Venom Of Venus free porn video

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It was a moonless night in the forrest of Dath. The thick tree canopy of countless dark oaks would have blocked the light of even the brightest harvest moon. This didn't bother our hero all that much, he was a mage after all. A novice mage of a mark and a half, but a mage none the less. Or so he kept telling himself. The path before him was illuminated with the soft yellow glow of a mage light. A bright golden ball about the size of a large grapefruit that hovered above his head one foot up and behind him. It was the first spell he had learned at the college and the one he was furthest along in mastering. At his current level the spell would last for fifteen minutes unless otherwised dismissed. It cost a meager 15mp to cast (1mp per minute) and with his impressively large mana pool of 300 mp and quick recovery time of 1mp every five seconds he had no worry of ever wandering in the darkness.

The college required all first year mages to learn basic survival skills and spells. Mage light, detect water, purify water, weak flame, detect life and minor healing. As well as how to do all those things yourself. "Magic isn't a crutch, it is skill. The same as swinging a sword or baking a loaf of bread." Archmage Zadi would often say. This policy resulted in some of the most well rounded mages the kingdom of Locklain had ever seen. Most mages where sort of one trick ponies. A battle mage could be unstoppable and feared by all on a battlefield. But ask that same mage to help you build a house, sew a button, bandage a wound or even cook something better then the most basic dish and suddenly they are no use to anyone. The Master Zadi saw that as wasted potential and would not stand for it.

This gave our apprentice mage a fine repertoire of skills to utilize if things got messy. It also filled him with confidence that he couldn't possibly hope back up with action. After all he had only been a mage for eighteen months. He had enrolled in the mage college the week after his eighteenth mark. Magic was inherently dangerous and the elder mages didn't want children welding the power to scorch entire country sides until they would old enough to shoulder the responsible of that came with. Many a novice mage had accidentally incinerated practice targets due to loosing control of their magic. Other accidents and mishaps had resulted in more tragic endings over the centuries of the college's existence. So the age restriction was set in place and the accidents decreased, though it didn't change the fact that mage work was still dangerous and if a wrong word was said, or an incorrect rune drawn, it could easily result in the caster being harmed or worse.

Our hero understood the risks of magic and, for the most part, respected it. In fact it was part of the reason he was out in the forrest at such a late hour. One of the masters had received reports of goblins attaching travlers on the roads in the dathen forrest. What peaked the masters interests was that the survivors reported a spellcasting goblin. Quite an oddity by it self, but especially odd because the goblin was reported to have conjured a beast to aid in their attacks. Conjuration is a class of spell casting that goblins aren't known for. If a goblin happens to have the affinity for magic at all, it overwhelmingly is for destruction or illusion. So the college dispatched a mage to investigate. And that mage was our hero, Mathias.

Mathias, despite being a novice, had a strong affinity for conjuration, and goblins where not a reason to send a proper mage. There where more pressing matters to attend to. Besides Mathias had dealt with the nasty little beasts before, so the masters felt this would be a perfect opportunity for the up and coming conjuror to get some on the job training.

The detect magic spell Mathias was using to try and locate the renegade caster was leading him into an opening near a waterfall that fed into one of the many streams that cut through forrest floor. The opening was small, almost too small for Mathias to fit in, but he was just small enough to squeeze in. Once inside he reflected on wether or not he was dispatched on this assignment for his skills or his stature. Goblins are small creatures, standing at most four foot tall. Mathias was not much taller at five foot one. He had a sneaking suspicious that the masters expected the goblins to be held up in a small burrow or hole, and so chose him because he was the smallest mage they had. He had no way of actually knowing but he made it a point to ask once he returned.

Mathias activated his detect life spell and his vision came to life with red outlines of hostile enemies. He counted four in total. He activated his muffle sound spell and began to sneak forward. The cave was cool inside and with a significant amount of moisture in the air from the waterfall it was down right chilly. He could see his breath in the rays of his mage light which then he remembered to dismiss before it gave him away. "Stupid, rooky mistake." He mentally chided himself. Quietly Mathias followed the tunnel of the cave, watching as the outlines of the goblins got closer. Soon enough he came up to the first one. This monster was holding a short spear, probably stolen from a victim and cut down to suit the goblins smaller size. It was wearing light armor that criss crossed his chest and a loincloth, a very ill fitting loincloth. Goblins weren't known for modesty and even in the dark gloom of the cave Mathias could make out a comically large cock for such a small creature. It had to be at lease seven inches just hanging there and it had the balls to match. Mathias quietly moved up to the creature who was looking deeper into the cave, his back facing the sneaky intruder. In a flash Mathias covered the goblins mouth and slid a small stiletto dagger in-between it's ribs. In a mix of shock and pain the goblin dropped it's spear and clutched at the hand over it's mouth and nose. In just a handful of seconds the beast went limp in his arms. Mathias gently lowered it to the ground and moved it off to the side of the cave, just in case he had to beat a hasty retreat. He couldn't help but notice the massive member as it dragged along the ground between his victims legs. "Why would the gods give such vile monsters the blessing of such nice cocks?" He wondered to himself. Mathias, while being lean and very fit thanks to the martial training at the college, was somewhat lacking in the manhood department. Measuring at five inches rock hard this filthy corpse had him beat by near double when it got hard he reckoned. Not that it could get hard any more, that was a small comfort at lease.

With the first of his quarry taken care of he checked his spells and progressed deeper down into the cave. When he came upon the next goblin it was preoccupied, and even if Mathias had just barged in like he lived there the goblin wouldn't have noticed, in fact both goblins didn't notice him enter. They would too busy screwing, as he crept up the snarls and chatter of goblin speak made his neck hair stand up and gods the smell. The mix of unwashed bodies, sweat, semen, blood and what ever else was in this room almost made Mathias vomit. And the sight of two goblins fucking was not a pleasure either. They where very rough to say the least. With the fuck-er biting and clawing the back and arms of the fuck-ee. It looked to Mathias that goblins fuck like they live, violently... He readied his dagger and positioned himself behind the two, he was just about to force the head of the top goblin down so he could run them both through at once when it threw his head back and howled with... Ecstasy? "That bastard just came!" Mathias realized, he was so stunned by what just happened that he didn't realize the goblin had pulled out and half way turned around and was starting right at him.

Suddenly Mathias heard a noise, a strange half shriek of terror and half roar of rage imminent from the goblin and immediately snapped out of his thoughts and jumped onto the goblins, pinning both of them under himself with his dagger infront of him. He managed to push the first goblin back onto the second one only this time the goblin was facing him and managed to claw and scratch several gashes into his back and arms before it died. The bottom goblin, crushed under the weight his partner and mathias couldn't so much as scream before the blade slide through the body on top of him and into his own. Once the pile of goblin stopped squirming Mathias climbed off and pulled his knife out with a wet, slipping sound. He checked himself over, and cast a minor healing spell on his wounds. As he was checking to make sure he wasn't injured anywhere else he noticed something on his pants. He moved over to a torch on the wall and was repulsed to find it was an off white and sticky. It was fucking cum! He had goblin jizz on his tunic. I made a mental note to wash off in the water fall before he headed back for town. The teasing from his class mates would never cease if they knew about this.

"Three down, one to go." He mentally ticked off in his head. Mathias cast his detect life spell once again to try and pinpoint where the last one was. He wasn't in the mood for any more hide and seek, he was cold, covered in blood and semen, one of which definitely was not his own and he was tired of breathing in the rancid air of this hell hole. The final goblin was just up ahead in the last room. Mathias crept to the door and tested the lock, it moved slightly, so he steeled himself and, talking a half step backed, kicked the door open, well as best he could with not being able to stand upright. The door swung open and hit the wall hard. Mathias immediately cast his brightest mage light into the room blinging the goblin as it stumbled out of bed. It fell to the floor and crawled around looking for a weapon. Mathias simply walked over and drove his knife down into its heart, ending the creature.

With all the threats stopped mathias could now check his mental interface and look at his battle prompts. *Slain Goblin scout x4 25 exp. exp to next level 250* With that all finished he could now beging his actual work, finding what the goblins where using to summon things. There was very little chance they could have figured out how to naturally. They must have been using a wand or magic ring or something to change mana into and cast the spell for them. It didn't take long to find, it was an old leather bound book on the night stand next to the bed where the last goblin had been sleeping. He opened it up to confirm and he found that it was filled with all sorts of creature and animals and monsters that could be summoned. All someone had to do was chanel their mama into the book and will the thing on the page to appear. At lease for the low level ones. The higher level creatures in the back of the book required rituals and or magic brews to summon them. Then something caught his eye. There was a humanoid section, curious he flipped to it and started reading. They where pretty standard things, Magic constructs to do basic labor, wooden butler to clean house, things like that. But at the very back something caught his eye.

He read over the name of the creature, looked at the description and back again just to make sure he read it right. "Succubus" he wispered to himself. He had always heard stories of succubui and the amazing things they could do. He also heard all about the dangers of them. Succubui feed on the life force of their victim, very similar to that of a vampire, however the succubus does it in a much more interesting way, through sex. They essentially forced the victim's body to produce semen at an accelerated rate. Imagine having a super high metabolism and not eating for a day, you'd crash really quick because your body used up all it's excess stores of energy. Same principal, you basically cum to death as your body rips nutrients from your body to convert it to semen for the succubus to absorb. All that aside a few horny mages and a bard or several have learned a few ways of controlling the demon, to a degree. There are safe gaurds to ensure that the succubus can't kill or permanently harm you. And it just so happened that Mathias knew the best one. Being a horny teen surround by the knowledge of several lifetimes had it's perks. All that's needed is a simple chalk circle with the proper binding runes. Then you summone the demon into the circle and force the succubus to give you it's name. Once you know it's name it can't hurt you. The binding runes keep it restrained to the floor so it allows you to be a little more persuasive. Starvation is not a fun way to go even for a demon. So without wasting any time mathias closed the books and made his way back towards the entrance of the cave. There was a larger part of the tunnel that would be perfect to test things out. Plus there weren't dead goblins all over the place in that room. Once he arrived at his spot he opened his mage bag and dumped the contents out onto the stone floor. He tossed up a mage light, took a peice of chalk and started on the circle. He shivered in the damp cave as he worked. Partially from the cold and partially from the anticipation of what he was hoping would become a night to remember. Finally after 15 minutes he was finished. He stood back and examined his work. Next he read over the book and double checked everything, didn't want to over look something and get fucked to death for it. The grimwoire he had found said that it could summon a lv5 succubus or incubus. The binding runes where rated for lv15 creatures. And he knew that would hold, He once helped his master's trap a troll that was killing live stock.

So without further hesitation he started to feed mana into the book. He felt the icy tendrils of power flow out of his center and into the book. The spell was costly at 100mp. A whole third of his stores. Once the book was powered he just had to mentally will the creature into existence. And he did just that, suddenly a blinding flash of light lit the whole cave and forced mathias to look away.

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Copyright obohobo 2007 Chapter 1: The squatter "Hi Ma!" "What have you forgotten today Bobby?" "As if I would." "What about your sandwiches yesterday?" "No Ma, I brought something for you that I found in 'Barn House'." I dragged the woman from the utility room into the kitchen where mother was clearing away the breakfast things. "Ma this is Kathryn and I found her sleeping rough in the house this morning. She says her name is Kathryn Bailey and she's from Scotland. Kathryn,...

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Saving the Little Girl Next DoorChapter 2

I felt someone poking my tummy. When my eyes opened, I saw Jesse, my babysitter, sitting on my bed. "Wake up, Keith," she said. "It's morning." Her pokes turned into tickles. She clawed her fingers into my ribs, and I squirmed around, trying to hit the college undergraduate with my little seven-year-old hands. With all the force and effort I exerted trying to hit her, I fell right into her arms and she hugged me and carried me downstairs for breakfast. Jesse is a devout Christian...

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Cookie Shares

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. oooooooCookie: He’s upstairs in the study. I’m chatting to MonstaMunch.Jellybean: Are you sure? Last chance.Cookie: Go for it, sweetie. Make him happy, please.Finally, the night was here. Lashing rain, howling wind, and the slime of the wet leaves on the path made the walk up to the front door mysterious and exciting.________________Months of chatting online to Cookie had broadened Jellybean’s...

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The final chapter In praise of chubby fat older women

Well the week end was upon us, I came stumbling down the stairs, still half a sleep and sat down at the kitchen table...Poured myself a cup of coffee...Mom came bouncing through the front door with the mail, still in her bathrobe....."Good morning baby" she spoke, sorting through the mail. "Good morning Mom "I replied .. "Love you" I added...."Oh I love you to baby" she answered with that cute little grin of hers...Threw the mail on the counter and walked up behind me, slipping her...

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Hätte nicht jeder Mann in bestimmten Situationen gerne die Gedanken einer Frau gelesen, um eine richtige Entscheidung zu treffen? Und dann ließ man sich prompt zur falschen hinreißen und richtete einen großen Schaden damit an! In dieser Story sollten ein paar Gedanken ausgetauscht werden, die die Neugierde der Männer in Bezug auf die Reaktionen von Frauen stillen sollen und natürlich auch umgekehrt. Fragen an die Frauenwelt oder an Männer die Erfahrungen gemacht haben sollen hier untergebracht...

1 year ago
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06 HomeChapter 63

Present – Jens – Outside Dinner I'm savoring this beef stew and wondering how Mabel does it: Everything that she prepares is incredible! I need to thank Thom again for finding her because she has become an essential part of our team. I think about our situation and ask, "Jack, is Ivan going to be okay with Masha being gone?" He answers, "He's a great kid and will miss her, but he won't cause any problems." What the hell! A piercing siren sounds and I recognize that someone has set...

2 years ago
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SRU Spells Arounds Goes Around

This work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission. SRU: Spells Arounds Goes Around By Paul G Jutras Lois had arrived at Fairy Tales Mall when she saw a male body builder get out of his car and head toward the main door. He looked gorgeous with his shirt off and tight blue jeans. She ran across the parking lot in her white open toe pumps to try to get a better look him when he disappeared inside. When...

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Part 2 A New Kind of Heaven

Part 2 - A New Kind of Heaven This story relates how I morphed from being straight as a ruler to being bisexual. These events happened in spring '03. While I obviously can't remember every detail, the basic story is true. I've added detail where it was needed. If you haven't read part one, you should before reading this or it won't make much sense. The morning dawned bright and clear, a beautiful spring day. Thank God it's Saturday, I thought to myself. I glanced over at the clock by the bed....

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Trial Separation

Hi Folks, Another tale of woe and love gone wrong here. And as requested last week, this one is much shorter. SS06 As I looked around the church, I felt useless. The flowers were beautiful. The decorations were beautiful. The architecture of the hall was exquisite. Great care had been taken with every detail of the wedding and I hadn't had a God damned thing to do with any of it. It was crazy. It was embarrassing as hell. I don't remember ever going to a wedding where the mother of the...

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Sandra shook her head and sighed as she listened to her daughter talking to her boyfriend in the next room. "You have got to be kidding me, right?" "C'mon Jen, it'll be fun. Ron and Angela and Wendy and Greg will be there." "A stupid protest? Please." "We could end up on T.V." She cut him off. "You know what? I'm done. I am so sick of your stupid causes and ... Just forget it. We're through." "Wait, Jen." Sandra winced at the sound of the front door slamming, immediately...

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Chameleons Private Club Virgin Swingers Part 1

The British Indian - Hot-Wife swapMy Husband Drove me to the Club, when we arrived at the Club car-park, our new friends, Alex & Aziza informed us. To sign up for the club membership. they told us, we will be provided with a Club tour by a member of Staff, Volunteering at the Club. Alex introduces Nasima and my Husband to the Private clubs front desk. we filled in the membership form, Provided them with some Identification. this was required to join into tonights Fun. we was then provided a...

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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 1

[Warning - there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless]"I can't believe I missed…" Freddie said, huffing as he moved past Carly, who could barely keep up with him."He was a long way off," she replied. "And you were upset.""No excuse… and that was no guy either," Freddie said, refusing to even look back as he looked through the trees for any sign of the woman he saw. "No way that wasn't a woman.""I could never imagine a woman being capable...

2 years ago
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Meter Reader by loyalsock

Jack was on his normal route, reading the electric meters at the houses on High Creek road. The next stop was 450. This meter was located on the side of the house where the bedrooms were located. Jack had seen the lady of the house before. She was extremely hot. He hoped that she was home that day. From the meter, Jack could see in the bedroom window. Normally the blinds were shut on all the windows of the bedrooms. This day, however, one window's blinds were open, and the lower half of the...

3 years ago
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All because of Hamster

A few nights a go, my wife and I were sitting watching xhamster on the computer. We'd been surfing the site for a few hours. The wife was reading a few stories; she's more into reading stories than watching porn. It was getting late and I decided to go to bed. Not long after, my wife joined me. She got into bed, and I did what I usually do. I turned round and gave her a cuddle...I was lying there for a while, dozing in and out. I put my hand down towards her knickers, she was lying on her...

1 year ago
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First BI Experience

This story is part true, and part fantasy. Hope you enjoy. It may seem strange that at 50 you realize that you are bi. Perhaps an explanation is required. At 50 years old, with kids all grown and after 30 years of marriage, my wife asked for a divorce, saying she wanted to be free to do some of the things she wanted to do when she was younger but couldn't because of marriage and kids. After my surprise passed, we divorced on friendly terms, and she moved out of the house. Since I had the house...

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3Way at Work

It was another, typical Monday morning for Linda. After what had been a fun weekend with a pleasant walk in the Cheshire countryside and some relaxing gardening it was back to the weekly reality of making a living. She'd not long been in work when her computer went dead and the water wouldn't drain from the sink in the washroom she shared between her office and the other managers. So the SOS went out to get the computer-man and a plumber.After giving out the assignments to the staff for the day...

1 year ago
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What do you think of when you think of 3D hentai? Well, you might think of a hentai site, but you already know that on those kinds of sites you mostly get 2D animations, and 3D is kind of rare these days. Well, I’m here to tell you about a great place where you can enjoy mostly 3D hentai content. The name of the site is, and it has all sorts of hentai for you to enjoy. It doesn’t matter what kind of hentai you’re into, this place has pretty much every kind of hentai content that you...

Cartoon Porn Sites
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It had been 12 years almost to the day since they had last laid eyes upon each other. Fleeting memories of intimate times fluttered through her mind causing her nipples to ache for his touch. Goosebumps covered the flesh down her arms and her chest. Here she was, staring at a message from a man from her past whom she loved deeply and let go by mistake. The message read, ‘Coffee Sometime?’ How, after 12 years does a simple question still excite her as their first meet had. Both happily married...

2 years ago
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PERFECTbyDorothy StrangeloveWhen you know the one you love is that forever love you have wanted all your life it's a precious thing. I knew he was the love of my life and he knew everything about me. Well, almost everything. But knowing you have in your hands something pure and precious and so complete that it's bigger than the world is a wonderful thing. But a love like that means everything and with it comes a fear that if I am not the perfection he sees when he looks at me with the eyes of a...

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The Quarterbacks Speedo

I first started getting turned on by men in bikini briefs/Speedos in Junior High School. I used to watch the younger soap stars in their Speedos, saw Greg Louganis dive to Olympic gold and looked in catalogs for bikini briefs. Between my Sophomore and Junior year in high school I was taking summer school and would run into the recently graduated point guard for our basketball team and quarterback of our football team. Tony worked out in our weight room to stay in shape before he went off to...

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Turning my best friend gay

I am 34 years old now, the first experience I had with my friend Mike happened nearly 15 years ago. I am happily married now, and would never do anything like this again because of the love I have for my wife. But I won’t say that I don’t fanaticize about the experiences I shared with Mike so long ago. I still think about the fun we had now and then, and find the time to masturbate thinking about him, replaying the scenes in my mind of some of my favorite times with him. Enough about...

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new feelings part 2

Jan hadnt heard from Billy in over a week, was he embarrassed, just wanted to fuck her once, scared, she had no idea but didnt feel it was right for her to contact him either, so she had a normal week,stayed off omegle and did some major house cleaning to keep her mind off things, her and Bob fucked a couple times but still the ussual,she would play with his cack to get him hard, suck him for a few minutes, she would roll on her back, he would mount her, fuck for a few more minutes until he...

1 year ago
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FB Pe Mili Sexy Bhabhi Ki Chudayi

Hi ISS readers, my name is charlie Sharma from haryana this is first story of loosing virginity to a unknown lady met on fb. So here it is for u…….. Jab mai graduation k 2nd year me tha to mene fb par randomly girls ko add karna start kiya to next day mene dekha ki ek ladki (name changed) shnaya ne meri request accept kar li thi so mene use msg kiya C- thanks for accepting my request . S- u r welcome. C – where i am welcome ;) S – hahah in my friend circle. C- hey thanks again for considering...

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His Mistress of the Night

He was unlocking the door to his apartment when he saw her, the drop dead beauty from 3b. She was just on her way out. Always leaving in the middle of the night, he thought to himself, must be nice to be so young. She was a stunning beauty, must have been in her 20s, with nice 34D breasts and a gorgeous ass. Just looking at her made his cock remember he hadn’t had sex in over a month. He fumbled with his keys, just to buy time to watch her as she walked by him. She chuckled and said, ‘You...

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Love Affair Of A Brother And Sister

They were sitting in front of the TV. The news reporter in her 20s was reporting a terrible Airplane accident that took place that morning. The AirAsia flight had taken off from the Jaipur International Airport. It was due to land at the Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport in a matter of a few hours. But as soon as the flight entered the state’s boundary, there was an engine failure, and the flight went down in the Arabian Sea surrounding the state. All the passengers on board died,...

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