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Copyright© 2007

"Did you hear that Jason Benson is going to be in town for the Fourth?" asked my friend, Jeff. "It was short notice, but the town fathers decided to make him the grand marshal of the parade. They figured Mayor Kane did it last year and he'll probably do it again next year. What's more American than a war hero in your town's Independence Day parade?"

"No, Jeff, I hadn't heard that," I replied quietly. "He must be pretty high up the military ladder by now. He was a captain years ago."

"He's a colonel and in line to climb even higher pretty soon," agreed Jeff. "He was wounded in Baghdad a year ago and has all kinds of medals and citations. He'll be running the Pentagon before he's done!"

I mulled Jeff's news over for a minute. Jason Benson had been our town's version of Jack Armstrong, All American Boy. He played quarterback on the high school football team and shortstop in baseball. He made all-state in both. He graduated first in his class and had division I universities competing for his attendance at their institutions. He received an appointment to West Point and graduated near the top of that class there, as well as played football and baseball.

This was all very good, for him. He was an accomplished, extremely capable athlete, soldier, and citizen. I had to concede that. He was many things that I wasn't. Normally, it wouldn't have mattered very much to me. If it had been anyone else, I would have been truly happy for his success.

You've probably guessed my problem. He dated Sarah, who was now my wife, while they were in high school. Back then, everyone seemed to feel that Sarah was his perfect match. She had also been an amazing athlete, salutatorian in her class, coming in just behind Jason, and the most beautiful girl Williamsport had ever seen. Somehow, they separated after Jason left for West Point and Sarah for Temple. They never got back together.

I was two years ahead of them in school. I wasn't the class genius, but I did okay. I majored in engineering at a state school. As computers became more a part of every day life, I gravitated to software programming. I worked for a few companies before I got up the nerve to start my own.

I still haven't figured out exactly how I conned Sarah into marrying me, but I did. That was the single greatest accomplishment of my life, or at least the best I ever managed on my own. Our two daughters were a joint effort and the source of tremendous pride for us both.

Sarah never spoke much about Jason. She knew I wasn't comfortable with that part of her life. Invariably, well meaning people in the community would bring his name up from time to time. I always marveled that these people seemed to think I should admire and idolize Jason and admit how great he and Sarah would have been together. It was like I had no feelings, or worth, when Jason was discussed. No one seemed to have any doubts that Sarah would have been far better off if she had only managed to hang on to Jason.

To their credit, Sarah's parents never suggested anything remotely close to that scenario. I had even seen Sarah's mother become quite annoyed at a family picnic years ago when a cousin implied that Sarah should have married Jason.

"Only a fool would say something so hurtful and ignorant!" she admonished the stunned cousin in front of a suddenly silent gathering. "If you had any idea what a wonderful husband and father Greg is, you'd never make such a stupid statement!"

Sarah had smiled at her mom's sudden outburst and squeezed my hand under the picnic table. Sarah always treated me with love and respect and never acknowledged any suggestion that I wasn't the best possible husband she could have found. So, what was my problem? It was the long shadow of Jason Benson, hero and all around great guy. It seemed like I was always compared to him and found wanting, both in my mind, and the minds of the madding crowd.

My conversation with Jeff ended when my daughter, April, stole the basketball from the other team's guard and outran everyone for an easy lay-up. My daughters both played basketball in a summer league. April was sneaky fast and aggressive as hell. The girls handling the ball on the other team really hated to play against her. I had only seen one girl that could dribble a basketball past her without having it stolen, and that was my older daughter, June.

June was long legged and moved with an easy grace that made her appear to be letting up when she played. She was going to Temple in the fall with a scholarship in volleyball. It could have been basketball, but she just preferred volleyball. April was going into her junior year and was the main cog in the basketball team that hoped to win districts and try for states.

I never tired of watching my daughters play sports. They were good at whatever sport they played. They always gave it all they had. That is how competitive sports are intended to be played. Combined with the speed and athleticism they had inherited from Sarah, they were simply the best. June had recently graduated top in her class. That had really helped the Temple coaches decide to award her a scholarship. April was in a three-way battle for top honors in her class.

I climbed out of the bleachers as they game ended. The girls were shaking hands with, and hugging, their opponents. I waited for them before I made my way to the parking lot.

"Pretty good game, wasn't it, Dad?" grinned June. "April wouldn't even let them get the ball past half court. The coach finally asked her to give their guards a break and back off a little."

"Yeah, she sounded like you, Dad. She said that we were playing for fun, as well as to win. She didn't want us to ruin the other team's morale by crushing them too badly," chuckled April. "June pretty much stopped shooting after the first half to give them a chance to get in the game, and she was still the high scorer."

"Well girls, the summer league is supposed to be a good time for all the kids. When we started it, we discussed what the goals were going to be and we decided to promote sportsmanship and team play," I recalled. "Coach Simons did an excellent job tonight."

"You're always trying to make everyone happy, Dad, except when you're playing against us in the driveway. You've never let up on April or me when we play at home," observed June.

"That's because you two are mentally and physically tough. I wanted you to learn to never give up and play as hard as you can. In league games at school, no one takes it easy on you, do they?" I asked. "You have to know what type of competition you're in and play accordingly. Do you think I'd do as well in business if I didn't let my clients win at golf most of the time?"

"That's a tough one, Dad! It probably does help that you lose to your clients, but June can whip your butt in golf. I don't think you're letting them win," laughed April. "You're not the world's best golfer."

"Regardless, young lady," I admonished April; "I know enough to look like I'm trying as hard as I can and I'm gracious when I lose. That's the secret to winning at business while on the golf course."

"It's a good thing you explained that to June, Dad, because she'd be kicking butt and losing business all over the place. She does the opposite from you. She looks like she isn't even trying and plays great," boasted April about her sister. "She needs to watch you closer so she can learn some of your techniques, liking slicing all the time."

We were pulling in the driveway so I didn't bother trying to frame a suitable response. I had always been able to coach and teach the kids in sports better than I ever actually played them. Sarah was the natural athlete and the girls inherited it from her. I was the one that had to learn every trick of any game to even try to compete.

Sarah drove in right behind us. The girls started in telling her all about their day and how their game went. As I followed them into the house, I shook my head in amazement. How did I manage to have three such incredible women in my life?

Sarah was the top honcho at the local hotel and convention center, which was part of a major chain. She had started there after she graduated with a degree in hotel management. Her parents wanted her to be a lawyer, but Sarah knew what she wanted and she went for it. Like everything else she tried, she was very good at it. Two years ago she had reached the top and had even turned down a promotion recently that would have required moving to Kansas.

"Was anything special going on today, Sarah?" I asked. "You looked a little more dressed up than usual, and you had to stay late. Are the corporate big boys in town for the holiday?"

"No, but you certainly are observant, Greg," admitted Sarah. "The day after tomorrow is the Fourth and we always sponsor the grand marshal's float, as you know. This year the paper wanted to get some pictures to print before the parade."

Why did I suddenly get a queasy stomach? I realized that it was what Sarah didn't say that gave me cause to worry.

"Was our golden boy and war hero there for the pictures, Sarah? You seemed to have forgotten to mention that he was going to be in town, as well as be the grand marshal at the parade. Any chance he'll be in the pictures with you?" I probed.

Sarah played with her hands and looked to see if the girls were in the room. She seldom showed any nerves so this caught my attention.

"Jason was there, Greg. Our hotel has donated a suite for the use of our local military hero. It's just good public relations. His parents moved away from Williamsport a few years ago. He had no place to stay. We decided to donate a suite to a local man that had been wounded in service to our country and is serving as grand marshal at the Fourth of July parade," reasoned Sarah as her voice rose slightly. "It's just good business and there's no reason to get all worked up about it."

"Then why are you getting worked up?" I responded immediately.

"I'm not! Well, maybe I am a little," conceded Sarah. "It's just that we have always tried to avoid the subject of Jason. I know how you feel about our dating back in school, and how annoying it is when people, even after all these years, keep throwing his name at you, and me. This is strictly business, Greg. You are my husband and the only man I love, or have ever loved. You need to believe that."

"It's sure good to hear you say it, Sarah, and I want to believe you. The question that comes to mind is this. Why did you feel it necessary to keep the information about Jason's return from me?"

"I just told you that I know it's a sore subject and I didn't want you to worry, or get upset," reasoned Sarah. "He simply doesn't mean anything to me."

"In that case, there should be no reason for me to be upset and certainly no reason for you to keep any information from me, is there?" I asked.

"Well, no, there really isn't, Greg. I'm so glad we have this out in the open and are discussing it. It seems like the specter of Jason has hung over us ever since we were married."

"Or longer," I added. "So, do you have any more activities scheduled that include the General?"

"Colonel Benson will be the grand marshal at the parade and then feted at an informal affair at the hotel on the following day," confessed Sarah. "There will be some snacks and beverages provided by the hotel and folks will have the opportunity to fawn over him."

"Can I assume that you will be the hostess of this fawning?" I asked.

"Yes, Greg, I am the fawn overseer. That is part of my job. If someone is going to reap goodwill and press from this, it had damn well better be me," asserted Sarah. "Do you have a problem with it?"

"I don't see that it would matter, Sarah. The die is cast and the plans are made. I wasn't privy to them, but I'll survive, as long as what you tell me is true. He means nothing to you, right? You won't get all doe-eyed at the fawning?"

Sarah was showing the telltale signs of being annoyed at my statement until she caught my little pun. Then she broke into a grin and hugged me.

"Greg, I love you so much! You're the only buck that ever attracts this doe's eyes, or any other body parts," she laughed.

"I hope that applies for everything of yours that comes in pairs and not just your eyes, Sarah, and as well as anything that may be one of a kind," I smiled.

"You know that's all I have, Baby," cooed Sarah. "It's all one of a kind and it's all yours!"

As we passed through the living room, we explained to the girls that we were both too tired to eat and were going to bed. They would have to get by on eating what was leftover from yesterday's roast beef.

"Too tired?" laughed June. "Then we'd better not hear any noises coming from your room! Last time you guys were this tired, you kept us up half the night!"

"Oh dear!" blushed Sarah as I closed our bedroom door. "Maybe we'd better wait until the girls are asleep. We don't want them to think we're doing it."

"They already know we're "doing it" as you put it, Sarah," I pointed out as I freed her breasts from her low top and began to nibble on them. They think we're in love."

"Well, as long as we don't mislead them," sighed Sarah as she worked on my shirt buttons. "Just don't make me moan so loud this time!"

The next evening I casually asked Sarah how her day went as she was making dinner. She knew that I was really asking about Jason and if anything happened between them.

"It went well, Greg. Jason is even more dynamic and forceful than he was in high school. I guess being an officer and going to war has sharpened his natural leadership skills," replied Sarah.

"Sarah, let's get something straight right now," I quickly responded. "When I told you that I expected you to be open and honest about Jason, I sure as hell didn't mean for you to tell me what an incredible guy he is! I want honest opinions about what a pompous ass he is and how glad you are that you married me. That's the kind of honesty I'm looking for here."

"Greg, the guy may be an army ranger and a war hero, all tanned and lean and tougher than an old hunk of rawhide, but he can't compare to you!"

"That's more like it. Tell me more," I prompted.

"Sure, Jason had to take a call from the President of the United States this afternoon, congratulating him and thanking him for his meritorious service, but you served as vice president of the Elks Club two years ago. Jason isn't even a member!" stated Sarah with a straight face.

"It figures," I nodded. "The damn guy probably thinks he's too good for the Elks. He'll certainly never attain the status of treasurer of the soccer club, either. What a freakin' loser!"

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Hour of passion

When I reached her apartment I buzzed through and got to her floor.I knocked on her door and she opened was greeted with a kiss. It was around 10.30 I arrived and was greeted with some wine and a catch up.As the touching became more frequent, the kisses started. Then some more wine.Then some more kissing in the places where we both liked to be kissed. Some undressing followed as she pulled my tie right off.A guide in how she likes her delicious tasting pussy licked was next until she wanted me...

1 year ago
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Our niece Sabrina visits us

Sabrina was my wife little niece.She was on vacation from high school; so she had come to visit us from Buenos Aires. Anita was very glad to have her at home.On the third day Sabrina was staying with us, my wife asked me to go for some groceries. As we returned home; my wife recognized Jamal’s car was parked at our own driveway.Ana looked at me and I saw certain worried look in her eyes.Her new Black Master could be inside doing something unimaginable.Ana then hurried to the front door and was...

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BrownBunnies Alina Ali Alina Is Breaking The Waves

Alina Ali is having fun in the sun, This babe is a sexy piece of chocolate, tight little pussy, round bouncy tits, and a perfect booty. Ali loves Bouncing her boobs underwater. She’s making waves with her plump ass. it doesn’t take too long before she takes off all her clothes. Tyler Comes out to play with her perfect tits. He oils up her ass and starts pounding her pussy. They fuck right in the pool before finishing off on the deck. She gets drenched in his cum. But that...

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My girlie fantasy part 1

On a Halloween night I dress up in my sexy devil costume with my wig & some makeup & go to a local bar sitting alone. A guy ends up sitting next to me & flirts a little before I ask if he wants to go to the restroom with me to which he eagerly agrees. After getting in a stall we makeout for a little as he fondles my small breasts before I go down on my knees & pull his average size snake out & get to work. Shortly after starting he rewards me with my first taste & runs...

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Alson and Sarah Schoolgirls Pt2

Sarah sat in the front row of her math class staring determinedly at a blank spot on the blackboard in the front of the room with her legs crossed tightly as her mind raced. She couldn’t believe what she was doing, after awakening in Alison’s arms after the most amazing night of her life. She had just gotten dressed when Alison handed her what looked like a purple egg. “What is it?” “A vibrator, now put it in your panties and make sure it’s right up against your clit.” “How do I turn it on?”...

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boys buddies pleasure

I was about 13 when I started fooling around sexually with my neighbor, Mick. Funny thing is that we are both totally not gay, we just had a very gay experience with each other. We are both happily married to our wives and he has a kid and we are still friends to this day. We don’t hang out but we say what’s up every now and then on Facebook. I remember we used to tell each other “this isn’t gay; we are just having orgasms with each other”. To us there was no romance involved…We were...

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Romantic Days With My Love 8211 Part 1

Hi guys and girls, this is Sohail from Bangalore. A software engineer by profession. Please read the complete story. If you want to contact me related to anything just mail me So here it goes. One day, I was having breakfast at the office cafeteria. I heard laughter from the rear side. I looked at them and I found the lady of this story. She was so beautiful. I still remember. Se was in the pinkish top, looking so hot. A perfect shape with everything in the right place. Her smile was killing...

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Sperm Donation 7

Jack stopped dead in his tracks. As the girl drew closer he felt a bit of a dilemma because the rules he was given for the clinic seemed to limit the contact he was supposed to have with the clients. But thinking about it a bit more he realized that he had never been told anything about relations with clients away from the clinic, only what she should do inside. He relaxed as Lorie came to a stop right next to him. Now that Lorie had brought Jack to a stop she was a bit at a loss for what to...

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Vantier a Whateley Tale part 11

Vantier a Whateley Tale.....Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it. In this chapter....Kyley completes her journey to Whateley and helps her soon to be roommate out. NOTE that this chapter Kyley talks over the subject of attempted suicide. So if that subject bothers you? You might want to stop on this one? He is saved from the death of his race and planet....to start all over again....but can she survive? A human high school and...

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Consoling Sex With Friend Husband

Hi Friends I am Ramesh this is my first story, it is my real life story which happened 2 years back. I won’t take much time on introduction will get into story directly. Please consider this as my first story writing so if there are any mistakes or if I am not good at explaining. Here comes the story, I got married one year back to Neelima who is fair, good looking smart and 5’5 height. After marriage, she was bit worried and getting tense about the first night and sex, which I thought it is...

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Taffeta Torment V

Margaret stood before her full length bedroom mirror and admired the reflection. Not quite her bedroom mirror, of course, because George had bought it as a special gift, one of several, and this was his spare bedroom in his generous town apartment. But ownership was not in doubt. Everything would soon belong to Margaret. After a short courtship, she had agreed to George's request that she move in with him but only on the condition that the relationship was strictly platonic. No hanky...

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Archies Betty and Me HotdogChapter 7

Back at the pond, Betty and Midge were still recuperating from their love making. The experience had exhausted them both. Under the warmth of the rays of the Sun, their bodies were now completely dried off. Betty was debating whether to get dressed and head back home or not when she turned to look over at Midge. She was watching her, there on her back, with her chest heaving with each breath that she took. This was a mistake on Betty's part. Seeing Midge's naked body started her juices...

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Tied Up Wife

the wife (Claire) and i (Peter) went away for a weekend and it was just out the blue so no plans just got up on the Friday and booked a weekend in London. we got down there on the National bus stopping in the center near the eye. we had a walk around seeing the attractions stopping off in the pubs and having some nice food. the day passes quickly and we were back in the hotel room planning our night out, we were both tipsy and decided to stay in the hotel bar for a few and we sat in a corner...

3 years ago
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A Morning in Dublin

You’ve gone into Dublin very early. You had stuff to do, but now that is all cleared and you are at a corner of St Stephen’s Green. There’s a hotel, The Sherbourne, a Victorian ‘Grand Dame’ it’s described as and it is, all polished wood and brass.You pop in – well a girl has to after all that coffee!On the way out, you see into the breakfast room, to the left of the main door on your way out. Breakfast is winding down, there’s a group of four business folk talking through their presentation and...

Quickie Sex
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Bunk Beds Chapter 11

Bunk Beds -- Chapter 11 By Isis Eris *** CHARACTER CHART: Loren: 5'6, longish dark hair. Small A-cup naturally. Currently questioning gender identity. Cindy: 5'2. Asian. A-cup. Hair that goes halfway down her back dyed blue. blue. Rebellious, but self-conscious. Karen: 5'10, athletic build. B-cup. Long blonde hair sometimes kept in ponytail. Pragmatic. Jenna: 5'6. Perfect hourglass figure. DD cup breasts. Optimistic, detail-oriented, and logical. Beth: 5'4. Top-heavy, a few...

3 years ago
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Abigail and the Pole

=== She had thought that pole dancing was only for strippers, and that as a feminist she should object to it, but her friends kept telling her that it was great for fitness, a genuine skilled artform, and that it made them feel really empowered. Sceptical but interested, Abigail searched online, and found an advertisement for “Pole Dancing for Feminists”, which sounded like the sort of thing she was after. Classes were Wednesdays at 7 pm. She attended her first one, and found herself in a...

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A Good ServantChapter 18

There was an alien feeling, nesting in his chest, as his eyes remained glued to the enormous statue in the candle-lit room. Unconsciously, he raised his hands to his face, mapping his own features, as he was discovering them for the first time. Everyone around him was silent, watching him, even Edgar. “How could this even be?” he mumbled. “I thought she wasn’t real.” Tora smiled. “She is.” “Wait ... is she still alive?” Cory asked, barely managing to let out the words. “She is eternal,”...

4 years ago
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Great ending for a cookout

My wife and I invited one of my friends over one Saturday afternoon for a cookout. He had been depressed over a lost love for a while. We thought he might enjoy a good meal. We had a great meal and even consumed quite a few cold ones to loosen us up. After relaxing in the sun, a lot of conversation and more drinking, we retired inside to watch some DVDs. He and I were wearing shorts and t-shirts while my wife wore a yellow t-shirt and a flowered flowing summer skirt. She looked wonderful and...

Group Sex
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chase the pool boy fictional

after the thunderstorm and hurricane wreaked havoc on our town, and we had a lot of damage, my house was repaired but my pool was full of crap from the hurricane, no one could come out and help, everything was pretty much shut down, food was being dropped in by helicopter. well finally, everything began to fall in place, but my pool still needed work, so my neighbor lisa(the shemale) came over and and said her friend was staying with her due to the death of his father, and knew a lot about...

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My Aunt Natalie

It could've been worse though, I had been going to my Aunt Gladis' house, a fat, wrinkly old woman that stank of BO and carpet cleaner. That was until she had a fall and had to go into hospital. So fortunately I had to go to Nat's. Aunt Nat was only slightly older than me, i was 18 and she was 21. She was 5'4'' tall and about 120lbs. She had long back-length brown hair that she wore curled and with blonde highlights. Her 32C tits were almost always in some kind of push-up bra that made...

2 years ago
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The Maturation Of VinnieChapter 8

The mood brightened from there and we shared a dessert. Neither of us seemed in any rush to end the evening. The conversation hadn't gotten any more personal and I still wasn't any wiser about who she was and what secrets she held. I quit worrying about it. I was just going to enjoy my time with her and think about the other stuff some other time. I wasn't wearing a wristwatch, so I didn't really know how long we had been there, but when I looked around, the restaurant was almost empty...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Jane Wilde Nuru House Call

Zac Wild is lounging on his couch at home, looking at his cell phone. His doorbell rings. Grumbling about being interrupted, he goes to his door and opens it. Jane Wilde stands there, holding her portable NURU massage kit. Zac is still distracted by his phone and doesn’t even really look up as he grumpily asks what the visitor wants. ‘Are you Billy?’ asks Jane. ‘No, he’s not home’, he says roughly, still not looking up, and begins to close the door on...

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Lady in Red Pt 02 Ch 15

You’re not thinking about going to Paris without Charlie and me, are you?’ asked Jordan as soon as Gwen had announced her intentions. ‘Oh, Jordan! I hate to ask anyone to go to funerals. This isn’t going to be a fun, romantic trip,’ pointed out Gwen. ‘If you’d like to come with us, we’d be extremely glad to have you! I should’ve known that you’d want to help those poor kids. You’re a true friend.’ ‘And don’t forget it!’ kidded Jordan before turning to Charlie. ‘We need to get some clothes...

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Not quite cuckolding

I guess it would have really started right around when me and my boyfriend started dating. He showed me wifelovers and I posted a picture of my pussy after he ate me out for the tenth time that day. We continued to have learn each other’s bodies and kinks. We would watch movies about cuckolding and look at picture on wifelovers. I was always satisfied with our sex. He always made sure I got off, but I’m sure he could tell I was missing something. I haven’t really had sex with huge cocks but...

2 years ago
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Jacks Education Ch 06

Note to reader: The stories previously posted in the series ‘Jack Awakens’ and ‘Jack’s Exploits’ were originally the opening chapters of a book which I had started writing over the last few months. I have now decided to post the entire book, which traces the sexual development of a high school boy during his senior year, hopefully at the rate of one chapter each week. The stories previously posted have been retitled as ‘Jack’s Education’ in strict chronological order, under the ‘Novels and...

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