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The same story told from three different perspectives


The door opened and my owner poked his head around the edge. It felt like I had been staring at the closed portal for most of my life, but of course, knew that it had only been an hour or two.

“Cujo; Come boy.” His head disappeared from the left open door and unfamiliar scents wafted from the room beyond. I knew that he was not alone and that the other person was female. Her perfume had leeched through the gap under the door. The chemical mixture may have been attractive to his somewhat limited olfactory senses; to mine it was repugnant and did not improve when I followed him into the room.

John had introduced me to one or two of his lady friends and had even got me to play with them to the point of giving them the benefit of my tongue. Of course, it depended on how I liked them. I have to say that his choice in women had its flaws and most of those were no more than skin covered skeletons with little more life than a marrow bone. We had had some fun with some of them though and even had one or two come back for a re-run. I guess John liked his bachelor status because he rarely had them come back to our pied-e-tere more than twice.

This woman had all the hall marks of being a bimbo. Blonde hair, too much make up and cheap perfume all contributed to the supposition. Unfair I guess, the fact that my introduction had her at the distinct disadvantage of being completely naked, prostrated across John’s leather sofa. I noticed a tattoo on her hip of a dolphin, jumping from a splash of water. It looked like the rest of her, cheap. Equally unfairly, I took an instant dislike to the girl and sat down resolutely, out of reach and disinterestedly scratched an ear.

John sat beside her; his hand caressed her thigh and then spread her legs so that he could access her sex. She was hairless, but thin stubble showed where she was in need of a shave. Her hair, if had been allowed to grow would be dark, so she wasn’t a natural blonde. I notice things like that. If a dog could communicate with humans, it would tell you that humans rely too much on cosmetics and unnatural stimulants and far too much messing around with your natural state. I often wondered what you would be like kept away from baths and razors for any length of time.

His fingers had found her sex, parted her lips and with the dexterity of those digits, were frigging her while rubbing her clitoris with his thumb. I had heard her moans through the door; it was a familiar sound in John’s apartment. The ministration of his right hand and then his tweaking her nipple with his free hand soon had her writhing as an orgasm, real or faked approached. She exuded little by way of pheromones, so telling her actual sexual state wasn’t possible.

I will let you into a secret, a female, regardless of species, carries a powerful aphrodisiac in her natural lubricant. Her sweat glands will have provided the initial attractant, but as she lubricates her sex, secret pheromones are released that no male animal can resist. For most of the animal kingdom, it only happens during their season or productive cycle, but the female of the human race has this hold over her mate, being able to enthral almost at will. He is totally unaware of this though, being unable to discern the chemical concoction through limited olfactory senses.

He must have been hitting the spot, because her scent wafted on the slight breeze.

My own receptors registered her readiness to mate in a clarion call that spoke to me as loudly as if she shouted an inch from my ear. It is an undeniable attractant to me and, as her impending orgasm approached, proved to be a scent trail that irresistibly drew me forward.

John’s fingers were buried inside her and his thumb was pressed firmly against her clit, rubbing in a circular motion. That’s all very well to sex her up, but what a woman really wants is to be caressed with a warm and insidious tongue, especially as she squirts her most potent fluids.

I had to nudge his questing fingers away and then gave her a long and luscious lick that collected her essences in a single lash. She tasted better than she smelled and of course, her natural juice did its wonders to my taste buds. The next taste of her was followed by rapid tonguing that entered her sex and covered her clit. Her heat and smell were intoxicating, providing a heady mixture of scent that had my tongue slavering against her flesh.

The rasp of her stubble was actually quite nice as it irritated my top gum, but it was quickly becoming uncomfortable. To avoid the rough contact, I had to get up on the sofa and tilt my head back to get my nose out of the way and curl my lips back as if snarling into her depths. It had a salutary effect; my tongue passed her outer lips and found her inner being. She was hot and very wet from her own secretions and my saliva. I kept lapping at her, tasting her and knowing that she was climbing a crescendo of lust and wantonness. Her hips were raising, knees spread wide, and she was granting me full permission of entry and screaming her compliance in the act.

Then suddenly and with no warning, her knees snapped shut, trapping my ears between her thighs as her climax forged its way through her. A tide of her come flooded my throat and nose from the sheer force of the torrent. Trapped, I could do nothing about it for a moment except swallow her and try to clear my airway.

Just as suddenly, her back arched and a spasm rippled through her, releasing me and throwing her off the sofa onto the floor on her back. She twitched and writhed as if she were in seizure. Her lips pulled back in a rictus grin, hands forming fists on either side of her forehead, her breathing rasped between her even white teeth that were locked together. Her climax rippled and folded her, come leaked from her sex, to pool on the floor between her parted legs.

Gradually, she regained control of her synaptic senses, her breathing settled and her lips covered her teeth in a tight line. She gasped something unintelligible and grasped John’s arm in a vice like clawing grip. He kissed her and pried her fingers apart. The force of her grip had left bruises.

She fumbled for his cock, still on her back, her eyes tightly shut and screwed. Her eye paint had run in two dark stains to her ears. I cleaned up her come that had puddled on the floor. The salty tang was like a beacon to me and had my cock throbbing from its sheath. Her pheromones acted like a narcotic to my receptors, I had to have her beneath my chest while my forelimbs clasped her to me.

As if obliging or indulging me, she had turned while I was cleaning up and was now sucking John’s cock. In turning, her knees had drawn up and her swollen and ready sex was there, just in front of my nose. To my canine instincts, this was an open invitation to copulate and I was more than ready to impregnate this bitch.

My first exploratory thrusts missed the mark and stabbed her anus and the folds of labia, I guess in my eagerness, I was not being too careful, but I had a mission and so took it a little more carefully, adjusting my self to fit her contours until I was sure of connection. Then, when I was certain, drove my shaft into her and buried the whole length up to my balls.

Once inside her, my forelegs grasped her hips and pulled her back onto my shaft, the position triggered the automatic response and I began to thrust in a rapid and frenetic blur.

John said something, even shouted it, she shook her head and sucked him into her throat.

The friction of her rippled vaginal walls and the pounding of my dick soon had my knot growing, I would not be able to keep up the furious pace, but needed to, to cause the locking mechanism that would signal my release of seed into her. As the bulbous swelling grew, the friction also increased until I was unable to pull it out of her. Then her muscles contracted, trapping me inside, it was the moment I had been working towards. Instead of pulling back, I pushed forward as she thrust back onto me. My forepaws had locked around her waist as I drove the last bit into her, feeling her insides open up to receive my seed.

I came. Flooded her womb with my hot fluids and heard her scream again as her own body worked in powerful contractions that milked my testes of all I had to give her. I wanted to bite her neck while in the throes of completion, but her head hung down and rested on the floor between her arms. I could smell John’s semen and my own as some leaked from her bruised lips.

My dismount from her quaking body came quickly. Although we had been only briefly tied, it had been enough for my complete ejaculation and satisfaction. I cleaned her up and retired to my bed exhausted and happy.


The two lines hit fast. It had been some time since I had done a line or two, but tonight, fuck it, who cares? Not me for sure.

I was going out, something else I hadn’t done in the longest while, all the time I had been with that asshole Deacon. Three fucking years I had devoted to the piece of shit; never once even looking at another guy; waiting home for him while he was out screwing every whore in town; well fuck you Deacon, I hope you rot.

I touched up the make up, knowing it made me look cheap, it was an effect I wanted and to help with the personality flip, had bought the smallest black number I could find with the lowest neckline and the shortest route to my cunt. I was going to get laid tonight come what may and I wasn’t that particular about whom it was going to be either, just so long as he was breathing and had a cock that worked.

I pulled on my new diamante thong over my ass, feeling the string nestle between but cheeks. Where the gusset and the thong joined was a thickness that rubbed seductively against the base of my pussy.

Jesus, I was already wet and I hadn’t even gotten in the cab yet. God help whomever I should meet tonight, his balls are going to shrivel before I let him go.

Checking my purse, eyes and hair, I closed the apartment door and exited out onto the street. A Yellow had been waiting for me, the driver already tapping his watch, but hey, screw him, the price was fixed, so he could just go and blow me for the difference. He drove like a fucking lunatic through the dark wet streets and it was with a sense of relief that we eventually pulled up in a squeal of rubber outside ‘Luke’s’.

I used to party here before Deacon showed up, God rot his cock, I used to party here with my friends on Saturday nights, but he changed all that and then, drove them all away with his smartass mouth.

I flipped the driver the bird, he had already been paid by the controller, but was looking for a tip. The only tip he was going to get from me was advice on taking lessons in social etiquette and driving courses.

‘Luke’s’ had changed, well at least the d?r had. The layout was basically the same, but lighting had been introduced along with a zillion speakers all on full blast. I think the ear shattering music was called grunge or house or some shit like that, not to my taste. I decided to down one vodka and anything with ice and see if I could find a more acceptable hunting ground. God, was I so out of touch in the last few years? Had it all changed so much? Or was I just older? Even the barkeep was spotty and several years younger than me. Little creep perved on my tits as I made my order, so I jiggled them and told him to make it a large one, with the emphasis on large. He got the message and filled a tumbler with vodka and dripped some blue syrup as a mixer; just how I like my vodka.

Glass in hand, I scoped the dance floor and immediately felt ancient. These were kids that gyrated in disjointed patterns. Some little bastard pinched my ass and was just about to get the standard issue back of the palm under the nose treatment that always resulted in lots of blood and a satisfying crunch; when he went down as if pole axed.

I hadn’t noticed the guy who just saved the kid from a busted nose before. He smiled as he stepped over the prostrate kid and took my arm, leading me to the end of the bar and a quieter corner.

I finished my drink while appraising him over the rim of the glass, deciding he would more than do for the purposes of tonight’s escapade. A white tee shirt struggled to hold all of his tanned and muscular body in and his blue jeans revealed a tight ass. Typical Californian beach jockey I thought and testosterone fuelled; perfect.

He bought me another drink and we struggled to make conversation, getting really only as far as exchanging names. Then he lightly grasped my elbow and tossed his head towards the exit by way of invitation to go someplace else. I wasn’t about to argue.

The music was cut as if by a knife when the doors closed and we found ourselves outside, like stepping from one world into another, much quieter one.

Another bar and another two lines in the john had me mellowing. John was kind of cute in a masculine way and his offer of coffee came at the right time. We laughed when he told me about his dog Cujo and I asked if that wasn’t the one that ate people in the film. He almost creased when he told me he only ate pussy. I guessed it was his favourite line. Personally, I thought it crass, but allowed him his little joke.

We fell through his apartment door, kicking it shut and ripping clothes off all at the same time. The mixture of coke and vodka had done their combined magic, rendering me as horny as all hell and back. At least he had the good grace to fold my dress and whistle his appreciation of the thong before locking his mouth over mine and kneading my tits as if tuning in his audio system. But, do you know what? I could care less how he treated me. He had permission to use me like the tramp I looked like, fuck me into the ground and then do it all over again. I was here to be used and wanted it more than anything. This was after all, my rebound revenge on the asshole I had been saddled with, so getting dirty was all par for the course.

Jesus, but he had a large cock and his fingers had my cunt creaming from the first minute. In what seemed like no time at all, I was impaled on him and riding an orgasm straight down the stretch. His leather sofa was cold on my back, but I hardly noticed, my own internal heating had been turned up to full and this guy was getting three years of pent up desperation in one go.

Suddenly, he got up, the mongrel, leaving me crawling over the ceiling, and then his fucking dog comes into the room and sits down like some voyeur, watching from his vantage point in the middle of the room.
John, bless him, got those fingers going again and then started on my tits at the same time. I’m a sucker for that; two centres of operation simultaneously; brings me off in record time. John had two or three fingers frigging my soaked twat, but the damage was being done by his thumb as it pressed and rubbed my clit. A crashing orgasm was well under way when the weirdest thing happened.

A cold wet nose shoved John’s fingers away to be replaced by a hot, very hot tongue that rasped over my lips and hit the panic button dead centre. Then the action was repeated and I was passed the point of return. The dogs tongue fucked me inside out in rapid strokes that had me gasping and then, God almighty! I climaxed like I had never ever before. The poor animal’s head was trapped between my thighs as I went through orgasm and into climax, soaking everything in a rush of come. The pleasure and feeling the dog was giving me was too much all at once and I don’t know, but the next thing was I found myself on the floor, twitching and shivering like I was connected to the electricity supply. I’ve had many orgasms in many different ways and situations, but I ain’t ever felt anything like that before. It was like death and birth all in a single moment.

John asked me if I was alright and I guess I said I was. Somehow I found his cock in my hand as the tremors subsided.

It took me some time to regain control and I wanted to reward John for showing me this experience, so I did the natural thing any self respecting whore would do, I turned over and sucked that lovely cock of his straight into my mouth. I was getting into it as well, setting up a nice rhythm, allowing his head to get deeper with every nod. I was going to blow him straight into my guts if I could.

I wasn’t prepared for the next action though. Dammed dog jumped me; before I could properly react, he had what felt like a cucumber rammed in my twat. Worse, it withdrew partially before being rammed straight back in and then fucked me in a blur of speed and force.

Jesus! But, it was so fucking big, and then dammed me if it didn’t start to thicken, causing all kinds of sensations as it pummelled into my cunt.

Fucking hell Abigail I heard John shout, but I was too far gone to worry about words, just the primeval need to mate. His cock went further than I had intended into my throat, but it didn’t matter too much because he couldn’t last and his spunk liberally coated my oesophagus.

The dog had slowed down now, his thrust shorter and deeper. I could feel his knot splitting my walls open and I wanted his come deep inside. His paws had cut ribbons into my sides in his haste to fuck me, but that too hardly mattered. John’s semen leaked onto the floor as I put my head down and shoved back on the dogs cock with all my being.

Something happened then, like a blossoming, a flower opening, because Cujo entered a place I didn’t know existed in my body. As soon as he found it, his scalding come bloomed inside me, filling my guts with a warmth and glow of mutual release. I came around his bulb as he shot copious dog come deep inside me. Then, his completion attained, he sort of slid from my body, his short hair rasping on the base of my spine and his cock creating a vacuum that felt as if my insides were being drawn out through my hole.

The beautiful dog then did something no man had ever done for me, he cleaned my bruised labia of his and my fluids, taking care to get every last bit. The sensation was soothing rather than sexual and I fell in love with the animal then and there.

I stayed the night with John and ate breakfast with him in the morning. Cujo, it seemed, was not a morning dog. I missed him as I said my farewells. John had my number and I hoped he would call me some time.

I took my sore and battered fanny home and gave it the pleasure of a long soak in a hot bath.


It was a nothing out of the ordinary Saturday night. Jimmy asked me to drop by his club and pick up some money he needed banked. Jimmy didn’t use the same kind of banks that most people do, if you get my drift.

The club was humming; packed to the gills with spotty teenagers jumping and twisting to the DJ’s house crap he insisted was the best thing since Liberace. I wanted to get in there and out again, get shot of the money and then relax on the beach with Cujo. It was a warm night, a little grass and a stroll sounded just about right.

I saw the kid’s vicious pinch of the broad’s ass and recognised her attack strategy. In one of those instinctive reactions I downed him with a straight fingered kidney punch, figuring that he might get sick a little for a day or two, but she was likely to drive his nasal bone straight into his brain if she did it right. The kid went down, lights out which was gratifying, I still had the touch and she had been to defence classes and looked as if she knew all about it.

So as to diffuse the situation, I grasped her arm and steered her away from the kid to the other end of the bar. She looked as much as it was possible to be out of place. In fact, she looked like a fucking whore on the pull, but a good looking whore at that.

We managed to get each others names. Who ever heard a whore called Abigail? She was juiced, her dilated eyes jumped all over the place, never settling and the huge vodka she had been nursing slipped down her throat like it was no more than water. I bought her another which didn’t last too long either.

Thinking that she ought to be out of the joint, I grabbed her arm and motioned to the door. I swear; all that was in my mind was to rescue the poor girl, nothing more than that. I could tell she thought I was okay, her eyes, when they did settle, smiled and it was a nice smile. I thought she might be pretty good looking under all the crap on her face. Certainly, the body was fit and the dress hid absolutely nothing at all. Her tits were just about perfect and no bra.
We dropped into Mike’s, a much quieter place and had one or two drinks there, chatting and stuff. She went to the ladies and came back wired. I suppose that was the moment I thought about taking her home. I told her about my dog and came up with the gag, that he only ate pussy. It always produced a laugh and broke the ice on many occasions.

By the time I got her to my apartment, she was zinging. The coke had scored a home run and she fairly buzzed. I somehow got her up the stairs and through the door before she had my shirt off and was making a determined effort on the jeans. To be honest, I don’t really like women who act slutty and were only half interested in getting jiggy.

The dress came off and my assessment of her tits was quite accurate. 34 B’s I guessed, nice and palm sized. The panties, or thong, whatever there’re called was class though; all sparkling with fake diamonds and obviously expensive.

The hell with it I though, why not fuck her and chuck her out? She would probably flake out anyway.

She lay out on the couch and giggled a bit at the coolness of the leather after I had laid her dress to one side and had myself a feel of those pert little tities. Her breath smelled stale from the vodka when I kissed her, but those breasts made up for it.

Ah, but then I found her fanny, it hadn’t been shaved for a day or two. Normally, I would have eaten her, but I hate stubble on anything, least of all a cunt. So it was going to be frigging time, I had no intention of getting friction burns under my nose; fuck that!

She was off and away, the combination of coke and booze had her squealing and creaming in no time. Nice size clit; couldn’t fail to find it and she responded quite nicely. I slid into her and started up with the old two step rock and roll, pumping up the jizz and she just came right there and then. Cute; but not a great big turn on for me.

I thought I would give her some breathing space for a minute and remembered Cujo had been locked in the bedroom. Left in the lounge, he would tear up the sofa and wreck the place. So I got up and let the sad bastard in.

We had shared a broad or two in the past and I had no problem him watching the master screw some chick into oblivion. Cujo followed me into the room and then sat like any regular audience, waiting for the main event.

Abigail was still steaming and wanting more, so I sat on the edge of the sofa and frigged her again. Two or three fingers were inside and my thumb rubbing her pleasure zone. I had to play with her nipples; her tits were just perfect and topped with large nipples that must have looked great in a bikini on a cold day.

I didn’t hear Cujo or even know he had moved until he nosed my hand out of the way. Kinky bastard loves the taste of woman.

Fuck me if she didn’t respond like a scalded cat. Almost as soon as he licked that pussy of hers, then she was creaming. Then, he jumped up on the sofa, between her legs and slurped on her muff like his life depended on it. The effect it had on Abigail was stunning. She screamed and creamed and clamped his head in a vice like grip, then she just sort of spasmned like she was in shock or something and flipped right off the couch and landed on the floor on her back. Fuck but she could come, there was a puddle of her on the floor and Cujo was licking it up. Always was a tidy dog.

I might have asked if she was alright or something, but the rampant bitch grabbed my cock and then spun over and started giving me head in the best way. She sure could get that baby down.

Well then it got really weird. Right out of the blue and never before seen, Cujo jumps on her back and begins fucking her. He and I was eyeball to eyeball as he pumped her cunt and I pumped her mouth. Dammed if it wasn’t the hottest thing I ever did. Given the situation, I admit to losing my load in a short time and I shot the whole bolt right down her gullet.

Cujo was really going for it by now. The boy was ramming into her faster than a steam train, then, he slowed down, making it a longer and deeper stroke. I was transfixed and Abigail was moaning like a banshee.

Abigail’s head hit the floor and she pushed right back on that dog’s dick right at the same time as he pulled her to him. I will never forget the look of pure bliss on his face as he creamed her insides with a few final thrusts. I swear he was grinning at me like a loon.

When he had finished, he slid off of her and gave her fanny a good old clean out. I think she was too well fucked to respond very much.

Anyway, she stayed over the night and left the next day. In my shirt and with none of that shit she had plastered all over her face, Abigail is very pretty and really does have a fantastic body. I plan on calling her in a day or so and who knows, we may just have ourselves a regular little party.


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The excitement in the air was palpable in January 2016, when the Denver Broncos won the AFC championship game against the New England Patriots, in front of a home crowd in Denver. The Broncos were headed to the Super Bowl once again, to try to win their first title since the win in 1999, when I was only seven years old.My name is Jared, and I was born and raised in the upscale Highlands Ranch suburb, about twelve miles south of Denver. Everyone in my family is an avid Broncos fan, and my...

3 years ago
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Delicious Sacrilege

Delicious SacrilegeI was a lonesome traveller, journeying my way across a hot arid desert some 2000 plus years ago. I was walking alongside my pack-mule, approaching a notorious place outside Jerusalem. The road I travelled was marked by doomed souls hanging from crosses. All had died from their gruesome wounds....All, except one.I stopped in my tracks as I stared up at the lonely looking figure, who was bathed in an almost blinding golden aura. He had long flowing dark hair, and a neatly full...

3 years ago
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Lawda Khada Kar Deti Hain Meri Do Behne Part 4 Aur Unki Ek Friend

Lekin na jane kya hua. Uncle ne turant Ridhima ko awaz lagai aur kaha ki,”Beta koi baat nahi. Hum sab ek pariwaar hi hain. Sharmaney ki koi baat nahi. Aajao. Wapas aram se baith ke kha lo.” Kher yeh baat uncle pehle bhi bol sakte the. Iss par Ridhima muskarai aur wapas apni seat li aur baithne lagi. Ridhima apni nangi gaand leke auncle ke samne se nikli. Aur uncle to maano Ridhima ka aankho se hi chod rahe the. Meri mom ne yeh sab notice kiya lekin kya karti. Woh bhi iss sab ki zimmewaar thi....

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Finding HomeChapter 17

Being a Sunday I’d not set the alarm, but I come awake fast when the door opens, and Sharon enters. I extract myself from my bedmates to have a quick shower at her insistence. I’m wearing only a robe over my shorts when she introduces me to three Japanese women, the leader is very old. One of the other women in her mid-twenties tells me her grandmother doesn’t understand English too well, and she doesn’t speak it. I smile, and respond in perfect Japanese, “That’s no problem, we’ll just speak...

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My Beginnings

Authors Note: After reading this story, it is insisted that you read themessage afterwards. Thank you. My middle school years started out fine for the first few days at Cedar RidgeMiddle School. I was finally in 6th grade, interested in making some new friends,and new opportunities for change. I was on the rather small side during thattime, around 4'8-4'9 and weighing in at around 80 pounds. Most people weresignificantly bigger than I was by at least 4 inches and 20 pounds. The first few days...

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Silver ArrowChapter 18 The Next Chapter

Christie and I had a long talk that afternoon. The kids were out playing with their friends and we had the house to ourselves. "I won't be staying at Silver Arrow," I told her, now sure I had made up my mind. She nodded sadly. I had given her chapter and verse of what had been going on during the past week and she was very supportive. "Whatever you decide, Doug," she said, holding my hands and looking directly into my eyes. "Whatever you choose to do, make sure you'll be happy with...

3 years ago
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Ein verrckter Kfer

Pete und Jim saßen in dem kleinen Büro ihres Gebrauchtwagenhandels und langweilten sich tot. Es war einmal wieder so ein Tag, wo man getrost hätte zu Hause belieben können. Nicht ein Auto hatten sie heute schon verkauft. Doch nun konnten sie sehen, wie zwei Personen das Gelände betraten und die Fahrzeuge betrachteten. Ein älterer Mann um die fünfzig und eine deutlich jüngere Frau. Sie hatte blonde Haare und trug enge Hotpants, die ihren Hintern mehr als betonten. »Meinst du, es ist seine Frau?«...

1 year ago
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Warm milk before asleep

Lou was my best friend after 6th grade, he knew nothing about my “girly” episode (It was very embarrassing to me) we did everything together in those days… The summer was beginning and we were enjoying our vacations when the bad news arrived: Lou and his family had to move to another city because his dad got promoted or something.They moved like a thousand miles from my city and I was very sad.My mom told me that she would take me to visit him near Christmas I couldn’t wait!Finally we arrived...

2 years ago
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"Mitchell is that you? Oh my God, you look so different! You're so slender. How did you lose so much weight? I swear you look amazing." I cringed when I heard her voice. It was worse when I turned to face her. I hadn't seen Tina since our divorce, nearly two years ago. I had been in pain most of the time since the big event, but had finally gotten to where I was okay with what happened. I mean, I still felt like I had been knifed in the back, but I had worked hard to put it all behind...

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A Weird OneChapter 11

When I arrived to pick up Tasha I got my usual smile from Pam and a half scowl from her father and then Tasha and I were on our way to dinner. After eating we went to the teen club and danced and socialized until around ten and then Tasha wanted to go play. Given her horny nature I half expected that she would drag me into the motel room after going a week without, but she didn't. It occurred to me that she wasn't as needy as I expected because she had played some at school. For a brief...

2 years ago
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FartSniffing Feminist

Amanda pulled shut the door of the crammed, tiny office used by the campus Gender Equality and Activism club, and locked it. She turned — then jumped, nearly dropping her keys. Mark was standing there, just a little too close, right inside her personal space. ‘Oh, sorry,’ he said, smiling apologetically, although not backing up. Amanda sidled around her ex-boyfriend. ‘Can I help you?’ ‘Yeah, listen,’ he said. ‘I know you’re still mad at me…’ She started striding toward the decades-old...

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Horny For Rams And HorsesChapter 3

Jake's horse, leading the way, splattered across a swift, shallow stream, its hooves clattering on the polished rocks of the bed, then scrambled up the opposite bank. The horse was a multi- colored appaloosa. Normally a docile sort of riding hack, now it was acting nervous and skittish. Jake wasn't bothered. He was a fine horseman and wasn't troubled by his mount's nervousness, but he did wonder what on earth had livened up the old brute. Jake's horse was a gelding. He had been gelded...

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WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW:This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.This is a story around a mother, Olivia (Liv) and her daughter, Patricia (Pat). Olivia is 49 and Patricia is 22, the youngest of three c***dren. Olivia has dark brunette hair...

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Eight OCrock MMF Bi anal

Eight O’Crock ( there are no racist intentions here whatsoever )As I went along with the walking tour, she kept catching my eye, shyly smiling and turning away. She was a beautiful Japanese woman, silky black hair to her shoulders, a knit silk tank top, and a knee high skirt, she appeared to be with three other people, two men and a woman. As I passed the place to head off to the restrooms, I see her coming my way. She gives me a look that wasn't so shy this time. As she passed by me towards...

4 years ago
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My Wicked WaysChapter 24

I awoke again, this time due to my bladder's needs, slipping out of the bag, only to have company in the form of Shelby, who turned on the shower and gave me that "come hither" invitation with her smile. There was no sign of Marcy, her angelic mother, but that was no shock. Part of me still wondered if that sequence had been a dream. I looked at the clock before standing in the shower. It was 4:24 pm. "Hey, champ, don't worry, okay? Your little princess is doing just fine for a newborn....

4 years ago
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The Mumbai Fantasy

Hello, dear iss readers! I am back once again with another indian sex story. I got a good response on my previous story. Do check it out if you haven’t read it yet. Please send me your comments, suggestions, and fantasies at . Privacy is a mutual interest and so I guarantee it. Ladies can contact on email for fun, telling fantasies and communication. So I will begin my story. . This story is about me and a young single mother and takes place in Mumbai. Let me describe the two characters in...

3 years ago
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SwapChapter 15

Hank Patrick strode down a hall in the hospital toward Nurse Leah Mullen's psych ward. The rapist had been identified, and even with DNA proof, Patrick didn't expect Mullen to believe him. Lieutenant Longacre with the Scottsdale Police Department had called him with the news, and had asked Patrick in his capacity as head of security to move the rapist to the secured area of the hospital where prisoners were held until some officers arrived to read the man his rights, arrest him, and...

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Emma swallows a strangers cum on the bus

I am blonde, blue eyed, oval faced, fit, girl next door type that you would want to marry, but in the inside I am a horny whore craving cock all the time. I had evening study group in the library, which ran late. I left the library close to midnight, and saw the last bus for the route back home approaching the bus stop. I get on the bus, and as I was looking for my bus pass, I was feeling the bus driver’s eyes focusing on my long legs, and ultra mini skirt, then moving his eyes to my...

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Sex with My Boyfriends Brother

Tyler and I had been seeing each other for over a year.  He thought he loved me and that we were going to get married.  He was sweet and funny and always polite.  He was tall with short sandy blonde hair and bright green eyes.  He was a year older than I, at 19.  The relationship seemed perfect from the outside looking in.  But there was one flaw; Tyler was abstinent and I wasn't.  Tyler and I had talked about having sex many times, and we fooled around a little bit a few times.  But Tyler said...

Straight Sex
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Satans book 4

The city is a good place to start looking for a new bitch. I walk across the street and look around, I’m not in the mood for a young girl, right now I’m looking for something a bit more exotic, off course I could just write it in the book and she or he would appear but that’s not how I want things to work. I want someone to break, someone who might be defiant and have flaws and those people are easy to find. I walk passed a woman and I know she’s the one. She’s tall, black hair, nice tits not...

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Mid Summer Nights Wet Dream

He had never felt quite like this before. Since waking up from a troubled sleep a vaguely defined image of someone - female - kept flashing through his mind. He could tell little about her beyond the fact that she turned him on in a way he had never experienced before. She was attractive, around 30 or so (his own age), and had shoulder length dark hair worn in a gentle upsweep. He was filled with both longing and lust, a gentle but persistent ache for her such that he coasted through his day in...

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A Golfers Dream Book II Chilly Winter Hot SummerChapter 23 From Island to Island

Dave woke early with Jennifer in his arms. He cuddled to her back and thought about the previous night. They had stayed at the campfire fairly late before going to town and the house they were going to share during Sam's visit. At the house they had made undisturbed, passionate love until they both drifted off to a contented sleep. Jennifer had surprised Dave when she disappeared into the bathroom as soon as they arrived home. He was naked in bed when she emerged wearing a black see-through...

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My wife a old friend and new cockhold who is me

After dinner my great uncle called ben and they talked for a good while. ben hangs up and call's me and sarha to the room. ben go's on to say that my great uncle and a " friend " of his well be here in the moring.we all went to the bed room for the nighlty fuck were ben fucked sarha and i clened them and ben sent us to our room after he was done with his whore's. ben told me to have four cups of coffee on the table and sarha to be dressed and ready for a day of hard core fucking . we all went...

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Private Lili Charmelle How To Seduce A Model

In Private Blockbuster, The Sexy Side of Fashion, photographer Dean Van Damme knows all the right things to say to get a sexy model like Lili Charmelle to work with him, but there’s more than just a photoshoot in store for this hot newcomer! That’s right, Lili will get shown much more than just her portfolio, she’ll also get shown why Private is the best as she gets taken home to have her juicy pussy eaten before offering up her beautiful body for a spectacular fuck that has her...

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Sex With Stranger Man In Bus

Hello, My name is Swathi and I am a twenty one-year-old girl. I am a very homely girl who is very educated and is working in a reputed organization. Coming to my looks, I am slightly on the healthier side. My body stats are 36’’ 32’’ 38’’. I am medium fair and very cute. I have never had a boyfriend in my life. I always thought I should wait until marriage. It’s been a few days that I have been reading indian sex stories dot net stories. I always wanted to have a sexual encounter with a...

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love those truckers

Jess had been on the road for many hours, and knew that he needed to take themandatory break that all truckers had to abide by. This being a new route,which was taking his through Kentucky he had gotten on the cb and asked for somerecommendations from the other truckers, and one of them told him about a dinerjust outside of Lexington, that had dam fine food, and the waitresses weren'tthat all bad looking either.So as he parked his rig and signed out in his log, he got out and stretched hislegs,...

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Let It Snow

"I don't think you can leave anytime soon, Alyson," Michael smirked, "the snow is nearly covering my door." "But I need to get home!" I protested. My boyfriend walked over to me from the window and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Baby, it's cold outside," he murmured, lightly kissing my neck. "My dad will be worried, and it's Christmas Eve, and I need to visit my grandma!" I whined. His kisses raised goosebumps all around my body and I stroked Michael's almond colored hair. "Are you cold?"...

Straight Sex
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Brendan FallsChapter 31

"Oh man. That was Dad checking up on me before he goes to bed," Deputy Miller's voice was full of humor as he returned to the sheriff's office where I was waiting. "He probably thinks we're fuuhhhk ... Hey." "I'm sorry, sir. But I have to go," I said and I was pointing the young man's pistol at him, one of those big black semi-automatic kind. It seemed incredibly heavy and my heart was going a hundred miles an hour. "Just, um ... put that down, okay?" He licked his lips,...

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Hildas Pregnancy

From my previous tales you will know that Braboy loves bras breasts and everything about them. Let me tell you how I used to masturbate every morning to a young married woman called Hilda. Hilda was of medium height with a lovely pair of 34C breasts. Hilda had not been married for more than a couple of years and was not yet pregnant. Her body however cried out for fertilization by a penis. Her hips and thighs just screamed out for a penis and a flow of warm semen into her vagina and womb. She...

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The Farm Hand and the Farmers Daughter

George Ripley is on his way to a job interview, when he gets a flat tire on his 2001 Ford f-150 pickup truck. He pulls over to the shoulder of the road shuts down his engine, pulls his keys out of the trucks ignition, but before he gets outs of the vehicle to change the tire, he removes his gun belt that contains his CCW an S&W Model 10-14.38 caliber revolver and places it on the passenger seat. Then as quickly and as carefully as possible he changes the tire and goes to his destination....

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3 horny girls

Nervous as she was dialing the numbers, Samantha's hands shook. She pressed the last button with a feeling of finality. The ringing on the other end of the line seemed to last forever. "Hello?" Her friend Alice said. "Hey, um, Alice, it's Sam, I was wondering if you wanted to come over I have something I need to tell you" "Sure, I was actually just about to call you! I need to tell you about someone I met last night."Alice said. "Ok, see ya in a bit" Sam replied. She paced the living room in...

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Driving Leah

CHAPTER 1 Ma Reilly was pushing sixty and although wealthy still worked the early morning shift at Ma Reilly’s Diner simply because she’d always worked the morning shift for the past thirty-nine years, including the last twenty-three years as owner of the business. She’d married three of her regulars over her time at the diner and each one got around ten years out of Mae. She’d begun marketing herself as Ma Reilly when her last husband, Stan Horn, wooed her successfully. They had a happy...

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Vandana Ke Saath Mera Pehla Sex

Ye Meri First story hai, Ye baat 1 month pehle ki hai, Mai ek textile company mein job karta hoon, jo ki online kapde sell karti hai bahut se customers ko product return karne ka process nahi pata hota hai to wo company k number pe phone karte hain process janne k liye, Vandana se meri baat aise hi huyi, Unka phone maine hi receive kiya unko process nahi pata tha return ka to maine unko process bataya, par unko phir bhi samajh mein nahi aya to unhone kaha apka name kya hai maine bataya ki mera...

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Ambassadors DelightsChapter 1 A Problem

His Magnificence Mahmoud Abdullah, may he live for ever, had been on the throne of Kobekistan for twenty-one years and Mr. Ambassador George K. Armstead, Ambassador to the Court of the Triple Palace of the United States of American was enjoying himself. He had rented a house well away from the embassy to use for unofficial pleasures. He had also purchased a local girl in a slave auction and was whipping her unmercifully. Fortunately for her, he was fat, unfit and unskilled in such matters, so...

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Too Much LoveChapter 8

Ainsley deliberately waited until she was nearly at Nick’s place to call Arthur. She called his personal number instead of the one at the office, knowing he would pick that one up himself. “Ainsley? Is something wrong?” Art wasn’t dumb. Normal business would have gone through normal channels. “Hi, Art. It’s nothing major. I just have to cancel for this weekend. I wanted to let you know as soon as I could.” Even Arthur’s wife called him Arthur, but mistresses had their privileges as long as...

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Adnan Mamoo Aur Mahboob Ke Saath 8211 Part I

My name is Adnan , I am doing my msc in University of Karachi. Iss waqt meri age 20 saal hai…I am 6 feet height, and about 125lbs weigh…and I have a good size Cock- Lund…7 inch long and kafi moota hai…and its circumcised. .I am actually very proud of my Lund .  Meri Gaand merey ek mamoo ney bachpun mein phaari thee jub mei 18 saal ka tha. . Huwa aisa uss waqt mein apney kunwarey mamoo ke ghar gaya huwa tha. .meri grand parents kissi wedding mein Lahore gaye huwey thay……mujhey daikhker merey...

Gay Male
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Futa heaven

You are an average young 20 something college student. You’re pretty slim, but with a little muscle, fairly handsome average guy. You are 6’0” 6.5 inches. The following stories will be various unconnected sex fantasies.

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60 Seconds of Smut

Ted had thought ahead, knowing the Red's had a ton of nukes. Those commie bastards would stop at nothing to destroy the American way of life. Life, liberty, and the most pussy you can fuck. He'd built a shelter in the backyard, dug it in and filled it with goods that he and the family would need to live and survive for as long as it took the Army to come rescue them should the worst happen. It had evolved from a love nest when he and Dolores had been younger, but they hadn't had the funds to...

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Ann and the HandymanChapter 10

Next day I went to work at the bank in the city centre. This was another source of some of my sexual exploits. I've come to see this new sexual revolution of mine rather like discovering the joy of books and being let loose in a library. The branch I work in three days a week, is a small affair with about eight staff including me. I'm the oldest member of staff there. The branch manager is Mr. Brian Dodd, sometimes referred to unkindly, Mr. Dodd as brain dead or Ken. Mr. Dodd is just under...

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Emily resists

Emily was sitting bedside. Terry, her father, was asleep in his hospital bed. He was having complications after hip replacement surgery. She slipped off her Tory Burch heels and stretched her legs. The chairs here were uncomfortable and she was stiff from sitting all day behind her desk. Emily was one of the hospital's top administrators. "You'd think I would get a better chair," she thought.  She got up, her hips moving smoothly in her pencil skirt, and bent down to stretch her hamstrings....

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Vadodara Mein Dost Ki Girlfriend Ko Raand Banaya

Hello ! I am Karan Vaidya from Vadodara. I am in the final year of engineering. I have been a kinky guy and always loved to fuck. Lets get to the point and the story. Ye baat around 45 days pehle ki hai. When mera friend uski girlfriend ko ek mahine se chod raha tha. Woh use har roz chodta tha and uski girlfriend bhi badi sexy thi aur lund ki pyasi ban chuki thi. As usual mera friend mujhse share kar raha tha ke kaise woh apni girlfriend ko chodta hai. Ye sab sunte hue mere mind mein uski...

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Mind Control Heroes turned Feminine

Superheroes are constantly in danger of being mind controlled and transformed. In this story superheroines will be transformed from strong willed individuals into the ideal feminine beauties. But don’t think the male superheroes are safe. Villains can easily do the same to them. Turning even the most masculine Superhero into a sexy woman. (Dear reader, as you read this story please remember that if you like any of the chapters that you read please take a second to click "Like". It only takes a...

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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 3

Once back at the house, I pulled a beer from the refrigerator and looked at her. “I’m going to watch baseball. I’m having a beer. Do you want one?” “Yes.” Her tone of voice had an imperious sound to it. “It’s proper to say, please.” I waited. “Please.” I pulled another beer out and handed it to her. I went into my den where the TV was located and flipped it on. The Braves game was about to come on and I liked that team. As it came on, I sat straight for the anthem before going back to my...

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A lovely innocent girl

I am in my 40’s and from the age of 14 my sex life starts. All in all I had sex with 131 woman, 6 men and two eunuchs. Only in a few I got real excitement. If anybody interested to know anything about sex practices or making the opposite happy feel free to ask your doubts, my mail id is Once I was staying with my uncle for a few days. Both my uncle and aunt were employed. They had a daughter. She was studying and a lovely innocent girl. Everybody in the total household is very fond of her. She...


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