KellyChapter 33 free porn video

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It was a warm day in May in Northern Virginia and Kelly was walking back across the campus of the College after finishing her teaching for the day. She was amused at the way it was going. Her course in Military Strategy had become the most popular course in the school. Enrollment was now so large she was thinking about breaking it up into sections, but wasn’t sure she wanted to take on the additional work. Then she ran her fingers lightly over her abdomen. It was now starting to round out. At least she thought she could feel it, even if no one could see it yet. Oh, well, she thought, The baby isn’t due until November.

Her summer uniform still fit, though; she was wearing it for the meeting she had coming up in her office. Kelly was puzzled by the phone call she had received the previous afternoon. It was from a Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Planning, a man named Simon Cameron. She had never talked to or heard from anyone in DOD and didn’t know what to make of the call. When she reached the administration building, she was grateful for its air conditioning. In addition to being warm, the day was very humid.

She walked into her office and winked at Rita Nelson as she walked by. Rita picked up her pad and followed Kelly into her office. Kelly sat down in her chair and saw Rita sitting attentively across the desk from her with her pencil poised. Kelly continued to be surprised at how beautiful the girl now looked. She leaned back in her chair and motioned to Rita to put her pad away. The girl put the pad down on the desk and leaned back in the chair with a big smile. Kelly smiled at her and asked, “Rita, where are you spending your nights now? Your place or Pete’s?”

“My place,” she replied with a grimace. “And I’m going to start charging Pete rent. He doesn’t have a place. He lives at the Bachelor Officers’ Quarters. I accuse him of freeloading, and he makes more than I do.” She smiled as she added, “Pete calls it his private witness protection program. He says he’s protecting me from Klein and Carson, now that Wilson’s dead. I can’t figure out if he’s serious or not. What do you think, Kelly?”

Kelly just shook her head. “Rita, I don’t have the first clue! I do know I never expected Wilson to pull a gun, but he did. Those other two are free on bail awaiting trial. Frankly, Pete staying with you certainly isn’t the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.” She changed the subject suddenly. “Have you tried sleeping on Pete’s shoulder, by the way?”

The girl smiled warmly and said, “Kelly, did you ever think to patent it? If you did, you could make millions in royalties. The fact is I couldn’t sleep without Pete anymore. It just feels so wonderful to snuggle as close as I can and then feel his hand cupping my boob. Then we both fall asleep. It’s like being in Heaven!”

Rita smiled warmly and says, “Pete complains a bit, though. He says, instead of snoring, I make a lot of soft, happy sounds that keep him awake. When I’m aware of doing it — which isn’t often — I do know Pete just tightens his grip on my breast to hold me even closer.” Rita glanced at her watch and jumped up. “Oops! I’d better get out to my desk. Cameron is due any minute.”

When she left the office Kelly picked up her private phone and called Sam Adams on his. He picked up the phone and Kelly said, “It’s me, Sam. You can no longer call me a teenybopper. I’m twenty years old today!”

Sam’s voice was warm. “Happy Birthday, Kel. Thank God, we’re finished with teenaged generals!” He chuckled softly and said, “Cathy is looking forward to seeing you. We want you and Mike to get to know your godson. I can’t tell you how wonderful I feel right now, Kelly. Cathy’s back to normal. And now we have a baby who’s the new light of our lives. We’re both so damned proud you’d think we invented the tiny things. All I can say is I sure hope the rest of your pregnancy and delivery goes as well as Cathy’s. She still can’t believe how smooth and painless it was. And by the way, can you and Mike come over to the house on Sunday? We can swim, barbecue, and just have fun.”

Kelly smiled and said, “Sam, we would love to. I’ll call Cathy tonight and set up a time for Sunday. However, there’s another reason for my call. Have you ever met a DOD type named Simon Cameron? He’s coming over to see me in a few minutes and I have no clue what it’s about. He’s Deputy Under Secretary for Planning.”

There was silence for a few moments, then Adams replied. “Kelly, I’ve never met him but I’ve heard a few things about him. Basically, I wouldn’t trust him farther than I can throw him, if the rumors I’ve heard are true. My suggestion to you is to listen to what he has to say but don’t promise anything or agree to anything. Does that answer it?”

“It sure does, Sam. Thanks.” As she hung up, Rita buzzed and said she had a call from Senator Fuller. She punched the button and picked up the phone again. “Good morning, Senator! It’s great to hear from you!”

“Now Kelly, you know you’re supposed to call me Bob!” He chuckled and continued, “There are two reasons for my call. First, Sam and I want to thank you for making us look so good. This goes back to your taking command of the 101st. We thought you would do a fine job, but even we didn’t expect you to do as well as you did.

“Then, over the objections of some of the liberal members on our committees, we supported your appointment as President of the War College. Beyond breaking up a spy ring, we’re now hearing great things about the place. The best course at the College is supposed to be a new one on tactics and strategy. And, as usual, the name Kelly Jackson is always mentioned. You’re the professor, we hear.”

Then his voice took on a serious note, “The reason for this call, though, is we’ve formed a new Special Joint Committee on the Armed Services. Sam and I are co-chairing it. The committee grew out of what you did last year.

“As you know, for nearly fifty years the constant in our military posture was strategic defense ... spelled, Soviet Union. That’s now a thing of the past. We’re talking about what changes we should be making in our strategic posture and Sam and I want you to be an early witness. Would you be willing to testify?”

“Bob, I’m just a kid! I just turned twenty today! There are a bunch—”

“Now, Kelly, no more of that! There is no one in the uniformed services who is as respected as you are. No one! You are one of a kind. You are the only person we’ve ever known or heard of who has the intellectual ability to see the straight line between two points and the military skill and leadership ability to then take an army from one to the other. You do it all.

“Please, Kelly, can you come up to the Hill? Perhaps tomorrow morning?”

Kelly gave up. “Bob, thank you. I’m not happy about it, but I’ll come. What do you suppose would have happened, though, if my ancestor had to spend all his time testifying in Richmond instead of leading troops for Robert E. Lee?”

Fuller laughed and said, “Maybe he would have been at Richmond instead of Chancellorsville, and we might have won the damned war!” There was silence on the line for a moment and the tone of Fuller’s voice changed. “I’ll say one thing, Kelly. Wherever he is, he’s mighty damned proud of you!”

On a hunch Kelly asked, “Bob, to go back to your committee’s charter for a moment, do you know a guy named Simon Cameron? A Deputy at DOD?”

“Yes, I do. Where did you hear his name, Kelly?”

“I got a call from him. He’s due over here any minute to see me. I never heard of him before, though. That’s why I asked.”

“That’s odd,” Fuller said. “He’s supposed to be a guy with a lot to say about force structures in the Services. As a matter of fact, some of the our committee members have been touting him as the most authoritative witness we could get in front of us.

“Sam and I are skeptical although I’ve never met him myself. Kelly, you’ve heard the expression, ‘known by the friends you keep?’ Well, Sam and I aren’t at all sure about some of his friends. Does that answer your question?”

“It sure does, Bob. And I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

As she hung up the phone, Rita buzzed again. Simon Cameron had arrived and she was asked to show him in. Kelly rose from her chair to greet him. Cameron was shorter than she was, about five feet six. He appeared to be in his mid-forties, well-dressed with a pink complexion. He did not appear to get out in the sun much nor to exercise at all. They shook hands — he had a very limp handshake — and he took a seat.

When she returned to her seat, Cameron got right to the point. He said that he had heard that she was going to be called to testify before a minor committee on Capitol Hill. Knowing how busy she was at the college, he had taken the liberty of having his staff prepare testimony for her. He reached into his briefcase and took out a fat sheaf of papers and passed them to Kelly.

She glanced at the cover sheet and read, “Testimony of Lieutenant General Kelly Jackson, USA, before the Joint Congressional Committee on Military Forces.”

Kelly realized that the reason the paper was so thick was that it had been typed on a speech typewriter. All she needed to do was read the script and turn the pages. Cameron said she had been invited and would be testifying the next day and he said he would meet her in the Committee room. He smiled and let himself out of the office. Kelly wondered how he knew about her invitation even before she did.

Kelly was interested to see what Cameron wanted her to say. She quickly skimmed through the speech. In it she was being made to say that the force structures in the Armed Forces in general and the Army in particular should be maintained essentially as is. Moreover, there was a discussion of global threats to peace — unspecified — that required the maintenance and enhancement of U.S. strategic forces.

Kelly called Sam Adams again and told him about the call from Fuller and the later visit from Cameron. With respect to the written testimony she said, “Sam, I’ve only had time to skim it. However, as far as I’m concerned, it’s unmitigated bullshit. I’m not going to give this speech. I hope my refusal won’t put you in a bad spot.”

Sam said, “Kelly, the Committee has asked you to testify. I’m sure Bradley, I, and others will be in soon enough to have our say. First, I think Fuller is absolutely right. You are the best person to lead off. Second, the testimony is yours, not Cameron’s nor ours. If he wants to make that speech, he’s welcome. The short answer, Kelly, is do and say what you think is right. The country has done pretty well when that’s what you’ve done. Go get ‘em, Tiger.”

Kelly looked at the phone after hanging up. Then she checked her book and made another call to the former President, now retired on his farm. Moments later the phone was answered by his secretary. Kelly identified herself and asked to speak to the President. A few minutes later he was on the phone. Kelly told him about the events of the day, her meeting with Cameron, and the prepared testimony.

He listened with interest and finally said, “Kelly, I’ll be back to you in an hour or someone else will. Will you still be there in your office?”

Kelly said she would.

She went back to reading papers written by her students on the Peninsula Campaign in the Napoleonic Wars. She decided that the quality of both the thinking and the writing had improved enormously in just the last thirty days. Kelly thought for a moment of the incongruity of correcting the grammar and punctuation — as well as the strategic thinking — of men who averaged twice her age and two degrees to her none.

Her phone buzzed. A tone of awe was clear in Rita’s voice as she said, “Kelly, it’s the White House on the phone. The operator says it’s the President, for you!”

Kelly picked up and moments later was speaking with the new President, John Collins. She had not met him but certainly knew a great deal about him. He said, “Kelly, I’m glad to have this opportunity to talk to you.

“Bill just called me and told me about your conversation with him. I thought it was time for us to talk. Bill, of course, is one of your greatest living fans. So am I. Kelly, you’ve made the country and its leadership — Bill and me — look awfully good over the last twelve months or so. He told me about the testimony prepared for you to deliver.

“I’m calling to tell you to say whatever you damned well feel like saying. I want to hear what you think. I hear from those idiots across the river all the time. I would like to leave it like this: Regardless of what you may say, I am assuring you of my complete personal support.”

The timbre of his voice changed. The President’s voice sounded lighter. “Kelly, I’m certainly not guaranteeing I’m going to agree with everything you say. I may not agree with anything. I am saying, though, that anyone who tries to interfere with the content of your testimony is in deep trouble with me. Am I making myself clear?

“Incidentally, I know you’re expecting a baby pretty soon. Nevertheless, could you possibly come to dinner some evening — just your husband, Mike, and my wife, Jill? She desperately wants to meet you. Could you do that?”

Kelly hadn’t said anything. She had just listened. “Mr. President, we would be honored. At any time, sir.” They set a date for the following week.

Then she hung up the phone and looked at it thoughtfully. Now she knew what the former President had meant when he had said he would get back “or someone else will.” It never occurred to her that the “someone else” would be the new President.

The next morning after their morning lovemaking she had her head on Mike’s shoulder. She turned her head to give him a light kiss — or thought it would be a light kiss. Instead, there were the bells and the electricity flowing between them. She thought of Rita as she made happy noises deep in her throat. Mike pulled her even closer and gently caressed her now-swelling breast.

She asked him what she should wear and he looked down at her bare body. “Why don’t you go like this, darling? Give them a thrill?”

She poked him in the ribs with an elbow and said, “Mike, this is serious. I’m testifying before Congress!”

Mike kissed her again and suggested she wear her service dress uniform.

She was wearing it as she walked into the hearing room accompanied by Kevin. She was introduced to the Committee members by Bob Fuller and Sam Pinkney. Kelly was amused because they were acting like proud parents introducing their beautiful daughter to their friends. Although most of the members greeted her warmly, she noticed a few who appeared to be cool.

She took her seat at the witness table as Cameron arrived. He gave her a small smile and began to speak as soon as Bob Fuller gaveled the hearing to order. He said, “Gentlemen, the first witness this morning is Lieutenant General Kelly Jackson. As many of you know, she is expecting a baby.

“Accordingly, she has prepared written testimony which has already been distributed to you all. On behalf of the Department of Defense, I ask that Mrs. Callahan now be excused and her written testimony be incorporated into the hearing record.”

Bob Fuller listened impassively. When Cameron finished, he looked at her and said, “Kelly, is this what you want to do?”

Kelly glanced over at Cameron and said, “As far as incorporating the written statement into your record, Senator, it’s fine with me as long as there is just one minor change. The cover sheet should read that the testimony is that of Mr. Simon Cameron of the Department of Defense. It certainly is not mine.”

Cameron jumped from his seat. “Senator, this is ridiculous! Clearly Mrs. Callahan isn’t feeling well. The Department cannot allow her to continue this morning. If necessary, we will invoke executive privilege to prevent Mrs. Callahan from testifying. As for her comment, I can’t understand it. We reviewed the testimony in detail in her office yesterday.”

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The Family Of Cucks And Sluts Part 8211 1

Hi guys this me your writer south Indian fucker back with another story Thanks for the huge support that you guys show to me . Without all of you am nothing . So this story am writing for my fan/reader and a close friend of mine… If you want stories to be written for you and comments you would like to share with me just sent an email Email id This a whole new series and have many parts like my previous series….. So the story begins……. Hi, guys, my name is Rajesh am from the south part of...

2 years ago
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Ian part 12

"Thanks for letting me swap my shifts again," I say as I switch off the shop's lights and step outside, allowing Dean to lock up the shop. "Yeah, like I'm gonna let you work on your eighteenth birthday," Dean says with a snort of laughter. "You have a good one, mate. See you a week tomorrow, okay?" "Sure," I say, waving goodbye to my supervisor before climbing onto the back seat of Rob's car, where my girlfriend- or, to be more accurate, lover- greets me with a long kiss. "Hey,...

3 years ago
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A violent story of my passion and crime

An icy rain slapped my face and a gelid wind bit into me, cutting easily through my clothing. And to think 15 minutes ago i was enjoying their sight from the warmth of my room. All It took was one phone call to blew the cover apart. One bloody sobbing phone call. Here is the transcript "Nav...sob..sob..sob.. Come over here ..sob..sob..sob""what?now?""sob..sob.. Yes..sob..sob""but its impossible!Just look outside..""Nav.. Come over or i will do something..sob..sob..." the line cut. So here i...

2 years ago
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My 7 year older sister continuously leaves her wet panties and nylons in our bath. One day,out of curiousity, I SIMPLY HAD to enjoy the fragranance of her damp pretty pink panties ! Taking them to my face ,I could see the wet spot on her panties and inhaled for the 1st tim a female vaginal secretory soaked pair of satin panties. My cock got hard instantly ! along with the wer pink panties, a nice pair of sheer pantyhose was laying next to them. I quickly picked up her panties and pantyhose and...

1 year ago
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Loving My Brother

I don't know if I should be telling you this or not, but this thing has been burning inside me. I really need to tell someone.I have an older brother, whom I idolize. Even though he was six years older, he was my friend, protector, and confidant - I was one of those baby surprises. Brad ended up in NY working for a fashion photographer. At the end of my senior year of high school, my parents sent me to my brother's place so I could check out some of the colleges. They thought that if I liked...

1 year ago
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With One Step

With this story, I am going to begin a new form of storytelling. This story is open-ended — that is to say, it will continue as I have new tales to tell and end when it ends. I hope you enjoy this first installment and will look forward to further adventures as I write them. The sunlight streamed into the bedroom of the Chateau, signaling the start of a new day. In a sense, for the previous day had not yet concluded. In the bed, still snuggled close, Reagan and Kelly were flipping through...

2 years ago
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My new life with my step sister

My new life with my step-sister This story is a fantacy and a work of fiction all characters are real but have been changed for this story. If you have any comments on this story please email me I welcome all comments and suggestions whether it be negative or positive my email is [email protected] My new life with my step-sister When I was 16 both my Dad and Step-mother where killed in a car accident. Which left me and my step sister whom is 23 with there house. And according to a judge...

3 years ago
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Gorgeous Chloes First Spanking Part IV

Pleaseread parts I – III first in order to fully enjoy the story, otherwise it’s hard to fully appreciate Chloe’s humiliation and Beth’s desperation. Enjoy! Long story short, Chloe caught my father spanking my bare ass, tried to stop but only to find herself on top of my father’s lap, skirt up and panties down. * * * I can’t help but admiring and envious of her astonishing beauty, her exposed, reddened buttock contrasted by her lean, porcelain like legs over my father’s lap. I watch in silence...

3 years ago
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My Brothers WifeChapter 2

The three of us were smack dab in the middle of fucking, rather heatedly at that, when my phone rang. I pulled out of my sister-in-law, Miriam Lamont, just long enough to answer my cell. It was Lizzie, of all people. What the Devil did she want, anyway? “Lizzie?” I asked, knowing full well who it was from my caller ID. “Yes, that’s me. When are we gonna ... kiss and make up? This lover’s spat has gone on too long and I don’t even know why,” Lizzie whined and pouted now a bit over the...

1 year ago
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The Stream

The sun is shining out on a quiet suburban street, cars fly past occasionally as a seemingly regular if slightly skinny man stops his journey and pulls out a pair of glasses. Putting them on, he fiddles with a smart phone which he whips from his pocket. After a few minuets of fiddling he starts his monologue. "Hello? Can you guys hear alight? These glasses' microphones should be awesome but this is the first time I'm really using them. Oh you can? Great, how is it?... Good, hows the picture?...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Ricks RevengeChapter 28

“Rick, can you do me a favour?” “Sure my love, what is it?” “Can you go to Mom and Dad’s place and cut some more firewood for them. It has been a cold late winter and they’re almost out.” “I thought they had plenty left for the winter. I filled the wood bin in the garage last week and they still had almost a full cord left outside. I’ll go and cut about half a cord for them.” I put on my work clothes and grabbed my gloves. “Take a change of clothes with you. Mom doesn’t want to smell...

3 years ago
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Fantasy Threesome Fulfilled with Wife

Introduction: How I got my cute little wife to fuck me and another guy… My wife Nickie and I have been together for nearly ten years and have two children. Nickie is 28 and a very naturally pretty woman, she doesnt wear makeup or need high-priced fancy clothes to look good – shes in style, well kept and just a really down-to-earth person, a real girl-next-door type. She doesnt realize how sexy she is, and thats what makes her so damn sexy. Nickie is petite, but her body has all the right...

3 years ago
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The First Meeting

I write my observations as the spider in the country cottage.  Many visitors come and go throughout the year but one couple piqued my interest in particular.Tired from their journey, the couple entered the cottage carrying small travel bags and supplies for the long weekend. Plonking the bags on the lounge floor.He smiled at her with a glint in his eye as he saw her erect nipples beneath her flimsy shirt. "Drink?"The sight of him took her breath away. She so wanted to kiss him and fantasied...

Straight Sex
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Survival of the Sexiest

Sometimes you just have to make things go your way or the world will pass you by.My name is Roma and I work in Sales, and as you will find out, I still work in Sales. But that nearly wasn’t to be. The company I work for was going through a difficult patch and it was clear there were about to be redundancies with Sales always getting the brunt of these things. If we’re not selling, it must be Sales’ fault. I, however, knew it was a lack of good marketing, and decided that I should market myself...

Office Sex
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Fantasies Fulfilled

Introduction: For every married couple that experiences a little boredom… Fantasies Fulfilled Everyone has sexual fantasies, men and women alike. But few ever have the chance to act on their fantasies. Oh, some may be lucky enough to have one fulfilled, occasionally, but generally speaking, they will remain just a fantasy. My wife and I were married fairly young, she was eighteen and I was twenty one, so our sexual experience was somewhat limited. We were fortunate, however, in that neither...

1 year ago
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The Bitch Her Boyfriend And I

Nobody who got to know Allie took longer than a minute to realize that she was the epitome of a bitch. It started with the way she dressed oh-so-perfectly, like right out of the newest fashion catalogue, even if everyone else was in jeans and t-shirts. It went on with the way she tended to pull up one corner of her lovely lips derisively while she talked to you, how she wrinkled her cute little nose and rolled her big, unique, silvery green eyes every time she wasn’t the one talking. She always...

1 year ago
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Hope and BetrayalChapter 23

“The date was good,” she said, and it was their fourth date. “And you can get fresh on the next one.” “Oh-ho,” he said. “That sounds great, but I’m gonna need that in writing,” he said, and now she laughed. “I have news,” said Lea. “Oh?” said Carlton. “Kari, has a boyfriend, a serious boyfriend. Oh, and he’s a college graduate. And interestingly, you know him, we all do,” she said. “And I’m supposed to guess?” he said. “It’s David Baker,” she said. “My accountant!” he said. “None...

2 years ago
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The Booty Inspector of the Old West part 1

[Tune in tomorrow evening for Part 2 of THE BOOTY INSPECTOR]Intro:The man walked into the room with a shotgun raised over his head and shouted "Now, ah'm only goanna repeat myself one Mo' time! I want all you men ta' lay down yous'n weapons and all you Womanfolk to drop down yours'n panties and pull on up dem skirts, because I here am the Booty Inpsector and I've come to inspect yours'n booties!"And so the rise of Fame and Legend was given to the Old West's first and only "Booty Inspector" who...

1 year ago
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1st Time Gay Sex

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston Mai 23 bisexual bottom hu.. meri height 5’11” hai aur weight 55kg hai.. mai bohot slim aur sexy figure wala hu.. ekdam ladki jaisi body hai meri.. Ye kahani 3 saal pehle ki hai.. jab mai college me tha.. mere college me ek gay ladka tha.. wo gay tha ye mujhe uski bato se hi pata chal raha tha.. mai uske bare me fantansy karne laga.. kaise usske sath raat nikalu ye sochne laga.. 1 mahine baad maine usse baat ki aur hamari friend ship hui.. ek din maine use...

1 year ago
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Wonderful Time With Hot Neighbor Lady

Hi. This is Souabh from Bhopal, 25 years old and definitely not a virgin. This story is about how I had sex with my neighbor aunty, 33 years old, let’s call her Sunita (figure must be 34-26-36). This happened a few days ago only so all memories are still very fresh!! Now, let’s come to the story. Please spare me for my poor storytelling and grammatical errors. So the story goes like this. I live with my family in a very good locality and all persons are friendly and so is this lady. She lives...

1 year ago
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Princess Part2

Princess. Part 2 by Princess Pantyboy (All I added a few paragraphs from part one so my story would be easier to read since it has been awhile. I hope and pray you enjoy my newest story. Hugs Princess) I look at my new mommy thinking no way I want to wear a diaper leaving here. "Umm mommy I really don't want to wear a diaper, It wouldn't fit under my clothes anyway." "That is a very good thought sweetie, a skirt or dress would be the only clothes that would hide you wearing a...

2 years ago
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Sisterhood of Sin 25 The Gift Of Sister Pain

"Will you spank my husband for me?" I could tell that Lini had been leading up to some kind of request of me, but this was the last thing I would have guessed. We were in bed in our cabin at at the fish camp. She had licked my pussy earlier and I had just finished fucking her with my strapon and then snuggling beside her to watch the fire that we had lit earlier to take the chill out of the room. Tonight is our last night here and we are sipping our second glasses of our favorite drinks. Lini...

2 years ago
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Christmas Wedding Part 2 Evans Family

9 Days Before Christmas Charles and Grace Evans were about to enjoy their first extended period of solitude since their son was born. Charles enjoyed his job as a police officer but it often kept him busy at all hours of the day and night as be worked up through the ranks to become an Assistant Commissioner, the third highest rank in the Metropolitan Police Service. He had no plans on becoming the Deputy Commissioner or the Commissioner when the positions opened up, but still worked...

1 year ago
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The Letter

Description: I looked at the letter and my world ended in flames, I thought. Edited by Barney R. Messed with afterward by me. All mistakes are mine. I looked at the letter and my world ended in flames, I thought. ‘The Day’ was normal in every way until I got home from my trip to Chicago. I was home without my wife, an event that had become all too frequent lately. I walked up to the front porch, retrieved the paper, and grabbed the mail. As per usual, it was mostly junk. I had one...

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The Tinder guy arrives at my condo at 9.  He is larger than his picture.  He is hot and that’s deliberate on my part.  His name is (and I kid you not) Lance.  I hope it refers to his dick.  Lance is tall and heavy-muscled.  My mouth waters.  When he sees me, his eyes take their time looking me up and down.  Will I measure up?  I have dressed to impress.  Is he impressed?  Wearing a too-high skirt and a too-tight top with a bralette and boy short panties.  I realized I am holding my breath...

Group Sex
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Wifes horny boss

Last year my wife got a new boss, a lady by the name of Kathryn who is 55, divorced and has a daughter at University.The first time I met her I was soon undressing her in my mind and with my eyes. She has a great figure and keeps herself quite fit and she dresses immaculately.Every now and then she has invited us over to her large house for dinner and we have been treated to some fabulous meals. These times have also given me opportunities to find out more about Kathryn and also what she wears...

2 years ago
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Rockmount Brat Camp Part 3 part 1

As always comments VERY appreciated as are criticisms (positive and negative) and enjoy -Mr.E.Nigma- Rockmount Brat Camp Part 3 - part 1 There we stood, me still smelling of his sisters juices, her halfway between us frozen in shock, and him just standing there in confusion. My mouth had run dry, but I still managed to choke out. "Wha... what...

1 year ago
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Salvation Ch 4 New Stock

It was a bright sunny day and the journey was much smoother than usual due the unique design of the carriage springs and to Alice’s delight the interior was completely enclosed to prying eyes. On arrival at the orphanage in Hamstead, Richard helped Alice to step down from his carriage smiling as he admired her radiance. Realising that she was just as much flushed with lust, as he was made this occasion even more special for him. Looking around for prying eyes just as if they were...

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