- 4 years ago
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When Ken slid his hand down the front of Alicia’s jeans, she reared, trusting her hips upward and spreading her legs to meet his invading fingertips. He eased her back to coach with the admonition, “Easy, easy, Alicia...” He laughed softly at her protesting moan. “I want this as much as you do, but...” He glanced at the hallway down which all the bedrooms lay.
“Fuck,” Alicia hissed, flexing upwards to follow his gaze. She lay stretched out on the couch, propped atop assorted thin pillows. She wore tight jeans, a tight blue and white top, and her belt buckle and brassiere remained tightly secured. The hands on the clock neither could easily read said 11:42 pm. It was Friday night, February 8, 2019.
“Did you hear something?” she asked anxiously.
Alicia was 32 years old, with a 12 year old son, and an 8 year old daughter. William and Sarah were safely ensconced in bed, though Ken had serious doubts either were asleep yet--William, especially. He worried that William might be listening at his bedroom door.
“No, but we need to stay in control out here, so we don’t wake them up.”
“Fuck,” Alicia whispered again, frustrated.
Alicia was separated from her husband, Lawrence. 2 years younger than his co-worker, Ken was divorced for 3 years now. He had worked at the office for 6 years; Alicia had started 2 years ago, leaving her job at Kenworth in Stanton to put distance between she, the kids, and her in-laws. Lawrence she simply disliked; she loathed her truculent in-laws.
They’d shared only one lunch hour before tonight; that was on Wednesday. He’d asked her Wednesday morning, and alarmed, she’d said no. She’d said no to seeing him tonight, also, at first. However, unexpectedly changing her mind just before the end of work today, she acquiesced. Alicia was tremendously nervous about dating anyone, Ken especially. Ken wasn’t her type, at all. She certainly wasn’t his, she thought.
Alicia had her arms around Ken’s neck. “I need another beer,” she muttered, trying to sit up. “And some more weed.”
Earlier, they’d shared two excellent joints of marijuana on the balcony. The frigid northwest wind had dispelled the smoke as soon as it left their mouths, taking the smell with it. Each had brought a bottle of Heineken with them onto the balcony, but neither had dared take a sip. It was the first time Alicia allowed Ken to embrace her. It was pretty innocent, considering how bundled up they were in winter coats, knit caps, gloves, and scarves. She stiffened regardless.
“I can let go and retreat to my side of the balcony,” Ken joked.
Alicia laughed in embarrassment. She remained stiff, but she didn’t wiggle free of his grip. It was only his left arm around her waist, anyway. She glanced at him peripherally. “I’m not sure about this, Ken.”
“I was surprised you changed your mind, Alicia. I figured you were seeing someone else, and just went to lunch with me Wednesday out of politeness.”
The lunch on Wednesday was awkward and stiff, Alicia unable to relax, Ken frustrated and tongue-tied by her reticence. In direct opposition to their normal banter during work hours, they talked about nothing even remotely personal, and flirtation remained non-existent. She’d also remained uptight and fidgety all evening tonight. Ken hadn’t known what to expect, slipping his arm around her waist.
“I’m not seeing anyone,” she said.
“Me either,” he said. “I’m surprised you’re not, though.”
“Why?” she said, taking a cautious hit. She obviously feared anything that might affect her defenses. She’d drunk only 3 beers over 5 hours.
“Because you are a sexual magnet,” he replied, laughing. “Have you looked at yourself in a mirror?”
“I attract all the wrong guys,” she said stiffly. “And one look at my chest usually turns them away, anyway.” She was small up top, Ken had to admit. It surprised him to hear anything from her remotely personal tonight, though. Prior to Wednesday, she joked about anything and everything. Since Wednesday, they related like strangers. He wisely said nothing in response to her admission.
“I’m the wrong guy, but for different reasons, aren’t I?”
Alicia took a second shallow hit on the joint and passed it along. She remained silent as Ken took a hit. The weed was hers, surprisingly. More surprisingly, she had suggested sharing a joint on the balcony. The evening up to that point was nerve-wracking for them both.
Ken had two choices: let her go, or tighten his grip around her waist. Maintaining the same pressure with his arm had grown embarrassingly weird. Instead, he asked: “Do you like me at all, Alicia?”
She stiffened more, hunching her shoulders defensively. Ken prepared to let her go and give up for the evening.
“Yes. But this is all wrong, Ken.”
“I’m not your type.”
“It’s not that—” She half turned toward him, and then away again. “I don’t have a type, anyway.”
Ken snorted and took a second hit. He also pulled her a hair closer, which she didn’t rebel against. She didn’t react at all but to grip the balcony rail with her left hand.
“Co-workers shouldn’t date.”
“It’s how my wife and I met,” Ken admitted. And what ended them too, though he didn’t say that.
“Every guy I’ve dated from work ended up a total disaster. The relationship did, anyway. I don’t mean the guys were. Though, most of them were,” she said, laughing.
Age brings experience and hopefully wisdom, he thought. Two children had a maturing effect on a person, also. Ken had none, but Alicia had been a mom since her 20th birthday.
“We’re older and wiser, now. How much do you weigh, anyway?”
Alicia blinked at the question. “How much do I weigh? Why?”
“You are the skinniest girl I know with 2 kids.” He passed her back the joint, laughing. “I always call girls, girls, so don’t take offense. You look like a girl, anyway.”
Alicia laughed depreciatively. “I look like a cow, but thank you for lying.”
He tightened his grip on her waist. She didn’t object and took a hit off the joint, a slightly deeper one. “What I weigh is my business. You don’t ask a girl how much she weighs, Kenneth. Not if you want to have sex with her.”
He laughed. “I withdraw my question!” Then: “You’re not gonna have sex with me, anyway, so give.”
She took another hit and handed him the near-roach. “122 pounds, if you want to know. I weighed myself this morning, so that is an accurate measurement. Then again, my scale usually under-weighs me by 20 pounds.”
He sighed dramatically. “I wish you hadn’t told me that.”
She laughed. And though it wasn’t a ‘snuggle against him’ movement, she did shift her weight, letting him draw her incrementally closer. “It is so fucking cold out here. Let’s go inside, Ken.”
Instead, she dug a second joint from her coat pocket and handed it to Ken to light. He could tell from her flushed face and loosened posture, that something, either he or the pot, was having a beneficial effect on her. He hoped it was him, but suspected the weed.
“How old are you, Ken?”
The question caught him by surprise. “30. Can I safely ask your age in return?”
Alicia accepted the joint and put it between her lips. “You’re younger than me, wow. I’ve never dated a guy younger than me before. I’m 32,” she said, filling her lungs.
He’d suspected her age was 32. He thought William was 12 years old, but she hadn’t confirmed that yet, only that she had him on her 20th birthday. It bothered him a little that she was 2 years older than he.
“Effing manther,” he joked, pulling her closer.
For the first time, she giggled, and did snuggle closer, though mainly to assault him with her hip in reprimand. The whole exchange made his temperature rise and heart beat harder. He almost kissed her, but she balked and turned away, stiffening again. “Sorry,” he muttered, loosening his arm. “No I’m not, dammit.” He maneuvered her around to face him.
“Kiss me, or tell me, Kenneth, I don’t want that. Or, I don’t want it now, but maybe later, after we go back inside. Or, maybe after a couple more hits off this fucking joint, and the pot has its way with me.” She laughed in embarrassment. “Or maybe tomorrow, or the next day, but not tonight, Kenneth.”
“How about I just say I’ll never like you enough to kiss you, and you should go home.” Before he could react, she darted forward and pecked his lips a quick kiss. Then she kissed him again, this time forming a thin seal to his lips before pulling back. “I like you, or I wouldn’t have gone out with you tonight, Ken.”
“But...” he added, despite his excitement at her unexpected kisses.
“But, what?”
He sighed. “You are so fucking difficult.” Then he brightened. “You never dated a guy younger than you, you said. Does that mean we’re dating?”
She placed the joint between his lips again. “Unless you fuck things up tonight, I’ll consider saying yes if you ask me out again. How’s that?”
“I like you, too. A lot. I can say that, right?”
She smirked. “You’d have to, in order to want to date me. Most guys are scared off by my kids.”
“You scare me a hell of a lot more than your kids. You intimidate the crap out of me, Alicia. Do you know how hard it was to put my arm around you, just now? Do you know how hard it was to ask you out?”
“I intimidate you?”
He laughed harshly. “Jesus, you use intimidation as a weapon. You make me feel like a fucking pimply-faced 10th grader.”
“That was me,” she said, snuggling closer. “I was the pimply-faced 10th grader.”
“Who still fought off the boys.” He placed his other arm around her waist, but pulled her no closer. She couldn’t encounter his raging hard-on, not if he wanted the evening to progress, stagger-step, or not. It embarrassed him how badly out of control he was.
“Certain types of boys. I never dated anyone that didn’t come from the wrong side of the tracks, Ken.”
“Guys who intimidated me as much as you do now,” he clarified. He mentally flinched but remained rigid after she brushed his bulging crotch through her coat. His coat came only to his waist and offered no protection against sexual assault. Thankfully, hers was longer.
“They intimidated me, too. That’s why I went out with them.” She shifted, keeping safely away from his protuberance, but snuggling closer from the waist up. “You don’t intimidate me at all. Ken.”
Which only intimidates me more, he thought, moving his arms higher to encircle her back.
Neither he, nor Alicia, could imagine how things would play out between them tonight.
“I’ll get you a beer,” he whispered. “You just lay there.”
She gazed at him, amused and borderline indignant. She didn’t like being told what to do. His answering grin, wryly observant of her reaction, made her grin wider. She pushed him away with a hand in the chest. “I can get my own beer, thank you.”
“Sure you can, but I like seeing you lie there.”
“All submissive and sexy,” she quipped. He watched her rearrange on the couch, but not attempt to sit up. Her repositioning only made her look more fetching. She really did make his blood pressure soar. “I also need to go the bathroom,” she added.
“That’s different,” he whispered, extending a hand. “The last thing I want you is in any kind of discomfort.”
“Or getting a UTI,” she said, sitting up. Her color was high, and he could see the rapid beat of her heart through her tight knit shirt, at her temples, and at the base of her throat. Only an hour ago, he thought he’d lost her on the balcony.
“I’ll get you a beer, anyway.”
“Want to join me?”
He grinned at her obvious taunt. Despite half an hour of consistently more aggressive necking, she still had him intimidated and he still feared offending and losing her. He had hardly a clue what not to say to the girl. Everything he said put her slightly on edge. It shocked him how she responded to his hand down the front of her jeans, though; it shocked him that he’d done it. More shocking, she proved to be baby-smooth to his fingertips, not a suggestion of pubic hair. Was that normal for Alicia? A shudder ran down his spine.
“What?’ she asked.
You actually had your hand down the front of her jeans and inside her panties, he thought. For an instant he’d fingered her bare labia, her lips silky smooth, the cleft between them shockingly moist. His middle finger encountered her vagina for just an instant as she’d spread her thighs. Holy shit, the way she reacted to his touch.
Impulsively, he put his arm around her waist and pulled her close. He kissed her. She kissed him back, still amused.
“You haven’t gotten the message yet that I like you, Ken?”
“Holy shit,” he breathed. “I can’t believe that you like me. Do you understand how much I don’t know what to say to you?”
Smirking, she moved sinuously back and forth in his arms. “I like you off center and unsure of yourself. It keeps me in control.”
He drew her closer. The intensity of his need for her was unmistakable. She had compulsively grabbed his crotch when he put his hand down her jeans; she knew exactly how badly he wanted her.
“We can’t do it tonight,” she whispered. “We can’t.”
He nodded.
“That doesn’t mean we can’t, ever,” she clarified. “Just not with William and Sarah in the apartment.”
He tentatively placed a hand on her behind. When she didn’t stiffen or bat it away, he said: “I’m absolutely fine with ‘That doesn’t mean we can’t, ever’.” Can I say admiring things about your body, or pay you compliments without you taking offense?”
She laughed softly. “I’m glad you know to ask.” She moved her rear end beneath his hand, also sinuously.
“Can I tell you I want to fuck you more than I want to win tomorrows $224 million dollar Power Ball?”
She stiffened this time, but then relaxed. It surprised him that she still swayed in his arms. “Did you actually play it?” He nodded, and she continued. “If you fuck me before tomorrow night at 10:55 pm, and you win the jackpot, then you have to pay me half the money, Ken.”
He laughed, delighted. “That’s the most expensive fuck in history,” he said, without thinking. She laughed, but smacked his hand off her rear end.
“It would be the most expensive fuck in history, you’re right. And I’d be something like $60 million richer.” She pushed him away and headed for the bathroom. She held his hand until she had to let go or stop, though.
“I’d fuck Donald Trump for $60 million dollars, Ken.” She laughed at his pained expression. “I’d fuck him 10 times, for $60 million dollars.”
She entered the hallway, and Ken watched her fade into semi-darkness, and then disappear into the bathroom. He wanted Alicia so badly he thought it would kill him. He’d gift the whole fucking jackpot to her if she’d just say yes to another date.
In the kitchen, he removed two Heinken’s from the fridge and popped the lids. Alicia always drank from the bottle at home. He did also, and it aroused him to watch her sip from the bottle’s mouth. Everything about Alicia aroused him.
I had my hand down her fucking panties, he thought again, triggering another shudder.
Oddly, he’d not gone after her bare breasts, though he had made quite a go at them through her top. They were small, but he really liked small breasts. He wondered what she looked like in just her bra and jeans. He wondered if he’d ever find out. It would kill him to experience a one-night stand with Alicia after this.
The toilet flushed, and she returned. Her ardor had cooled; he could plainly tell that. She looked mostly in control of herself again. He guessed the evening was over.
Would the next few minutes be the last he ever spent in her apartment? Would Monday bring a return of the cold shoulder, his confounded impotence in her presence? Why the fuck had he stuck his hand down her jeans tonight?
He held out her bottle and waited to have her hit the ejection button.
“Thanks.” She took a sip, but only a small one. “Listen...” She glanced back at the hallway. “I hate to do this, Ken, but...” She bit her lower lip, and silently mouthed the work Fuck.
“I ought to kick you out,” she complained. “I need to kick you out with the kids in the apartment—but I can’t.”
She looked at him fiercely. “No more sex! We can talk, but I’m not getting back on the couch with you.” Unaccountably, she moved a step closer, beer in hand. “You drive me fucking crazy. You know that, don’t you?”
Ken tried to control his heartbeat and breathing. “I’d give the whole fucking jackpot to charity to hear what you just said to me. I can’t believe you just did.”
She chuckled disgustedly. “I am the worst fucking ice princess in the world. Do you know how hard it is for me to admit liking you? Even a little bit?” She leaned close, to within an inch of his nose. “I’ll cut off your balls if you give a fucking dime of that money to charity. That money is yours and mine.” She grabbed his shirt at the neck and kissed him.
On the couch, she placed her feet on the coffee table, sat back, and crossed her ankles. Ken sat beside her, a stretch of fabric separating their thighs. Alicia was 5’8” tall, with long, shapely legs. How could a girl with 2 kids have a shape like that? It made his heart skip beats, eyeing the bare flesh above her belt whenever her top rode up. Her hip bones were plainly visible, her flat abdomen between them forming an erotic V into her jeans. How sexy was that? How did he rate even sitting beside this incredible woman?
He unconsciously glanced to his left, toward the hall leading to the bedrooms. Not wondering if they slept, or wishing they were not here, but thinking that he sat beside their wonderful mom. He jerked a tiny bit as she took his hand. He held hers loosely, interweaving their fingers.
“This means you’ll see me again?” he asked. “I didn’t totally fuck up tonight?”
“You didn’t totally fuck up.” She clinked the mouth of her bottle against his. “I pretty much did, though, loosing my cool like that.” She settled beside him more deeply into the cushions. “I had no business letting you get me on my back.” She glanced at him. “You made me feel like the pimply-faced 10th grader on her back the very first time with a boy.” She shivered, and laughed softly. “I haven’t had sex in a long time, Ken.”
How long, he wondered.
She uncrossed her ankles and crossed them the opposite way. “I’ve been separated 2 years and 3 months. I hadn’t had sex with Lawrence for almost a year before that, and I haven’t had sex with anyone else before tonight.” She looked at him again. “I consider it sex when a hand goes down my fucking panties, even if we don’t fuck.” She shifted uncomfortably. “Lawrence was black. You know that, right?”
Ken nodded slightly. He hadn’t found out from her.
“He has a really big dick. He assaulted me with it whenever he felt like it, too. Even when we made love, which wasn’t all that often after we married, he assaulted my insides with that fucking monster. You don’t have a big cock, do you?”
He laughed, embarrassed. “I promise I won’t assault you, Alicia.”
“Yes you will. It’s been 3 years. Even a regular cock will hurt me after 3 years.” She shifted again, sex-talk making her uncomfortable. Ken didn’t welcome the resurgence felt between his legs, either. It was too hard to hide. Even his little white cock.
“Are you worried?” he asked.
“Not about us. I want to fuck you, Ken.” She leaned sideways and offered her mouth, Heineken bottle in her hand. After a moment, she broke the kiss and whispered: “We’re not fucking tonight. Not on my couch and not in bed where William will hear us.” She chuckled, adding, “No way I’m letting you fuck me on the dining room table, either, or the kitchen floor. Forget about that.” She followed his facetious gaze toward the balcony doors, and giggled. “Not there, ever, ever, ever.” She gave him her mouth again.
It took less than a minute to put her flat on her back again. They wrapped together, legs entwined, her arms around his neck, his about her waist and back. He purposely avoided her rear end and breasts. He could not avoid her thigh with his bulging cock, though. It was simply impossible. Alicia chose not to avoid it anyway.
“We are not fucking!” she gasped.
Ken shook his head, and attacked her vulnerable neck, shoulder and earlobe with his lips. She moaned desperately and writhed in his arms.
“I hate you, you fucker! I hate you, I do!”
Ken laughed against the curve of her throat. “I want to fuck you really bad,” he panted.
“Not here on the couch!”
“We have to do it here. Your bedroom is right beside William’s.”
“Noooo,” she moaned. “I don’t want it here!” That was obviously a lie, as she was every bit aroused as when he’d had his hand down her panties.
“I’m gonna fuck you here, Alicia.”
“Don’t you dare!” she threatened, writhing uncontrollably. Her mouth was a primal force, her tongue an unbridled animal. She obviously hadn’t fucked in 3 years.
He drew back from her. He watched her conflicted, contorted face. She panted hard as he did.
“I should have kicked you out when I had the fucking chance!” she huffed.
“Look at us,” he said, laughing. She laughed too, and accepted his kisses.
“I’m gonna fuck you right here. The question is: do you want me to use a condom?”
She grimaced, cursing a blue-streak below her breath. “Do you have one?”
“I have six.”
“Fuck!” She cursed, laughing. “You obviously thought you’d get lucky tonight. I should have thrown your ass out.” She kissed him hard. “You really brought six?”
“I didn’t know if you’d want to use one during oral sex.”
She flinched in repugnance. “You expected oral?” She shifted as though to knee his groin. “You are not getting oral on our first date, asshole. I don’t do oral, period!”
Ken flinched. “Okay,” he said, disappointed but accepting. Alicia—any woman—had the inalienable right to decide what went into her body. “I didn’t really expect anything, anyway.”
“You just came prepared,” she said.
He couldn’t tell if she was angry for real, or how angry. He’d put his foot into it, though.
“I bet you expected anal, too,” she said, incensed, shoving against his chest.
That was it. Anything he said would only make her angrier. Stricken or not, he knew when to leave and let a woman cool off.
He began to sit up. She punched him in the chest. “You are never getting anal sex from me, mister! Ever!”
He fought not to rub his chest where she’d punched him. Why the fuck had he told her he brought six condoms, anyway? Fucking asshole, he thought. When she struggled to push him off and sit up, however, he got angry.
“Do you know what hope is, Alicia? It’s a desire, a wish, maybe a pipe dream. I brought the condoms in hope, not any expectation.” (He wasn’t aware that synonyms for the word ‘hope’ included expectation, confidence, belief, conviction, assurance) “Excuse me for having hope, Alicia.”
He tried to pull away, but Alicia grabbed his shirt and held him fast. “OK. You have every right to be mad at me. I’m an asshole. But fuck--!” She laughed bitterly. “I’ve been used and abused my entire life. Since I was 11 years old, guys thought they could do to me whatever they wanted, and they usually did. I’m the kind of girl that attracts guys that take advantage of girls like me. I am!” she insisted when he went to object.
“A guy wants a blowjob, sure. Wanna fuck my ass? Take me doggie or put me on my back. Want me to suck off your friend—?” She made a dismissive gesture with her hand. “No problem. Both of you up my ass and in my mouth?” She gazed at him a moment, letting that sink in.
“Excuse me for snapping at you, but I’m paranoid. I don’t like being taken advantage of. I react badly, even when it’s someone like you. Believe me, I’d bite your head off even if we were married 5 years and you rubbed me the wrong way.”
He thrilled at the mention of marriage, revealing how hopelessly enamored he’d become. He fought off imaginary of he and Alicia sharing a bed, eating breakfast on the drive to work, arguing about stupid shit, sneaking kisses and hugs and gropes in public. Also taking off her clothes and putting the meat to her whenever he wanted. Whenever she wanted, he thought with a grin.
She gazed at him sourly. “What part of being bitched at did you find amusing?”
He gazed at her steadily, the same wry grin on his lips.
She shook her head. “You asshole. I’m still married.” His grin stretched wider, and she rolled her eyes. “I was speaking rhetorically, Kenneth. I have no intention of marrying you, or anyone else, ever again. Now get off me, please. It’s time you went home.”
Chancing a violent outburst, he kissed her instead. “I’m single. You have to divorce him sometime. I can wait.”
She started, bug-eyed. “What? No! No way!” She shoved him off the edge of the couch, but kept him from falling. Dragging him back, she said, “Don’t fuck with me like that!”
He made it clear he wasn’t fucking around.
“You are insane! We’ve been together one night! We had fucking lunch together, one time! We haven’t even had sex! Don’t be an asshole.” She cut her eyes away in disgust and grumbled unintelligibly.
Ken said: “I’ve known you for 2 years. You get to know someone pretty well after two years, Alicia. Until Wednesday morning, we got along pretty darned good.”
“When you ruined it all!” she accused.
“It got us here, which is pretty amazing, when you think about it.” He placed his hand over her left breast, which she angrily pushed away. He placed it over her breast again. She crossed her arms reflexively, hunching her shoulders and glared at him defiantly. He’d won, whether she’d admit it or not. He was still there. She hadn’t ordered him out.
“Jesus, I like you Alicia.”
“Asshole,” she grumbled, turning away from his kiss.
“Would you consider marrying me?”
She stared up at him angrily.
“I wouldn’t ask if—”
“Dammit!” she spat. “No way!” She lay rigid and angry, but still hadn’t ordered him out. He regretted cupping her breast, though and apologized for it.
“Don’t touch me when I don’t want to be touched. You should go. It’s late.”
Ken sighed. No means no, he thought. He wanted her enough to respect her wishes, even if she never saw him again. Didn’t win, after all, he thought.
“Wait...” She looked unresolved, but wasn’t any less rigid beneath him.
“I’m not defending myself,” he said. “I’ve been stupid tonight and done things to you I shouldn’t have done. Especially on a first date with kids in the household.” He shook his head. “But Jesus, Alicia, I’ve wanted you since the moment I saw you. I don’t want to leave like this. I don’t want to fucking leave, at all! Tell me to stay. Tell me you want me to stay.”
She regarded him a long time. “I want you to stay.” She grinned wryly at his obvious relief. “Stop this marriage shit though. It’s hard enough for me as it is.” She shifted angrily. “Jesus, Ken, you had your hand down my fucking panties.” She laughed, hoarsely. “I wanted to rape your ass.”
She uncrossed her arms and relaxed beneath him again, flexing her shoulders. She glanced at her small left breast, sculpted by the blue and white top. Ken placed his hand over it again. He felt the material of her bra beneath her top and squeezed gently.
“How much do I need to ask your permission to do, Alicia?”
She laughed, amused. “You can’t take my clothes off, for one. We’re on the couch until you go home. You are going home tonight, eventually,” she clarified. “We can’t have sex with the kids here. Everything I said is non-negotiable. No putting your hand down my panties, again either, asshole. My crotch is off limits to you. So is yours,” she concluded, laughing.
“Can I ask a question?”
“How personal?”
“Extremely, I guess.” He cocked his head. “Did you shave today, or are you normally hairless between your legs?”
“Wow!” she said, coloring. “That’s fucking personal, all right! And it’s insulting, Ken. It questions whether I had expectations, or I only hoped you’d fuck me.”
Throw it right back in my face, he thought. He’d put his foot it in again, big time.
“I’m normally clean-shaven, but I waxed in the bathroom before you picked me up tonight. I also shaved my underarms and legs, and took a bubble bath. I douched, which is right up there with bringing six horses to the rodeo, huh?”
She eyed him defiantly, shoulders back.
“I like that you did those things,” he said softly. “I really like that you hoped something might happen between us, and I’d appreciate your incredible femininity.” He laughed, frazzled. “You realize that we all but fucked on the couch just an hour ago. It’s like that never happened at all.”
“Non-negotiable,” she repeated.
He slid his hand up her top and found her left breast. He held her gaze while his fingertips slipped beneath the cup and sought her small nipple. She shivered, and stirred restlessly as he pushed the cups upward to free her breasts completely. They were so small, but so wonderful to hold. He cupped each, claiming her soft mounds as spoils of war. Twirling her nipples made her squirm.
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Alicia had enjoyed exploring her body ever since she caught sight of her brother and his girlfriend kissing and dry humping; seeing the convulsive pleasure had intrigued her. Today was no different. After her parents left for work, she removed her tight black knickers, and settled onto the couch in her pyjama shorts and loose-fitting white tank top. She had not put on a bra, so the tank top barely concealed her budding 32B breasts with deep pink nipples and allowed her tight mid-riff to show...
“No I understand that it has to be done. Once I make my final decision I’ll let you know who as well as informing the person affected. By Friday it will be finished Mr. Rodman. No it is very unfortunate that it’s come to this I agree. Yes sir I will speak to you soon.”After I heard the click on the other end I hung up the phone and just sat there for a minute thinking. When I accepted my current position I understood that there might be times like this that I would be forced to do unpleasant...
That week, I gave my landlord a month’s notice so that I wouldn’t lose my deposit, and moved in with Alicia. Most of my furniture and kitchen stuff went into storage, along with my TV and stereo. Alicia’s were much better anyway. We combined our tape and CD collections. Gradually our two households became one. It could be argued that I was taking a big chance, moving in with a woman whom I had been seeing for only a couple of weeks. But I never had a moment’s doubt, not after the weekend we...
Alicia Uncovered - 1 Ms. Grundy [email protected] Alan was not always a nasty tyrant. When Karen met and married him four years ago he was sweet and gentle and considerate, but over the last year all that seemed to change. Karen knew that her earning more than he stuck in his craw, but he was so embarrassed that it did bother him that he wouldn't even talk about it. She thought things would improve when he got his promotion. But when that fell through, and it went to...
Alicia may have been sitting in her Friday contracts class but her mind was elsewhere. The first semester of law school had been difficult, but she was enjoying the new challenge. Her major problem at the moment was the fact that she was horny - so horny, in fact, that she was daydreaming in class. "Alicia?" Professor Martin was looking at Alicia. "I'm sorry, Professor, will you repeat the question?" Alicia fumbled, desperately trying to remember what the Professor had said while her classmates...
So how did we get started? I guess it was because after I moved down to the tri-state area, I was really lonely and we both needed someone to be affectionate with. My vivid imagination got the idea that she wanted more from me than just friendship from her letters that summer. Alicia is an intriguing mix of Asian and white. She is pretty, petite, slim, and quite exotic looking, and when combined with her Caribbean accent -- it's quite appealing if you're into that sort of thing (which obviously...
The next few months are difficult for me to think about, let alone write about. We got the news of Alicia’s disease in mid-May. After that, we went for a round of surgery, which did some good, followed by a round of radiation therapy, which also did some good. But by the time we had started to treat the disease in earnest, the cancer had already traveled via her lymph nodes to other parts of her body. In late September, the one-year anniversary of our meeting, I found a small lump underneath...
I was in the hospital for five days. I probably could have been discharged after three days, but Alicia wanted me there, so I stayed. I was lucky: It was only a flesh wound after all, and I didn’t get infected. I would probably need some physical therapy afterwards, though. Alicia made herself officially my doctor, and supervised every aspect of my care. She came in daily and changed my dressing. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust the nursing staff, it was simply that she wanted to do it herself....
Alicia By: The Male meI regret fucking up with her. I see her with another woman and I just flip out but I need to realize that it was me who played the stupid ass games. Maybe things would be better if I knew what I know now.When I met Alicia, we were at the bowling alley and she needed some major help on how she handled the ball so I took it as if she wouldn't mind if I helped her."You're holding the ball wrong." I said as I stood behind her.She turned around suddenly and looked at me as if I...
Any feedback would be welcome and can be sent to me at this email address: [email protected] Alicia Becomes a Bridesmaid By Paula Hanson March 1998 Chapter 1 The small girl was rolling on the floor at the bottom of the stairs clutching her right leg wailing her heart out. Her bother, ran down the stairs after her looking concerned. Her mother also ran out of the kitchen to see what all the crying was about. The mother immediately bent down to console her...
I woke up the next morning lying in the damp evidence of my copious emission of the night before. I got up, made myself breakfast, and set about cleaning the house really well. Then I took some stew meat out of the freezer to thaw. I wanted to make homemade soup for my Mistress, and it would take most of the day to cook. Later that day, I would go to the bakery and buy a loaf of crusty bread to eat with the soup. We would also have a salad and a nice red wine. I had missed my wife very much,...
Warning! This story contains material of an adult nature and is intended for mature readers and for personal use only. No copyright infringement is intended. * Bull walked into the cellar, and an amused grin appeared on his face, as he observed Mike’s minimal attire of lacy-topped stockings and garter belt. ‘I see Butch has been up to his old tricks!’ he said, with a chortle. ‘Fuck you!’ Mike snarled, wincing with pain. Bull ignored him, and walked over to the trembling Angelica. ‘You and I...
Warning! This story contains material of an adult nature and is intended for mature readers and for personal use only. No copyright infringement is intended. * Mike awoke, with a groan, holding onto his throbbing forehead. As he rolled over and tried to sit up, a jagged pain shot through his head. ‘Unngh! What hit me?’ he groaned, trying to focus on his surroundings. The room seemed totally unfamiliar. ‘Where the hell am I?’ he wondered, blinking to help clear his vision. Memories came...
ALICIA & SHELLY, 01, the Cabin An original work by HappyPappy aka simaddict. This story is fiction. Any resenblence to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters are eighteen or over. My name is Alicia. That's not my real name, I've changed the names in this story to protect the guilty. I'm eighteen, my girlfriend Shelly is five months older than me, and we are very close friends, we have been since the fourth grade. It seemed as though we shared the same interests through...
BisexualWarning! This story contains material of an adult nature and is intended for mature readers and for personal use only. No copyright infringement is intended. * Alicia looked at herself, critically, in the full length mirror. She was wearing a tight, black, lace and satin bustier, which left both breasts almost totally exposed, underwired to push them upward and together, to give her a spectacular cleavage. Narrow garters, both front and rear, stretched down her smooth thighs, from her tightly...
I hadn't really planned on a second part to this tale but since a few asked, here it is.sleep seemed to evade me for the most part. I would doze off for twenty or thirty minutes at a time and I must have gotten up to check on Alicia a dozen times or so. I had feared that I would open the door to her room and find her balled up in the corner crying her eyes out over the horrible thing I had allowed her to do but each time she was sound asleep. Around 5AM I finally fell asleep only to be awaken...
Her name was Alicia, and she was a true thing of beauty. She'd been hired at the company the week before me. Huge knockers, a tiny waist, and a high round ass - she was kind of a throw-back to the old pin-up days. I couldn't keep my eyes off her. For a brief time, we worked in the same department (data entry) and luckily for me, she felt a little bit of responsibility towards the new guy. To pay her back for her many workplace kindnesses (and because I thought she was really hot), I invited her...
I had never really been the tough jock kinda guy. Well actually, I’m quite the opposite. I only have 2 friends in school, and they are even more socially awkward then me. I’ve never really been too big on physical fights or confrontation, and I really despise sports. I’m in the second month of high school, and things haven’t taken a turn for the good…yet. Chapter 2 I was laying my head down on my desk, when suddenly the bell rang. The sound pierced the deep slumber, as I was jolted back into...
Warning! This story contains material of an adult nature and is intended for mature readers and for personal use only. No copyright infringement is intended. * Alicia was sitting, curled up in a large, comfortable armchair, in the library, reading a book, when Arnie walked in. He strode over and kissed her, affectionately, on the forehead. ‘Good evening, my sweet!’ he murmured, good-humouredly. ‘Did you take those pink pills I gave you, for your stomach upset?’ ‘Mmm, yes thank you, darling....
Hi Alicia is 21 years old and curvy in all the right places she loves being a country girl.She loves being a innocent tease for the older guys as she wears tight low tops to show cleavage and tight black leggings to show cameltoe and her peachy cute ass. She loves when guys that are old enough to be her dad or Grandpa notice her with their eyes and their gestures. On a sunny Monday afternoon you could win a trip to go on a cruise for a 2 weeks everything is paid. Once Alicia heard the news...
Alicia & Shelly, 04, Swinging An original work by Happy Pappy aka simaddict. This story is Fiction. Any resemblence to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters are eighteen or older. Your comments are welcome and desired. I use them to fine-tune my stories for better reading. *** I'm Alicia. I just turned eighteen a few months ago. My very best friend, Shelly, is five months older than I. Not only have we been best friends since the fourth grade, we also became...
BisexualWarning! This story contains material of an adult nature and is intended for mature readers and for personal use only. No copyright infringement is intended. * Mike O’Reilly made his way through the dimly-lit, smoke-filled atmosphere of the Pink Flamingo, over to the long bar, and ordered a Jack Daniels. He’d been coming to the seedy strip joint for more than two weeks now, and he still hadn’t found a single clue as to Alicia’s whereabouts. He was quietly beginning to despair! ‘That will be...
Warning! This story contains material of an adult nature and is intended for mature readers and for personal use only. No copyright infringement is intended. ‘Ah, ah, ah, ah!’ Alicia’s breath was constantly forced out of her lungs, as Arnie pumped into her sex from behind. She was braced on her hands and knees, on the tiger skin rug, in front of the large open fireplace, in the lounge, her naked body covered in a thin sheen of perspiration. Her only items of clothing, were a pair of patent,...
It's a few years ago. I'm 50 years old and I'm living in Southern California with my wife and kids. It's early evening. My workday is done and I stop in at a nice restaurant/bar on Ventura Blvd. in Encino for a drink. I pull up a stool and order a Chives and soda. Several stools away from me is a nice looking young girl of 16 or 17, dressed in regulation schoolgirl clothes, who is having I assume, a non-alcoholic beverage. She's talking to the bartender. I don't know what this kid is...
Warning! This story contains material of an adult nature and is intended for mature readers and for personal use only. No copyright infringement is intended. When Angelica finally put in an appearance, her face and upper chest was flushed with excitement, her blonde hair was disheveled, and her dress looked as if she’d just slept in it. ‘Where the hell have you been?’ Mike hissed, grabbing her by the elbow, and pulling her down onto the high stool next to him. ‘I’ve been waiting here for over...
Ten years ago I went to work for a large corporation that had their hands in several different industries. After five years of climbing the corporate ladder in a large city I accepted a position to run a much smaller office in what can best be described as a rural area. At first I hated it and told myself that it was only temporary. I would turn the place around and the big wigs would see fit to bump me up and put me someplace that would make use of my skills and ambition. Funny thing is that...
Warning! This story contains material of an adult nature and is intended for mature readers and for personal use only. No copyright infringement is intended. * Mike barged into the dressing room, quickly followed by the club bouncer. There were several girls in there, all in various stages of undress. He ignored their screams, and indignant cries, and made a bee-line for the surprised and shocked, Angelica, who was sitting in front of the vanity, powdering her naked tits. ‘Angelica…?’ As he...
Warning! This story contains material of an adult nature and is intended for mature readers and for personal use only. No copyright infringement is intended. CHAPTER 13 The ‘Pilgrim’s Retreat’ was a quiet country pub, so quiet that Angelica and Mike were its only customers, at that time of the early evening. Her high-heels clicked on the tile floor, as they walked up to the shiny, wooden bar. Pewter tankards hung from a row of hooks above their heads and several traditional beer pumps along...
Warning! This story contains material of an adult nature and is intended for mature readers and for personal use only. No copyright infringement is intended. There was light coming from one of the downstairs windows, as Mike and Angelica crept up through the overgrown Laburnum bushes, toward the side of the house. They peered in through the dirty glass panes, and Angelica gave a gasp of surprise, her fist flying to her open mouth. The room appeared to be some sort of library, the walls lined...
Alicia & Shelly, 04, Swinging * An original work by Happy Pappy aka simaddict. * This story is Fiction. Any resemblence to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. * All characters are eighteen or older. * Your comments are welcome and desired. I use them to fine-tune my stories for better reading. ***** I’m Alicia. I just turned eighteen a few months ago. My very best friend, Shelly, is five months older than I. Not only have we been best friends since the fourth grade, we...
ALICIA & SHELLY, 01, the Cabin An original work by HappyPappy aka simaddict. * This story is fiction. Any resenblence to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. * All characters are eighteen or over. My name is Alicia. That’s not my real name, I’ve changed the names in this story to protect the guilty. I’m eighteen, my girlfriend Shelly is five months older than me, and we are very close friends, we have been since the fourth grade. It seemed as though we shared the same interests...
I was the last of five children, but far younger than my siblings. My father’s first wife had died in a car accident when the youngest of his four children was ten and the oldest, sixteen. About a year after she was gone, he married my mother who twenty years younger than him. She hadn’t anticipated how hard it would be raising four kids, so she told my dad she did not want to have any of her own. My dad was a farmer, so we really had no close neighbors. Once the crops were in, he drove a...
TeenRecently I met a very captivatingly beautiful woman at a singles event at a downtown cocktail bar. From the moment we made eye contact, we clicked. She imediately sucked me in with her easyness. Easy to talk to, fun to flirt with, lovely to look at. Luckily for me, she seemed to enjoy my company as much as i hers. Being that it was her first time at one of these local events, every guy in the room was circling her like sharks. The friend who had brought her there slipped out with a guy she had...
ALLICIA & SHELLY, 02, New Friends An original work by Happy Pappy aka simaddict. This story is Fiction. Any resemblence to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters are eighteen or older. **** A few weeks after the big snowstorm my best friend Shelly and I were in Gym class one afternoon. As usual, we showered after class in the girl's locker room. We had plenty of time because the class was small in size, our town being a small town with about thirty senior girls....
BisexualMy fourteen-year old sister was in a dressing room trying on some jeans and shirts. She had to get some bigger clothes because her belly was growing. She was pregnant. Who the father was, none of us knew. It could be me and it could be one of the many guys she has seduced. It could also be that her horniness day in and day out got herself pregnant and that what was growing in her was a clone of herself. Shit, I hoped so. Despite being fourteen years old, Alicia was very good looking. She was...
My fourteen-year old sister was in a dressing room trying on some jeans and shirts. She had to get some bigger clothes because her belly was growing. She was pregnant. Who the father was, none of us knew. It could be me and it could be one of the many guys she had seduced. It could also be that her horniness day in and day out got herself pregnant and that what was growing in her was a clone of herself. Shit, I hoped so. Despite being fourteen years old, Alicia was very good looking. She was...
ALICIA & SHELLY, 03, the Club * An original work by Happy Pappy aka simaddict. * This story is Fiction. Any resemblence to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. * All characters are eighteen or older. ****** I was soaking in a tub of bath salts and hot water, trying to calm my excited feelings about the coming night. I have never been to an all female sex party so big, and was both eager and apprehensive about it. Brea’s mother, Madeline, had invited her friends, Jaquline...
ALICIA & SHELLY, 03, the Club An original work by Happy Pappy aka simaddict. This story is Fiction. Any resemblence to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters are eighteen or older. ***** I was soaking in a tub of bath salts and hot water, trying to calm my excited feelings about the coming night. I have never been to an all female sex party so big, and was both eager and apprehensive about it. Brea's mother, Madeline, had invited her friends, Jaquline and Yvonne,...
BisexualSue?s surprise evening[This story was written about my then wife [now ex] in the 80s, before the internet and digital cameras, when we had to use contact magazines and Polaroid photos. I could have updated it but I have kept it authentic which I hope you prefer.]My wife Sue was often proud and haughty and was known to be aggressive and imperious and could be a big flirt and tease. Often people had muttered about wanting to see her being brought down a peg or two. Things had come to a head and I...
ONE DAMP EVENING.It was a damp Saturday evening in late November and I was feeling as hornyas hell, having just finished watching a blue video. At first I thought I'dsimply have a wank to ease my frustration but then decided to go upstairsand get dressed up instead!I opened my dressing-table drawer and picked out my black lacy basque,black satin mini-slip, a pair of black nylons and my brunette wig.Stripping my everyday clothes off, I slowly dressed myself in my undies, mycock hardening as I...
His smouldering eyes tormented me from across the room. His gaze was locked on me. Enjoying watching me suffer. I met his gaze with a glare that too quickly melted away into an aching gasp, as the vibrations drove ecstasy against my clit, and deep into my vagina. His honey-brown eyes were vindictive as he watched my outrage melt into pleasure. He loved that he had this power over me, and I hated that my body had turned traitor against me. An hour ago I had been getting ready for my...
[This story was written about my then wife [now ex] in the 80s, before the internet and digital cameras, when we had to use contact magazines and Polaroid photos. I could have updated it but I have kept it authentic which I hope you prefer.] My wife Sue was often proud and haughty and was known to be aggressive and imperious and could be a big flirt and tease. Often people had muttered about wanting to see her being brought down a peg or two. Things had come to a head and I decided that it was...
Sarah had been looking forward to the monthly "Bridge" evening. She loved to be humiliated in front of others and on these evenings there was humiliation in abundance. 'Bridge' wasn't played of course, but instead, there were normally ten or twelve mainly women split between those who were natural doms and those who were natural submissives.There was no set way of doing things. You could stick to the partner you went with, or the submissive could be passed around to various doms who could do...
SpankingShe only got to see her lover on her birthday. You see, Cassie Johnson was a mother and a wife. She loved her husband and children dearly. She only saw her lover on her birthday. Her birthday was special and her lover was special to her. Her husband was always out of town on her birthday.Her husband had no idea that she cheated on him. She met her lover online many moons ago. They had an emotional affair for years and a few years back met in real life. Cassie loved making love with her...
CheatingA wedding evening that we didn't want to go to until we met a couple who didn't want to be there either so we went some where else So the wedding evening was finally here and after this evening the last thing in my mind was to sit in an area of people we don’t know and small talk.. After having Steve throbbing cock forced into my mouth earlier and watching myself in the mirror being finger fucked and for the first time watching what Steve sees when he cums , No wonder that turns him omg ,...
WifeKathy and Jerry were your typical power couple. They both worked hard and played even harder. They were lucky because they had the most wonderful babysitter. Tara was her name and how the children loved her. Tara was very studious and seemed to be quiet and reserved, however, when she came to babysit, she seemed to become a different person. The children enjoyed when Tara babysat.Tara had been babysitting for the Winger's for about four years now. Recently, Tara had been accepted into an ivy...
Group SexKatie Jackson cut up fresh broccoli on the counter for dinner as she stared out the window of her kitchen. It had been a month since the blizzard rocked the city and the temperatures had moderated. All the snow had melted and life had returned to normal. The sexy wife was busy preparing herself for the Mrs. America pageant. She was relieved that she had paid her children’s tuition, paid down their credit card and thankfully paid for her auto insurance. However it nauseated her to think about...
It was Friday night and my wife had just left on a weekend business trip. I helped her pack all of her bags, she always packs too many suitcases, and waved goodbye from our front door as she drove away. I love when she takes these frequent trips because it provides me plenty of time to indulge my darkest passions and desires, desires that can only be fulfilled alone in the privacy of my own home. This night would be special however, because the day before I had gone to the local adult video...
Hello all! I apologize for yet another extremely long lapse between the release of the previous story and this one. I’ve been extremely busy. I genuinely appreciate the continued support and interest in my stories, though. I hope you all are doing well, and I very much hope you enjoy this next chapter. There are two characters in this chapter, Kristen and Jordan, who are relatively new. Both of them made an appearance in the last chapter, and they are also found in another story/series,...
There is nothing in my life comparable to driving around in an antique car. They look different. They sound different. They feel different. They even smell different. People you go past turn their heads to look at the car. They look at you riding in the car and wonder, ‘Who are those people? What’s special about them that they get to drive around like that? Why are they all dressed up? What’s the special occasion?’ This particular antique car is a Holden FX. Her name is Mabel. She’s been in...
I managed to escape the office at about 5:15 as I needed to head to the Shopping Centre to meet up with Ling. I parked the car up and headed to the food area and found the fast food joint. I got myself a milk shake and found a table to the side. A few minutes later, Ling showed up. Again, we kissed with more passion than the last kiss this morning. This was going to be a successful evening; I could feel it. There was a nervousness in Ling but also a latent desire that I could feel. I asked...
Welcome readers, I am regular visitor of this site which makes me excite to write my own real story happened with my neighboring gf. I am ranvir from nepal 5 feet 9 inch age 26 and a athletic body. Heroine of the story is elisa (name changed) age 23 she is a cute and sexy girl which 34-32-34 stats, she lives opposite flat of mine as we were neighbor we use to glance each other many times. Once my parents had gone to a marriage function out of town and I was alone in home suddenly elisa came and...
Emasculating the Evening: "Do you know that most rapes occur at night?" Stacey asked me. I didn't like the way that her eyes seemed to look right through me like she could read my thoughts. Stacey was, after all, someone I really wanted to have sex with. I had never, after all, forced myself on a woman. I had no idea I told her. "Why do you think that is?" she asked me. I said I thought it was because there was a fear factor, rapists were scared of being seen and they had...
Anyone who has read "Jaq Gets Some Big Cocks" will know I promised to write about what happened the following evening, this is an account of that evening.Jaq came home from her shopping trip at a little after three in the afternoon."You know Clive and Dan are coming over this evening," Jaq barked. She handed me a bag and told me to get myself ready.Dan and Clive had fucked Jaq the previous evening and I had performed cleaning duties when she arrived home. Jaq had told me that Clive was bi and...
TrueIt was a beautiful warm summers evening and we had to attend a cocktail evening through my wife’s work. Neither of us really enjoyed these events a great deal, it consisted of some casual drinks and lots of talking to other work clients from different areas to promote businesses and products. These got to be a bit monotonous and time at these events seemed to last a life time. I wore the traditional black tuxedo and the wife had opted for the little black dress. It was a shoulder strapped...