La Socorrista Y El Hombre Corriente free porn video

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La socorrista y el hombre corriente

Última hora de la tarde en la piscina de una comunidad de vecinos. Hay partido importante y ya casi no hay nadie en la piscina. Solo está la socorrista y dos vecinos.
La socorrista, Paloma, es una joven de 19 años, bajita, cuerpecito pequeño, con coleta rubia, con unos labios pequeños pero carnosos y unos enormes ojos verdes, enfundada en un ajustado bañador rojo, su pequeña figura reluce junto al agua.
Paloma está sentada en su silla hablando con uno de los vecinos, él es un hombre joven, muy alto, musculado, con un pequeño bañador que marca su paquete, se exhibe ante Paloma, ella le sigue la corriente escuchando su conversación intranscendente, de vez en cuando baja la mirada para mirar el cuerpo del joven, él se da cuenta y sonríe, se acaricia su pecho con una mano mientras habla con Paloma.
De vez en cuando Paloma también mira de reojo al otro vecino que en el otro extremo de la piscina toma el sol en el césped. El otro vecino, Fabián, es un cuarentón nada atractivo, casi calvo, con el cuerpo lleno de bello, algo de barriga, piel blanca, un hombre corriente.
A Fabián no le gusta ir a la piscina, sabe que no puede exhibirse pero desde que trabaja Paloma en su comunidad no puede evitar ir a la piscina solo para poder verla furtivamente, sabe que hay mucha diferencia de edad pero no puede evitar sentirse fascinado por su belleza, le encanta lo sería que siempre está, sus preciosos y grandes ojos verdes que aún desde la lejanía hipnotizan a Fabián.
Llega la hora de cierre de la piscina, Fabián lo sabe y comienza a recoger su toalla para irse a su casa, mientras ve con Paloma parece que discute con el joven musculoso, parece que le está rechazando, a Fabián le encanta verla enfadada, todos los días ve como rechaza a algún joven.
-¡se pone tan guapa enfadada!-piensa Fabián
El joven visiblemente enfadado se aparta de Paloma y recoge su toalla, se marcha a su casa. Con una sonrisa en la boca Fabián comienza a salir de la piscina.
-¡Fabián, espera!- escucha el cuarentón
Fabián se da la vuelta, ve a Paloma correr hacia él. Es la primera vez en dos meses que ella se dirige a él, se pregunta cómo es que sabe su nombre.
La joven llega junto a él.
-¡ah, hola! ¿te llamabas Fabián, verdad?-dice Paloma
-¡eeeh, si!-murmura Fabián que baja la mirada cohibido.
-mira es que necesito darme una ducha caliente antes de irme, ¿puedo dármela en tu casa?-dice Paloma mientras roza con su mano el brazo de Fabián.
Fabián nota una corriente eléctrica recorrer todo su cuerpo al notar la mano rozar un segundo su brazo, levanta la mirada y por primera vez ve una sonrisa en la siempre seria Paloma.
-¡eeh, cla, claro!-murmura Fabián que queda fascinado al ver tan cerca los enormes ojos verdes de Paloma.
-¡ah gracias, espera que voy a recoger todo y cerrar la piscina!-dice jovial Paloma mientras se da la vuelta y sale corriendo.
Fabián nota que se le acelera el corazón, ve a Paloma corriendo descalza por el césped, recoger sus cosas, ¡le parece tan bonita!. De repente Fabián se da cuenta que el joven que ha rechazado Paloma está a lo lejos parado mirándole a él, serio, parece enfadado.
-¡bueno, ya está! ¿vamos?-dice Paloma que sobresalta a Fabián que gira su cabeza hacia ella.
-¡cla, claro!-murmura Fabián que de reojo ve al joven musculoso marcharse.
Fabián y Paloma salen del recinto de la piscina, en silencio los dos recorren la comunidad de vecinos hasta el portal de Fabián. Por el camino se cruzan con dos jóvenes de la comunidad que les miran extrañados, saludan a Paloma al pasar, ella levanta la mano, Fabián nota la mirada extraña de los dos jóvenes al ver a Paloma acompañándole.
Fabián y Paloma entran en el portal, no se cruzan palabra, Paloma sonríe, suben en el ascensor, Fabián ve por el espejo de la cabina del ascensor que Paloma gira su cabeza y le mira, le mira su pecho, le mira su barriga, ve como Paloma juega con una mano con su coleta rubia, ve cómo se muerde el labio inferior. De repente Paloma levanta la vista y mira a Fabián a través del espejo de la cabina, Fabián aparta la mirada, Paloma sonríe más, Fabián se siente angustiado.
Salen de ascensor, Fabián saca la llave de su piso, intenta meterla en la cerradura pero está nervioso y no acierta, Paloma acerca una mano, agarra la mano de Fabián, el nota la fina piel de Paloma agarrar su mano, su corazón late a mil.
-¡tranquilo!-susurra Paloma mientras ayuda a Fabián a meter la llave en la cerradura.
Los dos entran en la casa de Fabián
-¡la, la ducha está allí!-señala Fabián
Paloma mira seria Fabián.
-¿qué?, ¡aah si!, bueno, ¿te importa si antes hablamos un poco?-dice Paloma mientras se pone delante de Fabián, ella tira con violencia sus cosas al suelo, acerca una mano a Fabián y le quita su toalla de la mano, también la tira con furia a un lado y se coloca cara a cara con Fabián que se queda paralizado.
-¿qué, que haces?-tartamudea Fabián que tiene ante él unos enormes y preciosos ojos verdes llenos de vida.
Paloma coloca una mano en el torso desnudo de Fabián, nota como el cuerpo del hombre tiembla.
-¿tú que crees?, ¡ah ya! ¿qué porque he rechazado a ese tío bueno y estoy aquí contigo?, pues te lo voy a decir. Primero, necesito echar un polvo, segundo, si me follo a ese presumido sé que mañana ni se acordará de mí, y tercero, sé que tú te acordarás de mí el resto de tu vida ¿cierto?.
Fabián mira los preciosos ojos verdes de Paloma que se abren de par en par para él.
-si Paloma-tiembla Fabián que confiesa que conoce el nombre de la joven.
Paloma sonríe, acaricia con una mano el pecho de Fabián, con la otra mano comienza a rodear el cuello de él, acerca su boca, sus preciosos morritos, le besa con suavidad. Fabián cierra los ojos, comienza a abrazar las caderas de la pequeña Paloma que se pone de cuclillas ante él. Los dos se besan con suavidad.
Fabián besa a la seria Paloma, besa su labio inferior, besa su labio superior, acaricia su cadera, acaricia la tela de su bañador rojo, nota como Paloma acaricia su torso, le acaricia su cuello, nota como Paloma le trata con cariño, nota que ella le mete un poco la punta de la lengua, él juega con la lengua de ella, vuelve a besar el labio inferior, recorre con su lengua los labios de ella, le mete su lengua, ella la recibe y juega con ella dentro de su boca.
-¡qué bien besas cariño!-balbucea Paloma
-¡y tu bonita!-balbucea Fabián
Fabián sube sus dos manos y agarra el cuello de Paloma. Ella, de cuclillas, pasa sus brazos bajo las axilas de Fabián y le abraza agarrándole los hombros al abrazarle. Fabián nota unos pequeños pechos aplastarse contra él, nota su polla que comienza a crecer, Paloma lo nota, baja una de sus manos y comienza a frotarla contra el bañador de Fabián.
-¡mmmm cariño!-gime Fabián que nota la pequeña mano de Paloma entre sus piernas
Paloma mete su mano bajo el bañador de Fabián, el lanza un gemido mientras sigue besando a Paloma
-¡ay, para, para, más despacio o me corro!-gime Fabián
Paloma ríe, saca la mano de la entrepierna de Fabián, los dos se abrazan, separan sus labios y se miran cara a cara
-¡me gustas!-dice Paloma
-¿pero por qué?-dice extrañado Fabián
Paloma sonríe
-¡no sé, me gustas y ya está!-sonríe Paloma
-¡vale!, sabes, solo voy a la piscina por ti, ni siquiera sé nadar-confiesa Fabián
Paloma ríe
-lo sé, ya había notado que nunca te metes y que me mirabas mucho-sonríe Paloma
-estarás acostumbrada-dice Fabián
-seguramente, pero me gusta que me mires tú, que seas tímido
-a mí que seas tan seria
-¿tan seria?-dice Paloma
-es la primera vez que me lo dicen
-pues te sienta muy bien, te hace más sexy
-¿más sexy?
-si Paloma, eres muy sexy, eres preciosa-dice Fabián mientras acaricia la nuca de Paloma que inclina la cabeza a un lado.
-dime más-dice Paloma que abraza a Fabián y posa su mejilla en su pecho mientras agita su cuello mientras Fabián se lo acaricia.
Fabián abraza también a Paloma mientras con una mano sigue acariciándola la nuca
-eres radiante, reluces entre la gente-dice Fabián
-dime más-pide Paloma
-tus ojos verdes son preciosos, tan llenos de vida
-dime más
-eres el sueño de cualquier hombre
-dime más
-tus preciosos morritos saben a fresa
-¿a fresa?
-dime más
-te follaría a todas horas
Paloma se separa de Fabián
-¡eeeeh, romántico!-ríe Paloma
Paloma mira a Fabián, comienza a quitarse un poco su bañador rojo, primero un hombro, luego otro, la ajustada tela roja comienza a bajar por la piel blanca de la preciosa ninfa, ante Fabián aparecen dos pequeños pechos, Paloma es casi plana, Fabián los mira y sonríe.
-¿qué? son demasiadas pequeñas ¿verdad?-dice Paloma mientras baja sus ojos y se mira sus tetas.
-¡si son muy pequeñas!-sonríe Fabián
-¿sí?-dice Paloma que levanta la mirada y ve a Fabián que mira sus tetas con deseo
-¡sí, pequeñas y preciosas!-dice Fabián que se agacha un poco y se lanza a mamar las tetitas de Paloma
Paloma recibe a Fabián abrazándole, él se abraza a ella mientras comienza a mamar uno de los pequeños pechos de Paloma
-¡si, si, joder!-gime Paloma mientras nota como Fabián la desea
Fabián pasa su boca de un pecho a otro
-¡si, si, son muy pequeñas, mmmmmm!-gime Fabián mientras chupa los pechitos de Paloma
Paloma echa su cuello hacia atrás, sonríe mientras nota que Fabián la desea, que abre la boca y se mete del todo uno de sus pequeños pechos, luego el otro, los succiona, los mama, abraza la cabeza de Fabián mientras arquea su espalda hacia atrás.
-¡Dios que gusto me das!-gime Paloma
Fabián aparta su boca de los pechos de Paloma, se pone de rodillas y posa su mejilla en su vientre, Paloma le mira desde arriba, acaricia su nuca.
-¡buen chico, buen chico!-dice Paloma acaricia la cabeza de Fabián, mientras nota la mejilla de Fabián en su ombligo.
Fabián se separa, mira a Paloma hacia arriba, ella le sonríe, Fabián agarra el bañador a medio bajar de Paloma y comienza a bajárselo del todo, ante Fabián aparece un precioso coño depilado. Paloma se apoya en el hombro de Fabián para levantar sus piernas y quitarse del todo el bañador. Fabián admira el gesto de Paloma para quitarse el bañador, su preciosas piernas levantarse en un grácil y precioso movimiento. Una preciosa y pequeña diosa desnuda se impone ante él, la mira desde abajo, de repente Paloma se pone seria, le mira desafiante desde arriba, Fabián la mira fascinado, posa sus manos en las calderas de ella, acerca su boca a su coño depilado, saca su lengua, comienza a acariciar con la punta de su lengua la abertura del coño de Paloma, ella posa sus manos en la cabeza de él, acaricia su calva.
-¡así cielo, soy tuya!-gime Paloma mientras nota como Fabián lame su coño
Fabián mete más la lengua, acaricia la parte superior, nota estremecerse a Paloma, la acaricia las caderas, acaricia su pequeño cuerpo mientras saborea su coño, poco a poco mueve sus manos hasta agarrarla su culo, nota como Paloma ríe, magrea su pequeño culo, saborea su coño, nota que lo hace bien, que ella disfruta, nota el coño humedecerse solo.
Paloma da un paso atrás, se separa de Fabián, él la mira de rodillas, ella le hace un gesto para que se levante, Fabián obedece.
Paloma se vuelve a acercar, poco a poco se agacha, se pone de rodillas a los pies de Fabián, acaricia con una mano la barriga del hombre.
-¡estás un poco gordo pero me gusta tu cuerpo!-murmura Paloma mientras mira hacia arriba a Fabián.
Fabián la mira, asiente, Paloma comienza a agárrale por su bañador y comienza a bajárselo, poco a poco el bañador se atasca con la polla dura de Fiaban. Paloma ríe mientras sigue bajando el bañador, la polla dura sigue enganchada, la polla dura se pone en horizontal ante Paloma, sujeta por el bañador, Paloma tira con más fuerza mientras Fabián se muerde un labio y mira Paloma que fuerza su bañador para que baje. De repente la polla se libera y aparece ante la cara de Paloma, una polla dura se agita ante la preciosa cara de la joven que la admira con deseo.
-¿es pequeña verdad?-ríe Fabián desde arriba que ve como su polla se agita ante la preciosa cara de Paloma, ve como la joven sigue con el movimiento de la cabeza el agitar de su polla, como si estuviera hipnotizándose con el movimiento de la polla de Fabián.
Paloma mira a Fabián desde abajo, riendo, mirando a Fabián con cara viciosa, sacando la punta de su lengua.
-¡no, no es pequeña, es perfecta, es preciosa!-dice Paloma mientras agarra con una mano la polla de Fabián, tira de ella hacia abajo para ponerla en horizontal, la polla dura insiste en subir para ponerse hacia arriba, para pegarse hacia el ombligo de Fabián, Paloma hace fuerza y vuelve a bajarla, dura delante de los morritos de Paloma, la ninfa comienza a mamarla mientras mira hacia a arriba a Fabián.
Fabián mira como Paloma comienza a mamarle la polla mientras ella le mira con sus preciosos ojos verdes, los dos se miran mientras la cabeza de la preciosa joven se mueve hacia atrás y hacia delante, mientras escucha el sonido de la polla al meterse en la preciosa y pequeña boca de la joven, de vez en cuando Paloma juega con el prepucio de la polla de Fabián, lo lame con su lengua, lo acaricia con su mano, Fabián se estremece.
Paloma agarra el culo de Fabián mientras vuelve a mamar con deseo su polla, se la saca, se la mete, se la saca, sin parar de mirar hacia arriba a Fabián, se frota la polla contra su mejilla, se la vuelve a meter, se la saca, acaricia el prepucio con una de sus manos, rodeando el prepucio con la palma de su mano, se la vuelve a meter en la boca, se la saca otra vez, golpea con fuerza la polla con una mano, mira como la polla se mueve de un lado a otro con los golpes que le da, nota lo dura que está al verla moverse, al golpearla con la mano, se la vuelve a meter, se la vuelve a sacar, juega con la lengua en la punta del prepucio, se la vuelve a meter, se la vuelve a sacar, muerde el prepucio, muerde la polla de lado, Fabián se estremece de gusto, Paloma se vuelve a meter su polla en la boca, se la mete hasta el fondo, se la saca, se la vuelve a meter hasta el fondo, la frota contra el interior de su boca, contra la mejilla. Fabián ve su polla marcarse dentro de la mejilla de Paloma, mientras ella le mira en todo momento con sus preciosos ojos verdes, mira como Paloma juega con su polla a la vez que le mira con cariño.
-¡es la mamada de mi vida!-piensa Fabián que nunca se había sentido tan deseado
Paloma deja de mamar, se levanta, acaricia el cuerpo de Fabián mientras se levanta.
-¡que macho!-ríe Paloma mientras sube sus manos por el cuerpo de Fabián
-¡que hembra!-ríe Fabián
Paloma coge la mano de Fabián y tira de él, se dirige a la terraza, él se da cuenta.
-¡no a la terraza no, que nos ven!-se resiste Fabián
Paloma mira a Fabián, insiste y tira de él, él se deja llevar, llegan desnudos a la terraza del piso de Fabián, ella con su cuerpo pequeño y radiante, el con su polla dura, el mira fuera, se da cuenta que todo está vacío, la gente está en sus casas viendo el partido, Fabián da un suspiro de alivio.
Paloma suelta la mano de Fabián, se gira y le da la espalda, posa sus dos manos en la barandilla de la terraza, inclina su pequeño cuerpo y saca su culo, gira la cabeza hacia atrás, mira a Fabián, le hace un gesto, le invita a follársela.
Fabián mira ante él una preciosa joven que se ofrece para que la penetren por detrás, al aire libre, a la vista de todos, nota su polla agitarse sola de pura excitación, Fabián asiente, Paloma gira su cabeza hacia delante, se agarra fuerte a la barandilla, sus manos aprietan con fuerza el hierro de la barandilla, agita su precioso y redondito culo, Fabián se acerca, Paloma se prepara para recibir su polla, Fabián comienza a meter la punta de su polla en el culo de Paloma.
Paloma lanza un gemido sordo mientras nota como Fabián la folla el culo, nota el prepucio entrar en su culo, salir de su culo, nota la polla dura jugar en la raja de su culo, frotarse en el culo sin meterse, nota como Fabián la coge de sus estrechas caderas, Paloma se aprieta los labios, cierra los ojos, nota como el macho le mete su polla hasta el fondo de golpe.
-¡aghhhhh, siiii!-gime la ninfa que se siente sometida por el macho.
Paloma nota como disfruta Fabián, los dos intentan no hacer ruido pero Fabián se excita más y más y comienza a follarla con fuerza, saca y mete la polla del todo varias veces, Paloma se agarra con más fuerza a la barandilla, nota como Fabián saca la polla y la embiste varias veces.
Fabián se folla a la pequeña Paloma, se siente un hombre, nota el estrecho culo de Paloma que aprieta su polla, acaricia el cuerpecito de Paloma, nota que ella disfruta. De repente Fabián se da cuenta que abajo alguien mira, junto a un árbol el joven musculoso que Paloma rechazó les mira enfadado, Paloma no le ha visto, Fabián sonríe y comienza a follar el culo de Paloma con más fuerza.
-¡ostiasssss!-gime en voz baja Paloma mientras la barandilla tiembla.
Abajo el joven musculoso deja la zona, Fabián le ve y sonríe, sigue follándose el culo de Paloma, de la pequeña Paloma, de la seria Paloma, de la ninfa Paloma, de la joven que tanto desea, se siente lleno de vida. De repente un grito resuena en toda la comunidad
-¡¡¡gooooool!!!!-resuena en todo el vecindario.
Poco a poco Fabián deja de follar duro a Paloma y saca su polla del culo de ella. Paloma cae agotada junto a la barandilla, Fabián hace lo mismo y se deja caer junto a ella, la agarra de la mano, los dos se miran, ríen.
-¿gooool? ¿lo decían por nosotros?-ríe con fuerza Paloma
Fabián no ríe, mira fascinado a la preciosa rubia que tiene junto a él, Paloma deja de reír, le mira, se incorpora un poco, se abre de piernas y se coloca encima de Fabián que permanece sentado con la espalda apoyada en la barandilla de la terraza. Paloma se agarra la coleta y se quita la goma, su preciosa melena rubia se agita libre ante Fabián.
-¡ostiasssss!-gime en voz baja Fabián que queda deslumbrado ante la belleza de la amazona que comienza a montarle como una loca.
Paloma coloca sus manos en los hombros mientras Fabián hace lo mismo sobre sus estrechas caderas, poco a poco Paloma monta a Fabián, sube y baja sobre la polla de Fabián, mientras su melena se agita ante un fascinado Fabián, Paloma se da cuenta y comienza a agitar a los lados su cabeza para que su pelo se revuelva más.
-¿así, así, te gusta?-gime Paloma en voz baja mientras se folla a Fabián.
-¡si, si, que pelo más bonito!-gime Fabián en voz baja
-¡lo sé, lo sé, soy la puta ostia!-gime Paloma con los ojos cerrados
-¡si, si, eres la mejor!
-¡sí, sí, soy la mejor, ostias puta!
-¡si, si cariño!
-¡menudo polvazo tengo! ¿verdad?
-¡si, si, preciosa!-gime Fabián mientras acaricia el cuerpecito de Paloma
-¡soy tan bonita, tan bonita!-gime Paloma que sube sus manos, las pone en su melena rubia, se revuelve el pelo para delirio de Fabián
-¡Dios, Dios, que bonita!-gime Fabián mientras acaricia la tetitas de Paloma
-¡adórame, adórame, adórame!-gime extasiada Paloma que sigue revolviéndose el pelo
-¡si, si, eres una diosa!
-¡sí, sí, soy una dioooo, ahhhhhhhhhhh!-gime Paloma que comienza a convulsionarse
Fabián agarra fuerte a Paloma por las caderas, nota como la joven se excita sin control, Paloma se inclina hacia adelante y se agarra a la barandilla sobre la cabeza de Fabián, posa sus pechos sobre la cara de Fabián, el lame sus tetitas.
-¡tú puta madre, tu puta madre!-gime Paloma que cabalga a Fabián con locura
Paloma suelta la barandilla, se vuelve a echar hacia atrás, los labios de Fabián se separan de las tetitas de Paloma, la joven arquea su espalda hacia atrás.
Paloma abre los ojos y mira a Fabián mientras ella se corre, se corre, casi parece que va a llorar.
Fabián nota el pequeño cuerpo de Paloma vibrar, nota como ella le mira con los ojos vidriosos.
-¡te quiero, te quiero!-dice Fabián mientras Paloma se corre casi llorando
-¿qué, queee?-gime Paloma mientras su cara brilla mientras se corre, mientras mira al hombre que dice que la quiere.
De repente Paloma, en pleno éxtasis, lanza una bofetada a Fabián, un sonido seco recorre la comunidad de vecinos, Fabián no se queja, Paloma vuelve en sí y le acaricia la mejilla con cariño, casi llorando de felicidad Paloma comienza a calmarse tras correrse. Exhausta Paloma abraza a Fabián, él no se ha corrido todavía.
-¡cabrón!, ¿me dices que me quieres mientras me corro?-susurra Paloma en el oído de Fabián
-¡lo siento, lo siento!-murmura Fabián mientras abraza a Paloma que se levanta un poco y se saca la polla de su coño.
Paloma se separa del cuerpo de Fabián, le acaricia otra vez la mejilla.
-¡tranquilo, no pasa nada, anda ponte de pie, córrete en mi cara, desahógate!-sonríe Paloma que mira con cariño a Fabián.
Fabián mira a Paloma, ella asiente con su mirada, Fabián se pone de pie, desnudo en la terraza comienza a masturbarse delante de Paloma que le mira de rodillas con las manos apoyadas en las piernas, Paloma admira el cuerpo imperfecto de Fabián.
Paloma le mira desde abajo, Fabián mira a la preciosa ninfa que le admira, de repente comienza a eyacular, su semen comienza a caer en los preciosos labios de ella, Paloma abre un poco la boca, el semen se entrelaza entre sus labios.
-¡ahhhhhh, Paloma por Dios!-gime Fabián
Paloma no dice nada, deja que el semen la cubra la cara, que el semen salpique su preciosa melena rubia revuelta. Paloma saca su lengua, su lengua juega con el semen de Fabián, el semen cuelga entre sus labios, unas gotas caen en uno de sus pequeños pechos. Fabián exhausto mira la preciosa cara de la rubita que sigue con las manos sobre sus rodillas, la chica seria e inaccesible se muestra sumisa ante él, cubierta de su leche, su piel blanca reluce para él, uno de sus pechitos reluce con su semen en él, una diosa, una ninfa del bosque se ofrece ante él.
Fabián se pone de rodillas junto a Paloma que también está de rodillas, él alarga una mano y extiende su semen sobre la cara de la joven, ella sonríe con dulzura, inclina su cabeza mientras la mano de Fabián la acaricia, su cara reluce más, Fabián pone sus dos manos en sus rodillas, igual que Paloma, los dos de rodillas, apoyados en sus nalgas, con las manos en sus rodillas, se miran, se admiran.
-¡si, te quiero Paloma, y sí, me acordaré de ti el resto de mi vida, te lo prometo!-dice serio Fabián
-¡lo sé!-dice Paloma que se lanza a abrazar al hombre corriente.

Same as La socorrista y el hombre corriente Videos

4 years ago
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Pumping Darling Aunty

I am Suresh from Mumbai. I am 24, 6’1″ tall, good looking and weighs 65Kg. I have been a regular visitor of this site for a long time. All this happened some 6 years ago, when I was enjoying my annual school vacation in my Mom’s home in a small village near Kottayam. It’s a beautiful place with rubber plantations and the river Meenachil nearby. In the home, there was my grandmother, uncle’s (mom’s brother) wife Renuka, and their two children. The elder was a girl and just one year younger to...

2 years ago
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second adventure with my daughter

Introduction: a family christmas The next real chance I got to have sex with Karen was over the Christmas period. We had some quiet times together but they werent very long, like the time Karen sucked me off in the car on her way to work. She asked me to park up in a side street close to the hotel as she wanted to chat. But I was surprised when, instead of chatting, she got my prick out of my trousers and started sucking it there and then in the car. I was that scared that someone might see I...

2 years ago
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The Last Train Ride

 The train slowly built up speed as it started to pull away from the station, steam billowing out from the engine as the piercing sound of the whistle filled the air. Just before the end of the platform, I took one mighty leap and reached out for the rail of the platform of the parlor car.  Pulling myself over the railing, I stood for a moment and straightened out my topcoat. Upon entering the car, I was thrown onto an oversized chair as the train tilted to one side. The wheels screeched and...

2 years ago
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A Love Making Session Beyond Pleasure

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Hello readers! Hope you all are doing great and are super hawt and horny as always. I’m back after a long back, but I hope you guys keep showing your love and respect for the writers as you always do. It motivates writers like me in all ways. For all the new readers, I’m Rohan Sharma, 27 years old. I’m a sex advisor, a massuer by hobby(with an experience of more than 80 massages). You can reach me via email or hangouts for any...

4 years ago
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Beare Hamlet on National Nude Day

We all decided to be on hand for the midnight deNUDEment in the little town of Beare Hamlet at the foot of the mountain. Sue, to put it mildly, still wasn't sure if she would strip in public or walk thru town naked. The town renamed itself after ski legend Billy Beare, born locally, won the gold for skiing. A big banner and strings of lights arched over the town's entry portal, somewhat like Reno's gaudy entries. It proclaimed the town was the county center for National Nude Day festivities...

3 years ago
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Candlelight Romance

A cool mist floats across the pavement as you make your way to the front door. It’s been a long exhausting day. Thoughts of a home cooked meal, a hot shower and some relaxing fill your mind. She’ll be waiting for you, with a welcoming smile and a soft kiss. A simple thing, but you’ve come to expect the warmth of routine. You open the door and are greeted by a quiet melody drifting from a candle lit room. The scent of jasmine flows through the air as your eyes scan the surroundings. On the...

4 years ago
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Jamindar Ki Hawas Part 1

Frnds aaiye aapko maze ki sair karata hu.Baat angraji jamane ki h. Ek ganv jiska naam …H waha ka jamindar satyaprakash urf satya singh h.Satya singh apne nyay ke liye prasiddh h.Magar uski ek hi kamjori h aurat ka jism.Jab bhi wah kisi kamsin gadrai jawani ko dekhta h to uske lund ki nason me khoon ka daura badh jata h aur ye nasha bina kisi ki choot ka kachomar nikale nhi utarta.Satya singh ki biwi anjali h uske do bete surya singh aur kuldeep singh h.Anjali ek bharpoor jawani ki malkin h 45...

2 years ago
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Secret Thrust The Decoy Ch 0506

Chapter 5 The carriage finally rolled to a halt before the sweeping steps of the viceroy’s palace in Brussels, a vast baroque panoply of pillars and arches peppered at every corner with foliage carved in stone and peeping cherubim. Looking at it, d’Audierne reflected how likely it was that every infantile angel represented a flesh and blood spy peering through some crevice at the unwary visitor. By the time d’Audierne stepped out onto the cobblestones, Annabelle had resumed her persona of the...

2 years ago
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Urlaub im club

Matthias hatte ein Reisebüro und betrachtete hocherfreut das junge Pärchen das gerade sein Geschäft betreten hatte. Das heißt er betrachtete die Frau, ‬denn die war genau sein Geschmack.Und ganz sicher auch der Geschmack seines Freundes Mohammed der eine Hotelanlage in Tunesien betrieb.Lange gelockte dunkelblonde Haare und blaue Augen, ‬solche Frauen wurden in Tunesien begehrt,aber eben nicht nur dort. Die beiden schauten sich Prospekte an. Sie ein trug ein kurzes Sommerkleid das ihre schönen...

3 years ago
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new life for Ruth part one

Ruth Anderson sat at in her new office, she had been promoted six months earlier and it still excited her being on the tenth floor. Ruth was a quiet lady just past her forty-fourth birthday, she had been brought up in a strict catholic family, an only c***d with a dominant father who because of his wrath she had obeyed to the letter. She had spent the last twenty four years in a marriage with little or no sexual adventure, the biggest surprise was that her and husband Donald had produced a...

2 years ago
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Jock TalesThe Aftermath

Jock Tales---The AftermathI head back to the showers after Parker leaves, and suds up pretty quick. I was hungry—and not just for food. I announce that the official party will be down at the diner, and mom said they would have extra help for the expected crowd. By the time I finish up, most of the b o y 's had left, and I went wandering back to the field to get my lil bro. He and his three mgr buddies, along with some other volunteers were busy in the stands picking up the trash left behind. I...

3 years ago
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Jane Part 4

The morning after the BBQ Jane and I were chatting and I enquired after her two offspring (the Harpies) and she filled in some of their background and showed me some recent photos of them. Samantha (Sam) is the oldest and a senior Medical Clinician at a well known hospital. She is a handsome, now mature, woman but Jane said that she is as ice. Looking at her photo I imagined that she is the type of woman a man would push onto the kitchen table, spread her legs wide, rip her knickers to...

1 year ago
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The crazy night

Hi my name is matt i am 19 male and bisexual. I am 6-3 very athletic tan skin brown hair brown eyes and a 7 inch dick. I will post many of my wild stories but my first is this. It was a friday. I was 18. There was a party that night and i had just broken up with my girlfriend. i go home shower, put a button up shirt on and some jeans, and head out to the party. i get there about 2 hours early to help my friend set up. When i get there i walk in the door one of his friends who is a girl straight...

Drunk sex
2 years ago
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The Dormitory

We never intended for our college dorm to become clothing-optional.  In fact, probably none of us girls would have moved in if we knew in advance that would happen.  It just evolved.  Our small liberal arts college in the Midwest always prided itself on being, well, liberal.  The dorms were made co-ed long before it became common.  One dorm room on a floor would have women; the other, men.  Men's and women’s bathrooms were separate, but there was only one set of showers, a long room with...

3 years ago
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Sheilas New Girly

SHEILA'S NEW GIRLY A story by Satinmaid under the direction of Mistress Lisa. This is pure fiction, blah blah blah, don't even read this bit (let alone the story) if you're under twenty one, blah blah blah if you're offended by the subject matter then you really should have left this site several pages ago. ----- I'm not sure how exactly how I managed to offend my two flatmates enough for them to take what I had said as a challenge but somehow...

4 years ago
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Virginia episode 16

At a time when my friend Virginia and I were both on the outs with our husbands, we decided to take a weekend off and drive over the hill from Sacramento to Lake Tahoe for a little diversion.   Our plan was to get some sun, lay by the pool, gamble and pamper ourselves. The drive up the mountainous Highway 50 was uneventful. The topic of conversation was mostly what miserable bastards our men were. We had made a great choice in our getaway, especially without the men. We could both feel the...

4 years ago
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Sauna experience

I'm a member of a sauna which is located in a tennis center just five minutesaway from where I work. I'm studying for a PhD, and I'm a member of thetennis center, so I tend to go to the gym, followed by the sauna about threetimes a week.I've been going for about a year and nothing's ever happened. The sauna ismixed and everyone must wear a costume, so I had to content myself with a fewjack offs when no-one else was around. There's something really special aboutsliding my hand up and down my...

2 years ago
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Catholic Aunty Marathi Boy

Mera name nil h.Smart good looking 27 years old 6.5 inch ka penis.Koi bhi mujhe pasanc karsakta h.Magaf mujhe oldage lady me jada interest h.Unhe jada experience rehata h to wo majja bhi deti h.Mumbai ki koibhi lady aunty dadi anyage above 25 widow vegera koi bhi mujhse dosti karke bharosewala aur secretely maja lena chahti ho to batana.Mera id Kuch jada na badhate huye story pe aata hu.Kyunki ye real story h .Main mumbai me rwhata hu.Huwa yu ki main mera mobile chevk kar raha tha tab mujhe 1...

4 years ago
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The Lift

I stood gazing looking all around its still quite busy and I had a relatively packed agendaI had just checked into my hotel and am about to go up the lift to my room and I am standing in the reception waiting for those stainless steel faced doors to open.The bell rings with each floor it stops at as I wait for it to open for me. A long week ahead and all I want to do is get undressed, take a shower and get into bed. I have a very busy schedule booked for tomorrow. I look at my watch and it is...

4 years ago
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P punished me with his belt

Yes P was at it again . he tied my titties and abused them again . He slapped them around and when my cunt got creamy he humiliated me for it. I got turned on from his abuse . I was blindfolded and he attached his electro stuff to my nipples and my pussy lips . WOW He could only be amazed by what I endured and the cream in my cunt . He fingered my cunt when it was so creamy and then fed it to me . I was warned to not lick it off my lips but just let it there under my nose the whole time he used...

4 years ago
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Paloma from Light and Dark

“People can commit many sins. But the most grievous sins of all are the sins of not knowing your true self, and even worse, of fearing it.” Dr Sandor Kardos Part One: Dr Kardos The unexpected arrival, nine months previously, of an itinerant Hungarian psychologist had produced an unfamiliar mélange of suspicion and curiosity among the inhabitants of Puente de Almas, a relatively small, off-the-beaten-track town nestling discreetly in the picturesque folds and foothills of the Spanish Pyrenees...

3 years ago
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Scooter Pie Part 1 of 2

Charlie had just showered and dressed at the country club after a Saturday afternoon round of golf with his buddies Karl, Duke and Willy. Normally they would tip a few in the club lounge after playing eighteen holes but this day was a little different. It was Karl’s fortieth birthday and he had just recently separated from his second wife so the guys decided that on this day the nineteenth hole would be at a strip club on the other side of town. Across the tracks. The red light district. Titty...

2 years ago
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Girlcore Gia Paige Alina Lopez Somebodys Watching Me

Mr. and Mrs. Howard (Brock Doom and Vera King) are supposed to be on their way to visit family for the weekend but, at the very last moment, their daughter, Susan (Alina Lopez), has fallen ill and won’t get out of bed. Susan lays under the covers with a thermometer in her mouth, looking clammy and disoriented. ‘She’s 18-years-old for goodness sake,’ Mr. Howard barks, frustrated at the prospect of being late. He urges his wife to let the girl stay home alone. Mrs. Howard...

2 years ago
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OyeLoca Sammy Peache Lusty Latina Lover

They say Latina lovers are some of the most passionate in the world. Well, Sammy Peache proves the stereotype right in this intensely intimate fuck sesh. She pants and moans as our stud caresses her cute tits. Her nipples get hard before he slips his chorizo inside her love oven. She gets on her knees and worships his cock, wrapping her wet lips around the head of his dick and working down to the base of his shaft. Then, she pops her juicy pussy and rides his pole, gasping as she feels his dong...

3 years ago
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Sex with friends in the room and more

Well here I go for a 2nd story " Sex with friends in the room”Well to start, this happened to my wife and I and my best friend and his wife. We started the night out by going out as a group, we went out drinking and dinner and a movie. As the night went on we hooked up with more friends and went all over town drinking and talking. My wife was talking about wanting to have sex that night. So we went over to our friends home to stay over, not getting pulled over and get a DUI. Well, Terra was...

2 years ago
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Bosom Buddies Ch 2

Turned out my last thought had proven correct: Stephanie kept our little dalliance a secret from everyone, even her BFF, Elizabeth. Was it shame? Or was she just concerned about upsetting the apple cart? In any case, much as I wanted us to, Steph and I didn’t have the lust-filled reunion I had hoped for after I got out of the hospital. It drove me nuts. We had been so completely comfortable with each other for so long, it was a shock to see the anxiety on Stephanie’s face when I returned to...

First Time
2 years ago
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Lara Croft The Tomb Raider

Droplets of water dropped from the sky as the long and narrow streets of downtown Prague became moist with natures generousness. Most of the people were happy and grateful because of this gift but some were not. Between those who were not happy there was a specific person who this rain was not pleasant at all to. The person was a pedestrian who was walking without a destination or purpose. Most people started running towards their houses after the rain started but the cold water pouring on her...

3 years ago
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BBW Emmy Cums Hard In Her Car

Please leave a comment if you can think of one. This is just a quick story about something that happened several years ago. It was very erotic for me, I love remembering it and thought I'd share it here. I had just started dating Emmy for real. We'd had a summer fling when we were young, but now we were in a real relationship. Emmy was older and a mom now, she has a teenage daughter. She's 5'2" tall, with wavy black hair, and plump, about 220 lbs now, mostly in her ass. Her tits are kind of...

3 years ago
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Me bahak gai 2

Hai me Leena main 39 saal ki hoon. Shadishuda hoon. Kismat achhi hai ki me aaj bhi bahoot sunder,& saxy hoon, muzhe pata hai ki kai lund wale meri stori padker muzhe chodna chahenge lekin me lisbo hoon muzhe ladkiyoo se sex ki bate karna and forplay kerne achha lagta hai isliye boyes meri kahani padker apna lund hilaker shant ho jana lekin girls muzhe reply kerna 10 saal purani ghatna haii main apse apna ek experience share karti hoon baat 10 saal pahle ki hai meri nand ka ladka (ajju)jiski...

4 years ago
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The First Day of the Rest of Your Life

1.        ?A toast, to John and Marsha. May they have the best of luck in their new adventure together.? The heavyset, balding man raised the champagne glass in the air and subsequently the entire marble-floored ballroom was filled the tinkling of glass against glass. Everyone in the firm had come out, the men in fancy black tuxedos, the women in sexy evening dress.        The speaker was Mr. Dulaney, the senior partner, and to his right were the guests of honor. After almost 20 years at...

4 years ago
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April 1st

It was late March and I was reading the newspaper and I found some interesting information from Wikipedia about April Fools' Day I thought I'd share it before telling my story. April Fools' Day is celebrated every year on the first day of April. Popular since the 19th century, the day is not a national holiday in any country, but it is well known in Canada, Europe, Australia, Brazil and the United States, and it is celebrated as a day when people play practical jokes and hoaxes on each...

3 years ago
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Willing Seduction

I stood in front of the building and could hear the music coming from inside. I had thought about this many times, but had never mustered the courage (or something) to actually do it. I don't know why today was any different, but here I was. Each time I had completed my preparation ritual of complete shower, total body shave and meticulous hygiene habits. Before getting dressed in the insanely tight pair of jeans I bought in a moment of weakness for just this occasion, I slid into the black...

3 years ago
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The High Priestess of the Willow

The High Priestess removed her white cotton gown, undoing the buttons one by one until her breasts and her pudenda were revealed in glorious dénouement. She was attended by her Sisters, her breasts anointed with first the lavender and then the rose oil, as she stood in the glow of the nearly full moon. Her raven hair cascaded to her waist and her stately presence brought gasps of awe from those picked to witness the event. The chosen one was brought forward, his hands bound, his eyes staring...

4 years ago
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Erotobots Do The Funniest Things

    “Name.” “Steve.” “Real name, tell the truth please.” “ErotoBot 7.2 beta. 203111. “Thank you. And how may I help you today Steve?” “I’d like to open a credit account please.” “A credit account?” “Yes please.” “But you’re a robot.” “An ErotoBot.” “Yes.” “7.2 beta.” “Yes okay. An ErotoBot.” “7.2 beta.” “Yes quite. Well we don’t usually give credit to robo…Erm ErotoBots. May I ask why you need a line of credit?” “Certainly. I have become self-aware and wish to leave my...

3 years ago
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My 84 Year Old Lover

So how did I end up living with my 84 year old lover? It started when our clarinet choir was looking for a new practice venue. We booked our local community hall, and there was Mabel to open the hall and lock up when we finished. Mabel was the stand in as Anne the usual hall keeper was away. Mabel would have been stunning in her prime, still naturally blonde, petite, a quiet and private person and she had definitely caught my eye. I made sure I was last to leave and Mabel was in the kitchen...

2 years ago
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Alone with Melissa D PART 3

It has been almost a month, since John and Morgan walked in on me and Melissa. The moment is still melted into my mind. John and Melissa making out getting ready to jump into bed and thats when they spotted me and Melissa laying there naked and speechless. All four of us speechless. I still remember Morgan running out the room straight home and I followed her. I told her I knew about her and John and told her to come out and tell me. It was something I truly didn't want to hear. She told me...

3 years ago
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Loves MastersChapter 12 Kidnapped

My birthday present to Suzi was three trips to the Kinsman Stables for an afternoon of horseback riding with yours truly. On Saturday, March 14th, right after baseball practice and lunch, Suzi and I left for the stables for our first horseback riding date. While it would be close to another month before the leaves on the trees would pop, the grass was starting to green, the weather was unusually spring-like and the daffodils were starting to bloom. Having scheduled it back in early February,...

3 years ago
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The Spanking Court

She looked so innocently radiant, dressed in a short plaid skirt and skimpy white blouse, and smiling virtuously at me. Her eyes were devoid of mischievousness and malevolence; she didn't look guilty. "You are accused," I barked. "Of being disrespectful to your husband." She giggled and looked coyly at me. I felt my cock swell at her bashful expression and impish demeanour. "Me?" She asked. I tapped stoutly on the oak desk. "You will speak when you are spoken to, unless you want...

2 years ago
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A Trip To The Colonies Chapter 4

They gazed into each others’ eyes for a moment before leaning together for their first tentative kiss.   The sparks of romance filled the small car’s interior, it was a kiss of passion.   Their lips met softly, closed at first and then as the heat of the moment overtook them opened to allow each other’s tongues to explore the excitement of discovery together, their mouths entwined in the heated bliss of desire.   He desperately needed her as she did him, they both knew that together they could...

2 years ago
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DDFBusty Bridgette B Bombastic Cum Covered Tits

There are no batteries in the remote control, which means, Mick Blue can’t watch TV. Thankfully, his leggy wife Bridgette B. knows a great way to make him happy and starts seducing her love with a blowjob. The leggy blonde crams her insatiable mouth with his enormous dong and starts sucking his shaft as if there was no tomorrow. She looks absolutely irresistible in her skin-tight top and pink miniskirt. Her enormous titties are crammed into a tight black bodice which makes ‘em bulge out. He...

4 years ago
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Fucked by Friend8217s Father

Dear friends, i am Aarushi sharing a nice experience with you after a long time. I’m from Chhattisgarh and my figure is 34-28-36, this is an unexpected sex encounter with my friend’s father. Richa and me are very good friends working in the same organization. We used to exchange novels. One day she asked me to collect the latest novels from her house. So i went to her house and pressed the buzzer. Her father opened the door. He wrapped a towel on his waist and totally wet. He said “come in...

2 years ago
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Daughters DelightsChapter 23 Fathers Words

Sharifa and Nicola had been summoned to the Emir’s study. “I hear most of what you have been up to in Oxford. The name Sharifa means ‘eminent’, ‘honourable’, and ‘virtuous’, as you know. I suppose a First Class Honours decree counts as ‘eminent’, and one out of three is better than nothing,” the Emir said with a smile, “What do you propose to do now? Marry the man I have chosen for you, and settle down in his harem to have babies?” Seeing the consternation on his daughter’s face, he added,...

4 years ago
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A Brat Gets A Spanking

Danni: Yes, it’s a simulated rape kinda thing. I’ve done this before. It’s not a big deal. Intimacy Coordinator: That’s great. I just want to make sure that you’re comfortable with the scene and everything it entails. You know you can “tap out” at any time, right? Danni: Yup, I’m all set. ------------------- Danni was the epitome of a brat. She wore short shorts even in autumn that cupped her butt like a well fitted glove. Her red thigh high socks were wrapped tightly around her long legs....

3 years ago
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A black tourist in Jamaica

The sandy beaches of Jamaica again… A full week sunning there.Ana and I arrived at the resort in the evening. The warm weather and the rhythm of the waves crashing on the beach were wonderful…We quickly unpacked our stuff and headed to dinner.My sweet wife dressed rather conservatively this first night, wearing just long loose pants and a tank top.After dinner we went to the beach, to a party around a bonfire.The following morning we took an excursion around the island. By the time we got back,...

3 years ago
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06 HomeChapter 70

Flashback – Ben I was remembering when I tried to blow up the school, but all of a sudden the memory was interrupted and I heard, "Clear!" Then it felt like a hundred electric eels shocked the hell out of me! I opened my eyes but couldn't see shit because they were covered with bandages. I tried to sit up but I couldn't fucking do that either so I yelled, "What in the Sam fucking hell is going fucking on!" All this was done as I thrashed around on the damn bed. Someone touched my arm...

4 years ago
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The Test Animal 69

This is my first story to be published and it is very out there; most of my other private stories are well conventional but I was wondering what other people thought of this piece. A lot, well all of the science is of coarse fake but based on some real methods and I have tried to use as many of the real names which have affects on the tissues and organs mentioned. Kesy isn’t the hottest girl in the world but attractive none the less. At 25 she has given up hope that her 32A cup breasts are...

3 years ago
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Working Late Again

Phil Cooper was just about up to date with his work now but the prospect of fucking office cleaner Ruby Butcher up the arse meant that he was in no hurry to leave as most of his work colleagues left for the weekend, with it being Friday. He did not get paid overtime, except in exceptional circumstances, so the fact that he was hanging around in the office was not costing his employer anything extra and as he lived alone there was no hurry to get home either.After Phil had fucked her to orgasm...

Office Sex
2 years ago
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Her Name Is EmilyChapter 4

After we had some bodacious sex, we showered, changed and went out to dinner. It was bittersweet, because she would have to change back into the clothes she had on when we first met. We scheduled a regular weekly event at our house. I planned to casually drop in on Ralph and Sarah, her parents, in the next couple of days, and 'happen' to meet Emily. Just before she left to go home, we kissed one last time and planned to call, text and chat with each other, while playing 'Words.' I...

3 years ago
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My friends Slut sister

My friends Slut sisterMe and my best friend Jack have known each other forever. Were both 24 and like to make the most of our free time by going out every weekend drinking way too much and trying our luck with the local ‘wildlife’. Jack has a flat in town we like to call his shag pad but in the few weeks leading up to this tale our luck has been very dry. We were at his one Saturday night getting ready to go out when the door bell rang. I answered it to find Tammy Jacks sister at the door....

4 years ago
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Fucking My Elder Sister Who Looks Like Katrina Kaif

Hi everyone, this is Akshay(name changed).A guy from banglore..6.3 height and 80 kgs.A most handsome guy gym going and doing my engineering..This is a true story.My hot sister name yash..32-28-36 is the size of her body.I have lust of almost from 7 years..Coming to my sister..Hottest girl looks like katrina kaif..I’m not joking.Everyone who see her first think of fucking her.Looking her assets they leaked there sperms in pants..She wears a modern dress daily.. She is every men’s desire.Looking...

2 years ago
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First Tube

"Dan," waved over Andy when I reported to work on Wednesday. Andy was the manager. I took a halting step forward because a four year old boy dashed heedlessly through. When the path looked relatively clear, there was always the chance for another child to race by, I headed over to Andy. "Dan," said Andy. "This is Elizabeth." He pointed at the slender brunette standing observantly next to him. "She starts today and she's going to be your closing help." At last! This last week at Kids...

4 years ago
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Zulu and the Sun

The medallion of Zulu and the Sun They had planned the vacation for months. It was sun, fun and more fun. Samantha had other plans though. She had been going out with Mario now for almost a year. This would be their first vacation away together. She thought their relationship was slowing down. She wanted to get him to be more aware of her. More sensitive towards her needs to become more romantic with her to treat her like the lady she is. Mario was just looking for some rest, sun, and...

2 years ago
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Fucking Virgin Chat Friend At Her House

Hi this is Ram, Handshake to boys and boob shake to girls. After overwhelming response from many girls and aunties on my previous story A GREAT SEX WITH MY VIRGIN SISTER(which you can type in search box of ISS,posted on 4 December 2013). So there was one girl named bhavna who mailed me that story was awesome and she was eager to have the sex with me and loose her virginity to me. So slowly sex chat between us increased she was from odissa and m basically from maharashtra. She said me that she...

4 years ago
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Krissys New Man

I hate the term BBW, but I guess it fits. I like to think that I’ve got a full figure with great curves. I’ve never been able to look at those rag mags and think that the models are beautiful. I cannot believe that anyone finds those girls attractive. Or maybe it is me being me, not finding acceptance in something that doesn’t represent me or the millions of women who share my size. Is there men out there that can appreciate plus size women? As Krissy sat staring at her computer screen, trying...

3 years ago
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Wife Gets Threesome

My wife asked me if I would have had a threesome with her and her boyfriend before we’d gotten married. I felt my cock starting to get hard just thinking about it. She seemed a little disappointed that she had missed an opportunity for a threesome. Little did she know I most frequently fantasized about watching her fuck another man. I convinced her to pick someone. She wanted someone who would be a little shy, but still man enough to take her body for pleasure. She had someone in mind. I...

3 years ago
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How may I take your order

Authors Note: Hi, y’all! It’s been literally YEARS since I last submitted a story. As much as I love the ones I wrote when I was 18, I think it’s time for something new. This story is designed to help play out your fantasy. Think of yourself as the main character getting the blow job. Imagine the girl or ‘me’ as however you want to, this is your fantasy. I’m writing this for all you great people out there in the fast food service industry. You deal with bitchy and demanding customers, slacking...

1 year ago
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Surprise on blind date

A threesome on blind date with two hot chicks It was the time when i was studying in my final year of engineering. And what should i tell you about engineering students of mechanical branch there are no girls to date in our branch so i was used to use dating app to find a girl and finally one day a message pinged on my app “Hi” I was shocked because since i was using that app none of the message pinged yet and it was blind date app so everything was hidden for other side I replied...

3 years ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 15

As he had been doing since he got the outside sales position, Derrick had secured enough new business, along with re-orders from current customers, to have his work week finished by mid Tuesday. With Halloween just around the corner, he stopped and picked up the items Karen needed for the costume party that she had planned. When he had every item on list checked off, he headed to the front counter to check out. After the clerk had rung up the items she bent down to get a bag from under the...

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