SensualistChapter 10B free porn video

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It turned out that neither Alice nor Brad could go with me to Hilton Head. Brad took a rain check, saying he could join me the latter part of the week, possibly as early as Thursday evening. Alice told me her mother had flatly refused to allow her to go off on such short notice. But Alice had not given up on joining me at the ocean, and confided to me that she intended to keep badgering her parents to let her go. "After all, I'm a high school graduate and soon to be freshman at Georgia State. I should be able to off on my own if I want too." She finished with a whine in her voice.

I didn't think much of her chances of joining me, and we had a quick fuck in the backseat after which she pleaded with me to "Get hard again and put it up my ass."

I left her a block from her house, begging for another fuck--"Anyplace at all!"

The following morning I set out for Hilton Head. In point of time it's less than an hour. But I got lost, driving there on my own for the first time. Now if you've never been to that part of the country, Hilton Head is an island of the same name in the low country of South Carolina. It has about 12 miles of beachfront on the Atlantic Ocean. Over 2 million visitors flock there each year to play golf and or tennis and several fine uncrowded beaches.

What I like about the island is that the town enforces an ordinance which minimizes the impact of development and governs the style of buildings and how they are situated amongst existing trees. As a result, one can enjoy an unusual amount of tree cover relative to the amount of development. There are several communities as well as upscale hotels; in other words, there's something for everyone.

I pulled into our driveway and got out of the car and stretched. A lush curtain of banana trees, birds of paradise and canna plants hid the wall on one side of the driveway baffling the pool equipment. Looking directly at the front of the house, rice paper plants almost obscured the entrance to the front door. The oleanders were in full bloom all around me and the air was filled with a variety of pungent fragrances. I imagine if people were to stay away from the Island for twenty years or so, it would revert to a jungle-like condition, covering everything man-made with greenery. That was both a pleasant and unpleasant thought at the same time.

I unloaded my bags from the car, brought them inside and made myself a drink--gin and tonic from the liquor cabinet (left unlocked) and after checking that nothing unusual had occurred during the families absence, sat down to relax.

Less than an hour later, I had showered, shaved and wanting to make a good impression, paid special attention to my clothing and changed into light weight slacks, new Tee-shirt.and loafers without socks then headed out to see what was going on at the beach.

There was loud music blaring from the house two doors from mine. I paused to listen to the music, and as luck would have it, ran into Milton Bradley, who had been sweet on my sister, Maureen a couple of summers before. After asking about her, he happened to mention the party going on and invited me in.

Needless to say, I accepted.

By my second beer, (with three being my absolute limit) I had met a couple of cute prospects, but forgot all about them when a well put together blonde sat down across the room. She was probably ten years older than me and not as pretty as the other girls but she had a body that electrified me. First there were the melons she carried as breasts, and then there were those gorgeous legs--legs that adjoined a magnificent ass. And while one wouldn't say she was thin, I doubted that she carried any extra weight other than those big boobs on her chest.

Instant hardon.

Perhaps some background is in order. The blonde's name was Virginia, and she and her husband, Rodney were hosting the party. Rodney, or Rod as he preferred being called, was a nice enough lug, and commanded plenty of respect, unlike his namesake Rodney Dangerfield. Rod was the heir to the Garner millions, but here on Hilton Head you wouldn't know it. I mean his home was smaller than mine, or I should say, my families.

They had arrived the day before and after stocking up on the necessary goodies had called everyone they knew, told them to bring a friend or two and thrown the party.

It appeared that the party had been underway for a couple hours when I arrived. No one challenged me and I entered in and out of a couple conversations before spying the hostess with the mostess.

As I made my way over to Virginia, I heard her shout, "Here goes number five!" A moment later, she downed a shot of bourbon. I had yet to learn who she was, and of course had no idea she was married, or who her husband was, nor did I care. I was eighteen and thought I had brass balls.

I was about five feet away from her and saw that she was feeling the effects of the shots when she turned toward me with a devilish grin and walked toward me, and then past me to a tall, handsome guy who was also somewhat inebriated and asked him to go upstairs with her.

When he mumbled, "Maybe later," all my senses went on full alert. Who was he? Besides being out of his mind, that is. It took me a full minute to put them together as husband and wife. By then I had followed Virginia at a discrete distance as she left the room and stepped outside to the patio.

It was a clear and cloudless night with a huge, bright full moon hanging in the sky. The moonbeams sparkled off the ocean in the distance. When she reached the railing, Virginia noticed my shadow off to the side, but as she told me later, she was too horny to concern herself with one of her husband's Georgie's drunken friends.

"Hello," I said.

She turned quickly at the strange voice. "Hello yourself," she said. "I don't believe we've met."

"We haven't, I'm a friend of Milt Bradley. He, um, invited me in. I hope I'm not intruding."

Virginia smiled at me, and I nearly melted. Well, not exactly, my erection was sticking out like a telephone pole being put in a hole. "Milton's nice ... are you?"

I nodded, having lost my voice momentarily.

When I found it I managed, "It's a lovely night."

"Yes, it is," she replied somewhat forlornly. "If only..."

"If only? I said wanting to keep the conversation going where ever it led.

Virginia tilted her head back, and parted her lips for a kiss. I brought my mouth to hers and gently brushed my lips over hers.

She gave a soft moan and sent her tongue into my mouth. My hands went to her breasts as we continued the kiss.

Admittedly I was clumsy in my groping at her breasts and when she broke the kiss and attempted to move away I almost ripped her expensive dress trying to get a hand inside to touch her flesh.

"Don't..." She said, but pulled me back and kissed me again.

Breaking off the kiss again, she gasped, "I love the way you touch me. Your fingertips feel like they're on fire."

Her words set me on fire. I tugged at the dress, got it down past her shoulders and dipped my hand inside the lacey cups of her bra. I was caressing the underside of her breast when I heard the tear--I had torn her bra apart. The round curves and softness of her large breasts were now totally exposed to the night air.

"I'm so sorry..." I said.

"Don't be, it's been a while since anyone's torn anything off me. I kind of missed it," she said slurring her words slightly. "I want it, sugar, and if you play your cards right, you're gonna want it too."

"You're a very desirable woman, "I said my voice much huskier than usual. I pinched her already hardened nipples while my lips moved back to hers in a long, sloppy kiss.

Virginia moaned her hunger into my open mouth. I dropped my hands and seized the undulating cheeks of her firm ass. Breaking our kiss, she pressed her hands against my chest, and stepped back a bit.

My heart skipped a beat when she reached out to open my slacks. With lust in her eyes, Virginia quickly unzipped the fly and pushed slacks and underwear down to my ankles. Dropping to her knees in front of me, Virginia teasingly licked and kissed her way slowly up my thighs. I found myself holding my breath and gritting my teeth when her lips parted, and she encircled the crown of my cock with them.

Her saliva had my dick glowing in the moonlight. I found myself mesmerized by the sight of her luscious, red lips sliding up and down on my thick cock while she fondled my balls with one hand and tickled my asshole with the other.

She changed tactics slightly, stretching her jaw to accommodate my prick and brought her lips around the glans so that a seal was formed around it. I felt her fill her mouth with saliva and then swish it around the head.

I remember moaning at the sheer pleasure she brought to me as her tongue moved slowly from side to the side, along the bottom of my shaft. I've noticed that the consistency of one's flesh changes once it has been inside the warmth and wetness of another's mouth for a minute. The shaft elongates. The cock straightens, and rises.

At this point, Virginia was crouched in front of me. Her thighs nudged my legs apart, and balancing herself on her toes, (had she studied ballet?) she managed to wedge herself in the small space this created. Then she took more of my cock down her throat, nodding her head repeatedly as she did.

She looked up, met my eyes and held them as she sucked away on me. I watched, entranced as she rotated her mouth around my shaft while taking me even deeper.

I felt her blonde hair caress my thighs as she made a series of slurping noises while nodding her head over me. Glancing down I saw bubbles in the saliva leaking from the corner of her mouth before they dropped away to land on the slopes of her fabulous tits.

Taking me from her mouth for a moment, Virginia looked at my glistening cock and laughed wantonly. "You've a beautiful cock, neighbor," she said, then swallowed me again, and felt her teeth scrape my flesh as she took me deeper.

The lady had an affinity for sucking cock.

Suddenly she began focusing on my cockhead; using her tongue to press my knob against the roof of her mouth. When she eased the pressure my cock slipped to one side, causing her cheek to bulge and knowing it's me causing it raises the level of pleasure two-fold.

Virginia's wide eyes are fixed on mine, and on removing me from her mouth, a particularly long strand of saliva dangled from my dick, she quickly captured the errant strand on her fingers and spread it's wetness over my balls.

My God, this woman was good!

I realized she was sliding her mouth over my shaft as if playing a harmonica, and then she recaptured it and alternated between sucking furiously and nipping at my balls.

I should mention that I was not totally unresponsive during her fellating exhibition. I had encouraged her throughout with various responses, all of which extolled her immense talent as a fellatrix. Moreover, I had my hands in her hair throughout most of the act, pulling hard occasionally to let her know how well she was doing. There was also quite a bit of breast play, particularly with attention to her nipples, which I played with to the point of tormenting them sending my fingers to her dripping cunt.

I am amazed that I hadn't cum in her mouth by this point. Perhaps it was the alcohol, but I appeared to have remarkable staying power despite her talented mouth and tongue.

I recall a particular act of hers occurred about then. Virginia rolled her head with my dick halfway down her gullet and the saliva ran freely along my shaft and trickled down my groin. She let it pool at the base of my dick, and then vacuumed it all back into her mouth and swallowed.

I realize she's waiting for me to cum, and I try, but can't. I've never had this problem before and I don't know what to do, so I let her continue, hoping she succeeds where I can't.

It's now obvious she wants me to get off so we can do other things. Still she sucks even harder; making her tongue softer and leveling it against the underside of my shaft as a tactile counterpoint to the force her lips are applying to it.

Her tits are slapping against my thighs and I sigh. A moment later I feel the pleasure rushing up through my cock.

"I--I'm cumming!" I groan, and her lips tighten around my corona and she begins the strongest suction yet.

My orgasm catapults out of me in a single burst. There are aftershocks, but these add only a little more semen to the initial jet. Virginia holds my semen in her mouth and I feel her spiting back on my cockhead, drawing it back into her mouth and spitting it out again. Another wonderful series of sensations race through my body and I vow to make her coming pleasure as great as mine has been.

She swallowed the remaining residue, and seemingly exhausted, clung to my knees until I helped her to her feet.

We didn't kiss.

After a short silence, she looked at me and said, "I guess I won't get that fuck I was looking for."

"Let's walk on the beach first," I said. "I promise I'll satisfy you one way or another tonight."

She laughed and I reached out to wipe a small deposit of sperm from the corner of her mouth. She took the finger into her mouth when I offered it to her.

"You have a slightly salty taste, but there's some sweetness in it as well," Virginia said with a lewd grin. "You must eat right," she added a moment later.

We carried our shoes as we strolled along the sandy beach. My cuffs got wet when a wave caught me after getting to close to the water's edge. The ocean breeze helped cool us off to some extent, but sexual tension remained high between us.

"So," I began, "you're married."

"Oh, yes. In fact, when you first approached me I thought you were Rod--my husband. I had told him I was feeling ... horny, so he was well aware of it. But he apparently chose his drunken buddies over me."

"I'm delighted to have followed you outside."

She laughed and turned to me. "I am too, but this is a onetime thing ... I don't think I know your name."

"Clark, Donald Clark, I live two doors down. We were introduced..."

"Yes, I seem to remember that, but..."

"Yeah, doing shots seems to play games with one's memory."

She changed the subject, saying, "Smell the breeze?"

"The breeze?"

"Yes, can you smell it?"

"I don't think the breeze has a scent."

"Sure it does, can't you detect the salt in it?"

"Well, yeah..."

"I'm sure I can, and there must be other odors in it. Perhaps just below our normal capabilities to detect, but a dog can, for example..."

We listened to the mild splash of the surf. I turned away from the houses and faint strains of the music still blaring from Virginia's party and stared out into the dark with her.

"Are you a decent swimmer?" I asked.

Yes of course, I love the ocean. I've done everything in it."


She smiled as her shoulder brushed his.

"Yes, everything."

A couple passed us walking hand in hand, and disappeared into the dark.

We began walking, in the opposite direction of the couple, moving into the heavy shadows behind some hurricane damaged buildings. I stopped and Virginia halted alongside me.

"Want to go for a swim?"

"I don't think so," she replied a little uneasy.

"But you can swim, can't you?"

"Yes, but I'm wearing a very expensive dress, and..."

"I'm going," I said. I want to swim in your ocean where you've done everything."

I dropped my shoes and waded into the surf as she watched. I kept going out, not shedding my shirt or pants. As I reached the waist high water, I called out for her to join me. She was bent over laughing at my antics.

I laughed too, but then I turned and began to swim, using strong and even strokes. Virginia watched, hand to her mouth, as I struggled out of my pants and tossed them aside. She continued to watch as the current carried them north. She moved toward me, and entered the surf, drawn by my foolhardiness.

Calmly, she unzipped her dress and stepped out of it. She balled it up and tossed it back on the beach. She waded out, to her knees clad only in black panties and up to her waist.

I watched as a shiver ran through her from the cold slap of water against her pubis, watched her duck her head beneath the curl of the next wave.

When she resurfaced, swimming now, she looked around almost panicking in an effort to find me. I called to her from where I treaded water some fifty yards away. There was a path of moonlight seemingly connecting us and she began to swim toward me.

When she'd closed to within twenty yards of me, I turned and resumed swimming, taking her further out into the Atlantic.

She followed, gaining on me as she went. That surprised me as I thought I was a good swimmer, had been on the state relay championship team, and fully intended to make the University swim team after starting classes.

Eventually, she caught up and seized my ankle, held on against my flutter kick, and hauled me to a stop. We both looked back at the shore, as we rode up and down on the waves, losing sight of land, then seeing the vague lights of the buildings a hundred yards or so removed from the water's edge.

"It's beautiful out here, isn't it?" Virginia said.

"I didn't think you were such a good swimmer," I said.

"Just how old are you?" Virginia said as my hand caressed her breast.

"Going on nineteen," I lied.

"Nineteen," she sputtered. "Why--why you're a fucking freshman!"

"So?" I replied having no better answer than another question.

"I think the cold water has sobered me up," she said coolly, and then she swiveled around, started a breast-stoke toward shore. I swam alongside her.

"Have you ever done this before? A midnight swim?" I said breathing hard.

"No," she said, "have you?" We had stopped swimming and were just treading water.

"No," I smiled at her. "I've been saving the experience for this evening."

She didn't respond to that; but remained silent, feeling me stirring the water beside her.

"Can people make love in this water? Out here?"

"Yes, I suppose so. The ones who are ready to make love," Virginia said softly and resumed swimming.

I swam alongside her; she glanced over at me several times but kept swimming toward shore. On reaching the shore, Virginia made straight for her balled up dress and put it on. I had to jog down the beach to retrieve my pants, which had fortunately washed ashore. I donned them and tucked my transparent shirt inside them.

"It's a beautiful night, Virginia."

"Yes, with the moon and all," she answered.

"Let's make love here ... right here," I said quietly.

She stood there looking at me. After a long moment she slowly peeled the dress off again. "It's so clammy," she said as I stared at her hardened nipples.

She gave me the benefit of a smile and said, "Go on, I know you want to play with them."

I took off my shirt and let my pants fall to the sand, took her in my arms and kissed her. She wrapped her arms and legs around me, kissing me back, and with her silky legs around my waist she locked her ankles together and I cupped her asscheeks in the palms of my hands. Then with one swift and powerful thrust, my entire cock pierced and buried itself inside her pussy.

Virginia broke the kiss and cried out: "Oh, God, YES!"

I gave her several rapid thrusts and she groaned and whispered, "You're so big. I--I've never been filled like this..." Every nerve in her body appeared to be tingling. She later told me it was as if a barrage of fireworks had gone off inside her.

After the initial wave of pleasure passed, Virginia looked into my eyes and in a throaty whisper said, "It's been so long!"

She crushed her mouth over mine in another wet and passionate kiss, and then broke it to croak, "Come on, baby, you're still hard in there--really give it to me. Fuck my brains out!" She was bouncing wildly up and down with every ounce of energy she had and still managing to remain impale on my manhood.

I began to feel dizzy and unable to stand on my feet any longer and crumpled to the sandy beach with Virginia still clamped around me--still fucking away like a woman possessed. "Come on baby ... don't quit on me baby! I'm almost there--fuck me hard baby--fuck me hard!" she bawled out, like a sex starved nymphomaniac.

We thrashed about in the sand and surf until I let loose a formidable discharge that helped trigger her much craved orgasm, and then we lay there panting trying to capture our breaths.

After Virginia finished straightening out her clothing, she kissed me one more time and went back to rejoin what was left of the party. I pulled on my clammy slacks and retrieved my shoes and trudged back to my house.

The next day I saw her and learned that she and her husband's time at the beach was coming to an end the following day. There would be no future copulating between us.

I still remember waving goodbye to them as they drove off that Sunday. But then again, I had the rest of the week to meet someone new.

On waking the next morning, I made a pot of coffee and checked my phone messages. Alice had called twice the night before. I returned her call and we talked for forty minutes about how much we missed one another. I had her masturbate to a climax while I whispered dirty things I intended to do to her when and if she arrived.

She seemed positive her parents, especially her mother would weaken and relent as the week end approached. All well and good for Alice, but what was I supposed to do from Saturday to Friday afternoon when she got here?

I finished breakfast, made my bed and did the dishes and took a shower, in that order, and then I donned a swimsuit and along with some suntan lotion and a towel, headed out to the beach.

Having a place at the beach, on the beach is a plus. But said beach is mostly private, populated by the proximate homeowners and their guests, and so I tanned alone. I was up and looking for a tennis match in an hour's time. Hardly long enough to get sunburned.

Back in Savannah, Alice was in her bedroom, showing her cousin Veronica, a picture of Donnie, after being unable to resist telling her about how he'd taken her virginity. She hadn't mentioned their anal adventures, or the spankings, but wanted to tell her that too, only Ronnie had yet to tell her about some of her sexual adventures.

Veronica shook her head from side to side. "Damn girl, he looks so hot!" She was looking at a picture of Donnie standing by a swimming pool wearing a white polo shirt, jeans and clean white sneakers.


Alice was already wet. She didn't want it to happen so soon, but she could feel the dampness between her legs. Everything about him drove her crazy; his voice, his chiseled swimmer's frame, his laugh--everything.

But then she snapped back to reality again. "So how did you two meet?" Veronica was saying. "I know he got your cherry, but how did you guys meet?"

"You know, umm, how strict my parents are..."

"Yeah, they're monsters when it comes to going out with guys, mine are too."

"I doubt yours are as bad as mine, but, Ronnie, I've got to tell you ... I mean, we went to school together, you know, and they had this dance during school hours--a kind of boys meet the girls thing. Anyway, the DJ put on a slow number and as some couples joined on the dance floor, I stayed on the sideline watching. I noticed several guys staring at me, and I certainly knew what was on their dirty little minds."

"It's always that way," Ronnie interjected. "But I kinda like it, you know?"

"Well, me too, but sometimes they look so hard it makes my skin crawl."

"Yeah," Ronnie said somewhat wistfully, obviously not in agreement with Alice's assessment of boys gawking at her.

"Anyway," Alice continued, "I felt their eyes devouring me and suddenly I felt naked and alone."

"Know that feeling," Ronnie said trying to sound sympathetic, but failing.

"Suddenly I felt a different pair of eyes burning a hole in me. It was Donnie! I knew I had to acknowledge him somehow and so I took a deep breath and turned to face him."

"Did you stick your boobs out?"

Alice ignored her and went on as if she hadn't asked such a stupid question.

"His eyes were a piercing blue and narrowed just a bit. If you didn't know him, you wouldn't be able to tell he was pissed off at the blonde haired girl clinging to his arm."

"But I thought you didn't know him?" Ronnie said.

"Of course I knew him!" Alice said huffily. "I just didn't know him THAT way!"

"Oh!" Ronnie said and shut up.

"Out of the corner of my eye I saw the blond staring at me and evaluating me as if it were a competition or something."

Alice laughed and said, "Maybe it was. Anyway, I looked her over as well. She looked like she was in her mid-twenties, wore too much makeup and her hair was an obvious bottle job, but her face was pretty. I couldn't bring myself to look at Donnie just yet."

"But he spoke to me, saying, 'Hi Alice, some dance, huh?' He didn't bother to introduce the blond. But she chimed in anyway, saying: 'Hi, I'm Denise, in two weeks I'll be Donald's Aunt Denise. Isn't he a sweetie pie bringing me to his high school dance?'

"I know she saw my obvious relief at finding out she wasn't his girlfriend.

"I felt Donnie's eyes on me and I turned to him."

"Care to dance?" he said and I melted. My friggin' knees wouldn't work; and the blond came to my rescue, taking me by the arm and slowly walking me to the ladies room, telling Donnie we'd be right back.

In the restroom, Denise told me that he really liked me and she could tell that I had a thing for him too. I nodded, unable to find my voice.

She made some minor touches to my hair, as much to calm me down as anything else and then we went back to Donnie and with my legs back in perfect working order, danced together until the band took a break at the end of their set.

But the thing is Denise had a plan, a really good plan to put me and Donnie together and it worked like a charm. "That's when he asked me to go to the Prom, and of course I mumbled that of course I would love too, only I didn't think my parents were going to let me go."

Alice went on to tell Veronica most, but certainly not all of how Denise helped her seduce Donnie; leaving out the more intimate parts of her sexual play with the older woman and concentrating on those parts involving Donnie and herself.

"Now I think it only fair that you tell me how you lost your virginity, Ronnie."

"Mmm, okay..." Ronnie said. "It was with Carson Millhouse. He was a college lacrosse player at Duke, home for the Christmas holidays. I had the hots for him from the first moment I laid eyes on him.

After following me around for most of the morning his second day home, I snuck him into my bedroom and the next thing--actually the first thing I remember was screaming, "Oh, fuck! Fuck me harder, baby ... oh, oh, oh!"

I was on all fours in the middle of my bed, with Carson fucking me from behind. He had my hair in one hand and his other hand on one of my smallish tits, squeezing it deliciously--I'm a size bigger now, but I'm getting off track.

"He--he was fucking my pussy into oblivion to get his release. Did I tell you what a great body he had? Well he had a fantastic fucking bod--built for sex. We were both covered in sweat. He kept pounding away at me; I know his dick must have hurt like a mother after the way he gave it to me. I mean, the damn bed kept moving--kept slamming into the wall. Thank God we were alone in the place."

"Did you cum?" Alice asked struggling to keep her hand off her very wet pussy.

"Did I ever? Six ways from Sunday, baby. Six ways ... and then some; I wanted to suck his cock forever after that. Would have, but he was sore. I checked him out. It was really red and when I touched it he jumped. So it was like real tender from all that slamming and jamming."

"That's such a cool story, Ronnie, "Alice said and meant it.

"You think? There's more--wanna hear?"

'Sure I do!"

"Two days later I was walking to his place. It had just rained and the asphalt was steaming and as I walked through it I felt like my pussy was steaming and causing it all. That's how horny I was."

"Jesus, Ronnie. That is hot!"

The moisture is everywhere; under my skin, the back of my neck and worst of all my hair has lost its glossy look and is now tousled and wavy."

"I hate it when that happens, Ronnie," Alice said sympathetically.

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Doctor Sean Barkley faced the middle-aged couple sitting across his desk as he gazed at the report for the umpteenth time. This was no ordinary couple in his office. This was the Vice-President of the United States and her husband. It had been two weeks since Smith noticed the lumps on the side of her neck. The exact spot where Chris had been licking, kissing and nibbling her lobes when they broke her office in as they did everyone she occupied. "Madam Vice-President. I'll just get right...

2 years ago
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Betrayal of the SuccubiChapter 8 The Second Betrayal

Calyndi was happy to see the sun drop below the horizon. She'd regained enough of her strength to leave Linki's place following a delightful, blonde meal. Linki had thankfully not made any overt attempts to engage Calyndi sexually, instead focusing her energies on driving the young blonde girl as wild with sexual need as possible. Sometimes stealing a girl away like Linki had done with the blonde would result in a meal filled with the bitterness of fear, but with two succubi working her...

3 years ago
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An Indecent Execution

As the soldiers turned back from the charred corpse towards the rapidly collapsing cottage Edith madly tore through the brambles and undergrowth, heedless of the tears both to her clothes and to her delicate flesh, desperate to flee the nightmare scene. Six years later Edith still had nightmares about that terrifying day, sometimes seeing her mother still burning reaching a hand out towards her but heat from the flames making Edith back away, other nights she would dream that she was...

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NotsoMortal Kombat

If anyone thinks that this story is silly, they are totally right, but once an idea comes into my mind, there is just one way to get it out of there - write it down. So I wrote it. If there are any nerds who, like me, used to play Mortal Kombat, let me know if this particular tournament should continue. What matchups would you like to see? What "powers", hits and tricks should the participants use against their opponents? Let me know, I just might write another episode. I have already published...

1 year ago
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A Love Story Emily and Snake

Hey, This is Emily’s short romance. She was introduced in A Love Story: Dina and Daniel. Emily is special. The only girl of four brothers, she has always stayed one step ahead of her brothers. She knew so much about them that I wondered what if she has a secret. In this story, her secret will be revealed. All the characters in this story are above the age of consent. Enjoy IR2R Emily Graves was exhausted. It was exhausting being the only daughter of a prominent lawyer dad and a socialite...

1 year ago
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Smart Hose

Smart hose My mom says it's a good idea sometimes to write down stuff, even if nobody else sees it. She says it's a great way to get your thoughts organized, and boy do I need to do that, so here it goes. My life just got turned upside down, and I'm still processing. But I should begin at the beginning, as my English teacher says. My name is James Michael, I'm twelve, and I live in Sherwood Park, a small town just outside of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Several years ago, I...

4 years ago
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Sex and the high school girl 23

I desperately need to find a place close to her little town that I could hook up with her on weekends and any other free time we could have together. when I get home from Sunday lunch with my family tomorrow I will go on line and look for a cabin or house out in the country to rent. Sunday morning I got my first text from Ann, She wanted to let me know that she would have Sunday evening free from 7 to 10 o'clock, can we meet at the fishermen's parking area. I text her back and said I...

4 years ago
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Lost EmpireChapter 2

The cold and unforgiving dark of space can be a hard mistress when searching for something. It had been two weeks now and Derrick was no closer to finding more of the A.I. brain boxes than when he started looking with E. Having extrapolated the exact position of the last battle and moving from there (not where they found 0999), Derrick thought it would have been easier than this. Always having been extremely smart, Derrick had tried to write several programs to aid 0999 to act...

4 years ago
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Desires Uncovered

He was in the middle of a session when he heard a knock on the door. He put his patient in a rest state and went downstairs to see who it was. A young woman stood there awkwardly, staring straight at her feet. ‘Hello,’ he said. She didn’t look up, but just shook her head quickly side to side. ‘Can I help you? I’m in the middle of something.’ She gulped and handed him a folded note. He looked her over with curiosity. She was young, probably somewhere between 18 and 22. She didn’t have...

1 year ago
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Me and Jimmy Jimmy and me

When I was in boy scouts, i had a lot of fun. I met this kid, named Jimmy. He was 5', and I was 5'5” I was 2 years older than him. He was 13 at the time, and had nice tan skin, was very small and fragile looking, and was always laughing. He weighted about 100 pounds, while I weighted just under 115. Now, I'm not gay, but for some reason, Jimmy really turns me on. He is the only guy to ever do that to me, and i hope it stays that way. It was Friday night, and we were setting up the tents....

2 years ago
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Puspa Meri Jaan

Hi me prem hun. Apne meri sex story mamta ki prem chudai padhi hogi. Mere story wo he jo mene apne sath nibhaye hain. All real nothing imaginary. Mamta ke sath jo huyi thi wo mene bat diya he. Ab me ek aisi bat likhne jar aha hun ki ap mast ho jayenge. Ye unn dino ki baat he jab me ghar chod kar bahar thaa. Me ek ranger officer ke ghar me kiraydar tha. Makan mallik ke do ghar the. Ek me main aur dusre me ek doctor family rehte the. Dono gharon ki bich sirf ek wall tha. Doctor family me husband...

4 years ago
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Muscle encounters 6 Lynn mcrgossin pecpanther

I was my apartment room looking out the window. That was when I saw her. Itwas Lynn Mgrossin, famous female bodybuilder and model. It was staying therefor a convention. I stop and caught myself. I slipped out some binocular andtook a peak.Lynn had long black hair and was currently dress in a tight belly shirt thatshowed off her abs and Belly button. She wore tight denim shorts to show offher ass. Her feature was very Greek and her body nice and tan. Her biceps werehuge and glisten with sweat...

2 years ago
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Skeletons in the Closet

Introduction: Everybody has their secrets. So why not just combine them all into one big secret. If you are against father/daughter sex involving a fictional 12 year old girl, do not read this story. Otherwise, enjoy. – Skeletons in the Closet —- – — Jack sighed heavily in laziness as he finished settling down onto the carpeted floor of the small nine by seven foot empty walk-in closet. He stared up to the lightly cracked, but otherwise textureless ceiling, waving his eyes around the bare...

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Joey put a wine glass in front of me but I caught him before he poured.“Can I get a whisky instead?”“That bad a day?”“Some single malt that’s not going to break the bank, a little ice.”He poured and I sipped. I wasn’t fired. I sure as hell screwed up and the likelihood of promotion was flushed deep down one of those old really loud two-gallon toilets. Going back to face the team at work was not going to be easy.“You want another?”I guess I was sipping more aggressively than I thought....

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DevilsFilm Liz Jordan Swapped For A Younger Lover

Danny Mountain and his wife are hanging out with a younger couple. As the two gorgeous women chat outside, Danny chats with the young man and learns that he isn’t very adventurous when it comes to his sex life with his own wife, Liz Jordan. That’s when Danny suggests swapping wives! Although the young man is still a bit hesitant at first, Danny manages to win him over. Soon enough, Danny is alone with Liz, explaining the arrangement to her. Although Liz is a bit skeptical of being...

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fishing trip with daddies

I am 18 , just turn last week, I work at National park for the whole weekendits a ice job, i go around in my golf cart helping people aroundI was lucky enought to be a fishing guide this summer so i get to fish and dont need to deal with garbage and cleaning of the parkthe group of older mixed guys in their 50s were so cool with me , I spent the day driking beer and fishing with themuntil it was dawn and all 4 were getting a bit drunk and weird with meslapping my little ass in my swimsuit...

1 year ago
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The Ladies Restroom

Someone walked into the bathroom. Ragan pivoted her head.“I thought I told you ten minutes?”“Yes, you did, however, you still waited. I guess desperation has no morals.”Ragan looked into the woman’s eyes. 'You bitch,' she wanted to say.The woman opened the door and looked out. She closed the door back and locked it. She slowly walked up to Ragan.“What’s your name?”“My name… ah…my name is...” Ragan remembered the name on her neighbor’s mail. “My name is Nadia.”“That’s a nice name.”The woman...

2 years ago
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Lou The Baby Sitter

This is the story of Lou My very Special Friend Missy's ( Wendy ) Babysitter...Its a weekend late summer , and I have a busy social programme over the next couple of weeks -- birthday parties weddings etc Charlie has arranged for our usual sitter Lou to look after our son while we are out -- in the past if we expected to be really late she just stayed over in the spare room.This particular Sat ,I was driving through the village when my attention is taken by this statuesque figure gliding along...

3 years ago
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Rise of the Dairy Queens

Craig came home to find his sister Shelby naked on the couch, licking her own nipples, her tits four times bigger than they were that morning. Craig stammered and tried to ask her what had happened, but she just giggled, completely fucked up, and continued lapping gobbets of milk appearing periodically on her nips. But Craig knew what had happened. He rushed to his room to look for the BimboTech Vitabims he had started slipping into Shelby and their mother’s food for the past few days. The...

1 year ago
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Cum Addicted Cuck

Not mine, but I want to be him. Life of a cum addicted cukold-----------------------------------------------------------Published by samcolt19113 years ago Cuckold Savours The Smelly Loadby Balls Juice ([email protected])***This is a story about a man that who feels the need tobe cuckolded and convinces his wife to fulfill thisneed. She agrees happily with her husband's proposal,but asks him a special favour. The husband agrees anddiscovers the pleasure of eating another man's sperm.(M+/F,...

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Karen could never forget the first time she saw her son masturbating.It happened a few months ago. Tom had just turned 19, and she wanted to surprise him on the midnight of his birthday with a gift while he was still watching tv in the living room. So Karen gently and quietly opened her bedroom door with her present in hand, and softly walked towards the living room without making a sound- and what she saw left her stunned: Her son was watching softcore porn on cable. And as she quietly stepped...

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Loves Eventide

Copyright 2014 by robindavisfiction. This story may not be republished or reposted on other websites without written permission. ***** He warmed the lotion in his hands before spreading it gently on her swollen feet and rubbing each cold toe carefully between his fingers until the chill was gone. Gently, but firmly, he massaged each foot before working slowly up her calves and shins, steadily increasing the pressure with each upward stroke. He lightly caressed her cool, smooth skin with each...

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My true untold dirty secrets

I’m hot n sexy since from my childhood. Whenever I got the chance, I never missed and made the best use of it. I had many encounters and a few of them are here. This is the first time I am narrating my true secrets, but it feels all good to me to be getting out of it before you all. First Time in 9th Grade!! The story starts when I was 18 years old and was only in the 9th grade at the time. At the beginning of the year I met a girl and we became instant friends. As the year went on we flirted...

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brother sister and Mum have sex

In October of 2010, my Daughter split up with her boyfriend. She was devastated for weeks after that. By this time it was the 28th of October and i had noticed that Sarah had started to go to bed a lot earlier than usual, so one night i decided to go up 10 minutes after her, to see what she was doing. I got to outside of her bedroom, when i heard moans and groans. I slowly opened the door to see what she was doing, when the door was open enough i looked round and i could see her masturbating....

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Sisters Completed version

Sisters (Completed Version Parts 1-2) By Princess Pantyboy Me, Chris, Chrissie 10-year-old boy Miley 4-year-old little sister Beth 17-year-old twin sister Cathy 17-year-old twin sister Part-1 I am just a normal boy like most 10-year boys, and my name is Chris. I am the only boy in our family. I have a younger sister who just turned four. I also have twin sisters that are seven years older than I...

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Me and Adam1

“Hey, Chris.” Adam’s mom said to me. “Hi Mrs. Kendall!” I replied. I got in the back of the car with Adam. We didn’t talk much because Adam’s mom was there, but in the matter of a few minutes we were out of the care and walking into his house. “Boys, you go in and do something. I have to go grocery shopping and do some errands. I will be back in three hours. Behave yourselves.” Adam’s mother said sternly. “Yeah, mom.” Adam replied, and she was gone. Adam and I went inside and flopped...

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The Swimmer by loyalsock

Laura hit the pool everyday before school. She knew she was good butwanted to be better, maybe even join a swim team. Swimming kept herthin and lightly muscled as her 18 year old body developed towardswomanhood. Laura took pride in her shapely legs, tight ass, abs andthe 32Cs she had grown up top.Lately another swimmer had caught Laura's eye. Over in the fast lane agirl just a bit older than Laura powered up and down the pool, lengthafter length, turning tightly at each end. Laura admired...

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KellyChapter 23

While Kelly and Laura and Todd had been upstairs fooling around, Cara and Ami were getting used to the equipment. "I understand a lot more of what Todd is going to be looking for," said Ami. "What's that, Sweetheart?" asked Cara. "Well, as unglamorous as it may sound," Ami said, "we're just bodies to show off the uniforms. I'll grant you that we are beautiful bodies but the company is not selling us, it wants to sell uniforms and even all this equipment is just props to make the...

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Window neighbor

I moved in my apartment three years ago. I live on the top floor of a triplex. Because of architecture reason, my bedroom window is on the side of the building. They made it a big window because the next building is not that far. Since they want to make a parking for two buildings, the made the same building but reverse just beside mine. So I have my big bedroom window facing my neighbor big bedroom window. For the first year my blinds where pretty much close all the times because I did not see...

1 year ago
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Naturist Fun

I had been getting more and more into naturist holidays and took off to the continent. Won't say exactly where as I want to keep this one for myself. I checked in to my apartment and it was a first floor place with a decent sized balcony. I stripped off and while standing out on the balcony heard a hello from my neighbours. The two apartments were adjoining and the balcony wall was low enough - at first glance I thought it was a family, parents around same age as myself, & daughter. We...

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Milfty Dana Vespoli Wedding Ring Stepmom Fling

Legendary vixen Dana Vespoli has been having issues with her husband for a long time, and today it has hit a brick wall. She tries to go out with her friends and have a good time, but for some reason she just cannot get into the swing of things. When she turns to her stepson for comfort, he offers his thick cock to fill her void. Later, Dana opens her mouth wide and gives her horny stepson a slobbery blowjob. A couple days later, Dana sends her stepson a dirty sext telling him he can fuck her...

1 year ago
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Didi Ne Apni Friends Mere Muslim Lund Se Chudwa


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Play Daddy

He was driving in his car when he saw her walking down the street. She wore sexy short shorts and a very tight t-shirt. He could see her nipples as she wore no bra. She looked about 18 and he was 55. He was good looking and wealthy and loved young girls. Esp sexy young girls. He stopped his car next to her and asked "Hey sweetie, want to go for a ride?" She turned to him and he could not take his eyes off this young petite body with the huge tits. She smiled and answered "Where do you want to...

3 years ago
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Chrysalis Turns to Butterfly

This story is fiction as are the characters. Caggetts Wood is fictional. Please do not confuse this tale with real life. The attitudes described should not be read as the norm for British standards or Government policy (whatever that is). Marion and Marianne are the same person. There is little graphic sex in this story. THE CHRYSALIS AND THE BUTTERFLY A French accommodation for an English marriage. CHAPTER ONE The customary faces of the High Street greeted Marion as she made her way from...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 3

One of the rescued men was a licensed radio engineer who worked part time at the University radio station. He suggested that they use the radio station to broadcast for anybody who wanted to join them to show up at the dining hall. The station was still operable because he could hear the carrier. He said that they could make a tape which would loop back on itself and send a repeating message up to about one minute long. Bill agreed to make such a tape and he and the engineer left for the...

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Junkin DuncanChapter 6

As they all drove out of the ranch yard, I breathed a sigh of relief. This was our last major hurdle and now I really believed we had a chance for a successful operation. When Angelina arrived, I met her before she was able to get out of her car. "Come on Sweet, drive up to the lease and I will tell you all about how things are coming." It took a few minutes before I started explaining. I mean I hadn't been with her for three days. The mobile home for the food concession was already...

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Best friend

I woke up Tuesday morning, turned on my phone and sent Ella a text that read “Good morning baby, I love you and we’ll talk later at school.” A minute later I got a response. “I love you too and I have a surprise for you.” I was shocked and wondered what it was. All through our short relationship, I’d been the one with the surprises, but now she had one. I was a little bit afraid of what it would be and my fears of all of this being a big practical joke came back. I slowly got ready for...

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bum fun

i have alwas been a plump and big busted even as a early teen the one week end we had a party for my dad back then i had a thing for puting marker pens up my bum every body was getting pist so i went to my room to listen to some music while the music was playing.i pulled my pantys down and started playing with my bum hole. iwas realy geting in to it but with the music playing i did not here my uncle frank come the tape stoped and he was stood there with his dick in his hand i coverd up strait...

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First time Bathroom Sex

This is my first story. Please let me know what you think so that I can improve in the future. This is true and I will admit that I had to pause while writing this to finish myself, I got really worked up remembering this fantastic time. I was a horny 22 year-old when I received a call from this girl whom I had met the summer before, while fighting forest fires. I would go into the local town and frequent this one bar and that’s where I met Gina. She was a hot local girl but she didn’t look...

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JulesJordan Lauren Phillips Anal Cheating Wife Shares Her Ass With Manuel Ferrara

Sexy MILF Lauren Phillips takes on Manuel Ferrara and gives him all her holes as her husband watches! Lauren’s a fiery red head with an amazing set of tits and a toned body. She’s looking hot as ever in black lace lingerie, black panties, and matching stockings as she explains that she’s only doing this because her husband wants her to. Lauren will do whatever it takes to get her husband off, and his new thing is that he loves to watch her get fucked by hung studs as she...

2 years ago
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Educating Stan Part 1

Stan was my third husband, I met him while visiting my friend Judy in Florida. He was a young sailer, barely nineteen, and I was twenty four and married twice before. I guess you could say that I was his first real love and absolutely his first sexual experience. We had been dating for almost a month before we had any intimacy at all. He was so sweet to me, which was charming but I was a woman in my mid twenties and needed some dick. It occurred to me that Stan was probably a virgin and I...

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Zoe Denise

thank you shy_januaryMy name is Zoe and my fantasies are many. One of which is to meet my co-worker, Denise, for a wonderful time in Toronto at Skydome hotel. I'm a petit, w/f and Denise is larger and full figured. I am new, a virgin of sorts, and she takes control. After an afternoon of sight seeing in Toronto, building our tension and desires while strolling the museum of art and walking about through the garden of fountains we enjoy a light meal and a few cocktails to soften the edges.When...

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Balling Hot DaughterChapter 5

Chrissy was starting to slide her cum-soaked lips down around his prick. She was drawing in her cheeks, getting ready to suck the last drops of jism out of his cock. Ben desperately wanted her to do it, but he was coming back to his senses now, fully aware of the kinky incestuous scene he was involved in. He grabbed Chrissy's head and pulled her away from his dribbling cock. "All right, young lady," he said firmly, "that's it. That's enough. You get your ass to bed." Chrissy didn't...

2 years ago
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More Than A StretchChapter 34

The shuttle flight was smooth and uneventful. When I was able to emerge from the airplane I made my way down to the baggage claim area. I picked up my luggage, and allowed myself the indulgence of a taxi ride back to my apartment, even though the weather here seemed quite mild compared to the wintry weather I'd been in for the past few days. I collected my mail and went upstairs to my apartment. I decided to wait a bit before calling Sandy, since she was probably still driving back to...

1 year ago
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Casual Encounter

Finally, it was Friday night and now I had the rest of the weekend off. After working five twelve-hour days in a row I was beat, but I was also horny as hell. Normally I date women, hot women in fact, but every now and then I get a craving for some meat, some thick man meat, and tonight was one of those nights. After the hectic week that I’ve had I wanted a big cock to suck, or a hot ass to fuck, and even better yet would be a versatile guy who’s as hung and horny as I am. By now I could almost...

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MomIsHorny Rachael Cavalli Super Cock

Johnny was enjoying an afternoon of reading his favorite comic books, when suddenly he had an idea. Becoming a super hero could be easy. All he needed was the costume and cool power. Remembering that he had a massive cock, he decides to create ‘SUPER COCK!’ the new hero to save all the horny milfs of the world. He quickly got to work creating a costume and having some fun around the house with his super cock out. His stepmom gets home and catches him. He made a mess, and ruined her...

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McKaylas Miracle RevisitedChapter 9

We drove back from our lunch with Travis in silence. A couple of times, I looked over to see Maureen staring out the window lost in thought. When we got back to the house, she squeezed my hand and then retreated into her room. "I have something for you, Mommy," my daughter said later that night. "What is it sweetheart?" She placed a card in a sealed envelope on the table. The number 74 was written in one corner. "Mom told me to give this to you." I smiled to myself. Before she died,...

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holloween treat

My girlfriend is dressing up as a school girl . She wanted my opinion of her costume and my jaw dropped as she came out in pigtails sucking on a lollypop . I told her i'm the headmaster and i have to suspend you for wearing a short sklrt and thigh high stockings. She played right along to my surprise and begged me not to tell her parents. I told her the only other punishment was a bare ass spanklng. She agreed and i quickly bent her over a chair afraid she mlght stop this game. I...

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The Wild Child

I grew up as a sullen child in the Thendarra spacer’s orphanage. As a babe in arms I was found with an off-world identity card fastened around my neck naming me Mikhail NPN or no patronymic known--the mark of a true bastard. I had dark-red hair that would never behave and bright green eyes. Despite my years my body stayed child-like with slim hips and shoulders. I had no muscles to speak of but I could run with the wind, and that’s what I did. I ran. Every chance I got. The pitiful locks on...

2 years ago
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My Race Is RoyalChapter 36

"You know, you have to be careful son," Mairi McGregor said with a note of caution in her voice. "Too much money and working too hard will age you before your time. I swear you look a few years older already! It must be the shock of having that much money so suddenly." Donnie finished the conversation with his parents about his newfound wealth and his plans to build a facility that would revolutionise farming and then made his way to his room. He booted-up his computer and inserted the...

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