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Wet Edit

Melody sighed as she unlocked the door of her apartment. Thank God it’s the weekend she thought to herself. In her hands she juggled her briefcase, a shopping bag of groceries and a bottle of wine.

It had been six months since her relationship had ended. She marveled at how far she had come in establishing her independence. She now had her own place, her own things and her much needed freedom. Life as she knew it was good. She sang her favourite line from her favourite Jann Arden song: I am not lonely swear to God I’m just alone.

Melody kicked the door shut and placed her briefcase on the floor. Maddy, her cat, greeted her by rubbing her ankles and purring. She walked into the kitchen and set her bags down on the counter.

“Your water dish is empty Avalon. Let Mommy get you a drink.” Melody reached down for the water dish and noticed a large puddle of water on the floor. “What in bloody hell is THAT?”

Opening the cupboard under the sink she realized there was a leak. Crap she thought, what the hell will I do with that. Reaching for the phone she dialed the land lady. Mrs. LeBlanc answered on the second ring, “Allo?”

“Hi, Mrs. LeBlanc, it’s Melody in 409. Listen I have a huge leak in the pipe under the sink. Is there someone I can call?”

“Ah ben la,” Mrs. LeBlanc replied in her heavy Acadian accent, “I’ll ‘ave someone d’ere in fifteen twenty minutes. Worry pas.”

“Thanks so much Mrs. LeBlanc.” Melody smiled. Mrs. LeBlanc was a sweet lady, and apparently very efficient.

Melody hoped that she wouldn’t have to wait long. She wanted nothing more than to strip off and take a long hot bath. She put that thought on hold and went to find the mop. She was fairly certain whoever was coming to fix the sink; they wouldn’t want to kneel in a puddle of water.

Just as she finished cleaning up the mess, the doorbell rang. Less than fifteen minutes wait, she thought, now that is service. She went to the door and checked the peep hole just to make sure. She reached down and picked up Maddy so she wouldn’t take off. Unlocking the door, Melody greeted the plumber.

“Hi,” Melody smiled. Then she looked at him, really looked at him. He was gorgeous. He was tall; his frame was solid, muscular and well developed. His shoulders were broad and strong looking. Her eyes quickly traveled back up and she found him smiling at her. Melody’s stomach did a little flip. Where in God’s name did he get those ice blue eyes, she mused.

“My name’s Nick. You need a plumber? Mrs. LeBlanc called.” Nick continued to smile.

“Oh ...uh yes of course come in” Melody blushed at being caught staring. “The kitchen is right this way.” Melody closed the door behind them and showed him to the kitchen.

Nick studied her walk as she led him down the hall. She walked with the confidence of a woman who knew she turned heads. She was built like a real woman with ample breasts round hips and very nice derriere. He admired the way she walked with confidence. Nick was glad he was on call on Friday night for once.

Melody led him into the tiny galley kitchen. “I’m not sure what happened,” Melody said’ “It sprung a leak sometime today between nine and five. I would have looked at it myself but I really don’t know plumbing. So …yeah why don’t I just let you do what you have to do?” Melody made to leave the kitchen, but, with the cat in one arm, her chest brushed his arm as she did so. Nick continued to smile. He could smell the perfume she wore. Crisp clean and yet slightly exotic. As she sidestepped past him, she realized her apartment was really built for one.

“So you never told me your name,” Nick said reaching down to open the cupboard.
“It’s Melody. I just moved here not long ago. Well here to this building. I’ve lived in the city a long time.” Melody realized she was babbling. She watched as he shone his flashlight under the sink. Thank God she thought there wasn’t a bunch of stuff under there. Melody leaned on the wall as she watched him work. He really was quite good looking, in that very masculine way. She never knew guys like him actually existed.

“Ok. It’s nothing complicated,” Nick explained as he backed out from under the sink, “just a seal that needs to be replaced. I have some in the truck. Gimmie two minutes, I’ll get one.” He flashed another sexy smile.

True to his word he was back at her door in less than two minutes. She let him in again and closed the door behind him. This time it was his turn to walk down the hall first and Melody knew no shame in admiring his well defined rear view.

They chatted about inane things while he worked, the weather, local music scene, where to go for the best coffee. All too quickly he had finished the job, and he was putting away his tools. “So I see you like wine,” he mentioned casually. Melody looked up in surprise. “That was the only thing you had under your sink, a few empty wine bottles” He grinned.

Melody smiled back. “Yeah My best friend is Italian. He got me into wine.” Melody held up the bottle of Shiraz she had purchased earlier. Suddenly inspired Melody asked “I was going to have a glass. Would you care to join me?” She paused and began again. ”No wait, you are working. I wasn’t thinking.”

“Actually,” Nick said, as he locked the tool box, “I was done as of seven o’clock. You were my last house call of the day. Let me go down to my place grab a shower and I’ll join you for a glass of wine”

Melody was surprised. “You live in this building?” Why hadn’t she seen him before?

“Yup apartment 105… incase you need plumbing assistance again.” Nick grinned at her. “See you in a few.”

Melody decided to take the opportunity of his absence to freshen up and change into something a little less business. She walked into the bedroom took off her shirt and blouse and put them in the dry cleaning pile. Opening her lingerie drawer, she selected a lace push up bra and matching panties in lavender. She chose her favorite jeans and a deep purple satin cami. The colour set of her pale skin nicely and made her blue eyes bluer. She brushed her long red hair out letting it fall in waves over her shoulders. She touched up her makeup and glossed her lips. Melody looked critically at herself in the mirror and then laughed out loud. All this trouble for a lousy glass of wine.

The door bell rang twenty minutes later. True to his word, he had showered and changed. If he looked good before in his work clothes he now looked amazing in a pair of jeans and dress shirt. Melody swallowed her mouth suddenly dry. She caught his masculine scent mixed with the sexy cologne he was wearing. The effect was intoxicating. Something she hadn’t felt in a very long time was stirring inside her and she was shocked she had even gone this far. It wasn’t just that she had gotten out of a relationship that spring; Melody hadn’t been with a man in ten years. Her last four lovers had all been women.

She led him back inside. The sun had gone down and the last streaks of light coloured the sky outside her window. It was starting to get dark inside but she didn’t want to ruin the mood with harsh over head lights. Ah well, Melody thought if lighting candles was going to be obvious then so be it. He was here wasn’t he? Melody picked up a box of wooden matches and lit several of the pillar candles around her living room.

Nick watched as she walked around with the matches. She was so pretty, bending slightly, striking the box, letting the match flare before she touched it to the wick and the flame lit up her eyes. He cleared his throat and said “I brought a CD of some music I downloaded, just a bunch of mixed stuff, nice for a night in.”

“Go ahead, the stereo is there. I’ll get us that wine.” Melody went into her tiny kitchen and took down two wine glasses from the cupboard. It had taken her forever but she could now expertly remove the cork from a wine bottle without breaking it in half. She poured the deep burgundy liquid and watched as it swirled around the sides of the glass. She returned to the living room to find Nick sitting on her couch, music drifting out of the speakers. She handed him a glass and sat down herself.

As they chatted, Melody sipped her wine. It warmed her insides, and made her feel bold. She looked directly at Nick. “So why did you come up here tonight?”

He laughed. “Because you asked me too and because I like wine. Did I need an ulterior motive?”

“And if I have an ulterior motive?” Melody shot him a look.

“Do you?”

Without answering Melody placed her glass on the coffee table and leaned over and kissed Nick tentatively. Placing both of her hands on his arms she braced herself and deepened the kiss. He responded by placing his hand on the back of her neck and drawing her closer. Her lips parted and she snaked her tongue into his mouth. She could taste lingering traces of wine and she moaned involuntarily arching her body towards his. Nick leaned back into the sofa and pulled Melody down on top of him without breaking the kiss. He ran his hands over her back rubbing and caressing in turn enjoying the feel of his hands on the satin. Her perfume caught him again and he groaned. He slid his hands under her cami and ran the length of her back, as he continued to kiss her.

Melody broke the kiss and looked into Nick’s eyes. “Would you like to move somewhere more comfortable?”

“Yes, but I want you to know, I didn’t come here expecting this.” Nick was completely sincere.

“That’s ok,” Melody said in a half whisper, “This was completely unexpected for me too. You don’t even know.”

She stood up taking his hand and led him into her bedroom. He pulled her back into his arms and nuzzled her neck. “God you smell so good,” Nick whispered hoarsely. He nipped her neck with his teeth. Shivers ran over Melody’s body. ”Harder,” she sighed. It wasn’t a request but a command. Nick obliged her and bit harder. She dug her nails into his back and groaned. He pushed his hands back under her cami and pushed it up over her head. He continued kissing her neck and slowly made his way down her chest. One step at a time he pushed her towards the bed, and laid her down on her back. He lay down next to her and kissed her full red lips again, gently nibbling her bottom lip. She pulled him as close as possible, the passion in her rising.

Nick let his hands run the length of Melody’s torso as he kissed her, lightly skimming the lace of her bra. Her nipples hardened and her breathing changed, becoming shallower. He slipped one hand behind her back unfastened her bra and pulled it away letting it fall on the floor. He cupped one breast and leaned down to flick the hardened nipple with his tongue. Melody moaned and arched her back. Nick wrapped his lips around the pert nipple and began to suck, occasionally grazing it with his teeth. Melody sucked in more air through her teeth. Oh my God, she thought, this is right torture.

As Nick continued to worship her breasts, his hand found the way to the button and zipper of her jeans. His hand caressed the mound of flesh hidden just below where the zipper ended, and still he didn’t push her farther than she was ready to go.

“Please,” Melody begged, “touch me Nick… please.” Melody started to grind her pelvis into Nick’s hand. He unbuttoned her jeans and slid the zipper down. Shifting his body he inched her jeans down kissing her thighs as he went. He pulled them away and let them drop to the floor next to her already discarded bra. He picked up her left leg and began kissing, starting at the ankle and working his way slowly up. Melody was shaking. Looking up at her, Nick kissed the centre of her desire through the lace of her panties. It was almost more then she could bear. She slipped her fingers under the waistband of her panties and pushed them down. Nick finished pulling them down for her. He positioned himself between her legs and ran his tongue over the inside of both her thighs. She sighed and parted her legs. Nick inhaled her distinct feminine scent, as he used his index finger to tease her outer labia apart. “My God Melody you are so wet,” Nick groaned as he felt his erection throb almost painfully. Nick slowly dragged his tongue over her inner labia and tasted both tart and sweet at once. She arched her back and placed her hand on the back of his head urging him on, pleading for him not to stop. He held her labia open with his fingers and focused his attention where she needed it most, circling and flicking his tongue over her swollen clitoris. Melody writhed beneath him, moaning and crying out his name, begging him to keep going. Inspired by Melody’s impassioned pleas, Nick thrust two fingers inside her. He felt the muscle inside her clench and release and clench again locking down on his fingers.

“Oh God Nick… don’t stop… I’m so close… so close.” Melody whimpered. Her whole body clenched and convulsed as the orgasm plowed through her leaving her trembling.

Nick slid up beside Melody and kissed her hard. She could taste her own juices on his lips and her tongue traced the outline of his mouth. In her mad desire she didn’t realize that Nick was still fully clothed. She continued to kiss him, and began unbuttoning his shirt. Fumbling quickly she ended up ripping two of the buttons, but it didn’t matter. She had to feel the heat of his skin on hers. She wanted to taste him and have him taste his own essence on her lips. Sliding off the bed she grabbed his hand and pulled him up with her. On her knees in front of him, she kissed his stomach while her fingers undid his belt. She slid her hands inside the waist band of his jeans and pushed them down. His cock strained against his tight briefs and she kissed it through the fabric. Nick moaned and grabbed a fistful of her hair, drawing her closer. Melody tugged at the briefs and pulled those away allowing his magnificent cock freedom. She held him steady with one hand as she bathed his cock in warm saliva. Her lips encircled his cock as her tongue danced over the head licking the pre-cum and savouring it. Melody stood up and kissed Nick, allowing him to taste his own fluid. He groaned low in his throat, as she raked his back with her nails. Pushing him onto the bed she lay down beside him.

“Now I want you to fuck me,” Melody demanded. Nick grinned at her. “How baby? Tell me how you want me to fuck you?”

“Don’t you think I’m a bad girl? Don’t you think I deserve to be punished for starting all this?” Melody bit her lip and looked up at him, with a glimmer of mischievousness in her eyes.

Nick grabbed her forcefully by the hips and turned her over. Reaching down he grabbed his belt and secured her wrists behind her back. This was a little new to him but he was following her lead. He ran his hand over her firm round ass and spanked her lightly. Melody moaned slightly and Nick took this as a sign to go on. He spanked her again, this time harder. The blood underneath her very white skin rose to the surface and made her ass a deep rosy hue. Again he slapped her and she cried out “HARDER!” Finally, Nick could hold back no longer. He aimed his cock and drove it deep inside her. His hands tightened around her waist as he pumped in and out of her tight wet pussy. Nick’s breaths came is short grunts and his mind felt like he was spiraling out of control. “God yes Nick, yes FUCK ME,” Melody panted. He continued to fuck her with long deep strokes his balls slapping against her ass. He was holding back as much as he could, willing her to cum with him.

“Yes ooooooh YES Nick, now now, I wanna cum NOW.” Melody’s keigal muscle clenched, and her body tensed. Nick buried his cock up to his balls and finally exploded deep inside her, filing her completely with his hot sticky cum.

They both collapsed side by side. Nick undid the belt and released her wrists, rubbing them while kissing her neck. “I really hope I didn’t hurt you. I kind of lost it at the end,” Nick whispered in Melody’s ear. With her eyes closed, she smiled. “Give me five minutes, and then I want you in the shower for round two.”

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C2 Serendipity Pass Paths That Merge In Odd Configurations Final Edit

Be forewarned, these writings may trigger some issue or issues that you have, either by the language used or it’s content in general. If you are one to get bothered by every little thing, just close it now and step away from wherever the hell it is that you are reading this. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Serendipity Pass Chapter 2 : Paths That Merge, In Odd...

3 years ago
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C1 Serendipity Pass A Ghost On A Cold Lonely Road Final Edit

Be forewarned, these writings, including this warning, may trigger some issue or issues that you have. Either by the language used or it’s content in general. If you are one to get bothered by every little thing, you have to make a decision now. You have two choices. One, you can decide, you can be a mature adult about things and continue. Or Two, you can't, in which case just close it now and step away from wherever the hell it is that you are reading this. ------------- Serendipity...

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C4 Serendipity Pass One Road Leads To Another Final Edit

Be forewarned, these writings, including this warning, may trigger some issue or issues that you have. Either by the language used or it’s content in general. If you are one to get bothered by every little thing, you have to make the decision now. You have two choices. One, you can decide, if you can be a mature adult about things and continue. Or Two, just close it now and step away from wherever the hell it is that you are reading...

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C7 Serendipity Pass Paths of Sickle and Scythe The End Final Edit

Be forewarned, these writings, including this warning, may trigger some issue or issues that you have. Either by the language used or it’s content in general. If you are one to get bothered by every little thing, you have to make a decision now. You have two choices. One, you can decide, you can be a mature adult about things and continue. Or Two, you can't, in which case just close it now and step away from wherever the hell it is that you are reading this. ------------- Serendipity...

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Anal Virgin Edit

“Broadstairs Minor Sir,” the lower sixth prefect announced as he escorted the young Broadstairs into the Deputy Heads snug. “Yes Lampbert, what is all this about?” the Deputy Head asked, “Broadstairs won’t let me bugger him sir.” Lampbert complained, “Neither before prep or after rugger this aft sir, really it’s not fair.” “And what have you to say for yourself Broadstairs?” the Deputy asked. “Sorry sir, I’m from Yorkshire sir and I don’t take kindly to buggery sir,” Broadstairs...

4 years ago
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Billys Medical Exam reedit

Billy's mother, Cheryl, was a rather thorough parent. His parents had divorced several years earlier and his dad, while providing adequate financial support, had moved on to another relationship. Leaving Cheryl in charge of Billy and his 18 year old sister, Allison's, well being. She took her role very seriously. She made an appointment for the following week. Upon arriving at the Dr.'s office and checking in, Billy and his mom were lead back to an examination room. The nurse, a young...

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New Places New Faces Pt 3 Edit

Enjoy! _________________________________________________________________________ Edward’s day started very poorly. He got out of bed at 05:00 AM, his stomach a bottomless pit from the lack of dinner the previous day, his muscles sore from the violent movement he did without properly warming up first, and his wound still throbbing. ‘Jesus, if I won the fight and I feel like this, I imagine how the other guys feel like right now.’ Edward thinks before chuckling to himself. Sure the...

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Housesitting Day 0 Chapter 4 Thank Me With Your Mouth Dyking Out Edit

HOUSESITTING DAY 0: The Day Before Chapter 4: Thank Me With Your Mouth / Dyking Out To my shock and surprise, Kaylie didn't fix her mascara or clean the cum and drool off her face and neck before we left Coach's office. She just pulled her flowery summer dress over her head. No Bra! No Panties! Fuck, I had no idea Kaylie was such slutty girl. She usually looked so sweet and innocent, but not that day. That day, she looked fucking sexy all spattered in cum and with her make-up...

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Housesitting Day 0 Chapter 2 Hot Ride Edit

HOUSESITTING DAY 0: The Day Before Chapter 2: Hot Ride I left Mike's house with my dick nearly back at full strength. I had cum on Steph's face only about ten minutes prior, but all that kissing and her climaxing on my fingers as she shook against me was enough to bring my erection back with a vengeance. Her sucking me clean after was also a big factor. I knew Madison would help me with my nagging erection on the way to school. She always did. One of her favourite things was...

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Housesitting Day 0 Chapter 3 The Coachs Pet Edit

HOUSESITTING DAY 0: The Day Before Chapter 3: The Coach's Pet Madison was barely late when we pulled up. She leaned in for a deep French kiss before scurrying out of the passenger's seat and running towards the building entrance. I could taste a bit of my own jizz as I watched her fine, sexy ass sashay back and forth in her incredibly short skirt. Her sexy high heels clicked with each hurried step and I knew she wanted to get to the bathroom to clean up her smudged red lips...

4 years ago
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Housesitting Day 0 Chapter 5 Summer School Sluts edit

HOUSESITTING DAY 0: The Day Before Chapter 5: Summer School Sluts We heard the front door slam shut upstairs. "Natalie! We're home!" Lightning fast, I popped my cock out of Natalie's unbroken pussy. "FUCK! It's my parents!" Panic hit me hard as I figured I had about 20 seconds to get dress and bolt out whatever exit I could find. Suddenly, with my heart pounding against my chest, I remember the backdoor just at the top of the stairs. "Well, it's been fun, bitches,"...

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Housesitting Day 0 Chapter 6 Naughty Boys Dont Get To Cum edit

HOUSESITTING DAY 0: The Day Before Chapter 6: Naughty Boys Don't Get To Cum Slap! Madison hit the girl with a smack across the face, sending a splash of cum spattering to the floor followed by the young cocksucker. Madison raised her arm back for another slap making the poor young girl recoil and lose her balance completely. She crumpled sideways onto her ass and whimpered with her head down and her eyes focused on the floor. "Bitch! That was my cum!" Madison yelled as she...

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Housesitting Day 0 Chapter 7 Paiges Dirty Secret edit

HOUSESITTING DAY 0: The Day Before Chapter 7: Paige's Dirty Secret Paige's heart skipped a beat when she heard the pebbles click against her balcony door. It thrilled her every time. It made her feel like she was back in high school again. She felt the butterflies fluttering in her stomach as the familiar anticipation of what was to come sent jolts of sexual energy through her body. Taking a deep breath, she got up from her bed where she had been reading and even though she wanted...

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Love Never Fades Edit

Love never fades. Growing up. My name is Aaron Fitz. For the first twelve years of my life, I grew up like any other child. Went to school, came home from school, did my homework, played with toys, was just a normal child. I was a happy normal child, until one of the most important nights of my life. My father was one of the smartest people around, CEO of one of the biggest glass producing companies around and a person loved within the company. On the outside, Jerry Fitz was a...

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Lesson Time EDIT

What follows happened - about three hours ago. I have changed the lady's name, but should anyone who knows either of us read this, the game - as they say - is probably up.I teach EFL at a number of companies here ('here' will be obvious if you've read "Oh, Canada!") - have been doing so for thirteen years - and have had several hundred students in that time. Until today I have never had anything more than fantasies about a few of them......... At the turn of the year I started a...

2 years ago
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A Spot in the Park reedit

My only appointment ended early in the day. I have a tech support business, and my customer had persistent system freezes on his desktop. The guy works from home so it was a rush job that he called me on this morning, and he was willing to pay a little extra for priority service. Since I had a clear schedule, I could accommodate him right away. The guy was a pretty nice looking thirty-something - nothing outstanding, but cute, clean, nicely built, and friendly. In fact he was quite kind and...

4 years ago
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Full Moon Syndrome final edit

"a bully took my backpack" he said through his tears. I smiled secretly I had faced a similar problem when I was his age. "Well I don't see why would do that" I told him. "You seem to be a very nice kid" he looked up. I smiled at him. He smiled back. I held out my hand to help him up. He took it, his soft skin felt amazing. I pulled him up. "What's your name?" I asked him. He hastily wiped away his tears "Cedric" he told me I let go of his hand "Well Cedric" I said still...

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The Forbidden Flower edit

The town I lived in was pretty small with about twenty thousand people. I could do whatever I wanted. Go downtown, go to the park, hang out with friends. My parents never worried about me. I was an only child so I didn’t have to worry about a sibling bothering me. All my friends were close to me and there were no secrets between us. Because of that I told them about my new obsession. I enjoy playing with myself, and started doing it quite often. They all thought I was weird, and so did...

1 year ago
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Butterscotch Part 5 new edit

The last one had come the night before, at the close of our remarkable evening at Creatrice. She had informed me that we were to visit her grandmother at her home in the country to celebrate the old lady’s birthday. Quite a contrast between a Gothic sex club in inner London to the cottage of a grand old dame in the English countryside. Tamsin had told me very little about her grandmother except that she was called Ariadne and that this was her seventy-fifth birthday. That Ariadne had...

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Sarah what have you been doing with sweetcorn edit

Sarah and Matthew Jones lived in a small terraced house somewhere in a small town in the south of England, they lived with their mother Elizabeth, but she was never there. She had attained a high position in her company and her job meant she was travelling a lot of the time. This was unfortunate but necessary and at least this allowed her to pay the mortgage and the bills. Elizabeth always remembered how she got the job and it was never far from her mind! As a result of her job, her...

2 years ago
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C6 Serendipity Pass Freshly Paved Streets Final Edit

Be forewarned, these writings, including this warning, may trigger some issue or issues that you have. Either by the language used or it’s content in general. If you are one to get bothered by every little thing, you have to make a decision now. You have two choices. One, you can decide, you can be a mature adult about things and continue. Or Two, you can't, in which case just close it now and step away from wherever the hell it is that you are reading this. ------------- Serendipity...

2 years ago
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Thrown a curve retitled after an edit

It was one of those days. My mouth had got the better of me as I had agreed to babysit the younger c***d of my wife’s best friend (and occasional lesbian lover). Having three k**s under 12 years of age ourselves, the house was crowded and noisy all day long. So noisy, in fact, that my every plan for the day had been wrecked. Then, to make matters worse, my wife called and told me that there was an emergency at the clinic and she would not be home until late.“Great…” was all I could say....

1 year ago
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Mom plays Nurse Pt 2 REEDIT

Making sure I was totally soaked all over, mom replaced the hose and left it running then took shower gel from the shelf, again her body nudging into mine.Squirting gel into her hands she rubbed it into my hair rigorously as I just stood there enjoying every minute of it. Then with my hair still covered in suds she got some more gel and put it in her hands, making it into a lather mom then rubbed it all over my back. After soaping my back she lent down and did the back of my legs, one at a...

1 year ago
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Mom plays Nurse Pt I REEDIT

Mom Plays Nurse by BLUEgoblin Authors note: Due to the story being true, character names have beenchanged.After braking both of his arms in a motorcycle accident, a teenager has to rely on his mother to help him in everyday things including bathing and going to the toilet, but gets extras in the process.I always remembered my dad once talking about motorbikes with the family in the front room of the house, debating how the great Barry Sheen was a rare breed after he'd come off his bike again...

1 year ago
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The Appraiser reedit

The Appraiser By Brenda The seminar started at the local Marriott today. As the lead appraiser for my office, I was the main organizer for it. We had brought in one of the best appraisers in the East to share his expertise in appraising and developing a larger client base. The real estate market on Eastern Long Island was hot and I wanted to capture more of the $$$ it was spreading around. My name is Gayle. I moved out here from the city 5 years ago with my wife, Linda. Yeah were...

2 years ago
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Ravaging In The Forest reedit

byJag22© Albert Zoo Sandy was walking in the forest for about an hour, it could have been longer or shorter but it felt right to her. It was a warm and a hot summer night, it felt energised and vibrant in the forest, the air was moist and damp, the sound was intense, may it be the bird or insect the orchestra was in full sound, adding to the appeal of being in the outdoors. It was approaching dusk but being a beautiful summer night there was still abundance of light.... Sandy was a...

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What Hides in Lexis Silence edit

We were vacationing, my mother, my little sister, and I. We came to visit my grandma in Brazil. She lived in a small town that was created by a paradisiacal beach called Agua Azul. That translated literally as Blue Water and, oh boy, was it blue. The portion of the sea that reached those parts was a beautiful mix of green and very light blue, translucent, and the waves crashed softly onto the constantly burning sands. We left winter at home to arrive in the hottest South American summer I had...

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CAW11 Cold Winters Day reeditted

My pimp forced to work the streets tonight. I was hoping for profitable night; to keep him and his henchmen, away from me and my family. My name is Louise and I am a single 21 year old mother, and also a prostitute. I have a three year old daughter, Misty (Melissa). She was being looked after by a close friend. My slender framed body was feeling, every icy cold whiff of air, tonight. I stand 5-foot 7-inches and weigh 103-pounds; and I wasn’t dressed appropriately for the elements...

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Phone Hacker Discovery taboo ReEdite

My job as general manager was made harder as, every time we had a company party or night out someone from one team would snog or fuck someone from another team. Christmas parties were the worst. As a result, for the past two years I had even extended the invitation to the Christmas party to include partners just to try to stop them all fucking each other.Following a few ‘after-work drinks’ a few weeks ago. I was starting to hear rumours that Jackie, who was the oldest in the office as 46 had...

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Swetha Loves Her Life Part 9 Neha8217s Confusion

Please read my previous parts for continuation. If you like to reach out to me, write to me at All my clients are very discreet with their naughty sides. So obviously our interests are also maintained discretion. Any girls and aunties who are interested to be part of my gang and enjoy the fun can reach out to my email id. Also, any cuckold husbands who like to see there wife’s getting fucked. Let me know. The next morning I woke up around 10 am and saw Sundar next to me sleeping like a baby. I...

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