La Socorrista Y El Hombre Corriente free porn video

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La socorrista y el hombre corriente

Última hora de la tarde en la piscina de una comunidad de vecinos. Hay partido importante y ya casi no hay nadie en la piscina. Solo está la socorrista y dos vecinos.
La socorrista, Paloma, es una joven de 19 años, bajita, cuerpecito pequeño, con coleta rubia, con unos labios pequeños pero carnosos y unos enormes ojos verdes, enfundada en un ajustado bañador rojo, su pequeña figura reluce junto al agua.
Paloma está sentada en su silla hablando con uno de los vecinos, él es un hombre joven, muy alto, musculado, con un pequeño bañador que marca su paquete, se exhibe ante Paloma, ella le sigue la corriente escuchando su conversación intranscendente, de vez en cuando baja la mirada para mirar el cuerpo del joven, él se da cuenta y sonríe, se acaricia su pecho con una mano mientras habla con Paloma.
De vez en cuando Paloma también mira de reojo al otro vecino que en el otro extremo de la piscina toma el sol en el césped. El otro vecino, Fabián, es un cuarentón nada atractivo, casi calvo, con el cuerpo lleno de bello, algo de barriga, piel blanca, un hombre corriente.
A Fabián no le gusta ir a la piscina, sabe que no puede exhibirse pero desde que trabaja Paloma en su comunidad no puede evitar ir a la piscina solo para poder verla furtivamente, sabe que hay mucha diferencia de edad pero no puede evitar sentirse fascinado por su belleza, le encanta lo sería que siempre está, sus preciosos y grandes ojos verdes que aún desde la lejanía hipnotizan a Fabián.
Llega la hora de cierre de la piscina, Fabián lo sabe y comienza a recoger su toalla para irse a su casa, mientras ve con Paloma parece que discute con el joven musculoso, parece que le está rechazando, a Fabián le encanta verla enfadada, todos los días ve como rechaza a algún joven.
-¡se pone tan guapa enfadada!-piensa Fabián
El joven visiblemente enfadado se aparta de Paloma y recoge su toalla, se marcha a su casa. Con una sonrisa en la boca Fabián comienza a salir de la piscina.
-¡Fabián, espera!- escucha el cuarentón
Fabián se da la vuelta, ve a Paloma correr hacia él. Es la primera vez en dos meses que ella se dirige a él, se pregunta cómo es que sabe su nombre.
La joven llega junto a él.
-¡ah, hola! ¿te llamabas Fabián, verdad?-dice Paloma
-¡eeeh, si!-murmura Fabián que baja la mirada cohibido.
-mira es que necesito darme una ducha caliente antes de irme, ¿puedo dármela en tu casa?-dice Paloma mientras roza con su mano el brazo de Fabián.
Fabián nota una corriente eléctrica recorrer todo su cuerpo al notar la mano rozar un segundo su brazo, levanta la mirada y por primera vez ve una sonrisa en la siempre seria Paloma.
-¡eeh, cla, claro!-murmura Fabián que queda fascinado al ver tan cerca los enormes ojos verdes de Paloma.
-¡ah gracias, espera que voy a recoger todo y cerrar la piscina!-dice jovial Paloma mientras se da la vuelta y sale corriendo.
Fabián nota que se le acelera el corazón, ve a Paloma corriendo descalza por el césped, recoger sus cosas, ¡le parece tan bonita!. De repente Fabián se da cuenta que el joven que ha rechazado Paloma está a lo lejos parado mirándole a él, serio, parece enfadado.
-¡bueno, ya está! ¿vamos?-dice Paloma que sobresalta a Fabián que gira su cabeza hacia ella.
-¡cla, claro!-murmura Fabián que de reojo ve al joven musculoso marcharse.
Fabián y Paloma salen del recinto de la piscina, en silencio los dos recorren la comunidad de vecinos hasta el portal de Fabián. Por el camino se cruzan con dos jóvenes de la comunidad que les miran extrañados, saludan a Paloma al pasar, ella levanta la mano, Fabián nota la mirada extraña de los dos jóvenes al ver a Paloma acompañándole.
Fabián y Paloma entran en el portal, no se cruzan palabra, Paloma sonríe, suben en el ascensor, Fabián ve por el espejo de la cabina del ascensor que Paloma gira su cabeza y le mira, le mira su pecho, le mira su barriga, ve como Paloma juega con una mano con su coleta rubia, ve cómo se muerde el labio inferior. De repente Paloma levanta la vista y mira a Fabián a través del espejo de la cabina, Fabián aparta la mirada, Paloma sonríe más, Fabián se siente angustiado.
Salen de ascensor, Fabián saca la llave de su piso, intenta meterla en la cerradura pero está nervioso y no acierta, Paloma acerca una mano, agarra la mano de Fabián, el nota la fina piel de Paloma agarrar su mano, su corazón late a mil.
-¡tranquilo!-susurra Paloma mientras ayuda a Fabián a meter la llave en la cerradura.
Los dos entran en la casa de Fabián
-¡la, la ducha está allí!-señala Fabián
Paloma mira seria Fabián.
-¿qué?, ¡aah si!, bueno, ¿te importa si antes hablamos un poco?-dice Paloma mientras se pone delante de Fabián, ella tira con violencia sus cosas al suelo, acerca una mano a Fabián y le quita su toalla de la mano, también la tira con furia a un lado y se coloca cara a cara con Fabián que se queda paralizado.
-¿qué, que haces?-tartamudea Fabián que tiene ante él unos enormes y preciosos ojos verdes llenos de vida.
Paloma coloca una mano en el torso desnudo de Fabián, nota como el cuerpo del hombre tiembla.
-¿tú que crees?, ¡ah ya! ¿qué porque he rechazado a ese tío bueno y estoy aquí contigo?, pues te lo voy a decir. Primero, necesito echar un polvo, segundo, si me follo a ese presumido sé que mañana ni se acordará de mí, y tercero, sé que tú te acordarás de mí el resto de tu vida ¿cierto?.
Fabián mira los preciosos ojos verdes de Paloma que se abren de par en par para él.
-si Paloma-tiembla Fabián que confiesa que conoce el nombre de la joven.
Paloma sonríe, acaricia con una mano el pecho de Fabián, con la otra mano comienza a rodear el cuello de él, acerca su boca, sus preciosos morritos, le besa con suavidad. Fabián cierra los ojos, comienza a abrazar las caderas de la pequeña Paloma que se pone de cuclillas ante él. Los dos se besan con suavidad.
Fabián besa a la seria Paloma, besa su labio inferior, besa su labio superior, acaricia su cadera, acaricia la tela de su bañador rojo, nota como Paloma acaricia su torso, le acaricia su cuello, nota como Paloma le trata con cariño, nota que ella le mete un poco la punta de la lengua, él juega con la lengua de ella, vuelve a besar el labio inferior, recorre con su lengua los labios de ella, le mete su lengua, ella la recibe y juega con ella dentro de su boca.
-¡qué bien besas cariño!-balbucea Paloma
-¡y tu bonita!-balbucea Fabián
Fabián sube sus dos manos y agarra el cuello de Paloma. Ella, de cuclillas, pasa sus brazos bajo las axilas de Fabián y le abraza agarrándole los hombros al abrazarle. Fabián nota unos pequeños pechos aplastarse contra él, nota su polla que comienza a crecer, Paloma lo nota, baja una de sus manos y comienza a frotarla contra el bañador de Fabián.
-¡mmmm cariño!-gime Fabián que nota la pequeña mano de Paloma entre sus piernas
Paloma mete su mano bajo el bañador de Fabián, el lanza un gemido mientras sigue besando a Paloma
-¡ay, para, para, más despacio o me corro!-gime Fabián
Paloma ríe, saca la mano de la entrepierna de Fabián, los dos se abrazan, separan sus labios y se miran cara a cara
-¡me gustas!-dice Paloma
-¿pero por qué?-dice extrañado Fabián
Paloma sonríe
-¡no sé, me gustas y ya está!-sonríe Paloma
-¡vale!, sabes, solo voy a la piscina por ti, ni siquiera sé nadar-confiesa Fabián
Paloma ríe
-lo sé, ya había notado que nunca te metes y que me mirabas mucho-sonríe Paloma
-estarás acostumbrada-dice Fabián
-seguramente, pero me gusta que me mires tú, que seas tímido
-a mí que seas tan seria
-¿tan seria?-dice Paloma
-es la primera vez que me lo dicen
-pues te sienta muy bien, te hace más sexy
-¿más sexy?
-si Paloma, eres muy sexy, eres preciosa-dice Fabián mientras acaricia la nuca de Paloma que inclina la cabeza a un lado.
-dime más-dice Paloma que abraza a Fabián y posa su mejilla en su pecho mientras agita su cuello mientras Fabián se lo acaricia.
Fabián abraza también a Paloma mientras con una mano sigue acariciándola la nuca
-eres radiante, reluces entre la gente-dice Fabián
-dime más-pide Paloma
-tus ojos verdes son preciosos, tan llenos de vida
-dime más
-eres el sueño de cualquier hombre
-dime más
-tus preciosos morritos saben a fresa
-¿a fresa?
-dime más
-te follaría a todas horas
Paloma se separa de Fabián
-¡eeeeh, romántico!-ríe Paloma
Paloma mira a Fabián, comienza a quitarse un poco su bañador rojo, primero un hombro, luego otro, la ajustada tela roja comienza a bajar por la piel blanca de la preciosa ninfa, ante Fabián aparecen dos pequeños pechos, Paloma es casi plana, Fabián los mira y sonríe.
-¿qué? son demasiadas pequeñas ¿verdad?-dice Paloma mientras baja sus ojos y se mira sus tetas.
-¡si son muy pequeñas!-sonríe Fabián
-¿sí?-dice Paloma que levanta la mirada y ve a Fabián que mira sus tetas con deseo
-¡sí, pequeñas y preciosas!-dice Fabián que se agacha un poco y se lanza a mamar las tetitas de Paloma
Paloma recibe a Fabián abrazándole, él se abraza a ella mientras comienza a mamar uno de los pequeños pechos de Paloma
-¡si, si, joder!-gime Paloma mientras nota como Fabián la desea
Fabián pasa su boca de un pecho a otro
-¡si, si, son muy pequeñas, mmmmmm!-gime Fabián mientras chupa los pechitos de Paloma
Paloma echa su cuello hacia atrás, sonríe mientras nota que Fabián la desea, que abre la boca y se mete del todo uno de sus pequeños pechos, luego el otro, los succiona, los mama, abraza la cabeza de Fabián mientras arquea su espalda hacia atrás.
-¡Dios que gusto me das!-gime Paloma
Fabián aparta su boca de los pechos de Paloma, se pone de rodillas y posa su mejilla en su vientre, Paloma le mira desde arriba, acaricia su nuca.
-¡buen chico, buen chico!-dice Paloma acaricia la cabeza de Fabián, mientras nota la mejilla de Fabián en su ombligo.
Fabián se separa, mira a Paloma hacia arriba, ella le sonríe, Fabián agarra el bañador a medio bajar de Paloma y comienza a bajárselo del todo, ante Fabián aparece un precioso coño depilado. Paloma se apoya en el hombro de Fabián para levantar sus piernas y quitarse del todo el bañador. Fabián admira el gesto de Paloma para quitarse el bañador, su preciosas piernas levantarse en un grácil y precioso movimiento. Una preciosa y pequeña diosa desnuda se impone ante él, la mira desde abajo, de repente Paloma se pone seria, le mira desafiante desde arriba, Fabián la mira fascinado, posa sus manos en las calderas de ella, acerca su boca a su coño depilado, saca su lengua, comienza a acariciar con la punta de su lengua la abertura del coño de Paloma, ella posa sus manos en la cabeza de él, acaricia su calva.
-¡así cielo, soy tuya!-gime Paloma mientras nota como Fabián lame su coño
Fabián mete más la lengua, acaricia la parte superior, nota estremecerse a Paloma, la acaricia las caderas, acaricia su pequeño cuerpo mientras saborea su coño, poco a poco mueve sus manos hasta agarrarla su culo, nota como Paloma ríe, magrea su pequeño culo, saborea su coño, nota que lo hace bien, que ella disfruta, nota el coño humedecerse solo.
Paloma da un paso atrás, se separa de Fabián, él la mira de rodillas, ella le hace un gesto para que se levante, Fabián obedece.
Paloma se vuelve a acercar, poco a poco se agacha, se pone de rodillas a los pies de Fabián, acaricia con una mano la barriga del hombre.
-¡estás un poco gordo pero me gusta tu cuerpo!-murmura Paloma mientras mira hacia arriba a Fabián.
Fabián la mira, asiente, Paloma comienza a agárrale por su bañador y comienza a bajárselo, poco a poco el bañador se atasca con la polla dura de Fiaban. Paloma ríe mientras sigue bajando el bañador, la polla dura sigue enganchada, la polla dura se pone en horizontal ante Paloma, sujeta por el bañador, Paloma tira con más fuerza mientras Fabián se muerde un labio y mira Paloma que fuerza su bañador para que baje. De repente la polla se libera y aparece ante la cara de Paloma, una polla dura se agita ante la preciosa cara de la joven que la admira con deseo.
-¿es pequeña verdad?-ríe Fabián desde arriba que ve como su polla se agita ante la preciosa cara de Paloma, ve como la joven sigue con el movimiento de la cabeza el agitar de su polla, como si estuviera hipnotizándose con el movimiento de la polla de Fabián.
Paloma mira a Fabián desde abajo, riendo, mirando a Fabián con cara viciosa, sacando la punta de su lengua.
-¡no, no es pequeña, es perfecta, es preciosa!-dice Paloma mientras agarra con una mano la polla de Fabián, tira de ella hacia abajo para ponerla en horizontal, la polla dura insiste en subir para ponerse hacia arriba, para pegarse hacia el ombligo de Fabián, Paloma hace fuerza y vuelve a bajarla, dura delante de los morritos de Paloma, la ninfa comienza a mamarla mientras mira hacia a arriba a Fabián.
Fabián mira como Paloma comienza a mamarle la polla mientras ella le mira con sus preciosos ojos verdes, los dos se miran mientras la cabeza de la preciosa joven se mueve hacia atrás y hacia delante, mientras escucha el sonido de la polla al meterse en la preciosa y pequeña boca de la joven, de vez en cuando Paloma juega con el prepucio de la polla de Fabián, lo lame con su lengua, lo acaricia con su mano, Fabián se estremece.
Paloma agarra el culo de Fabián mientras vuelve a mamar con deseo su polla, se la saca, se la mete, se la saca, sin parar de mirar hacia arriba a Fabián, se frota la polla contra su mejilla, se la vuelve a meter, se la saca, acaricia el prepucio con una de sus manos, rodeando el prepucio con la palma de su mano, se la vuelve a meter en la boca, se la saca otra vez, golpea con fuerza la polla con una mano, mira como la polla se mueve de un lado a otro con los golpes que le da, nota lo dura que está al verla moverse, al golpearla con la mano, se la vuelve a meter, se la vuelve a sacar, juega con la lengua en la punta del prepucio, se la vuelve a meter, se la vuelve a sacar, muerde el prepucio, muerde la polla de lado, Fabián se estremece de gusto, Paloma se vuelve a meter su polla en la boca, se la mete hasta el fondo, se la saca, se la vuelve a meter hasta el fondo, la frota contra el interior de su boca, contra la mejilla. Fabián ve su polla marcarse dentro de la mejilla de Paloma, mientras ella le mira en todo momento con sus preciosos ojos verdes, mira como Paloma juega con su polla a la vez que le mira con cariño.
-¡es la mamada de mi vida!-piensa Fabián que nunca se había sentido tan deseado
Paloma deja de mamar, se levanta, acaricia el cuerpo de Fabián mientras se levanta.
-¡que macho!-ríe Paloma mientras sube sus manos por el cuerpo de Fabián
-¡que hembra!-ríe Fabián
Paloma coge la mano de Fabián y tira de él, se dirige a la terraza, él se da cuenta.
-¡no a la terraza no, que nos ven!-se resiste Fabián
Paloma mira a Fabián, insiste y tira de él, él se deja llevar, llegan desnudos a la terraza del piso de Fabián, ella con su cuerpo pequeño y radiante, el con su polla dura, el mira fuera, se da cuenta que todo está vacío, la gente está en sus casas viendo el partido, Fabián da un suspiro de alivio.
Paloma suelta la mano de Fabián, se gira y le da la espalda, posa sus dos manos en la barandilla de la terraza, inclina su pequeño cuerpo y saca su culo, gira la cabeza hacia atrás, mira a Fabián, le hace un gesto, le invita a follársela.
Fabián mira ante él una preciosa joven que se ofrece para que la penetren por detrás, al aire libre, a la vista de todos, nota su polla agitarse sola de pura excitación, Fabián asiente, Paloma gira su cabeza hacia delante, se agarra fuerte a la barandilla, sus manos aprietan con fuerza el hierro de la barandilla, agita su precioso y redondito culo, Fabián se acerca, Paloma se prepara para recibir su polla, Fabián comienza a meter la punta de su polla en el culo de Paloma.
Paloma lanza un gemido sordo mientras nota como Fabián la folla el culo, nota el prepucio entrar en su culo, salir de su culo, nota la polla dura jugar en la raja de su culo, frotarse en el culo sin meterse, nota como Fabián la coge de sus estrechas caderas, Paloma se aprieta los labios, cierra los ojos, nota como el macho le mete su polla hasta el fondo de golpe.
-¡aghhhhh, siiii!-gime la ninfa que se siente sometida por el macho.
Paloma nota como disfruta Fabián, los dos intentan no hacer ruido pero Fabián se excita más y más y comienza a follarla con fuerza, saca y mete la polla del todo varias veces, Paloma se agarra con más fuerza a la barandilla, nota como Fabián saca la polla y la embiste varias veces.
Fabián se folla a la pequeña Paloma, se siente un hombre, nota el estrecho culo de Paloma que aprieta su polla, acaricia el cuerpecito de Paloma, nota que ella disfruta. De repente Fabián se da cuenta que abajo alguien mira, junto a un árbol el joven musculoso que Paloma rechazó les mira enfadado, Paloma no le ha visto, Fabián sonríe y comienza a follar el culo de Paloma con más fuerza.
-¡ostiasssss!-gime en voz baja Paloma mientras la barandilla tiembla.
Abajo el joven musculoso deja la zona, Fabián le ve y sonríe, sigue follándose el culo de Paloma, de la pequeña Paloma, de la seria Paloma, de la ninfa Paloma, de la joven que tanto desea, se siente lleno de vida. De repente un grito resuena en toda la comunidad
-¡¡¡gooooool!!!!-resuena en todo el vecindario.
Poco a poco Fabián deja de follar duro a Paloma y saca su polla del culo de ella. Paloma cae agotada junto a la barandilla, Fabián hace lo mismo y se deja caer junto a ella, la agarra de la mano, los dos se miran, ríen.
-¿gooool? ¿lo decían por nosotros?-ríe con fuerza Paloma
Fabián no ríe, mira fascinado a la preciosa rubia que tiene junto a él, Paloma deja de reír, le mira, se incorpora un poco, se abre de piernas y se coloca encima de Fabián que permanece sentado con la espalda apoyada en la barandilla de la terraza. Paloma se agarra la coleta y se quita la goma, su preciosa melena rubia se agita libre ante Fabián.
-¡ostiasssss!-gime en voz baja Fabián que queda deslumbrado ante la belleza de la amazona que comienza a montarle como una loca.
Paloma coloca sus manos en los hombros mientras Fabián hace lo mismo sobre sus estrechas caderas, poco a poco Paloma monta a Fabián, sube y baja sobre la polla de Fabián, mientras su melena se agita ante un fascinado Fabián, Paloma se da cuenta y comienza a agitar a los lados su cabeza para que su pelo se revuelva más.
-¿así, así, te gusta?-gime Paloma en voz baja mientras se folla a Fabián.
-¡si, si, que pelo más bonito!-gime Fabián en voz baja
-¡lo sé, lo sé, soy la puta ostia!-gime Paloma con los ojos cerrados
-¡si, si, eres la mejor!
-¡sí, sí, soy la mejor, ostias puta!
-¡si, si cariño!
-¡menudo polvazo tengo! ¿verdad?
-¡si, si, preciosa!-gime Fabián mientras acaricia el cuerpecito de Paloma
-¡soy tan bonita, tan bonita!-gime Paloma que sube sus manos, las pone en su melena rubia, se revuelve el pelo para delirio de Fabián
-¡Dios, Dios, que bonita!-gime Fabián mientras acaricia la tetitas de Paloma
-¡adórame, adórame, adórame!-gime extasiada Paloma que sigue revolviéndose el pelo
-¡si, si, eres una diosa!
-¡sí, sí, soy una dioooo, ahhhhhhhhhhh!-gime Paloma que comienza a convulsionarse
Fabián agarra fuerte a Paloma por las caderas, nota como la joven se excita sin control, Paloma se inclina hacia adelante y se agarra a la barandilla sobre la cabeza de Fabián, posa sus pechos sobre la cara de Fabián, el lame sus tetitas.
-¡tú puta madre, tu puta madre!-gime Paloma que cabalga a Fabián con locura
Paloma suelta la barandilla, se vuelve a echar hacia atrás, los labios de Fabián se separan de las tetitas de Paloma, la joven arquea su espalda hacia atrás.
Paloma abre los ojos y mira a Fabián mientras ella se corre, se corre, casi parece que va a llorar.
Fabián nota el pequeño cuerpo de Paloma vibrar, nota como ella le mira con los ojos vidriosos.
-¡te quiero, te quiero!-dice Fabián mientras Paloma se corre casi llorando
-¿qué, queee?-gime Paloma mientras su cara brilla mientras se corre, mientras mira al hombre que dice que la quiere.
De repente Paloma, en pleno éxtasis, lanza una bofetada a Fabián, un sonido seco recorre la comunidad de vecinos, Fabián no se queja, Paloma vuelve en sí y le acaricia la mejilla con cariño, casi llorando de felicidad Paloma comienza a calmarse tras correrse. Exhausta Paloma abraza a Fabián, él no se ha corrido todavía.
-¡cabrón!, ¿me dices que me quieres mientras me corro?-susurra Paloma en el oído de Fabián
-¡lo siento, lo siento!-murmura Fabián mientras abraza a Paloma que se levanta un poco y se saca la polla de su coño.
Paloma se separa del cuerpo de Fabián, le acaricia otra vez la mejilla.
-¡tranquilo, no pasa nada, anda ponte de pie, córrete en mi cara, desahógate!-sonríe Paloma que mira con cariño a Fabián.
Fabián mira a Paloma, ella asiente con su mirada, Fabián se pone de pie, desnudo en la terraza comienza a masturbarse delante de Paloma que le mira de rodillas con las manos apoyadas en las piernas, Paloma admira el cuerpo imperfecto de Fabián.
Paloma le mira desde abajo, Fabián mira a la preciosa ninfa que le admira, de repente comienza a eyacular, su semen comienza a caer en los preciosos labios de ella, Paloma abre un poco la boca, el semen se entrelaza entre sus labios.
-¡ahhhhhh, Paloma por Dios!-gime Fabián
Paloma no dice nada, deja que el semen la cubra la cara, que el semen salpique su preciosa melena rubia revuelta. Paloma saca su lengua, su lengua juega con el semen de Fabián, el semen cuelga entre sus labios, unas gotas caen en uno de sus pequeños pechos. Fabián exhausto mira la preciosa cara de la rubita que sigue con las manos sobre sus rodillas, la chica seria e inaccesible se muestra sumisa ante él, cubierta de su leche, su piel blanca reluce para él, uno de sus pechitos reluce con su semen en él, una diosa, una ninfa del bosque se ofrece ante él.
Fabián se pone de rodillas junto a Paloma que también está de rodillas, él alarga una mano y extiende su semen sobre la cara de la joven, ella sonríe con dulzura, inclina su cabeza mientras la mano de Fabián la acaricia, su cara reluce más, Fabián pone sus dos manos en sus rodillas, igual que Paloma, los dos de rodillas, apoyados en sus nalgas, con las manos en sus rodillas, se miran, se admiran.
-¡si, te quiero Paloma, y sí, me acordaré de ti el resto de mi vida, te lo prometo!-dice serio Fabián
-¡lo sé!-dice Paloma que se lanza a abrazar al hombre corriente.

Same as La socorrista y el hombre corriente Videos

2 years ago
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Truth or dare brother 4

“And what happened to taking this slow Jeff? This is a huge step to say the least. Are you absolutely sure you wanna do this?” I asked. “Yes. I love Jill, no matter what. To hell with waiting. I never wanna lose you and I wanna show you how much I love you. I wanna make you as happy as you can possibly be,” Jeff replied. “But we can't really tell anyone except for Jessica,” I said. “I know, but it doesn't matter to me, we'll know it and we'll have a small wedding. But I love you Jill. So even...

2 years ago
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Horny Indian Village Couple Having Sex

/** * Image Gallery * * @author Spartacus * @since 1.0 * */ jQuery(document).ready( function($) { $( '#grid-gallery' ).imagesLoaded( function () { $( '#grid-gallery' ).masonry( { itemSelector : '.item' } ); } ); $( '#grid-gallery' ).masonry(); $( '#grid-gallery' ).masonry( 'bindResize' ); //swipbox fix title as alt $( '#grid-gallery a' ).each(...

4 years ago
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Back when I was 19, My first serious girlfriend was named Jennifer. She was 18, about 5' 6", about 130 lbs, very attractive with THICK brown/black hair. She had 36DD tits, big nipples about an inch long when excited, a flat stomach, nice legs, a great ass and a real thick bush and she tasted delicious as I ate her alot.She was built like a brick shithouse.Anyhow, one day we decided to go a new beach we had heard about. It was anude beach, and we both got real excited about it. We decided to...

2 years ago
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A dream cum true Chapter two

When Amanda arrived at school the following morning she noticed her best friend, Jade, ahead in the crowd making her way though the school gates. "Jade, oh Jade!" she called. Her friend turned and smiled, her satchel clutched against her ample, high set breasts. The other students parted around her as she stood, waiting for Amanda.Jade's mother, who was living back with her family on the island of Mindinao, was a Philippino by birth. Her father, an Australian, had married her after a whirlwind...

1 year ago
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Kims Training Day Part 1

Bill and I have been friends for several years, having met at the local beach. We share an interest in handball, sailing, and beautiful women. When we have girlfriends, we often socialize as a group. When without regular companionship, we hunt for women together at the local hot spots. We have an easy friendship and shared sense of humor that appeals to many women, more than one of whom has asked us to fulfill their fantasy for a threesome. Although similar in many ways, Bill and I have our...

2 years ago
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Erotic Show Put Up By Our Wives

Hi. I am going to narrate a real incident happened during our visit to my best friend’s house. This was the start of our sexual exploration. Me (Ranjith) and my wife Deepti have a few common friends whom we visit regularly. One such friend is Vishal and Pratibha. Vishal is my college friend. My wife and Pratibha get on very well as they have the same frequency. On this day we were having our drinks just beer and watching cricket. Unfortunately, India lost. We were very much frustrated and we...

3 years ago
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Magicians MergerChapter 31

As we rode home, I explained to Mary what I had seen during my inadvertent scrying session. I didn't mention Ursus's speculation about the chain and collar. "So he's really another magician, then?" Mary asked. "It looks all but certain. I want to get home and try scrying his place some more." "Why are you so concerned about this man?" "I don't know, but I keep seeing visions of him and his house even when I'm not trying to. Something about him is important." When Mary and I...

3 years ago
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Sex with Neighbour Bhabhi

Hello ISS readers , this is Ajay 24 yeas oldfrom Kandivli,Mumbai. I have been a Gud fan of ISS and reading regularly. Many of the stories are surely fuctional. But believe me this story is a real one. Two months ago, the flat in my neighbor was rented by a couple with a child. As They was new to the place sandhya regularly visited our place to meet my mom. One day when I returned from office she was sitting at home and chatting with my mom. My mon introduced me to her and told that they are...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Aiden Ashley Kenzie Anne A Clinic In Romance

On her way home from work, Aiden Ashley receives an ominous text from her girlfriend. Apparently, they missed a movie they were supposed to go see, and she isn’t sure if she even wants to see Aiden anymore. When she arrives home, Aiden reads the text aloud to her roommate, Kenzie Anne. Kenzie and Aiden discuss what might be causing this reaction from Aidan’s girlfriend, and it is quickly revealed that Aiden is so busy at her new job as a nurse that she may be neglecting her...

3 years ago
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Miss Robins Sunday Morning

Jackie woke me up by licking on my penis through the pink panty material. I love getting woken this way. We were both wearing baby dolls with matching panties and Miss Robins and Mother both insist we are to wear coordinating bras. We both need breast enhancers anyway so that goes without saying. We were lying on the bed in a 69 position and his wonderfully engorged penis was popping out of his cute little panties. Oh, what is a girl to do? Like Duh? I started lapping away and he...

1 year ago
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Black Bull Challenge

…and welcome one and all one of the best website reviews you will ever read!As I recall, it was around the middle of the aughts when I noticed that a few categories and presentations of porn became super popular. The most obvious was gonzo porn, but as time wore on, a lot of other people and I noticed that interracial erotica blew up in popularity.In hindsight, I cannot say that I am super surprised – especially the way this trending type of erotica was presented. Plenty of scenes would and do...

Premium Cuckold Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 929 All Kinds of Limericks

These are compliments of Rick M. Air Lingus A mother and her young son were flying Air Lingus. The son, who had been looking out the plane’s window, turned to his mother and said, “Mom, if big dogs have baby dogs and big cats have baby cats, why don’t big planes have baby planes?” Stumped, the mother suggested to her son that he ask the stewardess. The boy promptly got out of his seat and wandered back to the service area. “Excuse me,” the boy said to the stewardess. “If big dogs have...

3 years ago
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Confessions of a High School Cheerleader Part 3

Christy and I were catching up, she was also putting in her pitch for cheerleader captain, when she brought up an interesting topic. "Have you been getting with any girls, since Brit left?" Hmm, now she had my attention. "Why, are you interested?" "No offense but my brother keeps my worn out. But I was having a discussion with someone else...." "Ooo, who?" "Just between the two of us, officially. But there's someone who really likes you, but is too shy or whatever." "OK, you...

2 years ago
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My best friend mom

I was just out of high school when it happened. I stopped by Brian’s to see if he wanted to go fishing. I knocked but no one answered. It wasn’t unusual for me to walk on in and head up to Brian’s room if no one answered so that’s what I did. As I got to the top of the stairs I saw a light coming from his mom’s room. I was going to head on past to Brian’s room but something made me stop in the hall outside her room. The door was open just enough for me to see inside.

1 year ago
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A pretty blonde teacher becomes the main attraction at an interracial party

Miriam Smith looked forward to her Friday nights with her fellow teachers from school. She and several of the other teachers got together for a ladies night out to let their hair down and celebrate the start of the cherished weekend. The pretty blonde wife taught English at the high school and enjoyed her work but she also enjoyed having a good time as well. She was definitely no ‘stick in the mud’ when it came to partying on the weekends. Sometimes the group went out for drinks at...

3 years ago
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Finding HomeChapter 11

Tuesday morning breakfast is for six, because Rob joins us. Over breakfast he tells me about how I’ll be travelling from now on, due to improved security arrangements. One of the team will go with me in the taxi, and they’ll return after I’m seen into the school. Of an afternoon a guard will meet me outside the school. I nod approval, then I tell Sharon to get the information on the armoured vehicles, and to give it to Rob so he can select a couple of vehicles for us to purchase. I give him...

3 years ago
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Hot tub Fun1

Just thought I would share the experience I had the other night with my Sister in law. It was a hot Wednesday summer afternoon. Everyone was relaxing, staying as cool as possible with the air conditioning going. I guess at some point, I managed to doze off on the couch and when I woke up, it was past seven in the evening. I couldn't believe I had slept so long. After getting up and seeing where everyone was at, I found my wife April hanging out watching movies with her sister Christy on...

2 years ago
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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 30

XXX Here and there To underscore her subordinate status Florence ate by herself in the kitchen. Then I ordered her into the dining room to clear away the remains of our meal. She was wearing her jeans and rugby shirt but of course had no bra since Wendy had not returned it. I watched how her unconstrained breasts filled the voluminous shirt, they did not project quite so far horizontally as in the bookshop but as she moved about we could all see how the overhang of the shirt, only loosely...

2 years ago
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Spanish MILF in the red bikini

Living in Southern Spain for a lot of years was a voyeurs dream. Fuck me there was wall to wall pussy everywhere that looking at bikini clad, half naked girls and women was just an everyday thing. After years of this a good voyeur like myself wanted a bit more!The wife and I lived in an apartment on a typical coastal Spanish golf urbanisation. Every apartment was virtually the same and each one had a balcony, some like mine on the ground floor had gardens. There was a communal swimming pool in...

4 years ago
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My Wicked WaysChapter 6

As we sat down for breakfast (which was leftover pizza), I found myself playing footsie with Josie, who seemed to be rather thrilled with my attitude about her estranged husband in Montreal. Then again, my perspective wasn't really surprising, given that I was Jewish and didn't particularly care for Nazis, Aryan types, or skinheads in general. I think that she enjoyed was my hands-on outlook on her involvement with Jean-Baptiste, given that he still seemed to want a reconciliation and she...

3 years ago
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CindyChapter 20

And Monday morning came. I wasn't one to hate or dread Mondays, but I dearly despised going away and leaving Cindy to catch her bus. I went through the day almost on autopilot myself. Fortunately for the project, nothing came up that required a lot of attention. Nah, I can't say that. I shift gears pretty fast in the face of real problems. I was happy none showed up on Monday. As I drove out the gate I speed-dialed Cindy on my phone. "Hey, sweetie," she answered. "You on the way...

3 years ago
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Adam Vivian Naked in SchoolPart 3 Wednesday

The next morning I went to swim practice at the Y as usual. The Y, however, had started to get whacky. In particular, Ethan and his girlfriend Caitlin were undressing near the center of the locker room formerly known as Men's. Caitlin was on the girl's swim team at Inner Outlands High School. "Hi, Ethan. Hi Caitlin," I greeted them, "What's up?" "Just practice," answered Ethan. And with that, he and Caitlin strolled out naked toward the pool. I just stood and thought about that...

2 years ago
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The Adventures of Dennis Bries Orgasm or Betrayal

Brie had a habit of pressing her face against my neck during some point usually towards the end of our sessions. But there were also times when she clutched the back of my neck and suddenly I felt her nose bearing down on my Adam’s apple only about two minutes in, so maybe she was just nervous and didn’t know what to do. There was this one time in my dorm room, during a bout of midday horniness that needed some relief. This time was sexy as shit because she was sitting on top of me and I...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Paulines Anniversary

The day had been an extremely productive one for me. I landed two new clients and closed a mega-deal with another and my boss took me out to celebrate. We had a couple of drinks at the lounge across the street from our office building and then he took me to his favorite titty bar where he paid for me to have several lap dances. I was having a great time and then he tried to make it even better. He pointed to a ravishing redhead and said, "If you want her I'll pay. You can consider it as part...

2 years ago
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Tennis Team TroubleChapter 6

Eventually we dried Sabrina's tears and got her calmed down. Katie helped me to put clean sheets on the bed in my guest room and, to my amazement, offered to sleep in there with Sabrina. What was more amazing, Sabrina accepted the offer. The family crisis apparently drew the sisters together in spite of the beating Sabrina had given Katie a few hours earlier. In the morning I was cooking breakfast for the girls when Katie joined me in the kitchen. She didn't say anything, just kissed me on...

4 years ago
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Jack and DeniseChapter 4

Jack staggered out the door of Jill and Staci's apartment late that evening. After Staci had gotten her turn, the threesome had taken a break to order some pizza and guzzle some water down. Jill had turned on the air conditioner to cool the apartment down and help with the stuffy smell of sex that permeated the small apartment. Once their pizza arrived, Jill dared Staci to answer the door naked. Never one to turn down a dare, Staci waltzed up to the door and threw it open, revealing not only...

3 years ago
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A month to die

A month to die. By Tvstar Dear fictionmaniacs I hope you like this story comments are welcome, write me at: Prologue "Where am I?, where was I?, I was at work, wasn't I?.... My head feels like it was made of lead, hot lead; heavy, incandescent, pounding." "Why Are my eyes closed?, I can't see a thing, I can fell a blind fold... Where am I? I can feel I'm naked, but is not cold, there is a soft Surface under me like a leather couch, I should be scared but I...

2 years ago
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Man of The Law

This short story is completely fictional. Any of the events that take place in this story are not based on real life situations. It was the summer of ’10 and I had sought out a career in Corrections. I had just graduated and I had to wait a couple of weeks to turn 19 before I could start the application process. Things went pretty smoothly and I was hired in a couple months. I was 19 with a good paying job and was set to be on my own. The only catch was I worked for the state and they could...

3 years ago
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how she turned my life into a hell

A real story about how she turned my life into a hell.The start We’ve been married a few years and it all went well. When we made love every now and than she tied me up or otherwise. No big deal. After a while I started searching the internet about BDSM and femdom because it really turned me on. We spoke about it, but she never would go farther. Finally Friday afternoon, finished with working and looking out for a nice and well deserved three weeks holidays, she called me to the basement. I...

3 years ago
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Caught In The Act 8211 Part 1

This is my first story, so please don’t bother with any mistakes. I am Paul (Just like other authors here, this is a fake identity, though the facts are true) 22 years old guy from Kerala living in Bangalore working as Software Engineer. I studied in Mumbai. I am 6 ft tall and have a dick of 6 inch. My family is composed of my Dad Mathew, a businessman aged 52(mom says he was a stud during his primes), mom Susan is homemaker aged 47 with height 5′ 5″ and she is really hot for her age and keeps...

4 years ago
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Church Ladies PT 2

After that night at home and of course after that weekend alone as well she came in to work all prepared to find Catherine and see what was going on as far as she was concerned but she didn’t. Seeing as it was Monday, she came in that morning and of course wondered if Catherine was already in however Sarah’s schedule dictated that she had way too much to do. Sarah didn’t even look around for her. She didn’t look for Catherine at all. She didn’t even know if Catherine was there yet. In truth,...

2 years ago
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Late in office

Hi Friends Raj here and last few weeks had been hectic. I had been staying in office late till 9.30 least ways for almost 6 days a week. Fortunately I had for company a gal newly joined who was assigned to me to build her in the lines of work which we specialize or in our domain. I have the reputation as one of the best trainers as well as mentors in addition to being the senior member with so much multi skill back ground (unfortunately for others and me :( ) Well this gal was an atypical gal...

3 years ago
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The Aftermath of War

Gradually over the next few weeks tensions eased a bit, the fraternization rules were relaxed and Germany became a much better place.The rubble clearing still went on though, it had to, the building work was moving on quicker than most of us had anticipated.I'd met Eva's younger brother Manfred and I'd managed to get him a job on our building gang as a tea boy and general labourer, he still did a bit of black market wheeling and dealing, but mostly he was kept busy working and he was getting a...

1 year ago
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Memories of Lillian

He sat in the chair at the foot bed, his eyes focused on the young man’s hefty penis as it pounded in and out of her. The young man’s buttocks tightened as his seed gushed into her; the man in the chair watched and lazily stroked his erection. He bid farewell to the young man as he left the hotel room and watched as he disappeared into the elevator. Closing the door he heard that she was already running the bath and his erection twitched with excitement. He enjoyed these hotel evenings most of...

2 years ago
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Hospitail Stay

Just recently I had to have two different surgeries meaning two different stays in the hospital. My wife came to stay with me and to make sure I was well taken care of. The first night was rough not only on me but my wife not much sleep for either one of us. The next day we both slept and rested well and where up all the night.Just about every hour on the hour my nurse would come into the room, she was younger than us and had just recently had a baby. She was chubby and full breasted and very...

4 years ago
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Chachi Ka Fiver Ko Maje Me Badla

Hello, dosto, mai smarty hajir hu. Apni ek aur bahut hi interesting aur real story aapke samne lekar aasha krta hu ki aap logo ko meri ye sex story jarur pasand aayegi. Meri ye story aap logo ko kaisi lagi mujhe mail jarur kare per.. Dosto meri age 23 h and ye kahani ki heroine matlab meri chachi. Unki age 33 hai bilkul slim sexy hai. Use dekhte sath man karta hai ki use pakad kar chod du. Ye story thodi lambi h per mai wada karta hu aap sabhi ka pani jarur nikal jayega story padhte...

3 years ago
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Bondage with Kyle

Kyle's parents were away for a long  weekend, as it was a public holiday on the Monday. Being almost 21 and having a bit more freedom I spent the weekend with him at his parents place. The Friday night he made a suggestion, that tomorrow he wanted to tie me up and have his way with me, anyway he wants. I agreed to it although telling him that anal was out of the question. Friday night once in bed cuddling. We soon started making out. Moving my hand down his chest and tummy to his cock, finding...

2 years ago
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Slaves Market TakenChapter 10

International airport of Nairobi. Rebecca has just passed the police check and is waiting for her luggage. “Good evening, Miss Johnson. Did you have a good trip?” Surprised, Rebecca turns around. A man of color, very tall and elegantly dressed, holds out his hand. “Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jason Wallace and I am the executive director of White Inc”., he continues, showing her some papers. “I extend a warm welcome to you on behalf of the company.” Rebecca, somewhat...

2 years ago
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Who Cares What I Wear Ch 01

Who Cares What I Wear? © 2010 All Rights Reserved ‘Come on, Em. You should come to the party. Everyone’s going to be there, and they miss you.’ Emily Pearson closed her eyes and tightened her grip on the phone. ‘I don’t know, Sharon. I’m really not in a party mood.’ ‘Em, I know you miss him. I know it’s been hard. But you can’t hide forever.’ ‘I’m not, I just…I just don’t know if I feel like it.’ ‘Okay, you’ve given me no choice.’ Sharon adopted a no-nonsense tone and Emily had to smile....

2 years ago
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Accident lead to a cuckold session

Hi Friends, I’m a 38-year-old married male working in Bangalore. I’m a native of a small town near Madurai, Tamilnadu. I would love to meet women in Bangalore or near Madurai. I have had a few flings with women and couples, and all ladies except one were above my age. Now, I am coming to the story. This incident happened while I had gone to my native for Christmas Holidays for 10 days. Five days went by normally. I was trying to get a woman to fuck as it’s been a week since I had sex with my...

4 years ago
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The Injustice of the World

“There they go,“ I muttered to no one in particular, “baggy fucking t-shirts, formless trackies and bloody horrible dirty trainers. It’s disgusting.”I could almost cry.The school run and its procession of drab figures slouch pass my ground floor window twice a day, each time it's like a stab to the heart. The little ones are running and laughing, playing tag, shouting to unseen friends or generally enthralled at another bright sunny day.Their parents? Slagging off such-and-such to another...

2 years ago
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Hidden Heritage I The GuardiansChapter 6

It took a couple of more days to get us - Elof, Knut, Oskar, Ove and myself ready for our mission. We were a bit worried about the weather when the locals told us that it might be changing. In general, the weather was good and bright, the nights were cold, but the days were clear and nice. Two more weeks of that and this mission could be over! I used the last night before our mission to send one more letter to Saga. I hoped that I’d be able to arrive back home immediately after the...

3 years ago
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Another true encounter with a

Went on a road trip the other week with my boys. We were staying pretty much on the beach and it was about 80 degrees everyday. It was just the 6 of us and during the day we would lay out on the beach and admire all the hot and barely clothed women. I consider myself an ass man by trade but during the trip really gained an affinity for a nice rack. There were so many topless women at this particular beach it was a bit ridiculous. At night we would find a club and buy some expensive drinks and...

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Shirley 8211 My Lovely Sister 8211 Part 12

Hi this is Steve back again with the 12Th part of my story series.. First of all I would like to apologize to my readers about the delay that has happened in posting my current part. The reason for this I have described at the end of my part..In fact I couldn’t find time to pen down even this part but due to increasing pressure from my readers,i have managed to chalk up a limited part purely for the sake of my beloved readers.. Though it might not be as long as my usual stories, I hope that it...

3 years ago
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I Just Turned on a Man

Once upon a time, not long ago, I was in college. Now, you would think college is where sex is easy. Ladies abound, walking everywhere. Whilst that is somewhat true, my shy, introverted personality somewhat collides with that. If you get to know me, I am a straight man that is very secure in his masculinity. I love women. I have been since middle school when puberty hit me with an uppercut to the jaw. However, a funny story happened. When I was in college, I thought about something. I never...

3 years ago
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Yesterday and Today I Sucked A Cock Part 3

Previously I have told how going to the bus station to get my cock sucked resulted in me sucking the cock of my drop dead gorgeous sister’s hunk of a boyfriend. I was so enamored by this hunk, I promised him I would teach my sister to be a better cocksucker, if he would only fuck me. And fuck me he did.Now I was obligated to become a cocksucking instructor. Toby had complained that my sister Missy was a lousy cocksucker and was impressed by my cocksucking skills. The skills I have, came from...

2 years ago
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Another breeding conference

White wife, 45EE-36-45 gave birth to her twins when she was 55 and 4 months of age, all went well, two young (18 & 19 year old) boys each fathered one of the fraternal twins. It's now 11 months later, wife is now 56 and 3 months of age, took awhile to lose her baby fat but she's now down to her pre-baby size as per measurements above. She'll be attending another conference on her own starting tomorrow. First time away from her new twins. She asked me if the circumstances presented...

3 years ago
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Death By Fucking Ch 09

Dee Dee’s Story We slept for hours on Saturday afternoon. We had all dozed off after making love for the first time knowing we could get pregnant. It never occurred to me that the act of sex can be so intensified by that knowledge. I don’t know when I’ve wanted to make love so much before. Well, Wednesday evening, the first time Andrew and I were together was incredibly intense. Actually, Thursday was pretty intense, too. I’m starting to sound like a broken record. Every time I’ve made love...

4 years ago
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Lindsey An unlikely Romance part 5

September was another hot one, Sean wanted to host another pool party for the band. I said I was too busy at work and wouldn't have time to set one up. But Karen, the next day approached me about a pool party at her house. I said I would drop Sean off but I couldn't stay. Truth of the matter, I had just bought a sixty nine Camaro and was just getting ready to restore it. That Saturday, I dropped Sean off at Karen's. Lindsey's car was there. But I didn't get out of the car, I don't...

4 years ago
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Path To GloryChapter 40

I had anticipated Beth's question, but no so early. "Outside of you and Bailey," I said. "I have not had intercourse with any of them. In fact, you are the occupant of this house I've most recently had intercourse with." "But you're Tanner's father, aren't you?" she said, but I shook my head. "I'm going to work very hard toward being his dad, but he was sired from the loins of another," I joked. She asked if I planned to have sex with all the women. "No, Beth," I said....

4 years ago
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A Welcomed Guest 4

"I need to talk to you!" She spit with venom as he approached his door. Shit he thought now what? "I'm sorry," The man stated, "can I help you?" The woman smirked at him and was tempted to draw back a hand and beat the truth out of him. Thinking better she took a deep breath. "I don't know how you did it and really I don't care. Someone is going to have to take responsibility for this." The man was dumbfounded as he tried not to look at the woman's face. "I'm sorry...

4 years ago
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The Rendezvous

As im waiting in the terminal I see you walk out. Im standing there in my black trench coat. What you dont know is that I am wearing black and purple corset, black panties, black and purple garter belt. You'll find out soon enough. I have a room waiting for us at the airport Marriot. We get a taxi and head off to the hotel.While in the taxi you slide your hand up my legs and under my coat. Feeling the smooth...

3 years ago
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Christmas CheerChapter 7

The day of Christmas Eve was quiet and low-key. I think both of us were a little worn out by the constant activity of the previous week and glad to have a restful day at home. I spent some time puttering on the computer--no dire emails this time, thank goodness!--and caught up a bit on the novel I was reading. I found a few moments to wrap the St. Christopher medallion I'd bought Mike at the street fair, smiling as I remembered dancing in the square and kissing under the mistletoe. Had it...

4 years ago
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Hello Matron, you wanted to speak to me? Is there something wrong with my uniform? I'll attend to it straight away. Is that all? No? Something concerning a patient? Ah, yes, Mr Leung. Terribly sad case, I'm sure you'll agree.Very severe psoriasis, yes. His temperature was soaring, and he was beginning to hallucinate when I visited him yesterday morning. He was calling out and muttering, so I gave him some fluids and checked his dressings.Routinely, I have to bed-bath him and apply the creams...

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Mother With the HotsChapter 2

She was standing behind the wet bar when Donny came in. He was still wet, dripping water on the carpet. Usually she would have said something to him, but not today. He stood just inside the sliding doors, and her eyes went immediately to the front of his shorts. There was a most delicious-looking bulge there, and Donny was looking back at her with hot, unashamed eyes. "I've been looking at you, Mom," he said in an unusually low voice. A faint flush crept over her cheeks, but it was not...

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A Drive In The Countrya true story

Mitch looks around the room, then leans over and asks, “Do you like to masturbate?” My body responded before my lips did and I felt my nipples harden and my clit swell with arousal. Thinking back, I could remember that by the age of ten I had already discovered that touching certain areas of my body made me feel good. Many a night, I spent, fingering my nipples and cunt, until I quivered with excitement. I blush, giggle, and reply, “Why yes, doesn’t everybody?” Before he could...

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The Choir DirectorChapter 6

"Come in!" I replied to the knock on my office door. "Mr. DeLibo," Allison said timidly, poking her head in. "Come in," I said, urging her forward with an overexaggerated wave. She closed the door and I motioned her to a seat. She was acting skittish and I hadn't asked her to come to my office after choir practice. She and the other girls were free to go their own way this fine Monday morning. "What's on your mind, Allison?" "Uh ... it's about choir." "That's good. I'm...

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50PlusMilfs Janet Mason A Woman With Skills

First, 54-year-old wife and mom Janet Mason tells us about herself. Then she sucks and fucks cock, which is why she came here in the first place. Janet is a beautiful, very fuckable redhead with a spectacular body. She’s no rookie to fucking on-camera, and she definitely knows what she’s doing, displaying superb blow job skills and really bouncing on that hard-on when she’s on top. She’s very flexible, too, and she talks dirty when she’s getting fucked. No cum...


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