UpgradeChapter 15: Mystery Brother; Reese Gets Pregnant free porn video

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Darby and I first found Jon with Pam and Mike with Trish in the living room. Jon was balls deep in Pam, and they were enjoying a hard fuck as Trish kissed her and played with Pam’s breasts while Mike fucked her from behind. Pam was on her back on the arm of the sofa, and that brought her pussy to just the right height for Jon to piston his cock into the gorgeous blonde who was my girlfriend.

Darby whispered, “Wow,” next to me. “I’ve never watched someone else fucking except on the Internet. This is much better than porn. It’s so erotic.”

Jon glanced over his shoulder at us and smiled, then returned his focus to Trish and Pam. Mike kept his focus on Trish and her satisfaction.

We slipped back down the hallway to the master bedroom. The door was open and before we even got to the room we could hear Andrew and Amy talking about their sex to each other as we approached.

Amy was on her back and Andrew was pumping his cock back and forth into the pretty blonde woman. Amy’s legs were spread wide and as we walked to the bed we could see close-up as he slipped his cock back and forth into her quim.

“You are delightful fuck, Amy. Your velvet sheath touches all my spots.”

Amy rose on her elbows, her breasts becoming more apparent, “You’ve got what it takes to make me very happy. Just keep fucking me, and don’t you dare stop until I’ve had about a dozen orgasms.”

Darby froze at the door and watched her husband trying to be creative in his friendly fuck with Amy. Despite being an older man, I found myself surprised at what good physical shape he was in. His back was muscular, and his buns tight, and his legs powerful.

Darby must have read my mind; she whispered, “He routinely works out. He’s as driven to exercise as he was in his work. I have trouble keeping up with him.”

She changed tacks and whispered to me, “I can’t believe how hot it is to watch my husband fucking someone else, particularly someone as pretty as Amy is. The two of them are so hot together I just want to surround them with my body, my sex, and my love.”

I suggested, “Let them finish, and then join them. It looks like they are not wasting any time, so I think they’ll finish soon – at least for this round of things.”

I wasn’t too far off in my estimate. About five minutes later, Andrew crested with a wail that he was finishing. Amy urged him on, telling him how she wanted him to fill her with his cum. He did.

We watched Andrew lie on the bed into Amy’s arms, and the pair kissed quite a few times. I whispered to Darby, “Now would be a good time to go to them. Tell them what you’re thinking and feeling.”

Darby smiled back at me, and then moved out of the shadows to the bed. “Do you have room for me to join you?”

Amy looked pleased, “Oh, yes.” She looked beyond her and saw me, “Bob, you come here too.”

Andrew smiled up at his wife and held his arms open for her to join him. Darby cuddled into her husband despite his cock remaining embedded in Amy’s pussy.

Darby said, “We’ve been watching you, and I know you watched me with Bob. This is ... unbelievable and ... fantastic. I am full of love, and awe, and ... cum – or I was until someone ate some of it away and even shared it with me during some French kisses.” She laughed at her crude humor. “I just wanted to surround you two with my arms and love. You were so beautiful together. I loved watching you make love.”

Amy pulled Darby to her and kissed her on the lips. The kiss was anything but platonic, and the longer it went on the hotter it got. I could tell that Amy wanted to girl-fuck Darby, something she was prone to do on frequent occasions with my two partners who were similarly inclined.

Amy surprised me, however. She turned and said, “Bob, I still need to get off. Would you like to do the honors?” On that note, Andrew rolled to the side with Darby, and she spread her legs. I could see a rivulet of Andrew’s cum leaking from her gaping quim, but her blatant display of her pink made me harden immediately to a ready state.

I moved and took Amy in my arms. “I love you, darling.” She paused and asked, “Did you give Darby the Experience?” She grinned in an evil way at me, no doubt thinking back to our discussion before Darby and Andrew arrived.

“I did. I believe she enjoyed the event.”

Darby spoke up, “She certainly did. He’s a great lover. I’m now completely in love with him as well as my husband.”

Andrew said, “I guess I have something else to learn.” He chuckled.

Amy said, “Well, I love you too, and I’ve missed you all week. Now, focus on me. Show our British friends how we fuck in America.” She laughed and winked at Andrew and Darby.

I plowed my newly recovered cock into Amy, but immediately started to use my fingers on her clit as I pistoned into her body at a steady pace. As we had watched Andrew and Amy fucking it had dawned on me that she wasn’t getting off on the fuck because he wasn’t paying attention to her clit, the one place on her body almost guaranteed to bring pleasurable results for a female partner. Amy got into the lovemaking with me, particularly after we shared more kisses, more words of love, and more stimulation of her clit with my thumb and fingers.

Finally, Amy visibly shuddered and came with a couple of body spasms that only duplicated what was going on around my cock inside her vagina. I rode her through the minute of spasms, slowing as the seconds ticked by. At the end, I gathered Amy into my arms and kissed and cuddled her.

Amy said, “You not only know how to get me off, you also know how a woman like me loves to be cuddled and kissed for a long time after our peak.” She paused and asked, “I know you didn’t cum. Do you want to continue?”

I shook my head, “No. Later, but right now I’m just happy to have brought you a nice climax.”

Andrew said quietly, “I’m sorry, Amy. I got too focused on my own needs.”

Amy waved her hand, “No problem. We had fun. It was my first fuck with someone from another country. Hurray! Now I’m an international slut.” She laughed.

Darby didn’t let the matter rest, “No, wait. This is a learning experience for us in many ways. I want Andrew to understand what makes Bob a good lover – and it’s the details like kissing and cuddling as he did with Amy after she came – like he’s doing now. He did the same with me too after every one of my orgasms, including the big one. He also understands the purpose of a woman’s clitoris and G-spot and some other magic place, and used his fingers there a lot to help bring her off.”

Amy laughed, “I take it you liked the Big Bob Experience?”

Darby looked at her for a moment and asked, “Is that what you call it? Yes, I not only liked it, I loved it, and it made me fall in love with this man.” She reached over and stroked my back. I was still buried balls deep in Amy.

Darby said, “Among the other things Bob does is he cleans up his messes. Will you show Andrew, Robert?”

I just nodded. I pulled out of Amy, but before I could move much further, Darby inhaled my cock and cleaned off the small amount of cum and pussy nectar from it. I wonder if she thought much about what Amy tasted like. I’d ask her later.

I turned and went down on Amy. As I did I glanced at Andrew. His eyes bugged out of his head at what I was doing. I was conscious, of course, that the cum there wasn’t mine. I figured if it were too gross I could always stop. What I found, however, was that Amy had flooded the area with her juices, so there was almost no other taste but her nectar.

Andrew voiced his awe, “That’s my cum he’s eating.”

Darby said in shock, “Oh, dear, I forgot that. I was thinking since he just fucked Amy that it was his. I’m sorry Robert.”

I came up for air, “No problem. A lot of this is Amy, and it’s pure ambrosia of the gods to me. Would you like a taste?”

Darby nodded, and then kneeled beside me. I moved out of the way, and she carefully extended her tongue and then made a long lap of Amy’s pussy from near her asshole to past her clit. Amy jerked at the jolt of clitoral pleasure. Darby looked pleased as she went to work more diligently to capture some of Amy’s emissions.

Andrew said, “I guess I have some more lessons to learn here, as Darby said.”

Darby said, “I’ve got a list and I’ll show you over the next week. They’re little things that Bob did or taught me; I don’t know that he even knew he was doing them, but they made making love him such a wonderful experience ... and that’s not to say I’m abandoning you or anything. I love you.” She paused and said, “And right now, I’ve got a huge clean up job here on aisle four.” She lunged back into Amy’s twat.

Andrew looked unhappy.

I reached over and grabbed hold of his arm in a friendly gesture. “Andrew, this is not a contest. My focus in making love is to make my partner happy and satisfied in as many ways as I can. Some may think that’s not manly, but that’s how I think. I learned what I do in little bits and pieces from reading, from my sex partners, from watching porn, and from learning how to read the feedback my partner of the moment is giving me.”

“What do you mean feedback?”

“Sorry for the techy term. Making love to a woman is like tuning a wonderful automobile engine for optimum performance. You make a little touch or adjustment here and there and see if the car purrs and runs better.”

Amy said as she panted, “Bob proved long ago that he can read me like a book. I make a little twitch or jerk, or I blink or something, and I know he just learned something about how to excite me or bring me to a new peak of some kind as we make love, or he learned just the right thing to say to me that will make me love him that much more, only he’s not doing it to be selfish, he’s doing it to make me happier.”

“So it boils down to better sex?” Andrew posited.

Amy said, “Absolutely yes, for both of us, but it’s more than that. Tonight, from the moment Bob walked in the door, I knew part of his focus was on ME. I knew he wanted to please me, to arouse me, to stimulate me – not just sexually but in every way possible. He talks about making love to me in mind, body, and spirit, and I feel him coming to me on all those levels whether we’re just sitting and talking in the living room, taking a stroll down the beach, or whether we’re here in this bed fucking as we were a moment ago.”

Darby nodded, “I had the same feeling, but not the words to articulate what you just said. I knew from his first look at me that he wanted me, but not just to fuck me and then be done. He wanted me in a whole lot of ways – mind, body, and spirit, as you said. I like that. There were lots of dimensions beyond the obvious to how we started to interact. He’s sensitive to all my signals whether I know I’m sending them or not.”

Andrew chortled, “I guess I’ll have to start learning a new set of skills instead of trying to hold onto my old business skills.”

Darby leaned over and kissed her husband, “Yes, and I’ll be glad to be your practice doll. Don’t forget that you are my first love above all, and I do love you so. Thank you for helping to make this night happen. I think it’s good for both of us.”

I was pleased to see Andrew nod to affirm what Darby, Amy, and I had said.

“I’m pregnant.”

For some men those words strike fear into their hearts, and for others they bring a sense of joy and accomplishment. For both categories, there may rarely be the uncertainty of paternity for those in the ‘lifestyle’ of having multiple sex partners and loving to reach orgasm after orgasm bareback.

I fit in the latter category, although the person saying those words happened to not be either of my two primary love partners who I lived with day-to-day. The person announcing that wonderful fact of burgeoning life was my ex-wife, Reese.

The occasion for the announcement was a small orgy at Andrew and Darby’s home on Bird Key. They had come into the lifestyle over the three months since I first joined with Darby at Jon and Amy’s home. They had met, befriended, and eventually included Dave and Reese among their intimate friends.

Reese had been with five men in the timeframe of conception: David – Reese’s husband, Jon, Andrew, Mike – our single friend from the swinger’s group who we liked a lot, and me.

The five of us were seated along with Pam, Trish, Amy, Darby, and Rosalin – Pam’s mother who was visiting from L.A. Reese stood in front of us nude and in a serious mood.

The room was eerily silent. We were all sitting around after round one of a sex-filled evening, and mostly we were all nude. We’d been in the pool to rinse off the juices and various other body fluids we’d collected in round one of our small orgy involving the eleven of us.

Rosalin snickered finally. “Honey, I think that’s wonderful news. As the only other mother here, let me tell you that you are embarking on a long journey that you’ll really find rewarding but full of more challenges than you can even estimate.”

Reese said with a slight smile, “I know. I’m kind of excited.”

David said in excited support, “Just so you all know, so am I.” He grinned broadly, and I took his remark as genuine.

I asked the question that acknowledged the gorilla in the room. “Might you know who the father is?”

Reese migrated back to her more somber mood and shrugged. She pointed to each of the men in turn as she said, “One of you. I guess it’ll be a surprise to see whom he or she looks like as junior grows up. I wanted to wait to tell you all until we were together in one room.”

Pam volunteered, “I think you can get the amniotic fluid tested for paternity.”

I said, “I’m pleased as punch that I might be the father.”

Mike said, “Me too. I’m getting all teary over here thinking that I might have done something really good by accident.” Mike was a hunky guy we liked and initially invited to even out the number of males and females when we got together for our parties. He’d become something more to all of us – a great friend and lover. How he’d remained single all this time remained a mystery to everyone since he was one of the nicest and most sensitive men we knew. He truly loved each of the women in our circle as they cared for him in return.

Jon said, “I’ll add my words to that too. I think that’s exciting. I’d be pleased to be the father.”

We all looked to Andrew. He blanched and said, “I guess I’m pleased at the possibility I still might have some punch to what I deliver, but I’m thinking of the larger picture.”

Trish asked, “What’s that?”

“Well, Reese has the baby amid all this excitement and suspense. If she gets it tested for paternity most of the people in this room will end up disappointed in some way. If it’s not David’s progeny, he realizes he’s going to be raising someone else’s baby – maybe mine ... or Bob’s, or Mike’s, or Jon’s. Meanwhile, the real father is disconnected from his child because the mother is married to Dave. Of course, while all that goes on the women all are hoping for some relationship with the new child by way of their usual partner or partners.”

Darby said, “I agree. My first thought was ‘I’m going to be an aunt, ‘ just as though Andrew’s sister had a child, only I was kind of hoping it was his sperm that did the task. Reese was suddenly my surrogate. In just those seconds, I thought all about how I’d be right by her side through all the pregnancy and then helping to raise the child.”

Pam said, “I had the same thought, except I’m jealous. I’d like a baby too.”

Trish said, “Me too.”

I thought, ‘Uh oh. I’m becoming a father of one or two children over the next couple of years whether I’m ready or not, and whether Reese’s baby is mine or not.’ The idea of fatherhood actually sat rather well with me. I’d put off that option in life long enough.

Amy said, “We didn’t want to announce anything, but Jon and I have been talking about parenthood too, before we get any older.”

Darby said, “And I wouldn’t mind getting pregnant either. Andrew, what do you say?”

Andrew rolled his eyes. “I say ... I think there’s something in the city water supply.”

I turned to Rosalin,

Rosalin blushed, “I ... well ... actually, I had a second child ... a first child really ... before Pam was born.”

Pam shot upright as though struck by a bolt of lightning, “MOTHER! YOU WHAT?” She looked horrified and even more confrontational than she had when she discovered her mother’s career in adult films. She’d jerked into a standing position in front of Rosalin.

Rosalin said in a tiny contrite voice, “I had a baby when I was in high school. I gave him up for adoption. I was too young, had no money, I didn’t really like the guy who got me pregnant, my home life was bad, my parents were anything but sympathetic ... the whole situation sucked, so after thinking about it, I gave the baby up to adoption services. To this day, I ... pray that was the ... right thing to do. I’ve ... hated myself for that since.”

Rosalin got tear at the end of her revelation. Her last few words were choked out. I moved to her side and gathered her into my arms.

Pam’s attitude softened, “Do you know where my brother is – or half brother, or whatever?”

Rosalin looked up at her daughter seeking forgiveness, “No, but I think you can petition the State of California to see whether they’ll contact him and invite contact. I have no idea of his name or anything. I didn’t name him. If I had, I’d cry harder every second like I did back then. Just so you know, you came along four years later, a very wanted and planned for child. Things were different – better. I loved your father back then, and I could keep you although I was a single mother. He helped out a lot at the beginning.”

Pam was the one rolling her eyes now. Her mother, a porn star for the past thirteen years, had revealed yet another family-shattering secret. I could see the frustration written all over Pam’s face.

Trish went over and held her friend to try to calm her down.

I pulled Reese down to my other side so I sat between Rosalin and Reese. I hugged both of them to me and whispered words of love to each of them. They both seemed to need the attention. The universe worked in strange ways.

Pam cuddled into my side in the large bed in the guest room of Andrew and Darby’s home. Trish lay on my other side. Pam said, “Thank you for being so nice to my mother and your ex-wife earlier. I was in shock, and I know I acted like a bitch to my mom. I can’t imagine what it must be like to give up a child, and then later in your life to sit in a room when each woman or couple express their desire to have a baby. Before she said anything about my brother, I knew something was wrong. She looked so pained, and she’d started to cry.”

Trish said, “She’ll be all right. She’s had to deal with her decision and actions for over thirty years. She hasn’t forgotten, but the scars aren’t open wounds any longer.”

I said, “Mike was very empathetic to her, especially since he was adopted and has had a great upbringing and a fabulous set of nurturing parents. He’s probably holding Rosalin and comforting her.” We all had watched Rosalin and Mike head off to another guest room earlier holding hands.

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Mystery Plunge

Mystery Plunge By Julia Manchester © 2010 This is a work of fiction. The characters of the story are all fictitious, and any resemblance to any real person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The events portrayed are likewise fabrications. This work also includes mature subject matter and may not be appropriate for those under the age of eighteen. No part of this work may be published, reproduced, posted or distributed in any form, including electronic storage and...

2 years ago
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Amanda Gets What She WantsHer Brother Kyle

Well, it turns out to be a vid of my seventeen-year old brother, Kyle, and his old girlfriend, Melissa. Didn't look like much...day at the beach, dance at school, you know. So, while I searched his room further, I let it run. I didn't turn up much else of interest and went back to the computer to eject the disk. Fucking! They're fucking! On camera! God, they're naked and he's fucking her right here in his bed, right in this very bedroom. His dick is going in and out of her pussy....

1 year ago
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The Mystery of Celia Allene

“Now don’t you go anywhere my dear, I won’t be too long, hopefully, perhaps home by eleven.”“How can I go anywhere, you’ve tied me to the bedposts.”“Oh, yes, I knew there was something I was supposed to do before I left. Sorry darling, I’m late already. You don’t mind, do you E?”“What if I need a wee-wee?” Came the quiet girly pleading tone from the bed."Darling E, I do not think you want to urinate on the bed. The consequences do not bear thinking about, especially for you."“But you said I...

4 years ago
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Amanda Gets What She Wantsher Brother Kyle

I was home alone and bored so I began rooting around my brother's room (Aren't sibling's awful. I'm sure he's been through my panties and bras; turnabout is fair play.) and I find a DVD under a bunch of stuff at the back of a dresser drawer. It's unlabeled, which adds to the mystery, so I take it and pop it into the computer and begin to play it. Well, it turns out to be a vid of my seventeen-year old brother, Kyle, and his old girlfriend, Melissa. Didn't look like much ... day at the...

3 years ago
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A Mystery Spot

While traveling through the Midwestern states along highway US-2, my friend Chris and I saw a place advertised as being a mystery spot. We talked about it, as in my travels during the late nineteen hundreds saw such odd places in Missouri, Kansas, and Illinois, but to see one still there, open for business and available to see, I said he should stop and see it. When we arrived, the building was as all the others I remembered, it painted all black except for a large red circle where two doors...

3 years ago
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The Masked Mystery Under her spell

The morning was bright and beautiful. Birds singing in the trees, the sound of people laughing walking by. It looked like the day was going to be a good one. I jumped out of bed , threw off my panties and ran to the shower room. Stepping inside , the nice hot water flowing over my body. I grabbed my body wash ,squeezed some into my hand and started to lather it all over my body. As I went between my legs my mind wondered into thinking I’d love a nice orgasm to set off my day. So I began to...

2 years ago
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The Mystery Woman

I stand behind you, my hands roaming the front of your body. I explore from your neck to your thighs. My hands are shaking and desperate, but I'm keeping my control for now. I turn your head to the side so I can reach your lips. I bend down and kiss you, deeply and urgently, a taste of what's to come. My lips find the back of your neck as my hands withdraw from you. I reach for the zipper on your dress and slowly start to lower it. I'm going agonizingly slow, drawing it out, torturing both of...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Leela The Mystery 8211 Middle Of The Saturday Night

Hey all! Devil here! A New Trilogy: Leela the Mystery. Of course Title inspired by Ek Paheli Leela starring the Beautiful Sunny Leone. So here is the First Installment of Leela the Mystery. Pls do read and mail me all your Comments, Feedback and Suggestions on Coming to the Story.. This Story is about Parth. A Final Year Engineering Student from Pune who just now moved into a New Hostel. Read on to know what happens with him there… In Parth’s Words: So after spending 3 Years at My College...

1 year ago
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Mystery EMail

Just as I always do, I sat down at my desk after dinner and logged on to my personal e-mail account. I had been separated from my wife now for about 6 months, and the divorce was taking forever to get done. And, after living on my own for a couple of months, I had decided to start dating again. So, I was on three different on line dating sites, two that were “vanilla” and one that was very much adult oriented. My nightly routine was to see if I had any e-mail from someone on the sites, then go...

3 years ago
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Mystery Sex

Mark lived in a rural area of his state, owning more than 200 acres of timberland. Actually, he owned in partnership with his mother as part a business he started and she supported. He was developing a reputation for high-quality, solid wood furniture that he designed and constructed himself. He had helped his dad build the large two story house that he shared with his mother, his aunt (mother's sister) and three sisters. His dad had died suddenly about three years ago, just as Mark was getting...

2 years ago
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Robin Bedeviled by Mystery Woman

****************************************** A Romantic FanFic of the Crime Fighting Duo ****************************************** Author’s Note As I was cleaning out a folder of old story ideas, I found this one. A guy I had worked with, a half-dozen jobs or so ago, was a real Batman fanatic. Long before the movies came out. He belonged to one of the early online fanzine groups. At lunch, we would talk about the stories he wrote. This story we sort of collaborated possibilities together...

2 years ago
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Mystery Woman SnoopyChapter 2

This is a work of fiction based on the television movie series called, Mystery Woman. Book store owner carried out her fantasy of spy filled and intriguing adventures. I do not own Mystery Woman, its characters or make any money from the writing or posting of this story. Snoopy From Online To Undercover Schoolgirl It had all started with an online lie, well actually an omission. Samantha had already proven she could be quite the Snoopy. The nickname Chief Connor had tagged the pretty lass...

2 years ago
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Mystery Lover

I sense your presence before I see you. I feel your breath before I taste your kiss. My eyes arWoman meets her Mystery Lover.e closed before your lips touch mine. I don’t know what you look like. Your lips caress mine gently. There are other people around but you don’t care. You tell me to keep my eyes closed and take my hand. Where you are leading me, I don’t know. I feel something hard against my back. I hear a door open and you move me sideways. You push on my shoulders and I sit. The door...

2 years ago
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Amy 12 Sarah and the Mystery of Delacroix High

Amy 12: Sarah and the Mystery of Delacroix High by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2010 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: Miss Popularity "Komori!" "Hey." "Whassup, Amy?" "Um... Going to class?" "Outstanding!" One accidental result of joining the J-V cheerleading squad was I'd practically become an overnight...

3 years ago
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The Mystery Maid of Milton Manor

The Mystery Maid of Milton Manor By Cassandra Morgan The taxi rode slowly along the mountain road, and I had to admit, the scenery was something out of Ansel Adams' portfolio. The sky was high, as advertised, and the low mountains were green. I supposed that in another few months, they would be covered in white. There were crossing rivers in the valley, blue and green and peaceful. I looked out the back window for wildlife, but I couldn't see any. I sighed and settled back in the...

1 year ago
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The Mystery of the Baton Rouge

          THE MYSTERY OF THE BATON ROUGE                   The name’s Jack Wayne. I’m a private detective. It all began on a sweltering Friday in June. I was sitting behind my desk thumbing through a paperback of "9 & 1/2 Weeks" and sipping a glass of bourbon when my secretary stuck her head into the office.   “Hey, Jack.” she said in that annoying tone she had. “Jack, put the book down for a minute!”   “What is it with you?” I growled. “You always butt in right when I’m getting to...

1 year ago
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The collage whore gets pregnant

Note : This story is completely fictional! Mary was known as the collage . She was caught having sex with the football team in the boy's locker room and was expelled for a month. Her mom scolded her and said she was lucky she didn't get pregnant. "I wish I had done something so I didn't have to go to highschool" sighed her brother.Mary smiled at him and said."Next time I'll be more careful and not get caught""You horny slut" laughed Jimmy."I don't see why mom was pissed, I'm a big girl""You...

3 years ago
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Stepsister Gets Stuck Stepbrother Gets In

Becky creeped around the bushes of her house, trying to be stay quiet and out of sight of any nosy neighbors. Her parents were likely already asleep, but it never hurt to be careful. Her friend, Harper, had had a big party at her house, and Becky had snuck out to go to it. Not only would her parents not approve of her going to a party that started at 10:00 pm and ended at two in the morning, but she had also been grounded for getting caught smoking weed by her mother.It was a big risk, but she...

1 year ago
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A Chyoo Murder Mystery

-Chyoo Murder Mystery- Heather pulled her lower lip into her mouth and bit softly down on it as a pleasure filled moan escaped her. She pressed her left hand against the wall to support herself, while her right hand moved between her legs. The blonde slipped two fingers between the pink folds of her pussy and began to massage herself. The hot, steamy water showering down on her large breast caused her nipples to perk up. She was deep into the moment, rubbing her clit and pushing herself to a...

2 years ago
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Pool Party Mystery

It seemed like everyone in the neighborhood had shown up this year for our annual pool party. Susan loved entertaining and mingling with all the guests. I loved grilling and looking at all the sexy ladies in the summer dresses and bikinis. I had to admit that we had some of the sweetest looking women around at out parties. Everyone enjoyed coming since we always had plenty to eat and drink. I had just flipped another burger on the grill when I heard voices through from the open window behind...

2 years ago
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Mystery at Brackenwood Part 3

“Oh...it’s you!,” I exclaimed, staring in astonishment. To this day, I don’t know which of us was the more surprised. Him, at suddenly finding himself staring at a completely naked eighteen year old blonde girl, showing off her teenage delights, or me, on discovering a young, tall guy, perhaps in his mid to late twenties, standing naked in front of my large mirror, with a pair of my lacy, pink knickers in his right hand, wrapped around a most impressive, totally shaved penis. On hearing my...

Straight Sex
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Mystery at Brackenwood Part 2

I stared for what seemed like hours, as I tried to make sense of the scene. Someone had stood at my dressing table and masturbated, ejaculating their load all over it. It was obvious from the results they had left behind that they had squirted their cum at least four or five times, to leave the trails of cream spread across the furniture. Judging from both the amount and the length of the various lines of cum, it must have been a series of very powerful ejaculations, especially the one which...

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The Mystery Blonde loyalsock

There Carter was lying on his sun bed by the pool. A few feet away the waves lapped gently at the white sand beach. Overhead the palm trees swayed in the breeze against a perfectly blue sky. The island was as close to paradise as he thought it possible to get.All the stresses and strains of his work life eased out of his pores as he lay there, thinking about not very much at all. And then suddenly this absolutely stunning woman came along the path and walked up to the bar. All eyes were focused...

3 years ago
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Murder Mystery 8211 Part 1

Hi ISSians…. Hope all are good… couples having sex… real life taboo people having secret relations… and mostly the people who are single using their best buddy their hands to satisfy their needs… Here I am writing a story that a fellow ISSian who left it incomplete. I liked his fantasy so I would rewrite it to you with much spice. I will make sure you get the complete essence of the story. Hi readers this my third story here. This is gonna be different and based on my fantasies. The story will...

2 years ago
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Leela The Mystery 8211 End Of The Road

Hey everyone! Devil here. So this is the Third and Last Part in Leela the Mystery Series. Please do read and mail me all your Feedbacks, Suggestions and Comments on Coming to the Story.. Raj is the Main Character of the Story. Basically a Law Student from Delhi. So one Night while returning home he meets Leela. Read on to find out what happens… In Raj’s Words: The Clock Struck 1AM and I was on my way home after attending my friend’s Dinner Party. My SUV was in a full speed as I kept driving...

1 year ago
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The mystery gift

Jenny was puzzled by the delivery note that a packet had not been possible to deliver; she had not ordered anything since she was never home to take deliveries.She wondered if she should go to collect after work or whether to ask her mother who lived nearer to collect. Jenny thought she had better collect herself.She would have the rare evening with her teenage son out tomorrow and could collect the package and open in privacy.Jenny was looking forward to a relaxing evening alone and she toyed...

4 years ago
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Mystery in Mexico

Our ideal vacation was about to begin and we were off to explore ruins in Mexico. Little did we realize the powers that lay beneath the ground. One day we were plain old Sarah and Ben, the next day, our lives were changed only to wind up still together but very different........... Mystery in Mexico By: Rachael Free My wife and I were off on our two week vacation and eager to see all the sights. We had planned this vacation for over a year and were very excited to participate in...

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Savita Bhabhi 8211 Episode 24 The Mystery of Two

Satnam College – Monday, 8:30 AM Shobha was standing outside her college building. She was wearing a tight white shirt and blue jean shorts that hugged her ass. She and her friends had arrived early and there was still half an hour left until their first class. Her friends were complimenting Shobha about her clothes. “Shobha you’re looking gorgeous in this outfit!” “Yeah, Shobha! You’ve been dressing rather fashionably since the past few days.” “Oh it’s nothing! I just needed a change in life...

1 year ago
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sister gets to know her brother better

I spent the hottest day of the summer sitting by my pool with my friend Stacey. We spent the afternoon working on our tans and talking about nothing in particular. At some point, I had noticed the curtains in one of the windows was pulled back slightly.“Don’t look now Stace, but I think my brother is watching you.”She raised her eyebrows slightly and peered up at the window.“Oh my God! What’s with him? Not only is he weird, but he’s a total perv!”“Hey that’s my brother! He’s not a perv, and...

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mdash A big brother younger sister conversation gets

As Daffy's bill got bent I laughed. Reaching over to the table, I picked up my cup of coffee and took a cautious sip, still was just a bit too hot, then I go back to the bowl of Cheerios."Thought I heard someone down here," I heard whispered.Looking over the back of the couch, I saw my younger sister, Gwen. She smiled seeing me. She looked to the TV and shook her head."Are you ever going to grow up. Two years at college and you're still up watching Saturday morning cartoons and stuffing your...

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Getting Pregnant

Getting Pregnant Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Her swelling belly, her breasts sagging in anticipation of the baby, her hips widening out to ease the delivery, the clear rosy skin and the obvious joy she felt at the coming event were all evident to anyone that simply looked at her. As she walked past me, I once again rued the day that I was born male, unable to experience the joys of being pregnant. In my early youth I had tried padding my belly, desperately trying...

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Getting Pregnant

Getting Pregnant Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Her swelling belly, her breasts sagging in anticipation of the baby, her hips widening out to ease the delivery, the clear rosy skin and the obvious joy she felt at the coming event were all evident to anyone that simply looked at her. As she walked past me, I once again rued the day that I was born male, unable to experience the joys of being pregnant. In my early youth I had tried padding my belly, desperately trying...

1 year ago
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Brother Gets Anal Pleasure 8211 Part I

Hi to all the juicy butts and nipples of all the bottoms. I lust for you and hi to all the hard cocks. I hope that you get juicy butts to screw, as well. This story is based on a true incident, but it has some added ‘spice’ to make it nice and cock stirring! I suddenly woke up in the night. I was very thirsty and it was very hot. Power cut! After remembering the electricity board with MCs and BCs, I got up to drink some water. I was sweating all over. I opened the door to my room and started...

Gay Male
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getting candice pregnant

THE FUN BEGINS… Bill was excited and he had reason to be. He was a young man in his early twenties and this was to be his first real holiday on his own with no parents around. He’d been planning this holiday for the last couple of years, saved up for this moment for several months and today was finally that day he was going away. Not wanting to try something unknown and too different, he picked a place he knew very well from c***dhood holidays and a place he had previously enjoyed many...

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getting candice pregnant

THE FUN BEGINS... Bill was excited and he had reason to be. He was a young man in his early twenties and this was to be his first real holiday on his own with no parents around. He’d been planning this holiday for the last couple of years, saved up for this moment for several months and today was finally that day he was going away. Not wanting to try something unknown and too different, he picked a place he knew very well from c***dhood holidays and a place he had previously enjoyed many times....

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My wife wanted to become pregnant

First, before the story: English is not my mother tongue. When working on this story there were occations when I could not find the exact words I was looking for - but I guess you'll get the general idea.My wife Helen is a petite blonde beauty. We started dating when she was 16, ten years later, when this took place, she still acted like a teenager from time to time. Maybe because she still looked like being a teenager. People who did not know us could assume we were closely related. We are...

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