River - 11 free porn video

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Chapter 11 So far: Jerome the yearling wolf has died, but two new wolves have joined the people. One of them decides that Moonie can atone for his sins, and over time the river cleanses his soul. The story of Moonie was told, both before the time of this tale, and after. As River and Wayne walked back to the Waters' campsite, River continued to tease the big man. She reached up and stroked his chest, marvelling at the muscles she could feel. "What?" "Just checking to see if there were any boobs growing," she giggled. "What? No! Just because the river made you a girl, it doesn't mean that it wants to do it to me too," he claimed. "Are you sure?" Giggle. "Yes. It has given other gifts to people. It made your parents look younger, and your brother and his friend taller. It healed many of the elders and made my sisters better singers." "Yet it hasn't given you any gift at all," River noted glumly. "I don't know," Wayne said, pulling River close to his body. "Perhaps you are my gift." For a moment time seemed to stand still for the pair. River looked up, and Wayne looked down, and for a moment it felt like they would kiss. Then, suddenly they both broke apart, and stood looking at each other and breathing heavily. "I'm sorry," Wayne said. "You are too young, and you are the Rivertalker. I shouldn't ..." "I shouldn't have teased you," River said, completely off kilter from the emotions and sensations coursing through her body. "You will be going off to Western to the university in a few weeks, and I will be staying up here. We should just be friends." "Yes, just friends," Wayne echoed, although his mind was crying out that if she were only a few years older, or he a few younger ... He never finished that thought as they walked back to the campsite, keeping several feet between them. Wayne left her and headed back to the JR camp, and River found her parents watching the embers of a dying fire. River explained what had happened after the funeral ceremony was over, and how Moonie was to build a sweat lodge. "Where do you get all of this?" Dale asked. "I barely remember reading about sweat lodges when I was in school, and yet you come up with all this native lore." "The river gives it to me, and so much more," River said. "Well, it certainly has matured you," Alison said. "You seem more like an adult than a child. Was that ceremony for the dog your idea?" "He was not a dog, Mom. He was a wolf. And the ceremony was partly from the river, and partly from the traditions of the people." "Sorry," Alison said. "They are so friendly I keep forgetting that they are wild animals. But these people, your people now, I guess; I really like them. To come together and grieve over an animal." "He was more than an animal, Mom. He was a friend." "A good friend. Do you know where the other wolf is? The big one?" "Night? I haven't seen him for a while. Why?" "He is in the boys' tent, lying out between the two of them. They were pretty shaken up by the death of Jerome and didn't want to go to bed. Then Night just sauntered into the camp and herded them off to their tent, lying down with them. They have slept peacefully since then. Your Dad and I stayed up in case they had nightmares or anything. But the dog, I mean wolf, seems to have things in hand." "What are your plans for tomorrow?" River asked. "Well, I am going to the construction site," Dale said. "I want to get the men working on the walls of the second house, and we have to figure out the truss system for the first house ... well, for all of them, eventually. But the first house is a priority, if we want to move out of these tents when the weather gets cold." "And I'm going to put on my new power suit, and canvass the town merchants and managers," Alison said. "It is almost criminal that a town of this size doesn't have a bank branch, and I hope to be able to convince my bosses to let me open a small one up here. What are your plans, honey?" "Busy for me too," River said. "I need to spend some time with the people of the reservation. They have been so good to me, and I hardly know more than a few families. Edith has promised to take me around tomorrow, and Liesl will come with me on the other days of the week. And of course I need to visit the river in the morning." "Well, it is late, and we all have busy days tomorrow, so let's turn in," Dale announced, pulling his youthful-looking wife up and kissing her. River smiled at the PDA, and then headed off to her tent, at the JR camp, glad that she would be out of sound range in case the kiss led to something else. River had come into the JR tent with both other girls sleeping, and got up a few hours later without them knowing she had been there. She wondered if she would need to find another place to sleep now that she was no longer working for the JR crew. Something to ask Wayne the next time she saw him. She walked in darkness to the river, aware of all the night animals in the trees and on the ground about her. She spent several hours in the water of the river, soaking up its strength and energy, as well as the knowledge it could give her. When the sun came up she got out, as the first of the animals came out to drink. She smiled and waved at them, and could feel them smiling back at her in their unique animal ways. They felt safe when she was around. But River was on a mission, and not entirely sure where to start it. She walked downstream for a bit, and luck brought her to the person she was looking for, but not expecting to see for several hours. She could see the man standing at Jerome's grave, hunched over a bit. Beside him was Silver, the new wolf in the local pack. River walked up to them so silently that she was only a few feet away before even the wolf turned to look at her. Rod didn't hear her at all, and jumped a little when she put her arm around him. "Sorry to disturb you," she said sadly. "Couldn't sleep?" "A bit," he said. "He was such a good friend. I will miss him. I can't believe it was only a week that I had with him." "Yes," River said. There was a long pause. "Again, this might be too soon, but the river and I had a long conversation this morning, and you were a part of it. Are you up for a challenge?" Rod was quiet for a bit before speaking. "You know, I think I am. I think I've grown up a bit over the last day, and if the river needs me I am ready. What do you want?" "You know how we had that ceremony last week, where all the people were taught the language and the history by the river? Since then the young people seem to be more focused, and the older ones are no longer crippled by alcohol. People are proud to be Ojibwe, and I think the reservation is a better place for it." "I know," Rod said. "I've heard many of the elders commenting. They give you the credit. They say you are the best thing to happen in their memories." River blushed. "It is not me. It is the river. It speaks to me, and I relay that to the people." She shrugged. "But what we need now is to spread the message. There are dozens and dozens of little bands and reservations across the north, and we need to help them. The children in those communities are committing suicide at an alarming rate. I think we have stopped the causes here, but up there it will be harder, especially in the more remote places. I cannot go to them. I can't leave the river. There are a couple of reservations on the river, but beyond that I can do nothing. I want you to be The Prophet, and go to those communities. Tell the people there of the history of the Ojibwe. Have those close enough to the river come and let it teach them the language. For those farther away, make it seem that a pilgrimage to the river should be a key part of every youngster's life, so that they can stand in the river and learn." "Wow," Rod said. "That is huge. I was thinking you wanted me to do something easy, like build a skyscraper out of Shield stone." River smiled. If nothing else, the idea seemed to have restored some of Rod's sense of humor. "I think it is too much for one man," he finally said. "Of course it is," River smiled. "That is why I am sending women with you." "Women? Ria?" "Definitely Ria," River said. "Especially since I also want Wayne's sisters Shelly and Marilyn to join you. You can even have this young fellow go along, although I doubt I could keep him away." She reached down and stroked Silver between his ears. "When you approach a band and they see that you are wolf-friends, you will gain instant credibility. Shelly and Marilyn will sing the songs of the people. Once they get away from the river reservations, they will have to alternate verses in English and Ojibwe, but that will help the people pick up some of the language." "Where do we start?" "Upriver at first. You can canoe up as far as Stone Ledge Reservation. It will be best to arrive by traditional means. Flying in is the way of the white man, and I think your message will work best with more of the traditional ways. You can travel in jeans, but take your pow-wow costumes to speak to the people in. After Stone Ledge the river is too small and shallow for canoes, so you will have to hike until you get to Ice Spring Reservation. The river assures me that if you lead the people into the waters, even if it is only ankle deep, it will be able to teach the people. It will give you confidence knowing that the river is right there. If you don't know what to say, or what to do, just step into the river. The water will be cold, but bearable, and you will gain the knowledge you need." "That is a relief." "Also, I want you to do more than teach the people. I need you to find the 'diamonds'. Those are the painters, the sculptors, the seamstresses, the craftsmen and the builders. I know the people on those reservations live mainly from hunting, fishing, and what little crops they can eke out of the stones. They rely on welfare for everything else. I want to find out what they can produce that we can sell to the white people. Every dollar that they earn of their own efforts adds to their pride and strength as Ojibwe men and women." Rod seemed energized by his new mission. He headed off to see Ria, before she headed to her waitressing job. She would have to leave that. Hopefully another one of the band girls would get it, River thought as she wandered over to the Stormcloud home, hoping to see Shelly and Marilyn. Both of these girls also needed a mission in life, to help them forget their recent past. The girls were up and getting breakfast with their mom, Helen. River didn't need breakfast, but Helen wouldn't take no for an answer, and the blonde girl soon had a plate of eggs and sausage in front of her. River wondered if it was even possible for her to get fat if she overate. Would the river compensate? Another question to ask. Once Ben got up, River outlined the project to the four of them, as Liesl looked after feeding the smaller ones. The girls were instantly in favor of going on the adventure, but the parents required more convincing. Finally it was decided that they could go with Ria and Rod on the first trip up the river, and then a decision would be made as to future trips. Ben almost vetoed the entire trip, but then Helen reminded him what had happened the last times he had done that. Both Marilyn, and later Shelly, had fled to Sault Ste. Marie. "I don't know what the world is coming to," he said. "Young people today never mind their elders." Helen smiled. "I remember a young boy who wooed me many years ago, in spite of our parents saying we were too young. I think you have selective memory loss." "Papa," Shelly said. "If you insist we not go, we will not. We did run away once, but that turned out horribly and we just want to forget it. This trip, canoeing through the Shield, meeting new bands, I think it will help us." Marilyn nodded in agreement. "My daughters have learned some wisdom," Ben said. "I give my blessing to your trip ... if you take my best canoes. I won't have you out on the river in something shoddy." With that done, River thanked the family for breakfast and headed off to find Edith. They had a roster of people to visit today, and River hoped that during the rest of the week she would be able to visit with all of the people of the river. "Do you have any preferences?" Edith asked as she met the new Rivertalker outside her house. "We have three different ways to go ... unless we are to go wading in the river." "Been there, done that," River giggled. "Actually, I was astounded when I saw the canoes and snowshoes that Ben Stormcloud makes. I want to meet any more craftsmen, artists, weavers, seamstresses, painters, or sculptors amongst the people. And if there are any computer experts about, that would help too. I hope we can use the Internet to sell some of the beautiful things the people make." "What a wonderful idea," Edith said. "I know just the person for the last case, but we should leave him for the end. Colin is not an early riser. But let's go see Carl Bluelake. He is a wonderful painter." Carl was a couple years older than Wayne, but nothing like him, River noticed. Carl was very tall, and very thin, almost reed-like. He had a nervous twitch about him, and seemed jumpy when his mother called him after River and Edith arrived. "River would like to see some of your paintings," Edith said. Carl protested that the works were not done, not ready to be seen, and could he please have some time to clean up his studio. River took hold of the youth's arm, and almost instantly he calmed down, staring down at the pretty young girl. "Okay," he said, leading them off to his studio, the converted bedroom of an older brother who had married and left the family home. The studio was a mess, and Carl started getting nervous again until River spoke again, calming him. Then her eyes caught sight of a familiar scene. A large canvas ... no, it was painted on a coil of birchbark stretched on a wooden frame ... showed her precious river, meandering around a curve. It was a point on the river she recognized, not too far from Jerome's resting place. Then she looked closer at the painting. In the distance, she saw many people standing on the banks of the river, and even though they were only a half-inch tall on the painting, she could recognize faces. River gasped. She had followed the sightlines of the people on the bank, and saw they were all intently focused on a small blonde figure standing in mid-stream. "That's me! The first river ceremony?" "Yes," Carl said. "It isn't finished yet, but it will be soon." "How much would it cost to buy it?" River asked. "I'm sorry," the tall man said. "It is already promised. And I don't sell my paintings. I give them away." "What?" River protested. "The store doesn't give away its food and clothes to you, does it? You need to get paid fairly for your work." "But it isn't work," Carl protested. "I do my paintings from the love in my heart." "Manitou has given you a talent," River replied. "It is important that you honor him by using it. Soon you will have a family to raise, and will need to make money for them. To stop painting and go to work in another job would be ridiculous. You have a gift, and you need to start to sell your paintings." "They aren't that good," Carl said. "Yes they are. Can I look at these others?" River pointed to another stack of frames and started to flip through, seeing one masterpiece after another. Many of paintings were landscapes, showing the beauty of the natural wonderland that the river flowed through. The river itself was in more than half of those. There were a few paintings of the people as well, some showing the rickety houses and yards. There was a gorgeous painting of a wolf. River didn't recognize it as one of the band wolves, and asked about it. "That one is from a couple years ago," Carl said. "The wolf came up quite close to me. Well, close for that time. It was probably 50 yards away, and just sat there staring at me as I sketched it. I know the band pack come closer to us now, but at that time it seemed a miracle that he came so close, and then waited so long before running off. I tracked the pack for several days later to get the colors right." River gasped. "It is the Alpha male! He looks so young in that painting." "It was before he became Alpha. Look, the scar over his eye is not there yet. I think he got that when he finally challenged the old Alpha. River flipped to the next picture, and gasped again. It was a large frame, nearly a yard high and 20 inches wide. And it blazed with the color yellow. It was a painting of a young girl, with long blonde braids that almost merged with the sun behind her. "Is that me?" River said in a whisper. "Yes it is," Carl said. "It was the first painting I did after I met you at the ceremony. I was pretty consumed by it, and worked long into the nights on it. I make most of my paints myself, from natural materials, but yellow like that could only be bought. I ordered a tube from Sault. That is why the picture of the river has everyone so small. I had to tear open the tube and scrape out the remnants of the paint to get enough yellow to do that small figure." "She's beautiful," River was still whispering. "You are beautiful," Carl protested. "I am not, am I?" River looked at Edith for confirmation. "Yes, dear. It is a very close likeness. I don't know if any of the other artists of the band could have captured you so well." River just stared at the image. She hadn't really looked at herself, except in the waters of the river, and that was always a moving image, with waves, and at an awkward angle. Even during the shopping expeditions in town and in the Sault, she hadn't bought much, so hadn't looked into mirrors. Now to see how perfect this image was, she had to flip it over to break the hold it held on her. There were no more pictures behind. "I want to sell these pictures for you," she said. "I need you to go through the paintings and tell me how long it took you to paint each one, roughly if need be. I think that your kind of talent should be worth $100 an hour." Carl choked at the figure. "The wolf picture took 35 or 40 hours to sketch and then paint, not counting the time I spend tracking the pack to get the colors right. Do you really think that anyone would pay $4000 for that painting?" "I do," River insisted. "And you need to include the time you spent tracking. I would price that painting at $10,000 and accept nothing less." "How many hours were spent painting the river ceremony painting?" Edith asked. "That was mostly done before River came to us," Carl said. "I only spent a day adding River and the people on the bank. I guess that I had spent 30 or 40 hours before on the original scene." "I know that you gifted the painting to the band council," Edith said. "But I am going to ask that they pay you a $1000 honorarium for it at the next meeting. A few will object, but when I point out that it is a $4000 painting, they will all fall in line." "A painting of me will be in the council offices?" River said in amazement. "It is not just a painting of you, my dear," Edith said. "It is a record of one of the most important events of our lifetime, for this band at least. It shows the river, you, and the time when the people regained their sense of purpose, learned their language, and began to remember their history. How can we not commemorate this?" River was in a bit of a daze after they left Carl's studio. Edith seemed to feel River wanted to see more artists, so they visited five more before late afternoon. Three of these were good, good enough for their work to be sold. The other two were younger teens, and River could see real promise in their works, and suggested that they meet with Carl and the other three, to learn new styles and techniques from the experts in the band. It was nearly four when they arrived at Colin RedHawk's home. His mother let them in, and chatted with Edith while River went to Colin's room. Colin was only 16, and for a moment River thought him impossibly young, until she realized that he was two years older than her. She had spent so much of her time with adults lately, she had forgotten that she was still only 14. Colin was proof that 'nerd' is not restricted to any one race or culture. The boy was short and thin, with a somewhat oversized head. His face was afflicted by severe acne, almost to the point where River had to work not to stare at the sores and scars. The poor boy had a scruffy beard, too thin to cover the acne, but he probably let it grow to allow him to not have to shave over the sores. She explained her goals to Colin. She wanted a website built that would allow the artists and craftspeople of the reservation to sell their goods to the Toronto market. That was about all she needed to say, as Colin went into a spiel where he talked about banner ads, search engine optimization, bandwidth, URLs and URIs, pay pals and e-commerce and much, much more. When he finally wound down River was pretty sure that Colin could do what she wanted, but she really didn't understand any of the questions he had asked, or any of the terms he had used. She needed help. "Edith, Mrs. RedHawk, Colin and I are going for a little walk down by the river," River said as they walked out the door. "Don't you go into the river, Colin," his mother warned. "You know it is too cold for you." "Maybe just a bit," River said, and then the two slipped out before she could repeat her warning. At the river, she led the boy into the water, and then out into the middle of the river. Colin was surprised to find that the water was quite comfortable when he was close to River. And soon the river and Colin started to piece together what was needed for the website. Apparently Colin had a satellite dish that enabled him fast access to the Internet, since only dialup service was available to most of the community. The river was somehow technologically aware, and was able to feed Colin some new knowledge to sharpen his understanding of the Internet protocols and technologies. River only picked up a fraction of what Colin learned, but now understood the basics of the Internet, and was able to understand about half of what Colin had told her earlier. After about a half hour they emerged from the water, their clothes completely dry again. River looked at Colin, and gasped. His acne was completely gone. His beard was gone as well, although the river told her that he would probably have to shave once a week or so, like most 16- year-old boys. "What," Colin said, as she stared at his face. He immediately reddened, thinking she was staring at his acne, but when he put his hand to his face, he found only smooth skin. "What happened?" "Sometimes the river will give people a gift," River explained. "I think it has cleared up your complexion for you. You look quite handsome now" "Wow. Do I?" Colin said, rushing back to the house to look in a mirror. "All the kids at school teased me last year. I was crater face, or pizza puss." "Well this year I don't think that will happen. I'll bet the girls, at least, will be happy to see the new you." Colin rushed into the house, and his mother didn't recognize her son as he rushed past her towards the bathroom mirror. "Colin," she said. "Is that you? What happened to your face?" She followed her son to the bathroom as Edith and River left the house and walked back to the campsite, where River hoped she would be in time to join her family for dinner. Edith declined to join her, and headed to her son's home to dine with her own clan.

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Call from my cousin sister

I got a call from my cousin sister vijju….she told me to come to her house immediately…since her parents were not in station i thought there might be some problem at home so i got on my bike and raced to her place.i better tell you about vijju, she is 16 years old, i’m 17 by the way, she is about 5 feet 2 inches tall and measures 34-30-32, she has golden brown skin, shoulder length black hair and to my delightful surprise….a very good lay.i reached her house, and rang her doorbell, in my haste...

2 years ago
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Army Men

Two weeks after my eighteenth birthday my Dad gave me a package of camouflage clothes. He told me I had to go with him to Serbia for a few weeks. I should explain my Dad is the top dog in his platoon. Also I should say that because my mom and dad divorced the year before and the last time he had left me on my own I had thrown a party he didn’t trust me. I was pissed. ‘No. I’m not going. I will miss my friends and it is boring.’ ‘You are going. Ever since mom left you are out of control I...

1 year ago
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The First CommandChapter 3 Planning a Revolution

I looked around at four men and one woman, with me the six people who had a chance to at one stroke completely break the illuminati's grip on the human race. I didn't even know the names of two of them. Back to the AI. "You test every single recruit. You should test for the smarts to learn how to work with your technology. You should test for open-mindedness; you don't need bigots who cannot accept others as their equals because they look different. Test for whatever you find useful, to...

3 years ago
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Two Naughty Maids

Janette was enjoying one of her rare days off. She got one day off a month and was today walking through the park with a friend, Angela, also a maid but for another family. Like Janette, Angela was sixty-three-years old. Today, being their day off, they weren’t in their maid’s uniforms but wearing summery sleeveless dresses with very short hems. Both were very happy with their figures, even with their turtlenecks, bat wings, fleshy tummies and thighs, and enjoyed what they believed were envious...

4 years ago
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The BBQ1

A few weeks after the school style disco Kate went away for the weekend to her Mother's house. Amy asked if she could have a few friends around for a barbecue at our house that weekend. I agreed and suggested that I make myself scarce for a few hours. In truth I fancied the opportunity to have a few pints at the pub with a friend. Just before lunch I helped Amy put together the barbecue, tidied the patio, set out the tables and chairs around the back garden. Her friends began to...

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Footprints In The Sea Chapters 13 and 14

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 13 & 14 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X I suggest you read Footprints In The Sea in chapter order so if you haven't read Chapters 1 and 2, please do so. Two doctors agree on their assessment after Charlotte attends a meeting and has...

1 year ago
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The Devilish Sex Goddess Part III

I've been controlled by an evil woman for the past 10 years, and suddenly now I'm alone with her beautiful innocent who is going to be my sex slave for the next month - I really can't help turning myself into a beast. I pinned her to my bed, and handcuffed her to the bed, opened her legs and took out my giant rock-hard cock. "Welcome to the firm, Caitlin," I said as I positioned my cock at the tip of the pussy of my "intern", "did your mom explain to you your duty for the next month?" "Yes, she...

Erotic Fiction
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The Day Before Her Wedding

The woman tossed back her long, dark hair revealing her deep brown eyes, initially flitting desirously over the body standing before her, but soon staring deeply into the eyes of her lover. The sexual tension between them was growing unbearable. Her breathing got more and more rapid, with the knowledge of what she was about to do. Slowly and steadily she moved her head forward, ending with her luscious painted lips pursed at the tip of the long penis hanging before her. There she paused, her...

2 years ago
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my first lust missed opportunity0

About 2 years earlier while I was in the military I had gone to a mom and pop video store to grab a porn film, well in a small store like that where the videos are in a small closet sized room in the back, I was nervous about being seen in there, so I just kind of reached in and grabbed one that had a baseball player on the front. At the moment I didn't realize that I had grabbed a bisexual film called "Switch Hitters". Well when I got back to my room and started watching it, I saw my first...

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Cubix Shrinking For Everyone

Cubix: Shrinking For Everyone By Ruby Jewel Andrea It was one of those rare days in bubbletown without Dr. K ruining the peace. Connor, Abbey, Chip and Mong had won a three night stay in the Granddaddy of all toy stores. They also each received 900 dollars in spending money. They had heard that not only was this store big but cheap, so 900 dollars could buy a lot of junk. However, they still had to do chores. It was nearly 10:00 when all their work was done so they hopped...

4 years ago
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A Visit to Tripps ClubChapter 5

In my dream I am laying on my back. The other girls are with me also, what were their names? Oh yeah, Wendy ... and Lisa. Why did they have a tomato in their mouth – how could they speak. My tomato tasted bitter. The sun passed over the sky again and again. "Can you believe these three tried to escape? And I heard they knocked out Tripp also! I'm surprised the only punishment they're getting is a few hours on the Rape-o-gasm." My mind was so foggy. "I know ... but I also heard that the...

3 years ago
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Naya Sehar Nayi Zindagi

Hello everyone Myself Armaan (name changed) basically i am from indore but from the past 4 year i live in gujrat ahmedabad. Completed graduation here and now doing job in a mnc company.So before i started let me introduce to the goddess of this story, yup m talking about the grishma, she is married and a mother of 1 baby child and i am 23 now, my story is little bit long because i want to share each and every moment with her. For the betterment of all the readers i am narating it in hindi. So...

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The room was hot and beads of sweat started to form on her soft tender skin. She continued to struggle against her bonds as little vibrator buried deep within her mercilessly tormented her. The silk scarf tied as a blindfold was not uncomfortable but served its purpose well. The wait had been agonising, her lover had kissed her softly after tying her up and she could still feel it on her lips, but that was what felt like hours ago. She ached to be touched.He walked in the room, she could hear...

4 years ago
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The Horrible Case Of The Sexual Predator

I saw the news on the Smoking Gun website. "The 37-year-old Arkansas woman is the 3,496th teacher to be arrested this year on charges that she had sex with an underage student." This was quickly followed by the news that a Texas teacher, a former Miss Texas contestant, was arrested for having sex with an 18-year-old student. Miss Texas? The lucky fucker! For some reason, I was incredulous that that many teachers had been arrested. Apart from the obvious reaction that every man has, 'Where...

3 years ago
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Born to Serve

??????????? Adele looked out the window of the train and sighed. The rain was still falling, and the scenery had not changed over night. The whistle blew, and echoed over the expanse of grey open plains. Occasionally she thought she saw bluffs off in the distance, but the fog was too thick to tell. It was always foggy in The City, but nothing like this bleak countryside. She had always fantasized as a child what the world looked like outside the city walls and now found herself...

1 year ago
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Pizza girl

I was in a rut. Another Friday night alone. Just like last Friday and the one before that. Sitting here watching some stupid info-mercial aimed at inbred trailer trash. My God- I was watching and thinking of buying the assinine product!!! I needed to do something...quick. Hell, I'll just get a pizza and take it from there. Yeah, a pizza with everything. With shaking hands and trembling fingers, I picked up the telephone and triumphantly placed my order: "Three pizzas - the works, and a six pack...

4 years ago
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Hot Aparna Ke Saath

By : Amidustuchele Hi this is Raju. Sabhi ISS reader ko mera pyar bhara namaskar. Ye mera paheli kahani hai.par iska matlab ye nehi ke mai apni pehli chudai ke bare mein kuch likh raha hun.mai 22 salka ek nawjawan ladka hun aur is kahani se pehle hi mera sex ka tajurba ho gaya tha dar asal mera 18 sal ke umar mein hi mera tan man ki virginity le liya haamari ghar mei kaam karnewali baisakhi didi.woh always bahut horny rahti thi. Aur use innocent ladka logonko chudakkad banana mein bahut maza...

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My Best Friends mom

Ever since I was thirteen, I have been attracted to my best friend's mother, Marva. Living two houses away from them, I would see Marva on a daily basis. Some of my fondest memories came from spying on her with binoculars, as she would sunbathe during the hot afternoons of summer. Seeing her body covered in nothing but a skimpy black bikini was the greatest sight I could imagine at that time. I’d often sit on my bed, peek through the curtains, and masturbate as I watched Marva rub lotion on her...

1 year ago
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Mona Massi still turns me on

Mona and i had a long and hot physical relationship for almost 3 years. We had sex atleast twice a day. Sometimes it was a blowjob in the morning and a gr8 fuck in the evening. Sometimes a shower together lead to a gr8 fuck. Sometimes we got horny on the dinner table, sometimes i could not resist her body in the kitchen. I still remember all that. She would wear sexy see through nightys and cook in the kitchen and i would keep looking at her untill i could not resist myself. That curvy body,...

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The Merchant of ChaosChapter 23

The two Overlords stood at the edge of the Circle under the decorative stone archway that marked one of the paths away from the grassy clearing. Rennis watched Sirinna as she assisted in some "refresher training" for a graduated but still rather young slave. He was as rigid as a statue, his eyes fixed and intense. Roquan looked relaxed by comparison, his hands folded behind him. "I have heard that a breakthrough is expected at Talrad Pass within a day. Lord Duric indicated that the rear...

3 years ago
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A Middle Class Orgy

It is your first day in a new job. You are sitting at your desk trying to get the hang of the new company systems when the following pops up on your screen From: Cole, Melissa To: Doe, John Subject: None Message: See me in my office, please. Melissa Cole is the department head. Somewhat nervously you make your way to her door. Peering through the glass partition you see her studying reports with a frown of concentration. She is attractive in a no-nonsense sort of way. She seems to be in her...

2 years ago
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New EducationChapter 6

Wendy was a little surprised when she arrived at the Demarre estate and was told to go directly to Mrs. Demarre's office. Usually Mrs. Demarre made her wait before summoning her to her office to satisfy her desires. But then she remembered the day before, smiled, and went directly. As usual the woman was seated behind her desk. Today the aristocratic matron was wearing a green floor length dress with her hair tied up. Wendy walked to the front of the desk and smiled at Mrs. Demarre. "Good...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Adriana Chechik Lyra Law The Art Of Lesbian Anal Assthletics

Topless Adriana Chechik is getting ready for game time with Lyra Law. The lesbian ladies have a bet going on, and they’ve both been working out in preparation. If Lyra wins she can do whatever she wants to Adriana. Lyra comes over in a white sports bra and yoga pants. She shows her the big black strapon that will be the prize and the punishment if Adriana loses the bet. The challenge begins with an order decreed by Lyra for Adriana to take her top off. Adriana leans back on the sofa and...

4 years ago
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Pets Special Gift

I had been wanting to try anal sex with pet for a long time, but every time I brought it up she would either change the subject rapidly, or just shut down. I know my pet wanted desperately to submit to my wishes, but something kept blocking her from releasing herself in this area.  "Pet, why is it that you are so resistant to trying anal sex?" "I don't know, Master... I just don't like it," she said. "I understand. But you also didn't like some of the other things I had you do, yet you...

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Chanch Meeting

Teaching Ann It was worm spring day, Easter weekend would be here tomorrow so I took a vacation day for a longer weekend. I was at my cabin in the Ozark Mtn.s and looking forward to riding my four wheeler on the back road and trails. With the Honda gassed up and ready to go I headed up a trail to some forest roads. Once one the roads in the remote back county I parked off the road to walk some foot trails, That's when I discovered I...

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College Buds Ch1

The below story is entirely fictional. Any resemblance to real peopleis totally circumstantial. This is my first story, so sorry if it seems less than par, and please give me your criticism! I’m insane. That’s the only explanation. Mark paced around his room frantically, trying to figure out just what in the world had happened. * * * It had started out as a regular day of college. Mark had slammed his phone alarm into oblivion and pulled himself out of bed, collapsed halfway to the bathroom....

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Fare is fare

Free Ride Mocs Chapter 1: Feeling the coolness of the air on my face I knew it was far too cold to be walking about the city. This was fine, as it gave me the opportunity to try and find the fabled taxi. I'm sure you've heard the tales of a taxi that drives around the city and changes its clientele in some way. I know that it exist and I know that it switches a person's body with the taxi driver. Thus leaving them trapped in the taxi driver's body forced to watch their old selves...

1 year ago
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Hot neighbour

After I graduated from college, I lived in an apartment for about five years. I didn't like living in the apartment because of the lack of privacy, lack of parking, and other little things; so as soon as I could afford it, I bought a small house in the suburbs. The house was located in a safe and well-lit neighborhood. Since it was in a circle drive, there wasn't much traffic.My neighbors were real friendly, and I got to meet all of them. There was one lady who lived two houses down from me who...

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Mikey and Leslie

Leslie didn't actually look smug, but she wasn't real empathetic either. That she had decided to lay her cards on the table, however, had not entirely been expected by me. But there they were. "I'm sorry you found out this way, Mikey, but it is what it is. Roger does it for me. I love you still, it's just that I need a little more than, well, you're able to give me," she said. "I hope you can see what I'm saying here, my husband, and let me have this little thing." "Really," I...

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A Tale Of Two Sisters

"Sophie, hurry up!" "All right.! I'm coming!" And I was. I let out a small moan as my fingers hit my g-spot and sent me flying over the edge. I pushed past my sister as I left the bathroom. There's nothing better than a nice hot bath after a long day at school. Well at least it was friday, and tomorrow I had the house to myself as my parents were going to Atlanta for their anniversary and Tara was going round to her boyfriends house. It was my 18th birthday last week and one of my friends...

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Ashleys Holes

Ashley’s little body urgently pushed backward onto Buck’s impaling ten inch boner. “Fuck me! Screw my baby pussy! Come on stud! Do my fuck hole Buck! Oh yes! Ram me you fucking big bastard! Ggggoooooddddd! I’m ccccuuuuummmmmiiinnngg!” Buck was enjoying this immensely. The hot chick was only 13 and she was as tight as a fucking nut cracker with the squeeze on and the squeeze was definitely on as she vaginally serviced his cock as if her young life depended on it. She couldn’t...

4 years ago
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little sisters birthday wish 1

My issues began when I turned 12. I was beginning to notice things that I had been taught from an early age was wrong. I was seeing things, and feeling things that if my parents found out I would have been in loads of trouble. For example, girls at school would come in, during the warmer months, wearing clothes that were showing more skin than usual. Their little tits would be visible in some of them and I couldn't really keep my eyes off of some of them. I noticed that I would get hard...

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Pathan Ne Maari Crosdresser Ki

Hello I am Tasha as it is my sissy name.I am 18 and fair color with big kinda butts and a kind of breasts when I lie sideways. Will tell the story in Desi language. Ye kahani h meri m school m thi(tha) un dono. Main yhan apni maa aur baba k sath rehta tha and humaray yhan aik pathan kaam kartay thay kafii salon se. Aikdin papa mulk se bahar chalay gayeee job k liye 5 ssaaal k lite. Meri Ammi Koi Bari sexy hain unki Bari ass hai aur boobs b.tight saari phnnay ki shoqeen kafii.khair pathan uncle...

1 year ago
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My Saali Nikki

Hi friends I am Mohith this time i m sharing my experience my sister in law. my wife was working and so was I, my father-in-law suggested to let my sister-in-law stay with us to take care of our daughter. Moreover, she was not getting along with my mother-in-law at all and they would fight almost every day and my house is very close by. My sister-in-law is 5’4″, 56 kgs, has small breasts and the cutest ass you could imagine. She was just a month away from her 22nd birthday. My wife’s family is...

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Devlins StoryChapter 5A

Devlin peeled one eye open and looked across the pillow at her window. She could hear her mother downstairs. Through the partially opened window she could hear kids playing outside. She sighed. She knew it was Saturday, and right now she wanted no part of it. She felt tired, bone weary tired, the kind of tired where you sprawl back in bed and don't move for several hours. And she'd promised to go shopping with her mother. She reached for the covers and discovered she had pushed them off...

1 year ago
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Lauren Gisal II In South AmericaChapter 22

Nikki's visit brought home to Lauren not only the strength of their friendship but also the value of Nikki's advice. She had been correct about many things in their teen years - especially the character of Lauren's few boyfriends - so that she regarded her as level headed in times of crisis. As a result, two decisions were simple to make. Firstly, that she should try and convince Emma that their night of love-making was a one-time occurrence that resulted from her fear of storms, and...

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Sex With Neighbor Aunty

Hi everyone..I am rahul 24years old from bangalore.I completed my engineering from a reputed college in bangalore…I am 6.1feet,good looking guy..I was basically a introvert kind of guy..I hardly speaks to girls because of my shy nature…This incident happened a couple of months back with my neighbour aunty.She was more of a family friend to us. Let me desribe her name is jacklin 38years old.Her figure 36-30-38.She is so sexy all men would jerk off only by looking at her assests..To be honest I...

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Helper to Witches

Mike was twenty-six years old, six foot six inches tall and weighed about one hundred ninety five pounds of mostly muscle, with black hair and brown eyes. He was considered plain and dressed plainly but not ugly, had a graduate degree in teaching with a masters in linguistics, and a first dan black belt in Aikido. He was owned by one very large affectionate cat and was single - very single - and right now, utterly baffled at how he had gotten himself into a situation like this. The last thing...

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Even More Trucker Sex

The sun was just going down as I pulled into the rest area. There were a few trucks and a pickup in the parking lot, but nothing seemed to be happening. I got out of my pickup and walked around to the passenger side, lit a cigarette, and leaned against the bed. I finished the smoke, and, still, nothing was going on. Then, I heard the jake brake of a truck on the highway, and I knew it was coming into the rest area. I lit another cigarette.The truck quickly rounded the bend and topped the hill...

4 years ago
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My Dad Got Caught

When I was sixteen, I was still a virgin, but I had already learned how to get myself off. I had listened to the brazen talk of the other girls at school and learned many things. My little fingers served me well. I never fell asleep at night before relieving the daily tensions with my fingers deep inside my slippery pussy. I had never seen an adult cock because I had no attraction to the immature, but horny, boys at school, finding their interest in me undesirable. On the...

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Seasoned MeatChapter 3 Grandsonrsquos Story

On a Saturday soon after the married and pregnant Daughter/Girlfriend had been there, Grandson wanted to talk to his Grandpa. He brought some beer and pizza and they sat on the back porch. After some small talk, Grandpa reached over and put his hand on his grandson’s arm saying, “Something is really bothering you, isn’t it?” “Grandpa, like I told you a few days ago, I made a big mistake when I was ‘young, dumb, and full of cum’. I lost the best girl I was ever with. I still love her and wish...

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