El Paso: Techsan free porn video

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Several authors are coming out with stories based on three songs by Marty Robbins: El Paso, Faleena and El Paso City. The story titles will be: ‘El Paso – author’s name’ e.g. ‘El Paso – Jake Rivers’

This is a follow on to our first ‘invitational’ in the fall of 2006 with entries based on the Statler Brother’s song, ‘This Bed of Rose’s.’ If there is continuing support we might make this a regularly semi-annual event.

Thanks to Copperbutterfly for her editing work.

It was a hard country, this central part of the relatively new state of New Mexico. The terrain was rough, hilly, cut from centuries of flash floods and baking sun. Vegetation was sparse, filled with cacti, saw grass, and creosote brush. The few trees that grew in areas where their roots could find any moisture at all were mostly mesquite, scrawny little trees that provided little shade and only crooked little branches coated with hard inch-long thorns, or scraggly little crooked juniper trees.

Yet it seemed like the land of promise to ‘Nando Gonzalez and his wife, Reena. Both of them had come from large families of poor Mexican dirt farmers who tried to scratch out a living in the arid sands of the state of Chihuahua. At least here they were able to stake out land of their own, to put down roots for a family of their own, rather than share everything with so many other family members. Here was a chance at independence for the young couple, something that Mexico did not offer them.

With little in the way of natural resources for building, ‘Nando had dug into the hard dirt, excavating a space large enough to create a two-room dugout house, with a thatched room covered with layers of dirt to take advantage of the lower temperatures below the surface of the scorched earth.

In the meantime, Reena had hacked out a little space for a garden so that she could grow some vegetables for their meals. As she carefully planted seeds brought with loving care from their former home, Reena drew and carried water from their well and nurtured the seeds.

Their water source started out as a seep from a rocky outcrop behind the dugout, ‘Nando had carefully dug out a well a few feet from the seep, having to excavate nearly 25 feet before he hit a fairly steady stream of cool water. It took days of tortous work to prepare a concrete-like mixture and lower it bucket by bucket while he packed the walls of the well to keep it from caving in.

That first year, most of their food came from the results of ‘Nando’s hunting trips into the surrounding area. He felt lucky when he found the occasional white-tailed deer and brought it back for Reena to smoke. More often than not, the fare consisted of one of the areas abundant jack rabbits, tough but life-sustaining.

It was a tough life but not without its rewards. ‘Nando and Reena both felt a deep sense of accomplishment in making their own way and that only deepened their love for each other. Tired from the day-after-day backbreaking work that lasted from sunup to sundown, they still found time for each other in the evening hours. So it was no surprise to either of them when, in the early fall of their first year together, Reena informed ‘Nando that she was with child.

The following June on a night filled with lightning and desert thunder, Reena delivered their first child, a beautiful baby girl that they agreed to call Faleena. She was the apple of her daddy’s eye and the love child of her parents’ union. As it turned out, Faleena was just the first of a large family, she would have four brothers and three sisters in the next fourteen years.

Even as a toddler, Faleena became used to the hard life of her parents. She went with her mother to tend to the crops during the growing season. Her mother taught her how to carefully distribute the precious seeds into the rows behind her hoe as she worked the dry soil. ‘Nando provided Faleena with a double-bladed hoe of her own when she was only half as tall as the hoe handle, yet she learned to wield it well enough to keep the weeds down around the young plants.

Faleena was put in charge of the scrawny chickens, providing feed to supplement what they could scrounge from the countryside as well as gathering eggs every morning. It didn’t take but one accident with the egg basket for her to learn to be careful lest she and her family go hungry when the eggs spilled on the ground.

When ‘Nando brought home a deer from a successful hunt or butchered the occasional longhorn, Faleena learned how to tan the hides, scraping them free of the excess meat and fat, working the hide into soft leather that she then watched her mother fashion into clothes for family members. Perhaps hardest of all was cutting the meat into strips and jerking it to keep it from spoiling.

Late summers and early falls were filled with harvesting corn and beans. The corn had to be shucked and silked, then dried so that the kernels could be scraped from the cobs and stored for the winter, Reena would later grind the corn into meal for tortillas. The beans were shelled and dried and became the basic staple of the family’s diet. Every one of the little ones learned how to help with these chores as soon as they could hold bean pods.

Generally every third winter, when the harvest was in and work slackened off somewhat, ‘Nando and Reena packed their little ones into an old buckboard wagon hitched behind a pair of mules and headed south through the sprawl of El Paso, across the Rio Grande, through Tiajuana and into Chihuahua to visit their respective families. It was always fun for all of the family to spend time with their relatives but, for Faleena, the big attraction was the city of El Paso. She had never seen so many people, wearing such bright clothing.

Riding through the streets of town, they could hear the sound of music from the plethora of saloons and raucous laughter from the inhabitants, both male and female. Shops abounded like she had never, ever pictured could exist anywhere. People walked on boardwalks all over town as if they never had work to do. Instead of scrambling everyday to make a living like Faleena’s family did, those people seemed to be happy and without a care in the world. On the trip during her twelfth year, Faleena vowed that one day she would be just like them.

Yet nothing seemed to ever change. As hard as they worked, nothing ever got easier. Each year, ‘Nando and Reena cleared a little more land for planting, digging the stubborn cacti out with hoes and axes, sometimes using the mules to pull the wiry mesquite tree roots from the ground. Yet every time they cleared more land and planted it, another baby came along to demand even more food for survival.

By the time Faleena turned fourteen, she had already begun to dream of a life away from the rugged farm, a life like those people in El Paso lived – carefree and full of laughter. She dreamed of spending her time dancing and going from shop to shop to find everything she needed in life. Her dreams provided her the respite from reality that let her keep going from day to day.

At the same time, Faleena was well aware of changes in her body. Within the past year, her breasts had grown from little bumps to plump apples, not as large as her mother’s but already more than she could hold in her tiny hands. Of course she had reached the age of monthly flows during her eleventh year, but now it seemed like she frequently had a sort of itch between her legs, she had found that she could relieve that itch herself with a hand in the right spot but … she wondered if it would be different with a boy/man … like she had seen her mother and father doing. Now she had developed a waist, with hips that flaired out distinctively, instead of the straight up-and-down boyish figure she had been used to.

In her fifteenth year, their trip back to visit relatives only served to cement Faleena’s resolve to move to a better life in the city. They stopped to rest the mules, to have a meal at a rea
l restaurant, and to spend the night before resuming their trip. With her mother’s permission, she was allowed to walk the boardwalk and look into the shop windows.

She had not gone far before a cowboy walking in the opposite direction had tipped his hat and said, ‘Howdy, ma’am.’

His face had a look of … lust? Faleena smiled at him and bowed slightly as they passed. As she continued looking in the windows, her mind was racing with the thought that the cowboy had thought her worthy of attention. She began to notice other people along the route, men in particular. Many of them looked at her with desire in their eyes. Faleena laughed inwardly at that thought and smiled back at them. By the time she returned to the circle of her family, her mind was filled with thoughts of fun and frolic, her feet seemed light and dancing, just barely touching the ground as she glided along.

After that, Faleena dreamed almost every night of living a fun, carefree life in the big city, with men staring at her in wonder … and desire. Her body began to react to the thoughts and dreams of men that wanted her. She seemed to have an itch within herself that she just could not satisfy. As time progressed, she came to know that it would never be satisfied by a life on the farm, caring for the chickens, working in the fields, chasing ornery cows. There just had to be something more wonderful out there in the wide world of the big city.

The week after her seventeenth birthday, Faleena finally concluded that she had to follow her dream. Tying her few belongings into a small bundle, she kissed her crying mother and sad father goodbye, hugged all her siblings and set out to find a way to Santa Fe, the closest large town which held promise of better things for her. It took her several weeks to complete the journey, having to stop several times along the way and work at a little cafe or helping out at one of the sparse ranches to earn meals and some meager wages.

Faleena was awed by the town square with it’s big adobe Governor’s Palace on one side and the various shops and stores around the other facing sides. And there were so many people! Even inside the square, vendors sold corn shuck-wrapped tamales from wash tubs to passers-by. Another sold tamales by the sackfull. Yet another offered sopapillas with fresh honey. It seemed that anything a person could want was available just by taking a short stroll around the huge square.

Carefully using the bit of money she’d saved from her last job as a ranch cook’s helper, she purchased a meal and ate as she took in the sights of the sprawling town. As soon as she had finished, she began to canvas the possible employment prospects in town, mostly the small restaurants that dotted the square.

However it wasn’t until she had gotten away from the square onto one of the roads that led south of town that she found an owner willing to hire her. The owner, a wizened gray-haired woman who spoke a mixture of Spanish and profane English, was gruff with her but offered to let her use an empty room upstairs for living quarters as part of her compensation in exchange for being a waitress and part-time cook.

Faleena settled into working at Nita’s Cafe. Her assignment was to work the front, taking and delivering orders, except on the rare occasions when Nita took time off. On those few times, Faleena worked in the kitchen while one of Nita’s young nieces took care of the front. However it didn’t take long for the men of Santa Fe to learn that Nita had hired a beautiful young waitress. And it didn’t hurt business that Faleena liked to flirt with the men, making pleasant talk with them, letting each one think that she might be his ‘special’ friend.

As time passed and she had time to visit the city before or after work, Faleena began to reflect on the town of Santa Fe, comparing it with her memories of El Paso from her family’s trips to visit relatives. It was at those times that she came to realize that Santa Fe, while a far cry from the boredom of her parents’ ranch, was still just a sleepy little town. It didn’t have the numbers of people – nor the excitement – that a bigger city like El Paso held.

Just a year after arriving in Santa Fe, Faleena thanked Nita for her hospitality and kissed her goodbye before climbing onto a stage coach bound for the largest metropolis Faleena knew, El Paso. It was a long dusty, dry trip that took most of four days, with the three nights spent in uncomfortable, hot wayside inns. Yet when the stage pulled to a stop in El Paso, Faleena felt like she had come home. The laughter, the sounds of a tinny saloon piano, the sights of so many people all put her in a mood of anticipatory euphoria. Now she could live!

It didn’t take long to find an inexpensive room at a boarding house but finding a job was more difficult. It took her three days before she found Rosa’s Cantina in the outskirts of the city. The owner liked her outgoing personality, knew that men would like the looks of the young woman, and decided to take a chance on hiring her as a dancer to entertain her customers.

Although musicians – piano players and guitarists mostly – came and went with alarmingly frequency, there was always someone to play for her and Faleena was a hit with the men who frequented Rosa’s place. She swirled around the floor, occasionally singing, always laughing, twirling her luscious body just out of reach of the many who longed to touch her.

Frequently the customers asked Faleena to let them buy her meals and she often accepted, providing them with thirty or forty-five minutes of lighthearted banter while they ate. It was not unusual for the same customer to return in a day or two with a little token of his appreciation for Faleena: a bright colored scarf, a necklace of turquoise stones, or some other little trinket to add to her sparkling personality.

Faleena was good for business and sooner or later, virtually every male that passed through El Paso came to Rosa’s Cantina to eat, or drink, or simply to watch the beautiful young dancer. It didn’t matter to Faleena who they were, she flirted shamelessly with one and all, married or single, young or old, short or tall.

Her job was to bring in customers and she did it well. The fact that she loved flirting with every man, knowing that they wanted her, never hurt her performances. She quickly learned that the more she flirted with the men, the nicer their presents to her became.

One night a few weeks after she started work at Rosa’s, a young drifter named Ragan came strolling into the cantina during one of Faleena’s performances. He was like a dozen others already there: long sleeve shirt topped with a leather vest, a ten-gallon hat covering his head, two guns tied down at his hips, spurs jingling each time his feet moved, looking like the average cow jockey. Slapping his hat against his jeans to dislodge some of the dust of his long ride, he stepped up to the bar to quench his thirst, turning to watch the beautiful dancer while he savored the cool drink.

Laughing and smiling, Faleena whirled around the room, making eyes at the cowboy as she flashed past. He was instantly smitten with the long-haired, dark-eyed beauty. He stayed as long as he could that night, hoping to catch the girl’s attention, hoping for more than just her passing laughter. Not until closing time for the cantina did Ragan gather the reins for his horse and head to the livery stable, knowing that he would be back the following night to see his new love.

Out in the West Texas town of El Paso

I fell in love with a Mexican girl.

Night-time would find me in Rosa’s cantina,

Music would play and Feleena would whirl.

Night after night, the drifter went to the cantina to see Faleena, sometimes coming early enough to ask her to have dinner with him. She often accepted and they made small talk as they ate, she always with a smile on her face and laughter in her eyes, he with a more intense emotion held barely in check.
He knew he had fallen in love with her the first night he saw her but, when he spoke of love, she simply laughed at him and moved to another subject.

Ragan had developed something of a gunfighter’s reputation, first in San Antone, then in Fort Worth and finally in Abilene, each time settling a disagreement with the flash of his guns. At first he had been reluctant to us them until goaded into it but each time he found his temper flaring quicker as he lost his tolerance for being pushed. Each time he had killed or wounded, the local law had encouraged him to move on to other environs even though they had not been able to prove that he had done anything other than defend himself.

Ragan had begun to despair of ever settling down into any sort of good routine life … until he met Faleena. She had made him dream of a home of his own, with her as his wife, perhaps starting a little horse ranch somewhere nearby. Ah, of such dreams is life made!

Each time he saw her, he was more certain of his love for Faleena. Yet he could see that it was not returned. She was carefree, loving but not in love, interested only in enjoying life day by day. Yet she agreed to spend time with him so he took what he could get, yearning for more. And each day, his jealousy grew as he watched her whirl around Rosa’s Cantina, entertaining the customers and flirting with the men of west Texas and southern New Mexico.

One night as Ragan stood at the end of the bar, nursing a drink and seething inside as men reached for the flashing Faleena, a wild young cowboy burst through the doors with a whoop, accepted the proffered drink of homemade whiskey, and downed it with a yell. With a huge grin on his face, he turned to the crowd. When he spotted Faleena, he strode across the room and took her in his arms, whirling her around the room faster and faster as the music rang out.

Ragan’s anger simmered. But when the cowboy pulled a laughing Faleena to him and planted a long kiss on her sweet lips, Ragan could no longer contain himself. With a shout, he called the cowboy out, challenging his manhood. There was a sudden mad scramble as patrons hurried to get out of the way. The cowboy flung Faleena to one side even as she cried to Ragan to make him stop. It was too late.

With a flash of hands down to tied-down guns, both men drew and fired, the explosions deafening in the confines of the cantina. The acrid stench of gunpowder hung in the air and as the smoke cleared, Ragan still stood, looking down at the lifeless body of the young cowboy.

His anger just as suddenly abated, Ragan knew he had gone too far. The young cowboy was a stranger but the Sheriff of El Paso County, Sam Dawson, was a grizzled old hand. Ragan had been walking a tightrope in El Paso under the watching eyes of the old man and, while Ragan might be faster on the draw, he knew that Sam would never let him live without paying for the death of this stranger, especially for such a crime as kissing a willing woman.

Quickly he turned to the back door of Rosa’s and ran, turning to the hitch rail just outside. There was no time to go to the livery stable for his own horse. He scanned the row of horses and picked what looked like a good one, jumped into its saddle and rode away as fast as he could.

He had heard the uproar of Rosa’s customers, outraged at his actions, as they boiled out of the cantina. He knew it would be just minutes before Dawson put together a posse and came after him. Into the night he rode, heading north, soon crossing the border with New Mexico, hoping that Dawson would honor the loss of his authority at the border.

His tactic must have worked because, as Ragan paused to rest his horse in the hills beyond the town, he surveyed his back trail and could find no sign of a posse. Breathing a sigh of relief, he rode on into the badlands of New Mexico until exhausted, he made camp, and thankful that the horse he had taken had a bedroll tied behind the saddle.

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The Dragons Pet Chapter 1

Chapter 1 The sun was shining with the intensity of mid-summer, while it was only late spring in the English countryside. The land was full of life, for it had been five years since the end of the Black Plague. All across Europe, farmers who had originally been peasants under their barons were now free to claim land for their own and live without being controlled. But while there was the peace of low population and lush farmlands bringing about new life and new generations, there was...

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The Journey Episode 7 Wasteland

Notes: 1- Continuing my futurology experiment, I describe what is going to happen to the fertile fields of central Brazil (the so called " cerrado") after people disappears. 2- The storm belt is no invention of mine. Currently, from time to time, a continuous band of clouds form carrying water vapor from the amazon lowlands towards southeast Brazil, these are called "convergence zones", you probably are aware of the sad happenings in the mountains near the city of Rio the Janeiro, who...

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ABC Party Store First Job

Sorry for the poor autocorrect on the first post. But again it's 100% true. And looking back there was a couple of older "students" that would pop in every so often for a visit. Too bad I couldn't have gotten in on that visit. In high school I went to the guidance counselor to see about getting a job outside for some extra money. I didn't have a license yet so I had to be dropped off and picked up. There was a guy that owned a party rental supply house. You know the kind they write wedding...

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Order in the Court

‘Court is now in session, the Honorable Re..’ and the voice trailed off. A young nobleman, with sharp features, sat staring into space playing with his writing quill by making it dance in place. He glanced over at the other table where his uncle sat with his with his hands cupped over his face. His uncle’s eyes were shifting back and forth, taking in the scene. The young nobleman slide his chair back, and threw his feet on the table, and pulled out a nail file. A sharp ‘ah hem’ came from...

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Famiy business pt 1

The annual company Christmas party had been a blast, as usual. It seemed like everyone at the company buckled down and worked like dogs the whole year and then all the accumulated stress and steam from the year was released in this one night of wild partying. During this one night every employee partied their ass off and genuinely had fun.John Sampson, the company's owner, never failed to pull out the stops for the Christmas party. He gave all of his employees a paid vacation between Christmas...

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My Hot NonCousins Grad Party

For some background, I'll tell you how we came to know this other family, the "Fenwick"s we'll call them. My mom used to work for the government, as a computer analyst; basically she would fix computers that other people fucked up. She worked with another lady at the same job, I'll call her Gina Fenwick. Through Gina, my mom met Gina's husband "Richard" Fenwick. My mom introduced both of them to my dad, and instantly they all became friends. Our families did a lot of things...

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Painting with Lydia

CHAPTER 1 Eddie Carter had been working for Gilmore Home Decorators in Crawley, England, for three weeks and during that time had been painting commercial premises – a paint store, gymnasium, bicycle shop and bakery. The Australian preferred painting homes where there was always the chance of the woman of the house providing coffee and freshly-buttered scones for morning and afternoon tea and a hot lunch in return for excellence in painting. Eddie wasn’t sure how women could tell if the...

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Julia Ch 01

I. ‘Yes, he’s still asleep,’ Julia told her guest, her new neighbor, Ellen, ‘But should be up soon. He doesn’t wake usually much before now.’ The two ladies sat in the living room of Ms North’s two storey house, enjoying a cappuccino. The room was sunlit, it being a bright and warm morning in July. ‘Just like my Benji,’ Mrs. Cartwright said, with obvious pride, ‘A herd of elephants couldn’t wake him much before now.’ The two ladies laughed. ‘He doesn’t mind you being away?’ Julia asked. ...

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Alice InterruptedChapter 3

In the time before the terrible destruction of the earthquake and the Tsunami that had devastated the entire region, Alice was not one to get involved in world affairs, politics or anything of that nature that required her to make anything like a decision or a state an opinion about which side she favored. In fact, she was the most shrouded in animosity girl one could find for hundreds of miles in any direction. Now it appeared the entire world was going to Hell in a breadbasket and ordinary...

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Maid of Honor

Maid of Honor Janet L. Stickney [email protected] In many of the stories I had read on the Internet, being the bride in a wedding was a constant theme, a good one to be sure, but still, just fiction, and I very seriously doubted that any guy could actually pull it off with any realism; maybe, but probably not. I liked to dress up, and did so when ever I had the chance, starting from a very young age. I thought that I was moderately good at it, not perfect to be sure, but in my...

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In the airplane with my black lover

Rick and i were heading home from being on vacation and we got through the airport and was waiting for out plan and we had gotten bored he was wearing a plain green t-shirt and jeans and i was wearing a black shirt and blue sweater with a pair of jeans and under them i was wearing black leggings and white panties. Rick leaned in and whispered “im gonna go to the restroom.” He got up and left. I followed behind him and saw him finishing up peeing and i walked by him and grabbed his butt and went...

5 years ago
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GreeniesChapter 21A

Aboard the WSS Nebraska, Mars orbit September 11, 2146 Major Wilde was once again observing the final flight briefing less than two hours from the scheduled launch time. Admiral Haybecker was explaining to the AA-71 pilots and gunners for the tenth time that no matter what else they blew up in or around New Pittsburgh on the coming strike they were not to touch so much as a hair on the head of the Alexander Industries ammunition plant. "That plant is a vital part of the WestHem military...

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Learning CurvesChapter 116

Hailey groaned and tried to sit up. She was unable to move because she had Molly’s arm draped over her shoulder. Phil was in the opposite bed with Tiffany. They had tried to squeeze into one but it had proven impossible. Instead they just cuddled up with their final partner and fallen asleep. Now the sunlight was streaming through the windows. Molly had her back to the window so she was still sleeping. A dresser shielded the bed Phil and Tiffany shared so they were still in the shadows. That...

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With Great Power

The morning starts like any other. You wake up, shower, make coffee, check the fridge for bacon, wind up eating toast instead, get dressed, and prepare to head out into the world. As you're about to open your door and head out to another fun-filled day at the office, you notice you've received a letter through the door. Weird. It's 7am. Unless your postie has gained an unusual enthusiasm, which you doubt, you never get mail at this time. Maybe someone posted it overnight? You pick it up....

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PenthouseGold Nicole Kitt Paging Naughty Nympho Nurse

Sublime ebony babe Nicole Kitt certainly knows how to take Nathan Bronson’s mind off an injured foot in this cheeky Penthouse fantasy. Wearing a sexy nurse uniform with high heels and suspenders, the stunning brunette looks incredible as they make out on the couch, giving her lucky guy a deepthroat blowjob with plenty of eye contact before taking his rock hard length into her pussy. This naughty nympho nurse just can’t get enough of fingering her clit while she fucks in doggystyle...

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Dear Friend

Thanks to one of those viruses, Eric's roommate Charlie was re- engineered as a buxom blonde with a highly-optimized libido. Is this a geek's dream come true? Dear Friend By Kiai 06sep03/01jan05 Eric got home from work, dropped his briefcase on the chair in the hallway, popped it open long enough to slip his badge into it, and watched as his own miniature face, trapped in the sterile corporate plastic by its holographic logo like an insect pinned to a display, disappeared into the...

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Wife Ki Maosi

Hi friends I……… 37 Year 5.7,massal body, Lund 7”X 3”. I am a self employ as a electronic security engineer so I am move in all Delhi & NCR for services. Mne ajj apni pheli or real story likhne ja rha hnu Umid karta hnu ke ye story aap sab ko pasand aaygi or iss se kuch prayrna lekar kuch kar dikhaoge. Ye ek sachi story he….. Meri shadi Octobers 2004 mne hui thi meri wife Rekha uss time padh rahi thi so mne use sex ke liy jyada force nahi karta tha. Magar usko bhi sex mne jyada interest nahi tha...

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Mom son relationship

She was leaning over the sink looking intently into the mirror as she carefully applyed her mascara. She was not finished dressing yet. She wore a silky white half slip through which he could make out the faint outline of her girdle. On top wore a cream-colored brassierre with a floral pattern. The underwire cups lifted her heavy breasts high and barely contained the overflow of abundant flesh at the top of her bra. He studied his mother's body as he had done many times in the past. It was...

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CarlaThis story is fictional (much as it pains me to say) and, if it does in any way resemble anything close to reality, it is entirely coincidental. The first chapter is slow, but any following chapters will be very graphic.She sat at a desk, leg nervously thrumming away as the meaning of what she read crashed through her. Taking a deep breath, Carla leaned back in her chair, wincing against the sharp sound of creaking wood. She was taking a stupid risk as it was – spending any longer in the...

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30 Se 48 Ke Umar Ki Auraton Ki Chudai Part 8211 2

Hello my all ISS readers, I am Rocky from Mumbai. Thanks apke itne mails ke liye, feedbacks ke liye. Toh jaise apne meri pehli story mein padha ki main mere se badi umar ki aurton ko pasand karta hu. Isliye stories post ki maine yaha. To mujhe kafi mails aaye feedbacks aur friendship ke liye. Aur kuch mails mujhe hookups ke liye aaye. Par main out of station se aaye huye mails jo ladies ne kiye the unko mil nahi paya. So sorry ladies. To mujhe ek lady ne mail kiya Mumbai se hi. Unhone mujhe...

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Doing the Divas

As you walk down the street on a fine summers day your mind begins to drift off as you run on auto pilot. You recall Wrestlemania 25 and in particular the Diva's, such fine specimen of woman and curves that caught the eyes. Whilst a cheesy grin emerged on your face as replayed each Diva in your head jumping around in slow motion you were dragged back into reality when out of nowhere...

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Tales of the Naughty Vixen

As she walked down the hallway once again and into her bedroom, she could hear her boyfriend Jake walking up the stairs, talking with someone. The door opened, “He’s just a moron. I wouldn’t let it get to you.” “Yeah, I know you’re right. It’s just that he’s been on my ass all week, and now he wants me to come in tomorrow to clean this whole mess up,” the stranger said. “I have it right over here.” Jake walked over to his entertainment console and picked up a DVD case. “Here ya go....

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Fantasy about my wife and the flower delivery man

Last week was my wife's 65th birthday. She works out does yoga and stays in shape and still looks good. I had ordered her flowers for her birthday and after they came she told me the delivery man was black. I told her damn, she should have invited him in. She said he was young he wouldn't want to do anything to do with an old woman like her. I told her she might be surprised. here is my fantasy of what happened.I saw the flower delivery van pull in the driveway and a good looking black man...

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Joined By The NightChapter 4

Brianna stared up into his eyes, seeing the sincerity and kindness in them. It was almost more than she could take. With a small cry, she took a step backward, her hand going to her forehead as a wave of dizziness spilled over her. Matt reached out, grabbing her arm and hearing her cry of pain. "What is it, Bria?" "N-nothing, really. I'm just a bit dizzy," she managed to say, wishing she could melt against him. "When was the last time you ate?" he asked, looking into her wan...

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A hole in the wall Chapter 6

Sunday became a turning point in my life. I arrived and Mona said she had a favour to ask me. “Are you bi by any chance” she asked me. I wasn’t sure why she was asking. In fact, back in the day I did have a brief affair with a woman at work. It lasted two weeks, was very intense and she decided she liked men and it ended. “I have dabbled” I said. “Oh good” she replied “this couple have booked and I was hoping you could take it”. I had to laugh. She had already booked it so what was she...

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A Private Party

Jenna slid the vibrator deep in her sopping wet pussy and turned it on. "Fuck! The goddam battery is dead!" she yelled. Disgusted with the useless toy, she yanked it out, spit on it and flung it into the corner. The sounds of Hank's birthday party floated into the room. Jenna closed her eyes and waited for her aching body to calm down. Her fingers played with her still slick pussy. Moaning as the tension built once more, she didn't hear me the door open. The scent of sex filled the small...

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Andy 19

Montagmorgen. Was soll ich mehr sagen? Und dieser Montagmorgen war noch viel schlimmer als alle anderen vorher. Nicht nur, dass die Ferien zu Ende waren, ich musste auch eine Hose anziehen. Zum ersten Mal seit vielen Wochen. Ich mochte das feste Gef?hl nicht, wollte mich wieder frei in einem Rock f?hlen. Und das war nicht das einzig enge. Mein Sport BH zw?ngte mich auch ein. Nicht richtig schlimm, aber eben auch nicht angenehm. Meine normalen BHs waren deutlich besser, selbst wenn sie d...

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Island DelightChapter 7 Girls Day Out

Monday Liz Cramer rolled out of bed at half-past seven and immediately headed to the bathroom. While she no longer suffered from morning sickness, she was peeing for two, and that wasn’t something she could get Bob to do for her. Besides, even if he could, he had already left to go fishing with Tully Winston. After a seeming eternity on the toilet, she flushed and then brushed her teeth, took her vitamins, and jumped into the shower. She was looking forward to a girls’ day out with Babs...

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What a loss! I thought our planet had one of the most advanced technologies in our galaxy but the fact is that more than half of the world has just died... Nefron has been one of the leading planets in our galaxy for centuries I just could not believe we lost so much through a small conflict with Zetch. Many of our soldiers were men, and now with the global population at an all time low, it would be a catastrophe if Zetch’s allies attacked, we would be defenseless. I felt uncomfortable...

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Sexual Awakenings Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Thirteen: Insert Here! Several hours passed, as the light turned to dusk outside and the curtains hid our sexual encounters from the world. That night, both Amanda and Julia informed me that it was be okay for me to sleep in the same bed as them, if I wanted to. Like a kid in a candy shop, how could I resist such a sweet invitation. As I undressed in the bedroom, the two girls watching me as they perched their small petite and beautiful soft cheeks upon the edge of the bed. Stripping...

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A Saint and A Sinner Ch 02

Those words came to haunt Nick. There’d been no identification on either of the victims. They had managed to get fingerprints on victim one. She wasn’t in any system that Nick had available to him, including AFIS, the Automated Fingerprint Identification System. So, whoever she was, she didn’t have a record and had never been fingerprinted. It had been impossible to fingerprint victim two. The decomposition had been too devastating, animals had destroyed what the killer hadn’t. Dental...

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Night on the 9th

August 2010. I love hotels. Not for their comfort or cuisine but their ability to lower people's inhibitions. There's something about a hotel room that's intensely magical; step inside and you become just one of hundreds of strangers in the building, thrown together by circumstance. Families or couples on holiday, business people on stopovers, honeymooners and busloads of tourists make up close-knit groups of strangers that mill about in the lobby and gradually disperse to their personal,...

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Two Teachers Four Boys in a CabinChapter 9

Saturday and Some Interesting Times with the Boys We arrived home around noon on Saturday as planned. I greeted each of the parents and told them how much we enjoyed having them and hoped the boys enjoyed it as much as we did. We gave very maternal looking hugs to each of the boys just before they got in their parent’s car for their ride home. I said goodbye to Patty and thanked her for stepping in at the last minute to be a chaperone. All the time trying to act like we had a normal week at...

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Car Park

Her name is Sophie. I can’t now remember how we first got together, but the relationship we had suited us both. I was a town DJ and she was a regular that sometimes worked behind the bar. We were fuck buddies. We tried going on a date once, but we realised the only thing we had in common was that we liked to fuck each other. If she was out on the town with her friends she’d give me a quick kiss on her was past and I would know I probably wouldn’t see her again that night. If she bought me a...

Quickie Sex

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