Sailors in Silk Chapter 10B
- 3 years ago
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At the end of the period, when everyone headed down to the showers, I saw Steve hang back, so I waited with him. When there was no one in the room but us he spoke.
"I apologize for the trick. Lamont set the machine, but the rest of us saw him do it, so we all knew about it and none of us said anything."
"That's OK. I got even," I said.
"Yeah, I noticed. Poor Lamont. You ruined his weekend, you know. He's going to be self-conscious for days."
"Yeah. Poor Lamont."
"You could fix him."
"I could. Why would I?"
"Because you're sweet and pretty and kind and..."
"Shove it! Why should I?"
"Because you won. You turned the tables on him and then you took him out just by looking at him hard. Be a sport. Let him up."
"But I'm just a girl."
"If there is one thing you are not, it's 'just a girl'. How did you do that with the leg extension machine?"
"I'm short. I have better leverage."
"Bull! You amaze me every time I see you. Every time I have to change how I think about you, about girls. You're doing it on purpose, aren't you?"
"Yes. I am."
"Because you laughed at me."
"What? When?"
"When I suggested that I could spot for you. You laughed and I decided to teach you a lesson."
"What? That you're smart, you're strong, you're beautiful, you're tough, and you're able to cripple a man with a hard look?"
"That's harsh."
"A guy's ego is a fragile thing. You can break his arm and he'll get over it, but if you break his spirit, you've ruined him. He'll have doubts forever."
"You're smarter than I thought you were. More considerate, too."
"I do 'lummox' well. It's typecasting. Are we even?"
"Can I spot for you? Do you trust me?"
"Trust you? Heck, I think I love you."
After that point, anything I planned to say went right out of my head. My face broke into a grin so big it felt like my head would split in two. My heart felt like it exploded in my chest. I jumped up and wrapped my arms around Steve's neck and my legs around his waist and put my nose right up against his. He staggered back a step, and put both hands under my butt to support me.
"Oh, Steve. I think I love you, too. Oh, dammit! This is too soon."
"Yeah, Sam. I know. We hardly know each other."
"How long should it take?"
"How long have you got?"
"As long as we need. Kiss me?"
He did. And it was very, very good. When it was over, I put my head on his shoulder and snuggled into his neck. He carried me to the door, picked up our stuff, and walked out of the weight room with me still wrapped around him.
"I won't need the weight room while you're around," he said as he walked down the hall.
"Am I too heavy?"
"No. You're a nice weight. Nice and warm and soft. I could carry you all day. But now it's time to get down and go tell Lamont that you're sorry you shriveled his balls."
"OK." I let go and dropped to the floor. "But don't get upset. I can only think of one quick way to fix this."
"Unhunh." Steve sounded scared and uncertain. I thought he was putting me on, but I wasn't sure. I had been underestimating Steve. He was deeper than he appeared.
When I turned into the entrance to the locker room there was no one in sight. I walked over to a bench and pulled off my shoes and socks, then took off my top and shorts. Steve stripped off, too.
I padded naked toward the showers and peaked around the corner. The room was filling with steam and mist and it was hard to see, but I could make out Lamont's black ass at the far end of the room. I turned to Steve and said, "Stop gawking. You can look all you want later. Now get in there and cover me so he doesn't know I'm coming."
I followed Steve into the shower and managed to stay behind him until I was past Doug and Roger. I sidled up next to Lamont and considered how to handle the situation tactfully and diplomatically.
"HOLY SHIT! Look at the size of that black cock! That's the biggest hunk of dick I've ever seen!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. I pointed at Lamont's soapy cock from point-blank range in case anyone had missed what I was talking about.
Pandemonium would best describe the next few seconds. Everyone jumped at least a foot in whatever direction they happened to be facing. Doug slammed into the tile wall and fell back on his ass. Roger lost his grip on his bar of soap and it skittered across the floor with him sliding right behind it.
Steve backed up against the opposite wall and doubled over laughing. Lamont froze in place and dropped his soap, too. I picked it up and started to soap my own body down. Lamont turned slowly to look down at me.
I looked back and said, "It is a very nice cock, Lamont. I apologize if I seemed to imply anything different. Can you forgive me?" I ran his bar of soap over one breast and then the other until I was sure I had his complete attention.
Before he could answer, I reached out and took hold of his cock and started rubbing it with the bar of soap. "Lamont," I said. "If you promise to stop fucking with me, then I promise to stop fucking with you. Deal?" I kind of hoped that Lamont would take his time making up his mind. He did have a nice big cock. It was coal black except for the head, which was pink. While I rubbed soap all over it, it got even bigger and I got curious about how big it would be so I stroked it up and down the shaft to encourage it.
Lamont blinked water out of his eyes and looked down at what I was doing to his black cock. He smiled at me and said, "I knew you couldn't keep your hands off my cock. No chick can resist a brother's big dick." He watched me handling him and he seemed to melt. "OK. You got a deal. How could I say no, since you asked so nice?"
I reached underneath his cock and put my hand around his ball sack where it attached to his groin. I closed my fist and tugged gently but firmly on his balls.
"A wise decision," I told him. I turned and addressed the room, "OK, who wants to do my back?"
The big hairy guy with the deep laugh won the honors, mainly by physical intimidation. He was a bit rougher than my usual back-scrubbers but I thought Steve had other things going for him. For instance, he made an excellent loofah. I soaped him up and then rubbed myself all over him, giggling all the time as his hairy chest tickled me. Having an appreciative audience didn't hurt a bit, either. If cocks could applaud I would have had a standing ovation.
The group was all smiles as we toweled off and got dressed. My stunt had put everyone at ease. Any girl willing to shower with the wrestling team was definitely 'one of the guys' as far as they were concerned. Even Lamont was smiling. He had forgiven me for impugning his manhood and spoiling his practical joke.
I dashed around barefoot and still damp to the girl's side to finish dressing in my regular clothes. I just made it to English class as the bell rang.
I was trying to surreptitiously dry the water in my ear with a tissue while I thought about how well things had worked out with Steve and the wrestling team. If they thought my joining them in the shower was a one-time deal, they were badly mistaken. Now that I knew I was welcome, there was no way I was going to go back to showering and dressing all alone on the other side of the building.
Mainly I was still walking on air after hearing Steve tell me he loved me. I never dreamed he felt that strongly about me or that it would come on us so suddenly. It seemed just the day before yesterday that he was raping me and a bunch of my friends out behind the gym. Such wonderful memories! Even if the relationship with Steve didn't last, and we had to split up and go our separate ways, the joy I felt at that moment would be a cherished memory forever. I was positively glowing, and not just from all the scrubbing I had received.
Gym class was one of those old social disease video epics that tried to scare the bejeebers out of you without ever actually telling you precisely how you managed to catch the disease. One of the girls in the row behind me pointed out in a whisper that the guy in these videos was always named Bob, and all we had to do to avoid diseases was to stay the heck away from anyone named Bob. This caused a lot of giggling and a threat from Coach Simpson to turn on the lights if we didn't quiet down. I thought a more effective threat would have been to make us watch the video again.
Mercifully, the bulb in the video projector burned out with fifteen minutes to go in the period. Coach told us to behave ourselves while she went on a predictably futile trip to the A/V department for a replacement.
The door hadn't even shut good behind Coach when the room erupted with conversation.
Polly said, "Phooey! I wish we didn't have to watch these nasty videos. I'd much rather go outside and get some fresh air than stay cooped up in here."
Angie agreed, "Me, too! It stinks in here."
"Oh, you just want to dress-out so you'll have to take a shower," Beth said. "You're just into having your back scrubbed, among other things."
"I admit it!" Angie said. "I like being washed. It's nice. I wish we had thought of this before."
"I like it, too," Heather said in her squeaky voice. "I think it's a great idea and I don't see a thing wrong with it. I'd like to thank whoever started it."
"Oh, that was Sam!" Polly said, pointing at me. "She started it with me."
"You were out that day," Angie told Heather. "You missed it. I thought it was really wicked at first. But then I got into it and it's soooo good. It's just so sensual, you know? I think the Japanese have been doing it for centuries."
"You want to hear about something wicked?" Heather asked. "I heard there was a bunch of girls who went streaking down by the gym the other day. Just running around totally starkers at school! Now that's wicked!"
"Nooo!" Angie said. "Really? That turns me on. Who would do something that kinky?"
I put my hand up and wiggled my fingers. "Me," I said. I knew there was a good chance I would regret telling this, but it was just about the wildest thing I had ever done and I'd never get a better chance to work on my 'sex kitten' cover.
"Nooo!" Angie said again. "You didn't!"
"We did. And you will never guess where we went... the boy's locker room!"
"You're kidding!" Polly said.
"No way!" Angie added. "Did you run into any boys?"
"No, thank goodness. If we had, you would have heard about it before now. There were some in there, but we managed to hide behind the lockers."
"That must have been really scary. Weren't you just terrified someone would see you?" Heather asked.
"It was exciting, sure enough. But we were just as turned-on as we were scared. By the time we got to our clothes, we were all horny as toads. If a boy had seen us, we probably would have raped him." Since I didn't want to name names, I hoped no one demanded more details of my adventure, so I tried to change the subject.
"Who saw us?" I asked Heather.
"A girl in my homeroom said she had gone out to the parking lot in front of the gym for something during lunch and she said she saw a bunch of girls run past the front door. She said she almost didn't think anything about it until one girl with really big tits ran past and then she realized that they were all naked." Heather told us. When she got to the part about the big tits she looked at my chest.
"Yeah, Sam sort of stands out in a crowd, doesn't she?" Polly said.
"She sure does!" Heather squeaked. "She stands out anywhere. Sam, would you mind terribly if I asked you a personal question?"
"Not if you don't mind if I don't answer it if it's too personal," I said.
"I just wanted to know... what bra size do you wear?"
"That's not too personal! I thought you were going to ask something really intimate. When I wear a bra, which isn't very often, I wear a 34H. I'm actually an HH-cup, but I wear nursing bras that have stretchy cups, so I can get by with a size smaller and get the extra support if I want it."
"A nursing bra?" Angie said. "With snaps and flaps and stuff? Isn't that uncomfortable?"
"No, the kind I wear doesn't have any of that. It just has seamless cups that can be pulled to one side. I had the same reaction as you when the woman at the store suggested it, but when I tried it on it was sooooo comfortable. I just wear them when I don't want my nipples to show. When my breasts grew bigger, my nipples followed. If I don't wear a bra, they poke out pretty far. See?" I threw my shoulders back to push my breasts against my cotton blouse. It wasn't one of the clingy ones, so my nipples weren't obvious unless I got excited or pulled the blouse tight.
After a few seconds of admiring my large nipples, Heather asked, "I thought when you were that big you had to wear a bra or they would hang down. Yours don't sag a bit."
"No, they don't." I said. "They may someday, but right now they are firm and high and I am going to go without a bra as much as I can."
"Even if your nipples show?" Angie asked.
"SO my nipples will show," I laughed. "I'm not ashamed of my breasts. I'm proud of them. I think they're great and I want to show them off as much as I can. I have a closet full of clothes at home that were all designed to show off my breasts. I just can't wear most of them to school because they're too sexy."
"I think I'd like to see you in some of those." Polly laughed. "I'd like to see what your idea of 'too sexy' is."
"It's 'too sexy' if boys mob you in the hall," Heather said.
"So far I've managed to avoid that," I said. "Unfortunately."
"You mean boys aren't falling all over you to ask you out?" Angie said.
"No, they're not," I said. "And I was very surprised about that. I thought when I filled-out so much that I'd have to beat them off with a stick, but they act like I've got cooties or something. I asked a couple of boys about it and they said that I intimidated them, that I would only be asked out by the strongest, most handsome boys at school."
"Gosh! That's hard to believe," Polly said. "I guess that means you need to get someone to introduce you to Steve Wojeski. He's like, The School Stud."
"Yeah," Angie agreed. "And good luck. I hear he only dates college girls."
"I heard he only dates centerfolds," Heather said.
"Well, I heard he only dates girls with really big tits," Polly said, then she put her hand over her mouth and blushed. "Oh, I'm sorry, Sam. I didn't mean anything."
I smiled slyly and said, "I really shouldn't say anything — and you've all got to swear not to breath a word of this — but Polly is right." I waited patiently for them to figure it out.
"Wait a minute!" Angie said. "Wait just a damn minute! You mean you're dating Steve the Stud?"
"Well, technically we're haven't been on a date yet. But it's just a matter of time. We just got together a couple of days ago." I said, trying to be vague so they wouldn't connect Steve with my streaking story.
"No way!" Heather said. "What's he like? Is he nice?"
"Yeah, tell us! How did you hook up with him?" Angie asked.
I wanted to say, "It was very romantic how we met. He was horny, I was naked. It was a match made in heaven," but I managed to stifle the impulse.
"He just stopped me coming out of fourth-period English. We talked for a bit and he invited me to hang out with him and the wrestling team."
"The whole team? Girl, you don't believe in doing things halfway, do you? What do you do with the whole wrestling team?" Heather asked.
"We lift weights." I said. I thought it sounded strange when I said it. Apparently everyone else did, too. There was a long silence.
"You what?" Polly asked, like she didn't catch what I said.
"I go up to the weight room with them at lunch and we pump iron." That didn't sound a lot better, but I was committed to the story by this time.
Heather crossed her arms across her chest and huffed, "I get Mom to take me to the beauty parlor. I spend positively hours on my hair and my makeup. I wear nice clothes. And I get an occasional date with the vice-president of the Science Club. Obviously I'm doing entirely the wrong thing. If I want to catch a cute guy, I need to be down at the gym, pushing iron."
"Pumping iron," I corrected.
"Don't knock those Science Club guys," I told her. "They're going to be the ones with the high-paying jobs in a few years. Would you rather marry a geeky doctor or a hunky fork-lift operator?"
"Well, I'd like to date them both so I will know which one to pick," she said. "It looks like you're hogging all the hunks to yourself! It's not fair! Just because you're the prettiest girl with the best body shouldn't mean you get all the good-looking guys!"
"Thank you," I told Heather.
"Thank you for calling me pretty and saying I have a nice body. That was sweet of you to say. I appreciate it."
"Dammit, don't try to weasel out of this by being so... so... nice."
"Would you like me to tell you how to get a date with a hunky guy?"
"Yes!" Heather said immediately.
"Yes!" Angie agreed.
Polly nodded. They all leaned in to hear the secret.
"Here's what you do — now I got this from a couple of hunks who told me the secret, so it's the absolute truth — you walk up to the guy you want to have ask you out. And you smile and look right into his dreamy eyes. And you say, "Hi!""
"And... ?" Heather said.
"And that's it. That's the secret. If you sit at home and stare at the phone, nothing will happen. You have to go where they are and you have to act like you want to be asked out. And I don't mean flirting from across the room. I mean get right in his face and smile like you think he's the most interesting person in the room."
"But that's not how it's supposed to work," Heather whined. "They're supposed to make the first move. They're supposed to come to us."
"Do you want a date or do you want to be stalked by some loser who knows you're home alone?"
"OK, but if this doesn't work..."
"I think it will. But if it doesn't, what have you lost?"
"I'll be humiliated!"
"I doubt it. What's the worst thing he could do? Not talk to you? He's not talking to you now. Give him a chance. Heck, don't take 'no' for an answer. Guys can be shy. Ask him if you can copy the homework assignment from him. Heck, ask him if he likes oral sex. I guarantee he'll talk to you then!"
She still looked skeptical, so I said, "Tell you what — you try it. If the guy doesn't ask you out, I will introduce you to any member of the wrestling team you like."
"You've got a deal!" Heather said.
The bell rang and everyone grabbed their stuff and headed to their next class.
While we were crowding out the door, Polly put a hand on my arm.
"I meant what I said about seeing you in sexy clothes," she whispered.
"Then I'll wear something for you," I whispered back. "See you on Monday."
I had already promised myself that I would wear something sexy one day a week. I might as well do it on Monday and make Polly happy. Having someone actually ask made a big difference. I started going over possible outfits in my head. At Bambi's suggestion, much of my wardrobe was like hers — elegant, sophisticated, and very sexy. The things she wore to do the laundry in would stop traffic in any city in the world.
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Like the start of any great adventure you are born... Upon giving birth your farther yells to your mother: "Its a ...
Barry and Shari touched and felt each other anytime they were in the mood, which seemed all the time, and whether Janet was present or not. They had learned that all they had to do was tell her to shut up if she attempted to stop them. And Janet would shut up. Yet there were times when they talked to her freely, chattering about friends and thoughts, talking to her like a son and daughter would with their mother. There were times when they acted like the youths they were, and times when they...
Hi friend’s this is Sweta again with next part of my story. I told you all in the last part how my uncle got me into having sex and enjoy it. I was always very enthusiastic about going to different men. It became a hobby for me to try and do whatever the man asked for and to satisfy him completely. I mean, I know most of the men who took me were already married. Yet they chose to make deals with my cousin and take me for a night or two. It means that they were not completely satisfied by their...
I drove straight home, and got dressed in the car. I pulled up, went inside, and crawled into bed. I usually slept naked, but my clothes remained on. Kirsten super glued herself to my mind. I never had a huge emotional sexual and guilty mix before. After a couple minutes, I heard my phone ring. I thought it would be Jack, but her name appeared on the caller ID. There was hesitation to answer it, but I knew if I didn't, she would just call again. "Yes?" I answered. "Do you hate me?" she...
CheatingWhen Sharon arrived back with David a month later, Shaun found her somewhat subdued. Out on the stoop that night she talked about what was troubling her. “The provisional committee are to demand that UN stands by its commitment to give the Jews their own homeland, especially now the true picture of the Nazi extermination camps has come to life. There are thousands of displaced Jews wondering around Europe that no country wants, all making their way to Palestine. But the Grand Mufti in Cairo...
I stare out the window, watching the sun set into the ocean. A smile dancing across my lips. This is my favorite time of day. You walk up behind me and wrap your arms around my waist. You kiss my ear. You take my hand and lead me out on the balcony. We stand there watching the sunset and taking in all its glory. You run your fingers up and down my arms. Knowing I enjoy just the simplest touch from you. Your lips replace your fingers on my arm. My eyes almost close at the sensation of your...
# Dawn's Lament## SynopsisBuffy the Vampire Slayer fan fiction. Buffy and friends try to cure Dawn's out of control lesbianism with bondage and discipline.## Scene 1The attic of the Summers residence. Dawn is completely naked, gagged, and locked up in small metal cage hanging from the ceiling. The cage is so small that Dawn is unable to move.Dawn: Turns out Willow isn't the only one who likes girls, but while they were all being supportive in her case, I am being punished for it! This is so...
The text read Be at the Holiday Inn on 7th Avenue tonight at 7:00 P.M. that was it. Just one line, one simple command. But it was a command that Julie knew she could not ignore.Julie wasn't normally the kind of girl who took orders–she gave them. The branch manager for a major clothing store, she was used to barking the commands and having her subordinates jump to fulfill them. That was the order of things in her world. Or at least it used to be.Julie Morgan had a good life. She had a...
Reluctance06:10 Sunday, June 30th, 1991 Holiday Inn, 2730 N. Main St Walnut Creek, CA Frustrated, Sandy slammed the phonebook shut. She pulled on her shoes, and trotted to the staircase, bypassing the elevator. When she reached the front desk, she asked the clerk where the nearest military base with a large hospital was. The somewhat-surprised clerk told her "Oak Knoll. The Navy's given it some newer name, but it's been Oak Knoll for as long as I remember. My husband used to go there all the time...
People often wonder how I got to this point? So I have to admit, it started when I was a young boy. Even before my early teen years, I was always interested in my body and the bodies of my friends. Some call it playing doctor, but I was able to find others who were as inquisitive as I, and playing doctor was a way to explore and learn about other people’s bodies about my same age. At that age, it wasn’t sexual though. Nobody became sexually aroused, no erections, no masturbation, no...
I came home on a Friday night horny and feeling kinky. I talked my wife Brandi into getting in the hot tub and letting me shave her. I set the camera up on a tripod to record it as I shaved her and then I licked her smooth pussy through two orgasms. As she is recovering, before she really knows what is happening, I turn her around and shave the few stray hairs on her ass crack. Getting carried away, I rub the shave gel up and down her smooth crack and slip a finger in her. She's relaxed from...
watering eyes fluttered as loud slurp and gurgle noises exuded from the back of James’ throat. Jake’s huge manly cock pounded, plunged, and throttled down James’ throat. James fully accepted his role as a sissy bitch and surrendered to Jake’s superior masculinity. Jake’s hips quickly thrust like a powerful hydraulic machine. James was taking the deepest deep-throating ever and the face-fuck of the century. Before you feel too badly for poor slutty James. It is important to note that Jake’s...
Gay MaleTina had slept very little. She was in fact becoming very weak. Even if she had been given food of sorts, the spread-eagled position she had been in the past 48 hours was taking its toll on her. The stench of her own waste in the cage was nauseating. Her neck was stiff, and her legs were starting to get numb below the knees. She was exhausted from the lack of sleep. Her stomach growled since the laxative made her digest her food more quickly than she normally would have. Mentally she was...
I've been thinking about a new series for a while. This new series will be a series of one offs focused on teens being exploited by adults whom they should have been able to trust. This will be the first installment, so let me know if I should continue with this project.Jenny O'Brian watched as her teenage son Danny scrambled to recheck his backpack for the third time, and for the third time he found that everything that he needed for the week ahead was packed inside. It made her smile to see...
(The sake is flowing at the Higashidani house.) Higashidani: Ha! That fool! Once I get on him Fudozawa's going down like a house of cards! Shopkeeper: Right! You're the best in Japan! Higashidani (hitting him): In the world! (They throw their arms around each other and laugh.) Uki (thinking): They're drunk. (Sanosuke is drinking quietly, off to the side.) Higashidani: Uki, pour us another cup! Uki: No! No more! Higashidani: You're so spiteful... Uki: I'm not! It'll be too...
My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 17 Katie the Good Neighbor Mrs. Jackson stood in her kitchen and stared out the window towards Phil Dorman's house. It had been a few weeks since his release from the hospital and while the neighborhood rejoiced at his return; the hot married wife felt nauseated. Everyday during the past week Phil had called or knocked on her door; she never answered as she knew what he would say or try to do to her. His words echoed in her head from the answering machine of what he...
January 22nd, 2007, Sunday Carol There were things she wanted to tell her family about their protector – things far more worrisome than Nick’s mob involvement had been. They accepted Minerva’s ghost, but Lanier ... that was orders of magnitude more hard to swallow. Besides, she didn’t know anything, just suspected a lot. So, she said nothing. And worried, despite all of Nick’s assurances she had no reason to. “What, sir, I’m sorry?” “I asked why this Lanier person called us,” Harry...
"A Permanent Transformation" The Sissy Becomes a Little Girl by HairDaddy The ad read "Dominant master dominates sissy boys" When Jon answered the ad he knew Master Bob meant business. Once Jon committed to being made a total sissy, there would be no turning back. The master would have all the control. Jon had been seeing Bob on and off for about 2 months now. It had been a very slow transition with Jon being prepared for the day he would become a sissy boy and totally...
It is quite like any other business day in the Fall. Despite the cooling temperatures, I am out of office on a field trip hunting for a new supplier as our company is tired of the hassles in working with our old furniture supplier. I have been to several suppliers already by the time I met Samantha. So far none of them offered what her company seem capable of delivering, the service facilities needed to deliver when and where we need. It may be because they are not expecting a black...
We would drink, smoke, get fucked up, and fuck around. My crew and a couple of hot chicks were all around just smoking and drinking and getting so fuckin high, we couldn't even see each other. A couple of my boys from my crew was fucking around, dancing with a couple of chicks. I had this chick in my arms, her tits were comin out of her shirt as she was fucked out of her mind. She whispered in my ear: "Dave, I wanna suck your cock, now" I was so drunk and fucked up, I just put my...
Jennifer was 18 years old. She was completely unaware of how beautiful she was. Her Mother had died when she was young, and her father had kept her very locked up. She attended a beautiful private school for very chaste catholic girls, and never even thought of men or even boys. The Nuns kept her, and her giggling schoolgirl chums very busy with their education and they were deeply committed to spiritual enlightenment. The training was to make perfect socialite wives of them, for the very...
They cased the old bank for a month. Gus a prison hardened career criminal with a nasty streak, and Billy his younger fresh faced accomplice embarking on his life of crime. Today was the day as they donned their balaclavas and stormed the premises. Gus screamed for everyone to hit the floor, brandishing a gun. Billy ran behind the counter with a sports bag scooping in wads of notes. Rather than running back out the door the plan involved going up the stairs onto a landing, where they would jump...
Chloe Russell couldn't sleep. It was a big day for her, moving away from the comfort and security of sleepy suburbia. Most of her friends had already left for their respective universities the previous weekend, and now it was Chloe's turn to leave her quiet, uneventful town behind. Weeks had gone into preparation for the "big move", endless checklists to make sure she had everything she needed for her new beginning. At least she wouldn't be alone, Chloe thought as her best friend, Megan would...
TeenAfter our meal, everyone helped to clear the table and put away the leftovers. As I watched them clear the kitchen, I pulled Adam aside and told him my thoughts. “Adam, we’re going to need domestic help, as of – yesterday. We’re going to need tutors for all the kids we have coming. We’re going to need mass transportation, and we’re going to need re-usable diapers – lots of re-usable diapers,” I told him and he agreed. Before everyone scattered, I called a family meeting to address these...
Keri looked out of her bedroom window and saw her father stretched out on a lounge chair next to their pool. It was Saturday morning and they would have the whole day together before Susan, Steve and Mark came over later that night for supper. It was supposed to be one of those meetings where both families get together and talk about the marriage and sort of set up the 'ground rules' as to what was to be expected from all of them, but Keri wasn't looking forward to it at all. As she...
The car park isn't busy. There are cars, but all are empty. Kim enters the car park on foot and walks towards the only and empty bus stop. She checks her phone.“I will be in a Subaru Forester . See you in 30 minutes, “ said the last message she received 30 minutes ago.She just waits for him to show up here. She is 27 years old and decided to live a little more. After a relationship of 4 years she wants to try more, experiment more. And this is the first thing she tries; finding a sex date via...
Before dawn had begun to show at her window, Billie-Ann had already decided to leave her stepmother's house. Quietly she packed what few clothes she owned into an old duffel bag, stuffed in her daddy's old bone-handled hunting knife and the naughty pictures she'd gotten from Jed and slipped out of the house while Nora still snored in bed. As she cut into the woods and found the path down out of the hills, she knew she didn't have a plan at all... no place to go... no place to hide. She...
May 9, 1848 We reached St Joseph, Missouri before noon and we decided to take a while to look around. St Jo had grown since we were here three years ago. Then, it was just becoming a town. Now, it looked more like St Louis. We left Sam, Matt, and Timmy camped with the mules, wagon, and all of our pelts in the same field we had camped in three years before. Ab and Pris went off to see someone Ab knew who was in the fur trade. He wanted to see if there was enough difference in the price we...
The kids found out how much work it is to harvest meat. Bob mentioned, at the outset, that all their pioneer ancestors knew all about this process, at an age even younger than they were. First, he made them decide whether to do the job with the buck on the ground, where they would have to pull all the innards out through a slit down the belly or of hanging the deer up and letting all that gooey mess just drop out on the ground. They chose plan B, of course. Without thinking about what would...
A few years back I was invited to a low key adult party in "The Trey Fo - 3-4". A cool laid back couple (W & M) opened their home to a few select couples and very few select single males of which I happened to be one of. I had only met these people online so I was a little nervous.The party started with a game where each person wrote down a low level sexual act on a small piece of paper and put it in a hat. When all slips were in, the hat was passed around for everyone to take a slip....
I wake up several hours later to a light snoring next to my ear and a dark house. I am wrapped against someone's chest. Strong arms holding onto me. I try to release myself but the hold on me tightens around my waist. "Hey, you're awake," he says snuggling his face into my neck. Butterflies flutter in my stomach and there is a wetness between my legs. I suddenly become aware of his hands on my stomach, his hot breath on my neck, and his hardness poking my back. Oh god. His hand slowly...
Love StoriesCarolina Beach, North Carolina is a small town and a beautiful place for our retirement. We’re only twelve miles south of Wilmington if we want to take advantage of the amenities and health services of a larger city. My name is Dan, and my wife, Jenny, and I were recently able to retire after working our whole lives in Wilmington and raising our daughter, Ashley, there.We bought our modest, one-bedroom, beachfront cottage on Carolina Beach when I had just turned thirty, at a time before the...