Dagger Of KijaChapter 8 free porn video

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They were greeted in Kugnae by the sounds of celebration. A tremendous crowd had gathered around the field south of the Tree of Refection. There were colorful banners and even a few vendors circling the crowd. A waist-high platform had been build and several prominent citizens stood there addressing the people.

"You don't think..." Gareth began, but no one in the crowd seemed to pay the two any particular attention. "No, it couldn't be."

Pteri sketched her husband a tense smile. She seemed to be close to her limit of endurance. First, using the Dagger under Kija's command without a break for days, and then shielding the Dagger from causing anyone additional harm.

All around them people were hurrying to join one group or another in front of the platform. Each group seemed to be made up of different paths, and Gareth quickly scanned the Warriors to see if he recognized any of them. Oddly enough, he didn't.

"Seems to be an event for youngsters," Gareth guessed. "Judging by the average size of those Warriors."

A small Warrior in plate mail was hurrying past. "Greetings, friend," he said with a smile. "Can you tell me what is going on here?"

Under all that armor was a woman, and when she tilted back her helmet, Gareth recognized the face.

"Rowann?" He exclaimed as she unbuckled her helmet and adjusted her weapons with the ease of years of practice. "Why are you dressed as a Warrior? You are a Mage!"

"Gareth?" The General of the Royal Kugnae Army smiled at her old friend. "I expected to see you over in that group of Poets. Ugliest bunch I've ever seen!"

Gareth glanced at the poet group and agreed. Poets were usually well behaved or at the very least... clean. This group of huge unshaven men and muscular woman looked extremely out of place clutching Star-staves and threatening to burst the seams out of robes meant for slighter frames.

"Those are Warriors!" Gareth recognized some of the faces at last. "Has everyone gone insane?"

Rowann laughed, then began running a sharpening stone across a steel blade that looked twice her size.

"Usually when something crazy happens," she explained, squinting down the length of her blade with an expert's eye, "I expect you were behind it. I am surprised that you don't know... or even somehow caused... the Inter-Path games."

It all made some weird sense. The Poets were all playing Rogues and the Rogues were Mages. Gareth shook his head in wonder. It was all due more or less to the Dagger of Kija that Pteri clutched so tightly. Time was running out, if only there was some way to destroy that Dagger, Gareth thought, seeing how weak his wife was getting.

"If the two of you are going to join the games," Rowann scabbarded her sword, "You had better hurry and register. They promised the combat to begin as soon as your clock strikes twelve."

Gareth began to protest that it wasn't his clock, but stopped suddenly. He stood there, mouth open for a long time considering his idea.

"Your plan, dear," Pteri smiled weakly at her husband. "You have that look about you."

Working out the details must have taken some time as Rowann had joined her group of former Mages, saying that she would "show those fighters how to really use whirlwind!"

The red-clad Do shrugged at the activities surrounding him. People always find a way to have fun even when the world seemed to be crumbling. The melding of paths might just be an amusement to them, but to Gareth it meant the breaking down of barriers. If the magic separating Poet and Warrior was gone, how much longer before the magic itself collapses and becomes unusable? Magic needs rules; who can learn, who can cast - if some of these change, who is to say?

"Gareth, we have to hurry!" Pteri gasped and they headed north away from the Inter-Path Games. It was cruelly ironic, Gareth thought, that the citizens of the Kingdom were celebrating the very thing that was slowly killing his wife wife. In short bursts of words, Pteri told him what trying to control the Dagger was like. Her most memorable phrase was "Like trying to stop a landslide with a cardboard sign reading "Stop!""

"From the moment the Dagger entered the Kingdom," Pteri explained. "It had been 'feeling' its way... digging into the structure of the world and changing it as it wished. The creator must have been naïve in thinking he could control the Dagger, for every change it made seemed to give it more power."

"Like a paper wasp!" Gareth suddenly realized. Pteri stared at her husband, blankly, waiting for the inevitable explanation. "Leave a scroll sitting out where wasps build and soon you will have no scroll at all, just a magnificent wasp palace! The Dagger is rebuilding the Kingdom in its own way, just like a wasp!"

Pteri raised an eyebrow, not bothering to comment. The strain was showing vividly on her face.

"You think too much," she replied at last. "I just hope for all our sakes that you have been thinking about how to stop the Dagger. I don't suppose it will be as easy as handing it to a smith and asking him to make it into a bracelet?"

Gareth tried to laugh confidently, but it rang false even in his own ears.

"No, I don't think so, either."

They stopped in front of a crude stone tower with a small wooden door recessed in the thick wall.

"Watch your head," He cautioned, opening the door, easily on silent hinges. Although the building looked like it was made from rough quarried rock, the Gods had in fact, made it and some parts of it seemed unworldly- like a door that refused to creak. "This place must have been designed by someone as short as me."

Pteri ducked until the lintel and entered the tower.

"Most likely it was designed by you," she said quietly, watching the clock's pendulum swing majestically, back and forth beneath the iron gears of the movement. "I was paying attention, you know, when you and the Shaman were explaining the alternate history."

Gareth smiled up at his wife. She never ceased to amaze him, he thought. He decided that they didn't make her director of that research facility just for her good looks.

"You can probably guess why we are here," he led her up the stairs to the tiny space behind the workings of the massive clock.

"Yes, but I admit that I don't see how you can use this to destroy the Dagger," she admitted, slumping down against the wall.

Lucky for me, Gareth thought that folded up, my tall wife doesn't take up much room. And equally lucky, my Do training slimmed me down some and increased my flexibility tremendously. A guy could lose skin trying to fit into this space.

"Let me show you," he picked up a heavy brass wrench, probably left here from earlier experiments at disassembling the clock, experiments that failed dramatically.

Watching the hour wheel move forward almost imperceptibly, Gareth chose a spot inside the gear, close to where it overlapped the escapement. That smaller escapement wheel ticked ahead with every swing of the pendulum, as the pallet, released it to snap forward. A tiny finger width space separated them and this was where Gareth quickly shoved the thick brass wrench.

"Gareth!" Pteri cried out in alarm, "You will break those gears!"

Gareth shook his head, waiting silently for the slow return of the pendulum.

"Tick!" The pallet released the escapement and it turned to its next catch.

There lying in Gareth's hands was the wrench, sheared into two pieces.

"It didn't break!" Pteri stared at the pieces, then touched the smooth edge. "One moment it was one piece and the next it was two."

Gareth chuckled, having performed this experiment before; he knew it was dramatic the first time you saw it.

"As if cut by time itself," He mused, confidently. "Now, lets get rid of that annoying dagger."

Pteri lifted it away from her chest, where she had been clutching since they had vanquished Kija. She raised it slowly to her husband, as if it had great weight.

"Gladly," she agreed, nodding. "Just don't hold it too long. The Gods know what damage it could do to you."

Gareth raised an eyebrow, and wondered what damage it had already done to her. Why would she be worrying about me holding it for just a few seconds, he asked himself.

Having handled hundreds of daggers in his smithing days, Gareth still was taken aback by the surprising weight of the Dagger of Kija. Reconsidering, he decided it wasn't 'weight' exactly, more properly, it was inertia. The dagger simply refused to move from the spot Pteri had let go until the stout warrior made a considerable effort.

Straining the powerful muscles in his arms to the limits, Gareth lifted the reluctant dagger towards the gears.

A chill ran down Gareth's back. An almost unfamiliar feeling he eventually realized was doubt. He was suddenly not so certain that the Dagger could be destroyed.

He looked back at his wife, hoping that she hadn't seen his moment of uncertainty. She had slipped down the wall, weakly. Gareth guessed that just having it out of her hands was not enough to cure her of the Dagger's influence.

"Perhaps after it is destroyed," Gareth thought, resolve firming again in his mind.

A small movement inside the tower caught at Gareth's attention. He snapped his head around with Do quickness, but there was nothing, until at the edge of his vision, he saw it again. Whipping his head back the other way... still nothing was there.

"Don't worry about it," Pteri cautioned, her eyes half closed. "You wont have time to get used to it. I think it is just the action of the Dagger on the world. Very nasty."

Gareth examined the effect. If he stared straight ahead and unfocused his eyes a bit...

It became clear what he was seeing. At the very edge of his vision, the world was... curling up, almost like a scroll ready to roll back into a tube. Gareth thought that with a little pressure of Will, he could easily tear the fabric of the world itself.

He resolved not to test this.

"Strange," he summed up, with characteristic understatement.

He returned to forcing the Dagger slowly towards the hour wheel.

"Tick," the clock said, as the escapement wheel moved forward, opening a space wide enough for the Dagger blade. Gareth pushed hand, sliding it between the gears.

"You ready?" He asked, glancing down at his wife, but she seemed asleep. Asleep? Now? "Wake up! One more swing and its over."

The pendulum reached its full arc and the pallet was lifted...

"Tick," said the clock.

The Dagger of Kija remained in one piece, firmly wedged between the descending escapement wheel and the hour gear.

"Oh, no," Gareth frowned, just beginning to wonder what had gone wrong, when he realized that the pendulum had not stopped swinging!

As the immense weight of the pendulum reached its apex again, the pallet slowly raised.

"Tick!" said the clock, this time more insistently.

Still the Dagger remained in one piece.

Gareth stared fascinated, as the pendulum continued its stately arc. In a moment it was again at it's highest.

"TICK!" the clock shouted and a metallic groan came from the Dagger, but it stubbornly remained whole.

"Dear," Gareth whispered to his wife's still and quiet form lying next to him. "I think we should run."

The pendulum swung back, gathering speed and Gareth somehow knew it was preparing for battle.

He picked up his silent wife's limp body and jumped from the stairs. As the pendulum reached its apex again, he slammed into the door with his shoulder, smashing it open and falling headfirst onto the lawn outside.

"TICK!" Screamed the clock.

Deep within the clock there was a snapping sound, then a moment's quiet.

Gareth nearly decided to try getting to his feet, but soon was happy he hadn't, for out of the door of the tower roared a black cloud, slamming him hard against the ground, flowing over him and quickly dissipating.

When the pressure finally let up, Gareth chanced a glance up at the tower. It appeared unchanged.

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HI, mein Name ist John Doe und ich bin 19 Jahre alt. Ich wohne mit meinem Vater, meiner Stiefmutter (Monika.....einen Kopf kleiner als ich, Blondes schulterlanges Haar, und immer so Gekleidet / Total Nuttich / , das jeder weiß warum sie meinen Vater geheiratet hat, nämlich wegen seines Geldes.) und meiner kleinen Schwester (Michaela....rotbraunes Haar ständig zu "kleinen Mädchen Zöpfen" gebunden, kleine grade aufblühende Brüste...und ich denke sie hat keine Ahnung von der wirklichen...

3 years ago
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Confessions Of A Sadist

Confessions of a Sadist *MasterN* There's no doubt about it… …I've always fallen in love with sluts. Most of the other trainers don't understand my proclivity for the "bad girls".Put off by wantonness, they would prefer what I call a "debasement of virtue"… seductionand use of innocents that find their way here. But if I don't hurt the sluts, who will? It's a very important role I fulfill, making a fallen girl's dark dreamscome true. It's their prison, within the walls of this prison. ...

2 years ago
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Moving Day

At least there was Raquel. Raquel was my real estate agent and she proved to be the only bright spark in my otherwise unenthusiastic new world. She was perhaps ten years older than me and she sure had more patience than I did, diligently taking me through the small amount of rentals available, and slowly guiding me through the wisdom of financing a home. Thing was, she was coaching me to buy one of these cabin places, since the rental scene was a disaster, and with as much decorum as she...

3 years ago
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The Boys Story Chapter 2

....I get to work licking around his head and slowly sliding my mouth along his shaft taking his whole cock in my mouth. I look up at him and his head is back and he is playing with his nipples. I try to deep throat his 7" cock. I can feel it at the back of my throat and I slip my tongue under the shaft to try and open my throat. It works but I am still learning this technique so I become short of breath and have to slide it out. I take several deep breathes and then My Master says "Get the...

3 years ago
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Fat Teen Girl Gang Member Fights Blonde Biker Chicks

As a former teacher, I witnesses some vicious girl fights. However, none is more brutal than when a fat high school girl gang member caught two blonde biker chicks selling drugs at her school. It was a hot, muggy night in August. The first football game was going on. However, off in a distant field, two blond biker chicks were completing a drug deal with a couple high school girls. The woman were strippers. Each one wore tight jeans. They were probably late twenties max. The problem this...

3 years ago
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Stormy Night Prelude to my night of terror

I remember the one night when I could have prevented Richard from ever touching me again. It was a cold rainy night with a lot of lightning and thunder. I was drinking beer and smoking a little weed and I wandered outside in the pouring rain completely nude. Richard was 14 at the time. I felt a blanket go around me and Richard turned me around and led me back inside.Richard asked if I was crazy?, I said maybe just a little and laughed. I let the blanket slide off my shoulders and I hugged...

1 year ago
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AbuseMe Freya Von Doom Dildo Chase

Freya Von Doom told her boyfriend Peter Green of a movie scene which really turned her on. When she was taking her next shower a dark figure sneaked into the bathroom, armed with a black dildo. It opened the shower curtain and attacked the girl. It kept stabbing the girl with the dildo until she fell to the ground. Then the dark figure was able to f***e the dildo into her pussy and jam it in and out. Freya was screaming in pleasure and pain. She managed to wrestle free and run to the living...

2 years ago
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MageChapter 83

Roxanne, Arwen and I teleported via Loegria and Kurukshetra to Verenestra’s residence in Keldravan on Tír na nÓg. We were expected and were escorted directly to see the Queen and the Consort, allowing Arwen to joyfully greet her parents first before getting down to business. We were soon joined by the neuro-technologist, Artello, who was working on various means to shut off a Fae’s magical abilities in a manner similar to that that his ‘Artello cap’ did for humans. The man was now in his...

1 year ago
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In The Barn With Brad

Introduction: Cousin Brad comes to visit. I lie on my back, watching the swallows swoop and dive overhead. They circle the rafters, darting in and out through the open window and lancing across a dusty shaft of sunlight. Its late afternoon, soon the sun will set and mom will be calling me for dinner. I think companys coming over for dinner, though Im not sure who. Probably some of my parents friends, and Ill have to sit around all evening on my best behavior, bored as hell. I linger in the...

2 years ago
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Luna rubbed her eyes as she woke to the sun shining on her beautiful face. She slowly got up from her bed and headed toward her bathroom for a shower. Luna pulled her pajama top off exposing her soft firm tits and her large nipples. She pulled her tiny panties off and she looked at herself in the mirror. At the age of 18 she was beautiful her long blond hair almost looked white fell past her hips. Her big eyes were the brightest green anyone had ever seen she almost looked supernatural. She ran...

3 years ago
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set up

There I was hanging around in the middle of the living room gettingfucked in the ass and in the mouth at the same time, and by hanging; I meanhanging face down, legs spread, arms spread a few feet off the floor, withmy ass filled and my throat filled with a cock, how did I get to this pointyou ask? Rewind to last night. About me: I was currently single, divorced actually for a couple ofyears now, with a son, 17 years old, no wait 18 now as his birthday wastoday, he lived with his mom and...

3 years ago
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Training of a Slut Wife Chapter 2

Charlotte, my sexy conservative wife had such a good time on our previous date night and I checked my hidden camera I put in our bedroom and near our hot tube. I finally caught her. When she was home alone one night, with our live in Jaimie (preachers pregnant daughter, my baby unknown to my wife) took our k**s out to Chucky Cheese and to see a movie. I was supposed to be away working at a late night business meeting but instead I had my hard cock buried deep in the preachers wife, Pam.Anyway,...

3 years ago
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Becoming Her Chapter 2 into the gang of gay lust

Chapter 2 … into the gang of gay lust …. So we myself and my (NOR) spend the next day in sex, it was like I discovering a new sensations and emotion's But at the end of our trip, I can feel I become someone else, a new person The way he (NOR), treated me, care for me, even looks at me….. Everything happen last couple day's was like a living dream Next Sunday I am back to school.At the rest time I joined him with his pack or gang I was accepted in, but many of them were interesting in why me?We...

2 years ago
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Did sis Start it or Me

I guess I'll start with my sister first, she stood about five feet at the time this happened, and her tits were about a B cup with eraser size nipples, maybe a tad bigger if any, light brown hair down to the middle of her back, a nice little tight sexy round butt that a quarter could be bounced off from, and blue eyes. She wasn't the smallest chested girl, yet not the biggest either, comepared to the other girls her age in school. By the way, her name is Marry.Now for me, I was only about five...

1 year ago
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Sex With Neighbourhood Kavitha Aunty

Hello readers! Myself Synan from Tamil Nadu and living in one of the best city. Coming to the story, it happened around 6 years ago. I am from a family where both my parents are workaholics. Next to my house is my angel’s house where Kavitha aunty lived. She is in her late 30’s. Her family is very small just like us. She has a son studying in school who is very innocent. Right from my childhood, he used to play with me and our families are closer than ever. I took care of Kavitha aunty’s just...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Apolonia Lapiedra Foxxi Black Pussy Lovers

Apolonia Lapiedra and Foxii Black meet for their date and admire one another’s dresses. The girls have decided to stay in tonight, and although they start the evening by chatting, a single kiss leads to a much more sensual direction. As they continue to show their affection for one another, Apolonia slides her hand up Foxii’s miniskirt in a blatant invitation. Rising to her feet, Apolonia urges Foxii to see the surprise she has in store. Lifting Apolonia’s dress, Foxii sees...

2 years ago
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This is Going to Hurt

Daddy has always been a bit of a sadist,From his playful smacks on my bottom to his hands wrapped around my throat...I have seen thelook in his eyes as he hurts me, twisting and bruising my little girl tits (as he calls them♡) anddigging his nails into my soft skin. He couldn't deny it when I asked if he liked to hurt me. Hewas more surprised when I admitted one morning that I liked it too. Maybe more than like…I didn't know it would turn into this____________Daddy came home early one day from...

4 years ago
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RockmanChapter 23

"Well?" said Cheryl to Cassie as they sat in the car in the airport car park after Cheryl had met her off her flight. "You look better, what happened?" "For the first time in a long time," Cassie told her, "I have hope. I think there's a chance." Cheryl squealed with pleasure, and hugged her friend. "I told him about the abortion and he said he didn't hate me." Cassie told her when the hug subsided. "He said he wished I'd told him before he went away on tour, he would have...

1 year ago
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Dark Obsession

It was game day, the game was going on as I finished up preparing for what the after game show would show. I wanted to see the object of my obsession in all her glory, so I placed cameras in the locker room and monitored them from the acting stage in the back room since it was hardly ever used. I watched the news on my second laptop as they covered the game but my attention wasn’t on the game, it was on Erin. She was rather short, big soft breasts, thin frame with a nice ass. Her dark brownish...

1 year ago
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Second Time Through Book IChapter 4 Grace

So I was a twin. I hesitated a long moment as I considered what Grace had just told me. "Are there other siblings I haven't met yet?" I wondered. Grace just sat there patiently watching me as she waited for me to respond. "Nicky?" I finally asked. "Of course!" she exclaimed with delighted glee. "And I think she's wonderful! She has been so worried about you. Almost every evening after I got off work, she was here. She was afraid of losing you too." I frowned at that. I really...

2 years ago
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Every guys dream1

My wife and I eventually divorced and I moved out. It was not easy being on my own again especially being in my 30's but I was able to rediscover my fetish with the help of internet shopping. I could buy all of the women's panties and bras I wanted and they would arrive at my door without anyone knowing my kinky little secret. I collected all kinds of sexy panties, garter belts and thigh high stockings. I even started to buy dresses and perfume and would spend my day taking a long hot bath,...

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