Annie And Her Granny - Three Damaged Kids free porn video

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Annie and her Granny By Susannah Donim Chapter 8A - Three Damaged Kids (Insert) How Ingrid, Fred, Steve's father and Dolly first got together, and how they became who they are today. [Author's note: as there was some interest in the past history of Steve's family, I thought I might flesh it out a little. 5,500 words later, here it is. For those who care, this section fits in the original Chapter 8 immediately after the visit to M & S when Annie and the new Ingrid bump into Maggie Tyler from the Garden Party.] * * * Our encounter with Maggie at Marks & Spencer convinced me that if I was to impersonate my mother convincingly for any length of time, I needed to know more than I did about her personal history. I remembered my fellow Garden Party ladies as a nosey lot. They asked many probing questions on that drunken afternoon, and I had had to make up my answers, none of which I could remember, due to the amount of Sauvignon Blanc I had drunk. No doubt it would be much worse at our restaurant date. They would all know each other well by now. As the 'New Girl' I would be fair game for the Inquisition. That was how female bonding worked. I realised that I knew very little about my mother's early life. As a normal boy growing up, I had shown no interest in my mother's girlhood, and she, being the taciturn woman she was, had no inclination to share. Since I was now forced to be my mother, I felt no compunction in rooting through her belongings to get to know her better. I searched the whole building, looking in places I had rarely been as Steve. I searched the flat, especially her - that is, my - bedroom; then the rest of the Manor House, the attics, and the outhouses. I found surprisingly little of use; endless bric-a-brac everywhere, but just the usual stuff: old toys in the attic; rusty bikes in the garage; souvenirs of places visited long ago and forgotten all around the flat. In dusty cupboards I found old school essays and end of term reports - hers as well as mine. There had always been lots of books everywhere, but I noticed for the first time that they were mostly non-fiction - politics, history, science, and school and university text books. There were very few thrillers and no romances at all. In the bedroom there were old clothes she'd clearly never got round to sending to the charity shop. There were dresses and skirts, and - to my surprise - trousers. I couldn't remember ever seeing her in pants. In fact, I didn't think she even had any. I tried a couple of pairs on, along with some dresses and skirts that were lurking on hangers at the back of a little-used wardrobe in the spare room. Sadly my prostheses made me too 'broad in the beam' to get into any of them (especially the slacks). Judging by the styles, they had probably been fashionable when my mother was young and slender. I considered making myself new, slimmer prostheses to replicate my mother as a young woman. I could say I'd been on a crash diet, but it would be highly suspicious if Ingrid went from a size 16 (OK, OK, 18, sheesh!) to a size 8 overnight. Anyway with a thinner figure, my smart skirt suits would then be too big for me. I needed to continue to wear them for work, to maintain my image as Ingrid McLaughlin with clients. I didn't find much to document the life of a forty-eight-year-old married woman and mother of one. Two things stood out: where were the photos, and why was there nothing - nothing - of my father's? Were the contents of that safety deposit really all she had kept of his? Finally in a cardboard box, under a dusty pile of old curtains, at the back of my mother's wardrobe, I found four photo albums. I had a quick look through them. According to the notes and labels, each seemed to cover about five years; the oldest starting in 1979; the most recent going up to 2001. It was fascinating to see familiar faces, decades younger. But the pictures just raised more questions... So one evening, when Annie was out with Dolly at bingo, I went along the third floor corridor to the other wing and Fred's rooms. He had mentioned that he would be staying overnight as he was running a long program down in the bunker and it would require his attention at around midnight. I knocked. "Oh, hello, Ingrid," he said, clearly surprised. "I thought you went to bingo...?" "No, I'm 'excused bingo'," I said. "I have to do a lot of embarrassing stuff as a pretend middle-aged lady, but Annie and Dolly know how much I hate that silly game, so they let me off." He laughed. "OK, come in," he said. "What can I do for you?" "Nothing for Ingrid, but Steve needs your help." I stepped inside and went into the flat's elegant sitting room. Fred shut the door behind me. I dumped the photo albums on his coffee table, and sat down on the sofa, sweeping my skirt underneath me, pulling my knees together, and crossing my legs at the ankles. Fred chuckled. "What?" "You're really good at that," he said. "What?" "The feminine movements and mannerisms," he added. "No one would ever suspect..." "I've had a lot of practice," I interrupted, grumpily. I felt myself blushing. "Never mind that. I want you to tell me about some of these old photos." "Oh," he said, his face falling. "Where did you find those?" "It wasn't easy." I explained about my current quest for Ingrid's background. "But the most recent of these albums finishes about eighteen years ago. My mother seems to have stopped keeping photos not long after I was born." "I'm sure it was nothing to do with you, old son." He chuckled. I raised an eyebrow. "Sorry, it's just that you don't look like anyone's son nowadays. Old, maybe..." He chuckled again. I folded my arms under my bust; an Ingrid gesture of disapproval that was thoroughly ingrained in me by now. Fred recognised that look. "OK then, but I'm going to need a drink. What can I get you?" I requested a glass of red wine. He got himself a whisky and soda. He brought the drinks over and came to sit down beside me. I scooted along, tidying my skirt as I slid. He opened the first and oldest album. He sighed and turned back to me for confirmation. I nodded. "Well, if you're sure. I just don't see what good will come from raking over the past. We're all very different people now." "I'm very different - obviously," I said, indicating my dress and figure. "You're all just older." "All right, all right." He turned a few pages, skimming faded black and white photos. "OK, the first few pages here are obviously pictures your grandparents took of your mother when she was little. I've never seen these." I looked at the pictures of an unfamiliar little girl. She could have been my mother, I suppose. She was often accompanied by little boys, her younger brothers. They were usually smiling and engaging in rough and tumble games. She was aloof and serious. "Your grandmother died young, didn't she?" Fred said. "Your Mum would have been eight or nine at the time, I think?" "Eight," I said. "Both my grandmothers died before I was born, but I never thought about the effect losing her mother at that age would have had on Ingrid. She must have had to grow up fast. That was - what? - 1979? I suppose my grandfather would have expected her to take on maternal responsibility for her brothers." "Spot on," he said. "Certainly when I started going to their place to see Ingrid, she was always in charge - of the house, the catering, and of the behaviour of your uncles. What happened to them anyway? I lost touch with them after Ingrid and I left school." "One lives in America; the other went to Australia. We exchange cards for birthdays and Christmas. They used to send me small amounts of money until I turned eighteen. We don't really talk about them much. I think Mum is afraid they emigrated to get away from her, or maybe they were disgusted by my father, their brother-in-law, and how his... oddities... would embarrass them." He nodded. "It's a shame when families lose touch." Fred's parents were old-fashioned, or what nowadays people would call 'bigoted'. I assumed they had disowned him for his sexuality. Even though he wasn't 'out' as such, he would have had to open up to them. There would have been conversations about girlfriends, marriage, children... wouldn't there? I turned over more pages, Fred making appropriate comments as I went. The little girl in the photographs had turned into an unsmiling teenager. There was a birthday party at which she was grudgingly attempting to blow out thirteen candles on her birthday cake. The only person in the picture who wasn't family was a very young Fred. "I first got to know her when we were in our early teens." "Yes, you met at school, didn't you?" "We were in the same class at the local grammar school. We were thirteen. Neither of us found it easy to make friends. I was a nerd, and Ingrid, well... she didn't seem to have much in common with the other kids. She played hockey and netball - quite well, actually - but she didn't hang around with the other players. She didn't watch TV; she wasn't interested in pop music, or make-up, or clothes. Also, having to look after her brothers and get them fed and off to school had made her a little... bossy." He was struggling to describe the thirteen-year-old Ingrid without making her out to be a dragon-in-the-making. "So everyone thought she was a stuck-up little cow, when actually she was just... shy?" "She was never shy, but she had no small talk, no social graces, no time for fools or silly kids behaving like silly kids..." "So the two of you became friends on the 'misery loves company' principle?" "Sort of," he smiled. "I got teased a lot; she was largely ignored. Then we were put together for a project in science class, mainly because no one else wanted to partner either of us. Actually that's not quite true. I was good at science, but I knew that the kids who offered to work with me were just hoping I'd do it all. So I approached Ingrid, and that was the beginning of our friendship. Our project won by a mile, and your mother more than did her part. I could do all the science and the maths easily enough, but she organised us and kept us focused. She's been managing us both ever since." He paused. "I probably wouldn't still be around without her." There was a moment's silence while we digested what he'd said. I thought this might have been the first time he'd admitted it to himself. A gesture of sympathy seemed appropriate. Instinctively I put my hand, with its rings and pink, polished fingernails, on his. In my mind I was Ingrid now, a woman, and his oldest friend. Then I realised that my mother probably wouldn't have done that, and I remembered who I really was. I withdrew my hand, embarrassed. Fred just smiled, not fazed in the least. I sipped my wine. We reached the end of the first album. I opened the second. There were more pictures of family events - outings, holidays, school activities. There was one of my mother in the junior play, which presumably sparked her interest in theatre. Next to it was a clipping from the school magazine praising her performance. Then, suddenly, there was my father. His first appearance in the album was in a group with Fred, my mother, and some of their classmates. It looked like a school outing. They were all in hiking gear. "Your Dad arrived in the fourth form, at the beginning of GCSEs," said Fred, seeing that I had spotted him in the photo. "He'd been at a private boarding school before. No one ever told us why he had to change school at fifteen. It might have been something to do with his mother dying. The disruption could only have made a horrible situation worse for him." I turned more pages. The photos were still mostly of the McLaughlin family, but any that included outsiders were invariably of Fred and the young Richard Steven Jones. "He was funny, charming, and good-looking," Fred said wistfully. "His family were well off - obviously, since they owned this place - but his mother was sick and his father was always away on business. Richard believed his Dad kept a mistress in a flat in London, but he has never known for sure. Anyway, he fell in with Ingrid and me immediately. No idea why. Perhaps he realised we were outcasts; each damaged in our own way. Perhaps he saw we needed him." He laughed. "It was a kind of m?nage ? trois, I suppose. We loved each other, in our different ways. Ingrid loved Richard for his gentleness, kindness, sweetness. I'm not sure when that love became physical - it was none of my business - but I was happy for them both. I was never jealous of either of them..." He seemed to think that remark needed further explanation. Perhaps I'd looked sceptical. "I've never been very passionate - physically, I mean," he explained, almost apologetically. I looked at more pictures of the three best friends: the independent, serious girl; the gay boy who wouldn't admit he was gay; and the gentle boy who perhaps should have been gay but wasn't. "So when you first met my father, he was... just a normal teenager?" I said. "No, but it was a while before Ingrid and I realised that he was just as damaged as we were. Don't forget: most of the time he was an only child rattling around by himself in this huge Manor House with a bedridden mother and a mostly absent father. When his Mum died, his Dad hired Dolly as their housekeeper. She was a widow, and on her own; her son and daughter had left home. So she moved in here and rented out her house in town. Richard wondered whether she and his father were... intimate, but I don't think so, looking back. The London mistress theory was always more likely. Anyway Dolly soon became crucial to young Richard. I think that may have been when his desires started to take root..." "You mean that watching Dolly made him want to be a maid?" "It was a lot more than just watching. She was his everything - mother, father, big sister, nanny, cook, all rolled into one. He admired everything about her. He used to follow her around. Then he started to help her look after the house." "Fair enough," I said. "It's huge; far too big for one person to clean." "Agreed, but perhaps she shouldn't have let him wear her spare apron and cap when he did it..." No, I thought, that was probably a bad idea. I'd found there was something about dressing as a maid... "She had to wear a uniform?" "Yep. That was going out in private houses by the eighties of course, but remember your grandfather was born before the war. The Manor House would have had several servants when he was growing up, and they would all have been uniformed. And Richard's mother had a full-time nurse - also uniformed. In fact, I think it might have been the cost of his wife's twenty-four-hour care that made your grandfather decide to get rid of all the other servants. But when he hired Dolly, I doubt it would have occurred to him not to have her wear a uniform, although from what she's said, she actually liked it, and obviously Richard did too. "Too much, in fact," I said ruefully. Fred grunted. I took another mouthful of wine. He went back to the album and turned a few more pages. Some of the pictures now included more teenage faces. "With Richard on our team, as it were, we fitted in better at school, or perhaps it was just that we were all growing up. Whatever the reason, the teasing stopped and the three of us found we had a wider circle of friends. We had regular gatherings at the Manor, often as many as a dozen kids, making use of the pool, the tennis court, the putting green, and the grounds. None of the rest of us had access to anything like the Manor House or its facilities, and with your grandfather away on business all the time, there was virtually no adult supervision. Dolly kept her eye on us as best she could, but frankly it was just good luck that no one got hurt. Or pregnant..." I recognised the backgrounds in some of the pictures now. Some of them were taken here at the Manor. "So who took all these photos?" I asked. "Well up to 1987 your grandfather would have taken them using the family camera, but she got a Polaroid for her sixteenth birthday, so she took most of the ones in these pages. Richard and I insisted that she let us take some, so that she could be in them herself." He stared at the pictures of happy teenagers, at first just the three of them, then gradually many more joined in. I assumed Fred was remembering the faces of the other kids, some of whom he wouldn't have seen for more than thirty years, and was trying to put names to them. Or maybe he was just staring into space. As I watched, a solitary tear escaped from the eye nearest me and rolled slowly down his cheek. He brushed it away without seeming to notice. I pretended not to. I was beginning to regret asking him to relive these times. Perhaps he was right; no good could come from raking up the past. He cleared his throat. We returned to the albums. The next batch of pictures we saw was of the three of them at a fancy-dress party. It was labelled 'Christmas 1987'. "I remember that very well," Fred said. "It was the first 'grown-up party' most of us ever went to. Richard managed to persuade his father to let us hold it at the Manor, and with no chaperones. I don't think the old man was being particularly kind or generous; he just didn't care enough to say no. He wasn't planning to be at home then anyway. Dolly was totally against it but she was overruled. Richard even got his Dad to pay for her to have a long weekend with her son and his family up North, so that she wouldn't be there to spoil our fun. We were all around sixteen, so of course in theory no alcohol was allowed, but a few bottles of some unspecified spirits found their way into the punch, and there were quite a few six-packs of cheap lager around the place if you knew where to look. Most of the vomit went into the flower beds round the back, fortunately." He laughed, but I hadn't been listening that closely. I was looking at the pictures of the guests in their costumes. Fred was a cowboy in a Clint Eastwood poncho; Ingrid was a very pretty Alice in Wonderland; and my father was a maid. It wasn't a sexy French maid outfit with frilly petticoat and fishnet stockings. It was an old-fashioned working housemaid uniform, complete with starched white bib apron and mob cap. Presumably the dress was one of Dolly's, but he must have hired the apron and cap because there was no way Dolly would have worn such archaic items in the eighties. Fred saw me looking at the picture. "Richard's hair wasn't really long enough for a girl," he said, "but with his maid's cap on you couldn't tell. He was wearing proper make-up, quite well done, and he looked totally convincing. He would have fooled anyone who didn't know him. He did fool some of the strangers who had come as 'plus ones'. "But it was how he behaved at the party that got me and Ingrid worried. He answered the door as a maid; he curtseyed to the guests as he let them in; he took their coats. Then he ran around all evening carrying trays of food and drinks, always curtseying, and addressing his class mates and their friends as 'madam' and 'sir' and 'Miss This' and 'Mr That'. Most people thought it was a hoot and happily treated him as a maidservant, which he obviously loved. A few of them, mainly boys who had never had time for him at school, made quite nasty remarks about his sexuality, deliberately intended to be hurtful, but he was oblivious. He just kept the act going, behaving just like a domestic. "Ingrid was distraught. She was desperate to dance with him and maybe sneak off for some innocent smooching - we were only sixteen - but he just played the maid all evening. By about nine-thirty she'd had enough. She grabbed him and told him to stop acting the fool. He broke away from her and said she must excuse him. He was just the maid and he had his duties. I could see that she was really upset so I joined in at that point. He must have realised he'd gone too far and apologised, saying it was just a bit of fun. He took his cap off and they went over to the dance floor. "She was mollified then, but when she and I met at school on the Monday morning she asked me what I thought he'd been up to. What could I say? Most of the time they were great together, and they were obviously falling in love. I didn't think he was gay and I hoped that everything would be back to normal when he was back in his own clothes. I didn't tell her what he told me later; that on the Sunday, when everyone who had slept over had left, he had put his full maid uniform back on and worn it all day while he cleaned and tidied up. When she got back on the Sunday evening, Dolly was astonished at how tidy the place was. She was delighted that her fears had been unfounded." "She might have been more concerned if she knew why," I said. Fred nodded. "Of course, none of us knew anything about cross-dressers then," he said, "and even if we had, we might have just accepted it. So what if your heterosexual boyfriend likes to wear women's clothes occasionally? It isn't necessarily a show-stopper. It might even be stimulating to a relationship, in a kinky kind of way. Well, you'd know all about that, wouldn't you?" He laughed. I couldn't help blushing. I pressed my knees together more tightly and pulled my skirt down to cover them better. Embarrassed, I took another sip of wine. "But your father was - is - a very particular kind of cross-dresser, isn't he?" Fred continued. "That wasn't apparent back then. He may not even have known himself. Certainly, his need to live and work as a humble domestic didn't become overwhelming for another ten years." He paused. What he had said filled in a lot of gaps and made good sense. He got up to fetch the wine bottle and refilled my glass, chuckling slightly at the lipstick on its rim. I thanked him and took another slurp. I realised he was watching me carefully, and I immediately guessed why. "You're thinking that the apple hasn't fallen far from the tree, aren't you?" I said. He didn't reply. "Well you're wrong. I'm doing this..." I indicated my Ingrid face, boobs, and dress. "...for my parents' sake. I'm cross-dressed, yes, but I'm not a cross-dresser. When they return, I'm hanging up my bra and knickers for good." "I think you're doing it for Annie too, aren't you?" he said quietly. "And you wouldn't dress as a woman if you really couldn't stand it, even for her, would you? I think you're 'a very particular kind of cross- dresser' too. Just not the same kind as your father." I was on the edge of anger, but I wasn't going to quarrel with Fred. I respected him too much, and he had always looked out for me. "We'll have to agree to disagree," I said. "Let's just whiz through the other two albums, shall we?" There wasn't a lot more to see. If my father dressed up again, he didn't do it in any photos that found their way into my mother's albums. GCSEs passed, then A levels. All three of them did well, and Fred and Richard went off to Cambridge. But my mother had to stay at home and settle for the local Technical College. Her father didn't want her to go to university and leave him and her brothers to fend for themselves. But the separation was only a few miles and she and Richard saw each other every weekend. There were far fewer pictures of their college years, and there were lots of new faces. Pictures of Fred often included other men, rarely women. I didn't comment. Their Graduation photos came next, at the end of the third album. Then my parents' wedding photos appeared early in the last album. They would have been about twenty-four. Fred was Best Man, of course, so officiating for Annie and me twenty-something years later must have given him a bitter- sweet feeling of d?j? vu. The nuptial pictures were clearly taken by a professional. A framed copy of the one of my parents as bride and groom was also on the wall of the sitting room of our flat. My mother looked beautiful and happier than I had ever seen her. My father was very handsome; I could see no signs in his face of Rita Johnson, the worn and haggard cleaning lady he would later become. I scanned my other relatives: my two grandfathers, both deceased, and my uncles who now lived on other continents. There was Dolly too, at the back of the group photo, beaming with happiness. Immediately after the wedding photos in the album were some taken on their honeymoon, in the beautiful Sicilian resort of Taormina. Some kind soul had taken a picture of the newlyweds in the Roman amphitheatre, and they looked as happy as could be. There were a few more photos of my father when they returned home, doing things that newlywed husbands did. He and my mother fixed up the unoccupied wing of the Manor House, and moved in. It was in a separate part of the building from his old rooms and my grandfather. "Richard mostly kept busy taking over the family's business interests," Fred said, getting up to refill his drink. I declined a second glass of wine. "I gather they were extensive and quite sufficient to keep him and his new wife comfortable. Ingrid was working at the local theatre, as you know, although they didn't need her salary." But, as Fred explained, major changes were coming. "I didn't see as much of your parents in the next two years," he said. "I had joined a start-up software house which was growing quickly on the back of the Dot-Com boom. I learned a lot, but in those days, I always seemed to be travelling, mostly to the USA, especially the Pacific North-West. So I missed the key events. Firstly your grandfather died - that was less than a year after the wedding - and your Dad inherited the estate. "With the old man gone, there was nothing to stop your father from indulging his growing obsession. He started going to cross-dressers meetings and making contacts. Then he bought himself a set of maid's uniforms and spent his days as Rita, the Manor's new uniformed housekeeper. At first he promised always to change back into men's clothes before Ingrid got home, but that didn't last. Soon he was cooking their evening meal in his uniform, and then he was sitting down to eat dressed that way too. I know Ingrid hated it, but she still loved him, and she learned to tolerate his strange hobby - even when he started calling her 'madam'. It's amazing what you can put up with when you love someone, isn't it?" He paused again. Was that another comment on my relationship with Annie? If so, I didn't rise to the bait. "She even used what she had learned working backstage at the theatre to make him a more convincing woman," Fred continued. "His new friends were impressed with the improvements in his feminine appearance and begged her to do the same for them. She reluctantly agreed but charged them hefty fees for her services. That led to her starting Transformations later, of course. She had the skills and the client base." "Was Dolly still working at the Manor? What did she make of it all?" I asked. "No, they had a falling out over his dressing and she left. I think she blamed herself for what she thought of as his perversion. He begged her to stay. He said it would be just as it had been when he was at school; they would be two maids working together in the big house. But she couldn't take it. She was really upset. I don't think you'll see any more pictures of Dolly in this last album. She didn't come back until after your father left and Ingrid started the business. That's when I returned as well. I think you know the rest, don't you?" I nodded. I scanned the remaining photos. There weren't many more. In some, there was a blurry uniformed maid at the back of a group, or in the corner of the room. You could never quite make out her face, but you could tell it wasn't Dolly. "Your father converted one of the attic rooms into a 'maid's quarters' and put all his feminine things up there. His men's clothes stayed in the wardrobes and cupboards of the master bedroom, and he still slept there - in a nightie - but Ingrid told me he used to get up at six, get dressed as the maid, and go off to do his morning duties, bringing his mistress breakfast in bed at seven-thirty. When she went in to work at the theatre, he'd start the day's cleaning or cooking or laundry. He worked very hard, but only at being a maid. He sold off the portfolio his father had left, so that he could devote all his time to housekeeping. Ingrid put up with this weird life because she loved him, but she wasn't happy. That's when she really started to..." He paused, trying to find a diplomatic way of expressing himself. I saved him the bother. "Turn into the humourless harridan she is today?" He frowned, but didn't argue. "Then she got pregnant," he said. The last few pictures in the album were my baby pictures. In a couple of them you could just make out the uniformed Nanny in the background, but again you couldn't see her face. "He stayed for a while after that, as you know, but eventually he decided that he was just going to ruin the lives of his wife and son. Ingrid helped him create Rita Johnson and put Richard Jones to rest, and he left." Fred fell silent. We both sat back, lost in thought. I checked my little ladies' watch. We had been talking and drinking for nearly two hours and were both emotionally wrecked. "I'm sorry for putting you through all that, Fred," I said, getting to my feet. "I hadn't realised it would be quite so... draining." "It's OK," he said. "It was cathartic for me. Good to get it all out in the open. You see now why I was dubious about you acting as your mother's test subject? I was afraid it might trigger something in you that would make your life as unhappy as your father's." I smiled and tried to reassure him. I wasn't unhappy - I had Annie. 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Annie said, “What’s in this for me? You two have bet money on the outcome, but what about little old me?”“What do you want?”She licked her lips. Dare she ask, she wondered, and then expressed her desire. “I want the three of you to take me simultaneously.”“Done!” Joe said shaking his head in surprised approval. Agreement had formed on the lips of both Bea and Perry as well, but went unspoken.“All right then,” Annie said and raised her dress to her waist. Her purple thong seemed to sparkle in...

3 years ago
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Annie Says Maybe Ch 7 Pussy Therapy

Four months after the anniversary."Right? We have to go,” Annie beamed."No, f-ing way. She's coming to Philly?" Ashley's excitement was loud per usual. Loud enough for Sam to hear even though she wasn't on speaker."What's she so excited about?" Sam interjected as he shaved in the bathroom."Dr. Carly is hosting a seminar series here in Philly next month," Annie offered over the din of AAA's enthusiasm."I'm rescheduling my meetings today. To-day. And booking a flight. Can I stay with you guys?...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Granny and Grandson Fuck For The 1st Time

This story is totally fictional!!! I had drove all night and was exhausted as I pulled up in the gravel drivway that lead up to my Granny's house. I got out quietly, gathered my suticases from the trunk and quietly entered the dark house. I made my way to my old bedroom and turned on the lights as I shut the door. I had come to stay with my Granny while my wife and I worked out our differences, I crashed on the bed, shoes and all and fell into a deep sleep. I woke up the next day to the smell...

1 year ago
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Granny Grandson Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! Mike lay awake in the bed one morning lovingly looking over at his sleeping Granny, she looked so beautiful lying there in the red silk teddy he had bought her last week. He peeked under the blanket for a glimpse over her curvy behind, he heart skipped a beat as he thought of all of the new he had stashed in his closet waiting for the right time to bring them out and try them with Granny for the first time. He slipped out of bed and hopped into the...

3 years ago
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Annie in the Bleachers

My wife Annie is 18 years younger than myself and at 44 she still has a fine figure, in fact she's downright sexy. Her best asset is her ass. She is 5' tall with reddish blonde hair, blue eyes and a bubble butt ass to die for.We have always been a perfect match in that she is a true exhibitionist and I really get turned on when some strange man is viewing her privates. Our match is even better because she gets hottest when she can show her asshole and that is also what makes me the hottest. She...

4 years ago
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Pleasure Vistas 2 ndash first granny and grandpa films

After a couple of days, David and June who were in their early 60s had made a fortune in producing what they called granny porn glamour for dedicated granny sex lovers. They knew that Pleasure Vistas would enable to make some really xxx rated stuff. When they met the residents most of them showed an interest and curiosity. However, they were dumbfounded to learn they their (mainly) chubby and fat old bodies were in demand. June assured them that granny devotees could not get enough and the more...

2 years ago
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Sarah Humiliated by her StepGranny

Sarah had a real soft spot for her Granny Mary.Sarah lay on her bed, her legs were spread apart and her fingers were caressing her pussy lips and she was squeezing her so sensitive nipples with her other hand as she played over in her mind two particularly memorable times her Granny Mary spanked her in front of a whole group of onlookers. Both times the humiliation of being spanked so publicly were a real turn-on for Sarah. Both times as well she deserved a second spanking that day and each...

2 years ago
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Gunther The Reindeer Handler Does Candy Claus

Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Leather granny fuck buddy Part 3

Val climbed up off the sofa, and as I lay there watching, I could still see my cum seeping from her old, wet pussy, and without any hesitation she pulled up her knickers and jeans and left the room. I wasnt one to leave a horny, leather wearing granny waiting so I grabbed the bags like she asked and followed her upstairs. Just doing this got me excited again, not only was I intrigued as to what was going to happen next, but watching her slowly walk up the stairs in her leather and boots,...

3 years ago
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Annie Her Second Try at Her Porn Career

Annie went home after her first porn film shoot, wondering if she'd ever go back again. She really hadn't been totally prepared for the experience and she'd found that even though she'd obviously had sex before, doing it in front of a camera crew, with a total stranger, and the guy turning out to be a black stud were all elements that really sent her mind reeling as she lay there waiting for him to undress and fuck her. That night, Annie relived the entire experience in her head, trying to...

4 years ago
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Power Granny meets She Hulk

Power Granny Meets She HulkBy lilguy [email protected] Granny meets She Hulk on a beach..smut and muscle follows.Note- This was a commission I did Granny meets She HulkThere was a beach that every now and then was rented out where Super heroes, could relax privately after battle. It was an Inland that floated between dimensions, floating in and out of reality. This way character from multiple realities could go there to relax. It had a force field...

3 years ago
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Becoming Granny8217s New Lover

Hi, this is a pretty long sex story, however, it has many naughty, sexy bits to keep your hands busy with your dick/ pussy. Enjoy! The fatigue that accompanied the five ours of rickety bus journey vanished the moment I saw my granny at the door. She hugged me at the doorstep, crushing her gigantic tits against my chest, while my hands freely explored her back. Granny let go of the hug and kissed my cheeks and my forehead hastily, “It took you so long to visit your old granny, huh?” she asked,...

3 years ago
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ANNIE Part 2 Easter

Annie wasn't in the mood for having a drink after work but her colleague Sandy had talked her into it. It was Good Friday tomorrow, and every body had a long weekend to look forward to. On Sunday Annie would be twenty one years old. So on reflection it seemed to be a good idea at the time. Annie called home to let her mother know she would be back late and piled into the nearest pub with Sandy and three of their male work colleagues. All detectives from the same police station. It was already...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Annies Bad Night

M, F, MMF, gang****, oral, anal, NC, Annie's Bad Night Life was good for Adam! The last year had been a tough one but it wasall over now. Final exams were finished and he had passed with flyingcolours. Come September, he would be entering his final year of college. The twenty-one year old was now back in his hometown for the summer. Hewas living in the apartment over his parent's garage which gave him acertain degree of independence and he was working at his uncle's cardealership. It...

1 year ago
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Pauls Granny

This is a true story told to me by Paul, a swinger friend of ours. Paul is a good guy and I had the honor of fucking his granny recently. Granny Mary confirmed the truth of this story. Please enjoy! Granny Mary is a real pistol of a woman. She had had my mother when she was only fifteen, the result of an encounter with a couple of married stranger men in her neighborhood. Granny had had several husband who died and left her pretty well set up. Every summer I would go visit her and stay for a...

1 year ago
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Annies new boss

Annie was pleased to find that the man she had recommended for position of accountant for her firm had actually got the job, she had worked with Mark at her previous firm and although he was 20 years younger than her they had always had a good relationship and flirted together and had the odd 'snog' at Christmas time.As she showered to get ready for work on Mark's first day in charge she thought about him and gently stroked between her legs in the shower her fingers found her clit and she went...

3 years ago
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Annie has a new boss

Annie was pleased to find that the man she had recommended for position of accountant for her firm had actually got the job, she had worked with Mark at her previous firm and although he was 20 years younger than her they had always had a good relationship and flirted together and had the odd 'snog' at Christmas time.As she showered to get ready for work on Mark's first day in charge she thought about him and gently stroked between her legs in the shower her fingers found her clit and she went...

3 years ago
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Annie Alex

I met Annie 20 years ago. We were introduced by a friend, who worried that all work and no play would make me, Alex, a very dull boy. She thought the same about Annie, who was her university roommate. Annie and I came from different backgrounds, but we were both nerds. She was the only daughter of a wealthy businessman and his wife. Me, I was the son of a bus driver and a school teacher, ordinary people. Annie was posh, I was common.  Both Annie and I concentrated on studies over social life...

1 year ago
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Annie Alex

I met Annie 20 years ago. We were introduced by a friend, who worried that all work and no play would make me, Alex, a very dull boy. She thought the same about Annie, who was her university roommate. Annie and I came from different backgrounds, but we were both nerds. She was the only daughter of a wealthy businessman and his wife. Me, I was the son of a bus driver and a school teacher, ordinary people. Annie was posh; I was common.  Both Annie and I concentrated on studies over social life...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Little Granny

My mom and I have lived with my granny since I was little. Both granny and mom are petite little women. They are like four foot eight or ten and I would bet they are not close to being one hundred pounds. But they are perfectly proportioned. I have always found both women to be very sexually attractive and jerk off to them often. They both dress really classy, nice suits, showing just a touch of cleavage. Hair and makeup always done very well. But then at night they wear only large t shirts and...

2 years ago
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ANNIE teasing masturbation

I had an accident one evening while driving home from work. I fracturedmy right leg and as my work involved a great deal of walking, I was signedoff for at least 6 weeks. My wife soon resigned herself to looking afterme but she was chatting to her neighbor, a good friend, when the ladymentioned that her teenage daughter was taking a nursing course, andperhaps she could help out. My wife immediately invited the girl and hermother round that evening to have a chat with me and find out what my...

3 years ago
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Melancholic Nights With Granny

NOTE: This is a purely FICTIONAL tale of INCEST. Please close the window if you are uncomfortable with the incest sex story. Thanks for all the love you guys have shown me so far. Do get in touch with me at My Grandpa had passed away after being admitted to the hospital for the past week. Frankly, we had made peace with the fact that he wouldn’t make it out of the hospital alive, given that he was over 70 years old and that it was his third heart attack. The entire week, granny sat right next...

2 years ago
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Annie in Atlanta Part Two

Part TwoThe Following Night Annie met Mal at seven sharp, and he quickly left the front of the hotel behind them. He drove to the same warehouse parking lot that they had parked in the night before.“Why here, Mal? I thought we were going to a party.” But Annie knew full well why they had returned to this particular parking lot. Mal turned to face her and she’d seen the look in his eyes. He wanted a going away present.“You’re going to the party. I’m not invited. Sorry, I’m sorrier than you can...

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Grannys House

My granny was in her mid sixties and lived on a huge ranch. Her and gramps raised horses. When I was young we would always go and spend a month with granny on the ranch. We had ggot out of that habit for several years, but now I was going to stay the summer with granny and gramps. Being in my mid teens and racing thru puberty I really wanted to stat home and hang by the pool. The was very beautiful and they set me up my own room. Granny is and always had been a very pretty lady. She maybe...

1 year ago
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Granny Takes Care Of Me 8211 Part 2

Hi, this story idea was sent to me by a reader. It is a bit long and detailed as requested by him. Hope you enjoy this sex story. Visit my profile to read more of my stories. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful after that fateful accident. Having cum twice in less than half an hour and the raging pain in my hips had me exhausted and I promptly went to sleep. I was woken up by granny some time in the afternoon. She had called for a doctor, who checked me up and confirmed my doubts. It was...

2 years ago
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Granny Takes Care Of Me 8211 Part 1

Hi, this sex story idea was sent to me by a reader. It is a bit long and detailed as requested by him. Hope you enjoy this story. Visit my profile to read more of my stories. Grandma had been living alone ever since grandpa passed away two years ago. I was in college when grandpa passed away so I made a brief visit and couldn’t stay for long. But now I had found a job in granny’s city and I couldn’t be happier to move in with her. Let me tell you a bit about my granny. Even though she is in her...

1 year ago
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Stories I like The Pleasuring of a Granny

The Pleasuring of a Granny My name is Tim. I am not, nor have I ever been, married. I have never wanted to be married. I know and have known some very special women. They have shown me that there are a large number of women who, through no fault of their own, are stuck in a loveless or at least a sexless life and that they are expected to endure it because of their ages or ‘position’ in life. Quite a few of them do something about it when the right opportunity arises. I consider myself to be...

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Stories I like The Pleasuring of a Granny

The Pleasuring of a GrannyMy name is Tim. I am not, nor have I ever been, married. I have never wanted to be married. I know and have known some very special women. They have shown me that there are a large number of women who, through no fault of their own, are stuck in a loveless or at least a sexless life and that they are expected to endure it because of their ages or 'position' in life. Quite a few of them do something about it when the right opportunity arises.I consider myself to be one...

3 years ago
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sexy indian grannys affair

this is the story of how i fucked my grandmother (my mother's mother). she was married very young, i think when she was around 14 yrs. those days they were married young. my mom was born when my granny was 17!! my mother got married when she was 22 and i was born a year later. the incident happened during my 12th, i was 17 at that time my granny was 57 but she looked like she was 40 because of the regular work they did when they were young. my granny and granpa had a farm and some cows...

3 years ago
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Annie Receives a Gift Part 2

I watched as my wife climbed up off of my cock as my cum ran down the insides of her thighs and walked over to the three men she had just met at the bar downstairs and knelt down in front of Jim and started sucking his cock as cum dripped out of her cunt onto the carpet. She sucked his cock deep into her throat as she reached out and stroked Paul and Bill at the same time then she pulled back and looked up at Jim and asked, “Do you want to fuck me now?” Jim just smiled at Annie as he pulled...

1 year ago
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Annie Receives a Gift Part 2

I watched as my wife climbed up off of my cock as my cum ran down the insides of her thighs and walked over to the three men she had just met at the bar downstairs and knelt down in front of Jim and started sucking his cock as cum dripped out of her cunt onto the carpet. She sucked his cock deep into her throat as she reached out and stroked Paul and Bill at the same time then she pulled back and looked up at Jim and asked, “Do you want to fuck me now?” Jim just smiled at Annie as he pulled...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Annie and Julie

Annie watched the spread-tied girl's narrow hips thrash as the young victim tried futilely to kick her legs free. Her open-legged struggle caused her pussy to "dance" above the bed delightfully. Annie reached out and grabbed a thatch of the girl's pubic hair, pulling her upward by it until the girl tore her hips away. Meanwhile Julie pinned the girl's shoulders down and buried her face in the girl's left breast, sucking voraciously as if she could force milk from it. Her free hand plucked the...

4 years ago
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Pleasuring a Granny Ch 1

My name is Tim. I am not, nor have I ever been, married. I have never wanted to be married. I know and have known some very special women. They have shown me that there are a large number of women who, through no fault of their own, are stuck in a loveless or at least a sexless life and that they are expected to endure it because of their ages or 'position' in life. Quite a few of them do something about it when the right opportunity arises. I consider myself to be amongst the most...

1 year ago
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Annie Says Maybe Ch 6 A Friend Indeed

Two months after the Anniversary"Claim the natural rewards your body provides." Dr. Carly's voice was collected; hushed, but resolved."We women come in all shapes and sizes, all manner of walks of life. No one would dispute the benefit of walking, jogging, or running to better your health. So it is with your body's pleasure centers. When we exercise them, we benefit holistically. This is science, not fantasy.For those of you who are just starting to explore yourselves, or are reinvigorating...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Annie and Alex Ch 01

I met Annie 20 years ago. We were introduced by a friend, who worried that all work and no play would make me, Alex, a very dull boy. She thought the same about Annie, who was her university roommate. Annie and I came from different backgrounds, but we were both nerds. She was the only daughter of a wealthy businessman and his wife. Me, I was the son of a bus driver and a school teacher, ordinary people. Annie was posh, I was common. Both Annie and I concentrated on studies over social life...

1 year ago
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Granny Sex

This is a true story told to me by a guy I had met a few weeks ago. I had to change the grammer as he was not very well educated. I slow growing up and by that I mean not very smart. I had not even come close to finding a girlfriend. I was eighteen and had finished school and was looking for a job. We lived way out in the country so I really did not have much to do but wathc tv all day. The only women I ever saw was my mom, sister, aunt and granny. I must say that at this time in my life I...

4 years ago
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Annie and the Exchange Student

Taking a sip of her herbal tea, Annie double-checks her things for school. Her berry-coloured lips twist as she goes through her mental checklist. Textbooks, notebooks, pens and her phone…yep, everything is in there. Slinging the satchel around her and settling it onto her shoulder, she adjusts her ponytail containing her thick brown curls and leaves her room, before knocking on the door next to hers. “David, are you ready?” she asks nervously. “Yep, two secs!” a deep, smooth yet muffled voice...

First Time
1 year ago
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Annie and I

To celebrate Annie's 16th birthday, we spent a week horseback riding and camping in the Ozark Mountains. It was then our plan to drive south to New Orleans for a few days of fine dining and civilized touring. Stealing a look at Annie in the passenger's seat, I couldn't help feeling a little sadness that her mother was no longer with us, to see what a fine young woman Annie had become. She had her mother's figure and the sort of plain honest face that wears so well. Annie and I enjoyed the...

2 years ago
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My Granny

This is not about my first time to have sex. Hell that story is boring, my friends older sister. I nailed her one night during a sleep over. Did not have a clue what I was doing. Since that night I have fucked her and maybe a couple of hundred of girls over those years. Sex addict you say? Well I might have to agree with you. I do love fucking new women, fresh pussy is what I crave. And if I am not dumping a load in some hot pussy then I am jacking off thinking about it. My granny is in her...

3 years ago
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Annie Geff Part 2

Robert when was in a bay that had 6 beds in it but as Annie walked she saw that only 3 of the beds were actually occupied and she smiled as she saw the three men all in a row with her husband at the far end, she said “it looks like the 3 wise monkeys in here!” and one of the men smiled and said “no it is just 3 of your admirers” Annie laughed and replied “Well hopefully two he doesn't really count does he” looking towards her husband! The third guy looked Annie up and down and said “Hey Robert,...

2 years ago
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Annie Says Maybe Ch 3 A Shopping Trip Down Memory Lane

 Wednesday Morning: Four Days After the Anniversary.Annie worked the bullet against her clit, starting to push uncomfortably hard into her folds to get a little more buzz from it. It didn't help that her left hand wasn't quite as dexterous as her right, or that she been frigging her ever needier pussy every day since a hard go on Saturday with Sam.She'd even stunned herself on Sunday when she slipped two fingers deep inside herself while getting off in the shower after everyone was in...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Granny Taught Me How

My mom had me when she was just fifteen and her mom had her when she was s*******n so my granny Peg was just a few years older than most of my friends moms. My mom and I lived with granny Peg all my life and it was a lot of fun. Granny and I would do all kinds of neat stuff together whenever mom was at work or on a date. Granny was a good looking blonde who had a lot of boyfriends. But she said I was her best boyfriend. She would take baths with me and when I out grew baths and started to take...

3 years ago
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Annie runs out of petrol

Annie runs out of petrol1 Annie knew that she should have filled up with fuel before she left the motorway, but who could have imagined that the weather would get so bad and that she would get diverted down so many back roads because of the accident.The fuel gauge was showing nil and the warning light was flashing on and off as she whispered to herself “please don’t stop…please don’t stop”. But, then the inevitable happened. The car chugged and spluttered and she was stranded in the back of...

1 year ago
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Annie Pistol Lips Part 2

Make sure to read part 1 first, if you haven't already: 40 - 1, Annie knew it would be suicide to even try to fight back.Defeated, she knew her best hope is to surrender, and bide her time...The Indians spoke to each other in a dialect that she didn't recognise.This isn't the first Native American tribe she's ever come across.She's...

3 years ago
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Annie runs out of petrol1

Annie knew that she should have filled up with fuel before she left the motorway, but who could have imagined that the weather would get so bad and that she would get diverted down so many back roads because of the accident.The fuel gauge was showing nil and the warning light was flashing on and off as she whispered to herself “please don’t stop…please don’t stop”. But, then the inevitable happened. The car chugged and spluttered and she was stranded in the back of beyond and the rain was...

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My wifes BBW Granny part III

Hi everyone. Well here is part III of my story. We ended with my wife, Janet, her Granny, Eunice, and I, Greg coming to grips with Granny and my new relationship. Continuing on with that day now. Granny: "Janet would you mind if Greg and I had some fun this afternoon? I blew him last night as you know but we fell asleep before he could reciprocate." Janet: "That's fine Granny" Granny: "would you like to join us Sweetie" Janet: "I don't think so Granny. Maybe next time I...

3 years ago
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My little sister Nina sounded so excited to hear that I was finally about to come home, and even though it was late she said she would wait up for me. I was using the phone in the Pastor's office to let her know that we had driven into the night, and the bus had just pulled into the church parking lot.And just before I hung up, I whispered her that "IT" had finally happened, and she literally squealed with excitement.She gasped, "Annie, are you serious? You mean you really 'IT' really...

2 years ago
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Granny Taught Me

The summer of my 15th year I had to go stay with my 75 year old great grandmother. My parents thought she was getting old and might need some help around her farm. I hated the thought of this as granny had no cable tv or internet. I got there and yes was bored out of my gored right away. I spent time farting around the barn chasing snakes and throwing rocks in the pond. the first week was painful, all I had to do was jack off which I did alot of. Sometime during the second week, I had got up...

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The girls were in a man free zone in the large club room: men were not allowed in on hen nights. The crooner and the blue comedian had done their acts and now the male stripper held centre stage. he was blonde and muscular with a six pack and with a tanned body devoid of hair. Annie and her three companions where sat at a front table not sure if the huge bulge in his posing pouch was genuine. Annie was the bride-to-be, her companions her bride's maids. Annie was tipsy and enjoying herself...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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AnnieChapter 5

Mom had the chore of seeing that Annie was well taken care of during the day. Mary and Ginny did nearly as much. Annie was good and never asked for her mother. She and I lived in the house alone. I think I was lonelier than Annie for she had Tippy to cuddle with. I cooked at least half our meals. Mom worried that we weren't eating correctly. We did eat out, but I was very careful to make sure our meals were nutritious. I think what made Annie such a joy to care for was that she always...

4 years ago
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Annie and the Junk ManChapter 2

Hollis backed his delivery van to the rear of his shop. He unlocked and opened a pair of sliding barn doors and stepped inside. The lower level was his storage area -- off limits to customers. He climbed the stairs and saw Annie sitting behind the counter. "I'm back," he said. She jumped. "You startled me." "Any business today?" "Some ... a lady came in and bought that deer figurine I liked." "It's almost closing time," he said. "I have to unload the truck. Once you've...

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