La Socorrista Y El Hombre Corriente free porn video

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La socorrista y el hombre corriente

Última hora de la tarde en la piscina de una comunidad de vecinos. Hay partido importante y ya casi no hay nadie en la piscina. Solo está la socorrista y dos vecinos.
La socorrista, Paloma, es una joven de 19 años, bajita, cuerpecito pequeño, con coleta rubia, con unos labios pequeños pero carnosos y unos enormes ojos verdes, enfundada en un ajustado bañador rojo, su pequeña figura reluce junto al agua.
Paloma está sentada en su silla hablando con uno de los vecinos, él es un hombre joven, muy alto, musculado, con un pequeño bañador que marca su paquete, se exhibe ante Paloma, ella le sigue la corriente escuchando su conversación intranscendente, de vez en cuando baja la mirada para mirar el cuerpo del joven, él se da cuenta y sonríe, se acaricia su pecho con una mano mientras habla con Paloma.
De vez en cuando Paloma también mira de reojo al otro vecino que en el otro extremo de la piscina toma el sol en el césped. El otro vecino, Fabián, es un cuarentón nada atractivo, casi calvo, con el cuerpo lleno de bello, algo de barriga, piel blanca, un hombre corriente.
A Fabián no le gusta ir a la piscina, sabe que no puede exhibirse pero desde que trabaja Paloma en su comunidad no puede evitar ir a la piscina solo para poder verla furtivamente, sabe que hay mucha diferencia de edad pero no puede evitar sentirse fascinado por su belleza, le encanta lo sería que siempre está, sus preciosos y grandes ojos verdes que aún desde la lejanía hipnotizan a Fabián.
Llega la hora de cierre de la piscina, Fabián lo sabe y comienza a recoger su toalla para irse a su casa, mientras ve con Paloma parece que discute con el joven musculoso, parece que le está rechazando, a Fabián le encanta verla enfadada, todos los días ve como rechaza a algún joven.
-¡se pone tan guapa enfadada!-piensa Fabián
El joven visiblemente enfadado se aparta de Paloma y recoge su toalla, se marcha a su casa. Con una sonrisa en la boca Fabián comienza a salir de la piscina.
-¡Fabián, espera!- escucha el cuarentón
Fabián se da la vuelta, ve a Paloma correr hacia él. Es la primera vez en dos meses que ella se dirige a él, se pregunta cómo es que sabe su nombre.
La joven llega junto a él.
-¡ah, hola! ¿te llamabas Fabián, verdad?-dice Paloma
-¡eeeh, si!-murmura Fabián que baja la mirada cohibido.
-mira es que necesito darme una ducha caliente antes de irme, ¿puedo dármela en tu casa?-dice Paloma mientras roza con su mano el brazo de Fabián.
Fabián nota una corriente eléctrica recorrer todo su cuerpo al notar la mano rozar un segundo su brazo, levanta la mirada y por primera vez ve una sonrisa en la siempre seria Paloma.
-¡eeh, cla, claro!-murmura Fabián que queda fascinado al ver tan cerca los enormes ojos verdes de Paloma.
-¡ah gracias, espera que voy a recoger todo y cerrar la piscina!-dice jovial Paloma mientras se da la vuelta y sale corriendo.
Fabián nota que se le acelera el corazón, ve a Paloma corriendo descalza por el césped, recoger sus cosas, ¡le parece tan bonita!. De repente Fabián se da cuenta que el joven que ha rechazado Paloma está a lo lejos parado mirándole a él, serio, parece enfadado.
-¡bueno, ya está! ¿vamos?-dice Paloma que sobresalta a Fabián que gira su cabeza hacia ella.
-¡cla, claro!-murmura Fabián que de reojo ve al joven musculoso marcharse.
Fabián y Paloma salen del recinto de la piscina, en silencio los dos recorren la comunidad de vecinos hasta el portal de Fabián. Por el camino se cruzan con dos jóvenes de la comunidad que les miran extrañados, saludan a Paloma al pasar, ella levanta la mano, Fabián nota la mirada extraña de los dos jóvenes al ver a Paloma acompañándole.
Fabián y Paloma entran en el portal, no se cruzan palabra, Paloma sonríe, suben en el ascensor, Fabián ve por el espejo de la cabina del ascensor que Paloma gira su cabeza y le mira, le mira su pecho, le mira su barriga, ve como Paloma juega con una mano con su coleta rubia, ve cómo se muerde el labio inferior. De repente Paloma levanta la vista y mira a Fabián a través del espejo de la cabina, Fabián aparta la mirada, Paloma sonríe más, Fabián se siente angustiado.
Salen de ascensor, Fabián saca la llave de su piso, intenta meterla en la cerradura pero está nervioso y no acierta, Paloma acerca una mano, agarra la mano de Fabián, el nota la fina piel de Paloma agarrar su mano, su corazón late a mil.
-¡tranquilo!-susurra Paloma mientras ayuda a Fabián a meter la llave en la cerradura.
Los dos entran en la casa de Fabián
-¡la, la ducha está allí!-señala Fabián
Paloma mira seria Fabián.
-¿qué?, ¡aah si!, bueno, ¿te importa si antes hablamos un poco?-dice Paloma mientras se pone delante de Fabián, ella tira con violencia sus cosas al suelo, acerca una mano a Fabián y le quita su toalla de la mano, también la tira con furia a un lado y se coloca cara a cara con Fabián que se queda paralizado.
-¿qué, que haces?-tartamudea Fabián que tiene ante él unos enormes y preciosos ojos verdes llenos de vida.
Paloma coloca una mano en el torso desnudo de Fabián, nota como el cuerpo del hombre tiembla.
-¿tú que crees?, ¡ah ya! ¿qué porque he rechazado a ese tío bueno y estoy aquí contigo?, pues te lo voy a decir. Primero, necesito echar un polvo, segundo, si me follo a ese presumido sé que mañana ni se acordará de mí, y tercero, sé que tú te acordarás de mí el resto de tu vida ¿cierto?.
Fabián mira los preciosos ojos verdes de Paloma que se abren de par en par para él.
-si Paloma-tiembla Fabián que confiesa que conoce el nombre de la joven.
Paloma sonríe, acaricia con una mano el pecho de Fabián, con la otra mano comienza a rodear el cuello de él, acerca su boca, sus preciosos morritos, le besa con suavidad. Fabián cierra los ojos, comienza a abrazar las caderas de la pequeña Paloma que se pone de cuclillas ante él. Los dos se besan con suavidad.
Fabián besa a la seria Paloma, besa su labio inferior, besa su labio superior, acaricia su cadera, acaricia la tela de su bañador rojo, nota como Paloma acaricia su torso, le acaricia su cuello, nota como Paloma le trata con cariño, nota que ella le mete un poco la punta de la lengua, él juega con la lengua de ella, vuelve a besar el labio inferior, recorre con su lengua los labios de ella, le mete su lengua, ella la recibe y juega con ella dentro de su boca.
-¡qué bien besas cariño!-balbucea Paloma
-¡y tu bonita!-balbucea Fabián
Fabián sube sus dos manos y agarra el cuello de Paloma. Ella, de cuclillas, pasa sus brazos bajo las axilas de Fabián y le abraza agarrándole los hombros al abrazarle. Fabián nota unos pequeños pechos aplastarse contra él, nota su polla que comienza a crecer, Paloma lo nota, baja una de sus manos y comienza a frotarla contra el bañador de Fabián.
-¡mmmm cariño!-gime Fabián que nota la pequeña mano de Paloma entre sus piernas
Paloma mete su mano bajo el bañador de Fabián, el lanza un gemido mientras sigue besando a Paloma
-¡ay, para, para, más despacio o me corro!-gime Fabián
Paloma ríe, saca la mano de la entrepierna de Fabián, los dos se abrazan, separan sus labios y se miran cara a cara
-¡me gustas!-dice Paloma
-¿pero por qué?-dice extrañado Fabián
Paloma sonríe
-¡no sé, me gustas y ya está!-sonríe Paloma
-¡vale!, sabes, solo voy a la piscina por ti, ni siquiera sé nadar-confiesa Fabián
Paloma ríe
-lo sé, ya había notado que nunca te metes y que me mirabas mucho-sonríe Paloma
-estarás acostumbrada-dice Fabián
-seguramente, pero me gusta que me mires tú, que seas tímido
-a mí que seas tan seria
-¿tan seria?-dice Paloma
-es la primera vez que me lo dicen
-pues te sienta muy bien, te hace más sexy
-¿más sexy?
-si Paloma, eres muy sexy, eres preciosa-dice Fabián mientras acaricia la nuca de Paloma que inclina la cabeza a un lado.
-dime más-dice Paloma que abraza a Fabián y posa su mejilla en su pecho mientras agita su cuello mientras Fabián se lo acaricia.
Fabián abraza también a Paloma mientras con una mano sigue acariciándola la nuca
-eres radiante, reluces entre la gente-dice Fabián
-dime más-pide Paloma
-tus ojos verdes son preciosos, tan llenos de vida
-dime más
-eres el sueño de cualquier hombre
-dime más
-tus preciosos morritos saben a fresa
-¿a fresa?
-dime más
-te follaría a todas horas
Paloma se separa de Fabián
-¡eeeeh, romántico!-ríe Paloma
Paloma mira a Fabián, comienza a quitarse un poco su bañador rojo, primero un hombro, luego otro, la ajustada tela roja comienza a bajar por la piel blanca de la preciosa ninfa, ante Fabián aparecen dos pequeños pechos, Paloma es casi plana, Fabián los mira y sonríe.
-¿qué? son demasiadas pequeñas ¿verdad?-dice Paloma mientras baja sus ojos y se mira sus tetas.
-¡si son muy pequeñas!-sonríe Fabián
-¿sí?-dice Paloma que levanta la mirada y ve a Fabián que mira sus tetas con deseo
-¡sí, pequeñas y preciosas!-dice Fabián que se agacha un poco y se lanza a mamar las tetitas de Paloma
Paloma recibe a Fabián abrazándole, él se abraza a ella mientras comienza a mamar uno de los pequeños pechos de Paloma
-¡si, si, joder!-gime Paloma mientras nota como Fabián la desea
Fabián pasa su boca de un pecho a otro
-¡si, si, son muy pequeñas, mmmmmm!-gime Fabián mientras chupa los pechitos de Paloma
Paloma echa su cuello hacia atrás, sonríe mientras nota que Fabián la desea, que abre la boca y se mete del todo uno de sus pequeños pechos, luego el otro, los succiona, los mama, abraza la cabeza de Fabián mientras arquea su espalda hacia atrás.
-¡Dios que gusto me das!-gime Paloma
Fabián aparta su boca de los pechos de Paloma, se pone de rodillas y posa su mejilla en su vientre, Paloma le mira desde arriba, acaricia su nuca.
-¡buen chico, buen chico!-dice Paloma acaricia la cabeza de Fabián, mientras nota la mejilla de Fabián en su ombligo.
Fabián se separa, mira a Paloma hacia arriba, ella le sonríe, Fabián agarra el bañador a medio bajar de Paloma y comienza a bajárselo del todo, ante Fabián aparece un precioso coño depilado. Paloma se apoya en el hombro de Fabián para levantar sus piernas y quitarse del todo el bañador. Fabián admira el gesto de Paloma para quitarse el bañador, su preciosas piernas levantarse en un grácil y precioso movimiento. Una preciosa y pequeña diosa desnuda se impone ante él, la mira desde abajo, de repente Paloma se pone seria, le mira desafiante desde arriba, Fabián la mira fascinado, posa sus manos en las calderas de ella, acerca su boca a su coño depilado, saca su lengua, comienza a acariciar con la punta de su lengua la abertura del coño de Paloma, ella posa sus manos en la cabeza de él, acaricia su calva.
-¡así cielo, soy tuya!-gime Paloma mientras nota como Fabián lame su coño
Fabián mete más la lengua, acaricia la parte superior, nota estremecerse a Paloma, la acaricia las caderas, acaricia su pequeño cuerpo mientras saborea su coño, poco a poco mueve sus manos hasta agarrarla su culo, nota como Paloma ríe, magrea su pequeño culo, saborea su coño, nota que lo hace bien, que ella disfruta, nota el coño humedecerse solo.
Paloma da un paso atrás, se separa de Fabián, él la mira de rodillas, ella le hace un gesto para que se levante, Fabián obedece.
Paloma se vuelve a acercar, poco a poco se agacha, se pone de rodillas a los pies de Fabián, acaricia con una mano la barriga del hombre.
-¡estás un poco gordo pero me gusta tu cuerpo!-murmura Paloma mientras mira hacia arriba a Fabián.
Fabián la mira, asiente, Paloma comienza a agárrale por su bañador y comienza a bajárselo, poco a poco el bañador se atasca con la polla dura de Fiaban. Paloma ríe mientras sigue bajando el bañador, la polla dura sigue enganchada, la polla dura se pone en horizontal ante Paloma, sujeta por el bañador, Paloma tira con más fuerza mientras Fabián se muerde un labio y mira Paloma que fuerza su bañador para que baje. De repente la polla se libera y aparece ante la cara de Paloma, una polla dura se agita ante la preciosa cara de la joven que la admira con deseo.
-¿es pequeña verdad?-ríe Fabián desde arriba que ve como su polla se agita ante la preciosa cara de Paloma, ve como la joven sigue con el movimiento de la cabeza el agitar de su polla, como si estuviera hipnotizándose con el movimiento de la polla de Fabián.
Paloma mira a Fabián desde abajo, riendo, mirando a Fabián con cara viciosa, sacando la punta de su lengua.
-¡no, no es pequeña, es perfecta, es preciosa!-dice Paloma mientras agarra con una mano la polla de Fabián, tira de ella hacia abajo para ponerla en horizontal, la polla dura insiste en subir para ponerse hacia arriba, para pegarse hacia el ombligo de Fabián, Paloma hace fuerza y vuelve a bajarla, dura delante de los morritos de Paloma, la ninfa comienza a mamarla mientras mira hacia a arriba a Fabián.
Fabián mira como Paloma comienza a mamarle la polla mientras ella le mira con sus preciosos ojos verdes, los dos se miran mientras la cabeza de la preciosa joven se mueve hacia atrás y hacia delante, mientras escucha el sonido de la polla al meterse en la preciosa y pequeña boca de la joven, de vez en cuando Paloma juega con el prepucio de la polla de Fabián, lo lame con su lengua, lo acaricia con su mano, Fabián se estremece.
Paloma agarra el culo de Fabián mientras vuelve a mamar con deseo su polla, se la saca, se la mete, se la saca, sin parar de mirar hacia arriba a Fabián, se frota la polla contra su mejilla, se la vuelve a meter, se la saca, acaricia el prepucio con una de sus manos, rodeando el prepucio con la palma de su mano, se la vuelve a meter en la boca, se la saca otra vez, golpea con fuerza la polla con una mano, mira como la polla se mueve de un lado a otro con los golpes que le da, nota lo dura que está al verla moverse, al golpearla con la mano, se la vuelve a meter, se la vuelve a sacar, juega con la lengua en la punta del prepucio, se la vuelve a meter, se la vuelve a sacar, muerde el prepucio, muerde la polla de lado, Fabián se estremece de gusto, Paloma se vuelve a meter su polla en la boca, se la mete hasta el fondo, se la saca, se la vuelve a meter hasta el fondo, la frota contra el interior de su boca, contra la mejilla. Fabián ve su polla marcarse dentro de la mejilla de Paloma, mientras ella le mira en todo momento con sus preciosos ojos verdes, mira como Paloma juega con su polla a la vez que le mira con cariño.
-¡es la mamada de mi vida!-piensa Fabián que nunca se había sentido tan deseado
Paloma deja de mamar, se levanta, acaricia el cuerpo de Fabián mientras se levanta.
-¡que macho!-ríe Paloma mientras sube sus manos por el cuerpo de Fabián
-¡que hembra!-ríe Fabián
Paloma coge la mano de Fabián y tira de él, se dirige a la terraza, él se da cuenta.
-¡no a la terraza no, que nos ven!-se resiste Fabián
Paloma mira a Fabián, insiste y tira de él, él se deja llevar, llegan desnudos a la terraza del piso de Fabián, ella con su cuerpo pequeño y radiante, el con su polla dura, el mira fuera, se da cuenta que todo está vacío, la gente está en sus casas viendo el partido, Fabián da un suspiro de alivio.
Paloma suelta la mano de Fabián, se gira y le da la espalda, posa sus dos manos en la barandilla de la terraza, inclina su pequeño cuerpo y saca su culo, gira la cabeza hacia atrás, mira a Fabián, le hace un gesto, le invita a follársela.
Fabián mira ante él una preciosa joven que se ofrece para que la penetren por detrás, al aire libre, a la vista de todos, nota su polla agitarse sola de pura excitación, Fabián asiente, Paloma gira su cabeza hacia delante, se agarra fuerte a la barandilla, sus manos aprietan con fuerza el hierro de la barandilla, agita su precioso y redondito culo, Fabián se acerca, Paloma se prepara para recibir su polla, Fabián comienza a meter la punta de su polla en el culo de Paloma.
Paloma lanza un gemido sordo mientras nota como Fabián la folla el culo, nota el prepucio entrar en su culo, salir de su culo, nota la polla dura jugar en la raja de su culo, frotarse en el culo sin meterse, nota como Fabián la coge de sus estrechas caderas, Paloma se aprieta los labios, cierra los ojos, nota como el macho le mete su polla hasta el fondo de golpe.
-¡aghhhhh, siiii!-gime la ninfa que se siente sometida por el macho.
Paloma nota como disfruta Fabián, los dos intentan no hacer ruido pero Fabián se excita más y más y comienza a follarla con fuerza, saca y mete la polla del todo varias veces, Paloma se agarra con más fuerza a la barandilla, nota como Fabián saca la polla y la embiste varias veces.
Fabián se folla a la pequeña Paloma, se siente un hombre, nota el estrecho culo de Paloma que aprieta su polla, acaricia el cuerpecito de Paloma, nota que ella disfruta. De repente Fabián se da cuenta que abajo alguien mira, junto a un árbol el joven musculoso que Paloma rechazó les mira enfadado, Paloma no le ha visto, Fabián sonríe y comienza a follar el culo de Paloma con más fuerza.
-¡ostiasssss!-gime en voz baja Paloma mientras la barandilla tiembla.
Abajo el joven musculoso deja la zona, Fabián le ve y sonríe, sigue follándose el culo de Paloma, de la pequeña Paloma, de la seria Paloma, de la ninfa Paloma, de la joven que tanto desea, se siente lleno de vida. De repente un grito resuena en toda la comunidad
-¡¡¡gooooool!!!!-resuena en todo el vecindario.
Poco a poco Fabián deja de follar duro a Paloma y saca su polla del culo de ella. Paloma cae agotada junto a la barandilla, Fabián hace lo mismo y se deja caer junto a ella, la agarra de la mano, los dos se miran, ríen.
-¿gooool? ¿lo decían por nosotros?-ríe con fuerza Paloma
Fabián no ríe, mira fascinado a la preciosa rubia que tiene junto a él, Paloma deja de reír, le mira, se incorpora un poco, se abre de piernas y se coloca encima de Fabián que permanece sentado con la espalda apoyada en la barandilla de la terraza. Paloma se agarra la coleta y se quita la goma, su preciosa melena rubia se agita libre ante Fabián.
-¡ostiasssss!-gime en voz baja Fabián que queda deslumbrado ante la belleza de la amazona que comienza a montarle como una loca.
Paloma coloca sus manos en los hombros mientras Fabián hace lo mismo sobre sus estrechas caderas, poco a poco Paloma monta a Fabián, sube y baja sobre la polla de Fabián, mientras su melena se agita ante un fascinado Fabián, Paloma se da cuenta y comienza a agitar a los lados su cabeza para que su pelo se revuelva más.
-¿así, así, te gusta?-gime Paloma en voz baja mientras se folla a Fabián.
-¡si, si, que pelo más bonito!-gime Fabián en voz baja
-¡lo sé, lo sé, soy la puta ostia!-gime Paloma con los ojos cerrados
-¡si, si, eres la mejor!
-¡sí, sí, soy la mejor, ostias puta!
-¡si, si cariño!
-¡menudo polvazo tengo! ¿verdad?
-¡si, si, preciosa!-gime Fabián mientras acaricia el cuerpecito de Paloma
-¡soy tan bonita, tan bonita!-gime Paloma que sube sus manos, las pone en su melena rubia, se revuelve el pelo para delirio de Fabián
-¡Dios, Dios, que bonita!-gime Fabián mientras acaricia la tetitas de Paloma
-¡adórame, adórame, adórame!-gime extasiada Paloma que sigue revolviéndose el pelo
-¡si, si, eres una diosa!
-¡sí, sí, soy una dioooo, ahhhhhhhhhhh!-gime Paloma que comienza a convulsionarse
Fabián agarra fuerte a Paloma por las caderas, nota como la joven se excita sin control, Paloma se inclina hacia adelante y se agarra a la barandilla sobre la cabeza de Fabián, posa sus pechos sobre la cara de Fabián, el lame sus tetitas.
-¡tú puta madre, tu puta madre!-gime Paloma que cabalga a Fabián con locura
Paloma suelta la barandilla, se vuelve a echar hacia atrás, los labios de Fabián se separan de las tetitas de Paloma, la joven arquea su espalda hacia atrás.
Paloma abre los ojos y mira a Fabián mientras ella se corre, se corre, casi parece que va a llorar.
Fabián nota el pequeño cuerpo de Paloma vibrar, nota como ella le mira con los ojos vidriosos.
-¡te quiero, te quiero!-dice Fabián mientras Paloma se corre casi llorando
-¿qué, queee?-gime Paloma mientras su cara brilla mientras se corre, mientras mira al hombre que dice que la quiere.
De repente Paloma, en pleno éxtasis, lanza una bofetada a Fabián, un sonido seco recorre la comunidad de vecinos, Fabián no se queja, Paloma vuelve en sí y le acaricia la mejilla con cariño, casi llorando de felicidad Paloma comienza a calmarse tras correrse. Exhausta Paloma abraza a Fabián, él no se ha corrido todavía.
-¡cabrón!, ¿me dices que me quieres mientras me corro?-susurra Paloma en el oído de Fabián
-¡lo siento, lo siento!-murmura Fabián mientras abraza a Paloma que se levanta un poco y se saca la polla de su coño.
Paloma se separa del cuerpo de Fabián, le acaricia otra vez la mejilla.
-¡tranquilo, no pasa nada, anda ponte de pie, córrete en mi cara, desahógate!-sonríe Paloma que mira con cariño a Fabián.
Fabián mira a Paloma, ella asiente con su mirada, Fabián se pone de pie, desnudo en la terraza comienza a masturbarse delante de Paloma que le mira de rodillas con las manos apoyadas en las piernas, Paloma admira el cuerpo imperfecto de Fabián.
Paloma le mira desde abajo, Fabián mira a la preciosa ninfa que le admira, de repente comienza a eyacular, su semen comienza a caer en los preciosos labios de ella, Paloma abre un poco la boca, el semen se entrelaza entre sus labios.
-¡ahhhhhh, Paloma por Dios!-gime Fabián
Paloma no dice nada, deja que el semen la cubra la cara, que el semen salpique su preciosa melena rubia revuelta. Paloma saca su lengua, su lengua juega con el semen de Fabián, el semen cuelga entre sus labios, unas gotas caen en uno de sus pequeños pechos. Fabián exhausto mira la preciosa cara de la rubita que sigue con las manos sobre sus rodillas, la chica seria e inaccesible se muestra sumisa ante él, cubierta de su leche, su piel blanca reluce para él, uno de sus pechitos reluce con su semen en él, una diosa, una ninfa del bosque se ofrece ante él.
Fabián se pone de rodillas junto a Paloma que también está de rodillas, él alarga una mano y extiende su semen sobre la cara de la joven, ella sonríe con dulzura, inclina su cabeza mientras la mano de Fabián la acaricia, su cara reluce más, Fabián pone sus dos manos en sus rodillas, igual que Paloma, los dos de rodillas, apoyados en sus nalgas, con las manos en sus rodillas, se miran, se admiran.
-¡si, te quiero Paloma, y sí, me acordaré de ti el resto de mi vida, te lo prometo!-dice serio Fabián
-¡lo sé!-dice Paloma que se lanza a abrazar al hombre corriente.

Same as La socorrista y el hombre corriente Videos

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Return to EdenChapter 23

Igwanda's head, though, was no longer where it had been. Even as Miller began the kick the colonel was dropping to one knee and shifting toward, rather than away from, his assailant. With one powerful hand he reached out to grasp the ankle of the leg on which Miller was balancing his body's rotation, even as he shot the other arm over his head to intercept the kick. Unable to stop his momentum, Miller continued to turn as his lower leg was held stationary in Igwanda's iron grip and the...

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Vixen Ariana Marie Passionate Raw Sex

Ariana has moved in with her boyfriend and things aren’t going well. When he suddenly announces that his cousin is coming to stay, she isn’t impressed – that is, until she sees him. She works from home, so they end up spending a lot of tie together. He is the opposite of her boyfriend and it doesn’t take long before she begins fantasising about what could be. With her relationship going from bad to worse, she decides to put out a little bait and see what she can reel...

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My Best Friend

I had wanted to fuck my best friend Mari since the day when we were 17 and we fooled around in the movie theater. We had decided to ditch school that day to go the movies instead. We sat in the back of the empty theater. The movie was boring, and soon we were macking on each other, Mari straddling my lap with her jean skirt hiked up, one of my hands up her tight sweater and the other under her skirt, two fingers in her wet pussy, thumb rubbing her clit. We kissed hard, our tongues dueling back...

Group Sex
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Rani And Her Boss

So, dear friends, this is Rani once again. My first virgin sex experience read “Rani’s first fucked” although it must have read “Rani’s first fucker”. I’m here to share how I seduced and fucked my boss. Thanks for your feedback I’m encouraged to write another encounter. Main janti hoon ke sab ladke apne laude ko hila hila ke mere ko chodte honge aur sab ladkiyon ka pani neeche geela ho gaya hai. I hope, all young dicks may have shagged n removed their hot cum; and the girls are wet down their...

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An Unnatural Family 1

AN UNNATURAL FAMILY + 1Chapter 1It was summer, and Terry had a week’s vacation coming.  She really didn’t have any close friends to hang out with.  The people she worked with were nice enough, but most of them were married or gay.  Her parents were both dead, her father of a heart attack at 43, and her mother of breast cancer at 41.Her dating situation was dismal.  Most of the guys she’d gone out with were after one thing, and when she felt she had a relationship developing and went to bed with...

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William Redman CarterChapter 25

After having studied the possible futures for three weeks, Lucy looked up at the display at the front of the room with a smile. She pressed a key on the keyboard and the tree illustrating the possible futures remained, but the colors of the lines, the style of the lines, and the legends changed. She pressed a different key with a similar result. She pointed to the one line and, while looking over at William, asked, "Is this the one?" "I believe that is the one I'm pursuing. I see them...

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BimBim Anal

Everyone loves anal sex these days, right? Well, if you have not experimented on it yet, I suggest you do your research and try it. However, if you are still hesitant or do not know where to go first, I have a recommendation. Well, on, there are dozens of ladies who love shoving everything from fingers to all manner of sex toys into their individual tuchus’ for your viewing pleasure. Also, as we will see, there are even more reasons besides that to consider looking up this site and...

Live Anal Sex Cams
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Helping Sister In Law Getting Pregnant 8211 Part 1

Hi, Friends, this is Rajesh, presently 38 years working as an Engineer in an MNC, and settled in Bangalore now. I am fair in color, well built with a gym body and most important with an 8-inch dick. This is my real sex story. My wife had been to the US on a project work with our son and I was living all alone in my house right now. My younger brother Ramu and his wife Rajini used to come to my house to have dinner with me sometimes. They were a happy couple with no kids even after 2 years of...

4 years ago
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Strip Quiz

"Golly, Guy! Just look at that unbelievable vision.! Are we both dead and gone to Heaven, or is that incredible woman sitting over there really flesh and blood, in all its warmth and glory?" Two friends were strolling around the park near their respective offices. The subject of their conversation was seated on a low wall eating her lunch and chatting to a couple of other girls, both of whom seemed entranced by both her company and her conversation. "Actually it's Gloria West." replied...

2 years ago
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He Should Have Played Ball Part 1

He Should Have Played Ball - Part 1 By Erica Kennel "Chris, are you still here? You better still be here." His older sister was calling for him again from just down the hall, and Chris cringed slightly at the annoyed tone in her voice. He sighed, and felt he should get right up and let her know that he had better things to do than be at her beck and call all day. Heck, right now the guys were outside playing ball, and that is where he should be, not here helping his sister. His mind...

4 years ago
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A Very Romantic Sex With A Girl I Fell In Love With Sunburn

Hi. I am Arch and i am 20 years old. I am from Mumbai. And i am a regular sunburn goer. I attend all the dance music concerts in Goa & Mumbai. And i met my love Shrushti at one such festival recently. Speaking of Shrushti, she is also 20 years old. And she is smoking hot. Anyone guy will want to fuck her if they see her. Even i wanted to fuck her. But i fell for her finally. She has a very curvy figure. She has nice round boobs and a little bit big ass in contrast to her body. She have this...

2 years ago
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The Intern Chapter 2 Friday Night

Monday morning was business as usual. Kay came in in one of her business suits that didn't do much for her tight little figure. And she didn't mention anything that had happened just a couple of days earlier.Of course, I didn't expect her to walk in and say "So, that was a great BJ I gave you, right?"But I thought there might be something. A wink or playful allusion. Or maybe just a little bit of flirting. But there was nothing.My feelings weren't hurt. I'd had all weekend to think about...

Group Sex
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My Best Friend 4 Hints admitted

I walked out of my house early in the morning to meet up with Amanda so we can walk to school. As I walked I had so many questions racing in my head from yesterday afternoon’s encounter. Was she showing me that she was interested in me? Was her kiss real or was she playing along so she could get an idea of how I lost my virginity? All I knew is I slept like shit. I had woken up at 4:30 in the freaking morning because there were so many questions that kept nagging at me. That and remembering...

Love Stories
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AdultTime Lacey London Ripped Pants Prank

Chris Blaccwood is a bit of a prankster within the family, although no one appreciates it — especially since he always wants to embarrass people on video! But he needs to become more daring to get the sweet, sweet views, so he comes up with an idea on how to make Lacey London, his gorgeous step-sister, an Internet star… in more than one online circle. He convinces Lacey to let him record a video of her doing her regular yoga routine so that she can upload the video to her own social...

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cuckold lifestyle 53

This pasted July we spent a week in Panama City Florida alone, just me and the wife. When she planed the trip I just knew at the last minute she would tell me one of her guy friends would be tagging along , but she never did. I was told we had Friday night booked so as soon as I got home from work and showered we would be leaving. My wife met me at the door all ready, she was wearing a very thin pale yellow sun dress that came almost to her knee , her taned legs where bare and she was wearing...

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Holodecked Out

Holodecked Out by Pamela [email protected] This story, which is written in the form of a one act play, borrows characters and some pseudo-technology from the Star Trek Voyager television show. Of course the main reason to view this show is the character "7 of 9" and the wonderful way she fills out her "catsuit", meow. Besides 7 of 9, there is the fascinating holodeck which is a computer generated fantasy...

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Melissas RiteChapter 13

Jason sighed in exasperation, running his fingers through his hair as he paced the length of the room, his other hand curled tightly around the phone. "Cassie, I wish you hadn't done that! You and the girls could have been in serious trouble!" "You were already busy dealing with Richie. I just wanted to help." "Walking blindly into danger like that is not helping!" "I did no such thing, Jason. I checked out that place as thoroughly as I could, and we covered our tracks. Everything...

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Private Gia Tvoricceli Domestic Problems

Today introduces you to Gia Tvoricceli, a stunning redhead who has come to Private Specials, Cheating With Black Cocks 2 to show off her skills in an interracial gangbang that you won’t be forgetting anytime soon. Gia proves to be completely irresistible in her sexy red lingerie, using her charm on the street workers outside and enticing them to work on her instead. A phenomenal gangbang then ensues for this incredible Private new girl as she takes on their three BBCs and enjoys...

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Healer © Sven the Elder Jan 2002 I knew her through the office of course, that and helping her manage and learn to use her computer in the facets of her new job. She was a quiet, slim, slightly mousy woman in her forties. Divorced, slightly bitter, but otherwise not the sort of person you'd look at twice if you passed her in the mall. I was working on her computer's connection to the network. We'd had new network cabling carried out and while most of it was to a very high, extremely...

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Unleashing A Secret Passion For Cock

My name is Russell and I am a student. I live in lodgings that are relatively close to college. I was glad of the room to be honest, as I always leave things to the last minute and applying for a room close to college was one of those last minute things you do.I could have ended up with anybody, but I ended up with Brigitte and Steve. I couldn’t have picked a better couple to share company with in the evenings and during the weekends. Staying with them was like being at home, they were really...

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Aruni Part One Meeting Joelle

Aruni knew very little about the world. She knew what she learned up until the fourth grade, and to her, that felt like an awful lot. She knew how to spell all of the states, what a verb is, and multiplication tables. She knew how to work the DVD player, and how to jump rope to 137. But Aruni still knew very little about the world. Aruni had thick auburn hair that shined like copper in the sun. She didnt like the way ponytails felt, so her hair was always tussled wildly on top her head. It...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 127

Wednesday I started the routine I was working into; a VCATS to home, the daily security briefing and updates with the security teams and the joint chiefs. After that Troy and my aides went through the rest of the budget. In it we identified twenty seven sub-agencies that I felt could be eliminated and save several billion. They were agencies that I felt had outlived their usefulness. There were a group of agencies I wanted changed in the DHS, HHS and Agriculture departments. Those agencies...

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Duty and Duplicity Book 5 of Poachers ProgressChapter 18 The Sisterhood

Promptly at sunrise I arrived at the East Gate of Naples old city. From the back of my hired horse I scanned the cluster of mules and men milling around the gate, and one man did indeed stand out from the crowd. As Shadrach had said the man looked less intelligent than the mule he was holding, but it was not just his apparent lack of intelligence that drew my eye to him but also his lack of stature. Although his torso appeared to be of normal size his legs were unnaturally short. His head...

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Puppy Love

“Someone help me Help me please Is the answer, is it up above? How can I Oh...” Paul Anka, Lyric for They Call it Puppy Love Sally held the little puppy in her arms and hugged it so tightly that her Daddy thought she might smother it with love. Sally was a loving girl. She was a loveable girl. She loved to be loved and she loved hugging and kissing and licking just like her new puppy Duke. Duke was tiny and loveable now but he was a purebred Great Dane and those familiar with the breed knew...

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Fantasy Tribute to Kowilliam

It wasn't like us to meet up with anyone.The fun was in the ether of the Internet, but here we were! Xhamster just came to reality!The night was cold but quiet as we pulled into the parking lot of the bar.We had never been here before, but this is where he asked to meet for drinks! It was surreal. We looked at each other in disbelief as I parked.A crooked smile hung on Mia's lips. She was already playful and glowing. She reached over and grabbed me pressing a wet and desired filled kiss hard on...

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The Best of Paris WatermanChapter 6 Judy and Nancy Warrens Women

Judy & Nancy--Warren's Women Warren met them at the Jazz Festival on the Fourth of July. They were both cute, and dressed alike in tank tops and short shorts. The taller, a brunette with a dynamite ass and legs, albeit small breasts; the shorter a busty blonde, well a bottle blonde anyway, and also possessing great legs. He spread his blanket out close to them, after asking if they'd mind. They didn't and giggled over his butt as soon as he turned away and went about setting up....

1 year ago
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Fucked Cousin Sister Uma And Made Her Mother Of My Child 8211 Part 1

Hi ISS Readers, This is Rajesh I would like to share my real incident happened with me last year. I am 25 year old guy. I had interest of having an affair with my cousin sister who is aged around 34 with 32-28-32 figure. She is not super figure, however she is the sex goddess for me. Because all my sexual thought, knowledge, interest arrived from her. In our childhood we used to visit their house for vacation. But when I was 13 she was married to my mother’s younger brother, after a year she...

1 year ago
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Black Lucky men in lanzarotte part 1

Ive decieded to tell you why im so obsessed with cuckolding and black men fucking my wifeThis story is completley true and both of us have never spoke of it to anyone or each other since it happened. This happened in Sep 2002 about 8 months after we had first met. We booked our first holiday together in lanzarotte , i was 26 and she was nearly 22 and we were still fucking like rabbits on our honey moon period , smoking weed and drinking loads . My wife had the typical curvy hipped bubble bum...

3 years ago
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Parting Gift

The temperature had dropped considerably since Magdalene Brooks had started out on her walk along Prospect Park West and she found herself pulling her light coat just a bit tighter against her body. She hadn’t planned to go all the way down to Grand Army Plaza, but once she did, the autumn sun was already setting before she could make it half way back home. Still, even with the sudden chill, it was a pleasant walk as she alternated her gaze between the old brownstones across the street on her...

2 years ago
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Savita Bhabhi Episode 42

Ashok is irritated as they return from the village and when Savita asks why, he says “Indecency! This is the problem with our city!” “What?” – “Ashok, we just returned 2 minutes ago!” “Yes and in 2 minutes we’ve been insulted twice!” “Insulted! How?” “Those cricket boys whistled at you!” “They’re harmless teenage boys.” “.. But Mr. Jha is no teenager. Shameful how he ogled at you just now!” “Didn’t you ever whistle at girls?” “Not married women. Not bhabhis’ from my compound.” Savita thought...

4 years ago
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Kelli Mike and FriendsChapter 23 Saturday

After the now regular morning shower ritual had completed, Chet using the camera to take the set of pictures Mike had requested of his fantasy shower with the angels, and breakfast finished Kelli said, 'well today is the last one for games, and it's Julies turn. What do you want to play Julie, the "who come first" game or something else?' 'What else, we have only played that or the one where we had to suck the guys. Is there another game you know?' Kelli grinned, 'I have thought of...

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Summer holidays

We use to live in a plush complex in the heart of New Delhi. My parents had hired several different servant girls throughout the years. They use to come in the early hours of the morning to clean the house, wash the laundry etc. To tell you the truth I wasn’t really interested in them at all, mostly because they smelt of filth, were as black as the sewer pigs that roamed the gutters and had lousy figures. That changed however when I met our gorgeous new maid when I turned 15. It was the hot...

2 years ago
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There and BackChapter 164 Being Left Behind

The time seemed to pass faster after Aedan left – or perhaps it was just not jumping from crisis to crisis every moment. I did paperwork, sparred, read dry political treatises, got to know my staff and my soldiers as individuals, hired a variety of family members of current staff to round out our numbers, made decisions on what parts of the Keep to renovate next and how much of our significant but not unlimited budget to spend on it. I spent time with Nathaniel; he quizzed me, on everything...

4 years ago
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Airport Fun

My girlfriend and I were in a long distance relationship. This meant we only saw each other every 4-6 weeks. This also meant a lot of phone sex and some self pleasure. Sure that was nice, but “in the flesh” was still the best. On this day I arrived early at the airport to pick her up. I parked myself at the bar and ordered a drink. As I sipped on my drink I reminisced about her last visit, he supple breasts in my hands, her erect nipples in my mouth and my hard cock in her wet pussy. Of course...

2 years ago
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As good as it gets III

This was kind of easy. But everything has a difficult part. Here is a “glass full”. Rani had some fucking work in school. So she left in the morning wearing a killer red saree. I just wished I had school. Before she left, she gave me a glass used to serve champagne, came close to me and gently felt my cock. Rani :( whispering to my ear in a sexy voice) make him work. Me: Can I use your “painting room”???You know. Use your TV. ?? Rani: OK. But can’t you just think of me and do...

3 years ago
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A threesome with my wife and a friend part 2

A threesome with my wife and a friend of mine part 2Like, I said in my first part of the story! We had a great night with my friend and my wife. After my wife went to work in the morning, my friend and I slept for a while. When. We woke up, we didn't bother getting dressed, we stayed naked walking around the house just the two of us. We had something to eat and the. We talked again about the fun we had the night before with my wife. He was telling how much, enjoyed my wife sucking his cock and...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 710

Ship Emma had asked to remain with her patient in Sick Bay, which led to a discussion about Ship’s abilities to heal. “Come on. I, for one, am hungry,” Jeff told her. “After what you’ve told me, there’s no reason for me to stay with him, I suppose. It’s just that a patient who has lost that much blood...” ...”Will wake up ready for a big meal,” Jeff inserted with a grin. “Seriously though, I was very concerned about him on the way back here, but he’s in one of Ship’s healing chambers now....

2 years ago
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Fullfilled Fantasies Part I

“Open your mouth,” she sternly directs me. I feel her straddling my back as I lay prone on my stomach. I look at the alarm clock. 6:33 a.m. I’m completely nude, somehow unaware that she has managed to tie my now spread legs and arms to the four posts of our king sized bed. I sleep naked so that part is not a surprise, but how she's managed to strap me down without my waking, I shall never know. Either way, I am completely unable to move other than getting to my hands and needs in an ‘all fours’...

2 years ago
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The waiter

It was the perfect day and the perfect evening on our honeymoon. Married only a few days, we had gone to see the Space Needle, and had an amazing dinner at a steakhouse. As we walked back to the hotel, my wife whispered in my ear, 'I want you so bad today'. Not one to argue, I held her hand even tighter as we walked, and suggested we went to the hotel bar for a drink before bed, just to get us even more in the mood.We ordered champagne, and when the young, black waiter brought it over, I...

2 years ago
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No more pencils

I picked up the books in one hand and turned around too quickly, driving the back of my right hand deep into the bounteous breasts of the blonde who had been standing too close behind me. She gasped as I jerked back and spilled my books onto the floor. She smiled as I took a step back and knelt to pick them up and put them in my backpack.“Sorry, sorry, didn’t mean to grope you, sorry…”She grinned at my blush and said with a glint in her eye as she looked down at me, “Far be it from me to look...

1 year ago
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My Wifes Best Friend

I've been married to my wife for 18 years. I've known her for about 18 years. I've spend a lot of time over the years with her and her friends. Especially her best friend of 25 years, Sabrina. I've always been friendly with "Brina" since I met her through my wife. I always thought she was cute, but of course that's as far as it went. Brina was 35, she was about 5'3. 115 pounds. She had 36 C Breasts, and a , and sexy legs. She had dirty blonde hair, blue eyes. We were friends, but never spent...

3 years ago
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A Father Helped Son to Look at His Mom

I used to spend a lot of time on the computer in our house because of work. But as my son Nikhil started growing up, he started getting interested in the computer too. Initially, he would wait patiently, but grudgingly for me to finish with the computer, before he could start working on it. But by the time he became 16 years old, he became more demanding. And kept saying that he needed the computer more than me, as he had to use it to discuss his school homework with his classmates over the...

2 years ago
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Dating My Daughter 8211 Part 19 Going Out Formally As A Couple

Hello ISS readers. I am back with this series. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. This is a fantasy fictional story. I’m a divorced 41-year-old guy who has a beautiful and young daughter, Amy. She just turned 19 and I haven’t seen Amy in almost 10 years. But now she has come down to meet me. So this is what happened next. After winning the pool game and 500 dollars, we decided to have some drinks. Bartender: Hello again Sir and Lady. Welcome to ‘The Ace of Clubs’. What can I get you? Me: A gin...

3 years ago
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An old Butler and his rich bitches part 1

The old butler and his rich bitches. Part 1 Los Angeles, California….. Hammond residence. “Edgar I have a business partner meeting me here for lunch. Make us a spread of food would you.” “Yes sir” a short old man of sixty years old replied, putting on his fake smile as he walked slowly to the house he was INS kitchen. This old man was none other than Edgar Johnson. This man stood at the short height of five foot six, weighed at least sixteen stone. His belly stuck out quite far, he had...

3 years ago
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A fan

Hello, good morning, I just saw the photos of your girl and mmmmm this is what I would do ... Good morning, I am the air conditioning installer. We came to install the air that they bought in the store and her husband told us to move on to the installation today.Come my boss and I, we open the door, you go with a something transparent nightgown and when I see you my eyes open like dishes, you indicate where you want it installed, you offer us a coffee since it is soon it is half past nine...

3 years ago
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All American BoyChapter 63

When we went to our bedrooms Friday night, Brandy and I were with Ms. Maria, Angie and Ashlee. Bonnie and Gage were with Priscilla and Rae Anne. Ms. Maria had asked us to leave off the Ms. Part of her name and just let her be our friend, Maria. I had called her Ms. Maria since I first met her and the name change came harder for me — until we went to bed. I had gone to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and peed before the women took over. When my four bed-mates came to the room I was...

2 years ago
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bi friend

Tom started to undress and of course he had no underwear on, normally that wouldn't be a problem but tonight we were sleeping in the same bed. He was walking around with his cock flopping all over the place, Tom has no modesty and I could resist taking a few glances when he was looking. I noticed that Tom had a nice cut cock with a large mushroom head probably about 7 inches. His cock wasn't real thick as opposed to mine which is also 7 inches but extremely thick and uncut. Well I started...

3 years ago
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The guy at the bus stop

It was about mid November, I had walked into a bus shelter to wait for the MTC To go to Minneapolis from downtown Saint Paul. There was another gentleman waiting in the shelter for the same bus, He asked me If I was waiting for the 21A in which I replied yes, He asked me how far was I going and I told him Minneapolis, He then asked me if I was going to meet friends or family in which I told him friends, after a bit of small talk the bus arrived and we both got on and like always I sat in the...

2 years ago
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Simple Song Pt 02

Welcome back! This is the second part of my longer story that I have been working on. Part 01 did not contain any sex, but this one does. First fair warning: it’s not right off the bat. These poor kids have to get in the mood, before they can get nude. I do think the sexy bits in this piece are by far the best I’ve written, but who knows. Second fair warning: if women with tattoos makes you upset you should be careful in reading this piece. Just try to substitute the word ‘stickers’ in for...

4 years ago
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The adults will play

Introduction: a wedding is on the horizon so the parents celebrate. Ray and his wife Sandra had lived in the neighborhood for almost 12 years. They had the best neighbors they could ask for, on one side they had their best friends since high school, Darren & Abby. And on the other side they had a deaf old woman, which meant they could be quite loud and no one would complain, perfect for parties. Both families had a child, well they were adults now but children none the less. Ray and Sandra had...

1 year ago
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Tushy Zoe Bloom Everything Ive Ever Wanted

By giving Zoe everything she’s every wanted, her parents have created a monster – she wouldn’t trade her life for anything, but her expectations have become a little troublesome. She has known her best friend forever and they do everything together, but the problem is Zoe’s attraction to her friend’s dad. She thinks it’s just teasing – but Zoe knows different. She knows if she pushes him in the right direction, she will continue to get everything she...

3 years ago
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My Mother Comes to Visit by Mrs Walker

"My Mother Comes to Visit" by Mrs WalkerMy mother is flying into town today to stay with us for a week. I asked her if she wanted my son Tommy or my daughter Krissy to pick her up at the airport, but declined my offer because she is going to rent a car.Well, she called me from the airport about an hour ago and said she should be here about noon. Just as I finish making the potato salad for dinner a car comes up the driveway and stops. It must be my Mom!I excitedly run out the front door to...

1 year ago
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The Dance

I'd lain back on the sun lounger after taking a quick swig of the big iced cocktail the waiter had just delivered. And I had just turned my attention back to all that nubile - near naked - young flesh, clad as it mostly was in almost non-existent bikinis, when I spotted her emerging from the water like Aphrodite had from the sea in Greek legend. Or should I say, that I noticed the little black bikini, it's hard to say exactly what took my eye first. From the moment I clapped eyes on that...

2 years ago
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A Mother and Sons Love Turns A Corner 3

After a little warm up at the kitchen table, my mother and I went to our bedrooms and got dressed and ready to go shopping for her some new clothes, to try and get dad to notice her again like in their younger days.Mom had put on a skirt and white blouse to go shopping in, and the skirt stopped about three inches above her knees and showed off her round butt in the back just right, as well as the real slight flare in her hips, with either panty hose on or nylon stockings on under it, the blouse...

1 year ago
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A Valentines Day Auction

Kerrie wasn’t happy about having to attend the formal gathering that her company was hosting, but then, she didn’t really have any plans for Valentines Day anyways. It would be just another boring night at home. It had been five months since she called it off with Mike and she just hadn’t felt like being around anyone, men in particular — especially married men. ‘Look Kerrie,’ her boss would say. ‘It’s just like horseback riding. If the damned animal bucks you off, you jump back on and use...

4 years ago
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Sexual Fantasies The Waiter

DISCLAIMER: This particular series of stories will be one-off adventures. Some long, some short. Some straight, some lesbian, some bi, some sissy, some gay (probably most). But hopefully you’ll find them arousing!Sexual FantasiesThe WaiterJake and his wife, Brittany, were celebrating their second anniversary. After being seated and giving their drink order to the waiter, Jake had excused himself to use the bathroom.Once finished, Jake flushed the urinal and zipped up his pants. As he turned...

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XXX Survivor A Real Reality Show of Sex

"John, you have chosen to compete on an all new reality game show. There, you can go through lifetimes of experiences and millions of dollars!". This was typed on a piece of mail that you have just received. You were a single guy, good-looking, and really needing a break like this. You thought about it. Before you knew it, you were on a plane going to the destination of this game show and there were nine other people on the plane, but they were scattered very sparsely throughout and you were...

3 years ago
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The TarotChapter 16

"Donna... I think I want to take you up on your offer." Angilee felt she had been backed into a corner, first by a visit to Madame Leseur who informed her that money would soon be plentiful even though her path would be fraught with peril, and the fact that Angilee had been fired that afternoon. She had had no way to know that the beautiful blonde customer, about her own age, whose looks toward Angilee were not so subtle, was attempting a lesbian encounter for the first time. When Angilee...

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