River - 7 free porn video

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CHAPTER SEVEN So far: River had spent much of the morning in town treating and finally liberating several elders from the local hospital, where they had been encouraged (trapped?) to stay in a scheme rigged by the administration of the hospital to maintain a higher bed count. With the elders freed, River needs to take them to the river, to allow them to be cured in the ceremony that they had missed on Monday. At the river River pretty much duplicated the ceremony from Monday. After Harold had done a sweetgrass cleansing, the elders were assisted into the water by their relatives. River sang the song of the people and their history, and watched as the elders from the hospital puffed up with pride, remembering their storied past. These older people remembered the days of the 50s and 60s, when First Nations people were treated as second class citizens, made to do their shopping in the local stores before 9 a.m., before the whites would come in. The merchants wanted their money, but not at the risk of offending the white customers. There were no jobs for the people back then other than hunting and fishing. Welfare checks kept most of them living in subsistence housing, made out of packing crates and other scavenged materials, or log-built homes they made themselves. It was nearly two hours later when River finished her song, and the river had finished healing the elders, teaching the language to those who hadn't spoken it, and refreshing it for those who hadn't spoken it in years. River's entire song was in Ojibwe, and those elders who had not learned the language in their youth were surprised to find they could understand every word. The river translated it for them, and, as it did, they learned. Not only the words of the song, but much more as well. River was about to lead the group out of the water when she heard a siren in the distance, then approaching closer. A police cruiser pulled up on the riverbank, and an Ontario Provincial Police officer stepped out. Then Dr. Mitchell and Desmond Kraud popped out of the back seat. The doctor still seemed to be in an agitated state. River led the group out of the water, with all the elders walking with much more confidence and ability than they had in entering it. "She's the one. She's the leader," the doctor shouted, pointing at River. "Arrest her. She kidnapped my patients." "She's just a child," the officer said in amazement. "She can't be much more than 16 years old." "Fourteen, sir," River said, walking up to the officer, water dripping from her clothes. As they had left the river, it had told her that coming out dry would confuse the officer and possibly cause trouble. Instead the river had water cling to the outsides of the clothes of the people who were in the river, but leave the inside dry. The water dripping would look natural, but the people would be dry and warm. "What seems to be the problem?" "I was told that a band of Indians kidnapped some people from the hospital," the officer said. "We prefer the term First Nations," River said. "Oh yes, sorry," the officer winced. His training had told him to address natives as such, and he had forgotten, falling back on the term that was used internally in the police station, where the officers were frequently called out to domestic disturbances and drunkenness calls to the many reserves in the area, particularly when the monthly Ontario Works (welfare) checks came in. Calls to the reserves were not fun for the OPP. "We did go to the hospital this morning, hoping to do some traditional healing ceremonies for the elders in care there," River said. "We were told we were not welcome to do our ceremonies there, so we decided to bring the elders back here to do the healing. All came on their own accord." "They weren't released properly. That is kidnapping," the doctor shouted. "And what about the wolves? Look, there is one over there." He pointed to Night, who was lying peacefully at the side of the river, about 50 yards downstream. "Did you bring your pet wolves into the hospital? And use them to threaten the doctor and Mr. Kraud?" "No sir. They are not pets. They are friends of the people. A few did come into the hospital with us, but we don't control them. When the doctor got a little agitated in there, it seemed to alarm some of them, and they don't like aggressive behavior. They tend to get aggressive in response. But that was not us causing it. The doctor caused it by shouting and acting menacingly to us." "Lies, lies," cried the doctor. "She is telling you lies." "Are you planning to bring the patients back?" Desmond Kraud asked rather politely. "Do they look like they are in need of 24-hour care?" River replied, gesturing for the elders to gather around her. The doctor looked more closely at his former patients, and his agitated state dropped away. He looked at his patients with amazement. They were the same faces, but they looked decades younger. Age spots were smaller, or gone completely. They moved about freely, with a greater range of motion. "What ...?" he asked in amazement. "How ...? What did you do?" "The traditional ways are important to our people," River said. "Depriving them of traditional healing deprives them of healing that your modern medicine cannot provide. Your pills and treatments often deaden their senses. It makes it easier for you to deal with them in a hospital, but takes them away from the land, which is a part of each of the people. Bringing them to the river cleansed them of those drugs, and restored their connection to the land. They are healthier because of it." "I ... I don't know," the doctor said. "I must study this. You must bring these people back to the hospital where I can study this." River giggled. "So you want to take them away from what is making them healthy, and put them back to where they were just waiting to die? How does this help them?" "But I need to know," the doctor said, in what sounded almost like a whine. "It is important." "These people are going home with their families. They still have much to give to their children and grandchildren. They are elders, and the lore they hold is invaluable. They need to pass it on to the younger generations. In the hospital they had no purpose. Giving them a purpose is part of what has healed them. I am sure that they will be glad to talk to you and give blood samples and such if you wish for them to come to their new homes." The doctor harrumphed. "The province does not pay for house calls anymore." "Well then, I guess you won't be seeing them unless they come into the hospital. And none of them appears to have any need for your medical care at the moment. I'm sure if that changes, we will bring them in to see you." The doctor started to get agitated again, although seeing his patients looking so healthy kept it from growing to the state it had been. "What about the kidnapping? None of them were released from the hospital." "I think we can stop using the term kidnapping, when all of them appear to have left on their own accord," the police officer said, and all the elders nodded agreement. "Unless any of them were admitted to the hospital through a court order or some other judicial instrument, then they are not required to continue treatment." "But they weren't released," Desmond whined. "Actually, you told me that they offered to be released, but the doctor refused to do so immediately. It seems that one might consider that the hospital was kidnapping them, not the other way around," The administrator paled. He hadn't considered that. "I don't know of any laws that were broken here," the officer continued. "Are there any under the health care acts that I am unaware of?" "Well, the regulations require patients be discharged before leaving the hospital," he said. "And what is the penalty for failure to discharge?" the officer asked. "Well, there really isn't one," Desmond said. "But there is a lot of paperwork at our end." "So no laws broken then? I think we are done here," the OPP went to his cruiser and opened the door. "Are you fellows coming with me, or did you want to walk back to town?" "It is against the law to practice medicine without a license," the doctor insisted. "You aren't going to get me to charge anyone with that for practicing traditional healing," the officer said. "We've had directives relating to that from HQ." "But ... but ... but ..." Dr. Mitchell stuttered. He was not used to failing to get his own way. The cruiser eventually left, and the people dispersed, with the elders going with their families to their new houses. Wayne took River to the campsite where her parents were. The boys were off playing, completely carefree and wild again. "I think I should head off to the camp office," Dale said. "I don't have a job to go back to, so we can stay the extra week until your Mom has to go back to work at the bank." "Maybe we shouldn't go shopping in the city tomorrow," River said. "If you don't have a job ..." "Don't you worry about that," Dale said. "Don't go nuts, but you need to buy what you need. Thank goodness I didn't sell off my investments last month when the company offered to sell me shares. I'd have wound up with nothing when they took off with all the cash." "Well, we should do some shopping in town tonight," River said. "Won't it be cheaper, with more selection in the city?" Alison asked. "It would be," River agreed, "and definitely yes to selection. But we should support the local store too. If we don't, then he winds up going out of business and then the town has no store. Is it worth it to save a dollar or two if we wind up costing someone his living?" Dale nodded, and then said: "Well, I'm heading to the office. If you girls are going into town, you can have the van. I'm going to walk to the office and back. I really like having this thinner waist, and I don't want the old one back." He trotted off and the boys just happened to touch base at the camp at that time, hungry perhaps, but when it was mentioned that they were heading into town, they both were eager to join in. Alison drove, stopping at the JR camp, where Gina and Gale were just back from showering after a day of work planting trees. They joined in, and the group drove out of the park and into town. River had only been in town twice since arriving the week before. They had been at the service center when she sent Henrietta on her way, and the hospital on the other side of the street this morning. The service station was on the band side of the road. As a part of the reserve, it didn't have to charge tax on fuel, so its price was lower than any other station for miles in any direction, and most regular traffic on the TransCanada highway stopped there for the cheap gas. It had an attached cafe and a small variety store. On the lake side of the road was the hospital, a tiny post office, and the liquor store. The town once had a LCBO (Liquor Control Board of Ontario) store years ago, but cutbacks 15 years back meant that it closed and a private agent was appointed. He ran in about a third of the old LCBO store, with the other two-thirds sitting empty. There was another building next to it: a general store carrying both dry goods and a limited supply of groceries. There was a hotel - not featuring rooms, but more as a tavern. Finally, there was a small eight-unit motel on the edge of town, and Moonie's hatchery across the road at the edge of the reserve. It was to the general store that the group headed, and found that they were pretty much the only ones in it as they walked in. Gail and Gina eschewed the stock in the clothing area, having seen it all before, but River bought some more panties, and Alison got a couple new bras and tops for herself, and was looking at jeans and t-shirts for the boys, herself, and Dale. "Finding everything you need?" the jovial merchant asked as he wandered over. "I think so," Alison said. "I need to get a few things for my husband. It is like pulling teeth to get him into a clothing store. If something doesn't fit, can we exchange it later?" "No problem," the man said. "Just make sure all the tags are on it, and it is still in saleable condition and we will exchange for goods. We don't do cash exchanges though." "That should be okay," Alison said. She turned to the boys and said: "You two are here ... so head into the change room and try those jeans on." The shopkeeper noticed some of the people at the front counter, and he hustled over to help them. Gina, Gail, and River browsed over in the same direction. River noticed that all three of the people, who she recognized from the ceremony, but couldn't name, had cashed government checks. "There is no bank in town, is there?" she asked, after the trio had left. All three had nodded respectfully at River before they left. "Nope. Nearest one is in Terrace Bay, about 30 klicks down the road. A lot of the Indians get welfare, and when the Ontario Works checks come in, like today, they come here to cash them. I do them for free. They could also cash them down at the liquor store, but he charges $15. So most of them come here first, and then head down there with their cash." "That is nice of you to do that for the First Nations people," River said, stressing the proper term, not wanting to nag. "Well, I guess I have an ulterior motive," he said. "If I cash them, they clear their accounts with me first. I run a tab for groceries and dry goods through the month, and then on check day they all pay up. I may not sell a single thing today, but it will still be one of my best days of the month with all the accounts being cleared off." "Well, I think Mom is definitely getting more than a few things, so it won't be a 'no sale' day for you," River said. "We are going to the Sault tomorrow, but we wanted to check in here first and get what we can locally first." The man softened his look. "Well we thank you. Not many will do that. When people go to the city, they tend to buy everything there. I admit it is cheaper, but I've got smaller volume and freight costs that the big stores don't have." Just then Alison appeared with her shopping carts full, one with dry goods, and the other with groceries that the family would need since they were staying the second week. The bill totaled over $200, and the storeowner was exceptionally pleased to make the sales. Another two of the people came in while they were being rung up, and waited patiently, again nodding respectfully to River and getting a friendly smile in return. The boys carried the groceries out, while River and Alison carried the clothing bags, loading all of them in the van. Down the street Nelson Churchill looked down at the store from the front window of his liquor agency. "Damn, that is another five that have left without coming here," he said, largely to himself. Ontario Works check day was normally his busiest day of the month, but today it had been dead. Only one in five of the natives that usually came in had shown up, and the ones that did come in were buying a fraction of what they had bought in the past. They had bought a single bottle instead of four or five, or a single case of beer instead of three. Nelson noted when they paid they had money left in their wallets. He could see the bills. Bills that in the past had gone into his till. Something was making them keep hold of their money. Nelson would have to ask around and find out why. Meanwhile, the van was soon at the camp office, and looking in they could see that Dale had left. That was to be expected. Even walking each way, he should have been back at the campsite long before their nearly two hour shopping trip had ended. But in fact, they saw him walking as they neared the JR camp, where River and the two girls would spend the night. Alison warned the girls to be up early, since they were planning to leave at 5 am in order to make it to the Sault by 10.?[The Sault refers to Sault Ste. Marie, and is referred to in the north as The Sault, which is French for The Rapids. It is pronounced Soo.] "That won't be a problem for me," River said. "I'll be up before dawn to go to the river. I'll get the girls up at four." "Four?" Gail and then Gina groaned. "If you are up that early, you can wake the rest of us too, and we won't have to remember to set the alarm tonight," Alison told River. "And you girls will be able to nap in the van on the way down if you are still tired. I know the boys will." As Dale slid into the driver seat of the van, and Alison slid over to the passenger side, River noticed a huge grin on his face. How happy can someone be from getting a week extension at a camp office? "You look like the cat that ate the canary," she said. "What happened?" "Tell you tomorrow, after I talk with your Mom," Dale said with a smile.

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Fatty woman pickup

(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); It was a night of drinking and partying a few weeks ago…….I ended up in my usual watering fountain to have one last drink before going home, I was buzzing really nice and felt good!! at the same time felt a little horny as well. In the bar my eyes caught a glimpse of a latin looking women to the best of my guessing she was about 45 years old dark to medium color skin and the CLEAVAGE she had on her was mind blowing, for the...

2 years ago
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Jacks Birthday

INTRODUCTION My great idea was born on a lazy Sunday night when my husband and I were curled up on the couch watching a rerun of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. It was one of the early episodes, before Olivia became a star and she still looked like a real dyke. My husband, Jack, was clearly lusting after her. This wasn't a real surprise, because he often gets the hots for women on TV and I make no apologies for fantasizing about any number of guys on my living room screen. What...

3 years ago
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Genetic Slave

Slave to Genetics By Bloodhand Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, all characters are inventions of the authors own mind and if you think this plot is real, go check into a psych place. This work is not aimed at people under the age of 18, and they probably shouldn't be reading it. If you want to share this, please let me know, and don't charge for access, unless I get a reasonable cut, also, keep this disclaimer and the text in full. A maximum of 10% of the total or one chapter...

3 years ago
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Oh shit

I remember when i was 17 i was at this girls house there parents were out she was sucking my hard cock i'd masterbate alot beacause i was a virgin so it was taking awhile. I got so bored that i read a book then i hear a (creeek) then her father walked in the first thing i thought was. Throw the book at him! i throwed the book at him and got him in the face he starts to have a total spazim throws his daughter out the way and grabs my shoulders mean while i finally had an eretion in total fear he...

3 years ago
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Desert Heat ndash Pt 3

Monday morning, Ginger and packed up in the company truck and hit the road for the hour and half drive to where they had me housed. We arrived, unpacked into the trailer and then headed out to set up all of the test equipment to start recording. We arrived back at the trailer about noon, grabbed some lunch and then I gave her a quick tour of the small desert town including the one and only grocery store and gas station. The town was so big that the tour took a whole 5 minutes, if that. That...

2 years ago
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Hot Virgin Enjoying Aged Love

Hi, this is Mohan Reddy. I have been a regular reader of the ISS and have posted 6-8 stories of my own. This time I am going to tell you about my latest experience with a 25 yr old virgin neighbor. This sex story happened with no expectations of such an Incidence. I have been their neighbor for the last 1 year but have never visited their house. Let me tell you about myself. I am a 51-year-old man living away from my family due to work. My family is from a small town and I stay in Indore. Here...

2 years ago
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Akriti Ke Sath Woh Haseen Raatein 8211 Pt 3 Din Bhar Chudai Ki

Maine time dekha to 3 ghante ho gaye the hume maze lete hue. Hum dono bahut thak gaye the. Dono ne kapde pehne phir kiss kiya aur ek dusre ko pakad kar so gaye. Main jab subah utha to woh mere pass nahi thi. Main niche gaya to woh kitchen mein tea bana rahi thi. Usne ekdum sukun se pucha tea piyoge. Mere dil mein aaya ki lah doon apna doodh pila do lekin wahan ghar wale bhi the. Tabhi didi ne kaha, “Akriti woh bas coffee pita hai.” To usne mere liye coffee banayi aur mere room mein leke aayi....

2 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 106

Snooty was between Karla the bitch and the black haired girl in a leather jacket. They were trying to double team her. The jacket was trying to get her arms so the bitch could throw punches at will but Snooty had already landed several good body punches on the jacket. I shoved the bitch out of the fight and at the same time yelled, "That's enough." That brought the pushing and shoving to a halt. "You are not members here. Get out now," I said. The bitch yelled,"This is not your...

4 years ago
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The Sailing Date

Julie glanced out the window and saw a vision walking toward the restaurant. He was tall, had long black hair, and well defined muscles with the body of a gymnast rather than that of a weight lifter. He had the dark complexion of one of the Mediterranean countries. He was the hottest guy she had ever seen.“Sally, if ‘Mr. bangable’ comes up, seat him in my section.” Julie told her coworker. She and Sally were two of the three girls on staff today. The small lake front town had a shortage of...

1 year ago
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The Tale of RolandChapter 16

It took them three days to make their way over the Kenty Ridge, slowed up as they were by the two cook wagons. The next day they looked out over the basin. Below them was scrub and grassland going down to the Balkat, and beyond that was dry desert scrub country all the way to the horizon. Late in the morning of the fourth day they made their first river crossing. Rolly had the men strip naked, put their clothes into oilskin bags, and hold onto their saddles to let the horses swim them...

3 years ago
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My wife's s*******n-year-old niece, Sue, was stayingwith us this summer. It was a pleasure to watch her walkaround the house and pool, because she was really built andliked to wear tight-fitting halters on her 36-C breasts andshort shorts that molded to her 35 inch ass. Her bikinisuits were as skimpy as my wife would allow, and I couldoften see blond cunt hairs poking out from the legs ofher pants. Her clothes looked as if they were molded toher body, nicely outlining her...

2 years ago
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Two Three One Ch 06

6. Veneration Sam took deeply to heart Victoria’s implication that he had thus far been found wanting. He imagined that it had only been through Keri’s intercession that he had been kept on, and this made him more devoted to her than ever. He vowed to himself that he would do everything that he could, double, triple his work efforts to justify her undeserved faith in him. On his own volition he began taking on responsibilities beyond the full gamut of household duties that had been assigned...

2 years ago
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I fucked my neighbor

I was ready for this, she came out in nothing, totally naked, I’m like what are you doing, she replied, that she was getting ready to get in the shower and did I want to join her, I’m like are you crazy, when Tim will be back soon, if not almost here, Oh damn! I really wanted to fuck her right now, but not knowing where Tim was, wasn’t ready to risk it, so as I was leaving slowly, she asked me, ” do you like to take some risk” and I said yes some, but this would be crazy. Kim came close to me...

1 year ago
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So, the other night I go to the bar with some friends. Just me and the girls, laughing, drinking and dancing. I'm sitting at the bar to have a beer, when I see this good looking black guy making his rounds. I recognize the logo on his shirt as a place a friend of mine used to work at. I ask him to come by me as I ask him if he knew my friend. He said yes and we chatted about her for a few minutes. The music grew louder to please the crowd, which made it hard for us to hear each other. I...

2 years ago
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My Initiation

My InitiationI was determined. This weekend it would happen. I would loose my gay virginity and complete manhood. The hard way. Tonight would change everything.Until now I've never had sex with a man and I didn't consider myself as homosexual either. But I was always fascinated to anal sex. The thought of "Why would someone let herself/himself get fucked in the ass, when there's no actual pleasure of possibility to orgasm in it?" Also the thought of giving up your body for someone else's...

2 years ago
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Ana acting as a stranger at the club

After dinner that Friday night, my loving Ana told me she wanted to go out for some drinks. It was fine for me and then she suggested a new topless bar just outside town.Of course her girlfriend Helena had been there before and the slut had recommended my sexy wife to go there…On the way Ana suggested me to play a game. I would go in first and sit in a booth. She would go in later and sit at the bar where I could observe her from some distance. I went in and took up my place. The bar was pretty...

2 years ago
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Fantasies Do ComeTrue

My name is Caleb and I am twenty-two years old. I work part-time as a stripper at The Dragon’s Lair by night and a full-time student by day. Every year The Dragon’s Lair puts on a charity silent auction for an animal rescue in our city. This year they are auctioning off their strippers instead for a dinner out and I am one of them. How I got talked into it I am not sure but I am standing here ready to go to the auction block. I have no problems taking my clothes off in front of maybe...

Gay Male
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Every Woman Has a Price24 Swapmeet

Frieda put her boot up on the glove box and crossed her arms tighter. She ground her teeth audibly. Frieda’s mother’s, Sasha’s, hands tightened on the wheel. “He’s how much older than you? Twenty years?” “Not that much!” Frieda barked. “It might as well be,” Sasha sighed. “This is for your own good.” “But not my own happiness. And not Owen’s!” “I don’t give two fucks about Owen’s happiness,” Sasha said. They drove by the turn off to their street. She wasn’t driving her daughter...

3 years ago
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Once Upon a Time I Was a Cop

Several years ago I was a COP, a policeman in a city of about 250,000 in North Carolina. The DWI Checkpoints and enforcement had just started to gain popularity. One part of that program was to assign officers to work the streets on DWI Patrol, rather than checkpoints. We were assigned to different sections of the city or to watch a particular bar or nightclub. The duty hours were usually from about 8PM to 4AM. Very seldom was there any DWI activity before midnight, so the early hours of the...

2 years ago
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Most Unforgettable Birthday Gift From Sunil And Surya

After work and dinner that Saturday night in May, I felt restless and miserable, being alone( family away on vacation & myself forced to stay back on urgent academic work along with my boss for a conference). I was reminded of my erotic sessions with Sunil (starting from our first encounter in chennai-bound a/c sleeper bus), causing a stir in me and felt like talking to him. Suddenly, a sms flashed in my mobile from Sunil if he could visit me in the morning by 9 am or so. After replying him...

Gay Male
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Father Figure

I never really knew my father.I had only just turned seven when Mum and Dad split up. He'd told her one night that he was going to set up home with his secretary (the usual scenario: middle-aged man trades in spouse for a younger, sportier model). Mum was devastated and grappled with acute depression for months, but managed to hold down her job, as a senior supervisor at our local supermarket. It was really her tenacity which kept our heads above water.Dad never came round to visit us, even...

Straight Sex
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The Determined Man Part 10

AUTHOR'S NOTE: So, this is Part 10 of the Determined Man, and here I feel the need to stop for a moment and explain myself a little bit before presenting this to you. The Determined Man has always been at least two different things. It is, of course, a description of a sexual fantasy, as all of my stories are. But unlike my other stories, The Determined Man was also a way of me working through some of my thoughts and feelings about my cross-dreaming (or whatever else you want to call it)....

1 year ago
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Sally gave a soft, almost inaudible giggle as her son told her she looked very sexy. For most of the afternoon she had been lying in the back garden, sunning herself. Used to sunning herself topless, and even on occasions nude, she had worn her skimpiest bikini, which, although she didn’t realise it, didn’t hide her pubic hair completely, and only barely covered her nipples, which she did know. Her son, nineteen year old Gareth, had climbed over the back fence as a shortcut home from work,...

2 years ago
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Fluffer in TrainingChapter 2

Rachel couldn’t concentrate in school the next day. All she could think about was her new job. The money she’d be able to earn would make her life so much easier. She didn’t want to have to go home to Nebraska, a failure with her tail tucked between her legs. The possibility of being able to stay in California was too enticing to pass up. She hoped that she’d be good at the job. She was a bit of a natural worrier, and wanted to make sure she did the best she could. Being fired would be worse...

4 years ago
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Let Me Show You Im Sorry

"Can I suck your cock?" I text you.I have been warned not to speak, you are lounging on the sofa, naked, teasing me. Angry with me for disagreeing with you over plans this weekend. I am craving your control, your acknowledgement. I need to apologize in the only way I know how, with my body. I hold my breath waiting for your spoken response. "Yes." You shift slightly and look at me for the first time all evening. "Undress."The command is spoken softly, but obviously is just that, a command. I...

Straight Sex
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Brandy Team Roping Princess

Chapter 1 Brandy caught my eye the very first time I met her. She was stunning-- very attractive, very sexy, and she had a bubbly personality that just drew you to her. She was doing student work in a building where I was working and I quickly got to know Brandy as we'd meet at the copier or other administrative areas on an almost daily basis. I think one of the first things that you noticed about Brandy was her nice full breasts. She often wore jeans and a button-up flannel shirt or other...

2 years ago
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The Candy Stroker Part 7 Trading

TradingFor the next few weeks. Adam and I got together for dates at least once a weekend and always included sex. During the week, we also had sex once or twice. Mel and Jake had more trouble with finding times and places, but they still managed. Like me, Mel was getting into wearing sexy lingerie.Mel and I had sex together at least once a week. Adam knew about it and really wanted to watch. I asked Mel about it, but she hadn’t even told Jake yet and that she felt a little nervous. What if Jake...

First Time
3 years ago
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Detention sucks

I can’t believe I got detention. All I did was have my cell phone out and text just a little bit. I guess it is a crime to want to use your cell phone as an 18-year-old senior. Alas, Mr. Roof gave me a detention and here I sit in my green tank top and black short shorts. I am the only one in the detention. Watching over me is 25 year old Ms. Hailiex or as she likes to be called by her first name, Maria. I am just sitting there doing some homework so that way I don’t have to do it when I get...


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