River - 41 free porn video

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Chapter 41 - Retribution So far: The river has not died, but is greatly wounded and River might still lose it. But a sting is set up to catch the polluters, and then Kyle and George Audette come to the rescue to help get it cleaned up. Our friend from the MoE makes another appearance, and really does little to help things. ----- ------- ------ Sid Oldman got to work more than an hour before the day shift started. He was a bit upset to see a forklift left out in the loading bay, along with a bunch of barrels that were supposed to be disposed of in the morning. Todd would be sleeping now, probably, but he would call him after lunch to find out why the guys hadn't done everything they had been told to do. Sid climbed the stairs to his office, which had a picture window that looked out over the plant. There were only eleven men working the night shift. There had been 24 when he got here, but he had managed to right- size the workforce down to a more manageable level. It did mean that maintenance work didn't get done as quickly as it should, but Sid was hoping that he would only be spending another year or so here, and then move on to a bigger plant. The next manager could look after aging equipment and a worn out workforce. Sid had slashed costs significantly at the plant. The previous manager had several expensive pieces of equipment on order, and Sid had postponed all the purchases, greatly improving his bottom line. Then there was the workforce reduction. There had been complaints in the fall when the workers were told they couldn't use their holidays during hunting season, but when faced with the option of hunt and lose your job, versus defer your vacation and keep your job, everyone chose the latter. Sid's latest idea meant that he was able to defer the purchase of a new truck to take waste to Montreal for disposal. The river ran right past the plant, and provided a handy alternative to trucking the waste away. He felt content that a few hundred dollars into the hands of the MoE investigator who would come by would make sure that there would be no further complaints. He hadn't spoken with any MoE people yet, but everyone has his price, Sid thought. Two hundred every two weeks was far less than the cost of a truck lease, and that doesn't include the exorbitant disposal fees he would be saving. Every little bit helps. His district manager was extremely pleased at the numbers that Sid was sending in, and there were hints that he might even get identified as a 'turnaround expert' for the company. His wife and son might not like that. They had fought against the move north last year, and if he got that kind of job it would mean moving every two or three years to a new plant. But it would keep Sid moving on the corporate ladder. His goal was no less than to become a vice- president of the company before he turned 50. Sid spent the next two hours going over his accounts, looking for other areas of potential savings. He discovered that the warehouse was running low on toilet paper for the staff washrooms. After considering just 'running out' and letting the staff suffer or bring their own roll in, Sid decided to order a bulk purchase of a bargain roll. Single ply and somewhat rougher than the average sandpaper, it was half the cost of the paper the last manager had ordered. "Mr. Oldman," his intercom squawked. It was his secretary. "There are some men here to see you. And they have dogs ... or wolves with them." "I'm not seeing anyone today," he barked back. "Have Todd and the boys escort them to the gate." "Todd and his men are off this morning. He said he had worked a night shift last night." Damn, that's right, Sid thought. He might have to deal with this. Just then the door to his office opened, and people started filing in. Sid recognized several of them. There was that damned lawyer fellow, and three of the Indians he had let go last year. What was this all about? They got their damned severance, didn't they? Sid decided to take the tough approach. "What the hell are you all doing here? This is my office and I only meet people by appointment. And you don't have an appointment, so get the hell out of here. Now." "I'm sorry sir," the lawyer said. "But I'm afraid you are mistaken. This is no longer your office. And this plant is no longer your plant. In 1960 when the band leased this land to the mill, one of the stipulations was that the plant would have no negative impact on the environment. That is why the mill has such a tall chimney, with expensive environmental scrubbers on the output. That was agreed during the 1980s at the band's insistence." "According to the lease agreement, if the plant willfully causes any pollution to the air, land, or water around the site, the lease will be terminated immediately, and all contents of the plant will become property of the band. Last night four of your men were arrested dumping chemicals into the river, the night following a similar dump of chemicals. As a result, the band is enforcing the agreement signed in 1960 and taking back ownership of the plant. You are the one who will leave." Two large wolves that Sid finally noticed in the room reinforced the lawyer's words by growling. Sid was taken aback. The boys had been arrested. Todd wouldn't blab, but the others? One of them might try to cop a plea. Sid thought fast. "Those men were supposed to take those chemicals to Montreal for disposal. I know nothing about them dumping them into the river. That is horrible. But you can't blame the plant for their misdeeds." "Indeed we can, Mr. Oldman," the lawyer continued. "They were in a company truck and the chemicals will soon be proven to come from this facility. We have several men in your loading bay where similar barrels are stockpiled. Now, are you planning to leave peacefully?" "Like hell I am," Sid shouted, picking up the phone. "I'm calling the police." "Call away," Nick said. "Be sure to mention that the First Nations reserve that the plant is located on have occupied the mill as a land- claims issue. I'm sure the police will find that interesting. You have two minutes to complete your call and get out." Sid got a desk sergeant at the Terrace Bay OPP and told his story, trying to put on the best possible spin. But after a few minutes, Nick grabbed the phone and started to talk to the sergeant, giving a slightly different, but entirely true explanation. Sid screamed as the others in the office started to drag him from the room, and escort him to the front door of the building. Sid tried to argue one last time as he stood next to his car, but the two wolves started growling and salivating, and he decided he preferred being inside the car. After two minutes, he drove off. Nick hung up the phone after telling the OPP that only one officer would be needed at the mill, as there had been no violence. That was a relief to the sergeant, since he still had one officer at the site of the arrests the night before, and she would need to be relieved soon. Two other officers had taken two prisoners to the jail in Thunder Bay, and one other was at the Terrace Bay hospital, where two more prisoners were receiving treatment for chemical burns. That officer would have to accompany them when they were transferred to Thunder Bay or Sudbury, depending on what the local doctor decided. Nick turned to the men still in the office. "Wayne, can you start going through these books and other records? I know you are still a student, but you have more business background than anyone else on the reserve. See if you can make head or tail of things. Don't worry, we won't make you plant manager. We will have to hire someone, assuming we get control of the mill." He then pointed to the three former workers from the plant. "You three are, as of this minute, back on payroll here. Go out into the plant and try to make yourselves useful. Let the men know that we hope to keep the plant operating, so it will be business as usual unless they are notified otherwise." The three men left, and went down to the mill floor. Nick spent nearly an hour with Wayne looking over the books. Nothing overtly illegal, like duplicate accounts, seemed to be present. After a few minutes he called the secretary up and she proved to be far more useful than he was, helping explain accounts and ledgers to Wayne. Eventually Nick edged out of the office. To his surprise, as he was walking down the stairs there was a massive cheer from the men working on their machines. Apparently the past manager was not well-loved by the workforce. At the mill entrance, Nick found an OPP cruiser had just pulled up with a single officer inside. Nick went over and explained the situation to the officer, showed him copies of the lease agreement, and over the next hour managed to convince the man that no crimes had been committed, just a change in ownership of the plant. That is when the media started to show up. There were several newspaper and radio people from Thunder Bay, followed by the first television truck. Word had gotten out that First Nations people had taken over a paper mill, and this was apparently big news. Nick was interviewed over and over, pretty much telling the same story he had told the police. ------ ------ ---- It was nearing noon when River and Kyle were cleaning up the last of the heavy contaminants from the river bottom when the MoE car got out. This time there were two men in it. One was Agent Westerbrook, the other was a taller man in an expensive-looking suit. "See, they are still doing it," Westerbrook told the other as they approached. "Hello," the taller man said. "My name is Ernest Whitecliffe, supervisor of the Thunder Bay office of the Ministry of the Environment. Can you let me know what you are doing?" "Yes," River said curtly. She had now been awake for nearly 24 hours, and without the river being able to refresh her, was exhausted and hungry. Liesl had brought the crew sandwiches before she left for school in the morning, but they were almost finished: now this pair showed up. "We are cleaning the heavy metal contaminants out of the river. There is a low spot here, and we are now getting the last trace elements." "What kind of device is that?" Whitecliffe asked. "I've never seen anything like that. Is it working?" "We have pulled up nearly six barrels of material," River explained. "Right now we are only getting about a teaspoon of contaminants per scoop, which is about a half a cubic foot. But that barrel, the second one we brought up, was much more concentrated." The manager leaned over and got a whiff of the barrel, and then stepped back quickly. "Did you get a sample of that?" he asked Westerbrook." "Yes sir. I also told them to stop messing with the site until we could get the proper equipment up here. They seem to have ignored me." "Why would you do that? One of our dredges wouldn't be half as effective as this unit is, and it will be months before one is available, unless we pull it from another job. These people need their water back now, not in the fall." He turned to River. "How much would it cost for one of these machines? The department could make use of this for smaller jobs rather than waiting for the big units." "They cost $150,000 each," River said, making the number up. The shocked look on Kyle's face told her that the number was several magnitudes higher than he would have said. He had about to offer a far lower price when the manager spoke, before River gave her price. "Is that all? Our big units cost several million. We could buy four or six of these and scatter them at locations around the province." Kyle got a big smile on his face. Six units? Nearly a million dollars of government money? "Where to now, River?" he asked as he prepared to take another scoop. "I think we have it all," River said. "We can wrap up and head for lunch." She turned to Whitecliffe. "Will your people want to take care of these barrels?" "Definitely. Westerbrook will look after it. And I want samples of the river bottom in this site," the man told his assistant. "You know, the usual pattern. I want these people to be confident that their water is clean." "Yes sir. The usual pattern. It is in the manual." River smiled. She couldn't say it to them, nor would they believe it, but she knew that every last drop of contaminant had been removed. The river had told her so a minute earlier. The river was now clean enough that she could wade into it. The lighter oils had gone out to the lake. There was still some clinging to the vegetation on the banks, but the next rainfall would get rid of that. Kyle packed up his unit, with the MoE man watching in amazement as he folded it up compactly on the small trailer behind his pickup, and drove off, taking River and dropping her off at her house. Arriving at home, River made herself a sandwich, and then curled up in her bed, quickly falling asleep. The river had warned her that she shouldn't go into the water until after a rainfall. She woke just before supper. Mark was back from school, and Dale from his work at the construction site for Jenny's Place II. Even Alison had spent the morning at the credit union. It was closed, like most of the businesses downtown, due to no water, but she had done some paperwork. The gas station was open, although not the restaurant. A semi-truck had come in from Thunder Bay, filled with bottled water, which was being distributed free of charge to the local residents. What made River happiest, even beyond the lovely smells of Alison's dinner cooking, was the sound of rain. A hard rain was pelting down, and it had been going for over an hour now. Another hour and the riverbanks would be cleared. That would all be gone by midnight, so River could visit the river the next morning. ------ ------- ------- River had trouble getting up at 2 a.m. She was not used to feeling tired, like she had for so much of the last few days. She let Mark sleep. He could reunite with the river tomorrow. She went out the back of the house and down to the water. She stuck a toe in, and for a second it was cold, but then slowly warmed. It was not as quick as in the past, but she immediately felt refreshed. the river said.? "Thank you for all you have done for me. For us," River replied. "You have supported and nourished the people and the land for hundreds of years. We can never do enough to balance that." River had to leave after just an hour, instead of the four or five hours she normally spent in the water. It was taking too much out of the river to keep her warm. She got out and headed back to the house in her dripping outfit. Luckily it was early summer, and not too cold. In the house she changed into dry things, and tried to plan her day. There would be no school today. River knew that the water was pure again, and planned to get the word out to the people along the river that they could open their systems up again. While the town water plant would be closed until the MoE people got clear results from their tests, 'according to the manual', the people living in the reserve had private systems. Those close to the water had direct pipelines in. Those further back had communal systems that might service as many as 20 houses and cabins. Sewage was handled by septic tank systems, and the band was strict about ensuring that these worked and didn't contaminate the river water that everyone drank from. Wayne showed up at about 7, stopping in when he saw lights on at the Waters house. He was headed to the mill, where he was trying to decipher the accounts and processes needed to keep it operating during the 'occupation'. He filled River in on what had happened there while she was busy cleaning the river. She decided to go down herself and see. When they got there, it was chaotic. There were now five television trailers there, and a band of reporters just outside the gate. A First Nations occupation of an operating business was apparently big news -- especially when they were keeping it running. The two native men manning the gates were armed with bow and arrows only, and this meant that the OPP, who now had five cruisers standing by, were less concerned. Wayne and River were allowed to drive through, upsetting the horde of reporters who missed their chance to get quotes, or do anything to justify their presence. Inside the plant a tired looking Nick smiled when he saw River had come. "We have visitors coming soon," he said. "I've managed to get a few hours of sleep in on a cot in the back, but I really need to get a clean suit. I just don't want to have to face that horde out there right now. It would take me an hour to get through." "Call Dad," River suggested. "He can go over to Marilyn's and she can pick out something clean for you to wear. I don't know about a shower though." "No problem," Nick said. "There is a shower in the men's washroom. I guess occasionally the workers need it, although I have heard that Oldman had banned them from using it during his stay here. But now that we have almost returned to the old staffing levels, men who get dirty can shower and change, instead of having to man their machines in filthy clothes." "When is the next shift coming in?" River asked. "Will they be able to get past those people at the gates?" "Good point," Nick said. "They will start coming in soon. Maybe we should go out there and provide an update. That way, reporters won't bother the men and we won't have bad information going out. I guess I can do it in this suit." Dale arrived at about the same time as the men did, while River and Nick provided an update to the reporters. River was a novelty, a young blonde girl who Nick introduced as a tribal elder. She updated the media on what had happened in the second dumping, which they had already heard from Nick, and then told about the cleanup operations, which was news to the reporters. They spent nearly a half hour doing the update, and then headed back into the mill while the reporters filed their reports and began their speculation. While Nick showered and changed, River watched the coverage on the 24- hour CBC news station, which was doing live broadcasts from the gate and other related stories. The leader of the federal opposition party was decrying the 'occupation.' He made it sound as though the First Nations were creating an uprising, and claimed that the government were cowards, letting two men armed with bows and arrows keep 10 armed police officers at bay. The local member of parliament was there as well. He was a member of the left-leaning New Democratic Party. They considered themselves friends to the First Nations, and friends to workers and labor. Thus they would tend to support a worker-led occupation of the plant. But they were in minority opposition, and thus didn't want to support any government action on the situation. Another complication was that while First Nations affairs were the responsibility of the federal government, policing and public safety was the responsibility of the provincial government. This included the OPP. The federal police, the RCMP, had a limited role in Ontario, so were not present at the mill. Finally the prime minister made a statement. He noted that the First Nations peoples owned the land the mill sat on, and that their lease included the provision that if the plant ever polluted the area, the mill would become the property of the band. He said that the courts would have to decide on the legitimacy of such a claim, and there was no point in escalating the issue. About 11 a.m. there was another mob scene at the gate. Apparently officials from Weiserhakken Inc., the former owners of the mill, had arrived in three limousines. They were allowed into the gate, and soon entered the mill. Nick, now clean and besuited, welcomed them into the small boardroom at the mill. The Ojibwe were represented by the elected chief, River as an elder, and Nick as counsel. The company president was there, as well as two vice presidents, and the man who had been Oldman's supervisor. There was no more space in the room, so another five men from the company were escorted back to their cars. Nick did not want them roaming around the plant. Nick introduced the Ojibwe contingent, and the supervisor introduced his bosses. "You know, this foolishness has to stop now," Peter Cornish, president of the company said. "People have died in other confrontations of this type." "Did you see any Ojibwe out there threatening you or any other people?" Nick countered. "That is completely beyond the point," Cornish said. "This is our plant, and we intend to take it back. We are filing an injunction at this moment to have control of the plant returned to us." "I am aware of that," Nick said. "We have representation at that hearing, and they will present this document to the judge." He passed over a photocopy of the original lease agreement. "You will note on page three, third paragraph: Any actions by the lessee that cause environmental damage to the environs of the plant, in the sole opinion of the lessor, will result in the immediate cancellation of the lease, and ownership of the land and all real property on it will immediately become property of the lessor. The lessee will compensate the lessor for any costs involved in returning the land to its original condition." The men from the company looked glum as they read the lease. "We also will be presenting these to that judge," Nick said, handing over a dozen 8x10 photos. "These show men from this mill, in a truck with the Wieserhakken logo on the side, starting to dump pollutants into the river that runs through this property, the rest of the Ojibwe reserve, and the town of St. Mary's, which remains on a pollution alert, with residents required to drink only bottled water." "What we will not have in time for that hearing are the reports from the Ministry of the Environment specifying what chemicals were being dumped. However, two of your men were splashed in the dumping operation, and the acid involved resulted in extensive burning to their faces. Both are in the hospital in Sudbury at this moment, under police escort." Cornish sputtered a bit, and tried to bluster his way on. "Nevertheless property rights in this country are sacrosanct. At best you will retain your land and have an empty plant. You will throw 110 men out of work. Is that your goal?" "Not at all. And the numbers of men working in the plant were down to under 70 at the time of the incident. The plant is operating right now. We will have a full train of pulp cars ready on Friday, I understand. It is our intention to keep running the plant as an Ojibwe-owned enterprise." Cornish laughed aloud, and several of his men joined him. "You don't have the expertise to run a mill, and your don't have the equipment. We will remove that before we vacate. And you don't have the customer base. Who are you going to see all that pulp too?" "Normally it goes to the Wieserhakken paper mill in Sault Ste. Marie," Nick said. "Do you have another source for pulp for that mill? Or will it close down if this plant can't supply it?" "We could move supplies around from other mills," Cornish said. "Business 101. You don't operate more plants than necessary. Running other mills at a lower capacity to keep that one open doesn't make sense. How long would it be before that mill closes? It is you, not us, who will be throwing people out of work. And I read in your latest annual report that Wieserhakken in seeing significant growth in the toilet paper and tissue markets. Those are the markets we supply pulp for. Will you forego that increased growth because you can't deliver enough paper? What will shareholders at the next annual meeting say about that? What will your board say at the next board meeting?" River took over. "Mr. Cornish, you have a decision to make. There are a lot of media folks out there waiting for a report on what we are talking about in here. You can go out there and announce that your billion-dollar company is going to fight this tiny First Nations band in an attempt to wring out the last possible dollar. Isn't that going to be a public relations disaster that will have your competitors wringing their hands in glee?" "Or you can walk out and announce that due to a rogue employee, Wieserhakken has had to turn control of the plant over to the Ojibwe. You can announce regret for poisoning the water of the band and the town, and point out that your company has utmost support for the environment. You can announce that Wieserhakken has reached an agreement with the band, and plans to keep the plant open as an independent partner of the company, supplying your mill in Sault, and continuing to provide the country with the same fine products that they always have. Which message will you give?" Cornish paused for a long time before replying. "Can we talk this over amongst ourselves? Bring in our other support people?" The company reps in the cars were brought into the meeting room, and for an hour there was a discussion. Finally Mr. Cornish came to the door, and sent his support people back to the cars. The Ojibwe were invited back, and the company caved entirely. A communique was drafted, using much of the language that River has used in presenting the second option. Then Nick insisted upon a short agreement on prices and costs. The company agreed to pay the mill the same amount that they had paid in internal transfers for the next two years. He also got them to agree to transfer a million dollars to the mill to compensate for the deferred equipment purchases that Oldman had cancelled, but were direly needed. There were objections to this, but the company realized that it would cost far more to liquidate the plant, restore the land, and lay off all the Sault workers. It was nearly four o'clock when River and Mr. Cornish approached the media and made the announcement that the 'occupation' was over, and an agreement was made that was highly satisfactory to both sides. It took nearly an hour for the questions to start to get repetitive, and at that point Nick announced that tours of the plant would be offered to the media. Mr. Cornish remained for that, and was able to get his smiling face onto all the Canadian television networks, often seen shaking hands with the pretty little Ojibwe elder. ----- ------- ---- "Is that your plant, honey?" Donna Turnbell said from her bed. Her husband Ken turned to look and froze. "Yes it is, sweetness. That is the St. Mary's mill. What is happening?" "Something about the Indians taking over the mill," she said. They watched the rest of the clip, and when the announcer moved on to another story Donna sighed. "I miss St. Mary's. I want to go back." "You know that we had to come down here to Thunder Bay," Ken said. "There is no cancer treatment available up there, and a two-plus hour drive, each way, was too much to handle." "I know you loved your job up there at that plant," Donna said. "I love you more, honey," Ken replied. "Well, the treatments didn't work, did they?" Donna said. "I'd like to go back to St. Mary's at least once before I die. Please take me there." The doctors said no, that the trip would tax her frail body too much, but Donna was adamant they visit. Ken couldn't say no to his wife of 30 years' last wish, and called his old friend Nelson Churchill, asking if he could put them up for a week or two. Nelson immediately agreed, even offering to come down and get them. Ken waived that offer away. He could drive the trip, planning on taking three hours instead of rushing it. Two days later, without medical permission, the pair got into Ken's car and headed east towards St. Mary's. When they arrived at Nelson's house they were surprised to see Connie there as well. Connie had been a great friend of Donna's and the Turnbells were upset when the couple split. "It is so good to see the two of you back together," Donna gushed as she got out of the car. She put her hand on Connie's ample baby bump. "I didn't think this was possible for you." "It was a minor miracle," Connie said. She was astounded at how much her old friend had deteriorated over the past year. The cancer had made her look 80 instead of 52. Connie looked at Nelson, and he mouthed the word 'River.' Connie nodded. "I know you just got over a long drive," Connie said. "But we think we need to take you to see someone special. It will just be a few more minutes, and you and I can sit in the back and chat while the boys sit in the front." Donna was confused, and Ken was more than a little upset that his friends were making a tired Donna expend more energy, but they agreed and drove onto the reservation. River was in the water when Ken pulled up at the meeting place. The river was still weak, only two weeks after the incident, but with the heavy contaminants gone it was continually gaining strength. It had told her to stay a bit longer, since there was someone coming. She waded to the bank and waited while Connie and Nelson helped a frail looking woman out of the car. She nearly had to be carried, while her angry looking husband stood behind. When the woman was close enough, River reached out and grasped her bony hand. Immediately energy fed into the woman, and she straightened up a bit, eyes going wide. "That feels so good, dear. What is it?" "That is our river," River said. "Come. It will make you feel better." As River helped Donna into the water, Ken was astonished to see how well his wife was moving. It was like three or four months ago. He moved to the river, and took River's other hand. "It works best with both of you," River said, as she led the two of them out into the river. "This is the scary part. We are going to sit down in the water." Donna felt blissed out by the sudden lack of pain in her body, and quickly dropped into the water with River. Ken just looked on in shock. The river was clear again, and he could see down at River and his wife on the sand bottom, apparently fine. He took a breath and dropped down to be with them. It took several hours before River had them all stand up. "It shouldn't take that long," she said. "But the river was attacked two weeks ago, and is still weak. But I think you will find that your cancer is gone now. "I feel wonderful," Donna said as she waded unassisted to the shore. Ken also looked 10 years younger, but that was because caring for his wife, and watching her slowly die had prematurely aged him. He was now back to himself. Connie and Nelson had waited on the bank, and were ecstatic to see that the river had again cured good people. The four waved to River, and then drove off to the Churchill home where Donna had to argue that she did NOT need to take a nap, but instead the four played cards like they had in the old days before Connie and Nelson had split up. Two days later Nick came to visit and offered Ken his old job back. Wayne was still working at the plant, doing schedules and what he could, but it needed a real manager. The mill was now in Ojibwe hands, and Nick could not offer a salary as large as Ken had been getting from Weiserhakken Paper, but the band agreed to offer the fourth of the five big homes as a part of the package. Ken had gotten a low price in selling his local home last year to take Donna to Thunder Bay, and rent there had eaten into his savings, so the offer of a luxury home convinced him to take the job he had once loved. And when Donna saw the massive stone fireplace and cathedral ceiling of the home, she was immediately in love with it. The pair never did return to Thunder Bay, sending RedBear Cartage to pick up their meager furnishings and return them to the new big house. The first day that Ken arrived at the plant he found all three shifts present. A few men had to be manning the machines, but the rest lined up and cheered as he entered, and he had to shake hands with every man in the plant before he was again cheered as he climbed the steps to the manager's office. He had agreed to keep Wayne on staff for the rest of the summer, helping clear up some of the messes that Oldman had left. Wayne noted that he was learning more at the mill each week than he learned at school in a term.

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My wife and I have been happily married for over ten years now. She is in her early thirties and me, well I’m forty now. Anyway, we have a great sex life and don’t have any children. She is small, only 5’2″, about 105 lbs, and built very well for her small frame. We will call her Amy for now; the name has been changed to protect the innocent. We got Internet service about a year and a half ago. As many men do, I was surfing the net one night, looking for all those porn...

3 years ago
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Girls Night Out

Deb had decided that due to the lack of fun recently she would join her friends on a night out clubbing, having spoken to a couple of the girls it was decided to make the evening fancy dress.Deb Phoned her best mate Sally, “Hi Sal what you wearing tonight?”Sally replied “oh I don’t really know, I think I may go with my St Trinians outfit, you know short skirt, stockings etc, what about you?”Deb replied “yours sounds sexy; I will probably wear my kinky Police woman outfit”“Sounds hot, are you...

4 years ago
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Weekend Party

I sat in Mrs. Myers’ senior English class. I was half nodding because I was up late playing Madden NFL 16 on my PS3 against my little brother. We split the wins one and one. I still can’t believe how he beat me. It was a lucky ass field goal attempt that went good. I lost by two points. I’m still kinda pissed if you can’t tell. Anyway, this old woman is going on and on about some shit I care nothing about. I winked at my girlfriend, Kara, who is across the room. Her smile can kill. She’s...

1 year ago
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No Hands Day 3 Part 2

[Author's Note: Thank you for the comments and since I had to re-read this story to remember where I was going, I'd like to thank you all for ignoring the grammar and spelling issues. Commenters noted the discrepancy in ages between Day 1 and Day 3. It's my fault but we'll just say that Mark is almost 17 and tells people he is that age when he wants to seem older and tells the truth when he wants to seem younger. Let me know what you think of the next part.] No Hands - Day 3...

3 years ago
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Older White Women

I liked to swim and I was good at it. But being from the poor side of town and black it was not working out for me. I got on the swim team at my high school but I needed to practice. I ended up getting a job at a high flu tin very exclusive private country club as a life guard. That was great! I got to watch over a bunch of spoiled old white people during the day after school and on weekends and then after the pool closed I could swim all that I wanted. I was one only a few paid people at this...

3 years ago
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Kitten Is Late For Master

I’m late home and I know Master is already waiting for me and getting more annoyed by each second. My heart is racing as I rush, my pussy is already getting moist at the thought of the punishment I know I’m in for. Rushing to his flat, I start stripping in the lift to the fifth floor, the lift going so slowly. At this point in time, I don’t care who sees me, I deserve the embarrassment for being late. I yank my panties off from under my dress and also pull off my bra, shoving both of them in my...

3 years ago
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A Family Tradition Of BondageChapter 9B

Robert sat at his desk and called the payroll company he used and told them to prep for two new employees on his account, then he told them at least one more would be added in the next couple weeks. He pulled documents from his file cabinet and was relieved to see he had four complete sets of the employment documentation he would need. Lisa arrived at 8am, and greeted Sherri with a smile and then shook her head. "Sherri, your glowing like a neon sign again, you two are like teenagers for...

3 years ago
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Beena And Me At Age 48

Hi, dear readers. I had been reading this site for a long time and I am impressed about the certain true incidents that some people share here. I having thought about for a very long time and with the consent of my partner, I pen down the incident exactly that happened between us. This is a lengthy session so people in hurry please ignore other can continue to read and give your comments please for me to continue…. To describe me I am Kumar, 48 years Malayali, married and with two sons both...

1 year ago
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Train Mai Simran Ke Sath

Hi. All sex story ke diwano. Mai Ravi Sharma Chandigarh mai rehta huun. Ye baat tab ki hai jab mai Chandigarh se Lucknow jar aha that rein se.Ye meri sachi kahani hai jo train me shuru hoti hai. Mai train se lucknow ja raha tha aur mere saamne wale birth mai 1 sexy dosi item ja rahi thi. Mere papa aur uski didi hume see off karne aye the. Train jab chalne lagi to uski didi aur mere papa dono utar gaye. Use dekh k koi bhi ladka diwana baan jaye. Punjabi patola thi vo. Jab train chalne lagi to...

2 years ago
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Mom Is a Demon

I can’t believe what I just saw. Thank God she didn’t see me! I came home from school, shall we say, unannounced. Yeah, I cut class. Big fuckin’ deal. I’m seventeen. I’m practically an adult now, and who needs school if your mom has money? Anyway, I came into the house hours early, expecting to be alone. I headed upstairs to my room. Ever hear of a Sybian? Holy shit! I think I might be in love. Well, maybe addicted is closer to the truth. Trust me. Any time I go for a ride, I hit that big “O”,...

2 years ago
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Dear Diary little fem sissy faggot needed a check

Hi All - Hope all is well. If you have read my posting you would know that when I was younger one of the older man I used to meet often was a doctor. He would check me out from time to time and many times stitched me up or tended to my wounds, bruises I got from other men. One evening I was at my normal spot at the park waiting to get picked up. The horn sounded and lights flashed (that was my signal from one of my steady older men). I walked to the car seeing the Dr. smiling. opening the door...

1 year ago
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Jack8217s sister 8211 2

He also happened to see Sandy throwing glances and little smiles at him. He felt a fear that she knew that he had seen Jessica topless. No, if she knew that she damn sure as hell wouldn’t be smiling. Sarah must have called him something that he missed and Sarah was just laughing at him. Amazingly Sandy and Sarah volunteered to do the dishes. Jessica went up stairs as Sandy began to gather the plates. Lindsey went into the living room. Jake decided he needed a shower so he said thank you to the...

3 years ago
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Making more gentle love to you

Hello: I’m sorry it has taken me so long to “reload.” I had a number of diversions and this is the first opportunity I’ve had to pick up the story of what you might expect when we get together. If you’ll remember, I was digitally giving you thrills and orgasms with my fingers running in and out of your hot body. Well, now, I want to sit between your spread legs and look at your beautiful, hot, super wet pussy. I’m sure there would be that wonderful aroma of my woman in sexual arousal. First,...

Love Stories
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she was no good for him

She was no good for him, he used to think. Destroyed his motivation for life, kind of scary, Now none of that seemed to matter any more. She was the only woman he knew who could get into it as much as him. Hey.Hey.I’m coming over. When?Now. I’m in the car. I’ll be there in five.Wait.I’m coming. Be naked, Butt plug in your ass. Clips on your nipples. Tight enough that it hurts a little. Oh. Oh. I was studying. I was…Be on your bed. I want to hear a vibrator on your clit when I walk in the...

3 years ago
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Can an Affair Save Their Marriage

David sat on the bench in the men's locker room untying his shoes after an exhausting racquetball match--which he lost. He was forty-three years old and doing his damnedest to stay in shape. His friend Peter (same age) stood a few feet away, undressing as well. They had been friends since high school. Fate had taken them along different paths in life, but they were now back in the same town; their friendship never having skipped a step. Peter was divorced; David was close. As Peter removed his...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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my friend her mom and me

well this all stared a few years ago when i met a gal and we started a relationship. we would get together at her home and had some great sex. her and her mom shared a house together. her mom at the time was over seventy five y/o.and i would show up and my friend and i would go upstairs and have sex for a couple of hours. her mom would be down stairs alone and she knew what we were doing. well after about a couple of weeks of this i started saying something to my friend about her mom staying...

3 years ago
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Mystery Flasher

My first sexy story, written about fifteen years ago (you can tell by the music references!), based off a fantasy I had while working retail. "Hi," she said. I looked up. She was leaning onto the information desk at the record and book store where I worked, and she smiled the perfect smile that beautiful women do so well. Though it was late and I was a bit tired, I immediately slipped into "helpful employee" mode (trying not to enter "helpful employee staring at gorgeous babe" mode, at least...

4 years ago
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Ghosts of the Past Ch 09

When Agents Charles Richards and Tom Seldon returned from Washington just after the new year, they informed their friend, Dawn Estevez, that they had confirmed the identity of her uncle and that he was, indeed, involved in their investigation. She very sadly promised not to inform anyone in her family what was going on until the investigation was closed. They had also returned with all the authorized documents from headquarters to begin the actual investigation into the import/export company’s...

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GTA Great Times Ahead

As the title suggests, this story has a lot to do with GTA the game. Specifically Grand Theft Auto V. This story and its threads are taking place in San Andreas (in which Los Santos is the primary city); locations, cars, websites, media, some characters and other details can be found in the game, but that's where the most of the similarities end. Like the game, these stories are set circa 2013. I decided to use San Andreas as a backdrop since it's made so incredibly detailed that you might...

3 years ago
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Once Again in silk Part 2

As sundown approached on Saturday I showered and got ready to attend the opening of an art gallery that a member of our organization was sponsoring. I selected the suit, shirt and tie and then I retrieved the white silk panties from the laundry room. I wonder if Darlene questioned herself on the fact that I accepted her request without protest? They were beautiful and just running my fingers along the cool silky smooth material brought back memories of being Melissa. I still had all the...

2 years ago
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Swimming Pool 8211 Couple Love

Hi guys I am Amit. I stay in Mumbai and work for a IT firm nearby. Our organization, being a filthy rich MNC, gave me and my two friends a sprawling 2 BHK Flat in a huge cooperative in Goregaon East, which we couldn’t have afforded in our lives. The cooperative was new and had ultra modern facilities like gymnasium, banquet halls and also a swimming pool, which were yet to be opened. Every day after coming back from the gym, I used to hit the gym as I was very inclined towards fitness and also...

1 year ago
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Love Potion No 5

My name is Louise. I work in the beauty department of a major chain of stores that caters to the rich and famous in the larger portion of our town. I started here because I didn't want to go into an office and be stuck there on a 9-5 basis. No, my life's ambition was not to work at the beauty counter and spritz people with the latest perfumes as they walk by, but it got the bills paid; and I was always on top of the beauty scene and got a nice discount on my favorite scents. I also got to see...

2 years ago
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My name is John Marples,  I am single and 31st old.  It all really began 9 years earlier when I was a high flier at quite a big company, I had a secretary then called Janice. She was only 18 and during that time I must admit treated quite badly. However, I didn't care because I was doing very well in my role as a Sales Account Manager, and, I new I would be promoted to our head office which was in another city. Sure enough it was not long before I got my promotion and I left the regional...

4 years ago
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Aspen Grove

[This story has no explicit sex in it. If descriptive sex is why you want to read a story, read a different story. This story is about making a difference with, by and for friends. It’s just a story, until you and I make it true.] None of what happened was planned, at least not by me and certainly not by Ron. Ron turned seventy on May the twelfth last year. Everyone living in the Aspen Grove section of the Colorado Sunset Hills Retirement Community attended the party for him. He and Emma, his...

4 years ago
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Hot F A M I L Y Fucking

-= Chapter 1 =-"Oh, Mom!" Billy gasped. "Oh, shit, I'm sorry! I guess I should have locked the door!" Kathy stood motionless in the open door to the bathroom, gaping wide-eyed at her naked son as he dripped water on the tiled floor. Billy was the younger of her two boys, and she'd u*********sly continued toregard him as a mere c***d, despite his age. But what she was staring at now proved that at least in one critical area Billy was fully grown. His enor-mous, half-swollen cock hanging between...

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Second Chance at LoveChapter 20

After the incident on the sofa, nothing of a sexual nature happened for several weeks. However, there was a change in the relationship between the three of them. There was an electricity in the house. Katie seemed to get even more affectionate toward Jim and Jim returned it. Jenny didn't seem to mind in the least and in fact encouraged it. There was one incident that set the stage for greater intimacy between the three. Because Katie had free access to the house, she would often come into...

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Woh aur uski bahbhi

I also collect my power to tell you my real story which happens with me in december 1990. I was a 24 yrs old guy. I did fuck a few but that experience of mine change my whole life and thinking towards gals. And here my true experience among you all if u like then pls convey me . It was a month of december and i have to go to pune for my friend’s sister’s marriage. He call me one week before the marriage for some help to him and i went to pune (i am basically from mumbai, city of bollywood. When...

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Surekha Part I

Dear Friends this is Akshay from Mumbai I am an avid reader of ISS & I really admire some of the very hot & erotic stories posted by our fellow readers , today I want to narrate my real life experience which is still fresh in my mind & & it keeps me aroused immediately as and when I think about it. I was around 18 years of age at that time , my sister had a friend called Surekha who was 4 years older to me . She was very close to our family & she always used to visit us regularly , let me...

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My aunty

The experience i had not very long ago with my aunt who still lives in hyderabad. I was 18 yrs old then and it was during my 12th grade summer holidays that i went over for a 5-day visit to my aunty who lives with her 2yr old daughter in mumbai. I was visiting her after 2yrs and i had no clue that this visit was going to be the most remarkable one in all my life for it was after this that my sex life changed. She was 30yrs old but had one of those great bodies that could make a dead man’s penis...

2 years ago
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Ignoring the Signs Circa 1978

As soon as you walked through the door the unmistakable aroma of weed and the familiar smell of infidelity left you in no doubt that you had entered the Cavendish Club. As usual the place was full of desperate people, some searching for everlasting love, most of them just after a one night stand. The events over the last few days had left him depressed and emotionally drained. The day had started badly and progressively got worse. It started with an early morning telephone call from Stella...

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Dick Jacking Handjobs

you're sitting here between Them... two men... black men... who are Both... still fully dressed... save for Their long and hard... huge black pricks... sticking out of Their pants... jutting up high... and hard... in the air... and somewhat... pointed in your direction... because of how you're sitting... and what you're doing... between Their legs... just sitting here... between Them... in the dayroom... except... that you're the one... who's totally... and completely naked... with your...

2 years ago
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Pure pariwar ki dastan

Pyare readers (choot waliyon aur lund walon) Main Dinu Sabse pahale main sabhi choot waliyon aur lund walon ko danyawad deta hun kyun ki meri Kahaniya, logo ko kaphi pasand ayee aur muze E-Mail ke jariye male/female ka kafi response mila, logo ne muze aur Satya Katha likhane ka hosala diya. Isliye phir se aap logo ke pass ek sachi Kahani pes kar raha hun, Aasha hain pichhali kahanion ki tarah yeh kahani bhi aap logo ko pasand aayegi. Mai Ek sarkari daftar me kam karta hun aur Bombay me akela...

1 year ago
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BangBrosClips Valentina Nappi Valentina Nappi Fucks

Valentina Nappi gets disappointed after her man can’t get hard for her and decides to kick him out so she can masturbate. She gets spied on by the room mate and she scares him away after freaking out when she saw him. She invites him in and things quickly move on to his hard cock being out. She flattered and gives him a good blowjob and sits on his face to get things started. We see her riding on cowgirl before they get interrupted by limp boyfriend. They keep fucking at the door as she turns...

3 years ago
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Post Graduates

My roommate Tom and I are doing postgraduate work in biochemistry for a notable Professor. The work is interesting but time consuming, we both hope to get our doctorate and a good job in some pharmaceuticals lab. We like girls though and would like sex now and again, but we can't seem find the time to establish a relationship with anyone. We were talking about this one night, in our room, when I said. "Look Tom, we're both experts in biochemistry, surely we can discover a aphrodisiac or...

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Storys I like Fun with My Mother in Laws Sexy Fee

Fun with My Mother in Laws Sexy Feet In the 5 years since I first met my future Mother in Law Kathy, I had had many opportunities to admire her sexy feet in her support tights and had built up a nice collection of her tights, knickers, bras and even a pair of her shoes. Whenever I got the opportunity I would wear and wank into her soiled tights and knickers. Things had moved on and I had married my girlfriend and we had moved into our own place which meant that I was seeing less of Mother in...

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The Fairy princess Chantan, was relaxing in her home in the Fairy realm. At the moment she had one of her servant's between her legs licking her firm clit, receiving great pleasure from the skillful tongue. Although she was over a thousand years old she still looked young and beautiful. Long blond hair that reached down to her firm ass full breasts and nipples perfectly sized for her body size, she had no hair between her legs as was the nature of her kind. She was building up towards a...

2 years ago
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The Footist

THE FOOTIST by bound bob 2005 Lines of my sexual development blur. What came first my submissive sexualtendencies or my fetishes? It's like asking the chicken or the egg question.I'm sure my silk and satin fetish has always been with me. My submission? I'mnot sure when that happened. The leather fetish I think came after my Dommefetish. Stocking fetish, who knows but they look great on leather clad Dommes.I don't have a foot fetish but now I always look at a woman's feet. I blamemy wife for...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Manager To The Core

Hi everybody My name is Samantha i am here to narrate about my fuck story that happened few days back I don’t want to waste time so i will come quickly to the story.I am working in one small company which pays on a medium scale but happy with the job .From my child hood i was always aloof from ladies.But i fucked many of them in my dreams. After my degree i joined in my job .After three years of hard ship i went to a good position.Then I became the lead of team.Life was going boringly. Forgot...

4 years ago
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It was a dark and wet night; sitting beside me was Bella my wife of two years now. Bella is not heterosexual, homosexual or Bi, she is Omnisexual; when the mood takes her, she'll fuck anything, anytime, anywhere. Tonight she was dressed reasonable tame, long flared skirt and T-shirt. We were just going out for a quiet meal and a drink for our wedding anniversary, we were not expecting any other fun. Bella is a walking wet dream, her figure in faultless and normally she'll dress to show it...

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Jill, this is stupid!" I grumbled."Shhh! They'll hear you!"I couldn't believe it. I was home from college on spring break. Most of my friends were going away to some island to lie in the sun, but not me. No, I was locked in the trunk of my brother's car with my cousin Jill, trying to sneak into a drive-in movie! "How did I let you guys talk me into this!" I groaned.The worst part was that it wasn't necessary. We had the money to pay, but my older brother Ned and her older brother Bob decided to...

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One Soul That Is Still On Earth

Stage 1 We all believe that after death no one should be trouble. All beings should have someone to hold them as they die. Someone to assure them that everything will be okay, even as the senses fade—sight succumbs to darkness, and the fingers lose their ability to feel, and finally, hearing dims to silence.   It was Dipty whom I hold. Dipty face was the last I saw, her voice the last I heard… thought Kartik.   A senseless tragedy, Dipty death would later be described. It was simply a matter...

4 years ago
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The Wave Function

You can’t swallow you beer fast enough. “No, see. That’s why the last two movies sucked.” It’s late on a Tuesday night. Just you, the bartender, and your buddy Steve. “What are you talking about? You draw in a deep breath and exhale, allowing yourself a moment to collect your thoughts. “The first movie was all about heroism and sacrifice and liberation and fighting the system, right? But what made it COOL was watching Morpheus and Neo jumping between buildings and floating mid-air and dodging...

2 years ago
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Hawaiian Vacation

  Hawaiian Vacation     I was anxious to pick her up at the airport. I bought the largest bouquet I could. It was at least 3 feet long. We had many conversations and agreed that we would spend a week together in Hawaii . Her stipulation was that we had to go ‘dutch’ including the airfare. After agreeing to her wishes, I made the reservations and garnered us a neat package. Time was of the essence as we both had limited vacation periods. It made sense to meet her...

3 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 139

Trinity led Adam to the bed that adorned the spartan room that usually served as the spot where the free-side chats for "Sweet Things" were performed. "I'll be right back," Trinity promised. "Why don't you make yourself comfortable." She gestured to the bed and smiled. "And you are seriously overdressed," she added, turning away and closing the door behind her. Adam took the opportunity to lose some of, or rather, most of his clothes. He wasn't certain if Trinity wanted to help...

2 years ago
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Uncle Gaston And NieceChapter 21

At first, when he'd found the open door to the room where he'd imprisoned the dog and the animal gone, Shannon had experienced a cold emptiness at the pit of his stomach. What the hell had happened? Madeleine would never have let the damned brute out, but Annette would... if she'd gotten the chance... and in order to have obtained that she would've had to put Madeleine out of commission... He'd ran through the house and taken the stairs three at a time, only to come up short in the...

3 years ago
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HOBO Chapter Four

I graduated with a Masters Degree in Accounting in November well ahead of anyone’s expectancy. I was barely twenty-one years old and already studying for the CPA exam. I had contacted Amanda Peat once month prior to my graduation so she could prepare things for me. I was scheduled to be at Butler, Land and Reyes on December the fifth to meet with Richard Butler and get settled in. As expected, I was extremely nervous now, due to the fact that I was basically on my own now. Before the campus...

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Batman and Catwoman the day after

Hey all this is Joe and this is the continuation of my hookup with Alexis, one of my coworkers and the fuel for more mastubation sessions than I can count in the last few months. I was having the most wonderful dream, last night I had gone to a costume party dressed as Batman while the woman of all may fantasies was dressed as Catwoman. Somehow in the dream we ended up leaving together and in the car she had sucked my cock till I filled her mouth with my hot cum. Once back at my place I had...

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Military DelightsChapter 27 The Hunt

When he had started training her, Ramzy El-Najjar had warned Fayruz, "Nobody wins their first hunt, so do not despair when you are caught the first time. If you relax as far as you can and enjoy the hunters' attentions then it should not be too painful for you. If you show some enthusiasm for their pricks then most of them will not whip you." She had started her training by running for two hours at a time on the treadmill, encouraged when necessary by the eunuchs' whips. As soon as she...

1 year ago
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Missed CallChapter 4 You tell me that you need me

So exactly three hours after I just sat there telling you how great my life was, my life started to royally suck. And I mean suck. It's never been quite so bad. Rachel and I sat on my bed. I was, of course, sobbing. She tried to comfort me ... but it wasn't working. I told her the entire story, not that there was really much of a story to tell. My boyfriend had gotten head from Natalie ... the bitch from Hunter. What could you do? My phone started ringing, his ring. Good ole fucking...

3 years ago
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Falling for Ebima

Introduction: So, this is the second installment of what Im calling The Ebima stories. Corny, but there it is! I l worked really hard and I hope you guys enjoy. Leave me some comments and suggestions as to what you think I should include, exclude, anything. Thanks! Christopher McIntyre pushed his pen away and stretched gingerly in his seat. He felt a distinct itch between his shoulder blades and knew, without having to turn around, that his potential manager was still eye banging him. It had...

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Chris took a deep breath before he knocked on the door. There’s no reason to be nervous, he reminded himself. But reassurances had long since stopped soothing him. Beth’s smile when she opened the door helped, though. She ushered him in. “C’mon into the den. It’s more comfortable there.” Then she turned and led the way with another smile over her shoulder to make sure he was following. Chris let out another deep breath but forced a smile this time. By the time they settled into their...

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Foster HomeChapter 3

Mike woke up next to Caryn, contemplating how beautiful she looked. Now, in the bright morning sunlight, he was able to begin thinking rationally again. Oh my God, I've had sex with a 16-year-old girl. 'What the hell did I do?' he wondered. He looked at Caryn. She laid there, nude, the sun on her flawless skin, a slight smile on her face. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. The panic receded, replaced by the intense love, affection, and passion he felt for her. He pulled...

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