Too Darn Hot
- 2 years ago
- 22
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My sister Diane called me, and started talking about how she and Stu were planning this 10-day second honeymoon. Puttering around the Caribbean on one of those boats so huge you see a picture and immediately think How the hell doesn't that just sink?!! She actually called it a marriage rejuvenation cruise. "That means were gonna fuck like bunnies," she tittered.
"Really? With the kids in the next berth over?"
"Well, actually, that was why I was calling..."
"Well, actually," I sort of snorted, "I'd already figured out that part. I'd be delighted to have Jimmy and Tiffany stay over with me. The kennel costs will run a hundred dollars a day for the pair, and we're only open 'til noon on Sundays."
"Shut up! And thanks. They'll be perfect angels; I'll fill your pantry, and their pockets will be stuffed with money for sundries and pizzas. And again, thanks"
I had great relations with the pair. Since their births I'd been their favorite aunt. A pretty easy sash to earn, considering I was their only aunt. They had uncles galore on their father's side, but not a one was femme enough to compete. But I did earn the title. For birthdays and such, my presents were always excellent and completely unexpected.
Kids of course grow up. Tiffany had just turned 14; three months earlier, nearly to the day--ahem!--Jimmy had hit fifteen. That was my sister; she loved to fuck. She'd always lived to fuck. As if that made her unique. But still, me, I might've connived a way to not be pregnant again before my first milk had barely let down. In fact, I'd managed my life so that I never got knocked up in the first place.
But even as they got older, they still loved coming over to my house. They called me Aunt Cooly. Clever kids: if you rearranged the sounds of Cooly, it did speak Lucy, my name. Unlike my sister, I lived alone. I had art on my walls. My shelves were filled with books, not figurines. This is not a slight on my sister. Diane shared my love of books, but Stu was a dominant male who thought his love of figurines was much more important, shelf space-wise.
I know this makes Stu sound sort of sissified, so let me stress we're not talking about porcelain shepherdesses as curly-haired as their lambly charges. It was a modern man's collection: all plastic, all NFL bobble-heads.
They arrived, as planned, bearing lunch. A couple big bags of drive-thru. Being such a nice day, we took it out on the back deck, and all ate and chatted for an hour. Then Diane and Stu had to go catch a plane to get to the Love Boat. After that departure, the three of us returned to the deck, lazing in the sun. I actually dozed off for about ten minutes. The kids were in the same state.
Once roused and refreshed, I remarked, "Remember the new fish? Spotty? You should see him now. C'mon, you lazy bones, let's go see him."
It was a touchstone from when they were first able to walk. Towards the back of my backyard stood a shade tree, a stone bench, and a koi pond. I bought the house that way. The sale was a divorcing couple, and neither parties wanted custody of the fish. I thought to learn enough to keep them alive ... nay, flourishing. Their whole lives, they've gone down to Aunt Cooly's pool, where the fish will kiss your fingertips if you dare stick them in the water.
They'd been over a few months ago right after I'd added new blood to the pond. Tiff had been the one to name him Spotty. Like she was almost four instead of nearing fourteen. Because the little gold feller was dotted with black spots.
"He was the size of a pill bottle last time you saw him. Now he's like a soda can."
We collected and walked down there. Spotty, the food whore, seemed to be waiting for us. We tossed some bits of leaves and shit in the water, and laughed at the stupid fish darting around with its mouth wide open. I wasn't the only one to get a bit teary.
"It seems like all my life I've sat on this bench," Tiffany started sort of weeping. "It's the most beautiful place in all the world."
Even Jimmy was sniffling. "It's like Monet's gardens, except without the creepy lily pads."
Then Jimmy laughed. "I thought you said Spotty was the size of a soda can?--looks more like a Pringle's canister to me!"
We went back inside, lining the couch in the livingroom. We chatted a bit, then turned on the t.v. There was nothing but stupid shit on, so we watched and laughed at it.
It got to be that time, so I stood and stretched, then looked down on them. "Okay. So what sounds good for dinner?"
They jumped in unison, bounding up and down on their sides of the sofa. I'd laid in the appropriate supplies. Everyone eats better these days, so it's good to be rewarded now and then. My signature meal, from years past, involved a pair of 12-inch cast-iron skillets on the stove. One fried the bacon, then was used to make grilled Swiss & bacon on rye. The other was filled with oil, heated, and then used to deep fry the fresh cut strips of potatoes.
I wandered off into the kitchen to start the preparations. I had the French fries all cut, the first pan of bacon done and draining, when I decided to drop back in the livingroom to ask about making salads or fruit cups.
Jimmy was still sitting on the sofa, though he'd slid down some. His eyes were sort of unfocused ... probably because his pants and underwear were shoved way down his thighs and his sister was jacking his naked cock.
"Tiffany! What are you doing?!!!"
She looked over with the sweetest little smile. "Making Jimmy feel good. Why, is dinner ready?"
"You can't do that!"
"Why not?"
"Because you're his sister! that's why!!!"
"So what? What's wrong? Mom and Dad are on vacation, doing sexy things. And so are we!"
She bent down and sucked her brother, slowly taking his engorged head in her mouth. Showing me what wasn't wrong. She moved her hands away; indeed, she lowered her arms entirely, dropping them behind her back, her wrists crossing at her waist, looking almost like they were bound.
Something about that submissive posture made my inner feminist flare. "What's wrong is that girls shouldn't just give pleasure, they should get it as well." Boy did that sound stupid even as I was saying it. Not the sentiment, but under the circumstance. "I mean, what's wrong is that he's your brother."
Tiff moved her hands back up to Jimmy's cock so she could talk. "I'm just making him feel good. Isn't that what family is all about--being nice to those you love? Jimmy likes it, a lot, and I really like doing it."
"Just watch, Aunt Juicy," Jimmy slipped and moaned, "it's really cool."
They secretly called me that?!!
"Tiffany, you need to stop that right now!"
"Don't worry, Aunt Lucy, I'll be done in a couple seconds." I swear the little vixen winked at me. Then she was jacking the shaft like a pro, one-handed; the other hand reached under and cupped her brother's entire scrotum. I recognized the technique, but before I could react Jimmy jerked and groaned. Like a double-barreled shotgun, two thick ropes of jism jetted out of him nearly simultaneously. Tiffany squealed as they struck her cheeks. There were impressive loads to follow, but they mostly fell short and landed on her shirt.
"See," she scolded her brother, "I told you I should've taken off my shirt." Then she bent down and sucked his softening cock clean, getting the last tiny dribbles. "Okay," Tiff looked at me, "I stopped like you asked."
I looked my young niece in the face, astonished. "Young woman, you need a washcloth!"
"No I don't," she giggled sweetly, running fingers to sweep her cheeks clean into her mouth.
"You ... you need to go change shirts!"
"That I certainly do," she admitted, rising from her knees. She stood there for a moment, all saucy-eyed and sticking out her young tits, showing me how her shirt was all stained with boy. My shirt, I could hang it over the back of a chair to air overnight, and safely wear it tomorrow. Then Tiffany went skipping down the hallway, humming as she headed to the guestroom and her luggage.
To his credit, Jimmy was afraid. If he too had been cocky, I would've been afraid. During his sister's final scene, he'd surreptitiously managed to get dressed, pants pulled back up and shirt tucked back in, his cock back in its Jockey pouch. After Tiffany sashayed into the guestroom was when I turned my eyes back on him. He sat there on the sofa the way I'd left him when I'd gone into the kitchen to prep for dinner. As though nothing had happened in the interim. As though I hadn't just watched him shoot all over his sister.
"You," I declared, "need to just stay seated right where you are. Because I'm calling your parents." Jimmy's face got a little ashen. And sullen.
I had to call twice before Diane would pick up. They'd just gotten off the airplanes and onto the ship. She immediately yammered on and on about the amenities--the damn ship hadn't even shoved off yet! When finally I got a word in edgewise, hinting at what'd happened in my livingroom, she just brushed it off. "Oh, c'mon, Lucy! They're just kids, for heaven's sake. What do you expect? They're maybe just, you know, satisfying some natural curiosities. That's what kids do, you know, like, experiment. You need to loosen up on the matter."
"She reached down and rubbed his balls! That's no experiment, that's rank experience."
Wandering around with the phone, I turned back from the kitchen towards the livingroom. Jimmy wasn't on the couch. The room was empty. "Hold on a minute," I hollered into the phone while racing down the hall. The door to the guestroom wasn't even closed. I burst in, astonished at what I saw. I looked at my niece and nephew, and they looked back, not missing a beat with what they were doing.
"Diane? Fucking hello?!!!" I shouted in the phone. "Your daughter is lying naked atop the guest bed, while your son fingers in and out of her you-know-what. And now, oh my god, now he's leaning and licking her down there while he keeps his magic hand in play, if you get what I'm saying, what I'm fucking describing as it unfolds."
"Well, like you always say, girls should get pleasure, too. Speaking of which, Stu is starting to look a little pouty, so I'll talk to you later!"
The line went dead, so I killed the phone. My niece, in contrast to my sister, was very much alive. She was starting to buck and groan, moan and grimace.
I ... I turned away and went back to the kitchen, to continue making the special dinner. By the time things started finishing up, my helper angels were back, freshly showered and setting the table. Dinner was chatty and nice, like normal, like before, as if the hour before hadn't really happened.
Dinner had thus been late; it was nice to have all three of us do the cleaning up. We slacked out in the livingroom until the cable got boring on every channel. I was ready to go get started getting ready for bed, and announced as such. I had to first make the assignations. "Jimmy, there's the small closet at the end of the hall. There are sheets and blankets and pillows, so go grab them and we'll get the couch made up into your bed. Tiff, you of course get the guestroom."
"But Jimmy's suitcase is also in there," she countered, "so he should sleep in that room, too."
"No," I settled the dissension, "wrong."
Jimmy was on his feet to get to the closet of his despair when Tiffany stopped him with a tap. "Don't worry," she told him well loud enough for me to hear, "if you don't wind up in the bed, I'll come hunt you down on the sofa."
I grabbed Jimmy's elbow. "Cancel the closet--you get the guestroom. Tiff will sleep in my big bed."
There was grumbling after that, but not as much as from me after lights went out. I really wanted to go asleep, but Tiffany kept shifting and twitching. Finally I hissed, "God, Tiff, just do what you need to do to settle down. Girls do it all the time."
I could feel her relax. "Thanks, Aunt Lucy," she whispered. But then she got out of the bed and started moving to the door.
"What do you think you're doing?" I said in a lot more than a whisper.
Tiff got her girly voice going. "Just what you told me to do. Visiting Jimmy will surely help me settle down."
I made her get back in bed. And stay in bed. Finally she got around to doing what she needed to do to simmer down into sleep. Though she went about it rather loudly.
Maybe there was something in the air, but I was aware of my own growing wetness. While my niece flailed around in her youth, I provided the counterpoint of the discretion of a few years. My fingers wound up touching my cunt, directing me in the same direction, but internalizing all the luscious drama. Tiff came like a cow, and then did settle down. I started getting a little more active myself, slowing when she murmured, "Hurry up. You're keeping me awake."
As her breathing drifted into sleep, I made myself orgasm like a top-secret superhero. I internalized all my usual explosions of noises, channeling that energy, that releasing of energy, back into my tumultuous depths. I came like a volcano blowing apart its very mountain. I'd kept myself from crying out, but in the flight back to earth I lay there panting like a dog, panting with the loudness of the biggest dog to ever know the planet. Tiffany started shifting a lot, so I tried to quiet myself down. There was the natural winding down. I was giddy for a bit, lying still in my bed; then I dove deep into sleep. I twisted in my sleep, trying to avoid the generous wet spot I'd left on the bottom sheet.
I was confused when I woke up. I was sound asleep and had no pressing need to wake up. Except for the rocking motions of the mattress. I was dreaming that I was on an air raft in my koi pond, which'd become a swimming pool, though the fish were still swimming around like normal. They'd been kissing my dangling toes, until the kids started doing cannonballs. The fish fled and my air mattress started pitching like my koi pond had become the high seas. My eyes fluttered open; it was still very much night. I peered, taking in what a street light illuminated in my otherwise darkened room.
Tiffany was still beside me, lying on her back, a bit away from me so that the nearest of her spread legs barely tapped against mine. It was like Morse code, her ankle against my shin. While Jimmy loomed large in the darkness, on my bed, settled between her thighs, giving her the fucking she wanted.
I woke enough to try and break it up. "No!" she grunted, trying to push me away, "I'm almost there, and so is Jimmy." I managed to pull them apart, but then Tiffany rolled over to sit on my chest and pin me down. Her knees held my arms as she gazed down on me. Jimmy held me down at the waist, while his strong legs parted my thighs rather rudely.
"We were just trying to make each other feel good," she hissed, "but then you had to break into and break up our private moment. So now, you're going to have to make both of us feel good."
I could've easily shaken her, and started doing that, but then Jimmy pushed my panties aside and plunged all the way inside of me, rather distracting me. Raping me, basically, except my cunt was being a wet slut the whole time. Having pinned me like that at the waist, his hands were free to gain further leverage, roaming upward under my sleep tee to hold me down by the boobs. Leaving Tiff free to lower her cunt to my face. I twisted and resisted at first, not that I was averse to doing girl things, just not with actual girls, and certainly not my own little niece.
My inner objection was with being so forced, though there was an undeniable excitement with that element. My nephew was raping me, but it felt really great ... despite his youth, he was doing me right. As though he'd had lots of practice.
My niece tasted delicious, even as I squirmed away. She used her skinny but strong arms to turn my head back up. She was happy to grind herself against my face even if I didn't choose to cooperate.
And really, there was no escaping being buried alive but to use your tongue as a shovel. Eventually I emerged, but then I about drowned. Tiffany came like turning on a faucet. The tap was from the sweetest well-water ever, but still! But then I stopped thinking as I watched. Tiffany rolled off me so I could see Jimmy's face as it shattered, the thick lump of him stuffed inside me giving forth like a hidden revelation.
Though it was all so wrong, I added my cry as I exploded into a will-you-please-marry-me? sort of orgasm.
We all lay there, sort of groaning, but then the kids recovered and scampered off. "Don't want to keep you awake," Jimmy murmured in a low sexy voice he'd learned from television.
"If you need us," Tiffany flipped her hand, "we'll be in the guestroom."
Confused, I was thoroughly content with that. As well as being completely done, quite ready for sleep to sweep over my stinky, absolutely sated body.
I got up in the morning, generously late, and the first thing I did was hop and skip into the kitchen to get the coffee going. Then I went back to my room, and stood for hours under the nozzle of the master bath.
I was dry and dressed and on my second cup, and the kids were still not showing. I took my fresh mug and the phone out onto the back deck. I dialed Diane; when she answered, I didn't let her start talking. Instead I told her what had happened.
There was barely a beat of silence.
"Really?" my sister exclaimed brightly. "They ganged up on you? I love it when they do that."
"Diane, are you listening to me? Last night, your son raped me. While your daughter committed sodomy."
"Yea, but you came like a cow, didn't you? So it doesn't count."
That stuck my tongue.
"Just go with the flow, Lucy, let nature take its sweet course. Like I'm doing as we speak, so I really need to hang up right now."
Which she did indeed do!
Eventually I went back into the kitchen, sitting down at the table with freshened coffee, watching as my house guests finally arose and stumbled down the hall, walking into the kitchen wearing no shame. They smelled freshly laundered. And looked so freshly fucked they must've done it again in the shower.
The day began as the day before had. With not a nod at how yesterday had ended. The kids were hungry, and still sort of sleepy, but they knew where the bowls and boxes of cereal were. They worked it as a seasoned team, Jimmy filling the bowls and pouring in the milk, while Tiff got the napkins and utensils and glasses of orange juice going. They stole mugs from my pot of coffee. That got my hackles up, but then Jimmy made fresh.
We all three went our different ways for an hour. Finally totally caffeinated, I went and gathered them. It wasn't an easy task. Tiff was sacked out in her clothes atop the covers of the neatly made bed in the guestroom. Jimmy was less elegantly sprawled on the livingroom sofa; t.v. on but eyes shut off, mouth agape.
I got Jimmy to go up a ladder, with a trowel, and clean out all my gutters. My neighbor had this beautifully huge old maple tree in his backyard that gave great shade to my house. The price was every spring about a million whirligigs washed and sank into my gutters. Clogging into decomposition, while also really wanting to become trees.
Tiffany and I with our own trowels combined were an army to weed the beds in the backyard. By lunch the pond area looked so fantastic we were both quietly weeping. Tiff gave me a quick hug. "As far back as I can remember ... promise me please that you'll leave me your house in your will, so I can make sure this never changes."
"Well," I guffawed, "I'm nowhere near dead yet I hope, but sure, I'll add a codicil to my will. It is a very pretty--and very special--corner of our fine planet."
Lunch was very slapdash. Open the deli drawer in the fridge and figure out what you want your sandwich to become. Chips are in that cabinet, as if the two of them needed that map. Eat an apple.
By the end of lunch, I could tell by their darting eyes what the kids wanted for dessert. I decided to go shopping and leave 'em to it. Jimmy had told me I needed a tube or two of silicon to seal some leaks in my gutters. As well, with three in the house instead of one, it was already time to get back to the grocery. Just to stay away, I could probably find a reason to go and get lost in a third store. Maybe I'd return and retire to my room with a brand new book.
At any rate, I told them maybe I'd stop and rent some DVDs, but definitely I'd be bringing home a pizza. The one place in town that did it so right, so the cheers rang out.
But then the weird thing was that they didn't want to be left alone; they wanted to come with me. They would not desist. They were determined to become my partners in shopping. At the Depot, Jimmy picked up a couple other things to improve my house's drainage, while lecturing me about gutter guard. Tiffany followed wordlessly, lusting after her manly brother. Come the grocery, she came alive. They were active together in gathering up food they liked for the cart. The shocker was how little of it was junk food. They discussed whether to buy a head of cauliflower, or florets of broccoli.
The groceries got put away the fastest ever, at least the perishables. The great gooey stench of the pizza was driving us all crazy. We left the cans and cartons for later, tearing into the round masterpiece while it was still fairly warm. We sated ourselves, standing around the kitchen with paper plates, smiling like satisfied retards.
We retired to the sofa, and that nearly put me to sleep. Everything on t.v. was even duller than us, and that was saying a lot. We were stuffed to the gills on perfect pizza; t.v. didn't have that excuse. I snapped out of my drift when the t.v. suddenly shut up.
The kids were standing as one. Tiff gave me a big warm smile, looking at my sleepy face. "We're going down to the pond--want to come?" I gave my head a tiny shake, even as I sought to open my eyes and get to my feet.
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I’m a schoolteacher in an Inner-city Hellhole and my friends call me Julie the Schooly. It had been a pretty shitty week teaching 7 and 8 year olds who had already given up on the learning process; so had been looking forward to getting ‘fall down drunk’ on Friday night since second period on Wednesday morning. The plan had worked and I could hardly stand up as I staggered to the taxi rank near the railway station at midnight. “Shit!” I grumbled when I saw the length of the...
Introduction: First story. Married couple has a date day. My wife and I have been together for 7 years. Some say thats when the itch creeps in, the 7 year itch. You know, the wives tale goes that after 7 years a person is supposed to start wondering whether or not they can still pick up the opposite gender. Well, the itch hasnt gotten me. I still crave my wife and have eyes only for her. As happens though, time and kids (we have three under 5) tends to slow things down. So we decided to take a...
Lying in bed the next morning, Robert and Lisa strategized on how to introduce the idea of their having sex with the kids. Since the kids were already fucking each other, the only tricky thing would be suggesting that sex with their mom and dad was on the menu too. Lauren had taken to it pretty well, but there was no way to tell how they others might react. Fucking one’s parents is a very different thing than fucking one’s siblings. Still, even if they decided not to go for it, the situation...
April 23, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “Tasha demanded you not date me?” Janey asked. “Actually, she requested that if I date her, I not date anyone at either church because of the trouble it could cause with her father, the priests, and Vladyka ARKADY.” “Very neatly excluding me by appealing to your desire for peace.” “I know that’s how it looks, but honestly, I wasn’t seeing you at the time, and certainly didn’t believe you were going to show up here tonight to talk to me, or any other time for...
Everything change when it we finish our final paper, I asked her to sleep with my best friend, who is Malay. His name is Abdul, he isn't good looking and he is fat type so he get pick on quite a bit. She know I wasn't joking and the result isn't out yet but she played along because she said she love me a lot. I already got lisence at that time and I drove my dad car, an Estima with full Tinted glass. Abdul was sitting at the back seat, my nervous wife was sitting right next to me. I park...
After I dropped the kids off at daycare, I go home and lock the front door. Then I made my way back to the bedroom where my wife was waiting in bed, already naked I hoped. I get there to find she is indeed naked, lying under the covers with her ‘get over here’ smile. I lose my clothes and make my way over to her. We hug then kiss. The kiss turns into a slow wonderful hungry kiss. I run my hand over her back down to her butt and squeeze her cheek. My fingers go lower and touch her womanhood....
Tuesday 9-Oct 2007 As the train pulled away from the station, Shahia said, "Chris, I'm worried about our friends. Do you think they'll be okay?" Chris was jolted into action by that. He needed to make some phone calls, and then they needed to disappear. He looked around. There was no one near; fortunately the midmorning train was very empty. He turned his phone on. As soon as it had signal, he called his mum. She answered immediately. "Chris, are Shahia and the kids okay?" So,...
If Wendy had been an ordinary two-legged woman, her chance to be my wife would have been zero. I completely lacked trust in all women, but Wendy was outside this ordinary group because of her amputation. That's why she often tells me how glad she is of being handicapped, as that was her key to gaining a good husband and two smart, beautiful and healthy kids. Naturally, she tells this to me as if it was a joke, but her humorous comment has some truth to it at the core. We laugh when she...
So i met this guy named darnell 6 months ago. He is 6 foot 5 and all muscular has big lips, delicious 8 pack lookin like a caramilk bar, and he is jamican.We have sex atleast once a week. We have a strong attraction we will say just about anything just to fuck. I always say were going to date its really just to sound good to our friends were rlly just fuck buddies after a sex session i say how he ripped me and left teeth marks on my neck each time he says " Aww i'm sorry...NOT!" and it gets me...
Hey friends your maddy is back with another kamukta story. First of all thanks for replying me on my mail about my previous stories and please do comment on my mail for this story too. For all the new readers let me tell about myself. Maddy from mumbai height 5.5″, like to party make new friends and hangout. And now let me introduce to gorgious sardarni, her name is simo, got fair milky skin, boobs 36c with perfect ass wer u can hit on and have fun. Let me cont in hindi now cz from ur comments...
Mera nam rahil hai mai patna se he meri first story apne padhi hogi ke kaise maine apne kirayedarni ke beti ko pata ke choda jis kisi ne bhi pehli story nahi padhi hai wo pehla part pad le . Mujhe aaplogo ke kafi sare mail mile please sry gar mai kisi ko reply nahi kar paya kyki mai kafi busy rahta hu ar ye ek real story hai isme wahi hai jo hua hai mera sath Ab aage batatu hu age kya hua farhat niche chali gayi mai upar hi rah gaya uski bahan upar ayi usne mujhe upar deka to pucha ke kya ho...
Mera nam rahil hai mai patna ka rahne wala hu ye meri pehli kahani hai agar kuch galti lage to jarur batana ar apne feedback jarur dena mujhe ,ye ek sachi kahani hai jo mere sath hui hai .Meri height 6ft 2 inch hai mera rang saf hai ar mere cock ki size 6.5 inch hai ar lagbhag 3 inch mota hai ar mai ummid karta hu ke kisi ko bhi satisfied kar sakta hum era Mai ab time na west karte hue sidhe kahani par aata hu ye bat us samay ki hai jab mai engineering complete karke ghar aya tha mera yaha...
Sab bhai aur unke behno ko mera sadar namaskar. Mera naam hai Tito(fake) (Age- 27 years,hight 6 feet 3inch, color weatish, with about 80kg and unmarried) Orissa ka rehne wala hoon. Mein aaj apni story aap sab se share kaar raha hoon jo ki 18 mahine pehle hua tha. Hamara ghar sambalpur mein hai lekin mein bhubneswar mein business karta hoon. Yahan mera ek 3bhk flat hai jaha mein akela rehta tha. Bade ghar mein akele rehna acha nahi lag ta tha isiliye meine 1 bd room chod ke baki ghar rent pe de...
hi frenz,i am arjun from jaipur and 18 by age..first let me tell u about my self…i am a guy with very fair complexion,vry attractive looks height is 6’2″,slim and atheletid body..i have a normal tool of 6″.the girl i m talking off hare is simmi chauhan(name not changed) who was 20 by age,height 5’5″ nearly..i never measured her figure n not se xperienced also that i wud tell u by id is ab mai apni story pe aata hu,desi style me..mai aappko phle hi bata deta hu ki use mai chod nahi...
Hii people…this is arjun sharma from jaipur,18 nw.mai 6’2″ height ka bht gora banda hu n modelling bhi karta hu,aur bht smart hu.. jo story mai aapko batane ja rha hu wo ek real part hai meri lyf ka,lekin haan jb ye sab hua tha tab mai us ladki k saath sex nahi kar paya tha..uska naam tha simmi chauhan,height hogo koi 5’5″ aur rang gora..fir to pta nahi ausa par dikhti gazab thi aur machak boobs the..dane hamesha khade rhte the uske.. hua ye tha ki june k season me hamere ghar k peeche k ek...
MEIN AUR MERI KIRAYEDARNI Mera naam RAVI hai meri age 20yrs hai aur mein PATIALA ka rehne wala hu.Ye mera first sex experience hai jo mein apke sath share krne ja raha hu. Ye winter seasons ki baat hai humne apne ghar mein naye kirayedar rakhe the unki nayi nayi shadi hui thi aur unho ne love marrige ki thi. Humare naye kirayedar ka naam RAJESH aur uski wife ka naam SHEEKHA tha. RAJESH ki age 32 aur SHEEKHA ki age 24yrs thi.SHEEKHA kafi slim, beautifull thi. Mein rajesh ko bhaiya aur SHEEKHA...
Hi… I am rizwan from karachi… Sex story perhney wale sab larky aor lakion ko mera salam. Me pehly bar aap ko apni sachi kahani sona ra hon agar aap ko passand aaye tu mere ko email zaroor kerna.kahany shroo kerte hain yeh 5 sal pehle ki bat he… Hamara ghar 2 manzil he jis ka oper wala hissa ham ne kerae per diya howa he aor neeche hisse me ham log rehte hain hamaree family me papa mummy aor me hon mery umer 24 sal ki thee jab ye waqia howa hamare oper wali family me husband wife aor un k 2...
First of all i want to tell you about this story, this story contains some hindi urdu punjabi and rare english as urdu is my first language and then english and then i learnt Punjabi. By some mysterious ways. Anyways cut the crap chaloo mein sunata hon yeh sab kaisay aur kahan howa yeh aik sachi kahani hy jissay mein ne nam diya hy ” sardarni chudai ki rani”. Mera nam danial hy aur mujhe dani kehtay hain yeh aj se koe 2 saal pehlay ki baat hy jab mein pakistan se study k liye abroad ( canada )...
Hi iss readers, this is my first time ke mai koi kahani likhne ja raha hoon. Yeh meri sachi kahani hai jo 8 months pehle ki hai. Mein ludhiana ka rehne vala hoon aur meri age 29 hai, height 5’11” hai. Maine school time se hi larkion ki taraf kafi aakarshit tha. Mere dost bhi mujhe apni kahaniyan sunate ki kaise unhone apni kiraydar ko choda ya kaamwali ko choda. Mein bhi chahta tha ki mein bhi kisi ko chodu. Kuch saal to aise hi beet gaye uske baad humne apne ghar pe second floor banaya usme do...
Hello all ISS Readers , this is Edwin (name changed ) , frm delhi . Abt me im 6 feet tall, gud looking , smart and doing CA. today im going to narrate my experience which I had with my tenant nearly one yr back .. the girl or u can say newly married wife belongs frm from one of the village near sonipat , she is 21 right now, i.e when she got married her age was only 20.. she was teenager . Her husband who is bloody 38 yr old got mobile shop in delhi , that ‘s why they both shifted to delhi .we...
Hi how ru ammar here jaisai kai aapko maloom hai kai main nai story likhi thi karayedarni chachi ko choda uski baqi ki kahani sunana chata hoon so lets read uskai badh 2srai din main dopeher main uncle kai office janai kai badh main unkai ghar 2 bajai gaya tu unkai 2no bachai so rahai thai main nai door knock kia tu woh aaen or muskra kar darwaza kholtai huwa chali gaen main full tayyari sai gaya tha main andar jatai kai sath he door close kya or unko pechai sai zor sai pakar kai unki gardan...
Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil oru sexiyaana soothu vaithu irukum pennai pin thodarnthu sendru avalai eppadi oothen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, enathu peyar vikram vayathu 24 aagugirathu. Naan parka azhagaga irupen nala dress aninthu sexiyaaga irupen en thudai thadimbalaaga irukum. Athanaal niraiya pengal en thudai matrum sunniyai paarpaargal, naan jeans tightaaga anivathaal sunni pundaithukondu theriyum. Naan kalluri padikum kalathil irunthe...
Sept. 17th, 2019 Hi Everyone, I waited to make this post as I had a neurology appointment coming and I wanted to tell you about that. I had my counselor appointment and then my neurologist appointment a few hours later. It was a busy day. My counselor says that I have Major Depressive Disorder with recurring anxiety I.E. clinical depression and panic attacks. My neurologists said that they believe all other symptoms other than the migraine and migraine symptoms(light, sound sensitivity,...
4 KIDS BY PAUL G. JUTRAS Paul sat up in his canopied bed and gave a stretch. Pulling the pink comforter off, he swung his legs over the side. He loved the feel of his pink ankle length nightgown against his body and the bounce his breasts had given him since he been on hormones. He was now sixteen and been on hormones for the past five years to give him a developing figure that went unnoticed to his friends at work and school. He went into the bathroom, put the toilet lid down and...
Tah turned up later that morning. He had Raghu, Ulani and Grace with him. He invited Willow, Prue, Tina and the kids to an outing. Vincent said he was in, “Do want to see if Silvia and Mathew wanted to come with their kids?” he asked. Everyone agreed that would be great and he went to see what they had planned for the day. David and Leigh turned up while he was gone and they were happy to come too. Leigh sent a note to Gill and his sisters to meet them at the Zoo. When Tah went into the...
I am a male though.. I’m narrating the story as a mom. Coming to the story I’m Sandya, 35 years old. I have one child Shyam. I lost my husband when he was born. I’m left with some wealth which makes me to afford a private school to my child. There happened a parents-teacher meeting. There I met Aishwarya, she is the mother of akash, my child’s best friend.. She is looking sexy like anushka setty, well structured..perfect physic.. That tempted me too.. She came and hugged me.. After some chat...
IncestDaphne didn’t actually live next door, but she certainly had girl-next-door looks. She stood a slim five foot four, just an inch or two shorter than me, with corn-tassel blond hair and piercing dark blue eyes. I spotted her on the first day of my freshman year of high school. She looked like an angel ought to look like, and was almost constantly smiling or laughing at something or other. She was clearly a high spirited, fun loving girl. I fell in love with her instantly. Through the next 3...
I was 15 at the time, so I guess Jenny must have been the same and I think Bob would have been about 14. One day Bob showed up at my house asking if I wanted to play. I started to laugh but thought better of it. We went out in my back yard and sat under a tree. Bob wanted to tell me about some Men at Work record he had and he would occassionally belt out a few lyrics at the top of his lungs. I asked Bob if Jenny had any boyfriends and he said no. "Well, does she like boys?" I asked. ...
Barb was about 60, and a pleasant woman. Her husband Jack was an o.k. guy, and made me laugh a lot when he and Barb had a welcome dinner in my honor. Nate was about 45, and had a Filipino wife. Arturo told me they had been married quite a while and that he though Nate had ordered her through a mail-order outfit. Nate's wife, Ginger, was not a bad looking girl, and was probably in her early 30s. Arturo and his wife Angie were my age. Angie was not a friendly woman, but she and Matt's...
Introduction: I have had considerable luck in fucking other mens wives. This incident was truly one of great luck. My name is Bob. I had completed my doctorate in geology and accepted a position as a medium-sized university in the Midsouth. I was the fifth member of the department. The others included the department head, Matt, and two other guysNate and Arturo, and the only female in the department, Barb. All of them were married, so I was the only single guy in the bunch. Although Matt was...
Kim and her brother Nick walked the two blocks to and from school, Kim was ten, Nick twelve years old. Their mother worked at a dry clean shop only a few blocks away. This was the first year she and her husband had thought the children were old enough to stay at home alone. She had not had a real job since Nick was born. The family needed the money she could make. She went to work at 7:00 AM and got off at 6:00 PM. The father was an auto mechanic across town and worked from 7:00 AM until...
I thought I heard noises in the old animal barn behind my house. I just use it for storage now but it has a couple of stalls for horses. It was a garage for carriages in the old days, I guess. Anyway, I moved quietly to investigate. The back door was open and the sounds were coming from one of the stalls. I eased up behind one and peeked over the top. I saw just what I thought I was hearing. A young girl was on her back on a blanket with a guy, pants down to his ankles, pumping away between...
Christopher Taylor was uncertain about his new, blended family. Before, he had been the only boy in the house, now there were two others, plus a new dad. It was hard enough to be sixteen years old and gay, but to be suddenly thrust into a home with three hot guys—two new step-brothers and a step-father—was frustrating. He knew his new step-brothers from high school and they were straight jocks, always dogging after the girls. At least Michael Bradley, the older one, was. Evan, a couple years...
“Mom, can I use the car?” Emily called as she hung up the phone. She was sixteen years old with her driver’s license and I found that once again if I wanted to go anywhere, I rode the bus. On a Sunday afternoon in July, though, all I wanted to do was go to the bedroom and lie naked in front of the air conditioner. Hmm. Robin was with a friend’s family at the beach. Lily had volunteered to run Charlotte to a friend’s house over on Sheridan Avenue. Bruce was puttering in the garage. Maybe that...
“How I get myself into these situations,” I say to myself as I’m driving to the bus station to pick up Sharon. I know that I gave her my phone number and told her that if she needed anything to call. I didn’t think that she would run away from home. And worst come to me. I am worried, because she is a very famous movie star. I know there are many people that are looking for her. And when they find her, whomever she is with is going to jail. I’m in so much trouble. I pull into the bus...
Hi, I am Simran and this is my story of how I got my father in law under my thumb. Married into a rich family I enjoyed the luxuries of life offered on a platter. My husband Ranjan owns the family business and is doing pretty well expanding it in all possible directions. On our first meeting, I found my in-laws to be very soft spoken and loving people. Despite their success, I could sense a lot of modesty in them. Ranjan’s elder sister was married in a very reputed family, His mother had died...
Al was a lead man in a plastics factory with an eighteen-year-old pregnant wife, Gail. At the time he was thirty-six. His young wife knew damned well that Al was on parole for violation of 288-a PC, California Penal Code - child molesting. The time was the mid sixties. Al was a serial molester. At the time he and his pregnant young wife moved into their new home he had, at a conservative estimate, had sex with over two hundred under age children. This included everything from casual fondling...
I had just finished another argument with my mother over me not finding a wife and providing her with grandc***dren. We've been having these arguments once a week now. Before, it wasn't so bad. She'd get on me about not having a wife and c***dren every couple of months. I was becoming sick and tired listening to the same bullshit. She just wouldn't get off my back.I think all this arguing stems from the time when I was a boy. Back then, my mother always wanted more k**s around, but my father...