Hell s Kitchen Humble Pie
- 4 years ago
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The text read Be at the Holiday Inn on 7th Avenue tonight at 7:00 P.M. that was it. Just one line, one simple command. But it was a command that Julie knew she could not ignore.
Julie wasn't normally the kind of girl who took orders–she gave them. The branch manager for a major clothing store, she was used to barking the commands and having her subordinates jump to fulfill them. That was the order of things in her world. Or at least it used to be.
Julie Morgan had a good life. She had a successful career and had made a name for herself in the fashion industry. She had created something of an "empire" where when she spoke, people listened. She had a very nice house in a nice neighborhood... yes, Julie seemed to have a tight grip on the world until one day something happened to turn that world on its head.
It was a Friday night and like most Friday nights, she had gone to her favorite club Bottoms Up, to let off some of the workweek stress and mingle with a few friends. Nothing out of the ordinary until, as she was sitting there, a man came up to her. He was decent looking she thought, at least better looking than the majority of the guys there–most of whom were in the latter stages of inebriation.
"So what's a beautiful woman like you doing sitting all alone in a place like this?" he had started with his charm.
"I'm just waiting for my friend," she said, pointing to the ladies' room. There was no friend in there, but she thought it was a polite enough way of telling him she wasn't interested.
It worked, and with a smile, he went back to his stool at the bar. However, after several minutes, he came back again. "It seems your friend has left you here alone. Are you sure you wouldn't like some company?" he asked again.
"No, thank you. Now please leave me alone. I just want to finish my drink in peace," she said. He retreated to his barstool again to lick his wounds. But it wouldn't be the last time Julie saw this man.
A little while later Julie had finished her drink and was getting ready to go home. She took a look at the bar and noticed the man who she had reproved earlier had gone. He hadn't been rude or belligerent; it's just that she wasn't in the mood for flirtatious conversation that night.
Julie had imbibed enough that evening to dull her senses and she didn't notice the car that followed her home from the bar. As she parked on the concrete pad waiting for her garage door to open, the car drove slowly past. She didn't know it at the time, but the driver of that car was the man from the bar. And now he knew where she lived.
A week went by without any more incidents or oddities. Julie had long since forgotten about the man at the bar, writing it off as just another unlucky come-on.
Then on the following Friday, as she was getting ready to leave for work, she went out to her car in the garage and noticed an envelope on the windshield held in place by the wiper. The fact that the envelope was on her car in her garage scared her–she could have sworn that she had locked the side door to the garage.
How could anyone get in to put something on her car? And who would do such a thing? She got in her car quickly, locking the doors before pulling out and driving to work. She didn't open the envelope until she was safely in her office behind the closed door.
Once she was in her office with the door locked and sitting at her desk, she felt it was okay to open the strange envelope. Inside was a typed note:
Hello Julie,
Yes, I know who you are. I know quite a bit about you. I know where you live. I know where you work. I know your car and I know that you are the branch manager there at your store. I also know a few things about your past. Things that might be... uncomfortable given your position there.
You were quite a slut back then, weren't you? And not just a slut but also a thief–it seems you have sticky fingers and a penchant for pretty things. You got away with a lot back in those days, to be sure. But what if your company and your friends learned who Julie Morgan really was? Would they still be as forgiving? And how would your customers and business associates react when they found out–what kind of an image would that give your company?
If you don't want to run the risk of everyone finding out about the skeletons in your closet, be at the Holiday Inn on 7th Avenue, Room 210 tonight at 7:00 PM. Come alone. If you are late or do not show up, I will put the information out to your company and the Internet. Yes, I have pictures and proof of your... exploits.
Julie sat there in stunned silence, staring at the note. There was no signature and no markings on the outside of the envelope. She had no idea who wrote it or what they might have on her. Sure she had done a few stupid things in her past–who hadn't? But what could this person be talking about? And what pictures and/or proof could they have? Julie had grown up in Secaucus, New Jersey. But this was Dallas, some 1,300 miles away. And she had lived in Dallas for ten years now. What could this person know about her?
Work that day was a fog for Julie. She couldn't concentrate and she couldn't think about anything but the note in the envelope. She went back into her memory as far back as she could, scouring her past to try to figure out what this person could know about her and what's more what they wanted to keep whatever it was quiet. Yes, she did have a good job and a very comfortable life. She didn't want anything to disturb or destroy it.
She wasn't rich by any means. She had a good job that paid pretty good but she was no Rockefeller or Rothschild. If it was a shakedown for money, she could maybe come up with $10,000.00 tops and that would take a little time. She would have to cash in some stocks and borrow against her retirement.
Julie watched the clock. She would have to leave right from work, get home, get changed, and get over to the hotel as quick as she could–her mystery appointment left her little time to spare. She almost considered going straight to this meeting from work, but she didn't know what to expect and wanted to be in casual clothes for whatever was to come. Maybe if she looked like a regular housewife and not a big branch manager, he or she wouldn't think she had much money and would just go harmlessly away.
Inevitably 5:00 came and she was ready to leave work. She closed her office and rushed downstairs to her car as quickly as she could... no time for the idle chatter and pleasantries that normally accompanied the end of a workweek. She had to hustle–if whoever this was meant what they said, she didn't want to be late! Julie drove home as quickly as she could safely do, taking the most efficient route.
Once there, she ran into her room and quickly changed out of her work attire and into a pair of comfy jeans, an oversized t-shirt, and a pair of comfy flats instead of her heels. Not knowing what to expect, she tossed her wallet and checkbook into her casual purse, leaving her credit cards at home. Then she left the house and headed to the hotel to meet the stranger.
Arriving at the hotel, she parked her car where she hoped to be able to make a fast getaway. She went inside and straight over to the elevator. On the second floor, she went down the hallway until she found room 210. The door was ajar as if waiting for her. Julie took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself for she didn't know what and pushed the door open a crack.
"H-hello?" she asked peeking inside. She saw no one in the room, so she cautiously came inside. On the table in the main room, she saw a similar note to the one left on her windshield.
Hello Julie, I'm glad you decided to show up. If you will push the button on the VCR under the television, everything is set up for you. You will see a small part of what I have on you and what will be exposed if you should not wish to cooperate. Believe me, when I tell you, there is much more and much worse that I can expose if we cannot come to an understanding.
With shaky hands, Julie pressed the play button on the VCR and sat down to watch. When the screen came on Julie gasped. It was a security tape from a company she used to work for years and years ago. She remembered the office very well–she had worked the late shift for the company.
She watched in horror as the young and impetuous Julie opened the cash register and took out some money, counting it and putting it in her pocket. Then she altered the books to hide the missing money. She remembered that–she had actually done it a few times... never taking much at any one time, only about a hundred dollars or so. But she'd never realized the owners had installed surveillance cameras! She wondered why they had never said anything.
The videotape changed a moment later and showed her walking into a clothing store, presumably with her ill-gotten gains. She went over to the clothing section and while she "browsed" for something to spend her money on, she also found a bra and panty set that she felt at the time she didn't need to pay for, slipping it into her purse then walking up to the counter with her other purchases.
Then the video focused on the desk and the envelope in front of her. His voice came on the audio. "There is a lot more that I have on you, Julie, including pictures of you in college and proof that you never graduated college as you claimed on your application to the clothing store.
"In fact, you got kicked out of college in your third year isn't that right? And why did you get kicked out? For prostituting yourself to your fellow classmates and trying to seduce some of your professors to get better grades! I wonder how your company would view their branch manager after learning about her college days?
"Now, I want you to get undressed down to your panties. In the drawer of the nightstand, you will find a hood. I want you to put the hood on and lie down on the bed in just your panties and the hood. It has a built-in blindfold, but an open mouth. You will be able to breathe just fine, but you won't be able to see. I am watching you so I will know when you are ready."
Julie got a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. Oh, God! This isn't about money at all! He wants to have sex with me! she thought. That was a thousand times worse than any money blackmail! Her first instinct was to run out of the room as fast as she could, but she knew that would be a mistake.
This man–whoever he was–knew enough to destroy her career and make sure she never worked in this field again. Not to mention getting the police involved in some of her activities. Then she remembered him saying he was watching her and she began looking around for a peephole or hidden camera or something. But she saw nothing unusual or out of place in the room.
Julie realized she was trapped; she had no choice but to do as the man said, as disgusting and sickening as it was. She had too much to lose. She began to cry as she started to undress. She couldn't believe what was happening to her. She couldn't place the sound of the voice–it didn't sound like anyone she knew. But it could be that it was a crappy recording or maybe he disguised his voice somehow.
Julie took off her oversized t-shirt and her bra. She didn't know where the camera or peephole was, so she didn't know which way to turn to hide her toplessness. Hell, for all she knew, he could have the whole room wired and there was no place to hide!
Then she took off her jeans. She was thankful that he allowed her to keep her panties on–that was something at least! She went over and opened the drawer and found the hood he had talked about. She examined the hood closely. The idea of being blindfolded terrified her and she pleaded to the unseen man not to be blindfolded.
"Please whoever you are, please don't make me wear the blindfold. I'll do whatever you want. I won't fight or argue with you. Please! I can't wear the blindfold! Please don't make me wear it!" She turned in circles as she begged, not knowing where to look into the camera.
But there was no reply... only dead, frightening silence. Julie realized that he was not giving her any leniency or reprieve on this. She had to comply with him for this to go forward. She couldn't avoid it and she didn't know how much longer she could stall before he got mad and left the hotel to ruin her.
Julie placed the hood on her head, hoping against hope that all this worked out somehow. She didn't know this man's intentions, except she was pretty sure it had to do with sex. She was keenly aware of her helpless state and she trembled because of it. Julie couldn't see anything with the hood and blindfold, and she strained to hear, but with the carpeted floor it was nearly impossible. It seemed like forever but in reality, it was only a couple of minutes before she heard his voice.
"Now that's a good girl," he said.
Oh my God, he was right beside her! Julie jumped with fright at his voice but settled back on the bed after a moment when nothing happened.
Then he began talking. "Julie, I am not a monster. I am not going to do anything to you that you don't ask for. I didn't bring you here to attack you or molest you. Unless you ask me too, I am not going to touch you, understand?"
"You're not? Then why am I here? And why am I wearing this hood and just wearing my panties?" she asked.
"Because Julie, I wanted you to feel as helpless as you make others feel when they approach you."
"What? I don't understand!" she said.
"Julie, I am a private investigator of sorts and I have done a lot of research on you and I've discovered you have a nasty habit of treating the people you come in contact with like shit. I've talked with and found a great many people you deal with or have dealt with who feel that you have some sort of superiority complex and think that everyone is here to serve you. And because everyone is supposed to be at your beck and call, you treat them like something you scrape off your shoe when you come indoors.
"Well, it's time that you learned a little humility and learned that in order to get sometimes, you have to give a little in return. And to that end, I have decided to teach you a little lesson in humility myself, just so I will know that it has sunk into that pretty little head of yours," he said.
"W-what are you going to do to me?" Julie asked, getting more scared by the minute.
"Oh nothing too terribly traumatic, my dear. As I said I'm not a monster. And you will ask me before I do anything. In fact, you will beg me. You will beg me because you know I hold your life and your future in my hands and if you fail to 'play along' it will result in everything you have worked so hard for crumbling to ash at your feet."
"You're blackmailing me?"
"Oh dear, that word–blackmail–such an ugly word with an equally ugly connotation. No, I much prefer the word encourage... it has a much more positive, happy air about it, don't you think?"
"Well whatever you want to call it, it's against the law!" she said angrily.
"My dear, nothing has gone on in this room that is illegal. I did not kidnap you and drag you here–you came on your own to this hotel room. And I did not force myself on you, in fact, I haven't touched you. As for this whole 'encouragement' thing–I simply told you I have information of a sensitive nature on you, which is the truth.
"If anyone should be worried about legalities, it should be you, Julie. You were the one who committed these crimes. And it's you who was foolish enough to get caught at it. Besides you do not know who I am so even if you went to the police and told them, all you have is that someone–you have no idea who–is trying to blackmail you because you did something illegal back in your younger days. Even my letter to you didn't say anything about money or any other kind of payment to keep me quiet. Not much of a case, if you ask me!" he said smugly.
He was right–Julie couldn't go to the police to help her–she'd be in more trouble with them if she did. And she didn't have anything specific to tell them anyway. He had covered his tracks very well.
"So what is it that you want from me?" she asked, softer and more contrite than before.
"That's much better, Julie. You see, the old adage "You get more flies with honey than you do with vinegar" really is true isn't it? You will learn, over our time together, that being servile and submissive will be easier on you than trying to fight me on everything. If you work with me, I can make this very pleasant for you. But if you fight and fuss with me, I can also make it very difficult for you. So you see it really is up to you how we proceed. This situation you got yourself into can still be salvaged if you play your cards right."
Julie was beginning to see that being nearly naked and blindfolded was a pretty accurate representation of her helplessness in this situation. This man held all the cards and he made all the rules. She had very little say in what would happen, only how easy it might or might not be on her. Work with him huh? Just what did "work with him" consist of?
"I know you aren't going to tell me your name, so what do I call you?" she asked.
"Hmm... " he thought for a moment. "Since you are here to learn to be submissive and serve me, I guess Sir would be most appropriate," he said.
"Yes, Sir. Well, since I don't seem to have much choice in this, what do you want me to do, Sir?" she asked.
"For tonight, nothing. I just wanted to establish our arrangement. I wanted to meet you and to let you know that I was indeed serious about my letter and seal our deal. Your lessons will begin with our next meeting," he said.
"Our next meeting?"
"Why, yes, my dear. There will be many meetings and many lessons. We haven't even scratched the surface yet. I will be contacting you soon for another meeting and we will get started then. Until then, I want you to think about what I have said here today. And next time when I call on you, I want you to dress more... provocatively. You're a lovely girl, Julie, you should show it off more!"
"Yes, Sir." She paused for a moment. "Sir, I have to ask... is there going to be... sex involved? I mean I'm pretty sure there is–I mean, I'm lying here in my panties now. But I just need to know if we are going to..."
"Maybe after a few lessons and we get to know each other a bit. We'll see how things progress with us. I want you to feel comfortable about it–as comfortable as you can that is."
"Thank you, Sir." She was thanking him? She couldn't believe that had come out of her mouth!
"You're welcome, my dear. Now we're through here for today unless you have any more questions?"
"No Sir."
"Fine. Then I will leave you to get dressed again. I want you to keep the hood with you, you will need it for your lessons. And you can keep the video and all the papers on the table. Don't worry, I have several copies of my own. I will be in touch with you when it's time for our next meeting. Now I am leaving... wait until you hear the door shut to get up and get dressed. If you get up before that and try to get a look at me, the deal is off. Understand?"
"Yes, Sir."
"Good. Until next time then my sweet." And a moment later Julie heard the door close with a thud. She took off the hood and it took a moment for her eyes to get used to the bright room light. Her "Sir" had turned all the lights up full power knowing that the blinding light would hamper her vision for a couple of brief moments!
By the time her eyes had adjusted and she could focus, she knew he was long gone. She got dressed and gathered the material and the hood and left the room headed to her car.
It was about a week later when at work her cellphone buzzed. Looking at it, she saw she had a text message, She opened up her text app to read a message from Sir:
Hello pretty,
Be at the Holiday Inn, same room as before, at 7:00 pm tonight. That ought to give you enough time to get dolled up for me. Sir
Julie glanced at the clock on the wall of her office. It was just after 10:00 am. "Good! I can go home at lunch and lay out the clothes to wear tonight," she said aloud.
So promptly at noon she drove home and went through her closet to find some clothes that she hoped Sir would like. "I can't believe I am dressing up for a blackmailer," she mused as she set out what she chose from her large and well-stocked clothing. Being the branch manager of a major fashion store had its perks–Julie had a LOT of nice clothes!
On the way back to work she stopped off at a fast-food drive-through for a burger, fries, and a soda since she hadn't eaten yet. The rest of the day seemed to drag by–she couldn't wait for the day to be over so she could get home and get ready for her Sir.
At last, the clock hands moved to the position she wanted them and it was quitting time. She quickly shut down her computer and left her office, locking up as she did. She got to her car and left the office building, heading straight home.
As soon as she got in the house, she went back to her room and took off her office wear. She jumped in the shower and scrubbed off the workweek. She made sure her legs and armpits were completely smooth. She wasn't sure how he wanted her pubic hair, so she made a mental note to ask him tonight. She kept herself trimmed and manicured, but he might want something different. She hopped out of the shower, drying off, then went into her room to get dressed.
Julie had picked out one of her favorite "clubbing" dresses, a slinky black velvet number that fit her like she'd been poured into it. It was cut almost embarrassingly short and it had a man-catching plunging neckline that didn't stop until it went past her bustline. It was scooped in the back down to where back turned to ass and the whole thing was (barely) held up by two thin spaghetti straps.
In addition to her dress, she had picked out her best lace-topped thigh-high seamed stockings and a pair of red open-toe and stiletto-heeled six-inch pumps. With her outfit complete now, she went into the bathroom to do her makeup.
She had seen enough porn movies to know what seemed to go over well with men. She put on red gloss lipstick, dark smoky-eye makeup, and just enough blush to make her cheeks pop. She put a couple of drops of her favorite perfume Jadore by Christian Dior behind each ear. Then with a playful smirk, she put a few drops between her tits.
"Just in case," she said to herself.
She looked at the clock. "Oh shit!" she said, "I gotta get going or I'll be late!" So she snatched up her purse, car keys, and the hood she was supposed to bring with her and headed out the door to meet with Sir.
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?Come on girl legs apart now, do a little dance for me. Yeah that’s good swing those little balls bitch. Keep dancing for daddy show me you can do it.?Jordan arched her pretty little ass and spread her slender legs wide showing a full on view of her cock and balls. She moved her hips up and down and swayed them from right to left. Her small balls danced with the movement, she looked so cute.?You look so much better with those things shaved baby, daddies done a good job hasn’t he? Will have to...
As we prepared for my upcoming office party, Tammy looked for some pie recipes.Tammy is my wife and she also happens to be absolutely beautiful. As she looked through her cookbooks, she kept frowning. “I can’t find any good recipes. They all seem so average.” I told her to try the Internet for some ideas. She wanted to bake a cream pie or something like it for the party. She sat down at the desk and began typing.I heard her say, “Oh my gosh!”When I turned and looked at the computer screen,...
PERHAPS HE SHOULD have paid the tinker for his story with one of his own right away and set off at a more brisk pace to put steps behind him, Steven thought; but the tinker was such good company and Steven had so many questions that it was difficult to part. Steven spent the entire walk the next day asking for more details. While others he had met confessed to have heard of a dragon, the tinker was the first who actually knew a story about one and may have even seen the impossible pot at some...
The next day all I could think about was that guy on his knees, with his balls sac pulled behind his legs, sucking another man's cock while getting a whipping. All day I wondered what it would feel like to have my balls sac pulled behind my legs with no mercy. What it would feel like to be in his position? I even cruised the net looking for pictures or videos of men in that position. But I didn't know what the device is called. Finally, when I ran a search for 'cbt devices', I saw it....
Charlie had just showered and dressed at the country club after a Saturday afternoon round of golf with his buddies Karl, Duke and Willy. Normally they would tip a few in the club lounge after playing eighteen holes but this day was a little different. It was Karl’s fortieth birthday and he had just recently separated from his second wife so the guys decided that on this day the nineteenth hole would be at a strip club on the other side of town. Across the tracks. The red light district. Titty...
MatureHe groaned again but she didn’t seem to notice, just kept prattling on and on about how excited she was for this opportunity. He held up his middle finger but she cheerfully continued her one-sided conversation. ‘Sharon, for the love of God, shut up!’ he finally said. ‘Fine,’ she huffed and pouted. ‘They said you were a real meanie pie. I’ll just read then.’ With that, she pulled out her Braille book and quietly read to herself. He signaled to the flight attendant and bought another scotch...
“Your humble slave” is so honored that you have chosen me to love and to tutor in the ways of sex, love, obedience...I don't deserve your attention in any way, but I am so glad you are bestowing it on me....I will strive every day to please my master in my words and my actions...both sexually and emotionally ...I love that you are a real man - one who can take charge and lead me and be the Master that you are...I know there are times when Master will be frustrated with his slut for her lack of...
Cheri pulled up to the old warehouse and saw the door to the “Big Dong Productions” and she smiled. Big Dong was the new porn video label that was owned and run by her former lover, David. One afternoon in a hotel room with him was enough to convince her to give up her straitlaced assumed identity as a suburban mom to come back to her nymphomaniac porn actress career.She had revealed her true personality to her husband Jack and she was afraid that he would freak out and leave her but to her...
Andrea and I enjoy camping and we camp a lot at the lake near our house. We have a favorite site back in a cove that's extremely private and Andrea will take the camper up on Wednesday so we are sure to get it. One time I had to go out of town for work but since I was coming back Friday afternoon I told her to go ahead and stay up there and I'd join her Friday.Well Friday when I got the the camp site there was no sign of Andrea so I grabbed a cold beer and kicked back to relax. I was on my...
My wife and I over the last 7 years or so enjoy fucking others,she's 58 and I'm 60, well my wife enjoys fucking other guys, I'm not allowed but I have strayed a few times. One weekend before Mardi Gras, we live in New Orleans, we went to a Mardi Gras Ball in the convention center along with 10,000 other crazy parade goers. Now if you haven't been to one of these super parade balls, go. The parade actually goes into the convention center and it gets wild. The ladies are all dressed up in long...
I'll never forget the first Cream Pie I saw: In the early 70s, I was 15; an acquaintance and myself had been slumming all day in his car. We picked up a girl of about 16 yo we saw that was also slumming (back then, it was quite common for slumming girls to be easy fucks). Anyway we all three slummed for awhile and she and my buddy were getting horny for each other so we all went to her house for the obvious reason of fucking. She lived in a mobile home and no one else was home. She wasn't...
Hi All horny guys and gals…my name is Raj male 24 indore..thank you for your responses to my previous story ” unforgettable 15 days” for those who haven’t read it. http://indiansexstories2.net/stories/Couple/unforgettable_fifteen_days_128885.html is the link ..send me your responses on my mail id … coming back to todays story…its about my desire to make love with an elderly women…….I love elderly women i find them very sexy…my ex was 4 years elder to me and it was awesome making love to...
It’s been a long day at that boring 9-5 job of yours. Sure, it brings home plenty of bacon, and keeps your wife happy and living in a lifestyle you’ve both become accustomed, but you can’t help but feel like something is off when you pull into the driveway of your classic suburban home, on that boring street of other suburban homes, just as affluent as your own. You notice a van with your internet company’s logo but don’t think too much of it. You park your car, grab your briefcase and suit...
CuckoldMy birthday was today. So my wife, Alison, kept bugging me."What do you want this year, you know, in the bedroom?"You see every year, since we got married, I get a special treat from her. In addition to the regular stuff, I can request something a little kinky.So this year, I decided I'd finally ask her for something I've wanted for a long time.I told her that I wanted to eat her creampie."I'm making you a cake. Don't you want something special from me in the bedroom, too?"I told her it was...
Chapter 1 If you've read my story "The Ultimate - Living My Fantasy" you will have read about my wife. She goes by the name of "V". She is very attractive and a lot of fun to be married to. Over the years we have tried role-playing to spice up our sex lives. Usually, because she can be somewhat submissive, she has been my sex slave. Although, several years ago I tried to get her to be my Mistress, and treat me as her sex slave. At first it looked like she wanted to play the part. Then she...
Kevin Jones was not an impressive young man. His lips were sweetly formed and they looked just like a girl's only without lipstick. The boys in the locker room were not even aware he had a decent looking cock because he tried to keep it covered whenever it was exposed. His slender buttocks were also reminiscent of a female's because of the way they swept up into a heart-shaped design when he was standing up straight and not bending over. He certainly was not muscular looking but if one...
Momma's Piesbydaddyslittlebitch©"Come on boys," I heard my mom shout from the next room, "Pies are almost ready."I rushed to put down what I was doing and could hear the eager running feet of my two elder brothers hurrying to join us. Mom's pies were something really special, a treat that we were all only to eager to eat up. We raced into the living room together and there we three were met with quite a sight.My mom lay on her back on the dining table. She was completely naked except for a...
"Come on boys," I heard my mom shout from the next room, "Pies are almost ready."I rushed to put down what I was doing and could hear the eager running feet of my two elder brothers hurrying to join us. Mom's pies were something really special, a treat that we were all only to eager to eat up. We raced into the living room together and there we three were met with quite a sight.My mom lay on her back on the dining table. She was completely naked except for a white lace garter belt holding up a...
"Come on boys," I heard my mom shout from the next room, "Pies are almost ready."I rushed to put down what I was doing and could hear the eager running feet of my two elder brothers hurrying to join us. Mom's pies were something really special, a treat that we were all only to eager to eat up. We raced into the living room together and there we three were met with quite a sight.My mom lay on her back on the dining table. She was completely naked except for a white lace garter belt holding up a...
Jamie and Julene: Chapter 1: Humble Beginnings By Luneth "I cannot believe the two of you! How is this possible?! I couldn't have been gone for more than forty-five minutes!" Pamela van Deffen screamed at her stepsons. Joe and James fidgeted shamefully, casting apprehensive glances at the ruined vase and soiled carpet. "You two are just too rambunctious! There will be a punishment, oh ho! Just you wait! I'm going to take my time and think of the grandest, most exquisite,...
The journey started reasonably well, the Emir thought. Kaitlin was impressed by driving straight to the steps up into the aircraft; she was even more impressed by a private jumbo jet, and he had remembered to order the stewardesses to wear their ground uniforms, rather than serve them naked, as they normally would when the aircraft was in the air. He managed to persuade Kaitlin to share his bed for an hour on the journey, and then to shower with him, but she was clearly becoming more nervous...
I was already finding it harder to wake in the mornings and virtually impossible to concentrate in class. During Cheering, my head began spinning each time I moved it more than an inch up or down. I was only able to continue because our drills are so repetitive. However, when it came time for me to execute an assisted handspring — something I'd been doing for more than a semester — I instead fell backward into a teammate. I apologized and attempted to stand but found my legs too weak to...
Humbled: The Day After the Pillory StockadeThis is the third part of the ?Humbled? series. To better understand the storyline, you should read ?Humbled?, then ?Humbled at the Pillory Stockade? first.BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP?..?What the hell?? I thought as I was rudely awakened from a sound sleep. Then I looked at the alarm clock and realized that I had a software presentation review meeting scheduled in the office in 90 minutes, and was scheduled to present the latest software to the...
Chapter Two: Leann's Sells Futa Pies By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Leann Winthrop's Week, Saturday “There you go, cutie,” purred Skylar, one of the futa-janitors. Her blonde pigtails spilled down her youthful face. I gasped as she gave my naked ass a squeeze. My futa-dick throbbed as I remembered the day before when Ji-Min and I had satiated the futa-janitors with our bodies. They'd taken my pussy's cherry while I'd sucked their cocks and took them in my cunt and asshole. In the...
Jack had spent a cold, damp, winter morning going from one house to the next trying in vain to sell windows. By midday, he was wet, miserable, and famished. The estate he'd been working had a small shopping precinct at its heart. There was a butcher, baker, newsagent, chip shop, and a small Indian restaurant. There was a long queue in the chippy but Jack didn't want to wait. He tried the bakers, but they didn't have anything that appealed. There was a sign outside the butchers. "Freshly...
Leann Winthrop’s Week, Saturday “There you go, cutie,” purred Skylar, one of the futa-janitors. Her blonde pigtails spilled down her youthful face. I gasped as she gave my naked ass a squeeze. My futa-dick throbbed as I remembered the day before when Ji-Min and I had satiated the futa-janitors with our bodies. They’d taken my pussy’s cherry while I’d sucked their cocks and took them in my cunt and asshole. In the end, Ji-Min and I were dripping with cum. And the futa-janitors had agreed to...
I have been married to Pam for twenty years now and we are both happy with each other. We have never had any c***dren. This year Pam turned forty and still looks great. She has dark brown hair which she cuts short in a bob which curves in to the nape of her neck. Pam still has her curves in all the right places as she had the day I married her. Pam can be quite extrovert and has a bubbly personality. She is much more outgoing than me. Pam really enjoys amateur dramatics and is very involved...
My irritation with the prince and his inflexibility coupled with his daughter's dumping me left me in a mood. His actions confused me enough that I had no clue what he was really mad at. Fuck both of them. I hoped that food would cheer me up. I needed to be in a decent mood for our mock duel later. It wouldn't be fair to everyone if I wasn't. That still didn't prevent me from wanting to hit something and hit it hard. Tara was waiting for me in my room. It wouldn't be right to take out...
Humbled At the Pillory StockadeThis is Part Two of the Humbled Series. To better understand the characters you should read Humbled first.Upon arriving home, I was greeted by Mistress Monica at the front door wearing her now normal household attire (stiletto heels and stockings, and nothing else). She quickly told me that she was aware of the new SCA rules, and unless I wanted to be charged as a SCA pervert from now on I was to be totally naked while in her company. I only would be allowed to...
Baseball, Apple pie, Chevrolet and---------------Dad As I approached the field house to clean up from the beat down I just delovered to Cole Parker, Ricky, the bat boy was trodding not far behind. Entering the open doorway to the shower room, I almost bumped into him---DAD. “Dad----what are you doing here?” “What—can't come see my b o y play ball?” “Ya, I guess---you been here the whole game?” “Naaa—just rolled in this minute---the rig is right over there---need a lift home?” ...
“Go home, Charlie,” she said. “Your anniversary is coming up in a few weeks. If you want to stay together, get to work. Bring her to the club and all three of us will get off.”----Charlie got home earlier than usual. Alex was already home and settled on the sofa in the family room. She had a book in her hand, a drink on the table and a pot of chowder simmering on the stove.Charlie didn’t know that Alex had ended her affair the week before. She and Justin had been in mid-fuck in his bed when a...
ThreesomesAnnie confessed to me about the first time she had enjoyed her best friend Katie’s borrowed panties.She was having a sleepover at Katie’s house. Katie had been out shopping with her mum, and was excited to show off her new buys to her best friend. The girls had fun trying on all the revealing spring clothes. Now she was 16, her mother had allowed Katie to choose her own panties. With boys in mind, she had chosen a 3 pack of Tanga style with 'Tweetie Pie' embroidered on them. Katie was wearing...
MasturbationBaseball, apple pie, Chevrolet and---------------Dad “Matthew Dillon---Mary Stevens, Action News 5 “ “Hey Mary” “Matt, we all saw the game, and congrats on the 7-4 win over the Indians”. “Thanks Miss Stevens” “But Matt, I think asides from the game, everyone wants to know is what was up between you and the bat boy?” I shoot a big grin and respond with “Well, Mary, I noticed that Ricky was coming out of the dugout without a batting helmet on. “I see—yes that's very good thinking on that” “Ya,...
My first times eating a cream pieMy first time was with my first girlfriend so I can't mention my age. We'd had sex many times but I had yet ever eatin a pussy an I really wanted to. I was a really horny guy and could and often cum 7 or 8 times in a few hrs. and still be horny as fuck. My girlfriend was baby sitting one night and I went to where she was. We fucked several times and she said she was sore but I was still horny as hell. It was then I thought I'd eat her pussy. I remember how she...
The first time I had sex with a woman, and my first Cream Pie, (it happen just like this, as I remember every nasty exciting detail) I was to baby sit for a friend of my mom's, I was to watch her two c***dren for the weekend while she went to Palm Springs. I went over after school so she could get out of town early. When I got to her house she was there, and she told me she made other plans, that her k**'s were at her sister's for the weekend. She also told me...
'It's easy because they're never taught by their parents'. I could see him looking sleazily at my daughter as he said it, he had been looking and squirming for most of the night, whether he knew I was watching did not seem to matter, her freshness and youthful vitality, acted like a powerful aphrodisiac, and his eyes widened as her short skirt rode high, exposing her panty-line, something I suspected she was doing on purpose, my daughter was a chip off the old block, and watching her was like...
Bye Bye Miss American Pie. Codes: M/F, Spanking, Romance.It was Friday night and the big city blues were in full swing. Amidst the swirl of alcohol and misty tobacco I was with a few of the (motley) crew from lower south side getting totally blitzed on cheap vodka and snakebites as we sat listening to the sound of rebellion coming from the Fat Larry jukebox.Call me Joe by the way. At last count I'm 25 going on 40. Looks wise I'm tall, dark but nothing special at all. Anyway, I looked better in...
I was a bit busy at my office during morning, when my sweet wife called me, saying she would join me for lunch.I was pleased to hear that, since I was sure that Anita would be also busy at her office at this time.Just after noon I had gone outside the building, when I saw my wife pulling at the parking lot, close to my car. So I went to greet her. Anita rolled her window down so I could talk and when I looked in, my jaws just dropped down. My sexy wife was wearing a short skirt and it was...