La Socorrista Y El Hombre Corriente free porn video

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La socorrista y el hombre corriente

Última hora de la tarde en la piscina de una comunidad de vecinos. Hay partido importante y ya casi no hay nadie en la piscina. Solo está la socorrista y dos vecinos.
La socorrista, Paloma, es una joven de 19 años, bajita, cuerpecito pequeño, con coleta rubia, con unos labios pequeños pero carnosos y unos enormes ojos verdes, enfundada en un ajustado bañador rojo, su pequeña figura reluce junto al agua.
Paloma está sentada en su silla hablando con uno de los vecinos, él es un hombre joven, muy alto, musculado, con un pequeño bañador que marca su paquete, se exhibe ante Paloma, ella le sigue la corriente escuchando su conversación intranscendente, de vez en cuando baja la mirada para mirar el cuerpo del joven, él se da cuenta y sonríe, se acaricia su pecho con una mano mientras habla con Paloma.
De vez en cuando Paloma también mira de reojo al otro vecino que en el otro extremo de la piscina toma el sol en el césped. El otro vecino, Fabián, es un cuarentón nada atractivo, casi calvo, con el cuerpo lleno de bello, algo de barriga, piel blanca, un hombre corriente.
A Fabián no le gusta ir a la piscina, sabe que no puede exhibirse pero desde que trabaja Paloma en su comunidad no puede evitar ir a la piscina solo para poder verla furtivamente, sabe que hay mucha diferencia de edad pero no puede evitar sentirse fascinado por su belleza, le encanta lo sería que siempre está, sus preciosos y grandes ojos verdes que aún desde la lejanía hipnotizan a Fabián.
Llega la hora de cierre de la piscina, Fabián lo sabe y comienza a recoger su toalla para irse a su casa, mientras ve con Paloma parece que discute con el joven musculoso, parece que le está rechazando, a Fabián le encanta verla enfadada, todos los días ve como rechaza a algún joven.
-¡se pone tan guapa enfadada!-piensa Fabián
El joven visiblemente enfadado se aparta de Paloma y recoge su toalla, se marcha a su casa. Con una sonrisa en la boca Fabián comienza a salir de la piscina.
-¡Fabián, espera!- escucha el cuarentón
Fabián se da la vuelta, ve a Paloma correr hacia él. Es la primera vez en dos meses que ella se dirige a él, se pregunta cómo es que sabe su nombre.
La joven llega junto a él.
-¡ah, hola! ¿te llamabas Fabián, verdad?-dice Paloma
-¡eeeh, si!-murmura Fabián que baja la mirada cohibido.
-mira es que necesito darme una ducha caliente antes de irme, ¿puedo dármela en tu casa?-dice Paloma mientras roza con su mano el brazo de Fabián.
Fabián nota una corriente eléctrica recorrer todo su cuerpo al notar la mano rozar un segundo su brazo, levanta la mirada y por primera vez ve una sonrisa en la siempre seria Paloma.
-¡eeh, cla, claro!-murmura Fabián que queda fascinado al ver tan cerca los enormes ojos verdes de Paloma.
-¡ah gracias, espera que voy a recoger todo y cerrar la piscina!-dice jovial Paloma mientras se da la vuelta y sale corriendo.
Fabián nota que se le acelera el corazón, ve a Paloma corriendo descalza por el césped, recoger sus cosas, ¡le parece tan bonita!. De repente Fabián se da cuenta que el joven que ha rechazado Paloma está a lo lejos parado mirándole a él, serio, parece enfadado.
-¡bueno, ya está! ¿vamos?-dice Paloma que sobresalta a Fabián que gira su cabeza hacia ella.
-¡cla, claro!-murmura Fabián que de reojo ve al joven musculoso marcharse.
Fabián y Paloma salen del recinto de la piscina, en silencio los dos recorren la comunidad de vecinos hasta el portal de Fabián. Por el camino se cruzan con dos jóvenes de la comunidad que les miran extrañados, saludan a Paloma al pasar, ella levanta la mano, Fabián nota la mirada extraña de los dos jóvenes al ver a Paloma acompañándole.
Fabián y Paloma entran en el portal, no se cruzan palabra, Paloma sonríe, suben en el ascensor, Fabián ve por el espejo de la cabina del ascensor que Paloma gira su cabeza y le mira, le mira su pecho, le mira su barriga, ve como Paloma juega con una mano con su coleta rubia, ve cómo se muerde el labio inferior. De repente Paloma levanta la vista y mira a Fabián a través del espejo de la cabina, Fabián aparta la mirada, Paloma sonríe más, Fabián se siente angustiado.
Salen de ascensor, Fabián saca la llave de su piso, intenta meterla en la cerradura pero está nervioso y no acierta, Paloma acerca una mano, agarra la mano de Fabián, el nota la fina piel de Paloma agarrar su mano, su corazón late a mil.
-¡tranquilo!-susurra Paloma mientras ayuda a Fabián a meter la llave en la cerradura.
Los dos entran en la casa de Fabián
-¡la, la ducha está allí!-señala Fabián
Paloma mira seria Fabián.
-¿qué?, ¡aah si!, bueno, ¿te importa si antes hablamos un poco?-dice Paloma mientras se pone delante de Fabián, ella tira con violencia sus cosas al suelo, acerca una mano a Fabián y le quita su toalla de la mano, también la tira con furia a un lado y se coloca cara a cara con Fabián que se queda paralizado.
-¿qué, que haces?-tartamudea Fabián que tiene ante él unos enormes y preciosos ojos verdes llenos de vida.
Paloma coloca una mano en el torso desnudo de Fabián, nota como el cuerpo del hombre tiembla.
-¿tú que crees?, ¡ah ya! ¿qué porque he rechazado a ese tío bueno y estoy aquí contigo?, pues te lo voy a decir. Primero, necesito echar un polvo, segundo, si me follo a ese presumido sé que mañana ni se acordará de mí, y tercero, sé que tú te acordarás de mí el resto de tu vida ¿cierto?.
Fabián mira los preciosos ojos verdes de Paloma que se abren de par en par para él.
-si Paloma-tiembla Fabián que confiesa que conoce el nombre de la joven.
Paloma sonríe, acaricia con una mano el pecho de Fabián, con la otra mano comienza a rodear el cuello de él, acerca su boca, sus preciosos morritos, le besa con suavidad. Fabián cierra los ojos, comienza a abrazar las caderas de la pequeña Paloma que se pone de cuclillas ante él. Los dos se besan con suavidad.
Fabián besa a la seria Paloma, besa su labio inferior, besa su labio superior, acaricia su cadera, acaricia la tela de su bañador rojo, nota como Paloma acaricia su torso, le acaricia su cuello, nota como Paloma le trata con cariño, nota que ella le mete un poco la punta de la lengua, él juega con la lengua de ella, vuelve a besar el labio inferior, recorre con su lengua los labios de ella, le mete su lengua, ella la recibe y juega con ella dentro de su boca.
-¡qué bien besas cariño!-balbucea Paloma
-¡y tu bonita!-balbucea Fabián
Fabián sube sus dos manos y agarra el cuello de Paloma. Ella, de cuclillas, pasa sus brazos bajo las axilas de Fabián y le abraza agarrándole los hombros al abrazarle. Fabián nota unos pequeños pechos aplastarse contra él, nota su polla que comienza a crecer, Paloma lo nota, baja una de sus manos y comienza a frotarla contra el bañador de Fabián.
-¡mmmm cariño!-gime Fabián que nota la pequeña mano de Paloma entre sus piernas
Paloma mete su mano bajo el bañador de Fabián, el lanza un gemido mientras sigue besando a Paloma
-¡ay, para, para, más despacio o me corro!-gime Fabián
Paloma ríe, saca la mano de la entrepierna de Fabián, los dos se abrazan, separan sus labios y se miran cara a cara
-¡me gustas!-dice Paloma
-¿pero por qué?-dice extrañado Fabián
Paloma sonríe
-¡no sé, me gustas y ya está!-sonríe Paloma
-¡vale!, sabes, solo voy a la piscina por ti, ni siquiera sé nadar-confiesa Fabián
Paloma ríe
-lo sé, ya había notado que nunca te metes y que me mirabas mucho-sonríe Paloma
-estarás acostumbrada-dice Fabián
-seguramente, pero me gusta que me mires tú, que seas tímido
-a mí que seas tan seria
-¿tan seria?-dice Paloma
-es la primera vez que me lo dicen
-pues te sienta muy bien, te hace más sexy
-¿más sexy?
-si Paloma, eres muy sexy, eres preciosa-dice Fabián mientras acaricia la nuca de Paloma que inclina la cabeza a un lado.
-dime más-dice Paloma que abraza a Fabián y posa su mejilla en su pecho mientras agita su cuello mientras Fabián se lo acaricia.
Fabián abraza también a Paloma mientras con una mano sigue acariciándola la nuca
-eres radiante, reluces entre la gente-dice Fabián
-dime más-pide Paloma
-tus ojos verdes son preciosos, tan llenos de vida
-dime más
-eres el sueño de cualquier hombre
-dime más
-tus preciosos morritos saben a fresa
-¿a fresa?
-dime más
-te follaría a todas horas
Paloma se separa de Fabián
-¡eeeeh, romántico!-ríe Paloma
Paloma mira a Fabián, comienza a quitarse un poco su bañador rojo, primero un hombro, luego otro, la ajustada tela roja comienza a bajar por la piel blanca de la preciosa ninfa, ante Fabián aparecen dos pequeños pechos, Paloma es casi plana, Fabián los mira y sonríe.
-¿qué? son demasiadas pequeñas ¿verdad?-dice Paloma mientras baja sus ojos y se mira sus tetas.
-¡si son muy pequeñas!-sonríe Fabián
-¿sí?-dice Paloma que levanta la mirada y ve a Fabián que mira sus tetas con deseo
-¡sí, pequeñas y preciosas!-dice Fabián que se agacha un poco y se lanza a mamar las tetitas de Paloma
Paloma recibe a Fabián abrazándole, él se abraza a ella mientras comienza a mamar uno de los pequeños pechos de Paloma
-¡si, si, joder!-gime Paloma mientras nota como Fabián la desea
Fabián pasa su boca de un pecho a otro
-¡si, si, son muy pequeñas, mmmmmm!-gime Fabián mientras chupa los pechitos de Paloma
Paloma echa su cuello hacia atrás, sonríe mientras nota que Fabián la desea, que abre la boca y se mete del todo uno de sus pequeños pechos, luego el otro, los succiona, los mama, abraza la cabeza de Fabián mientras arquea su espalda hacia atrás.
-¡Dios que gusto me das!-gime Paloma
Fabián aparta su boca de los pechos de Paloma, se pone de rodillas y posa su mejilla en su vientre, Paloma le mira desde arriba, acaricia su nuca.
-¡buen chico, buen chico!-dice Paloma acaricia la cabeza de Fabián, mientras nota la mejilla de Fabián en su ombligo.
Fabián se separa, mira a Paloma hacia arriba, ella le sonríe, Fabián agarra el bañador a medio bajar de Paloma y comienza a bajárselo del todo, ante Fabián aparece un precioso coño depilado. Paloma se apoya en el hombro de Fabián para levantar sus piernas y quitarse del todo el bañador. Fabián admira el gesto de Paloma para quitarse el bañador, su preciosas piernas levantarse en un grácil y precioso movimiento. Una preciosa y pequeña diosa desnuda se impone ante él, la mira desde abajo, de repente Paloma se pone seria, le mira desafiante desde arriba, Fabián la mira fascinado, posa sus manos en las calderas de ella, acerca su boca a su coño depilado, saca su lengua, comienza a acariciar con la punta de su lengua la abertura del coño de Paloma, ella posa sus manos en la cabeza de él, acaricia su calva.
-¡así cielo, soy tuya!-gime Paloma mientras nota como Fabián lame su coño
Fabián mete más la lengua, acaricia la parte superior, nota estremecerse a Paloma, la acaricia las caderas, acaricia su pequeño cuerpo mientras saborea su coño, poco a poco mueve sus manos hasta agarrarla su culo, nota como Paloma ríe, magrea su pequeño culo, saborea su coño, nota que lo hace bien, que ella disfruta, nota el coño humedecerse solo.
Paloma da un paso atrás, se separa de Fabián, él la mira de rodillas, ella le hace un gesto para que se levante, Fabián obedece.
Paloma se vuelve a acercar, poco a poco se agacha, se pone de rodillas a los pies de Fabián, acaricia con una mano la barriga del hombre.
-¡estás un poco gordo pero me gusta tu cuerpo!-murmura Paloma mientras mira hacia arriba a Fabián.
Fabián la mira, asiente, Paloma comienza a agárrale por su bañador y comienza a bajárselo, poco a poco el bañador se atasca con la polla dura de Fiaban. Paloma ríe mientras sigue bajando el bañador, la polla dura sigue enganchada, la polla dura se pone en horizontal ante Paloma, sujeta por el bañador, Paloma tira con más fuerza mientras Fabián se muerde un labio y mira Paloma que fuerza su bañador para que baje. De repente la polla se libera y aparece ante la cara de Paloma, una polla dura se agita ante la preciosa cara de la joven que la admira con deseo.
-¿es pequeña verdad?-ríe Fabián desde arriba que ve como su polla se agita ante la preciosa cara de Paloma, ve como la joven sigue con el movimiento de la cabeza el agitar de su polla, como si estuviera hipnotizándose con el movimiento de la polla de Fabián.
Paloma mira a Fabián desde abajo, riendo, mirando a Fabián con cara viciosa, sacando la punta de su lengua.
-¡no, no es pequeña, es perfecta, es preciosa!-dice Paloma mientras agarra con una mano la polla de Fabián, tira de ella hacia abajo para ponerla en horizontal, la polla dura insiste en subir para ponerse hacia arriba, para pegarse hacia el ombligo de Fabián, Paloma hace fuerza y vuelve a bajarla, dura delante de los morritos de Paloma, la ninfa comienza a mamarla mientras mira hacia a arriba a Fabián.
Fabián mira como Paloma comienza a mamarle la polla mientras ella le mira con sus preciosos ojos verdes, los dos se miran mientras la cabeza de la preciosa joven se mueve hacia atrás y hacia delante, mientras escucha el sonido de la polla al meterse en la preciosa y pequeña boca de la joven, de vez en cuando Paloma juega con el prepucio de la polla de Fabián, lo lame con su lengua, lo acaricia con su mano, Fabián se estremece.
Paloma agarra el culo de Fabián mientras vuelve a mamar con deseo su polla, se la saca, se la mete, se la saca, sin parar de mirar hacia arriba a Fabián, se frota la polla contra su mejilla, se la vuelve a meter, se la saca, acaricia el prepucio con una de sus manos, rodeando el prepucio con la palma de su mano, se la vuelve a meter en la boca, se la saca otra vez, golpea con fuerza la polla con una mano, mira como la polla se mueve de un lado a otro con los golpes que le da, nota lo dura que está al verla moverse, al golpearla con la mano, se la vuelve a meter, se la vuelve a sacar, juega con la lengua en la punta del prepucio, se la vuelve a meter, se la vuelve a sacar, muerde el prepucio, muerde la polla de lado, Fabián se estremece de gusto, Paloma se vuelve a meter su polla en la boca, se la mete hasta el fondo, se la saca, se la vuelve a meter hasta el fondo, la frota contra el interior de su boca, contra la mejilla. Fabián ve su polla marcarse dentro de la mejilla de Paloma, mientras ella le mira en todo momento con sus preciosos ojos verdes, mira como Paloma juega con su polla a la vez que le mira con cariño.
-¡es la mamada de mi vida!-piensa Fabián que nunca se había sentido tan deseado
Paloma deja de mamar, se levanta, acaricia el cuerpo de Fabián mientras se levanta.
-¡que macho!-ríe Paloma mientras sube sus manos por el cuerpo de Fabián
-¡que hembra!-ríe Fabián
Paloma coge la mano de Fabián y tira de él, se dirige a la terraza, él se da cuenta.
-¡no a la terraza no, que nos ven!-se resiste Fabián
Paloma mira a Fabián, insiste y tira de él, él se deja llevar, llegan desnudos a la terraza del piso de Fabián, ella con su cuerpo pequeño y radiante, el con su polla dura, el mira fuera, se da cuenta que todo está vacío, la gente está en sus casas viendo el partido, Fabián da un suspiro de alivio.
Paloma suelta la mano de Fabián, se gira y le da la espalda, posa sus dos manos en la barandilla de la terraza, inclina su pequeño cuerpo y saca su culo, gira la cabeza hacia atrás, mira a Fabián, le hace un gesto, le invita a follársela.
Fabián mira ante él una preciosa joven que se ofrece para que la penetren por detrás, al aire libre, a la vista de todos, nota su polla agitarse sola de pura excitación, Fabián asiente, Paloma gira su cabeza hacia delante, se agarra fuerte a la barandilla, sus manos aprietan con fuerza el hierro de la barandilla, agita su precioso y redondito culo, Fabián se acerca, Paloma se prepara para recibir su polla, Fabián comienza a meter la punta de su polla en el culo de Paloma.
Paloma lanza un gemido sordo mientras nota como Fabián la folla el culo, nota el prepucio entrar en su culo, salir de su culo, nota la polla dura jugar en la raja de su culo, frotarse en el culo sin meterse, nota como Fabián la coge de sus estrechas caderas, Paloma se aprieta los labios, cierra los ojos, nota como el macho le mete su polla hasta el fondo de golpe.
-¡aghhhhh, siiii!-gime la ninfa que se siente sometida por el macho.
Paloma nota como disfruta Fabián, los dos intentan no hacer ruido pero Fabián se excita más y más y comienza a follarla con fuerza, saca y mete la polla del todo varias veces, Paloma se agarra con más fuerza a la barandilla, nota como Fabián saca la polla y la embiste varias veces.
Fabián se folla a la pequeña Paloma, se siente un hombre, nota el estrecho culo de Paloma que aprieta su polla, acaricia el cuerpecito de Paloma, nota que ella disfruta. De repente Fabián se da cuenta que abajo alguien mira, junto a un árbol el joven musculoso que Paloma rechazó les mira enfadado, Paloma no le ha visto, Fabián sonríe y comienza a follar el culo de Paloma con más fuerza.
-¡ostiasssss!-gime en voz baja Paloma mientras la barandilla tiembla.
Abajo el joven musculoso deja la zona, Fabián le ve y sonríe, sigue follándose el culo de Paloma, de la pequeña Paloma, de la seria Paloma, de la ninfa Paloma, de la joven que tanto desea, se siente lleno de vida. De repente un grito resuena en toda la comunidad
-¡¡¡gooooool!!!!-resuena en todo el vecindario.
Poco a poco Fabián deja de follar duro a Paloma y saca su polla del culo de ella. Paloma cae agotada junto a la barandilla, Fabián hace lo mismo y se deja caer junto a ella, la agarra de la mano, los dos se miran, ríen.
-¿gooool? ¿lo decían por nosotros?-ríe con fuerza Paloma
Fabián no ríe, mira fascinado a la preciosa rubia que tiene junto a él, Paloma deja de reír, le mira, se incorpora un poco, se abre de piernas y se coloca encima de Fabián que permanece sentado con la espalda apoyada en la barandilla de la terraza. Paloma se agarra la coleta y se quita la goma, su preciosa melena rubia se agita libre ante Fabián.
-¡ostiasssss!-gime en voz baja Fabián que queda deslumbrado ante la belleza de la amazona que comienza a montarle como una loca.
Paloma coloca sus manos en los hombros mientras Fabián hace lo mismo sobre sus estrechas caderas, poco a poco Paloma monta a Fabián, sube y baja sobre la polla de Fabián, mientras su melena se agita ante un fascinado Fabián, Paloma se da cuenta y comienza a agitar a los lados su cabeza para que su pelo se revuelva más.
-¿así, así, te gusta?-gime Paloma en voz baja mientras se folla a Fabián.
-¡si, si, que pelo más bonito!-gime Fabián en voz baja
-¡lo sé, lo sé, soy la puta ostia!-gime Paloma con los ojos cerrados
-¡si, si, eres la mejor!
-¡sí, sí, soy la mejor, ostias puta!
-¡si, si cariño!
-¡menudo polvazo tengo! ¿verdad?
-¡si, si, preciosa!-gime Fabián mientras acaricia el cuerpecito de Paloma
-¡soy tan bonita, tan bonita!-gime Paloma que sube sus manos, las pone en su melena rubia, se revuelve el pelo para delirio de Fabián
-¡Dios, Dios, que bonita!-gime Fabián mientras acaricia la tetitas de Paloma
-¡adórame, adórame, adórame!-gime extasiada Paloma que sigue revolviéndose el pelo
-¡si, si, eres una diosa!
-¡sí, sí, soy una dioooo, ahhhhhhhhhhh!-gime Paloma que comienza a convulsionarse
Fabián agarra fuerte a Paloma por las caderas, nota como la joven se excita sin control, Paloma se inclina hacia adelante y se agarra a la barandilla sobre la cabeza de Fabián, posa sus pechos sobre la cara de Fabián, el lame sus tetitas.
-¡tú puta madre, tu puta madre!-gime Paloma que cabalga a Fabián con locura
Paloma suelta la barandilla, se vuelve a echar hacia atrás, los labios de Fabián se separan de las tetitas de Paloma, la joven arquea su espalda hacia atrás.
Paloma abre los ojos y mira a Fabián mientras ella se corre, se corre, casi parece que va a llorar.
Fabián nota el pequeño cuerpo de Paloma vibrar, nota como ella le mira con los ojos vidriosos.
-¡te quiero, te quiero!-dice Fabián mientras Paloma se corre casi llorando
-¿qué, queee?-gime Paloma mientras su cara brilla mientras se corre, mientras mira al hombre que dice que la quiere.
De repente Paloma, en pleno éxtasis, lanza una bofetada a Fabián, un sonido seco recorre la comunidad de vecinos, Fabián no se queja, Paloma vuelve en sí y le acaricia la mejilla con cariño, casi llorando de felicidad Paloma comienza a calmarse tras correrse. Exhausta Paloma abraza a Fabián, él no se ha corrido todavía.
-¡cabrón!, ¿me dices que me quieres mientras me corro?-susurra Paloma en el oído de Fabián
-¡lo siento, lo siento!-murmura Fabián mientras abraza a Paloma que se levanta un poco y se saca la polla de su coño.
Paloma se separa del cuerpo de Fabián, le acaricia otra vez la mejilla.
-¡tranquilo, no pasa nada, anda ponte de pie, córrete en mi cara, desahógate!-sonríe Paloma que mira con cariño a Fabián.
Fabián mira a Paloma, ella asiente con su mirada, Fabián se pone de pie, desnudo en la terraza comienza a masturbarse delante de Paloma que le mira de rodillas con las manos apoyadas en las piernas, Paloma admira el cuerpo imperfecto de Fabián.
Paloma le mira desde abajo, Fabián mira a la preciosa ninfa que le admira, de repente comienza a eyacular, su semen comienza a caer en los preciosos labios de ella, Paloma abre un poco la boca, el semen se entrelaza entre sus labios.
-¡ahhhhhh, Paloma por Dios!-gime Fabián
Paloma no dice nada, deja que el semen la cubra la cara, que el semen salpique su preciosa melena rubia revuelta. Paloma saca su lengua, su lengua juega con el semen de Fabián, el semen cuelga entre sus labios, unas gotas caen en uno de sus pequeños pechos. Fabián exhausto mira la preciosa cara de la rubita que sigue con las manos sobre sus rodillas, la chica seria e inaccesible se muestra sumisa ante él, cubierta de su leche, su piel blanca reluce para él, uno de sus pechitos reluce con su semen en él, una diosa, una ninfa del bosque se ofrece ante él.
Fabián se pone de rodillas junto a Paloma que también está de rodillas, él alarga una mano y extiende su semen sobre la cara de la joven, ella sonríe con dulzura, inclina su cabeza mientras la mano de Fabián la acaricia, su cara reluce más, Fabián pone sus dos manos en sus rodillas, igual que Paloma, los dos de rodillas, apoyados en sus nalgas, con las manos en sus rodillas, se miran, se admiran.
-¡si, te quiero Paloma, y sí, me acordaré de ti el resto de mi vida, te lo prometo!-dice serio Fabián
-¡lo sé!-dice Paloma que se lanza a abrazar al hombre corriente.

Same as La socorrista y el hombre corriente Videos

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Massage Parlor Horror

Massage Parlor HorrorJulian loved going to Asian Massage parlors.  Even though it was usually understood that all these establishments specialized in ?rub and tugs?, he found that the majority of the ones he frequented at one time or another were actually legitimate?or maybe they were just legitimate for him. This is exactly the reason he loved going to this particular one near his house as often as he did.    Not only did they give great massages, but they also seemed to excel in the ?happy...

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Andreas Beginnings

ANDY'S HOPES Andy Taylor was 13 and a freshman in high school. He was also new to this town, as he and his divorced mother had only recently moved to this area in order for her to begin a new career. He was a very petite boy at 5'1" and 110 pounds. He had striking blue eyes and rather long and unkempt blonde hair. Being tiny and new Andy had made few friends but he had always been a bit of a loner. The other teens left him alone and he preferred that anyway. Generally, Andy did not...

2 years ago
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AdultTime Keira Croft Silvia Saige Foster Freaks

Captain T. Mahoney and Officer M. Baldi are called to the scene of a domestic disturbance. They really have no idea what to expect, although nothing could prepare them for what they’re about to face. When they arrive on the scene, it’s pure chaos as Silvia Saige rushes at them, talking too fast for them to make much sense of what she’s saying. When she hurriedly ushers the officers inside, they are shocked to see Keira Croft sucking Jessy Jones off right there in the open. The...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 70 Wolf Pack Whore

Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

4 years ago
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Man Of The House

Copyright © 2007 Fifteen-year-old Thomas was leaning on his window ledge watching his new neighbour's removal men move their belongings into the house. What he was looking for was to see if there was to be someone of his own age, but all he saw were a middle-aged couple and an old woman. He heard the woman calling her Gran, so he presumed the old woman was her grandmother, but the old woman looked old and thin, but there was no sign of her being frail. Thomas really was looking to see if...

4 years ago
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Encomium of Helena

Encomium to ΕλένηAthena, Patron Goddess of AthensGrey-Eyed, Goddess of War and WisdomWhen did you hear my plea? And send dark haired HelenaAcross land and SeaTo bring her close to meThe daughter of Greece caught my eye in the university cafe bar. My eyes were immediately drawn to her, and beside her I went to sit. She sat there, head down in a book, her long black hair falling forwards. In order to attract her attention, I noisily placed my cup on the table. She looked up with a start.I smiled...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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CattailChapter 11

As both of them expected, there was no sign of Bonnie the rest of the night, which was just fine with them, because much of the time her appearance would have been an unwanted intrusion. Although the two of them had enjoyed an active evening, Roger was considerably more relaxed and at peace with himself when he realized he was awake and that the morning had come, and having Catalina sleeping quietly next to him had a lot to do with that. Catalina was sleeping on her side, close to him, an...

2 years ago
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ThawChapter 8 Anjolie

Julie sat at her desk at uni, staring at her monitor, not really seeing anything. Her brain was a whirl of emotions and thoughts. Physically, that thing last night with Cassie had been lovely. She'd never felt such a sense of euphoria before, it was better than being stoned, and, although she thought that Cassie had taken advantage of her, kissing was actually very nice. But also, for the first time, she saw how much Cassie really loved her, and it scared her, it really scared...

4 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 226 Graduation

"I'd like to say I did a lot of thinking last night. That would be a lie, though. I beat off and went to sleep. I didn't wake up until a few minutes ago." I'd rolled out of bed wide awake and alert at exactly four-thirty. I started talking to Rhonda as soon as I got my teeth brushed and headed for the kitchen. I wanted to do something special for my girls and decided on raspberry almond scones. It was still too early in the season for local berries, but I'd seen raspberries at Kroger's...

2 years ago
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My whore Varsha

My name is Anish. I am 25 and live in Kolkata. We have a middle class status. We have neighbors next to us. They were four members. A mother 2 daughters and 2 boys. Her older daughter Rajani was married and lived in USA. The other sister named Vaarsha was studying in college in second year. She was very cute and sexy figured girl that always give me an erection whenever I see her and her gigantic boobs. She was 36″. Her height was 5 feet 7 inches and very fair and quiet pleasant looking. She...

3 years ago
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Our New Neighbor Takes OverChapter 3

I returned to my room, closed the door and leaned against it. I opened my robe and hung it on the back of my door. I walked to my dresser to get out some clean underwear. As I passed my window I looked out at the house next door. I noticed movement in the upstairs window. He saw me looking at his window. In case there was any doubt I’m being watched, he drew his drapes open all the way. He opened his window and the glare of the afternoon sun on the glass disappeared. I saw him sitting there...

1 year ago
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Mothers and daughters

Olivia Hartman had an extra hop to her step as she stepped into the elevator for the ride up to her 's apartment on the tenth floor!!! It had been almost a year since she had seen Dakota at her college graduation, and it would be good to just sit and talk with her youngest daughter about her new job, boyfriends, and all the other things mothers and daughters gab about!!! "Let's see," Olivia mumbled while wandering down the long corridor, "that was apartment 1008, ahhhhh, here it is, I hope...

3 years ago
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Teddys WorldChapter 10

The meeting began promptly at 11am, Pam opened the meeting with a no-nonsense style, “Before any of you get started as Teddy is just starting High School so the day to day controls will not change. As per the terms of the will he can’t take over until he is at least 18 anyway. “That said if he wants to buy something it will be our job to assist him in getting that done, as I suspect like the original Daniel he may want to make purchases that increase both the Trust’s as well as his own...

4 years ago
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Genie Valentine

“I’m sorry, Baby.” Brushing a few strands of her auburn hair out of the way, Lee kissed Lynn’s forehead and smiled. “It’s okay. I’m just going to the store, and he’s been pretty good about that lately. It’s a pain to get him dressed for such a short trip, but I’ll live.” Her voice right on the edge of a sob, Lynn softly said, “I hate it. I can’t do anything to help. I just feel worthless.” Trying to suppress a sigh, Lee held her hand for a moment, squeezing it. “You’re just having a rough...

3 years ago
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain Yesterdays TomorrowChapter 28

Consciousness came slowly, on the installment plan, one sensation at a time. I groaned and opened my eyes to a room full of sunshine. Dancing clusters of sparkles and glowing dust motes drifted in the sunbeams filling my field of vision as I attempted to focus and give the optical center of my brain a chance to sort out the dazzling array of visual information. For several moments I stared at the ceiling and tried to remember where I was. Naked, sirene, and warm in bed with my partner next...

2 years ago
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Adventures with Jasmin the Masochist Part 2

First EncounterBy the time I met her, when she was 23, Jasmin was pretty experienced with S&M. She had had multiple lovers. Many of the guys she met in her civilian life, including boyfriends, were too tame for her. They were not prepared to treat her like dirt, slap her around, choke her, beat her all over with paddles and whips. She was really a wild girl, into d**gs (mostly hash and coke), sex parties, and kink.Despite the vast differences in our lives and lifestyles, Jasmin and I hit it...

4 years ago
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Anzu James Naked in OrbitChapter 5 Tuesday School

Strange dreams. I'm in school, when suddenly I notice that I'm naked. This isn't the Program; I just forgot to get dressed that morning. With the realization comes intense embarrassment, shame, a desire to hide. But the strangest part is: nobody else seems to notice. I'm walking around, dying of embarrassment, hands clasped over everything as best I can, and nobody notices at all. Suddenly the warning bell goes off, and music starts to play. Abruptly, everybody notices me, and they all...

1 year ago
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I am narrating my incest story.I have a nice sex with my mom & i lost my virginity. Hello Readers ! I am GARRY [name changed] living at Delhi.our family members are living here in a four bedroom dad is a pilot with AIRFRANCE & my mom have involved her in a beauty parlour cum spa.we are three brother and sisters. My elder sister NANCY & younger sister NINA is living here pursuing their study.I am a 19 yrs.guy doing 10+2 from DPS , dad remains out of station for 10-12 days due to...

3 years ago
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Sisters Wet PantiesChapter 2

The instant that her orgasm subsided, Kay climbed up on the couch with her brother. He moved his hands to her tits, squeezing her nips and rolling them between his fingers. Then, he bent his head and sucked one large, hard nipple into his mouth, biting it gently with his teeth. "Ohhhh, yessss, Nick!" the girl groaned with excitement as she felt herself turning on all over again. Her cunt was slippery with pussy-juice and her clit grew hard again with hot fuck-lust. Her nips were so hard...

3 years ago
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Amelia and GregChapter 10

It was late April when we returned to my house in North Charleston. We spent much of the rest of the day cleaning up the clothing, and the gear that we had used on our excursion to the various battle sites. Additionally, Sylvia wanted to move more of her clothing and personal possessions here. She would be giving up her apartment shortly and moving in permanently with Amelia and me. There was certainly more than enough room here for the three of us, although there would be a problem with...

3 years ago
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He grabbed her wrists as she tried to move away. ‘Be still, he commanded. She still struggled. Slap. He backhanded her. She caught her breath and paused for a second to measure in her mind his new aggression. ‘Let me go,’ she pleaded. ‘Be quiet and be still,’ he commanded again. ‘You will do as I say.’ She looked at him with contempt and then jerked again, hoping to free herself from his grip but without success. Slap. He slapped her again. She was startled by his violence.

4 years ago
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The SmithChapter 29 Love

March 19th, 2022 At Rachel’s twenty first birthday party, Cat gifted one of the Gopher bots, GB3 to Rachel. She had started its AI Programming on cleaning since her lover was a natural slob. What she did with him after that was up to her Rachel’s imagination. Cat had been working the last two months with their programming. Having a template along with my classes and notes boosted her results significantly. “It’s still dumb as a box of rocks. They make Adam seem bright.” Cat complained,...

4 years ago
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My sister8217s friend

My dear Friends yeh mayree tesree kahani hay. Aj main ap ko apni ap beeti suna nay ja raha hon. Yeh Kahani nahi belkeh aik such hay. Jo Main nay aik larki kay saath kiya. Jo keh meri Sister ki Friend Hay. Meri sister ki aik dost hay jis ka naam ZARA hay.. Woh aksar hamaray ghar aya kerti thi. Mujhay us main koi khaas interest nahi tha.. Per Kion keh main dikhnay main kafi acha aur good looking hon to. Woh mujh main thoora interest rakhti thi. Woh aksar meri sister say kehti thi keh tumhara bhai...

2 years ago
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The Family Mansion Chapter 3 Lexi

Lexi was Nathan’s twin sister. They were both born on May 15, only a few minutes apart over 19 years ago. Liz saw her youngest daughter, Erika, as being, more or less, just a younger version of her. This was mostly because Erika was the spitting image of Liz when she was her age. Erika had large breasts, soft features, black hair, and brown eyes, just as Liz did. If Liz could see clearer, she’d see that Lexi was the daughter who had the most in common with her. They were both late bloomers,...

4 years ago
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Getting Off Early For Bad Behavior

“Six years,” the judge said as he slammed down his gavel. Those words kept repeating in my head over and over. Even as I was handcuffed and put in a holding cell to wait for the prison bus to come, all I could do was think of the next six years. I wished I hadn’t tried to look so nice for the hearing. With my hands cuffed behind my back it made my 36C breasts more prominent. For two hours I sat in the holding cell with other women. Some of them kept looking at me and smiling. Of course I had...

4 years ago
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Im Not From Around Here

I've been bushwhacked, mind-wiped, sabotaged, driven underground and damned near murdered. My race has been wiped out and my goddamned AI has been subverted. I'm pissed and about to chew steel and spit quarters. I'm a belligerent alien son-of-a-bitch and I'm looking for a fight. It all happened like this. There I was, cruising along at just a bit over light speed, staying closely linked with the local metric so nothing weird could zing me off to the center of nowhere. Scouting new super-C...

4 years ago
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Dogging with My Mother InLaw

My wife, Loni, and I have been married for about twenty years. We have been swingers, done swapping, and most recently we have taken up dogging. We both love it! It started out when some swinger friends of ours suggested we try it with them. First my wife just jacked off some guys, then she let some guys cum on her chest. Then she went to blowjobs and swallowed. Then Loni fucked a guy and made him pull out and spew on her bush. Then she went for one guy fucking her and cumming inside. Then she...

3 years ago
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5 hour facesit nonstop

Hello. I would like to tell you all about one of my favorite sexual experiences I've ever had, back when I was in my early 20's with my then Fiancée/Goddess. This story is 100% true and I still can't believe it really happened...but it did. I hope you all enjoy it and look forward to reading your comments. But, please be kind...I'm not a professional writer.This is an account that I posted on another BDSM site, many years ago in response to poster who asked what was the longest time a slave...

2 years ago
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A Sissy called Jezebel Part LXIII

A Sissy called Jezebel Part LXIII - We get to meet Aunty Eden's pack and the family sees the harem chamber and the incredible indoor pool. "We've organized the closet a little bit, there's some hand me down clothes for everyone, but we'll fuss with that stuff on a future trip." The twins are back up, and we follow mother to the harem chamber. It's down one floor. Mother opens up the huge double doors, and the vaulted chamber is enormous. "Mother how many sissies did your parents...

3 years ago
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Incest Games Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Travis Johansen had a tough time keeping his eyes off his sister at breakfast the next day. And when she brushed her bare knee against his under the table, he started to raise an immediate hard. She smiled at him, and her eyes were warm behind lowered lashes. He thought there had never been a more beautiful girl, and the tightening of his belly muscles reminded him how hot and sexy she was. But it finally penetrated, what his mother was saying, and he damned near choked on a...

2 years ago
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Anita again

Ok friend this is Anita , I have received lots of mail from all of u ISS reader an I need so say agen plz stop mail me such stupid guy I read only females mail only sure I hv got some sexy and hot female mail too Ok now I am going to describe my story with that guy, one day my husband was out for two days I call to my pretty loving guy an ask him vinod plz come to my house soon I hv to finish some work my house and feeling boar and according my plan he some after some time around 11 am morning...

3 years ago
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The Strip and Fuck Club Ch 06

It was a bitter sweet day. Ned waited in the entry way for Kiki to join him. They were scheduled to depart for the Strip and Fuck Club. Kiki had been a marvelous house companion and had expressed her gratitude and joy, vocally and physically, for her week of residence at the mansion. Living as Ned’s night-time plaything was a treat but not Kiki’s desired life path. Ned had conceded to her wishes and now she would continue her journey of sexual exploration as a performer at the club. Despite...

3 years ago
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Play Ball

My name is Trent and I have played baseball since I was four. Now, fifty-five plus years later, I can't play any more due to age and injuries. Now, I am the head groundskeeper at the local Boy's Baseball organization field. It is a great deal for me. I am still part of the game, get paid in cash and see kids with some real baseball talent.The kids have the thirty-year-old parents, great equipment, but lack the "gift" to play the game. This is true of the vast majority of the players except for...

2 years ago
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SlutInspection Blake Blossom 11222020

Blonde teen Blake Blossom has an energy about her that just makes you fall in love (and lust) with her. I knew I needed to see my husband fuck her so I started texting with her about how hot it would be. She was a little nervous because she had never done anything like that before. But Blake knows her way around a cock and muscle memory must have kicked in with her adrenaline because she and Dan fucked the shit out of each other. God, she makes me so horny. I had to masturbate 3 times when I...

3 years ago
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Teen8217s Hot Gay Intimacy In Boarding School

Hi, my name is Zafar. I am 21 years old and this is my  that I am divulging on this site. So I was a student in one of the reputed Christian boarding schools in our country. At that time, I was 18 years old and in class 12 and at the height of my sexual desires. But since I was in a boys school and had no inclination to indulge in gay sex, I was masturbating at every chance I got. In those days, my batch mates and I would often get up after lights out to irritate fellow sleeping friends and...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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MrMrs MeOur Second Encounter

We met at the same hotel for our second encounter a month later, having had numerous chats and cams in between. After a couple of drinks in the bar Dave announced he and Sarah were going up to their room to get ready. Dave slipped me his room key and told me to let myself into their room an hour later. I went to my room,showered then decided what lingerie to wear. I chose a tiny pair of pink panties with black stockings and suspender belt,topped by a cream chemise...hidden by jeans and a...

2 years ago
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A Sluts Best Friend Ch 02

Navrin tip-toed (or did as best as he could with hooves) around the room in a desperate struggle not to awaken the five sleeping elf women upon the extravagant floor. Like the floor, they were covered in layers of sticky cum deposited about an hour earlier, and like them, his colossal cock had undergone a similar treatment. It dripped with juices and the cum he had squirted into each of the girl’s womb’s. The oddly sized cock swayed gently as he walked, his loincloth doing little to hide it...

4 years ago
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The wife was at work and it was a beautiful sunny day as I was hanging the washing out, with a new music Cd playing, as I walked back to the house the young lad next door but one said “That music sounds good who it is?” I told him and he asked “Can I borrow it?” I replied “Sure I’ll bring it round”, as I took the disc out of the player.Locking the door behind me I walk round to his house and knocked, he opened it quickly and motioned for me to go in. We walked into his kitchen as I gave him the...

4 years ago
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Butt Buddies Probing Deeper

“What do we do now?” I ask smiling.We are still bent over the bed, with our new toys in our respective asses.“Well, we leave them in a while and then take them out. So, why don't we go watch some of the new Netflix series to pass the time,” he says, pulling me off the bed by the hand.I grab my favorite soft blanket and follow his fine newly-stuffed ass to the couch. Our butt plugs are snug as a bug in a rug in their new homes. Hottie husband makes a mad grab for the remote (as usual) and finds...

3 years ago
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Lucy in the sky

“So was it mom or dad?” Cait said. “Or both?”And I didn't answer right away, I kept examining her face to see if she was angry or what she was thinking but I couldn't tell so finally I said “Your dad”.And we just stared at each other for a while and then Cait just walked out of the kitchen, and I was a little stunned but then after a few seconds I went after her and I saw her at the top of the stairs and I said “Cait, wait” but she didn't even turn around and I ran after her and when I got...

5 years ago
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Sex With My Maid Laxmi

Hello, sex story readers, It was a Saturday morning. It rained heavily last night. I was just not in a mood to leave my bed. I wanted to bunk the college as well. The door bell rings. I wonder who it is now in this bad weather? Neepa has convinced Rajat that she will cook for three of us. Rajat happily agreed. Neepa convinced my parents. They were happy since I was a loner in the city, and they were worried about my food habits. A few days back, we learned that Neepa is pregnant. Since she...

2 years ago
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How to Install Kitchen Cabinets

Well, we decided to take the plunge and update our kitchen. The first step was new cabinets. We went to the local kitchen shop and picked out some that we liked and would work both for the décor and our budget. The owner, a very pretty blond, dressed in a business suit and heels, assisted us. She told us all about pulling down the old cabinets and installing the new. I was thinking that this woman doesn’t look like she would know very much about installation, but she’s a good saleswoman just...

4 years ago
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old man in grocery store part 2

So I'm grabbing a few tomatoes and the guy says to me "it's good to see a young man interested in eating healthy." Not sure what that meant but I said "thanks." I also said jokingly that I'm sort of learning how to cook but it's hard when you're always broke especially being a college student. He said that he too likes to cook but never does because he lives alone. When he said this, I noticed that he casually rubbed his cock while looking directly at me but I didn't think too much of it...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 432

Say thanks to Jimborh for this group: 1. What is Dominic Cummings’ favourite Christmas song? Driving Home for Christmas. 2. Did you hear that production was down at Santa’s workshop? Many of his workers have had to Elf isolate! 3. Why didn’t Mary and Joseph make it to Bethlehem? All Virgin flights were cancelled. 4. Why are Santa’s reindeer allowed to travel on Christmas Eve? They have herd immunity. 5. Why did the pirates have to go into lockdown? Because the “Arrrr!” rate had risen. 6....

4 years ago
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A visit to the farm

Having spent the past year and a half working for Boeing in Chicago, Sasha finally decided to cash in some of her vacation time to spend time with her ailing grandfather in the country. Despite being three hours away, Sasha had not made the trip in over three years, with a day not passing by where she felt the guilt of knowing she may never again get to see him. Finally able to spend some time, she packed up a few outfits into her beat-up suitcase and tossed it into the car. Arriving on a...

4 years ago
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How I Became My FILrsquos Fuck Partner

I was taking care of my 6 months old k** by that time. My husband had passed away in an accident. After 6 months of my husband’s demise, my uncle came to me. The conversation went like this.He: How many days will you stay like this? Marry someone and start your life again.Me: No, I can’t.He: You are just 21. You have age on your side, and you are beautiful too.Me: Still, I can’t do that.He: It is not so easy if you don’t marry someone.Still, I said I can’t marry again. From that day, my FIL...

1 year ago
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The Bosss drunk girlfriend Jessica

It was a Christmas party my boss was a lush , drunk as hell as always at the party's he was off talking to some office workers about who knows what and his girlfriend was walking toward me. She is about 5 feet 3 and about 100 lbs and about 10 lbs of that being her tits she had a big rack for a small girl she had to be about 24 years old the boss was in his late 40's lucky bastard to get a fine young one like her. Lisa was her name I think or was it Jessica, Dam it think think. Hello she said do...

4 years ago
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In the Beginning

I don't know just when I began to think that something might some day happen with me and dad doing sex stuff, but if I'm not mistaken it wasn't long after I had my first period. I was twelve then. Often after that, when I'd be sitting on his lap, I'd feel his thing jump under my butt. When it first did that, I'd giggle, knowing what it was, but not realizing why it would move like that. However, when I began to think that it might be getting that way because of me, I'd giggle out of...

2 years ago
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Please Give Me More

Wow what a day, I had just got out of the shower after the morning shift at work when the door bell rang. I was expecting a package from UPS so I answered the door there before me stood the most incredible looking stud with skin tight jeans, white t-shirt and flip flops. I said, well you aren't UPS so may I help you? hi my name is Brad said the man, my car is broken down may I use your phone to call a tow truck? sure but before you call lets have a look maybe I can fix it.We went down to the...

1 year ago
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The Suitcase in the Attic

The Suitcase in the Attic Chapter 1: Taylor - Secrets and Suitcases "Thanks for driving down, we really appreciate it dear. Janet should be here around noon. She promised it would only take an hour to get pictures and make measurements." My mom was giving me one last hug and an unnecessary fourth or fifth expression of thanks. "Say 'hi' to Mari and the girls for me," I mumbled in her ear before opening the passenger door for her. She gave me an exasperated look, so I reluctantly...

4 years ago
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The ExhibitionistChapter 9

We didn't want to startle Bennett into doing something stupid, so we decided to back off and see what developed. Also, we didn't know if there was any connection between Bennett and the bank robberies, so we needed more information there, too. All-in-all, there was really something screwy going on here, and I wanted to know more before we messed things up. It seemed to me that the thing for us to do was to go easy on this whole case until we could get some solid information. Ann suggested...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 471 Puzzling Patterns

I connected my shield to my implant and let it pull in the energy it wanted. A few seconds later, I began repeating short sequences of what seemed to be random letters, but not those Sherry used. I watched Sherry slip off too. The place in my head tapped into both girls’ brains and monitored for responses to a specific sequence of random letters. It could figure out patterns compared to those Eveline and Sherry had used. “Molly, I need your brain,” I said, reaching out to her. After I sent...

4 years ago
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Young lady in Mumbai

I am reading this site since last 6 months, which is amazing and full of erotic and amazing stories. I am not habitant to read those but sometime when i bored and alone love to read these stories. These stories inspired me to narrate my own story which was happen six months back. Let me introduce myself.. My name is aditya age is 29, 6ft 2 inch tall, athelete bdy, wheatish complexion, black eyes, not a drop dead handsome but a good looking guy. I am wrking with pvt bank in mumbai. Whenever i...

3 years ago
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Pinky8217s DairyThe Lab

Hi, guys, I’m Sunny I have been following Indian Sex Stories dot net since I was 18. I’m here to pen down few of my fantasies. All the writings are purely fictional and do not belong to anyone, hope you guys enjoy the sex story. This is my first sex story, so please pardon me for the mistakes. Hello, guys, I’m Pinky, a normal college girl doing my graduation and living alone in a room in the nearby city to our college which is about 20km. Coming to my body, I’m about 5’7 with a wheatish...

3 years ago
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Prom Ch 06 Just Friends

Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...

2 years ago
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I wanted to Fuck Her ASS Pegged and Cuckold

I love my wife very much but despite our sex life being pretty good by anyone's standards, the one thing I desperately wanted was to fuck her ass, but she absolutely would not go for it. Occasionally I might get a finger up her or the tip of my tongue inside her tight hole but as soon as I tried to go any further she would stop proceedings. I have to admit, I became obsessed with the act; any porn films I watched I would fast forward to the anal sex and wank myself as some hot girl took a...

2 years ago
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Breed Me Big Brother Chapter 2 Little Sisters Breeding Plan

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Two: Little Sister's Breeding Plan By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! The cramps squeezed my guts. I groaned as my eyes opened, staring at the fuzzy walls. I sucked in a deep breath and bit my lip, feeling so bloated. I squirmed, not wanting to be awake yet. I closed my eyes, snuggling up against my brother's muscular body. He pulled me to him automatically, his arm so strong. I rested my head on his...

2 years ago
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TriptychChapter 42

“WE’RE GOING TO WHAT? SERIOUSLY?” We’d shocked Allison. For a minute I thought she was going to cry. One thing I’d discovered during National Singles last spring was that Allison is very sexual. Even when we were in enforced abstinence, she wasn’t above relieving herself. Neither was I, for that matter. We’d just told her that orgasms were forbidden as long as any one of us was still competing. “But my competition is a round robin. It won’t end till Sunday!” “Well, that’s good, Allie,” I...

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