinch myself to see if I was really awake. I gently placed my hand on the back of her neck and felt her warm skin. I forced myself not to push her head down.

My hips, which had stopped moving with the initial shock, began to move again. I lifted them in little twitches, trying to force more of my shaft into her mouth. She resisted and continued the maddening teasing of the head. It felt like the head was growing bigger by the second. My balls were squirming in their sacks and I could feel them tightening in preparation for climax.

Should I warn her? I wondered. It was the manly thing to do; yet I was only a boy and could be excused for my impulsiveness. I threw my head back and began to moan. "Mom, Mom, Mom," I gasped. That should have been warning enough. Yet she didn't stop sucking and began to move her hand faster. With a long gasp from my lips, I lifted my hips and screamed. My cock spasmed and began to shoot it's content into my mother's sucking mouth. The first blast felt huge and was followed by several rapid and strong squirts. Incredible pleasure rushed through me and I could think of nothing but my mother's sucking mouth and my squirting cock. It seemed to last much longer then when I did it myself and it felt a heck of a lot better. When the throbbing slowed and the last dribble was sucked from the head, I relaxed back onto the sofa. My mother held my cock in her mouth until it had wilted. Then she abruptly stood up, but she didn't look at me. I figured she was having second thoughts about what she had just done. I watched with my heart still beating rapidly as she walked out of the room without saying a word.

When I looked down at my now shrunken cock, there was only a dribble of cum at the head. My mother had either swallowed my cum or left the room to spit it out. I, of course, fantasized that she had swallowed it.

Chapter 6

It was quieter than usual in the house when I arose on Saturday morning. I went downstairs and found a note on the kitchen table from my mother saying that she had to do some shopping for our vacation trip and would be back by mid-afternoon. I was actually relieved that she wasn't home. Like the previous Saturday, I had no idea what I was going to say to her and I needed time to think. What had occurred last night was not a mistake or a slip-up this time. My mother had sucked my cock and most likely swallowed my sperm (at least in my mind she had). She was probably less inebriated than the previous Friday night so it couldn't be blamed on alcohol. Yet, it was still impossible for me to fathom that my own mother had sucked my cock. Just thinking those words made me question my sanity.

Instead of moping around the house I decided to do some chores. I worked around the yard, mowing and trimming until I was exhausted. I went inside and got a glass of lemonade and then decide to take a dip in the pool. The cool, refreshing water invigorated me almost immediately. I swam twenty laps before drying off and lying in the sun. My mother wasn't the only one that needed to get a little sun before we took our vacation. The warm sun felt good on my body and I drifted off to sleep.

I don't know how long I had been asleep when I awoke with a gasp as cold water covered my chest. "Mom," I screamed when I realized she had dowsed me a large glass of pool water. I jumped up and headed for her. She was giggling as she started to run back into the house. But I was a lot faster and I caught her before she could get away. I swept her up in my arms and headed for the pool, ready to toss her in.

"No, please, Jerry," she screamed. "At least let me get my bathing suit on."

She did have on a nice pair of shorts and top. I stopped and put her down. "All right, but you're going in the pool for splashing me. I could have serious psychological problems from being so rudely awakened," I joked.

She looked at me smugly. "Who says you don't already have serious psychological problems."

I made like I was going after her again but she ran into the house. Deciding I had had enough sun I went inside as well. The truth was, if my mom hadn't awakened me when she did I could have gotten a serious sunburn. In the house I sat down in the living room to watch TV.

I was dozing off again when I heard my mother's voice.

"What do you think of this bathing suit," she said.

I opened my eyes and saw her standing before me in a tiny bikini. It looked relatively modest in front, but then she turned around. There was but a small strip of material running between her gorgeous ass cheeks, leaving her buttocks totally bare.

"Mom!" I exclaimed. "Are you really going to wear that on the beach?"

"I was planning on it. But you don't like it apparently."

"No, I love it. It's just ... just that I have never seen you wear something that uh ..." I stuttered, looking for the word.

"Revealing?" she asked.

I was thinking sexy, but I said, "Yes, revealing."

"Well you should know the beach at the hotel is clothing optional."

"Really?" That had never occurred to me.

"Yes it is. So I might be the most dressed person on the beach in this outfit ... that is if I wear anything at all."

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Was my mother really going to go naked on a beach? I wondered. This vacation was sounding better all the time.

"From the way your mouth is hanging open I assume you approve then. I've got a few more outfits to show you." With that my mother turned around and walked back upstairs. I stared at her nearly naked ass until she had disappeared. Although I was in the air-conditioned house I found sweat dripping from my brow. And of course I had a raging hard-on.

When she came back she had on a white top and skirt with a red flower design. If I was shocked with the bathing suit, this was even more daring. The top barely covered her breasts. From my position on the sofa, I could see the soft swells of her lower breasts. It appeared that if she moved a little too quickly the top would flip up and leave her bare breasted.

"So what do you think of this one?" she asked as she raised her arms over her head, pulling the top even higher on her breasts.

I could plainly see that her nipples were hard under the tiny top. "Wow," was all I could say.

"I'll take that as approval," she said and then walked away.

My mother modeled all the outfits that she had bought. Each one seemed to reveal more skin. The last one was another bathing suit in what appeared to be shiny black l

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Forbidden Thoughts Of You

You're so fucking beautiful; I love your long silky jet black hair and your brown eyes. Your cherry-red lipstick complements your silky red and black lingerie and red hills. Your pheromones are just so intoxicating the way they ricochet off your body, capturing my entire being up into a cloud of forbidden and erotic passion.You have no idea how long I have been craving you, how hot you make me, and how badly I desire you. I’m trying so hard to just walk you slowly into my room of forbidden...

1 year ago
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Forbidden Lovers

(An erotic story in the form of poetry)Darkness shrouds my ill desiresThe forbidden love that has made us liarsThrough the dim-lit park she walks my wayTo enjoy the night, for we cannot enjoy the dayOver the shoulder she looks, but no-one comesTo mask her guilt, she walks, not runsBut I can see the tension in her strideMy eyes know her well, she cannot hideShe spots me on my shrouded seatHer face lights up, and with quickened feetShe heads my way with a secret smileOf heat, and lust, and wicked...

1 year ago
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The cab dropped her at the entrance of the huge house, mansion really, and was now gone. Laurel checked her make up one last time before walking up to the front door and pushing the small black button next to the door. She thought she looked good and had certainly tried to look like someone they'd want to cast in their film. The announcement had asked for a look a little on the wild side but not too wild, so Laurel had tried to come up with the right half slutty, half girl next door...

3 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit

A masturbation and suck storyThe following is a true story about a recent meeting I had with Suzi and another man in Arkansas.For those of you familiar with Suzi and I you'll remember that I met with her a few months back at her home, where she was gracious enough to let me masturbate for her view. She and I have collaborated in several Yahoo groups and exchanged some very racy e-mails, chats and photos. Another similar opportunity to meet her came up for me, but this time I wanted to go...

1 year ago
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Forbidden love

Forbidden Love Ramona was bored, went to Reddit to her favourite subreddit. Maybe something new there. Maybe she's is there as well. She loved reading her blunt comments. Loved how the persons those comments were targeted at reacted, obviously not sure how to properly react and with each reply only provoking a more sarcastic blunt reply. She knew nothing about her. Only that she's on Reddit. Trans, just like her, and hated people who don't respect them and treated them like their...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Love

This is a true story which took place in my life purely accidentally last year and I really liked what happened to me at that time and thereafter. Obviously I am using fake names as incest is forbidden by any standard in our society and culture. My name is Lilly. I am 37 years old divorcee having twins, a daughter named Sheela and a son named Vicky. Both of them are 18 years old now. My son is a college student and lives in the boarding house. My daughter however, got pregnant at the age of...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit 1 The Beach House Meeting

John was a handsome man, who had maintained his weight by working out at the gym three to five days a week. Since the divorce he had put in more gym time and actually was getting to be cut in his abs and upper body. He was relieved that his hair had not begun to recede or to turn gray and he looked to be younger then he really was. He was 6’3 and weighed 210 pounds. He had sandy blond hair and blue eyes and tanned nicely in the summer sun. Three months ago, John met a friend of a...

1 year ago
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FORBIDDEN FRUIT (2) Farmer’s Daughter (part two) There was something I had to do today, but for the life of me, I couldn’t remember what it was! I was a farmer, so perhaps it had something to do with farming. Suddenly, my mind cleared enough for me to recall. I had twenty acres of hay to bale and another twenty acres to cut! This was a chore I needed to begin working on pretty-damn soon. The sun had already crested over the eastern pastures and daylight was burning brightly. ...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Part 2

The weekend has arrived and Sasha finds herself trying to come up with a rational explanation why Liam all of a sudden thinks he has a chance at getting into his mother's best friend's pants. She sent no mixed signals, she has never flirted with him, she has never shown any sexual interest in someone who is young enough to be her son, so what makes him think he stands any chance at all with her? She is now thinking maybe she needs to put some much needed distance between them."Sasha, will you...

1 year ago
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Forbidden Passions in a Darkened Room by Millie Dynamite

Beyond desire, beyond obsession, their love is everything! An Incestual Erotic Short Story in “Millie’s Vast Expanse” Millie Dynamite   © Copyright 2021 by Millie Dynamite NOTE: This work contains material not suitable for anyone under eighteen (18) or those of a delicate nature. This is a story and contains de***********ive scenes of a graphic incestuous sexual nature. This tale is a work of pure fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Desires

When his wife Susan took off for parts unknown with some guy she'd apparently been fucking for a while, what seemed to overshadow all logical thinking was Jason's anger. That she broke off sixteen years of marriage, leaving him and his daughter stranded, with only a handwritten note to him and a short letter to 15-year-old Megan was so hurtful for both him and his daughter. In the note to him Susan said that she was 'unsatisfied' with the life they had, and Jason wondered what the fuck she...

3 years ago
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Forbidden Love With My Sister

Hi this is Manu Pen Name, coming to the story I have had many affairs and relationship in my life the one I cherries the most is the current relationship. That is with Rati name changed I call her rati as I know she is sex goddess. Rati is a average 30 year old married lady very committed to her family and she was my classmate. In college people used to respect us as we were brother and sister. I made her my sister when I met her. Though gradually watching her and feeling her love for her...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Love 8211 Part 1

Rani and Kumar had been married for more than 15 years. It was a marriage by arrangement. Rani came from a poor family background, one of the six daughters to a lowly paid blue collar worker. They lived in a village in the deep south of Tamil Nadu. To get a daughter married, it cost an arm and a leg, especially for the dowry demanded by the groom’s parents. Rani’s father had hell of a job to scrounge enough dowries to get his elder two daughters married and he was dreading how on earth he was...

3 years ago
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forbidden love part 3

please read forbidden love part one and 2 before reading this thanks. ….screams with excitement as she had never(and hopfully still hasnt) had a dick in her luciouse pussy lips that could split her if it went all in at once, as i start to slowly make love to this goddess of love and beauty i am thinking we are like one and cause of that she starts to say ″this is pure ectasy ~, and i believe as our lips form to make 1 being of life we have one of the greatest and still is the greatest kiss of...

2 years ago
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forbidden love part 3

please read forbidden love part one and 2 before reading this thanks.....screams with excitement as she had never(and hopfully still hasnt) had a dick in her luciouse pussy lips that could split her if it went all in at once, as i start to slowly make love to this goddess of love and beauty i am thinking we are like one and cause of that she starts to say ″this is pure ectasy ~, and i believe as our lips form to make 1 being of life we have one of the greatest and still is the greatest kiss of...

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Forbidden Love Chapter 3 The infatuation

Love. A simple and small word, but it carries such a strong meaning. Is it possible to love two people? Or better. Could I love two people? Questions and more questions.Three months have passed since our first “incident.” My passion for him was stronger than ever, and we used every opportunity we had to be together. I had gone back on birth control because I honestly hate condoms. My husband had a vasectomy after the birth of our children, so I never had to worry, but now with the affair,...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Love Chapter 2 The Aftermath

The return home was hard. Fear of the unknown took over me. Anguish of coming home and seeing my husband consumed me. Guilt, remorse, and fear flooded my mind. Was that the price of infidelity?I couldn’t go home in this state. He would know right away that something was wrong. I decided that spending the night in a hotel would be better. That time alone would be good for me to put my thoughts in order. I took a deep breath and called my husband. I told him I would spend the night at my best...

3 years ago
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Forbidden Furry Love Part 2

Introduction: This is my second story in what I hope to become a series, as asked last time please leave somePlease leave some constructive criticism and please dont leave any messages saying that your looking for a girl and have a 9 dick, cause we both know thats not true Forbidden Furry Love Part 2 As Caity moaned from ecstasy beneath me, I started feeling the familiar sensation in my balls and cock, that I felt every time I masturbated thinking of her and other women, mainly porn stars,...

1 year ago
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Forbidden Lizzy

This is a tale of forbidden love and lust, featuring an alpha male, and a cheeky, but sexually submissive, t-girl.* * * *"Fucking hell, Lizzy," I shouted angrily, as I bolted to my feet from my garden sun-lounger. "Don't you dare do that again."I'd just been hit by a jet of freezing-cold water: water that had come straight from Lizzy's large, pump-action water gun. As the June sun beat down, she grinned at me over the three-foot garden wall and began to purposefully jerk the pump all over...

4 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit and Consequences II Jessica

Jessica checked the time on her Breitling wrist watch. It was just a few moments before her husband Nathan would come home with their daughters Emily and Katie. It was his turn to pick them from school – and Jessica's to fix dinner. She sighed, taking a short break from her otherwise rather turbulent day. Were it a day like any other, she would have found fulfilling her share of chores relaxing, recreating even. This day, nonetheless, her daily routine seemed to cause her trouble. Or was it her...

Wife Lovers
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Forbidden Fruit and Consequences Michael

A loud, thounderous knock on the door distracted Michael from the action on his TV screen. He hit the Pause button on his PS4 controller, slid his cordless headset off his ears to rest on his nape, and granted his roommate entrance by shouting out the permission. Nathan, Michael's best friend and longtime roommate, opened the door, and started talking in a seeming hurry: “Listen, bro, I gotta hit the road. I won't be back till, like, nine or so. I know this comes on short notice, but it's...

2 years ago
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I am a good girl. I work really hard academically; I get top marks. I do my best not to judge others. I’m ethical and modest. I don’t break laws, I don’t even illegally download. And I would never, ever even think of cheating on my boyfriend of six years. That was until I met you. You were tall, strong, fit and healthy. You cared about your physique. Your smile was bright and it made my stomach erupt in butterflies. And your accent. Oh I am such a sucker for a nice accent and yours was so...

4 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit The Sg JC girl

I sometimes work at my old JC in coaching football. I used to be a school team player. I was quite useless lah but i played defense and was quite a strong tackler so I got into the team. Anyway i have been a good alumnus for my school and try to take part in a lot of events. About two years back, they're part time coach left and they asked me if i was interested. Only twice a week - one Saturday morning and one Wed evening. Pay is nothing much but it was more for fun so i accepted.The team is...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit

Forbidden Fruit By: Doctor Wankenstein Well, you could argue low - hanging fruit, but you would have to saytotally totally FORBIDDEN fruit. Okay, not u******e, and and not a relative, but my god daughter and themiddle c***d of my best friend of over thirty years standing. I was in my mid 40's and she was 19. I can't say I'd never looked at her, even as a c***d she was precociousand attention hungry. We even joked about how much trouble she would be when she hit her teens. Her dad predicted...

1 year ago
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Forbidden Fruit

Forbidden Fruit By: Doctor Wankenstein Well, you could argue low - hanging fruit, but you would have to saytotally totally FORBIDDEN fruit. Okay, not u******e, and and not a relative, but my god daughter and themiddle c***d of my best friend of over thirty years standing. I was in my mid 40's and she was 19. I can't say I'd never looked at her, even as a c***d she was precociousand attention hungry. We even joked about how much trouble she would be when she hit her teens. Her dad predicted...

1 year ago
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Forbidden Temptation

I smile up at you sweetly, teasingly. My plump red lips inviting. Nothing so simple as a look has ever been so arousing. But my smile ends to soon. A look as if I'm debating whether this is the right thing to do or not crosses my face before I press my forehead to your chest.I shudder. Just as your aching erection is becoming impossible to deny I lift my face to you and my expression changes.A flush creeps across my cheek bones, and my lips subtly part. My fingers clutch your shoulders. As I...

4 years ago
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"Deeper, deeper. Deee... peeer!" I was telling Peter to go deeper in me. I was down on all fours on the kitchen floor where Peter was doing me. I was just making pasta one Saturday afternoon when he dropped by my apartment unannounced. And with a hard-on. Who could resist that?My shirt was pulled up, my bra unhooked. My tits were bouncing like crazy and Peter was giving them lots of squeezes as he continued to penetrate me from behind. Turning to Peter, I saw him sweating and panting and making...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Planet

Forbidden Planet Synopsis: In the future, Explorer Marshall Dupree lands on a planet for repairs, to find a dark secret that grants him his wish at the cost of who he is. [-][+][-] My name was Marshall Wayne Dupree, but now to my horror, I am now Marcia Winona Dupree and must live with my new identity that has ended my career as an Explorer, leaving me as one of the many concubines in service to the Galactic Federation Explorers. Now instead of being the giant of a man at I was at...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Desires

Hiiiiii. My name is Krishna. I come from a family that comprised of my father, mother and me. My father was working as a manager in a private firm and my mother was a housewife. We were a typical middle class family and live in Hyderabad. We were a happy lot. This story is a mere fantasy. Tell me how you liked this story. Mail your comments to “”. I completed my B-Tech examinations and in the summer vacations decided to make a trip to Vizag to meet aunt and my two cousins, Vineetha and Nitya....

3 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit 8211 Part II

Hello dear friends. I am back. My name is Ali as you might have remembered me from my previous story forbidden fruit. And I belong to Islamabad capital of Pakistan. This is story of a moment that I and my sister share. The one we promised ourselves to never speak of again. This is the second part of my story, the continuation, so if you haven’t read first part of my story please read it first and then you should continue reading. Plus I want to thank all ISS reader for their emails and...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit

Hello, my name is Ali and I belong to Islamabad capital of Pakistan. This is story of a moment that I and my sister share. The one we promised ourselves to never speak of again. As for the introduction, I am an average nerdy guy with a really hot sister named Rubia. I’m 20 years old and she is just an year younger than i am. We belong to a middle class Muslim family with high moral values. Both me and my sister has been virgin before this incident, infect we never had even kissed anyone. Rubia...

4 years ago
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Forbidden Sibling Lust

Kristy Sands was a sweet sixteen year old girl who lived on a country farm wth her Mama and Papa and her older brother of two years,Ryan. She'd help out on the farm feeding the cows, sheep, chickens, horses, goats.She and Ryan were close sister and brother. Ever since they were younger they'd be there for one another. They had a close sibling bond. Their parents thought it was awfully sweet that they shared such a bond. Because the house they lived in was small, Kristy and Ryan had to share a...

1 year ago
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Forbidden Passion

“Fuck You,” Veronica screamed at him as she raised her middle finger up in the air while she stormed out of the house. She couldn’t believe he had done it… again. What the hell was she thinking, taking him back!?!? She honestly loved Kyle, he was her everything, and apparently, she was nothing to him. Kyle ran out the house after Veronica, “I’m sorry! Veronica!!! I love you!!” He couldn’t seem to get her attention. He knew he had really messed up this time around. He had ventured off into...

Straight Sex
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Forbidden Country Cunnilingus

The afternoon sunlight played upon my breasts gayly as I loosened the buttons of my dress and allowed the coarse cotton to fall freely away from my bare skin. My fair chest glistened in the shimmering sway of the trees, the air carrying away the heat of my body and cooling me. I felt my nipples swelling in the caress of it. It was intoxicating, the capricious pixie between my legs finding the sensation stimulating and answering with a gentle billow that gave me the urge to slip my fingers up...

1 year ago
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Forbidden Attraction 2 Revised

It was also safe to say that we had sex in almost every room in the school... And that's not an exaggeration. Our situation was quite complicated. Tim and I (he hated when I called him Mr. C if we weren't having sex) were spending so much time together, but we weren't boyfriend and girlfriend...but at the same time we were. I don't know what you would call our relationship. Maybe friends with benefits or just his side bitch. But we were much more than that. He'd leave...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Lust Part 2

Chapter two: When we all woke up, we had some coffee, a beer, and then George and I were on our way. George’s friend Kenny came and picked us up, then we went to a gas station for some shots and beers. I kept looking over at George, looking at his bright blue eyes. They got me every time. Since I was a minor, I had to wait in the car with George while Kenny got the drinks. While waiting, George rolled a joint for me, and I smoked it up with him. Out of the corner of my eye, I kept seeing him...

3 years ago
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Forbidden fruit tastes best

Tags: brother and sister incest A brother finds he really loves his sister in more ways than one then ........... View Author's Copyright Information                 Forbidden Fruit Tastes Sweetest.                                                               The sun beat down upon the weary traveler, the heat full of humidity dried up all the moisture in the air, including the last dregs of his self esteem.   With his head hanging low, he fumbled for the collection of his keys, only...

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FORBIDDEN FRUIT (1) Farmer’s Daughter (part one) There ought to be a law against a man’s daughter growing up to be so goddamn sexy! If there was such a law, that daughter of mine would most certainly be breaking it. Why, they’d throw the book at her, lock her up, and throw away the key! These were just a few of the thoughts running through my mind as I stood at my daughter’s bedroom door watching her sleeping. Morning sunlight beamed through her window illuminating her...

1 year ago
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Forbidden in Salinas Pt 2

Continuation of “Forbidden in Salinas – Pt.1” Chapter 7: The morning after. The beam of sunlight through the bedroom window made Rachel stirred. Drowsily, she placed her arms across her face to block out the irritating glare. As she moved her other arm to her side, she touched something. Grudgingly, her senses began to focus and she forced her eyes to open. The image of a naked man lying in her bed almost made her jump in shock. Looking at him, she realized that it was Daniel. ...

2 years ago
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Forbidden in Salinas

This is my first try. Kindly provide feedback as I require them to improve. If the story is acceptable, the will be a continuation of this story. This is fictitious, only letting my imagination run wild. Thank you all. Chapter 1: The siblings meet after 5 years. Daniel looked out of the greyhound’s window as it made its way down the highway, heading towards Salinas. The vast acres of rolling hills seem to flow forever, beyond what his eyes could see. Somewhere, along this stretch...

4 years ago
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Forbidden Ch 02

Dear Reader, Thank you for taking the time to read chapter Two of forbidden, and if you read the first one and left me comments! Big hug and lots of kisses xxx Even though, every precaution has been taken to make sure the historical side to the story is accurate, there are no doubt some areas that can be disputed. However, I must stress, and i don’t mean to be rude, this is a romance novel! I am human, i do make mistakes, and I’m not some, historical buff that lives in the past researching...

4 years ago
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Forbidden Affair

I am a married 38 year old man, a professor of medicine. I am happy, successful, my life is full of joy and meaning. I don’t work too hard. I am a good father, and spend lots of time with my children. And I am a good husband, I spend lots of time with my wife, we are good friends. She is beautiful, and our sex life is okay. We are not ‘soul mates’ though, and occasionally I have yearned to meet someone–even just a friend–with whom to feel that thrill of passion, as though the two of us were...

3 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit 2 The Beach House Virgin no more

Introduction: This is the second chapter in the continuing story of the forbidden romance of John 33 and Larissa 16. After kissing John more passionately then she knew two people could kiss Larissa returns to prepare and share a lunch with him. But he has more then lunch on his mind. Read on to find out how far it goes. The next day John got up early and started getting things ready to prepare lunch with Larissa. He had thought about her almost constantly since she had left. He couldnt stop...

3 years ago
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Forbidden Attraction 2

Introduction: You guys have been so good to me… Thank you for reading! Comment and inbox me thoughts and ideas. Two years had passed since Mr. Connor and I took our relationship to a new level. It was also safe to say that we had sex in almost every room in the school… And thats not an exaggeration. Our situation was quite complicated. Tim and I (he hated when I called him Mr. C if we werent having sex) were spending so much time together, but we werent boyfriend and girlfriend…but at the same...

3 years ago
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Forbidden Passion

“Fuck You,” Veronica screamed at him as she raised her middle finger up in the air while she stormed out of the house. She couldn’t believe he had done it… again. What the hell was she thinking, taking him back!?!? She honestly loved Kyle, he was her everything, and apparently, she was nothing to him. Kyle ran out the house after Veronica, “I’m sorry! Veronica!!! I love you!!” He couldn’t seem to get her attention. He knew he had really messed up this time around. He had ventured off into...

1 year ago
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Forbidden Part 1

When Sasha Lake and Monica Brown became best friends in the sixth grade, they could never have imagined that one day one of them would betray the other by not being able to control her erotic desires for someone who is forbidden. She never planned to have such a strong erotic attraction, but as she says, the erotic fate gods stepped in, and her attraction for the young, good-looking twenty-one-year-old took control and their heated passion also took control. It all started when Sasha moved back...

3 years ago
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Forbidden Part 1

When Sasha Lake and Monica Brown became best friends in the sixth grade, they could never have imagined that one day one of them would betray the other by not being able to control her erotic desires for someone who is forbidden. She never planned to have such a strong erotic attraction, but as she says, the erotic fate gods stepped in, and her attraction for the young, good-looking twenty-one-year-old took control and their heated passion also took control. It all started when Sasha moved back...

3 years ago
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Forbidden Sex

Author’s note: I’m not going to shy away from a fact that the story is about something which is highly forbidden in the African Society but there is no crime as writer to experiment in dark plots. It’s a fiction, after all and it’s my hope you will enjoy the story. I’m a young guy, just starting out on my own. I live in apartment with few other guys, friends of mine. I have a good job, I’m going to school and I have a beautiful girlfriend. For now thing are going Ok but sexuality is still in...

2 years ago
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Forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest

               Forbidden Fruit Tastes Sweetest.                                                               The sun beat down upon the weary traveler, the heat full of humidity dried up all the moisture in the air, including the last dregs of his self esteem.   With his head hanging low, he fumbled for the collection of his keys, only to find the door was already open.             “Is that you Kevin?” a beautiful spoke from within. He instantly recognized the sweet sonorous voice of...

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Forbidden fruit

First a little reminder of my unique situation. When I was born my doctor's had to figure out whether I was a boy or a girl; so, they decided to make me a boy. In the process; they left me with an infant little cock and, what I now call my little boy "pussy". It's a hole at the base of my cock, with the sensitivity of a woman's cunt!! Also, the following story is a fantasy. At 35 I decided to get back in church. I started going to a Baptist Church in my small town. On my third visit; my...

2 years ago
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Forbidden fruit pt 2 her motherrsquos daughter

Veronica and Chris had been having sex more and more regular, the risk of getting caught was exciting, Chris had popped around to see Veronica’s husband one evening and he had invited him to stay for tea, Chris duly accepted. As they sat in the living room Veronica said she was going to do the washing up and leave us 2 men to chat, I did offer to help but she said it would be ok, after a few moments I decided to go and offer again and walked into the kitchen “mmmmm nothing like seeing a woman...

4 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit

I was in school and my parents signed me up for a self defense class. Being a growing girl my parent's wanted me to be able to defend myself from predators. They felt I was becoming a target. I was 5'1, slender, had big blue eyes, long brunette hair, and my breasts were just growing in at around a 34A. That's where I met Jack. He looked young at the time but I didn't find out till a few months in that he was actually 26 years old and I was exactly half his age. He looked so much younger than...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit is always the sweetest

Not too long ago, I was friends with the most amazing guy. Due to circumstance, we could not be together. But I always felt SO attracted to him... and deep down, i knew he felt the same towards me.One weekend, he and his girlfriend came over to stay with me and my man. I was so excited to see him. We had finished dinner, so I took our plates into the kitchen... Only to have this hunk of a man follow me! I asked him 'Is everything OK?'. He responded by by slowly rubbing my ass and trying to kiss...

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