Alpha Male a Continuation Story Chapter 4 Wednesday Morning
- 4 years ago
- 39
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I managed to escape the office at about 5:15 as I needed to head to the Shopping Centre to meet up with Ling. I parked the car up and headed to the food area and found the fast food joint. I got myself a milk shake and found a table to the side. A few minutes later, Ling showed up. Again, we kissed with more passion than the last kiss this morning. This was going to be a successful evening; I could feel it. There was a nervousness in Ling but also a latent desire that I could feel. I asked what she wanted to drink and/or eat – she was happy to just have a milk shake as well, so whilst she sat down and relaxed, I went and got her drink.
Once I’d sat down again, next to Ling not across from her – I thought this was easier for any type of covert intimacy we may want as well as making it easier to chat facing each other on the bench.
We chatted about our day and stuff. Ling had been at Kwik Shoppe for about 6 months but was looking for an out. She felt her store boss was too lecherous, giving clear inappropriate sexual innuendo whilst at work notwithstanding the relationship we had which was, in her words, of her own volition or at least with her full consent. Also, there were customers who were just jerks and expected Ling to be available to their sexual desires. I did some more enquiring and it turned out that Ling had studied through to degree level when home in South Korea and had emigrated immediately thereafter as her parents had emigrated as well and Ling could get the work visa if she came with them, at the same time. What with learning English etc. she had found it hard to get work and so had ended up at Kwik Shoppe underpaid, underappreciated and undertaking a role below what she was capable of doing. Then it struck me, I was looking for someone to handle the dockets side of processing. Could Ling come to the company and undertake that role which was not just about the handling of the dockets, but also how to improve the overall process to get it more automated and efficient? We discussed this and she was keen to take the idea forward. I said that I’d talk to HR tomorrow (not that I’d enjoy another meeting with Philippa and Sharon) and we’d take it from there. The other advantage was that Ling’s contract was 1 day both ways so she could be released by Kwik Shoppe with a one-day notice and likewise she could leave with such notice. If I got things properly organised tomorrow, Ling could start on Monday, maybe even on Friday.
Our conversation moved on to more personal matters. Ling had moved out from living with her parents soon after arriving in the country as she wanted to better understand the language and culture of this her new, adopted country. She had an apartment close to Kwik Shoppe (which also meant it was close to the office). She had occasional boyfriends but no one special, yet. I started to explain the happenings of the past week, but Ling interrupted me and said that she had felt the change in me and that she was happy with me as Alpha Male and she was now mine to have any time I wanted and the act of handing over her wet knickers yesterday was a sign of her recognising me as ‘her’ Alpha Male – she had stressed the ‘her’ word in the sentence.
Well that sorted that out. We got to talking about what she liked as far as sex was concerned. She confessed that the boyfriends she’d had were rather limited in wanting her to blow them, allow them to fuck her missionary style and then roll over and fall asleep or escape the bed to go home. No one she’d met, she felt, had really been concerned about her feelings and her desires. I then explained a bit more about my harem of ladies and that I made it my business to ensure that my ladies, girls, women (call them what you will) were all sexually satisfied as much as I was and that what I sought in all of my females was that they maximised their sexuality to find their true sexual self. As an example, I briefly outlined what had happened between Carol and me just this week (it was only Wednesday and the girl was totally different to the PA I had only really started talking to with any meaning on Monday morning) I advised Ling that when she started working with me, she’d also be working with Carol – Ling warmed to that. I asked if she’d had any lesbian encounters. She said she’d thought about it a number of times but so far hadn’t found a suitable compatriot with whom she wanted to discover that side of her sexuality.
At this point, we’d both finished our drinks. I thought we should have another to see where the conversation took us. As it was a take away, we could leave whenever we wanted. I went and ordered a couple more drinks and brought them back to the table. Whilst I had been gone, Ling seemed to have relaxed somewhat. Maybe it was knowing she had a more challenging job awaiting her, maybe the comfort with me. Once I’d got settled again, I decided to push Ling a bit more about what were her sexual fantasies – what were the content of her fantasies when she masturbated, during foreplay or when she was being fucked and was endeavouring to get more sexually turned on. She started rather hesitantly. There was the being tied up and being forced to have sex – a non-violent form of rape (but willing) for want of a better description. Then there was the gang bang being fucked in her mouth, arse and cunt simultaneously. Also playing with herself in front of a load of guys and them wanking their loads over her body otherwise known as bukkake – she hadn’t heard of that name – a new one for her vocabulary. Finally, she confessed that an alternative ending to the being tied up fantasy was that was being taken and having to service another girl/female.
As we had spent enough time chatting, I thought we should head off. I wanted to pop to the sex shop to get some of the app controlled vibrators for Peg and Joan and I thought that I might get a couple more as spares as I was sure they’d be other females where I’d want to use the stimulation (maybe even Ling). As we were heading for the car park, we passed the lingerie shop. I wondered if this was the same one that Louise worked in? So Ling and I popped in on the premise that I would buy Ling some new underwear. Something more akin to what I liked my ladies to wear. Once we were inside, the sales lady came over to ask if she could help. I looked at her name badge – it was Louise. I introduced myself as Carol’s boss. Louise was so pleased to meet me and I introduced her to Ling. We were the only customers in the shop so Louise offered to help us choose lingerie for Ling – some stockings, thongs, g strings. I grinned as I asked Louise whether she had any special underwear to show us today – Louise took the hint and after ensuring her back was to the shop window she lifted her dress to show us her g string which cut through her cunt lips.
Ling looked at Louise’s cunt nervously – it seemed this was the first cunt she’d look at other than her own. I decided to see how compliant Ling was to acting out her fantasies and so told her to get on her knees and suck Louise’s cunt. There was a couple of seconds of hesitancy in Ling – she was weighing up whether to comply and the ramifications (I think she rightly decided that if she refused, which she was perfectly entitled to do, then our relationship would end as would any chance of working with me and of being one of my females). Ling then got down on her knees and her mouth approached Louise’s cunt. Louise opened her legs to provide full access to her cunt and Ling set about licking and sucking Louise’s clit and cunt. Louise realised that this was the first time for Ling so was sympathetic to her efforts and gently gave her encouragement. But as Louise got closer to coming so she grabbed hold of Ling’s hair and pulled her mouth deep into her cuntal area and started getting aggressive with her demands of “suck my clit”, “finger my cunt”, “fuck me with 3 fingers” until Louise went taught and came over Ling’s face. Louise waited a few seconds to recover and then helped Ling to her feet – Louise then licked Ling’s face clean and finished by have a tongue entwining kiss with Ling.
When the kiss was finished, Ling was a bit taken aback but smiled and thanked Louise for the experience. Louise then took Ling by the hand and together they went off to find all manner of sexy underwear – they then brought it back to show me and seek my approval. It was lovely watching them both have fun, holding hands and playing about as they sought items which they thought would appeal to me but would also give Ling a feeling of sexiness. After about 10 items, I called “enough” – we still had to go to the sex store. Louise advised that she was going to be closing immediately after serving us – she’d already put the money away and assuming we were paying by card (which I was) then would we mind if she tagged along with us to the store as it was somewhere she wanted to go, but apart from Carol who she’d just met up with again, she didn’t want to go alone and didn’t have other friends with an understanding. Neither Ling nor I had a problem, so we paid, left the shop and waited for Louise to lock up and come and join us. As we all walked off to the car park, I had a skip in my step as I had two attractive and sexy young ladies, one on each arm – there were envious looks from blokes as we walked along as well as a few glares from non-understanding females.
Once in the car, the girls decided they’d sit in the back – I rather missed having one or other in the front with me, but as I looked in my rear view mirror so I could see them already making out. Ling was taking to lesbian encounters like a duck to water. It didn’t take long to reach the sex store. We parked up and got out of the car. We checked and were lucky we still had an hour of open time. Enough time to peruse the store and see what would take our fantasies.
As Scott and Carol had found, so the shop was occupied by men only so, like Scott, I put my arm around the waists of both girls to show an element of ownership. I could feel both girls relax knowing that they had my protection. We took a basket and worked our way around the store. I found the app controlled vibrators and got 4. I also found a dildo which had a suction pad on the bottom – I had some ideas for who could use this. I also got some butt plugs which I would give to Joan and Shelly – we’d work our way to doing anal, but I liked the effect of the plug when the girls walked around the house naked. I finally found something very appropriate for Carina – a chastity belt which incorporated a dildo, plug and clit electric stimulator. Just what was needed to bring this young lady to heel and compliant especially as the app we had for the vibrator also controlled the whole chastity belt unit.
Ling found the floggers – she asked me to teach her to receive the flogger – this was not something I’d done before – a bit like the spanking of Sharon yesterday and Carol this morning, but I was willing to learn – I was sure I’d find something appropriate on youtube which would show technique etc. Louise found a few items as did Ling and we headed for the checkout. I decided to do the honourable thing and paid for all the items – the girls were grateful for my kindness and both kissed me in an appreciative (and sexy manner).
The guys were still eyeing up the girls and so I decided to have some fun with the guys. I told the girls to lift their skirts, drop their knickers and play with themselves. The guys could watch and wank, but no touching else we’d be gone immediately. The girls were up for doing this and lifted skirt, downed knickers and after licking their fingers in a sexy way started to rub their clits and play with their pussies. The guys in the shop all looked on attentively and some took their cocks out of their trousers and started to wank themselves. One, by one, each of the blokes came, most got their handkerchiefs out and wiped themselves down, some just stuffed their cocks back in their trousers. The girls then removed their knickers, bent down to pick them up and we picked up our stuff and left the store. I had enjoyed the sexiness of the sex shop customers looking on at my girls. Yes, Louise had been accepted as one of mine, and I was proud of what they’d done. I checked with the girls. No one was expecting them anywhere this evening – their time was their own so I suggested we head back to mine and I could introduce them both to Joan, Brad and Shelly.
The girls were up for that and again, they got into the back seat and their making out got more intense given what they’d both just done together. I could hear them kissing and the rustling of clothes. On the basis that neither was wearing underwear, I could well imagine where their respective hands were – helping each other.
I made it back to my house having not been too distracted by the playing on the back seat. We headed indoors and found Joan, Peg and Mrs Jones all naked (not otherwise expected for Joan and Peg) and Mrs Jones was kneeling on the floor with her head buried in the snatch of Peg licking and sucking her out. Peg had her hands on her head controlling the action of Mrs Jones. Joan got up and greeted me and the girls. Mrs Jones tried to extricate herself out of shock at the interruption, but Peg was having none of it and kept hold of Mrs Jones’s head forcing her to keep the pleasuring going.
Joan and I decided to leave Peg and Mrs Jones to carry on whilst we headed to the kitchen to get some drinks and chat. Louise said she felt overdressed wearing clothes and asked if I minded her joining the other ladies in the buff. I didn’t have a problem and as Louise started to remove her clothes so too did Ling. So, some quick analysis of these two lovely ladies/girls. Ling had small breasts with a ring through each nipple, her cunt was hairy, but as I saw this morning, it was trimmed at the edges ‘bikini style.’ Louise had larger breasts and was without any hair around her cunt. Both girls were slim and of average height. As we drank our drinks so I explained what we’d been up to that evening and then let Joan explain her evening with Peg and Mrs Jones.
Mrs Jones had been wary of accepting the invitation but whilst Joan had not explained everything that was going to happen this evening, she had stressed that if Mrs Jones wanted to cum and she still wanted to play with herself then she should come around to our house after finishing school today. Eventually Mrs Jones had capitulated and arrived at about 6. She was a little surprised I wasn’t there, and also that Joan was wearing a dressing gown – Joan thought it prudent to do this, there was nothing on underneath, but at least by wearing it, Mrs Jones would be more accepting of the situation. Peg had shown up a few minutes later and was again wearing a silk dressing gown. On seeing each other Peg and Joan had shared a hot kiss between themselves that certainly was more than just a kiss ‘hello’
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It's really been wonderful since I started sleeping with Dana and Ed. Wonderful. The sex is great, of course. I get lots of it from both of them, and I can give back all I want. It's not a continual orgy. But I can be sexy whenever I want; I can grope someone anytime, and I never know when I'm going to get rubbed or hugged or felt up. It's sort of like being on the edge of something loving and sexy all the time. And if I don't feel like it, I can just refuse. The most unusual part is,...
Keeping to the shadows he progressed the last few hundred yards to the club entrance without being seen. He waited in deep shadow until a small group of patrons showed up. He tagged onto them, and deserted them once through the door, disappearing into the shadowy confines of ‘The Pink Bar’. ‘The Pink Bar’ was not an Alpha-Primes first choice of establishment for a meeting but Tom had business, female business. He looked around carefully noticing the darkened stairs leading to… god knows where,...
I know I took this down a few months ago but I’ve been working on the chapters to straighten out as much of the bs that I can. The Hunters are almost relatives to me and I would like to keep them as pure as possible. Anyway, I hope that you will find these chapters a bit easier to read and not quite so pheowy. Thanks and take care! Chapter One The sound of flesh meeting flesh was like fingernails on a blackboard. Miara stood, her mouth hanging open as she stared at her sister and the loser...
Introduction: The main characters are wolf hybrids. The female is wolf and human and the male is wolf/vampire. He is alpha over a wolf pack and she is his beta. Kristopher had gotten up very early that morning to check in with his wolves. His pack in particular, a very large one, got up early to hunt in their specific part of the forest. He wished to hunt with them as he hadnt seen them since yesterday morning. He rose out of the bed slowly, leaning down to kiss Evangelines forehead tenderly....
Note: This story is based off of a piece of work by another person. You can read it here: I am not following the storyline of the story, however the events are similar to the basis. Please enjoy. I had decided to quit my job. That was it. Done. Goodbye forever. I needed a change in my life. When I went to college a few years back, my brother and dad went to work on a project together with some help from my grandfather too. Seeing as how...
GayThere's one Frat house at edge of campus that's infamous for it's loud, wild party's. Every night loud music blares from the inside, bright colored lights shine from the windows, and young students come in by the hundreds to get some excitement in thier life. Once they get a taste of excitement, however, they can't let go, and let thier grades drop in order to come back everynight. The young men who run the frat are known for being loud, annoying jocks who, despite thier obnoxious nature,...
Mind ControlAlpha Delta Pi Sorority House By [email protected] I was attending college, I liked to pull practical jokes on people. I was able to handle spiders, ants, and other insects with very few problems. When I attended my classes, I liked to drop the ants and spiders on a person's clothes or on their desk. Usually after a few minutes, the ants and spiders would make the person jump out of their desk and disturb the class. It was even more fun when I did it to the girls that were in class. ...
SpankingThis is a continuing story that begins with "Darkroom - Monday."----Steve arrived at the mall about half an hour after it opened. Monday hadn't told him what time to be there, and he didn't feel like waiting. She had said she was going to break the rules, and he fervently hoped she wanted to break them thoroughly. He was skipping his physics class for this meeting. The massage kiosk was near one of the ends of the mall. Steve had always wondered who would want to get a massage with all those...
ExhibitionismMia checked her weapons one more time, and then she rose with the rest of her team, rocking with the turbulence in the plane. The Alphas were blind night jumping into a hot zone. Their orders were to find a group of Americans that had been cut off from escape. They had to find them and get them out of the hot zone. Mia felt the usual rush of adrenaline that night jumping always had zinging through her system. It was the most dangerous kind of jump, drifting blind with no hope of knowing what...
Hi I am Rohit,I am young,very fair and handsome,well educated decent person age 26 years almost 6 feet tall living in Hyderabad,India.I am a great fan of site and always read the sexual stories.....and compliment the people who write so long stories......i always wanted to share my encounters......but alas i dint met a single encounter.....but recently.....met an exciting one....which i am going to reveal to you people......This is my first story and i request you people...
Rudy sat in the booth, feeling the warmth of Sylvia's thigh and shoulder next to him. He looked down. She wore a dress that laced up the front, but now gaped enough to show the firm slopes of her breasts. When he tore his eyes away, they noticed Dana's t-shirt, her nipples punching forth. Jennie sat nearby, her man's shirt frankly unbuttoned most of the way down, showing nothing. Rudy felt Melanie's hand on his thigh and looked into her eyes. She smiled. "Isn't it great?' she said....
Mia blew gunpowder and her hair out of her face, wiping the sweat off of her brow with one black colored sleeve. When Demon wanted them to practice he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. They were in full tactical gear, including Kevlar vests that seemed to weigh a ton and amplified the heat. She slammed the button beside her and watched as the target moved quickly toward her. The ten-ring had been completely torn through, the rest of the target was immaculate. She laid it on the pile of...
Malena sat thinking about her sister, Makaela. Malena had just watched her sister being thoroughly spanked. Her sister bent over a chair, while her mother had stood behind her with a wicked switch. The house was filled with the 'swishhh' of the switch, and Makaela’s shrill screams of promising to be a good girl and begging for it to stop. Her mother did not stop spanking Makaela until every inch of her bottom and upper thighs were crimson. Malena looked almost exactly like her sister....
SpankingMia felt her skin flush and wanted to curse out loud at the interruption of her shower as well as her fantasy. Having Aidan standing there, holding the shower curtain open, had her furious. She covered her breasts with one arm, cupping her swollen and throbbing pussy with the other. ‘How the hell did you get in here?’ He held up a ring of keys, Demon’s keys, which unlocked all the locks in the bunker, including her locker room. He stepped even closer to her, his eyes roaming over the delicious...
The Member of Parliament for Dentham East. Harry was seeing double. He put the report down and rubbed his eyes. The good citizens of Dentham could go fuck themselves. He closed his eyes for a moment and leaned back in his chair. Rose, his PA, poked her head round the door. “Oi! Wake up!” “I’m thinking.” “Well, remember you’ve got Jim Newsome at three – the Education and Employment Bill. He’s bringing the witch with him.” She meant Dame Belinda White, effectively the head of the...
My deepest thanks to SouthPacific for his editing skills, this story reads allot better with his help. I had some real trouble deciding on a category for this one. The first page or so will lead you to believe it should sit firmly in one category, but when you read it to the end you will think it could well sit in another. Just a shame that it can’t go into multiple categories! I do hope you enjoy your read. ***** I thought I had it all – before I walked into the Paradise Hotel. A loving...
I never believed anything like this could ever happen to me, but I'm here to tell you that everything here in happened just as it occurred one year ago. Just to set the stage and give you a little back ground, I'm a happily married woman for eight years now, with two beautiful children and a husband who loves me!!! We aren't rich or anything, but my husband is a very successful corporate lawyer, so we're not hurting any, and by most standards we'd be considered upper middle class! At the time...
EroticWednesday 23 September will live long in the memory of Michael Jenkins. It started as a typical day, he went to work at the bank, as usual, he had his lunch at the Metro Café as usual, finished work just after five pm as normal, and headed to the local adult education centre which was not normal. Wednesday evening was generally spent at number fifty-two Walton Terrace with Mr Smith. Not tonight, tonight he was heading for classroom fifteen, still to see Mr Smith though. Michael had been to his...