Phone Hacker Discovery 'taboo' (Re-Edite free porn video

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My job as general manager was made harder as, every time we had a company party or night out someone from one team would snog or fuck someone from another team. Christmas parties were the worst. As a result, for the past two years I had even extended the invitation to the Christmas party to include partners just to try to stop them all fucking each other.

Following a few ‘after-work drinks’ a few weeks ago. I was starting to hear rumours that Jackie, who was the oldest in the office as 46 had started dated Micky, the new lad, in the warehouse.

The problem was, that the rumours were, that he had supposedly ‘treated her like shit’.

I knew this because Sandra, my wife, was also one of the office girls and I had to listen to all the boring gossip on my drive home every evening. We’d agreed when Sandra first came to work at Maxwell’s Printing that we wouldn’t talk ‘shop’ at home. I should have include the car ride as well!

Every day, for half an hour, I’d have to hear about Jackie’s new dress. Or, Michelle’s boyfriend who’s been texting his ex-girlfriend again. Or how Lisa and Lou aren’t talking. And so on and so on…. Every fucking day.

Today it was the gossip about Micky having done something out of order to Jackie.

The issue is that Jackie is not your average 46-year-old. Jackie could probably pass for 30 years old. She took 3 spin classes each week. She would run 5 miles twice a week and was a part-time yoga instructor. She is in great shape and likes to flirt it by wearing very tight blouses and shorts skirts. She always wears black tights to ‘keep it professional’ but the lads in the warehouse would giggle and stare when she’d come out the office on the back stairs down into the warehouse…. Or more importantly, when she’d climb the stairs when they’d all look up her skirt and see her toned thighs clad in black under her short skirt.

When Micky had turned up in the warehouse as an agency temp Jackie had made a bee-line for him straight away. Micky was 23 with long hair which I had insisted that he tie back in a ponytail for health and safety. But even with his hair tied back, it was clear that he had the ‘surfer look’, He even drove an old VW camper-van with his surfboard attached to the roof in case there was any doubt.

Jackie had peacocked around the warehouse, flicking her hair and laughing at the boys' stupid jokes. She then pulled herself up to sit on a crate and chatted to Micky whilst swinging her legs back and forth.  

Micky was young, dumb, and (I assumed) full of cum, and was obviously very happy to let Jackie have some of it.

Still all good. . . but wait. . . 

Micky had taken Jackie for drinks, fucked her and fucked her off. But then he’d shown the rest of the lads in the warehouse the pictures on his phone of his cock in her mouth, her pussy, and her asshole. Just in case there was any doubt he also proudly showed his new workmates a video with him splattering his cum all over her face and her greedily lapping it up and using her fingers to clean every last drop into her mouth. (You will learn shortly how I know exactly what the images and videos contained).

I was pally enough with a few of the guys in the warehouse and I quickly heard about it. I instantly had a two emotions…. 1) Oh Fucking hell, as I’d have to deal with this mess. And, 2) How do I get to see these pictures and videos?

Before I had a chance to do anything I received an email from Jackie asking for a ‘one-2-one meeting right now’. The ‘right now’ was bolded and underlined!

I hadn’t even finished reading it before I heard a tap at my door.

“Come in” I called out.

Jackie entered. She looked as though she’d been crying and was looking rougher than usual. She came in and I stood up and moved us to the two low armchairs. As I sat down I remembered how much I hated these chairs. They were so low that my backside was lower than my knees. It always made me feel as though I was half laying down and I mentally promised I would replace them as soon as possible.

I looked over to Jackie and asked “what's up mate, you look like you’re having a tough day?” (Although, I knew what’s was coming).

As she started to answer, my opinion on my rubbish low seats started to change. Jackie was struggling as much as me to sit comfortably. The difference being that I was wearing trousers whereas Jackie was wearing her usual short skirt and black tights. However, to my initial delight and then quickly fear (of being caught) I could see that Jackie’s tights were in fact stockings. Or ‘hold-ups’.  

She couldn’t cross her legs as her arse was too low on the seat so she’d tried to lay her knees to one side.

Regardless of how she squirmed in her seat, I had a full view up her skirt. I could see where the black stocking finished and the milkiness of the tops of her thighs and then straight to her lacy panties.

I composed myself and tried my hardest to fixed my eyes on her face.

Jackie had already begun talking and I realised I hadn’t heard a word. I caught up quickly as she demanded that Mickey should fired but she wasn’t given any reasons.  

In honesty, I was rather enjoying her uncomfortableness and pushed her again and again on what had happened for her to feel this way about Micky and I explained that I couldn’t just fire the lad with no good reason.

In the end, she just blurted it out. It shocked me because when she finally told me she was pretty graphic.

“He took pictures of us fucking and him cumming on my face and now he’s showing everyone downstairs”. She said.

There was something k** of sexy about hearing her use such sexual language. I felt my cock throb as it started to stiffen at her words and I moved in my seat.

Luckily, she took this as her having made me feel uncomfortable and she actually apologised for he crudity.

She continued to tell me that, not only had he taken these photos and then dumped her but now there were rumours that he was going out with one of the other girls in the office.

I had already heard from Sandra that having finished abruptly with Jackie that Mickey was now giving a lift home from work to Michelle. Michelle was the newest addition to the team and was much closer to Mickey's age at 26. Michelle had been placed with us by the local recruitment agency with a bit of a sob story. Supposedly she had had a couple of years away from work to have a baby. 

Sandra had updated me after a few days of Michelle having started in the office that in her last job she’d become pregnant accidentally and that her boyfriend had exited the relationship quickly after being told the big news. This had left Michelle 5 months pregnant and alone. Sandra told me that she’d done a good job (in her own words) but now the little one was old enough to go to nursery Michelle was keen to get back to work.

I can’t lie, I had noticed Michelle instantly. She was facially very pretty. She had long curly blonde hair which looked just as sexy in a ponytail as it did down. She had big blue eyes and was still carrying a bit of baby weight. I’d guess her to be about 5’5” and size 14 dress. The one thing that I know for sure was that Micelle was clearly the proud owner of a cracking pair of tits.  

Sandra had told me that Michelle had very little confidence and was always attempting to diet and shift the weight. She told me that Michelle was very self-conscious of her weight and even more so of her ‘big boobs’ which she’d said just hadn’t shrunk back to their original size after she’d stopped breastfeeding.

Luckily Sandra didn’t question my ‘more than eager’ appetite as I sucked and licked her tits that night in bed as I imagined young Michelle's milky jugs in my mouth.

As Jackie attempted to stand up to leave she pressed her hands down behind her and allowed her knees to part wide giving me a perfect view of the sheer lacy covering her slit was clearly visible.

She watched my face redden as my eyes couldn’t help but fix between her legs. She smiled coyly and giggled, “for fucks sake, you men are all the same”. 

I splurged some half-apology and she smiled.

As Jackie left my office, I reluctantly agreed to speak with him. Jackie pressed hard that I should be doing more than talking to him and I agreed, under pressure, that if he admitted it that I would take whatever action was appropriate.

I decided not to do anything that day and instead on the drive home Sandra was surprised at my sudden interest in the office gossip.

I explained that Jackie had come to see me and complained about Mickey. I left out the bit about the photos and video and was surprised to hear Sandra’s opinion on the subject. 

I thought that Sandra would immediately jump to her friend's defence but instead, she seemed almost dismissive of Jackie and referred to her as an old tart.

“I thought she was your friend,” I said surprised.

“She is, but he’s much younger than her. What did she think was going to happen”? Sandra answered.

I was confused at her opinion and her sneering opinion of Jackie.

I continued “I’m also hearing that Mickey is giving Michelle a lift to and from work each day. Do you think he’s shifted his interest to her?”

Again, Sandra’s opinion confused me. “No way,” she said. “Michelle isn’t his type at all”.

“How do you know what his type is?” I asked, laughing.

Sandra snapped back again, “I don’t”.

I shook my head silently and focussed on my driving.  

My wife Sandra was 33 years old and was in cracking shape. I knew that guys looked at her and I was proud that she still turned heads. She spent her spare time teaching ballet and in her younger days had been a pretty good dancer. She stood only 5’2” tall which is probably while she’d never made it as a professional dancer but because of her height, she always wore high heels. Which was fine by me.

When we’d first met Sandra had been a pocket-rocket. Up for anything. We used to go raving together and she would dance for hours dressed in knee-high black boots, black lycra hot pants, and silver of gold shiny boob tube. She would dance for eight hours and then fuck my brains out for another 4 hours afterward. As a couple, we weren’t in d**gs as such but let’s just say those dance & fuck sessions were ‘ecstasy’.

However, after 10 years of marriage, she was as moody and temperamental as every other woman in the world and I had obviously put her in a mood on regarding the ‘Mickey and Jackie’ situation so we finished the rest of our journey in silence. Once we were home things returned to normal and I decided not to bring it up again.

As we got into bed that night I cuddled up behind Sandra and cupped her small firm boob into my hand. I pressed my stiffening cock against her pert little bum and allowed my swelling member to find a home between her cheeks. She responded negatively and pulled away muttering that she had a headache.

I rolled onto my back to lay staring up at the ceiling in the darkness and allowed my mind to wander back to my meeting with Jackie. I closed my eyes tight and remembered her thin thighs and how vivid her pale skin was against the black stocking tops. I slide my hand onto my balls and pumped them slightly as I thought about her sheer panties and my imagination filled in some of the blanks so that I could clearly see her slit behind the lace.   

My imagination wandered further and Michelle entered my thoughts. An image formed in my mind of her big milky titties hanging heavily on her chest. I thought about chewing her pink nipples and how I’d love to suck them into my mouth. I imagined her face showing relief as I suckled on her teat and how her milk began to flow from her nipples and into my mouth giving her relief as I relieve some of their weight.

My cock was straining now and I was far too worked up for it to go away. I listened to Sandra’s breathing and was pleased to hear that it had changed to the slower and more shallow rhythm of sleep.

I slid quietly from the bed and across the hallway. I slipped into the bathroom and locked the door. I wrapped my fingers around my heaving cock and pumped it back and forth. I closed my eyes again and tried to bring Michelle back into my thoughts.

As the image formed I felt the first risings of my ejaculation coming. I wanted more and reach for the washing basket. Sandra’s jeans were on top and (as always) her panties were still inside where she’d remove them together.

I pull her underwear free of her jeans and carefully open the gusset that had nestled her pussy all day. I eagerly pulled the white streaky stains up to my nose. The mixture of sweat, salt, piss, and pussy musk was enough to get my orgasm moving. I always waited and teased myself with her dirty underwear saving the back of the gusset till I was ready to cum. I moved them and pressed my nose against the spot where her asshole had been all day. There was something primeval and a****listic about the smell of my wife’s asshole and it pushed me over the edge. I licked hungrily at the white pussy residue and inhaled deeply her ass scent from her knickers and my cock began to pump. I quickly used her underwear to catch my seamen as I pumped it from my cock. Once my balls were empty I returned the panties to my mouth and lick the mixture of her pussy perfume and my seed from her underwear.

I took a moment to compose myself and to allow my hard on to subside then flushed the toilet (to cover my tracks) and slide back into bed. Sandra was snoring softly and I lay once again staring at the ceiling.

My mind wandered back to the events of the day. ‘Was Mickey really now fucking Michelle?’ If he was he was one lucky fucker.

That's when my planned formed in my head. I knew I wanted to see the contents of his phone. I already knew that he had the pictures and video of Jackie but I teased myself imagining if he had pictures of Michelle also…. I HAD to see his phone.

As I dove into work I mentioned to Sandra that I would have to speak to Mickey today and that I wasn’t looking forward to it.

Again Sandra’s reaction surprised me. “Oh, leave him alone. It’s not his fault that Jackie’s a fucking tart”. She snapped.

Sandra very rarely sore so I was doubly-shocked. However, for peace, I chose to ignore it.

“The problem is,” I said, “is that if he’s now moved his interests on to Michelle, then I should probably talk to him”.  

She swore again, “I doubt he’s interested in that fat little bitch”.

“Fat bitch?” I repeated back, “I thought you liked Michelle?”

‘She’s alright” she said with a disingenuous tone.

I shook my head slowly not understanding women at all and once again I decided not to push the matter any further.

The morning was very busy and I had back to back meetings but after lunch, I exited my office towards the top of the warehouse stairs. I scanned the workshop floor and quickly spotted Mickey chatting to one of the other lads.

I called out to him and asked if he could pop up for a ‘word please’.

I walked back into my office and quickly saw his head bobbing upwards as he climbed the stairs.

My plan involved Mickey being rather compliant and as he came in I started to doubt if the plan would work.

“You need to see me, boss?” He asked as he came in.

“Yes, hi Mickey. Come on in and close the door, please. Take a seat”.

He sat down and a lump grew in my throat.

“Mickey, there’s no easy way to say this so I’ll come straight out with it”.

He looked back at me and I squeezed the brow of my nose between my thumb and forefinger for effect.

“The thing is Mickey, that there’s been a complaint about you having inappropriate images of another member of staff on your phone. I’m sure you’ll deny it and yet this other person is adamant that it is true. I have spoken with HR at head office and they are taking advice on what to do. This puts me in a very difficult situation”.

He didn't say a word, which was good. Maybe this was going to be easier than I’d feared.

I continued, “HR has asked that I seize your phone so that you can not send or delete them if these images either ‘do or do not’ exist. When they’ve decided what to do you can have your phone back”.

Even as I said it, it sounded weak. Why had I thought he’d hand over his personal mobile phone? He looked and me with stern eyes and spoke clearly, “No. You can’t make me do that. It’s not a work phone, it’s my property”. He stressed the 'my', suggesting, rightly, that I shouldn't be asking for him to hand over his phone.

Shit! I thought! I had one last chance but it was tenuous!  

“I understand that Mickey but they’ve said that you can either leave it with me whilst they take advice or that I have to call the police and report it as a potential ‘sex crime’. If I do that, you will lose your job and you could end up on a register or something”.

I could see he was immediately concerned. But thankfully he was also buying it.

“I don’t want to give you my phone,” he said in a weaker and slightly defeated voice.

“I know Mickey, but it’s the best option for now”.

All of a sudden, he had a new burst of confidence. “There's no fucking way I’m unlocking it though. You just hold on to it till tomorrow or whatever. But it stays locked right?”

“You can leave it locked. You can switch it off for all I care and you can place it in the office safe yourself” I reassured him.

“I’m not giving you the passcode,” he said, sounding really very defensive.

“I do not want the passcode and I am not asking you for the passcode. All I’ve been asked to do is keep the phone whilst HR decides what to do or I have to call the police. Personally, I do not want the police in here this afternoon taking you away in a cop car. Do you”. I asked.

I let it hang in the air. I was worried that I might have pushed him to far but luckily, he bought it.

“I’m definitely switching it off. And I want an envelope to put it in so I can seal it, so I can see that no-one has fucked with it”.

“Fine,” I said and opened my bottom drawer and pulled out a white C5 envelope. I passed it to him and told him. “Do what you need to do”. 

I watched him switch it off. He checked it and checked it again. He then placed it into the envelope and sealed it. He even asked me for some Sellotape and put a length along the flap to seal the phone in safely.

I stood up and walked him to the safe. I took the key from my pocket and opened it for him. He placed the envelope into the safe and he watched me closely as I locked it shut.

I was wondering about the purpose of the envelope and that if opened any new envelope could easily be used and he’d never know but nonetheless it seemed like an added layer of protection for him and I wasn’t going to argue.

I turned him toward the door and walked him out offering a few words of “we will speak again tomorrow. OK?”.

The rest of the afternoon passed without event and I worked busily at my computer. Shortly after 5 pm the warehouse and offices were empty of workers as they all shuffled off home. Sandra was soon stood by my desk waiting for her lift.

I was doing my best to look busy and after a few more minutes of her tutting and huffing, I calmly suggested that she take the car and head off as I had loads to get finished and I’d grab a cab later on. Luckily this was something we had done several times before so she shrugged it off and left saying “OK fine, I guess I’ll see you later then”. She made no effort to kiss me as she left and I momentarily considered pushing the bitch down the stairs but decided it was probably best not to.

I stood at my office window and watch her get in the car and drive out of the car park. The car park was now empty.

I quickly move over to the safe. I opened it and removed the white envelope. I tore it open and slide out Mickey's phone.

I moved back to my desk and switched it on.

The screen sprung to life. I was now looking at an image of Mickey sat in the door of his VW bus in his wetsuit which was rolled down to his waist. I had to admit to myself that he was a good-looking guy.

I pressed the screen and was presented with a set of numbers and the request to ‘enter passcode’. I knew this would happen and was ready for it. I had spent the afternoon on my computer researching ways to unlock a phone without the code. I had a few things to try and got to work.
The first thing was to try the most common codes that people use. 0000 didn’t work. 1234 nope. 9999 nope. 1111 nope.

The internet had warned that after trying these codes to not be tempted to keep trying lots of others as the phone would quickly lockout completely.

Next, I removed his SIM card and put it into my phone. My phone started up and accepted my passcode. However, when I opened any applications including ‘photos’ it showed as empty content. Damn.

I put the phones back together.

The next thing to try was a ‘hack’. It involved using his the camera to take a photo as you can open the camera app without unlocking the phone. Then you select to send that photo as a message. Once the messaging app opened you click and hold the photo which opened the rest of the photo album for you to scroll through. It didn’t work!

The last thing I had to try was the riskiest. It required the phone to accept an incoming FaceTime call. The risk with this was that unless I could unlock it, Mickey would have a missed FaceTime call request from me and I had never even called him before let alone had a FaceTime call.

I was beyond caring at this point and my plan was already in action. I called his phone and his phone displayed my FaceTime call request. I answer my call on his phone and the two phones connected. Next, I had to click the icon on his phone for ‘call options’ and then send an image. It was working. The call had connected, the icon had activated for call options and I could see the icon to ‘send image’. I clicked it and the phone showed me a ‘buffering icon’ but then up flashed the passcode numbers screen. FUCK!

That's was it. Failed. And worst of all, I now had a ‘connected’ FaceTime call on Mickey's phone from me in his call history.


I pressed and held the on/off switch on the side of the phone and it shut down. I pulled a new white envelope from my desk and slide the phone inside and sealed it with a strip of Sellotape as before.

I put the envelope back into the safe and sat back at my desk. Instinctively I picked up my phone and pressed 2112 to unlocked the phone. I thought for a second. Tick. . . tick . . . . tick . . . My brain was working. I played the number around in my head. 2112. 21st December. . . . . . . Why had I picked that number? Well, simply, because it's my birthday!'

I knew what to do. I stood up and walked through to the admin office. I moved to Sandra’s PC and pressed a key on the keyboard which woke up the monitor. PASSWORD _________. 

I entered the name of our old and the screen unlocked.

I knew where I was going and quickly navigated to the personnel files. I scrolled down and found Mickey's name. Front sheet: Date of Birth 30th November.

I closed the file and logged off.

I practically ran through the office and back to the safe. I open it and tore the envelope open... I switched on the phone and when asked quickly entered 3011 ‘30th November’.

The screen lit up and it opened.

FUCK! It was open.

My heart now started to beat fast and I could feel my pulse in my chest and face.

I moved to the window again to check that it was still empty of cars. It was.

The only other time I’d felt such a sexual tension and excitement was when I had watched a friends older sister using her hairbrush handle in her pussy. I was young and didn’t understand it and I had no idea why she’d wanted me to watch her doing it but it had made me feel hot, faint, dizzy and breathless. And thats exactly how I felt right now.

I circled round to my desk and sat down. Placing the unlocked phone carefully in front of me.

I clicked on the photos icon and Mickey’s images began loading.

Wow. This guy clearly liked two things. Surfing and women. The small tiles were difficult to see but I could make out that each image was either sea/surf or skin.

I decided to savour the moment as I anticipated finding Jackie and if I was lucky Michelle. At that moment I thought just how much I’d like to see a picture of Michelle's beautiful soft boobs.

I clicked the first image and it enlarged to fill the screen. It was a picture of Mickey with his surfboard. I swiped right and the next image was the same albeit from a slightly different angle. I swiped right again, and again until I saw an image of a rather sexy young lady laid in the back of Mickeys VW bus. She was rather pretty but fully clothed and not what I was looking for.

I kept swiping to the next image. I slowed my actions down a few times as the girl become slightly less clothed including a few shots where she was flashing her perky little tits at Mickey. She had a metal bar piercing through her right nipple which was sexy but I wanted to see the pictures of Jackie so I kept scrolling.

After a short while, I struck gold.

Pictures of Mickeys V-dub, his surfboard, his drunken mates and surf equipment, and then finally, BOOM. My eyes were drinking in an image of Jackie sat on a sofa. She had on her trademark short black skirt and high heels but no tights and better still nothing at all on her top half. Jackie’s breasts were very impressive. Large, high, and firm, and only when I scrolled to the next picture did I realise that she had implants.

Jackie had a slender torso with a flat stomach and ‘sun-bed’ tanned skin. The next image showed Jackie on all four’s looking back over her shoulder at Mickey’s camera. Her arse was high up and being presented to Mickey’s eyes albeit still covered by her skirt. The short skirt barely covered her arse and pussy but nonetheless, it did. I longed to see what was underneath.

The next few images were of Jackie sucking Mickey's cock. She was no amateur and was expertly working his shaft in and out of her mouth. There were several impressive shots of his impressive cock and although my own dick was straining hard against my trousers I wanted to see Jackie’s body, not Mickeys.

I scrolled again and as the next image loaded it displayed the buffering screen for a few moments which when it disappeared allowed the photo to spring into life as a video. The clip showed Jackie's mouth working up and down Mickey's cock. After a few moments, he moaned and started to spray his cum into her mouth. I rubbed my cock through my trousers as Jackie licked the cum from his rock-hard young cock. She cooed and made a ‘mmmmmmm’ noise as she enjoyed his young spunk. She used her fingers to clean her face pushing it all into her mouth. The video ended.

I scrolled the screen and saw an image of Mickey dressed smartly at, what I assume to be, a family party of some description.

Disappointedly I scrolled fast, thumbing the screen left to right. The images whizzed passed. Photos of Mickey and probably his parents, his grandparents, his siblings, and his dinner in a restaurant.

I stopped and inspected one photo of a girl with Mickey. They looked similar and I assumed it was his sister. She was very attractive and had the same, surfer look like her brother, Mickey. She had red hair in dreadlocks and a tattooed arms. She was slim and tanned and I struggled to move past her image. She was impressively good looking.

I resumed my flicking the pictures away, each time a new image came to light and again I flicked it away moving on the next. Until once I again I struck gold.

The image showed Michelle sat in the passenger seat of Mickey’s van. He was driving and attempting to take a photo of her. She was laughing and half-heartedly protesting about having her photo taken. She had her hands up attempting to cover her face and stop his flirtatious photography. Her wide laughing mouth, beaming smile, and flashing blue eyes betrayed any feeble attempt to protest his actions.

The next image was of the two of them still in his van but in a McDonalds drive-through and the next image was of them parked somewhere in the back of his van eating the McDonalds.

I scrolled left to right again and nearly came in my pants instantly.

In the image, Michelle was laid out in the back of Mickey's van on the bed. She was completely naked and posing in (what I assume was supposed to be) sexy yet tasteful manner. Michelle was defiantly not as comfortable in front of the camera as ‘dirty Jackie’ and as I scrolled to the next image I could see the almost awkward look on her face.  

Although she was completely naked, Michelle had her legs firmly crossed and was tilting herself to ensure nothing was exposed. She was also using her arms to cover her chest.

I swiped my two fingers to enlarge the image and could see the darkening skin of her areola but her nipples were covered. Nonetheless, I could see the size and weight of her big soft, white boobs. They were everything I had imagined. I finally released my cock from my trousers allowing it to stand hard and high. I allowed myself a couple of pumps up and down and felt my cum already moving in my balls.  

I moved to the next image and was slightly surprised to see Mickey's hard cock this time in Michelle’s mouth. She didn’t look to be the expect cock-sucker that Jackie was but nonetheless the next few images were all of Mickey's cock from different angles as it slid in and out of Michelle’s mouth.

And then, bingo . . . Image after image of Michelle. I had to guess, as my fingers wrapped back around my cock, that Michelle’s initial shyness had been replaced with the confidence found within sexual arousal. Picture after picture of Michelle’s bare and fully exposed milky white tits hanging from her chest. Her rose-pink nipples stood proud and hard against her pale skin. Her legs now splayed wide open with her beautiful pink pussy wide open for Mickey’s camera and now my eyes and she was sticky and wet. In the next shot, her legs were lifted up with her feet on the roof of the bus. I was impressed to see that she was completely clean shaved between her legs and my tongue lolled slightly from my mouth as I imagined my mouth on her wet opening.

The pictures changed to Mickey dick sliding in and out of Michelle’s pussy. I was working my own shaft now and close to cumming. I continued to flick slowly through the wonderful images when I was shocked to see the girl in the pictures had suddenly changed.

The last picture of Michelle was with Mickey fucking her doggy-style. The picture showed his cock half inside her. Her pale skin was shuddering from the movement and her full ample bum cheeks were frozen in the shot but with her skin showing a wobbly as he slammed into her. But then this new girl was much thinner.  

The new girl was in the same position. On all fours with Mickey's cock inside her but she had more of a tan. Not the sunbed ‘orange’ like Jackie but more of a natural colour and with shorter crop brown hair. In fact, not dissimilar to my Sandra’s.

I scrolled across to the next image and was admiring Mickey's conquests. This new girl was happily taking his cock from behind as Michelle had been doing. However, it was the next image that shocked me the most. The girl had now flipped on to her back and with her legs raised and held up on Mickey’s shoulder's I was presented with my wife’s orgasmic face happily receiving Mickey's cock in her pussy. I froze.

My cock was throbbing in my hand. 

I checked the next picture and the next. My wife was loving being fucked by this young stud.

I’d fantasied about this so many times and I’d always loved it when guys check out Sandra. A few times, we had played with the idea of adding a third person to the bedroom but Sandra’s fantasy had always been for it to be another girl.

The next image, just like the one of Jackie, sprung into life, it was a video. I watched my wife bucking against Mickey's hard dick and as he moaned that he was about to come she’d pulled his cock out of her and expertly jacked his cock back and forth pumping his semen onto her belly. The video ended just as I shot my own load onto my office carpet.

I scrolled further but just saw image after image of Mickey's surf pals, surfboards, and his beloved VW (or his fuck wagon).      

I cleared away and carefully repacked Mickey's phone and stored it back in the safe. I returned to Sandra’s computer and clicked a few buttons whilst thinking of revenge.  

I telephoned for a taxi and was soon being dropped at my driveway. I stood for a moment looking at the house not sure what was going to happen next.

I was surprisingly not very angry and I certainly wasn’t hurt. It was more of an inquisitive feeling and also I was finding the idea of Mickey fucking my wife’s brains out quite a turn on. I kept thinking that if she’d have asked for my permission I would probably have let her. I would probably have wanted to hide and watch them. I would probably have wanted to lick and suck her freshly fucked pussy hole the second he’d finished in her.

I entered the house and found Sandra curled up on her end of the sofa. She had clearly showered and was dressed in her pyjamas. The straps of her pyjama top allowed the front to fall forward which, because I was stood and she was seated, allowed me to see her firm little tits. She had her legs wrapped up under her bum which made her pyjamas shorts ride high up exposing her arse cheek. Regardless of my current emotion, I had to acknowledge just how attractive she is.

I reached down and took the TV remote and flopped into the armchair opposite her. I pointed the remote at the TV and turned it off. Her face contorted and she snarled, “Hey, I was watching that”. 

I looked at her calmly and said “The thirtieth of November”.

She looked understandably confused.

“What about it” she snapped. Her patience evaporating.

I kept my cool and said “Mickeys birthday. It’s on the thirtieth of November. Which is also the unlock code for his phone”. I paused and then added, “which I confis**ted from him today”.

In hindsight, I should have counted out loud as I watched the penny drop.

3 . . . . 

2 . . . 

1 .

Sandra’s eyes filled with tears and nothing else needed to be said. She sobbed for an hour. Eventually managing to squeeze out how stupid she’d been and that she’d been so flattered by the attention of the young man. 

She begged me for forgiveness and promised to never to ‘do anything like it’ again. I even believed her. The truth was that I was far from innocent from such activities and had little intention of making a big deal about it. But nonetheless, I allowed her to beg for forgiveness and for her to cry, and cry. And cry she did.  

We went to bed and Sandra pleaded with me to make love to her. I pretended to not be sure about the idea but when she slid her hand down my stomach she felt my rock far cock waiting eagerly for her.

She worked her arse off that night. She sucked my cock as if it were the only way to gain my forgiveness. She must have thought that the harder she sucked the more likely that he’ll forgive me. I wanted to fuck her from behind just as Mickey had done. I used all of my effort to slammed into her so hard, again and again, trying to hurt her pussy. Usually, this would have provoked a ratty reaction and she would have told me to stop but that night she took it like the cheating-bitch she was. And I was happy to punish her. I'm guessing that her body betrayed her as her orgasm was building and she came hard bucking back against me. As I reached my climax I pulled out and emptied my balls onto pussy opening and arse crack. As the aftershocks of my orgasm subsided I pull back and pressed my face into her dripping wet snatch.  

I tongued my cum from her pussy hole and licked up and down her slit. I allowed my tongue to press deep into her pussy and pressed my nose against her bottom hole. The soft scent from her arse hole drove me crazy and I moved my mouth up to clean my cum from inside her musky puckered hole.

It was rare that Sandra allowed me to lick her arsehole but tonight she was mine to use as I wish.  

I think that the submissive in her was enjoying my tongue play and her legs began twitching as I worked my tongue in her arse. She reached backwards and grab for my hand which she pulled onto her pussy. She continued to writhe against my face and moaned for me to ‘use my fingers inside’. Again, I was enjoying punishing her to quickly move from 1 finger to 2. Then 3 and four. I could tell it wasn’t particularly comfortable but I was enjoying her subservience. I pulled my fingers out and aggressively spat on them working my saliva around my fingers. I pressed my thumb and fingers together and pushed them back into Sandra’s soaking pussy. I pressed against her hard and for the first time in our relationship worked my fist into her cunt. Sandra dropped her shoulders onto the bed pushed her arse higher up which naturally opened her hips (like in birthing). I pumped my fist in and out of her now. She used her hand on her clit and flashed her fingers across her most sensitive bud so fast my eyes couldn’t focus on the movement. Moments later she moaned with a deep and throaty voice I’d never heard before that she was ‘cumming’. She reached back and pulled my fist out from deep inside her and return her fingers to flashing over her clit. My face was inches from her wide-open pussy. I had never seen inside my wife in this way. She was so open! So Wide! She came hard and her legs shook violently. Her pussy filled with liquid which seemed to convulse and she squirted hot fluid all over my face and the bed. I was amazed at the amount of liquid that came out of her.

We collapsed on the bed and she whispered that she loved me. She kissed my soaking wet face.  

Sandra licked my face clean off her juices and my semen like a mother cat licking a new-born kitten. I’m sure that it was some deep primeval behaviour as a result of the day's activities to demonstrate her deep love for me.

We fell asleep naked and satisfied. The next morning, I was woken with a cup of tea and a blowjob but that was the only thing that was different from any other morning. We showered, dressed, ate breakfast and I drove us both to work.

We have never discussed Mickey or any part of that event ever again. 

That morning I called Mickey in to see me. I gave him his phone and I told him that HR would ‘probably’ be pursuing a 'sexual misconduct in the workplace investigation’ and that if he ‘wanted’ to hand in his notice then it would avoid any uncomfortableness.  

He made the right decision and an hour later he was saying goodbye to the lads in the warehouse.

I did consider deleting the pictures of Sandra from his phone but decided to let him keep them. I liked the idea of him jacking off to her image or of him showing his surfer dude pals my smoking-hot 'slut of a wife’.

Next I called Michelle in to see me. She sat nervously in the chair opposite my desk. (I’d decided not to make her sit in the uncomfortable low seats). She asked me if everything was ok and if she was in some sort of trouble.

I set her mind quickly at rest and told her that far from it, that she was actually being promoted and that I wanted to offer her the role of PA to the Managing director. To me.

She looked a little unsure at first but when I told her that she’d be getting a £4k pay rise with another £3k in six months if I was ‘happy’ with her she quickly warmed to the idea. I told her that she’d be getting a new desk outside my office and that her new role may (definitely would) include some business travel and over night stays when I have meetings around Europe. I asked if this would be possible and she quickly agreed saying that her little boy could stay with her parents.

As she left my office I watched her full bottom wiggle in her tight grey skirt and I wondered how long it would be until I would be pounding her from behind watching her ass cheeks wobble.

There is a fun little twist at the end of this tale.

I mentioned before, that I used Sandra computer with ‘revenge on my mind’. . . .

Mickey left the business on the 28th of the month. When I'd popped back to Sandra's completer, I'd used it to change the bank details on Mickey's personnel file so that his final month's salary was in fact paid to me. I knew that he'd assume, that because he'd left under a cloud, his final months remuneration had been withheld. 

A few weeks later, I spent a lovely evening in the ‘Dolphin Inn’ on the other side of town. I’d made a few enquires and had successfully used FaceBook to track down where Mickey's little sister hung out with her friends. I had spotted her instantly when I arrived as no one else had red-haired dreadlocks. She was even more attractive in real life than in the photos on her brother's phone. I ordered a drink and settled down to watched her. When the timing was right I ‘accidentally’ bumped into her she left the ladies bathroom. We chatted for a while and I spun a bull-shite line about having invested in a new Surf business and that ‘one’ of the sixteen stores I was opening around the south coast would be local. I told her that the business would be looking for store managers but also we'd be looking for a ‘face’ for the business, someone that would be on the logo, on all promotional materials but also feature on the surfboards themselves. I joked about the potential for the picture of her face to be stood on by surfers all over the world as they 'hang ten'. She bought the story completely and was soon cooing at my every word. I told her that I had a suite booked at the 5* Grand Hotel down the road and invited her back for a drink.

We spent a lovely evening drinking Louis Roederer Cristal 2008 Champagne and me fucking that sexy little tart very hard in every hole. It was all a very expensive and . . . all paid for by her big brother.

It takes a long time to write these stories and I enjoy doing it but I really want to hear your thoughts and comments.

If I, got you off, please take a few moments to tell me about it.

This is an original story by Inhales Deeply

Same as Phone Hacker Discovery 'taboo' (Re-Edite Videos

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Daughters Slut Training 7 Daughters Naughty Discovery

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Seven: Daughter's Naughty Discovery By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Mrs. Umayyah My nineteen-year-old daughter Leyla slumped to the floor, trembling from the force of her whorish orgasms. Her naked, dusky body was flushed, her round breasts rising and falling as she sucked in deep breaths. Her brothers' cum leaked out of her pussy and asshole. She took their dicks in both her holes at the same time,...

4 years ago
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Discovery 1 Matt and Chris

DiscoveryMy sister April came down the stairs to the lower level of our tri-level home.  She walked across the room, standing at the end of the couch.  I looked up from my video game and said, “What’s up, April?”“Nothing, Matt.  I wanted to let you know I’m headed over to Gwen’s house.  Mom is at Uncle Greg and Aunt Linda’s house and probably won’t be home until tomorrow night.  Uncle Greg is having a party, and you know Mom won’t drive after she’s had a few drinks,” April said.“Have a good...

Gay Male
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Weekend of Lesbian Discovery with my Aunt

"Danni, can you get tomorrow off if I write a note for you to take to the school?" Mum asked. "Aunt Jenny has just rung to say the friend staying with her at her Lake District hotel has had to go home, so she wondered if you would like to take her place for Friday and Saturday nights. I can take you over to the hotel, then she will bring you back on Sunday afternoon. I'll meet you after school if you like, and we can look for some nice clothes for you to wear - it sounds a really...

4 years ago
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Ashleys discovery 1

-------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Ashley, and this is the story of my discovery and exploration. I grew up in a 4 bedroom two story house with an in ground pool. Between watching what I eat and sports I keep a pretty tight body. I always loved gymnastics, but I had to drop out when my chest started to develop. Don't let the movies full you, when you start hitting the upper limits of a c chest, gymnastics really start to become uncomfortable. I did still...

3 years ago
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My Life As A Hermie Part 1 Discovery

By Kim – Fiction, Hermaphrodite, Virginity, Young, Written by a woman This is a work of fiction and the story idea came from: Triple Sex Ultimate by blueheatt For more information on this topic I suggest the book Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides . This is part one of Randi's story. The other parts will be more understandable if read in sequence. My name is Randi and I am now 16 years old. I am a tall, slender blond, weigh about 120 pounds, have B cup breasts and an athletic body. I...

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Lucindas New Life Part 3 Discovery

A morning sometime in Early AugustCyndi sat at the dresser putting on her makeup; a lot more makeup than she used to apply but she had watched the other girls carefully and had learned what to do and what to expect.A large flat screen television was playing porn movies above the large, round bed. The screen flickered badly and there was a strange white noise behind the grunts and moans but Cyndi was now so used to the sound that she hardly noticed.She felt happy; happier than she had been for a...

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Narutos Discovery Part 1

‘THOUGHT’ KYUUBI Naruto felt the heat as Sasuke slid in and out of his ass moaning his name. He was so close. Sasuke reached around and gripped his erection and pumped it a few times before bringing his hands back to Naruto’s hips and pushed in deeper with each thrust. Sasuke let out a feral grunt and then… he was awake. This had been going on for two weeks and it pissed Naruto off to no end. “Why the fuck do I keep having these dreams!? It’s getting to where I can’t even get a...

2 years ago
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April and Jessica part 1 Aprils discovery

April was about 5feet 9inches tall, big DD breasts, with a firm heart shaped ass and weighed about 130 pounds. She discovered she was attracted to other girls when she was 14. She was looking through her older brother’s bedroom for a pen and she stumbled on his Playboy magazine collection. The magazine fell on the ground open to one of the pictures of a woman naked. She told herself to look away and pretend she never saw it, but some part of her made her pick up the magazine and start...

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Discovery on Neighborhood Watch Patrol

My name is Ed, and my wife Joan and I have lived in the Pittsburgh area for the last 25 years. I have a good job in the medical supplies industry, and we moved to an area on the fringe of the city limits right after we graduated from college. Joan and I are both 47 years old and met in our junior year in college, and our two children are now grown and out on their own. We have seen many changes in our community as the population matured and our urban area grew and became surrounded by adjacent...

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Step Moms Discovery Chapter 4 Repost 5

Introduction: Ok readers, here comes a LONG chapter 4 to Step Moms discovery. I have been working on it for a while. Stacy decides its time to tell her husband about her cheating on him with David. But what happens next shocks even her. Read on and enjoy A couple days later, Steven and James returned from their trip. Stacy was starting to have second thoughts about what she was doing with David behind James back, and knew that she couldnt keep it going without him eventually finding out. While...

3 years ago
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Introduction: A teenage girl discovers the joys of masturbation Discovery Part 1 It was on that Thursday in June last year that Laurens life completely changed. It was coming up to their schools prom and a boy called James had recently asked her out, and on the Wednesday night he had taken her on her first date to the cinema. The film was average but Lauren had hardly noticed because of the close attention that James had been paying to her. It had started off with the yawn-arm round the...

3 years ago
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The English School 3 Alices Discovery

Alice’s Discovery Early one Sunday afternoon, Alice couldn’t resist the good weather during one of the last warm days of fall. She left several uncorrected papers on her desk in her cottage and crossed campus to the high fence that bordered a district park. Her faculty key let her through the gate. Students with permission could obtain keys to enjoy unspoiled nature in the park also. Alice wandered the trails rather aimlessly. She knew the area well and had no concern about getting lost. She...

1 year ago
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Tink Ch 4 a voyage of selfdiscovery

Tinkerbelle Ch 4, a voyage of self discovery Life with her Master, Captain Hook was increasingly thrilling to Tink. He was an imaginative and kindly lover and a strong guiding presence in her life. She simply adored the man and everything about him, his appearance, his commanding voice, even the firm stroke of his hand reddening her bottom when she needed correction. On a day like any other, Tink flew high over Neverland and made her way to town to see if anything was new in the lives of the...

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Amandas Discovery

Amanda’s Discovery Ted sat up in the double bed, sipping an electrolyte drink, surprised at how much better he felt. The last attack, over an hour before, had been much less severe. By now, he was feeling back to normal. The program on TV bored him, so he turned it off. He showered and looked at himself in the mirror, shaved, and combed his black hair. Pulling on a pair of pants, he walked to the kitchen and made some toast. At the kitchen table, he saw mail stacked to one side. Evidently...

1 year ago
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Introduction: Yuri Discovery By Misty Schaeffer (C) 2010 I began this as a Yuri, so I tried to stay withing the realms of young teenage love rather than blatant down and in your face sex. It is dedicated to Juliet, with love. The Juliet in this short work of fiction resembles the Juliet for whom the story is written.(Just a little older) The writer can be contacted at [email protected] It was just after her 13th birthday, when her family moved to England. The move was just the second step of...

3 years ago
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E033 Emmas Discovery and the Surprise of Pearl Sixteen

Donald tells Emma to go clean herself up and he will get their dinner ready.  She hurries to her bedroom, naked, as Donald is too.  They now feel so comfortable this way around his house.At the doorway, to the room, she stops dead as she gasps at what she sees.There is a woman, in her late twenties, with shoulder-length brown hair, and a tight tank top over her ample bosoms, a short jean skirt, and slide on sneakers.  She is tan all over to a golden brown.  Seeing her Emma just stands for a...

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