Those Waldron WomenChapter 4
- 2 years ago
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Just after Rebeccah went back to her bedroom to get dressed to go to the library Krissy appeared in the hallway that led from the bedrooms to the kitchen. When she saw me standing in the kitchen she stopped and looked at me. I could tell that she’d been crying recently. She’d just washed her face and had put on some fresh lipstick. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail that made her look much younger than I knew she was. She wore loose-fitting brown workout shorts and an ecru-colored short sleeve cotton-Esque T-shirt. It was obvious to my eye that she wore neither panties nor a bra. The cheeks of her well-maintained ass were too well-defined and smooth, but there could’ve been a thong—I could never tell. Her breasts though, nowhere near as large as Rebeccah’s, were a B-cup. But they were perky with no apparent sag. Her unslung nipples showed prominent shadows through the thin fabric of her top. I could tell they were substantial.
“I had a wonderful time last night Krissy,” I said, “You guys are great hosts, the food was fabulous. And the wine was...”
“Too much?” Krissy filled in.
I smiled and said, “Do you have a headache between your eyes too?”
She nodded her head.
Recognizing the accusing look I said, “You’ve talked with Rebeccah about last night?”
“Rebeccah and I talk about everything Morgan,” she answered. “I apologize for the craven way she came after you.” Silent for a moment she continued, “She gets it from her aunt.” Her smile was one of both amusement and sadness.
“I guess she’s probably told you more than she should have.”
“She told me what she told me, Krissy. I didn’t ask for the information, and I would never share it with others. I’m funny about those things. I must have looked at her a little harshly because she was really into telling it.”
“I’m not ashamed of the way we’ve lived,” Krissy said. “And I don’t care much for judgmental people.”
I realized I was out of my element and had to defuse a situation that could get out of hand. Looking her straight in the eye I said, “I would prefer you think of me as a discerning person rather than being judgmental. Though I was quite happy in my marriage I’ve lived an uninteresting life. So, things I haven’t been accustomed to might take a while for me to be able to accept. But I would say I’m more curious than judgmental. And if you’ve experienced things I haven’t that just speaks to the dull life I’ve lived ... but I enjoyed it. If I’ve offended you in any way I certainly apologize.” It was as if her body went from tight to relaxed. I could see moisture welling in her eyes.
Krissy had been confused since Morgan had moved in next door to her and Rebeccah. When Doug and Martha died she was devastated. Sex had always been a major part of her life. Unlike Martha though, she had been able to control her actions or at least not let them control her the way her twin had. She had always been envious of her sister for her obvious enjoyment of sex and had wanted to let herself go. But she hadn’t been able to at first.
When she married Doug, she let herself go completely on her wedding night. It was Martha’s kind of wildness that she began to understand and found she was enjoying. Though she was faithful to her husband she found herself fantasizing about men, even strangers walking down the street. And sex with Doug was always wildly enthusiastic.
He was a kinky lover and even though she thought herself prudish she willingly accepted anything he suggested that she do with him. She was surprised that her first sexual occurrence with Vince Bamberg, the Bon Marche buyer, was surprisingly easy for her to segue into. As long as she knew her husband wanted her to do it she was okay with it and found the threesome both intriguing and exciting. Once again she considered. It was then she realized how much like her sister she was. She had just never before acted on her urges.
After the first Bamberg situation, it happened again on every trip, always in a threesome. There were also other clients, usually in threesomes but sometimes alone with them with which she wasn’t as comfortable. But she never felt like she was being used. What she did was always for profitable business purposes. She always considered herself a partner in her husband’s business activities and was pleased that she was helping in his success.
Eventually, she began fantasizing about sex with other men, often getting horny while watching attractive strangers walking down the street. When Doug was killed her life changed in more than just the matrimonial way. Having sex with another man while her husband watched or took part had become fulfillment in a way she could have never explained to anyone else.
Her sister Martha had dated her husband Doug. She was the one who introduced them. She didn’t resent that Doug and Martha had sex together before that time but there was always an undercurrent of Martha and Doug’s sexual encounters before Doug was involved with Krissy which she spent a lot of time fantasizing about. As twins, Krissy and Martha had always been close but nothing sexual had ever happened between them.
When Krissy was too far along in her pregnancy that she could no longer travel with Doug Martha began filling her role with Vince Bamberg and the other buyers. Martha was thrilled. Because of the raging hormones brought on by her pregnancy, Krissy missed the frequency of sex with her husband as well as the variety and quality of the men involved in their “business” threesomes which caused her to become jealous of Martha’s involvement.
When Martha and Doug came back from their first trip she understood Krissy’s frustration and suggested that the three of them try threesomes among themselves. This is when she introduced both Krissy and Doug to the efficacy of a strap-on in a threesome. Doug was a kinky lover to start with and was wild about the idea which Krissy accepted as well. She was elated at being introduced to the latest version of a threesome, where when she was too pregnant to take an erection vaginally could still be penetrated anally with both Doug’s erection and Martha’s strap-on. So when she lost Doug and Martha in the accident she lost the experience of sex altogether, at least for a while.
Rebeccah had been introduced to bi-sex at the age of fourteen by her aunt Martha who saw everyone—male or female—as an opportunity to experience more sex. The games they played with the strap-on and Martha’s double dildo contributed maximally to the young girl’s sexual understanding. She had never taken part in her parents’ and aunt’s sexual play but knew, if only by peering through the keyhole, that it went on. Though Martha always wanted her to join in her father wouldn’t allow it. He wanted his daughter to remain a virgin for as long as possible. But, as she always did, Martha broke the rules and cavorted with Rebeccah on the sly.
It was two months after the accident when Rebeccah, who was walking by her mother’s bedroom heard her mom sobbing. Without knocking she walked into the room and saw her mother lying naked on the bed in what seemed like a trance. She was shocked to see her mother wildly working a dildo in her pussy and shuddering while sobbing uncontrollably.
Having played enough bi-sexual games with her aunt Martha—something she sorely missed—she climbed into bed with her mom and began massaging Krissy’s tummy and breasts. Krissy went stiff for a moment, place her hand on the hand that was fondling her breast, and said, “Oh God baby will you help Mommy please?”
Having done this so often with Aunt Martha Krissy knew exactly what to do. She placed her finger on her mother’s engorged clitoris and began rubbing. As she rubbed her mother pumped the dildo in and out of her pussy until she froze then shuddered in ague-like spasms, nearly squeezing the life out of Rebeccah. After that mother and daughter’s sexual play became a regular pattern.
At the age of twenty-two, Rebeccah had enjoyed numerous men, and a couple of women not including her mother. She had been urging her mom to find a man since she was eighteen. When Morgan Loughborough moved in she pestered her mom to approach him, always with the response, “That’s just not me Rebeccah, I’m too shy.”
Loughborough went on two vacations and wasn’t there for six weeks. Just two days ago he came back. As she and her mom were coming back from their morning’s walk she spied Loughborough in his spare bedroom window sitting at his computer. “Mom,” she said, you’ve got to knock on his door and invited him to dinner tonight.” When Krissy gave her daughter her stock answer she said, “If you don’t do it right now Mom I’m gonna knock on his door right now and seduce the son of a bitch into fucking me. DO it, Mom.”
As Krissy stood looking at me with tears in her eyes her pitiful face almost caused me to cry. I couldn’t stop myself. Closing the distance and embracing her in my arms I hugged her tight to me and let her cry it out. While I patted her back and caressed her until she settled into a silent woman in my arms. I murmured in her ear, “It’s all right Krissy, it’s gonna be just fine.” Lacing the fingers of both hands I rested them on the shelf of her bottom and bent my torso back so I could look down at her. Tentatively raising her head she looked into mine with pleading eyes.
“May I kiss you?”
Timidly she nodded her head.
I leaned down and as gently as I could I placed my lips on hers which were soft and relaxed. She opened them slightly and I pressed mine against hers, keeping the tension respectful. Hers, as soft as if they had been fellating my cock, began working.
Breaking the kiss I gazed into her eyes and said, “You have the softest lips, Krissy.”
She gave me a shy smile and mouthed, “Thank you,” returning my gaze while keeping her lips ready for another kiss.
My lips were on hers again, I opened them and coaxed hers to open as well, licking the circumference of her lips. Her tongue tip reached out and touched the underside of my tongue and she stiffened as my tongue began moving inward feeling her taste buds with the bottom of my tongue and the ridged roof of her mouth with its top.
Sucking a stiff breath through her nostrils she relaxed as our tongues automatically reversed their positions, exploring, then twirling around each other’s tongues. As her tummy pushed tightly against mine her breathing accelerated. As my hands cupped her bottom she tilted her hips to bring the hardness of her pubic bone against the upward position of my erection. As her mouth opened further she tried to devour my tongue and rotated her tummy against the bulge of my erect penis. With A gusher of breath, she gasped, “I needed this so BADLY.”
It seemed natural and necessary for my hands to knife inside the waistband of her shorts. I felt the smoothness of her naked bottom as the palms of my hands pressed into her soft bottom flesh and my fingers caressed and tickled her curvaceous undershelf.
The gasping whisper was followed by a more urgent, “I NEED it Morgan, I NEED it.”
Clutching the hem of my T-shirt that I wore outside of my belt and over my hips, she pulled it up hard making it clear that I should let her take it off. I raised my hands and arms and let her shuck it off. In one motion the garment landed on the table and her lips kissed my chest and found my left nipple. Kissing it urgently, she pulled up her top above her breasts and planted their bareness against my naked chest while snorting like a pig rooting for truffles.
My hands found the waist of her shorts and peeled them over her hips. She wiggled off and dropped them to her knees. Lifting her right foot she pushed them down and kicked them aside.
When her hands found my fly she fumbled and struggled to get the zipper down. As she popped the metal button she forcefully skinned the fabric over my ass. Feeling the fabric of my boxers she hooked her thumbs in the flexible waistband, bunched it with the denim, and pulled them down together as my protruding erection bounced upward and settled at a fifteen-degree angle. As we opened our stance she grasped my package as my fingers fumbled between her labia which opened to lubricated slickness and allowed my finger to breach her accommodating hole.
As her head slammed against my chest she gasped, “Oh God, Oh God Morgan I want it so MUCH.” Then, as she cast her eyes down to what her hand was holding she said, “OH M O R G A N.”
Having heard it before I knew she was referring to my abundant size which always happened with the same kind of inspection, regardless of the woman: the stroking and stretching of the loose outer skin, the observation of the heavy blue veining on the top of my shaft, the soft, chamois-like velvet of the circumcision scar and the flowing, helmetlike contours of my lavender-colored glans. When she bent down and held my cock against her cheek I began to understand the neediness with which she had been dealing.
There she was dressed only in her ecru top pulled up above her bare breasts. With no shirt, my pants, and drawers bunched around my ankles ... still in my Sperry Topsiders with no socks, I was thrilled with what I knew would happen next.
I never quite knew why it always happened that way but, like the other three women with whom I had sex since my wife died, Krissy’s head slid down my belly. With her hands holding my waist to ease her downward movement she dropped to her knees. Is it because of my size or do they just always do it that way to every man? Is it the ritual every woman follows to give heed to the myth that men love blowjobs more than anything else? I didn’t know about other men, but my dick being inside a pussy felt the best. Nevertheless, I’ve always loved a blowjob and would never turn one down.
And she did it like no other woman I ever experienced ... except Rebeccah. I didn’t know anything about her background but, based on the way Rebeccah did the same thing to me the night before I had a fairly good idea that she had done it to more than one guy. I guessed many. Whatever it sure made me feel good. The warmth of her mouth combined with the amount of saliva she pooled in her mouth: the way her tongue was covering all aspects of the first three inches of my penis, the way she bobbed on me and pumped my cock in and out of her mouth, and the stroking of the exposed part that wasn’t in her mouth told me that Krissy Waldron took pride in the way she sucked cock. It was clear that she wasn’t in a hurry to stop.
With each half-dozen strokes, she would look up at me to make sure I was enjoying what she was doing. With all the nerve endings she excited I had no trouble letting her know that I was.
I wasn’t sure whether she planned on sucking me ‘til I came or if she was expecting me to pull out and either fuck her in the kitchen or take her to bed. I have great staying power. But a few more bobs would have had me filling her mouth with the volume of sperm I had been gathering in my balls.
I could easily come back to her oral manifestations, and I was ready for a greater variety of play, so I said, “Krissy?” She looked up at me. “Shall we go into the bedroom?”
While not saying anything, her eyes told me that she was eager to find a more comfortable spot as well. As she took her mouth off my cock a long string of saliva mixed with precum stretched into a fine filament. Standing she took my hand and led me back through the hallway to the bedroom.
I liked the fact that her bedroom was neat, and the bed had already been made. As we stood beside it I pulled up her top and she raised her arms as I removed it. We were both completely naked.
At dinner, the night before I had been ogling her body and comparing it to her daughter’s. Rebeccah’s was thinner and more angular. Krissy’s body was more fleshed-out but still had acceptable hourglass proportions. She was in her early forties and her waist was still crisp without a hint of love handles. Her skin still appeared smooth and without blemish. Rebeccah told me that her mother was a fanatic exerciser even though there were no men in her life to look good for
In the privacy of her bedroom, I gave her a complete eye-over. She was an attractive woman with soft, brown hair and clear hazel eyes. Her lips were full and pouty. When she smiled her entire face glowed. While her breasts were smaller than her daughter’s they were still extremely attractive (Rebeccah’s were in the C-cup range. Krissy’s were B-cups). Rebeccah’s were rounded mammaries while Krissy’s were more petite ski jumpers. Both had nipples the size of large pencil erasers. Rebeccah’s areolas were round headlights while Krissy’s were soft ovals that gave her breasts a more youthful look. At the moment her nipples were swollen and redder than usual.
When she lowered her head in her shy way, I realized I had been staring at her too intensely. “I’m sorry I’ve been staring at you Krissy,” I said.
Self-consciously shrugging her shoulders she replied, “I’ve just forgotten what it is like to have men looking at me nude. I – I haven’t been naked with a man since my husband died.”
Reaching out I pulled her closer. As I hugged her soft body to mine my stiff penis slid between her legs beneath her labia. “Maybe I can keep from staring at you by holding you closer.”
Laying her head on my chest she said, “I’m glad you approve of what I look like Morgan. I feel safe in your arms.”
Dipping her legs she opened the lips of her pussy. Wiggling a bit she captured the top of my shaft with her vulva and as our pubic patches meshed she moaned as her clitoris touched the top of my shaft. Satisfied at what she had done she clamped her legs together and swayed in a circular motion as her belly caressed mine.
“Have you missed making love Krissy?” I asked, feeling silly for saying it. But it was still an uncomfortable situation for me, and I thought it might help overcome her shyness.
“For a while,” she responded, “it felt to me like it might be what a person in prison might feel. I missed my husband, and I was in agony. We shouldn’t be talking about this.”
Despite that, she kept my penis tightly between her legs. As I caressed her back and bottom, rocking her from side to side, her hips moving in the same circular motion they had started when she first captured my erection between her legs.
“But,” I said, “it is both healthy and helpful to talk about the loss of our loved-ones Krissy ... at least until we get it out of our system. It’s been long enough for me that I don’t feel that need anymore.”
“But didn’t you feel like you might be cheating on your wife when you had sex with another woman?”
“To be honest with you, yes. The first time I felt it intensely, the next not as much. And now not at all.”
“What about with...” She hesitated too long.
“Rebeccah?” I felt uncomfortable with the way the conversation was heading. But I knew the elephant in the room had to be recognized. It was certainly on both of our minds. Rather than letting it fester, I knew it was better to get the subject out in the open as soon as possible. “Because she is so much younger than you Krissy I had to get Connie’s (my deceased wife) permission. I was bothered by it at first.”
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Group SexThose Little Girl's: Just when you did not think life could get any worse Part 2 By Princess Pantyboy Kelly/Kellie: Me 10 year old boy Sally: my older sister 14 years old Peggy: my little sister 4 years old Cindy: 6-year old bully girl Karen: 6-year old bully girl Oh, my god these girls are crazy. What am I saying, they have me dressed up like a little girl and a little baby girl at that. I am the one that is supposed to be older...
I had just recently become single and I wasn't coping very well on my own. I had been sure that my ex-boyfriend had been The One - until I found him in our bed with our next door neighbour. Enough said. In my depression, after watching endless romantic films and eating my weight in ice cream, I had the insane idea that internet dating sites would be the answer. I set up my account, enclosing cute pictures of my slim 5'6 frame, making sure to hint at my ample DD breasts and my long brown hair....
BDSMBy: AWC When my college told me that my scholarship was approved, it was a very ecstatic news. It meant I was to go to Canada from this little small European country. My University tuition, dorm expenses including the food charges were all taken care plus a reasonable amount as pocket money and the incidental expenses was also fixed. There was only one hitch. My college counselor explained it to me very clearly that there were a good number of foreigner students as usual this year as well...
My sister Diane called me, and started talking about how she and Stu were planning this 10-day second honeymoon. Puttering around the Caribbean on one of those boats so huge you see a picture and immediately think How the hell doesn't that just sink?!! She actually called it a marriage rejuvenation cruise. "That means were gonna fuck like bunnies," she tittered. "Really? With the kids in the next berth over?" "Well, actually, that was why I was calling..." "Well, actually," I sort...
“I always imagine her face in orgasm,” I said to my good old friend at the bar of our favorite Irish pub “while I jerk off! I wonder if that’s what they call love!” “Love?! Not so fast,” responded my friend mockingly, “my favorite porn is seeing faces of women in real orgasm! Oh, that makes me explode every time!” “That’s different, Scott!” I protested “you see many faces in a quick sequence and that doesn’t mean anything to me, well, not always!” I leaned forward and stressed, “as I said, I...
I couldn't stop smiling the whole way over to pick up Betty. Was I given my wife's approval to fuck my mother-in-law? These last few days were so unbelievable - so bizarre. When I arrived, I saw Betty's suitcase by the door. I found Ben in his usual chair watching TV. He was in the middle of one of those crime shows that he liked so well, so I just said a quick hello / goodbye. I found Betty in the kitchen. She was prepping some food so all he had to do was through a container in the...
Jake Well, can’t say it was a surprise. Next morning I got my pink slip after 12 years of faithful service to this Department. The old man couldn’t wait to get on the phone and threaten the Chief who decided I was expendable. I filed a grievance and an appeal but I knew the power had the upper hand. It was a lost cause. My house was paid for so I put a For Rent sign in the yard, locked it up, packed up and left town. I had a renter before I arrived at my new residence. I traveled two states...
Janet What the fuck is wrong with me. I think I’m falling for Jake. He makes me feel so special when we make love. He’s so attentive and satisfies me in every way. He even accepts my little personal fetish regarding my feet and toes being one of my most erogenous areas. He has no problem putting me in my place when my snobby persona comes out. I’m not used to that but he keeps my pussy full of his thick sticky semen and do I love that. I try to keep him busy with only my business just so I...
Jake I found which hospital they took Janet too and got there as fast as I could. They told me Janet was in surgery and would be for several hours. I got a cup of coffee and sat down with my head in my hands. I couldn’t stop crying. The nurses and staff looked at me strangely and asked if I was hurt. That’s when I realized that my hands and clothes were covered in Susan and Janet’s blood. I said no and they gave me a place to wash up and a scrub top to wear. I was cried out and must have...
Jake One day, I was on my boat, when a State Trooper came to my boat. He asked if I was Jake Pepper? I immediately thought of the kids. Are my kids Ok? He said your kids are fine. It’s your wife. I said Officer I’m divorced. He said well anyway, your EX wife has been involved in a bad accident. She had you as her emergency contact. A 17 year old girl texting while driving hit her broadside in a STOP intersection. He said your EX is in a bad way. She’s at Mercy General. The kids were in...
Debbie We got in his Porsche and he made a phone call. He said, it’s me. Get Miss SMJ ready to take out. I thought what’s Miss SMJ? He called Janet. I heard him say, can you have the kids picked up. I’m going to be out of town until tomorrow. He said Thanks and hung up. I said if we are going out, I need to change. Jake said, I will take you by your house to change and you will need a bathing suit and some casual clothes. If you want to go out tonight, you might bring a dress, heels, etc ......
My mother is so beautiful. She has this cool, European look. Her father was originally from Spain, and she inherited his raven hair and beautiful hazel eyes. She is petite, around five feet tall. She is a little plump, but her plumpness suits her well. She looks younger than fifty-five. She looks like she’s in her early forties. Ever since she divorced my father twenty years ago, she has never been in a relationship. I feel sorry for her. She should at least have a boyfriend. It’s ironic how...
It seems surreal to me now, almost as in a dream. Those days of clumsy fumbling, days of exploration, of explosion.I remember the first time she pulled my hand toward her lips and took my middle finger in her mouth. She then guided that hand, finger slick with her saliva, down to her panties and past her waistband. She had taken to wearing sun dresses when we met. Looking back, I believe it might have been to afford me easier access to bare skin and cotton fabric.Her mom had a rule: As long as...
True"Raj, why don't you get down and unlock the gate? Stop looking around and find the keys for God's sake, there will be enough time for watching the nature;" Cooed my sweet little wife Sumi, sitting in a corner of the cab squeezed between my two k**s and a lap full of baggage; watching me dazed, admiring the scenic beauty of the surrounding. Even when she was irritated and frustrated at my behaviour, her voice betrayed sweetness that was an integral part of her beauty and sweet empathetic...
This story was written as a script for a comic book of the famous website 3DGayWorld.comOn coincidence of circumstances it remained just the letters..But you can see the hundreds of amazing and sexiest stories on the virtual pages of 3D Gay World! :-)"Those Woodie Dreams" by SoftTouch In a nice secluded clearing somewhere out in the deep woods, David (a cute nineteenish university student) is enjoying a peaceful day as he sits on a spread blanket and reads a good book while beside him are the...
Boys and Men Please Please dont tease me with those massive cocks in your Avatars.This morning I masturbated looking at them fantizising you were inside me.I know they are not real, but, please regardless of age, colour, race, or distance, if you are that large, prove to me and I will do everything in my power to meet you and surrender to whatever you want to do, this I promise, and everyone on here will knowI am in my early 40's and have an extensive collection of photos, videos and stories. I...
I opened my eyes to find myself in a cage. A cage! I moved to stand from my lying postition but something was restraining me... I looked down to see ropes intricately bound around my naked body, the friction was painful on my nipples and pussy lips when I moved even a fraction. My mind raced as I tried to remember how I got into this situation. My last clear memory was my Mistress yelling at me- “Fucking whore, I’ll be back in half an hour, fucking clean that shit up.” I admit I was feeling...
BDSMHe came back for me...eventually. After a few hours of 'punishment' - and after I had worked up a sweat trying to wriggle into any possible position that might free me from the cuffs. When I first heard a car pulling into my drive I panicked. I was frozen with fear about who would be unlucky (or lucky) enough to find me, I was prepared to be majorly embarrassed until I saw His perfect outline approach me in the semi-darkness."Have you learnt your lesson?" He asked and I could hear the smile in...
BDSMMy ring tone sounded for about a second before I had snapped up my mobile. I had been keeping it close for almost two days now, taking it with me everywhere just in case. Just in case He called.“Charlotte,” said such a beautiful and familiar voice from the other end. Christian. I melted as soon as I heard him say my name.“Hey,” I said, at a complete loss of what else I should say. “I trust you are well? Ready for tonight?” he asked. My heart rate quickened.“Yeah, um, tonight, er great,” I...
BDSMThose hanging and flopping Melons "Well what do you think?" Greg asked as he put down the magazine. "Think about what", Barry replied. "Going to one of these 'house parties', I went to one ages ago and although women were in short supply did manage a hit; she wasn't much but she fucked and that was the whole idea of attending". Barry picked up the magazine. The advert gave a mild suggestion that it was a place to meet a companion. "Where does the sex bit come in?" he asked. Greg...
Today was a big day for me, the biggest of my life so far, I thought to myself as I opened one eye and looked at the morning sunshine filtering into the hut. Today I not only turned sixteen but was also getting married. “Get up, Orion,” my mother said. “Go fetch water.” “Okay,” I replied and stepped out of the hut. “Take this,” she said, putting a clay pitcher near me as I peed in the bush. When I reached the well — a five-minute walk from the hut — my sister, who’s a year older than me,...
Before heading into the bathroom, Joe had "Liz" bend over so they all could get a look at her cum covered pussy lips. What she didn't realize was it also gave the hidden camera a nice view so here on the screen I got to see a close-up of my wife's pussy with my son's cum dripping from it all while Joe, the guy in the room I actually know, manages to work two fingers in and out before she manages to break away. Round two was much like the first, only the two ladies switched places. This...
We got up and checked out the next morning. Lisa was sore but not nearly as much as I would have thought. She walked a little bit bull legged, but nothing too bad. Apparently she wasn't broken after all. We just hung out at the house the rest of the day. It was business as usual. Lisa didn't even bring up the night before, except to thank me for a nice getaway. There was no mention of giant black cocks or anything else. I am not sure what I expected but it seemed like it truly was no big...
It began on new years eve. What we did was inappropriate but i felt necessary. My plan for the evening was to have my friend John over to watch a few movies. I was texting my friends girlfriend Brittany for a few hours. I asked her if she was going to his house and she said she wasnt invited. I found this odd because he was having a lot of people over. Anyway I invited her to come to my house because i didnt think that she should be alone. She showed up around 11.30 and the three of us watched...
I had just recently become single and I wasn’t coping very well on my own. I had been sure that my ex-boyfriend had been The One – until I found him in our bed with our next door neighbour. Enough said. In my depression, after watching endless romantic films and eating my weight in ice cream, I had the insane idea that internet dating sites would be the answer. I set up my account, enclosing cute pictures of my slim 5’6 frame, making sure to hint at my ample DD breasts and my long brown hair....
‘Hello! Oh…hey Mum,’ I sighed down the phone. It was always a disappointment to hear some one else’s voice other than my Master’s when I picked up my phone. The anticipation was half the fun though… My mother was just ringing to ‘check up’… more like nag me. It took all my control to not hang up on her as she went on and on at me about bills, work, relationships. She had to know every detail of my life before she was satisfied. ‘Mmhm,’ I muttered, ‘Yep, I understand you’re worried… I’ve just...
On Susan Major’s desk the telephone rang. She glanced at it with a frown. That was all she needed. Didn’t the world and their ape know that she was up to her eyebrows in work and with a never-ending pile of more work that stretched to the dim and distant horizon to be done? Why is there never a temp around when you need one? Hopefully, whoever it was would just go away if she ignored it. The telephone rang again – this time it sounded more insistent as if complaining to her that ‘Hey, you’re...
He came back for me…eventually. After a few hours of ‘punishment’ – and after I had worked up a sweat trying to wriggle into any possible position that might free me from the cuffs. When I first heard a car pulling into my drive I panicked. I was frozen with fear about who would be unlucky (or lucky) enough to find me, I was prepared to be majorly embarrassed until I saw His perfect outline approach me in the semi-darkness. ‘Have you learnt your lesson?’ He asked and I could hear the smile in...
It was Friday night and I was in heaven, lying with my Master his arms wrapped securely around my naked torso. I was completely exhausted from the brutal fucking He had just given me, but all the time I was still excited just to be in his presence. “Charlotte, I want you to do something for me,” He said softly, as if I had any choice now. I was bound to him now, I would do anything thing and everything for him. “Yes Master?” I asked, turning to face him. “I’m going to be out of town for a few...